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ACCSSSION NR-. AP404~99j. S/0057/64/034/007/1109/lio5
ALMIOR: Kreyndellj Yu-yo-; Ionov
TITLE: tome peculiaritids-of low pressure-Ponning discharges
SOURCE:--Zhurnal teklinicheakoy.fizilct, v.34,,no.7, 1964, 1199
TOPIC TAGS:'discharge plasma, ion beam,' electron beam, Penning tube
-ABSTRACT: The beam issuing from a Icent ral opening in one cathode of a Penning tube:
was caught in a Faraday cage and the-ion and electron currents in tho'beam were mea--.i
suted separately as functions of the longitudinal magnetic field in the discharge
region. The compositions of beams iissuring from non-central.openings were also de-
termined, and the discharge was phot~gra plied; The sin!gle annular anode of the Penn-
ing tube was midway beiween the,tw6 cathodes,.which were separated by 28 mm.- The
tube was continuously pumped,"and the discharges were examined at pressures from 2
X 10-6 to 10-4 ma Hg.,The discharge,tube and thelexperimental arrangement ake des~-
cribed in more detail. elsewhere 0(U.*Yo-.Xr'eyndel1,ZhTF 33,883,1963). At low magnetic'
..fields the beam issuing from the oponing of the cathode consisted mainly ct;
positive ions but had a substantial electron component.-When the magnetic field.was
AOCEtS 1OWNR-. AP4041994
Ancreased to a certain critical value (800.00 in one case) the elect" component.
V. 'the beam current ihcre &sod sharply the:total beam current beca" negatiye. The
Aischarge was unstable-in magnetic fiblds'near thq critical: valve, bot iri stronger
fields it was stable with a npgative.beas current' By .varying the distance.of the
araday cage from the Penning t of
ttube cathode I wannfound that Of ion component'
:the beam was more divergent dfhe. electrop component. When toe-ceptral beam cur-~'-11
the, cuiri6ht--in beams issuing from openingf nea*6,thb perlpher
rent became negative, YI
~of the cathode remained positiv and, indeed, increased. TUe beam current was rly
the some in tubes In which both cath ode's had Ventral openings as In those!inwhich
!only one cathode was pierced.'., This. shoirs'thai'the'lelectron component in noi. prima
'.:'1y due to secondary electrons emitted by the dpposite cathode and traversing the
.tube rectilinearly. Photogrsiphs showed-that at low magnetic
:f ields the luminosity was conf in6d, t . ihe region of the anode aqd to a thin fiiammO
extending axially from one cathode to'the other. This axial filimnt was.prefient a
all values of the magnetic, both, oriielther of the cathodes.was
,:Pierced. The luminous regloh'about the-anode'exte4ded toward the,cathades am-the
field was i reamed, and-at-Ahe,critical field It on y spread ov
thodes themselves.`6 f
-ACMSSION NR;'AP4041994-
..Rsr,BOV'-- 004
(YIM-. '004,
Characteristics of discharges in Penning tubes at lov pressures.
Zhur. tekh. fiz, 34 no*70199-M5 Jl 164 (MM 17t8)
S/029 60/000/07/22/024
13- -, ~058
AUTHORS: Belorgests.-M.9 Enginserl Iono*, Beg Engineer
TITLE: The Miracle Screen
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhip 19 OsiNo. 7, pp. 37-39
TEXT: This authors report on the manufacture of screen films for the
graphic industry. The technology of the three classical printing methods,
relief-, ourf ace.;..g and intaglio -printing# is explained in the introduction.
The Hookoirskiy poligraficheskiy institut (Moscow Polygraphic Institut ) has
set the problem to its Scientific Students' Society to develop screen
filmag the manufadture of which should be simpler and cheaper compared with
the foreign material. These films should also produce perfect reproductions.
Under the supervision of Jjikol4X Ivanovich Sinyakovs Docent, Candidate of
Technical Soiencest the students developed several methods for the manu-
facture of screen films* The now material was tested under operational
conditiono and patentedo' Screen films for relief-v surface-, and intaglio
printing were developed.' The now screen-filmAhaterial differs from common
films by the fact that the silver halide7-eryotala are in strict order in the
Card 1/2 V
The Miracle Screen 3/029/60/000/07/22/024
gelatinous emulsion layer, A picturo'composed of dots can thus be obtained
from a half-tone pattern without having to use a screen. The negative
represents a common half-ton* picture behind an opaque screen in intaglio
printing. The diapositive obtained from this negative looks like the original
behind a transparent screen. Special screen films were developed for color
printing. The manufacture of these films is extremely simple. A screen is
recorded first on a common film. An emulsion layer, sensitive to any
tint, is then applied to the back of the base. The new screen films were
experimentally tested at the printing shops of the "Pravda" and the
111-ya Obrazteovaya". The results were satisfactory.'The now material was
recommended to the Moscow, Tatariya, and Latviya eovnarkhoz for test and
use. There are 6 figures.
Card 2/2
1. Buvu,r, v. v., Prof.; IONOV, B. D., Docen KISHINISKIY) 141. 1., Docent;
SYROI-ffATNIKOV, S. A., Docent
2. USSR (000)
4. Lumbering
7. New textbook on land transport of timber (I'Land transport of timber."
Prof. V. V. Buvert, Docent B. D. Ionov, Docent 1-1. 1. Kishinskiy, Docent
1. A. Syromyatnikov. Reviewed by 14. A. ZavIyalov, G. T. Urtaev.)
Les. prom., 13, no. 4, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl.
- ~MIII~Ml
IONOV, B.D., doteent.
$or a modern technology of log skiddiM. Les.prou.14 no.4:4-7 Ap 154.
(KLRL 7:4)
1. Koskovskly lemotakhnicheskiy institut. (Tmaboring)
BUTIRTO Viktor Vladimirovich, prof.;,jQNOY,-BnrjA Dmitriyovich, dotsents
.kand.tekhn.nauk; NISHINSKIT,,Xikhail Wich, d-oTs-e-nT-,-Rind.tekhn.
nauk: S7RW.ATNIXOV,:Sergey Ar)cadlyevich. dotsent, kand.takhn.
nauk; KGRUNOT, M.K., proffo reteensent; VIRIGO, M.P., prof.*
doktor tekhn'snauk, red.; PCLTIVA, B.Kh., red.iod-va; BACHURINA,
(Isand transportation of timber] Sukhoputnyi transport lesa.
lzd.2., perer. Pod obahchei red. M.F.Verigo. Koskva, Gosles-
bumisdat, Vol.l. 1960. 475 p. (MIM 14:4)
BZLOEMSWf, Vasiliy Tefimovich, kand..tokhn.nauk; MYSHINSKIT, V.V.,
Inish., reteenzent; 7VIVANOT, B.Te.,Aotsent. kand.tekhn.nauke
retsenzent; IONOV.-B.Rlj_rod.; PITERM, Te.L., red.izd-va;
PAILAIHM, N.L.. tekhn.jj-d.-
[Road-building*mchineryl Dorozhnostroitelinye mashiny. Hookva,
Gotilesbumisdat, 1960. 263 WRA 14:3)
(Road machinery3l,
TWIFAROV, Boris Yefimovioh, doteentl ION r. Boris ftitriyovich. dotsent;
XCMOVO NAO profe, relmensoul; BHOMILKUNOT, Y.T., doUent,
rateen2entl SHCHBENNOV, P.N,, dotsent, ratmenzent; SKIRNff,
A.I.., dotment, red.; PITIRKAN, Ta.L., red.izd-va; wDOTINA, VA.,
[Road-buildive mobinery In the fores t Industries and prinelples
of road building] Doroahno-stroitellnys =shiny v lesnot pro-
iwablemnosti I osnovy doroshnoge del&. Moskva, Goolesbumisdat
1961.- 376 p. (XMJL 1412)
1. Urallskly lanotakhnichemkiy Institut (for roranov). 2. ArkbA'M-
gel'skiy Isnotakhnichaskly Institut (for Shchelknuov).
(Road mchinery) (Wood-using Industries)
MELINIKCV, Valentin Ivanovichp dota., kand. tekhn. nauk; SSRGEYEV)
Patr Georgiyevich, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; DMITRIYEV,
TuriyYakovlevich, kand, tekhn. nauk; SELIN, M.F., retsen-
zent; DOILINITSINA, A.G.p retsenzent;-!Q=,,~-retsen-
zont; KISHINSKIYj M.I.p otv. red.; PLESKO, Y6.P., red. izd-
va; CRECHISHCHEVA, V.I.., tekhn. red.
[Land transportation of timber and lumber floating]Suh-ho-
jmitiWi lesotransport i lesosplav. Poskvap Goslesbumizdat',,
1962. 314 P. (MIRA 15:32)
1. Petrozavodskiy lesotekbnichaskiy tekhnikum (for Ionov).
IONOV. B.I.; 'NOV, N.I., redaktor: KOITSWITINOV, V.P,,, redaktor; XW-
A.K., takhnichookly redaktor
[Practical guide for ship radio operators] Pmktichookoe rudoved"
st,ro sudavomu radistu. lwd. 2-e. perer. I don. Moskva lxd-vo Mini-
sterstva rechnogo, flota BSSR, 1952. 219 p. [Nicrofilml (HLRA 81?)
(Radio In navigation)
Reinforced Concrete Construction
Large-scale reinforced concrete products for Moscow housing construction. Biul.stroi.
tekh. 9 noi 15, 1952.
9. Monthl LUst of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November -195X, Uncl.
RoadsIIn the Tatar A.S.S.R. are not maintained. Avt.transp. 32
1110.5:37 yq 154. 7--7)
]..'.Vpravlyayumhchly fatareklm avtotrntm "Sayus sagat tram".
(Tatar A.S.S.R. -Roads ) (Roads--Tatar A.S.S.11.)
