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00 00*06000000 09*0 0 MR -, 471F, z,.#*q* so see 0 0 0 o o 0 IL 6 1 0, 9 4 It it u 4 24 V a 21 x It 12 11 34 Is J6 11 AA ~w 01 a U ad a , a I I ce a L a ft-CC Vp U A, it t- t f I t I 00, 00 0 The kbwatj medW fw ptepuradom of Uquid aitroien 67 so 9 n-d' r-ondensat ion of NO. I -t t fewri twi 1. 06.0 After the 2.V&No, + 2111NO. rt !Ng4NO. + IfO -00 4- NO + NOi. NO was uxitfited with (h and NO, was roll. 00 girnwd by cooling with N*CI-kv mixt, A. A P, -00 -00 of *00 wee 00 -so so re 0 00 w zoo 00 00 e goo 0 0 0 400 too -400 :t1 JL& *ffT&kLVJM$CA& &IIIIN&TLISO CL&IjJF$CAT#G. I use WOO ~00 I 'it 01 KID 11 1g6 04 0, op 0" s s, 0, 0" 0" /e/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 111 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 :064009410044106090160, PO at L3 SOV/137-58-8-18166 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 280 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kal' ye, A. K. ,Iosh a __R ~e ~_ TITLE: Quantitative Determination of Lead, Iron, and Aluminum by Drop- tempometric Potentiometry (Kolichestvennoye opredeleniye svintsa, zheleza i alyuminiya kapellno-tempometricheskiy potentsiometriyey) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gor1kovsk. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Vol 13, Nr 5, pp 50-55 ABSTRACT: The changes introduced into the apparatus for drop- tempornetric potentiometry (Kalye A. K. , Zavodsk. laboratoriya, 1946, v6i 12, r4r 9) are pointed out. The titration of 0. OIN solution of (CH3COO)2Pb with 0. IN solution of K Cr04'of 0. 01N solution of AI(NO3)3 and 0. MIN solution of Fe(~83)3 with 0. IN solution of NaOH was carried out. In determining 15 - 52 mg Pb the error constitutes 0. 78 - 1. 95 mg Pb; in determining 1. 34 - 4. 5 mg Al, the error equals 0 - 0. 14 mg Al, and in determining 0. 19 - 0. 93 mg Fe accurate results are obtained. The observed lag in the increase of time necessary for the titration, owing to the increase of the amount of the ion titratec~ is explained by the increase in the co- Card 1/2 efficient of activity of the solution with the increase of the amount SOV/137-58-8-18166 Quantitative Determination of Lead (cont. bf.,the substance titrated, which leads to an increase in -the rate of the reaction. N. G. 1. Aluminum-Quantitative analysis 2. Iron- Quantitative analysis 3. Lead-Quantitative analysis Ions-Titration Card 212 IOSHPE, A Ya . KHOMSKAYAY Ye.D. Regulation of temporal parameters of voluntary movements according to the electromyographic data. Vop. psikhol. 11 no.3t103-112 My- Je 165. (MIRA 1W)~ 1. Otdeleniye psikhologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. z/oll/62/019/001/017/017 E073/E136 AUTHORS: Kor zin, N.V., - Gurevicb, Yu. M. , and loshipe M. L. TITLE: Selection of varnish systems which are resistant to hot water PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemicka' technologie. Pr*ehled technickeo a hospodlr'*sk4 literatury, v.19, no.1, 1962, 38, abstract Ch 62-528. (Lakokras. Materialy, no.5, 1961, 67-68) TEXTi The following varnishes were triedt epoxy, mixture of polivlnylbutaryl and cresolformaldohyde resin, phenolformalde- hyde resin, nitrile rubber with cresolformaldehyde resin, oil-asphalt varnish with asbestos, amber, divinylacetylene (ethynol varnish), furfural resin. From the first test series, the three most satIsfactory varnish systems were chosen, which are being subjected to further tests. These arei ethynol varnish, polyvinylbutaryl + cresolformaldehyde resin, and oil asphalt mastic. .2 tables. Card 1/1 [Abstractor's notes Complete translation-] ZHUCHKOVA, N.K.; VANKMLO, TS.B.; GOLOVANOV, G.F.; DOBROVOLISKIY, N.F.; -I TOS ~ TE ) M*L* Paint and varnish coating used for the protection of water-purifying filters from corrosion. Lakokras.matA ikh prim. no.l:,42-43 163 (MIRA 16:2) _(Water-purification) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Paint materials) IOSM., M.L.j Prinizala uchastiye MIRONOVAp L,P. Various-purpose marking paints. Iakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.4t44-46 163. (MM 16t10) ICIPE-P.1-:1 Ye. L. 34182. Lecheniyo bollnykh legochnym tuborkulazom proparatami zolota v dispansernykh usloviyakh. Byulletent In-ta tuberkulaza Akad. Med. nauk SSSR 2 jq49, fLo 2, s. 19-25 SO: Knizhnaya Letopist No 6, 1955 'wr F=MAN L TM*p OIFMKH Ma lot 10SHP8. 