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KAL.DWOMSKATAI K,-Epq Cand Tech Sci-(dius) internal -*ANMM-
VID;::;;in -00 e~leOtrio' trar%issions dON-WOMEIGMA 4#m the
use 4/VOs7MflesAR Len, 1958. 20 pp (Min of Higher Education USSR.
Len Poly-tech Inst im M.I.Kalinin)q 100 copies (KL,30-58,127)
8(2) SOV/105-59-8-2/28
AUMORS: Levinshteyn, M. L., Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Kadomskaya, K. P.1,Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLEt Requirements Placed Upon Arresters Used as a Protection Against
Internal Overvoltages
PERIODICAM Elektrichestyot 1959, Nr 8, PP 9 - 14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In connection with the conversion of the electrical trans-
mission lines from 400 kv to 500 ky the requirements placed
upon arresters used as a protection against internal over-
voltages are investigated. k study of internal overvoltages
in the transmission line. Votkinskaya GES (Votkinakaya-Eydro-
electric Power Station) - Sverdlovsk lead to the following
conclusions. An arrester with given characteristics is capable
of interrupting an aro provided that the forced voltage
component in-the line does not exceed (1.3-1.4)U ph* In order
to arrive at a reliable.overvoltage protection other measures
must be taken which go beyond the installation of arresters.
The circuit breakers must be installed in such a way as to
Card 1/3 secure a selective disconnection of the breaker located at
Requirements Placed Upon Arresters Used as a SOV/105/59-8-2/28
Protection Against Interma Overvat4%ex
the buses with -i;he smaller power and similarly a selective
closing of the breaker at the buses with the higher power.
The automation of the system must secure a reliable delay of
the breakers of 1-2 periods. Measures taken to
arrange for a discharge of the line capacity during the
interval of automatic reolosureq and to place electromagnetic
voltage transformers close to the line. It appears to be
desirable that when.the system in operative, all main connec-
tions are under load. The circuit breakers of modern trans-
mission lines with 400 and 500 kv must be equipped with ohmic
resistances shunting their main contacts. Recommendations
are advanced concerning the.improvement of the characteristics
of the arrester developed in the Vaesoyuznyy elektrotekhniches-
kiy institut im. Lenina (All-Union Institute of Electrical
Engineering imeni Lenin). There are 9 figures, 1 table, and
2 Soviet references.
Card 2/3
Requirements Placed Upon Arresters Used as a SOV/105-59-8-2/26
Protection Against Internal Overvoltages
ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. Kalinina (Lenin-
grad Polytechnic Institute imeni Kalinin)
SUBMITTIMi March 12, 1959
Card 3/3
KAWMS~M A ,P,,-kand.tekhn.nauk; IEVIIISHTM, M.L., kAnd.tekhn.nauk;
Higher--4wd*r harmonies in electric power transmission lines
without cutouts at the higher voltage end. Izv. vys. ucheb.
zav.; energ. 5 no.1:15-23 A 1620' (KIU 15t2)
1. Leningradskiy politekhniehookiy institutimeni M.I.Kalinina.
(Electric power distribution)
GRIBOV, A.N., kand,tekhn.nauks, dOtsent,- KADOMMA.. K.P., kand.tekhn.nauk;
Wthods for calculating the voltages of an open-circuited power
transmission line with consideration of the local load and saturation
of transformers and reactors. Izv.vys*uchebor&ave; energ 5
no*4:33-1+0 AP 162. iMIRA 15:5)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy inotitut imeni M.I.Kalinina.
(Electric power distribution)
KADDI,S,K=A,Y,.A.K,F-, kand.tokhn.nauk; KAPIAN, V.V., kand.toklm.nauk;
NUILATYRO, V.24., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIICIYJMCIIEV, O.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Problem concerning the use of two-way switches with shunting
resistances. Elektrichostvo no.8:61-65 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Leningradakiy politekhnicheskiy institut, imeni, Kalinina.
(Electric switchgear)
.- -I - I .- n. I. " - - . .I - ~ - . . ~,:, I-: . q, I ~ - . ; :- I- , I : I - 7
KADOMKAYA,,K*F* (Leningrad) I LEVIMHTEYN., M.L. (Leningrad); SHTERENEERG.,
~G-.-P. (Leningrad).
Solution of the equations of a long electric power transmission
line using numerical and digital computers. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ.
i transp. no.4.508-513 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11)
nDMKffA, X.P. (Leni4grad); SHTKRBMRG, G.P. (Leningrad)
Study, of internal. overvoltagem in electrical wyotew.u4iM
electronic digital computers* Inv* AN SSSR. JImerg, i transp.
no.6t731-741 N-D 163. (MIRA 17Q) '
.11 --- ---
Comparison of the applicability of mmall parameter and bamouic
bm1aitce technUpsa in calculating the periodic operating conditions
of oleaftic power transmission lines with nmlinear parameters@
lzv.vys.ucheb. save; =erg. 6 noolt3.17-3.18 Ja 163. (MIRA 1632)
1. Imningradskiy itekbnieheskiy institut imeni M.I. Kalinina.
(I=c power distribution)
KADOMSKAYAP K.P,,, kand.tekhn.nauk; LEVINSHTEYNP M.L., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nau)r;
V.M., inz1he ,
Methods for calculating higher harmonic voltages in systems with two
nonlinear elements. Izv. vys. uahel~. zav.; energ. 6 no.lOt27-35
0 163. (KRA 16:12)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M.I.Kalinina.
Predstavlena kafedroy tekhniki vysokikh napryacheniy.
L 163815-~c
ACCCE-cc !3,~
AUT K)R: Ka d-gn-5 kaya, K. P. ~ L,'n Crn ri K~_n t,, - v', c:,.KU-
Shtereenherg, G. P. (Leningrad)
TITLE: f'alculation of the internal overloads on Icing ranqt- punyt:! [.j.
lines using an electronic digital computer
SOURCE: AN SSSP. Izvestlya. Energe!ika I transport, no.
TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, D'Alambert method, Punge CUtt method,
mission. discharge device. power overload, magnetic circuit, Euler met~,od,
ing devii.e, computer proqrarminq
ABSTFLACT- The use of electronic digital computers to calculate the internal over-
loads on long-range power transmission lines calls for the solution of the ordinary
differential equations describing the transient conditions at the terminal instal-
lations, and the equations of the line recorded in the D'Alambert form. Control
calculations of the overloads on a 255-kV transmission line viere made w;tk a v:E.,,
to checking the accuracy of the various integration method- . ThF Rurc-Cut*
gration method, Aih a step interval of 0.17 milliseconds, wa,; )(ioVtPd a-1
a margin of error of over 3'4, while the error in the Euler method of iritt'gration
was about 5%. The solution of these equations by a diqital ccxivputer requires that
L 16385-61;
defined approx;mately. The approximate definition of the derivatives at the time
of the current drop adds a certain amount of error to the sojution. T~%e
riate def i ni tion of the derivatives may lead to con0derablp unp-ed;. 1~-'r
in the calf- o- t Dower-t, a,~roi S-,ion ,Vstem~, "C)r1l.1 n: "; I, -
at ',EVe!~' PQ!r2t~;. !I 5hould be puince6 out that the method 0t ,olvinq The equa-
tion proposed by the authors reduces the necessary number of cel 1,-; ir the memor:
ing device r~qui red for storina the prearam (frGm q cel I- h,/ !h,-. P~--~--' , . "'T".
to 5 by t~)e propo5c(l method) . In both cases I t takes 60 fL1 I I CP I I ~ t
t he de lay-c '~:~~ -. ~ D!-s .The propo~.ed riethod thus makes I t po~,s t b I e t
programr.iing problem and reduce the t:me required to solve it with a tulerable de-
gree of accuracy. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 numbered form [as.
NO REY S:)V: 000 OTHER: 000
Carri 2/2
T -IQ !C
k-1 TJP
P Ll
P)JAFTC IN b)/'-MD I, dp) /a-q-Df t) GG/BB
AUTHOR: Gusev, Yu. M. (Engi-neer); Kadornskaya, Ki P. (Candi-late o! technicai
SC ieTIC f!,3) ;T'eV~
C e,
echnica sciences.
M. L. nd;
TIT.LE: -A-Da1ug-cornputer simulation of corona on wires of a-c pvwur
!raq.sni.s~,iori line
BOURCE:IVUZ. Energetika, no. 10, 1964, 15-24
TOPIC TAGS: analog system, corona, corona discharge, power tra-,isnlission. line
Aq aral,,-ical meth-dr -)f 7alc-ilatint- cnrona on pow~--
lines are very iLorriplicatee., the use of 0. V. Slhcherbac'~e'V's Corol-ka
!Trud-,~ T,P!. no !0',41 combined v.-th an analog cornputeT :5 5 iZI--1
single eqljiValent F-rie'work, which rtproduces the volt -cuulorn~)
of corona, is employed. -Ahe corona-equivalent capacitance is assur-.--~_Q W
independent of the line voltage; other parameters of the equivalent circuit ar'~
Card 1 / Z
L 19U5--(,5
c o m~:u t e d o n the 'r-la s, i r, ? r e a. I ~ n eA r~ e Y-%
p 5 impedance oi 250 ohms (base pow~-
750 Mw) ill~icatrateq the metrioci; corona loss 1 q assumed u De 3~1 ... . ..
"C* vervoitagi! due to corona
-1 t2n r V j0fj U1 0 is 6. 3% and 14% for
second max,.ma -f wave:-. An approac,% -,~3
aiw %zurona-p"ramc~ex
eq ",atlaas are given. An allowan-ce for corona in calculating overvoltages era
superhigh-voltage power transmission lines is considered important. Onz. ar-.
has: 6 fi I
'gures. 19 _anid.-A-14-biC
ASSOCIATIOW Lening-radskly politekbnichesidy institut im. M. 1. Kalinina
(~�eningLad P te~;Ikr]jc lafLitutel
Card 2 2
7 ;-~,
GRUDEV, Igor' Aleksandrov-1ch; KADOMSKAYA Kira Panteloymonoyna;
A rrm.-
"W6 , Sff
KUCHWOV, Leonid Alek 0v
Natanovich; PORITOY, Harlen Cdalevich; SOKOLOV, Nikolay
Ivanovich; NIKOLAYEVA, M.I.p red.
