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IOSI~-Ov, 1--!. "Ceresa bubulaus F. (Hem. Hom. Membracidae); the three hopper,a new eneRw of the fruit trees indithe luberne in Bulgaria." P. 569 (Izvestii) Vol. 7. no. 7, 1956. Solla, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EW ) LC, Vol. 7, no. 5, May 1958 V IOSIFUV, M. ItSecond report on the Heidptem in Bulgaria." P. 577 (Izvestia) Vol. 7, no. 79 1956. Sofia,Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM ) LC, V61. 7, no. 5, May 1958 ioslyov, M. "Forma macroptera of the species Dio2halus hispidulus Reb. (Hem. Het.) in German." P-581 (Izvestia) Vol. 7., no. 7, 1956. Sofia:i Bulgaria SO: Monthl~ Index of East %ropean Accessions (FXAI) LC, Vol. 7,, no. 5, hay 1958 - " 11 JnZ;C BULC iiba Jjur Zhur BiDl. 6 8 3, "1 YC o U c) U 1;j :Lc-,.l ~:Otltut j, B 'x,-.d(,.,y of 6cionuca. bubalub -..- x~ .-.ow Pcslu- of -','rLiit Trc..~.L3 and T it I r-,, a LuCLr1,',,- in Or i,- 2i~b ~~,-soi. in-t 1057, Xn, 6, 569-575 .1b,.,-'U-r,: ct -_-;L) Zbstr,:ct, 17 BULGARIA General and -Spacial Zoology. Insects. Systematics and Faunistics. Abs Tour: Ref Zhur Biol., No 14, 1958, 63876. Author ;Josifov, LL- Inst : Zoological Institute of the Bulgarian A9. Title : Homiptara in Bulgaria. Second Ooamunication. Orig Pub: Izv. Zool. in-t Bulg. &N, 1957, kn. 6, 577-580. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 p IDSIFOV M. Species formation and propagation of the insects of the Hatereptera order in Bulgaria. Izv Zool Inst BAN 9:107-177 160. (zRkI 10:9) (Bnlgaria~Ksteroptera) IOSIFOV, M. Halobiotic and balopbytic heteropters along the Black Sea littoial. Isv Zool inst BAN lOs5-37 161. (ERAI 10:9/10) (Noteroptera) Y05I.- Y 0 SURNAMEV Given Nam" Bulgaria Countrys Ac&dsmio DegrOW, not t;iven Unlia"I Junior Scientific Gollaborator at the Zoological Inatituto ar the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (zo-o-i-o-gTc--Ec-g;la-l-n-c-t-ft-u-rprj. Bulgarskata Akademiya na Naukita) Sofial Prirodag Vol X1, No 4g July/Augitat 2961g,pp 100-102 11 250 Years &in** Atarabam Tremble's Birth. m. [iosifov., x.] Eurydema eckerleini N, SP.p nev opecies in the family Penta- teeddae on the Ioland of Crete (R6mipteral Heteroptera),. JDokLadY BAN 14 no.42397-400 161. lo Z00109ischeo Institut an der Bulgarisohen Akademie der Wiseenschaften.'Iorgelogt von Akademiemiglied I, Buresch II. Bureshl. I031FLIVI Mitmil, kand-Idar, na blologichrate na:uki Biological method Gf figairg Injuvious inj3eats. Frl-roda Bulg 1) noo3j22-25 My-Je 164. (',)w;.oslt!rn and dt-,4t:1.1yition ur Uifjl~ 3jwJcs ot thq Heteropters O,Y,de)- In Bul--,rl!l. lyv Yool lj,st, RAN:83-.~O 16 1 S41 rv - SOV/124-57-4-4406 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 78 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ios if ov, M.N. TITLE: The Aerodynamics of the Flow Past the Heating Surface of Fire-tube Boilers (Aerodinamika protsessov obduvki poverkhnosti nagreva ognetrubnykh parovykh kotlov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh. vod. transp., 1955, Nr 22, pp 144-151 ABSTRACT: The problem of the rriechanism of'the flow past a surface is discussed. The author is of the opinion that the magnitude of'the friction stress acting tangeintia.lly to the"wall js a decisive, factor. " It is established tY. -that the conditions of blowiti' must be such as to ensure a sufficiently 9 small thickness,of. the-lamittak subla, er (the thickness of which must 'Y not exceed the height 61 theliTTegularities on the wall surface). On the basis of this require.ment a di~,sign technique is developed which reduces to the determination of a minimal (11critical'.9 velocity of blowing required. The effectiveness of blowing is charatterized by the ratio'between the actual and the "critical" velocity. Means of increasing the effectiveness of the blowing process are examined. Card 1/1 A..A:. Gukhman SOV/124-57-4-4400 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 78 (USSR) AUTHOR: Iosifov, M. N. TITLE: Analysis of Various Methods of Directing the Flow Onto the Heating Surfaces of Marine Steam Boilers (Analiz sposobov obduvki poverkh- nostey nagreva sudovykh parovykh kotlov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh. vod. cransp., 1956, Nr 23, pp 154-164 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 ARNOL ID Leonid Vladimirovich; IOSI:FCV, Mikhail Nikanorovich; AKINOV, 'P*P.p prof., retoonze-a-j-IFIRROV, S.A. tek" red. [Thermodynamice,,beat transfer,, and power equipment of hoist- ing &W conveying mschinerY]Termodinami a,9 teploperedacha i teplosilovoe oborudovanie podwe=o-transportnykh mashin. Pod redo L.V.Arnolldas' Leningrads Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport 1962* W pe (MIRA 15:311 (Gas and oil engines) (Hoisting machinery) . (Tbarmodynamics) cc sslo E -,A: 7 _~IFOVp M.N., kand. teklin. nauk, dotoent Some results of aerodynamic: tests of turbulizers with opposing flow twist. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 7 no.9:54-60 S 164. (MIRA 17;11) 1. Leningradakiy institut 11odnogn transporta. Predstavlena kafed- roy termodinamiki i obshchey teplotekhniki. MAINKHARD, Teodor.? inzh.; IOSIFOV, Nikolai, inzh., asistent; GEORGIEV, Veselin, inzh. Semiautomated production of crates for grapes. Durvomebel prom 6 no. 2:27-32 Mr-Ap 163. 1. Durzhavno industrailno predpriiatie "Furnir-Parket" (for Mainkhard), 2. Vissh lesotekhnicheski institut (for Iosifov). IOSIFOV. P.