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274-to R/008/61/00o/oo4/001/003 Study of a class... D238/D3o4 the authors study the path eiements~ deducing the equation of the path L (I- + S1 Ao 2.) (4) in whichY is the angle of the rate of climb, r the radius of the curvature at the beginning and the end ot tRe 'oop, andE I Q . The famliy of curves derived from the basic curve, -z:uxl- Aoro responding to some 'values given for Ao = 1 and q may 7-0 be easily traced with the B. constant, as shown in Fig. 2. The Card 2/10 Mto R/008/61/000/004/001/003 Study of a class... equations of motion.are given by V;L SC V':' - G SIN 9-3v- d Y (8) z sc"V in which LO is'the.air density, S the lifting surface C the drag coefficient, and Cz the lift coefficient. ConsiderIng the traction to be constant as long as the engine intake does not vary, the authors deduce for a medium angle of attack, the velo- city equation (12) and for small values of the angle of attack the velocity equation (14). Card 3/10 I - --- --- - -- --- - - MAO R/008/61/000/004/001/003 Study of a-class... D238/D3o4 A better approximation may b(-., olfl;nined by introducing the value of r from Eq. (4) and neglecUng sin'f In this case, the velocity deduced from (12) is,e ressed by: XP T .1 (16) -VI Ca- -~Y+ 2 A 10 + 2 G 4 0, toe + + a,)l Bin+ 11 2 G~ 2, Cz 2 0 I+aO 0 all 11 a(,-,)] Cos o) I(aO+2 sin 2y + _n 4(4 +a' + 2) Cos 2y]). Card 5110. "10 R/008/61/000/00)+/OOI/OQ3 Study ofaclass., D238/D3o4 and the velocity deduced from (110 by: -VI=Ce-NY+ffO-~!-0(2 -c)+ gr4n-0 c - (2 - c) b.] - 'G(1 Ininy + (19Y b0 G i+M.Q G P870, +1 8G(1 + 8)b cos y) gro-! b,sin2y-2eos2y I gro b, 1) c + 2] - G P87CA' 4 4 + bol At. After having established the. velocity, formula (8) supplies t he angle of attack, and the total lift or total drag,.necessary for determining the wing stress. Denoting with Ga the weight of the ifing and with CX its drag coefficient, the total wing stress may be:determined by (21). The iring'stress thus depends on the corresponding%( angle. Expressing Fa by (22) it can be.observed that the flr~st square of this equation is almost constant. Card 6/16 27420 R/008/61/000/004/001/003 Study of a class~i. D238/D304 Gr --t + 21) FcL= Y) ~CO C4 5 V[QIr T :SV:3. Go- cT G + ~'L 4. Gck.),,'5 ~W- C~, 1~ ~&~I ,Sr & (22) Thus, the maximum of Fa will approximately coincide with the maximum of the second square. The use of formulae (12) or (14), and (16) or (19), respectively, depends on the value of the angle of attack. The curve cai~ 'be divided into 2 - 3 sections, onto which one may apply the polar equation or an average con- Card 7/10 *749-0 R/008/61/000/004/001 /003, Study of a class,.. D238/D304 stant -value of the CX rat"lo, connecting the solution and de- Cz termining at the corresponding points the value*of the constant C from the velocity expression. According to the second equa- tion of (8), the equilibrium on the path requires that the angle of attack should have at every point a vaiue included between the maximum values9 CzM. and the mini.mum values CzM of' C.. At every point of the parh* the condition (24) + cos Y 9 -5 P C 7 Card 8/ lo A~ 1.742o R/008/61/000/004/001/003 Study of a class... D238/D304 should be satisfied. The solution of the problem depends oft the parameters O~ 0 and k which depend on the engine intake, There exists thus an infinity-of possible solutions correspon- ding to different conditions of the engine, within the limits determined by (24). * The authors finally present a calculation eicample showing that for the considered case the variation of the lift coefficient