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LAGSALOVA, 11dia drej FODCIR, Miklos- Preliminary investigations concerning the prepartion of uranium oxide potteries. Rpitoanyag 15 no.5:173-177 My 163. 1. Kozponti Fizikai. Kutato Intemet Haftemia II. LaboratoriuM. LOVA. Lidla [Kaealova,, Lidial Behavior of hydromusoovite during heating. Epitoanyag 15 no.10091~394 0163. NA , Fersnoq dr.j, kandidatusp tudomanyoo.munkatare ,--! 9!~4 Msaourement'of the extonoive utilization of production installations, Atat szemle 41 no,7t724P-73i# n 163, 1, Magyar Tudomanyw Akademia Kozgazdasagtudomanyi, Intezete, 0 bk=OI, Geza; UCS Tik=t . Elemer; RAKOLCAI, Imre; lszmn-, 00 1 More important tanks of the Szolnok County Inspeotorate of the State Bureau of Geodetics and Cartography. Good kart 15 no.1:47-55 163. I@ Allam' Foldmereni es Terkepeaseti Hivatal Vas negyei folugyelooege. HUNGARY/HvmAn and Anima' Physiology - Internal Secretion. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 8884 V-7 Author : TAjos Bart& and Nags Uesis Title. : The Interconnection Between Potassium and Supr Metabolism in Dis:betia Chtldren Orig Pub : Magyar tud. akad. Biol. as orv. tud. oazt. kgzl., 1956, T, No 1-3, 195-200 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 pC S-k-c/.7- BAN. Andras, Dr.; GOHBKOTO, Bela, Dr.; KACSKD, Janos, Dr. Agastric and intestinal negaloblastic anemias. Orv. hetil. 98 no.40: 1093-1096 6 Oct 57- 1, A debreceni Orvoutudomanyi loetem I. oz. Belklin4ajanak (igazgato: Fornet Bela dr. egyet. tanar) es L oz. Sebeexati Klin'ikajanak (mb. vezeto: Szoleasky Qyuls, dr. east. deoens) kosleinenye,, (ANINIA. HYPERCHROKIC, case reports magaloblastio anemia after gastrootouW & intestinal surg. (Hun)) (GASTRAMONT, compl. anemia, megaloblastic agastric. case reports (Hun)) (INTISTINO, surg. compl. magaloblastio anemia, case reports (Hun)) BAN, Andras, dr.; SIRO. A.Bela. dr.; IZMM. Peter, dr-4-u-CS1112J.- Janos, dr. GSOKORAr, Iasslo, dr. Effect of large do so of pyrexal, a bacterial pyrogen, on the: leukocytes. X&gy.;:lorw.&rahi.13 =65MX-135 0 160. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudowayi Igyatem I. BelklinikRjamak (Igazpto: Dr.7ornst Bela egy. tanir) k6slemenys. (PYROGENS pharmsool). (MKOCYTU pharmc*Ol) (LIPOPOLYBACCRARIERS pharmcol) i4. BAN, Andras, dr.; XOGSAR, Laszlo, dr,_; KAGSKO,_!janos_,__dr-.; DEM10Y, Peter, dr.; GSONGOR, Jozoef; SMO, A. Effect of Pyrexal -- a bacterial pyrogen -- on iron In the blood oorum. Magy. Belorv. arch. 15 no.3:81-84 Je 162. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. Bolklinika (Prof. Fornet- Bela dr.) es Korelettani Intezote (Prof. Kentyus Lorand Ir.). (IRON blood) (PYROGENS pharmacol) KACSO$ A. KA CSO, A. Days suitable for weeding with chemicals. p. 9 Vol. 11, no. 8. Apr. 1956 MAGYAR 14EZOGAZDjISAG AGRICULTURE Budapest, Hungary So.- East Etwopean Accession, Vol. No. 3, March 1957 UCSO, A. FUGSO, A. The peak accomplishm nts in plant protection an arable lands. p. 12. Vol. 11, no. 15/16,.Nug. 1956 YJ,GYAR *',ZOGAZDASAG AGRICULTURF,' BudapeLt, Hungary So: E-ast European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 KM=X4MFXW,, 1%Aitaj UMO- IMM- On the transition Sec*ism of latioes of the oopolyner acrylate of ethyl-orarylic &aid in homogenous solutions. Pts. 1-Mttudia UniYo B-B Be Cham.'8 noola57-78 663 le *Jkb9s-My&i* Univeroity.. Clujo VEGH, Oliver, chim., TARODI, Laurentiu, chiu; KACSIO,.~lena, rhim. PonsitAlities of applying chromatography In the leathor industry. Industria usoara 11 no.11077-580 N 164. 1. Shoe and Leather Works,, Cluj, Laboratory, AIMASI, M.;-SZABO, L.; FARKAS, S.; KAOSOO F.; VIGH, 0.; MURESAN, Iudita Reactions of metallic oarbonyls. Note. III.On the mechanism of the formation of acrylic enters from acetylene, nickel carbozWl, carbon monoxidep and alcohols, Studii a-ore chin 8 no.3:509-517 160. (EM 10:9) 1. Iaboratoral do chimie organica al Universitatii "Babes-Bol7ail, Cluji, in colaborars cu Institutul. OCHIMIGAZO, Mediae. (Carborql compounds) (Metslo~ (Aarylic acid) (Estero) (Carbon monoxide) (Alcoho"19) (Nickel) AWASI.. Nicolais; KACSO. Franciect SZGO,, Ludovic; VEGH, Miver. Obtaining vinyl ethers from acetylene and alcohols in the pre- vence of potassium bydroxide at atmospheric pressure& Pt.le Studia Univ B-B S Chm 8 no.1097-301 163P 1. OB&bes-Bolyaim Univeraityp Clujo Kacsur, I. Effect of environment on physical, and intellectual development of school children. P. 77. ANTHROPOLOGIAI KOZLEMEN M . Pudapest., Hungary. Vol. 2, no 3A, 1958 Month3,v List of East European Accessionsp (EW) LC3 Vol. 9j No lp Jan. 1960 Unclo KACSUR, I. Anthropologiai Koziemenyek. Budapest. Vol. 1, no. 3/4, IY58- (Pagyar Biologlai TRreasaC. Anthropologiai Szakosztaly) Comparative examination of the body development of pijpi-Ls I:Lv:Lng in various surround. ines. p. 85. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 8, No. 14, April 1Y5Y- Uncl. KACSUR, Ist-fan,,Ar,,,._tanar Darwinian tubercle. Elovilag - 4 no.W940 Ap-Js 159. 1. Debrooent, EmberUni Inteset; Kossuth gyakorlo gimnaziu~p Debrecen. KACSUR, Istvan, dr. Prehistoric man in the Bukk Mountains. Elovilag 5 no.3.-25-27 .71-S 160., 1. Debreceni Embertani Intezet. KACSUR, Istvan, dr. (Debrooon) Mic~ocephali. -Term tud kozl 5 no.6:276-278 Jo 161. KACSUR, Istvan, dr., gyakorlo gimnaziumi tanar (Dabrecen) Evolution of the Primates. Elovilag 8 no.06-0- JI-Ag 163. CADEK, J.; )~,,A~ MUOOKY, M. Genetic relations between the thermal springs and Neoidic rook mineralization in the Teplice and Usti nad Laben areas. Veot Ust gool.38 no.4t 265-268 Js 163. 1. Ustredni. ustav geologicky., Praha. MIN p ;_ =- -:T~ - -, --=-- T7T77-!-!7 . =77- -.7 --- , .I .- - - - .