1.S. L. lKlinicheakiv nabliullenlia nad terapowticheskim delstvism tabim pri tubarkuless. &HnW obser"tions of thanqmtio effect of tubin In tuberoulomW Prabli tuberk.g liDakwa No, 5 51mlepll 5o p* 58-62o 1. Of the Imt1tute of Tuberculosis of Us Acad=W of Mgaftl Sciewei (Director ---o Z. Ai Laboden) mW of Us Flrst Depu-tomt Of Tubw=3ZOIB (Read - Prof. A. To. Rabul&1m) of the CAutna lzwtituto for the Admwaod Training of ftsialaw (Direatir V. P. Laboden). CLHL Vol. 20 No. 2 Fab 1952 TOSHPX, Ye.L.. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk (Moakya) Present-day methods of treating pulmonary tuberculosis. Mod. sestra, no.9:7-14 5 155 (KLRA 8:11) (TUBICRCUWSIS, therapy current status) IOSIF, A. "Agriculture, ecczomics, and grewth" by Milton M.Snodgrass, Luther T.Wallace. :'Reviewed by itjosif. Probleme econ 18 no.3.- 154-159 Mr 165. MITACHI Y N. coresp.; . IOSIF B. coresp.; VALKA.Y, GeLa, doresp.; TOMAS .1 y y I Liviu, coresp. In short. Constr Buc 17 no.793:4 20 Mr 165. IOSIF D. .1 The Radio Aircraft (Airborne Radio Station). Ari.pile Patriei (Tne Wings of the Fatherland), #7:18:Ju:L 55 .1 ~ 0 POPESCU-NEVANU, El.; IOSIF, Gh.; ENE, P. Study on the reception process of symbolic figurative diagrams used at the switchboard. Rev psihologie 10 no. 2:137-148 164. POPESCU-ITMANU, El.; IGSIF, Gh.; ENE, P. Compnrative study of the influence of some agent3 on the process of perception and recognition of figurative and symbolic schemes* Rev psihologie 11 no.1;69-80 265. 1. Institute of Psychology of the Rumaniarl Academy. Submittz-d December 12, 1964. HETLSENI~ T,.; YAHCIB~ S~ Fourth 'Tollection of Stud"-es" or the institute of Psychology i of tho Rumanian Academy. ftavi6wed by T. Herseni, Ghl. losit, S. Marcus. Rev psihologie 9 no.l-.159-165 163. POPESCU-NEVEANU, El.; IOSIF, Gh.; ENE, P. Somet.-Problema connected with the informative elements of the switchboard. Rev psihologie 9 no.2t2,49-272 163. STANGIU,G., ing. Technical and organizational measures taken by I September Paper Kill in 1960 for product quality improvement. Cel. hirtle. 10 no.2:59-60 F161 A V IOSIFO I.j SCBNHIIM~ I.A. Gas- chromatographic neparation of methane oxidation products. Rev ohimie Rom 9 noe6/1-*41+5-450 Je-J1 164 1. Physical Chemistry Research Center, Rutnanian Academy , 23 Dmbrava Rosie St., Bucharest. IOSIF,I.; SCIDIBIDER, LA. .Chromatographic analysis in gaseous stage of methane oxick- tion products. Studii cerc chim 13 no.6/7.453-458 Je-J1 164 1. Physical Chemistry Research Center, Rumaniwi Academy, 23 Dumbrava Ronie ';t.p Bucharest. IOSIF, T.; RADUO C, Determining the magnitude of the neighboring earthquakes at the seismic stations of the Bucharest Observatory. p. 205. STUDII SI CERCKTARI DE ASTRONCMIE SI SEISMOLOGIE. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 1, no. 2, 1957. Vol. 4, no. 1. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accession (HEAI). LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959 Unel. IOS1FV T.; RADU, C. Determining the magnitude of the waves P and S at the Bucharest station. p. 231. STUDII Sl CERCETARI DR ASTRONOMIE SI SEISMOIA)GIE. Bucure3tL, Rumania. Vol. 1, no. 2, 1957, Vol, 4, no, 1, 1959, Monthly List of East European Accession (EUI). LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959. Uncl, a a = ME P a 19 9 KNEW 2 WNQPW-NNOWW~ M#~ 20=5 9 Omm. IOSIFI T.; RADU, C. Determination of the magnitude of the deep earthquakes of Vrancea. p. 261. STUDII SI CERCHTARI DE AS7RONCHIE SI SEISMOLWIE. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 1, no. 2, 1957. Vol. 4, no. 1, 1959, Monthly List of East European Accession (MI). LC, Vol. 8, No, 9, September, 1959 Uncl, IOSIFv T. Dynamic charcteristics of the earthquakes of Ramnicu-Sarat, Tecuci region. p. 271. STUDII SI CERCETARI DE ASTRONCMIE SI SEISHOLOGIE. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 1, no. 2. 1957. Vol'. 