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SUEVA, G.; IRASEKO U. Th6 vaginal application of adrenalin in uterine heAor'rhage. Akush. ginek (Sofiia) 2 no.6:22-24 163. C 'C .M07711 SOURCE CODE: UR/0'15/66/000/012/0077 OU AVtkOR: ORG: none Automatic sons TITLE itivity calibration of recording channels of piezoelectronic it 1 measuring systems SOURCE:, lzmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 12, 1966, 77-78 TOP.IC TAGS: piezoelectric transducer, pressure transducer ABSTRACT: Tt is necessary to determine oscilloscope sensitivity ~o assure accurate determination of amplitude of an investigated signal whe 'nfast physical processes are being recorded by means of a piezoelectric transducer. A calibrator.circuit is described which provides marks of known st amplitude through the.recording channel of an oscilloscope. The cording*system consists of a piezoelectric transducer with calibrated sensitivity, an electrometric unit, a voltage amplifier, a CRT, photo- recording eqv4ipment, and a generator oi.rectangular'pulses. These negative rectangular pulses which are of short duration, are applied to the electrometric unit where their amplitudes are stabilized by the Zenor-:1 diode network. A capacitive attenuator is'prQVided to maintain pulse -amplitude-at the.required level. A formu~a,~s'.given which permits. UDC: 681.2:621.317.755.089.6 ACC NR: AP7002711 determination of the pressure at any moment if th,--. of the piezoelectric transducer, the deviation of,the pressuze, the.amplitude of the calibrating pulse"~'and'the parameters of the complete cal~4rating networkaia known. - It is concluded that thi,described method makes it ob*tain the,momentary sensitivity of the recording chann~,1-*-- e~zoelectronic measuring systems during the recording process ..Orig. art. has.-.' 4 figures and 3formulas. 'SUB CODE:. 09/'.SUBM DATE:- 28M&y65/ ORIG REF.- 002/ AM PRESS: 5111 Card 2/2 HINAELYAN, Sh.S.; IRBE, N.A. Effect of porosity and formation pressure on gas yield. Trudy SNIIGGIMS no.l8t5O-53 161. (KMA 1687) (Beresovb region*(Khanty-Manol National Area)-Rocks-Perms4blUti) (Berezovo regioh (Khanty-Mansi National Area)-Gasp Natural-Geology) IRBEO N.A.- ReSlAtering -hole polarization diagramo on an OM measuriat dffies in roWw having high resistivity, Razvedo i promo geofiso no#46:82-85 162. (Electric prospecting) (MIRA 16-0) IRBEKOVA, E. TRE.-.-EKOIIA, E. On the anber coast. p. Vol. 10, no'&' 12, Dec. 1956 ROMICKE HLASY AGRICULTURE Czechoslovakia So: East airopean AccessionV Vol. 6, Yo. 5, May 1957 Sanitary and hygienic significance of the washing of streets. Shor.nauch.rab. AKKH no.3:80-98 160. (MIRA 15:4) (Street cleaning) Exr,-1,RPT-A, FSDICA, See 14 71ol 13110 Radiology Oct 59 1921. THE DEVELOPMENT OF ovARiAN TUMOugs IN RATS AFTER ROENTGEN RADLATION (Russian text) -"I r JE, A. Inst. of Exp. Pathol. _d and Therap., Moscow - VOPR. ONKOL. 1958,-475-1533-5361 Tables I Rats - 325 in number - aged 2-3 months were used. Their lumbar region was ir- radiated with doses from 100 t,,* 1.000 r. Ovarian tumours appeared In 38 ou~ of 131 rate that survived for over ', 1.5 months. The letter animals received 30%) r. In some series the tumour frequenc-, reached 50%. Judging by their histological ouri were found to be thecalutoomas, granuloma cell tumour structure theme tum a and tumoure of mixed type. The dove' lopment of ovarian tumours was accompanied by the appearance of endometrial hyperplasta, uterine polypi, mastopathy and f1bro- adenomm. of the mammary glands. 10. 14.-16) + IRDO Ye.A. (14oskva) Significance of fol-licular cysts of the ovaries in the rise and develolment of dyshormonal tumors in rats. Probl.endak.i gorm. 7 noo4t35-4+2 161. (MIRA 1418) 1e Iz laboratorii sksperlmehtalinoy gormonoterapii (zav,, - kand. biologicheeiikh nauk W.10 Lazarev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii (die* - deys-tvitellnyy chlen AMW SSSR prof. N.N. HLokhin) MN SSSR. (OVARIES-DISEASES) (TUMORS) (CYSTS) (R&DIATION SIMNESS) IRD, Ye.A.; KONOPLEV, Spontaneous tumors-in-rate bred in the nurseries of the AcadmW of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Vest.AMN SSSR 17 no.11M- 96 62. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii ANN SSSR. (ONCOIDGY) IRP, Ye.A.; MARKARYMI~ D.S. (Moskva) Mcperimental 4ormone therapy of ovarian foUicular cysts In rats. Probl. endok. i go'=* 9 no.5:55-59 S-0163 (MIRA 1012) lo Iz laboratoril, eksperimentallnoy gormonoterapii (zav, kande.biologicheskikh nauk Naiolazam) Instituta eksperimen-, tallnoy i klinicheskey ankologii (dir. deystvitellnyy chlen AM SSSIL prof. N.N.Blokhin) AM S&S% IRD, Ye.A. Experimental ovarian tumors in rats. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 57 no.3:89-91 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy gormonoterapii (zav. - kand. biolog. nauk N.I. Lazarev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onko- logii (dir. - deystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin) A124 SSSR, Moskva. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR L.M. Sha- badom. Wbj&ov. S.N,; DAVIISIXOTA4WLl KOTA, TO.Y.; rISM, Oj, Clinical aspects of 2two-wave" virus meningo-encephalitis. no.38:51-55 133. OMRA 7:5) 1. Is kliniki nernWkh bolaxney Goeudaretyannogo Ordena Lenins Instituta dlys unoversheneftovenLys. vrachey im. S.K.Kiroys i is Otdela virusologii Instituta eksperimentalluoy weditsiny AkEkdenii meditainskikh nank SSSEL. (Brain-InflammUon) DAVIDJNKOVA4rULIKOVA, TO.F.; nW, O-V. 1pidexiology and.clinicalaspects of a blundulant viral meningo- encephalitis. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 56 no-5:382-384 156. (KLIU 9:8) 1, ninika nerynykh bolas. (say, profs S.N.Davidankov) Gomud. inst. uaover. vrachey imul S. IM.1trova i otdal virasologil (zav. prof. A.A.SmorodIntsev) Institut eksperipintallnoy meditsiny, Leningrad, (MORMLITIS viral meningo-encephalitle, bi-undulant) Problem of the focal nature of epilepsy. Och.klin.nevr, no.1;90- loo 162. (KM 15;9) (EPILEPSY) ==MOM IRDT--VLADMlW5KAYA,, Changes in -the phatoreactivity of the Ab in epileps7. Dvh. klime nrffro no&W,4-69 18,-11) A IRO -'V MESHCIMRYAKOV M.) NEGANOV, B., and SHABUMD -1, A ZHG WROV, I., IRELOV., Ve. A "Foricing Deuterons from Nuclei of Li, Be, C, and 0 by 675 blev Protons," (Vybivaniye Detronov Iz Yader Li, Be, C, 1 0) Protonami s Energiyev v 675 Wv), USSR, 1957. Reported 17 MMY 1957 at the Second Session of the Scientific Council of the United Institute of Nuclear Research. Translation U-3,055,~93, 22 Jan 58 R P ott-1 v t199*600906111190 it 1k If V 11 m 8 so 11 1& IN W I AA he% up U a- I as A 00 so Addition of hydrogen to micatylene del Isrativests, XXXIX. a jM30missistwo of a Slycolist the diateftyleno amts. vu. S. 