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KANEVSKATA,j_S,M,-j RADZYUKEVICH, T.M,,, KITAYEVA, LA; SOKOLOVA, N.N. Introduction of a rapid drying SM-1 binder. Lit. proizv. no.10t 5-6 0 163, (MIRA 16112) KAh'FVSXAYA, T. D. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Investigation of*the Fabrication Process and Properties of Hollow Axles Cast by Centrifugal Method." Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Higher Technical School.imeni N. E. Bauman, 20 Oct 47. SO: Vecherp=a Yoskva, Oct, 1947 (Project #17836) MNEVSKAYA, T. B. FA 62T34 OVemits or a Caderenes an Centr~ fv~m3 Casting'" it. B. rewwamys.. Cmalast* Tech act, 41 vp Oust Slow NO 3 Cantriflual method paults castIng or metal part-q withmt wW fIntabl". At the same t1me, such foroUp materIal as metal partlelas or a1rholes 1s Omtritweed to the center. The amount or metal used In also cut dam. Gives some Information on the technology at 64atriftal outing. 62"k K tq vv,~- vS 1y f-) "V-' -' - - -- - - - ZKgrfUNOT, P.P., kandidat tokbuichookikh nauk; UUTSKATA, T.B.0 kandidat tokhate.hookikh nauk. - "ifal j*stjvf-of radial and "tal-flow turbodrills, [Ift"] Izparlso Nm no.45VII#3-253 55. (KM 1096) Mmmdry. re"wmb) (Iturbodrills) .XAJWSICAU, T-S., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk. 7,4-- p Contilfugal casting do-foctq_and ways t4..avold then. [ThW] KM no.45rl65-175 155. (Nm 1016) (Centrifugal castink) PRAM I BOOK KUWITATION lo64 lhmv~kW, 2mLra Borlsovus and Konstantinov, Iamid 11erseyevich mashiny I tekbnologlya teentrobetbnogo lit'7% chog=nYkh trub (Nachines and Tech- nology of Centrifupl Casting of Pipes) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1958. 275 P. 4,000 copies printed. 2d.: Mmaklao N.V.j Nd. of PkiblishIng House: Gol)ratkizix, A.G.; Tech. Ed.: V&Mh- toya" YO.B. PUME: go pupose of this book Is to serve as a mammLl for train' centri- f%gal casting machine operators. It may also be =ed to improve the skills of personnel in centrif"a casting shops. The book vas vritten in accordance vith the vrogran of the Glxma7s vprayleniye trudovykh reservov (Chief A01daistretion of Obor Wservea) .under the UM Council of Min' r8. COVEM: This book consists of two parts. Pkrt S deals vith the historical do- -relovisent and the principlas oi ::astlM. Preparation of the vulous types of molds and cores and the properbies of metals and alloys are described. Part 2 Is devoted to the principles and methods of centrifugal casting of gray cast iron pipes. Varions types of centrifugLl casting mchines and their maintenance Card 1/10 Machines and Technology of Centrifugal Casting (cont.) 1o64 an d1scumsed. The authors also mention safety engineering in centrifugal cast- Ing shopso end also soge of the engineering and manalprial problems connected with it. There are numerous diagram, graph$, and illustrations. No person- &lities are mentioned. There are 7 Soviet references. TM OF CON21M.- Utroduction PM I. PKMMZS OF FOUMM OPERMONS 7 Ch. L General Wormtion 9 1. FWAwimntAls of fouadry work and Its importauce in mchl buillin 9 2. Brief historical outline of the development of foundries in car covatry 11 Ch. 3:1. Noldina Materials and Mixtures, and Testing 2bem 14 1. Testing for water content 15 2. Determination of clAy content 16 out 2/ IV 1kchtnes and Tachnology of Oentrifqpl Omating (Cont.) 3- Determination of gmin camosItIon 4. Testing for premeability to Sums 5- Udw"ce to at 6. Male misterials and caqposition of moldl and core - 7. Classification of mold compounds 8. Pftiamt1an of mold and ooze compamads Ch. M. Ibldim Pmetice 1. fttt*rns 2. Core-ml-Aft boms 3- Mb1dW tools 4. rl"ka 5- Basic methods of molding 6. Assemblyp clampings and loadin of fl"ks 7. FUndmawntals of machl molding tacbn:Lqm 8. Preparation of come 9. Drying of molds and come 10. RIAers Cszd 3A0 lo64 17 5 19 22 26 29 29 30 31 33 34 39 39 43 48 52 Machines and Tbcbn-alogy of Centrifugal Casting (Cwt.) io64 Ch. IV. Metals and Alloys. Structure and Properties 55 1. ftrdeture of metals, and alloys 55 2. General characterlstics of the properties of alloys 57 3- Mechanical rtles of alloys 58 4. Castobtlity of alloys 60 Cast irm,, Its structure and prWertles 67 Chemical ecaposition of cast irm and Its effect an the structure of castings 71 7. Zffect of cooling conditions on the structure of castings 71 Ch. V. Tsebalque of Melting Ibtal 73 1. Charip, fael, fluxes 73 2. Melting in cupolas 74 3. Crucible furnaces so 4. reverberatory (fisne) fumces 80 5. Opsn4warth furnaces 81 6. RUctr:Lc furnaces 82 7. ft&U Besoever converter 83 Ch. V1. Making or ingots 84 if POWIMA 84 Cut 4/1o Machines and TechnOIO97 Of COntriftP1 Casting (CMt-) lo64 2. lad]* machudsms 84 3- SbaIdug-out and clowin of castings 88 4. OrMudsatIon of cleaning hosess 9e 5- Male tMPs of 48fects In C"tftP ge 6. wthods of repairing imity castings 94 7. b tric control In fawdrIes 95 Ch. VII. keetal Casting Methods 99 1. Casting In permanent m*Ms 99 2. Preamm casting 104 3. Lwastment, casting 10Q, 4. Casting In shell molds Ill 5. ContimMous Casting U4 PAN II. CWRIFUSAL CAVM Ch. VM- General Thformation, an Centrifuol Forces sad Centrifugal Casting U5 1. The three basic lex-s of mechudes 115 2. CentrIfugal, force and Its practical application 117 3- General information about centrINPI casting 121 Card 5/10 Nfthl"As and 2!cbwlogy of CentrIfqp1 Outing (Cant.) lo64 Ch. IX. Physical Priucip3es of Centrifopl Outing 126 1. ftee surface of a outing vith vertical axis of rotation 126 2. Free surface of a outing with horizontal axis of rotation 129 3. Convection curzents in molten wtal amd solidification of casting subjected t:) centrifeaLl forces 131 4. Separation of nonmetallic inclimions from molten astal subjected to oentrIfW;al forces 136 5. Liqation. of metal subjected to oentrifagsl forces 140 Ch. X. Required'Speed of Potation of the Hold 144 1. Mq)ortance of the speed of rotation of the mold in Wrl n stayed castings A5 2. Mqportance of speed of rotation of sold In mak-4-ug hollow cyliwirical castings 146 3. Determination of the speed of rotation of the mold 149 4. Determination of the speed of rotation in vorking vith vertical Mch'Ines 152 5. Swtation regime for wAing thick-valled castim" 1~6 6. Dwtation regine for asking castings from llj4ting alloys 158 Card 6/10 Weblues and Tacbnology of OentrIftWl Mating (Cont-) lo64 Ch. LT. bletering of Multen bletal i6o 1. Wtering of wtal In mwXnes for short c"tings 166 2. lletering of metal In machines for casting pipes vith novable dies and pouring troughs 165 Ch. M. Protective Hold Coatings 168 Ch. X121. Clanazal InformtIon on Oentrifugal CastIng of Cast Im Pipes 172 1. 