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3/020/61/137/002/011/020 B103/B215 AUTHORSt Znamenskiy, G. V., Gamali, I. V., and Stender, V. V. TITLE. Peculiarities of electrodeposition of metals from extremely pure solutions PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 335-337 TEXT: The authors describe experiments on ~he electrodeposition of the electronegative metals zinc and manganese from extremely pure solutions. They found that the chemically pure salts usually used for studying the kinetics of such processes, do not guarantee the required experimental purity, not even when they have been recrystallized. Small amounts of organic impurities in the solution hamper the determination of the influence of surface-active admixtures on the structure of the cathodic deposit, and on the value of cathodic polarization. Therefore, the authors used ext-emely pure ZnSO solutions produced as followss metallic zinc contained lo-5%of 4 admixtures and was produced by sublimation in a nitrogen atmosphere, Card 1/5 S/020/61/137/002/011/020 Peculiarities of electrodeposition... B103/B215 following the method of the Gi-pronikell Institute. Chemically pure sulfuric acid was distilled. Water was boiled in potassium permanganate, and then distilled three times, but 1/3 (first portions) of the distillate was not used. The solution thus obtained was boiled again, and then for a long while exposed to c~irrent from platinum electrodes. By using standard con- centrations (Zn 60-g/l, H 2s04 100 g11) at 200C,the authors obtained from this solution a current output of zinc up to 60% at low current density (1 a/m 2) , and up to 99% at 5 a/m2. Zinc, however, was intensively dissolved already at 30 a/m2 in an electrolyte of chemically pLu-e ZnSO,, which had been recrystallized three times. The electrode potential of high-purity zinc without current or with weak current is shifted by 25-30 mv toward negative values (as compared to the potential of the conventional LkO(TsO) electrolytic zinc). Only glass parts can be used in the electrolytic cell when using high-purity solutions, Plastics (viniplast, organic glass, polyethylene) change the structure of deposited zinc. Crystals become irregular and small. On the basis of these results, the authors worked out a method of Card 2/5 S1020,16111371'00210111020 Peculiarities of electrodeposition... B103/B215 measuring the active surface of zinc, which gives well reproducible results, and is also applicable to other metals (Ref, 5,v- V. 3tender, G. N. Znamen- skiy, Nauchn. dokl. vyssh. shkoly, ser. khim., 1, 189 (1959)). For similar experiments with manganese, the authors used an electrolyte of 50 g1l of manganese (as chloride), and 110 g11 of ammonium chloride. Manganese was dissolved at pff >1. The solution was purified with manganese sulfide which was obtained from a previously purified manganese chloride solution and ammonium sulfide. Ammonium sulfide was obtained by absorption of hydrogen sulfide by an ammonia solution in water distilled twice. H 2S was obtained from chemically pure sodium sulfide previously purified from arsenic. After purification of sulfide, the manganese electrolyte was electrolytically treated in a glass vessel at a current density of 20-50 a/m2. In the Vessel, there was an anodic glass cell with a glass diaphragmt a platinum anode, and a cathode of pure aluminum. The catholyte was constantly stirred. Anodic gases were sucked off. Munganese hydroxide which was deposited in the catholyte and oxidized to dioxide by atmospheric oxygen, adsorbed all, sorts of admixtures from the electrolyte. After filtration, the solution was subjected to another electrolytic treatment. This process was repeated Card 3/5 S/020/61/137/002/011/020 Peculiarities of electrodeposition- B103/B215 three times (a-,together for 200-220 hr). Aluminum hydroxide obtained by anodic dissolution of A-00 (A-00) aluminum in a pure manganese chloride solution at a (Airrent cLensity of 10 a/m2' was then added to the solution. Finally, the solution was filtered with a glass filter. From this solu~ tion the authors deposited manganese at 200C, a pH of "I, and a current 2 2 density of only 10 a/m . At 2000 a/m , the current output of manganese was 9011fa. All manganese deposits were of clear crystalline structure, even when suspended particles of manganese hydrates were added to the catholyte. The authors hold the opinion that imperfect crystalline deposits of manganese, or the absence of deposits at low current densities are due to admixtures in the electrolyte., The authors found that the crystallization of zinc and manganese in pure electrolytes does not essentially differ from the electrocrystallization of silver (A. T. Vagramyan, Ref. 8, Elektrooeazhdeniye metallov - Electrodeposition of Metals -, Izd.. AIN SSSR, 1950). They state that the kinetics of this process and the action of admixtures in extremely pure electrolytes should be studied. There are 2 figures and 7 references~ 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The Card 4/5 S1020161113'1100210111020 0 Peculiarities of electrodepoaition.,~ B103/B215 reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Ref. 2- 0. 