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s/195/62/003/004/001/002 Preparation of finely E075/E436 Institut fizicheskoy-khimii, AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 15, 1962 Card 3/3 Jr 8/844/62/000/000/115/129 D207/D307 AUTHORS: Ruginsltiy, ~;. Z., Zhabrova, G. K,j, Gordeyevaq Ve A*q yegoroVt Ye. V.p_Kadenateip B. M9, and Kushnerev, M. Ya. TITLE: The use of ionizing radiation in investigation of topo- chemical processes SOURCE: Trudy II Vaesoyuznogo 8oveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi"! mii. Ed. by L. S. Polak. Moucow, Izd-vo AN 835R, 1962, 666-03 TIM: A study was made of the differences between the topochemical processes of thermal decompouition and of decomposition, using 0.6 - 2 Hev electrons. The substancea decomposed were copper oxalate (Cue 0 1/2H 0) and nickel oxalate (KiC 0 2H 0) which were pte- 2 40 2 2 40 2 0 pared by precipitating nitrate solutions with oxalic acid at 50 0; the samples were in the form of thin layere.of powder. Thermal de- composition in vacuum at 2800C yielded 85~ Cu + 151,4 Cu 0 and 951A Ki + 2.(YA NIO + 3% undecomposed residue. Thermal decomiosition in -air at about 30000 yielded 501,; CuO + 5M, Cu2 0 and 1000A NiO. Blec- Card 1/2 S/844/62/000/000/115/129 The use of ionizing D207/D5O7 tron irradiation (3.6 x 1091- 3.3 x 1010 rad) at 1000C yielded uou- ally pure metals with large (10 - 40M residues undecomposed oxa- lates; the metal yield increased with thcordiation dose. Jtrong preliminary ii-radiation (at least 0.6 x 1 rad) accelerated strong- ly the subsequent thermal decompouition in vacuum. The mechanisms of thermal and electron-bombardment decomposition were the same; holes generated by heat or irradiation neutralized partly or com- pletely the double charged oxalate ions which then moved to the surface and'were emitted as 002 ; electrons also generated by heat or irradiation neutralized the yielded pure metals. Oxides were in the production of pure metals; so by oxidation of the pure,metal ence between electron bombardment rier-generation efficiency of the 1 table. doubly.charged metal cations which formed as an intermediate stage in air, oxides were produced al- products. The essential differ- and heat lay in the grt~ater car- former., There are 2 figures and ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Institute of Ph sical Chem stry, AS USSR); Institut khimichaskoyfi- -tard 2/2 Mi AN.SSSR fInst tute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR) ZWROVA., G. M.; LCENATS I. B. M. AZIZGVv. ItJ.; GOEDERVA# T. A. j GLAZOM4i, TA, GSZAU)Vs A.A. Ridiation method of pvparation,"14my `rsad mwtm%Ik-&*mdde*'* Ixv*AN SSSR.Ot4,khia.n&,uk no*9sl690-1692 S (KEM 25AO) lo Institut khImicheskoy rialki -AN SSSR i'Itotitut fividmWt kkiddi AN SSSR* (NO42#0 oxides) (Colloids) (Padiation) -U562. . ...... 5/020/63/148/001/021/032 B140186 AUTHORS: Vladimirova, V. I., Zhabrova, G. M.9 Iradenateit B. M., Kazanskiy, V. B.,, Pariyakiys 0. B. TITLE: Joint action of radiation and oxide catalysts on the dehydrogenation of cyclohexans 'PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR0 Dokladyq v. 148, no. 1, 1963, 101-1041 TEXT: The radiation effect on'catalytic systems is studied in the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane activated by SiO 11 VgO, ZrO 2t 203 29 ZnOj 0 - o clo or NiO.. After a vacuum pretreatment of the chtalyst at 400 C, hexane vapors were led over it. The determinations concerned: 11 the catalytic properties after irradiation with 0.8 Rev electrons at room 6, temperature, dose 2.4-10 rad/sec, energy absorption 1.2-109 rad;*2) the paramag"tic properties after gamma irradiation-with Cc 0 at - 1960C, 6 dose 3200 mou, energy absorption 5-10 _ 1-10 rad. 1) Ajow-temperature dehydrogenation of cyclohexanone took place. Good results were obtained Card I S/020/63/148/001/021/032 Joint action of radiation and'... B1410186 with SiO , A and alumosilicate with a H evolution of 0-58, O-565t 2 1203 2 and 0.405 mglg,. ZrO 2' MgO and--ZnO were hardly active and NiO was com---'-- pletely inactive. On SiO.v the conversion percentage increased with increasing irradiation'dose. Thus, the oxides that proved effective v;re just those that are ineffective under normal catalytic conditionst even at high temperatures; while the otherwise active ZnO and NiO proved ineffective in catalysis combined with radiation. 2) The e.p.r. spectra revealed additional lines in the irradiated sjLmples which are attributed to the formation of adsorbed free radicals, i.e. C 07 . This effect was most marked on SiO2 and increased with increasing dose. Similar signals were observed for alumosiliaate and Al 203a Weak additiona 1 lines were observed in MgO and ZrO2 , but their origin was not cleared up. No lines at.all were detected for irradiated ZnO and NiO, either with or without adsorption of cyclohexanone. The different activity of the catalysis studied in oxide catalysis combined with irradiation is explained by Card 2/3 8/020/63/148/001/021/032 Joint action of radiation and B14#/B186 their different electron properties. In dielectrics and poor semi- coniuctors the radiation-induced ionization is stronger, since the jormed are longer trapped and the paramagnetic' electrons and holes centera are resistant at low temperatures, while they vanish so rapidly in ZnO and NiO that,no e.p.r. signals could be recorded. There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut kbimicheskoy fiziki-Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute. ~f Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: j ly 30, 1962, by V. N. KondraVysvp Academician .SUBMITTED: July 19, 1962 Card 3/3 1. 1 5719(-65 !;WT(n,)/EPFc )/E7NP( PC-4/Pr-4/pa-4 DIAAP RM 711, AP,',Cg% 7686 S/0206/64/004/005/0'753/076-,' u ilt;R- ZhAbrova, G. M., Ka!n ~kiy, V-D*,Vladimirova,V.1., G.B. ,:ITU: Radiation catalyoij; in the conver3io~ of.cyclohexnrA A-BSM~CT: The joint effect of ionizing radiation (Y - rays from OD60) and of I v '3 1 ns ki -703, ~i, 0i I , f f r r eT ' c lec trical nropert ies . s -h a. lqtnrs (SiO~, Al a iur 1r urri s I I icate) , scv.