TINNIMV, V., podpolkovn~k; IONOT, G., yodpolkoynik
Breakthrough from the march. Voen.vest, 39 no.4;30-34 Ap 160.
(MIRL 14-.2)
(Attack and defame (MI34tary science))
E ,
SMOV, Aleksandr Iv9novich, polkovn1k; IAM. Gleb Alekeendrovich,
podpolkovnlk; DMOUTo N*Po# polkovulk, red,;
N,A,j tekhne'red.:
(Teaching defense operations] Obuchenie deistv'iiam'v oboro-
nitellnom boiu. Noekva, Voezx.izd-vo K-va obor.SSM. 1960.
716 P. NmA 14-.4)
(Attack and defense (Kilitary science))
LONOj,__j.Ft_, inzhener; ARSINTIMV, A.N., rodaktor.
[Commmications and signalling, interlocking and block systems
on coal-pit railroads] Bvias' i STsB na zheleznodorozhnom trans-
ports ugoltnykh karlerov. Mosima, Ugletakh12dat, 1952. 77 p.
(MIRA 7:3)
(Mine railroads) (Railroado--Signalling)
CHRUWCVA.0 V. F.; Prinimal uchaBtlys: IONW, I. P.
Two-stage @"ton for the hydrogenation method of production
of chwdonle from Chereakhovo coal tars. Report No. 2. Trudy
IGI 17:174-181 162. (MIRA 15t 10)
(Coa2-tar products) (Hydrogenation)
ACC NR: AR6018973 SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/66/000/002/BO37/BO37
AU-1HOR: Ionov, I. P.
iTITLE: A magnetic shift register using chokes
!SOURCE: Ref. zh. Avtomat telemekh i vychisl tekhn, Abs. 2B263
IREF SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta. vyp. 60. no. 3, 1965, 67-82
OFIC LAGS: shift register, magnetic core
!TRANSLATION: The operation of a shift register based on serially connected chokes is
:analyzed and briefly described. The system realizes inverting codes for even and odd
!cores. The maximui, operational frequency is 250 KHz, limited primarily by the ferrite
core properties. The system has a minimum number of components and is easily adjusted.
lt is noted that for stable operation of this system, large turn ratios in the windings,
fare necessary, which leads to' anincrease in the demands on power sources. A simple
'method for system design based on integration without graphic analysis is inc
~Good agreement between design and exp-srivental data is noted* 2 referenceag
W. P.
CODE: 09
UDC: 681.142.642.7
I.O,NOV.01.1..P.;,. IONKIN P P.A., reds
[Principles of the calculation and design of magnetic
semiconductor elements) Oanovy rascheta i proektirovaniia
magnitno-poluprovodnikovykh elementov. Moskva, MoBk.
energeticheskii in-t. 1965. 276 p. (MIRA 16t.12) 11
lorlov, I.P.
Magnetic shift register using choke elements. Trudy MEI
no. 60 no. 3t67-82 1'65 (MIRA 19 i1)
FAMSTIN, B.N.., glav. inzh.; GVOZDEV, T.T., glav. inzh.; GRIGOROVICHp
V.D., inzh.; XODDRASHENO, A.A... imh..-. AMEYEV., Yu,A,, inzhaj
RYADNOV, A.A., inzho; YEGORYCHEV, V.P.9 inzh.,- SiMELIKIN, B.A.0
inzh.; MARSHUTIN,, S.F.9 insh.; XHODZHABARONOV., K.G.p inzh.;
FEDOSOVAp Ye.H., tekbulle; OSIN.. V.I., teklmik; MIENOVA., le.F.p
tekbnik; AVSARAGOVA.-G.A., tekhn1k; PASBEffEV, D.A., inzh.,-
KAFUSTIN., V.N., irtzb.; WAGOROV9 L.A.,, inzh,* I ~OV
KOPEYKINAj LeMol insh.1 TEIZMAl T,P,p tekhnik; CRAMIN,
Zb.O.,, tekbnik
[Alb= of the mecbanization of labor-consuming processes in
stackbreediM] Allbom mekhanizatsii trudoemkikh protsesoov v
zhivotnovodstvei Moskva# lmd-vo Giprosellkhoza. No.4.(Equip-
ment and suppliei; for the mechanization of labor-conmming
processes on livestock*farms] Oborudovanie i inventarl dlia
mekhanizat&ii trudoemkikh-protBeenov na zhivotnovodcheskikh
fermakh, 1959 [covers 1961. 2291 P. (HIHA 15:7)
1, GosudaretvaraVy inistitut po proyektirovanlyu sellskokho-
zyaystvemVkh sooruzbeniy (for Kapustinp Grigoraviabs
Rondrashanko,, Abodayerg'Ryadnovp Yegor7chev, SbDellkin,,
Marshutins, Kboftbabaronmg Fedosovag Osing Semenovaq Avsara-
gova). ,
(Continued on next card)
KAPUSTIN, B,N. - (continued). Card 2.
2. Respublikanskly gosudarstvenzWy instittit po proyektirova-
nlyu sovkhoznogo.stroitelletva (for Ovozdev, Pashkeyev,
Kapustin., V.N*,, Wagorov, Ionov., Kopeykinal Telepneva;
(Agrimatural machinery)
.\ IONOT, L" insh.
Machine for procesming read."i. 15 no.8s22
Sell.strols 15 noo8:22 Ag 160o (MIRA 13:8)
(Be" (Jbtazv))
P- ... :.' ,.
IONOVj L.p inzhenerg, izobretatell
Air-filed, framework. Isobr. i rate. no@ 3:28-29 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3)
Stematurs made of mdamical and pne=aLtic elemente, Sell
Otroisi 16 n0.6:34-1546 161. (KM U:7~
Nachallnik byui-6 soderstvip ratichaUsataii i isobretatet-
tistyu Nauctmo-issiodovateliskogo- inatituta O'el'skogo' stroitelle'tva'
Uor lono'V). 2., Nachd 'Aik otde3.a nauchn9y metodiki i ieormiLtsil
(for Ijyutf&Ubekov).
(Bdildingis Matic)
Use of the fluorescent method for the detection of poliomyelitis
and rabies viruses. Vop. virus. 10 no.1;26-29 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18.5)
1. Institut epidemiologii, mikroblologii i gigiyeny, LIvov.
ACC NR: AP7008877. SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/169/003/0550/0553
AUTHOR: Icilov, L. N.; Akimovs 1..A.; Terenin, A. N. (Academician)
ORG: none
TITIS: Photoconductivity of organic dyes at a frequency of 10 sup 10 c
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 3, 1966, 550-553
TOPIC TAGS: dye chemical, photoconductivity, EPR, klystron
ABSTRACT: The photoconductivity of 11 organic dyes has been studied at ultra-
high frequencies by means of an electron paramagnetic resonan radi05pectrograph
with a transient resonator, described earlier (E. V. Baranov A.
V, I Ak1movV
DAN$ 1954, 184, 1964). No use was made of magnetic fields; the dye sample In
the form of a 10- -10-3 cm layer was held by a mica disc 5.3 cin in-diameter
and placed in the region of the maximum electric field within the H012-type cy-
lindrical resonator (Q factor with the sample - 10 4). The UHF power generated
by a klystron 9600 Mc, P.- 5 mW) passed through the resonator and was re-
gistered by a bolometer.~ The article presents data about the various samples
ujed, the spectral distribution of photoconductivity at VHF of copper polyphe-
".nylacetylenide, and curves of temperature dependence of photoconductivity at UHF
of a crystalline and amorphous layer of dyes for all 11 dyes used. Ye. K. Put-
seyko, and 1. A. Popova supplied the pigment samples, while A. M. Sladkov supplied
~,the polymer, The authors thank V. Ye. Kholmogorov for discussions during.the work*
iOrig. art. has: 2 figtwes and 1-table. '1JPRS: 38,4171
i Card lZI UDC L_U3_-_2j.5
-LONOV. Lev Pavlovich; GORLYSHKOV., Vladimir Favlovicb; LYUTFALIBMV,
Farkhad Ashrafov1ch;.ZHURAV1ZV, B.I., red. izd-va;
BoDIONOVAt VA$ takhn. red.
be assembled in
[ftral buildings that
few hours]
3ellskAe postrolki, sobirrieVe sa neskollko chasov. Mo-
skva, G6sstroiisdat 1962. 78 p. (MIRA 160)
(Farm buildingai (Buildings, Prefabricated)
IOrOV, Le7 Pavlovish-, GORLY311YT-V, 1 ladimir Favlovich
[Rural struct,.Lres assembled In a few hours; aid for
the rural builder] Sel'skie postroiki, sobIraexqe za
neskollko chasov: -,mosh~lhl sel2skorm stroitellu.
Izd.2., perer, J dop. Moakvap Stroiizdatj 1964. 142 p.
(MIRA 18i1)
Observations on the dormmse in Bet-Pak-Dals. 1xv.Aff Kazakh.SU.
Ser.sool. no-7:124-126 148. (MLBA 9:5)
1. 1011OV, M. 14.
2. USSR (600)
4. Furniture Industry
7. Put out furniture of exceptional quality. Der.i lesokhim prom 1 no2 1952
Monthl Lists of %asian Accessions, Library of Congress, Mar
.2hA 1953, Unclassfied.
~ONOV, N., inzhener.
sy~phon.-Avt. trans 35 no.1:34 Ja 157o (" 10 8 3)
I 4XIMobilem-4paratue and SuPP11691-
9(2) SOV/S!--59-9-16/33
AUTHOR: Ionovq N.A.,,Technician
TITLE: Copper-Graphite Contacts for Contactors
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 9, p 24 (Uq'sp')
ABSTRACT: For simplifying the operation of VT a.c. contactors,
their stationary metal contacts were replaced by cop-
per-graphite brushes having a high copper content.
