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24(5) AUTHORS: Galayko, V, F., Pargamanik, L. E. SOV/20-123-6-12/50 TITLE: On the Correlation Functions for Systems of Equal Charged Fazticles (0 korrelyatsionnykh funktsiyakh dlya sistemy odinakovyk-h zaryazhennykh chastits) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nau1c SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Ur 6, pp 999-1002 (USSR) V*P)STRACT: In the present paper, the correlation functions for charl;ed particles (in the inhomogeneous case) are constructed according to the method of iterations which permits the calculating of corrections of any order of approximation. The authors investigate also the physical significance of this method. The potential energy of the particle in the self-consisting field is introduced into the equations of this problem. The authors investigate the interaction of a pair of charged particles which are placed in a "medium" of particles of the same kind. At small mutual distances this interaction satisfies the Coulomb (Kulon) law, but at great distances the Coulomb interaction is shielded by the "medium", and the interaction is due to the self- Card 1/3 consisting field. In first approximation it is possible to On the Correlation -Functions for Systems of 50 71/20-12 5-6-12/5 0 Equal Charged Particles neglect the correlation of the medium with the first particle. A formal expansion is not advantageous, and the authors apply the method of iterations. AccordiN3 to this method, i-.t is possible to find all the k-particls potentials with any desired degree of exactness. The explicit calculations are, however, very complicated and not interesting from the viewpoint of physics. The authors then give a formula for the potential energy of the interaction of a subsystem which consists of s charged particles. This formula represents the sum of the energy of interaction of each particle with the "medium", of the energies of the shielded (by -the medium) interaction of all the pairs, of all the triplets, ..., of all the sets of s particles. The interaction with the self-consisting field and the Debye (Debaye) pair interaction play the main r8le. The other terms in the above-mentioned formula are of higher order of smallness. According to the results of the present paper, effective-short-range forces (which can be described by a Debye potential) can be introduced. In the inhomogeneous case, the expressions found for the correlation functions are valid for Card 2/3 functions which occupy a finite volume. On the Correlation -Functions for Systems of SOIr/20-1211-6-12/,cio Equal Charged Particles The method discussed in this paper can be applied to systems of charges of various signs and to the kinetic theory of charged particles. The authors thank I. M. Lifshitz ~-,ho discussed the results of the present paper. There are 4 referonces, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOR: Khar1kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gortkogo (Khar1kov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) T PRESE1.TED: July 189 1958, by H. N. Bogolrubov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 17, 1958 Card 3/3 L 22256-66 En (1) IJP(c) GG ACC NRI AP6010993 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/o5o/.003/0717/0723 AUTHOR: Galayko, V. P, ORG: Khartkov State University (Kharlkcivskiy gosudarsitvennyy universitet) TITLE: Stability limits of the superconducting state in a magnetic field for superconductors of the second kind SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teareticheskoY fiiiki. va 50, no. 3, 1966, T17-723 TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, superconductor, BCS th4ory, critical temperature, ABSTRACT: The Gibbs free energy function Q (A) for a superconductor;, in a magnetic field is treated on the beisis of the-BCS.theory as'a functional of the superconducting ordering parameter. This extends~ the corresponding expression of the Ginnburg-Landau theory to arbitrary temperatures. The free energy is miniMUM at equilibrium, This:yields equilibrium electro4rnamic equations, which in the case of supercon- ductors of the sedond kind describe the usual superconducting state, with finite penetration of the field, att well as the mixed Abrikaeo* Card 1/2 -- ---- ---L--22256-66-- - - - - - - -- -- - ACC NRz AP6010993 I --] I ;o L 22763-66 EINT (I)AVIt W/EVIA (d)/EwP (t) IJP(c JD& ACC NR: Ap6w8737 SOURCE CLE /0386/66/003/003/0121/03-9% 'AUTHOR: Ga~ oRG- Khar1kov State University im. A. M. Gorlkiy (Khar fkcrvakiy gosudarstvenrWy universitet) Motion of vort TITLE: ex filaments in superconducting alloys 4~ SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pislma v redaktsiyuo ~Prilozheniyep v- 3p not 3) 1966) 121-125 ~TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, quantum 1! -crystal lattice structures,,crystal. _;dislocation phenomenon ABSTRACT: Since it is difficult to apply the ordinary hydrodynamic approach to thei motion of vortex filaments in superconductors of type 3:j,, owing'to the presence o f the lattice, the author shows that, in view of the Coulomb interaction view of the field character of the vortex, it is sufficient for the solution of the prob. lem to find directly the response of the ouperconducting a stem to an exteinallfield. y Relations are.then presented which constitute, together with Maxwell's equations ZI and the continuity equation, a complete wrstem that yields the vortex equation -ofl*' motion. These relations are derived from the general principles of nonequilibri-um~~- the Tdynamice by expressing the work performed on the Vatem by the external our- Card V2. .... .... L 22763-66 Acc im: Ap6oo8737 orent per unit time in terms of the response of the system and evaluating the minimuri.. of the reversible transition into the nonequilibrium:state in terms of the parameters of a filament situated in an external field. The author thanks J.