-Iconductors having Ww conduc- L iv i t Y7 - -)T,.,j - , ors hav i nz ~11 i gn uc , ivi ty \ ZnO, MO) and s(ime mp~,i 19 f 7-7- Pf )n 1: .;1 'h i-espect to dehydrogenation W'd nther re=c' -7-F- laver at rmperacutcs and bcnzene were used as adsorbents, and EFR BpecLra wfre vit:h i.he adsorbed cycl-1.)hexane was Irradinted at the temperature ~t liquid nitro- ge.n, 6ose -,~8rving from I x 107 to I x 108 rad, The selecttvitv of 'he qolio ccinpounds in the radiation-excited :atalyt4, C6fd 1/3 60U,NCE: Neflekhimiya, v. 4, no. 5, 1964, 753-762 kO?IC "iA,.S- cyclohexane, radiation catalp;is, dehydrogenation, catalyti: dehydrf,.- L 15296-65 ACG--'S-~1a'4 NR: A-P4047688 Cos anj 11"T nod to tT~~ her-a catalytic Proc radloiysis. -ze iii~&hesL radi tion-induced catalytiC activitv wa~q at 20C -or oyides of the inBulator type, which are hardly effective at aii in tne "Su~~ CaLal-Y: i- p.-ocess eveii at high temperaturcs. In tbenk- caralynts, the L aPPearance c, Pal:amaer-liz centers and-adsorhed C H,? radicaia war; est-i" E , n n C~' 11 '7 ~L 0 r S w i ~~-a V-6--d-c I ! v e i n t h and Tnetals (NIO, ZnO - . - - -- a, N ~ ' -- ~-' I ~~ N., A P)roteas bald, a* - - - A - beff d' o! paramagnetic cent e-rs and ad--o-. -- -vi itals '-was found'i, The re-1-at-ionship the ridiatiou-chemical yield if hydrogen and the coverage of the SL02 ~Ur'face brith tuborbe6 cyclohexane was established and it was foxind that tOi, A'Irfacc- adsorption were Oie most radlation-active. it Vas ills, a t a'. F Lir.,1 A. N. Ponnmareva and G. L. Karpov., for carrying cut t,,,E 7.A~~z 2/3 VLADIMIq G,M.; KAMATSIL~~-M- .OVAJ, V.I.; ZRABROVA, partIcular features of the radiation-induced cataytic conversion.Of methanol at a small surface coverage* Kin* i kat. 6 no. 6tM-2-U.33 H-4 165 (MTRA - 19 91) 1. Institut khimicheakoy f izi-ki AY SSSR. Wnitted June 9p 1965- J L 1327-66. EIVT (m)/,E.P (o)A F Pf(n) ACCESSION NR: -AP5024005 UR/0020/65&64/002/0361/0364 AUTHOR: Vladimirova, V. I.*,.Zhabrova, G. M.*, Kadenatai M.; Ka!anskiy,.V, B,e, Pariyskiy, G B iTITLE-. Radiation-cataly LcV~c'nversion of methanol t ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v, 164, no&-*~fiiv, 361-364 iTOPIC TAGS: methanol, gamma,radiation, radiation chemistry, elect: tic resonance, free radical, silica gel, alumina, aluminum silicate, semiconductor, heterogeneous catalysis ABSTRACT:' The authors had established earlier that during the combined action of ionizing radiation and solids of different'electronic properties, the dielectric- itype oxides SiO2, A12P3, and aluminum silicate SiO2-Al2O31 in which paramagnetic- centers and adsorbed radi In were detected, displayed the greatest activity in th 1conversion of cyclohexane- n the-Addorbed layer, whereas semiconductors and metals,1- ;which had no paramagnetic centers or radicals, were inactive# In order to deter- 1 mine the scope of these findings$ a similar study was made on the radiation-cataly-I 416 decomposition of methanol in the adeorbed,layer at 200C, C060 gamma radiation I---- being. used (dose rate, 4.3x!1016ob#/g~sec;,!adoorbedradlation,dose~8,2xlOlgto I rd .L 1327-66- ACCESSION NR: AP5024005 7 x1021 ev/g). It was found that as in the case'of the heterogeneous radiolysis of~ cyclohexane, SiO2, A1203, and S102-Al2O3 were the most effective catalysts for i methanol; the radiation-chemical yield 'and rate of formation of hydrogen, formal- dehyde, and ethylene glycol on silica gel were ton times as in the case of 'i I I homogeneous radiolysis. The electron spin resonance spectra of the radicals formed. On S102 and A1203 were recorded. Oxides with semiconducting properties such as ZnO showed a considerably lesser catalytic activity. The results confirm the rela-~~ tionship established earlier between the radiation-catalytic activity of solids ands their electronic properties. The high radiation-chomical yields of hydrogen# for- I maldehyda, and ethylene glycol during decomposition,of methanol on silica gel, alu-1 minum oxide, and'aluninum.ailicate are apparently closely related to the processes i of transfer of the energy of ionizing radiation absorbed by these solids to the molecules hasorbed on the surface. Orig. art. has: I figureq 1 table. [141 ASSOCIATION: Institut khImicbeekoy fisiki Akadmii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemi- cal Physics, Acade" of Sciences jSM) SUB CODS:ac~m BUBMIMD: o4peb65 ENCL; 00 005 omii- oW MD 1IMS" NO PXF SOV, Card 2 Usat Chemistry Physical-chendotry CiA- 1/1. Nb.-A51- --so: Authon a Zhabrova, 00' M. Iand kadenatsi.,.B. M. Title. Experivental determination -'Of the equilibrium constant of magnesium hydroxide decompositi reaction on Periodical. Zhur. ob, khim~. 24) Ea. 73 1135 1137s July 1954 Abstract. t The reaction pressu. re equilibrium-constant and the equilibrium constant .of Mg(OH2).decomposition reaction were determined at a temperature range of 380 -.,65000 The value of the thermal-reaction effect (U000 Cal/mol) was established on the basis of experimental data obtained by equating the isochore curve. - The installation used in determining the water- vapor pressure equilibrium,, is drawing. Four German:and i USSR reference.' Table,, graphs, drawing, $ -,0 Rr, - V 7.~ 117, : . 1,01-1. 0 nrentlannon tr4kl~incllcze na oallneri vos~cl,e. :~!,-,Irn. Ilvete-inariya", 'To 4. USSR/Yadicine'- Nematodes Medicine - Parasitology Nov 48 wHorphology of the Genital Bursa of a Nematode (Capreocaulus Nov, Gen.) From the Lungs of a Roo Door," R. S. Shullts, A. N. Kadenataii, Kazakh Sci Res Vat Inst, A pp NDDk Ak Nikuk SSSR" Vol LXIIIP No 3 Hol-Intha, previously found only In Germany.. vere found in the lungs of a row door in the Crimean National Reserve. Analysis of the male's genital bursa leads to "classification of this parasite and formation of a now subgenus of Capreocaulus. Submitted by K. I. Skryabin 25 Sep 48. PA 55/49T65 KADERATSII, A. N. 1, ANDIRETEVA, N. K. SHULTS,, R. C. 24896 SHULTSO R.C.