This replacement resulted in less frequent cleaning of
the contacts, as compared to the all-metal contacts
previously used. Regardless o� the high frequency of
switching operations, the stationary contacts proved
to be stable in mechanical respect. The author sta-
tes that.the quality of such contacts may be impro-
vedg if they were manufactured at electrical equip-
ment plants. There is 1 diagram.
Card 1/1
SUBSTAKOV, R.P., brigadir ekskavatorshchikov; IOMY, N.A., brigadir
I Using excavators in cleaning and deepening reservoirs.
Suggested by I.F.Shestakov, N.A.Ionov. Rats.i izobr.pred3L.v
strol. no.11:87-" 159. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Leningradskoye upravleniye tresta Gidrospetametallurg-
1 11 1$ It u it u IS Is u is it
. A
IWO"" a "Ptive b .ak" Iot" Is 60 lowmfto a#
Yah" muo *0 ft swhws W lam"W"I lumes"s,
IC n
aw J. )AW64.
ys. (
.) go, WAIA. Of
wwove kms aft prudacvd. From tam.
008 Urrinrnis UN 0110 Pmdflv-'a" NeWive4mat camttt%
isive" In a labbs), I;be dwonm *"Ike of Aw baklen see
00 4t slowmmt
004 $31
WidiloWfaledby, .90
--mkuw of 2 H. Rallitrumn age
2 woo'
slaw woe
iAl at #JSAII dw amp III
It Iflow Mgt our oft d
j nilloill
An A 1 11 ow a o IF I ff IN I A 4 3
u a a 10 n a '
0 0
oal .14
F # 1 0 fl 0 U It ld it is is a V a IF a n a
-S-L. It a A
--- IT CLIO a
sea pareft*0 41,64jidwe Ions I& Ike pmeas of nuffico 1-00
00 Ineleam ad &" Mild" on heated tuaptes. N. 1. '400
jonne. compt. raw. acad. $Co. V. ft. s. S. 2S. b12-13 1~
00 (IW(im gmj").-A thamodymunic treatment analo- 1 00
Court to that followed In the deduction .4 Langmuir's
cqAglim Was "plied to ettle. the plubabUity fur a Uloan
1911010 Mpd. from the metal surface as a neg. lon. Tbt -Ole
00 equation found. giving theraticlof the mr.ofiloull.allLaMort,
P. totbeoo.of neg. halogen ionsp- evapic.front th,thralrd
Judactily #/w.- (I +4&,v +2,-l - 9 -74r)
:0 when V is the work function of the surface. I the ionimitli;9
^p 0*0
00 priff"lid of the alkali atom and S the t-leciton airmity of 9
the hall& &torn. KCI, RbC1, X11r, Rlifir and,XI wrrr
0 z 'ti juvwipled by dirrctins mol. twom'.agail"t a h-silted kv
"met, then drawing off the lons with an elec. livid and
counting Irith a Frurariay counter 12 cis). away Will tile
filament. Sepn. of electrons and ions was achieved by a
sea mann"ir field. The neg. current thus produrtil wA., CO 0
(ound to lnceta~c markedly with increased temp. 3( the W
61010M. OF using 4.We. v. foro wW the expd. vallic(or
rath &+/P- the following values lot rkelro" 6ff)nity of
halide Alm- - Obtshwd: 16, C1. S - 3.7t and S.-,K see
e- V - Ovorn KCI end Rho 1; for t4r. S - 3,64
both KDrand XbHr) and 1, 1. S 3~1 I C. V. Mum KI week
81 __ '-_____...-1_-. 09
11wollro : .1 --1 -_ -1 -1 _ -.- " --- 10
Mass $flow At 04. 401 4134JI am a., All
0 J K a it I
it it R a 4
0 0 0
ML4M wwwwwwwo V I_
4 " a 43 is 45~co
04 A -1 1 1 _l_ #
9 depeadence ad the fermstloa of septivel,
T mg
wilime bes as the awfus of N. .3
Phys. tam.. 1.4aingrad State UZ;77 Expa 1.00
**a "77 4=bys. (U.S.S.R.) 17, M-T(IL47) (in Rumisn).--
IU lanouls %/v- - (4AIv) IN-3-Ar relating the ncm.
ow ip- and v of dertrums, "IF, JOBS. and neutral atoms. -00
rvmp.. mmkw at Ift imp. km on isiandewcut fan-
K. tb
kw (A - Rk-hwd-
mu*s i - almmentmry ). the work futirtion
frm The 1 11 of tk prob"Ity W rAiKe ionization
vm sabjected to sWl. tM by vateu cd the dec'
md d the iomic (L) costributioun to the cur.
not latemsity. the sucammewd Y&W iilL being taislatimut a**
tor./P-. The up, al i6mod d- wasoblained In& nape.
true tolm by moveming the dectroms with the aid of the
00.3 .900
mapelic bddW scoil cva" with ik W filament, of dim.
Oew a. king; with 3 coadal Ts cylinders the
0. !l:C%=h (am, a ".. mob 66
m v a the movering smob, and a Mo grid 12 nun. in met
dim. &W 40 man. ka, a" Prowtive rinp A) mm.
laws at m moode-cat pokaw cd 9 v. and a vid pa-
lestW of 10 v., a AM al. 100 Patent redwed On ancale
current J(P-lW times., Owing to the large "tam at" of
the griol. After evermation ~ to 10-6 mum. Jig. an ampul
MW with icillm was cmdod, the temp. was kept at 300
below W. Perfect linearity al p8ms al Jig (i./M) use
meminst i/r. mun r - INO'C to 2=*J(.. under kmhnc
premsm al I X 10' amd 02 X 10-6 uses. Jig. confirused
thavalidityultbalarmumbidwived. Flonstbaslopealthe
straight Jim. S - 3.1 vi N. Than MOM
Item tlvt"3 914m Wool, too
$844 .1v sho, out 43till ONE *.. Lit
0 a W 0 a a 'I N a 'j to a --j-j-NX
0 v It OF a
0 000900 0 0 o 0 m " " : :
0 ! 4, 0 0000000906
S 9 a 11 U ism 1t18 on zln'n' 3XI i~s a a 11 a n 34 a it 9 x 2 a 4
I e ft f f a M I- K L OR W!" d 0
00 A
Sawa dwWOME&S me do PWM it" (A palmakarn
go two" in
owing kalawee an -00
04 (Unisigrad Phys. Teck. last.). J. Rairou. TAMPet. PAY'.
(U.S.S.R~.) to, W101)(190)(14 RuWan). d. C.A. 4z'
00 r 5767h,-71u; MaxwWRian character J the Initial tangy
set distribution of K + km FWW4 from X, KC), and Mir
by t lie
on W between 13W oW NM*K. is efc-straWd
applicability of the ezpantatial relation between the In-
0* .3 tewity .1 dw Ivay current i WA the Stoppino potential dif-I
(creme V between #be vim aM Me colimlor in a cTlin&k-41
i.0-volAt (wbem is - Sat". CH"Ut.
t1twistary charge). valid far clannod electroo end"ion-
Los ilia im a function d Y, the slopes beiall the sanve
for K, XCI, K"r. &W 1tv ek"rons at Ow ~nve temp.. and
TW temp,.
djuditishing wkb rioift temp. of the W vim.
obtained front the slopes we Itigber tb&n thaw detd. by the
Imusatsmum cut tat. At 2011K., G for the pos. iqxw
AW for elects we about equal. tive 4 log ili. (V) lines
me Pradically pwa!kl. N. Th.00
slow *"Any
Oil.) wit 041 off 114M at &OW Act ING
An ftj a a a 1 0 0 j A
'bU It AV 10
00 0 0 g 0 41 0 41 0
10FIFAFfittim I
060CM11 4104o 0-septeltis Miffs
0o A IS don 2 the tarsisdolif of (DukelskTI and E, C. A. 33, 00). Alm-uvr of a direct
he adliket betwesis MWas detti. of V for W hi KIT vapor under the %.ainc conditions !
Ves. N.Jjoolov_ prevents evaluation of an accurate S value fur F; it * 6
ad tbo sixties of locandeseakst h
f Wi
i I .
in o
c cm
(Leningrall Phys. Tech. last.). J. pa. Theoret. Phys. taken - 4.93, from the tbernwe
S - 4
(21) The
0 e
)' d
one finds for F
42 XF va
r (ie
30 IS
37+-W(IM)(in Ru
I- =
has the %ame shape as for'
for WCl
1- (103/71 curv
of the
-(I~ Th
U l
h lee
e %4mc process
neg. long 1mving the W Wsudace and the no. of neutral the alit" metal balides; this indicates t
Atone Ittilkinging thereon) was detd. In it nu%.,s of formation of ties. tons. (3) In ThClo one ol~rves, be- ~90
ph, lailickitin masses between 3 mail MA). oto Inol. swe Cl - iiiie. 4140 a a=. corfri4'anifing 16) The uejr. niol.
f Cl-
at AN-ut
d KF
0 .