- -,- -Z-_ ~ ~: ~;- . . -~ -~ 'i ~ - ~L~ - ,-: z -- 1 , - ., - . ., - , - - ___777= _ _T _- _:,_, --- - ., - - . - : -:- . a r -L3u - -- I,-. ~ I - 1 .1 . -- . . .11.1-1- - , ~ ", L . . , , !; '- . , ., , , . . KACUP is - Influence of X-rays and thymectomy on the course of parabiotia intoxication and Immunological tolerance in parabiosio of inbred mice. Folia biolog. (KrakaR) 13 no.10-21 165 1. Institute of Biology and Babryology of the Medical Acadmyp Krakow, KA -9"z ll~,~r inz. Graphic determination of combustion temperature. Ciopl mass przaplyw no. 46:7-15 163. 1, Katedra Cieplnych Maszyn Przoplywowych i Katedra Czesci Maazyn,.Politachnika, Lodz. CHRZASZCZEWSKA; A.; HAHNp W.E.;_nLZ)-N..J- Research on the diacylplycerophosphoric acids. Pt.3. Acts, chim 8:29-35 162. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry,, University,, Lodz. Presented by A. Chrzaszosewska. CHRZASZG-ZEU5KA, A.; KjXCZP.N. J. From research on dincylglycorop-hosphoric acids. Pt.4. Acta chim 9s213-225 164. Research on gJ-ycyIqIyco'.'Dhosp',-.oric rv:~id~ ilt.l. Ibid. i 227-23b 1. Department of Organio. Chemistry of thn l,od,. UnJv-jr,ll'.y. Presentod No,.,.Ic?62. KACZANOWSKII_Andrzoj Hele3la rhisodri3.i gen. n.# sp, n. (Ciliata Astomat). Acts. pamsit Pol 9 no.10/211247-256 .161. 1. zoologioal Institute, University of Warszawa. Head: Raabe$ Zdzislav, prof., dr. KACZANOWKI Andrzej Studies on Protoptyehostmm simplex (A4dre 1915) Ciliata-Thipotricha. Acts. parasit Pol, 9 no.10/2:Lt257-272 k61., 1. Zoological Institute, University of Warszawa. Head, Plaabe, Zdzielaw, prof., dr. q -I-- rl'A Af/ F- 43 a tie I lit- a -I' Sol if 121 t4 I 'R- 10 ausa Cl PRIKI 0.8. q . ' " 381.3 it- ilia Of I fill I KkOZANOWSKI, F. Criticim of mechanistic materialism in psychiatry. Polskii tygod. leks 5 n0-25:961-966 19 Juns 50,- (CIML 20t5) KACZANOWSKI, Feliks Dif-Icu ' , I legal poyebtatric diagnosis in cases of alcoholic intoxication. Neur. &c. polska 6 no.6:817-822 Nov-Dec 56. 1. Z Panstw'owego Sspitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznis Chorych w Pruszkowie, Dyrektor: dr. P. Kaesanowski. (ALCOWLIC IIMXICATION, diag. psychiatric diag.. legal aspects (Pol)) (MICINE, LIGAL legal aspects of psychiatric diag. of alcoholic intoxication (POI)) KAGZAIIOWSKI, Felike ~- - The 10th anniversary of death of Jan Mazurkievicz. Neur. &a. polska 8 no.3:377-380 May-Juiie 58, (BIOGWRIM mazurkievics, Jan (Pol)) EXCUM-MMA-Sec-8-Vol 12/7 Neurology--July--59- 3371. THE CRIMNAL AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MARITAL JEALOUSY AND IMAGINARY UNFAITHFULNESS - Znaczenie kryminalne i spotecine zazdroici mahadakiej I urojefi niewiernoAct matiedskiej - K a c 2 a n9 W ~jk Stpit. dla Nerw. I Psych. Chorych. Pruszk6w - NEUROL. NEUROC R. PSYCHIAT. POL. 1958. 8/4 (455-471) Diff er*nt types of jealousy are distinguishedi ordinary. psychopathic and alcoholic. In addition, imaginary marital unfaithfulness is discussed. The criminal signific- &nee of jealousy grows proportionally with the presence of pathological elements. .-..The related problems of forensic psychiatry are discussed. Bucowczyk - Mdt A-CA 4~-~7: ALEKSANDROWICZ, Juliano prof. dr,; BROZEK, Anna; KACZANOWSKI, KrMztof'; FASKOWSKI, Bogdan, - - -.-It Anthropometry of patients with leukemia. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no*432 1636-1638 26 0 164 1, Z III Kliniki Gborob Wownetrznych Akademii Medycznej v Krakowie (Kierowniki prof. dr. J. Alaksandrowlew. i. z ZeLkladu Antropologil., UJ (Kierowniks Prof. dr. E** Stol-yhwo). KACZBOWKI, Krzysztof Inheritance of the subdigital line D on the human pL-LM. Prace zool no,745-29 1620 le Zaklad Antropologiis Universytet -Tagiellonskil Krakow. Kierowniks prof. dr.l.Stol7two. KAGZANOUSKI, Ta4tusj,, mgr inz.; Wilusz., Henryk,, ina. Experiences of the Stalows. Wola Steel Works in applying to steel castingstests of iridium andogaium by radioactive isotopes. Przagl odlew 13 no.8/9t2l3-218.Ag-S t63. KACZARSU, T.; BASMSKI, A. "Adsorption of Sulfurous Acid by Potato Starch," P. 23, (PRZEMYSL CHEMICZIffq Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan. 1054, Warszawa, Poland) 30; Month3y List of Esst Buropean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4. No. Is Jan* 1953 Unal. SIEUCKA, Maria; BOGDANOWICZ, Irena; DILLIN&-0BTR0WSKAj Eval SZKLOZYNSKA, Katarzyna; L=ENSKAs Maria Forood,exercies of the right hand as a cause of neurosm in children. Pediat. pol. 38-no.4t4O5-408 163. 1. Z Wojvvoozkiej Prsy-chodni Zdrowia Psychiesnego v Gdansku Dyrektari Isk. mod. M. Bielicka a Foradni Zdrovia, ftychicsnego FKF w GdanskulKisrovniks dr made S. Dybowski i z Oddsialu Neurologii,Dziecisoej im. Janussa Korczaka AM v Gdansku Kierowniks prof. dr mod. Z. Majewska, (LATERALITY) (NEUROSES) (EXERCIXE, Tmmm) KACZEKSKA, Maria; DILLING-OSTROWSKA, Ewa Studies an right- and lift-handedness in normal subjecta. Neur. &c polska 10 no.2;237-241 Nr-Ap 060. 1. Z Iliniki Isurclosicanej A.,NoG* Kisrown1k: prof* dr Z.Hajewska (LATEMM) KACZIW.SKA, Maria; DILLING-OSTROWSKA, Ewa Role of Minor's test in the determination of handedness. II. Neurologia sto, poilska nno.1:47-51 U-7 161. 1. Z Iliniki Chorob Nezvowych AM w Gdansku Kierowniks prof. dr Z. Majewska. (IATMUT!r) b- r- KACZENSKA, Maria; DILLING-OSTRDWSKA.. Eva Re-trained-left hindedneos in the lighi.'-iof atatiBtico. Neurologia etc.., polska 12 no.2sl87-190 162. 1. Z Klinikl Chorob Navowych AM v GdansW Kierownikt prof. dr Z Majewska. (LATERALITY) KACZEIISKA., Maria; DILLING-OSTROWSKAq Bwa Changed left-handednese in the light of statioticso Neurol nourochir psych 12 no.2.-327-190 Mr-Ap 062. 1. Ilinika Chorob Norwowych, Akadembi Medyesna., Gdansk-Wrzeszcz., ul. Debinki 7* Kierownikt prof. dr Z. Majewslm* LEE . - I 1 1 L-_- _! . - ~- - - ~. ~ . . I . 1. .I - -- .