11. Bocklis, B., Conway, Trans,. Farad., Soc., 45, 989 (1949). ASSOCIATION: Driepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. F~ E. Dzerzhinskogo (DneDropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy) PRESENTED: October 15, 1960 by A. N,, Frumkin. Academician SUBMITTED: May 9, 1960 Card 5/5 S/080/62/035/001/007/013 D258/D304 AUTHOR% Gamali, I. V. and Stender, V. V. TITLE: Hydrogen overvoltage on manganese PBRIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no.1, 1962, 127-132 TEXT: This work was carried out because of the lack of adequate information available on the hydrogen overvoltage developing dur- ing the electrodeposition of Mn from aqueous solutions. The purity of the electrolyte, used in -the present work, was acceptable on obeying the following conditions: (a) Mn was deposited on Al at room temperature at a C. D. of 10 amp/m2; (b) the yield of Mn per current used at 1000 amp/m2 was 90% and more; (c) Din deposited in the form of large crystals and was not oxidized in air after dry- ing. The evolution of hydrogen was investigated in solutions of (NH 4)2 s04(0.25 N, 1.ON, 3.ON and 5.2 N); Na 23o4 (1 N); and H 2so 4 (0.05 N and 0.1 N). The measurements were conducted in closed., H- shaped vessel, through which purified hydrogen could be passed; Card 114e1 !71 frin -:1 S/080/62/035/001/007/013 Hydrogen overvoltage on manganese D258/D304 the direct method of measurement against a thermostatted calomel electrode was employed. The electrode regions were separated by means of porous glass diaphragms. A platinqm tablet served as the anode. This set-up served for measuring the potentials of hydrogen'-- evolution as a function of current density. The plots of the gen evolution potential against the log of current density are shown in Pigs. I and 3. From these and other results it can be seen that the form of the curves is not influenced by the concpn-.. tration of (NH ) SO , the temperature or by pH. All curves exhibit at low C. D98 A gudien fall towards the Mn dissolution potential. The tangent of the straight section of the curve, in the case of Na2so4 and H2SO4 solutions, is equal to 0.12 and thus near ite theoretical value. The coefficient a in Tafel's equation is 1.31 at 2500 in the case of hydrogen evolution on Mn in 0,1 N H 2so 4; its value changes to 1.19 in solutions of (NH 4)2 so4and the cor- responding tangent changes according to whether the solution is acidic (.tano(_ -;, 0.16 at pH 6.5) or basic (tanoc = 0.18). The latter Card 21Y ~ S/080/62/035/001/007/013 Hydrogen overvoltage on mangatieBe D258/D304 value was determined also for Cd and Zn in bhe same conditions, thus showing that tano(, depends only on the conditions of electro- lysis. The temperature coefficient of overvoltage was 1.8 mV/OC throughout. The more negative evolution potentials in Na 2so4 60- lutions (as compared wit.i solutions of (NH 4)2 so4are consistent with the assumption of A. N. Prumkin and coworkers (Ref. 12; "Ki.- netika elektrodnykh protsessov" (The Kinetics of Electrode Reac.- tions), MGU, 1952), on the existence of a new discharge mechanism of hydrogen ions, capable of lowering the hydrogen overvoltage-. BH+ + e--->B + Hads; B + H+ ->BH+ The same explanation is given by V. S. Bagotskiy and I. Ye. Yab- lokova (Ref. 13: Trudy soveshchaniya po elektrol"-.himii, Izd. AN SSSR9 M.9 57 (1953)) for the observed lowering of hydrogen over- voltage on mercury in solutions containing NH+4 ions. Pinally, the authors Qonsider the possibility that NH3 formed on the cathode Card 310 3/080/62/035/001/007/013 Hydrogen overvoltage on manganese D258/D304 might dissolve any present hydrates of Mn, thus adding to the fa- vorable effeCt of NH+ 4 ions on the electrodeposition of this me- tal. There axe 4 figures and 21 references: 15 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Sbviet-bloc, The references to the English-language publica- tions read as follows: R. Dean, The Electrolytic Mangatiese and its Alloys., N. Y. (1952); B. Newbery, J. Chem,, 30(-., 11055, 24,9?(19141); 109, 1051, (1916); A, N. Campbell, J. Chem. Soc. 123, 2323,(1923). SUBMITTED: June 28, 1961 Card 4/6, 1V G !LL LIP; STENDUI V.V. Action of some impurities and addition agenta on overvoltage for hydrogen liberation on -an anese. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.11:2436-2439 N 162. (MIRA 15:32 ) (Hydrogen) (Overvoltage) (Manganes# plating) DANILOV, F.I.i STENDER, V.V. Size correspondence In the electrGdeposition of manganese. Zhur. prikl. khim. 37 no.2$337-342 F 164. (KIRA 1739) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. DOXASHOVA, A.A.,; POPOVA, L.I., red.; qAMA11TWTA,.N.A... red.; SORONBAYEVA, N.Y., red.izd-va; ANOXHINA, M.G., [Materials of the First Coordinating Conference of Mycologists of the Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan, 19551 Katerialy Pervogo koordinatsiQnnogo soveshchaniya aikologov respublik Bredney AzU i Kazakhatana. Frunze, lzd-vo Akad.nauk Xirgizakoi SM. 1960. 182 (MIRA 13:9) 1. Koordinstsiounoye moveshchaniya mikologov respublik Sredney Axii i Kazakhatana. let, 1955. 2. Inatitut botaniki AN ilirgizakoy SM (for Gamalitakays). (Soviet Central Asia--Kyeology) DOMASHOVA, A.A.; GARALITSKAYA N A :t~- Now species of fungi from the central Tien Shan. Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast. 15:74-80 Ja 162. (MIM 15:10) (Tien Shan-Fungi) GOIDVINS P.11.; GAMALITSKAYA, N.A.---,- New genus of the family Erysiphaceae. Dot. mat. Otdo spore raste 15:91-93 Ja 162* (MIRA 15:10) (Kabakto Mountains-Mildew) ELICHIBAYEV, Adollf Aydu.-havich; GAVIALITIMAYA, N.A.., ot-v. red. [Blible mushrooms of Kirghizistan] S"edobnye griby Kirgizii. Frunze., 17,d-vo AN Kirg.SSR, 1964. 44 P. (141RA 17-5) ? I I 11 - I ~N , !1;j ;q GAMALITSKAYA, Natallya Antonovna; TARBIBSKIY, S.P., otv. red. ---- ------ ~ - I I --- --I-- - - I [1,,'dcromycetes of the southwestern part of the Central Tien Shan] Mikromitsety iugo-zapadnoi chasti TSentrall- nogo Tian'-Shania. Frunze,, Izd-vo AN Kirg.SSR, 1964. 172 p. (MIRA 17:5) GAR"ITSETY, V. A. Mechanizing the convoying and delivnry of feedu at a ovine- -fattening farm. Biul.tekb.-alcon.inform. no.10:62-66 ' 58. (MIRA lltl2) (Swine brooding) GAMALITZ-KIY, V.A. Mechanized removing of manure from hog-fattening houses. Sbor. nauch.