'ki and 1. lict"Alfac, zkhr~ ()61,L Awl Khios. 49 0. (ksl- Chesil.) 11411. 1M4 1. ut, irtrarbinig (11) an Cit It. 111. 1211", IAM %Y10te. -i too 0 'ri"! 1, 14181MI bY Pikhoilig dfY Colit ItImUlgh A7 g. IX)Wtl. Koji in !XIO in). dry 14.0. called to about -to'. and aading !71 =0 0 00 dropwive. mirr 3 furis., 32.5 in 3 volI4. 400 *0 Oil M,O. The inlets! 1.0,M5 molentl1d, titt. zoo gestation cJ 0.01 usair firltaindbylini(yurdiol Its Us mi. 00 V F(Oll. with 2 mg. list, lit 321 into.) inctrAm %"ill the aint. of Pit; thus the litness In min.. acceswy to add 50. So, and IW' . 4 the fiW i 11, were, wit h 4 ing. N. 16. W. >51: with Oms.. 11. 24.42: with 8 Inc.. S. 14,27, stills t2 ma.. 4. 8. *3: with 16 Ing., 3. (1.$. 12 min. The 2,7 110 URNIC It lCh"Ills bl~sflj alItIM IN% Q I'll CAWYM. On I's W.Ack. 9 11 sitsmysis sare,added. mulling in dif"Irl-2,7- cvttttcdiol. X. 'I'lle'll Isis 0 Egos got too U 1% IV so L% W a m n.3 U is it it I( 4t WO 4 1 j1A 000 0 00000 0 see to 0 t o 0 000 40 0 dh 01 4Z :22 .8 0 *00 0 0 -* un .Tit lecill 2 go, inc-?" Ip w6l tN.& 4419,4. up.49.z.f -M 11"i It-IN It -9 Iu-t .4-P. (-0"- "44 .014-01 YA N) *OM n Ig wet .104,10s, 4" Iml -mb" "AVA94 I'll, ~ ..vQ-y 'at Lt 1*61 jlf 9- - 00 - ~V, -or q.zc *We'* .. LA~ -t-a CY-0-1- OP010191- '610 _~' I?" -arot a%( .16-C .A.VA.N.631 100H morwa.4m .1- -91) W~vj_p j -at-it L*61 M e. ~~ p va"WO 1(0611 lot W..Ony acr.".Aj -AOWJ *-ft-a -n LL 'L%t vvat 0")-A -4-ir -A%-Z-W -" -4 %C-" 4 q..j -Q2 1-1-V 1-1=~ ~Z241 qC9 I'Q 't-1 'CI W2 '11161 -.03.9,9.t -3.9 up.1af. p VO Is"I 'hwe - Ip qvac.t r.r. ap.riscs -ilit -",L - 94 -ml .Od Z.91 rut .1hf ~wd "W" 0 ME - -. "t I ".d )I 'IS61 'rid Memwg ft.".* no.a.d..2A 9. A"d.- -0*6 ff)-a .00.40.j mm.*.v -49, -Zvi Iml 40-a m ,,yon n 9L ml I &. c9l wr" q-a-av -'.Wrp VA q_Q"Q 9 IQ 9 "tf-wq IP '09.c. 04.2-a cf.91. "lze .9,gQ202 -Llg .1%, 4boe vt 's-C -~Adj 2""ed Cal bA,od u v.v 64F.4a .642.14 Rmdsj ear.a .... I 'Ct '61,61 IM-41 I -09451 cat .6#61 --v9v%9.f cat Tnn%n 'mt ~Sqqx&4. .1 -00-V4 ""m Z Q. q. 4" Tnc9-" Q.z ap.r.1 -919 C'C I ~- .10 --mo 'g-9 ml -ib.e ." '.1crils" 4P '.Y.9 I.Aum . I ap.cp.z.. -we 'e"j) "I to " oLT It) *1561 wcc 16al 'llble roe 4.6.4 d ... W~) (106t a-lw .... mA *or .... d9 IJ33 ~Adjw 1019"0) Q30 . 'G.9 Wer wj-.a ~Adj HV ..w.. -~;jj ~ ig'scat "1.. '(-019- -gM-Z-c -Fm) -Yqr) -1b to .4-. vLe-a ..o."dr- -x---A-- Nav tce lie) rq6t -"w.-_qvQwcf_ IRE14kDZE, N. K. "The Addition of Hydrogen to Acetylene Derivatives: XXXIX. Catalytic Hydrogenation of Diacetylene Seriee Glycols.," Zhur. Obshch. Khim., 18, No.8,, 1948. Lab. Org. Chem.. Tbilisi State U, LAGIDZI, R.K.; IRAQUI, N,K,; GHIGOGIZZII, L.P. Allmlizing benzene with monoacetate of di- (1-oxy)-cyclohexylacetylene In presence of AIM 3* Zhur. ob. khIm.,26 no.10:2754-2758 0 156* (NIU 110) 1. Institut khluil Akadenii nauk Oftsinskoy SM (Gralohmns) (Aluximm chlorides) (Benzene) IREMOZII. N.K.; ZAGIDZV,,]LiL. Reactidim between aWsydrous aluminum chloride and the diacetate of 2,5-diphearl-3-hoxyne-2.5-dlol. Trudy Inst.khim. AN Gruz.SSR 14:159-164 158. OMA 13:4) (Aluminum chloride) (Razynsuoi) SOV/20-121-3-2 1 /47 agi d% e M., Irj!aadze IT Eupra-va, Sh. - D. -,-'troy, h. D" sponding Member, Acs.-dez*r of Sciences UM , 'I'lle -alkilatior of Benzene --nd -Gs -1-omaololgues bly Acetic -v3tern of y-,'acetylene Clycols (Ob alkilirovanii benzola J yego --o mw1(.).,,ov ukqmL-nokislY1:.,i ef--;--aTij. /-ateetilenovykh glikoley) C--'! 7? 1, ~.oklacly Akvtlpn.L,-' nauk 1958, Vol. 1221., Mr 3, pr,.470-473 IT r),.,; ii For years the authors have been inveqti~.mting the berzene alk,yl"tion b,,7 butyndiol. aq, well as by other homologues of the latter Oef2 1-6). 'hey rectilied en inaccm -acy not noticed tiefore (Rof 7) by throiigh a new scheme the product iflich urif7l-11,11 11111 was looked tipon mi 22-phrinyl-naphthalene M an eometh-ing d4fferent. in a letter Prof(,a2or'*mxk,* Ca?ffan koo!r).: ortlil ,Ild (Ore,,,,On~ HOA) apprrr~,ed of Lhe oPiniors of the --~uthora on thc ntructurv of the men'-;oned substance buG lie -uxr-e2ted ~~ dl-j- X - I *f'erent scheme o-' formf~tilon. F-ofessor Pankock ..nointed out to the authors that ti-Le second hvdrocarbon syn- . t'i e - j. zed by them (mel ting point 83-84') is 5,500,10-tetra- J/3 ric-th*,,rl-4b~5,9b,.IC,-'~etrahy,.i--o-iiideno T! ('?ef 10). -121-3-21/4-11 The llkylfition of Benzene and its Hozologues by ,',eetia _I'ztera of y-Acetyieiie Glycols The formation of 2-phenyl-na-phthalene besides acetyl tetralin in connection with benzene aikylation by ^~;-butine-1,4-diol- diacetate rns recently substantiated (Y~ef 11). At present both the scheme of thi~~ outhors and that of Hankock begir to shox diffic-1ties. A more Drobable scheme i-~ mentioned. B ased uiion vurious authors are now convinced that the nroduct with thc~ imelting poln~ of 83-84 actual"y has 4). strructure (111; this is what Hankock suggests. Condensation reactions in the Pre-1,ence of the anhydroun '11c1 are investi- ~. ted: 1) of 2,5-dimethyl-hentine-3-diol-2 ,5 a G -diacetate with C tolvene, 2) of di - (1 -oxy) -cycloboxyl -ace tylone-monoacetate d a ' h ,,ith toluene and 3) of totra-reth,~l-but,rndiol-diacetate wit tolae,,e and p-xylene. The reactions are described together M vfitlh their yi-Qlda. constante and spectra (~nble 1). The ultra- violet slectra vxro taken by T. N. Shl-,urina, the infrared ,;ija_rtr,i by Yu. P. Yegorov. There are I table and loren-CC-9, 14 re' I.) of are Soviet. ~',OV/20-1 21-3-21/47 The of Benzone and Tts irOTqOl9,-j-Lv,- Isters of 1-Acetyl enc Glycolb '-OCTATION: Inat-itut organielievl-ov hhirii im. IT. D. 3elinsk-Ogo kmderiii nauk (~ii,ititube of Or~,anic Cheniotry imeni D. Zelin skiy M32' ) LZ' !netitllt lchimii !.,.kc-Aemii nauk GruzSSR (Inatitute of f.'Ilem i:~, try) As Grrvzrj~'jJ'R)- SUBMITTED: A 7)" i 1. 