-A.9 CHUGUNOV; I. N. Lumbering For advanced methods of work in lumbering. Les.prom. 12 No. 2, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -195A, Uncl. 2 USIcilo, N.A.; IOSIFOV, P.A., Inshaner. What prevents the over-all mechanization of lumbering. Makh.trud. rab. 11 no.1:22-25 J& 1.57. (KLRA 10:5) l.Machallnik kombinsta Kirles (for Usenko). (Lumberinc-Machinery) _0#00*0*6*000 #04 #*11 014 0 4 0 0 Of 0 _00- 41 0 0 -0-0 0 -0- -41 -0-0-4-0-41-4-4f -6 0 VNE 1WAVIP-9101 a IN a 9 0 03 1t I t 1 6 1 a 0 W 11 u is m is W it 4 W 11 If a a is rl- is If ties. It x 11 v 13 m b h I, a If 4 it a 306 AA-L-A & 010 Ar 00 00 *16 The sumnim of am dodr. 1. .4 6 vultNv hmf~ 'M7.m. 0; 0-5~11� OPI& I't"Mrb-zift wkk 11-pbm Mest. aIt 1.5-2 timmm name add Out tolpa. tbMRY ~b! oid mth- Nil;I ads, the MM beirg Wthamme - - .010 WOO bat" to 1011* am The cbctrk bd .t Zt = =10 W d GBA-0.1 .ky*.t. Imats. 03M 66, oj"A% C Mai U. % Ft. kaving 4=2. Wrb Were carried out the app. ad. Xe 060 a smol.-tomm. Oak Ed dw sm. Is illus. 00j, trated. U.- Ibid. 106. No. 6, W70.--Cumstructions 890 for the prepo. of pkeb frams wW dWv. with mW with- L46 0 out tbe rmovery ed Ow scid, we illustrated. Many ad- vmtws IN aft this mode of operation (besting with 3- zoo 00 1 1 Is tided. as Woo of the mawlilmle (A too of converted dodge. It only Ifitch 91_ftlz~55mccd; It is 4.5 times higher when the is comm I to coke. It is claimed that pmuW app. can be stiliad fow T-mg it h from acid sludge "09 in the ArRh (,;;;;.W9 i the Mcmicat of NO).). A4 A. A. IWthdingic '04 '00 1,00 Mt!!f L TIRAI I CLASUPICATIGN 11 W-6-A r I v 1 4 P I Aft L I V W a 11 5 1 11 a 9 A a 3 4 1 I a a, it In, 'ST41 U6.00 1; 100 6"I's, 10; ei 00 I's 0 : *1 "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ego 9669, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 v 0 0 0 0 4 i~sep *If 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a - --- - __ .. I-- - . - - . ~ - 11 1 - W.StSA- 160696**946006604 V 0 21 A As V 19 It 31 31 2 M Id A b V 35 It A a a a *4 2 34 5 4 1 a v Is It u m Is Ill A p a R I A ~ it 1P. 1E. Umv(41, 140clsill o o8o"Al. .Is-..vla k- add sk**- N. S. Post 00" 1 d 5 eincin. ku!w, 30,W). Alay 31. mifm~rlum distillate acid sludgir is heated with .4,0 06 electrodes iumme cd ditectly in the arki to be rt-Luvcfrd mf~l lite acid is ttumord after %milint in Ow imisal minn" 004 0*4 50~ 008 ;1~ too welill "00 we* Of tiliNkliOl CtAJSWKATiC* V ad 0 0 Q I Is a 9 a Q :1 st is u 0Air too Its is am it 1 11,111 0 00 o % I S S 1 S % ; ; 11 ; 10 ol 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 *000000 go *****goo* 010--wao 0 0 0 0 0 I " It 1: j A L D .1. ~.Dlft go 00 -60 *00, add dedip In to .00 1* W_ oft"j. , A oil 00 so* fallah" fn"" lubirk.411iJAW sluslitv by brall"s the 414P tuartba with atmut fA)Vv Of butIOISIS In An linfitwd -00 by uWamof 1"Isurroed in the mixt. 06 Th't CO10cn. of (be scid was oil%. A. A. 114whtlin*k 00 coo *0 see 0* Now Zoo ji !too !8. SL SCIALLURGICAL LITIFIVATIME CLOWIC1,1101- 4 too i~ ;r7 it of 0 A 4 .1 It n It a .0 4; 0 0 0 : 1 0 6 0 * 0000 0 6000000 0 0 00 04 0 9 6,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0- a *I 1 6 I ~ 11 0 Ou 1 4 1 4 1 1 0 a is u u u u to 1) 4 a Is n- a 34 A It v So 30 x 11 of a Is 36 0 a a 4 it 1I g V . I 1 1 A 4 A L 42 0 IS at* j f L. -4 . --L- -IL ~ AA-A a -- - 00 00 0 0 00 00A .00 06 61. .06 00 -00 of -Q* 00 aqww-w 1waim of add Wades is a* GWA ,I, her. h-Al"AIMA10AW Neff)"wo KA" .00 : .1 A saiWovitmoy tkWw bao" dW (49- l"fiffidl ObtAkWif In I tw tin, ee 4 AM from fabricialing-cM mom pludse and r"Wa; 10= f W1 1 4 O* ' w is we to VOtistruet mx- 000 con stand l b , u( "Iusiim of the abov, twtu 600 p. A. A. Bmhtliugk 00 v see .00 egg] *e ij m :: *0 x0f 'I ~v Nei * u 16 or .0 lot a It a 8 It It a An -1 -0 -H 1-0 14-9 a-4-3 1 "a a I ~ 6 v see o to to a a Or , 0 a see 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 to 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 * 00 0 so* 00 : 0 0 010 0 0000 0 00 000 00 1,000 54 It IN! a H 04 AT S p OWSWULOW ape s I T w - L . , r I! r T 40 : - , I I.- a , fTTIQ *a ..a .1k ollall,& , :8 on 01011- On O.On oor 004 009 000 114:1 00., 00. 002 1 a MUM 00 it so .0 n Oo Poo 0 ocr 'OWII %t,9 "ju bimilk ulf -01-IVAI-lll If- WHINJIll All 0 00 00= 4 !a pull1wil Aq pal-uga $if 'Inla% ;41L1. '11.1jua"Al ajo almill lxj.) j -Yd 111 l lawl t oo 002 ab j,,j ittap p q ) E)WIl to p blivop ' 6 r * All Do 0 0 - l,.lJtjl%t2q,VV h'mrm I -Anp .01"; ' -. 1 00 00- ftp-q "xqi iq alprils p1- -ui "all IMq-Wsj , go 00- 004 00- 0 g I , aiaia -td.. 661 Fgl-~T-V- c r V-- . I . p **K tilt UKUfg Its !086t0600000111,0000 0 0 1700 00 00 IF I I F w 2 a B a _j a tl 11 a # I i , , F I I I co 0 0 o 9 0 a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 am 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a AR -*-W 0 0 4 4 4, sjisi7 t" 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 # to 0 0-6-64"T -:44-4 a d 0 a P I , k i, q q 4 is At v 4 f u a 0 a A 0 m -a It Or if u a b. I. W 41 Q .0 4s, Z-L-j --- 1-t-s-A-L-L it r a it i I. -it, IS L-k-1-11-01A a 'Wt U .VFf#j,#j tarcZ1106 P -A A sisiftric add Is -add -00 awn VQ JON -j,-IsrAd&f- A gf -09 f sumsba Alfflysaw X&OydicAv lug. No: . W. it. The atilk. of Ike 11090. 111 Callint 40AI 111% fulknn: Mcamirr the 411 ur UK 04 oadtheackishOtUr. Muffully the 11 KF- sliKimal raw t"Airlial Ity the W."'W In wt. act4tr &0 a Ftl..Sl llivvtl tow tumt-1141 thu.4 deli. tile Ill. ;t~ of the lift, 1110"I file 11011. sp. It. 4 the M+I .1mbiv AIM Ike %lta; palt vsk% the- IC444110 ji-Ilig IN. C4144. X I X k. ah-Or I b the 511. Kr. M5,11 .!.I ;Ulf," 9. hm 4.1 thr 04AL 2"Ith so k the st"lleth (4 tile acill that *( the Ott. matter anti 00 of nustithydrate. A vwsrenkm talle 6 0411 410 A. A. %whifiouk zoo 00 it tie #I q0 a x6o tie 0 too 0 310- 1-011- we too.) "A- oo 4", U is AV 03 it It a aw a Or Or a Or a It it It 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 'a 0 a to 01 0 6 a 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 909.0 0 0000 foe 6 0 a 0 : 9 to 0 0010 0 0 41 0 0 0 09 0 0004 90 000 I 0 0 0 o 0 o 6 0 0 a 0 a 41 0 0 log! 9 11 a u W is $6 it 11 a 34 a 34 I I J.