C is small the velocities decrease ap pre- ciably within the firsf part of the path and the ratio Cx/C may be aseumed as donstant. -There are 4 figures and 3 refeien- ces: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The 2 references to the Enflish-language publications read as follows: N. Tipei7 C. Guta, 10n the Motion of art Airplane on a Given Trajectory" Revue de m4canique* Appliqu4e, 111, 4) 393 - 403~ 1958; and R. von Mises, "Theory of Flight", Mc. Graw-Hill, New York, 1945, 547 - .550. SUBMITTED: April 217 1961 Card q/ 10 IORESCU, V. "Protection against oscillation", P. 546; "issued by the Rumanian Society of Kithamitics and Pkvsict, Monthl:rll. (G.MTA KkTEKkTICA SI FIZIGA, SERIA A. Vol. 12, Dec. 1954, Bucuresti, Rumania). SO: Monthly List of Ea~t European Acces5ion, (ITFUL). LC, Vol. 4, No. May, 1955. _12NES.CUt V. 61---3w TECHNOLOaY Periodicals: ELECTROTEINICA. Vol. 6, no. 8, Auk; 1958 IONESCUO V. Hilbert spaces applied to the study of deforming phenomena. p. 280 Monthly List of East European Accf3ssions (EEAI) IC, Vole 8,, No. 2. February 1259y Unclass, Ing.; V.P ire. RS-3111ta c-bbsinad in solving t~a proldoma of' fight;ng soil erosion. Ti3v goodezio 8 no. 3%44-49 164. 1 1. illf?"'fir COU11011 of kgricalture. S/194/62/000/002/026/096 D230/D301 AUTHORS: Penescu, C.,*,~~Cuv~. and Cserveny, 1. TITLE: Design and realization of a sensitive element for automatic frequency control PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhua.-nal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, ,no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-2-100ch (Automat. 9i electron., 1961, 5, no. 1, 13-21) TEXT: A circuit diagram is presented, with an analysis and design method for a frequency changer in power networks. The changer is designed as a differential unit comprising a p~Lssive quadripole, at whose output the voltage phase varies with change of frequency, the amplitude remaining constant. Itis confirmed that such cir- cuits can be used for v.h.f. stabilization. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 MIHAILKANU, C., conf. ing.; IONESCU, V., ing, Equatiois and schemes of the dynamic condition in electric power systems designed with automatic regulating of speed and frequency. Energetic& Rum 9 no.8022-332 Ag 161. --- -- ------ LEOXIDL, Dan, ings (Bilmaresti)i IONESCU, Vlad, ing. (Bucureati) Consideratims -concerning the optimm repartition of load a' 'in power syAs"w'., Em,rgetlca Rum 10 no./+:148-159 Ap 9620 lo Intreprinderea pentru rationalizari si modernizari energetice. f MMOMMIM mm IOMRCU., Vlad, ing. (Bucureati); LFXMA, Dan,, ing.- (4cureati) Considerations on the 'problems connected with the optimm distribution of load in power aystemea, II, Snergetica Rm 10 no.6t243-257 N 162. 1, Intreprinderea pentru rationalis are a ei modernizarea instalatiilar energetics, Buourestie 10"issw., vi, Phamecist DL-octor Getieral of the Gonoral !&-actorate of Phamacy of tho I in (Directia Generalla i:r is~uxy of Health and ~;ocial Welfare Famacoutica din Minl*tborul 3anatatii 5i Prowderilor Socuialo)o Buch".rost,, Famacia I'lo ls Jan 631 pp 1-2. IlTho Pbaxwuccutica I Depart-am t a ~' tho of Ithu, 7caren IRUMAMA Dr S. HINROVIUC, Regional Veterinary Laboratory (Laboratorul veterinar regional) Focsani, and Dr V. IONESCU, Veterinary Sector Ciorasti (Circumscriptia veterinara) District (raionul) R. Sarat. "Epizootiology of Spirochetosis in Hans." Bucharest Revista de Zootchnie si Medicina Veterinara, Vol 13, No 4, Apr 63; pp 79-81. Pbstract: Outbreak in surrimer of 1962 in 3850-bird poultry farm, 15% perished and an additional 13% had to be slaughtered. Spirochetae were found in the peripheral blood; fecal transmission is postulated. "Spirocid", "Spirilizin" (sulfonamides or organic arsenicals?) were both effective. Graph, 5 Rumanian, 1 Soviet and I German reference. 