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10SELIAN11 G.D.; PAG.A.Vk, G.D.; KHUCHUA, A.V. Importance of coronary perfusion in exclusion of the heart from blood circulation; hypothermia and artificial blood circulation. Trudy Inst. eksp. i klin. khir. I gemat. AN Gruz. SSR 11:325-330 163. (MIRA 17:8) IOSELIANI Georgiy Davidovich (Atrophic cirrhosis of the liver and its surgical treat- ment] Atroficheskii tsirroz pecheni i ee khirurgicheskoe lechenie. Tbi2isi,, Izd-vo "Metsniereba," 1964. 108 p. (In Georgian] (MIRA 17:12) G.D.; BUDZHIASHVILI, V.K.; XHUCHUA, A.V. Methods of isolated brain and heart perfusion under conditions of hypothermia. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 35 no.2:461-468 Ag 164. (MIRA 17tl2) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy khirurgii i gematologii AN Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. Submitted January 20, 1964, 1O.SE-LIA.NII,,q.P.; MCHUA, A.V. Coronary perfusion following exclusion of the heart from the blood circulation un0er moderate hypothermia. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 36 no.3:699-70/, D 164. (1,1M 18:3) 1. Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy khirurgii i gema- tologii A1,21 SSSR, Tbilisi. Submitted April 6, 1964. IOSELIANI, G.D.; BURDZIIANADZE, 0.1.; CHKHARTISHVILI, N.S. INA of ethyl chloridF- fn,, &rtjffdjaj:,ardiac arrest. Soob. AN Gn z. ,qSR. 37 no.3t725-728. Mr 165... (MIRA lb.-I, -1!. Institut eksperimentaltnoy i klinicheskoy khirurgil i gematologii AN GruzSSR. Submitted August 27, 1964. IOISI~I'LLVI, G.K. Cand Mea Sci -(Dise) "Stu,.~,, of the sens~Lt--,!-t of the pNiryay of 1--.~;althy ,!hildren and V~oBc %Itil C11'ronic tonsillUis," F..uyb~.,shev, 1960, 11 pp (KtWbyshev State -edical institute) (KL, .16-60, 117) IOSEMANI, G, K,: Meter Med. Sci (diss) -- "A study of the tactile and pain sensitivity of the muth in healthy dhildren and .those Ill with chronic tonsillitis". Moscow, 1958. 14 pp (Wn Health RSF'E;R, Mecow Med Stomatological Inet), 200 copies (KL, No 1, 1959, 123) L 44568-66 EVff (1) ACC NRI AP6030912 SM DD/RD SOURCE CODE: UR/0209/66/000/009/0068/0070 AUTHOR: 2gg~iani_ _6"Lieutenant colone19 Medical corps); Sm4rnaw- yu,__(Major, We-dical corps) ORG: none TITLE: Overcoming unfavorable emotions [Psychological training or pilots and cosmonaut#) SOURCE: Avlatelya I kosmonavt1ka, no. 9. 1966g 68-70 TOPIC TAGS: flight psychology. flight physiology / AI~STRACT: Methods of controlling the emotional states of pilots In f1light are discussed and their Importance is emphasized in view of the great nervous and emotional strain associated with piloting modern aircraft and spacecraft. Acquiring the ability to control emotional lexperiences is an important part of pilot and cosmonaut training. Psychological preparation must be conducted throughout the training period, since many of the unfavorable emotions associated with flight ,develop into conditioned reflexes and are hard to eradicate. Several methods for self-regulation of emotional states in flight conditions are recommended, including,such elementary devices as listening to pleasant sounds and encouraging oneself with phrases like "I can." Card 1L2 ---L.44568-66 ACC NRt AP6030912 "I must," etc. Physical exercises, selected for their effect on the muscle groups most fatigued by prolonged static stress, have proved very effective. Each group of exercises is practiced before the flight and repeated every 3-4 hr during flight. Special muscle-relaxing exercises, consisting of a combination of stretching exercises, turns of the torso, exercises of various leg joints and breathing exercises, are used to remove emotional tension on complicated longiflights. Pilots should be familiar with all varieties of breathing exercises, and the physiological and psychological effect.of each on the organismi (for instance, breathing deeply and exhaling slowly has a calming effect). Pilots should be trained to shift their thoughts at will to pleasant and successful flying experiences, thus overcoming unfavorable' emotions arising during flight. [is] SUB CODE: 05, 06/ SUBM DATEt none/ ATI) PRESSt 5080 Card 2/2,,,~;)Py) 10SELIANI K.M., zaalj%hennyy vallerina-z-W vraih Gruzinskay SSR.; V.V.,,'naur-hnyy aotrudmik Manufacture of preparations in an institute. Veterinariia 41 no.UtIOl-103 N t64. (mm 18 3 11) 1. Direktor proizvodetva, khILMIko-tarapev"ticheskikh I binlogicheskikh preparatov..Givainokogo zooveter-'narnogo inst-ituta (for loseliani). 2. Gru-,I-nakiy zootokhnichesko- veterinarnyy uchabno-lasledovatellok."y Inatiltut (for Dzheyranashvill). IOSELIANI, M. S. "Geological Interpretation of the Geophysical Data of the Vnutrennoe4artala lowland." Cand Geol-Min Sci., Georgian Polytechnic Inst, Tbilisi, 1954- (RZhGeol, Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at 'USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556 24 Jun 55 10SILIANI, H.S. ii~isulc aad goologic4a satare of the ceatral part of the WArtllaa Plain. Soob.AN Grus.SU 16 so.7:525-530 155. (mraA 9t2) I.Akadealya sauk Gruslaskoy SHR, lastItut goofisiki, Thillmi. Fred- stayleso chlenow-kerrespowlentow Almdenii IeReUdLaftes (urtuft-Geoph"ics) 15-57-12-17092 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, pp 57-58 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ioseliani TITLE: The Geologic Interpretation of Geoph sical Data on the Vnutrenne-Kartalinskaya Ravnina TPlain) (Geo- logicheskaya interpretatsiya geofixicheakikh dannykh po Vnutrenne-Kartakinskoy ravinine-In Georgian) PERIODICAL- Tr. in-t a geodiziki AN GruzSSR, 1956, Vol 15, Pp 185- 214 ABSTRACT: The author presents an analysis of the results of a seismic survey on the Vnutrenne-Kartalinskaya ravnina (Plain), in which he includes data from drill holes, magnetometer work, as well as seismic exploration ' From the seismic records, three thick formations iave been distinguished in the razrez (section). The upper layer consists of Quaternary deposits, is 100 m. to.. Card 1/3 15-57-12-17092 The Geologic Interpretation of Geophysical Data (Cont.) 400 m thick, and has a boundary velocity of 1900 m/sec to 2100 m/sec. The next lower formation con -sists of Neogene rocks, and is charac- terized by alternating layers of somewhat different lithologyj each layer having slightly different elastic properties. The formation has a number of reflepting horizons, the boundary velocities ranging from 3000 m/3ec to 3300 m/sec. The lowest of the three formations is 1900,m to 2200 m thick. The boundary velocity at the top of the third formation which is composed of Cretaceous limestones. is 4700 M/ 4800 m/sec. The boundary.between the second and 'third formations is reliably determined by reflected and