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-BOGZA, KiMi. prof. (Cimpina); POPESCUO,; ALBESCUII, (Fagaras); TCKEKU-- -TjE,C.; STANCU, I.M., student (Bucuresti); DOBRESCU,C., prof. (Calarasi); GIMORGHE, G,M, lu-~ercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 14 no,11:685-687 N163. FILIPOW Alexandru (Duzau); CAPITMI, Gh., prof, (Anirn) ; URSUT.FSCU, Octavian ~Bucurclstl); BUCUR, Ioan, prof. (,Sib,,IL*); PARLAT'k-14, St.--fan (Galatl); ZOLTAN, Dameny (Alud); COMM, C. Aurehnr.); thlu 1,, (Mierei, Buzan); MIRZAN, D., prof. (Vilcea); GOREA, Aristtd~ (Plo~eqtl)', IONESCU-TIU. C. Exercises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 16 no.4-.171-179 Ap 165. 10ITESCU-TUI, C-, IOI&ZCU-TUIO C. Geometric consideration of some algebraic relations. P. 372 GAZETA MATIMATICA SI FIZICA. SERLI A. Bucuresti, Rumania Vol* 7, No. 7, July 1955 SOLIRCE: East L'uropean Accessions List (EEAQ IL Vol. 5. No. 6, June 1956 IONESCU-NIT, C. IONFSCU-TIU, C. On a method of summation, p. 464o Vol, 8., no. 9,, Sept. 1956. GAZETA MATFMTICA SI FIZICA. SFRIA A. Bucuresti, Rumania. SOURCEs East Earopean Accessions List (EM) Vol. 6,, No. 4-April 1957 yffam i ~.;m im - km~ - IOVESCU-TIU, C. _ ._ I I Propounded problem; 5172. Gaz mat B 13 nos3s170 Mr 162. 1RA7-A-OV;p Gh.; SIRIONESCU., G.D.; ~=N., &iil,, (Piteoti)j HADIRCA I., pr6f. .(BreaziL).,- 10M=-T~~Co; SZIUGYI~ laroly- (Careii Rooolved prob2ameb Gas mat B 24 noo8t469-478 Ag 163. on 3AY ATAN lami 6u), L O~ .(Iasi Anpotin I, (Cluj) ~ Po p - , -:WA Amouss, alad probUm- propoWd for pades "q Gas mt D -14 'u6jiO&~4W Ag 963'0 CHISALITA., Adrip" fcluj); BAZACoV, Ch. (Turnu Soverin); BIJINE"'JU, D.-~!. (Bucuresti), . CILSANDROM, T.; IONESGU-TIU,,G.; DEI-ENY, Zoltan, prof. (Aiud) Solved problems. Gaz mat B 15 no.1:17-24 Ja 164. roe 1). 10141-:8CU-1,111 C. ;~;U Exerc ise a and problems proposoc' for gruAles 5-5. Gra7, mat D 15 no.1; 32-34 Ja 164. LEANU imon .-_.j_KISS, Elemer 'Tg. Mures); MI11AI N.; PETRU, S (Tg.Mures) DUMITHESCU, FAcrea 1. Solved problems. Gaz mat B 15 no.8:353-358 Ag 164. Eii STEIIIER, D.,, prof. (Galati); STAN, D., prof. (Breaza); IONESCU--IIU.,-,C..; AIJ3ESCU, I., prof. . (Fagaras); BUCUR, Ioan, prof. (Sibiu) Exorcises and problems proposed for grades 5-8. Gaz mat B 15 no,,8:369-371 Ag 164. BRINZANESCU, V. (Constanta); DASCALESGU, 11. (Ploiesti); IONZXU-TIU C ONDFRAS, E., prdf. (Ploie~ti); LEWITE, ArIstide (Graiova)i'-A~~,R, Martin, prof. (Viseu de Bus); LUPOVOC, 14'L. (Lugansk, U.S.S.R.); BIRM, Romanel-(Cluj); GRIGOLUSCU, Serban (Bucuresti) So'lved problems. Gaz mat B 16 no.1:17-31 Ja 165. FLORIAN, Petru, prof. (Dej); MARUSTERU, St., (Baia Mare); HERLING, C., student; PIRSAN, L.C., student (Bucureoti); IQNESCU7:TIU, C.; COSTACHESCU, C.V.; LAMBA, Stelian (Constanta); LIVIff-PR7r;W- (Pucioasa)- STRATESCUV Ion, student;,BRINZANESCU, V., elev (Constanta~ KLIM Bratu,, student (Buouresti); TEMPEANU, C. Mcmedoraraj; CALIONESCUp Aurelian (Brasov); MUNTEANUp Valentin (Cluj); OPREA, Miron (Ploiesti); MMILEANU N.; TIGANOIU, Al., inginer; Buicliu, Gh.; POPA, Eugen I. (Iasi~ Proposed problems. Gas mat B 14 no.8t481-485 Ag 163. 