4, no, 1 1959. Monthly List of East Accession (EHAI). LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959 Uncl. IOSIF T The deep seismic focus in the Rwunian Plain. Studil astron seismol 5 no.1:35-51 1060. (EUI 10:3) (Humania-Earthquakqe) DEMTHESGU9 G.9 acad.i-!qSIF, T*t ENESCU, D. Seismic bitlletin'of the Rumanian seismographic stations at Bucharesto Campulun' Bacau, Foosanil and Iasi. Studii astron, seismol 3 no.It 63-1e0 1210. (ESAI 10:3) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine; Comitetul do redactiet Studii, ai corcetari do astronomie si asismologie, redactor responsabil (for Demetrescu). (Rwaania--Seismology) S/169/62/000/004/005/103 D228/D302 AUTHORS: Iosif, T. and Radu, C. --------------------- TITIL-;: Investigations of the mechanism of the earthquake of December 9, 1945 (Vrancea). PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizilza, no. 4, 19622 14, ab- stract 4A113 (Studii i cercet-ari astron. 9i seismol.' Acad. RPR, 6, no. it 1961, 91-96) TEXT: The earthquake of December 9, 1945, was characterized by the following quantities: H ..-- 06hoam.17= 45032'N, A= 260441E; h = 100 km; N = 6.0. The problem was solved by Bayerly's method. the plane defined by the parameters 370W, 530E, 590 was selected as the fracture plane. The fracture direction V 370 was also as- certained by ravimetric means.,/-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 IOSIF, T. Seismic activity in the Rumanian People's Republic (1957-1959). Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.11:1633-1639 N 161. (MIRA 141l1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova i BukharestEkaya observatoriya, Seysmicheskiy sektor. (Rumania--Seismology) S/169/62/000/012/015/095 D228/D3O7 ,'DTIIORS: T and Radu, C. Ipsiff TITLE: Conditional stress characteristics for deep foci near Vrancea A.ERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 12, L962,.20-21, abstract l2jU94 (Studii qi cercethri astron. ?1. seismol 6. no., 2, 1961, 269-285 (Rum. ; surmnaries in 11-us.'~nd Fr.)) TEXT: 'ehe data on 250 earthqualtes that occurred near Vrancea between 1937 and 1958 were processed. Their depths exceeded 100 1cm. Their maigmitudes were ascertaincd, and a graph was plotted for the release oE Benloff stresses. The magratudes of earthquakes that occurred before 1900 were determined on the basis of correla- tions, established between the earthquake focal magnitude and force for deep earthquakes near Vrancea. '1he energy of deep, earthquakes was calculated. A graph, plotted on the basis of earthquakes in thc period 1471-1960, is given for the pur-pose of estimating the Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/012/015/095 Conditional.stress D228/007 seismicity oi~ the territory of the Rumanian People's Republic. The force of these earthquakes was more than 8 noints. Z7,Abstracter's note: Complete translation~l Card 2/2 IOSIF, T.; RAW, S.; SAVARENSKIY, Ye.F. Mechanism of the focuses of certain Carpathian earthquakes. Biul. Sov. pt-1 seism. no.15:146-167 163. (MIRA 17:4) COJOCARU, L.,; IOSIF, V. Distribution of fast neutrons along the thermal column of the experimental reactor of the Institute of Atomic Pb7sics of the Rumanian Academy. Studii core f:Lz 11 no.1:236-240 6o. (mi io:l) (Neutrons) (Rumania-Muclear reactors) VASILIYXV, Y.K.; SHDR, M.I.; SHAMSU.W, L.P.; IOSIY To'A., kand1dat tekbnicheskikh nauk, redaktor-, ZHXRDMtiZ "N'~.,. redaktor; PANKRA"VA, X,A., tekhnicheskly rodaktor.- . [Negative and positive photographic mterial] NegativzWe i positivive fotonaterialy. Pod red. I.A.Iosifa. Moskva. Goa. Isd-yo Olskusetvo.0 (Biblioteks fotoliubitelia no.2) 1955. 100 p. (HIJU 8: 11) (Fhotography-Appratue and supplies) SOKOUN, A.T.: NOGIN, P.A.; KHRIPIN, I.P.; ;0517, Te.A., kandidat takhni- chaskilkh nauk, redaktor; TNUMM, A-Me , redalmor; PANIMOUFA. N.A.. teidmicheskly rodaktor. [Cameras, option and determination of exposure] Yotoapparaty, op- t1ka. I. opredelenle vydershki. Pod red. I.A.Tofisa. Koakwa, Goa. isd-vo Olskusetvo"i no.l. 1955. 157 P* Mu 9:4) (Photosraphy--Bxposure) (Cameras) KRUSTINOT, G.; MARINOVA. L.; IOSITCHU, A. Jkporlenc* with cardlu cathaterization md angioc&rdiocraphr. Suvrem. nod.. Soft& 5 do.4:54-59 1954. 1. Is klinikat& pa bolnichna khirarglia pri ISUL, Softla (direktor: Aots. X.A.Staimov) (ANGIOGWRY, uglourdiograpby) (GARIDIOTASCULAR STSM, radlogr&pby, &Dgiocardlograpby) (E7 im, catheterlsation) DIMITROV, L.;- 1!!