refracted waves. The sedimentary rocks are weakly deformed, and the thickness of each formation decreases to the south. The decrease in depth of the reflecting horizons attests to a rise of the crystalline basement to the south. The magnetic field over a great part of the plain is undisturbed, the vertical component increasing graddally from north to south from -150 gammas to +200 gammas. This fact also bears witness to the decrease in depth to the crystalline basement. Card 2/3 15-57-12-17092 The Geologic Interpretation of Geophysical Data (Cont.) Variations in the magnetic field on the plain and on the north of the folded Adzharo-Trialetskaya zona (zofte) indicate sharp differ- ences in the structure of the deep rocks. Earthquake centers-are absent on.the plain, but are characteristic of the surrounding folded systems. leads to the conclusion that the Vnutranne-Kartalinskaya Plain rests on a stable part of the earth's crust, Card 3/3 L. I. Ratnikova --I IOSELIANI, X.P.; MMSIMI, G.Ta. * Using selmdo wthods of prospecting for the solution of cortrAm problem of omg1w'*rIvg geology, Trudy Inst. geoftst -AN Gros * SSR 1&115-120 157. (=A 12 16) (SOISSIOUStry) Nginearias geolov) (prompeating) A11 TVALTVADU, G.K.; KOSMINSUYA. I.P.; MURIJSIDZB. G.lh.; HIKHOTA, G.G.-, IOSILIAII, N.A.; TULINA, Yu.V. -Wirt's'"or 7etudles of the surface of the crystalline foundation of the western part of the Gori-Rikhrani depression by seisslo sethodse ft~ Inst: geofiz, All Grui. SSR 16-135-161 157 (;*;;jj&--G*ojogyj, St r-UctQ) (MIR& WO (Seismic waves) 8/169/61/000/009/014/056 11228/11304 AUTHORS: 1qBOUPAi, V--S--Pg and Kartsivadze, G. Ye. TIUZ: The question of the seisso-geologic structure of the Akhalkalak highlands and some adjacent areas PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalo Geofizikaq no. 9. 1961v 199 abstract 9A151 (Geopisikis institutis shromebi. Sakartyelon SSR Metaniyerebata Akadenia, Tr. In-ta geofiz. AN GruzSSR, 18, 1959 1960 9 81-89) TEXT t The general geologic structure of the Akhalkalak region and adjacent areas is exposedq and seismologiv data are given for this territory. The epi- and hypocenters of earthquakes are determined from G. K. Tvaltvadze's hodographs. Comparison of seismologic and geologic data provides the basis for drawing the conclusion that there is no seismo-genetic connection between the Akhalkalak highlands and the K&xbek areao The foci of strong earthquakes are related to the boundaries of tectonic units (Arty&-SoWEhit blockg Adzharo-Trialet fold-systemp and the Card 1/2 The question of the*.. S/169J61/000/009/014/056 D228/D304 Georgian block). The seisma-goologic structure of the Akhalkalak high- lands is related to the seismo-geology of Turtmiya. Their intensive seismicity in, in the opinion of the authors~ caused by recent volcanic movements. An is known, the Akhalkalak highlands were a stable part of the crust throughout the Alpine orogenetic-cyclep whereas intensive tec- tonic movements took place in their adjacent areas. Towards the end of the Neogene the picture chauged8 intensive tectonic movements began- in consequence of which the dismemberment of the crystalline basement into small blocks took place--and tectonic fractures, to which the eartb.- quake foci are also confined, were formed. The results obtained by abyssal seismic sounding and other geophysical methods will have great significance for the deeper study of the seismo-geologic structure of the Akhalkalak highlandx~ fAbstracter's note; Complete translation.1 Card 2/2 PAPALASHVIU, V.G. Seismicity of the territory of the Caspian Sea and adjacent regions. Trudy Inst. geofiz. AN Gruz. SSR 19:59-69 160. (MIRA 14:9) (Caspian Sea region--Seismology) .- ICBELT~~~ ;;.11 PAPALASHVILI, V.G. Some aspects of the seismic-tectonic conditions in the eastern part of the Greater Caucasus and adjacent regions. Trudy Inst. geofiz.AN Gruz.,SSH 22:15-4.1 164. (MIRA 18:12) -1196MYO "IePs; DZEIMIMs Aele, devstvitel'W chlen. Toile D'idista of the Upper Cretaceous of western Georgia. Soob,AN Grus.SSR 14 U0.1:17-18 153. Ow" 6:9) 1. AkRdeaVa nimk Ormstuskoy SU (for DshamIldze). 2, AkmAeaVa usuk (;rnxinskoy 0% Inititut geologii I mineralogli. Thillel"(for 108611ani). (luorg , 11--Ilibranchiata) (Samllibranchiata-,Georgia) AGLADZE, R.I.i IOSELIANIp O.S. Reduction of Chiatura manganese oxide ores and slurries by means of acid tars. Trudy Inst. prikI. khIm. i elektrokhIm. AN Gruz. SSR 2t15-29 161. (MIRA 16t8) (Chiatura) (Manganebe ores) IMILIANI, To; HATISHVILI, A.S., deyntvitelinyy chlen. Development cycle of polynuclear mesothelial cells of the pericardium. ,Soob.AN Grux.SSR 13 no.9:555-559 152. (KLRL 6:5) 1.,Tbilisskiy GasudArstvennyy universitst in, Stalins, (for Ioseliani). 2..Akadenlya Nauk Grusinskoy SSR (for Natishvilt). (Cells) (Pericarium) IOSELIAM, T.K. Effects of the stirmlation of the substantia galatinose, of the spinal cord. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 21 no-5:599-606 N 158. (MIRA 1215) 1. Alf GruzSSR. Institut fiziologii, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom I.S.Beritaovili. kSPINAL CORD) IOSELMI, T.K., Cand Biol Sci (diss) "Role of the gelatine-L4- cubutance in the reflox activity of the epinal cord." Tbilisi, 1959. 11 pp (TIbi-lisi 6tate U im Stalin). 150 coPies (0,09-591 103) IOSELIANI, Inhibition of signal reflexes during the stimu2ation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 22 no.4:455-460 AP '59. (14;ilk' 12:9) l.AN GruzSSR, Institut fiziologil, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akadeoikom I.S. Beritashvili. (MMUS) (SPINAL CORD) IOSILIANI, T.K. Wedensigr Inhibition in a frog nerve-musele preparations 71tiol. shur. 45 Ao.4:467-"3 AP '59. (MINA 12:6) 1. From the I.S.BerItashvill Institute of Physiology, Georglan SSR Academy of sciences, Tbilisi. (MMV1 KUSCLIA PIRIPARATION, pessixua phenomenon (Run)) IOSITPIANIV T*X. Wfect of the strongQ' fzv*.qwnc7,q'an&,-.*- 0 pedoh of indiT*Oal stdm," on-the,iWdbitlou 6f spinal ref2iimo. Uob. AN 1:60. BSA 26 no.4455-459,10 161* 1428) le~ Institut fisiologil AN Q*vAS8Rj, TUUxi. Pr*htavleno akadamdkom I.S.',BirittfhTM4 (SPINILL CORD) (IMMM) (INHIBITON) IOSELTA I$ T.K. Role of the substantia. gelatinosa in the reflex activit f the a Iml 'oord. FisW. shur. 47 no,lOsl253-1259 0 161. TMIORL isiff ,I& Inatitut fisiologii #N Grusinskoy S.R., Voilisi. WFINAL CORD), IOSELIANI, T.K.; ONIMII, T.N. Mechanism of pessimal inhibition. Nerv. sist. no-4:9-13 163 (MIRA 18:1) Postacti-ation changes in excitation of the neuromuscular apparatus, Ibid.tIJ+-17 1. Institut fiziologii 91 Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi. JOSELIANI. T.K.; COIANI, T.H. Effect of strychnine poisoning an the reticular inhibition of spinal reflexess Fiziol. zhe SSSR Sechenov 49 no.6t695-700 163 (MIRA 1721) 1. From the Institute of Physiology, Georgian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi* ONIANI, T.1,11.; IOSELIAIII, T.K Postactivation changes in the membrane-ikyofibril coupling of striated muscle fibers. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 36 no.3:691-697 D 64. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut fiziologii AN GruzSSR. Submitted January 4, 1964. 10Sff1-IANI,_T.K..,- NANEYSHVILI, T.L.; CHOKHELI, K.G. Data on the interactIon of response* from the spinal cord in paired Almulation of afferent nerves. Fiziol. zhur. 51 no.l-.65-70 ja 16c'. (IMIRA 180) 1. Institut fiziologii Gruzinskoy MR, Tbilisi. Inhibition of spinal reflexes at diffarent ataos of Ontogenatic development in an1mals. Trudy Inst. fiziol. AN Graz. SSR. 143111-137 165. (MIRA 18S10) DZOTSUIDZE, G.S.; DZH&MID23, A.I.. redaktor; IOSZ1JA I, T.N. [Pre-Miocene effusive volcantem of Georgia) Domlotmenovyl of- fuzivnyi vulkaniza Gratit. Tbilisi. lzd-vo Akademit nank Grazinskol SSR, 1948. 404 P. (Akademita nauk Grazinskoi SSR. Tiflis. Institut geologli I mineralogii. Monografil, no. 1) (MLHA 9:3) 1. DeystvitelOW chlen AN Grus. WM (for Dthanelidse). (Georgia--Rocks, Igmeous) ZUGINIMS, U.N.; IOSSLIANI, T.P. Studying the poselbility for usIng dump blast furnace sla i L looking portland slag camout. Soob. AN Grus. SSR 22 no-317-2n94 Kr '59- (MIRA 12:6) 1.A11 GruzSSR, Institut prikladnoy khibli i alektrokhimii, Thi-.. lisi.'Predstavleno skademikom.R.I. Agladze. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5277 Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. Institut prikladnoy IdArnii I elektro- tekhniki. Trudy, t. I (Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. Institute of Applied Chemistry and Electrochemistry. Transactions) v. 1. Tiflis, 1960. 186 p. Errata slip inserted. Personalities cannot be established In Georgian writing. PURPOSE. This collection of articles is Intended for mineralogists; metal- lurgist,s,and mining specialists. COVERAGE: The collection contains articles concerning recent research on ethods for treating antimony- and arsenic-bearing ores and carbonate . M ,ores of manganese. Research on thd electrochemical properties of certain~ ores and their electrodeposition is also discussed. The collection includes Card 46~ It Institute of Applied Chemistry (Cont. SOV/5277 studies on the corrosion and electrical properties of certain alloys, studies of the properties of certain cements and cement components, and studies of certain phases of the cement production process. The following personalities are mentioned: Professor N. A. Figurovskiy and his scientific assistant T. B. Gavrilova (p. 118, boltom); R. 1. Agladze, Academician, AN GSSR (AS Georgian SSR) (p. 150); S. D. Dzhaparidze and N. 1. Lagidze (p. 171). The articles which are written in Georgian 'InRussian. References accompany each are followed by a resume article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Kakabadze, V. [Printed in Georgian) 3 2. Agladze, R. L, and V. N. Gaprindashvilt. Hydrometallurgical. Processing. of Antimony Ores From the Zop'4hitskly. Deposit 49' Card DO-$. Instituteof Applied Chemistry (Cont.) SOV/5277 14. Zedginidze, Ye. N. , and N. A. Lagidze. Heat-Resistant Con- cretes Based on Portland-Slag Cements From the Rustavskiy Cement Factory 161 15. Zedginidz%..,Ye. N. , and T. P. loseliani. Testing Hydraulic Sla~ Activity of Blast-Furnace g From a TranscEiucian Metal- lurgieal Factory 171 16. Ioseliant, T. P. Problem of the Grindability of the Compo- "i;~e_nt_s_-or-P-6r-f1_and- Slag Cement From the Rustavskiy Cement Factory 177 17. Mchedlov-Petrosyan, O.P., Kh.l. Gogicheva, E.G. Khatiash- vi-li, and G. K. Norakidze. Laboratory Study of the Effect of Pressing Under a Vacuum on Certain Properties of Forsterite Refractories 183 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JA/rsm/bc Card 5/5 12/5/61 DEMAT, M.P. L IOSEIDY 3KIL,-LV.j KOPERIN, V.V.; IIIKULISHIN, Yu.D.; TSUXERWO D.P.; KORELINI D.S,j naucbnyy red.; LYTIW~1~49, red, Izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., tekbn. red. [Plarmin the organization and execution of erecting work; principal designs of the rigging of equipment]Proektirovanie organizataii i proizvodatva montashrqkh rabot; osnovnye re- sheniia takelazha oborudovaniia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 182 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Machiner7-Ereating work) VERVEVKINA., A.K., inzb.; KOLCHINSKIY, Yu.L., inzh.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.Ye., inzh.; HODIONOVA, R.G., inzh.; RYAPOLO'V,, A.F.p inzh.; SOKOL, I.A.p inzh.; SMLIE, S.L., inzh.; EYDELINANT, L.B.p inzh.; ORLOV, V.R., kand. tekhn. nauk,' retsenzent; YURGEL1.1 B.I... inzh., retsenzent; FOKIN, V.Ya., inzh.y nauchn. red.; VOLNYANSKII, A.K., glav. red.; SUDAKOV, G.G.~ zamo glav. red.; IOS'EL0VSKIX,,,I.V., red.; VLARKOV, I.I., red.; MELINIK, V.I.., red.; ONKIN, A.K., red.; STAROVEROV,. I.G., red.; TUSR4YAKOV, M.D., red.; CIM40V, A.V., red. [Engineering pipelines for industrial enterprises] Tekhno- logicheskie truboprovody promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Mo- skva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 2 v. (MIlk 17:12) VOLIBERG, N.Ye.; GAYD4:AK, K.N.; D:11LAT, M.P.; KOPERIN, V.V.; ~xOLOKANOV, A.V.; NAUNOV, V.G.; PAILAGIN, A.V.; TIMOLFEYEV, A.I.; FRANTSUZOV., Ya.L.; V0121YANSKIY, A.K., glav. red.; SUDAKOV, G.G., zam. glav. red.- 10 LOVSKrY I.V red ORLOV, V.1-1.,p red.; ONKIN, A.K., rbd-., Ye.Ya., red.; KkRKOV, I.I., red.; VIELTIK, V.I., red.; STAROVEROV, I.G.p red.; TUSWIAKOV, I.I.D., red.; CHERNOV, A.V., red.; IMLOV, V.A., nauchn. red. [Assembly of technological equipment of chemical plants] 141ontazh tekhnologicheskogo oborudovaniia khimicheskikh zavodov. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 619 p. (MIRA 17: 11) OS Fl- )'Son" USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries - Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation, K-2 Abet Journali Referat Zhur - Mitmlya, Wo 19, 1956, 6kooo Author: Kovalevskiy, V. A., Iosellson, G. L., Kandyba.. V. V. Institution: Kharlkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments Title: Objective Spectropyrametric Unit SPK-l Original Periodical: Izmerit. tekhnika, 1956, No 2, 16-2o Abstractt Description of the optical scheme, design and principle of operation of the objective spectropyrometric unit SPK-l built at the Xharlkov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments for metrological work on calibration of standard and sample measures of lumi osity and coloration temperatures (temperature lamps). The unit operates ac- cording to the modulation measuring method. The investigations car- ried out have shown that accuracy of temperature measurement attain- able by meams of the SPK-1 unit is of 0.030 at the "gold point" which exceeds by more than 10 times the accuracy of standard optical Card V2 USSR/Frocesses and Equipment for Chemical Industries - Control and Measuring Devices. Automatic Regulation, K-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Ma", No 19, 1956,, 64ooo Abstract: pyrometers. The unit makes it possible to enhance the accuracy of such fundamental operations-of optical pyrometry as transmission of scale of luminosity temperatureox provision of a scale of coloration temperatures on the basis of the existing scale of luminosity tem- peratures and the investigations of temperature lamps. It is re- ported that at the present time a method is being developed.for ac- curate measurement of the proportion of monochromatic lumi osities by means of the SPX-l unit, which will permit to effect an extrapolation of the International Scale of Temperatures with greater precision, and to evolve as a final result the temperature scale by optical method not from the solidification point of gold (1,0630) as V88 done hitherto, but from considerably lower temperatures. The solving of the last mentioned problem would make it possible to determine more precisely the values of high-te4erature reference points and thus to approximate the International Scale with the thermodynamic scale. Card 2/2 24(0); 5(4); 6(2) PHASE I BWK EXPL40ZTATION SOV/2215 Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy InstItut metrologil inent U:~ D.X. Mandeleyeva . Referaty nauchno-inaledovatel 'skIkh rabot; stsorn1k No. 2 (Scientific Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Nr 2) Moscow, Standart&Lz, 2956. 139 P. 1,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Komitat standartov, nor I Ixaefttellnykh priborov. 9d.. 3. V. ReshotIna; ?*ch. Zd.t M. A. Toodratlyeva. PURPWZ: These reports are intended for scientists, researchers, and engineers engaged In developing standards, measures, and gages for the various Industries. COVERAME: The volume contains L28 reports on standards sent and control. -The reports were prepared by Scientists of Institutes of the Kcaltat standartov, nor I IzaeritelInyUh priborov-pri Sovete nnistrov, 333R (Commission an Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instruments under the USSR Council or Ministers). The participating Institutes arcs VWIIX - V8Q5QYuxnyY nauchno-iseledovatellakLy astroloall imeni D.I. Mandoloyeva (All-Volon Scientlftc~Reaearch institute or Met- rology Ineni D.Z.-Mandoloyev) in Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branch Or tbls InxtItut*! VKIIX - Vaesoyuznyy nanchno-Iseledovatellakly 1natLtut K*mIteta standartov, nor I izmor_1taI'nykh priborov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Commission an Standards, Measures, and Measuring instruments). created from MOINIF - Koskovskly goaudarstv*nnyy Institut mar 1 I=erltelfnykh priborov (Moscow State InazItute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) October Is 1955; VNIIFTRI - Voesoyurnyy nauchno-loaledovatel-akLy InstItut fitiko-teklini- 4haskikh I rsdIotekhnI4che3k1kh lzmaren!y (All-Union ScIentiflo Research institute or Pnysicotechnicai and Radlo-ongineering Measurements) in Moscow; KhOXK1P - Khar-kovskly gosudx"tvenny-j InstLtut nor I Lzmtritellnykh priborov (XbALr-kov State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments); and NOINIP - Novost- birsk.1y gosudarstvenyy Institut mar I 1zmerIteI$nykh priborov (Novosibirsk State Institute or Measures and Measuring Inatru- No personalities are mentio ad. There are no references. S=tangard Optical Pyrometers for Measuring Temperatures up to C 76 (KhOIMIP). Investigation of Radiation Pyro- aetdiis In Order to Increase the Accuracy of Their Calibration TT ,Jt4nd.YbA-W- V A KovelOvOklY, Xf_A,_LLpAz!ako, 0,A. IS!IlLpgn, -- - _-Ubi ~L~DWT and P . ng Objective PhotontlFtry n the r Temperature ScaleS by the Optical Method in the uc! !%?f ,~ U _ I 3-3000 C Temperature Range ("'). Dasignsng and Studying Standard Tungsten ' t -= .r Zpa 78 Levine, E.A., A-M-02J2901, and I..;. Designing (VNIIN). a Standard Color Pyrometer 79 Gordov. A.N., I.I. XLrenkov, and E.A. Lapin& (VNIIII). Devolopli" O a Now Method f Checking Optical Pyromaters 79 Card 16/ 27 _dgndyba V T.Te. Finkel-antep V.A. IWVaIQVSkJ objee ,!,-d a (KhOMP). Designing and Studying an or f,r,the CaLlbration of Tungsten ftvanoter Laos .. . .. . .. . . (Xhalffp)~` D"elopinig an;i d Themonaters d ar hem8stat for Checking Stan 0,1 0 or LAOS With BOYAR IY, L,A,; GOOGY, A,N,;Q I -A - - KANDYBA, V.V.; KIRMOT, I.I.;. PTAIVSKIT, T.A... 99WONWIA, G.A.; LAPIXIL.,J.JL;. TARAYAM, KA. Using the photoelectric method for'precise work in the field of optical pyromtry. Trudy THIN no-36:23-32 158. (min 11:11) (pyromtry) S/115/62/000/005/002/006 E140/E435 AUTHORS: Iosellson Dzyuba, A.S. TITLE: -Thermistor temperature control PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya teRbnika, no-5, 1962, 23-24 TEXT: The authors describe a conventional temperature control using a thermistor bridSe and double-triode vacuum-tube amplifier, in which the temperature is maintained to within + 0.010C. The Soviet thermi-stor type MT-4 is used. Reproducil~ility of temperature is!0.02*C. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4017723 S/0294/63/001/003/0437/0442 HOR: Iosellson, G.- L. AUT ffi- TITLE: Methods of automatic compensation of the radiation coe cients in measurement of plasma temperature by its thermal radio emission SOURCE: Teplofizika vy*sokikh temperatur, v. Lmo. 3, -1963, 437- 442 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma temperiture, plasma temperature measure . ment, plasma radio emission, plasma thermal radio emission, radia- tion coefficient, radiation coefficient compensation, black body radiation, blackness coefficient ABSTRACT: Two methods are described, developed at the Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvenny*y institut-mer i izmeritellny*kh priborov (Khar'kov S tate Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) for thermal Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4017723 radio-,emission'measurements.of plasma temperature. Unlike existinci methods, these methods iatisfy the condition that the comparison with the power of a standard black body used to eliminate the errors: connected with the bandwidth uncertainty be made with the same ac- curacy as the measurement of the power itself. The reflection co- efficient is measured at exactly the same instant when the tempera- ture is measured, from the