2090 LAGIME, R.M.; LOLAME, IT.R.; 1ORME, N.K.; CHIGOGIMS, L.P.; DVALISHVILI, A.I. Alkylation of aromatic compounds by acetylene glycols In the prosenco of anbydrous AICI3. Soob.AN Oruz.SSR 23 no.l& 27-34 JI '59. WIRA 13: 1) 1. AN GruzSSR, Inatitut khimli im. P.G.14olikishvili, Tbilisi. Predetayleno akademikom F.A.Kometiant. (Alkylation) (Glycols) (Aromatic compounds) WE IAGINE, R.M#; CHIGOGIDZZ, L.P,, IREKAMS N X XMIRAVA, Sh.D AAMSONIYA, AWlatiou of bousene and Its homologs by diacetates of different r- -acetylene ilycols in the ]Wesence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Soob.AH Gruz..SSR 25 uo.ltlg-26 il 160. (MIR& 13:10) 1. Akademlya nauk Grusinskoy SSR, Institut khimii im. P.G.Melikishvilt. g. Tbilisi. Rredstavleno akademikom R,I.Agladse. (Alkylation), (Benzene) (Glycols) LAGIDZE, R.M.; CHIGOGIME, L.P.; PALAVANDISHVILI, D.A. Reactions involved in the alkylation of benzene by disecondary Y'l-acetylenic glycols in the presence of anhydrous AlC'3- Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 28 no.4:409-416 Ap 162. WIRA 18: 1) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Institut khimii im. P.G. Melikishvili, I Tbilisi. Submitted February 9, 1951. LAGIDZE~ RiM;; ]REMADZE. N. CHIGOGIDZE, L.P.; KUPRAVA, Sh.D.; SAMSORIYA, G.G. k1kylation of benzene and tolufrA, by tert-/I-acetylenic glycols. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.ii:1965-1969 N 165. (MIRA 18%12) 1. Institut fizicheskay i organicheskoy khimii imeni P.G. Malikishvili AN GruzSSR. Submitted July 7, 1963. 00 0 00 0 00 0 go 0 #0 0 *00 0 0 *so foh Us et 04 at A 00 4 dL I &to foop"1111 mall PWI -so I ties" ofinwark bwaft"Ot -00 OOA w ts P.Aircb.(U.S.S.R.)19. ' "I U 00-0 . aw e i 11111. IM.-It W4.1 IAq. mm. d ink ow a Ito-doy P"W Ow" the 64 an altmall days, hato floo ftm#~' o t i of a r w Tistuarno, Plmvdm mu too wd byllbefically. S. mmewim J. #Amiowt. f4ow. 2. 00-1 40 )._TW liteMM; am Uw subo" is wIffe-K-41). PINSIMMI&I InvenflovOons by L. on 111P. .04 (U). dittloylear glycr4 (IU) aim " Ielt I I t h fl 6 O v n - YCO to t e owing iwltmirm.- " r1l to Ow monot look arml IV low leaq 1jilk, 4 the 111 eig. s y ee I I Is Is r"O.1 toxic Aw 11finve pip, 11momflately fodhow"t I'y V C s Ibd 4 &i I . wm r m*, t* m task than U, M anti 'too I V. Givift *pWalmicany. I =b" IV in toxicity. I- Gi MOO g" Will", as 4 art ely toting to the intelli. nal WPOMM16.v-- A. Palpineam-Couture u0O 000- . 19 too. 00 1411-0110 -A 1 "JOV4 ~ft. alit U S AV 00 11 , C; It I , I of as I to ft, to . A to x, it sumo' n sit two 1 T o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a L~,42_38-&__'..AWT(i~)APA A CCE8SI0K NRi AT5001980, S/0000/64/000/.999/1080/1084~:Y"# Grits Yu. A. 1, Iremashvi Pyatnitskiy AUrHOR: li~,D. V.; fLa ov, A~,,A & 'P. 'Chernov, i u in, 7 nov, Ga 1. Panasyuk, V. ~Ii4 TITLX: St rong-current.hiih-froitency pulse accelerators for one-revoltid6n~.-ifije R on into a sync rotron ti h 'SOURCE: International, Conference on Hiq':~ Ener Accelerators.:'Dubna -1963--- T~md yo Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964t.-looo-108 T0PIC,TAGS&..,.hi2h efiergy accelerator,, synchrotron, electron accelerator, ~7, ABSTRACT.t Plains were b6gun' n' ro nt,synchrot lth-'2 1 1959. &r'the st ng-curre ron B4M v external injection ~of ihe'eiedtrons:-(Budker, ~G. I:. ; Naumov, A. A., et al.',. present: collection, p. 1065.). For thls~fhere was required an injector of curren -of a 0 7amperes ts: I several ten r i and-energy not lessthan 1 Mev. The tinie"dura -of electrons -tion of the' injected: bunch (curTent pulse) must be sufficient e- -fil, os ofids ling the.chamber of the sy*chrctro-n - - which ounts to about 20 nan ec 700 cm and relativistic electrons.- The~ deviaq. cas e of eqdlibrium orbit,ldngth of, ersy of ~the' st not exceed 0. St, ~~i The'-, tibn frowthe mean.en ::electrons in a bun(-,h mu ALt 5- keam pulse power of: the Jnij c ctor tens of megawatts. In oHer to,:. J L ~4238-66'- ACCESSION,. NR::-~ ATS007980 -in hS Jectors, of such. type simpler'to'design -and -construct with the object of e i n the initial cycle'of"work-on:-the construction of an accelerator. in a sho g ~ti the mentioned Nuclear Physics Institute prepared an injector using a long' co-' me cuit'~ With the-help 6f this injector,'-work~was:begun-.. "ial line:as the resonarit:cir on:the invedtigatioti-of,the electron-'qpt cal properties of the-accelerator. and channelizingstructUM. After aboxit: one, year- this injector was replaced by 6: more.,: effective one, 'the: so-called small ~spiral injector, which was made in the *mentiona~ ~d Ph~sicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR Still un-;.- built-is the,-ultimate injector,with electron energy of 3,5 Mev and current aroun l()0*amperes*-:The work on,-the injector des~rlbed In:.the pivsent report was,cariiedli out by A. A.:Naumov. -under the topics: block scheme (self-exclt~.;;:~ high-wfr ant injector c r- ed generator of-sub- t equIncy,generator, reson exci I ation, -frequency.p aS e (.4t, pulse 'modulator, el6ctron.beam modulator, fi,,tation of high starting accelerator p6l"s) design'.and-construction;~eleetron guns; radio-enig., measureme_nt.oU~thd aramete In the development of this dif- P ra ferent components of the i~jeetors mentioned. 'in this re'port a number -of: associatw.,k took part in the worki- at -the Nuclear Physics Institute, SO All SSSR Q. _A. ko, P. A. Ale jgjg_kh~ n i'Vt G..:Ginde~ V. M~~k nko, V0 Pq kae vev I - olfch~~q)_:'and.the Pt a Geot-_ L. I. K _qsi6qtechnicp,1 f-5cience V glan ~~SR 8 i~ Ya., Ri 'Ab V. Yo. Zelenin H~ I. 0atFQ3 7-7 Card 3/~~~ -AdCESSION:Al'- AT50079801 , ne Yu* Sho Ve diktovq.Vl',;.146 ~~Utl G.#;,Ki Si idin).. Orig. art. basic figurv s 1 6 yad6rhoy.~Tiziki- SO 'AN SSSR ASSOCIITION:-' nstitut qqLear Physics. lnstitute-,~ SO (4 AN SSSR) _ UBMITTED: "'.26 Ekl;- :60 MaY64 -COM; N SUB No REF,SOVj.- 03 -'41~1'--12-70THER: 00o'-1- 1'... . " z , MI Card 4/4:11" IREN, M. G. 25240. IREN, M. G.. Profilaktika Dripiem FRI Spontannom Pnevmotorakis, ProbleW Tuberkuleza, 1949, No. 4. S. 71-72. SO: latopis' No. 33, 1949 SmobArost, 3;glena, Vol XZ, So 2, Y-r-Apr 62 1. 