2YWs of cast Iran pipe &M their application 172 2. ftlef history of the development of centriflapl pipe casting 174 3. Various mthods of centriftaLl mating of pipes 17T 4. Buie deelpm of amatrifugal casting machl a 179 Ch. XIV. Varims'Compoments of Centrifugal Mating Wchlnes 184 I- More 184 2. Cooling arranipmats 188 3- lb3lars 191 4. Tmnsimissions 19T 5. Dr%kUW mchmalaw 200 Cwd T/ 10 Machines and 7~cbnology of CenIvrifqp1 Casting (Coat. 1064 6. Pburing arzansements 2W 7- 1byless for extractlng pipes from the sold 204 8. I&rication SYStf M - 206 Cho XV, Tips and DesIga of Clentrifim' Meting Mehl a 208 I* Nkchims M= casting Phil' d pipes for subsequent anvealixg 208 2. NwhInes for casting pipes in heated metal moldo without oub- n ICoat armaling 210 3- *cMws for costing pipes in aM molds 212 4. Mhchlnem fOr-$%~ MIXRLUg aMd sbaknout machines 214 5. Main of molds with s~W by the volling-om, method 216 Ch. XVI. Assembly and Balan ing of ClentrItagal Costing Nschineo 2M Cho XM. Iftlutenance of Clentrifugal Casting Nschines 227 1. TMs wA schadule, of maintenance ojpzstions 2. Movator7 of esnatIal qm pwrts :2 3. Order of assembly, dismontlIng amd maIntenenev 229 4. Adjustment SM balimebig during malatemace ajerations 229 5. Masjoction and coutrol of assembly &M operation of oentrIfopl casting web, a 230 Cud 8/10 Machines and Technology of Centrifugal Casting (Cont.) 1o64 1. General rdles for the protection of vorkers and safety engineering 268 2. ftfety engineering In centrifMa casting 269 3- r1ret aid 270 4. Organization of labor and of work place of the machine operator 272 AVAIIADLE% Library or Cougross- Card 10/10 GO/fal 2-18-59 18(5,7) SOV/128-5q-6-23/25 AUTHOR: Konstantinov, L.S., Paykovq Aolat Kanevskaya TOP Candidates of Technical Sciences; Lebedev, AssJotant Profesoort Levint Novikov, P.G. Rozen- felld. S.*Ys. and Khakhalin, TA.D., Candidates of Techai- cal sciences TITLE: Letter to the Editor PERIODICAL: LiteynoyeProizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 6, pp 44-46 ABSTRACT: the authors begin their letter to the author by lis- ting the difficulties, when explaining the basic terms of mechanics and generally of every science. Since the time of Newton there existed diffir,-ulties in explai- ning and formulating correctly the term "power". With the development of the sciences during the recent years these difficulties have become ever. greater Thp Academicianp B.N.Ywrlp-rv is quoted from his book "Attoempted new Pormulation of the Pasic laws on Mechanics by Newton", Printing Office Academy of Sciences (TJ99R) Card 112 1952. But these new theories have had no influence on Letter to the Editor SOV/128-59-6-23/25 the practical work of the engineer. In the field of centrifu 1 casting B.I. Loshkarev has written an article rpublished in Titeymye Proizvodstvot Nr 8, 1957), in which he made the iollowing statement: 1) Me- tal is not influenced by centrifugal force and, there- fore, the existing theories on centrifugal casting, based on centrifugal forces, do not correspond to the physical properties of the process. 2) The theory of centrifugal casting is not confirmed by his experi- ments; 3) The factors of centrifugal cq:stinp are to be exPlailLed by other factors, like: tendenay forces# speed of chilling, temperature of the metal, process of crystallization. The autborarefute the statements of Loshkarev and call his comprehensions "unintelli- gible" and "unfounded". There are 1 diagram and 9 Soviet references. Card 2/2 VASIIZVSKIY~ P.F., kand. teklm. naukj DEMAKCV,, A.Ye.; PLEKRAVOVI P.N.; ASSONOV9 A.D.j VLASOVO V.1 -t-~~SWA ~TB ~SHLENTSOVO N.G.; I(rZHIKOV,, A.A.j RUBTSOV, NT, zasi. deyatl' nauki i tekbniki RSFSR, doktor tekhn, nauk prof., red.; MARTENS, S.L.,, red. i9d- va; BLIKIND9 V.D.9 tekhn. red. ! [Handbook on founding; shaped steel casting] Spravocbnik litei- abcbika; faeonnoe staltnce litle. [By] P.F.Vaailevskii i dr. Pod obshchei red. N.N.Rubtsova. MosWay Maehgisp 1962. 611 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Founding-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) XMVSIATA, T.N.,'red.; GMAINDTA9 Te.S.. tekba. red.; PMONAINAgA.A.,tekbo.rode ,- [World-wide goolallgt econonjo system] Mirovais sotsimlistichookain sistems khostaistva. Kovkv&~ Gooplanisdat. 1958. 559 P.(MM 11:12) 1. Akademlys usuk SM. Inatitut skonomikis Monomial) GROMOV. TO.A., LA.* red.; POKONARWA# A.Av, tokbn."dol IWTAp Yee$*& tskha*i%d* Ecisal In the fuel asomew of topllvzm kkestaistlis UkA. 243 P. Statese-cool) the United states] usel, T Nookwa. Gooplamisdato 1958. (KMA 1217) (waited VOLODARSKIT, Lev Markovich; XANXVSKATA, T.M., red.; GAMIKOVA. TO.S., (Decisive stop In the realization of the basic economic objective of the U.S.S.R.] Reshalushchii shag Y onushchostyle- nii oenovnoi skonomichookoi sadachi SSSR. Moskva, Gosplanisdat, 1959. 94 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Rassis-loonomic policy) ATMSNW, A.; ANMIS!M, L; DIIII, X.; BARABANDY, N.; DOGONOLOT, 0.; DRAGINGKIT, Do; IQM* To.; KOVAL'. To; INAKOW, Do; WFAR2. V.; SUMV, To-, LI2VTJIK0T. P., MURWTW. M.;, COOLINUIT. 9,; POWATIT~ I~uj TOLMOV. Aeg &M. V., rod.; M"Wq Pg. rsd,;K~~ 2.M., rod.; GRIMINCIA, Y*,S.. . i EXconomlo competition Utwoon the U.S.S.R. and the U.B.A.; a criticism of the views of Averiam 'bourpois economists] Ilmnamichaskoe sorevzo- vanis, mosbdu AM I $W; krltlkcs vogliedov amerikenWdkh Ursbusn*k skonomistow... Moskyap Gooplasisdats 1959. 240 p. (KIM.1213) 1e Moscow* Neuchao-lasledavotellskly skonoulchooldy Institut. 2. Setrod- alki skosomichookogo InstItuts'Gosplona UIM QOr all ozeept Note, L710TO zonevskays, Gerselsovs) (United. ustes-4bonomic coutitions) Obassis-306nomic 09"Itious) YAN TSSYMI-BXY (Yang Chien-pel]; WAODUROTSKAYA, V.S.; X(NOTALOT, Yo.A.; WMI DAMS [Kmn To-tl=gj; MMIX, I.P.; ~--UWWAIO 1-.S.-, M U [go U]; CEMM SY-TVANI (Owng MR-chlionh, VOINOW. A.N.1 ISIRYATEW, S.L.; IN. T.A.; SIMT, AoDeg red. .; ORMINOTA, Ye.S.. [Sconomy of the Chinese People's Republic, 1949-19591 Skonondke 91talskol Narodnol RespublIki, 1949-1959. Moskva, Gownlanisdat, 1959. 304 P. NIU 13:5) 1. ZavodWushchly sektarou okonouffid stran narodnoy domokratil Institute skonandkI A 3M (for 3%upow). (China-Aeonomic conditions) SAKBORSKIY. G.Ljj~~I~KAUt_Tt&,L_~sd.; GIULASIMVA. Y6.569, [Concise handbook an the seven-year plan of the U.S.S.R.] Krmtkii sprovochnik o moulletnem plans GSBR. Hookyu, (Ios- planisdat ig6o. 128 p. (MM l3t2) NUM916--scomomic policy) Z%FOV, Aleksay Dmitriyevick; Frimimla uchmattys LUKOYNIKOVA, Saves, kand. eel Oskokhoseamsk, sladshly muchayy sotrudnik; MR!SKAU. ?.Me. -q red.; WWBMVA, Tej,g tokhm,red, [Development of socialist agriculture In BulgmrIa3 Rmsvitle notalslisticheskogo sel'skop khosisistys v Bolpril. Moskva, Gosplanisdats, 1960o 273 p, (NIM 14:3) 1, Saktor skonomiki stran wrodsoy demokrotli Institute skonoodki Akadvall =* OR (for Aukervalkovs). (Bulgerim-AgrIcultures Cooperative) POPOV, Ivan Vaaillyevichl TOMASHPOWSKIY, lAon4d Markovich; KANEVSKAYA T&M.0 red.; SEMOV, L.V. red.; GEWIMOVA,, !I.- I 7 -e 7~3 * -p t e- U-n-o- - Ire-d * (The fuel pover supp3,v of the world socia.3-ist system) Toplivno- energetichaskaia baza mirovoi sotsialisticheskoi Bisteaq. Mo- skva# Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1964. 269 p. (MJUU 1713) BSLYAYNA, N.V.; KAMSXAYA. T.3- Acute hemolytic reaction (hemeglobtsurls, fever) is therapy with streptocido. no.9o48-51 F 'S5. MIA 8:12) 1. Is gespitallsoy I P icheakey terapewtichaskoy klialki (dir.