- " WL t~ i~~ i~~. - I -' I - I 7-:1 -_ _"'. - - : ~. ---1 DO ur-zsl~s - ~7 - __ - - - wo ININ-34" I(aczer, J. Study of Idelss dorains by mans of tho Bitt-ar-.Akulov mthod. p. 605. G?,SKOSLOVM'jISKT GASOPIS PRO MUM. Prah-q, Vol. 4, no. 5, Oct. 1954. SO: Ronthly List of East European Accessions, (Em), LC, Vol. 4, No. 11, Nov. 1955, Uncl. KACZER,, J. Now method for investigation of the domain structure of feirromagnatic materials. P. 70 CESKOSLOVENSKr CASOPIS PRO FrSIKU Vol. 5a No. 10 Jan. 19% SOt Monthly East European Accession List (EEAL),, LC,, Vol.. 4,, No. 9,, Sept. 1955 Uncl. - - , . - 1. - - -- -- -~-, - . , : - - . , .~ 1. -~ - CZECHOMOVAKIA Magnetism. Experimental Methods of.Magnetism. F-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 3,, 1957,, 6828 Author I Kaezer,, Jan.., Gemperles, Richard Title I -BF Ji iiing Permalloy Probe for,the Investigation of Magnetic Fields. Orig Pub t Caskosi., casop, fysi -1956 p 6No 1- 43 54 Abstract See Referat Zhurnal Fizika.. 1956.. 34901 Cai~d 1/1 Cuth j. 0. th. 1.0; 14 E" ia.. ..d.1 ~f th~ Dlw-b W-1 lf.Lhe Y" CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Magnetism - Ferromagnetism. Abs Jour -. Ref Zhur - Fizika) No 6., 1959,p 13192 Author :f- Kdozer, __!1an Inst Title A Note on the Work of K. Zaveta "The bbgnetization Curves of Thin Iron Layers" Orig Pub Chekhoel. fiz- Zh-) 1957P 7) No 1) 124-125, Abstract It is indicated that the appareint reductionin magactiza- tion of thin fil:-w of iron, obaerved by Zaveta (Referat Zhur Pizika 1957, No 6, 14631) can be explained fully, and vith good agreement with the authors measurements, by theporosity of the films, SO: on-AlY Lisf ',f fA&~T vx~wA) 4CC=1dA19 V6 4 7 13 Card 1/1 60 ----UF1g-T%Jb Cesk661-.dft-86P-"- rys I.-flo-4~-50)..;Jqe-rrem, -UTWMIFLO"na - Abstract See Referat Zhur Fizlka, 1958) No 8, 18135. sEs ALjo. Monthly Index of Ust Buropean Accessions (UAL) W, Vol. T, no 2, Feb. 1958 Card 1/3, CZECROW)VAKEA/Maguetiez -.Ferrompetiem. Abe Jour Ref Zhur -,Fizilm) Nq.,6j 1959).13202 Author 1(dezer Jan Inst Title son~the Domin Structure of Thin Ferromagnetic Films. Orig Pub Ceskoal. casoPe-fYs,,) 1957) 7) No 5) 516-525 Abstract See Referat Zhur Fizika, 1958, No 9, 20559. AUTHOR: Katszer. Xa-. 48-8-19/25 TITLE: The Doma Structure of J!erromagnetica at High Temperatures (Do- mennaya struktura ferromagnetikov pri vysokikh temperaturakh) PERIODICALi Izvestiya AN SSSRI Oer.Fiz.f 1957P Vol. 219 Nr 1), pp. 1170-1175 (USSR) ABSTRACTa The vanishing.and reappearance of doma structure in ferromagnet- ica within range of the Curie point and the corresponding struct- ural changes under the influence of temperature fluctuations are an interesting field for reseiqrch both in the theoretical and in the practical sense. In this paper reference is made to corresp- onding publications by Elsohner and Andre, who u.sed the most com- plete methods of colloidal suspension for this research work. In the chapter dealing with the doma, structure cf magnetitic ex- periments carried out with a natural monoorystal magnetite sample are described. When attempting to deitermine the doma structure by means of the powder pattern method# the desired results could not be obtained, but this was easily possible by the application of a permalloy probe. A slight magnetization resulted in the angles for magnetite of 71-logO. By the application of the Galt method it was possiblej after pickling the sample for several hours in a 3o76 boiling acid (it is not said which) to detect the doma Card 1/3 structure on the sample by means of -owder patterns. In this .P The Doma Structure of Ferromagnetica at High Temperatures. 48-8-19/25 paper the photos are mentioned which AllustrAte tfie changes of the dos& struature at the sample at d1fterent teaperstures. In the chapters The doma structure of cobalt the dipendence of the doma structure on the anisotropic energy of the material is dealt with. For monoaxial magnetic orystals the formula F,,,K,Sin2e,4'K2 sin4e is here used# where Ba- anisotropic energyj XjK iLniaotrop- ia constants, 0 .- direction angle of light magnetization. The average width of the doms, is here dtermined according to the for- mula d :1f2L , where d -doma width, I - crystal dimensions,"P-- separat In Inergy, and K - anisotropy oonstant. Herefrom it may be seen that the doaa width increases with a reduction of the an- isotropy value (examples are given). In the chapters Exploitition ofresults it is said that practi- cally doma structure. modifioWti'on_s-ar_e not as strDng as should be expected according to the formula g1ven. Thus Vie doms. struct- ure of magnetite shows practically no change at all at jemperat- ures of 2o - looo, so that no comparison is possible. Wilkinson and Schull proved the decay of doma structure at the Curie point in connection with the application of neutron diffraction. In the case of cobalt structural changes are hardly observable within Card 2/3 range of temperatures of from 2o to 2o,DO, although the anisotropy The Dom& Structure of Perromagnetica at High Temperatures. '18-8-1~/25 condant in this inverval is reduced 6-fold. However, with a fur- ther increase of temperature of up to 25oo as sudden change in the geometry of the doma takes place, which is expressed by the for- mula ?