-- AA-A-(r,IM-U A 0 0 VIOCIIIII, AND vocrt.-l-tt 1.01. 00 A so is 2 -A---&- -_V_ -00 -00 go ------- of sew The simsed",w 8CM ASAP in tM A" vq"1 W b okk 111,11116 111" ;Md 00 a aus"o, y a dilukdes. S. 10WOV. AserbaWshansh" Neppow 00 tw)ltoms are 00 heated Ins niesmiol a tubt. still. or they may fie flerived Isom (mead 11surefinery stills. in which am it ducs not necd pre- ve 1frAting. Hot rtsidual oil is mixed with acid sludge and 00 j the milt. (150*) is Passed into settling vevseli kept at this temp. The top layer is fuel-oil (it may bc u%cd in 00c) Pon as the stock- for prepg. the mixt.). Theintcrmediate 00 !Ayer is Sint to the refinery, while the acid layer is utilized .3 in the tritatment of perultum Droducts. A. A. B. 00 U 000 -00 see =00 a0101 zoo 10 -0 [see AJOALA 84TALL~AL 1.1111141111111 CLASIVIC4700 led 11,0n0" A I it M.. OR 0 a v 'I IF a I all a 3 6 v A, to 0 -1lat aw&A i a','[ ;*I Few ICSIFCV, S. 5. Feb 51: 33jec ii1city Noteri 1nduration, StArting el-.Cage Induction Motor With Inserted Start- ing Bare," S. S. Iosifov, Cand Tech Sci, "Azneftew- Proyekt" Trust "Elektrichestvo" No 2, pp 71-76 Descriptiqn, theory, and operating data on subject zotors,' "Kaganovichneftl" TTuat. More than'100,giuch motors vith combined power total- ing better than 15,000 kv all remade froq wound- rotor motars, are in operation at various oil enterprisets and -plants. Submitted 9 Jun 50- 178T116' 10000*000000000000410o a 10 )1 11 1) )s 16 u )a 1681 00 A 00 SO r., if so A 0.0 a 11 a a M 4 It v 2 0 4 41 a a 8 0 Of, c QUIUM 0 a mw To brad a - - - - -NOW, - - ' 00 m mk " ~ 006 hot so a in so* awksmawAlef Tft a" 419 IMS MINIM kmmi im on d ft Goo 7bm b in OMAN" M, dumba Ow 00 mw saw Pon of an raw VM~490wbmmwlw II 0OW ND admadsout n o0 i . 00 bOL A b 00 sirm M* of gww bm ""a do .40 -04 -00 -00 -00 2 400 0 I 4110o me 0. 0 goo too moo moo, 110 0 110 0 too M Im's SIVI a I I TO spew 80.4"0 t014&3 CWV 044 4algal as 41" Is% 0 10; As to 3 6 9. e 0 o 0 o o 0 & 0 0 0 :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 0 103 mvl S. S. Electric insulators and insulation Inspecting electric aerial transinission lines for breaks of hook. insulators and s,,ringirw,, suspended insulator strings, Elek. sta. 24, 11o. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1-~--Y .1953. Unclassified. Now principle of switching and protection in network of 3-6-10 kv in oil fields and refineries; discussion. Xnerg.blul no.1 Ja '057, (MLIA 10:1) (Ilectric switchgear) (Petroleum industry--Zlectrie equipment) ILIMEMp T.N.; 49~~~ Influence of graving conditions on the alkaloid content of the opium poppy* Trudy VILAR no. 31:237-246 159. (MIR& .14:2) (POPPY) (CROPS AIND CLIMATI) DIKITROV, V.; IOSIFOVA, R. Oh novocaine therapy of tbyrotoxicoais (preliminary coamunication). Suvrem med.p Sofia no.3:119-121 161. 1. Vutreabno pri Ciradekata obedinena bolnitea, Dimitrovo. (Glaven lekar B. Ivanov.) (HrFEWROIDISH ther) (PROCAINF. ther) Ye. V. IOSI-V'uIVt., Ye. U: "Freely-released and dissolve(; grases from Ratsct;ta Novochcrktssk, l""'. Acad Sci HyOro- che,mical lnst. (Dissertations for the Ii-egree of Candidatc; of Chemical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopisl, No. 52, 24 Dccer..bcr 1955. lioscow. I09IFOVA, Te.Y. Metbods of collecting, separating, and analyzing gases con- tained in u1neral waters. Gldrokhim.mat. 29:195-204 159- (KM& 13:5) 1. Institut revmtism Iment I.T.StalinaFiziko-khimichaskaya i gazovaya Ifibnratorlya, Sochi. (Mineral watere) (Gases-4nalysis) IOSIFGVA# Y-e.V, Method of preparing oulfide.baths by diluting hydrogen sulfide water with..fresh. Vop.kur.i fizioter.i lech.fiz.kult. 27 no.3:260-262 YT-Je 062. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz fiziko-khimichaskoy laboratorii (zav. kand.khimicheskikb nauk Ye.V.Iosifova) Sochinskogo instituta, revmatizma. (MINERAL WATERS, SULFUROUS) IOSIFOVA, Ye. V., nauk ~~chemic~l characterist ics of the *blue* (nitrogen- methane) Hatoesta, Baths. Vop.kur., firdoter. i lech. fix. kullt. 27 no.4050-352 Jl-Ag'62 (14M 16111) 1. Iz fiziko-khimiazeakoy laboratorii (zav.-kand.khimenauk Ye.V.Iosifova) Sochlnskogo institata, revmatizma (direktor Prof. M.M.Shikhov). IOSIFOVA, Ye.V. Penetration of methane into the human W.n in btdneologlcal procedurev. Vop. kur. fizioter. I lech. fiz. kullt. 28 no-3- 259-263 ',Iy;-.Je 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz Sochinskoco ins tituta-revma tiz.-na (dir. Prof. M.M. Shikhov). KASHTPIIOV) I.N.., glav. red.; BEREZIN, V.P., red.; POTEMKIN) S.V., red.; SHILO, N.A., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., red.; FROLOVA, M.F.p red. [10 years of Magadrn Province] 10 let Magadanskoi oblasti. -Magadan, MagadansIcoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 210 p. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Direktor kompleksnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Shilo). 2. Direktor naucbno-issledovatellskogo institute zolota i redkikh me- tallov (for Potemkin). 3. Sekretart oblastnoe.