-Bar---;--:~, ,deen (USA) for a stimulating influence ort this work and I. M. Lifahits, for,calLing 'attention to the work of A. M. Kosevich ren the theory of dislocation (Teor iya dis- kokatsiy (Dislocation Theory], Offset,, _11gsicotech. jggt, Uq~,~ad. ~Sci., Kha~!Iltovj ~, eev N j- &- &.-- --u'- U- * A-4- 0-+ Aan. j j ACC NR. AP6018811 SOURCE COD`E:- UR/0056/66/050/005/1322/1326 AUTTIOR: Galayko, V. P. ORG: Kharkov State University Marl kovskiy gosudarstvennN)r universi tat) TITLE: Formation of vortex nuclei in superconductors of the second type SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, 1966, 1322-1326 TOPIC TAGS: vortex flow, magnetic field intensity, nuclear energy, superconductc ABSTRACT: Because the su ercon uSLtivit-L_~_tatc is stable under small fluctuations of the regulating parameter, sufficiently large fluctuations are needed to effect transitions to the mixed state in superconductors of the second type in a magnetic field*The vortex lines are produced near the surface and peneti-ate into the s~122r: conductor.~~The minimum critical size of the vortex nucleus is that at which i-t does n 11 ose up ' but continues to develop further. It has been shown that the shape of the vortex line and the value of the energy barrier for the nucleus is determined Card 1/2 ACC NR; APGiOlHtl by two factors: the interaction between the vortox and magnetic field, and the elasticity of the vortex line. The vortex line forais a semicircle, the end of which touch the stir-face of the superconductor. The value of the energy barrier, overcome during formation of the vortex, has been calculal~.A. It has been shown that the barrier vanishes in a critical CUrrent on Lhe surface, i. e. , when the super- Tho author thanks conducting state becomes unstable under small n LiCtuations. I. M. Lifshits for, his criticism of the work and valtiable rcmarks. Ovig. art. has; i figure and 5 formulas. [Based on author' s abstract] NT] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 19Nov65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 002/ Lc Cn'~'rd 2 / 2 00759 67 ZTP ( I UP(c) AC C NRt AFQ~256�6- SOURCE CODS1 MVoi26/66/O;2i/oo/04%/O509-- - AUTHORs aalaykol V..P. MG1 :Kharkov State Unlversj~Z In. A. M. Gorlkly (Xharlkovskiy,~je T.IMI IMA1 equations of electr aades for london-~JM! Supe'rcondu'6tors SOURCEs MEW& metallov J metaliovedeniyes v. 210 no. 40 19669, 496-%9 TOPIC TAGSs superconductivity, quantum electrodynamicsp vortex, ABSTRACTs In a maximally hard superconductor, the structure of the vortex filamentsin the hybrid state does not play any substantial part at fields which am not too close to Hc2- This confirms the possibility of using local equations o*f electrodynamice for describing such superconductors. 7he article shows by means o.~ direct calculations that the indicated equationa in the first nonvanishing approx:bmation in terms of~poram- eter IIX coincide with equations of the two-liquid. model, in the theory of ouperconduo-, tivity . These equatiolis are used to analyze the problem of p3rietration of a magnst16 field into a massive superconductor. The critical field %, vq:) to which the supercon- ducting state is stable with respect to slight gap fluctuations leading to the forma- tion of vortices was calculated (the gap being the ordering parameter A ). The manner_ in which the hybrid state is described by these equations is discussed, Author Is in-' debted to 14 M, LIfshits for mww helpful discussions and is deeply grateful to J. Bardeen (USA) for aluoidating the fuMaraental aspects of the general problem of local Card 1/2 UDCt 'M.112.62 VERBOLOV, Vladinir 12lich; SOKOLINIKOV, Vladimir Mikh--ylrjvich, SHIVJ"qAYEV. Vikhai.'. Nlknlayr-vich; GALAZIN, G.I., CAV. red. [Fydrometeorological regime and heat budget of Lake Baikal] Gidrometeorologicheskii. rezhim i teplovoi balans ozera Baikal. Mosk-7a, Nauka, 1965. 372 p. (MIRA 18:5) (PIt4"'L z/ /I T&10~-M-I'ROV, B.Ai.; GALAZIY, G.I. Determination of the age of Sieversis. glacialis R,Br. and some questions pertaining to the longevitv of pUnts. Bot. Zhur. 37, No.3, 332-348 '3Z, (Biol.A 28 no.3t6877 154) (HIaA 516) GAIA IY, G.I. Vertical grovth limit of trees and its d7namics in the mountains of Shatern Siberia. TrudL7 Bot.inst. Ser-3 noe'9:210-329 154. (Siberia, Eastern-Trees) (MM 8:4) Some data on the length of life of the tansy Tanacetum sibiricum L. and the pasqueflower Pdlaatilla Turezaninovii Kryl. et Serg. 30t. zhur. 39 no.6:910-915 N-D '54. (KLBA 8:2) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial kkademii uauk SSSR, Irkutsk. (Tansy) (Pasqae flower) GALAZIY, G.I. Botanical method of determining data on the history of high water levels and some other phenomena on Lake Baikal. Dokl.A11 SSSR n0-5: 83.1-813 Ag 155. MW 9: 1) 1.Baykallskaya liamologlchookaya stantelya Vostochao-Slblroksge filial& Akadesift nauk 33n. ProdstaTleno skadmiken T.N.9ukachs"u. (Baikal, Lake--Hydrology) GALAZIY, G.I,,_, Botanical method of determining the dates of historical high water levels on Lake Baikal. Bot.shur.41 no,7:1006-1020 J1,156i (MLRA 9:10) l.Br*rkallukaya limnologiclieskaya stantsiyn Vootochno-Sibirskogo filiala Akademii nmik SSSR. (Baikal, lake--Hydrolog7) ROSSOLIMO. L.L.; GA IY__Ja_I__'_otvetstvennyy redaktor; ZNAMENSXAYA. V.K.. redaktor izdatellstva; MOSXVICHIIVA, N.I., tekhoicheakiy redaktor. [The temperatuie cycle of Iake Baikal] Temperaturnyi rezhis oxera Baikal. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 551 P. (AkRdemila nauk SSSR. Baikallekaia liynnologichegkaia stanaiia. Trudy. no.16) (Baikal, lake--Temperature) (KLRA lOrS) GAI-ALTY, G. -1. "Botanical Method Serving, Hydrology and Engineering Geology" repc&. pr*-se.,u:-t-4 a- 'tm, ~~rd A! -Union fly je,&L~- dro (.'Or*~reSC. ;*zv urr 6-mgmr., 44, yio ;9!---70 7-:~r5 00,7- VOTINTSEV, Konstantin Konstantinovich, GAJalZIY G I - p VAGRIA) N.S., red.izd-va; ULI I ) G., [Hydroche-JaUy of IALke Balkalj Gidrokhimiia ozera BaUml. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 310 P. (Akadamiia nauk SSSR. Baikallakaia limnologichoskaia stanteiia. Trudy,14ol. (MMA 1,4: S)- 20) (Baikslv Lake-lilater-Composition) MARTINSON, Gerbert Genrikhovich;. GPJ,,,,..AZIY G.I.,; TSVETKOV, N.V.,. red.izd-va; VINOGEUIDOVA, N.Y-., tekhn.rid.-- ' ' [14esozoic and Cenozoic mollusks in continental sediments of Transbaikalia., Mongolias and the Siberian Platform] Mezozoiskie i kainozoiskie molliuski kontinentallnykh 14osk-va,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR., 1961. 332 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Baikallskaia jimnologicheskaia stantsiia. Trudy, vol.19) (MIRA 14-,4) (Asia-44ollusksy Fossil) KOZHOV, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; GALAZIX -,-.otv. red.; OSIPOVA, L.S., __- red. izd-va; GUSENA, A.P., tekhn. red. [Biology of Lake Baikal] Biologiia ozera Baikal. Moskvas Izd- vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 314 P. (MIRA 15:5) (Baikal, Lake--Freshwater biology) , F[ . GAIAZIY, G.L. Conditions for the growth of trees on the coast of Bol'shoy Ushkaniy Island in Iake Baikal. Trudy Vost.-Sib.biol.inst. SO AN SSSR no.lS114-139 162. (MIU-16si) (Bollsboy Ushkaniy Island-Trees) VCrTINTSEV, Konstantin Konstantincr7ich; POPOVSKAYA, Galina Ivanovna; M-V,EPOVA, Galina Fedorovna; GALAZIY, G.I.,, otv. red.; REUIUVIKO, O.GI, red. T.V., tekhn. red. [Physicochemical regime and plankton life of the Selenga region in Lake Baikal.] Fiziko-khimichaskii rezhim i zhizn' planktona Selenginskogo raiona ozera Baikal. Moskva, Izd- vo Akad. nauk SSSR. 1963. 320 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Limnologicheskii institut. TNdy, vol. 97) GALAZIY, G.I.; NOVOSELOV, Ye.N. Baikal. Irkutskq Limnologicheskii in-t Sibirskogo otd- niia AN SSSR. 1964. 1 v. (MIRA 18:3) ZAIKA, Viktor Yevgenlyevich; GALAZIYa,~~, ARTM~',OSHIN, A.S., red-.-~ j., otv. red.; [Parasites of fishes in Lake, Baikal) Parazitofaum ryb ozera Baikal. Moskva, Naukat 1965. 105 P. (MIlU 18:6) I. ~A I Ge o chem s C t.'r-c; rlvti;-,,, ~~Lk ~u Nu ii.] GlarcRhlmi ia of U rek basseina ozen Rulka-i. Tiwulva, i,'~Iiademi I a ilauk SSER. Sibirskct ct-6~ileni-. mn-a.1-- i. i check-', I institut Trucly, Vol. IRA 13:7) C!f' . R - F 1. Nauchnyye sotrudniRi Baykal'sk(;y limnccl ~y --nt i ADT SS)SR (fcjr Tolmacheva, I), BUYANTLTYEV, B.R.; GALItZIY, G.%; MOTOV~ V."A.-' '110TSMY, Comprehensive ut12izatlon and conservrtion of the natural resozirces of lake Baikal. DokI. Inst.. geog. Sib, i Dal. Vost. no.233-13 (MIRA 18:10) GALA-MA, A-lekstuider; VIA11KOWSKI, Stefan On diagnostic difficulties in some forms of hypertrichosla in women. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.51t1964-1966 "'I D 1614 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych Akademii Medyczne-I we i Wi-oclawiu (Kierownikt prof. dr. Pai WnI Falkiewicz). 7 kllY' POLAND "icrobiology. Human and Animal FathotSens. Corynebacteria. Abe Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., i4o 2j 1959, 5635. _,'~,uthor 1,4olska, K.; Abgarowicz, A.; Rozwadowska, V.'.; Galazka, A.; Kukiz, T. Inst Not given. Title Studies on Vaccines and Vaccination Against Dipth- theria in Poland in 1955-1956. 11. Confirmation of Diphtheria Immunity by Use of the Schick Test (Tolska., K.). III. Comparative Study of Six Dom- astio Vaccines by Epidemiological Tests (Wolska, K.; Abgarowicz, A.; Rozwadowska, IV. Com- parative EValuation of Four Domestic Vaccines in Laboratory Tests (Abgarowicz, A.; Galazka, A.; Kukiz, T.). Orig Pub: Przegl. epidemiol., 1957, 11, No 4, 343-364. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 GALAZKA, Artur Infectious cerebrospinal mtmlngitis in Poland during 1919-1957 In the light of world ;ituation. Praegl.enidem. 13 no.4:347-36o 159- lo Z Zakladu Rpidemiologii Pnnetwowego Znklpdu Higieny v Werszovie Kierownik: Prof.dr. Jar Nostrzewski. (MENINGITIS epidemiol.) ABGAROWICZ, Anna, dr; GAIAZKA, Artur; KTKIZ, Tadeusz (Warsza,.m) Studies on the immunizing properties of the tetanus component of enteric tetanus vaccines produced in Poland. Zesz probl naulki Pol 23 241-250 161. Ar- ~"KA, Artur; K~KIZ, Tadsusz; A93AROWICZ, Anna Use of various methods in aim attempted evaluation of the diphtherial aud tetatie SOMPOReat in 3 11phtheria-tetamus-whooping aough vae- sixes of domestie productioa. Przogl.opidem. 15 no.2:163-179 161. 1. Z Zakladu Spidomiologii Panstwowego Zakladu Riglony w Wanzavie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kostrzowski. (TETANUS immunol) (DIPHTHMA inumol) (WHOOPING COUGH immunol) (VACGINES) RODKIEWICZ, Teresa; GALAZKA,__ Artimr Description of an epiderde of diphtheria in the village Chojnik in the O.1sztyn region with special reference-to the carriage of Corytebme- terlum diphtheriae. Arsegl. epidem. 15 no-41341-354 161. 1. Z Wojewodskiej Staeji asnitarno-Hpidemiologiesnej w 019stynie Dyrektor: dr W. Nuzia Z Zakladu Epidemiologii Panstuwago Zakladu Higieny w WarBzawie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kostrzewski. (DIPHTHERIA epidemiol) Tr, f:u Prof J. ;jig iu 13 W wy de.. he WarbaW ICOJIGWOd ilealth and EPI a Sa n I t arn 0 - 'ta I s IfT o 4 Wnr iA summary mod'. Tho neRd- f i~r trant e,,-jcj !a In v i-T. im, - -lr~ 14 'A t! 3. d. ThA two lmctor of lw~y 1TIZ by a ol -Irk T, 0 20 Lf pei-Y, doaG as "fit"'I the. "rexcIrll ND' L Al., ~ V 7-n! ~,Yn 4T jq(':'~ 7 Tr T,51 e d. f p 0. o s eT h ez ill, T 0 ra n. c CI s t f" - t - I."A t ~. e~. a L 'PoLA, vaocinsa 13r0dVear"t lorld. ~: - O'nst, atter th~-, 60oster dkltio; the Vaocinq dlipb-ceria tc.