1. Institutul Politehnic Ducuresti (for Herling). 11-TUNTEANU., Corneliu (Bucuresti) PESTROIU Daniel (Tirgu Jiu); FIRSAN, Liviu _D (Bucuresti); VOICULESCU an (Ru'curesti); AL =-Ctj I ,jUgaras) PEIMTEWNU, Ioan (Bucuresh); STANCU, I.m. (Bucuresti); clu'rbscu Ion (Bucuresti), STAMSCU Ilie (Sibiu); IMIFSCU -Traian (Braila); NESC C.; xAcso., ri. .(auji; MANESCU' L. (Rimnicu Vilcea); U-TIU. C.- FOCSE,I,M,ANU. M.I.; POPA, Eugen (Iasi); 14IHALCA, DanT&UTr_Ie'8_t1_j Buciirestl); PELIGRAD NJCOJA6~ (Pito-I'M PrTh, T. Dori- STANCU, Icn 14. (BU Proposed problems. Gaz.,mat B 16 no. 2 3 86-91 F 165. PF-RLINQ), C, (Buciirosti); UD-RISTF Con,3tanti.n; PRED"TT S)tefnri (SlatLna); Pirsan, Livin (Bucuresti~; B1,10,01 C.; 10Nr,:1;C11-1rTu c - IrONESCUP ~;" , u Florica H. (Bucuresti); FILIFOIU, Al. George (Bucuresti); SADIDULACHE, C., prof. (Negresti, Iasi); MCRTUN, E.; SCUFFU, Gabriela (Cimpulung); TEDDORESCU, I. prof. (Galati); SIGILOVAN, I. (Iletrosani); ACU Dumitru (Cluj); GRECU Eftimle (Bucuresti); PAUN, N., prof. ('Umnicu Vilcea); GHFORGHIU, Adrian (Bucuresti); DUMITHEASA, P., prof. (Cl'lj); *GEORGESCU, Corneliu (Orntova); BOBANG11, V. (Bunureati); HANESCU, Grigore, prof. (CimpLna); OPREA, Oh. POPE,30U, loan M. Ducuresti); Serb, Ion (Lugoj) Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 16 no.4:172-177 Ap 165. IONESCU TULCEA, C. T. "Measures dans les espaces produits". Nots, di C. T. Ionescu Tulcea, presejtata dal Socio M. Picone, pervenuts. all'Aceademia i1 5 Septembre 1949. Dia "Rendiconti Dell'Accademia Nazionale del Lincei", (classe di Scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali), series VIII, Vol. VII, fase. 5. IONESCII-TULCEA, C. T. IONESCU-TULGEA, C. T. et MARINESCU, G. "Theorte Ergodique Four des Classes d'Operations Non Completement Continues", par C. T. lonescu Tulcea et G. Marinescu. ANNAIS OF MATIMATICS, VOL 52, No 1, JUlY 1950- Un :Arr, "iolis 71, P 12~ IcOn-kU T, 13'1r t'r ~6. Mat. Fiz. 4, 75-83 (19,52), ~Roanartian- and French sunittlaries) The al-.aor defines an integral for funtt;nn-3 dcfim-d no certain subsets of a given abstrart get and wi rb -val ues L'I seWaWe ahf~!ia-- tri-,)~-!:~crkal zrc,ip. T'--~ 4j~ Inj foe vittion's with ValuCaitl a VDUVC~w i~ le'r loglud qMi:e.,-ANjont of: theItinOmell-tai P-0mr-tivq of tl-.e Intmil tire Obtilitrij M -the "wro rp'tw-r'll d1f twfioll, 111" f nly lultAot -ant t vtz Pilloil lit-ill f 16 rent (.,At 1-4 1w:F t1 - (It scvnis plausible that ,'.n vergence theorem Might a1-10 g') 'hr--,;Qg6 filter is used to gopd advantzgt! herv iuid t-ern., to 51111pht), mattcm Lqaniewhit. C. r~ (Nr;v I I C omn ) m IONESCU TULCEA, C. T. "Teoreme Ergodice", by C. T. Ionescu Tulcea. REVISTA UNIVERSITATH C. I. PARHON SI A POLITEHNICII Bucurest, No. 4-5) 1954) p. 65. 