-tekh. inform. po elek. sellkhoz. no-7:15-19 '59 (MIRA 13:9~ (Swine housee and equipment) (Farm manure) I GAMALITSKIY, V.A., inzh. Use of mobile electric machinery with flexible power supply lines in stockyards and dairy barns. Nauch. trudy VIESKH 11152-65 162. (KRA 16:3) (Dairy barns--Electric equipment) (Stockyards--Zlectric equipment) 0 , GAMANt B,A. [Haman, B.O.] - -------- Using electric prospecting for the investigation of slides. Geol. zhur. 20 no. 5:70-74 160. (MM 14: 1) (Utndalides) (Electric prospecting) GAIMAN, B.A. Nomogram for calculating the coefficients of a fmr-point setup with arbitrarily arranj;ed electrodes., 5:66-67 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kiyevskava geofizicheskaya razvedochnayn ekspeditsiya. GAMAN, B.A. --- Forecasting the water potential of crystalline basement rocks according to the data of combined profiling. Geofiz. sbor. na.7: 155-159 164. (MIRA 17,11) 1. Kiyevskaya geofizicheakaya razvedochnaya skspeditsiya tresta "Ukrgeofizrazvedka.1' Possibility of evaluatGg the specific resistance of the rocks of a cryatalline bhsement in the presence of the effect of Infinite resistance. Geofiz. abor. no.9188-90 164. (MIRA :L816) 1. Kiyevskaya geofizicheskaya razvedochnaya ekspeditslya tresta "Ukrgeoflzrazve,lka". GAMAIT, B.O. [Haman. B.O.] Using, stepwise curvatures of vnrtical oloctric logging graphs in prospecting for water-bearing areas in crystaMno rocka. Nauk. zap.Kylv.un. 16 no.14:233-238 157, (MIRA 13:4) (Water, Underground) (Prospecting. Bloctric) SHAINSKIY, A.M. [Shainsk7i, O.M.]; GARAN, B -..0-. LHaman, B.O.] Using the electric method in prospecting,for water contained in Cretaceous marls of the Lvov trough. Geol. 2hur. 19 no.4:103-107 '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Ilvoy Frovince-Marl) (Electric prospecting) GAMAX, M.S., tekhnik C-- SupplY of 380 v a.c. power to industrial electric trucks* Prom.energ. 18 no.ls29 163. (mm 16s4) (Industrial electric trucks) WMUT, Ilicolae,, prof. (Ploicsti) Geographical reading hall of our irichool. Matura Geografte 13 ne.3:?l- 75 I-TY-Se 161. G-2 USSR/Electricity Dielectrics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fiz1ka, 110 1, i958, 1242 f Author Prcsnov, V.A., Gaman, V.I. Inst Siberian Physical-Technical Institute, T=k. Title Dependence of the Electric Conductivity of Glass on the Electric Field Intensity. Grig Pub : Zh. tekhn. fizilu, 1957, 27, Ito 5, 936-939 Abstract : A formula is derived, characterizing the electron conducti- vity in a strong electric field. Card 1/2 USSR/Electricity - Dielectrics G-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, no 1. 1958, 124-2 where n 0'is the total concentration of the cations in the glass, I the average distance between the cmtions, ,, the frequency of the natural Oscillations of the cations, q the charge Of the cations, E the electric field inten- sity, U the difference in potential energy of the Lon in regular and irregular states, and .~% U the enerE7 of ac- tivation. The formula derived is in good agreement with the cor- responding empirical equation (obtained by Pool): E e , where 3q /2kT. It follows the- refore thac at a temperature of 40c c, in the case of si- licate glass; '; the 1.7 x 10"' cm/v, which ir, in good agreement witH ?Re values of obtained by va- rious investigators exp 1.7 x 10 cnVv). Card 2/2 AUTHOR PRESNOV~ V.A.,GAMAN~ V.I.$ TriTLE On the Connection Between the Electrical Properties of Crysta16 and the Parameters of the Crystal Lattice. (0 avyazi elektricheakikh svoystv kristallov s parametrami kristalli- cheskoy reshetki-Ruseian) PERIOD'ICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSsh,1957,vol 114,Nr %pp 67-69 (u.s.s,R.) LBSTRACT The paper under review computeagon basis of rough oalculation~the de- pendence of the electric resistance of crystals on the parameters of the lattice.In presence of a strong electric field the mean energy of the elec#ron-taking into consideration the interaction with the ph.-- non gas-amounts to 6-,,mv2,eEl(v/a), eE(!/a)1__(k_T/mT. In-this context, m denotes the mass of the electronok the Boltzmann constant,T the ab- solute temperatur*9E the electric field intensity,! the free length of path of the electron,& the velocity of propagation of-the phonons (in the case under oonsideration#one thinks of the beginning of the acoustic branch of-the eacillations).The aleotriai breakdown of the crystal takes place when the energy of the oleatrons is higher than or equal to the width of the prohibited zone,Therefore the oondiIJon of breakdown may be written in the following form3 eE diz (l/a)T(_k_TTW_Uo. In this context,u stands for the width of the forbidden kone inthe energy spectrum J the orystal.Then the paper under review lists an expression for the velocity of propagation of the phonons and substi- Card 1/2 tutes it into the condition of breakdown~Thus we obtain for NaC11 the On the Connection Between the Eleatricil Prop-'trtlea of Crystals and the Parameters of the Crystal Lattice,, I breakdown field-intensity Edu(NaC1),1.924'1o6V/cm.,This value i arrivad at by computation,is in good agreement with the experimental yalue. Thenthe paper under review prooeeds to list an expression for the oo- efficient of the quasi-elatio condition and substitutes it into the formula for the breakdown field-i,ntensity.ThiAs we obtain)a,fter fliodl- fication of all oonstantst, 1/2U1/2 0 0-85 n u./r. 2(M.., Md.). du In this oontextqU denotes the energy of the crystal lattice per ion pair,r the lattice constant, M1 and M2 the miasees of the particles conBtituting the oryetallwhereae n has different ~falues Japending on the data listed by different authors.The curve Edu"F(udu.') must bp straight line;certain experimental data are more or less in agreement with this assumption.The electrical resistance of crystals and the critical field streN~th(at which lattice constant,and oii tho masa of the partiolea constituting the crystal. (I reproduction and 1 chart). ASSOCIATION Siberian PhLaioal-Teahnological InatitutepState University Tomsk~ PRESENTED BY IFFE A.F., ember of the Academy. SUBMITTED 1 .12-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 b 20-5-33A8 A TYT'HORS t Gaman, V. I. and Krasillnikova, L. M. TITLEs Polymorphous Transformations of Silica in Silicate Glass (K voprosu o polimorfnykh prevrashcheniyakh kremnezema v silikat- nykh steklakh) PERIODICALt Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 5, PP. 83B - 840 (USSR) ABSTRACTs According to modern conceptions glass consists of various domains which are connected with one another and have no phase separation limits. A part of these domains consists on the whole of silioa. In the inner of these domains there are sections with a high degree of order. The first form the amorphous component, the latter - the crystallites. Howevort the presence of orystallites in a no- ticeable quantity is doubted. All experimental proofs of their existence have one fault: there is no possibaitytD determine quan- titatively the mentioned components of the glass. In the present paper the attempt was made to determine beside proving the exist- ence of the crystallites also their quantitative content in glass. Final conclusions: 1.) By the investigation of the temperature de- pendence of the coefficient on Pull it was shown that in the bo- Card 1/2 rosilicate- and technical glasses polymorphous temperatuietrans- Polymorphous Transformations of Silica in Silicate Glass 20-5-33A8 formations occur. 