-icold CAd not produce satis-factor-y re~!ponse In. mj',-ie antiboky Ie7el a.-f-Ler linmunization T~-T-7,0 10,garitl-oni,cally, me-r. Ximat-JQn of Vnit! Jnltlal level b e f o x%--,~ t ~-,.riur-l L, T ,, e 0 0 Our *11 c .3 0 -1Z, -0c a + --Vao C.- inat 11 On r(iactions ars a of" miAbo6y level Ibeforig I-a:,nminiza- anal~veed an'd oxi further -srid P~racticiqs are made. 9 tabirda; 15 refereneesv GAIAZKA, Aleksander, sLarszy asystent. Pathomechanism of decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Rozpr. wydz. nauk med. 9 no.1-51-117 164, 1. Z Katedry 2 Kliniki Chorob Weurnet%rznych AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr med. Antoni, Falkiewicz) RecenzenciN doe. dr med. B.Bogdanikowd, porf. dr med. A.Kieczenski. GALAZKA, Artur Preparation of the reference diphtheria-totanus-pertussis vaccine and standardization of its diphtheria and tetanus components. 1. The diphtheria component. Med. dosw. mikrobiol. 16 no.,4:295-308 164. Preparation of the referenoe diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and standardization 'of its diphtheria-and tetanus components. IT. The tetanus camponet. lbid.009-321. 1. Z 2hkladu Epidemiologii Pknotwowego Zakladu lligieny (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Kostrzewski). Artur; ABGAROWICZ,Anna Some observations on the epidemiological situation of diphteria in Poland during the period 1960-1962. Pediat. Pol. 39 no.2: 191-199 F064. 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii Panstwowego Zakladu Iligleny w Warszawie; kierownik: prof.dr. J.Kostrzewski. -e pz GALAZKA,,,Arjtur;-ABGARGWICZ, Anna Evaluation of the iu=nizing potency of diphther-Ja-tetanus vaccines tested in schoo-7 ch-41dren and animals. Med. dosw. m1krobiol. 17 no.2:109-12l 165. 1. Z Zakladu Epideminlogii Panstwowego Zakiadu Higieny w Warszawie (Kierownik Zakladu: prod. dr. J. Kostrzewski). GALAZKA, Artur; OLAKOWSKI, Tadeusz; ADAMIUS, Jan Immunization of school children against diphtheria and tetanus. Przegl. epidemiol. 19 no,ltl7-29 165 1. Z Zakladu Epidemiologii Panstwovego &iklady Higieny w Warszawie (Kierownik: p-of. ir. med. J. Kostrzetw,8ki) z WbLrszavskiej Wbjew. Stacji Sanitarno- 'E. ldemiologicznej w Ahinie (Dyrektort dr. med. J. Zasztow-t~ i z Miejskiej Stacji San itarno-Epidemiologicznel w WiLlbrzychu (Dyrele-tor: lek. mad. J. Ada=s). GALLZKA, Jerzy The limits of detectability and determination in spectrographic analysis. I,. Ghem anal 7 no.2:301-309 162 1. Katedra Materialoznawstwa, Wydzial Mechaniczny, Energetyki i Lotnictwa, politechnika, Warszawa. . I I / /-) - -) /. - -7- 1-7 DepnrtMent of ChemiCal lHat6rialS, VuwLI-' tY Of IlGel'Ani0go Of the "'d-.r13Pw-F ""01YO, -nergetion and Aviation ToWLrlOlOr i technic 36hool (Katedrat Material 6Z.-mw3tvia -'Idzialu Meabantemeg znerget$Id i %otniotwa Politeobrdki 110 (da-mi-ej Katedra Toohnologli Eotniimzo3)0 -Lirmaw (both?) Rarsaw, ChOmin 2VAIIIyOgna 0 5m 1963s, '95-703, "Pre Darn tion or Inipeotrograpnic st Ty-.)a It0 amlards of i-maralumin 11 lj'p . . .1 NACHYLL(ii, Ma-Icn, z,,gr Inz. ~-ALA','E~k, -.-. zy.9 run- lm: , Level of radloelectric d~stuzbances -of appl-lanc(,3 of -bass L 1 and 2. Wiad eir-ktroteclin 32 r..o,3.'76-?? Mr61., GALAZKA, Jerzy, inz. Typification and development Of DUMP construction. Przegl techn 86 no.2s4 10 A 165, GALAZKA, P. (Engr.): .10 6hiodnie Sztuczne i Ich DzWania.(Artificial Cold & Its Actions). Warsaw, 191+8, 19 pages. GALAZKA, R.; GIRIAT, W. 1: Electrical propertien of the CdT*-HgTe system. Bul Ac Pol Mat 9 no-4: 281-285 161. 1. Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by L. Sosnowski. -LTG (-f ) /T -a' ZETT LIP1 c 11),,JD 107~2 SOURCE CODE: 'PO/0053/66/000/003/0111/0117 ,/,7 AUTHOR: Baranowski, J. ; Dziuba, Z. - Galazka R. - Giriat, W. : Szymanska, W. 6.:2 Zaakrzews T. ORG- Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University (Instytut Fizyki'Dos~,Aadczal- nej Un1wersytetu Warszawsldego); Physics Institute, PAN(Inst3rWt ykI, PAN) ITT T ~E: Electrical and photomagnetic properties of single crystals of the CdxHgl-xTe semiconductor system SOURCE: Przeglad elektroniki, no. 3, 1966, 111-117 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal, crystal property, semiconductor crystal, electric property, photomagnetic effect ABSTRACT: The paper presents some results of investigations on the CdxHgj_xTe system. Single crystals of x = 0. 00, 0. 05, 0. 10, and 0. 15 were used for the investigations. *The dependence of electrical conductivity 6 and the Hall constant RH on temperature in the range from 4.2K to 400K was investigated. The dependence of RH and 6 on magnetic field intensity was also measured. The materials investigated s w a high electron mobility; the maximal values of electron mobilities are of the order of 1 ~9 0 cm2/Vsec. Mobility increases with in- creasing x and attains its maximum values for x at about 0. 1. In these materials, at tempera- tures below room temperature there Is a very strong dependence of RJR and 6 on magnetic field intensity. It was determined that for x = 0. 00 the width of the forbidden energy gap at the tem- perature of absolute zero to Eg.= O:L 0. 0003 eV. '.For x > 00 E9>0, !kndx=0.05itisE9=0.015eV, L ACC NRt AP6010792 ~nd for x = 0. 151 E = 0- 06 eV- The photomagnetic effect was investigated at room tem- perature. 11igb sensitivity to infrared radiation was established. The material with x = 0. 