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IOTKOVSKIY Aleksandr Arturovicb; KAHIIISKIY, Matvey Yedorovich; .RArm-mm"T"renw-ift'; LTUDAMITO A.V., rod.; =AK, D.M., [Yeadliw =whines] Torgovys awtomaty. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo torgovot lit-ry. 1958. 126 p. (MIR& 110.12) (Vending machines) I I I -1 -- I WIY' "A - BRYN INA, Te. 1. 49KOJ 0 For the introduction of now equipment Into the DharmAceuticAl trnde. Apt.delo 7 no.2:-37-41 Kr-Ap 158. (KIRA 11:4) 1. Is TSentrallnogo nanchno-icaledovatellskogo aptechnogo Inatituta. (DRUGSTORES-SQUIPMR11T AND SUPPLIES) (VENDING WHINES) .1 MMMMM. IOTMOVSKDI Lenin ad);'Y"M, 1. (Leffingrad); VOLK11OVERO in 91, Don't forget about economics. Sov. torg. 35 no-3:34-36 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Verxiing machines) CEILOVO N.A . prof.; OWOVSKIY,, A.G.,, doktor ekonomichookikh nauk; 12,10vanyp A,A,, kand.ekonomicheakikh nauk *History of the =whimry irAimtry in the U.S.S.R,' by IA.S, Rozenfellds K.I.Nlimenko. Reviewed by N.A.Orlov,, A.G.0marovskii, A.A.Iatkovaldi. Yestmahinostr. 42 no.8:85.-86 Ag 162 (Machinery inftstry) (Rozonfellds U.S.) (Mi nk K.I.) NRNW~ - - - --- - -- - - - - -- - ------ - IOTKOVSKrl, AlOkBandr Arturovichl YAVORSKRA, I.S,p red. LEconomic problems of the automation of Soviet trade] Ekonomi-cheakie probloW avtomatizataii sovetskoi torgovIi. Leningradq lad-vo Laningr. univ., 1965. 122 pe (MIRA 18:10) . : I Country F Catogory Microl~iolog,; - Sanitation 1--licruAdolo&, Jour -~ef Zhur Wol., No.19, V)58, VW~9 Author Katrand0iiyov, 1C.1 lotov, I.; Jkonomov, Toeoroj institut.' Title :1-zicroLiological 6tadies of faw Cow's 1-ii1k in the '14ilk'Kambinixt ~11-rerdika" 1[r Or U3 Pub. Liv., Otd. Uol. i 'Jed. AN. Ser. E Uiol 0 0 1 1. . tall d. 1957 Vol-2, 155-164 Abstraot mo 'abstrbet Icard: L/1 -26- PETROV, P.; FFNCHEVA, E.-, IOTOV, i.; PtVLOVA, V. Mineral waters in the region of the Gotse Delchev Valley. Trudove vurkhu Inzh geol khidrol 31187-205 16;,+. 1, %anl tted December 4, 1963. NANGW,V, N., prof.; IOTCV, I., inah. Breakdowns.casued by atmospheric overvoltage in 20 kv. networks. Elektroenergiia 16 n0.1:8-14 A 165. 1 1 iony. n Determination of the modulus of groundwater drainage in fissured rocks. Trudove vurkhu irLzh geol khidrol 3:57-66 16,/. 1. Submitted December 49 196~.- _Z0 I C! "/ ff, BULGARIA / Farm Aniuals. Honoyboo. Q-5 ;.bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1~58, 105790, Author : Inst : Not given. Title : My Xistakes in tho Fight Against Braulosis. Orig Pub: Pcholarstvo, 1957, No 7, 21-22. kbstract: On tho basis of practical ox:?orionco, it is roo- omaondad that boforo honcybeos arc subjoctod to fumigation.iwith tobacco smoke, tho dogroe of in- footion of aach colony be dotorainod. After fum- igation, the boo entrance of th,.~ hivo must not be tightly clasod. Treatment should be repeated only in case of necessity. A strong tobacco should be used and not moio than 5-10 g. of it should be plaecd into tho smokor. Tho bottoms of tho hives should be dusted with naphthalene. V. Kanzyuba Card 1/1 OV, L. Resistance of Bulgarian potato varieties to late blight. Selskostop nauka 2 no.81977-984 163 IOTOV, lalm r Wintering of Myzus reirs.