same point of space, with the same an- tenna, and with the same parameters as used for the measurement of the radiation intensity. The measurements are furthermore made in the same frequancy band. The first method consists of equalizing the received power from the standard radiator under additional il- lumination of the object '(G. L. losel'son, Author's Certificate No. 149914, 1961)o so as to eliminate the influence of the "blackness" or radiation coefficient. This method'can be-used to measure tem- peratures only to half the temperature of the standard radiator, and is therefore limited. In the second method the temperature is de- termined from the,ratio of the received power to tbe.power radiated Card 2/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4017723 by the standard radiator operating in the pulsed mode. In this method signal splitting devices (hybrid rings or twin-T bridges) are used to ensure measurement of the reflection coefficient at the time., of the temperature measurement. it can be used at temperatures above the standard source, but the complete elimination of the blackness coefficient occurs only when the distance between the object and the antenna is small. For a flat surface with blackness coefficient 0.7 located up to 250 mra from the antenna the error does.- not exceed 2%. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 29 Aformulas. ASSOCIATION: ICiarlkovskiy gos 'udarstvenny,*y institut mer iizmeri- tel'ny*kh priborov (Xharlkov State Institute of Measures and Mea- suring Instruments) SUBMITTEDs' 26Ju163- DATE ACQ: 23Mar64 ENCL-.~ 00 SUB CODE:.:.- PH, AS -NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: '001.. Cz d JL IL xwm OPO" AN N... man"= op".." cow"* -.V~ W-00*--w W., IL IL NmdA6 L It 0- pwdww -wp---~ qaw-.P~p t C~ am" (t 11 As U IL a ps MO A. OL P4--r" IL IL W"iK L L IA. A. ML I'LL ,L jok'now- a Cnim ~x PAR r. IL a_ (c 10 am 12 iwn) ftonow motive ftdmbtftt-l Nero% woft~s Ew'"o Mk Uwe,. NM asumors" BOOK ~=WITATIOM k4c , Physiological-, principles:: in increasiII& human endurance to intense, heat: expo -::, (Firiologicbesidye- oar~ovy povysh4aya F-vywalivosti lyudey k Intensivnys epw- m vozde$atviy Leningradt 4z, 1963, p. biblio. 2,5W copi4is` hted VY pr ,'~~'r: -co di~w~ TOPIC TAGS: heat- biologio a faot*~.human physiology, respirator, working: n tion, aning'*nginsering PUPOSE AND COVMUE.. The: book deals,with'prdblema concerning man's endurance-0 intense he&'46. exposure, -in th* industrial eirvironment. The main occupations, groups which confront ~prqbleis :treated in_this book are mine rescue workers, gas rescue workers in metalluigical, chemical, and coal-tar chemical enter- prices, workers concerned with hot patching of owlting and heating furnaces : ~ , and other Mating earegatea in different branches of industry, and fir~-.msn. The author Vesents dat a about.the orpnisn's physiological mechanism of adaptibilit , y to high tiqpqrstures and humidity; this In the first attempt,td discuss beat exposure lis these tem. The book Is intend9d for doctors -indu Crd J/P_ L 61296-65----- AM4016092 .0-000 ;;;M*0oo0 go 01 6 0 0 0 v1 41 . . A\ -Lot #111601111#66 wool P"Cfsws 0 0 *0 and AND 9L D. lamlow. Opnowy. 111101 4WM (19W).- - B lm bM **air e No UMUMS 3100 18 Woooft it cally AAA il added -0 O *00 P OMM" dw wre"Pliattive addkkoa* and am 'wee go a With 0-4woogivite and Mpbe. , - am. the I d ON 1Obt&M Is ailtabodite and uWymitt =00 00 400 6F '111101- It 6411duced that W the nuactioloo 2S##-Mls~ + 00 Ftl* actleally tahn p6m W the lattice of. criallobalke (awd trid. eow Ymitv), thost sech valboaku becuum k WwWums a bivalent we of vanas too" (M N.V.). dwooM revok 'a t', tam - -',, Of Nasta* ON opla". u.. d"... 0( , the Iffilikv and The of ovaivity I ~168115"at low the rapwity of OW In dow hordair owaywajUntime al aNywito.. It the waboties" W+ -o 2F&#+ + Irav+ toobn p1we, tMG jhc 6410bdift CIFFMISIS 11111sold he Maseb neen unstable and sliould so tridy-ki- - 11911h than @ON polutions of the tne 2SP + 2AP+ + Fel *. 8dwoultil: and phase diagrams am itochsdod. B.Z.K. tog Boom SIV1411VA ,- ! T Selaso at sow 111101 @lK car Itt %1 M A I I ft a 0 go 9 1 If a 0 a 4 2 a v 1 JLJLKJ LA % Wo 0 0 Cow v v w BMVMaY. I.Ye.; IOSILIZON. S.D. --------- Afflotent methods In the manufacture of high alumina products. Ognei4pory 18 no.9,.387-396 '53. (MIRA 11:10) 1#,Zhsrlkovskly Institut ogneuporov. .(Refractory wterials) Z.. IOSHIMOV, D. TECHNOLOa PERIODICAL: GOSPODAW WODNA. Vol. 18, no. 9, Sept. 1958 10SHIMOV, D. Distribution of investments and annual expeditures in multipurpose hydraulic structures Tr. from the Bulgarian, P. 387. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 89 not 4. April 1959, Unclas3 TEMMOLOGY Periodicals TEMKA Vol. 7, no. 10, 1958 IOSHINOVp D. Determining the economic effect of irrigation. p. 10 Monthly List of East Buropean Accessions (EW) LC.q Vol. 8, No* 5p May 1959, UnclAss. IOSHINOV, Dako., inzho Prime cost of production in a complex exploitation of construction sites. Mddrotekh i melior 7 no-4:103-106 162. I o -s 1A ov v - S . 25949 Dolg ebyeati kathpogo myeditoinakogo rabotnika (Myetodika organioatell mm. Prcm- vyechyenlya v S.S.S.R.) Pyelldshyer i akusbyerka, 1949, No. 7v a. 38-43. SO: Lotopial lio. 34 S/14i/60/003/0i/oo6/020 E192/E482 AUTHORS: Mogilevskiyo E. .9 Gits, I.D. and loshpa, B.A. \Ilk TITLE: Electronic Circuitry of the Volar ~Iagnetographs of IZMIRAN (Institute of Earth M"alt"t am and Radio Wave Propagation of the Academy of Sciences) FERIODICALs Izvestiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 31 Nr 1, pp 67-71 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The method of measurement of the magnetic fields of the sun spots is based on the following principle. The Zeeman components which are elliptically polarized in various directions for different intensities in that portion of the Fraunhoffer line which is selected by means of a slit. By directing such a component onto a photo-cathode by means of a light analyser, a modulated light beam is obtained. From the depth of the modulation it is possible to determine the magnitude of the magnetic field. The situation is illustrated in Card-1/5 Fig 1. The intensity of the magnetic field is s/141/60/003/01/oo6/020 E192/E482 Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of IZMIRAN (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Academy of Sciences) defined by Hz XF(,Siyi)dJ/dK xF[,6iyi)d;5-,/d% Card 2/5 where f is the difference between the light beams of two components at a given point of the contour, k is a parameter describing the magnitude of the Zeeman effect for a given line, J is the intensity at a given point of the contour, F is a function