10a0upational Cancer or tha Sk-in in Oil a.fimorles the Kachine industr7,' rror P. KZU; vp 97-111. D6* t"nla P419 or Plbrous Stmaturee t 2. ;nTh;n:*t1Lp:J -is," Dr D. lprADDr Rodica TRIPSA and VP L. ?V.MMCU. 1410rk performA at the RPR In-KT= (InstituEu. do 191-inh, si 113-123-- 3. *Modifications in tzbg Orgaiden ft1loving the Adnlnla- tretion of 3111con by the Digestive Ybuto,* Dr P. KMCV, Was, MMIRUX and DIr Or. ?APMCCTAII- Wbrk 29 rimed at-MrDeroartmen Gent a t L (Catedra do Isiona Gwn~r1TK1-=-%T-tV- 1partIMPM. (catolIra do =Xtorda ?Ato logina) or ocatla.1 zns'it2ta ;Tnatitutal )4ad1cQ-P*rrflMF=C 44 -pow-Wo, m, trs-t; ~- t ftoemals or wlect~olytav from the SkL-1 under ta-.0 in Goal Me * Dr I Sciences UmndlaW4 *Ryglemio a" Boni deratims-cm the, Yaln Natul "I bast" of 91 Or M. AltmA, Cmv , X. RD SIG F - pvt ra Wet (7hati tu* - at I 6n& at Saustate Pub 110 a a "'R) Commumal Welang Soctionor the Timisoara ar ~ah Milalm, TWoosra, Seatim, do Igions, Cc &UbWWY; Vp *5-lSk- fi. 19freet at ra Ions on Butter TV*d Mytionla Condit T* )Nbo * Or P. JA2;1--A WA Dr P. 141tO5,00U. Work perfornmid, at the DPV (Catodre do Zgna- a Ustitut- (Tastitutul Mael PFffr-r-.nDATvA mtpr or Subject (S*f 7. C'utribotlons to tbo Study of Water Supply in DobruAV -Dr A DARG-S-A, -Arr-A. P~ J35L arA Dr Lucia FAMMSCU- Work V;7f.,. 6rimal Sazpid_(.'%*nerAdu1- We-vW-Elr? DobrudJa; pp 163-16 ACC NRt AP7002678 SouRcE_coDE-____uR/oio9/67/Ol2./001/0153/0156 AUTHOR: Bogdanov, A. G.; Iretakaya, _,I.; Kartashov, V. B. ORG: none TITLE: Experimental study of the field structure in a vayeguide x-circulator SOURCE: RaUotekhnika i elektronika, v. 12, no. 1. 1967. 153-156 TOPIC TAGS: microwave component, microwave ABSTRACT: Some results of an experimental study of the field structure in a wave- guide x-circulator are reported. The investigated device is a symmetri- cal 4-arm waveguide junction along the Z-axis of which a cylindrical ferrite is placed. The parameters of the circulators are: cross section 23 x 10 mm and 17 x 8 mm; decoupling and crosstalk attenuation, not less than 22 db; and standing wave ratio 9 1.35 at a constant magnetic field of 1000 oe. The ferrite element was made of a nickel-zinc ferrite. Diameters of the elements were 9 = and 7 mm; heights were 10 mm and 8 mm, respectively. Distribution of the value of the square of the electric field component JEZjZ imodulus was investigated. Measurements were conducted using a capacitive probe. The following was established on the basis of experisiental data: 1) the electromagnetic energy in the x-circulator is concentrated in and around the ferrite; 211 the quantity Card i/2 uDc: -621.372-832.8.09 ACC NRI AP7002678 IEZ12 in the vicinity of the ferrite indicates three maiimW corresponding to the directions # - 130% 230'. and 330'. As the distance from the ferrite increasest the distribution of IZZ12 is deformed in such a manneic that there are two maxima in the vicinity of the circulator aperture. 3) The distribution of JE.12 in the output and input.arms is close to the distr6ution of the +110 mode In the rectangular waveguide. 4) In the direction of the decoupled and transient arms, the distribution of ,12 coincides with the distribution-of-the.H20 mode...-Orig. azt. has: JE, 2 figures. - - - - - -- SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 23APr66/ ORIG RzF: ool/ oTH REF; ool/ ATD PFOSS: 5112 2/2 nunrly flop$ ~11- -1,910 - Setting a tide gauge on ice by tho use of a water gauge. Proble Arkt. no.6:117-119 159. (MIRA 13s6) (Tide glWes) ._JR~~.A~m; RLBINOVICH, R.S.; KUTAGINA, M.I., mladehiy nauchny7 ectudhik P-114-Sh2 spinning =chins. Tekst.prom. 20 no.1:27-30 A 160. (MIR& 13:5) 1. Tedushchiy inshener Spetstallnogo koustruktorakogo byuro taketillnogo mehinostroyanlys sayoda Tashtekstillmsha kfor Irgub). 2.. Starehly Inshener Glavnogo konstruktorskogo byuro takstillnogo mobinostroyanlys (for Rabluovich). 3. ISentralln" nauchno-tooledovatel$skiy Institut sherstyanoy promyshlennosti (for Kulagina). (Spinning vachinery) m m IRGASHEV, I.Kh. Helminths of sheep in Uzbekistan. Uzb. biol. zhur. 7 no.606-39 163. (NM 17:6) 1. Samarkandskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. I)- IRGASMV p Kh. Change in the work cap4bility of the skeletal muscle under the influence of an infusion of intmdcating lagochilus. Med. zhur. Uzb. no.6t67 ile 160.' (I'MU 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fizio'logii (zav. - dotsent, Ye.A.Belyavskaya) Samarkandskogo goaudarstvennogo meditsin kogo instituta. imeni I.P.Pavlova. (IAGOCHILUS) (MUS CLE S Ii 6,-, V assistrm"', ., - - Cha~!g,&. -,n the exeltabillty of th-, sclatic nerve in frogs --,Lder the of X rays. trudy Sanuld 21:162-3-65 1162. (ICTRA 17.-5', 1. Tz knfedry norzallnoy fiziologii Samarkandskogo P-di.ts-Inskogo lnst.`.-ata LLe-11 Pavlcv-r:.. XR: AR3010174 S/008,1/63/000/0n/0663 Abe. 3.2T24a SOURCE: RZh.; Xhivdya, ;.AUTHOR: Irgen,, L, A. TITIE. .,:S'ome problems of hardening,of phenolic resins CITED SOURM Uch, zap. Rizhek. politekhn. in-ts v* 6.. 1962.9:.267-177 TOPIC TAGS-..- phenolic resin hardening, Co . e' r effnate, Al resinat6 1 TRANSLATION:* A study was made of the chates in properties of phenolie'resinB ' ' und r the influence of diff t f h l t f th N l R (P) ( eren eno e rom s ovo ac o e P ., ype., p ).. re.. ana also in the.-presence of resinates of 'cobalt thermal and o-,ddative exposu (RC) and of aluminum (RA) which accelerate the assumed,processes, The resins were obtained by-condensation of the corresponding'P_with a molar ratio.1 t 1*91 (CH 0 concentration 38.9%) in the presence ofbydroohloric &aid (specificgravity, ' 21 Pe Condensation ) as a catalyst added inan amount of 3%,by weight of the l was conducted while heating on a water bath for.2 hours, afterwhich the resins Card ACCESSION NR: Ag3op174 .-Al -Jere washed, dried., and oxidized by treatment.with 29.3$ ablution.of hydrogen.' sed in 4n amount of 20%j, for 2*hours At 95-1000j, followed by washing peroxide., u and drying.of the 'resin at 700, PZ and U were prepared k precipitation from rosin and were combined with the resin by melting,, in an ftount of 2.5% on the basis of the resin weight. SampleB of wood-base PR. plastibs were prepared,, usin g at 2 conifer-wood Bawdu , by moldirg under"50 kilogram (weight)/cm pressure at 1700 for 15 "minutes. - Resin content in material 25%. . It. sho*n that resins from P of high affinity for free radical reactions ( octitechol.,'pyrogallol., resorcinol) pyr exhibit on oxidation an increase of molebular weight and a decrease in cant nt of, J-1f d 'the free P. On oxidation of Novolacs the molecular weight increases slightly free-P content drops. Novolaca from tricresyl undergo some degradation. PR from pyrocatechol. and. resorcin-ol greatly decrea-se the- fusibility,,.'which is manifested 0 by reduced deformation, Additions of RA and RU decrease. the deformation, especial- ly in the - case of oxidized resins. RC is -the - more effective. High-condensation PR from wood-chemicals P harden without an addition of urotropine', evidently be- cause of,the presence of pyrocatechol and pyrogallol in their canposition, Ze Ivanova, DATE ACQ:. 