1/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO ADAMj Stq-ing.; IONESCU,1_01entin ing. -.'ihe PH and the finishing of wool fibers. Ind text Rum 12 n6o7t289-291 Jlv6L lo Intreprinderea Industrial& de Stat w1ibertateaft, Sibiu. ROMADIA/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Applications Pesticides. Abs Jour ; Helf Zhur - Xhimiya) No 3) 1957) 8828 Author : Ionoscu, V. Inst I Title Advances in the Technology of the Production of BHC Orig, Pub Rev. chim., 1956, 7, No 4, 229-232 Abstract The more important methods for the production of 2KC, described in the literature, are discussed together vith research on the production of BHC carried out in the Romanian Peoples Republic. Card. 1/1 1-7 rV RMINIA/Cherdcal Teclinology CheMical Productn and Their 11-29 Application, Part 4. - Synthetic Polymers., Plastics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyao No 14, 1958, 48729 Author Calcan., N. Goldenberg Inst Title Plastics Based on Furfural and Its Derivatieso IV. Effect of Thermal. Treatment on Mechanical Strength of Textolite Basal on Furfural Resin. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari mec. aPl-., 1957,, 6) No 1) 171-187 Abstract The thcrml treatment of textolite (produced by inpre- gnating cotton cloth with a resin solution of a tempe- rature of dropping according to Ubbelode of 108 to 3.100 and by pressing at 1600 and keeping it 4 min. per mm underthe pressure of 100 kG per in a certain temperature range and duration increases the-limits of compression strencth (cs), of static bending strength Card 1/2 J6 IONESCU, V; BUDIGI, G.; SERBAN, E. Obtainment of sodium sulfate and magnesium s alto by a complex utilizatLon of gypsum, dolmitep and rock salt. Report I. P. 559. REVISTA DE CHDIIE. (Ministerul Industriei Petrolului si Chimioi si Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania, Vol. 10, no. 10, Oat. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 2, August 1959, Uncl. IONESCU,J~,- The herbicide 294-D (dichlorphenoxyacetic acid). Rev chimie Min petr 14 noo9:499--~505 S 163o GALIN, S., conf. ing.; IONESGU, T., ingo Using the method of second order equivalent system for the optium. tuning,of PI-controllers.-Automatica, electronia 7 noe6tUi-269 w-n263. IONESCU, V., ing.; HOSINGER, E. Synthesis of optimal automatic systems. Autopatica electronic& 8 no.6i241-250 N-D 164. 'Z1 -t ~627`5-65 mm, W*OVEsipfiv) Irv fjp( AX IfR- AF.~=31.5 ti M 6-0 U- **Vl"r f Co-, icaruiftg the aynthesio of opti!~11 alutnmtic systanz al S~-)-TcC~F: kuto-matica al alactronica, Y. 8, no. 6, 1964, 241-250 ov-iml control ~ic control ayc-tem,'~iylathe-matlic model T- authom describe a meth~-)d far th4 oTtlialzation of automatic aystema :I; haac GD%ce. q-11-2 m-eth(A detg-r -.4 thf! optlIMM sw -ent of thf~ o--t,7a] :~.!r t,-;I daV 1310M. x~ti,-,-inig schems differs eef~wnat 'rum, :-z n ion ete hy -.eans o f plw-qe -ps c- (710 I~c ME IF N-A NO RET SOV-' OD3 OM=t 004 JPRS Si 4L fis rj' vields crude LaxvAtral (M wE&h Lt ar~cr- F 1 ~7- the Crde f I -fi It --H.L I V I 11) hs, ~-iif-l i._ -Z- RTR,TANIA Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and S Pathological). Skeleton. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur Biologiya, N06 3, 1959, 12342 Author Parhonj Me; in2R29x_i-_ Inst Title The Influen6e of Progesterone on Growing Cartll-~ age In Sexuhlly-Immature Rats. Orig Pub Studii si cercetari endocrinol., 1955, 61 No. 1-2, 261-264 Abstract In white rats, over a course of 50 days, 1 ml each of small (0.02 m&/kg,) and large (1 m6/kg) doses of progesterone (1st and 2nd aroups) were introduced. The weight of the animals of the lst group (1) Incroaaed on the average by 30.1 E;, 2nd group (II) by 31.8 g, control by 40-5 9. In I there was a considert.-.ble delay In the development Card 1/3 RUIJ-,~NIA Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Pathological). Skeleton. Abs Jour Ref. Zhur - Biologlya, No. 3, 1959P 12342 of cartilagenous tissue: an epiphyseal plate with a thickness of 2401t (control 280.xL ), a small amount of little chondrocytes, between theta a large amount of amorphous substance. In the formed bone, the bone trabeculas were shorter than in control animals. In II, a taoder- ate delay in the development of cartilagenous tissue: an epiphyseal plate with a thickness of 250A , comparatively more little chondrocytes than in I but leas than in the control. Bone trabe- culas were as short an in I. Thus, progesterone disrupts the normal development of bones through delaying cartilagenous tissue development (de- crease of the number of ohondrocytee and increase of the amount or amorphous substance) and slowing Card 2/3 IONESCU, V.; DUMITRESCU, D.; TOTH., R. Application of the network method to study the motion of hoavy fluids with open P. 339. Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Institutul de Mecanica Aplicata. STUDII SI CERCETARI DE IMECANICA APLICATA. Bucuresti. vol. 6, no. 3/4, July/Dec. 1955 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 F (I :- 1--)C VICIU, B.;VOICULISCU, A.;IONESCU, T. Behavior of "nodynamic.factor, In b"ertensive disease dur1mg the cold test. Probl. card., Buour. 2:198-223 1956. onquiTmioN. diagnosis cold'pressor test, behavior of hemodynamics) off. of cold pressor test in hypertension. bemodynamicIactors) RUMULI/Goncral !Tablons of 1IntIIOl';I2r - 'iu:*.',)rs- Turlor of "ImIs U, Abs Jour : 111of Miur i- Biol.0 11o 21, 1953, 98305 Author I; Hertncr, Alex I : Joilescuo Ve Stanicioiu, Gi.; f1trimbeanu; Inst Title : ;4am-nitinom and Follicular Cyst of Lower Jaw. Orig Pub : Storaatuolurirn., 1956, 3, lf,~ 4, 359-361 Abstract : Ho c0istract, Card 1/1 -7c(-- 11 ARSENESCU, Gh.; CONSUNTINIU, lo.; COMM, H.; BITTMAM, X.; IONESCU, V. Studies of the effect of atropine on the nervous system. 1. Iffect of atropine on the excitability of the higher nervous centers and on neuro- muscular excitability in humans. Ral. stlint., seat. mod. 8 no.4s9lq-9)6 Oct-Bee 56. (AT"IU, effects on neurounsc. & higher nerv. center excitability, in humans) (NAM MINOS, off. of drup on atropine, on neuromusoo excitability) (GWMML CORM, eff. of drugs on atropine; on excitability of higher nerv. centers) IONESCU, V.. Dr.; TX)DORINI, Banda, dr.; GHITA, M., dr. Various anomlies of ventricular excitation with normal conductign time, 8 no-0763-769 Sept 56. 1. Institutul do fisjologie normal& si patologica al Academlei R.P.R. (EXTROCARDIOGRAPHr anomalies of ventric. excitation with normal conduction Was) (T]ICTORCARDIOGRAPHr (SAMR) zrc PARHON, C.I.; PITIS, Marcella; STANWOU, V.; $SUL, Leiba; JONINOU, V. Considerations on 12 cases of Cushing's syndrome occurring in childhood or adolescence. Rumanian H. Rev. 1 no-3.