[Use of analog computers In electric power systemBI
methods for study4ng transient processes] Primenenle
analogovykh vychislitellrykh mashin v energeticheskikh
sistemakh; metody issledovanii perekhodnykh protsessov.
[By] I.A.Gruzdev i dr. Moskva, Energiiaj, 1964. 407 p.
(MIRA 18;2)
GUSEV, Yu.M., inzh.- KhDOMSKAYA K.P. kand, tekkin. nauk-, LEVINISHTMI,
M.L.9 kan~~ ii6r.,nda 'teen t
Simulation of corona on an a.c. power transmission line using
an analog computer, lav. vys. ucheb. zav.~ energ. 7 no.10:
15-24 0 164. (MIRA 17:12)
1. Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy in8titut imeni M.T. Kalinina.
(Internal overvoltages of high-voltage a.c. networks# 1961-
19631 Vnutrennie perenapriazheniia v alaktrichenlrikb setiakh
vysokogo napriazheniia peremennogo tokat 1961- 1963, Mo-
skva, 1964. 241 P., (MIRA l8t4)
1. Akedemiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy informataii.
2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Xostenko).
(Leningrad); KANTOROVIGH, A.M. (lAinizigrad);
G.P. Upningrad)
Calculation of internal overvoltages in long-distance power trans-
mission lines using digital computers. Izv. AN SSSR. Energ. i transp.
no.5:587-592 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:12)
~114 - ~1,41
~!"kY ~AK. ~P.
Equations of ti,,Ie ti-anslent -rcqssees of thr-pe-phase three-winding
group transformra and autotraxisformerB., TrLdy LPI no.242:145-349
165- (KrRA-18:8)
Mat1bomati-cal jrc0eling of the abaracteris ties of a dl.9charL;er used
in protection from hiternal overvoltagesi, Trudy LFI no,242.150-158
165. (MIRA 18:8)
L 01081-6
-Ulf/0143/66/000/002/0012/ GliB
AUTHOR: ruf1py. Y1, - 1G. (rniin eer);-. Kadaq K. P (Candidate of technical sciejes)';
LQyinahtan, -M. L, (Candidate of f_e_chifcif'i1Aenii4', r)
ORO: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute Imeni M. I. )(alinin (Leningradskly politekh-
nicheskiy institut)
TITLE, Effectiveness.of spark connection for reactors designed for limiting internal
SOURCE: IVUZ. Energetika, no. 2, 1966, 12-18
TOPIC TAGS:. reactor control, electric power transmission, spark gap, electric dis-
charges voltage stabilization
ABSTRACT: The number of reactors connected to line under conditions of interGal
surge limitation is generally greater thwi the ..umber necessary for compensating.line
capacity during low po-ter transmission. For this reason, some of the reactors are conL
nected to the line through spark gaps to limit.internal Eurges in long-range electric
power transmission. The authors consider the effectiveness of this type of reactor
connection from tLe standpoint. of its effecton maximum overvoltage. Maximum overvol-
tage in switching commutation is a function of the following random quantities: the
emf switching pl.1--se T and the breakdown voltage of the reactor spark gap V br . In plot
Card 1/2 UDc: 621.316.435
ting the distributi on functions-fdr the maximum overvoltages it was assumed that the
amf switching Aase T is distributed according to,a uniform.density law in the Inter-
val from -900 to +900 inclusive., Curves are given for the resultant distribution func-
tions for surges which result from line connection over a wide r " e of spark gap
breakdown voltages. A enmparlaon of the mathematical expectations for maximum surges
with pulF.(. switching for conventional and spark connection of reactors shows that re-
the line through spark gaps may be treated',as'straight connectionf,
for practical purposes in power transmissions of higher classes of voltage with rela-
tively low natural frequencies. The operating conditions of circuits
containing reactors with spark connection are analyzed. The results of tbe'study show
that operation of the discharger spark gap has practicallyno effect on the'service
life of the*discharger even under emergency conditions. The use-of commutation dis-
chargers behind the reactor spark gaps requires no special.measurea for preventing
breakdown of the discharger spark gaps during operation,of the reactor
Orig. art. has;' figures, 3 tables.
sm DATs.. lwu165/ omo~Rxn 00h
mB comyp
Card 2/2_~-.
ACC NRt A11501:
9~r~udpv,. &oksandrovich; Kadomaka-va, Kira PaakQjqjYagaqXna! ~1~q pq jeonid
4~! Y,
L-6g--i-n--skiY1 1-alovRatanovich; Portnoy, Marlen Gdalevich; Sok'ojT-~,-
Nikolay Ivanovich
Using analog cometers in power_q.�tq~g; methods for analyzing transient processes
(Primeneni e inilcgovyih vychisliteltnykh mashin v energeticheakikh sistemakh;
matody issledovaniy perekhodnykh protesessov) Moscow, Jzd-vo "Energiyallp 1964.
407 p. illus., biblio. 5tOOO copies printed.
TOPIC TAGSt analog computer,, electromagnetism) electric engineering, electric power
onginseringp mathematic model, computer circuit, computer applicationp--
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is concerned with the application of analog computers
to the study of electromechanical and electromagnetic transient processes in p9wer
systems. It presents methods for mathematical modelingp circuits for spocial-Rurposs
devices used in general-purpose computer studiest and examples of completed investi-
gations. The book is intended for engineers at scientific research and planning
institutes# workers at power systemop and students taking advanced courses in electric
power and electromechanics.
Foreword - - 3
card 1/2 UDC: 681.142-33/.34t620:9 A-
ACC NRt AM5011709
Ch. 1. Basic decision elements of analog computers 5
Ch. II. Special-puepoze units of analog computers 62
Ch. 111. Equations of the basic elements of an electric system and mathematical
modeling - - 106
Ch. IV. Modeling of a complex system containing several generators and loads 171
Ch. V. Analog-computer solutions of equations of transient processes in excitation
systems and controllerarof primary motor generators 209
Ch. VI. Analog computer study of transient processes in power systems 260
Ch.-V11. Application of analog computers to the calculation of systom-ganorated
overvoltage in electric systems - - 346
SUB'CODSt 09pl392O/ SUBM DATEs 310ot64/ SOV REFs OSW GT11 Wi 001
Kedomakiy, D. Ye.
"Internal excese voltage in transformer equipment for 40 power-transmission
syvtems." Min Higher Bducation USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Inst Imeni
H. I. Kalinin. Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate
in Technical Science).
So: Xnizhnayn letopis'
No. 25. 1956. Moscow
Internal overvoltoges in single-bridge converter substations for
d.c, transmission, Isve JFIIPT ho*5zI0I-126 160, (NINA 14tl)
Mectric substations)
~eomponent of voltages acting on the insulation
multibridge stages of converter networks. Izv. NIIPT
(Electric current converters)
(Electric insulators and insulation)
of the
MRA 14:9)
Protection from overvoltages arising In the rectifier network of
the power supply of a high-frequency generator. Izv. NIIPT no.?:
120-132 61. (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric current rectifiers)
(Electric power supply to apparatus)
Overvoltages in the Volgograd-Donets Basin do, power transmission
line, Isv,,NIIPT no.8tl34-150 161. (KCRA 150)
(Ilectrio power distribution-Direot current)
TITLE:` On the Hydrodynamic Description of Plasma Oscillations.
PERiODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teorst.Fiziki, 1956, Vol 31, Nr 6,
PP 1083-1084 (U.S.S.R.)
Received: 1 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates only electron oscillations, in which con-
nection ions and molecules are considered to be infinitely heavy. Furthermore,
the amplitude of the oscillations is assumed to be small and the distribution
function of the electrons loes not deviate much from MAZWELL's distribution f o(v).