-dayetwitelloWy chlea Ahademli meditelaskikh monk SM prof. Yo. N. Tareyev) sanitarzo-giglyenicheskogo fakul'tats, I Moskovskogo ordem Lemins, seditsinakogo instituta I detskoy bollattey Hookovsko-Kursko-Dosbanskoy shelemmy doragi (aschal'alk A.N.Galkim) (SULYANILANIIN, Injurious effects, wasula, hemolytic, with hemoglobInuria) (KWMMIWJRIA, eitloloff and pathogenesis sulfaelle-!Ide, allergic reaction) (AMIA. HIMLYTIC. etiology and pathogenesis sulfanilamide, allergic reaction) (ALLMN. to sulfantlam14s, causing hemolytic &zeal& with hemo- globlintria) LEVICH, A.M.; KHOROSHKOI A.F-;-AA"Y~KAYA, lasS. (KiYev) Hate made from oyntbetic materialm, Shveinoprom, no*2:29 W-Ap 161. (IMA :414) (Hats) S/020/61/1 41/002/017/027 B101/B147 AUTHORS: Z,,ib.,,-/, F. I., Lipatov, Yu. S., ar,,d Kanevskaya, Ye. A. TITLE: Dep-indence of the zonformaticn of a polymer chain in solution on the :,on.-entratior. of the latter PERIODICAL: Akadomiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 2, 1961, 387-388 TEXT: In previous papers (Vyookomol. soyed., .1, 432 (1959));(Koll- zhurn., 21; 598 (11960)), the authors found that on transition from dilute to concentrated Bolutions of polymethacrylin acid the temperature coefficient of viscoaity changes its sign. The present paper deals with this effect which is due to ~,hunges of conformation of the chain. The viscosit of aqueous solutions of polymethacryli~., acid (molecular weight 330,000~ with zoncentrations of 6.9 and 12-j'o was measured at 20-650C as a function of shear stress. A rotating viscosimeter of the Shvedov type was used for the purpose. Results are given In Fig. 1. This negative thixotropy is explained by zoiling up of chains under the effect of shear stress. This effect has ar. upper and a lowar temperature limit. The upper limit Is the temperature of gel formatiin above which the chains cannot coil up any Card I/# -~ S/02q6l/141/002/017/027 Dependence of the co."formation ... B101/B147 longer. Gel formation a,,an be explained Ly the fact that in coiled-up shains more COOH groups can react with each other. Thus, the conformatior L/ of polymer molecules in solution depends on the type of solvent and on the temperature and :oncentration of the soluti6n. A paper by N. F. BakOyev, V. S. Pshezhetskiy, and V. A. Kargin (Vysokomol. soyed., 1, 1612 (1959)) is referred to. There are I figure and 10 references: 87Soviet and 2 non- Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: J. Elliasaaf, A. Silberberg, A. Katchalsky, Nature, a, 53 (1957). ASSOCIATION; Institut fizicheskoy kh1mii Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute uf Physizal Chemistry of Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: June 20, 1961, by V. A. Kargin, Acade~ician SUBMITTED: June 12, 1961 Card 2AW KANEVSKAYA, Ye.A.; LIPATOV, Yu..S.; ZUBOV, P.I. Effect of addition agents on the structural viscosity of concentrated solutions of polymethaox7lic acid. Vysolcom.soed. 5 no.007-592 Ap .1163. (KMA 16t 5) 1. Institut fixicheskoy khimii AN SSSR i Institut obahelmy L neorganicheakoy khimii AN BSSR. (Wthacrylic acid) (Viscosity) U.'E"IrSTAYA, Y(;.!,.; ZUBOV, P.I.; I'LTUA, L.7.; lu.Z'. Tum.emture dependence of light -,.d -.riscoriVy of polymothacrylic acid oolutions. 'v'yvokor.. rjod. 6 V ,to 164 (111iA 18:2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy kh4..-..ii Ali SSSP. ,','=PFf: I IIEPRANP(j VT P: -4 M,t -~q:- -V at wll,~ m-tharrylate methacryl ic a:-~ F- Rf M,7 vy rnyy - F;-y--i TI. Frl"01,' NP: AP5016502 An-jilnr fo,, 2 hr and rapidly cooled revealed the formiation r i hh, in s f- rij,t ure th- high-elastic stmte, provided that in a similar manner yir-lded FLn:t ~w r- i ri h,-, e r i IT-- t rLk. e-, ,:ijaLinizo in tne CC'Ilrq;, r,' r, f- 7gs but fav-s the deveiopment of deCf--tS r~r 'riuse r,rn,.,o!-t 11 -F of th2- coatings. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. n, ASSOCI AT! ON Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L. Y a. KAr pova (Physicochemic I j Institute) Gosudarstvennyy nanchn iy romyshlennosti (State Desip and Planning 'i P,s-i- h i t -p-int Ind'Ist f L dM*,77FE: 07Jitl64 ENCL, 00 RM CODE n rIc- W) REEF NO REF SOV, 003 MIMRi 000 ATD PRM3: 4031 I Card 212- C d 5(4) BOT/20-127-3-38/71 AUTHORS: Urazovskiyq Be S., Kanevskayaq Z. M. TTTLE: On the Electrical Conductivity of Varioua-No.difications of Monochloroacetic Acid in Non-equeous..Bolutions PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadexii nauk 355R9 1959, Vol 127P Nr 3, pp, 612-614 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Monochloroacotic acid has two sono,trapia.-Alficationsp of 2s4:Lfio&,kJ--,a_And_.A_zith_& molt- which only th;,tvs stablu ing point at .2 and 5 are dL-L&.Ahe prea*nt paper. Acetone and dioxane water mixtu-so,aezzad-awrolvents. For measuring electrical, con duo t ivity.. ce worked out and described by the author~-in rafAr=c*..2*_, based upon a aches* by V. K. Semenobankat.-B. V;__Yszsf*yeY and V. V. 9eryinakiy was used. The authors -"I&TAlxksd the C 0f0 solutions in the concentration-intezrALof-l,--0.002 N : t 25 . For even greater dilutionap extrA4pplaticaL..vas carried out. Figure I above the equivalent EC. t=_tbs,_ itadificat ions a and P in acetone in dependence. -an_ d1lutian.-A-aassiderabl* difference in SC ( T) was fouad'for the two modifications as also for the solutions ia dtoxano. With an increase of tho Card 1/4 water content in the dioxans solution this difference vanishes. BOV/2o-127-3-38/71 On the Electrical Conductivity of Various Modifications of Monochlorancetio Acid in Non-aqueous Solutions Extrapolation was calculated according to Waldo's formula (Ref 4) + 65.7 ei rl" P where E denotes dielectric constant of the solvent, its viscosity. A further approximation for Ao was graphically ob- tained by suoc*selve approximation according to Fuoso and ~Ref 5) by Onsagtrls formula for electrical conductivity ~r:u% in considbration of the incomplete'dissociation Art Ix0 a (A+BX6)-TQ"cI a. A, B denote the electrophoretio and the rolazatl6p constant dependent on II and the dioloo- trio constant of the solvent, and a - the degree of disecoia- tIoA which may be expressed by a with (Z) - 1-Z -2 11-2 )1/2] 1/2) 1/2 Card 2/4 Ao With the help of (P (z) it in possible SOT/20-127-3-38/71 On the Electrical Conductivity of Various Modificatioaa.of lonochloroacetio Acid in Xon-aqueous Solutions to find the dissociation constantp and, in a more convenient form for graphical representation from the d*P$Ad*&GG Of OT2 upon At a X11 for which.-the same method of approxi- #7z 0 mation as already delyibedg may be uced forlhe purpose of finding a X" to 4 (n' . In the present paper only X; is 0 0 calculatedt which gave the limit AO(ct) a 59-17 and ko(p)a 59-38 for the two modifications. The degree.of dissociation was determined for dilutions 350 according-to the formula a2a 2 1 - a (the activity coefficient y was deterained ecoording to the Debys-Ruackel limiting law, I's wag found to amount to 6-75610-8 and K 12.28.10-8.