,.%4 a
r o
11 of
. R
ith furth
~; _
. and ifecreascs Solurw
unction all The temp. Tot t
W wire. slid
Jjfksrol with :hw 941110
0 the formula &-jr - (I + Vii-Me/An-1 (where v - work temp.; the intensity of Cis-, after paulng thrutigh the 00
06 j tuacdon cl the surface, it - elementary charge -S - Spal., falls very ralifilly with rising temp. The lower
unobtainable fly the ll,Kti cycle owing
ote to the Sdha- lbult of S (at Cl
f the n
0~ 3 c
rim A
y o
Langlituir expreiislon for pas. lotlisation, #,.Ip - 11 + to The unknown energy of dis-Alen. Cl~ CI + CI
i o
201 -0-1hr)
(I - ionization potential of the pas. ion). can be estd. from the ratio (-
00 13
The quotient P. /P- permits cxpt]. delta, of the clectron 2000*K.), on The assumption that, at Olat temp., the W
b covered with a layer of Th thicker than inono-
f th
d t
oo e
orm sur
are p
ty o
f see
I I 4t o
/ 7. The relation is linear at teinfis. Atomic, that Is, that the V involved 1% t
against 10
lot I
00 it above 23410*K.; below that temp.. I - decreaws with 328 e.v , further. that at ZNWK.. where I"h 1-M1-)
tion of
bW1I- 4 forin
d 1 woo
1 o
e ro%# o
) eye ins
"let t
1k t
y (VluvpL
F this 11"IWAS" that W Is falwl 41w1110 11) 04"Mikilim Ut - ad I C rV P411141, Oil ihv~ s"Millptin"s SM1.1
this In isho shown by like hystemW effoctit
s Pun-latrill with thil poslubits that .1
9.7 6,v.
Thii -
for Cl,,h,,,,, be lower than for Cl (3.7) becauw of the ".
to S) Vallu" derived from the expil, I.Inpiri of the recti-
o di
C ,
e energy t
. The
gn o
l +
linear ioti% of the log V(10SIT) graphs coincide sails- assumption of thick coverage of the W surface with Th
2 ,
factoll ryvritb thow obtained from P. /P-; if # Is taken at 20M*, 6 suboantiatnt by an rstu. of the no. of Th
Dr 3.34.
4 54 c fitid- for the irld. cif S: Cl 3.7. Atoms aniving at the surface, 1011-1011/sq. cm./sec.. as
ble error of -0.10 c.v. These values
with a
I .
against the I'S X 10
frow the
atolM%1%q- Cm./sec. evap~
Wen, -1md more reliable thin those found
Zis". Thou
. too
A, I t-
1L . see
ilia., 11"Olfivd
11" 4100111V
We 0
t4A*ss .!Jl 411100 "at QWV alit assillogi 1111131 ~W G.V all l1
A I 1 0
0 to 0 S 0 0 ilif 0 f 0 0
USSR/Chendstry r Ibiii,'Xlectrolytic.- Sep 48
Won of
Chemistry - Alkali Metal Salts,
'Negative Ions of Alkali Metals 1n Gas Discharges Occurring ixt Vapors of Alkali4Woid
Saltop" V, M. 1)ukellskiyp E. Ya. Zandberg, N. I. lonov,, Leningrad Physicotech Inot
imeni P. X. Lebadsvp Acad Set UWA, 2 PP
ND*k Ak Neuk SSSRw Vol LXII, No 3
Introduces reaLlts of preliminary experiments Investigating emposition of ions wh1ch
form in a ymsecme discharge in vapors of the alkali-beloid salts LiCl, Nalt and RIO
EstablisW the existence of negative ions of Li,, Cl, and I and that their concentration
in the discharge was large enough to enable easy discovery and measurement (mass).
Submitted by As3od A. F. laffel, 14 Jul 48
PA 36/4M5
USSR/Physic.0 Ions
Mass-Spectrography Sep 49
"Negative Ions of JUbidium and GeBiumon M. Dukel'skiyp E. Ya. Zandberg,
N. I. Ionav, Laningrad.Paysicotech Inst, Aead Sci USSR, 2pp.
Used a low-pressure discharge in vapors of RbCl and Csfil%as an ion source.
Ions were drawn from discharge in a vacuump accelerated to an energy
of 1,350 ev, and anlyzed with a magnetic mass-speotrograph with a
calculated resolving power of about 100. Ionic currents were measVred
with a vacuum-tubs electrometer having sensitivity of approx 601(r'4
amp per scale division. Discovery of negatic Rb and a ions shows that
atoms of all alkali metals have electron affinity. Submitted by Acad.
A. F. loffe 6 Jul 49.
PA 2/50TIO3
NNW 11'. 1.
USSRI Thysics Discharge Iona, Negative Oct 50
nNegative Ions in a Gaseous Discharge in Vapors of Halide Salts of Alkali and Alkali-
Earth Metals," V. M. Dukellskiy, E. Ya. Zandberg, N. 1. Ionov, Leningrad Ph,,-sicotecffi
Instj Acad Sci USSR.
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI NO 10, pp 877--P,85.
Mass-spectrosc6pic analysis of comyosition of negative ions occurring in gaseous
discharges in vapors of subject saltsi Establishes e.,dstence of M7 Na7 p K- I Rb
Cs- Ions ME: and Ca , in discharges in vapors Of MgC12 and CaCl~are not observed
Molecular negative ions of -tyye Mer' and MeX jare observed in the casiF of alkali halide
.salts, and ionE; of tyTe Mer- , Mer2_ , and MeX3- for CaC12 and MgC12 also are observed
Negative atomic ions of Ag are observed in discharves in vapors of Agl. Submitted
7, -Mar 50
PA 169T93
'USSR/Physics Plaa'ma of Gaseous 1 Aug 52
074easuring the Electrons and Positive Ions in the
'.:Plasm of Gaseous Discharge," N. I. Ionov, Lenin-
grad Phys-Tech'Inst;-,Acaa Sci USSR
"Dok Ak Nauk SWR" V01 85, No 4, pp 753-755
Describes attempts to utilize, for the detn of
plasma parameters, probes sihich consist of 2 elec-
trodes (grids and collector plates), thus ensuring
sep measurement.of the electron current and current
qf posIons arriving at the collector. Finds the
energy distribution of the pos ions In the plasma.
Submitted by Aced P.I.,Lukirskiy 3 Jun 52.
(i '~~UA!16~lftxgnet~ 4e~tb.etet Idth a high
~Sol power.' AL. Ifamyrin,'and V. B
WhIl ~'
OVO&A to5l
~ v.
ur. -
.-A rtmrmaac
napefle mass spectromettr is descr -jeb bm an
&=td current intensityJand.whosot rewlviam power car. bn
wi~44 &wntinulty, J. R;vt
Oetnergy of the etectroaJAIII Of th W
a vzd N. L, lottoi PI, .-t-TOW.
;A_N, uIbIll
Em--4Y. DOW
I atoms was etd. by
a Clectrov
ty o
r, an
the -Saha.La it ri willwa
for the awface ip
; The difficult t Ula is Its
alk.; halide. 378
MIMMU 011FRiRlehardsou) kfuttedon, which c4a be
detd.,ionly Indinctly.' A pibadfli tion ofthat formula that,
does not cotitalu'#, Is-used to calt, the
6 possible cowl;Ww Ions
of the diffeterift, S, ai- A; In dectwo affinity of-2 hal C101-
Thesee 6 diffaftOW(e4pressed In Cv
) Lim; Se
0 03 S Yt ~; 0.27 ~t 0.02, SjLw Sr - 0.03 + 0.02,
sence ofa su
n t
e a
accurately knowji value for any cue halogen atoin. a pro.
visional value of 3.6 Is asumed for Br. Le
Slw' !, 3.6 ev.
and this" combined with-the above difference values. yields;
7 314"n. Sp wZ.1h ev- V. H. Q- -
o N v v,
TITLE "ne ffufff-a-a Ionization of the Molecules of Potassium Chloride and
Cesium Chloride in an Electric Field.
PERIODICAL Zurn.techn.fia,26, faso.10, 2200-2203 (1956)
Issued: 11 / IT56
Some years ago the author carried out comparative measurements of the tempera-
ture dependence of the current of potassium ions produced on the occasion of
the surface ionization of potassium atoms and of molecules of all halide in
tungsten in order to discover the influence exercised by the chemical potassium
ion compounds on surface ionization. The effective pressure in the bundle was
from 10-6 to 10-7 torr. The dependences found are shown in a diagram. It is
interesting to note the absence of a noticeable influence exercised by the
chemical compound of the potassium atoms on the course of the temperature deT
pendence of the flux of positive ions. The slight increase of amperage on the
occasion of the ionization of molecules as compared with the amperages of
potassium atoms in the temperature interval of from 1200 to 18000 K can be
explained by an increase of the output work of tungsten as a result of ab- 0
sorption of the halide in the surface. At temperatures of the wire below 1200
all curves have the same shape. According to S.V.STARODUBCEV a thermal dis-
sociation of a certain part of the impinging salt molecules in alkali and
halide atoms takes place. The surface of the heated tungsten acts catalyti-
cally on the dissociation of the salt molecules. Furthermore, the decrease of
iurn.teelm.fist26, fase.10, 2200-2203 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1580
amperage on the occasion of an increase of temperature beyond 12000 K tends to
show that the salt molecules which are in temperature equilibrium with the aur-
face are rather highly ionized. The modification of evaporation heat "adatoms"
(evaporation on the surface) in the case of a constant number of molecules im-
pinging upon the surface per second shifts the low temperature range of the
ionization curve. In the case of surface ionization the evaporation heat of the
flaaatoms" contains the work performed against the polarization forces. This
work is diminished in an exterior electric field and consequently the temper-
ature threshold of surface ionization must depend on the field strength on the
surface. In order to confirm this assumption tests of surface ionization
mentioned in the above title were carried out. The shape of the electrodes is
described. Test results are shown in a diagram. It was found that the tempera-
ture threshold of surface ionization shifts considerably towards lower anode
temperatures in the case of an increasing potential difference between anode
and grid. In the particlularly thin tungsten band marked ionization emission
was noticed already at .50 C. This shifting of the temperature threshold can be
explained on the basis of the ideas developed by DOBRECOV.
INSTITUTION: Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute of the Academy of Science
in the USSR.
tovol, N I - KAUTAYST, T. 1.
vlass avalyser for the rapid determination of Isotopic coqPumento
of &UM1189 AM &Umll earth ustals. Zav. lab. 23 no.5:6214e4
(KEAL tote)
2, loulacradskly flalko-tekhalobeekly lustitut Akadvall VA* SM.