describing the polarization of the experimental equipment, 4~= is the average radiationo M is the depth of the modulation and X is the wavelength. It is seen therefore that the measurement of Hz amounts to a simultaneous measurement of ~.' and dJ/dk, This principle.of measurement was first realized in IZMIRAN in 1953 (Ref 1). The electronic c1rcultry of the measuring instrument (magnetograph) should be designed in such a way that a s/i4i/60/003/01/006/020 E192/E482 Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of IZMIRAN (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Academy of Sciences) stable and reliable gain for the signal ~_ is obtained; secondlyg the Doppler shift should be elim1nated, as well as the asymmetry of the contour and its changes at various spots of the sun. The first magnetograph of the IZMIRAN was furnished with a mechanical light modulator (see Fig 2). However, later investigations showed that the modulation frequency had to be increased to above 200 c/s. For this purpose the mechanical modulator was replaced by an electro-optical modulator (Ref,7)- A Kerr cell was employed as the modulator and this operated at the frequency of 225 c/s (see Fig 3). Further development of the instrument aimed at the increase of the'signal-noise ratio. It was found that this could be achieved by employing a balanced method of signal reception. In this case, the amplifier was in the form of a photo-multiplier and a narrow-band Card 3/5 amplifier. The signal applied to the measuring device s/141/60/003/ol/oo6/020 E192/E482 Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of IZMIRAN (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Academy of Sciences) was compensated so as to obtain a zero resultant voltage. The block schematic of the resulting magnetograph is shown in Fig 4. The device consists of: (1) Kerr tell, (2) d *c. voltage source, (3) amplifier, (4) a photo-multiplier, (5) a supply source for the photo-multiplier, (6) a recording device, (7) an audio generator, (8) an amplifier (operating 225 c/s and having a band-width of 5 c/s), (9) a phase detectors (10) feed-back loop, (11) recorder of the signal V., and T7 a polaroid. In order to determine the true value of the measured field it is necessary to ensure that the position of the output slit on the contour of the line is rigidly fixed during the measurement. In practice, this condition is very difficult to meet. Consequently a system in which the contour wobbles along the slit was Card 4/5 introduced. In this the slit always passes through s/141/6o/oo3/ol/006/020 E192/082 Electronic Circuitry of the Solar Magnetographs of 1ZHIRAN (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Radio Wave Propagation of the Academy of Sciences) that point of the contour which has a maximum value of dJ/dh. When the contour is displaced, the signal is modulated at the wobbling frequency. The depth of this modulation gives the magnitude of the displacement. Subsequently, the resulting signal is applied to a feedback circuit which returns the contour line into the position such that the slit "cuts" a linear portion of the contour. A device operating on this principle is illustrated in Fig 5. There are 5 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 German and I English. ASSOCIATION:Instltut zemnogo magnetizma i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Earth Magnetism and Rnd!Q-Vay& Propagation of AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 18, 1959 Card 5/5 3/203/62/002/001/018/019 102:5/1223 AUTHOR: Ioshpa,B.A. TITLE: Measurement of magnetic fields in solar prominences PERIODICAL: Geomagnetim i Aeronomiya, v.20 noel, 1962, 172-176 TEXP: The longitudinal component of the magnetic field in*active prominences was measured. A block-diagram' and description of the solar inngnetograph are given. Two plans plates, a crystal light modulator (ammonium phosphate) and a polaroid are placed before the exit alit of the spectrograph (focal length 10m). one of the plane plates is oscillated With a frequency of 15 cpao The aniplitude of the oscillations and the thickness of the plate are choseh so that on17 one wing of the observod line falls on the - exit slit. The measuromento of the magnetic field in prominences ,was made on the line Ed 'In the second order of the diffraction grid of the spectrograph (r'03olving power - 180000, dispersion 0.9h/mm)e The calibration was made on the absorption line H in a Card V2 S/203/62/002/001/018/019 1023/1223 Measurement of magnetic fields.*. non-disturbed region of the solar disk. Results of measurements of four prominences recorded during July - August 1961 are given@ The magnetic field in active prominences is of the order of 100- 200 gausse There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo*magnetizma, lonosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovolu Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism,' Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, Academy of Sciences IJSSR) L.)UB14ITTED: December 5, 1961 Card 2/2 43165 6/203/62/002/003/017./OPI, 1023/1250 AUTTIOR loshpn, B.A. and Obridko,, V.k. TIT LE The mean"rement of the total magnetic field vector on the Sun by. a photoelectric magnstograph PEVIODICAL., Geomgpe lxm I Aeronomlyn, Y.2,, no.3, 1062, 541,0544 1 TEXT: The Aethod is based on solution of-the equations of radiation, transfer In a magnatic field In the presence of true absorption only, 'for Stokos' parameters. The radiation is Incident on a crystal, optical modulator and then analyzed by a pplaroid the axis of which forms an nngle of 450 with the axon of the oryntale- The Intensity of radiation la than X, qPin 2 Tooxi~ + V Sir* where I,, V - Stokes' parameters, angle batwe the direction! of the magnetic field and the axis of the orvstal, phase d if- ference introduced by the crystals -It is shown how to calculate the'. Stokes parameters from the expertmental date* There are 2 tables# Card 1/2 S/203J62/002/003/017/021 1023/1250 .The measurement of the total... 2 references* Most Important reference; T1, Unnoe Puble Astrone Soce Japan., 1956,, 108. AS'S OC IAT I ON iInatitut zemnogo mg-nottzma, iono3fer7 i rReprostra- neniva radlovoln Akademil nauk SBSR (Institute for Terrestriel Vzenetizm, Ionosphere and Radlowave Propagationp Academy of Sciences TISSR) SUMITTED: January 30,1 1962 q: Card. 2/27, ZHULINJ, I.A.; IOSHU, B.A.; MOGILMKIY, E.I. Hwatic fields on the sun, C*omg. i aer. 2 no,058346-41-4 'dL (Hapetic fiolds (Coamd� physics)) (sun) IOSHPAt B.A.; MOGILEVSKIY; E, Lp OBRIDKOI V.K* Observations of the.-free of force magnetic field on the Sun and the questions of generation of-corpusoular geoeffeotive streams. (USSR) Report submitted for the 4th International Space Symposium (COSPAR) 14a~sawf 2-12 June 63 L i3io6-6,3 F. . . .... ... 