~ KADFNATSII$ A.N. ANDREYEVAO N.K. Anatomichaskaya struktura Polovogo Apparata Samts6v Nematod Roda Noostrongylus Gelauer, 1932. Doklady JUtadi Novayap T. LXVII, No.4, 1949, S. 763-65 SO: Lotopis',No. 33, 1949 KAD,.7,NATSIY, 1, N. USSR/kedicine Helminthology 11 Dec h9 Parasitology "Phylogenetic Relation Between the Pulmonary Nematodes of Rodents and of Artiodactyla," R. S. Schultis, A. N. Kadenatsiiv Sei Res Vet Inst, Kazakh Affiliate VASKhNIL, Alma-Ata, 3 Pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol MIX, No 5 Pulmonary and gastrointestinal helminths are most important nematodes in USSR. There are 20 known forms of Protostrongylus, Some are parasitic to Bovidae.. Cervidae) and Leporidae, some only to wild and domestic sheep and goats, including chamois and gorals. About ten varieties are parasitic to Ovicaprinae. Similar structure of male sex organs suggests that P. cuniculorum and P. tauricus evolved from P. kochi (Schulz, Orloff., and Kutass, 1933) while P. terminalis and P. kamenskyi diverged from P. hobmaieri (Schulz, Orloff, and Kutass, 1933). Submitted by Acad K. I. Skryabin 10 Oct hI9. In PA 152Th6 KALENATSIr. A. N. Opistorkhot Dikikh Lists.v Zapadnoy Sibirl, Vorks on Relminthology," on the 75tb Bir6day of K. 1. Skryabin. :rzdat. Akad. Nauk. SM. Moskva, 1953. P. ?71 Chair Parasitology, Omsk Veterinary Institute SMMITS, R.S.; XAMMATSIT. A*N. Characteristics of the triabostroWlid Spiculopteragis, alcis from elk wA roo door. Trudy Gel'malab- 7:343-345 154, (MLIRA 8:3) (Par"Ites-lak) (PILramites-aos deer) (lematoda) X&MUTSH, A.N. . 0 Setarlosis In @beep avA a my to explain the b1oloff of its causative organism. Dok1.AX SSX1 107 no.1:191-192 Wr 156. (Km 9:7) 1.0ellmintologicheek"a laboratorlys Akodenii nauk SSSR. Predstayleno akedemikom X.I.Skrj*bInym. (Shoop-Disesses) (111arls, &zA filatiosts) Country USSR C A "TZZ 0 R Y A3S. JOUR. .1.959, No. 10.,56 T TF 0 R ~~sjy. A. N. D, "3T. 07-S-17-3ces USSR -And Che Oms1c 4 Aelminthir Fioana of Man:rnal,i 1u. the Crimi,,a zind the Fxperieiiee in Vern-Anfuging -Vie Domestic ORTG. PU L, Aninnds wit.]) Respect to th- Principa-1 HeIrninths Gall.-nintol. labor. A111 SISSR Ornsj,~Jy yet ta-t. Ab3TRACT Onihkp J-9-579 13',? pagem, illuatrRtrd. No CMD: _D F_- h t9 7 111 P4, K f USSR Zooparasitology. Parasitic Worms. 0-3 Abe Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol-, No 20, l958, 91069 Author Inst :-Omsk-VoterinaryInstitute Title Setarjosis-iii She6p-and the Biological Inter- pretatioin-dif 'Its Agent Orig Pub: Tr ~_Omsk.og& v6f#' 'in'-ta, 195T, 15,. 13T-141 Abstract: The study of nervo us diseases of sheep in the Par East carried out in 1948-50 established the agent Setaria marshalli. Sheep setariosis has a seasonal character and Is observed during the summer and fall. Setarlosis occurs in cattle (definitive host) without symptoms, but in sheep and goats (facultative hosts) it takes on the form of a serious disease with a high percentage of mortality as a result of the Card.1/2 32 MbEAM TS-1,Y /V. USSR/Zooparmaitoloa - Parasitic Wonas. G Abs Joux Ref Zhur Bioll, No 1, 1959, 997 A--thor !~de. at!ii Ic Illst (kask'Vaterinary lnstit~ite Titlo Now Echinostom (Echinostom citellicola) from Rodents Orig Pub Tr. OnskoGn vat. in-ta, 1957, 15, 243-247 Abstract No abstract. Card :./l JUDMI.,ITSIY,. A.21.1 Doo.Vet 11-olmdlithofni.,na of bf the Crin, ert ;aid J&, experi ,,nco of' vandt*4 Of donastic A I-QQW 400 th, helmillthosoc." ',oct 1953. 32 T)p (TUn of Arr USSR. All-Union tkond of Agr 3oi im, V.I.Lonin. All-Union In:;t ol, holmii-,11.11olory im Acad R.I. Slzryabin), 150 conies. List of nuthor's ",-orl--ni P:) 31-32 kKT,145-58, 150) VASIT4, A.V.; KOCITMVSKIY. B.A.; PARAKIN. V.K.; STAIMUffiVICITUS, A.; TOGILYNTSEV, A,I.: VA.DMIATSIT. A,N# Thrnugh the Soviet Union. Voterinariia 35 no.9:92-95 5 158. (Veterinary medicine) (14IRA 11:9) XABSNATSIY, A.Y. ----~=tuoing helmin,this of the =4 door (Moschum moschiferum L.). Trudy Inst. xcol. AN Zasakh* 48R 9t107-110 158. (min 11a) I.Kafedra paramitologil Omkogo v:tAnstituts, (Woraw, Intestinal and paraviti ). (Par"ites-Ruakdoor) KADDICNA ~S 11. -A -- ~,L Pacytreva skrjabinisp. now.anew treastode oecurring in sumliks. Trudy Gel!*. lab. 10:109-111 160. . (MIRA 13:7) (Oupk Provitnee-frovatods) (Parasites-Sualike) KAW]UTSII, A.N.; WRIKOVA, Tu*N~ Treating otocarlasis witb benzene hexachloride. Trudy Inst.zool.AN lasakh.= 1.2t241-244 160. (JURA 13s?) (Scabies) (Bwseno hazochlorlds) RYZHIKOV, X.M.; KADENATS.IIA.N.; AKHMEROV, A.Kh.; KONTRD4AVICHLE, V.L. Work of the Amur Helmdnthological. Expedition (314th All-Union Helminthological Expedition) in 1959. Trudy Gellm.lab. 11:393- 413 161o (KMA 15312) (Amur Valley-Mormo, Intestinal and Parasitic) KADENATSII, A.N.; STRELICHIK, V.A. Discover7 of flaemonchus similis in the U.S.S.R. Trudy Gellm. lab. 12:22-24 '62. (MIRA 15;7) (Khabarovsk Territory-Nematoda) (Khabarovsk Territory-Parasites-Cattle) RYZRIKOV, K.M.; KADENATSII A.K.; AKHWEROV, A.Kh.; KONTRIMAVICHUS, V.L. [Kontri~'a-vl'cff~us,. ~. Work'of the Amur Helminthological Expedition (314th Soviet Helmin- thological Expedition) in 1960. Trudy Gellm. lab. 12:12D-138 162. (KRA 15:7) (Amur Valley-Worms, Intestima and parasitic) X4MNATSIY A. N. (Profelisor)) LUGOVIK B. A*, GERASMIA, N. G. and- BURIOVA, Yu. N. --tMsi~s ~a;~s,~k Veterinaxy Ins.titute~. "New repellent RV-5" Veterinariya, vol.- 39, no. 8) Augmt 1962) p. 61 KADENATSII A.N. prof.; LUGOVIR, B.A., assistent GERASIMOVA, U.' assistent, BURIKOVA, Yu.N., asnistent The new repellent RV-5- Veterinarlia 39 no.8;61-63 Ag 162. 1. Omskiy veterinarnyy institut. KADENATSII, A.N.,.Prof. The most important helminthiasis of fur-bearing animals in cage main- tenance. Vaterinariia no.12t25-26 D t63. (MIRA 17'2) 1. Omskiy veterinarnyy institut. Study of stomach trematodes of the rwinats of Khabarovsk - Territory. Trudy Gellm. lab. 13,,,12-17163 WIRA 1713) NemathWoaa eof. the gmuo Setaxla JYoii cattle. Ibid. :18-2 5 PONOMARMNEO, A.A.; ATAMANnM, I., student IV kursa; KAISNETS. L.. student IV kurea Certain derivatives of 3"ehlorophtalimide and 3.6-dichlorophthalimide. Nauk. sap. Llvive' un, 13:151-153 149. ()aRA 12:10) (Phthallolds) *joooooooeooooo Goes so -1 L r- p 0 41~ C a A a ~ 0 10 of 4 to A o A . ~ J6 a A I : 00 f Abow 10 d Go 4. V. a K"kft'k*% Zap ' _ - .4W_ I20lI Khoo, Add. Nook M R. ". Y i0 412-13; im Gervowl. 413)(IW).-In the umul. pbo,"lbste the abompbw of the SWj in cwk ebamben was atoompushed by Introdurim i chamber a suffi ', t amt. of of 1r ~ Z 60 di.,, 1.9% by this method and 74 l .1 met-odolbubb1ing. TbedIffe"-mvoI2.Ir;isw 00,3 -~J T%pti. effue. Z. V 000 004 .00. 00 Ji .SO-SLA RVALLMOKAL UYINOLMI CLASUPICATION 5300 690999600904 0 & 0 :10 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 u 0 a 'j I - 4 00 S I j 1 0 0 F I Aj 0 4 to .