-Tcae Su!2. an decorative and !ndicator peach trees. Selal-1-09top nauka 2 no.10:1251-1256 163. XMISTOTA, L.; IOTOV. M.1 HKRBERIAN. X.; Studeati ot krushoka po pediatrila a uchamt4e""WOWaneva i Lo-Bashera-Staneva, rukoroditeli Rheumatism In school children, Suvrem, md.6 Sofia 5 no.7:31-w35 1954. 1. Is Amtediats. po detskI bolesti pri Ned. akademita T.Chervekey. Saffla (sav. prof.'LAWhey) (RHMOISK,- t~'infant and child. school child.) IOTOV, N. Our forage kitchen. p. 23. Mechanical steandng of straws Tr. from the Russian. p. 24. Vol. 10s no. Us Nov. 1955 KOOPERATM40 ZEMDEL Soriya, Bulgaria So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 BANDOV, K., dots.,-kand. na tekhn. nauki, inzh.; IO.MV,. 51., inzh.; PENEV, And., ijizh.,- MATREV, M., inzh. Substituting rope belt transporters for conventional rubber band conveyers. Min:delo 18 no. U: 21-25 -N 163. 1. Minre-gedlozhki institut (for Bandov, Penev, and Mateev). 2, R."Tolbukhinll, Poxmik (for lotov)o 5 10TOV, St. Pbsumoperitoneum th the tr tment of pulmonaz7 tuberculosis. Suvres. med., Sofia 5 no.M-75 1954- 1. Is Darshayntla detski sanatorium, Trinvus., G1. lakar: IT. Yuglenove (PMNCMITCUUM. ARTUICIAL, therapeutic use. tubere., pulm.) IOTOT, St. Results of the treatment of pulmonax7 tuberculosis in children mid adolescents using pnemoperitoneum alone and in combination with other collapse therapy technics. Suvrem. sod.. Sofia. 5 no.8:76-86 1954. 1. Iz Durshavnits, detsko-iunoshaski sanatorium, Triavna. Gl. lekar: IT.Yuglanov. (PMMOPIMITOMM, ARTIFICIAL, therapeutic nee. tubere., pulk., in adolescents & child., alone & with other collapse ther. technics) IOTOV, S. Indications for therapeutic pusumothoram In hemato-diseeminated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis In children and adolescents. Surrem.ned., Sofia 6 no.803-100 1955. 1. Ix Detakils, sanatorium - Triavna (gl.lekar: IvAuglenov) (PIMWTHDRAX, ANITICIAL, Indic. In child. & adolescents) TOTOV,.St.., inzh. ..... ........, Registration of mine accidents. Min de2o 18 no. 11: 43-44 N 163. 1. NIOTPZ. imov, V. "Air-Steam Vulcanization." p. ;ZO,, (LEKA PROMISHUNOSTS Vol. 3, No. 2, 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiona, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955.. Uncl. 02 17 46 0 TOM10020/(V 16210,05!l 109f 1111 _~vore skaya N M I o a K t L 7~ jep~2ndence of adhesion varLD.,Is rates of separation i in .9 e. a m SOUR.-Il-: P-N SSSR. Doklady, v. 162, no. 5, 1965, 1109-1111 adhesion st hylene, adhesive bonding, poly- rengt.h, cellophane, polL!L~L_ to determine the nat,ire of "ke adhesive interaction An aueMPL was Made various film ir--~ rial frit-) a single Muiti- la7ers of a cwwcstte on th, 0i: rhe adhesion IEU by- studied war, a coir,3osit -i Ira-; t;,s'S ?d)z ei t a a Ona r a t 1") n ~,-_IatLlst drop being abser-ve-d a, .7,A. rat:-.s :2 1 ~om5 L o4-66 mm/min, the separation stress and the rate are related as follows! dr Ir Card 1/ 2 L 591~95--~,~, ACCESSION NR: AP5017460 where 4 is the separation stress (in &/cm) at the indicated temperatures,-Vts the separation rate (in mai~/min), and 4,is a constant. An interpretation of the data, based on an extension of the concepts of the mechanism of cohesive rupture he cage of adhesive separation, is given in terms of the part played by the 10 ;.t:rir ener~-v in the kinetics of rupturz: of thehadhesive bond between the adhesive S rd -e' Calculations using expertmental da-a on the temperature de- ~-L rirengtn sl~')Wed fl-a' '77)1- the p ~) n ~' E:r,I F~q i-i a! , o 47 'Ka j C o 'I a e~-,rgy of anolecular interaction. Orig. art. has: 4 ti.gures aud " form- '~,nskov3kiy tekhn~logicheskfy infltttut myssnoy t molochnoy promy- osc~~.' Technological Inatitute o[ -he Mipat an~i Industr-1) o,4,o v 64 ENCL.