-6o-69 JUIY-SePt 5?. (CMHING SYNDHM, in inf. & child in child. & adolescents) /Y (~~ au) V RUMANIA / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulationo' Heart. Abs Jour: Ret Zhur-Biologiyaj No 211 1958, 97489 Author Araqnescu Ghi.j Voidlilescu A. - Constantiniu, L; TnnAnt ni.l. Teodorini, S. Ylustata N. Inst Not given Title Investigation of Effect of Certain Substances on Heart Muscle Through Study of Normal.Electrocardio- gram Changes of Frogs Heart in Situ Induced by Application of Substances on the Heart Apex Orig Pub: Studii si cercetari fiziol. Acad. RPR, 19579 2) No. 3-4, 373-405 Abstract: Changes of electrogram and monophase current of action of frogs heart in anode and cathode polari- Card 1/3 RU14ANIA Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiyal No 21, 1958, 97489 zation, as well as in local application or intrave- nous introduction of a number of subsbances in vari- ous doses are dercribed. According to the changes, in the monophase current of action, induced by them, acetylcholine veratrine$ K2 monoidoacetic acid and preparation 8A3 F may be regarded in usual doses as substEnces vrith catelectrotonic actionandiadrena- line, 02, novocaine, strychninel strop nth n. and Ca may be regarded as substances with anelectro- tonic type of action. The authors point out that catelectrotonic and anelectrotonic substances in- duce changes of electrogram which bring it I accor- ding to pattern, ear to monophase current of action. Transition phases from the normal electrogram, to the monophase are specific for cathelectrotonic or Card 2/3 22 V. CrOPTRY RIIW41A CATTOM I Yharlaoolney And Toxicology. Cor4lovancular Agents W. M. p1haill" K-.5 1759, N'. 23168 A7MI6 CoPstntInIu,* Arson"4013, Ch*; Zamfiresou, 141 PSt. TITIZ -Study of the Action of Strophanthin upon the rhonomonon of )iustulsr Fatigue oplo. Ive. s Final. norm. al pothol., 1957, 4, No 4. 356-365 ADWUCT t Tho action or the Intravenous Introiluction of 0.25 mr or strophanthin (8) upon the oleatro- myogran Ind nt,ahano,".rs of the flexor muoolos of the dt%ctjll In voluntary rhy"Ical lifting of 1, load (2 k1g) ons hour prior to. arvI hour after administration of 3, was atudIS4, 3 Increased the mechanical vork by approxImtely " two. In experiments on & frog, ;t vie round that 3 rwoT q 0L; Toodorial, 3.1 B. 1/2 AFOMCT i or decreases tht Vnenwonon of oul.r fatigues Cont'd IOG&I StIMUINtIon. as W-U aa through r noryou4 centers. The ah4pKes or the aural grim produced by the application of a r 4 Upon ho 4 041 and of the Madle showed that 3 exerts uralectranjo and anabolic action upon striated musculature... z. K. Sheynbaux Cardi 2/2 --------------4 RUMANIA/Humn and Animl Physiology. Neuromuscular Physiology T-11 fibs Jour : Rof Zhur Biol., No 14, 1958, no 65596 Author : Toodorini Banda, Ionescu V. Inst ---------- Title Me Norval Biphasic Elactroriyogran of Prog Skelet~l Muscle. )rig Pub FIziol. norn. si patol., 1957, 41 No 5) 447-457 Abstract Both the diphasic and the nonophansic electroLiyogra2s of striated muscle are the result of fluctuations in the resultant integral electric fields of muscle dipoles. Evidence of this is seen in the u~aipolar recording of a bi- phasic electrouyograrri at any point on nz intact Liuscle and the recording of electrozWogrms of the same form with both direct and indirect leads, demonstrating the existence of fields of the integral resultant dipoles during the activity of the intact or damaged muscle. An investigation was mde of the conditions for the appearance of a rjonophasic current in the gastrocnamiua and sartorius muscles, of the phasic fluctuations in the electromyogrc:i depending upon stJ-uul-n- Card 1/2 RUWKIr,/Hum-on and ;,niual Physiology- Neuronuscular PhysiologY T-11 Abs Jour Ref &ur - Biol*) No 14) 1958, No 65598 tion frequency and certain of the causes which could pro- duce changes in the biphasic clactrazzWogrc-uIl. Card 2/2 82 TAXASESCU. Gh., Dr.; RADULESCU. P.. dr.; IONESCU, V.. dr. Paper electrophoresis of.proteins and lipo-glyco-protain conjugations. Mode int..Bucur. 