1 -- lull I ME C Sur )a r~,"lari_sa- jur ClE tl ~tesures 1, th~ur~-iiic Np- Frm --alli, Given an interval 1 in Eudidein constructs on 'h- ptAuct I v, i iijL-gidi IV Ll 11 k t AI, .14, TTV gjj,-i).; w1flific, C !Ild i-wwu Tuic-ca, - 7-7 pruhahifiv~,, mid iti api.- I "-puillwd. Vtqlili~I;, k 3()' -Th, -firslt-jmrt i!i da-~,Sivzll The mare-ttaff.-parts. - u i second, entiticd Sti,,diasti(- Ith H rk-t ov i~r-t,dv- pndli,-111- f I!, t! I i, 1 1, - alf 1 1, :4.., Al" staf~sw-.d III, k hail jl~ I, I I i u pug.-t, I'll "14 11"1 11 1~1 CIMLOGY RMWIIA iation not given) Long --v 1. Dr Tiniv lecti, Bucharest Laffil "Germinal Continuity in Animals,and Possibilities for Its Trans- formation." Bucharesto Natura. Seria Biologiet Vol 18, No 2, Mar-Apr 66, Pp 3-11. Abstract: A review of recent literature concerning the germ P=8.sma of the sexual cells of different types of animals, with special emphasis on studies aiming at the modification of the primary sexual cells. The studies involved injections of desoxi- ribonucleiC acid in chicks; injections of ribonucleic and dea- oxyribonucleic acid in chick embryos;'and blood injections. Includes 6 figures and one table. 7 L ~1. IONESCM-VARO "Problems in the works of L.B. Polejaev concerning orginic regeneration in amphibians." p. 97 ( ANALELE IDIANO-SOVIETICE. SERIA BIOLOGIE, Vol. 7, 3eria a 11-a no. 14, July/Sept. 1952, 13ucuresti,, Rumania.) SO.- Monthly List. of East European Accession, L. C., Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1953, Uncl. IONSCU-VARO M A Piocusolow inthe Soviet biological field on the problem of the origin of the species. Analele'biol 7 no.3*'.11&-129 253. _7g SUFOIAMEj, Given Names Country: Rumania Academic Degrees: -not given- Affiliations -not given- Soweet Bucharest I COMMisarl 1e Agagemipj Repub all Po1pulare Romine 9 va I xg I No 19 1 1,9" 1 VP 184 1- 1246 0 DRt'l "The Parasomes of the Albuminiparoua Gland Itt Helix 12matia Loll IONESCU-VARO, M. Paresomas of the alburainiparous gland in Helix pomatia L. Commicarile, AR 32 no.10:1241-1246.-.O. 161, 1e, Commicare, prezentata do V. Ghetie, membru corespondent al Aca- demiei R.P.R. IONESCU-VARO, M. The parenchyma of planarlana, Trav Muz Mat 4:157-165 163. I01ESCU-VARO I M.; GRIGORIU . A. --'. The prophase of meiosis in the sterlet (Acipanser ruthenus Linne). Trav Muz Nat 4:319-324 '63- Interdexuality in Pseudorasbora parva Temminek-Schlegel. Ibid., 339-342 GRISTESCU, Cornelia; IONESCU VLASCEM9 Victor; VLAICUq Stefania Knot positions of minor plarists. Studii astron seismal 5 no.l: 181-igz 6o. (Ew 10:3) (Planets) cusmscu, corneiia; loam VLASCRAMU, Victor; VLAICU, Stefania Enot positions of'plarmts observed in 1959. Studii astron stimol 5 n-O.I.