2.) The binding of the froe silica of the glassets by matal oxides leads to the vanishing of the polyttiorphous trans- formations. 3.) One succeeded to fix thermographically the poly- morphous transformations, however, only in glasses which befors had been exposed some time to a temperature of from 600 to 700 - 4.) The seyAtivity of the thermal method has turned out to be in- sufficient for the fixing of polymorphous transformations ill not prehedted glasses. The inveotigation of the temperUturc deponderice of the coefficient facilitates to determine their oxi8tence also in such glasses. There are 3 figures, and 5 references, all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Physical-Technidal'Institute, Tomsk State University im. V.V. Kuybypbov ';'.1 (2iziko-tek~nicheskiy institut pri Tom3kom gasudarstvennom tiniver- sitete im. V. V. Kuybysheva) PRESEITTEDs May 15, 1957, bY A. A. Lebed.ev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 15, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 V.I., '.',--iid Phyc';-,:c-th "Btudy of the cloctric propol-tion Of solid diclcoturloo ill '.OW'7~Al vtt.;ctrid fi~alklv"' isk, 1958. 8 pT) (Min of Highor I'Llucation 11j"R. ~A-to U ir"i V.V. fatybyohov), 100 KL, 29-5 "~, 106) L> FRESNOV, V.A.; GAMAIT, V.I. Electric conductivity of glass and ite depend pce on the strength of an electric field. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,:' C. no.2:92-94 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1.SbirskJ7 fjziko-tekhnicheski3r institut pri Tomakom gosuniversitete im. V.V. Kuybyahevs. (Glass--Electric properties) AUTHOR: Gaman, V. I. I SOV/139-58-4-26/30 TITILE: --IiiVe-s-t1g-atio~-'-of the Electric Conductivity of Glasses in Intensive Electric Fields (Issledovaniye elektro- provodnosti stekol v sillnykh elektricheskikh polyakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Ucheb kh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 1958, Nr 4, PP 158-162 (USSIR ABSTRACT: Paper presented at the Inter-University Conference on Dielectrics and Semiconductors, Tomsk, February, 1958. Poole (Ref 1) and numerous other authors have shown that the electric conductivity of glass in strong electric fields does not comply with the Ohm law and from a certain critical field strength onwards the electric conductivity increases with increasing field strength according to the law: aE Cr = CY0e (1) where a electric conductivity in a strong field; CFO electric conductivity in a weak- field; E the electri-- field potential; Cardl/3 a coefficient. SOY/139-5874-~6/30 . Investigation of -the Electric Conductivity of' Glasses in Incensive Electric Fields The aim of the work described by the author of this pa*Der was to establish the temperature dependence of the Pooie coefficient a and to elucidate the causes of its jump- like change in the temperature range where polymorphous transformations of the silica take place. The ej . ents ,~erim have proved that in presence of a high voltage p arisation the Poole coefficient oL of glasses is either independent of the temperature or increases slightly with increasing temperature. In the temperature ranges which correspond to the polymorphous transformations of various modifications of free silica, the coefficient a shows maxima. Thereby, with decreasing silica content in the glass the magnitudes of these maxima decrease until complete_ essatiog. From a certain current intensity onwards, 10 9 to 10-;' A9 the coefficient (x increases relatively sharp y wit increasing temperature. The magnitude of -the critical field strength E cr either does not depend on the temperature at all or decreases with increasinG temperature; Card2/3 in the temperature range of polymorphous transformations of the silica, the temperature dependence curve of E cr SOV/139-58-4-26/30 Investigation of the Electric Conductivity of Glasses in Intensive Electric Fields shows a minima. The results of measuring the temperature dependence of the Poole coefficient oL and of the potential of the critical field indicate that the glass contains ordered micro-zones of silica which are susceptible to polymorphous transformations. Acknowledgments are made to V. A. Presnov under whose guidance this work was carried out. There are 5 figures and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 1 English. ASSOCLkTION: Sibirskiy Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom OBuniversitete imeni V. V. Kuybysheva berianPhysico-Technical Institute at the Tomsk State M University imeni V. V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1958 Card 3/3 GiVI*d1i) V. 1. (~;Pn) "The temperature course of the pool. factor in the case ar fMicate - and boron silicate glasses is to a considerable extent determined by the temperature dependence of the polarization potential in the case of the existence of a high-voltage polarization" Peport presented at a Coafereace on Solid Dielectrics cmd Semiconductors, Tomsk Folytechnical Inst., 3-8 Feb. 58. (Zlektxlchestvo~ '58) No- 7P 83-W) GA~W-T, V.I.; PMXALISKIY, V.A.; KALIXI?~TINOV, G.T Effect of a strong field in germanium p-n junctions. Izv.v7s.ucheb. zav*;fiz. no*2:3-9 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Sibirskiy f12iko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomakom gosuniversitete im. V.V. Kuvbyeheva. (Semiconductors) (Blectric fields) GAMN, V. 1. Iffect of temperature on the Fbole affect in silicate and borosilicate glass@*. Isv.vYv,Uch*b*xav,;fiz. no.2.