9 no.1:3-12.-Tan 57.- 1. Incrare ofectuats,in Laboratorul do blo'chimle ei in Sectia medical& a SpItalulut nr. I COF.R. Witing. de sub conducerea prof Oh. Siod6sm- (MTZ 15, Aet Iornination electrophoresis of proteins A conjugated proteins) NICULMGU, Gh.; RADUL3SGU, P.; TAMSESCU, Gh.; IONESOU, V.; BOBIG, -D. Now investigations in therapy of diabetes mellitus (D-860 therapy). Ned. int., Bucw- 9 no-7:1002-1009 JulY 57. 1, Spitalul Unificat nr. 1 O.Y.R. Witting. (ANTIDIABVICS, ther. me tolbutamide, results) IOMCIJ, V.; IAZARMCU, R. An unusual came of pararrhythmia. god. int.. Bucur. 9 no-7:1110-1113 JU17 57. 1. Institutul do f1siologle norftla el patologica al Acadwlsl ILP,14 Prof. D. Danislopoln. UMMWAS case reports I pararrhythnia, unuawl case) ARSENMU, Gh.; IONEBOU, V.; TBODDRINI, Banda; FELBARG, 3. Studies related to the interpretation of unipolar thoracic leads of the OR, C1 and OF types. Med. int., Bacw. 9 no.9sl382-1390 BOO 57. (NIMMOURDIOGRAMP Of, 01 & OR leads, interpretation) EXCERPfA-iUdCA See 18 Vol 3/8 Cardio. Di3. Aug 59 22.10. ECG changes in experimental hypothermia Modificarile clectrocardiogramei in hipot rhentala. IONESCV V., Suciv T. and DEMETRlu F. Lab. de Hipo- erTtiaDe=o1n. BucuresftMul. cercit. Fiziol. IM. 3/3 (377---385) Graphs 7 termie. In Standard leads were recorded in 97 dogs in profound hypothermia (down to 200 C.). In general, a polymorph picture and a marked sensitivity to various agents affecting the heart (anoxia, C02. oxygen. adrenaline) were noted. The changes were reversible. They indicated a slowing of the process of myocardial repolarization, especially in the apical region. showing that a disturbance of l6ional type was present, but not an organic one. as it was reversible-The records indicate that ventricular fibrillation cannot be predicted and that in hypothemda the heart is less sensitive to hypercaplua. Ar7i. 10KIRSOU. V.: TRODORINI. Sanda Notes on the Wolff-Park ins on-WAU e syndrome (W.P.W. )Med. int. Dour. 10 no.4:629-635 Apr 58. 1. Institul do fisiologle normala si patologica, Bucuresti. (HURT BIOCK Wolff-Parkinson-White synd., pathogen. & BCG aspects) (RINPROCARDIOGRMY, in various dis. Wolff-Parkinson-Mite synd.) IONESCU. Val., Dr. Ion, the current stage in interpretation of electro- cardiograms. Ned. int., Bucur. 10 no.58657-672 W 38. 1. lucrars efectuata. In Institutul de fisiologis normala si batologica (Prof. dr D. DanielopoluO al Academisi R. P. R.. director, prof. 1. 1, Witescu, (V310TORCLRDIOGRAM lorinciples, vectorial theory & irterpretAtion of electrocar- diograms) ARSHNESCU, Gh.;,jQNj*9GU&_2W- TEODORINIp Banda; CANTACUZINO, D.; VRINCEAKU,R.; ZLOTESCU, A.; VALEANU, Georgeta; AZIMIOARA, Yolanda. Relations between the electric and mecbnic systoles, as studied in normal individuals during physical effort; comparative statistical data on the Hogglin physiological and clinical syndromes. Studii. core fiziol 5 no.1:135-145 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Institutul do fiziologie normala si patologica. "Prof. Dr D.Danielopolu" al Acadexiel R.P.R. (M) (SHOCK THERAPY) (ACETYLCHOLINE) (ATROPINE) (MILK) 0 m I IONESHESKU VAlonesescu, V.]; SHOYMUP I,(Soimu, I.]; MAGDAp S.; FLORU., S. Changes in the transaminase in the blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid in acute diaorders of cerebral blood circulation. Hauche trudy Inst. nevr. AMI SSSR no.11307-313 160. (MIRA 1517) 1. Institut nevrologii imeni Pavlova Akademii %zWn~skoy Narodnoy Respubliki.. Bukharest I Kafedra biokhimii Mediko-farmatsevti- cheakogo inatituta. (TRANSAMINASES) (CEREBROSPINAL FLUID) (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) IONESHESKU, V.