47i ACCESSION NR. AP3003420,,-: -6d to-.find-.the Stokes, P-ai_~'Lmw -'and --The re4u 0. isite equations are d The' i riv6d.:: proposed phot6616 tric'i4ethod:ls.superior to 'W. Budd , o that~proposed by ~Appl. O'ptics i - 1, 201., 1962) it 'allbi ot'deterninin g,all,four St6kes.-para- me ters instoad;.of.only.-three.' An instrument based on the described-principle has, been constructed an& is -~,b6i~j Aiied.-to'measure the spatial orientation and magnitu(b:: I- of themagneiic vectors on the the-Stokes parameters of 'the e1-_ A liptically polarized radiation. In, i o_lAr absorption lines. - The accuracy,,may, attain-, 6 -1 part in 10 or-10 depending on t e-sensitiVity'df th photomultiplier Or g art. has: d 32 formulas an 2 gures. ATI riohe ASSOCI ON 2. :3OJul63 SUBMITTED: 99ov6 ENCL 60:~:~~ - i SUB CODE. SD PH 005'~ - A 2/2: cc rd IOSHPA. Magnetic fields in solar prominences. Geomag. i aer. 3 no.6:1125- 1126 N-D 163a (MIRA 16s12) 1. Institut zeanogo magnetizma, ionosfery *~!vasprostraneniya radlovoln AN SSSR. ACCESSION NRI API.013134, S/0203/64/004/001/0017/0025 AUTHORSs loohpa, B. A.; Obridko, V. N. TITLEs- Measurement of the total magnetic field vector on the sun UOURCEs Goomagnoti= i aerenomiya, v. 4o no. 1,1964, 17-25 TOPIC TAGS: solar magnetic field, magnetic field measurement, Stokes parameter, ab4prption line, sunspot- ABSTRACT; A method for measuring the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field on the sun has been developed.- and the Stokes parameters, which completely describe the polarization of radiation, can be measured simultaneously. The Stokes parameters are given by the relations U 2~1 tj cos (a, V 2t, tj shi (a, where S and f2 are the amplitudes of tho electric vector along two mutually perpendicular axes (and perpendicular to the line of sight) of an arbitrary coor- dinate system,, and E - 6 is their phase difference. A variable voltago is Card 113 11 2 ACCESSION NR: AP4013134 applied to an electrooptical crystal of ammonium phosphate ouch that the phase difference varies as JTisin wt. A quarter-wave plato is placed in front* of the crystal with the angle between the ordinary axis of the plate and the crystal axis set at 30 0. Three measuring devices are situated behind the crystal: one at the fundamental modulation frequency adds the signals from both wings of the absorption line, the other two, at twice the fundamental frequency, respectively add and subtract the signals from the line winfro. lt- is shown that the measured intonsi- tigs are then given by 1.+'= 0,55 Q-ain"2(D,- 1,+'.= 0,23sin 60"' 0 COS 2(D,'* .19,i- - 0, 23 cos 60s" V whore 6 is the angle between the ordinary axis of Vic plate and the projection of the magnetic field vector in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight. The component of constant intensity is .. : . I .. . -.. .". . 1. 1. 0,5J 0,24Q coo 20 sin 60". r it 0.5 J. The magnetic field intensity H and the antile 140 betwoon -the field vector and the line of sight can then be found from the expressions V kJ1 (M cos i0, Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRs AP4013134 '2 k/3 (H). A n' where the coefficient k is found by calibration of tho"signks. The fivi-tAo'l.- f l(H) and f201) are shown on a graph. As an eiamplo It, I, and H 1, are p. the region of a sun spot group observed June 14, 1963. The lower limits of dotect- ability are 150 oersteds for H.Land 7 oersteds for H,I. The authors exprois thanks to E. I Mogilevskiy for formulation of the problem and helpful discussiono, to .0. 1. Vasillyova for help in computations, to A. N. Savranskaya and Z. D. Aleksashina for preparation of Lhematerial and adjustment of apparatus. Orig. art. has: 17 equations and 6 graphs. 'ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnotizma, ionosfery*i rasprostranoniya radlovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propaga- tion AN SSSR) SUBMITTIEDs l9Dec62 DATE ACQ: O2Mar64 ENCL.- 00 SUB COW: AA NO W SOV, 004 OTHER: 003 Card-, IOSHPA B,A OBRIDKO, V*N. Measurements of the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in the region of sunspots. Astrorizbur. 40 no.6:1013-1015 N-D 163. (MM 160A) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma. AN MR, Aili,03-111395 SOURCE CODE: T HO -i%":_ loshp i, -ilevskiy, E. !. __P~ Moo TIT LJ~: IZMI-RA.N m,a t aph for determination of longitudinal component of gnp ogr. 111,1,,zictic fields of active areas SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 8. 51. 417 RTEF SOURCE: Sb. Solncchn. aktivnost'. No. 21. M. Nauka, 1965, 11103-130 W TOPIC TAGS: solar magnetic field, spectral line, pliotomLiltiplier/IZIlIrA.LN' magnetograph It ABSTRACT: A dettrdler! description is given of the IZMIRA.\' magne'LograDh deter- mining the longi'i1,,,,-:- .,'- component of a field. The magnetograph is built according to an original design, which unlike the generally accepted Babcock design, uses only one photomultiplier to make measurements of the magnotic field along both F- wings of the spectral line. A block diagram and electron diagrams of the maaneto- (Traph, as well as formulas for calculation of the working parameters of the diagrams and the calibration of the instrument are presented. (See also RZhAstr, 1963, 1. 51. 383). Bibliography hasIG references. (Translation of abstract] C,,-d 1/1 SUB CODE: 08, 09, 20/./..f UDC,.;.522. 417, T. ACC "" AR6033094 GW SOURCE CoDrs: UR/0269/66/000/00710054/0054 AUTHOR: Ios~PA' Aj, Q~ridko,_V. N. TITLE. Full vector photoelectric magnetograph SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 7. 51. 381 REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost', No. 2, M., Nauka, 1965, 131-148 TOPIC TAGS: magnetie field, solar magnetic field, magnetograph, solar magnetograph, photoelectric mbgnetograph, magnetic vector. magnetic field measurement ABSTRACT: A description is given'of the solar magnetogr.~p4j?j~gR'AN. qualitative description is presented of thg ~i ii!~~iatneous re'gistration of, all the components of the magnetic vector. Procedures for checking the operation of the circuit are described and evaluations are made of possible errors (several A presentation is made of the theory and methods used in calibrating observa- tions, and formulas are cited which relate measured Stokes parameters to the magnetic field parameters (accuracy 10-20%). Recording accuracy at a voltage potential of 6. 2 kv on the AD.P is go, gas Card 1/2 UDC: 522.56. ~3 2-67 NRt AR60330'94 e-75/Pcj-4 fi L 348W-65 EWT t'1)/EWG(V)/EEQ-'-~-Uq(t)P G 5/0286/65/000/00h/0070/0070 7to C L'SION Rt AP5()07h46 Ioshpa, B. A.; Zhulin, I. A. AUTHORS: MogilevskiYp B- I J fields in the solar at TITT-.'P.