23Ju163't. SUB CME MA, ENCM 00 4 J2/2 Card VITOL, O.A.[Vitols, 0 I-JR-M ',A..flrgens, L.); KARLIVAN, V.P. [Karlivans, ij,-rkand' . khim. nauk,, dots.; PREOBRAZMISKMA, A.I.; LIVOVA,_A.N.i t;khn. red. (Basic data'on' lastics] Osnovnye avedeniia o plastiche- skikh massakh. lBy] O.A.Vitol i dr. Riga, Rizhskii in-t in- zhenerov grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota im. Leninskogo kom- somola, 1962. 176 p. (MIRA 17:4) f I I I . ;_': . , . . .1 . - . 7. - - ~~ --7---, -~ - - -- - , . 1, - - .- I . : , , ~ . . - ~ - , ~ - I - . -4 - - - i - - - -.- , - .1- - ~w ermoret, y p ricer, D. S. pn approxfma I - IG olA, and te reve gentaffons of salutfoffraft0fr differential equation of 5A I CC NR 4 AP6025926 SOURCE CODEI UR/0208/66/006/004/0733/0747 AUTHOR: Germeyyer, Yu. B. (11oscow); Irger, D. S.1 Kalabukhova, Ye. P. (Moscov) ORG: none TITLE: Guaranteed estimates of system reliobility..with incomplete information.' on element reliability SOURCE: Zhurnal vychislitel'noy'mateciatiki i matem,a~icheskoy' fiziki, 4,.''6, no: 4. 733-747 TOPIC TAGS: system,relia~ility.,-component reliability, reliability theory ABSTRACT: In modern reliability theory conventional to consider the complete .,characteristic of the reliability of a system (or element) to be-function P(t), i.e.", the probability of troublefree operation' of the systein (or element) during time t. Reliability theory examines the.following basic operations on the laws of. distribu- .tion of P(t), at any value of t,:(in the following in order to distinguish the system from the elements comprising it the subscript e is used for them): (1) sequential combination,of n elements, (2) parallel combination of n elements, (3) combination with replacement of.elements,,and O.Y.'a4eraging with' random operating con- ditions. The exponential-:1aw of;rallability has acquired exceptional significanciai.~' P (1) min #1 -1, T Card 312 519,95'' NRt AP6025926 ~'If this is not used in eatimating element reliability there naturally rises the ~question of how many and what characteristics Of Pe(t) must be known to give well- founded estimates of system reliability; the minimum number of such characteristics is of course desired. The s"cific problem in this paper is to explain uhat may be .guaranteed in the sense of knowing P(t) in combinations of the above types if some .of the listed characteristics are known about Pe(t)- The ,guarantee is understood,ja. :the sense that the pertinent estimates must be true ior any Pe(t) having fixed choices. Orig. art. has.: 36jormulase 14 4UBM, DATE t ~.'06W65/ ORIG REP:* 002/ OTH REP:: 004 SUB CODE: 12, Card 2/2 IRGER, 1. Bxhlbition'of the Achievements of the National BconocV. Kosh.-obuv.prom. no-10:38-39 0 '59- (UIRA 13:2) (Moscow-RxIdbitions) I .. I ao, -7, " 1. 1, IRC;k-R, I. M. 0 Vnedrenii V 'Mozgovuyu Tkan I blilikh 1701ironunnykh 'rup Ko54- y'-' 42(98. .~ 1 :1 r. 1- Ot-lor&-ov. 7-t-udy In-ta Neyrokhirurgii Im. Burdenko, T. T, 194C, s. 2151-58~ , q) e) 30; Ilatopis, 7,11-mailrrikh Statey, Vol. 7. -+, 6289. irger 1.14. Koraisha L.A. and Tolmasskaia E.S. Electrical Fotenti,_-ls of the human cerebellum Problems of leleorosurger-y, Moscow 1949, 5 (34-38) Graphs 4 The use of skin electrodes for registration of the electrical activity of tile cerebellum does not give reliable results, as the action potentials of the muscles and electrical activity of the occipital -art of the cortex are picked up at the satna tima_ In order to register the clactrical activity of the cerebellum exclusively, uso ,r;is invade of insulated wire electrodLes with on17 the point exposed. Each of thesi-_~ thin ~rires i-mas inserted with the aid of an injection needle - serving as trocar - through the sk-11i -and muscles until it made contact uith the skull; local anaesthesia was used. In this way it was possible to re,gister typical electrocerebelloGrams Darah,.uaran su'Djects and aniir~nls. Three frequencies were detected: 170-220 per sec.; 30-50 per sec.; 6-8 per sec. Particulars are 7iven of 2 clinical cases in which a ttunour in a cerebellar hemisp1here was diagnosed ~rith the aid of this method. Ten Cate - Amzterdam SO: Excerpta 11-11edica - Section II Vol. III No. 11 IRGIR, I.M.t KORBISHA, L.A.; TOMASSKAYA, B.S. Investigation on the electric activity of phylogenstically different segments of the cerebellim in map and animal. Fisiol.zh.SSSR 37 no-3: 273-282. May-June 51. (CLHL 21:1) 1. Pbystological Laboratory and the Third Clinical Division of the Institute of Neurosurgery imeni Academician N.N.Burdenko of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow. IRGER, 1. M. -- IRGER, I. M. -- "The C3an:lcai AM*cts and Therapeutic Treatment of Tumors of the Cerebellum in Adults." Academy of Medical Science USSR. Moscow 1Y55- (Disserta tion for the Degree of ~pWXOfp~ in Medical Sciences .I Doctor So; Knizhaya letopis' NO, 1956 Names IRGER# losif I-hrkovich Dissertations Clinic and Surgical Treatment of Tumors of the Cerebellum in Adults Degrees Doe Yad Sci Affiliations Z"not indicated-7 Defense Datev Places 27 Apr 36* Council of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Acad Mod Sci USSR Certification Dates 17 Nov 56 Sources BWO 6/57 40 IRGER, I. M. 0l 41--l - From the history of Russian neurosurgery. Had. sestra 16 no.2:24-28 Ir 157 (MMA 10:4) (MYOUS STSnN--BURGERT) 4V~14K~V-DYATWV, F~G-, "Gz;A I-M Capillary changes following mechanical action on ttLe stem sea-Monts of the brain and electrical stimulation -.:f the cerebellar cortex in human subjects. Yop.neirokhir, 21 no.4:21-26 Je-rg '57, (MIRA 10:10) 1. Ibiuchno-issledovatel'skly ordena Trudovogo iLrasnogo hament Institut neyrokhirurgli Iment akad, H-N.Burden~w A~raiemii Meditain- ek1kh neuk USSR. (BPAIN 6714PL, physiology, off, of mechanical stimulation on canillaries (Rus)) (CliRa.