~) komiteta KPSS (for Kashtanov). IGSIFOVIGI, V.., ing-.; POFOVIGIyV., ing. Determining the-molecular weight and polymerization degree of cel3nlose by the viscosimetric method,, using the Stau- dinger apparatus. Cel hirtie 10 no-W28-133 Apt6l "The general theory of the amplidyne", by Doctor of Technical Sciences A. G. Iosif'-vpn, at the Power Ingr. Inst. im KRZIiIZHANOVSKIY of the Acad. Sce. USSR. SO: Blektrichestvo. No 5, Moscow. May 1947 (U-5533) ~-P~ ia 8 s0 00 to -'m 4-Y-11-1 C -I-LAA AlVx 0 CE 3460 lbsory of the ~Mhnmw 361sp tranowlemlon of the angle and of rotation with a tranamitter and rocolver of differing parm"ers, JO G wA Kwnp So No V**U. Rektroprom., 20 (No. 4) in A treatment of the 3-ph. case of Selgi transidesion, lhe spohrmlsing torques are ealculated on appromimto forleal" And jill dftW do AN I a 11. IL .04 Ao 'S #-S. - 1614" W&F cwv gal U a AV 10 A -A" 4 1 sad a a 9 1 9 0 * A a 3 It je 0 0 so* 0 0 to so 0 0 940000 S., falleb"a (Hie 60W Bir%MW).* V. A. Traposalitow, M. P. 1466OWN6 Petrov* A. It. i&rioww, A. 0. lositsymao X*16 Bolows V, A. Oovodotskly4 491ektrichost"'I go IL2* p N Webakin to very well knwa In the fulds of oleo mommo$. sum 0q"ixwntt Owksmue control. and 1119101natiog enginswing and has KwoUllsed for aww yearis In- OVISUM else oqgpwnt,. A major gonovikI in Use awlattem *ngMmrivg servicel, be vas am of the favads" of tbo.All,-Unloa Ilea Ing last sM the Inst of AutowLtIcs an& Talsoodiso, and has be"" -chat" at Me Monow Powev log less twoul Rolotar wd the Air Force Ing AcM zhatmemy, 201T87 IAATPIYAN) A. - G. Voprosy-elektropakhoty ffroblems of electric plowin&7. Erevan, Izd-vo AN Armianskoi SSR, 1952s 66 p. 90-. ~(6ith& List of Russian Accessiomp Vol 6 No 6 September 1953 ALMXYXVIKff, T.Y., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; 'LOf-I7LUNjA.G.. otyetetyennyy redaktor; ZXRM, N.M., otvatstvonayy redaktor; ARXJKAKW, G.A., redaktor; SAWYAK, P.A.. tekhnicheekly redaktor. [Use of blimetals in the construction of electric apparatuses] Prijonanie bimetallov v slektroapparatostroeall. Irevan, Isd-vo Akademli nouk Armlauskol UR. 1953-.25I.P. (KLVA 8:2) (Itectric apparatus and appliances) IOSIFIYAN, Andronik Gevondovich-, KAUN, Boris Holseyevich; YARIYAKOV- I.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Principles of servomechanin=1 Oenovy alediashchego privods. Moskva, Goo. on-erg. isd-vo, 1954. 596 p. (KM 7:12) (Servomeahaniess) (Automatic control) Ios 17 1 TAN A G ....... - dq~W:~,:w Scientific problem Is the Basslan ~JqctpIc machinery inamgtry. Blektrichoetvo no-7:4?-54 J1'54. (NLRA 8:10) 1. Deyetwitilluyy chlen Akadouli asuk Aroranskoy SU (31*ctric machinery) (IRectile engineering) j- 0.5 AID P 3023 Subject USSR/Electricity Card .1/2 Pub. .27 10/33 Author 1081flyan, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Scienti ktc"p bl' of the domeetic:electric Imachine-. ,r0 one i buiiding'An dustry, Periodical Elektrichestvo, 7, 47-54, JI 1955 .Abstract The rapid;development of automation in the Soviet-Union presents several problems to the domestic electric machine-building Industry. Some of these problems are: Investigation of transient non-linear phenomena in electrical machinery and auxiliary apparatus; regulation of electrical machinery according to demands of auto- mation of various technological processes; a further Investigation of the Internal aerodynamics of electrical machinery: its cooling processes, problems of air- tightness, vibrations and noises; and others. The JERUK, I.S., RATYUKHIN, X-Ta., inrh.; BILYNSKIY, V.V., inzh.; ,,AA.,, akademik; KAGAN, B.M., kand.takhn.nauk; IOSIFIZLI V.K., insh.; IDPATO, G.P., inzh. X-3 small-sized universal electronic digital computer, Alektrichestro no.1:49-54 J& 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Blectronic calculating machines) 16(o); 9(3) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3507 Iosiflyan, Andranik Gevondovich Woprosy yedinoy teoril elekt pltnogo I gravitatelonvo-inertstallnogo poley (Problems of the Unified Theory of Electromagnetic and Gravitation-Inertial Fields) Yerevan, Izd-vo AN Armyanskoy SSR, 1959. 28 p. 2,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Reap. 3d.: V. V. Alekseyevskly; Ed. of Publishing House: R. A. Shtib4n; Tech. Ed.: L. A. Azlzbekyan. FVRPOSC: This book is intended for applied mathematicians and physicists. COVERAGE: The,, book discusses several important problems of the unified theory of electromagnetic awid grevitational-Inertial fields. This book is based on a series or reports by Academician A. G. Iosiflyau, AS ArmSSR, which were included in the,"Doklady" of the AS ArmSSR of April 30., 1958. No personalities are mentioned. References are in f9otnotes throughout the book. Card 113 Problems of the Unified Theory of Electromagnetic (Cont.) SOV/3507 1. Principles of Action (Actlo) In Classical Mechanics and Blectro- dynamics. Fundamentals of the Method 5 2. Criteria (Parameters) of an Action :7unction 12 3. Velocity of the Change of Mass and Charge 14 4. Principle of the Conservation of Gravitational-Inertial Flux Linkage 16 5. Principle of the Conservation of Magnetic Flux Linkage 18 6. Criteria of State and Their Dimensions 19 7. Overall Principle of Action 21 8. On the Differential Equations of an Itlectromagnetic and Gravi- tational-Inertial Field in the Form of Hawdell Equations 23 Card 2/3 Problems of the Unified Theor7 of Electromagnetic (Cont.) SOV/3507 4 9. Irreversible Fladiation of an Electromagnetic Field and Elementary Particles 2T Appendix: Table of Fundamental Values Characterizing a Cosmic Field and Their Interrelationship in the KKS-M System 29 AC/fal Card 3/3 5-3-60 88090 6. A00 S/110/60/000/007/003/005 A1160 (~~Id 9073/9535 AUTHORS: Issiglan.