- Figure 2 above XW for the two modifications a and P. It was found that the dif- Card 3/4 ference in 90 for a and P vanishes with increasing dilution. BOY/20-127-3-38/71 On the Electrical Conductivity of Various Modifications of Xonoohloroscotic Acid in Ron-aqueous Solutions It is assumed that the considerable difforence existing at higher concentrations is due to the different degrees of dissociation existing at different dilutionsp and that the latter depends upon the configuration of the molecule (monomeric configuration with internal hydrogen bond or chainlike configuration). There are 2 fi~;uree and 7 references, 3 of which are Sqviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskly politekhnichaskiy institut im. V. 1. Lenins, (Khar1kov Polytechniclnotitute imeni V. I. Lenin) PRESENTED: March 23, 1959j by P. A. Rebinderg Academician. SUBMITTED: March 20, 1959 Card 4/4 URAZOVSKIYp S.S. [deceased1l XMVSKAYA, Z.M. ------- Temperature dependence of the electric conductivity of the malts of certain polymorphic substances. Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no.3:296- 302 161. (MIFA 14:11) 1. Kharikovskiy politekhnicheakiy institnt im. T.I.Lenina. (Organic compounds--Electric properties) Lljlfl':Kly~ A.Ye.,, LITUMMKO, L.M.; SHUDINA, 1,.V.; L.Ya.; GOLIBEMOVA, A.S.j FAlll-V-Slt-yA.'-Z..tkl- Interaction of substituentr, through arurratic. rings llnl-ed 1 3 by a bridge group. Zhur.ob.khim. 35 no.12:20'3-2090 D 165. (?,!Iwi 29t1) 1. Kharlicovnkly politekhnicheqkly lnotit-i!. !m. V,!.lCn!,m, Submitted 14ty 28y '1964o USSR Cultivated Plants. General Problems M-1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhui-Blol., No 6, 1958~ 24929 a Author : Kanevskay - -Y . Oveyannivkova, M.A., Kozel- -kovi, N.T.- k'&skay& 0 L. V. Inst t Not given Title 10 The Application of the Luminescent Method of Determining the Viability of Agricultural Crop Seeds Orig Pub: V ob.: Lyuminestsentnyy analiz. Minsk, AN BSSR, 1956, 20-24 Diskum., 24 Abstract: During the time from March to May 1955 at the Central Seed Control Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture USSR the viability of seeds was de- termined in corn (r specimens, 50 varieties), flax (diverse varieties) and oats (18 specimens, 9 varieties) by means of the luminescent method, by Card 1/4 USSR / Cultivated Plants. General Problems. M-1 Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6. 1958, 24929 Abstract: dying with Indigo carmine and acid fuchaine in 0.1%.concentration an well as through germinating according to the siati standard GW1' 5055-49. Determinatio-ne,through these methods yielded exact results. With,the-luminescent method 50 seeds were.-slit..'open-along the embryo and spread out moist on.fllte~ paper In Petrie dishes along the half aide with the cut facing upwards and were viewed In ultraviolet light at an excitation 365 mus.usinga-portable Lyum-1 unit vdth a PRK-4 bulb'and an.,UFS:-3 11ghtfilter. The embryos of viable corii '_ seeds produced a bluish-violet fluores- cence, the brilliance of which corresponded to the degree of viability, while the embryos which were nonviable fluoresced yellowish white, brown, dark gray or yellowish green. The luminescence of the Card 2/4 USSR / Cultivated Plante. General Problema. M-1 Abs Jou*,,: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 24929 Abstract: Yellow luminescence of the embryo rootlets was eharacteriatic of the nonviable seeds. - B. Ye. Kravtoova card 4/4 9 /r/ /V v -51 / Y-" A), (:;!. GUDII, N.I., Insh.; STOLTAMM. D.1. ; IAIWSIIT, A.G. Xzpand large-block construction of apartment houses in all possible ways. Transp.stroi- 7 no.5:3-6 MY '57, MIA 10--11) (Apartment houses) P2OKWWTO D.V., lash.; a VWXA A&*--tMsh. Demonstration construction of houses along railroad lines. Transp. stroi. 8 no,11:18.-20 11 158. (XIVA 12: 1) (Tallroads-Buildings and structures) Wartiment houses) KANNVSKIT, A.G. On the construction sites of demonstration building. Tranap.etrot. 9 no.9:13-18 3 959. (MIxk 13:2) 1. Zamestitoll vochal'alka planovo-proizvodetyannago otdols Orgtranestroya. (Railroads--Construction) Okoad construction) (Hrdraulic engineering) SZSSARSYSKITt A.N,o lash.; XUWSKIT. A.0, Construction of the Abakan - Tayshet railroad. Transp. strote 10 no. 12:5-7 D 160. (MM 13:12) (Railroads--Construction) / I - (- I - ( ~, --j BYK(IVSKIY# VeSep kandotekhn,nauk; WEVSKIYv A.G.,, imb. Use of centralized commication system in the construction of now railroads, Transpestroi. n no.3:11-12 Mr 161,, (MRA 14:3) (Railroads-Construction) I insh, ,!4NEVSKIT, A,G., inah.1 KATROSOV, M.A., inah.; SOKOLOV, F.G." Let's raise the quality of construction in every vaye Transpestroi, 3-1 no.4:13-15 Ap 161. (Construction Imb, try) (MIM 14:5) LISXDVMp S.A.p Inshj IAMMMp A,O,p insh. Construction of tbo Abskin - Taphst Ilass Tramp.strois 12 no,los6-10 0 ?62. OaRA um) (Railroads-Zonstruation) BYKOVSK4; V.S.; KANEVSKIY._LXI-,,, PETROV, A.F.; BIRYUKOV, V.D., Insh., "Vetmen"at; DOBSHITS, M.L., insh., red6.... .. [Dispatcher control in railroad construction) Dispetcherskoe upravlenle shelesnodoroshnym, stroitel'stvom. Moskva, Trans- zholdorisdat,, 1963. 95 P. (MIRA 1635) (Railroads--Construotion) (Railroads-Design and communication systems) ASEUVS looTop lWhop LrA~~~ 10516 Au%136M at mobowk odwddft at the v%4p of Us oUbwk.- um or labw www"s *~ Wu"e OUVL, 33 mo~,U,35.36 see, DCMIL 3AIU) ISAYR, Alakney Illicq, prof.,, doktor tokhn. nauk; NOTRE, Viktor Yevasyevich; GOLMYN, U.K.,, in,4-, ved. red.;,~MVSKIY insh.,, red.j SHYSTSOVO G.V., takhn. red. [Fizi" silling of large surfaess-instead of scraping]Chistovo* freserovanie bol'shikh ploskostei vnesto shabreniia. Mbskva,, Filial Vses. in-ta naucbn. i tokbn. informataii, 1958. 29 p. (Per'sdovoi nauchno-tekhnichookii i proisvodetyennyi opyt. Tems t6- No. M-58-231/37) (MIRA 16:3)" (Metal cutting) t~l c 11 VE! F:4,kIn S. (A--tive memberl ln-,est4gation of signal iimitirR V. 4U, 110, '5~ TOP'A'- TACS: freq-tency carrverter, rn-general:vp 1! kun ZL 1-i modellt the effect of Lho- cr-in cn thi- ~h--BhOld "at i 0, thp. effect of the Input Down. 7 1, ACCESSION NR'*': APS014058 an ~d T.ChnjZ&j SoClety of hadio Engineering and Electrocommunf-catico . ~oaz~ ACCESSIM 981 AP!~2099 ER/OiO9/65/010/011/2067/2069 621-375-421.018.756.001.5 AUTHCEts Lobarev, A, 3,1 X#neyskV,_R. .1 Rtkin, VL TMS: Investlgation~ of superbroadband moden video- amplifierl !5' SOURCEt RadlotakWOU L elektronika,, v. 10, no. 11, 1965, 2067-2069 TOPIC TAGSt video amplifier 4u..A" 4-.,~~, ABSMCTt The gain of a modem Video amplifier, within 0-65D Mo, has been Investigated; a gain formula in derived by the directed-graph method, and 4 gain vs. frequencV curve is plotted. An experimental verification included a modulator and a demodulator connected via a suparbroadband circulator. Tho modulator of -balance-converter typs featured a wavegulde section with two conwted-ln- a reflex opposition parametric diodeal the section could be tuned by means of a plunger andi a three-probe UTedance transformer, The, 3ignal was applied to both diodes simultaneously through -the side wall of the waveguide. A superbroadband dateator -utput capacitance was used as a section with a D405H diode iwd a reduced n demodulator. The punping power wu 50-76 04 the modulator and the demodulator card 1/2 ca!0N ---- - ------ . .............. KANEUX11" prof.; MALYOVA.