&LIAH CLIRTBA, phyeioloCr, off. of electrical stimulation on esuillaries (Rus)) (CAPILIARUS, ohystology, off. of brain stem mechanical stimulation & c-grebellar cortex electrical stimulation (Rue)) O-t- Principal Problems in acute cerebrocranial traumaL.. ~Op.fielrokhir. 21 no.3:13-17 S-0 '37. -(MIRA 10:11) 1. Is nerynoy kliniki TSentrallnogo institute usovershenstyovenlys vrachey i neyrokhirugicheakogo ogdeleniya Moskovskoy klinichookoy ordena Innine bollniter imeni S.P.Botkiaa. (BRAIN. vounds and injuries, cerebrocranial (Rus)) GASHCEEK07, N.I., PGER, I.M.1_ XASSILI, G.N., XAWMTSKAYA, B.O. CRDYNET~, G.V. Principles of pathogenic therapy in cerebrocranial injuries; neurohormonal reactions In acute cerebrocranial injuries [with sumary In French]*' Zhur.nevro I pelkh- 58 no.10:1204-2209 158 (KIRA 11:11) 111nika nern7kh bolezney (sav. - prof. I.1. Grashchenkov) TSentrallnogo Instituts usovershenstvovanlya vrachey I neyrOchirurgichesko- ye otdolonlye (sav -.doktor med.nauk I.No Irger) bollnitsy imeni SePe Botkinai- (BRAIN, wds A WO adrenocortlenl reactions (Rum)) (ADUMAL Cat= HCRMONES, physiol, In brain inj~ (Rus)) IRM, losif Markovich; KORETSHA, L.A.; TOLMASSKATA, E.S. [Blectrical activity of the human cerebellum under normal and pathological conditions) Blektrichaskila aktivnost' mozzhechka chelovska v norm I patologii. Ko9kva, Kedgiz, 1959, 241 p. (KIRA 13:2) (MCTRaPHYSIOLOGY) (CZRMMLUK) NINE IRGIR, Iosif Markovich . - . - 4 1 .1 ~ .. I ~ -1-1.. ~11-1 " - -- ...... .. [Clinical treatment and surgery in cerebellar tumors) Klinika i khirurgicheakoe lechenie opukholel mozzhachka. Moskva, Madgis, 1959. 366 p (MIRA 13;7) immuma-MM) GRASHCHMO. N.I. (Moskva) IRGER I M. (Moskva); KASSILI, G.N. (Moskvaj~ ' "Ome GILIM&Nq L.M. (moskv$~KkUq B.I. (Moskva) Vaocular factor,in acutercraniocarebral tmuka. TrWy Goo. naucb.- issulz paikbonewro Inet. no*20:333-342 159* NPA 14: 1) (BRAP~-VMTNDS AND IRTURIES) IRGER,,,I.M., doktor med.nauk (Moskva) Clinical aspects and surgical therapy of spidural hematomas [with summary In 39nglish. p. 621. Vopr.neirokhir. 23 n0.2:17-23 Kr-AP 159. (141M 12:4) 1. Neyrokhirurgicheakoye otdeleniye Instituta paiihistril Kinisterst- va zdravookhraneuiya SSSR i KoskDvskaya klinicheskaya ordena Lenins. bolinitza im. S*P- Botkina. (CEWRAL MOMMUGN, epidural hematoma, cline aspects & surge (RUB)) GRASHOMMU, N.I.; IRGAR, I.M.; XASSILI, G.N.; VBYNt A.M.; X&MINITSIATA, B.I. - --------------- Basis for pathogenic therapy of cerebrocranial injuries. Report no.l. Panctional,state of the hemato-encephalic barrier in acute closed cerebro- cranial injuries. Zhur. neyr. i psikh 59 no-31-351-356 '59. (KLFA 12:4) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolesney (zaveduyushchly - prof. I.1. Grashchemkov) ?Sentrallnogo institute, usovershenstvoyanlyn vrachey i neyrokhirupilcho- skoye otdolentys (sav. - doktor qed. nauk I.N. Irger) bolluitay imeni. S. P. Botkina, Moskva. (BFAIN, wds. & tnj. hemato-encephalic barrier One)) (HWATOAXICZMLIC PAIRM, In var. dis. I - brain (RUS)) GRASHCHENIKOV, N.I.;._IRGERP I.M.; KASSIL19 G.N.; GIL;MANq P.M.; KAMENETSKAYAj B.I. Principles of pathogenic therapy in cerebrocranial injuries. Report No.3: Physiological mechanism of certain forms of therapy.. Zht;r.nevr. i poikh. 60 no.5:551-555 160. (MIU'13:9) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolesney (zav. - prof. N.I. Grashchenko) TSentrall- nogo instituta unovershenstvovaniya vrachey i neyrokhirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk I.M. Irger) bolluitsy imeni S.P. Botk a~psk~va.~~~ BRAINS-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) OOD VESSELS-PERMEABILITY) M IRGER, I.M.; KUN, A.M.; SOSKIN, L.S. (Moskva) Clinical aspects and surgical treatment of extensive malacias of the brain. Vopeneirokhiro no.5316-21 161. (ITIRA U~sll) 1. Neyrokhirurgicheakqo otdelen#e K.Unicheskoy ordena Ienina bolinitsy Imeni S.P. Botkina. (BPAIN--SOFTIMIVG) IRGER L.M. doktor med.tauk; KOREYSHA, L.A.,, prof. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki (Moskva) Dynamics of exophthalmus intimors of the posterior cranial fame Vop.neirokbir. 25 no,lsl~-16 Ja 163., (MIRA, 1432) 1.1natitut neyrokhirurgii imeni akad. N.N. Burdenko AMN SSSR i ne7rokbirurgicheakoye ot.deleniye klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni S.Pe Botkina. (BRAIN-TUMORS) GILIMAN, I.M.; IRGER., I.M.... RIVINA, Ye.Yu.; YASINOVSXAYA, F.F. Electrophysiological data on the relationship between the globus pallidus and other~parts of the central nervous system in man. Report No.l: Relatiofiship between the blobus paIlldus and the cerebral cortex. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 52 ho.12:3-7 D 161. (MIRA 11,:12) 1. Tz neyrokhirurgicheskogo otdeleniya klinicheskoy ordena Lenina bollnitsy imeni S.P.Botkina (nauchnyy rukovoditell - doktor med.nauk I.M.Irder). Predstavlena doystvitelinym chlonom A1,41 SSSR F.K.Anokhih*. (BRATT) (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) GILIMANI, I.M.; IRGER. RIVINA, Ye.Yu.,. YASINOVSKAYA, F.P. Connections and functions of the human globus pRIlidus and the clinical manifestation of its destruction in diseases of the oxtrapyramidal system. Trudy 1-go *11 24:215-248 163 (MIRA 17:3) j~PF,40I.M.; BAUM, B.M.; FALIGHUK, A.Ya. (Moskva) Surgical treatment of myelopathy of diskogenic etiology. Vop. neirokhir. 27 no.2:18-21+ Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Neyrokhirurgicheskoye otdeleniye Moskovskoy klinicheskoy ordena Lqnina bollaitsy imeni S.P. Botkina i klinika nervrqkh bolezney I Moskovskogo ordena. Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. 'M A KAR()""A, Ye . V. VI C I bil-cal a tqec U and tre a tmf~nt c, i t- 1 of n( 10 jntuberculous etiology. Vol). -D 4. (MIRA 18:4) IRGER, 1.1M., doktor med. nauk Pathogenesis, differential diagnostic symptoms and treatment of various types of intracranial hemorrhages of traumatic etiology. Trudy Inst. im. N,V. Sklif. 