[Ionssescu, V.1; SHOYMU, 1.(Soimu, Ij; MAGDA, S.; FLOW, S".`-~ Blectropboretic study of the ebanges in the blood serum in acute disorders of cerebral"blood circulation. Naucb. trudy Inst. nevr. ANN SSSR no.1:322-328 160. (MIRA 3-5:7) o 1. Institut nevrologii imeni Favlova Akademii Hwaynakoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest i kafedra biokbimii Mediko-ffirmatsevti- obaskogo inotitata. (EMTROPHOIWIS) (CMMR&VASCULAR DISEASE) (BLOOD-EWINATION) ARSENFZCU, G) - ION'=U, V.,- TEODORINI, Sanda; VHINCEANU, R.; GANTACUZINO, D.; ,;-VALWIU, Georgeta; AZIMIOARA, Yolanda REPTA, .71T~O;, Studies of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system in engine drivers during summer montbu., Rumanian M Rev. no,1:65-73 JA-Mr 161, (CARDIOVASCUIAR SYSTEM hysiology) (EXERTION physiology) (INDUSTRIAL MKDICINE~ (HEAT) GLBRIELESCU, Elena; TEODORINIp Sandai_12~~ ~;.BORDEIANU, Aurelia Hiotochemical changes of the carbobldratoo In the superior cer7ical ganglion during the phases of functional stimulation. Revs sci. mad. 5 no.3/4:153-156 160. GANGLIA AUTONOMIC ohem.) (GARLOHYDRATES chem.) (BLEGTHOPHYSIOLOGY exper.) PAPPOl A.; MIRON, 0.; JRN~acup-n~~ Current clinical problems in cholangio-cholecystopathy. Stud. cercet. med. intern 3 no,1.9-19 162. iBILARY TRkCT diseases) 101 ISSO-1 V.; CHRICHIANU, G.; VOICU, A. Dym5yuorgia careballsiris myoclonica (Ramsa~-Hudt syndr=e). Rev. 7 no.3/4sl53-155 162. (CEREBELLAR-DISEASES) (MYOGLONUS) (EPILEPSY) (GENETICS, HUMAN) M33,CU, St. M., academician; STARESOU, V.; IOANITIU, D.; CIURDAREANU, I.; IONFMU, V.; PORNARU, S.; XUDMLW, C. The Ieurence-Hoon-Biedl-Bardet syndrome: a familial case* Stud,.Cercets endoor. 13 no.1195-104* 162, (IAMMC&XODN-BIRDL SYNDRW genetics) SOTANESCU, V.; IONESCU V., nOREk, I.; POENARU, S. The diagnosis of incipient hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents. Stud. cercet. dndoor..: - . 14 no. 3:341-354 163. (HYPERTHYROIDISM) (THYROID FUNCTION TESTS) (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIC) ARSENESCUP Gh.;,IQNF MT, Vjqlo! TEODORINI,, Sanda; VRINCEANU, R.; CANTACUZINO, D.; RET~i, V.; BOBIC, D.; VALEOU, Georgeta; AZD40ARA, Yolanda Studies-on the adaptation of the cardiovascular apparatus of locomotive engineers in summertime. Studii cerc fiziol 5 no. 4: 703-715 160. (1. Locomotive engineers 2. Cardiovascular system) 1. Institutul de fiziologie n6mala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academiei R.P.R. si Directia oanitara C.F.R. 2. Membru. al Comitetului de redactie "Studii si cerestari, de fiziologie" (forArsenescu). NICOLAU,C.T.p prof.; 10~NF~,S_dre TSITEL, Pe, dr.; POPESGU, Doina T., dr.; GHBORGHIU,-Georgeta; ZAHARIA, Maria Cytochemical determination of hemoglobin F an a diagnostic method In thalassemia, (Considerations on several clinical cases). Med. intern. (Bucur.) 16 no.I.OtI181-1186 0 164 I Lucrare efectuata in Centrul de hematologie (director: prof, I.T. Nicolauj membru corespondent al Academiai Republicii Polxlare Romine. U MILCUP Toana; NANU, Lydiaj HARMAN, Rodica; ICKESCU. . Violeta The effect of epiphysectomy on the metabolism of carbohydrates. Studies with rate. Stud. cercet. endoor. 16 no.ltl7-23 065. -IONESCU, V. Determination of blood volume with the aid of radioisotopes. Fiziol. norm. pat. 10 no.5:385-3913 S-0 164. 