-193-200 6o. (EW 10: 3) (Planets) IONESCU VLASCRANUl, Vibtor; NOGACEVSCHI RUSU, Ludmila Exact positions of minor plants. Studii astron seismol no.1:201-204 f6o. (ERAI 10:3) (Planets) CRISMSCU, Cornelial IONESCU-VLASGYANU.- Victor; VLAICU.. Stafania Precise positions of,minor planoto obser7ed in 1938. Studii astron oeiswl 5 no.21301-317 161. (ZW losq) (plarkets) GRISTFSGUy Cornelial IONESCU-VLASCFMU, Victor; VLAICUy Stefania The asteroid 51 Nemusa; positions observed, 1958-1959, Studii astron neiomol 5 no.2029-323 161. (BRAI 10:9) (Planets) -M CRISTESOU, Cornelia; IONESCU-VUSCEANU, Victor VLAICU, Stefania Precise positions of small plan.eta observed in 1959. Studii astron seismol 8 no.li5f-84 163. I CRISTESCU, Cornelia; IONESOU-VLASGF.AhTi, Victor; V14ICU, Stefania Precise positions of small planets observed in 1960. Studii astron oeismol 8 no.1:86'-329 163. 10NESM VLAbudM Vlr-tcr ?Oaltioro of slaa-U plan-iLe obsertred durJxg tibe years 1960-1962, 9tud-li astrin mtsinol 9 no.2&24a--2!+8 70',f~. 1. Astronoraical Obsertatory of the Rumardan AcadeV, Bu--h&rest., 5 rputi-,~) de -Arg:Lnt Street. -IONESOU UASCUMU, Viotor PrONiOd PONWOUVOf IMA11 PI&Ate (1962-196.1). Studii astron 10 na.103-98 165. Prooise positiond of mail planets (1963). lbid.:99-105 1e Astronoibil Obsirvatory, Outitul do Arging St.j Dichardst, 8ubmittad June 10 1964, GINGOLD, N.; IONESCU-VOICU, Adelina; VILCU, Al.; ANGHEL-RALDUCANU, Stela Investigations and results vith a Thorm test witbmt. -,AGTH. Stud. corcet. med. intern. 3 no-5:669-674 '62. (ADRENAL CORTEX FUNCTION TESTS) 101NESCU-ZANE, H. ljl~raBonic control in series of items with more complicated forms. p.200. JI.EVI*TA CAILOF FCFVTE. (Calle Ferate Romine) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of Ea-.tern European Accession Index (MAI) W vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. B IIBUf 1-1. - 1 1. B. ,!I,r!e C"Whid. Massif, and goomrinfizloide chrroc*firlotic., Anal St'-f4coy IT '64. .1" Subm~tte-d 'Cr.-tolvr A-28, 1c)63. 1.011.11LIP U(sa `Gcmtribu,~Iowi to the stilly of Js.- pz~rt of the Moldavian FI-Afurm, Virnard ragloa ,,.).y of Sixet- firwreati. AnR.1 St Jasi3v jT. 160 BARBU, N.:~_ r r, _4 IONIZE. B. Oh. aCluhai Massif, gooltgle and geomorDhologic 67xactertotlco Anal St: T.aesy r1 20--Jr05-1-14 164. 1. qubmitted Cotober 26-28, !963. SAVUL, M.j- BOTEZ. C.; IONESI, L.; OIAHUj D.1 XACUp Al. The rook chemis& of +A* Paleogene Plysch in the Transition facies in Northern Moldavi , for Goq I "-' , du, the Moldovita'Valley., a u., Ma, p Pb, Zn. elements. -Stu~Ui'oerc ge.ol 7 no.3/4013-540 169. 1. Membrt~.corespondeut al.AcsAemiei R.P.R. (for Savia);. MARINEZCU,, G.; GALBA, I.; TUDOR, V.; DOGAIU, D.; NICOIAU, G. MIKHAILESGU, F. Study of the elimination of 17-ketosteroids in mumps. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.2:197-201 162. 1. Comunicare przentata 2a Institutul de inframicrobiologie al Academioi R.P.H. (MUMPS urine) (17-KBTOSTEMIDS urine) (ADRMAL CORTEX physiology) CA comay cjzzmp.