- a 2 f-U. For exact quantitative determination-3 it is re- commended to carry out measurements of the anisotrop,'r constant on the samples mentioned each time at certain temperatures. There are 9 figures and 11 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION3 Institute of Physicsof the Czechoslovakian AN (Fizicheskiy insti- tut Chekhoslovatskoy AN) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 E~W /Y,_ AUTHORs ) Katezer, Ya. 48-8-2o/25 ------------------------ TITLEt On Problems Connected with the Theory of the Coercitive Force of Thin Foils (K voproau teorii koertaitivnoy oily tonkikh listov) Rwmiv~rr of a Wrort) ' PERIODICAL: zVestly-a AN SS13R) Ser qFiz., 19579 Vol. 21, Nr 8, pp. 1176-1176 USSR) ( ABSTRAM (Summary of a lecture delivered in the Czeah language). On the basis of the existing model of the dividing layer 'between ferro- magnetic domasp-the density of the magnetostatie energy of the surface charges occurring at the point of intersection between the dividing layer and the surface of the monoorystal has been computed. This energy density in the case of a foil is higher than in an unlimited crystal. It has been proved that the strength of the dividing layers between domas forms the function of the strength of the foil. The expression, which here corresponds to the ratio of the coeraitivity of the strength of the foil, is confirmed also experizentally. In the case of polycrystalline foils, however, qualitative agreement could be attained alone, be- cause the results of computations were below measuring results. Nevertheless, it was found that agreement of results can be at- tained also ifq when calculating, the constant maignetostatic sur- face energy is taken into acoount'which (probably) increases the Card 1/2 energy charges on the surface of the foil. The erperimentally de- On Problems Connected with the Theory of the Coercitive, Force. 48-8-2o/25 termined value of these charges for polycrystalline siliceous steel should amount to about 4 erg cm-2. ASSOCIATIONi Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovakian AN SSR (F.aioheskiy institut-Chekho'slovatskoy AN) AVAIUBLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 C-72CHOSLOVAKIA/~hGnetisn - ForromaGmetism Abs Jour Rof Zhur Fiz4a~ No 5~1959: N9 10792 Author Khator Inst. instiM of Physics, Czechoslovak Acadoray of Sciences) Praduo, Czechoslovakia Title The Interaction Energy of Parallel Dloch Walls Orig Pub : Cheldioal. fiz. 211., 1958,, 8.0 No 3j. 278-284 Abstract : The author derives exact expressions for the density oV the interaction energy of parallel Dloch valls of an unbouiided ideal sinale-axis farromagnet as a function of the ext(wmnl field and of the distance between the walls. The enerjW density of the boundary layer, idAch in nodern theoriets of mncpetic susceptibility (Kersten or Vicena) is assumed con- stant (independent of the external field)p turns out Di fact to be variable, %Wch under certain conditions my in;rLuence the results of these theories. Using a transition to lbe limit, the exact formula is converted to an asymptotic form., Card 1/2 43 0 CZECH/37-58-6-24. AUTHOR: .. Kaczer. Jar. /30 TITLB:. 77~aze Structure -on ~the''- Surface of Iron-Containing S.Llicon ( povrehu klemlkov4fio. gelel;a) PIRIODICAL: 6esikoslov~nskj Oasopis Pro Pysiku, 11958 ITNr 61 _~p'742 .'743' (Czech) ABSTROT: The, maze. structure: Ref' 1) , is the oldest known azdAeast understood~domain.struc'ture in ferromagileties. V&~ious workers.(Refs 2 to 5) have expressed the idea that it might be connected with-6tresses'in the material. From iheoretical considerationi-the author conclude& that the maze sbructure should occur, if the material is under homogeneous com- pression in all directions parallel to the surface under observation. From a single-crystal of iron containing 4% of silicon a cylinder (10 mm long, 8 mm diameter) was prepared with its axis in the direction of easy magnetisation. The end- surface of the crystal was electrolytically polished and a iieture of the domain structure was obtained by the usual co loid technique (Figure 1)1 A radial pressure of 10 k was then applied to the sample and a piotare of Cardl/2 the same area was taken (Figure 2). The normal domain CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Magnetism - Ferromagnetiam, F Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Mika, No 4,~ 1960p 8912 Author : Kauzer Jan$ GeWrle Richerd Inst : Phycice Institute Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia Title : A Contribution to the Domain Structure of Iron Whiskcrs Orig Pub : Ceskoel. casop. fYz-, 1959,, 9, No lo 25-31 Abstract : A theoretical calculation is made of the domin striu.-ture observed in filament-like single crystals of iron. A de- tailed analysis is made of the case of a closed strueture an the end of the filament-like single crystal vith a growth axis C111J. The effect of pressure and benting on the domain structure of the whisker with a growth axis C100_7 is considered. The occurrence of zig-skg boundary is calculated for arbitrary orientation relative Card 1/2 86 CZECHOSLOVAKTA/Magnetiom Ferromagnetism. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, wo 4, 1960, 8912 to the %xes of easy mapetization. The results of the calculations are in good quantitative agreement with experiment. -- G.S. Krinchik Card 2/2 - General Prob~leim. MMMM~~~ F - 5/058/62/000/00V120/160 A061/A1O1 AUTHORS: Kacz6r, J., Gemperle, R. TITL'-':'-. Honeycomb domain structure PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962,46, abstract IjE399 (Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1961, v. B11, no. 7, 510-522, English; Russian summary~ TEM This Is a report on the honeycomb domain structure of magnibtoplumbite -Ij0 Pb-re,2019. The specimens were thin plane-parallel monocrystalline plates bounded by basal planes. The honeycomb structure appeared on demagnetization from saturation of the specimen in a field formir~g an angle of about 900 with the hexagonal axis. An ordinary lamellar domain structure was formed at angles less than 8Qo. The energy, calculated theoretically, of the honeycomb domain structure was found to be by 51% higher than the energy of the lamellar structure. The " conditions of formation of the honeycomb structure*and its stability are evaluatEd, The theory proyides a satisfactory explanation of the experimental facts, if the honeyconb structure is regarded as metastable. L. Boyarskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 44226 s/o5y62/043/006/013/067 %L B154 102 AUTHORz TITLE: Hexagq"nal anisotropy and magnetization curves of antiferro- magnetic CoCO 3 i.PERIODICALs Zhurnai skeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,. v. 43' no. 6(1-2)t 19629 2042-- 2049 ' ' t t h l i t i d n e he an so cons a ence of t cagona TEM, The temperature depen ropy of antiferromagnetic 0 etism was measured. OCO with,weak ferromagn .9agnetization:curves and hysteresis loops were.determined. Measurements'of ' ator X were made using a torsion mapnitic balanco with a photooompens 3 similar to the apparatue'describea by J..Kacper (Oz.echoole Journe Phy8j.'