-HAI-OG., V.I_, dor"gent, "Henl'~h resorts of the U.S.S.R." Havlowed Ey G.L. gamivsklip V.I- Malkova-lUnWvs. Vop. kur., fiylolf~r. I lecti. fiz. kullt. 21 no.L:366-369 R-Ag 163. (YjP" 17.9) NANEVSKIY, G. L. YANEVSKIY, G. L. "physical and functional therapy in reconstructive surgery of the tendon- =ocular apparatual, In the collection: Boyeways, tmvma norynoy mistemy, Khar1kov, 19W. p. 264-70. SO: U-3261p 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurbal Inykh Statey No.11, 1949) j --U. --U. "The treatment of frostbite with radiant energy and therapeutic exercise in the open healing method"# Authores G. L. Kanevskiyj Ye. R. Taitritakiy, M. M. Us Levinson, end F. Y9. Droll in the collectiont Boyevaya travma nervnoy sistmy, MrIkov, 1948, p. 296-" SO: U-3261 10 April 53(Letopis - lurnal Inykh Statey No. 110 19/+9) KAI.T7SK-IY, 0. L. 20082 KANEVSKIY,, G. L. Vaesoyuznaya 0-peatonicheskaya konperentslya na plenume gravnykh respublikanskikh terapertar. Limckva. Okt. 19h8 r-7 Vracheb. delo, 190,, No. 6p stb. 561-68P 3(obg.) SO! LETOPIS 711URNAL STATET, Vol. 27, Moskva, 1949. GAUGAN, A.D.; ~rof.. doktor md.uaukg, otvorede - (lbalth wasortao sawtorl=s, and rest home of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] gurortyo sanatorit I dam otdykba U=. KharIkowe Ft.2. [Crime ]Province; bibliography of Russian literature 1920-1955] Krymkmla ablest'; bibliograflis otachostvonnoi lite- rat=7 1920-1953-g6. 14%1) 1. Morkow, Dershov" mankove mdyehns bINIlotokp. 2. MavAyy biblio- grat MwrlkovWW gosudwetviewwy narachagy ditelaskoy blbllotekl Kintaterstva sdravooMrarAnlys USSIt (for aeligan). (BIBLIOGRAM--MMA--MUNH USMS. WATMING FLACM. WC.) KAUTSKIT. G.L.; MAIKOVA-RYABOYA. B.L. Forty years of physloal therapy In the Ulcraine. Yop.kur.. fialoter. I loch, fit.kullt. 22 no.5t4l-46 8-0 '57. (KIM 11-2) 1. Is kafedry fisioterpli Ukrainakogo inatituta usoverbeenstvova" vrachey (41r, - doteont I.I.Owmiyonko) I Kharlkovskoy oblastacy klinicheakoy ballmologichaskoy lechobaitey (dir. - lmndidet uedt- tminskikh nauk P.L.Sbpak) (UMAXIM-PHYSIUL T=Wr) K NO r. v XAUV"rT A."A' Uouditioned response reactlow In p)Watothorapy. Yopokar.fintoter. I lochsfisokulOts 22 no,6t22-24 N-D 157. (MMA 1112) Is Zov~dWuhohiy ketedrer fistoterpii Mmimakogo institute usovershoustTovo stye vrobboy (OLir. - doteent I.I.Ovetyenko) FMICAL TMNLwr) vDiflow Rurms) M IMMATIOTAT RATB--OMIOLOGIUL ZMCT) KAMSM# G.Log prof, lAttOr to tbs Oftt0r, Up. kiw.9 fisioter. i lacbe fis, kallt. 23 no-4073-375 JI-Ag 160. (MVA 23s9) 1e Zu"d. kkfsdrOY f1slOtOrsPU Mcraiukago inatituta usoversbonstvo- vaiiya vracher. (AIR, IOWISRD) UMCHIIISK17p A.R.j prof.; OSIPOV# B.L.p prof. -IUMM-MABOVA9 B,,L*t doteent R*M. Svidler; on his seventieth birtloiday, Voy, kur, fizicter. i lache f19. kullt. 25 no. 5t460 S-;O 160teu (MTU 13:10) (SVIDLER, SWIL MIKHAIWVICHt IM-) STAROBWKIYo Ii;Ms) Z-of.; OBROBOV, A-N-o prof.; YAA'VSKIY, G.L.0 EYA MILI'lls o V. so prof.; PARnNO'Vp As?, P p2wi5f-. Resolution of the A32-Union Methodological Conference on Problems in the Teaching of Physical Therapy in the Medical Institutes and in the Institutes for Advanced Training of Physicians (Leningrad, January 27-28., 1961). Vop. kur. , fisioter. i loch. fiz. kul It. 26 no.4:373-376 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 15:1) Is C~i- dent ANN SSSR (for Obrdaov). (PHIZICAL THERAPY-STUDY AND TEACHING) KRAVCHINt Felike IvanovichIJAMBM. 1.1, reteemsent; IAPINAp N.V.# reteenzent; D=AXUW.,__T.Lq mauebrgy red.; SHAKHROVAp VA.., red.1 SHISHKOYAj, LJ4.j, tekhto redo [PlanniM and organisatim of the repair of ships] PlanirovaM* j arganizatsila ramU sudov. wngrmd, Goe.soiu2noe isd-va oudontroit* Pro3W*blo# 1961o 158 po (MIRA 15:2) (Ships-44aintemme and repair) KAI,,-z-VSKIY, 1. 11. "Diffraction of a Convergent Cylindrical Wave on a Cylinder and a Sphere." I pnper presented at the 4th All-Union Conf. on Acotistics, Moscow, 26 May -1r Jun 58. 46-4-10/17 0THOR3:Y.r-nevsl',:iy, I.N. a-zid A:Tau-7-Dl'ny*,~h, K.A. TIME: Colloquium ou RI-Cliat-J.:)n I"2ezsure (I.-,'ollol,:vium po radiats- iormomu davlcniyu) "--'-L -RIODICX~: kkustichesc-':iy Zhurnal, l)57, Vol.11I, 1!r 4, -;.366-'67 (USSR) 133T-~bICT: This c. qrt an the Colloqu-1vu.i 1-.-' toolc jacce on the 20-21 7'ay, aU ".1arocilleo, v.-iich was ormnisad by XIAILABLI:J: Library of Congress. Card 1/1 1. Radiation pressure-Conforence-Report KANEVSKIY, I. N. and ROUNBEM, L. D. Acoustical Institute of the AcadenW of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow "Diffraction Pattern near the Focal Line of a Converging Cylindrical Wave" paper presented at 2nd International Congress on Acoustics, Cimbridge; Mae., 17-23 June 1956. So: B-100200 FAUTHUX. -Kanevskiy, I.N. and Rozenberg, L.D. 46-1-6/20 TITIA: Evaluation of the sound field in the focal region of a %lindrical focusainLoystem (Raschat zvukovogo pola v fokalnoy o lasti toilindriche oy fokusiruyushchey sistemy') PERIODICAL: "Almstioboaktr Zhurnal" (journal of Acoustics), 1957, Vol* 1119 go* 19 pp, 46 - 61 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Romberg, 1) has evaluated the magnitudes of acoustic pressure and of velocity of oscillations along the axis (in the focus) of a cylindrical focussing surface. In the present article, the mathematical method of calculation of the acoustic field is given for regions in the prQx1mity of the focus$ both for infinite and finite lengths of focussing surfaces and for various radii of their curvature. It is assumed that the wave- lengbh is small as compared with the focal length of the system First, the general expression for the potential at any point of the region, as represented by the potential at the surface of the cylinder is derived by applying Green's theorem for the case of infinitely long cylinders with various radii of curvature. The potential then becomes the contour integral of the Han el function of the second kind and of zero order and of the potential and its derivative at the surface of the cylinder. Results permit the application of the same technique to cylinders of finite lengths. Rozenberg, 1) has shown that Card 1/2 fringe effects in this case may be neglected provided the distance from the end of the axis is not less than 1-2 Fresnel Zones. The analysis of the thus obtained formulae shows that SOV/46-5-2-4/34 AUTHOR: Kanevskiy, I.N. TITLrb: Calculation of Diffraction of a Converging Cylindrical Wave on a Cylinder (Raschet difraktsii akhodyashcheysym tailindricheakoy volnj na tsilindre) PERIODICAL: Akustieheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 151-156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses diffraction of a converging cylindrical wave on an Infinite c linder placed coaxially with the incident wave-front IFig.1). An expression for the potential of the resultant field and an asymptotic expression for the intensity of the scattered wave and the effective scattering cross-section are obtained. The results are compared with the case of scattering of a plane wave on a cylinder whose peri- meter is small compared with the