- 00 37B CODE- IMT (YMER: MO Too; IOTOVA, T. Contributiono-th tba~xtvdiex of Sorex aranaus L. of the Vitosha Founta4. Wishak biol 54/55 no.1:23.5-227 959/60,960/61 (publv 162). IOTOVA., V, ---------------- - - Suptember Cohfirence of the Chemistry Teachers in Sofia, Biolog i khim no.6t6l 161. 0 1. NIKOLOVA, L,; 10TOVSKI, V, Prevention of &cuts catarrhe of the upper respiratory tract and of influenza by erythema-dose ultraviolet irradiation. Suvrememedoe Sofia no.6:93-96 '59- 1 1. In otdolonisto po flaloterapila pri VNI - Soflia. Zav. L. Niko- lova. (UUMMOU prOTA control) (EHINITIS prev.4 control) (ULTRAVIO18T FAIS thor.) if Q7T&V1C'11,V'ff1VE J%EVIGI=p A.,, doo. Oh the problem of vasomotor headache or mioaine. Sveik. apoaug. 8 no.2e44-47 F163. 1. Kauno V'alet. medicinos institutas. Rektorius-- prof. L.Tanuskevicius. 10TSEVICIUMTES, A.P., Cand.Led GnIv-nom- try of the cizili in 4&Kdjotijrl~~-ncas of corelorl-I circuL.Ition." Kannns, 19 pp (V'an of Health Lithu--idan SSR. Liur.~,.n State !'-~~d ln!;t) J~jo COp4 OZ. 02"'18-r- 87106 7SC- V 10 -A - P, CIBIRAS, P., kand. med. nauk; DAKTARAVICIENE$ E., kand. med. nauk; JARZMSKAS., J., kand. med. nauk (deceased]; JOGEVICIEKE, A.,- kand. med.nauk; KRIKSTOPAITIS,, M.,, kand. med. nauk; NENIMMSJ... kand. med. nauk; STEPONAITIENE, L., kand. med. nauk; SURKUS, J.; kand. med. nauk; SIMANAS,, S.p kand. biolog. nauk; CEPULIS, St., prof.; KUPCIPSYM, J... prof.; LASAS, VI., prof.; SIDERAVICIUS,Br.., prof.,- KANOPKA, E.,dots.,- KVIKLYS, V.jdotis.; LABAVAUSKASI K., da4m.; POLUKORDAS, B.9 dots.; BABUMS, P., doktor; CAPEMCIUS,V., doktor; MAY-WUNAS, P., daktor; PAKONAITIS, P., doktor; STUOKA.R., doktor; SURGAILIS, H., doktor,- PAULIUKOIIIEn, J.., red.; AKAITIS~J., tekhn. red. [Health and diseases) Antrasis pataisytas leidimas. Vilniusj, Valstybine politines ir mokslines litdraturos leidykla., 1961. 356 p. (MRA 15:3) (MrGlEn) (PATHOLO(ff) I NEW= IOTSOT, Ivan D., inzh. WROhing of the-Kramikovtoi iron ore. Tekbaika Bulg 13 ilo.12 23-25 964. UZUNOV, G.;IOTSOV, M.;GWRGIN, I. Pevcbosis due to bromides poisoning. Ixv. Ned. inst., Sofia 4-51281-304-1951- 1. Corresponding Member for Usunov; Doctor for Y~tsov and Georglyev. 2..Neuro-psychlitric: Clinic'(Director - 0. Us-unov, Corresponding'Member ) of V. Chervenkov Medical Acade:W, tofla. IOTSOVI M. emical Abst- Vol- 48 NO- 8 'Apr.'259 1954 Biological Owaistry i eintoilead luttronic and d VP. Ovchafovarexolno;;p9Petrov,. Annarlift, Ated. "VaMe Telurwx $0, 437-41(10W-81)(Prench sunimary).