-so ubminn. -00 I supef- ~09 moition to the Go wall Ivy tile hin the goo Illicit '00 Goo 00 !400 to 'Go too 434411 4d 43%, 41i too & fowl 011INI'llaoIll TRA U of 444 0 0 0 0000:0 00000090000000 0 40 0 0 010 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 Iro 0 010 * 0 : : * a * 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 KAD-qTSKAYA. M. I. Kadenskayap M. I. "The problem of assimilation Cof rockg occurring contem- poraneously with concretion," Uchen. zapiski (Leningr. gos. ped. in-t im. Gertsena), Vol. LXXII, 1948, p. 109-24 SO:U-3566,, 15 March, 53 (Lotopis 'Zhurnal lnykh Statey, No. 14, 1949). 15-57-12-17218 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, P 71 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kadenskaya. M. I. TITLE: Scapolitic Rocks of Iyengrskaya Seriya (Series) in the Archean of South Yakutia (Ska olitovyye porody iyengrakoy serii arkheya, Yuzhnoy ?akutii) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-t., 1955, Vol 3, pp 208-210 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 15-57-4-4469 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, pp 64-65 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kadenskaya, M. I. TITLE: Dike Rocks and Volcanic Rocks on the Turka-Barguzin Divide (Zhillnyye porody i effuzivy Tarkinsko-Barga- zinskogo vodorazdala) PERIODICAL; Uch, zap. Laningr. gos. ped. in-ta, 1956, Vol 117, pp 85-102. ABSTRACT: Beginning in late Proterozoic time, the tremendous platform structure of the Bail'%-al region became the site of faulting and generation of magma, The fractures and faults became the channels for intrusive and extrusive ma3303, The lower Paleozoic, possibly including the Proteroz.oic in part, is represented by orthophyres, uartz-bearing porphyries, porphyries, porphyrites plagioclase, hornblende-plagiociase, biotite-hornblende- z Card 1/2 plagioclase, biotite-hornblende-pyroxene-plagioclase), 15-57-4-4469 Dike Rocks and Volcanic Rocks on the Turka-Bargazin (Cont.) diabases.. gabbro-diabases, and disbase Porphyrites. The Mesozoic varieties are granite porphyries (micropegmatitic and albitic porphyries), quartz-syenite porphyriess quartz-bearing diorite porphyrites, and amygdaloidal rocks. Detailed descriptions are given for these rocks. Especially intense magmatic activity occurred in the zones of marginal fractures, but volcanic rocks are found in the inner part of the platform as well. Card 2/2 S. SXRDYUGHWO. D.P.; GIMOV, A.V.;-URAM�QU# N.I.; LRONOTA, Te.P.; XADUSKIY, A.A.; PAVLOT, V.A.; PUSTOTZOV, L.T.,; ZOTLYAREVSKAYAp F.S., red.lad-va; GUSIKOVA. 0.N., EIron ores of southern Yokutia-, geology. aineralogy. genesis an(I industrial Importance) Zhelesup rudy IUshnoi lftatli; geologiia, mineraloglia. genesis I prowyahlennoe samchanis. Kookys, Isd-vo Aked,sauk SSSR, 1960. 519 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Oblen-korreapondent AN SSSR (for Pustovalov). (Yakutia--Iron ores) KADENSKAYA . M. I. Dioritea of the Northern Caucasus and Urals. Trudy Geol. muz. AN SSSR no.14184-92 163. 04IRA 17: 11) ZHELEZNrAK,, A,,S.; BROUNSHTEYN, B.I. )has transfer in the extraction of acetic acid by single drops of ethyl acetate* Zhure prikl. kkin. 38 no.5:1156-1159 ~ 165. (MMA 18M 1. vgesoyuznyy mauckmo-immledowatel'skiy institut neftekbimicheakikh protsessov. . -)- I- -=V-T r- - - KADEWSKIY, A.A. "Porp~yritic anites of the Turko-Barguzin uater divide Nest Transbaykal)," Uchen. i-apiski Seningr. gos. ped. in-t i,,*. Gertsena), Vol, WII, 1948t p. 75-107 -Bibliog; 100 items SO: IJ-3566t 15 Yarch, 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inkyp Stately, No. 14, 1949) KADENSKIY, Aleksey Aleksandrovich, Geological Museum imeni Karpinskiy Acad Sci USSR, Academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, based an his defense 28 Junary 1954p in the Council of the Leningrad State Pedagog- ical Inst imeni Gerzen, of his dissertation entitled: I'Vagmatic geology of the front range of north-Western Cau- casus". Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no 6., 19 Mar 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 140 July 56 Moscow pp 4-22, Uncl. JPRS/NY-429 KLD KUZNWSOV, B.S., professor, otvetetvenW redaktor; takhnicheskiy redaktor [MMustio geology of the foremost mountain range of the northwestern Caucasus] Magmatichiskata geolagiia perodovogo khrebta Severo- Zapadnago Kavkasa. Moskva, Iscl-vo Akatlesii nauk SSSR, 1956. 291 P. (MM 9:9) (Cauoasus--(Wolcgt, $tructural) KADENSKIT, A. JL Conditions of mistamorphlow and Ul tram tamorphism In Archean rocks of the Aldan shield. lsv,AN SBSR. Ber,,gool. 21 no-9: 66-73 S '56. NLRA 9811) 1. Sovet po Isuchenlyu proIsvod1tol'iWkh oil Akadomii nouk SSSR. Nookwa. (Aldan Plateau--Rocks, Crystalline and wtamorphic) KDEWSKIT WTUCHUM, D.P. *Mtrabasites of the Greater Caucasue.6 N.D. Bobolev. Reviewed by A.A. KRdenskit, D.P. Serdiuchenko. lap.Tees.min.ob-va 85 no.2:255-258 156. (MLRA 9-9) (Caueasus--Rocks. Igneous) (Sobolev. N.D.) 15-57-4-4034 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, P 1 (UaSR) AUTHOR: Kadenskiy, A. A. TITLE: Place of Geology in the System of Natural Sciences (0 meste geologii v sisteme nauk o prirode) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. pod. in-t, 1956, Vol 117, pp 3-14 ABSTRACT: BibliographIc entry Card 1/1 KLMSKIT, A.A. Nain features of the pological development and masimatic activity of the frontal rangs of the northwestern Uummus. Vch,sap.Ped. InsteGertso 117OL23-147 056. (mm 9:11) (Caucasus. torthern-Gooloa, Structural) NAMEL11, A.A* yagmtso evolotuin In the history of.the earth's crust. frm4y Gbol; is ssm nowasI23-140 15?. , (MM 1114) (looks, rgneous)' AZARASIYZV, G.D. Weak geological foun"tions for the magmtIc geology of the front range of the northwestern Caucasus (*Xagmtic geology of the front range of the northwestern Caucasus" IW A.A,KM*nskii. IAeT$ev*d by G.D. Afamaslyev. Isv.AN SSSR-Ser.pol, ZZ no*2:109-114 1 '57. (Camasus, 'Nor thern--Geoloo~ (mm 10:5) (Madjuidl A.A. ~i .0, 41 20-2-48/62 TI T L-'-' On the Nature of Ki burlite Funzf Is Fro;a Yakut AS3R (0 prirode kimberlitovykh trub6lt Yikutii - Russian) PERIODICAL Dc'r.