. -5 The sensitivity of the balance was about 9-10 dynocm per scale mm, and' the-maximum measurable moment was 3 dyacm, A cylindrical crystal (diameter,-.0.6 mm, thickness 0.35 mm)t which was grown in the Inqtitut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) by the Card 1/3 S/050J62/043/006/013/067 Hexagonal anisotropy..* B154/BI02. hydrothermal method described by N. Yu',. Ikornikova (Kristallografiya, 61, 745, 1961) was used. Measurements of the hexagonal torque L 6 aB'a function- of the magnetic field 0 1 H 0 i 5000 06 showed that.the properties of the crystal are iireversiblg improved when the sample is cooled in a strong magnetic field. At 4.2 K the value of X wag determined from K L I 3 3 m 6/3V -3 since L was equal 0.224 1 0.001 dyne/cmI X (656 � 10) erg-am At 6 0 1 3 ' )2 temperatures T:*4.2 K, K 3 deoreases rapidly. K 3 '%A (T N - Twhere TN 17.60Y. is the Neel temperature. At all temperatures investigated, the direction of easiest magnetization coincides with the second-order axis of the orystal. Magnetization curves.' along the axe$ of.easy and of difficult magnetization were determined in magnetic fiel4a UP to 1000 as at 4.2 Kt also thi moment of-saturation I - 45*3 CGS)I/cm2,'agreeing eatisfaictorily with I as given by ;.,Ye.'Dsy&Ioshinskiy (ZhETIP The ~t .3we 15479 1957)0. value of-the critical fi Id H- 18 K /I leads to'the'rela*tion 3 -75 t -4.'OSX H n 485(T T)' j,H is 260 ose or N or Card 2/3 5/056j62/043/006/013/067 Hexagonal anisotropy... B154/B102 Hysteresis measurements gave two loops with maximum values at 3-5 and 9.0 oe respectively. The values of the saturation field strength of 600 - 800 oe and the values of the coercive force of -1 oe indicate that remagnetization results mainly from the rotation of the magnetization vector* At room temperature the difference between the paramagnetic susceptib~litieswaa -4 CGSM/cm3, 'Xii - 1-04-10 There are 5 figures, ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED-a -July iip 1962' Card 3/3 ~&TSERP ran. [Naoser, Hexagonal anisotropy'and,magnotization curves of antiferr6kaip'etic COC0j. Zbur.eksp.i teor.fis. 43 no.6t2W+2-2049 D 162 RPA 1611) 1, Institut fisichaskikh problem AN MR, (Cobalt aarbotate crystals--*patio properties) ACCESSIqN HR: AP3003620 Z/0055/63/013/005/0386/0393 AUTHOR: Kacxer, J. TITLEi Recording photoCOuV4nsatin& torsion balance with automatic arresting device SOURCCt Ch*khoslovatskiy fixicheskiy xhurnalq v. 13, no. 5, 1963, 386-393~ .TOPIC.TAGSt torsion balance, physical measuring instrument, magnetic ~anLsotropy, magnetization curve ABSTRACTs A high-sensitivity photoelectric torsion balance capable of automatically measuring and recording the magnetocrystallLne anisotropy and magnetization curves of samples of weak ferromagents weighing less than .5 ma to described. The th,eoretic,-*!.prIncLpIG* upon which the instrument was constructed at the Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Hoscow, are outlined. The sample is located between the poles of a magnet at one and of a rigid rod; the other end is connected with a mirror fixed to a movLng galvan-- ometer coil. The light frou a lamp is the mirror ont*4 Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3003620 differential photoreaLstors-the voltage of which is led to an ampli- fier similar to a symmetric cathode follower with a suitably adjusted frequency characteristic, Because the cathode follower output in this instrument is fed back to the coil, the food-back in negative. When the amplification is large enough, the moment acting on the galvan- ometer through the sample in practically entirely compensated by the ,current supplied by the photoelectric amplifier* The coil is there- fore-deflected only very slightly from its zero position, and this deflection will be smaller the greater the amplification, the current being exactly proportional to the measured moment. An original fea- ture of the balance is an automatic arresting device which protects the suspension thread against damage when the specimen Is changed. The Instrument was used to measure the hexagonal anisotropy constant .and magnetization curve of a cobalt carbonate single crystal weighing 0.47 milligrams. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas and 9 figures* ASSOCIATION: Fyxik&lni ustav CSAV,-..Prague (Institute of Physics, CSAV) -SUBMITTEDS 02Au&62 DATZ ACQt 12Juu63 ZNCLt 00 tun CODE: PH No RZF SM 002 OTHERs 006 a 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3005955 Z/0055/63/013/008/0579/0585 AUTHOR: Ka cd6-., J.; Zelany M., Suda, P. TITLE: transitional periodic domain structure in thin films of magnetically, ..uniaxial materials SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskiy fizicheskiy zhurnal , v. 13, no. 8, 1963, 579-585 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic plate, magnetic structke, magnetism, magnetic uniaxial material, periodic domain structure, domain structure, fe.rromagnet, iron magnet, demagnetization ABSTRACT: The paper gives the theory of transitional domain structure in thin. films of uniaxial ferromagnets with an easy axis perpendicular to the film. This domain structure was first studied by Ch Kittel (Phys. Rev. 70 (1946), 965) and Zi MS1ek and V. KambersI6 (Czech. J. Phys. 8 (1958), 416), who calcu- lated the influence