~EV - ~A Our e"riences in the treatment of thrombaphlebitis of the extrouities with anticoagulant and butazolidine preparations. Xhirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.4:347-349 163. 1. Institut za. spetsia]Azatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarits - Sofiia,, katedra po bolnichna khirurgiia. Rukovoditel na katedrata: prof. K. Stoianov. (TRROMOPHLEBITIS) (MNYLBUTAZONE) (ANTICOAGULANTS) (AXTREKITIES) IOSIFEESCU, B. "Electric Coryluctivity of Metals", P. 477, Issued by the Furanian -Society of Yathematics and Physics. Monthly". (GAZFTA MATEEMATICA 51 FIZICA, SEERIA A., Vol. Ii, Nov. 1954. Bucuresti, Rumania). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lc, vol. 4, 110. 5, Yjay 1955. Uncl. 1C-qIKvF,SCTJ, B. flApplication of the Binomial Formula", P. 502, issued by the Ruimanian Society of Mlathematics and Physics. Monthly- (WMETI, 11KAT-E-TUTICA 51 IFIZICA, SERIAL A., Vol ft, Nov. 1954, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Yonthly List of East European Acce!:sions, (EEP-L), LC, Vol. 4. Nlo. Fay 1955, Uncl. SOV/109-3-8-3/18 AUTHORS: Gellberg, A., Iosifesku, B., Konsha, G. and Mussa, G. TITLE: Investigation of~e Tempe~rature Dependence of the Work Function of Metals (Issledovaniye temperaturnoy zavisi- mosti, raboty vykhoda metallov) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 8~ pp 1000,- 1004 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A description of the method of measurement of the work function is given and some experimental results are reported. The method was first proposed by Lukirskiy (Refs 2, 3 and 4). The method permits the measurement of the contact potential diffe:-ence of two substances, i.e. the difference between th-iir work functions. Since, in this work I the aim was not -zhe determination of the absolute value o f the work function but its variation, the method was particularly suitable for the measurements. The experiments were carried out by means of a special tube ~Figure 1) which consisted of an electron gun of the blyers type (Ref 6) and of a tarSet in the form of a hollow cylinder. The electron j~un was furnished with a fine focusing arrangement which was situated at a Gardl/4 distance of about 2 cm from the target. The target SOII/109-3-8-3/18 Investig-ation of the Temperature Dependence of the Work Function of Metals Card2/4 (Figure 2) was made of metal plate having a thickness of 0.1 mm and was fitted with a heater; this arrangement ensured the equipotentiality of the target surface. The heater of the target was made of a double-helix, tungsten wire, so as to reduce the maGnetic field due to the heater current. The heater was used not only for raising the temperature of the target but also for the de-gassing of the system. The internal walls of the experimelital tube were coated with a conductinC layer which was Given a potential of the last anode (FiBure 1). The metal parts of the tube were thoroughly de-gassed and, after sealing off the pressure inside the tube was reduced to about mwHg by means of two ionisation-type pumps. The measurements vere carried out in the circuit shown in Figure 3- Since the measurements had to be made at a constant teWperature within a tempTature range of 20 - 1 000 C, the temperature of the cathode was con- trolled by measuring its resistance by means of the Thomson bridge. The current at the target was measured Irv SOV/109-3-8-A/18 Investiga-tion of the Temperature Dependence of the Work Function of Metals by means of a galvanometer having a sensitivity of 4 x.10-11 A/division. The measurement of the contact -potential difference was as follows: the current-voltage characteristics were plotted on a semi-logarithmic scale; in the region of small currents, the graphs could be approximated by straight lines. Also, for each temperature a current curve was determined and its intersection with the straight line was found. From this, it was possible to determine the contact potential difference. The error of measuremgnt of the contact potential difference was about 5 x 10-` V. The experimental-results