-A.A., Academician of the AS ArmSSR. F:L&]Lkov,--A.5.'candidate of Technical Sciences, Davidovich, Ya.G., Engineer, Kuchinskaya, O.P.,Zngineer and Petronyan, L.S., Engineer TITPE: Field Investigations of Solar Batteries PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti, 1960, No-7, PP-38-43 TEXT: The results are described of field investigations on photoelectric transducers which were carried out between August 21 and September 21, 1959 in the region of Byurakan (Armenia) at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level. The electron-pole transitions in the photo-elements were produced by thermal diffusion, ace panted by the formation of a naturally transparent film an th::- surfa,ce of the photo-eloments (S.G. Zaychikov and T.V.Lysenko ar- tic ipated in developing this method). The investigations were carried out on a battery consisting of 28 series-connected sections, each of which contained parallel-connected elements glued onto an insulated base. The sections were on a frame mounted on equipment which was orientated 'automatically to face the Sun. The working Card 1/6 88090 s/110/60/000/007/003/005 9073/9535 Field investigations of Solar Batteries surface could be protected by a removeable glass. Soldered leads were available for measuring the characteristics of the individual sections. The electric parameters were measured by class 0.5 instruments; the temperature of the ambient air (in the shade) and of the objects of investigation were recorded by an automatic instrument. To clarify the influence of temperature on the characteristics of the individual photo-elements, a set-up was used for cooling the photo-olemonts down to +10*C and heating to +1600C, whilst maintaining unchanged the natural illumination of the Sun. The changes in the characteristics of the battery and of its individual sections as a function of the intensity of the incident radiation during the day were recorded continuously, using a thermoelectric actinometer with a galvanometer and an albedometer. Experiments were also made to assess the possibility of concentrat- ing the light flux onto the surface of ph6toelectric transducers by means of mirrors, using for this purpose a battery on an insulated panel provided with hinged flat mirrors. The influence of meteoro- logical effects over long periods on the operation of photo-elements Card 2/6 88090 5/110/60/000/007/003/005 9073/9535 Field Investigations of Solar Batteries was studied on a soparat* met of two batteries, whose surfaces remained unprotected for the entire period of the investigations. The electric characteristics of some separate elements and of an hermetically-&*&led battery submerged in water were also investi- gated. For all the investigated batteries and their elements a general technique was applied for determining the basic character- istics which are necessary for evaluating their effectiveness. The graph, Fig.2, shows the operating part of the volt-ampere characteri :1 ic of one element under an illumination intensity of 0.0925 W/c '. The useful area of the element equalled 3.64 cm2; the measurements war* carried out at 350C. Under optimum loading the element supplies & maximum power of 316 mV and its efficiency was 9.36%. In almost all elements the optimum load corresponds approximately to two-thirds of the no-load voltage. For determining the effectiveness of the element it in sufficient to find throe characteristic points on the load curve, namvly, the no-load voltage, UXX, .the short-circuit current, 1. , and the current and voltage for the optimum load, IH and ~ H' A Card 3/6 88090 S/110/60/000/007/003/005 X073/Z535 Field Investigations of Solar Batteries convenient parameter for evaluating the quality of a photoelectric element in the coefficient of filling of the load curve, k., representing the ratio of the maximum power in the case of optimal loading to the product of the no-load voltage and the short circuit current: k TJH. 1H XOX At the optimum voltage, the maximum value of kH is 0.7. Ouring the experiments the temperature of the ambient air fluctuated between 15 and 450C; the temperature of the battery was always higher, and fluctuated between 20 and 600C. In most cases a lower temperature corresponded to a lower intensity of solar radiation. The short-circuit current increased with increasing temperature up to 100*C and then decreased sharply k ecreased insignificantly k. H up to 1006C and then decreased shar;ly; th: efficiency at 1000C was about 50% lower than at 560C and at 16oOc it dropped to almost zero. With increasing intensity of the solar kadiation k H decreased. Card 4/6 88090 S/110/60/000/007/003/005 9073/Z535 Field Investigations of Solar Batteries Differences in values obtained for the same temperature range during certain days ore attributed to increasing losses due to resistance in the battery with increasing intensity. Comparison of data obtained in various temperature ranges for an eqqal zenith distance indicates that k decreamed sharply. The change In the spectral composition had Attlo effect on k whichAs attributed solely to an increase in the temperature. iffe efficien*cy at an operating temperature of 45 to 50*C in about 8% lower than in the temperature range 35 to 40"C. By-using mirrors with an area about 1.5 times larger than that'of the solar battery, a twofold increase of the output was achieved. Protective glass reduces the conditions of heat transfer from the surface and raises the operating tempera- ture by 20 to 300C. Furthermore, the losses due to absorption of the glass are about 10%. A naturally transparent film permits of an efficiency about 25% higher than can be obtained if perspex in used. `.Submersion in water to a depth of 5 to 40 cm brourht about a considerable drop in the