10 As sensitive to radiation from the visible range to wavelength of 10 microns. It was also estab- lished that the photomagnetic effect for x = 0. 10 depends on the frequency of Incident radiation. This dependence is caused by the appearance of a thermal component (Nernst effect). The experimental results are presented In the form of curves and compared with published data. The results are discussed In detail in the light of existing literature. The authors thank Prof. L. Sosnowski for his interest in this work and discussions. The authors also thank Docent Dr. W. Wardzynski, J. Ginter, Dr.. J. Mycielski, and Dr. J. Rauluszldewicz for valuable com- ments they iii-adeM-Me-course of this investigation. Orig. art. h-a-s-FT-Ug-ures. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE- none / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 006 / SOV REF: 002 z C_ ACCESSION NR.- AP403-1794 P/0045/63/o24/006/0791/0800 AUTHOR: Galatka, R. R. TTTLE: Preparation,, doping and electrical properties of Cd sub 0.1 Eg sub 0*9 To SOURCE: Acta physic& polonica, v. 24, no. 6, 1963, 791-800 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor,, three-component semiconductor,, Hall mobility, solid state physics, tbree-component semiconductor, Hall mobility, solid state physics,. three-component crystal, crystallography, Cd sub x Hg sub 1 - x To-type semi- conductor, compound semiconductor, HeTe, CdTe ABSTRACT: Mixed crystals of the GdxHgl_,XTi3 type are an insufficiently studied group of semiconductors. The technology of Cvgl-XTO compounds has not been adequately analyzed or described up to the present tine. Author attempted to establish the optimal processes for the synthesis and crystallization of HgTe and CdTa which leads to a mixed semiconductor. The effect of excess Cd,, To and Xg upon the electrical properties of Cdo.1%.97o. ~as also investigated, Card V3 DIM ACCESSION NR: AP4011794 An attempt was also made as to which foreign elements dope the conductor to p.; e affect of variegated processing and doping upon the purity and n-types. Th and electrical properties of the sample va3:analyzed by measuring the Hall ecefficient and electrical conductivity versus the temperature over the range 77k to 300k. Doping was with Cul.Inj, Al and Ni. Ths COMP03itiOn Of the coM- pound (the value for x) was determined by,measuring its density. In the case of AxBl-xtype solid solutions crystallizing in one phase and in the same crys- tallographic system, the density of a solution containing,x moles of component-. a can be written in the form x E MA, + (I _-X) '-1 i-1 n[x(MA_MR)+'MB) d.. Vdx ~hers Ve. is the volume of the elementary cell of the solid solution; MA - and are the atomic masass of the lattice modes (or their molecular mosses if B A and B are chemical compoundLs); n is the .=mber of modes belonging to one and the same elementary call'(or the number of molecules of a given compound per one elementary cell). The density varies linearly with the composition. Card _2/3 ACCES510N NR: AP4011794 The Te atoms probably take up the Hg positions, yielding dovn levels. Mg dopes the semic.onductor to p-type. Excess of 01 produces no noticeable change. Hole -nobility was estimated at,,Pp- 420 cm2/voltsecand. xaterial was obtained sM*rein the value of the product of the Hall coefficient (R ) and conductivity (0--) amounted to 4XIO> cmZ/voltsecond at Mk. Although the abovo analysis dealt with a Cdo lHgo 9Te semiconductor, the conclusions and discussions can be valid for othii se;2iconductor of the type CdxHgl_xTe, especially in the region of small values for the parameter x. "The author wishes to thank Professor L. Soanowski for his numerous and helpful remarks. The author is indebted to Dr. W. Giriat and Mrs. W. Szymanska, m. Sci., for their profound and detailed discussions of the problem." Orig. art. has:. 7 figures, 2 equations and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics, Polish Acadeaq of Sciences, Wars&V SUBMITTED: 17jun63 DATE AGQ: Web& ENCM 00 SU CODE: PH,, VE NO REF SM 001 -M=S 011 Cord 313 I Iffliff ffill 01 IffliffillFRAUM lf.1121 [it 'A 911MISAIRMill I AccEssimi uR: Ap4o39358 P/0047/64/03.5/002/0191/0= AUTHORS Galazka. R. R. TITLEs Infrared radiation detectors SOURCEt Posteff fizyki, v. 3,59 no* 21, 19649 191-M 70PIC TAGSs infrared radiation detector. thermal detector. thermocouple. photoelectric cell, semiconductor infrared detector, photoolectr1o infrared idetector, photoconductivity, Johnson noise, photoelectromagneUe effect. Nernst photoolectromagnatic effect, infrared photodetector ABSTRAM The subject of the article is the problem of detection of infrared radiation and a description of some' types of detectors. From the standpoint 'of their mechanism of operation, such detectors may be divided into two principal categorless (1) thermal detectors, operating an the principle of change in the physical properties of a body subjected to the heat of InAlwid, rays, and (2) qtzantim or photon detectors, which utilize various types of photow. effects and directly related phenomena. All types of detectors hM Igo Parametere the minim= dMeatable ywer (NDP), The article discupso sjuloon.