are shown in Figure 4, which represents the work function for a molybdenurn tax-get. The 'dashed' curve in Figure 4 represents the direct results of the measurements, while the full curve represents the values of the work function after correction; the corrections were evaluated by taking into account the variation of the electrochemical potential of the system. The results represented by Figure 4 should be regarded as preliminary and it is Card.3/4 intended to give.more accurate values in the near SOV/109-3-8-3/18 Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of the Work Function of Metals future. The.authors express their deep gratitude to L.N. Dobretsov,for his interest in this work. There are 4 figures and 9 references, 6 of which are English, 2 German and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy fiziki Akademii nauk RITR, Bukharest (Institute of Atomic Physics of the Ac-Sc. of the Rumanian People's Republic, Bu6-.harest) SUBMIT'LED: January 29, 1958 1. Work fupptions--Measurement 2. Work functiong--Temperature Card 4/4 factors 3. Metals--Properties 4. Metals--Testing equipment 0 S- RLNANDI/Electrocibs - Electrin ane lin Emissi-3n. H Abs Jaur Ref Zhur Fizika, N:) 1, 1960, 1455 Author Comsa, G., Gelberg, A., Iasifescu, B-, Musa, G. Inst Title Determination )f the Taq.)urature Dependence if the W.)rk Function of Metals. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPR, 1958, 9, ND 4, 429-443 Abstract The temperature variatizns of the wirk functi3na if metals are determined by the nethid of displacement of Vac characteristics if the initial current. 7he e)rjperiments were carrietl out with a sealed instru- mnt and at very hiji vacuum. The temperature varia- tijns if the work function were registered accurate to 10-3 volt, while the measurements thenselves reached 10-2 vjlt. -- D.G. Bulygihskiy Card 1/1 RUMANIA/Radio Physics - Slectronic and Ionic Emission. I- Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 196o, 6486 Author losifescu, B. Inst Title Temperature Variation of the Work Function of Molybdenum Orig Pub Studii si cercetari fiz., 1959, 10, No 1, 177-186 Abstract An experimental investigation was made of the electron emiSsion of polycrystalline molybdenum at tempezatures 700 -- 1100' K. This investigation has made it possible to establish that the temperature coefficient of the work function equals in this case (7-86 t m4) x lo-5 ev/deg. It is noted that the measurement accuracy obtained in this work is two orders of magnitude higher than in prece- ding investigations by other authors. Card 1/1 CC M G.; GILBERG, A.; IOSIF ZSC U, B. Perroompetic anowly of the ackel extraction work. Studii core fis 11 no.0859-865 160. (EM 10:8) 1. Institutul do fisies. atomicap Bucureati. (Nickel) (Hopotion) (Beat) (Electron emission) (curio point) COMA, deorge; IOSIFESCUp Beatrice A simple devIce for measuring the evacuation speed of the pmy with preliminary vacwat. Studii cerc fis 12 no.1:171-173 161. (EW 10:9) 1, Institutal do fizies. atomicap Bucuresti* (Tacuum POMP) (Gas flow) (Yanometer) 0994 S/058/62/000/009/001/069 Aoo6/Aioi AUTHORS: Compa, George, Iosifescu, Beatrice . . ..........I.................. . .. . . TITLE: Investigation of an ionization pump with titanium evaporation PERIODICAL: Refeiativnyy zhurnal, Fizi .ka, no. 9, 1962, 9, abstract 9A101 clatuni 91 cercet9ri fiz. Acad. RPR", 1961, v-. 12~ no. 2, 435 - 440, Rouma- nian; summaries in Rusigian and French) TEXT: The experimental ionization glass pump designed by the Inatitut atomnoy fiziki (Institute of Atomic Physics) '(Buiaharent) evacuates air 'down to 7.10-9 mm Hg. After preliminary evacuation, the valv6 connecting the evacuated container with the forevacuum, is shut off, and 2.5 kv voltage is supplied be- tween the tungsten filament and the titanium wire grid in the ionization PUMP The titanium is brought to incandescence by bombardment with electrons emitt7e; by the'.tungsten; it evaporates and is precipitated onto the pump walls,, forming a 0.1 - 0.2 'u layer of about 150 CM2 surface wl~hin 30 minutes. The pressure in the pump As meanwhile maintained as high as 10 mm Hg. Then the voltage sup- plied to the grid