Under the effect of the electric field the velocity of the electrons is increased
by dv' -j(eE/p)dt nd thus the distribution function changes at the first moment
by dfl- af 8v)(el nf dt. In the following moments the distribution function obange
according ~o BOLTZI M IS equation, in which case this modification is determined
in the first stage by the free emission of electrons with gradual removal from the
bundle (as a result of collisions). A formula is given for such electrons as have
not suffered a single collision. - Also the electrons emerging from the primary
bundle (which have suffered at least one collision) cause a certain change of the
distribution function corresponding to equilibrium. By assuming that already one
colliaion suffices for the establishment of MAXWELL'S equilibrium, this modifica-
tion is represented as a modification of the parameters of MAXWELL'S distribution
(i.9. of density, velocity, and temperature). This process can be described
hydrodynamically and the corresponding hydrodynamic equations are:
CARD 1 / 2
On the Hydrodynamic Description of Plasma Oscillations. PA - 2006
.7N -,>
an/bt+n div~-(a+p)n 01,; au/8t+Pu+(itTo/Mn 0) 7n+(k/m)7T-aT 21 aT/et +(2/3)T 0div u-
-1 AT-0(aPP)(m/39e)13* Here n and T denote the deviations of density and temper-
ature respectively from the Yalues n and T respectively, which correspond to
0 .0
equilibrium, macroscopic velocity . ThOerm PA takes account of the slowing
down of electrons by heavy particles, and r is the coefficient of temperature
conductivity. The expressions on the right side of the equation are due to the
emergence of electrons from the aforementioned distribution. In addition to the
abovq given equation system there is another equation for the electric field:
div t--4AQ(n+nI) with nI-n I,. The latter equation and the aforementioned equa-
tion system represent the caquired transmission equations. In the case of a--;~ co
they go over to o dinary hydrodynamic equations, and in the case of a - P - 0
the equation div i -- 499(n+nl) is identical with the dispersion equation to be
obtained by the linearization of the equation by A.A.VLASOV (teorija mnogich
castic (many-particle theory)(1950)). From the aforementioned equation a dis-
persion equation is deduced and its results are discussed.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
CARD 2 / 2
c-v. PbZ!~_JXTP C
LUTHORs WOUTSEYlB.B. 56-4-48/52
TITL'Zs4 ' -~Uoua lions in a Gas
(O fluktuataiyakh v gaze, Russian)
Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teor . Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Hr 4,
pp 943 - 944
ABSTRAM The state of a gas is fully described by the distribution
function of the particles within the phase space f(-r",-?,t)t and
.therefore the problea of the fluctuations in a gas is reduced
to the study of the correlation properties of the distribution
function. By f, usually the statistical average density of the
particle* in the phase space is understood. This density, of
course, cannot undergo fluctuations. If the fluctuations of the
distribution functions are mentioned, the "real" density is
actually meant I F(3?,V,t) - ~-S(-r* - -r* )6(; - -T-> ). Here sum-stion.
i i
extends to all paktioles. The density F in regarded here as a chance
order of magnitude which in identical with f only in the average.
The function F satisfies the equation
Wr t) aU( r
aF + (:~v) F
where m denotes the mass of the molecule and U the potential
Card 1/3 energy of the interaction of the molecules among one another.
On Fluctuations in a Gas. 56-4-48/52
In a perfect gas the interaction of the particles may be neglected#
Card 2/3.
and in this case F(*Ptlot) - F('?.- V(t - t )919t ) results from
0 0
the formula just given, and herefrom furthermorei
f V%t)6(-0 - V(t - to) - -4 )601' - I).
r r, r v r v
0 0 0
Here 7 - F - f appliest and the average is expressed by the
pointed brackotaii
The following work is destined to find the correlation by taking
account of.the collisions. In the cast of not too dense &sea only
pair-like col *lisione.need be regardod. In this case the right side
in the first-mentioned equation can be given in form of a shook
term S(P?F) (which is explioitely given here). 'he solution of the
problem set here is derived stop by atop, When investigating the
problem accurately and in the nonsteady case, the linearized
kinetic equation has to be solved by moans of a chance source.
This equation also describes the further development of the chance
disturbance of the distribution function. The kinetic method of
investigatio# discussed here is very illustrative andl above all,
applies also to thenon-steady case.
~TITLE on t o Ef fe t ve Field in a Plasma.
(0 doyetTuyushoban pole v plasma.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Zkoperime i,T*oret*,Fisik1 1957# Vol 33f Nr 7v
pp 151 - 157 (USSIR)
ABSTRACT The present paper calculates the effective field acting
on the oharged.,particlss'in,a plasma by means of the equations
by DOGOLYUBOT.,for'the I*partial distribution functions". Here
represented approximatively by a*
the trinsiy::function is
binary~functiozq *h1oh oorresponde to a development towards
the small-, quant4ly 1/03* Zero n denotes the density of the
radius. By this' fact awanalogous
pe.rtioles, and 9.'. -,~'
development, to also- to the, coupling of the ef f eakila
f iold with -the ~aeam f Iold.. 'Tbo author confines hiaself: to the
computation Of!& Gorreation,whioh isaaall only of second
ord*re.:Apsz* trom.tis -otrouip the plasma is assumed to
oontadz-only simple, loiUisid. ions of one kinds, The author here
Introduess-ths Goa0eptions "niarosoopto density" of the
partioles~ia the~.phaso.
spsool,the corresponding expressions
have'the following form.for sls~trozs and lose respectively;
CARD,1/2 F. 6(]?_1k(W6(*_vk(t)) end
TITLE---- The Invarianoe Principle for a Homogeneous Medium of Arbitrary Shape
(Pintsip invariantnosti dlya odnorodnoy sredy poizvol'noy geometri-
oheskoy formoy).
JERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk 33SR21957ty0l 112p Nr 5PPP 831-834
Received 4/1957 Reviewed 5/1957
ABSTRACT The present paper applies the principle of invarianos to media of
arbitrary shapaq a fact which is of interest for the theory of the
dispersion of light and for some problems of neutron-physics. Disper-
sion is assumed not to change frequency (Generalization for the case
with a modification of frequency does not offer particular diffi-
culties). The investigated medium in assumed to be homogeneous and
limited by a convex surface S. The corresponding transfer-equation
is invariant with respect to a small motion in space. Therefore the
effect of such a transformation can be fully taken into account by
a modification of boundary conditions* This is Just what in main-
tain*d by the invarianoe principle in the general case.
First the transfer equation for the influenoo-funotion in written
down. The medium is shifted by the infinitely small quantity E in the
direction of the unit vector 41, on which occasion the locations of
the source and of the observer remain unchanged. On this occasion the
influence function G goes over into a now function G'which is ob-
viously equal to the old influence function but in which the points
of observer and source have shifted. On the other hand, such a shift
Card 1/2
FA - 2247
, Wy shape.
The Invariance Principle for a Homogeneous Medium of-Aj!>jj*
is equivalent to a certain variation of densityf where matter is re-
moved one aide, and added on the other. The variation 6G satisfies
AN the transfer-equation and can therefore be represe'nted bj the in-
flugnoo-funotion. Nextp an integral equation for G is derivodp in
which one integral vanishes because of the boundary conditions. Then
"pace is turned round the infinitely small angle j round a certain
point jr. The resulting modification of G is given. The six scalar
equations which correspond to two vtotor-equations form the mathe-
matioal formulation of the invariance principle. For the determina-
tion of these equations their homogeneity is very essential.
The author applies the here obtained equations to the problem of the
diffuse reflection of light on a homogeneous medium. The solution of
this problem to reduced to the determination of the influence-func-
r are on
tio G(cj9r;cjo,Fo) an the condition that the points ?0 and
the surface S. Here i~'denotes the radius vector of radiation plotted
pointand(Zrthe direction of the radiation in the plotted point.(The
source is at Point fol' and emits radiation in the dirsctioniZ~. In the
case of isotropic scattering the equations can be simplified.
ASSOCIATION Not iven (No illustration*)
PRESENTRD BY M.A.&ONTOVICH, member of the Academy, on 27. 9. 1956.
SUBMITTED 26. 9. 1956
Kim" Library of Congress
PA -- 3137
On the Influence Function in the Theory of the Transport of Radi-
ated Energy.
every solution of the above equation can be written down in the
following form, 1-~
G) 17-1to 1 1)
is an initial condition I(W' L3 1 t 0 at t Do Is
used here. Further,the here investigated medium. Is assumed to
bq surrounded by a convex surface 31 wh1oh surrounds all radiation
sources. The following reciprooal theorem applies: The Influence
function satisfies the influence function conjugated with respect
to the point of the source with the conjugated boundary oonditions.
It on the surfaae 8 a'source:existe which transmits the radiation
into the outer spacep no radiation exists in the interior of S.
The oonjugated equation oan be applied successfully in those prob-.
lems, in which any characteristics of the radiation in dependence
on the parameters of the punotiform source have to be determined.
From the general relation of the reciprocity the optical rever-
sibility results as a special case. Problems further exist in
which the intensity of the radiation must be deiermined only in
a part of the medium limited by the surface S16 In conclusion,
the boundary conditions valid for 3, are derived. (Ni illustra-
Card 2/3 tions).
by. :i. Fj. Kaftmtz--v, ~~. 1. Bra-~lnz;kiy
iteport pre%ented :--t 2nd M' ktoms-for_faac~- Cont'erence, 1958
KADORrm LI-,), ~Vo$Uanov
qmo~ft w----m-QWz-- I
5. B. Kodout~-w, L. 1. Ruciallcv, A. A. Vederiov
'--cFt 1958
Report pre5ented at ~nJ LIN' Atoms-for-Fepce GDnf,7.-rence, Geneva, 9-131 -
"Stabil,ization of Plasm with the Help of Shielding Conductors." (Work carried
out in 1957); Pp. 300-326-
IlThe Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonucle&r Reactions." Vol. III,
k 1958, published by Inst. Atomic Energy, Acad. Sci. USSR,
resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan.
Available in Library.a
"Magnetic Traps vith "Gofrirovanoe" Field" (Work carried out in 1956); pp. 285-299.