- card 3.12 3 ACCESSION NR i AP4039358 ductor infrared detectors operating in the spectral range of 3 to 20 microns. wA thermal detectors, -which are sensitive over a Duch wider range. The discussion was limited to the 3-20 Ig range because the semiconductor detectors operating in this range are comparatively unknown, and only InSb detectors which have an upper limit of 6e5 tx'are used in practical.technical applications. Theoretical calculations are given for photon detectors* Photoelectric cells am found to be mach more convenient than thermocouples. Investigations of photaelectrio effects in compounds of Cd and Rg show that these materials am eminently suitable for infrared detection. Origs arts hast 12 figures, 39 fortailas, and 5 tables ASSOCIATION: Instytat Fizyki PAN, Warszawa (Institute of Sciences) SUEMITTEDs 00 DATE ACQs 12Jun64, ENCM GO SUB COM PH NO MW SOVI 000 OTHERs 044 Card POLAND BARAN0VQAj,..jacek- DZIUBA Zbigniew; GALAZEA, Robert; GIRIAT, Witold; SZ'YMANSKA, 'Nand ; ZAKRZkWSKI, T&deusi""-'-1"-"- le Institute of Experimeftbal Physics, University of Warsaw Inst7tut Fizyki Doswiadozalnej 'Uniwersytatu Warszawsklego) ~ (for ?) 2; Institute of Ph7sies, Polish Aoadem7 of Soienoes (Instytut Fizyki.. Polskiel Akademii Nauk) - (for ?) Warsaw* Przerlad elaktronlki,, No 3, March 1966a PP 111-117 "Electric -X To 3r:nd phatomagnotle properties of the GdxHgl single or tale* GALAZKA, Wiktor, inz, Possibilities of improving the electric power management of the Polish State Railroads. Przegl kolej elektrotech 13 no.1:8-11 Ja 161. GAIAZKA, Wiktor, inz. A conference of the electric engineers of th,: ""oIi3h Railroads. Przegl kolej elektrotech 14 no,4:1-)0-122 Ap '62. GALAZKA, Wiktor, inz. r-- - - - I ---- - ~ - -, . -, Electric potter installations on the Polish State Railroads during the winter period 1962/63. Przegl kolej elektrotech 15 no-5:124-125 My 163. GAIAZKA, Z. - New method of Dlastle surgery of the esophagus with diaphrap, Polski prsegl. chir. 24 no-5;725-728 Sept-Oct 1952. (GIXL 23:4) 1. Of the Second Surgical Clinic (Read--Prof. J. BUtkowski, N.D.) of Iodx Medical AaadezV. 2. Uperimental Surgery. Jalkuuo,.:S~~i J. Al. Gal.azka Tj L)dz; --;'I jw, r~e--., Lo'--'z. 0 a 0 -,-0 'n-, e; ac r: C V- C; 0 ~L' U~: L-I -:Z-Lc -1:0ge-U-a oraz ria za-6acc szy,nej. TILe -r~ r t- c:. e c --,c, n due to r am. I_,- 4' aa~ a~`-,r :3U.e 0: r, t-T 7" i-m-, -,,I- , ciro-'ic, 2) (263 200) 2' 1 5 3, in 21 L.; Or. 4.0 I I1., 03 1;. U 2 T;: r 201 C 0 !)S:, -V ra" :),1 0:' ac: e ~;rit ~'Ihc cl,,&n. ez; --n 6`2 '.L' o c, ri c, E.~ -T son 0.:; a i r n., F-e rj'~ --o'ho ai n~~. c _i i: 'r D-.cre--s,.iu or 214 1,-~ a rS a-:'~ all :~-Yrj v--L-urn-!cl I'l,. Ar U i I, la ~-zll aovoc~d ,t, ... _i c oi: i"LIJ Ci:~.Lc)~`,6 -~Iie _E'GG, t:hU-,-L it~; c 1-n 2 icu L --f 12 ~ i oc.,4 caz;,:~s CV I -.,e re sim-L: cz7n,,~: -a -~~F I.,r, L i QZ- C V 3 c -n %tol. "o. 1, --c-, aiary 1~) ~',L GALAM, Zbigniew Dermoid cyat of the lung. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.22:699-701 31 May 54 - 1. Z 11 ZlWki Ch!Lrurgicznej &kademit Hedyesnej v Lodzi,.kier. prof. dr Jerzy Rutkowski. (MATOPA, lung) (LUNGS, neoplasms. teratona) GAILAZKA, Zbigniew Surgical treatment of cardiospasm. Polski przegl. chir. 26 no.11: 979-984 Nov 54. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgiesnej Ak-ademii Medycznej w Lodzi. Kierownik- prof. dr med. J.Rutkowski. (CARDIOSPASM. surgery,) GALAZKA, Zbigniew WIX" Personal technic in the closure of the bronchial stump. Polski prsegl. chir. 28 no.1:1-11 Jan 156. 1. Z I Kliniki Ch1rurg1csnej A. ff. v Lodst Kierown1k: prof. dr. nod. M. Stefenowski Lodz. ul. PiDludniova 20 a. 60. (BRONCHI, surg. closure of bronchial stump. now technic. (Pol)) GAIAMMA, K. GALAMOVIA., K. -Uyeing of steelon zdxed with wool, cotton, and artificial viscose fiber. Biuletyn W ]&)c. p. Vol. 10,.no. 6, June, 1956 PRZEML SPOZYWCZY TECHNOLOGY Warsaw, Poland 60. East Accession Vol, 6, no. 2. Feb. 195T MM, &MIN C, ICU I - IP RY, Cl A 2 G 0 1 cqL,43 T _T T L iyarn k! e ?,i,.) c rs, , Of li.Y'LOLI and Otho'. Finers C, T, 7 , I'j ;J-oL :i~;t 3 t~ i'!. iD r. t, nv~ I s itic- oi. i z~ Fa a L:: Re- cuta ;.neei from tiie ilyeinz Of r 0 z, a 1) 1c s t 'n s wn s c~ 1, v r.3 rz r.,3..! o rl vi c r oc t t GALAZKOWA, Krystyna; JANISZEWSKI, Karol 4, ---- Thermal resistivity of dyes applied to polyester fibers and methods of testing. Przeg1 w1okien 1.6 no.12:632-640 D 162. " Lodz. 1. Instytut WIokiezmictwa!, BOGDANIKOWA, Beata; GALAZKOWA, Zefia Relation of the CRF reaction to other inflamutory indices in cer- tain internal diaeases. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.6:207-211 6 7 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrza3rch A.M. we Wroclaviu; kierownik; prof. dr 1. Szoseklik. (C-REACTIVE PROTEIN) (INFIAMMATION diag) L 4, 7- SUXIML, Given. Navies Country: Poland Academic Degrees!ZtTot giveP7 TUzL(~,_,CUnir_f_o_r Internal Diseases (III Klinika Chorob '~Vrewnetrz- Affiliation: hych), School W_,K~ec Y"cdyczna)V Vroclaw, Director: Prof. E. SZC1'&MKLIK,'Dr. Source: 'Jarsaw, Przgglad kars] , i5l XV11 p Ser 111 Wo 81 1961 t pp 294-297. Data: "Application of A Phenothiazine Group Derivative in Some Internal - Diseases* Authors: 1USJ,OR7 JerZy "a,w. Cj_Nr1zyS I? to f Zof ia ape 9e1643 SZMEKLIK, Edward; BOGDANIKOWA, B011ta; GjUAZKOWA, Zof ia Behavior of lipoprotein T fractions in arteriosclerosis. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 32 no.3:381-390 162. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr med. E.Szczeklik. (LIPOPROTEINS blood) (ARTERIWOLLiMIS blood) SZCZEKLIK, E.; PYZIOL, A.; GAIAZKOWA, Z. Behavior of lipoproteins in the blood serum and haparinocytes in the blood in myocardial infarction. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no-3:215-219 165. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: prof. dr. E. Szczeklik). GADIZ4ovJ4, V..; A. ........., t,~Lavior of seromucoici in the blood serum in earA'y phaseo o- vtiyocardial infarction. Kardiol. Pol. 8 no.2:119-123 165. ,. Z III Kliniki Chorob ~'cwnetrznych AM we ~rcclawiu (Kierowni--'~- prof. dr. E. Szczeklik). FA C i: R -c ---------- AT6034485 SOURCE CODE. UR/oooo/66/ooo/000/0023/0029i AU-MOR.