short-circuit current, to about one-sixth at a depth of 40 cm. The no-load voltage remained unchanged up to a depth of 40 cm. The characteristics were fully maintained if the Card 5/6 88090 s/iLio/60/000/007/003/005 9073/Z535 Field Investigations of Solar Batteries elements wero~submerged to a depth not exceeding 0.5 cm. Zxposure to weather did not result,in any appreciable deterioration during the entire duration of the tests. The obtained temperature-dependam of the e.m.f. confirmed the known dependence according to which the e.m.f. drops with increasing temperature at a rate of 0.00288 V/*C. Cooling in particularly important when there in concentrated illum- ination over long periods. In-the canj of low-intensity radiation during the morning (10-0 to 15-0 Week ), a power can be obtained which is equal to that obtained during higher radiation intensities. The results confirm that photoelectric transducers can operate effectively even on relatively cloudy days, and the use of radiation concentrators during such periods will ensure a power output comparable to that obtained during cloudless days. There are 8 figures and 7 referencest 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 27, 1960 Card 6/6 :~ !,! 7~ ~ - -I- -.- , ~ - ~, ~- 4.1~f-.Il 4~~jk: - ~ 1, IOSIFIIAN, A.G.) delegat M~l allyezda Kommmisticheakoy partii Sovetakogo ~Soyuza - - - IF 10SIF.11YAN,. 'A...-., *wIstar'Aw1ho devolopofti-ol -electrical engimorii& z1o)rtrotsihnika 34 no.10d-S 6.063. 16 -.11) IOSIFIYAN, A.G., akademik; STRIYUKOVICH, K.P.; SOKOLIK, G.A. -.- - Abaly3ia of quasi-Maxwellian equations describing compensation fields. Dokl. 91 SSSR 159 no.6-.1261-1263 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. ArmSSR (for losiflyan). i, 2lo86-65 MiV (1) -A3D(p)-3/N5D(t)/lJP(c) ACCESSION AP5001983'~ 8/0020/64/159/006/1261A263 Cord 1/2 10 51 K ovi V, V. 406, Was of rmtHaMbitart In Imbricatira MU. 1"Otbows VAG bmillf Ast and Alskandre"', LOA. (fifto IUM., 294Mo ..!2J 1:0,; 4M. Ab$tr-,-I-jV4Vp "I9 Q# 541*4W). W 11 of 11 At 8 is IF Is a a 4 9 41 0 is I Jt- (-A I L-AL-2- J-4 It -2-1-. . to losocclits AND FROP1111.1t of. Tho of "Cwwc add (viumin C) in blood 114) .4 saiduriss. V.A. Devywiltilis anti V, %I. linjilovol, #food. vird4' lei, U, M.S. S'. Is. Sri, x(111:17, 11161 p"811.11 0. 0 or Cite litIfthIld IN 1140ni toll the tAWtVIAlk)O that the Midati.14t 4111 a -of amwhiv ac-lol (11 for 111OW), i- Inhibited I-Y VA -All.. l*ts 4 cc. b1mW of urime we alkild 9 tv. O.M1 CAj0AvI, imoll twith stiorring) 4 Lv. :'.%% Hg(OAc),. Aflrr mirring until ibe milli. is bomqrwmw. thr milit. is centrifugni lot 6i1- -00 ined. Ullo-mild towoupwa riequirr mninfuging; uriw Ramplees call for dwilleol lw fillratiovol. I ObAl may have loo,ell Old. -00 0 J!i ~Ilisnl fly 1111tOAc), I- then irtfuent toy looming 111~14 thimigh no* be vkw At n. 1 3 w. -3 Wit.; 11.s iq then re"141mi I.Ir C(I, kohl low "An, 1111al"I toollit 41.11441 V IMOO intlogIllornod to a pink ,Aw~ A bloonk ol,lio. omw Goo for cstrint out cwt the rrear"te ii~%I. (Nor ing. I rrtltm-"f It 4 am. WW1 N FWA-my-thler soul"lall- Iltal vinght $%%*m in l"wir 1111141% 7 weir twlivol 111mugh thift deln.. sold hound it, low now If - the reftroto. Poe Isl4kof of moctual 11UHIAll llh%%l 44-Illatillt see �r DAUT modillillmolralk"I CONO nIll. I Ie- goo 00 -Allini in gradmily Im rftft4l elit"Imatinvo lit I in the urine. Illylort wit aillillowt C Illwoi not t%vur ill llw hinslan 4,11ralli.111. l"n hylotmiamisuvA, C nomy "It. rilwelmolly in Ow witors - see -4106114 prfloool, It (1-h f1till. 09111 Vrge1*14- olle WO -1-11 in Illas"litv. j; !Joe 1i LA I a - I i. a at I AWORGIC at WIN at 111111 ct At to KAYIDo see A 10-t s1v1sjj*. I law va.&A. goo .19 M. O-C I-T u la AV 10 All; 0 'a, ~ We I we a, go 1. ar it a II'm P. I 'R'4 09 0 : : : : :1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'0 0 0 0 I 1 111 to to Is m 111 4 v a x livalwUllilrx"On A& N IM 0 u It t oop Famous A.* -110,1vil'Is -.1. o lutoklove. Allm. Mal. (11. 4, S. R.) 16. o l avid v-milvul W tht, I-hW s- imi-Im -00 0 Ims. IX ill div fall Ow (1.4 0.6 nit. % ill lie ultilt-F dild 00 9 A. Karjahk o0z 00.3 V1 1, goo ~00 a 00- coo $00 voo goo 9 k too. 11111%, - N, 409 Z- i s s aiij tv 4 al Od Q-T Lit 1 k b u is 4f in a T Ic - A I a 9111 0 00 a I IF Of 11 do 0 a 0 0 0 00 0 *'o 0 0 S :10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 w @*agog* 00000*000-tLA - - - - - - - - 0 0 9 0 410 0 0 11 0 IN 0 0 0 4 1416 to 11011tsultubtyletts I tA M J!!P-M so so 9 1 P-Mostsis To 4, ~"V 1 ' f 'Fill. A 'iWorlik arlid with AIV to thr Warni 6i op. the filitate r 00 j i th water anti # 00 gives a product c so so ! t lit. ltra try onig, 0 o 0 6-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0! 13 n a At a if a 79111 11 9 U M a 10 V a a AT it 9 it U 40' w-64 odd. -it. 1)'Vylilum still _14nwjfll~ tom, Nil, 2-3, brisling if a hrA in suesti. In a A70%yiddislibfain"I. INIA-110% "r;'ii- i "i OWN Ikl/ 114 * 11-0 -11-7- 1#100 %1 P O"T 441 i a AT N* &%I,* R V i It No. M. 411.-- V6.4ve rrudir 111114111 all-, in is rustent (4 Cith. lotd. ak. whi, (if I'll actriair, tirtstaiiiii, w, i,,. filil-f, *a,h IAS, vacuum l1cilit'(2101' OVI-t III.SOj, o0 kccrysin. f g o aworbic arid. In. _41111, W. R. Henn coo 2see i tgais too it, ----------- 14 Art 4 1 swass"11111111" ) I I I 06 al 0 to 0 0 6 0 0 0 00 00 00 ' o a A-L-A 0 0 A -. 00 % o : As so.' 00 4 00 a 00 so jIV! ISO egg IS -0-0 0 0 #-*-* 0-41- 0 & 9 0 0 # It 9 111 0 IN 9 & 0 0 * it U u W It is it is 194121 it Dun armitlign nails ism so 41 41 U 0 ace A x L L 2 r P O-A, I 1 11 1 1 1 ill Z a 0 N 1 Y As JM-MR- 99 . I , - 1-sq.42OP111- . _ , '. Dipteitsbam of mwbk ocid Is Merest substantes ("Giwdins lediss method of Deviods "A IOWMIG), V- LAb. I-rok. (U. S. S. R.) 14, No. 14, 13-18 QM).