*t cosv=jcrjstry. ocorhcclst-7. byarockAmlstry. r A53. JOUR. W3,). AM C.j 0 11~ ; Trru tGcc--1c=lstry of JVior Llx~nts - C%z# k-o srA Zr- or P3.1asagurA Flysch In Taro" ara FiAskru FlcU Tar 7alley ("Ztcrr Dam. PUB. :4zum. corcetAr.- ctlint. -C~:. ain ell. No 1~ C11 155e, S, . -1., 57-31 RA ' tL* ~bav~-sz - S= C? , 2T:L-. eor.!~.r,! m, ---C. tlt-fts w A LC C.- roOts. r1* foll,:&- lrg d,r, O~L..L,cl .(-n Ot s4Lqs-cz*s vu 3.10-4. t' 5.2 " 2 - 10-1, to 10-i; Pb 2 !C-1- to J., 3; p-Arls a:,d ",-:y 11',-%stov~b - Ct 7 - lc~,- 10 ~.lj '10c-1, Zn Z.Z 5.0 - 10-3; PO 3 - ;0- to :.0 - Q-j; CIA s ~Ito 1.07 - .10-,; Lm ~.S - FA IY: ;.F1 I stcer=j zrlui;C-.:.lAr dcrvrdki.ct 'T. I,w,d j~coa~=,Cul stcolon-i are :)iwteJ, ^n Inarvuse ar &v a zonoLmr-tims or -'-, !,-n, r-- k-b, 1.-= ~ftp,IU5 to lzts k:.a ;*Jitest -4%s ascwrtulzed, unicls Is co::. mected witU &Vffcl of A-Isor:zloz nrazcss. ur. t-wos ;"Ic* In corril.t-lenal, bmw P.Lm. Cu ?,-3 ti. higtxst .Y: 7~*rob-y.v. SAW%~ Mircea, prof.; BOTEZ, Cornelia; IONESI, L.1 NACU., Al. Distribution of some elements in the Senonianp goopne, and Oligocene deposits of the marginal F3,vach of the Eastern Carpathians in northern Moliavia; Vales. Humorului. Studii chim Iasi 11 no.2. 227-261 160. 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romine, Filiala Iasi, Institutul do chiWe "Petru Poni.0 2.-Membru corespondent al Academiei Republicii Popvlare Romine; Comitetul de redactio,"Studii si cereetari atUntifice, ohimiall(Academia Republicii Populare lRomine, Filiala Iasi) (for Savul). (Carpathian Mountains) (Minerals) MARINESKOP V., prof. [Marine sco~V, ;IONESKO, M. (Ionescop Mj,- IT~~SIIOL~- (Ionesco, L.1; PROINOV, ~r. Technical feasibility of efficient extracorporeal circulation In normothermal conditions and in deep bypothermia. Khirurgiia, 90fia 14 no.2/3:216-221 161, (HEART MECHANICAL) (HYPOTHERMIA INDUCED) ..... . . . . . f VAS AOCESSION M AP5014 j Stamateskug Ib-I lonesktb-i: AInHORI Xrucheanut Ye.!.-NIkulsiku,~D.j Nistor i Bitzhor S. T3:TLE!i Some properties of ftTe,single orysta grown from solutions 1808-1812 SOUR011: Mika tvardoic teltp ve 19,noo 6# TOPIG TAGG3 mercury c"p .oun -telluride, single crystal gro ingg a attioe., d, V rystal 1. atructure# elootric conduativity,,Hall constant ABSTRAM authoto desoribi'i ~xoihod never-employed. before of gr klingle orys 1142A lute lixtions, aimed at eliminating previously ounte We f rom di so ti -EFFI-cu-Mes with the production of single crystals of stoichiametric compool on The vingle crystals were obtained from solutions or .5 - io at . %-0f to-.1uri'k6 in* nifircury by very slow cooling.