In reduced to 350 450 v. The titanium layer on the walls Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/009/001/069 Investigation of an ionization pump with... A006/A101 has practically a cathode potential, and inside the pump conditions are created which promote ionization or excitation of gas molecules. The titanium absorbs ionized or excited molecules, in particular those of nitrogen and water. Under these conditions the evacuation rate attains 5 liters/see. Evacuation is com- pleted within 2 hours of the ionization pump operation, at 4 hours preliminary evacuation. With the aid of a diffusion pump the same results are obtained after 80 - 100 hours operation. General information Is given on the operation of imi- z&tion pumps; a description is given of a unit for testing the aforementioned V~ pump; some results of tests are presented showing conform evacuation rate plues obtained by both methods, and absorbability of titanium was deiermined (10- mm Hg'liter/mg). A$ B. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 Z/037/62/000/005-6/031/oq;-~ E140/E520 AUTHORS: Comia, G. and I-os!Z B. TITLE: Adsorption and desorption phenomena-in high vacuum PERIODICAL: ~eskoslovensk~'casopiz pro fysiku~l~o.5-6, 1962,~ 634-640 TEXT; Some of the factorp affecting the performance of ionr'. n pumps are explained. On the basis of experimental results obtained by themselves and other authors it is shown that while the pressure is decreasing, particularly during long pumping t mesif i and'also during recovery, a decisive role is played by desorption,' from the wall,s of molecules which were absorbed independently of pumping. It',is shown that whon.there aro,chhnges of pressureAn well out-gassed systems, a special role is played by the molecules'.*i adsorbed with-an adsorption heat of 20 kcal/mole. There ave 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ustav atomov4 fysiky Akademie RLR, Bukurentl (Institute of Atomic Physics, Rumanian AS, Bucharest),,: Card 1/1 COMSA., George; ~OSI !ICU,, Beatrice Adsorption and desorpiion phenomena in high and ultrahigh vacuums. Studii cerc fiz 13 no.5:757-764 162. 1. Institutul de fizica atomics, Bucuresti. ALEXANDRU, C., conf. ing.; BUMBARU, B., ing.; IOSIFESGU, C., ing.; IONESCU, St. Combined power equipment consisting of gas generators with free pistons and~gas turbines set up on board ships, and their behavior *Allft-.qpr~g Rev transport 9 no. 3:97-103 mr 162. CCSTICA., Alexandru., conf.lngj_lCPl~PW,_Constantinp eaf lucre inge Noise and vibrations on shipboard. Re7 transport 10 no,98 428-432 V63 , -t--, ~7 I r.1 . .1 1- ~11 e . IOSIFESCU, M. On the continuous functions whose ag,,,-regates of the lev,-,tl are at most nurberable. in French. P. 439. IU,'VIJE DE MATIUWATIQ'UES ET APPLIQUELS. JOUIMU OF MIRS AM AM APPLIED 1118MATICS. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 3, no. 3, 1958. 11onthly List of East European Acceasions (E-EAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. IOSIFESCU Marius On the differential properties of the real functions of a real variable. Rev mth Pures 4 no.3:457-466 159. (IM 10:9) Amotions of real variables) fferentlal equations) (Harmonic analysis) M IOSIFMU, Marius Conditions in.vhioh the product of two derivatives is a derivative. Rev math pures 4 no.1#2641-649 159. (Em 10:9) (Ametions of complex variables) (Integral@, Generalised) IOSIMCU Wrius On an extension of a proposition of S. Stollow. Rev math purse 4 no.4$725-729 159, (EFAI 10:9) (Differential equations) (Functions of complex variables) (Integrals) IWIMGV,, M.; IHKODCRWCU~, R. ~Statistical estAmatas.and-ti%noformsd beta-variables" by Omnar Blm, Reviewed by Mo Ionifescu,, R. Theodorescm. Bal math Rum 4roo-UNT" 160 I~IOSIFESKU Y ~wu ~M- _-Qmifesou, M.]; TEODORESKU, R.[Teodorescu, R.] On now linear obains with complete connectione. Rev math pu:reo'6 no. 1: 167-170 161. (EFAI 10: 9) (statistical mchanics) (Linear programing) (Distribution(Probability theory) aosiyzsc~, M. Vrocesses with aIamplete eonnectionsw by G. Ciucu and R. Theodorescue Reviewed by M. I-Osifescu. Rev math pures 6 no..4:797-796 161. 