"The Physics of Plasmas; Ffloblems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. III.
1958, published by Ins.t Atomic Energy, Aced. Sci. USSR.
resp. ed. M. A. Leontavich,-editorial work V. I. Kogan.
Available in Library.
23. r7) 7
Almdemiya nauk SSE, Institut atomnoy energ-ti
Fizilm:plazmy I problems upraviyayemykh termoyadernykh reaktBiy,,
.t. IV* (Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled
Thermonuclear Reactions, v. 4) [Moscow] Izd-vo AN SSSRI 1958.
439 P. 3,000 copies printed.
Resp. Ede: Yjeontovich, M.A., Academician.
PURPOSE: This collection contains previously unpublIshed work of
members of the Institut atomnoy energii (Institute of Atomic
Energy) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. It is intended
for scientist interested in this field.
COVERAGE: This book is the last of four volumes of previously
unpubliahed work of membersof the Institute of Atomic Energy
during the period of 1951-58. The exploitation cards on the
other volumes in this series have been released tLider the
n?mbers 1241,, 1242.. and 1243.
Card 1/ 8
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.)
Osovets., S&M, Containment of a Plasma by a Traveling Magnetic
Field 3
Kadomtsev, B.B. Hydrodynamics of a Low-pressure Plasma 16
Brag!x.sk1:5r., S.I., and Kazantsev, A.P. Magnetohydrodynamic
Waves in Delute.Plasma 24
Solov'yev, L*S. Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Trap 32
Vedenov. A.A.,, and L.I. Rudakov. Motion of a Charged Particle
in Rapidly Alternating Electromagnetic Fields 42
Orlinakly, D.V. Stabilization of a Plasma With the Aid of a
System of Rods 49
Card 2/ 8
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Rudakov, L.I., and R.Z. Sagdeyev. Investigation of the'Stability
of-'a Cylindrical Plasma Filament by the Unetic-equation
Method .54-
Shafranov, V.D. Stability of a Plasma Filament With a
Diatributed Current 61
Poliyevktov-Nikoladze, NoNe Caloulation of a Quasl-statlonary
Electromagnetic Field in a System With Toroidal Symmetry 70
Demichev, V.F. and Yu. 0. Prokhorov. Investigation of Neutron
Emission in a Gas Discharge With a Current of 160 Ka. 81
Trubnikov, BeA. Possible Mechanism of Neutron Effect in Powerful
Pulse Discharges in Deut6rium 87
Volkov,, T.F. The Influence of a High-frequency Bleatromagnetic
Field on the Oscillatiorm of a Plasma 98
Card 3/8
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Volkov, T.F. Oscillations and Surface StabilitY of a Plasma
in the Field of r. Trave"ing Electromagnetic Wave loci
Bazbatchenko., AeLe, I*N, Goloyin, P.I, Kozlov, V.S. Strelkov,
aind N.A. Yavlinskly. Rleat.-Vodeless Discharge With High
Cixe,rent in a Toroidal Chamber With a Longitizdinal
Magnetio Field 116
P.'Lstx%novich,, V.I. Meast)-rement of the Electron Temperature and
Ion Concentration by a Double Floatizng Probe in an
Electrodeless Discharge 134-
Strelkov, V.S. Investigation of the Radiation of an Electrodeless
Discharge in Deuterium 15E1
Petrovo P,Pop N.V. Filippov, T.I. Filippova, and V.A. Khrabrov.
Powerful Pulse Gaa Discharge in Chambers With C(Ynduoting
Walls 170
Card 4/8
Vlasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Andrianov, A.M., O*A. Basilevskaya, and Yu. G. Prokhorov.
InVestigation of a Pulbelpischarge in Deuterium With Current
Increase Speeds Up to 10 A./Sec. and Voltages Up to
120 kv. 182
Braginskiy, S.I., I.M. Gellfand, and R.P, Fedorenko. Theory of CompressioE
and Pulsation of a Plasma Column in a Strong Pulse Discharge 201
Podgornyy. I.M.9S.A. Chuvatin, G.A.-.Bvkov, and V.D. Pis'mennyy.
Invostigation of the FroceiB of' Electrodynamic Accelerdtion
of Plasma-Clusters. H. 222
Yushrranov, Ye. Ye. Radial Distribution-of the Potential in a
Cylindrical Magnetic Trap by Use of the Magnetron Method of
Ion Injection 235
Card 5.6
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Kogan, V.I. Widening of the Spectral Lines in High-temperature
Plasma, 258
Trubnikov, B.A. Relation Between Coefficients ~of Absorption and
Emission of Radiation for Plasma Situated in a Magnetic-Field 305
TrubrAlkov., B.A. Behavior of Plasma in a Rapidly Varying Magnetic
Field 309
Morozov, A.I. Cherenkov Generation of Nagnetosonic Waves 331
Kadomtsev, B*B. Magnetic Traps for Plasma 353
Kadomtsev B.B. Instability of Plasma in a Magnetic Field in
of Ionic Beams 364
Kadmotsev, B.B. Dynamics of Plasma in a Strong Magnetic Field 370
Oard 6/ 81
Plasma Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
Kadmotsev, B.B. Convective Instability of a Plasma 380
Sagdeyev, R.Z. Nonlinear Motions of Dilute Plasma in a Maganetic
Field 384
Morozov, A.I., and L.S. Solov'yev. -Damping of the Oscillations
of a Plasma Filament 391
Shafranov, V.D. Derivation of the Tensor of Dielectric
Permeability of-& Plasma 416
Sagdeyev, R.Z. Absorption of an Electromagnetic Wave Propagated
Along a Constant Magnetic Field In Plasma 422
Shafranov, V.D. Index of Refraction of a Plasma in a Magnetic
Field in the Region of Ion Cyclotron Resonance 426
Sagdeyev, R.Z., and V.D. Shafranov. Oscillations of a Plasma
711ament Taking Into Consideration the Thermal Motion of Ions 430
Card 7/8
Pla,a;na Physics and the Problem (Cont.) SOV/1244
List of Previously Published Reports on Plasma Physics and
Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions Made by Staff
Members of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of
Sciences of the.USSR 436
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QC794.A38)
[IsOtability of a positive column in a magnetie field,
and "anomalous" diffusion) Noustoichivost' polozhitell-
nogo stolba v magnitnom pole i "anomallnaia" diffuziia.
Moskvaj, In-t atonnoi energii, 1959. 14 p. (MBA 17:2)
Vol' %I
illicit Is'
fill I
'WI il
KADIT -TS---%') B
8 -d ail
a v and
AcTMiLS1 mramaw.kly. T.L.. L-k-rabow. SPIT
TZTLBs 7i; ~".. t~..S-.Rd All-Union Cof.ronc. on Do-
KLootr mAce
MUbDICALI jCdj:t,kk,t,_ I l.ktraulk.. 1919, Vol 4. Mr S.
vp L331 - 13545 (USSR)
J-4--IRWO-M37 and X.G. 92wol..kly x.w
ndiation During pal* a10 Data 0. 7-N-47.
K~WL-A-6ik'"k-Y, dealt with the LI-tjL-
9-tLOU of 'Ch. nwuiz;Zn r"LACL-om An powerful Sea djachArg*s
in chdatbOm with comAuatLng wells.
L al. - I.TeAtig.tie. of the Gas Discharg,
at al. - wA Turn of pluses in Tmus,eroo
X&CM-tis fteld".
on the Diwision of a Cathode Spot
Marc;" in a Lo-prusouro Am- Co.* p 1289 of the
joac'mal .
/I Atli-Xchaeft (2441,and) - "A Mem, Theory at the Cathode Spot.
too* P 1295 of the Journal).
LgV,_JpraUgy& - -pasljLwe C.1,und in a Hydr.go& DLeahargo
With Stationary A" F"A. Leads-.
Z-G Iskrmakloaft and AA~lAhud - OCurrent bletvIbutlem on
_M;N=fA:o of Bloctradev in tloctric Pulse Plactuarg"8.
'Sane properties or Gas Machar9*8 In Low-weltago
and Y
4cLQQxjkjx - wcomparlson of We
NtIM "motion in the Is*
n E6p.. at RydroX.a (K
L-A~ AJEtjjzSA& communicated sano results on the pirm-breakdown
t pulses at low Pressures.
and tA
W.T. J, 0
efe lon wa," In YL *.I P
J.-AnkgrA of Caseb"lowakle comu~=U.kod mos. Lafermation
on the ".-Like Phomseacut In x&a-dLmoh&r6o PLaeon.
JJJL~Jktpv~bm~ dealt with the problem of the dotervalmotlom
of the exurgy of Cast Is" in pulse discharges,
- fivocU.6 Instability of a Plammas String-.
and Suarranow . 'Theary or a High.
Comparator. rimems Ser
The fix" *action was prooldod war by N.A. Imptev and
dealt wItb blgb~froquosey carreate In &ease. The %:*Uowtag
Vapor* *or* rd2
t VZtre-high Froquamay Pulse
mert Usem,
BousAari, RdLILlame On
t th
L* ~:
QG]r Discharge...
t High-fr.q
_z.j6_AuLk1^ at al. - -Investigation of a Solt-outs".1nod
vitro-ush rr"ammor Vale* Disobarge A" the process of
it owwolpmat..
d,ff- X.&mtoak.r end G.AL-S.Laaa~- -Sen. Result- of the
Zmve~tIgatLom of Lbe Fo,estiou of Low-pressure �Uxb~
croquammy Disah"S"'.