of the demagnetizing energy more exactly. They based their calculations on a simple ajodel of a thin ferrom4gnatic film composeid of domain$ 0 in the shape of parallel plapes alternately magnetized normal to the surface. From the results obtained until now it is seen that there exists a.region of critical thicknesses at which the structure,of the anti-parallel mcguetized Card 7Z ACCESSION NR; AP3005955 plates changes into another structure,-the type of which depends on the material constant and which is energetically more favorable* Depending on the ratio k 2 T11 ,/Kl, where Is is the saturation magnetization and Kl the antsotropy constant of the film, the plate structure changes for k 6 1 into a sEngle-domain .pendicular to the film; for k-,Pl 1, on the other hand, we film magnetized per got a single-domain film (on the assumption that the film is unbounded), in which the magnetization lies in the plane of the film.' It is to be expectiad that the transition from,one to another is not sudden, but that there exiiits Ae least one transitional structure. In the present paper a model for aueb a structure is proposed and its energy is calculated. It is proved thatt in a certain range of thicknesses this transitional periodic domain energetically more advantageous than.the plate structure originally proposed by Kittel. The proposed model.explains the transition from the Kittell structure to the homogeneously magnetized film. The results showed that the transition occurs suddenly at a certain critical thickness when the thickness of the film is decreased. "The authors thank Z. Milak (C. So.) and V. Janovec (C. So.) for valuable remarks and V. Kambersk� for help in the numerical calculations."', Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and 6 figures. Card 213 ACCESSION NR: '.i,3005955 ASSOCIATION: Fyzikalni ustav CSAV, Prague (Institute of Physics, USAV) SUBMTIED: l3Nov62 DATE ACQ: 26Aug63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: E14 'P. NO REIF GOV: 006 OTHER: 006 Card 313 PIEKARA, A.;,'KACZMAREKj F. Investigittlon of piezoelectric vibrations and dielectric loss factor by a temperabire method. Acta physics Pol 26 ro.l.-85- 93 JI 164. 1. Institute of Experimental Physics, A. 14ickiewicz University, Poznan, and Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan. DABROWSKI, Adam; ~APZKQW% -i Map of average strata densitles of formations accarring In Poland above sea lovel. KwarLalnik gool. 9 no.1:203.-215 '65- 1. Department of Geophys'ns of the Institute of Geology, Warsaw. Submitted June 30, 1964. RXIM. IgnAc7; RUKINSKA. Antoniona; KMZEDWSXI, Jerzy PrOlIninarY investigations on the effect of ferrocy anide ou yield and amount of alkaloids In Datura stramonium L. Acta blochim. polon. 2 n0-3:315-320 1953. 1. Zaklad Blochemil 300 1 Zaklad Saesegolowej Uprawy Roslin SGCN. Kierownik Zakladu Prof. Ar. 1. Jbifer. Klerownik Zakladu Prof. dr, A. Listowaki. -(DATURA. effedt of Ofte on. forrocyanides', on alkaloid content. (Pol)) (FZMCTANIDN, effects. on Datura strawnius alkaloid content, (Pol)) - - IrAGZKOWSKI, Jerzy -"'~cb=nsm 7o~otosynthesia nocording to 0, Warburg's studies. Postepy bioohem. 4 no.3s321-331 19~8. 1, Pgr ius., at. asystent Katedry Biochamii Szkol'y Glownej Gospodar- stwa Wiejskiego w Varnsawis. ..? (PHOTOSYNTHAS=9 Warburg's theory, review (Pol)) KAGZKOWSKI,Jorsy------ Biospathesis of tropane alkaloids. Postapy biochem 6 no.2: 197-211 160. - (AIUWIM metab. -W UCROWISKI. J , -. TOZWXO-TOCZKOg, )4 Bacteria docomposinC tropane alkaloids. Acta. microb.polon 9 no.2: 173-179 160. Is Z Katedry bloeboull Szkoly Glownej Gospodarstus V19joklego i s Zakladu Biochemil Uslin Instytutu Diochemit I Btofisyki PAN w Varesawle (POWCNCW metab,) IR ZELAWSKI, Wlodzimiers; VASIMWKA, Denutat . XACZKOWSKI "zzr On the ferrloyanide method of determining reducing sugars. Cbem anal 6 no.5tM-M 161. 1. Katedm-Xjsj~MWXa&U&A Katedra, Biochemli, Szkola Glowna, Gospo- darotwa Wisjokiago., 'Warszawa. XACZKOWSKI...J Diamineoxidase and its role in the bio"nthesis of alkaloids. Postepy biochem 7 no.31-431-"3 161. (ALKALOIDS metab) (CXIDASRS mtab) -7 AMMJCZUKO Jej =ZKGWSKI J Biosyntheois of tropane alkaloids. I. Esteriffoation of tropine with tropic aAd. K,,,t!L ftnt%, ~%otu P.:a ~ 31 m 3:1+61-469 162, 1. Department of Biochemistry, Central College of Agriculture., Warsaw* KACZKD'4SKIp Jerzy of wheat gluten. Postepy biochem. The structure and properties 11 no.3025-399 165. KACZK(7-Zh'I, M. The designer and the construction enterprise decide sibout safety in the industrialized building system. p. 1191.~ PRZFALAD'DUT.)CtjT.ANY. (Naczeina Organizacja Techniczna i Polski Zwia-.-ek Inzynierow i Technikow Badownictwa) Warszawa. Poland. V01. 31, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Yonthly I;ist of East European Accessions (EFAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1959- Uncl. PoL/7-6o-22-15/46 AUTHORS: Drozd6wski, Janusz, Engineer-and Kaczkowski, Ryszard TrME: Agrlcultural~Aircraft PZL-101 "Gawron". PEMODICAL: Skrzydlata polska,'i960, No. 22, PP. 7 9 TEXT: The article describes operation abilities of the PzIioi "aawron" agricultural aircraft, a modified version of the YAK-1 '2M aircraft produced in Poland. The aircraft was modified according to plans drafted by Graduate Engineer Stanis+aw Biefi and Graduate Engineer Stanistaw Lassota - head of the "Gawron!' designing team. Further, the article describes liquid and powder insecticide spraying equipment mounted in this aircraft, and lists its operation principles. The following performance data are'quoted for a loaded wbight of 1,62o k and for 1,2190 kg respectively, the latter indicated in brackets: max. speed 170 bzVhr (172 km/hr),- stalling speed 57 km/hr (42 km/hr); take-off distance 150 meters (80 meters); take-off time 12.5 seconds (7 seconds); landing distance 