-1,19-133 160. (MIRA 13t8) 1. S'ibirekly fisklo-tekhnicheskiv institut pri Tomekom gosuniversitets im. V.V. luybysheva. (Glass-Ilsotric properties) eywitsksy., 1. It. Wen160100010310211023 =05/bma TIM j 3rd All-Valm Comfe.emse AN %be vitrecas State PuLtMCALt Stoklo I karamik-, 1960. Rr 3. IPP 43-" (==) ADZMACT The 3rd All Late* Center-. ow tb. Titroeso State ims held IN Legiagwad at the *ad of 1959. It "a argamis-d ly the U-sitxt kfif,ll 6111jistow As SSU (rastit.2. at the of 5111-US AS 9333), Vaosoyusbays khtalabokays obahh..t" i-XI D. I- 1kadeloysi,a (All-VAloa Society L=_I U. 1. mad Goovidarst..amyr optiobe.kJ7 ImAtitut Laval 3. 1. Uvilo'a (State Optical Inslitt. Issmi X. 1. =_ thm 100 "Paris AN *be stroaturo of CIsABr lzvast1S,%'1QA zGt1'c!% Of the Wit"amm the "Chasisa of "Itrifloatich A=! am loohnlaol p.op.wties of Class.. ...- d.liverol. 7%. Co.f.: was 094A.4 by A..d.alctaa A. A. -Lobed-, : --:. _- -*-- - . Ai ;b; ;z 9 report- 40-It -i%~ IA"stlAstion "salis of s.41-borom-alliosi* 9193963. A 'A 12 11, -4 CRift' ft-5i. 'Uro- *ad Als=110-ft A-.IaY - 111.7 . f Sillaat* 4I.A.Wr To. 1. WAnt. .0Z Lb* C bers of Alusinum -4 Zorco 1W -3... S_ ?. an strustux,&I chaNgs. In '.is "a 3; P. ZMasov reported -A An" Wat"'Or.L.1 ji-M." %be &ractume of Imms-alli-at. ItUans, "- U-Ir ;-xcuA To. A. P.My-zo.bit. card 310 8.2#1%160 IN the StruN.".-jitela-l-n. at"--'. 'he S5 --the Slag." j rp-W *a tb* Iwocta~. 4.i._4an2j- cm .jV~ 1, the aid A" imbeatecomeous fI.1dj No lie .. .... and !i_!g;SMmb:3truO%.xa .4 pro?'Ortle. ..' SCz. cit.!. al P-IY-r-tb-*C7 of U'- Tit.-W.- $1. t.- reported - IL. gillsy " tb* 4.Sr.. a.' e rma.1 too. or in. I..I. =1 atomr ew2callue. 0: ttx All!"I .1; 04:3.,akty I-p-rted an the ;at- o: 91 . lik And cry. tallix, NI-at-c-111-t-al of %be Di.l.:Srio PolarizaUzz --I iz~.-a tz r:i-:_ ph.l. T. 1. C_ "S Z'. X. reported 0. Iv..t1gtjON. of I? of As 1%,. blgb-t.~Svm fl.24.. Z~ And T42 In glsa..s. V. A. tfr.. Lg. y_~_ kAZA and 9-1. th-t-hk- an I.atrl. Nf -.4 glse.lik. _.Tu-iE` a Ain ';, which ."Vi.1 Not usliez *,.Or T-Mtrop'Ya! 41 the Weir- -Uk" LTI L-al Lea.-t. (Cha-- ra,r al. of the th- 7 Prt;,:T" of it. of C1.ZZ.. C_ .411 e 6. 'th: Ch. .1 C..po.-Ition'. T. A. 0. Y. ..-rim ~~l -0-- 2. R. Zmt=- S.- It. .;va'-fij -0-1.- 7'*-Qd_.;v1_vfvj'_ of 11 .... .. I tX!':y'." '- - 320" - 30 1. th. I--- ON vo. ::7.3L0' ow.turt ran of tr 400-1- A the of Ldiiii.- of .1salums- A-ad -I-- Oxid- *0 the of ib... 6 wa;'Orl. dl~- jib flea". 9 416 -L-L., of &USA&& = M. tz-flitea.. of T- 4iatlom A^4 4 reports vj1X joahajaal proper1jos at glgssgg. V. A. ufro -4 myowt-!~!.' pror.'11.4 of za~ z.;R-i~"_ . . I . S. A. CSr j;K~7 -yu..,. -a T-P. wodNafj_..*j r.P-Tt:4.;ftjmAtbOC.:Ne'*r tin V_ h:irk. .1 report&.: a" as "' lLmltg of the vitrezIs ot.t. is she ys na T12 3. - ..'a. 3 T2,50 - gb2S'3. 5b ~A#3 - A.25." ryarted an she al- TA- !, Ion"... sa, .. boalow of Un._ry-~~'_14. &.To%-. 1. T. Ulgalyotv. Z.L N. F. Xsarc'. ";=1.4 an %be j..' two. 12 IS, k.dLog'.341. In.. It- -fr-sou. Lr.jjja V V Tawa, _4 y. A. jOann.,, 1, "P.w1.4 the ij. r:,,:rxia t7 tLs~ -ItL calrivotri. ----is. Z. P. Ax.r.v Cord 5/0 ri-d 0. trudtor. set proprti.. of foxr... bi,r" azz. 8P--,057 S/139/60/000/006/025/032 '~3 0 q3, //5Y) E201/E49J. AUTHORS' Gaman V-1- and Perkallskis. B,Sh,. TITLED The Dependence of the Impact Ionization Coeffitiant on the Electric Field Intensity in Semiconductors PERrODICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, 1960, No~6, PP,,157--160 TEXT Wolff (Ref..I) obtain#d an expression for the impact ionization coefficient a assuming that electrons lose energy only by interactions with optical lattice vibrations,, Wolff considered also for the effect of impact ionization on the electron velocity distribution function, Groschwitz (Ref.2) used an electron velocity distribution function which allows for el-ettron interactions only with acoustic lattice vibrations,. In weak fields, Groschwitz's expression for a was found to agree with experiment better than Wolff's expression, Wolff's formula was better in strong fields. The present paper considers impact ionization on the assumption of' electron interactions with both optical and acousti,~ vibrations, The Card 1/2 88o-5*" S/139/6o/ooo/oo6/025/032 E201/E49i The Dependence of the Impact Ionization Coefficient on the Electric Field Intensity in Semiconductors authors use the electron velocity distribution function derived by Chuyenkov (Ref 3), Two expressions are deduced for the nonization coefficient one valid in field.s up to 5000 V/cm in germanium and 27000 V/cm in silicon (SL=Ilar to Groachwitzus equation); the other valid in fields greater than 5 x: 1o5 v/cm The second expression agreed with the expfrimental i-alues for stlaton, as shown in Fig.1, where the continuous line is the exper-Iment-al dependence and the dashed line repr,esenlts the spcond expresAxon deri'ved in this paper, There art .1 figure and 5 referencea 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASEOCIATION Sibirskiy f1Ziko-tekhn1cheiskiy institut piri romskom gosuni-ver-s2tete imeni V V,.Kuybyah,eva (Siberian Physicotechnical Institute at Tomsk State University ineni V,V.KuybysheY) SUBMITTED. Octobtr 22, 1959 r"ard 2/2 85164 5;, Y-?o 4) (/,' 3 7, 3 t, AUTHOR: Gaman7 V.I.. TITLE: ralanche Breakdown S/11%60/000/005/014/031 E20 / 191 in P--N Junctions;k PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Fizikaj 196o, No. 5, pp 82-87 TEXT: The author derives an expression for the avalanche breakdown voltage (denoted by U ) in terms of carrier densities. The treatment deals"goth with abrupt and with linear- gradient p--n junctions. The experimental (curve 1) and theoretical (curve 2) dependences of the breakdown voltage on the difference M between donor and acceptor densities are plotted in Fig. 1 for abrupt p--n junctions In silicon. Both dependences can be described by .66�0.01 T-n P = kN-0 where k is different for curves 1 and 2. Curve 2 (theoretical) gave values of the breakdown voltage three times higher than the experimental ones, because of various simplifying assumptions in theoretical calculations. The theoretical expressions for the Card 1/2 ;i ,~, H I. 8/139/60/000/005/014/031 9201/E191 Avalanche Breakdown Jn P--N Junctions breakdown voltage and the dependence of the avalanche multiplication factors on voltage were very similar for abrupt and linear-gradient junctions.. There are 1 figure and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIVION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V.V. Kuybyshe SUBMITTED: November 21+, 1959 Card 2/2 1 1-),%: sw/50..", t V a &v-;,, L.Ch-lye 1~ L,~z I -:~ 1-1. - I s .3 toy, Le -.1 'j"! Steklo~~bmzttoyv soxtoya,.'