,,>,~~A) - '"od"ALvIty Of Weekly X-BIA-d
mTho Conditions or Trs"Lt&oa From
Discb^rg. at At"'ph.rie Fr..Oursm-.
ft. rolotLouship the charaot.r_
Froquo"y Current and ". Direct
Current in a" Dison-rgos'.
-;!y,," tb* c*1do*9LTAty or the dial.-
the Window of A t.0GAAoGG dIACftarX0
X~K,Levjj,jJy &&a t,&_3h&AhurAjL d*elt with the
r...A11/1qoPpLIOabI1Aty or the Praha nothod to hLgh-froquenay
disoh.rX.6 (so. p 1238 of the J.urnatj.
The paper by V. To. Kitsuk at -I. -aA dowat0d ta, the
Lawootigatlan of the ultra-hLch frequomay plamus by
.**am of Ch. fitarig WOCC.
_QJ6_jjAASS,v at al. dealt with the ProbLon OC olso9vto
fl*LdA As ^ bIgh-Croquency 41mahrs. at Is- Pro-our".
XU_2ad&-9_,r road . paper "titled "HISh-
Cr."amay Disebargow An Math ... 1.
The work of the .1,ath o"tio. was devotd to Ch. Problems
"plasee &" Ate radLationj tho soation was promided
mWer by V.A. rabrkk t Th f papers ~wr. readt
9qR)r;;.b:,w of Plao.
V.X. Dro, o0scillorrapbLe moftsuro~onto I. Fla."
V.A. SL&*Aor*..d A.G, PILI.-hkin - 'I--t19-tIOm Of the
t9o'soust Of,plus- by Mo..- of a m&oo Spectronecar of
tb!! Troomit Tins'.
Convoctive instability of a plasma column. Zbur.okep.i toor.
fix- 37 no.4:109(y.-1101 0 139. (NIEL 13:5)
(Plasma (Ionized gason))
16.78oo, 24.2000 7698o
TITLE., stability of a Low Pressure Plasma
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,
1959, Vol 37, Nr 6, pp 1646-1651 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Equations were derived describing a local stability
condition for an arbitrary toro:Wal system. The
problem of stability of a low pressure plasma in
such systems was discussed. The surface of constant
pressure, p = const, in such systems is a family of
toroidal surfaces enclosed in one another. The sur-
face is also a plane that encompasses the force lines
of the magnetic field and the current. The following
functions of p were introduced according to the method
of M. Kruskal, R. Kulsrud (cf., Second United Nations
Intern. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,
Card 1/5 Geneva, 1958, p/1876):
Stability of a Low Pressure Plasma 7698o
HdS,, y H dS,-,
I A,, J-L~HdI,=-L Hdlo-~JdS,.
47t 4r
Here, Ip - longitudinal magnetic flow through
transverse cross section S of the surface p
const; X -azimuthal flow ?hrough surface S 1
passing through an arbitrary closed loop Q-l parallel
to the toroid p = const, and through magnetic axis
Y-0 that is the limiting surface of equal pressure
as the cross section of the surface approaches zero;
I - longitudinal current; J - azimuthal current
including the current in the outer circuit; D -
volume of toroid p - const. The magnetic field in
Card 2/5 this geometry was represented in the form:
Stability of a Low Pressure Plasma
If 10. Val
a = 01 dXld~. (I b)
Here, X is vertain single-value function of the
coordinate. As may be seen-fro this equation
Hqq,,~'= 0,'i.e., the relation T= const defines
the position of the force lines on the surface
= const, and therefore the termLLrepresents the
mber of turns of the force line Along the
small perimeter on one passage around the toroid.
The total energy E of small oscillations according
to the hydrodynamic approximation was shown to be:
E=T+V--t'_ pvj3dr+! Tp(div-q)'dr+1~(rot[qt1J)'dr-
2~ 2~ S?c
~ Iq rot III rot I-qH] dr +qVp d1vn dr, (4)
Card 3/5 2
Stability of a Low Pressure Plasma
Here, P - density of plasma; w - the increment,
assuming that the shift of the plasma from the
equilibrium position 7?changes with time according
to the rule eW '~;. For the system with sufficiently
deep modulating field, the condition of the stability
dp IdIll ItV dfl .t Ll df) > -- 21- (dy
dT- - F. I -+J 7~- + P -+J d~)d-~ 161-- d~
can be expressed as:
VPvU < (nal/4 I U(V,,.)"-. (17)
Card 4/5
The last equation can be interpreted as the affinitly
of the plasma to occupy a space with a minimum
11potential energy" U. Such a transition is hindered
by the crossover effect of the force lines. There
are 7 references, I Soviet, 2 German, 2 U.K., 2
U.S. The U.K. and U.S. references are:
Stability cf a Low Pressure Plasma,
M. Kruskal, R. Kul8rud. Second United Nations
Intern. Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy,
Geneva, P/1876; J. Bernstein, E. Frieman, M. Kruskal,
K. Kulsrud, Proc. Roy. Soc. A224, 19, 1958; B. Suydam.
Second United Nations Intern. Conf. On the Peaceful
UseB of Atomic Energy, acneva, 1958, p/354; J. Johnson,
C. Oberman, R. Kularud, E. Frieman, Second United
Nations Intern Conf. On the Peaceful Uses of Atomic
Energy, Geneva, 1958, p/2170.
SUBMITTED: July 29, 1959
Card 5/5
AUTHORS: Kadomtsevq B. P., Rokotyan, V, Ye.-
34 W 11miewmW
TITLE: The.3tability of a Plasma& the Field of a Magnetic Dipole
PERIODICAL*. Doklady Akaaemii nauk SSSR9 19609 Vol. 1339 No. 1,
pp. 68-70
TEXT: The surface of the Barth with its relatively near ionosphere is an
ideal electric conductorg and thereforep the tangential component of the
electric field is equal to zero. This leads to a forbiddennesa of convec-
tive instabilityp i.e., to a stabilization of plasma. This effect is in-
vestigated with the aid of an energy principle according to whiob. it is
necessary and sufficient for the stability that the potential energy V of
the small oscillations be positive, The general expression (2) for the
potential energy is transformed into (5 by prooesding from the assumption
of the Earth being an ideal conduotor, W in obtained as a minimum of
(5), and with the variation of (6) the authors arrive at the same problem
as arises in quantum mechanics on the notion of particles in a potential
well Ue Thusq the condition desired for stability is derived from
Card 1/2
Th*-'Stability of a Plasma in the Field of a S/020J60/133/01/18/070
Magnetic Dipole B014/BO11
inequality (7). By considering the longitudinal shift, condition ~71 ob-
tains the form of (8). Finally, a numerical integration leads to 9 t
whichp compared to inequality (1) (which holds for an exact dipole)v
allows the study of the deviation of the geomagnetio field from that of
a dipole* There are 7 referenoest 3 Soviet, 3 American, and 1 British.
PRESENTED: February 299 1960, by Ko At Lsontovioh, Academician
SUBMITTED: January 4, 1960
Card 2/2
I D.,t 0 26774 5/057/61/031/010/007/015
14 n B104/B125
AUTHORi Kadomtsev, B. B.
----------- -_
TITLE: Turbulent particle leakage from a discharge in a strong
magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 10, 1961, 1209-1219
TEXT: Previous arti.;les on the hydrodynamic instability of weakly
ionized plasmas are discussed in the introduction. The
diffusion of charged particles from the positive column of a !,Iov:
charge through a longitudinal magnetic field, which has been
by B. Lohnert et al. (Report P/146 on the Second Intern. Conf. on the
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 19581 Phys. of Fluids, 1, 600,
1960), may explain 'Instabilities of this kind. As is shown here, a
similar instability may also occur in a completely ionizad plasma. Only
disturbances of temperature in a stabilized plasma filament produce in-
stabilities. Such instabilities are called convection instabilities,
because a turbulent convection, and thus, heat convection are caused
thereby. It is shown that turbulent convection effects plasma cooling
Card 1/2
18774 S/057/6 ! /03 C~
Turbulent particle... B104/B125
and particle leakage to the wall. A coefficient of turbuli-:-,~ ul~ffusion
is introduced to estimate the lifetime T 0 in plasma. An
value of 1.7-10 sec is obtained for the lifetime of parti-les 4.n a
stellarator with a diaphragm,(radius a - 1.4 om, H - 3-10 4 OLI). Th",
theoretical value is about 3-10-4 sec. The conclusion is attzi, nt,4--. , ;! tt -
the convection studied and the intensified particle diffus". r: 4. _T' 1: 11
the positive column in a magnetic field constitute two limiting ca-ZC-3 01
one and the same effect, i. e., convection instability. A
strongly ionized plasma differ merely in that in the latterly
only on temperature, while in the former d is proportional to t"'!~- d' 1 1".
There are 1 figure and 8 references: 2 Soviet and 6 non-Sc-; _- ct . Th "i c
most important references to English-language publications rr-ad an
follows: T. Coor et al., Report IY362 on the Second Intern. Conf. o,' In'
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958; R. A. Ellis (-~ al.;
of Fluids, 3 . - . .