90 meters (55 meters); ground speed 86 lay%r (59 km/hr); max. climbing speed 105 )uqbr Card 1/2 P/007/61/000/043/001/001 10.0000 9,207 DOO3/DlO1 AUTHOR: gaeskowski, Ryssard TITLE; New Soviet airliner AN-24 PERIODICAL. Skrsydlata Polska, no. 43, 1961, 6-7 TEIT: The article contains a description of the now airliner, AN-24, soon to be put into service with "Aeroflot". After a series of test-flights, this modem turboprop aircraft, of which first details were announced in 1960, is being serial- ly produced. At the end of 1961$ the AN-24 is scheduled'for service on "Aeroflot's" medium range air routes. Like its predetessor, the AN-10A (Ukraine)., the AN-24 is a twin-engine passenger-transport monoplane with a cantilever high-wing of marked anhedral on the outer panels. The wing-skin is attached by spot electric welding, and riveting is reduced to an absolute minimmi. The ailerons are of gla3s-fibre construction and are fitted with large tristabs. Destined to encounter temperatures varying fram -501C in Siberia to 4400C in central USSR, the leading edges of the wing are equipped with an electro-thermal de-icing system. The fuselage of the AN-24 is an al.1-setal semi-monocoque structure and its tail-unit is of the canti- lever monoplane type of all-metal construction. The elevator planes have a consi- Card 1/3 Now Soviet airliner AN-24 P/007J61/000/043/001/001 D003/9101 derable dihedral. The', landinL gear of the AN-24 is the hydraulically retractable tricycle type.with twin vheelB'on all units. The power-plant consists of two Al-24 2,000 HP turboprop engines designed by A. G. Ivchenko. Each engine drives a four- blade variable-pitch airscr6w made of polyamide resins. Fuel tanks are in the central sections of the wing. The airliner normally carries a crew of 4 (2 pilots, navigator and a stewardess). The Wsenger-carrying capacity varies according to class from 32-40 passengers. The cabins are pressurized and the temperature inside the aircraft maintained it 17-21'*C. The cockpit is fitted with the latest flying instruments, radio, And radar navigational aide. The standard layout of the liner includes galley, cloakroom, toilets., baggage and cargo campartments. Although no weights pertaining to the AN-24 are available,-.the article lists the following dimensions and technical data:. Wing span-27 m, length-24.5 a, height-9 a, wing area - approximately 63 x2, maximem speed-560 ko/hrp cruising speed-530 km/hr, ceiling-10,000 m,~ravge-2)000 km., take-off run - about 450 m, landing run-350-4-0-0 a, stage length-1#200 - 2,009 km. The article closes with a comparative table of technical data of three aircraft-roughly in the same category: the M-24, the Handley-Page "Dart-Herald" and the F-27 Fokker "FriendskipP. In conclusion the author implies tl~at the AN-24 airliner is in many respects not only comparable Card 2/3 New Soviet &irliner An-24 131/OIDO/043/0():1/00.1 D:/WO30yal 003 1)101 with ' but alBO'superior to the above-owntion reason for better Performance is the emp, Od Aircraft. construction method, which rd,c OYI*nt Of Metal b It If SaId that the Article contains 4 photographs, anding, lightwe,ght It d3tructural weight And increase payload. Card 313 i4gram and 1 table. Tile P/007/61/000/045/002/003 DOO1/JD1Ol AUTHOR: Kaczkowski, Ryszard TITLE: Universal aircraft An-14 "Pchelka" PERIODICAL: Skrzydlata Polskap no. 45, 1961, 7-8 TEXT: In 1961, the USSR airlines "Aeroflot" put into service on their short dis-, tance routes the An-14 "Pchelkall designed by engineer Oleg Antonov. Outside of the USSR, the An-14 is also being built and used in the Chinese People's Republic under the name "Sba-tu". The An-14 is a:general purpose aircraft for short dis- tance passenger, medical, mail, liaison and rescue service. As a passenger version-- it can take 6 passengers and 150 kg luggage. The pilot's cabin, fitted with com- plete flying and navigation instruments, including a manually operated radio com- pass has room for two. The aircraft is an all-metal, two-engine high wing mono- plane of double-spar construction and has a three-wheel fixed landing gear with 700 x 250 mm low pressure tires. The tail unit has two end-plate vertical fins. The Ana-14 is powered by two 260 HP radial engines Al-14R designed by engineer A. Ivchenko with adjustable two-blade propeller W-530. Its takt-,off run is 60 m and Card 1/2 4543 P/007/63/WO/007/001/001 A056/A126 AUTHORs Kaczkowski, Ryozard TlTM Aerosledge PFRIODICALt Skrzydlata Polska, no, 7, 1963, 10 11' TEXT: The author considers the problems of transportation in northern countries, where ground and weather conditions 11mit the use,of motorcars and aircraft. Attempts of motorizing sledges began in Russia In 1907. Later, a regu-~ lar, production began withA. Tupolev, A. Arkhang~lski, V. Vesolovski. The aero- sleoge NKL-26, built by A. Andreyev and V. Vesolovski was in use against the Wehr- macht during the winter of 142, equipped with aircraft machine-guns. The models..,.! generally used to-day In the USSR -are the 6-seat ANT (Tupolev), the 8-seat OSGA-2 (Bieskurmikov) and the 6-seat OSGA-6 (Andrevev).'General characteristics.are:,the-', airconditioning of the passenger cabin, the hydraulic or rubber shockabsorbers, the hydraulic shoving out brakes, the steering by front or rear runners. Engines-. of aviation type, up to 300 HP,'Tractor.or pusher propeller (profiles NACA 2309 and CLARK Y-UN). Another model far developed to-day is-a transformation-of the Card 1/2 r r2 P/007/63/OOC)/00?