8:27-34 163. (MIIA 18:6) 1. Bollnitsa imeni Botkina, Moskva. SHCHNGOINY, A.F. 0 Awarding diplomas at the All-Union Industrial Exhibition. Telcot. prom. 17 no-9:54-56 S '57. (KIRA 10:11) (T6xttle industry--Xxhibitions) :L k~ (7- ci~, -Y ~ ~ -U - SHCHNGOLIU, A,Y*; IRGIR, I.Tu. I Nov @owing equipment. Mul.tekhe-ekon.informo no*2-.4" 158. (MIRA 11:4) (Sewing muhines) SHC,WOLIJV, &.r.; Man, I-yu- -7 Awarding diploma at the All-Uhion Induutrial llxhibition. Isket. .prom. 18 nooll:*6M9 1 158. (ERA 11:12) (Technology-fthibition) In7h.; MG-M!, frow x,qxilprinnt for lig~it in-lustn' at the -4~11-[Juinn Induqtrial Exhi'~Ition. no-1:131-141 59. (14IRi 12 - 6) 1. Upravionlye prorTthlennnsti Vnpcoyu~:noy vysl,avki dostizihoniy narwirovo (MOSCOW-IVIII19'HIGI IIX'IP)~ U0119) HUNGARY MIMI,, Ettsdatp Department Of Psychology at Lenin Metalltirgirdl works (Lonin Kdassiati hivek Psetchologial 0sttaly)1locatim not glyenj. "I ,4ew Reaction-Time Data from Studies on Workets In Metalltirgical Plants" Budapostj r n&I&I S;gjralr, Vol 23, No 1-2, 19t,60 pp 239-242, Abstract, 4orkers at Lenin Metallurgical Works vere i4ubjected to light nr auditory signals and the reAc hatween the signal And the da- tvesslon of a key was recorded cr twot. The sigo4if, r---, . . " -,.. riotts intervals. The next signak was Atuall given according to sthelhol" regardless of reaction tim to :1-a Pt#v!Nso sign4l. 7Ssr rusaits, ;,pnerally -A. jg4 J, ~ 0 ;vAitorv of"Is, w*r* soewha- 4%, varl*nce wLth tho res-im, tto ireforitntos. A. ivor, the Axllr~xvkv ivjy 'r.,10 I X Vol. 101 ro. t~t -,~.-.ept. Prahaj C,,~ocho,llnvakia Soz Ya-,,t Luropean Acces31-ons Vol# 69 No. 2, ieu. 1~'67 - ~ Bl'bliography ou the Adriatic 8". Eldrograf.god 1958 (Ptiblished 1959)1271-274. (Mul 9:5) (Adriatic Sea) Zon, )nral IRIC ., Ant~; GRAMIC, Madan, kapstan fregate; SWAY, dr. Uview of conference@ and consultations during 1958. Uldromf.rd 1958 (Pablished 1959)t89-ILOO. (Mul 90) 1. agoslovensks ratus mormrlea (for Gralmlic). (Adriatic &a) (Yugoslavia--Etrdrography) .I IRIITC9 Ants Terminclogy oublawrins relief. Hidrogr&f godiIq5-j.qfc) 16-1. MIN IRIKKIMOVICH, A., I.; LIOZNER, L. D.; BLYAIMR, L. Ya.; VORONTSOV~'.. M- A. "The Influence of the Regeneration Process in One Section of the Organism on the Rate of Regeneration in Another," Tr. N.-isal. in-ta eksperim. morfogeneza, (Transactions of Research Institute of Experimental Morphogenesis), 1, 101, 1934. w-w-w_w-* -W-o ,W. - An ~ Fe 41 a a 40 rn j-,d 'in a is v as so a a v x so so; I I If oat IMF "I" Opt :YONKIIWS AOO PWISTICS mass m o goa l o000 goo. AL:j logo of So ' Igoe a well Goo MI see ties sees, :~AIAI-SLA MBYALLONSKAL L"SIRA TkM CLASIMP CATINDIN so" *11"ISIVA - toom Im"inv woo mew oat -1~ 4:0 ses"a OAF 611131 as QNV all M nods 0 ;u U 9 AV Sol; ; ; ; ; I . I a P.. " A I a 0 0 0 1 9 h 9 A - .11 a is a x U. , al ~39 I ! * Too - co.0, 0.. 0460000-004: Jq 9-0. 0,0 040,60's. -0 04*- n X V, 18 10, 1, o no AND 4f0 t V It P00#41111 moll -S01 l see evi see nee Ike fak y A 00 - 4w act as do" of dies 64 nos ! I J c gee Nei see not AIm.ILA MIALLNUAL LITIVAIIN CA01001011" 41 wisso Kai 0" %a, 144$i am 4%. Linst IUL 9 AT 10 .I . I-,* Icl K;c - I I awais a INA 43 G M ~ ~ I , ~ I 0 00 00.0 0 S:W00,46" 900 See* 00 SO 10 0 '~ 0 4 I 4 i : 0 as 1 0 - I '. 0 .0 , 1 0 rj._Oqo 0.00000,00 9 .0 0 sit 0 0 0 0 IRIKEIMOVICH, A. 1. USSR Mbr., Svertzov Institute of Evolutionar;y Morphology, Acad. Sci. (-!947-) "development ofthe Pittitarry Gland in A%*ibians as Affected by Extirpation of Infundibular Region," 36k, AN. 55,'No. 3, 1947 IRIKHIMOVICH, A. I. PA 5,0T61 20-324-3-56/60 AUTHORSs Irikhimovioh,-A. I., Zelenint A. M. TITLE# Histological Changes in the Hypophyqis During the Process of the Sexual Maturation of Carp (Gistologicheskiye izmeneniya gipofiza v protsesse polovogo sozrovaniya karpa) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii Nauk SS3R,1957,Vole114,Nr 3,pp*655-657(USSR) ABSTRACTe The hypophysis of bone fish secretes a gonadotropio hormone, under the influence of which the gonadal maturation is com- pleted, and'further also the processes of ovulation and spawn- ing take place* These processes are in correlation not only with the functional but also with the histological changes in the hypophysis. During the experiments carried out in con- text with the paper under review those cello in the hypophysis werelocalized in fish which produce the gonadotropic hormone. So fart the histological changes of the hypophysis were investi- gated in sexually mature carp during the different seasons of the year. But because the hypophysis of fish, as well as of other vertebrates, produces not only the gonadotropic hormone, it would be possible that the gonadotropic function Card 1/3 of the hypophysis has been distorted by the excretion of other 20-114-3-56/60 Histological Changes in the Hypophysis During the Process of the Sexual Maturation of Carp hormones. The localization of cells which produce other hor- mones in bone fish is unknown. Therefore it sill is diffi. cult to separate from each other the cytological changes which are connected with the manifold functions of the hypo- physise It appeared to be of advantage to investigate these changes, in carr (being fish that spaim In portions). That these changes are not connected with sexual cycles but rather with processes of sexual maturation was another rea- son for this investigation. Carp of the following ages were used in the testes 3ess than cm year, one year old, two summers old, two years old, and three summers old. As the result of. these investigations the paper under review states that the histological state of the hypophysical transition zone in carp - and probably also in other fish spawning in portions offers no indication that there exists a thyreotropic funo- tion of the hypophysis in connection with the cell holocriny before and after spawning. This question can only be answered -with respect to sexually immature fish. The thyreotropic function probably (on the basis of analogy) is connected with basophilics of the transition zone, this being the case also Card 2/3 with other vertebrates. There are 4 figures and 1T referencesp 20-Uk-3-56160 Ifistologioal Changes in the Hypophysis During the Process of tne Sexual Uturation of Carp 8 of whichare Savlet., ASSOCIATIONs Moldavian Branch AS USSR (Noldavskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR) PENSINTEDs January 89 19579 by I. I. Shmallgauzong Member of the Academy SUBMITTEDs January 3, 1957 Card 3/3 170) AUTHORS: Irikhimovich,I.I., Statova, M.P. SOT/20-122-&-48/49 TITLE& A Comparative-;-MorphologicalInvb's~igation of the Developm6nt.of the Hyp9physis in Telsosts:(Srayniteltno- morfologicheakoye isal.edovaniye razvitiya gipofiza kostistykh ryb) PERIODICAL: Doklady-Akademii-naak SSSR, 1958,V61 122, Nr 6, pp 1126-1128"(USSR). ABSTRACT: The problem of the-any-side&funotion of the-hypophysis of teleos+0V is still-insufficiently explained..The reason:for.this is it's struc- ture-. -.The, pituitary gland in -this case - 'consists of several morpho- logically different.,lobtiles whichl however, do not show distinctly ,visible-boundaries;irThe tiss-ae-of.the neuxphypophysis.even-penetrates more,or,less into all--parts of thelepithelial component of the above gland.