, 468, 1960; J. B. Bernstein et al., Phys. of Fluids~ )t 1_5b,
1960; L. Spitzer, Phys. of Fluids, 3, 659, 196o; B. B. Kadomtrl-.-~ Ct al.
J. of Nucl. Energy Part, C, 1, 230, 1960.
SUBMITTED: January 9, 1961
Card 2/2
0 B104/BIOS
AUTHOR: Kadomtsev, B. B._
TITLE: Plasma convection in the positive column,in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 31, no. 11, 1961l1273 -1263
TEXT: The author invostigates the turbulent convectiun of slightly
ionized plauma in a positive column, which is caused by current instabili-
ties when a sufficiently strong longitudinal magnetic field is applied.
In a study of the current-convection instabilities, the dispersion rela-
b kro (902 dinn
W (kv. - iDkl F7 -(Qt)t VI-4-10,t)2 dx
bikli kyc I dinn
b.kS2 F:;7_ dx
(UT)2 (4)
is derived, where be and b i are the electron and ion mobilities, respecti-
vel,y;-Q is the ion cyclotron frequency, and De is the diffusion coeffi-
Card 1/4
SA(C5~/ 6- 11031101110011019
Plasma convection in the positive B104 B108
cient. For strong magnetic fields, i. e. (pt)2>> 1, the imaginary part
of the complex
Im (w) = bjE ks' Do (6).
rK dx 1 -17 bo JUI), I -*- %, '
This expression is discussed for different conditions,and it is shown
that it can also be used for the case S?V,41. The turbulent convection
of plasma in a strong magnetic field is represented similarly to the flow
of an inhomogeneous incompressible liquid through a porous medium (cylin-
drical coordinates):
__~Ru - n
an IbIRI) =0.
Ft (12)
div u 0, (13)
where U [:h"991 r is the ralial unit vector; and p is an arbitrary
Card 2/4 H 0
Plasma convection in the positive .... B104/B108
function of r and fl ~ -19~+ kz. In a study of the turbulent convection
in a tube with a non-conducting wall, expressions are derived for the
pulsations of the longitudinal and transverse components of the electric
field. The method used to study the turbulent convection is checked by a
comparison of theoretical and experimental results (F. C. Hoh, B. Lehnert,
Phys. of Pluids, 3, 600, 1960; A. A. Zaytsev, M. Ya. Vasillyeva, ZhETF,
M, 1639, 1960; A. Simon, Report P/366 on the Second Intern. Conf. on the
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energyt Geneva, 19581 E. M. Reykhrudell, G. V.
Spivak, ZhETF, 1-0, W8, 1940; 1. A. lasillyeva, Radiotekhnika i
elektronika, 5, 2615, 1960). The theoretical curve (0, - EB/FO) versus
ap ( a is the tube radius) is in good agreement with experimental results.
A study of turbulent diffusion in a very long tube with conducting walls
adjusted to the lines of force has shown that in a smooth metallic tube
the electron density is constant everywhere, except in the immediate
neighborhood of the wall. If the walls are rough', the character of
difiuslon near the walls is entirely different. Considerable diffusion
occurs in the laminar layer. A. Engel' (Ionizovannyye gazy, Fizmatgiz,
1959) is mentioned. The author thank9A. V. Nedospasov for discussions.
Card 3/4
Plasma convection in the positive ...
There are 3 figures and 18 references: 8 Soviet and 6 non-Soviet. The
four most recent references to English-language publications read as
follows: T. K. Allen, G. A. Paulikas, R. V. Pyle. Phys. Rev. Lett.,
409- 1960; R. A. Ellis, L. P. Goldberg, J. G. Gorman. Phys. of Fluids,
468, 1960; C. Ekman, F. C.-Hoh, B. Lehnert. Phys. of Fluids, 3, 833,
1960; P..C. Hoh, B. Lehnert. Report III b. 25 on the Fourth Intern. Conf.
on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Uppsala, 1959-
SUBMITTED: March 4. 1961
Card 4/4
StAility of a low-pressure ploma. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 37
no.6:1646-1651 D 161. (MRA 1.1+:10)
(Plasma (Ionized gases))
AUTHORs Kadomtoevq B. Be
TITLZe Turbulence of plasma in a magnetic mirror trap
PZRIODICALe Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i toorotichookoy fiziki, v- 40,
no. 19 19619 328-336
TEXTs The present paper brings a contribution to the problem of
retaining high-temperature plasm in a magnetic mirror trap. This in-
vestigation was suggested by experiments of N. S. loffe *t al., where
the lifetime of plasm he& been determined for such cases and also the
escape effects had been studied. Here, the author considers a single
plasma column ABODE in a mirror trap which is shown schematically in
Fig.l. If the electron energy is of the order of 10 ev at an ion energy
of the order of I kovt then electrons are taken to be "cold"p and To a 0
may be written. For the potential 9 along a plasm column the condition
O< 9 ((T/o)(Rm/Rs-1) has to be fuMilled, T denoting the ion temperature,
He the field strength an the surface, and Ha the field strength in the
Card 1/5
Turbulence of plaoilbb in 9*00 B102/iM
mirrors The electric contacts at the tube ends are discussed and the
problem of convective instability is examined. The theoretical analysis
in limited to such a diluted plasma that collisions between particles can
be neglectedp viz.j the authors proceed from a kinetic equation without
the collision term. Furthermore, a convection current in assumed with a
frequency which in very small compared with the cyclotron frequency, and
its characteristic length large compared with the Larmor*frequency, so
that for a zero approximation, the last term of the equation of motion
f fi+ i ~:*V af 0.
can be droppeds L- + (-T'V)f + -1 v For a small H
at N o IIjj IT R/H0
(H denotes the homogeneous magnetio field) and magnetic field lines with
lijht curvature the transverse notion is described bys
aV 4 dl
xn~ Tat-o + OVOV) 4. 1 + VP + en7v La. Pool - 1W , where n = !-OfjfdV
a L H
denotes the mean density in the plasma column with a mean length L,
P - (H /L)j(pj/H)d1 is the mean transverse pressure, 9 in radially
oriented and amounts to
Cird 2/5
Turbulence of plasma in a**@ B102/B212
2r 3/2
8 (P.L + PB) 0 0 dlwm 1 ~ (p.L + p1j) 0-72 d19 Ho is the field in
the center of the tra r-r(3) the distance from the line of force to the
axis of the systemp r:.,r(swO , dl is an element along the line of force,
~(Mw2 _-fo), -. .
.L a /2)fdVI f . p(,
R is the radius of curvature, p v v
'T - WK, I is the longitudinal, and v the total velocity. The
electric field is given by,69 n -42*(n-n 0 )1 the equations of continuity for
ions and electrons reads an/at + di*(Ion) - 0, an./at + I Vn 0. The
degree of density at which the plasaa'will become unstable is determined
next. The frequency is given by w.- I so + aff7-2-Q coo ~A~, with
2 a 0 0
4902N/M - An instability will occur only at densities withil 2 1 2
-, :n'jO
0 2 o N
Stability can be approximated on the condition that r d > &R0, with
r . T/MI? denoting the square of the Debys radius, a the radius of the
d 0
Card 3/5
Turbulence of plassa in a...
chamber, R. the radius of curvature for the lines of force near the wall.
The turbulent convection is studied next; and after extensive calculations
the following expression is found with an electron distribution near the
wall no N-3q/A(4? )1/3z'/3 for the plasma lifetimeo
,~,21 Ca 1/2 1/2
I Q1 1 -11 A is also a numerical
a 2x&q Q 2. Aj f
coefficient of the order of one, q a -Ddn /dx, N - const, the density in-
side the chamber, i*eeo at x-*w I D is ths coefficient of turbulent
diffusion. The rtaults agree,well with experiaental data of Ioffe,
R. I. Bob,olevo V. G. Tellkovskiy, Ye. Yo. Yuohmanov (Refe.60). The author
thanks M. S. loffe and V. 0. TP111coypkiv for discussions. L.I.Irtaimovich
is mentioned. There are e figures aha 'I refor*nc*91 3 Soviet-bloc and
4 non-Boviet-bloo.
SUBMITTED# August 39 1960
Card 4/5
rig. 2
Stabilization of a low-pressure plasma by a high-frequency
field. Atom. energ. 13 no.5:U9-,&34 N 162.. (MIRA 15t.11)
(11agnetic fields)
M-nm (Ionized games))
M=SgV, B.B.
OAnomlcusg diffuol= of a rmfidd plasm with a current
in a -gnetic field. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fis. 43 no*5:1698-1696
N 162, (MIRA 15:12)
(Plasm (Ionized gasea))
(Magm~io fields)
A waWay turbulent planna in a magnetio flo]A. Zhur. ekap. I
toor.fis. ~3 no.6t2234-22)A D 162, 11 (KM& 16:1)
(n#sm (Ionized gagem)) (Wpotij fields)
Drift instability of an inhomogenous pl"ma in a magnetic field.
DAL AN SSSR 146 no.3:591-5&4 8 162o (NIM 15:10)
1. Chlen-korrespandent AN SSSR (for Woltsev).
(Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Magnetic fields)
Dissertation defended for the.degres Of Doctor 91 -M1ic0m&t_hjMtjoAj
Sciences at the TeeWcal.physice Institute jagni A. p. offs in 1962
'COnvsctiOA Of PUBms In the Meanstic Field,"
Vest. Ak9A. Nauk SSSR. Noe 4, Moscow, 1963, pages 119-14.5
Hydromagnetia stability of a plasma. Vop. teor. plaz. no,2-.