.~e; tr44~1 Tr,tl~ei~a Yse-oy,z-:- 16-1-0 UoiOb-Ya 195~ (V~-rc~!as Ste,te; of' the T,.ard 411--Unl~, Cr,- fcmn,~& ca the Vltre~4 St~tc, FcZ! Jr. 1,:69) ltd-vo 0 SSSR, 19~~. 5!~, p. Frrmth slip ine, r-.t!. 5,~,Uo copitz printed. (S-Ica: Its: Truk,) Sponsorin,3 Aetneles: lmt!tut k~ir-ti zlllkatc~e n~uk SSSR. khimichcsX:r~~ ob5tcne4tvo ime:,! D.1. and Go-larotycr-yy cme~ Lmn!n. crt!r!:~,Yly il.tit,t !.C,.l 5,1. V&,12- EditortAl B,-= A.I. V.P. M.A. Ptz1.oro!n,, O.r. A.G, Vl-.,, K.S. Ya-tro.,-yev, A.A. M.A. Y-tllyel, 17.Z. Mol.h ... v, R.L. Ry~.Iler, Y..A. F-y-E-hit., Che-I--., N.A. T07-,-, V.K. Tlorinn~-%ya, A.K. Ya~.klnl; Ed. or Y-ubli&hIng Eo,~e: '..V. Suvcrot; Tech. !-4.- V.T. PURPOSE; This book is Int-Ite. for m.-carchers In the science and t,"h.01OZ7 of COMVZEi The bc~k ccoLa.!~s the rep,~rt& mnI dlac~sqms or tli~ Tntra All-Uricm Coaferar.ce on the Vtt~c,~ State, Leldl in 1,enic,Em4 ~ V-19, 19!2. They deal vIth the zC--1.z,-4.% and retults. of at~Llyitj: tte 6t-t'tre of Flaz.~" Lte ml&tim betveen the st.-ct~~ ~d pra.TCz-.iez of jrl-,c3, tt.e =t-jrt or tte cbe-1-1 bo--A -4 gl", tmct~rt, ezd the Cf ell-n- r~,-! SILIcu, tec=~Icn of v't-iflcatlozi, optical propert:e4 atd glass st-ture, s,nd ". el.ttri-I jrc,.rrt1... of gl-e. ." also A .=btr of the re- part-s deal with tLe depa~=dtace or gt~a properties m emposiuca, the t-mtinc of glsos-o "a raAlation. effects, and rechaalce.1, tact-fCal, And ctmIcal p=per- ties of glasses. O%her par~ra tIr~t rlu3 *=Ae=d-aC%o- and solm glasses. T'ne Conferecte v" atte=!~I by Core than -00 deleZutes frm So"Iet Z! East Ge~=n ArienLifIc Cri:stI:at!c~. Az~.e the pw-jclj~ttz In the vere X.V. Solocin, Te. V. Euv&t~inztly, T~.A. Gmat-, Y.F. Pry%.I~isbiikoav T- Te. Go'llb, O.r. Mm.d1cm-fetrocyna, G.P. S.K. F.tro~' A.M. Lst-,, D.11. L-In. A.V. .9h.tilom-, X.T. Plooh-ninskly, A.Ya. rwzetsov, E.Y. Da,;ty&rc%,a, Z.V. Byuremno,sk~yft, A.A. rlltlov, K.K. Skmmymk~, P.YL. EO=n, EX. LfllCr, 1-A. Kaznetaov, V.P. Potd-tv, B.S. S-1t%-ch, L.G. F--r, "d O.S. mclct~-. The final session of t--- C~f.rczae - Ltlrr.s~d t.,, Prof-or 7.1. rityez-~-'!.Uy, Honaral Scientist ~d E=.zlnecr, Doctor of Tat~,ajc^l Sciences. Tac roll-lIzz inut1tat- vrro cite! fr. ttei- -. t~, d_rjoyeent of gl,es xcl- and ~'Icntskly I-jt!"t (State C,;-lcsl InAtIt~-r), laatit~t fit" '~. K, I" . Sssm. '.7v,titjte of s-n-tv C~emlstry, AS us.-:-~)' Flzio~~kly AV (Pnyntca Institute A:, I..""t k% tz:-~ J&LtJt"C AL jnstjt~t fJtJkI A.T %-T,. Minsk of ses-ce" P. lo--kay. SLR, JUnLk), It Phydc.1 C~-!.tr-j f . t_:1 1n-tIt't obl--~.y I ntcrt~-i- ~ljc~tee at S~ chs.k.,' k~.Icll X5 or Cttra! -1 2-re-le A,..i-., z? Sci,aecs, ~-cr,o:aUye. Sn, sc,y,I-i~ly kN of E-~.q M.),,j, Go- n- k' - ", ~'. -_ k'I '=!! ~ nyy ir~ttt"t at. I 1--U-4t, for rl-.), !-Ut~t (S"te 1~t-"-tc for Gla- Fibers), Cos.!~rztvc"nyy irstlt~t e!-rt~_rtn- uicfilbk-~O steklu (-':t4'- Itrtitit, ror Y;Ieztr'czi --r), SltlrsL%~, sia~j -'-ritat State M~sk~,kiy trxt-tzt of C!.-ic-l :..-~-Ctz- o."iy -t Vltzt (tclcrit.i- ~natit.t lndtlt-~, and Sverd-'-U~ (v-7='-sz Poiytv~~.n!c 7re Co,,frre-.~c - op-n-4 by t:;c laztit~ta of ztl-~~tc cneni'try A.', W~~R (A-t!-- N't=tc- - A.S. rotl1b), t,-~t Vseaey,=n-yt 011;:b~~'.' %I. Ill. D.I. C~enle.l sm:...y 1="'I D.T. kniel:Yev)-and,t~a order Leusns opticheskly tn.ttt~t . V '11o (0-Ozz mtni --.I. V-1-1-1 . at. 1~1 c'. lrvt:'~t. B 77.1. 15 rt'v).tJ-.- --~" conf-e." Inil~i. -e-14t1ch, to *r6anlzet C-ter f.~ Lt., c' Co,*,dI-uj v.* r."-% - e.1--, to v-blivn J.ric-lical =3~r tlv --Itle ~Flzzlkx I ~himiy' (1,1q2tc. att'i cn-iet~- or Glass), ~,A %.~ jr.-z %.--- Intern.-I-.1 Co.-Itt.. on GI.- Tl,. C.Z-ncv A.A. rror--z-, c.-O Ci~elr~ of ux Ore.~%-stlon of mittv,; Y-4. D~tar of Pyot- ~d Y,t-,atics, Ximber or t~,* Ore,-t-'i --I C-1 tte,; -1 R.L. X;r~l I -, 1-t,r ~- Cr;-!Ce! "te- a ~ V.-t- of th~' or"'..%Ilht I,--, C-~Ittee. nm vditor'ul bacre tiiwi),~ O.X. f~-te-. -;, -r~o, V.A. Joffe, M.V, !. V~kt~, D.P. Dobyc~71n. $.K. DtA D.T. Xc'=!Y't'. tccn.-y InSt,lilml r.ror". 7-/17 P-VD I iz. 0-42-als Finn -:~Znlj I.-Vto, i-=: 'p I ty P4-2 CMT-2 j'- C%-,TNPK *[~4,--'-v3- ll%t-~ P V"~,v J, .I".",j -.-To 41"s -lulTA -;2m, ;2 2"P~~J-g -1--v -:-v -nve-lo, 1-1 7,~ --_13 4.,1%k TI *-o-o P-.v --to -W-2 Ciz P- --.--~Is '-"-PTS za/6 Cm fq 0l .4"t r- S.-I t61 .,:I SI zo;,-O?,g kj,~-Is -0-V 01 WT119.g -V-.k A-,,. ux" tj --V) jo LOT GAKUlp V.I.; PERKALISKIS, B.Sh. 1. ~ I ffect of the electric field intensity in semiconductors on the impact ionization coefficient. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.6:157-160 160. .,P (MIRA 140Y -1. SftAr&4Xfiziko-tekhnichaakiy institut pri. Tomakm4pummivezaitete imeni VA.-Kii-y-byaheva. (Ionization) (Semiconductors) L 18994-63 EWP(q)/9WT(m)/BD3 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3 Pq-4 WH/JD/J9 ACCESSION NR: AT3002454 S/2935/62/000/06010207/0211 AUTHOR: Garrian, V., L. Sirotkin, A. A.; Stenina, V. M. 9 TITLE* Effect of As-S-1 low~melt glass on current-voltage characteristics of isilicon p-n junctions [Conference on Surface Properties of Semiconductors, Institute of Electrochemistry, AN SSSR, Moscow 5-6 J-une-fg-OT- SOURCE: Poverkhnostny~e evoystva poluprovodnikov. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 207-211 TOPIC TAGS: low-melt glass, current-voltage characteristic, semiconductor, silicon, silicon junction IABSTRACT: ExpeTAmental ~tudiesTre descxibed of alloyed Si junctions hot- i icoate with 24fa As 67% AP- 9% '#glass. fthe dielectric constant of the glass _EW as 6 !"'t, its tg was (4._5_-T_.4)_x fu,:-3 at 30 - 10, 000 cps. Al was alloyed into a-St W with a resistivity of 10-15 ahrns. cm. The junctions were dipped into the glass melt at 250-300C for I min, then aged for 30-50 hre at 130-150C, then subjected Card 1/2 L 18994-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3002454 1 to tropical humidity for 75 hro, and finally went throu& 3 thermal 70-rrAn cycles -60+ 130C. Reverse current-voltage characteristics were determined at various stages of the above treatment, It was found that the glass acted as a getter absorbing contaminants from the surface of the junctions. that the glass was moisture-resistant and that its dielectric loss was low. "In conclusion. the authors wish to thank B. V. Makarkin for measuring the dielectric characteria- tics of the glass. 11 6~ig. art. his: 4 figures and I formula. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. V. V. Kuyby*sheva [Tomsk State University) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 15May63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV; 002 OTHER: 005 J Card 22 ~,j 0 0 1, /,5.0) S/139/61/000/002/011/018 E032/E4i4 AUTHOR: Gaman, V.I. TITLE: On the Law of Increase-of the Reverse Current in Germanium p-n Junctions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1961, No.2, PP-110-113 , TEXT: It is known that the reverse current through a j)-n junction begins to increase at large voltages. Measurements carried out by the present author and V.A.Perkallskiy and G.V.Kallestinov (Ref.2) showed that under certain conditions the reverse current varies with the applied voltage in accordance with the formula Cl W I cv%e V% where c and cl are constants for given specimens. 'However it was found that in many cases this relation is not satisfied. In order to elucidate the effects responsible for the form of the reverse characteristic, the present author has investigated selecM plane triodes of type T71 (PI). The collector Card 1 21516 S/139/61/000/002/011/018 On the Law of Increase of ... :~032/e4i4 characteristics of the triodes were obtained using voltage pulses 10 to 30 sec long. It was found that the collector~characteristics of these triodes are very similar to. those of diodes Ar I LL 22 (DG-Ts22). Thus, for example, Fig.2 shows the reverse current- voltage characteristic and the collector current cbange (4 1) for the ME ME) triode at 180C. Analogous curves for the 1716 (PlB) triode at 200C are shown in Fig.3. It is argued that ionization by collision,,Siving rise~to current carrier multiplication, in due to surface effects. This occurs for voltages not exceeding 0.9 of the breakdown voltage. At higher reverse voltages, the increase in the current is due to volume rather than surface effects. Fig.4,shows the reverse volt- ampere characteristic of the rl l'J1Q (PlZh) triode and the jir-lk27 (DG-T927) diode. There are 5 figures and 5 references: I Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut pri Tomskom gosuniversitete imeni V V.Kuybysheva (Siberian Physicote~&Knical Instit;te at the Tomsk State University..*,imeni V.V.Kuybyshev) Cai-d 2/4 On the Law of Increase of ... e., to,vw &Y YAt% Fig.4. Card 4/4 15 16, S/139/61/ooo/oo2/011/018 rl032/E4i4 A-L X0 AV 4W Fig.5. Ell L 13o27-63_ EWT(1)/EWO(k)/EWV(q)/SWT(M)/BDS/:E;i;CC(b)"~~2 AFrrc/ Pz-4 ACCESSION NR:- AT30020.86 S/2927162/0~01000/Olql/6105!-~ AUMOR: Osman., V. I.1 Wy*gin!&,.j!=E. TITLE: Reverse current-temperature characteristic of gft n junoti6ns [Report of the All-Union Conference on Semiconductor biv_16 V-s-s"'ad(Vin from 2 to 7 October 1961] SOURCE; E3.ektronno-dy*roch:ny*ye pwekho&y* v poluprovodnikakh. Twshkent, Iz6-vo AN uzssR, 1962, 101-105 TOPIC TAGS: germanium transdstAx~, germanium transistor reverse current- ABSTRACT: The reverse branch of the current-voltage characteristic of IndustrIal Ge diodes can be subdivided'into 3 sections: (1) a lov-vatage, section where the reverse current slowly grows with bias; (2) a section corresponding to the voltages up to 0.9 of the breakdown voltage where the reverse current sharply increases; (3) an impact-ionization and breakdown section. Reverse characteristics and collector-qugent increments were measured for various emitter currents in a p-n-p_Ln.'Moy special Ge transistor. Effect of temperature on the collector current, for various collector voltages, was %easured within -160 +22C range; at higher collector voltages, the collector ctirrent passeb C.,d 1/2 L 13057-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3002988 through a minimum which lies In the.negative temperature rage. It wu foiuid that, at room temperature, the reverse cutTent reaches itvateadji-state Velue j in 30 microsec; at low temperatures it is still far short of its ultimate value and hence changes sharply with the voltage-pulseL duration. Curv6s. illustrating i the above relationships are presented in the article, Crig,,, art, haB:' 3 figures, and 3 formulas, ASSOCTATION: kmdemiya nauk SSSR (AcadenW of Sciences SSS1j) Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (AcadmW of Sciences UzSSR) Tashkenskiy gosudez-at~eraW*y I universitet (Tashkent State University) SUBMITIED! 