(Was spectrometry) (Isotopes)
20-1 - U/44
AUTHORS: Bakulina, I.N., Ionov, N.I.
TITLE-. Determination of the Energy of Electronic Affinity of Sulphur
Atoms by Means of the Method of Surface Ionization (Opredele-
niye energii elektronnogo srodstva atomov sery metodom pover-
khnostnoy ionizataii)
PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, 11r 1, PP- 41 - 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The experiments described by the present paper permit a very
reliable determination of the energy of the electronic affini-
ty of sulphur atoms. The authors determined the difference of
the energies between electronic affinity of bromine atoms and
sulphur atoms by studying the surface ionization of the mole-
cules of sodium bromi-Aes (NaBr) and sodium sulphites (Na S).
For this purpose bundles of NaBr-mole cules and Ila2S molecuies
taken from two independent platinum furnaces were directed on-
to a tungsten wire heated up to a temperature T. The posi-
tive and negative ions formed on the wire were analyzed by
means of a magnetic sector mass spectrometer. During ionization
Card 1/2 of NaDr and Na25 ions only Na+ ions are observed in the spec-
trum of the positive ions, and Br ions and S ions in the
20-1 -11/U
Determination of the Energy of Electronic Affinity of Sulphur Atoms by Means
of the Method of Surface Ionization
spectrum of the negative ions. The method used for measurements
is discussed in short. This method does not give absolute values
for the energy of electronic affinity. As a result of their ex-
perimento the authors give the value s 2 = 2,37 eV for the ener-
gy of the electronic affinity of the sulphur atoms. This value
agrees with the value a 2 > 2,2 eV found by ionization of so
molecules by means of an electron collision. A recently under-
taken determination of the energy (by means of the method of
photo ionization of the electrons from negative S ions) re-
sulted in the value a - 2,07 � OtO7 eV. The deviation of this
value from the value iound here may indicate that the energy
of the electronic affinity of the bromine atolms is less than
3,6 eV. There are 1 figure and 5 references, 3 of which are
ASSOCIATIONt Physic o-Teebn1cal Institute AS USSR (Fiziko-tekhnichas%iy in-
stitut Akadenii nauk SSSR)
PRESENTED: April 27, 1957, by A.A. Lebedev, AcadeLiician
SUBMITTE D: April 23, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Con.-ress
Card 2/2
~, 7 volitows, JPjQOvh4jj~-Pjjj%
AVISONSt Vasil. Ore, A.9.,
;. T.snopol-skays, A.A.
(The lith
TIM# Intordeps"mantal Saminsrow Cathode glectroniz
Meeting) (MaShduv*dOm*tv*VAyY Som1nor po, k0tv- 7
alfktroffLks) (12-4 assedalys) I
"diotobho"", I o""tr"alka, "9,9, Vol %, Nr 4.
pp 731 - 732 (USSR)
AMMAM A meeting of the Gemixer took place a. December 1,
at the Institut ro4totokhnikl-i slaktrordki AN 3339
(Institute of Radio-outio.oring and glactropica or the
AG,Sc.U5SM$. During the meeting 8 papers were read.
".a. ft"kinabLLY read a paper entitleds "Kinetics of
the ZIA-ar-ption -at Osysen an the lkwfac, or Tunastan'.
t!nuam and A.M. P.kar.
The second paper. by I.E.
dwelt with "The Admixture lPhoto.dtf*Gt *?-W~--rconduc tore
In the Region OC the 8261ton Light Ab-orptic.-. The
paper by I.L. JMINLtrich "a devoted to "to Problem of
the Secondary Slectron at fine FILM of a
Number of Organic Substances'. The problem of "Surf
Stroag Slostric Field on a Surface
ca~x 10.1.0tion In a
a ftia-hemogenecus Work Function- won onsid.rd by
B.Ts. landbe a svAjjLLL_L9aqv. I M. Sakullas and
fid Ted
a paper *%%at of the
It I r
FO at
and of I
tastmost !no
* moth" t aso 10"
. X.L.t
Atuo by %
Iss"jaLfakly sed A.P. Alsksolondealt with tVa-probles,
at Through a Disle
ftso the Correat, Carriers Are Istrodaced Through D.
Contests by It"" of Slestrom Sambardments. The lecture
jazishow a" a IL the following
by D.A. '20"m ad
-no fte-imuty or the ... r the Total-om.rzy
DistrAbOtiom or 914strolig In a Oftest-apbarleal Condensers.
X& also, $.A,
I _EEWAbbev and A.A.Shys som
The work by N.kL
dealt with 'Am Lars-evigatiam at the asoondary olootroft
solostan &" the sharacterietto energy losses or a ausbor
at dialottrios (Close. nice. tluoftto and alkalt-bolold
card k/S
Agishev, Ye. I.j_Ion SOV/57-58-8-27/37
Mass Spectrometer With a Pulsed Ion Source (Mass-spektroskop
s impul0anym istachnikom ionov)
Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 19589&Nr 8, pp, 1775 1788
Since the present work is a continuation oflthat.reported in
reference I problems bearing upon the resolution and
tensity of the mass spectrograph ate approached in this paper6
Further experiments carried out with test mass speotrographs
in the laboratory are described. These experiments furnished date for industrial equipment similar to the series
of test apparatus. The evidence advanoed provides the following
information of the particular features of the pulsed mass
spectrograph; 1) The resolution of the spectrograph can-be
raised to values as high as several hundreds. The resolution
'is basically limited by difficulties arising in the design of
an amplifier with a sufficient amplification factor and a band
width of the order of 100 "mc . 2) The intensity of this appa-
ratus operating4ith an ion-focusing source is higher than that
-Mass Spectrometer With a Pulsed Ion Source
of magnetic mass speotrographs with the same resolution. This
is due to the fact that practically no limitations are imposed
on the diameter of the aperture of the ion source in mass
spectroscopes. 3) On account of the direction and velocity
focusing it is possible io analyze the ions being formed in
the ionization chamber. Thus the intensity of light is in-
creased and it is possible to investigate ionization processes
with a small probability (for example the photoionization of
gases).4) When the accelerating potentials U, are small the
resolution is determined from the initial energy distribution
of the ions. Hence, the mass spectroscope can be used in the
measurement of the width of the mass-peaks of the source
energies of split-off ions. A knowledge of the initial energies
is highly important in the investigation of the binding energies
of atoms in molecules, 5) The oscillograph permits to localize
simultaneously the whole mass spectrum of the gas under in-
vestigation corresponding to one definite moment of ionization.
6) The modifications of the gas composition in the ionization
chamber in principle can be located by the pulse sequence of
Card 2/3 the ionizing pulses of the electron current which in the de-
Mass Spectrometer With a Pulsed Ion Source
scribed equipment is 10-4seo. This particular feature of the
device is of importance in the study of the time course of
various processes. The Scientific Superior Collaborators Be
Ya. Zandberg and B. A. Mamyrin assisted in the construction
of the test mass spectroscopes* There are 8 figures and 5
references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy.fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad
Physical and Technical InatituteAS USSR)
SUBMITTED: July 10, 1957
Card 3/3
Surface Ionization of lithium io 09 on the polycryxtalllao tumpton
In electric fields up to 1.1 x 10 velts on. Zhur, tokh. fix, 28
no.ll-.2444-2454 1 158. (MIRA 12: 1)
(Lithium chloride) (Ionization)
5(4j% SOV/76-33-9-28/37
AUTHOfiSs Bakulinai I.'N.~ lonov.
TITLED, Determination ofthe Electron Affinity of Halogen- and Sul-
phur Atoms as Well as of the CN-Radical by the Method of
Surface Ionization
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal'fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 9,
pp 2o63 2072 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; Due to the lack of,reliable methods of determination, an
accurate theoretical calculation of the electron affinity
(s) has hitherto been made only for hydrogen, while for all
other elements various methods of extrapolation were employed.
Direct-experimental methods of determining (s) probably are
the most reliable ones. One of the first of its kind is the
method of surface ionization (SI) which may be used for the
determination of (s) of most atoms in which (s) is a positive
value. However this method has also some disadvantages which
are to be taken into account. Some values are given which
were obtained for the s(X) (Refs 2,3) by various direct experi-
mental methods (Table 1). In the present case, the (Sl)-method
Card. 1/3 of two
was used for a determination of the difference s
Determidation of the Electron Affinity of Halogen- SOV/76-33-9-28/37
and Sulphur Atoms as Well as of the CN-Radical by the Method of Surface Ioni-
negative ions with the application of equations which avoided
the above disadvantages and yielded more accurate results. The.
ionic current1wasImeasured on a mass spectrograph (Fig 1) and an
EMU-3 electrometer. The values of al - 82 for all halogens
(Table 2) are independ 'ent on temperature of the tungsten file-
ment of the ionic source within the temperature range under
investigation (1750 '-22300K). The value of (a) for fluorine is
smaller than that1for chlorine, i.e. contrary to expectation,
there is no uniform increase in the (s) of the halogens with a
decrease of the atomic number. Determination' of (a) for the
sulphur.atom, which was equally made by measuring the negative
ionic current, yielded a value of 1.23,t 0.05 ev -with the ob- -
servation of - independence 'on Lhe temperature of the tungsten
~.filament (Table,4). Further, the authors determined the ~s~ of
the CN and examined the applicability of the method of a -
determination for radicals. Finally, preliminary qualitative
experiments were made to investigate the (SI) of Se and Te on
Card 2/3 tungsten, as well as of Sb and As on thorium-oxide cathodes
(TOC) (with a molybdenum core). In this connection, the authors
Determination of the Electron Affinity of Halogen- SOV/76-33-9-28/37
and Sulphur Atoms as Well as of.the CN-Radical by the Method of Surface'
investigated the self-emission of the negative ions of (TOO)
and found that the (S1) on (TOO) may be employed for the
preparation of eff-eotive sources of negative ions of electro-
negative elements. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and 22
references,~,8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONj Akademiya nauk 56SR Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Leningrad
(Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, Phys?oal-teohnical
SUBMITTEDs 'March lo, 1958
Card 3/3
Card 1/4
Bakulina, I. ff., Ionov, N. I.