--TO dft- &K=bk acid in plant substmaxvs. &I ital fim rummed sand al mr.witk 6-10 ur a 1. the tholiped no ska POW40 Units 1") cc. of 5% AcOH. wash the owto w" " cc. of the am acid. centrifuge the maw or fiker MPWIY thmah Puw, to 10 cc. of the ext. add 0.4,q, 01'4 akcj add 5 cc. of U Gook gromm C&CO11 A 5% Pb(C1W N Wign "4 "IlItifuP r*PkflY (Of filter) Titrate 10 cc. 41 dge Unit Om 6 cc. U 80% AcOll with a omi N mobs. of 3604kmwoohenolinduphcac4 until a clear pink colmir is obtained wQi--j"ts for I-L tnin. Ic wt. of am mmmpb to be und varies with the cmt mt of Tb vit&tniu C. the commemy, vol. etc. The amt. of AcOli Clio also my hisom 3D to (0 cc., but to insure accurate results the =i. most be carefully caled. The whole proc- C" should am Will asore tbarm 15-20 rain. bccaumc the of the tits. we lowtrtd on proloculrd rtdudm eats. may be dild. with distd. water (from 1: 1 to 1.3101) bdo" tilfation. or the filtrate may t* treated with RA alteir the to. with Fb(CJl.CCK)i,. The method for the caks. of iffascurbic wW content and a DO. of specificemm*Swe given. Lkin.oltheosklized tam of amorbic will (overripe tuoustots) is demciribtA. W. R. llcun NITALLIACKAL LITIONAT0111 CLASSAFKATICIO lion, 11TI'lliva ~ -.,- : -'. :1..; - . ;1441 13.111 - Tr 1844411 "it J)"t a 0111JI am 4-f 411 b u a Av is An L -S-8, ad 0 a s I or 10 s a a 3 6 1 P It P 0 a a a It 2 K a a It 011 KW ft I MI 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 0 9 *if o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r'-o 0 .00 '00 see Zoo 400 coo zoo coo zoo moo 60 too too 0 06 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 4 0 4 a so u a If a a 9 a a a to a a Ona u u 4 0 A 'IL-C I a 1 V X 8, -, , a I A-A-L-jL-jL- 00 011"Mos AND pa"16111% ftO#4 -00 -00 0 0 A : got Assn" seW muouboollem Is wal "d p6shate" 00 twoodidew. 11. M. AI'pcoin. V-1L-Issikuwa AM A. V. k K '00 00 a onaeurs o. M(190). Chrow. ZtW. 19M. U. 401S.-L)ctns, -A the -00 008 wwbic acid ccontpoot of the L4%ukl " ujine wetr nwk in the SjwW4 and Won 2 iumin4l inds"Jua6 and no 141 Im. i I l -00 a*.. th 111twe m rots w r** piss"Mukv.1 V0.6suill C I1Vjk1VjtA- j 40kcakto s O l I k l C 1 w * h W 000 00 J no cut 0 II w W sm lt cm t iNkI Ma AMW e : "r NOW. A Intortit sk-twbk ik-id MI.-kney was 000 GuWnsuItswcrv&di- 1~11WA with sq. hip axis. in the local mew td I he 4 vitAlsoltup- 00 it. 0. NItAkir SOO 00, aroo oaf of 600 800 3 ~ WOO moo 31 law p1wan. -- - V waa ill 411111,11-1 u it a. 0 0 t a " no A 41 1111 v a 9 M 0141 6 a 0 1;; 0 : : : ooo;oooeoo -Goo oooo,0000000000900 ~ 6 66 6 6 0 06060900000000 , a a 0 a 0 IF 0 q 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 40i 0004100*011100-1 've-o-s- Out.- a 1 4 5 A I 1 0 it 11 A 's r . I . I . I K L 00 4 00 00 -1! 09 d sow eel 1 # 0 *-0-0-4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 411-0-411-A 1 11 )JU bin US? 1 a10100 410*OA* 1 1 . k a 4 X--A-A-AL- ft. 0-L -Wi-fto-f 0 1 (safes 0 PROCtills AMD POC1,101.11 16011 .** /0 1 Asmtk new derivatives. 1. Ferro" assarbase. V. .60 A. Dev"laW and V. hi. limikova. Vile"fy PildlliyO 9, - - N -00 o. 1-2. W4(1W) .We: A733; 5MP-A-corbic add .00 MWts with F%CO. to form COAVe. a salt which i% lit" W11411 *7 bM is lkll"ped in HA It in -00 tyPkd viave 0. From The Ac no, no. Sit sent. wt. it that the sevorble arm ilk Al".rom". -00 tile ak bas I bond. luting P. .4111th 2 Soo ::00 r.0 0 too SOS Aloe AIS I L A SITACLURGOCAL L111461ble,CLASIMPKA11" &too Slid" "60 0.. 461 All A I a 14 U a At R 0 0 1, It a W of R, on ~a lit a lp 22 000006 *:::o 0 000060000000 000*009*0*0000000000 .4 1 0000 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 0t00 - - . 0 000 0 0 03 A s a I I or 1 4 It u u W Is 16 u IS " a a x b all Malin %It notim g1jud" 0 .A I C a A T -W If _A_ Y. 9 q 4 1 - f 4 -00 C4:r(fi *0 00 ", _ 1 ~ --____ 00 -00 00 f 10moiss &a- d 1 .00 00 At Mva. 00 OW I* ewdids be I" nod" ONO" 40 aut Na 1 MR 1 is L o p a ot M . . - a re . - . , , 0 ", J1, 51: J4, 10431.-For the JrIn. .00 14W is Waimal timm" (Ortimps. mumcks. etc.) 4 00* mu"W In a graduated cylinder and add .1-6 g i kZ x Imolu. to a definite vol. M-50 ml.), ' co) , 5% ( ~ 411041 . J su%kv the cratents to a mortar. vind with glam powder, ; .00 add 5% (AcO)&Hg twoln. until ppta. 6 cumpicte, filter, filter Oil ate 1- &-10 -in filt ti l h HS ji .. 1e r s ruma t imus 00 ll#S, remove HIS with a current of CO, and titrate 5- 10 ml. III the filtrate with 0.00t N diclik"henillindophervA. W. k. I lents We 0 die 'POOR A S 4. 11, A SCULLUIRCICAL LIfIRASURN CLAIIWKAtIG* aid., SIV.1114.4 LIAM It -it a., 4.C fee* j_" TIKANII low 9 is 0 1 w a 0 a 4 a 4 0;"o us 06 see 0 1-0 000 so 000000 06000 so 0 0 01: 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 a 0 I P I TTr F7 . I L L A flocts"s Amo Wfill rutbesio Inwimikka is the 4 Inn" The awlyAstak" pkvii3w mKid am cream,, ==rl :f. 43 I- water, out mille 00 C l"m sivivas" oO*LAV wig Wow wit eov cot 111im 4K tot C~ 1, 1 A' V2 me A I a ad a a v I jr a 9 an's lo0 waft al; Of I it a r I a X , . o 0 e e e r1a: - T o. 6 * * 6 0 0 0 0 0.- - a IS $0 v a w v a XJIMJ3 Jim if J7 a m 0 #1 4 43 a g - -t it - A 4 jL-x V m V. u .0. -1-A-2-1 - 1- 0 _j - k-2-4- 41116A fit 'VJ)44I~ I!jLs~t'A7~ 0 got V. A._ th... 1. W&W VA-I god 7'~ at. 1047. 1 0 '41411 .4 lot. 441n#'. 4. 1.1 to-# #1w wu III Ikw 14 SIM01 a 0*, Wit. with w campiel"I KCIVS. thr rewhilld f'-d-mr. KI. If-mb Goo fed lit J1 I 11111mall #04.4"ji, Sit A" V-f- -1 -t I a W-j- ; ; ; A ; 0 Is Is 0 is . ;Fr 1 -1 N v 1i IL .00 -00 ass ago is* ;104 USSR Ic-saro'na. V. T ;;:M. 1"m Y 01=4ge brooldo eAliga. tIss Vitamin. Abe dcgrt.