-~-Lethjd Intoxication of rabbits with MnCh did not causi any pathol. changes in'the blood-cirebral bar-~ tier and did not Infineaft the pass_w of trmn, We or Nal. Into the'tephalo-thubldlao. liquid or to t1te brain tissues. Ch 'ronle Intoideation with a total of 180 mg. MnCI A ' In 2 , soln. during 5 months give shnilar results. " Le=d t3c dous depend both on the quantity of MnCls and the Cotten. of the SoIns. used. G. Megdoiati, IOTSOV' S. Application of standards for enamel utensils. p. 35 (RATSIOULIUTSIIA) Vol, 7. no, 10, Oct. 1957s Sonia, bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 Imsoft STEFO loteov, Stefan 0. - Mashino chertans. Za I., IIj, i M kurs na tekhnikund3e po mokbanotekhnika Ialektrotekhnika. Sofiya*(Narodna promta) 1952 281-p. (DrwAng insty,,,nents; textbook for the first,, secondp-and- third courae in technical schools of mchanical and electrical engineering. Illus.,, diagr.) 901 Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, Library of Congress,, Vol. 2,1 No. 9,, Oct. 1953a Uncle IOTSOV,--Stefan G. Machine'r7'desi#ning fok tbOIst, 2nd, and-3rd yearB of technical education. Soffia. Naredna pro ove too 1954. 283 p. (55-43140) TJ230-1 67 3 ,3ULGARIA / Farm Animals, Cattle Q-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7167 1 Author S. I. Iotsov Inst Title Influence of a Two-Interval Work Schedule on a Large Horned Cattle Farm On Milk Production and the Content of Fat in the Milk. Orig Pub! Nauchn. tr. Vyssh. veterinarnomed. in-t, 1956, 4, 455-474. Abstract: The system proposed by A. M. Zholnirenko, accord- ing to which farm work is performed In two periods has been tried out. The experiment was conducted with the Sofia Brown Breed, of one of the kolkhoz herds. Both the experimental and the control group consisted of 14 dairy cows (Sim- ilar in age, lactation period, and milk production). Card 1/3 13 BUIAARIA Farm Animals j Cattle Q-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-'Biol- No 2, 1958, 7167 Abstract: Feeding conditions of the animals were iden- 24 tical. The cows were milked four times per lasted hours, twice on each shift. The eXPOriment a half. The advantage of the two- one month and m was ascertained by the exact interval SYSt9 tions. The experimental COWS timing.of opera ents Of percent increase in the cont Showed a 0.17 ilk, as compared to the control fat in their m crease of the animals, and thus caused the In . in these cows. 2 percent, quantity of milk fat by milk yield of After long interval's the average the daily cows wait 37,83 -~ 45.,g5 percent of ais - 7.09 - milk -yield,while after short interv he milk 12.6 percent. A lack -of uniformity in t The formation during the 24 hours was observed. commend- application of,the Zholnirenko method is re Card 2/3 Rif Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7167 Abstract: ed for such farms only where for a long time 41 1,959, No. 16670 AUTIHOR 1 3 T T IT L.S ORM. PUB. A P, 3 T0 T NeRsurements the grovAh incrense of thcse durint! thv~- course o-l-, the riTnt notith of~ t-heir livvs is t-xw timos, 1~-trger tha 1xi calve"o .-r-ith large -v)asurenents. Later -these diff-Ference3 become smaller. -- X9 L,,,rut ikov CARD: 4/4 BOGOLYUBSKIY, S.I.; VASILIYEV, V.G.; IOTSYUS. G.P., kand. sell- ek-on.- nauk; PATRIK., khoz. nauk; KONDRATYUKs II.D,,, d. I.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; PELITSER, S.O., kand. sell- khoz. nauk; SKMNEV., S.I., akademik; TIKHOMIROV, A.Ye.j, kand. tekhn. nauk; FEDOROVSKIY, N.P., kand. biol. nauk; GROMOVAI A.V., red. (Manual for the poultry farmer] Spravochnik ptitsevoda. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 1+13 P. (MIRA 18:7) 1. VseooyuzWa akademiya sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk iemni V.I.Lenina (for Smetnev). 10v, E. At the marble quarry in Ruschita,- p. 1. Vol. 7, no. 264, June 1955 CO'NSTRUGIORUL Bucuresti, -T4umania Source: East European Accession List. Library of Corpr,2ss Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1956 Advanced methods shall again be introduced in the Solidaritatea, Factory. P. 29 (Constructorul. Vol. 9, noe ~951 Aug. 1957, Bucuresti., Rumania) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 IOV, Emil Prefabricated parts of the best qua3ity for industrial construction sites. Constr Bue 34 no.651:2 30 Je 162. IOV, Emil Quality of autoclaved plates has been improved. Coristr Buc 14 no.6V41 2 2.1 J1 '62, IOV I E. Judicious orientation of local industry development. Constr Bue 14 no. 674: 2 8 December 1962a --w IOV Emil From thp cobalt elass to the switch desk. Constr Buc 16 no.759:2 25 J-L 164. ---I~O.V)-Eaq1- ~ The young and vigorous industry of prefabrications. Constr Buc 16 no.769:1 3 Cot v64 I . lov, w1 Daily concorns n" the work of the rblef mecharliC. Constr Bk'c I .1r 16 rioMU'a ~,I 0 9 f~4 .N IOV2 Yjail -1--l ~- ...- Economical effioiency of some measures. Constr Buc 16 no.772t2 2,4 0 164 1 ~OV, Emil The cost price,, a problem of the whole collective! Constr Buo 16 no.776tl,2 21 N 164. 1()V, E. Improvement in technology and organization. Constr Due 17 no,784il 16 Ja 165. IOV, Emil Quality, in the seotor of finishing and insulating materials. Constr Buc 17 no.786j2 30 Ja 165. -,-. Constructions in present, day Ilunedoara. Constr Buc 17 no.787:3 6 F 165. ~, U,-L'- Ll~ L~:a, ~j S m - I OV, Emil Shortening the duration of performanae. Constr Buc 17 no,78W 1 13 F 165. lciv"" :~- d'.. ,,n cr~uler my asis iri children. Tediati'a 'air,-lu'r) .1 1. . 11 I ~, Vi-,18 CA 14 1-1n-! ' . I ia--F"5- 1. Spitalul unificxtt din f. 300,'-67 ACC NIZI Ar6029099- SOUI(CE CODX: ORS: Alelcnpyov, A. It.; Dezruk, 1. A.; BuInnov, N. A.; Shchukino So N.; KWuchk I i V NITY ov, A. V.; Melikaftop. S. Yo.; Chinarova#.O. M.; Yemellynnov, A.. It.; Yhngirovao..q.. S.; Rozing G.J. U.1 Doltalin, A. P.; ZlatkoYich,..;t.A.; loyag-Ge~M.1 Sokolova, E. D. OHM none deV,Co~"L 4'! TITLE: Geoelectric prooppotin4; Class 21, No. 184361 ZaTrunced by All-Union t ~; Scientific Research Institute of Goophyalcal Prospecting Mothode (Veesqyu=Wy asuchno- iusledovatellakiy institut gdofizicheskikh metodov razvedk SOURCEt Izobret prom obraz tov znt no. 15, 1966, 62 TOPIC TAGSt prospecting, geologic instrument. ABSTWkCT: This Author Certificate presents a doelectric prospecting device contain- ina a dc generator, a meter oscillator, a thyratron bridge cowmut;4tor, a reference phase synchropulse shaper unit p a radio station, and a measuring laboratory. The laboratory'containe an eloctrazagnetic field receiver, a calibration unit, a selective amplifier, a radio stationo a synchropulue shaper unit, an electronic oecillogmph, a recorder, a time setting unit# and a detector valtnator. For generalized utilization of the device in the VPp