3/044/62/000/002/o63/092 C111/C222 AUTHORS. Iosifesou,_n.,, Theodorescu, R-,$ Todor, L. TITLE. The Onicescu method for the reduction of systems of linear eguations PERIODICAL: ReferativrLyy zhurnal,1 Matematika, no. 2, 1962, 42, aostract 2V221. ("Comun. Acad. RPR-1, ig6i, 1, no. 51 513-518 TEXT: A mu thod for solving systems of linear equationu ia out- lined which reduces.the nunber of unknowns with the help of a linear auXilary form. The method is applicable in certain cases andmakes it possible to simplify the solution of,problems of linear programming. -tran [Abstracter's note: Complete slation.~ Card 1/1 a IOSIFESCU, Marius Asymptotic behavior of the chains with complete connect-ions. Comunicare AR 11 no.61619-624 Je 161. 1. Comunicare prezentata do Gh. ?4ibaci membru corespondent &I Academiei R.P.R., I . - IOSIFESCU, M.; THMDDORESCU, R. Some models for learning. 1. Comunicare AR 11 no.6:6Z7-630 Ja 161. -1. Coviunicare prozentata do Gh. Jjihoc. membru corespondent al A-AAm4~4 2 P U IOSIFESCU, M.; THEODORESCU, R. On the-entropy of chains with complete connections. Comunicarile AR Ja no. 7:821-84 ' 61. 1. Cammicare prozentata do Gh. Hihoe, membru corespondent al Aca- demisi R.P.R. IOSIFESCuf M.1 THBODORESCuj R* Ch some models for learning, II, Commicarile AR 32 no,7:825-&7 161. 1. Comunicars prazentata do Gh. Mihoc.. membru corespondent al Aoa- daziei R.P.R. IOS THEODORESCU, R. On mom =dole for learning. III. Commicarile AR 11 no.8-1915-919 .q 161. 1. Gmunicare prezentata do Gh. Mihoc, membru corespondent al, Aoa- demiel, R.P. R. IOSIFESOU, M.; THWDORESCU, R. On @me models for learning. IV, Commicarile AR 11 no.1081151-1153 0 I&L. 1. Ommicare prezentata do Gh, Mhoo, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.B, 111HEIMS URNAME, Given Names country: Rumania jl4aernic Degrees: -not given- ~Affiliauon: -not given- Bucharest, Commicarile Aoademlel Republicit Populare-Romine, Vol xi 9 No 12, 19619 PP -14DIJL-J4bJi- Data: "Chains with Complete Conneatlonse lo Authors: M cilicup G. (Bucuresti); IOSIFESCU, M. (Bucuresti); THEODORESCU, R. (Bucuresti) On the theory of garms. Gaz mat fiz 13 no.10:505-526 0 161. (Gamms, Theory Of IOSIFZSCU M ; THEODORESCUP R. Some remarks on certain modelis for learning. Rev math puree 7 no.3*. 425-437 162--l IOSIFESCUJ, M.j THEODORESCU, R. Chains with complete connections. II. Cowunicarile AR 12 no.3s295-2W Mr 162. 1. Comunicare prezentata do G. Mihoc, nembru corespondent al Acadealei R.P.R. IOSIFESCU, M.1 THEODORESGUO R. Stochantio linear programming. Comunicarile AR 12 no-31 299-302 Mr 162. 1. Comunicara prezentata de G. Hihoc, membru oorespondent al Academiei R.P.R. IOSIFESCU, M.; THEODORESCU, R. "Games of strategy applied in linear programing" by Octav Onicescu. Reviewed by M. losifescu and R. Theodorescu. Gaz mat Fiz 14 no.2:109 Ft62 - - - - - - --M - ICSIFESGUJI M.; THEMCRESCUv R. atochastical. aspectq.of linear programming, Probleme econ 15 no.8tl25-133 Ag '."62. 1 ICSIFES-, - . -- Models of teaching with arbitrary miltitude of classes of responaes and auxiliary eventa. Pts. 1L.2, Comunicarile AR 13 no,6:529- 534 Je t 63 - 1. Corminicare ~rezentata de academician Gh. Mihoce IOSIFESCUS, 14. Chniza vith a mltiple cannectiew with an arbiolwy multitude of-.$. Camunicarile AR 13 no*7:575-578 Jl - R63* lo Cowanicare prosentAts, do academician Gho Mihocs IOSIFESCU. 14. J* A AsympUtic raperties of cW vith emplate camectiou vith ,' an arbdLtmry aultitude of otsw, C--Itcarile AR 13 no.7:5W- 581 Jl 963s 1- 1, CammAcare promentata do acdozdaian Gh, Mihoe, I m xosvESGU, M.; THFODORESGU$ li. , I Wh&t U the gamhling theory? Gas =t B 14 no.2:65-80 F 163. IOSIFESCUJ M. (loBifeacup M.) Random systems with complete connections and with arbitrary numbers of conditions. Ray math.pures 8 no.42'611-645 163. 1051FEM, m. Llosirescup 14-1 ..; . . Random.Bybt~w ulth oomplete connections. Rev math Ro= 9 no.1012-92 164 IOSIFESCU M . THEODORESCU, R. I 'I.,.-- Statistical decisions and linear programming. Doklady BAN 17 no.3:223-226 164. 1. Submitted by Corresponding Member B.Petkantschin (Petkanchin, B.). Ion'IFESCU, M. Theory of the nuclear shell model. Pt. 1. Studii cere fiz 6: 657-699 164. 