-lady Akad.!Jauk S"SR,1957,Vol 115, Nr 2, PD 368 - 371 ABSTRACT These recently discovered funnels are found in tore varied polog-J.- 0 cal enviroi=.Ent than the African ones.To begin with, the position of exDlosion chambers in them varie3j sometimes they are locatee. in the crystalline fo-andation plate and aometities in the sedimentar.- cover of th.~, latter.The level of thvir erosion section also var I Zreatly.At present the following can be cornidered as establisht~d facts: 1. Their age is Post-LoNyer-Triassic and pre-Jurazsic.Thus the kimberlite formation coincides with the final Trapp mai~z'.Iatism- in and region. 2. The volume of the kimberlite mass of the funnels 12 ninute in relation to the products of the chief stage3 of Tra.-p ma- gmati2m.It is nolaiorthy that these funnels occur in gigantic re-ioas, of the plateau.They are concentrated in -roaps; these form districts -i;hich are parts of the main structuresof the plateau.This i7ndicatcs a common regional-tectonic cause of the kimberlite formation and its connection with the pre-Jarassic kinematics of the plateau daring-, the expiration of Trapp magmatism. 3. Thorie kinberlites exhibiting di- stinguishable variations of composition iii their interior (e.&.basalt, li.mburgite,mica-periodite etc.) differ in totallity from the typical- ly ultra-baBic rocks by a markedly increased cotttent of al'amina,ti- tanium,aalcium and pattly alkali. This approacheo them to the mk;lano- Card 1/3 crate units of basic basalts. According to comparative data on the 710= on the Nature of Kimberlite Funnels From Yakut 05H. 20-2-48/62 ,V'hei:1jam of kiyab erl it es , acj.'.,ieohi teB, ban i c banalta and picritep, they --a'/ be connidered natural series of dorivatives of the ,ralj2 :aaj;,:ia contradiction to Xupletsk.1y and Butakova). Thic is-also indl~;ated '~e d t 11 the stratigraphic position of Yakat ki:7iberlites itself. 4. T! S of poeition of the explosion chaiaboru of Izimberlite fun~,cls which i-ny viell be doter~ained by the composition of xeliolite proved to b exl- e - ly suall, about the first few kiloneters These data exclude the ,L formation of kiLiberlite in great depths.Due to spccial Qon6itions vated pressure-- form which are lator on-disoliarged by explosion.The ex2losion chambers are a:):-)arently situated in the upper horizoiis of the earth's crust, above the roof of cryotalline rocks and not bi:-20w but above the reservoirs of Trapp uiagmatis:j. 5. It is fina"i-er charac- tc--istio that the funnels are always connected with two flectares respectively which latter are again connected with rupturmThe funnels lie parallel to the ruptures,althoui;h not directly upon theM.The fan- nels form two strips whose axes are formed by the raptures that 1,ad once been the guides of Trapp iuaCma, The Trapp marmatism of the Si- birian plateau vent through three phases of developmentlaccordin:' to the varying tectonic reginet a) Tufa-intrusive, b) effusive and c) intrusive. The kimberlite formation apparantly corresponds to the last pha~.e (or continues it). Ill. 1 aives an approxin~ate scheme ef the formation of kimberlite funnel:c. After the na-ma reached the ped up horizons, it went nlong tho main rupttire ard itz) brariche;;' th". Card 2/3 fissures of the intermediate layers, the cleavaZe planet, etc. 'The Or th;-. '.aturc of Kimberlite Punnels 2ro-M Yalzutt. A,'32. 20-2-48/62 mar-,-,a separates of coneentr,ation in s;7411 satc~llite second ordor using wcaken64 sectionfi. ThQ true conditioIns r1re 1~ro.~)a - bly much more complicated than described in the sche:ae, siiice the pressure rises. The fact of subse~raent explosions, i.e. the trans!- formation of the reservoir into an explosion chaiaber tith a fur.-iel in the direction of the. earth's oafaoe indicates that the 6as -h :1~,. 0 of the re:iervoir could not find an outlet in the direction of the i~.ai3l vharaj,_~el. After this gas explosion, crushed splinters of crystalli:,a' - ion products in the reservoir are pushed out by the P;a~;Laa. Thus the funriel ib filled. Further inveBti&atiujis shall determine the lino ,f zparatJcn of iineral indicators. This will pera,.-it to approach th,-_, c--:itical donditiona of diamond formation. ( 1 table, I illustration, 12 Slavic references). ASSOOLITIOU YakutekWa komplekenVa ekxp4kUtsiy& Yakutskogo filial& Akademii nauk SSSR, Geologlaheskly nuey In!. A.~ P. Karyinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR BY XOIIZ1III,'SRIY D.S.,"ember of the Acade,,AY) Feb- 3., 1957 Jan. 30, 1957 A IA- Ty ABLE Library of Con~,ress. Card 3/3 F SAIDYUCHMMOO D.P,; IL.A~,a~TA. A ~. " Xenolites and lie otoliteis in Caucasian and other deposits Zap -4 Veen* vine' ob-wa 87 no;lt3l-47 15B' 114') 0 (Caucasus-wollastonite) i 1- 0 W ~ ~ 94 a% ~Mq SARDTUCHNUO, D.P.; GLIBOV, A.T.; LADINSEATA, M*I.; LZONOVI, Te.P*; LADUSLU.-A.A.4 PAVLOT, T.A.; PUSTOTALOT, L.T.,; OMQUSIKATA, P.S,, red,isd-va; GUSOLOVA, OvK,q takhnrade [Iron ores of southern Takutia; geology, mineralogy, genesis and industrial importance] Zhelesays, rudy IUshnoi lAkatii; geologila, mineralogiia. genesis I promyshlennos zaachanis. Kooky&, Isd-vo Akad.muk SSSR, 1960. 319 p. (NIRA 13:6) 1. Chlen-korrespandent AN SSSR (for Pustovalov). (Takutia-Iron ores) L%DXBSKIT, A. A. I Polymetamorphic rocks in the southern Aldan shield, Trudy Geol- ws- AN SSSR no.2:64-81 160. (MLRA 13:10) (Aldan Plateau-Rocks. Crystalline and metamorphtc) "0 - ,_, f~ ( ZABI-ma-,L-A-A, Middle Paleo(pic tectow4matia cycle in the front range of the northwestern Caucasus. Trudy Geole muz. AN SSSR no.2:149-158 16o. (MIRA 13:10) (Cmucaaum#AIorthern-Geology, Structural) KAMMISM, Alekseyer Alsksandrovichl KUZNETSOV# S.S.# doktor geolo-wi-n-ar. naukp profel otvereds; OV~ H.V.,, red.izd-va; BOCHSVER, V.T.t [Geology and petrology of the southern part of the Amabar shield] Geologiia i petrologiia Iuwbnoi obaoti Anabarokogo abehita. Mbikia, Izd-vo Akad.nauk MR, 1961. 1 8 P. (Akademiia nauk MR. Geo- logicheakii musei. Trudy,, no.63 (KMA 14 a 6) (Anabar shie!~LG&ology) A KATA.143PY? Sergai Sergesvioh Nuznetoavp 1892- . Trudy Geol, muz. AN SSSR no. 140-6 163e (MIRA 1711l) KADENSKIY9 A.A,p doktor geol.-miner. nauks prof.; SIJUBAYEV, L.P., j"4, [Geological,excursions in the ourroundings of Leningrad; textbook on geological field work] Geologicheskie ekskursii v okrestnostiakh Leningrada; uchabnoe posobie po polevoi geo- logicheskoi praktike. Leningrad, Ideningre gos pedagog. in-t 1963. 