-from tomporatureffiabove 4~Co... Orystals up to 20 x 12. x 1 mm could be:obtainaCby-this methodo The shape of the crystal s: depend - on the cooling- ratoo An x-ray, structural analysis has sholAm that the, HgTo- single crystals have %structure of ths, s'phalerite type with a lattice constant a 6.11&S+ O-M2 X. 0.0ii6lipondink to, that calculated on the taxis of data on the tei;,rithsdral radii.of ths:HS ajkd To stoms* measurements of the slectrio props rtion card 1/2 UP(c) RW/JD 0-181/65/007/0C,7/2039/20116 -9 P: K AP50172o,6 NikuleEku, II "I'amw NIS--, i.: Iori-;-sku-Buzhorj_ "'ectric Pf.'-perties of certain solld sollAI-n.- c' -he sys'~em Znjig - - ; I - 1-x Te Flzika, tverdogo tcla, V. 7, no. 7, 1965, 2-C,39-2046 ;6,. teiluriUM corq)ound, semimetal, semJ coneuct or. 7,ial consta-it, electric cond,ictivity, thermal emf, solid solution ABSnWT: The samples of the solid solutions were obtained by the Bridgman method rl RT.Do'Ulca containing previously usynthesized tellurides of zinc and mercury i" gi-lit.2ble proportions. The samples were cut fr_m parts of' +be time. (a+ ~"IMC) in mF,rv)rv var-or, the DreFl- ',igots and annealed for a lonc- Z -w ~~-n j n Y~ 1/2 C nrd 6 7 ACC-ISSICII TIP: AP5017296 he al in the composition, resulting from a change In the band Ftructure of t -ion and th~, chemicaJ. bond in with a change in their oomp(~,sit ri-g. art . has, 10 figures, 15 formullas, ~undl 2 1,ables [021 FL74"chesirij institut AN Piimyrskoy ':1'.aTcdnoy Resn-ibliki, Djoharest At, Rum-n-iian P,-oples' R-a- uo 4057 JD/WW/HW/ -L 27460'2-j6 EWT(l),4EWP(O.)/EWT(M)/Efgp(j)/T/EWP(t)4Te(k) 1JP(C)- ACC NRt 001 213/0214'. AF6007845 RM/WH SOURCE CODE:,-UR/0120/66/000/ J'O- - ~ku-BqZhor~..S.- Krucheanus-Ye's AUTHORS: ORG:~' Institute of Physics AN RNR Bucharest (Institut fiziki::AN etup~for dr drit ~TITLE1. awiniz:den e,j stals ,ACFjRQE: Pribory i tekhnDta k Menta., not li 1966, 213-214.-~-' TOPIC: TAGS:- fiber ci~ystal, dendrite, germanium., _ainglicrystal~ giokhg~~'." WSTRACT: Apparatus is ermanium dendriteo with:~ described f Or drawingig -smooth finish -vides- with :ndrror -such as are needed for semiconductor Cie- improved characteristics.(Fig.-J), The apparatus has a -different con.7--. structure and than those hitherto literatui?e. The grown dendritea.are of uniform dimension-and length-and have a.low dislocation-density. The apparatus can operate at vacuum..-~.' -5 6 10 .. 5 JE: 10 Torri The germanium dendrites obtained were 2 8 mm thicl; of length constant within 0.2 - 0.8 mm. The apparatus can.he Used t6'-._'~ draw dendrites of other semiconductor materials without modification*'.'.~ orig. art, has:,. l.figure. SUBMDATE: 29.Ta" 5/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF 1 003,:, MM CODR:__ 20 n6 548.552~ V-Card :7UDe: L 4 _AP60078 7F77-7 . 45 L W Fig. 1. ~DiAgram of installation for -I -%Lartz ~dendtite crystalB. drawing . . te 4 %'quartz b66e, 3---graphi 4~'j C~linder , ,5 re-T gnLciblep4 electri-61: motor . quartz rbdj, .7 priwar duction geE tesi 9 tungs ten lead 43 f IDnVV:La 8 , 10 coll rin i~ .13~ 1' 11 :. ov~h~_ the rmodouple i,":-1 resiBtance- , , *' glassAbin 16," toockj,'. - 15 W . ! 