incident wavelength. It is found that the expression which gives the intensity of the scattered cylindrical wave includes a multiplier which is a function of the angle supported by the cylindrical wave- front at the c7linder axes. wurthermore,in the case of Card 1/2 scattering of cylindrical waves, the Intensity of the BOV/46-5-2-4/34 Calculation of Diffraction of a Converging Cylindrical Wave on a Cylinder reflected wave Is proportional to the fourth power of the frequency, while in scattering of plane waves It to proportional to the cube of the frequency. The paper Is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgments are made to LeD. Rozenberg, G,D. Malyuzhinets, A.Ye. Villner ano 1P.N* Namentnikova for their advice. There are 3 figures and 2 references, of which I is Soviet and I a translation from English into Russian. A3SOCIATION: Akusticheskly Institut AN SSSR, Moskva (Acoustics Institute, Ao. So. USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 9, 1958 Card 2/2 24(l) BOV/46-5-3-5/32 AUTHORS Kano"kiy, I.N. ------------------- TITLIK s Calculation of Diffraction of a Convergent Cylindrical Ikve on a Sphere (Raschot d1fraktaii ekhodyashohoy*ya teilindrichoskoy voloy n& store) PERIODIWItAlmstichosicil &hurvAl, 1959, Vol 5, Ir 3, pp 294-300 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author discusses diffraction of an infinite convorgont cylindrical vavo on a sphere %hoeo, contre, lies an the wave axis. An expression is obtained for the resultant field potential so well assaymptotic expressions for the scattered wave intensity and the effective scattering aross- section. Those expressions are compared with the cAso of scattering of a plans, wave on a sphere whose perimeter is small compared with the incident wavelength, The paper is entirely theoretical. Acimowledazonts are made to L.D. Rosenberg,, G#D. Nalyushinsts, A-To. Villner, TX NamostAlcove for their advice and, to 3,0,, Astapoim for her help in nmerical calculations. There are 3 figures ani 5 references, 3 of 'Which are Soviet and 2 translations front Nnglish into Russian. ASSOCIATIOffsAkusticheskly institut AN SSSR, Masku (Acoustics Institute, As.Sc. V83R, Moscow) SUEMTTEDs May 9, 1968 card Vi- 9(293)9 28(2) SOV/115-59-8-26/33 AUTHOR: Kanevskly. I . I TITLE: Device for Measuring Ultrasonic Pields in a Liquid PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tokhnika, 1959, Nr 8, PP 51 - 54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For a detailed investigation of ultrasound fields of a complicated configuration, created by fccuoing ra- diators and focussing systems receiver is required, whose dimensions are smaller ihan the wavelength in the medium, and a precision coordinate device for its shifting. At the 2izicheskiy institut Ar, SSSR (Ins- tit-ate of Physics of the AS USSR) G. 1. Kaminir de- veloped a prototype of such a device under the super- vision of L. D. Rozenberg. Using this device, the diO-iibutlons of ultrasonic fields in liquids were plo,uted manually. Based on this experience, the de- vice described in this article was dove!-.)pod. The most complicated part is the coordinate device, shown in Figure 1, which was designed by Z. G. Levin. The precision coordinate device may be usid also for other investigations, for example, for determining the spa- Card 1/2 tial distribution of electromagnetic fields, tempera- SOV/'115-59-8-26/33 A Device for Measuring Ultrasonic Fields in a liquid tures and other physical magnitudes. Selsyn drives are used for automatic recording of measuring re- sults. Selsyn-transmitter ND-501 is driven by a 30- watt DVA-UZ motor equipped with a three-stage reduc- tor. Selsyn-receivers NS-501 and NS-404 are used for moving the coordinate device in horizontal and vertical direction. The coordinate device is opera- ted from a control panel containing relays of type MKU-48, a step-down transformer, a-24-volt rectifier and switches for Qhanging the direction of rotation of the selsyns. The measuring amplifier was descri- bed by Yu. B. Semennikov LRef 1 7. Por recording the measuring'results an electr6-n-ray oscillograph ENO-Vis used. A miniature feeler, described by Ye. V. Romanenko L'Ref 2_7 is used as a receiver. The feeler Is connected tio the preliminary amplifier. The diameter of the receiver head of the feeler is 0.2 mm. When working at low-amplitude ultrasonic frequencies a GBS-6 generator is used as transducer of electric oscillations for the ultrasound conver- Card 2/2 ter. There are 2 diagrams and 2 Soviet references. a 4/.. 4poo 6721 > At- I Poo cwrrr sov/20-129-4-14/68 AUTHOR: Kanovskiy. I. N. TITLE: The Analysis of the Fi*ld Distortions of a Plans Piez slectrd Radiator PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademli nauk 855R, 1959, Vol 1290 Wr 4, PP 766-768 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to obt in hnix ha-frequonoy ultrasonio waveng plane L_ Jors piezoelectric r:d a ore quartz or barium iiianale ceramics'),(,- Sri used. Re Bae ~ &Ad Be N* Rsheykin (Ref 2Y -ass-igaid. nearly simultaneously independent of each other that the fiolds mentioned in the title are insufficiently homogeneous. aoth authors started from The assumption that the flexural vibra- lion@ play the principal part in the produotion of the oblique beau@. Acoording to the author's opinion, there is no cause for a neglool of the possible influence of longitudinal vibra- lions. The prevent paper is now intended to check this assump- lion, Pirsig i1m, image of the surface vibrations of quadratic pi*soolooirio radiators made from barium-tilanate ceramics was investigated. Theme radiators operated at the resonance fre- Card 1 /4 quencies or 430 and 800 kilocycles in air. The image thus ob- 67253- SOV/20-129-4-14/68 The Analysis of the Field Distortions of a Plans Piezoelectric Radiator Asined was a negative reproduction of the Chladni figarsel it has a distinctly marked periodic structure. Part of this image is illustrated in an attached figure. The second figure shows the result of applying the photo-diffusion method during operation of the radiator in a liquid medium. Also in The letter case the character of amplitude distribution remained the same an In operation In air. At 800 kilooyoles the structure periodicity is reduced to about the half. The phase shifts measured at the frequencies of 450 and 830 kilocycle* In air and in liquids (water and iranof ormor oil) are near Oct A1 0 the maximum value of the phase shif to Aq remains below 40r. This Indicates that the symmetric transformer viViations play the main par$. Next, the amplitude distribution of the radiator surface vibrations in water are rooordedt and this distribution was then spectroscopically analyzed. The eighth component with the period 0.65 has the largest amplitude. The spoctrogran pormi$s conclusions as to the composition of the radiation field. Two waves correspond to the n-th component Card 2/4 of the sp*oirus, which propagate In the liquid along a straight 672!2- SOV/20-129-4-14/6e The Analysis of the fteld Distortions of a Plans Piezoelectric Radiator which forms the angle@ a a + are ein(nX liq /&) With the normal on to the radiator surface* Here X denotes the wavelength in the liquid and a the distance between the front surfaou of the radiator. That 00SPOnOAt of the spectrum the period of which Is equal to half the wavelength of the longitudinal vave in the radiator material has the maximum amplitude. The maxima and minima of pressure lie on straight lines, which are the bi- sootrioem of'tho-angl*o botween-the normals to the ways fronts. For the purpose of checking the formula for the direction of those bis*otriooop the author carried out experiments with radiators made from, barius-titanate ceramics in water. The oal- culated and the experimentally measured values of this angle are in good agr#ouent. It is further said that the author thanks Lo D. Rosenberg for his interest and for his attention' in connection with the present investigation. There are 3 fig- uresi I tableg and 5 references,, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akuntichookiy'inatitut Akad*aii nauk SSSR Card 3/4 (Institute of Acoustics of the Academy of joiencoys USSR) 67252- SOV/20-129-4-14/68 The Analysis of the Field Distortions of a ?lone Piezoolectrio Radiator PRZSZNTED: July 161 1959p by N. We Andrsysvq Aoademician SUBMITTED: July 15, 1959 q1 Card 4/4 8 77 81046160Y006101121103 3 424, 4200 BOOs/Boll AUTHORs Kanevskiyj 1. so TITLEs Experimental Investigation of Cylindrical Focusing System PERIODICAL# Akusticheskiy shurnall, 1960, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 123 - 124 TEXTs The author offers experinental investigation results of cylindrical focusing radiators &ad* of barium titanate ceramics. The distribution of the fields was recorded with a "microhydrophone" (Ref. 2) with a diameter of 0.02 amp and with a coordinate precision instrusent. Preliminar % Investigations of the radiators with aperture angles of 309 60, and 90 revealed a marked differsnoe between experimental and theoretical results in a fr*quenoy range of 600 - goo cycles (Fig. Fig* 2 shows-pictures of the same.radiator on two planes perpendicular to each other. As can be seeng the wave fronts differ from the cylindrical ones. In order to find the cause underlying this difference, 4K the author examined the distribution of amplitudes of the radiator our- face# The amplitude was found to be irregularly distributed, this irregularity exhibiting an evidently periodic character. Fig. 3 shows an Card 1/3 Experimental investigation of Cylindrical S/046/6%15/01/21/033 Focusing systems BOO8/BO11 xample of the distribution of amplitudes during the operation of the ; adiatoir in the air. The @&a* picture was observed with the radiator operating in a liquid. It reminds very much of the field distortions of flat radiators (Ref. 3)p which are chiefly caused by longitudinal standing waves in the material of a finitely large radiator. The irregular periodic distribution of amplitudes is equivalent to the presence of two waves heading toward each other on the radiator surface. These waves yield a radiation at an angle to the normal of the vibrating surface. This radiation distorts the field and reduce* the amplification coefficient of the converter. In order to reduce the field distortiong such a frequency can be selected for the converter excitation that the vibration producing spurious radiation has a minimum. amplitude (Fig. 4). The method of correcting the field 'by the operation of the radiator on non-resonant IV frequency con, howev*rg be applied only if no high intensities are re- quired. For the elimination of oblique beans arising during the radiator operation on resonance frequenoyp a semiwave filter of Duralumin was used. It was placed coaxially in front of the surface. in example of field distribution with filter is shown in Fig. I (Curve 3). After introducing the filter, the secondary maxima were appreciably reduced which entailed Card 2/3 8 OP77 Experimontal Investigation of Cylindrical 3/046 6 006/01/21/033 0 Focusing systems BOOSY3011 a rise in the asiplifioatieft Goeffioient. Its value was even somewhat higher than the computed one (by 23~). There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet references. UK ASSOCIATIONi Akusticheskiy institut AN SSBRO Moskva (Institute of Acoustics AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDe August 31 1959 Card 3/3 .,_-KLMSKIYO I.N. Steady forces arising in a sound field. Akust. thur. 7 n0-193-17 161. (NMA 14:4) 1. Akunticheokiy institut AN SSSRO Hook-va. (Sound) KANEVSKIYI I. N., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- ( "Research into cylindri- cally focussing systems-" Moscow, 1960 -12 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Acoustics Inst); 175 copies; free; (KL,,3-60, 1~0) 20234 AlUTHORt Kanovskiy# L Is 0 YITLEt Investigation of the fle16 straoture ultrasonic concentrator !.PERIODICAL* Akustichookiy shurnal* T- 7~ n: 1; 1941- 40-46 TEXTo , In an earlier paper (Ref. 1)v Kanevrki-1- 97 -.. :ta1c--1a-;sd the field, in, the range of a focus of a converging oylindri-.& "---t -.-i`h uniforn xa- plituds distribution over this front. The- obta:.:: '-,-=u1& permitting calculation of the field also in an angul;?: t e `,he 30ocus. Fur h r more, the author obtain# an expression f~;:: :.i ;olvential within range of the focus in which a uniform ampin lenanded. On the basis of the velocity potential ~.5 C where H (kR) is a Hankel function of second kltr,- F the distance between 0 Card 11P3 2o234 "W61/'007/001/004/015 Investigation oO the i, the em:*.ttinK av ;tr 1the obse-rrort the autho-r 4.nv-t!.ig&t*& the emission frcr .- surface part of a circular cylinder an4 producing a con- verg.- cylindrioa: front. Relation (3) is obtained for the veloci ty poten tial. v in '.he anplit-.~de velocity and its distribution over the our- where face of the cylinder. Ry means of this expression, the relief shovn in Fig. 1 was construnted. In the horizontal plane of this spatial diagram the 50 points of observation in polar coordinates are given, and in perpendicular direction the val,ias of the potent-lal modulus. A change in the aperture angle of the fron.' zerely changes the scale of field structures a decrease of this angle cauavr a flattening of structure. As these results hold onlyi for cylindrical fronts of Infinite length, in the followingg the depend nos of the potential on the length of the emitting surface is studied. Cal:ula-, tion, is simplified by ~he author's confining himself to investigating the field on the axis of the front. He obtains expressions for calculating the -Card 2/03 S/046/61/007/001/004/015 Investigation of the B104/B204 field and constructs the'diagram shown in Fig- 4, which shows the velocity potential as a function of h/f, vhere h is the half height of the emitter and f the frequency. The results here obtained theoretically are partly checked by means of a cylindric' I al emitter made from barium-titanate ceramics; Because of an inhomogeneous motion of emitter surface, this emitter produced an amplitude-modulated wave front# By means of a semiwave filter, the dle- turbances of the wave field could be suppressed. The survey obtained by theoretical calculation could be well verified. The amplitude distributionl' and the phase distribution of a ssmi-oylPdrical concentrator are shown in Figs. 6a and 69. The phase jumps by 180 as demanded by theory are satis- fied only for the zeroth and first maximum. With growing distance from the, front axis, phase disturbances and amVlitude curves increase. The author thanks L. D. Rozenberg for some valuable advices and A. D. Karyugina for his help in numerfoal computations and measurements. There are 6 figures and 7 SoVist-bloo references."'