190 P. 41IRA 17:5) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvanrWy pedagogicbeskiy institut im. A.I.Gertsena (for Kadenakiy). KADEWPKIY, A.A. Matamorphr~'m of the Paleozoic rocks of the Peredovoy Range in the northwestern Caucasus* Trudy Geol, muz, AN SM no*14:72-84 163. WRA 17:11) SUIUMI-JIK0.1 V.T.; KADENSKIY, A.A., prof., nauchn,-j riikovoditeil rabotLy Geomorphological structure of the central part of the Udokan Range. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:177-182 164. (MIRA 18.3) IVYSK , Yu.V. ; KA.)FNSEIY, A,A. , I-,rof. , nauchryy ruI,-,),jcA 11 c," I Endogenctic minerals in the northern part of the I-UrFay trouFh. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:183-185 '64. a6o) Intvili uohnstlye: .1 1 , . ,~~N, T.A.; Pr _~ADENTSEV, V.I.,, zK11, !,V.,- LMASHOVA, K.I. Effect of the dispersion of raw materials on the proptirtuies of plezoeeramics. Kh1m. prom. 41 no.2:39-42 F 165. (FIRA 18-4) so a I: c L ad dw Tm aw ONw"" , srAW. V. A. Kvvtl IN kiti k wo o sma. poc n, jt4fW. Zkvr. Igo. Nti 1 70, in, 8 i ;;; j 7 4r!,, I l an&l)ftk-al this lh a to prM A A'Ahtd. t-tw l e. ,to t4 the vjAh*,J,, mv Siv" a k7AjAj%tbeoA"4sls4-A:1. Thr"m bt"Wl& VAIS differs Im" that tif I 61,11111. The )-k4da W wariumus oxidors trout i lUuvW bueanum, wr sept w ted toy the t - > Fah > 116). The tutu'r '4 a to Joe trwwormm Into the n"fal s osides o F C A j ft h. h S%, AIA > MOO > SA- am take W W the formatim sof ibr r xvils. Th- Is a mat of AIM in ivuvkl bariam of siimcts mi dX)t sonof M&O. f ~ oo xfALLLoo4K&L 00 10 ~-Ol SA 6 j JM .60 I Aftd, No. the 1111164 -430 1 ctmclu%lomv Wl'- r l.v I be fi,11- #w - voll. at cwkAds -l" -d -4 w duvild 44141 C* rfim A" > it; 0 i1v Col troorim* sit it Frv(% > 0 11,40 .4 hu. 09 nigowl illuvW acrumulatim s followed by W. R. flelin as* k 1 t I LIVEN&JIst, CtAjj,jC&TM,, U Slo too ,sp p ft Of It 19 19 $1 1.4011 Sol 'WO 't.1w 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a _444111 4111 610 0 0-4-6 0 0 0 0 6 0 fie 0 Ill 0 0, p 12 ~j to !! 14 J, 1. Zlz: AV N P A, 1: 11 11 0 11 N 4 1: As 0 -016 06 rA vu t 1 9, severe of the uptake of Iwo by clays and solls. Ill. _411114111 Uptake of univrevient and bivalemit catim of themonal soil t.*2-. and humic acid. 1. X. Antipay-Karatarv, G. Ill. Radet -00 and V. N'. Fiblitutra. Kittleid, Zkor, 9, 21612*46W. I . -:5i -06 ittle a j i if. &W. S. fill I lit till.- - sal wit. With raii-sti K, It 4%akess .0411, -till .1 .4". .4 tile Ashwill" 44 K, at.1 Kq Jot which else valho Ks,-Kt 1% "OrA IwOrcrit 1,11 ond 9:1, It lim, final tit K, and K, Ito file .411. ate (", died C1.41141 Or k. tile Ito4mirt k tile mim-110V .4 q itil, Itirlit-mill, kill satilt. in the imil list X. aml Xi. then Xt(,IXOCI a It I% tile "h- I., tile films -11",milt 114 'cli, tie I t1l "equilibriuracimo." Them it,." e. 61 upt.lkc der"U" lit tile roic. I'll -- Iki > CA Me -at rilb r1 : 11C.1 Vahl" J.W A Wttr 14114itiril i 'll"MUCIn 41111 11% Kq -' NIS 1-4 100' mm-ing the talks Kl,, Kit anst k Wait ituhrlwimisrul o Ks Ki clay. I he was lit k"s ..11 .61 h Ilse uao, Ps. ~ K. 4. fiq the (met* R : N't 1. 1 k - Z,d). Of: hit 04.31, dull CA Ila 14 ouint-verntity .4 tile ..I.allwast 1 L.Okn Anil houlle a, 1-1 -0 0 ,z7 -h &led, 44 45 00 .1' a?), fill me a i hnnotem IM x. 44 %%hfA d ale jullicostall). loctleviverfinam The tit, vrf is 0 rilithequiv. KI. The uptake Waoi aittimt trev"tole but k feke of Jig by checonpron to greater than by.,thtr wml-. .1 %mrivil with K :Ks list Ca-.1ittion a Cie huntate Itom twat. _~~ntalolj- Iseralm of the isers. mattef in rhortuarrill.--_ I-or K " ka moul Ct: 14) coln chemmem, and alverl (tit Ca: Cu Uptake M beatry itimial In$ by clays And Wild; to Illf- 0. on vloornessete if when the exchance voccutt"I in an volk. Kilre. . I ; f, Dimk emolitions. 1. N. Antipily-Karmts" -lit A - IU AJAV WAS irtrormittle for CA110. Cii:Cu 4111 110)) Ruylk-KitistivittA. 0 oved &A Jat toll 4.3-7)cm clemsturne, i.e., Jig, Cte,and thif. 4411-3-1S44ali. 44 IIKCI,, I*bCll- gall III At tvath! nut shchillovs. The ionic Mere"th In all 0CIICII ""t fillo4fil lhf~nlxh a rolumn 'N t". Widt 4 artill oripts. was O.M.1A Ie loArillil. diffemuces belsorwit lam,11% "41, list. Witt, N 11,11 r9tij, CA 1~ 11%, a at fig humisr add. chrim-tensoml lisle 44 1 con. It., h-%% mriAl i-t. IWAV ilm'suith . IV. Upliske of Willem vations by r*d.brown clays and after 1, I~A d... V - tit It I% Ilse torlight i-ovembe MM, Nit 10. 7;f-X!II143).-Ilvr uptake, vois 4-4thr"'Itiolln(III-40cm.) I mervittle witil The **rquil. cailm.- Ir was itedeportntrul -4 - X 1,1101, the' Oltt%t A- alhi 14111 1';C". f-P. Kt:rs for Cak:Nlg ost it mil-birmu ciffir (1) (orbaw- %all%. 1`01141. 1 WAAA1111ml Mentral Im 11101 as"I MCI, CUCI, rapidly me - 35 millicoluiv. peor 100 g.). a tord YNI (Ale - hAwrI.1jike 1114A .11,. ltc(-,rr tile Weak thr-mith. tile -t Joe M and a laosID4 will Om - 12). It Moog I.A. 4.1, anti 4. 1, I.W"nut I I mul '~l 7 cle. C411liv i'll, * in Ill' , i 111 mosis. ThrCl concie. %s% O.M.'s X In all rawis. 4 Itself 41-911111" X. it fool .1 mul if for.' V r-1, I h,- take "a, tirstri~MV Wit 11 Vat" with No: K, I.W CA: Ill .1%.,r "kn..jjm .4. v..Isl 4i..J,q the idiiats-4 X-4A" A: aml C.:11K. sin.I the mrowillilitsw aAA liftigr list CoiCu in 1-4 It aq. and ale. .4m. ; all use 1. Ilse livirettr the value of mul NaF I lu~,uorh so t-1 if claw 1111irrostAll roe U 2 AV 00 At 0 1, if ft be It it it a it gt tj to It KWA "4A0& $11 'ho a I Or 8. 5 911 T It KAD31 US*Soil Science Ions Absorption liar/Apr 1948 "The Nature of the Absorption of Ions by Clays and Soils: IV. Absorption of Bivalent Cations by Red-Borax Clays and Certain Soils,'t I. N. ANtipov-Karatayovm, G. M. Kader, V. 11. Filippova, So:U Inst, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, 10 pp "Kolloid Zhur" Vol X, No 2 Describes replacement absorption of magnesium ions in Ca-clays, Ua-sub-ash soils and Ca-red clays, absorption of heavy metal ions on Ca-clay-covered surfaces, and results of the obser- vations. Sub-titted 22 Mar 1947. PA 70T107 gumAbdv* wAaocftmiW meWde for the malysis cK ft so 47 =d mune a=m" of $oil. Im's 0= rrudy snk"moru Ins$ em. 1'. 