/OPI/001:" Aerosledge A056/A126 motorcar M-2-0 "Pobieda" Py addition-of a 260 HP engin~'AJ-14R (normally used on M, I I -:12 A and . M 'ndts - designWI aircraft Jak ax. speed 80 knVh. The "Pul -2" (P61noc-2), by engineer Q.'Kamov, i:s'-.also mhad-proqueed. Especiallyl entioned as the most re .cent Soviet realizationlIs the fimphibian sledge desigfied by A. Tupolev.. Mbtallia.: structure, cover of dural umin, stteamll6d. Air-cooled 5-cylinder engine M-1 I with 160 11r. Double two-bladed bropeller', with slots between the prof-iles ensuring:~-_' an eMalency 20 - 30% higher than the~classical propeller. The cover of the hull..,. -bottom is made of special plastic material characterized by a.very low friction 2 coefficient (0.05)'. The weighi-surface ratio is 150 kg/m2 (instead of liO00 k9/M_.'4 in the case 6f skis),,and, on fresh snow, the track is bArely visible. Charaoter-~ istics of the Tupolev amphibian aprosledget Length 6,0,m; WAdth 2.1 m; height -1.4 m; max. speed on ~fiow at~a'pproximate temperature of -10,C - 130 km/h; cruising speed an snow -,60 km/h for 1,2.W, 1,450 rpmj m&x. speed on water: 75 kq/h; c'ruis- ing speed on water 45 km/h. Card 2/2 r d 1~2109-63 BDS/EWT(M) P/007/63/000/017/001/001 AFFTC/Abl) AVMOR: Kaczkowski, Uszard 55 TITLE: Propeller-plant /V PERIODICAL: Skrzydlata Polska, no. 17, 1963, 4-5 TEXT., The first Polish wooden propeller plant was established and organ- ized in 1948,as a department of the aircraft plant in Okecie Warsaw. its first production director was Tadeull Czaikowsk , a propeller designer with considerable experience. The difficulties encountered during the initial stages of development were caused by the lack of adequate premises, equipment and tooling and, above all, of qualified personnel. Production began in 1949 with the launching of WD-451 single-block propellereffor CSS-13 aircraft.and WD-14"propellers for UT-2 training planes The propeller plant,is presently engaged in the manufacture of various types, the high quality W530-DII/N type for PZL-101 "Gavron" aircraft included. The plant uses the most modern technological methods and production-techniques and employs presently highly qualified personnel. Its pro-ducts are well known abroad as well as at home. 'Card 1/1 ------------------ ACORSSION NR& AP4042)24 P/OOOT/64/000/029/0012/0015 AUTHORs Kaczkowaki# Fqrsxard, TITLE: Polish aircraft engines and their development in 1945-1964 SOURCEs. SkrzVdlata Polska, no, 29,, 1964p 12-15 [TOPIC TAGS: Aircraft engine manufacture,, engine,, engine construction;! 4Liston engine.) -ramjet engine,, turbine enginep turbojet engine,, turbo- .prop engine TRACT: In addition to aircraft engines built from foreign designs.; Moiand developed a number of domestic designs since WWII. The chief ~ idenigner for medium-power piston engines bearing mark WN was Docent., Master engineer Wiktor Narkiewicz; Engineer S. GaJecki pioneered a Polish low-power motorglider engine, later more fully developed by a team of designers from Polskie Zaklady Lotnicze (Polish Aircraft Plants) (PZL); workers from the PZL and the Instytut Lotnictwa (Aeronautical institute) (IL) under guidance or Doctor engineer ,S. Wojaicki are responsible for first Polish turbojet and experiment- al ramjet engines. The author gives a concise summary of engineering C~id 1/2 ACCSSSION NRI AP4042324 Ifeatures,--the craft for which designed, the production stage reached,~ band, whenever available, precise specifications under three group- ings,, The'tirst-group of piston engines includes models WN-O.. WN-1 j~(PZL-65 KK) XL-Gad WN-2 (PZL-285'KM),, WN-3 (3A A, 30a 3D)j WNA, WN-5,, wN-6 t6B,, 6B21,, wN-6R (6RBa wN-6s,, WN-7, WN-71f, PZL-35 KM, and PZL NP-1. Second group of piston abd turbine engines mentions achievement of the 'Pule-101 and 'Pule-111 engines used in Polish gliders gnd helicopters respectivelys, the,turbojet TS-11 approved for' - S, serial production for the 11skral planej and now tested TO-1 turbojet.-,,_* engines. The third and last part describes aircraft engines produced*''.4."'; under license for domestic and export purposes in big-lot quantities IIn Poland from foreign designs, and includes the specified Soviet PZL: I M-11D* PZL M-11 FR-1 (M-11PH), PZL Al - 14R PZL ASz-621R. PZL LIT-3 (AX26W).. PZL LIS-2A (WK-1),, and Pe-,L LIS-5 *-lA). Orig. art. has: A- 12 figures,, 1 diagram,, and 2 graphs. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 Ruct 00 U; M CODE: PR NR REP SOV: COO 0TWt COO Card, 2/2 7110 1-iffirofft MS14161 %44 rt"464OU1141 III Ifir ('4111SIVA in (.%fatrI4.111 It."114:411o its %I. zjmj.I oe, 112116 N"d-'* bou - W inomv with *w j.,istu, it- oq4ttk u( "WWW &64 6"th. W. Wk"bMk Poland M111TWIt CLOWO TM see A see .00 see so* moo Noel view O"IfIv a a 6 1 111 a 0 a a 2 1 IF Aq to 0: III o o 0 0 To 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4,0 0 111o0 1110006 0 0 674.075.23 :624-OM4 ObUquely, jEcetntrIcal][Y Cm- L q* of Piers Abt , -.11sty slup&w ukoftle, mimoirodowo Jclskanych f1gs, 3 tabr~ ar ~W*Fk% I Budo*alctw~ No, 2. 1933, pp. 62, Tba fundalnerital Aftft Assumotion of rKtansular strem distribution has bit -t -batzi,odapW w(th a *W to BTIVlnl*at a more acc=te approolatIca of 'tho Mblem af,temmte.climenMoning pf obtluely eccm3~r!callr eotggaamd plam Th* tuthor: reviews profiles with symmetHc4 reirt. -'dVAributed alon; the ver*dW and hmizon(Al -of the,,nvulral axii Is 4c-flnW by Wamblea 1p wds. OxInVao aft 4,*Adaived of the position of the noub OX&MAe Is givem I t t q Ik A V. ii L"I'll Al Powne Zunim-iqta Trostacl- ruftkcTF U, FUTIC110116 Of JILAI"Aol An Ell (WOMMVI. No. 4. 19539 p. 144,' In Pollih; abridged In English and Russian Pot the cast of in Infinite plate svbjrcl;~ to !% circularly symnictricat lead Around ally point. P 0 L .2320. Kmkowskl Z., CartmLn closed fomis of.bTRAM'furc- ifow OT J-U~.= in V i~n-), Ot,11. Acad. Polanam ' -1, 2, 2. 75-47, 054. Using Grecrt'ft function fkir art fiifi~iit~~ rLmnngolur trill whidi m Oao edt e of 01t, mi-ilt. autEca obtauls ex- ammes wo value L prBs9lons for tho deflt-tlom of lnfiniii~ wO.-ingular ptrij,,4 und,r severut types of 1w.Ing in ft'r~'rrt-i of definite, h-J(!grMr. T. C. lin, USA TT