JIPPq and nFAZ nothodal to increase. the accuracy of measwing the phase angles in the intrasonio frequencV rangeg and to Increase the noise 2 IL -7-7-7-77,77-7 -7. --L 10306~47-- ACC WRt AP.6029899 protection.whon measuring pulsed sig naleg a phone marker in the form of a diode regenerative comparator Is placed in the meaeuring laboratory. The comparator is connect6d to the'output of the selective amplifier* An input sipal divider oomsolwA to the input of tho selective amplifier in used in the calibration unit. I do amplifier operating in the eleatrometric mode is connected between the reostm and, recorder (see Fig. I). AA.,, Fig. 1. 1.- phase ma*tr; 2 - selective amplifier; 3 - Call- bration unit; 4 - register; 5 - recorder; 6 - do amplAAW Orig. art. heas I dibgram. SUB CODE I "091-W SM DMI 3WM64 2/2 jCb + ~Jgrj T TPIe AUTHOR: Badareu, E P it ~Cq Iova'- L; Sompsans H.- 6.; ORG: Inaii of Piwaics. Academz -of the Rumanian People Is Republic..Bu at TI70 i flonw-cathode effect in cesium vapor SOURCE: Amislen der physik. v9 13g not 5-6. 1965. 313-320 TOPIC TAGSs asslum plasms, discharge tube, spectrographic arAlysis "he article deals with processes ta)cing place in a ABSI T LTgT-. dw-a arge tube to Mode disch with cesium, vapor. The cathode L -here consists of two narallel plates; the negative charges traveli 'from the' space be tween these plates out toward the anodes The pithode-plates.are made of nickel embedded in quart'zoland a cesiuml 11 inside the tube produces the vapor atmospHere. MNo sets of measurements were made: 1) electrical (current vs. ejressure7 and current vs.-distance between the two cathode plat . 2) spectrowl phia (intensity distrIbution. of the Cs II lines 4616-13 and Bra: :486795 Ansetromet also of the Ba I 6019,17.Angetrom line for coma parison)o This distribution of intensity has a maximum in the middle of the Interoathode arpace; the mamitude of this mazi M-M varies with @on"$ littain'-w thoo highest value at about OsOl 118'tor :0.900s lines#. A.61reat' relation between spectral Ina, Card 1/2 RUMANIA / Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydro- D chemistry, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 8, 1959, 26842. Author :. Iova, I., Lupan, S., Codarcea, A,, Ianovici, V., - and Papacostea, C. Inst : Rumanian Academy of Sciences. Title : Rare Earths in the Ditrau Massif. Ori,-, Pub: Commun Acad RPR, 8, No 3, 321-328 (1958) (in Ruman- ian with French and Russian summaries). Abstract: A number.of outcrops ofore-bearing formation have been found in the alkali rocks in the nIrthwestern part of the Ditrau Massif (Hungarian Aul.onomous Region (Transylvania]) During their investigation, the paragenesis of the sulfurous compounds (pyrite, galenitep molybdenite) Bphaierite, chalcopyrite and minerals containing R [sic] (monazite, xenotime, , Card 1/2 RUMANIA Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydro- D chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 8, 1950, 26842. Abstract: and rhoenite) has been established. Qualitative spectral analyses of the ore [unspecified) and of the hornblende from the enclosing rocks have been made (no tables of data are given). -- V. Vilen- skiy Card 2/2 BADAW,._Rugen, acad.; PCPL9CUp lowitu; IOWA, Iancu. KoAinism 'of c,at,ho,dio--r*-,g,i o-s"o-f the abnormal luminiscent discharge in helium.