- Floyshman, N. P. (L'yov); Galazyuk, V. A. (L'vov) ~CRG: none TITI-7: Concentration of stresses in the vicinity of an alliptio opening in a non- slanting spheric shel.1 SOURCE. Khar1kov. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Dinamika i prochnost' mashin (Dynamics and strength of machines), no- 3,- Rharkov, Izd-vo Xharikovskogo univ., 1966, 23-29 TOPIC TAGS& stress concentration, stress distribution, spheric shell ABSTRACT: The problem of stress concentrations in the vicinity of an elliptic opening. in a spheric shell is generalized to the case of a non-slanting spheric shou with an elliptic opening of finite size and of arbitrary eccentricity. As shown by V. Z. Vlasov in 1962, the problem is expressed by four differential equations -V'1w1+t,jwj-0 (j=0,1.2) (1) VRX + 2X 0, (2) where RI + (4), V -AB B M] Card 1 /2 A dLa) d~ (A 00 Alb'o34485 The bending u) is the sum of W 1, -a) , and 7j' 3found by the solution of Eqs. (1) and (2). The components of the stress- and defoi-mation state are given by the functions -W = 'w (0~ , (- ) and I (0~ ,D ). By choosing proper coordinates, the equations are solvcd by separation of variablbs, and the problem is reduced to the dotenaination of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the differential equation of Iameth with periodic boundary conditions. Orig. art. has: 45 equations. SUB COM Zo / SUBM DATEi OIJun66/ ORIG RUs 009 Card 2/2 CHMIACHEIIII-0, V,11,-; GAL-EMI, lu.V. Best electric power plant of the economic council of Rostov. Energetik 10 no.102-34 Ja 162. (MIRA 14-,12) (Rostov.--.E:Lectric power plants) T.-z" 5 EPA -2 kilo 0O.W.64/10M /00, A. 0- j:- or A Clot' lahief'en In6er)(Cialjovijli ~Suiiitidll a g AUlMDRi Draga-MOSs -Ovid der Deng, naei)(draiova); G& tico f TITIS: ExperimantAl investigations on the;;Btarting: characfjo_ 11) OPCWM'OuVi' and asynchronous e3jactricall rotatinF.-~~ Lhis, WEt Electrotehnica., no~ 8s 196ho 89 29h: s oul le 6ic rota~tng; TOPIC TAGS: electrical.pomqr:eneineering,: e 0 6. pipmoat Hq Abe et tra LAuthors' English surnmeo,m6di~iedj. iperi~vtehtal An e)~ the character iati ce M s udy of %)0; t6:-.1.1 chronous machines. Synchronous machines with -powers ~pf :1 000 kilowatt were studied, especitaly ~~Viith regaxd dto the ;dependence of the conpling during the starting propeas 6C~Iie iension and resistance to which the.excitizig:vindin nected, For asynchronous motorb,,th6 relation betir#On J16 4 jeharacteristia-M f(sYa _Ao~. t4e 'qt and inoM _type, 7-T 7 03L-jg'.~ art.~ -has 2 fi 4 167~ 5 hS i 2 gureal- grap 0 ~shd Ubles: .V2 CW V t ACCEMON NRS AM15210, AD .,:-ASSOCTATIOIA UEM 0611 2 at63' (xo:k Y2. - 90 o' 000-' 4FR& OTM m FSF -SN l::-~,.iH! if" 1 10. i.- -ire' J'i 7, i')"~ 212. 41 DRAGANESCU, Ovidi,,i, inv. (,;rilovq); (ULBENU, Glworghe, Inir. (Craiova); Cristea, Nicolae, ing. (Cra.Lova)" Influence of thp nature of the cage material on the starting parameters of synchronous machines. Flectrotehnica 13 no.2: 41-45 F 65. '. "Electroputerell Plant, Craiova. Submitted November 27, 1964. Nx,i 605-3-1211 SCURCE CODE: RU/0004/65/000/002/0041/0045~;-'----:;- AUTHOR: Draganescu, Ovidiu (Engineer); Galbenu, Cheorghe (Engineer); Cristea, Nicoale:i-,----"--- (Engineer) ORG: "Eleetroputere" Works, Craiova (Uzinele Mlectroputere") TITIE: Influence of the nature of cage material on the starting parameters of synchronous machines SOURCE: Electrotehnica, no. 2, 1965, 41-45 TOPIC TAGS: electric motor, electric engineering ABSTRACT: Experizental studies on the behavior of the NSA synchronous motor (630 kilowatt, 6 kilovolt, 1,000 rotations per minute) with various metals as cage material leads the authors to rec nd the proper materials in terms of the desired characteristics. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 1 table. [Based an authors' Eng. abet.] [JFRS1 ve SUB CME: 09 / SUBM DATE: 27Nov64 ORIG REF: 005 af UDC: 621-313-M. ('2 A/4 0` C-11 :14 an(' Tr,-A,-:- AUTHORS: Yur*,ye--,-, Yu. K~, Sadovaya N. K., Gal I bersa+r A--JL- TITLE: Selenophane Chemis'kl:ry (Kharr-f-'ya salsnofena) -ynthesis of the 3-me thy, se' eacphene- dekqde and X. 3 2,3-as Well as 2.. 4--Xime thy! sele ac-pliene (X,, Sintez i 2.~~-, d-4metilselenofena) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obahchey Kh:Lmii, 19.58, Vol. 2B., Nr 3;. Pp, 620-624 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the ic-dination and reacii.on with met-allo-organic compounds of the sel *Pncphene nucle,.is in 3--me-thyl~:eleaophene ani 2,4- dimethylselenophene (Ref 3) the au'hors assumed in consequance of ~he analogo-;s struct-a-re :f selenc.- and thiopher-e that therta m-,~st be also an analogy with respect to the,-r chemizal p:,-oper-11-les, Therefore they assumed a priori "hat in the 3-methylselenophene the substitution of hydrogen 'ry ied-ine ia a~,%ompanii~l lby th~ formation of 2--'-odo--3--metliyl.s,?'-,?,.-~.opheae-. which after th~ action of Card 1/3 lithium pher-yl and aftqr ~;,~zbonizaTt-on conve-rts to 3--methyl- Selenophene Chemistyy X. Synthesis of the 3 ~ me thy!, he ne- _2 -Al-de!7,Yde Pr'-~ 2,3-as Well as 2~,I-Dimrzthy'tse-e-iopl-,i?,-.e ,qe,-encphp-qe-.2--c~arbo-.cyl--~:. a.Lid, They alsc concluded that -4P the iodinalkian of 2_4 -dime thy is e1 er,:~pher%e the substit-a-zicii of kydrofen by iodir-e in the position 5, i:~f the rucle-,.~o takes place at a formation of 5-iodu-2, Therefore, arter '.'cs met-al reaction and carb.)nization they attributed to the final prcd~ac--' the structure 2,4-dimethyl- sel enophene - 9 -c; orb oxy Ito acids The proof had, however,, to be given that -1n the presepce of a niethyl group in the position 3 of 'the selenophene nu_-le,.~s hal-genation and mercurizati"On actually take place Ln the positlor~ 2 and that also with th-.