1. Institute of Nuclear Physics, P.O.Box 35, Bucharest. Theory of the nuclevar shell model-q. SLudli. ~;erzz fiz 16 no.7.o847-913 1~41 1 . ins t I tu t e c f flu c I ea rhys J- cs c hw c s t. L :ON ?%M! ;040453b& S/6048/1~4/028/GO9/1461/1465 AMOR: llosifeskU, B.; KaValerU, A.; KOMSha-, 0. V T I TU ents at hIzh v e urt Tenth Conference on C Adsorption measurem acuum thoda Electronics hold in MW1-18 Nov 1963 SVURCE: AN SSSR, lzvestiya. Seriya ftzicheaka7a, v.28, no.9, 1964, 1461-1465 sorption and desorption okporimerits are discus-sed tr. g~sfieral term -and liiiia6A_tiC~___ concerning hot wire Induced adsorption or argon are reported. The vacuum aystem in,"i cluded a needle valve to admit the experimental gas , a copper foil oil vapor trap, ,t free. volume of undisclosed size, an amegatron for monitoring tht- argon pressure, a rid I? Bayard -Alpert ionization gage In which the aduorption took place. After eva- _1 t the apparatan, argon was utmitted and tht? presottre was held close to torr for a period of 60 to 4G0 9~~, during whick argon was adsorbed In the io- xii-ti"in gage, After the adsorption poriad, the apparatus waa pumped down to 10-7 or 10-8 torr during the courde of 20 to SO ano. The portion of the apparatus co&- 1/2 L 12919-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045300 .7 A ree volume, a ims thin CIL and theLiia WMA OW Or tj on-curve:-thus~~tain?!~~Pon al~ with Awo'-time constants tAo -rsc1procaW'-.- was -anzermneM-85. a --ZUUC7EjXVn-VX-- mental error was considerable In this case, but the cur7e could he represented by an exacnential with T-1 = 0.00279 t 0.00137 sec-i, in agreement with that obtained -sorption. It is concluded that there are tvo distinct states of adsorbed ar- gon atcoms with different lifetimes. G.Oarter and J.H.Leck (Proc.ROr7.Soc.A26l,303, 1961) have also postulated such states In order to explain their thermal de3orptim cui-ie3.; 11 formulae and 4 figures. Az3.'-k'1ATrON- Institut atomnoy firiki, -3ukharest (Inatitutte 'of Atoaio Physics) SUMMED-, 00 EML: 00 S UB CODE t W. AP MR REF SCU., 000 OMR: 026 LAZAP--IIICII, L,F~,,, dotsent; SWOSHNIKOV, Ye.A.; AOVALENKOp V.D.; IOSIFIDI. I. A. Oatpatient earvice for workerff of the Krasnodar Worszed and Cloth Combine frequently sufferl~,;,- h-= angina, Nnuche trudl Kub, gos. Fed. Inst. 19:19-28 162. B (MIRA 17: S) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, nosa i gorla (zaveduyushchiy - prof, V,K. Suprunov) i kafedry obshchey glklyeny (zav-eduyushchiy zael. deyatell nauki Kirgizzskoy SSR prof. F.S. Okolov) Kubanslcogo gosudarstvannogo maditainskogo instituta. PETKOVV D4 IOSIFOR, I,._ -- ---------- our experlenoe in treating oti4ttering in a correotive logopedic Ca". poikh. 60 no.79903-W4 160, (HIRA 14& 1) 1. qmnhnoy pgikhonevrologichookiy diapanoer go Tymo*o (glavnyy Traih Byrkambki.)p Bolgariya* (STAMMERING) IOSIFOV,, I. Further decrease of manufacturing cost of pr oducte in the rubber industry. P. 7 IEKA PROKISHIENOST, (YAnisterstvo na, leksta, promisblerdst) Sofiaj Bulgaria* Vol. 80 no. 79 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessione (EFAI)s LC, Vol. 81 no* Up Nov* 1959 Uncl& J661FOV, K.- Modification of Conway's di -sh for inothermic distillatioTrof ammonia. Lab.d&U 7 no.7s62.43JI 161. (MIRL Us 6) 1. Mentralinn naucbm6-issled(i~itellskiy institut biologii L patologii rammsheniya ssl!skpkhozy&yvtvennykh shivotnykh pri ~mdi zuiuk (dr I Bolgarskoy akad Cj,;jWjK. Bmtijwv) Sofiya. (AMONIA) PAR&W) BRATANOVp K.; YOSIFOVV K, [IoWavp K.11 MATLIEVA, M.; TSEKOVA, E. On the nucleic acid content in spermatozoa of certain farm animals. Do1aady W 17 no.nsIO47-1049 164. 1. Institute of the Biology and Pathology of Hoproduction and Nork.- irractious Diseases* Submitted June 12, 1964o IOSIFOV, L. IOSIFOVp L. New cooperative building. P-14. Vol. 11, no. 9, Sept. 1956 KOOPERATIVNO ZEMEDELIE AGRICULTURE Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, ?arch 1957 ICSIL?Oy,]K-, doteent; TSYBULIN,A., inzhener vamdamISNOW 116w tYPe Of tube brush. Nor. flot 15 n0-7:19-21 Jl 155. (Boilers. 1krine) (IMM 8:9) i0vQ1 Mv . , E "Species of animals and plants named after Dr. Ivan Wresh, Academician" P, 107 (Izvestia) Vol. 7p no. 7, 1956. Sofia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, no. 5, May 1958