132-176 163, (MIRA 17t2)
4~k)~t01-1)4M./SSM-2 AFFTC*/ASP/ESD-3/
PF( ;12~JW
�D- P E4/15n I T
U Z Po ab-
v6*/63/656/606/0M6/0018 - -
ALUMI KAdootaev, Be (Corresponding Uember of the Academy of Soienogai M
It UUMM000--
r1=1 The taming of the shrew continues
Sol=' N&uka I zhians...po. 6., 1963,9 16-18.
~TMU TAUB# PIWA-Produoing urdt, Magnetic
.1 ~Mp,, Plasma leakj PR-3 reactor
:Plasma, temperature, plasma density, plasma we
.!ABSTRAIDTs The main draw back of an Wdsting Plasma-producing units (e.g. the
Idou&nut-4haped ones such as the "TakemW at the Institut atomnoy j,, j
'Is Va, T energii an
Airchatova (Atomio-gner" IMUt
Ut2jq the British "Zotg". the US "Stallaratoev
J~amagnatiO trap$ such as the =,~110&ra", the US "D-G-x") s t the , , tai
1'F i tha D3 sm ins
less than the time needed to create the magnetic field, 7his problem-confronted U,1-
IS, - ]
loffe, V. 0. Tel'~M~$ R, Is Soboloy and yes To. Tushunov of the Institute
Of Atomic EnergYwhen they began to study Plasma in the loffe trap with magnetic
Plugs* This separates the processes Of creating and heating the plasma. pirst,
,plasma is created in the plasma source (in the end of the trap) bY ionizing neutral!
,gas entering the source around the electron
f -emitting cathode, The ionized Bubs 0
~moves along the magnetic I tan
i ines of force into the trap with magnetic plugs. The
Card 1/2
L 18883-63
;ACMSION MS. AP3003033
Iplasma obtained has high density and loWtomperature, Betrean the Wane "string"
and the wells of the ohamber is inserted an additional 'pleotrio field of several
term of kilovolts, whioh heats the 'plasm. 0hen the electric field is turned off
land the high-temperature plasma studied., -The first tests showed that the plasma
Iwas unstable,, lasting not more than a idIliseoond, A p3awn leak was caused by
loonveative IMtabilittycht was thrust out toward the weaker magnetic field,, touched,
the walls and vardsheds They built a new unit,# the "PR-5" (shown in the photo)j,
alongside which additional conductors with current were installed* The magnetic
Ifield created by these lines me to rebel the plasma from the chamber walls. Ioffe'
Sobolev, Yu, T. Raborodov aiid V. M. Petrov obtained plasma with the "FR-511 with a
lif a of more than 15-20 ml I I I econds., 'a temperature of 40 rd 111 on degrees,, density
40 sup 9 -~10 sup 10 particles per cu cm-a great triumph of Soviet phy#bists, in-
ispiring the hope that a stable plasma in Yddch a thermonuclear reactionrtan be
;brought about will be,produced "after some time." Orige has 1 photo*
ASSWULTIONt AN SWR (Academy of Sciences of the(
SUBkr=t 00,~ DATE ACQs 23ju163 WELe 00,
i c~.,d 2/2
Symposium on the stabilltv or plasma. Vest.AN SSSR 33
n.o.2:101-102 F 163. (MIM 16t2)
1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR.
(nas~ (Ionized gas*$))
XADOM'3Lt,q_p.B.t -- -.- , ~,
Tatbulent diffusion of a mi-ified plaama in a high magnetic
field, Zhur. abp. I taor. tiz. 45 no.421230-1W 0 163.
(MM 16all)
Turbi,'lance CA, a Iran. I-E'Dr.
L 23083-65 FI-MIWEIN) W /'EPA (sp) -2/9 A( )-2 (-t)/T/E3O'b)-2./E!,'A(r_i_.2
7_77717)7o _i. 1,,'. (c', 1,T
AC~-~FZSIOINI N';~ A.Pr,01`1850 9/005(,/~,4 "0,`
AUTHOR; Kadomtsev. B. B.; Kikhkylovskiy, A. B.; Timfey". A, V.
TIT.I.E. Begutive energy waves in dispersive media
SWRCE: ZhLwnal eksperimental'noy i teareticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, no. 6, 1964,
_TQPIP TAPS~,, ara-w-ave-MUN Waim-a VaVe,__ioniztd pltmma
ABSTRACT: It Is shmm the. nonequilibrium transparent media can exhibit -anomalour.
dispersion, in which caze the energy of a monochromatic electrcmagnetic vialr- rall_.
become negative, i.e., the energy of the medium is lower in the presence c' Lha~
wave than in its absence. An example of such a meddum ir~ a plasma' n a
field vith a configuration that iB either anisotropic (witb beaw') or Zpalli&~_!Y
inbcmogeneou,,~. Another example is an inhomageneo" plasma In a strong
field Y-ith Aax,-.r an electron and ion distributims. A negative -energy --ra-ve can
exhibit many unusual features when it interacts witb matter or with other waires.
For example, introduction of ordinw-y dissipation does not lead to time -attenuation
Card 1/2
L 23083-65
ACCESSION M: kF500-1850
of the wave, but to growth. A similar amplification effect aiises when the wa7e
ig reflected from the boundary of a medium in Whitb the dispersion Is of thin
posite sign. Related ef fects are the ref lecti on of a 6ound wave fr-Da
stream, an,4 f"- i-~.n ' ~,a~ rs --f waves with posit iVP aria
t'~ilbeG GUT"'F~-_e w,~'Lh lrdinlte reflection coefficient (CeTenxCV evuSB~Or,
waves/ or ir an '.nf,,n'te plas.%a at rest when the dispersion equstinr,
root-;. it, 5 h-w-~ that negative enerF_y -ar, n,,
Lnr cir-te': Ve_-'t-'- e.,e,,,Lrj-s P fs. we&K--Y Ionized p-LArma in F,
ektertr~.- f4e'.d *,s nir~h. suia.1-leT tli&n the therma_~ conductiv-1ty. N e s'
effect_~ -;ir, i.6o prodaced lyy non-'i-nepr Lpt-~ravti_,= betw~j waves. L;G, es vh'~-r,
ti-se negative-energy effect is only apparent and can be removed by convvrzion '~-
another coorzLinate system are dinewsed. Orig. art. haz, 4 f igLr es
NO KEY sovi 005 OTURt 000 ATD PkBiSi Jitj
Card 2/2
AUTHTF: rimTI)w- &r ~~7'7
plasma ingtahi I i
"W~T TAGS- I)la=a JzstsbilitYs tUrbUlence~ linear differential equation. kinetir
zethod, mu_metic fi;a M 6-
d, drift- -t-_rr,-umt, Tj w
SUMMY: V-v -is given -a viArA_ Prob-, rm- 2p7
At tb t
E-owevel., even smail P-1 ZZM c_-zIliations require
Q'AboraU n=erlcal calculations in order to correspond to experimental
if plasma kinetic eqLn-tirins nr- usee. To R, +
. TI
L 3933-66
i~Mij TC/M7(n) APAW-~: TJP(~r,) AT
ACCESSION NRt,AT5021032 VR/30JA/64/0O0/0D4/M88/0339
AUTHORt Kadontsev.1 Ba B,
TITU% El", turbulence
AOURC&~ Voprosy teorii plasmys no* W 19649 186-339
TOPIC TAGSs turbulent plasma, plasma instabilityp plasma magnetic fieldj, plasma
diffuBiong. nonlinear plaamap plasma oacillationt mathematic physics
ABSTRACTt Me 150 page review article with over 200 references is a small trea--
~.on the theory of turbulent plasmas* Only those processes are discussed that
W'occur in the laboratoryp however; astrophysical applications are ignored andj,
in parbicularp magnetobydrodynamic turbulence and turbulent shock waves are not
discussed* Turbulence is defined as the simultaneous excitation or many collec-
tive-degreets of freedom* Owing to its many possible varieties of collective mo-
tionjo a tuebulent, plasma often bears little resemblance. io a turbulent bydrodynamic
flowt the turbulence frequently.consisting in the diser4ered excitation of wave
motions rather than of localized vorticese The turbulence of a plasma is called
weak when the interactions between the different waves are smalle. In the first.
section a weakly turbulent plasm is treated in.the quasUinear approximations
a Megl -between the waves but takes'account of themal
eats the interactions
L 3033-&
kccmim NR: AT5021032
motions and the effect of the oscillations on the averaged velocity.di3tributiO161
functions Among the matters discussed in'this approximation are laminar convect-.
ionp.excitation of Langmuir.wavesby acharged particle beamp iind resonance Inter-
action between a wave.and-partioles whose thermal velocity is equal to the phase
-In the next approximation one considers the merging of two
velocity of the wavee
waves into a single one and the break up of a single wave into two otherof with
conservation of total frequency and wave number* The kinetic equation describing
these processes is derived and is illustrated by a discussion of the interaction
of Ungmuir waves with ionic sound and of Alfven waves with magnetic sound, The
wave kinetic equation is ge6oralised to take account of thermal motions and the
scattering of waves on particles* When the interaction terms in the wave kinetic
equation are increased one obtains the weak coupling approximation to strong tur-
bulence, in which the tuztulent.motiozi is described by two coupled nonlinear inte-
gral equations for the spectral density of the oscillations and the Green's func-
tion giving the reaction to an external forcee When R*H*Kraichnan discussed hydro-
dynamic turbulence In this,approximation (Jonuido Meches 5j 497p,1959) he obtain-
ed a spectrum differing,from that of Kolmogorov* It is-shown that this was due to
neglect of the adiabatic interaction between'short and long wavelength oscillsi_.
tions'j this defect of Kraichnants theory is corrected. :..k ph~enomenological approacb
to the description of a-turtulent plasmas employing the,concept of mixing length.