-s subst;.tutiun Tea--tion takes pIace in position 9. in the 1),-esent wo:7k onvincing proof is furnished for this orientation with regard to 3-methyl- and 2, 4- dime thyl z e'L enophene in the "odination and mercurizati(-,r-, For the synthsis of 2 '.4-limathylselenopher~,e the authc--s ased the 2-nrhyipentPne-"z)'. whIch was added to the reactica wit". selenilum dloxide ir, the p-resence of chromi'm xL o Jde and alim'"rium oxids, as we',.' as to the reaction with metall-I-C 3eleri-um t1sce mentioned reaction Pro2eas),_ PrCM Card 215 this can be seen that f r,:~m the pr,-,cpzs on:.y Selenophene Chemistry T9-28 -12/61 1; X. Synthesis of the 3-methylselenophene-2-Aldehyde and 2,3-as Well as 2P4-Dimethylseleno-phene one 2,4-dimethylse'lenophene could be ohtained. For the synthesis of 2,3-dimethylselenophene the 11-methylselenophene was used the formulation of which leadsto an aldehyde to which the structure 3-methylselenophene-2-aldehyde was attributed; this could be supported by expeziments. This aldehyde converts `0 3-methylselencphene-~-carboxylic acid in oxidation, and to 3-methylselenopherie-2-carbinol in reduction. In the investigated reactions of halogenation, mercurization and formulation of 3-methylselenophene it was also proved that the substitution of hydrogen takes place in'the position 2 of the selenophene cycle (see formulae). There are 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet. A^M^^Yn' MT^IT "o3kovskiy gosudaratvennyy universitet Noscow State University) SUBMITTED: February 45. 1957 Card 3/3 50) SOV/79-29-6-44/72 AUTHORS. Yurlyev, Yu. K., Sadoiraya, N. K., Gallbershtam, 14, A. TITLE: Chemistry of Selenophene (Khii,,iiya selenofena). XVIII. Synthesis of the Isomeric Trimethyl SelenODhene and of Tatramethyl Seleno- phene (XVIII. Sintez J.zoraernykh trimntilsalenofenov i tetrametil- selenofena) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, lir 6, PP 1970 - 1973 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors continued their investigation on the methyl homo- logues of selenophene (Ref 1 ). They made use of the possibility of a subsequent formylation of the selanophene and the reduction of the aldehyde group into the methyl group for the synthesis of the trimethy'. selenophene and of tetramethyl selenophene, hitherto unknown. The synthesis of 2,3,5-trimethyl selenophene was based on 2,3-dimethyl selenophene which, by the action of dimethyl formamide, led to the 2,3-dimethyl selenophene-5-al- dehyde. This aldehyde yielded tho 293-dimethYl selenophene-5- carboxylic, acid in the case of oxidation with silver oxide. In the reduction according to the general method by Kizhner (Ref 3) Card 1/3 the 2,3,5-triinethyl selenophene was obtained. Chemistry of Selenophene. XVIII. Synthesis of the SOV/79-29-6-44/72 Isomeric Trimethyl Selenophene and of Tetramethyl Selenophezie CU CH 3 ]F~L~ CH .CHqCH3 CH -jj CHO C N/ 3 So 3 Se 3,4-dimethyl selenopherio served as initial product for the syn- thesis of 2,3,4-trimethyl selenophene. Its formylation yielded 3,4-dimet.hyl selanophene-2-aldehyde the oxidation of which led to the 3,ii--;dimethyl-selanophene-2-carboxylic acid. In the re- duction of 3,4-dimethyl selenophene-2-aldehyde 2,374-trimethyl selenophene was obtained, which servedas initial product for the synthesis of tetramethyl selenophene. In the formylation of 2,3,4-trimethyl selenophene 2,3,4-trimethyl selenophene-5- aldehyde was obtained, which in the case of oxidation formed 2,3,4-triuietY.v1 selenophene-5-carboxylic acid, in the case of reduction 2,3,4,54etramethyl selenophene (Scheme 2). Fron the two isomeri.; trimethyl selenophene only 2,3,4-dimethyl seleno- phene yielded the 5-chloro mercuri-2,3,4-trimethyl selenophene by means of mercurization; the 2,3,5-trimethyl selenophene did Card 213 not enter this reaction. There are 7 Soviet references. Chemistry of Selenophene. XVIII. Synthesis of the -- SOV/79-29-6-44/72 Isomeric Trimethyl Selenophene anti of Tatramethyl Selenophene ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstirennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: may 99 1958 Card 3/3 YUFOYEV, Yu.K.;. GALIBERSHTAM, M.A,,..; SADOVAYA) N.K. Chemistry of selenophene. Part 261 Reactions of 2-chlorometh.Yl- selenophene and its homologs. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1301-1307 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni. M.V.Lomonosova. (Selenophene) YURtYEV, YU.K.; SADCIVAYA, N.K.; GALIBERSHTA14, M.A. Chemistry of selenophene. Part 35: Chlorometbylation of selenophene and its homologs. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no.1:259-263 Ja 162. (MA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosava. (Selenophene) YUR I YEV, Yu.K.; GALIBERSHTAM, M.A. Chemistry of selenophene. Part 39. Condensation reactions of 2-chloromethylselenophene. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.10:3249-3252 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.V. Lomonosova. (Selenophene) (Condensation products (Chemistry)) YUR'-YEV, Yu.K.; GALIBERSIITAM M.A.; ROZAMSEV, G.G. 4 Selenophene chemistry. Part 1+1: Reaction cif 2-chloromethylselenopherie withmi, alcohols. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.21:3562-3567.,Iq 162. (IIIRA.15:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvonnyy umlvorsitet imeni MN. Lomonosova. (Solonophone) (Alcohols) YMIYEV, Yu. X.; ~JIIBMSRTAM, M. A. Chemistry of selellopbenee hirt 421 SYnthssiB Of t6trftSu'bDt'- tuted otbylenediamines of the selenaphens aeries. Zhur. ob- khIm. 32 no,*12:3922-3925 D 162. (NM 16:1) 1. Moakovskiy gooudaxntvenrqy univernitet imoni M. V. Lomonomova. 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