~Also-the removal of the hypophysis is rendered difficult due to its anatomic position-In the-fiBhes. The problem of the rDle--of the transition zena in the-hypophypis of.teleosts has not yet been solv94 ('Refa~4-;6j7).. The. explanatior of the problem whether single cell-groaps,~aatAwding.- ts-~ -their, -fund t iom and location in the various lobules- -diff ex-48" compared, -to other vertebrates is one of the ways to solve.this problem In recent-vertebrates 2 developmental types of the epithelial com;onent of the hypophysis can te aistinguished: Card 113 A) Above the spot where the oral cavity is formed a cord of epithelial SOV20"122-6-48/49 A Compgrative-Morphological Inveatigation-of the Davel-opment-of the-Hypophy&is- in Teleosta cells- grown--. from --the internaI ectoderm-layers towards the lower area of -the, -brain- and- -of - tka fronts end -of the chorda. This cord later separates--from the~eotoderm-Aad forma the rudiment of the hypophysis, (in the case'of cyclostina)-telsosts, sturgeons, and amphibia). B)' Another,.de41rlo mental type is:abserved in Selachii-and amniotes: p -pouch!'&S: JBL.known foxms...due. to Ahe extroversion of the ecto- rathkel*9. der=, ~of - -the ~ -apper.-mall of - the oral- ~ cavity. From thi a pouch the hypo- physis rudiment-develops. The authors investigated the hypophyBis of the carp: Of-,larvae-and young.fishes of this year of the age of some-, days to 3-monthe..The morphological differentiation of the hypophysis. in yonng. carps- (Figs 1-4 and -description') ~ resembles the one in biesms and- carps-(Refs 11-13)-The.hypophysis investigated by the author,-. however,.- -started- working..-only much.'later than is said in reference 11-- (in the:-case of a -length. of 35 mm). The autho=s conclude from their investigations that.the-functions.:&c~inected with the front lobule of the hypophysix..of.telsoats (gonadotrophic, thyredtro ic,and other functions)-ard~-carrivd--out'in all othet vertebrates fincluding Selachii,- sturgeons, and Dipnoi) by the cells of the front part of Card 2/3 the hypophysis,,ioea by the main lobule or by the transiti6n zone. M SOV/20-122-6-48/49 A Comparative-Morphological Invostigation of the Development of the Hypophysis In Teleosts Since no basopbilo-.oolls are found in the main lobule (they were found,-only--ir.-the,.transition-,zons),the authors express the opinion that--the hormonallunction's of the front lobule of the hypopk,,Ysis are Verforaed by the transition-zone.- There are 4 figures and 13 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologii Moldavakogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biology of the Holdsvien Branch of the Academy of SGiences USSR) -PRESENTED: February 22, 1958, by I.I.Shmallgauzenp Academician SUBMITTED: February 219"1958 Card 3/3 TR IMOTICH, A.I., doktor biolog. nauk,; YAROSIM110, N.Y. d~R'ooMrolog. nauk, red.; BURNASHNY, M.S., kand.biolog.nouk, red.; BRAGINA, L.F., red.; MANIELOBAUK, M.Ye., [materials of the Scientific Industrial Conference on Problems of Fishery Management in the Moldavian S.S.R.] Materialy Has- publikenskogo nauchno-proizvodetvennogo soveshchanila po vop- rosam rybnogo khosisistva Moldavskoi SSR. Kishinev, I2d-vo 'Shtiintse" Koldavskogo filiala Aked. nauk SSSR, 1960. 79 p. WRA 14:5) 1. RespiLblikenskoys nsuchno-proizvodstvennoyo soveshebanip po voprosam rybnogo khosiaystva Moldavokoy SSR, Kis'ILAn-av, 1958. 2.-Institut biologii Koldavskogg filiala AN BBSR (for Irikhi- movich, Uroshenko) 3. Kishinevskiy gosudaretyennyy universi- .tot (for Burnsehov) (Moldavia-Fisherien-Gongresses) KOVARSKIY, A.Ye.j prof.0 doktor sellkhoz. nauk~ zael. deyatell nauki i tekhniki.. otv. red.; YAROSHENKO, M.F.p doktor biol. nau , zam. otv. red.; VEIDEREVSKIY, D.D., doIr-tor sellkhoz. nauk,, red.; IRIKHIMOVICH A.1 doktor biol. nauk, red.; KOIESNIKOV-jS-.M-.--RWZ--b Ya.I.p . 71ol. nauk.. red.; PIUSTS, doktor biol. nauk$ red.; RYBINI V.A., doktor biol. naukp red.; USPOSKIY, G.A.p kand. biol. nauk, rod.; GULYAYV A; Ye.M*, kand. biol. nauk, otv. red.; KARYAKIRA, I.I., red.; YtANDELIBAUMp M.Ye,,, tekbn. red. (Transactions of the Darwin Anniversary ConforencelTrudy iubileinoi Darvinovskoi. konferentsii. Kishinev, Izd-vo "Shtiintsa," 1960. 389 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Yubileyneya. Darvinovskaya konferentsiya, 1960. 2. Institut biologii Folda7skogo filials. Akademii nank SSSR i Kishinev- skiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut ir. M.V.Prunze (for Kovarskiy). 3. Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvenn~y institut im. M.V.Frunze (for Varderevskiy). 4. Institut biologii Moldavskogo filials. Akademii neuk SSSR (for Kolesnikov, Prints., Uspenskiy, Irikhimovich). 5. Botanicheskiy sad Moldavskogo filiala. Akademii nauk SSSR (forRybin). (Evolution-Congresses) M- IRMR40VICH, A.I. Some'patterne of the growth and spawning of carp. Trudy Inst. biol, Mold. fil. AN SSSR 2 no.2:3-24 160. (M3Rk 15:7) (myndyk region-4arp) IRMn4OVICH A. I.; ZEIENIN,, A.M.; TY=UK B(ON, ------------- Further in*eWgAtioni of the'biological'fowidationo of the dulturs of* yearling carp. 7~mady Inst. biol, Molde fil, AN SSSR 2 no,2-.15-24 96C, WIM 15:7) (Moldsvia-Carp) IRIKHDMVICH, A.I.; STATOVAp M.P.; KUBRAKI I.F. Sexual cycle of male lavareto from Lake Feipus introduced into Moldavian ponds. Trudy Inst. biol. Mold. fil. AN SSSR 2 no.2.:77-100 160, (MIU 15:7) (Moldevia-Whitefishes) IRIKHIMOVICH, A.I. Role of the space factor in the growth rate and the speed of maturation of some species of.fishes. Vop. ekol. 5s86 162. (MIRA 1616) 1. Institut biologii AN Moldavskoy SSR, Kishinev. (Moldavia--Fish culture)