00 DATE ACQ: 15ft63 BNM: OD SUB CODE: 00 No REP SOV: 004~ OTIM; 097 Cord 2/2 - 96 -2-7 ,ACGESSION NRt AT3003015 S/2927/621000/00010254/0'2.0 'AUTHOR- Presnov, V. A.; Ga*an, V. L1 Sirotkin, A. A. ?'TITLEs Effect of a low-melt glass coating on the oharacterla'tios:of silicon p-n ~junctions [Report at the All-Union Conference on Semiconductor Device's-,-Ta-sbkent': ',2-7 October, 1961] ISOURCE: Elektronno-dy*rochny*ye perekhody*.v poluprovodnikakh. T"hkent,'Iz dt-vo !AN UzSSR, 1962, 254-258 1TOPIC TAGS: silicon transistor, silicon junction 1ABSTRACT: Excessive surface leakage currents in silicon p-n junctions caus.elpara- imeter instability and other undesirable effects. Theoretically, these currents can. The suppressed by coating the silicon with a low-melt glass. Two:types of glass wersi ;investigated expprimental-ly: As - S - I and As - S - Tl; they melted at 500-00001. ;'Their c and at 9.24 x 10P cps are reported in the article.Al-n-silic.on !Junctions were coated with glass, measured, then subjected to -60 4-130C cycle ithree times, and measured again. The results were inconclusive: some specimens iexhibi.ted increase, some decrease in the reverse currentsl in other specimens the Card L 12819-63 reverse currents did not change. T1-glase coated D808 stabilitron~s~showed dat:eriora-' tion of characteristics, The results are discussed and partly atti-ibuted to:dhemi- i sorbed molecules on the surface of silicon. Orig. art. has: 2 figures) 5 fomulas, land 2 tables. j1ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEMs 00 DATE ACQ- 15May63 tSUB CODEE: PH, GE NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER.. 009 FRESNOVY V.A.; GAMAN V.I. - Interuniversity scientific and technological cmeerence on semiconductor physie4.(surface and contact phenomena). Izv. vys. ucheb. zav; fiz. no.1:176-177 163. (MIU 16:5) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut pri Tomakom gosudarstvennom universitete imeni, V.V.Kuybyeheva. (Semiconductors-Congresses) ACCESSION NRs AR4034481 8/0058/64/000/003/gOS3/20.Si SOURCEs Ref. zh. rim., Abs. 33419 AUTHORS: Gaman, V. I.; Gitellson, G. Perkal'skis. B. Sh. n_ TITLEz Effect of a strong field and temperature dependence of i verse current of alloyed germanium junctions CITED SOURCE, Izv* Leningx* olektrotakhn. in-ta, vy*p. S1, 19630 19-24 TOPIC TAGS: germanium junction, alloyed germanium junction, pn junction, collector current increment, inverse-current, inverse characteristics, surface state filling, carrier multiplication TRANSLATION: The static inverse characteristics of the p-n junction and the increment of the collector current (AI) for a given emitter current were investigated in Ge transistors, while the temperature C; ~d_ 1/2.- ACCESSION NR: AR4034481 dependence of the inverse current I was investigated in diodes. A decrease in the inverse current with time is observed in the static measurements, and the time of establishment of the inverse current increases with decreasing temperature (T). This is connected with the filling of the slow surface states, which increases the negative surface charge and leads to a decrease in the multiplication on the surface. This also explains why AI is smaller in the static mode than in the pulsed mode. An investigation of the temperature de- pendence of I shows that the I (T) curve has a maximum in-'the region, 3 3 of below-zero temperatures, at voltages close to breakdown. The in- crease in I is attributed to multiplication of the carriers on the 3 - n junction surface at low temperatures. The reason for the appear_~ p ance of the maximum on the I (T) curve remains unclear. G. Stepanov.~ 3 DATE ACQ: 10APr64 SUB CODE: PH ENCL: 00 Cdrd 2/2 FREa:OV !.,)f. ) CA';. 1,,~d "V. COG. [Surface and junction effects In ..em-icoriductors] Foverkh- nostnye I kontaktuye iavlon-Lia v poluprovodnilnkh. Tomisk, Izd-vo Tomokogo univ., 1964. 505 1). (MIRA MI.) 1. Tomok. ,"ibirskly fiziko-U-,khzAche-,ikly nfluuhno-i~inlodo- vat.ellskiy institut. j 64V3- W(1D)/W6r)/EWP( Y/W(b)~ 10/W UR/0000/itq/006/600/0 ACCESSION 9R- -ATS020458 a3l/o; "00% AuTHOR: rotkib, A. A.; Gamab, V* I.004ant)l Himayloval t. (0 Pr ;eanoi I A~ Si -(Professor) TITLE, Using inorganic glasses for the proteOtioil of semiLlliitiduc4~~! devices SOURCE: Mezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya kohforent'sik' ~kl ol~oiov6j~- 0 Lej LO-1 - ----- overkinostnyye i kontaktnyye yavleniya)i Tomsk .196' c'. PoyiirkhnostnyY nikov (p i ontaktnyye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface and conta# phexic~iena in iebii~ 1 conductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1964 131-138' :TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor, telluride, selepide~ ~#orgdnic~:Okidel .glass, sulfide, protective coating, glass coatin ABSTRACT, The authbrs studied the use of low7Melting chalk! ;4.ni6~ iii"ses. 1 em induct -v various compositions and systems for protecting standard 0 s or di 14s, Pq , I of Soviet manufacture. Some of the electrophysic6i Dro'[)ert $ of Itliese: glas !Swi_ rooti tem -LCfj. n t e; were studied. The resistivity of these.glasses,at P'latu e 11 7es w to 1016 range from 1013 0-cm*on the. glass composii. on. iie:resiatlv~ ty... drops sharply.with an increase in te erature being reducied 11 MP 4 orders af: 46 gnj -.tude at 120-1800C. There are two methods for applying glass, 1~s ~le I'Oa~. n tl $em]. Card 1/2; 44~ ........ . . L 64Z93-65 -ACCESSION HR: AT5020458 7- conductor devices: a) imme rsion of th 'semico du r e n cto devicbAn 04 "glass mw At; vaporization of a glass. od film in vacuum, Experiments - with 11fhe Iltmersion mq~h showed a reduction or no ch ange-,in the reverse current, . with 1 ~good ~ il~ ~e r~roof 14 4~a lities.. This method -is not 'applicable to gemaniu':sem m ce sl~'6-_ twe melting point of the glass is considerably higher than .-that 6f thii * ~t~rial fot~ tWB rectifying contact. Therefore the method. j;1a of recioitatlon~ sq...yapors q ' ~vacuum was used for these devices. Glasses~contairiing selen!,46 w~li~ -~the beats T_n, ,; maV bo poa6 1e !toi qualityand had the best adhesion properties. icreate coating with.a coefficient- _~fo tht f th6 ~~4mic~ of expansion close at o ju6t6r e F. g anium to composition. Th sl'oo'ulld ellm~l ad44 - erm niple *6 ma stm; tos anges'in caused by rapid ch erature.daring coa hg P the: M iceii temp ti 0 Xg 4 _figures,.1 table, has: 5 ASSOCIATION.f. none r.D:'::- 060ct6 SUBNIT1 ENCL., 00; E. tJ. SMI COD ' No ptr sovef:-~, 004: NEM,~,007 ~~l 2 L OU88-66 _'g ril (m) /&,1P (t) /DIP (b) IJP(c) J DIG S .ACCESSION NR: AT5020459 UR/0000/64/000/o06j6lW.O 'AUTHOR: Gaman, V. I. (Docent); Kalygina, V. M iTITLE: R axation of reverse currents in &~rmanium and silicon _n junctions SOURCE41~ezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskKaya konlerentsiya Izike polMLrovod- (poverkbnostriyyp i_ko-n_t_ak_tqjye yavlenlya), Tomsk, 1962- :I