1'. Dokuth. J: arm imillum for drox. Si0j. AIA, Fe. Ti. kin. Cu. Mir. K. Sm. SLh - -, 811.1 Cl. Tile prowe- dur" we jullsito al ionts ur mtxlifx-.If ifills of Lima 11 111~-Ittoldlyt i- Cal mlhmls. -W refermcell. M 11-clo ~ R/Soil Science Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. J-2 -ibr. Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 2, 1958, 5723 Author : Antipov-M%ratayev, I.Ne., FAder, G.M. Inst : Soil Sciences Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR Title : On the Question of the Genesis of ArsdIl-ceous Minerals Through the Disintegmtion of Primary Minerals. Orig PQb : Tr- Pochv- in-ta Akad Nauk SSSH, 1956) 51) 98-157 Abstract : An experimental stukv of the processes of alteration of primary minerals (mica and feldspar) and formtion of se- condary argillaceous minerals under the influence of wa- ter and water solutions'of orfpnic compounds -- complex formers -- was conducted by use of alectrodialysis. Through separation of this powders of these minerals the processes of synthesis and crystallization of secondary minerals., deriving from reaction with the vater-soluble Card 1/2 UST/Soil Science Physical and Chemical Propurtieu of Soils. J-2 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1956, 5723 products formed in the disintegration~ were studied. It has been ascertained that R 0 in a tartrate buffer is ?vv3 taken out in the form of negat ely charged complexes; in the water extract from the ground cover of a spruce grove the yield of R 0 1 in the form of positive ion compounds, increased. I~22is last medium the organic substances we- re absorbed and a protective film was formed on the dialy- zed minerals, the result being a drop in the total loss of oxides from the minerals, It vas demonstrated that hydro- muscovite is formed from =wcovite; and hydrobiotite, hy- drogetite, opal, and so-called "cat gold" are formed from biotite. In extraction retorts opal, chalcedony, mica, and minerals of the montmorillonite group were derived from the products of the leaching of primary minerals. It is supposed that in natural conditions this synthesis -method of forming secondary minerals predominates both in the disintegrating crust and in soils. A bibliography of 162 titles. Card 2/2 USSR/Soil Science*, Tillage. Meliorations. Erosion, J_ Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biol-P No 5, 19581 20082 Author : Antipov-Karstayevo IsHof Yuriij I*A*j Frolkirial LeAs) Nader) G*M* Inst (off jj".fr Title The Meliorative Aiprop-iiiition-of Solonetz-ftils in the chern*ozem'z6ne'(Hesu3.ts.ot Experiments at the Kamennaya steppe) Orig Pub Pochvovoedenirp,-1957)'N6"2p:1-17- Abstract By means 6Val'sp6timi j~hysicO-'chmicmlprognostie method of possible ~Ailizatibn of soil Moun and carbonate layerq the-toundatio'n has beeilaid for several practical methods rati' " -lo z oils, To set. up 66 sys- of'self-milio '_ on.for so not s tem of i8ii0intiv's measure.9$.thbee inveitig~tions Vero used an the solonetz soils of the central chernozem zone (Khmennaya Steppe). ;By using this method of forecasting the possibility of solonetz soil self-meliorationp Card 1/2 ICADEF, G. M. and I. N. ANTIPOV-KjkRATAYEV "Experimental Studies.of Hydrolysis Processes in Primary Minerals and the Formation of Secondary Argillaceous Minerals" P. 159 0--m-Ow-.0405 B&NIP" and CONOINK lam= 9 Transactions of tbg J%ftb Coaftmnw on Zqvrj=ntal mud AWIted. IWW-rulogy and PeAvsrafts Trwy ... Nua*v, Izd-va AN GW# 1958# 516p2. reprints of reports pmeented. at Omf - htaA in Leningrad, 26-31 W 3.956. The puTow of the cwf - was to exchanse informtion and COOrdinut& the activitiC8 in the fields of eXPOZ iNES&AI oza applied vdwrejo&7 and patroamptWp and to stress the increasing conobodty of practical problem. ANIPOV-UUTAYEV, I.N.; IrAIMR, G.M. Bvaluating irrigation water from the point of view of soil improvement EwIth sunmry In ftlishl. hohvededento ne.2-. 96-101 7 159. (NIU 120) I.Pechvennyy institut iment T.T. Dekwhayeve, AN SSSR. (IrrIgation) 5M SOV/69-21-2-2/22 AUTHORS: Antipov-Xaratayevp I*N. and Kader, G.M. TITLE- An Investigation of Exchange Reactions in Soils with the Aid of a Calcium Isotope (Issledovaniye obmenn kh reakt- siy v pochvakh a primenerd,*m izotop kalltsiya~ PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 19599 Nr 2, pp 139-143 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author has carried out an investigation tending to establish a desirable ratio of sodium salts and bivalent cation (particularly oalcium) salts in irrigational and flooding waters, in order to prevent harmful effects on Soils ' A weig~hed portion of soil was treated with a so- lution (irrigational water), and subsequently the ex- changeable calcium content of the solution was de8 rm. n- ed with the aid of radioactive calcium isotope Ca . The deficiency of calcium in the soil under investigat- ion (i.e. salinit of th soil due to a superabundance of alkali cations~ was determined by the difference bet- ween the absorbency of the soil and the found quantity Card 1/2 of exchangeable calcium. The experimentally established SOV/69-21-2-2/22 An Investigation of Exchange Reactions in Soils with the Aid of a Cal- cium Isotope interdependency between the critical amount of exchange- able sodium (10% of the exchange capacity) and the gener- al mineralization of the water (in grams per liter) per- mits a preliminary qualitative evaluation of water intend- ed for irrigational and flooding purposes. There are 2 graphop 3 tables and 7 referencest 4 of which are Soviet, I English, 1 French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION; Pochvennyy institut AN SSSR im.V.V. Dokuchayeva, Moskva (Boil Institute of the AS of the USSR im.V.V. Dokuchayev, Moscow) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1959 Card 2/2 ANTIPGV-KARATAYEVq I*N*.*, KADERv G.M* Evaluating alkaline irrigation waters from the point of View of land improvement[with summary in English). Poohvovedenie noe3z60-65 mr 161. (KRA .1433) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuohayeva Akademii nauk SSSR,, (Irrigation) KMER G.)k Iodozetric termination of hydrogen sulfide in soilso Poohvovede~i no.5.