~ Studii cerc, fis U n"o.3:597-603 160. (EUI 10: 2) l."Laboratorul as sloe.tranica in gazog Facultatea do matematica si fizica a Uaiei-Atatii C.IsParhon, Bucuresti. (Helium) (Cathodes) (Weiniscence) SAVOPOLD.; POP.A. GIURGRA~ M. prof. I ftectral distribdtion of thelieWmouo flwc In some fluoremmt tubes mik )1 4factUred by the Iftectrofar lhterprize., ILchareot. NatrologlA apl 11 noo,3t97-102 NrI64 .0 Uct lie ~5 CLL Bazu. I.; CMU, S.; IOVAUSCU 7 IOMCU D.; LUPUROW, V.; KIGM. G.; FAUMM, S.; &W, A.; ZiOVICI, I.; ZAKARIA, C. The first focus of infantile leishmaniasis identified in the Rumanian People's Republic. Stud. cerost. inframicrobiol., Bucur. 6 no.,,-4:595-603 July-3)ec. 1955. (INISHKAMIASIS, In Inf. & child In R=ania, pathol. & spidemlol.) IOVANIGI, V. A21 Agemb Ogli Asmireslanor; obituary. Analele gaol geogr 17 no.4*.Ul O-D 163e YUGGOSLAVIA/Chenical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. H-13 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim., No 13, 1958, 44o24. Author ';Tmqy~i~Zistic Momcilo. Inst Title Special Te6lmical Ceramics with a Base of Talc. I. Cordierite. Orig Pub: Tehnika, 1957, 12, No 8, Hem. ind., 11, No 8, i26-el2g. Abstract: A review of questions concerning the position of Cordierite (C) 2W.2&1 01 5=,~ in the system rties and synthesis from MgO-A1 0;-SiO; its pr4~ * talc, i~olin 'd'n'd technical A1203: Low thermal 10-6 expansion coefficient of C, 1-2 , and good dielectric properties, render the articles made Card 1/2 YUGOSIAVIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Dinders. Concrete. H-13 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rhiri., No 13, 1958, 44op-4. from C of particular value in electric in3ulation. However, C-ceramics have a narrow 0temperature interval of sintering - fusion; above 1440 C decomposes to mullite and a melt. Data are presented concerning the characteristics of C-ceranics of the Swiss fin-.i Isola-Werke (I) and of the German firm Stemag (II) (respectively I, II): water absoltion 5-10; 0; tensile 200-350; 250-3: kg/cm ; j conpression 2 %-- 3500-6ooo; 3000-5(= tg/ thermal expansion co- - . 1~ breakdown vol- efficient 1.8-4 - 10 ; 1.1 10 tage 5-12; 10-20 Kv/mm; dielectric constant about 5; electric resistance at 600 0 10,F-106; 10f -10rohncm. Card 2/2 14 44's 0 0 0 ,,'go goes*** 0 Tx , 0 1' a &I a at* 4r. 4!t-~-t ---VI - -*0 OOA 3F -00 00 in *of c roe Jos ppn**mkJIdW&IW" Of bills LIS 100, WWAIS i al m k 008 1 ~ 004 sw. chim, IWCak) 12. 143-W on a lab. wak to ca N 1! . . - p 0 O domestic wbku Ave Shmit, 50% fell With , 100 00 a total ors. 04hetai^v. I.e. 1"4 tim" Katom6n goo OOA M=bW$. . .. . .N. Thom .0 00 %0 004 g Goo w goo go goo moo MOO goo moo see I L A Oll4k&~AL 4,1111441we CLAMICAlm ' ohy set wow -If 4 Skil SO Qv all 0 As w d a I A An A 1 0 W AV 0 16 2 1 Is IN 9 A 4 3 9 V 0 0 0 00 so 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 Ole 0 0 ' 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 I Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 - - - - - - 0.0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 S /V 6 CMErrimetrte dt(,-rnunaV.*n of WjmtZ2L-wLh cm tbl~ ;"q, F the aranyt th~