Determination of the Ionization Potential of Uranium Atoms by
the Method of Surface Ionization (Opredeleniye potentsiala
ionizatsii atomov urana. metodom poverkhnostnoy ionizatsii)
Zhurnal eksp6rimentalt'hoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 369 Nr 4, PP 1001-1005 (USSR)
In the present paper the authors describe a method of de-
termining the ionization potential differences of two arbitrary
elements which were ionized simultaneously on a heated metal-
lic surface (tungsten or tantalum). The authors had already
employed this method (Ref 1). In the introduction, the theoreti-
cal bases of the method are discussed, and for the ion current
the formula I = ErLe exp [(q~ + I(I-E-1 - V) E/kTj is given.
(& = electron charge, n = number of atoms impinging per second
on the surface, T - surface temperature, P = a function weakly
dependent on T, into which there also enters the statistical
sum of ion and atom). In the-following chapter the measuring
method is discussed; Figure I is a systematic representation
Detprmination of the Ionization Potential of Uranium Atoms by the Method of
Surface Ionization
of the experimental arrangement. The substances, on which
surface ionization was investigated, were mounted on tungsten-
or tantalum filaments and served as ion sources of the mass
spectrometer. No pure'metAls, but the salts NaCl, LiCl, LiF,
Ucl and were investigated. Measurements were carried out
41 . UF4
according to two methods: either the ion current of F in
LiF-UF 4 and 01- respectively in NaCl-LiCl or LiCl-UC1 4 were
measured, or only the dependence of the positive ion current
on T, and the diagram lg(I 1/12) = f('/T) was made. Filament
temperature in all cases was 22500K for tantalum and 26500K
for tungsten base. The apparatus and the method had been checked
by means of AV-m6asurement of sodium- and lithium atoms, the
ionization potential of which is well known. Measuring results
are given in form,of diagrams. Figure 2 shows
lg(I T/12250) = f(I/T) for the ionization of Li and Na on
tantalum (straight line in the interval 1700 - 23750K). An
Card 2/4 arithmetic mean of 85 measurements resulted in V Li- VNa
Determination of the Ionization Potential of Uranium Atoms by the-Method of
Surface Ionization
0.25 + 0.02 v according to the first method; according to the
secon! (Pig 3) averaging within the same temperature range
(diagram 1g(I 1/,2) '. f(l/T)) with respect to 10 series of
measurements resulted in: V - Y' = 0.26 + 0-05 v. Figure 4
Li Na
shows lg(I T/1265O) 'f(I/T) for ionization of LiF an Id UP4
in tungsten'in the temperature-interval of 2100 - 28000K, and
figure 5 shows lg(I Li/IU) - f('/T)l.from the slope of the
curve(straight.line) the difference VU - VLi may be determined,~
as 0o68 + 0,08 v Thus, VU - 5,40 + 0.'68. 6.08 + 0.08 v
results fbr the ionization.potential of uranium atoms. The
accuracy of temperatilre measurementby means of an optical
pyrometer amountdd to 2 t 3%. There are 5 figures and
4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy-institut kkademii nauk SSSR
Card 3/4 01eningrad Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences)
Card 1/3
Zandbergq Be Yaot Ionov) No I.
Surface Ionization (Poverkhnostnaya ionizatsiya)
Uspekbi fizicheakikh nauk,.1959, Vol 67, Nr 4, PP 581-623 CUSSR)
The authors give a survey of the phenomena of surface ioniZAL-
tion taking special account of the theory. The following
subjects are'dealt with by the individual parts: I..Surface
ionization with formation of positive ions in general represen-
tation; 1) emission formulas for a homogeneous surface with-
out electric field, 2) emission formulas for a homogeneous
surface with electric fieldo 3) surface ionization of atoms
on semiconductorep 4) emission formulas for an inhomogeneous
surface, 5) thresholds in the temperature-dependence of the
surface ionization current. In part II the results obtained
by a number of experimental works on positive surface ioniza-
tion are compiled. Individual chapters deal with the following.
subjects: 61 The methods of investigating positive surface
ionization- 7) The positive surface ionization of Cs-t Rb-,,
and K-atoms on tungsten in weak electric fields. 8) The positive
surface ionization of Na- and Li-atoms on tungsten in weak
fields. 9) The positive surface ionization of alkali-halide
Surface Ionization
salts on tungsten weak fields. 10) The positive surface ioniza-
tion of alkali metal atoms and molecules of alkali-halide
salts on platinum in weak fields. 11) The surface ionization
of other elements and other compounds in weak fields (on
tungsten). 12) The investigation of the energy distribution
of pos1tive ions (Fi 11). 13~ The positive surface ionization
in electric fields 110 14) The determination of the
isothermal evaporation heats of ions and atoms on the surface.
15) Measurement of the ionization coefficient of K- and W-atoms.
In part IIrof the paper the surface ionization with formation
of negative ions is discussed in short. Individual chapters
deal with the following: 16) The negative surface ionization
on homogeneous surfaces. 17) Negative surface ionization on
spotted surfaces. 18) Discussion of investigation methods.
19) Measurement of the temperature dependence of the negative
ion current (Figs 21-23). 20) Determination of the energy of
affinity to the electron b the method of negative surface
ionization (Tables 1 and 2~. - The paper gives a detailed
description of the problems? methods, and results connected
with the phenomena of surface ionization. The material was
obtained solely from published works. The paper is of great
value for scientists dealing with these problems on account
Card 2/3 of its clearneseq its wealth of material, and its comprehensive
Surface Ionization SOV/53-67-4-2/7
account of publications. There are 23 figures, 2 tablest and
113 references, 66 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/3
GAPANOV, Viktor Ivanovichl 190Y. N-1----profo# retsenzent; KILMIM, R.A.,
prof.o retsenzent; TSAMI, BAo prof., retsenzent; MUGINSKIT,
V.B., red.; XURAMOVI,' lt*Ta.o tokkmred,
[Illectronical Ilektronikso Kooky Goe.izd-vo fiziko-mtem.
lit-ry. Pt.L. [Physica'l prinaipl:~:i Yizlaheskie oenovy. 1960.
516 p. (KIRA 14t3)
24;6700,~4.,~ooo 77315
AUTHORS: Belyakov, Yu. I., Ionov, N. I.
TITLE: Investigations of**'1ydro_g_ein`an Deuterium Desorption
From Palladium by Means of a Pulse Mass Spectroscope
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal tekbnicheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 2,
pp..W-222 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: i'a'ofgeperal interest to compare the composition of
d.i~.sq~biedgapes with 'the composition of the initial
mat.erlal, Jn the case of the system hydrogen-palladium
66~' i~ith6rs tried to answer the question about the
&a~~il#y of creating H radicals and positive and
ne, .*~e,#ns, together with initial H2 molecules.-
There exist conflicting reports on this subject in the
Scientific literature and the authors used, therefore,
a time-of-flight (pulse) mass spectrometer to investi-
gate the-desorbed particles after permeation of hydrogen
through palladium. They also analyzed the equimolecular
Card 1/6- mixture of hydrogen and deuterium crossing the heated
Investigations of Hydrogen and Deuterium 77315
Desorption From Palladium by Means of a SOV/57-30-2-12/18
Pulse Mass Spectroscope
Card 2/6
palladium membrane. The mass(spectroscope was described
earlier by Agishev and Ionov ZhTF, XXVI, 203, 1956,
ZhTF, MIII, 1775, 1958). The source shown on Fig. 1
contained a rectangular window on the electrode 1,
covered by a 24 x 21 nim2 palladium membrane 0.12 mm
thick. Electrodes 2 and 3 were 22 mm in diameter
and consisted of transparent grids. Tube C was connected
through a covar junction 0 to the glass tube. The mem-
brane could be heated up to 7500 C by means of the
heater H, and a platinum-platinorhodium thermocouple,
T, supplied the temperature. Tube M was a bypass for
the hydrogen gas. An electron beam was formed from the
cathode K by means of electrodes Z and A, and ended on
the collector C. An oil diffusion pump TsVL-100 with
a vapor trap reduced the pressure to 1 . 10-7 mm Hg.
The authors first worked without an electron beam and
observed significant Ion currents of X+ and Na+, and
also considerable peaks of Rb+ and Cs+. These elements
are always present in small quantities in palladiLun.
Investigations of Hydrogen and Deuterium 77315
Desorption From Palladium by Means of a' SOV/57-30-2-12/i8
Pulse Mass Spectroscope
Card 3/6
Fig. 1.
No new lons,were found when hydrogen was passing through
the membrane at temperatures between 80 and 750 C. The
sensitivity of the spectrometer woul a the detec-
tion of currents of the order of-10-12 110W2
a/cm of the Pa
membrane-., The authors did not observe any negative
peaks wIhatsoever. After switching on the electron beam
the ratio of the -'- was 0.01 which can be due to the
background of H radicals in the spectrometer chamber
Investigations of Hydrogen and Deauterium
Desbrption From Palladium by Means of a
Pulse blass Spectroscope
Card 4/6
rather than to an effect of desorption. The authors
finally investigated an equimolecular hydrogen-deuterium
mixture. They first sent the mixture via the tube M and-
observed in addition to the H2 and D2 peaks not more than
1o% of HD molecules. However, when the mixture was sent
through the membrane, the ratio of.the H2+' HD +, and D2+
at 800 C would start with 4.0t3-511 values. +With thT
increase of temperature the ratio between H2 and D2
becomes nearly unity, showing that the isotopic differ-
ence of permeation decreases with the increase in
temperatirre. The.high HD+ content can be explained in
the following mannert The system of metal plus 2H and
metal plus H potential curves have different shapes,
as shown on Fig. 3 by curves 1 and 2, respectively.