Lca,~d - 2/_3
[A~awx(x NRx a5oaw
borrowed from hydrodynamic turbulence theory, i's discussed briefly, The author
has successfully employed this approach to treat turbulent diffusion in a magnetic'
mirror system and in a glow discharge positive columne It is illustrated here by:
a discussion of the turbulent jet and a' derivation of the Kolm6gorov--obukhov-Heis-
berg 513-power law* In the final section there are discussed several specific
questions involving strong tuibulencee: These questions include that of turbulent
diffusion in, a magnetic fields It is shown that drift-dissipative instability in
a dense -plasm can-give rise to diffusion with a value of the diffusion constant
of the order of Bohn's phenomenological values The survey concludes with a brief
discussion of experimental material.on turbulent heating of plasmass anomalous
diffusionp and turbulence in toroidal discharges and magnetic'mirror wotemse The
author concludes that at the present ti= there are no significant difficulties of
principle that could hinderfurther developmmt of the.theory of turbulent plasmas*
The survey article-under-revi6w is to be published in England in~"Frogreas in
Plasma Physics"o Origo art* has S 513 formaas and 30 figures*
NO MF s0vt _U4 UrM t. 10.2
L 3-6243--66 ---FW1(1)-1JF(c)--A
ACC, NRi AP6023634
AUTHOR: Kadomtsevo B. Xg
ORG: none
SOURCE CODE: UlVO386/66/004/001/0015/0019
TITLE: Instability of plasma on trapped particles
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialms V redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniye, Y9 4,.no.,l, 1966,.15-19
TOPIC TAGS: plasma instabilityp =gnetic mirror madbine.. magnetic trapping/ Tokomak
plasma machine
ABSTRACT-.' The author discusses a plasm' lk~tgqity which can arise in a plasma con-
tained in ~& magnetic-mirrer or a toroidal trap if the magnetic field configuration is
such that there are present in the mirror particles that oscillate between the magnet-
ic mirrors so that an Instability called "trapped-particle instability" sets in the
plasma. It differs from flute instability in that the charges due to the trapped
particles are cancelled out to a considerable degree by the particles that can move
freely along the force lines (transit particles). The growth increment of the in-
stability is calculated in the quasiclassical approximation, and it in shown that in
general-trapped-particle instability is most likely to develop in a system with a
moderately inhomogeneous magnaticlielde 7Ms instability should cause, ejection"of
the captured pLrtIcles,, and then collisions or instabilities induced by high-frequency
longitudinal oscillAtions will cause plm~ leaksge out. of the trape 71rapped-particle
L 36248-66
. I card 9/2 . - I I ~ . ~ .
L o57o4-67 Ew(i-) ijp(c) AT
ACC MIt AP601380-7- SOURCE CODE: LR/0020/66/167/006/1273/1275
AUTHOR: Kadowtsev. B. B ~Al
(Corresponding member AN SSSR); Shafranov, V. D.
ORG: none
TITLE: Diffusion in a.toroidal discharge-plasma
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doiclady, v. 167, no. 6, 1966, 1273-1275
TOPIC TAGS: plasma diffusion, plasma pinch, plasma discharge / Tokamak plasma device$
stellarator plasma device
ABSTRACT: A famula is derived for the diffusion current of a plasma In a toroidal
axiosymmetric discharge, assuming an external vortex electric field. The equations of
V. D. Shafranov (Voprosy teoi-li plawy, v. 1, K., 1963) are used to describe a systew
with this particular geometry. The average expansion rate of the plasma cord is givep
as the sum of terms representing the anomalous diffusion rate, the rate of pinch and
two types of drift associated with the vortex field and the toroidal geometry. This
expression in discussed In terms of experiments on Tokamak and stellarators. Orig.
art. has: 15 fb&wulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 2WanG6/ ORIG IMF: 004/ OTH Mr: 002
UDC:. 533.932
ACC NR# "6033261
AUMS TAdoeteff,'"No B. -0 amber AN PM); Pogatsep 0* Po
vivrmS 12niijowtabjUtyof's~pU~int=lftlgoomvtrr
8OUXIs AN Mdaop -VOITOp no. 4# 1966o -OU-SA
20M Me., plaesm'Instabil.1typ magwtic tranpin& Plasm nogwtu na~*ft~
AMRAM 2be autbors consider flate Instability of an Ideally coafteting v3sems In
to"I&I disebarge with straw IMMItudinal magnetic fle]Atp such as In tbet roksawk
system. Mw stability Is deftned by means of Ov7dants condition (Second UN Conference
an Posceful Uses of Atemic ZmuWj, Geneva, 1958,, p. 354). it in sham that this con-
dition In not solicable to 2bkuLsk system In strong ic fleldsp since the nxits
Instability arises In f4ns3 analysis as a result of the bendl of the force lima; - -
A different stability criterion Is derived from the b4me equationp vhich is line-
arIA-4 =Oar cartsin x1ap119*1M assumptims. It Is amovined that the flute Instabili-
ty arts" uWar pfttuz%*Icw wb1ch we stroq;Xy stretched alwg the fmc lines. fte
ma3dixom radifte of the twu =WLw %*Icb the *trs4sWlJ= appm1mation Is Still V"
Is estimste& fte 91=1 witarion obtained for the stabilization of the flute In-
4 2p %%w p Is the p1s;sms, preaswe and He the azlwAbal
magmetic field; Under She "MoOlM. tbat p does wt Yw7 too sawt2ar %dft the amal I
ACC MR' A1603267
maim at tm t4ww. aft@ wto b"1 17
.' 517
-1-ACC NR. AF7003215' SOURCE CODE: UR/00%/66/051/006/1734/3:
-AUTHOR: Kadomtsqyl Pogutse, 0. P.
1ORG: none
TITLE: Instability of a-plasma, due to particle trapping in a toroidal geometry
;SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor f1zp v. 51p no* 6,41966p 1734-1746
.TOPIC TAGS; plasma instability., magnetic mirror machinep magnetic trappingp disper-
~sion equation, particle collision
ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to a special type of flute instability occurring in
a mirror device, first described in an earlier paper (ZhETF Pis1ma v. 4, 15, !966) and
called "trapped-particle" instability. In such an instability which a collisionless
plasma can develop in a toroidal discharge with longitudinal magnetic field, the un-
trapped particles play the role of an environmental medium characterized by a high di-
electric constant. These particles can only reduce the potential associated with the
trapped particles but cannot eliminate it completely. The toroidal system considered
is of the Tokomak type.. The equilibrium state is analyzed and the drift trajectories
of the particles are determined in a special.3y chosen coordinate frame. An integral
equation playing the role of's, dispersion 'relation for the determination of the char-
!acteristic oscillation frequency is derived and investigated. The case of particle
icollisions and instability by the trapped particles is then analyzed. 2he particles
itrapped between the effective magnetic mirrors in the toroidal configuration are
rd 1/2
I cc
ACC NRt AFT003215
..;Capable of giving rise to,dnstabilit7 in a collisionless plasma. If the plasma densi-
ty is sufficiently high,, the instability, becomes dependent on the sign of the magnetic
!drift, As the collision frequency increases, the growth rate for this instability.---,,,
falls off rapidly so that the traned puticii instability -Is- Insignificant in a
sufficiently dense plasma.-.0rig. &A. has: 2 figuras# 46 formulasp and 1 table.
SUB =Z: 20/. 'SUM DATZI .19Ap,66/ ORM,RZF: -008/,- OTH MCF: OD3
Methods for,dressing chrome leather. Log. prom. 18 no.3:51-52 * 1.58.
(Leather) (KIEL 11t4)
Method for prpcemsiug pick-led raw materials. Kozbe-obaveprome 3 no,3:
36-37 Hr'163* (Yun 16:3)
AUTHORSs Belov, K.P. and Kadomtseva,A*M. SOY/55-58-2-17/35
TITLE. On the Influence of One-Sided Elastic Deformations on the
Curie Point of Ferromagnetica (0 vliyanii odnostoronnikh
uprugikh deformatsiy na toohku Kyuri ferromagnetikov)
PERIODICAM Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta.Seriya mtemstiki, mekb&aikiq
astroiiomii,, fitiki., Ithlaii-I !)58,Nr 2,pp 133-136 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation of the influence of uni-
directional elastic tensions on the Curie point led to the
following resultst The displacement of the Curie point under
unidirectional tension is three times smaller than under
universal tension and is essentially L'%used by the change in
volume which follows the tension. A torsion does not dis-
plac* the Curie point.
There are 3 figures, and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet,
and 2 American*
ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra obshchey fiziki dlya biologo-pochvennozo i dr. f-tov
(Chair of General Physics of the Paculty of Soil Biology
and other Faculties) [Moscow Uhiv.
SURCETTRD: June 26., 1957
Card 2/1