1 , . ' ' . . etcock , ~, To VAN IV. Card ACCESSION XRt AP4020919 8/0032/64/026/002/02WOM AUTHCM: -Draganeskup V.; Kamanichu, ff.-, Tatu-, V.; Ionesku-Pal2as, N.M. TITLE, Hyperf ine and Isotope structure of the 6535 Anstron line of Ba I SOURCE: Optika I spektrashoplyso, v.16, no.2. 1964. 182-liG TOPIC TAGS: hyperfine structure, Isotope structure, isotope shift, barium(l), ba- rium(l) resonance lineg his-theiryp LS coupling calculations :ABSTRACT: The 8533 Be I line has boon Investigated by N.Xopeformam and O.WesseV "':(Nacbr~A)oA.Wisomoch.,GottingenPftth.-Phys.No.2,33,1948), O.H.Arroe (Phys.Rev.,79,' ,'':,P36,1950) &W 2a"r by D Aojackson (W4.,106,94a,1957 and Proe.Roy.Soc#,A263,289, ~.':1961), but onlythe last$ who used absorptIon In an atomic beau, was able to dis- ;!eern hyperfine structures The present theoretical and ex rimental investigation of' pe 2 )S .,.this resonance line, associated with the 6s 0--6s6p lPl transition, was under- taken to check the experimental datA and provide a theoretical wiplanstion 'Vackson noted a j$iscrepancy between the observed and calculated intensities and ' hypothesis" a small Me (10 wl).for the odd Isotoped.) The present am"Usatal *ark was also i&*Isd 'bufk' by the- absorption In an atamic beam teckialque; the setup ~ -91 ACCEMON Ms AP4Ml9.* A "fok*obtainifig the-atomIc bean,,wsn an Improved version of the apparatus described by 1 (Opt.Jt spektro.,10,301,1961): and included provision for water-cooling of the evalx)rator in order to enhance the vacuum. A special detice consisting of two mirrors with slits was employed to make the light beam bass several times ,~_.through the atomicrp)eam, In order to obtain substantial absorption without "recou rs e i -to increasing the Apaporator temperature. The light source was a hollow cathode tube' which the ba4pm was Introduced in the form of BRC12. The spectroscopic instru. 1~.- .:ment was an ISP-22 spectrograph crossed with a Fabry-Perot etalon; the interference,~A.' ,~,~..Patterns were photographed with an exposure of under 15 min and scanned on a Zeiss . A. microphotometer. -There were resolved in all 7 components arranged almost 5~mmetri-' ;cally with zespectluto the central 138 com ponent in an interval of about 40-mK (1 mK!' 10-3 CM71). The experimental data are cumpared in a-table with the resul V to of cal-w,_.!' laulations based on,the intermediate coupling.theory of G.Breit.and L.A.Wills (Phys. I I Rev.44,470,1933)., 4issuming Russ ell-Saunders (L-S) coupling. The computation formu- ~J, las are adduced, and corrections are made for'linite nuclear a Ize and the nuclear !'I. .,-im~ignetlsm distribut4one The'. agreement between the experimental data and calculated ~valuss is satisfactory* The.theory at'prosent Is not adequate for deciding for or ome :against ag s Jackson's