-101-104 MY 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Pochvenw institut imeni V V.Dokuchayevas (Soils-Analysim) (?I~ometry) (Hydrogen xW "ide) ZIRAY, L.A.; OU,VSKIY, VsM,,# KADER, T.L. Mami transfer In Wbular wetted-wall rentification towero at reduced preastwee IQJ-moprom* 41 no-4158-62 Ap '65. (miu : -L818) - , -1. _t .. ~: i .. KADER Ya "Road to space" by IU.A,Pobadonontsev. Reviewed by IA.Kader. Xx7l.rod. 14 no.lo26 Ja 163. (MIRA 16il) (4ace flIght) (Pobedonostseyp N.A.) ZEDARDY. G.B.; lrAIKR, Ta.M.. redaktor; DOMMIN, NeA., konsul'Untdektor fisi"'J"s"UtIf ~ nauk, prefesserl SRIBNIS, N.Y., tekhnichaskiy redaktore [cosmic ray*] Kosalchooklo luchle Nookwat YeenAnd-ve Kialsterstvs oberemy Soluse, SM. 1954. 34 pe (.=& 8t5) (cosmic rwo) FONOKMV, Alekeandr Nikolayevich;., Ya.m. re d.; SOLOXONIK, R.L.. [Present day jet aviation] Soyromennaia reaktivnaia aviataila. Moskva. Voen.izd-vo X-va obor.SSSR, 1959. 257 P. (MIRA 12:8Y, (Jot planes) I BILIKOT, TAonid Aristarkhovich, dotment ,; KAT)TH, Ta.M. , red.; KrASNIKOVA, T.F., takhnored, (Bacteriological warfare and means of defense against it] Baktariologichaskoe ormahle I sposoby sashchity ot nego. Koskys, Toeu.imd-vo N-ve obor.S=. 1960. 197 P. (KIRA 13-.6) (BACTIRTA WAVARN) e, 111. IVANOV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; RYBKIN. Georgiy Iosifovich; KAIMR, U.N.. red.; SLAPTSOTA, Te.lio, [InJuriaus action of nuclear explosionsj Porashaiushabse deistvie iedernogo vsrywa. Moskva, Toon.izd-vo X-ve obor.S=, 1960. 382 (MIRA 13:12) (Atouic bomb) 41_,-7a-11, . 19MIOV, Yevgeniy Leonidovich., doktor geologo-miner, nauk; L~~ red.; CHAPAYEVA, R.I., tekba. red. (Celestial otonesi meteors and meteorites) Nebesnye kamni; meteory i meteority. Moskvav Voon. izd-vo M-va oborony SSSE 1961. 85 p. (meteors) (Meteorites) (MIRA 15:21 POBBDONOSTSEV, Yuriy Aleksandrovichs, doktor tekhn. nauk; KADER, Ya.M., red.1 CHAPAYEVA, R.Ls tekhn, red, (Way into-space; achievements of Soviet rocket engineering] Put' v kosmos; dostishaniia sovetakoi raketnoi tokhniki, Mo- skva, Voeni2dat, 1962, 98 p, (MIRA 15:9) (Space flight) (Rockets (Aeronautics)) EZ.5-1 SUSHKGVp Turiy NikoUyeviobs )cand.tekhn,nauk; Mp~lRp_X4.M.v -,red.;., XUZIM,g I.F.0 [Inenes of spaosehips] Dwigstali koemicheakikh korablei. VDWmaj, Vosaisdats 1962. M p. (tURL 15s12) (spWombipo-propLuion avatems) ASTASHENKOV,,,Patr Timofeyeviob, insh.-polkoynik; red.; ZUDINA, M.P., tekhn. red. (What is bionical Chto takoe bioniXa.. Moqkva, Voon.izd- vo M-ya obor.SSSR,, 1963. 79 p. (MIRA, 16:8) (Bionics) (Radar) SUSHKOV, Yuriy Nikolayevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; red.; SOKOLOVA) G.F.p tokhn. red. [Space flights] Polety v kosmos. MoskvaL, Voenizdat, 1963. 143 P. (MIRA 17;1) BELYAKOV, Mikhail Vasiltyevich; UDER Ya M red.; ZUDINA, M.P.p tekhn. red. (Ocean of air (Atmosphere of the earth)) VozdushiVi akean (atmosfera Zemli). Moskva., Voenizdats, 1963 129 Pe inu U: l2) (Atmosphere) WOZOVICH, Lidiya Anjito2lyeviia, kand. mod. naukj- red. [Not everybody Imows this; on the ham of alcohol] Ne vae eto znaiut,- o vrede alkogolia. Moskvap Voenizdat, 1964. 89 p. (MIRA 17:12) SHEULIN, Nikolay Vissarionovich, kand. fiz.-matem. nauk; KADER, Ya.M., red. (Planet Earth..* what do we know about it] Planeta Zemlia chto my znaem o nei. Moskva, Voenizdato 1964, 118 p, .77 ASTASHENKOVs Fetr Timofeyevichp insh.-polkovmikl TOLUBKO" V.F.j general-polkovuiko red*; KADER, Ya.M.p red. (Soviet rocket troops) Soystakia rakstnyo volskas Moskva, Vosnizdatf 1964. 231 p. (MIRA IW) 1. PeMy sameetitall Olmokomanduyushohago Raketrqmi "yokami strategiaheskogo, nasnaahoniya (for Tolubko). ZHUKOV V.N. I inzh.-podpolkovrlik; ux"Rilaom. (Mathematios in comba~l.,.li-atematika v boiu. Moskva (MIRA 18:7~ Vooll12dat, 1965. 1Y" P- -"-XC:-RPTA XED1CA See-17 Vol-3/2 Public Healtha Feb 57 66o. xADARN9 PA'UNCZ JI.Illgzlemdny az Melmezda- do TAplAlkozdstudomdnyL-- I-FT fiz-Var--Mm-TaT -ooztdlyAW, Orszdgos. *A mcanyagok felhaozndldodnak dlelmez#seg6ozodg0gyLvonatkozdnai. Experience with the use of artificial materials in the field of foodstuff hygiene Nt- PE019SZSt.GOGY 1956, 37/3 (76-79) Possible toxicity of the materials themselves as well as of their elements should be considered. The artificial material should neither contain soluble substances nor compounds which interfere with the nutritive value of the foodstuff. Experience in regard to harmful effects hae so far been gathered about orthacresylphospbate and chlorinated naphthaline. FAD M-,,, A e ; UL14-4 - New organization of technological Btandards in the chemical induetry. p. 82 CHEHICKE MIMI. (Ministeratvo chemickeho prumyslu) Prahaj CzechoslovOia Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly List of JEast Furopean Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7o July 1959 Uncl, MOXRY, J. -.KADEM, J. , Nvaluation of culture of Yqcobaoterium tuberculosis on the culture medium with aucites prepared according, to Sula. Gruslioa 21 no.6: 427-04 June 1953. (CLKL 25:4) 1. Of the Sanatorium f or Iung DiseaseB IMP. Bukov. GzachoslovAia. XADMA VMY, J.; ICA 1A, Jq BAIWA, A. Affect Olt extract of dry Betula leaves on growth of M~vobactorlum tuberculosis, Chokho biol0L 3 no.2:12?-130 Apr 54. 1, Tuberimlesnyy sonatorii, BWmv. (PLLMS, OBstula. off. of extract of dr7 leaves an growth of N taborc.) (MYCOBACTARIUM TMA1=318, effect of drugs OR, $Botula leaves 'extract) XADERA- Z.; JELINEKj -1. Standardization in the chemical industry. p. 18. Normalizace. (Urad pro normalizace) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 7, no. 2, Aug. 1959 Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Va. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. :L1'1,x~G1iJbL0 iAK:LA CAaca= :Chemical Technology@ Chemical Products and Their Apy)litations, Gene,ral AN. JOM : Fos=a.p No 19 logo go. 68099 AUTHOR tKadera, Z.1 Filing Z. TITLE :A Now Bysten of Technical Standardization in the Chemical Industry (0techoslovskia) 0MG. pUB. :Chein. prusTalp 1959,'No-2. 112-83 ABSTBACT :No abstract KADERAP ZO "Problems of technical -standardizati6n.11 p. 6. VYNALEZY A NORMALISACER OCHRANWE ZNAMKY, CHRANWE VZORY. (Urad pro VYnalezY a normalisac). Prahas Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3,, No. hj, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EW ), Lc, Vol. 83 No. 8, August 1959. Uncla.