If the minimum of curve 1 is below the minimum of curve
2; the hydrogen is adsorbed in the form of atoms and
desorbed in molecular form. In that case the heat of
Investigations of Hydrogen and Deuterium
Disorption From Palladium by Means of a
Pulse Mass Spectroscope
Investigations of Hydrogen and Deuterium 77315
Disorption From Palladium by Means of a SOV/57-30-2-12/18
Pulse Mass Spectroscope
desorption of hydrogen in the form of H2molecules is
smaller than the heat of desorption of two atoms of
hydrogen by the'quantity D(H,) = 4.5 ev. The experimental
results show then, that all he hydrogen and deuterium,
after crossing the diaphragm, first create on the outgo-
ing surface a chemosorbed layer of adatoms H and D. From
this layer, H and D desorb in the fo.-m of molecules of
H2, HD'and D2 through a combination of H and D adatoms,
according to the laws of probability] E. I. Agishev
helped during the work. There are 3 figures; and 12
references, 5 Soviet, 2 French, 1 Japanese, 2 German,
1 U.K., 1 U.S. The U.K. and U.S. references aret C. H.
Bachman, P. A. Silberg, J. Appl. Phy%Y 29, Nr 8 (1958);
R. G. Stensfield, Proc. Cambr. Phil. oc., 34, 120 (1938).
ASSOCIATIONt Physico-Technical Institute AS USSR, Leningrad (Fiziko-
tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDt August 14, 1959 Card 6/6
AUTHORt Ionov, 1. 1.
TITLEt The Mechanism of the Conductivit~of Electrode Spacings in
the Vacuum Before Breakdown
PERIODICLILs Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fizik19 19609 Vol. 30, No. 59
pp. 501 - 567
TFIXTs It is first pointed out that although numerous papers (Refs. 1-5)
deal with the insulating properties of vacuum spacings, the theory of the
detachment of particles is nevertheless-not able to explain all experi-
mental faotag whereas the assumptions which serve as a basis are not in
keeping with the conceptions of cathode electronics. The difficulties
arising in this connection are pointed out, and the conclusion is finally
arrived at that hitherto no uniform theory on the conductivity of vacuum
spacings exists, that might at least qualitatively explain all well-known
facts found to occur in experiments. In the present paper several
additional considerations concerning the mechanism of vacuum-spacing con-
ductivity are given. These considerations are based on the special part
Card 1/2 XB
The Mechanism of the Conductivity of Electrode 5/05Y60/030/05/13/014
Spacings in the Vacuum Before Breakdown B012 3056
layed by ion-emissionAn the generation of conductivity in real spacings
Ref. 6). Here$ only The conductivity between real.olootrodes under real
vacuum conditions is investigated. The hypothesis is set up that the
conductivity of the spacing can be produced only by an emission of
negati-r* ions from the cathode and of positive ions from the anode in an
electric field. This initial emission is then intensified by the secondary
ion-induced ion emission and ion-induced electron emission on the
electrodes. The conditions for a stability of the conduction* current and
for-the developaent of the ion-avalanche are given. On the basis of the
hypothesis givenp all main facts established in the experiments with
respect to the conductivity of electrode spacings in the vacuum before
breakdown are explained. V. N. Glazanov and 1. N. Slivkov as well as the
Schottky effect are mentioned in this paper. There are 14 referencess
11 Soviet and 3 English.
ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheekiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute
of Physics and Technology of the AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTIDs August 10, 1959
Card 2/2
V1 7,V B013/BO63
.U. /boo
AUTHOR: Ionovs N* I.
TITLE: Theory of Vacuum Thermogouples
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal, tekhnioheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 30, No. lot
pp. 1210 1214
TEXT: The theory of vacuum thermocouples with plane electrodealwas
established by A. 1. Ansellm (Ref.1) and L. N. Dobretsov (Ref.2) who as-
sumed that the space charge is fully compensated. The author gives a
more general and simpler solution to this problem. Fig. 1 shows the
Scheme of a plane diode whose electrodes are connected to the outer
resistor r. The author assumes that the work function ?, is larger than
the work function T2' and that the electrode temperature T 1 is higher
than the electrode temperature T 2- The current i, which is equal to the
difference between the thermal electron currents 1 1 - 129 flows through
Card 1/3
Theory of Vacuum Thermocouples S/05 60/030/010/010/019
B01 3YBo63
the diode chain and a potential difference V - ir occurs simultaneously
at the external resisto,r. The potential distribution in the diode chain,
is schematically represented in Fig.2. The volt-ampere characteri ties
of the currents i end i are plotted in Fig-3. Fig-4 shows the d:pen-
dence of 6 (in volts) on T for different values of T and It is
1 2 VM.
concluded from the formulas derived that the quantities % (output) and
(optimum efficiency) are practically independent of the quantity
m T2
within the limits of their possible values. These limits may, however?
be shifted by changing the quantity T 2' The formulas derived by the au-
thor hold for electrodes having uniform work functions. The work func-
tions on the surfaces of real electrodes are not uniform. Roughly speak-
ing, it may be assumed that the surface of the electrode consists of
various spots~ the work function having different values of yi, which
arey however, constant within each of the spots. Nextq the question as
to whether the formulas derived may also be applied to "heat converters"
Card 2/3
Theory of Vacuum Thermocouples 5/057/60/030/010/010/019
with spotty electrodes in considered for two limiting cases. As con-
verters of heat into electric energy, such diodes will be of practical
value, whose current density will amount to amperes and dozenB of am-
peres per am . This is, however, only possible if the electron space
charge is fully compensated by positive ions (e.g.9 cesium). Full com-
pensation of the electron space charge by surface ionization alone is
possible only in an electric field with zero strength. The author
thanks Professor L. N. Dobreteov for valuable discussions. There are
4 figures and 2 Soviet references:
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad
(Institute of Physics and Technology AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED: May 13, 1960
Card 3/3
Ionov, N. I., Mittsev# M. A.
Determination of the First Ionization PotentialAf
Neodymium and Praseodymium Xt-omsby the Method ~&f Surface
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 196o,
Vol- 38, No. 4, PP. 1350 - 1351
TEXT: In the present "Letter to the Editor", the authors give a report
on the determination of ionization potentials by the method of surface
ionization, which is described in detail in Ref. 2. Indium. was used as
a reference element, for which the potential V - 5.79 ev had been
spectroscopically determined. The potentials were determined by way of
a.determination of the temperature dependence of the ion current ratio
J,/j from the formula log(j - log(n,Al A -V 2)/T,
2 I/J2) /n2 2) + 5040(V1
where A = Q,+/Q0 is the ratio of the statistical sums of state of the
poaitive ion Q+ and of the atom Q 0. From the diagrams log(jl/j,)- f('/T)p
Card 1/2
Determination of the First Ionization S/056/60/038/004/045/048
Potentials of Neodymium and Fraseodymium B006[BO56
Atoma by the Method of Surface Ionization
it is thus possible to determine the difference V I - V2 for the pairs
Pr - In and Nd - In. From seven independent coefficient determinations
from, the diagrams (cf. Fig. 2)t (0.22+0.01) and (0.19;L0.02) ev were ob- ex-
tained for the two pairs. The final values for the first ionization
potentials are VPr = (5-48 + 0.01) ev and VNd = (5-51 + 0.02) ev. There
are 2 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet and I British.
ASSOCIATION; Leningradakiy Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii
nauk SSSR (Leni grad Institute of Fh sics and Technolozy
of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
Card 2/2
February 21 1960
11,9,9) N
AUTHORSt Belyakovq Yu. I. and Ionov, N. Is
TITLEt Penetration of hydrogen and deuterium through a nickel.mem-
brane in the temperature range from 250-600 C
PERIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, V. 31, no. 2, 1961, 204-210
TEM The authors describe experimexits of studying the penetration of H 2
and D2 through a flat nickel membrane at a temperature range of 250-600 00
by using a pulsed mass spectroscope (Ref. 7). On the basis of these ex-
perimentov the authors determined empirical rules governing diffusion,
permeability,-and~solubility of H 2 and D2 in nickel below and above the
point of magnetic conversion. In the given temperature range nickel haev in
the case of high permeability, very stable diffusion properties, and no ;
structural defects are formed on protracted penetration of H through the
membrane (Refs. 8, 9). These properties of nickel are imporiant when
determining possible small isotopic effects. The scheme of the experimental
Card I/V
S/05 61/031/002/008/015
Penetration of hydrogen B1 24
device is shown in Fig. 1; it consists of three main partst 1) pulsed'maas
spectroscope IMS~ 2) diffusion cell B, and 3) supply system-of the gas into
cell B and IMS for calibrating the latter with respect to the gas flow. L
is the Pd supply pipeg K a stopcock, IMS and the supply system were eva-
cuated by means of two independent vapor - oil pressure pumps M-100
(TsVL-100), i.e., in the former to a residual pressure of about
-7 6
5-10 mm Hg and in the latter-to some 10- mm Hg. With a resolution of 60
the sensitivity of IMS to H 2 and D 2 with respect to the vertical displace-
ment of the oscilloscope beam of I mm is equal to 1-84-10-7 and 2.92-10-7
mm.1/sec, respectively. The diffusion cell B is schematically shown in 2
Fig. 2. The cup-shaped nickel membrane M with flat bottom area,A - 2-550m,
thickness d - 0.395 mm) was welded to the thick-walled steel cylinder C
(wall thickness 10 mm) by means of copper. The cylinder C was hermetically
connected with the flange F. The membrane was heated to 650-7000C by an
external furnace P, the temperature was measured by a Pt-PtRh thermocouple
with an accuracy of � 50. The time dependence of the height of thi peaks
of H+ or D+ ions was measured for three different temperatures T (Fig. 3).