-. Device for MgMalngjLeak local magnetic 16847- Class 42, tio. SOUF,r1-T.- Byulleten' izobreteniy i. tovarnykh znakov, no. 4, 1965, 70 V/ V TOPIC TAGS3 -Z2 a" magnatic,fieldi solar atmosphere ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for wasuring weak- local magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere, containing a tower telescope,, spemtro- graph, and magnstograph. To investigate simultaneously the magnatic fields at two levels of the solar atmospherej to measure the variable component of the modulated light., and to increase the accuracy of determining the positis)-i of the investigated region on the sun, a double-channel coupled magnatograph is Each channel contains one photomultiplier and an additional modulation ciilfuit with optical-electromechanical feeo back. Additional rairrors arn used in the spectrographe To utilize the light reflectied frora ths polished Jaws of blis anpul alit of the spectrooraphj, a monochromatic guide is used. Ccrd l/? 7, L ~1;000-_~'5 ENT(l) HG(v)/EEC~4 G1 2,- ir"'T -N P: AP5 62075 TJF./oo33//5/o42/00410754/0756 523-752 AUTHOR'. Ioshpa, B. A. .10 71TLE: On the problem of the heating of prominences iSOURCE: Astr,onomi6heskiy:-zhurn~l,-V-,-440:, no. 4,1965, 754-756 TOPIC TAGS,: Dro;~dnence"_,s.olar coroda, nonlinear differential equation, heat con- Iductivity, plasmat6 Wir~ture's magnetic field ABSTRACT: The problem of the heating of prominences in the solar coruna is dis- cussed. The nonlinear equation of heat conductivity in plassma does not have an ,exact solution. Solutions are obtained by using approximations. The author dis- cusses the problem of temporary changes of temperature in prominences and solves the problem, taking into consideration the nonlinear dependence of the coefficient of ~hermai ccriductivity upon the plasma temperature. The thermal conductivity equation is taken from Landau and Lifshits' te);tbook Mekhanika sploshnykh Bred N,-?,-Lanics of Solid Media) and transformed front a partial differential equation to an ,-rJlns~ry differential equation. This equation is solved with the aid of several arbitrarV assumptions and the introduction of a function of a dimensionless param- Sard__l 2 I 63ooo-65. kCCESSION NR: AP5020675 i leter. This :-~.inction is expanded into series and represented graphically. It rep- .reserts the propagation of the thermal wave into the prominence. The time required' rr-r '-,- -t!-in~, i~ prominence consisting of filaments vtiries fr-,-Tr, --~ t,-.) 2500 sec, de- upon the size of the prominence. Prominences of long duration can exist if they have a magnetic field which impedes heating. Orig. art. has; I figure and .10 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut zemogo magnetic= ionosfery, i rasprostraneniya radiovolh Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Matmetism, Ionosphere. and Propagation Waves, Academy 6-f Sciences SSSR) !SMfl*TTED: 16Nov64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA- NO PJIF SOV: 005 oo4 2/2 i ACC NRi AR6028758 SOURCE CODEt UR/0269/66/000/006/0055/0055 AUTHOR: Mogilevskiy,,E. I.; Zhulin, 1. A.; Ioshpa, B. A. TITLE: The IZMIRAN solar tower installation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.434 ,REF SOURCE: Sb. Solnechn. aktivnost'. No. 2. M., Nauka, 1965, 108-117 !TOPIC TAGS: solar telescope, solar spectrum, spectrographic' analysis :TRANSLATION: The ATB-3 IZMIRAN solar tower is described.. The mirrors of the coelostal group (D = 440 mm) are mounted on the upper end of a special tube which houses the en- ,tire optical assembly. The clock mechanism is controlled by a 3G-11 sound generator 'ithrough a power amplifier. The main mirror of the telescope has the following para- -nieters: D = 375 mm , F = 17 m; the.Cassegrainian reflection is F= 27 m. The tele- I .scop-~ is equipped with a complex horizontal spectral assembly which operates as a spec- Itrograph, a spectrometer, a spectioheliograph, and a spectrohelioscope. The spectro- graph uses mirrors with F =10 m; the GOI diffraction grating his 600 lines/mm. The th lhalfwidth of the instrumental profile in the IV -order is 0.026 A (this is larger that I 1the theoretical value by a factor of 1*4). The installation is equipped with a mono-' 1chromatic guide. ror visual and photographic observations in the Ho line (an IPF by UDC: 522.56 I Card 1/2 L 08926-67 EWT (I ACC NRt AR6025347 GW SOURCB'CODB: UlVO269/6 AUTHOR:. Xoshpa, B.A.; Obridko, V. N. TITLE: On the mea~urement-of ray velocities on a full Vector magnetograph SOURM. Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Ab-s. 4.51.456 REP SOURCE; Solncchnyye dannyye,.no. 5, 1965, 62-65 TOPIC TAGS: Sun, -n=Amagnetic field, 8=t= magnetometer, ABSTRACT: Errors in the determination of ray velocities on a magnetograph measuring the full magnetic vector of-the magnetic field of the SunVare discussed. Magnetic fie-, Id measurement with the magnetograph is usually made on two wings of the. riiGneto-ac- tive line. The-compensator works so as to equalize intensities at the portions of oth wings of the line on vihich'measurements are made. Usually, this corresponds to a sym- metrical location of the line relative to the input slits of the magnetograph. During measurement of the full vector, an ancillary plate is placed in front of the analyzer di of the circularly polarized light; the plate contributes approximately a_1,',/2 phase fference between the,ordinary and the extraordinary ray. Thus the"circularly pol;irize4 a,- comp ohent radiation is transformed by the plate into a linearly polarized one, with the direction of polarization of one component in the polaroid plane, and that d the other - perpendicular to it. Therefore,in the presence of 'the longitudinal-field component the radiation intensity reaching the ~hotomultiplier cathode fran sYMI-metri- 1/2 UDC 52Z056-523.76_ L 08926-67 ACC NR- AR6025347 'VT cally.located (with respect to the center of the line) portions, w 11 be different, i with the maximum difference occuring with the plate located coaxially with the ADP crystal. 71iis leads to a shift of the line with respect to the symmetric locatioA,.. to a false signal on the ray velocity recorder(which is a maximum in the absence ',the AD? crystal).If the crystal is present, and is thus bringing phase shifts c-~An- -ging from 4fV2 to -,T/2, the time average of the intensity differences which are sym- metrical relative to the center of the line of portions' - decreases; however, the cr-: ror may still be large. An increase of the crystal voltage decreases the error, which b, can be reduced to zero because the difference of intensities at has a sign opposite to that at 6