Opothosis~ The proposed. int~rprotation, allows of explaini CC,10 -dr"-! - L -j;AGM=Ok. Rs APIMM19 t1is 16i)served 0001ponents Nevertheless further measurements aimed at determining i #Ira ~the broadening of the hfa . In. the spectra of separate isotopes are planned. Ul! 0 a thors are grateful to,:X~Agsrblchan for useful discussions during.the course Of the Orige art Aass 17 foinolas and I tabloo 'ASSOCIATICK: Institutlateowl 11alki, Bucharest' (Institute of Atomic Physics) SMUITTSDi. 3 024PX#4"., J* "XIt A" aGVt 003 OnMI 0091 r r .e 4 IL 4 M SAVUL, M., acad., BOTEZ. K. [Botez, C.] IONEPIJ L 1-11 0 ULRU J, D. NAKU, A. [Nacu, A.] Chemism of,the rocks of the Palegogene Flysch transient facies, developed in the Moldovita Valley (Northern Moldavia) for the Cos Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn elements, Rev geol geog Rum 7 no. 2: 217-2" 163. V IONWI., LiTA.11~, Fidnop-anic. I-'Jys-,h 1),,'~-,~ean the Pet,Wr. Stotls-m man,'~ 1~10 ~-'Gului ValleYs I nortb6rn MoIcIF-via. tral St J&.s3y 11 9.7-22 163. GOLIDIRMT. -P. Methods of determining the behavior of gem fields daring and edge water drive. fts-Prome 5 no-7:5-13 160. (=A 13: 7) (G". Natmml) 7Z -2 4P r k ~;WA ~~ hF11 - 4/F 0- 4/F f - J F B 7 CTON MR: AP4042992 'S./00151/64/r)l 7/001/0139/0141 AUTIM)R: lonesku-Pallast Velkul-esku, V. G. TITLE: Level poou ation inversions in a gas medium SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 17, no. 1. 1964, 139-141 .TOPIC TAGSA quantum oscillator, laser pumping, level transition, laser -material, gas laser ABSTRACT- The question is considered of obtaining a negative tem- peratui'e in a two-component gas mixture, satisfying the following coriditions. I. The atomic levels participatina in the transfer of -itation from atornatoat(rinb are a-, -s-kir-wn inFig tit FYrJ(x-_-rrx- ti I (if 2) ie cis n* and ** differ in encr*- by not more than several kT and a n; _._iave orbital quantum numbers; 3) Uie lifeti-mes of the lev- els satisfy the inequality(T** T*) > 0; 4) ffie level lifetimes b b C,,d L 12936-65 ACCESSION NR: "4042992 due to radiative transitions are much shorter than the duration of the transport of the excitation. The solution of the equations for the time variations of the populations of the five levels in question are analyzed and yield an equation for the excess of population at the level. n;** relative to the population of rL*. This excess is ac- cumulated in the cavity. From the pumping formula thus obtained it .Ls concluded that it -is -desirabl-e to use active media for which the., difference large. To have the wavelength of the stimu- "i "L Is lated emission as close as possible to the visible spectrum, the medium "t ist be one 0t the..,Ust-, elements of the periodic-table groups with doublet levels, such as thallium, bismuth, and iodine. The ratio of the pressure of the two gases forming the mixture should b