2 2
Card 2/6
Penetration of hydrogen B124/B202
The area P - 1(t)dt bounded by curve 1(t) and the axis of time is
proportional to the total amount of gas which has passed through the mem-
brane during the time t- Fig- 4 shows the diagram F(t) for three different
membrane temperatures. Fig. 5 shows the dependence of the quantities D~2)
and P(l) (D diffusion coefficientv P -_ specific permeability) on 1 T.
The calculated values of E D (activation energy of diffusion), Ep (activa-
tior energy of permeability), P 0 and D0 (which are oonetantn under the
given conditions), So (solubility of the isotopes in nickel), and E
(dissolution temperature) are given in the table. These data indicate that
1) Sofl: -5oD 9 2) EDH- EDDi 3) E p and E. of deuterium in nickel are by,
800-900 cal./g-at. higher than in the light isotope, and 4) D 0 tP0 in both
hydrogen isotopes is equal to Y_2_'. The penetration of hydrogen into the nidol
lattice can be divided into several stages as is illustrated by the energy
Card "34
Penetration of hydrogen B124/B202
diagrexi shown in Fig. 6. An abrupt change of the diffusion properties of,
the system H Ni is observed at the Curie point. The isotope effects ob-
served are explained by the different dissociation energies of the molecules
B2 and D2 and the different oharacteristic oscillation frequencies. There
are 6 figures, I table, and 13 referencess 4 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-
ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN 83SR
Leningrad (Institute of Physical Technology im. A. F, Ioffe
AS USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDt June 30, 1960
Card t/4
AUTHORSt Ionovq N.I.0 Mittsev, M*A*
TITLE: Determination of the first ionization potentials of atoms
by the method of surface ionization
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikip
v, 40, no- 31 19619 741 - 742
TEXTs The authors present the results of surface ionization of Irp Thp Ce
atoms and ThOl 4 molsoule on polyorystalline tungsten. It is demon-
strated that the temperature dependence of the ion currents is in line with
the formula for the surface ionization on complex surfaces.. The ionization
potentials of Er, Tbq Ce and Th atoms were obtained by comparing t)
functions with the time dependence of the current of positive In ions. At
sufficiently high temperatures the functions shown in Fig. 1 are well ap-
proximated by straight lines, The standard element In has the ionization
potential Vin a 5-79 ev. Also the functions represented in Fig. 2 can be
Card '1-/4- _~,
Determination of the first ... B111/B202
approximated by straight lines. The differences of the ionization poten
tials of In and Erp Tbj Ce, Th can be determined from their inclination;
thefollowing values are obtaineds VEr 0 6.08 + 0.03 ev,
VTb - 508 + 0*02 evp V Ce " 5.60 + 0,05 ev, V Th ' 6-95 t 0.06 ev. In all
oalculation;t the lowest excited states of the atoms and positive ions of
In were taken into account. With Erg Tbq Ce and Th atoms and ions the ex-
citation states were not considered since the position of the energy le-
vels of these elements is unknown. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc
ASSOCILTIONt Leningradakiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk
SSSR (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of
the Academy of Sciences SSSR)
SUBMITTEDs October 3w 1960
E.Ya,; IOTIOV '!.I.
Phission of positive molecular ions from hcatcd curfacas in
vacuu.n. Dokl. All 33311 .141 no.1:13c,1-241 11 161.
1. riziko-tekhnicheakiy instit~t,in. A.F.IL-ffe AN SL'JS',".
Prodstavleno akademikom B.P. KonstantlAovym.*',+
AUTHORS: Ionov, N.I., and Karatayev, V.I.
TITLE: A ,i..ble magnetic mass spectrometer for the analysis
of small impurities
PSRIODICAL: 11'ribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no-3, 1962, 119-122
TEXT: One of the most important aims of analytical mass-
spectrometry is the development of methods for the quantitative
analysis of very pure materials, capab e of determining the
presence of small impurities CLU --3-U k0' ). This means that the
appropriate mass spectrometer must be ab e to handle mass lines
differing in intensity by A factor of 10~-1010.. The present
authorij describe a two-stage mass spectrometer which is capable
of ach:Leving this. It uses a uniform magnetic field and the
average ion trajectories take the form of semicircufar arcs with
radii r1 (first stage) and r2 (second stage), as shown in Fig.3,
The spectrometer chamber is in the form of a brass cylinder
20 cm in diameter, 4 em'long. The chamber is divided into two
parts by means of a partition with slits LL41, ILL2, LU 3 and
UA 6. Tons leaving the source through LL~ I pass through U-A2',
C~rd I/IF;Z
A double magnetic mass spectrometer... E032/E114
reaching the collector Kl. Alternately they can pass through
W3 and LU4 into the.second stage of the device and then through
U~ and L46 on to the second collector K2. The motion in the
second stage takes place in the stainless steel container -D
which is insulated.from the main chamber. A potential difference
is applied between the two chambers so as to reduce the ion
velocity between LL~3 and LLI~ 4. Ion currents to Kl and K2 are
measured by independent electrometers )MV-3'(EMU-3)-' The
residual gas pressure was of the order of lo-7 min HS. Fig.4
shows a spectrum obtained with the first stage only, and Fig-5
the same spectrum as recorded by K2- It is noted that comparable
results were obtained by P.A. White and T.L. Collins (Appl.
Spectroscopy,, 8, 19541 169) with a very much more complicated
apparatus. There are 5 -figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR
(Physicotechnical Institute, AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 30, 1961)
Card 2~O Z
~9,j 1.9 B173/BIO2
AUTHORS: Zandberg, E. Ya., Ionov, N. I., Paleyev, V. I., and
Tontegode, A. Ya.
TITLE: Determination of thermionic emission constants from energy
distribution curves for thermoelectrons and positive ions
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnichaskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 4, 1962# 503 516
TEXT: For plane and coaxially cylindrical electrodes with homogeneous
work function, expressions ("ideal" retardation curves) for the emission
current are derived on the assumption of Maxwellian energy distribution,
and extended to electrodes with inhomogeneous work function (experimental,
retardation curves). As the areas of different work function (spots)
cannot be localized,,only a qualitative consideration is possible. The con-
tact potential field of tha spots is regarded first as being oompensated
by the external field (independent emission of individual spots) and then.
as not being compensated. The mean work function of the cathode was deter-
mined from the saturation current at given temperature. An apparent con-,
tact potential difference, which can be determined from the experimental
Card Gi/ Y
Determination of thermionic... B173/B102
curves and is related to the mean work functions of the electrodes in the
same manner as the contact potential difference between homogeneous
olectrodes is to their work functionsi is assumed for the arrangement of
electrodes with inhomogeneotmemission. The electron gas temperature for
the experimental case of inhomogeneous electrodes is determined in the same
way as for the ideal case of homogeneous electrodes. The retardation
curves of the positive ion current caused by surface ionization at the
cathode are considered analogously. The case of a compensated contact
potential field was experimentally investigated in a vacuum tube with co-
axially arranged triodes (polycrystalline tungsten cathode) and with a con-
tainer for metallic Ca. Retardation curves for thermoelectrons (T>20000K)
and positive Go ions (T - 12000K) were plotted, and the mean work functions,
tile apparent contact potential difference, and the mean temperatures deter-
mined. The compensation of the electron space charge by positive Cs ions
was examined in the same tube, used as a diode system. There are 9 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. P. loffe AN SSSR,Lenin-
grad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR,
SUBTAITTED3 May 11, 1961
Card 2/2
.AUTHORS: Ionov, N. I., and Karatayev, V. I.
TITLE: The distribution of initial velocities of thermoelectrone and
of K+ and Cl- ions produced by the surface ionization of K01
molecules an tungsten and tantalum
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikip v. 32, no. 5, 1962, 626 - 631
TEXT: An experimental arrangement (Fig. 1) is described which enables
determination of the distribution of the normal and tangential compon nts.
of the initial velocities of thermoelectrons and positive and negativ: ions'e-,
The normal components of the initial velocities of K+.-ions and thermo-
electrons produced by ionization on W and Ta have Maxwellian distribution
up to relatively high V potentials (-2.5 v). The distribution was
measure& at the temperature of the emitter. Deviations from Maxwellian.
distribution at low V values are ex
plained by the nonuniformity of the work.
functions of emitter and collector. The tangential components of the
initial velocities of thermoeleatrons and K+ ions from a spot emitter
d I
The distribution of initial velocities... B104/B102
possess Maxwellian distribution only when the contact field is neutralized
by an external accelerating field. This is the experimental pro6f of the
existence of a temperature equilibrium on surface ionization of KC1 molecule
on W and Ta and,of the fact that the accomodation coefficient of the
quals one. The tangential components of the initial velocitie
molecule e of
ions on the ionization of K01 on W have Maxwellian distribution. Th
volume ionization of KC1 molecules by thermoelsotrQns is small. ThereAre
5 figures.
ASSOCIATIOM Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR
Leningrad (Phyoiootechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS
USSR, Leningrad)
SUBMITTED: July 3, 1961
Fig. 1. Diagram of the experimental
Legend: (0) emitter;'(3,) and (3 ) accelerating electrodes; (n) Kol quartz
vaporizer; (0) plate capacitor; (A) grid analyzer; (K)-cathode; (V
3JI) to.,
potential between the middle grid of the analyzer and the emitter;
the photomultiplier.
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