.,,;. ASSOCIATIONt' Akusticheakiy institut AN SSSR Moskva (Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSRt Moscow) Card 2LIAOL) (104,3 iqfll) 1 AUTHORs Kanevskiyt 3Lx,49 S/04 61/007/004/004/014 B139YB102 TITLEt A simple method of visualizing ultrasonic fields and fluxes PERIODICkLi kkusticheskiy zhurnal, V. 7, no. 4, 1961, 436-441 TEXTs The usual methods of visualizing ultrasonic fields are too complicated. The author describes a simpler method which is based on degasification of the liquid in the ultrasonic field. The model of a compressible sphere is considered to establish the correlation between bubble concentration and field distribution. Owing to the effect of the elastic forces in the standing wave field, such a sphere moves towards the pressure maximum and minimum, respectively, depending on whether its diameter is larger or smaller than the resonance diameter. The sphere is not affected by the field forces, if its diameter equals the resonance diameter. By comparing the bubble diameter with the resonance diameter the position of the bubbles in the sound field can be determined, using the relation d -1 W2 , where f is the resonance oscillation Card 1/3 0049 SAO 61/007/004/004/014 A simple method of visualizing B139YB102 frequenoyl,rmop/ov of the bubble gaal p is the pressure in the bubblel and is the density of the liquid irradiated with ultrasonics. The surface tension can be neglected. For visualizing the ultrasonic field in water by bubbles, has to be 1-141f - 1; and p-1.02*10 6 dyn/cm 2, thus almost atmosph 1pressure. The resonance d-am6ter,d, of the bubbles would be 6.57/f; the quantity d being expressed in mm, and the quantity f in kcps. The measurements were made with the apparatus shown in Fig. I at f - I Mci i. e., the visible bubbles were larger than the resonance 4 bubbles and thus concentrated in the pressure nodes. Experimental arrangement: A piezoelectric transformer I is placed in a liquid tank 2 where also a submerged lamp 3 is mounted. The tank 2 3 bottom and walls are rubber-lined and provided with rubber plates forming an angle with the incident oscillation. Thus, the waves are reflected repeatedly and damped. The field can be ovearved in the tank with the naked eye and photographed with the Card 2/3 30049 S/046/61/007/004/004/014 A aimple method of visualizing ... B139/B102 camera mounted above the tank. This method of visualizing standing wave fields is rvlatively sensitive (about 0.5 w/cm2). It is particularly suitable for visualizing ultrasonic wind. Thero are a' figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English- language publications read as follows: K. Youioka, G. Kawasima, Acustica, 1955, 5, 3, 167-173; K. Yosioka, G. Kawasima, H. Hirano, Acustica, 1955, 1, 3, 173-176; A. Carrelli, F. Porreca, Nuovo Cimento, 1953,.LO, 19 98-102. A560CIATION; Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR Moskva (Acoustics Institute AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTiO: i~arch lij, 1961 Card 3/3 KA.NEVSKIY, I.N.; ROZENBERG., L.D. Cylindrical focusing systems with nonuniform amplitude distri- bution* Akust. zhuro 9 noo4t428-423 163~ (MIRA 170) 1, Akustioheakiy in5titut AN SSSRO Moskva* KANEVSK3Y$l I.N. Some characteristics of convergent wave fronts in dissipative ~dia. Akust. shur. 9 no.3:324.-328 163. (KIRA 16:8) 1. Goeudaretyennyy naucbno-issiodovateltakiy i proyektn" stitut redkometallicbeekoy promyshlonnostis Moskva. (Sound waves) vt~. A P4(1446 14 i a a On I 9 r1 fit Fi,-,! efft-I on 8 a 1-4 ri the axial AP4044614 Io , : i ~ $,A -4 r e Iy small, an af)flr~`v !:-I, ~Li, Lite ruedium ratingaa 7 ~L. Oj)977--66 E'U'T (I)IM, (m)/ZFEC-Ii/T 1YdW(k)1&jA(h) 1ACCESSION NR : AP5 6'19062. UR/0286/65/000/012/008810088 534.612.002-56 iAUT-40R: Kanevokly, I. N. 0 TITLE: Instrument for measuring ultrasonic radiation pressure. Class 42, No. 172082 ~SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnyhb znakov, no.-12, 1965, 86- ITOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic radiation, radiation pressure, sensorl~oscillatoi tank icircuit, discriminator ABSTRACT- An Author Certificate has been issued for an instrument which measures ultrasonic radiation pressure. The device consists of a sensor, a high-frequency generator, and a meter. The sensor is incl#4ed in the tank circuit of the oscil- lator, which changes the oscillator output frequency according to the pressure ap plied to it. The frequency deviations are monitored by a meter at the output of discriminator circuit which converts the frequency excursions into current amplitude variation (see Fig. 1 of Enclolure). Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut red- kometallicheskoy provishlennosti (State Scientific Research and Design Institute-of' the Rare Matal Industry) 1 7, 4T I - . - I I I . I I . - I - 1 - i -L 03977-66 Card ~ 3/ POUND/Cultivated Uants Orainei Abs Jour : Hof Zhur Biol., NO,4, 1958.. 15511 Author : Ke KhnevaklY Inst : I:L~~ Title : The Different Kinds of P2Ants Belonging to the "Species" Triticum polonicum Le and Their Position in Wheat Evolution. (Fazwroftost' rastonly I'vidall Triticum polonicum Le i ikh polotheniya v ovolutsionnoy sistwo pshenitsy)e Orig Pub : Byul. Pollskoy AN,, Otd. 2., 1956, 4, No 2, 43-47. Abstract : Research was conducted in the laboratories of the de- partment of botany at the Superior Agricultural School in Warsaw which showed that the series of tetraploid long-Glumed wheat corresponds to the tetraploid specier of vheat with short almes. The species Tr. polonicum encountered in the natural state corresponds to the species Tr. durum. The oriainal form Tr. polonicoideep Card 1/2 POUM/Cultivated Plants - Grains, M. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 4. 1958, 15511 vhOse OriGin is not knownp corresponds to the spociLs Tr. dicocamo The genctic and anatomo-morpholocial of this form pernits its classification in a scp&mto spoicas. BY Means of inter-spocies hybridization one obtained Wheat with lOnU-&IUMQs 'Which were analogous accordine to other features to the species Tr. turgidm --.~-Tr. dicoccoldes as well as Tr. vulgare -> and Tre spelta. Wheat 'with long Ames my be extremely mnifoldj, consis- tina of a series of formos named '.Y the author polonicoi- des. Card 2/2 KAMVSKIY. K. Using Industrial wastes In producing building naterialn. Zhile stroi. no.7;.11 158. (KIRA 12:6) 1. GlaviWy Inkhanar Upraylenlya tapitallnogn atroltalletva UralvWt.-- savoda, Nizhniy Tagil, (Building materiale)