~-- a purity. --y%t. thl~rviin~ br-miclL d,~c, mat tain mort tLiu 0.2% a2h ~--d r-u iin m the liti k for 6 rv-uth3 at 4 -2-e' ai;d .17 - ll;~u~,-'.-, in !wo Irl. 4 'TO-k" mg '=I! it L Svaliu~', LA high'T C-anc-rm- is out r~,,mim,n ~,fl. metho6 of stcnlizatioz do not _.i,, t r , k in the dark is rewztmeided. B, 3 I.,tyja5;-- : s U : ' warg a awl V., A. it. 3 A (:,m tw oiu-m-twd in rAw V"uc t$ of high *1itq a s ualit The evex xi(hia) is w4ded abilittr (I t . r q y l -pumfiai~ & tie vitambi is essential. The U on. 1 WOO Lu. tit vitmin D ptr kg. of the finigied product as', the legal mnn. War- m IOSIKOVA V.H.1 WVCHML, L.N.1 ZVORYKINk, V.V. Study of the stability of vitamins In the -polyvitaminic dragee. Trudy am 6a3l-l36 .159. (NERA 13:7) 1. Teesoynsiwy nauchno-Issledavatel'skly vitamlnnyy Institut. ]Dalmiko-amlitich*oUmya-Ubaraterlya. (VMAXM) FYNjE. LFeng. IC.jt IIPBILHVIGHo A. LtranslatorJ. Daring plans and persistent work, Boy,profsoiusy 6 no. 11;73-73 6 158. (KIRA 11:10) (China--Dye plants) %~ t I IOSILXVICH, A@!., kand, khim. nauk Cyclone lint in a valuable rav material for the production of cotton pulpo Tekste prom. 18 no.11:7-9 N 158. (KM 11: 12) Mot collectors) (Cotton wnufacture-N-products) IOSILEVICIIJ A. I. Iosilevich, A. I. -- "Simultaneous Electroprecipitation of Cobalt and Nickel from Electrolytes Containing Various Anions.ff Published by the Acad Sci Uzbek SSR. Acad Sci Uzbek SSR. Inst of Chemistry. Tashkent, 1956. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences.) So: Knizhna.,,ra Letopis', No. 11, 1956, pp 103-114 sm fWX I BOOK EXPLOITATION SCV/2216 Stsveshchanlys, po elaktrakhlail, 4th. Moscow. 1956. '1Z Trudy...-; laborn1k] (Transactlons or the Fourth conference an zl*tt- rochemistry; collection or Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AX 1959. 868 p. Errata slip Inserted. 2.500 copies printed. ponsoring Agencyt Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdaleftys idalmlcheskf~ nauk. Editorial Boards A.M. Frumkln (leap. Ed.) Academician, O.A. U*24. . Secretary), B.N. Sabanov, Pro- Froressor-Y.I. Zhdanoy (Ren fassor, S. - Zhdanov (Reap. ocretary)s B.X. Kabanov, Professcz% g Ta. M. Kolotyricin. Doctor or Chemical 3clenceal V,V. Loosev. F..Z. lAikovtsev. Professors Z.A. 3olov-yeval V.V. Stend*r, Proresso-Z. and G.M. FloriamovIch; Ed. of Publishing Houses X.G. YQ9OrQ'w'. Tech. Zd.z ?.A. Prusakova. " book to Intended for chemical and electrical *ngl- ~ :tclats. metallurgists and researchers Interested to ' ~ Ast-eta Of electrochemistry. Ovxakazt The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented st: FOdrth Conference on RI Ctr0ch~nI2tr7 sponsored by the rogmrt- : Mont of CbeaLcal Science, nd th Institute of physical Chemastry Aeadeny of 3clenceg. USSR. The collection pertains to dirr branches Or OleCtrOchemical kinetics, double layer theories xW galvanic processea In metal glectrodepositan and Industrial rOlysIs. Abridged discussions are given at the a ne or a&&. 910n. The majority or reports not Included here have been Published In periodical literature. No Personalities art accclAned . ROf'Org-So Art given at tht end of most of the articles. 01 and A.1 loalevic O ' 1 ~ tit %&nsZZT,ur, Lail AX UzSSR_JnZtijUje Of Wm ~O M -my . Card 21/34 Of Sciences, UzSSR). S*P'Lr&tlon Coefficient During Sin- ultanocus Slectrodeposition of Metals of the Iran Group nq_X,_X1L._XeZh&y1X&, Cathodic Cases@ Zcsimorjjh~ j ,t 117ur a t so -tion of Zinc and Hydrogen at Kl*ctroden t,Lr 2 tg.~ w g or Shlugez:_X.A. Role Of a Side Anlon In the Process of Chromium liectrodeposition "_v V A (Lesot ekhnl Chen k ly Inatitut Arkhangel-sk- U ..zTrLt. for Forest Technology, Arkhangellsk). Neutra- ~J l1ratloss of MotallIc Ions at Kaerodlotancea From the Cathode 15-3Q i I Influence of Boric Cht2hmqy~ D~X.. and L " on tne Cathodic Polarization or Nickel In Sulfuric It rd 1 Aeld Solutions 0 Card 22/34 IOSIIXVICH.-- rSYGANOV, G.A. Separation coefficient -during the electrodepoaition of cobalt and nickel from electrolytes with different anions. Uzb.khix, sbur. no.1:43-49 1-59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Inatitut kbinit AN UsSSR. (Cobalt) (lick-el) (Electroplating) IOSILEVICH. A.L&-=GAHOV. G.A. Mechanism of the influence of anions on the valuo of the dis- tributlon coefficient In the simultaneous electrodeposition of cobalt and nickel. Uxb.khIm.shur. n0-5:45-49 159. (MIRk 13:2) 1. In~tItut kbinit AM USSSIL (Cobalt) (Nickel plating) IOSIIMCH A.T -.t-TS-YGANOV G.A. Effect of the conditions of electrolysis on the distribution coefficient during the simultaneous electrodeposition of cobalt and nickel. Uzb. khim. zhur. no.l,.38-44 160MMA 14:4 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. (Cobalt) (Rickel-plating) nAVAMMV, A.B.; LATHER, Y.N.; IOSILEVICH, A.I. New methods of sorption and demorption of silver by ionites in an electric field. Isv, vyse ucheb. sav.; tevet. met- 3 no.4:81-88 16o. (MrA 13:9) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhuologicheskiy institut. Xafefra tethnologii plastmass. (Silver) (Ion exchange) Mectric fields) S/081/61/000/024/017/086 B 138)B102 AUTHORS: Usmanov, Kh. U., Iosilevich, A. I., Ioanidis, 0., Chamayev, V. TITLE: Effect of electric current on the exchange capacity of ion exchangers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24, 1961, 100, abstract 24B731 (Uzb. khim. zh., no. 2, 1961, 13 - 17) TEXT: The effect of direct electric current on total exchange capacity was studied in the cationites, VY-1 (KU-1), KY-2 (KU-2), 1