1. Institutul de fiziologie normala si patologica "Dr. Danielopolu" al, Academiai Republicii Populare Romine. ACC NA, AP6020134 SOURCE CM1 RU/0011163/0091003/023410238 AUTHORI Tonescat n-t (H ngimer) i none. TME, v Some considerations coneen*m oPtUdgation, IL funOUOn Of speed for aut,60, natio direction SOURCEt Automatic& si electrowdoat. ve 9, no* 5. 1965g 234438 TOPIC TAM data sampling, antomatio- cant I system -ABSTRACTS A. discussion of control 5!~Ums with confftent vaipling poriodso The author concludes that the use or mampling system allows the obtaining of optiml comb ditions with-regard to the duration of the.transitory processeso &W that proper 00100tiDn of the sampling period results in donditions loading to optimal app%jestn of the maximisation principles Origo art* hass 4 figures and 39 formulas-b SUB COM 13 / SUM DAM now ORIO REFo 001. .01H RM 001 SOV REFI W~ - Card 3 05#003 IfFESCUt V.T., dr.; KCKDI,, Vo dre Immoelectrophoresin In Rastitki-Kabler disease. Med. interne Maur.) 16 noe7tSZ7-833~' J1164 1. Therare efectuate, Is Gentrul de Hematologie al Ministendui Siknatatii si Prevederilor Social& (directort prof. C.TeNicolau). IONESCU9 V.Th.; IANOVIGIq M. Modeling the Laplace fields through the rheoelectric analogy and with ordinary paper. Studii core fiz n no-3:805-809 160* (ELAI 10:2) (Electric C'miductiviti) (Harmonic functions) (Potentiall Theory of ILIESCU, Florica L.; FADEI, Lidia; IONESCU, X.;,-,IONFSCU~V-T-~ Culturing of malignant cello from human neoplastic ascites fluid. Ihmmnian M. Rev. ho.3t13-16 161. TE-3) (TISSUE CULTURE) (NEOPLASMS) (ASCI . 0 IANOVICI, M.,- ~OWGU,.V.Th. Experimental installation foratudying and testing ion sources i and electron injectors. Studii cerc fiz 15 no. 3:355-358 164. 1. Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest. I MESCU r,,,C.,j W.OVICI, M.; DUTESCUS N.; 10=GU, V. Th. Laboratory elootrompet for intense fields,, Studii cerc fis 14 320"07-72 $63, le Institutul de fizica, atomice. Buouresti, ,. . IQNESCU iaa~nu ~Vic~or Application of the Laplace method in the deturmination I I of comot orbits, Studii astron 9 no. 1:47-76 64. CRTSTESGU,, Cornelia; IOMSCU Vlasceanu, Victor; VLAICU, Stefanie, Precise positions of comets observed In 1962 and 1963. Studii astrQn 9 no. 1;93-95 164a IONTSCU Vlasaeanu, Victor Precise pogitions of small planets (M). Studii astron 9 no. 1:147-158 164. Precise positions of small planets (1959). IbJd.-s159-160 BUSTRAI Mari4j, dr.1 DABIJAp'.Vioricap 4r~;-GHSMGHEv neanap dre; ICKESCU, 39,, dr.1 IMNXXp ZembLa# dr.1 LDNGU, Felicia, dr.; SAUKIN, Nadia, dr.;,SAM, Valentina, dr.; STANUCU,, I., dr.; STOICk,, V6p dr.1 SEW, N., dro; VISAN, Valeriap dro Ourresulto in tiw treata*ent 4 complications of dental caries* Stomatologia (Bacur) 12 no.IW4-16 Ja-F'65. 1. Colectima Serviciulul dO stowtologis &I Spitalului vni- ficat de adultip Constants. RUMAIM%/Optics Optical Technology. K- Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1960, 6989 Author : Ionescu Zane N. Inst : - Title Production Control of Parts'of Complicated Form with the Aid of Ultrasound Orig Pub Rev. cailor ferate. 1959, 7, No 4, 290-203 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 125 IOM-ESCU-MAZA, G., ?,,ID. 6uel"karest, Sanatatca No 12, Doe 63, p 18 "Stenosia of the Mitral Valve." -IONESCU.- D EI, Pana -r -SUMV Given Rames CO)Mtry.- R=Mlia Acadexic Degrees: Source: Bucharest, Comunicarile Aoademlei Bwaubliqii Populare Romine INo )51~19�19 PP 503-511. .Data: Deep Seismic FbcusX In the Area of Tara Birsei.11 IONE;3CU-ANDREI,- Pana On the intermediate impulses between the waves E and A recorded during the deep earthquakes of the Carpathian elbow. Studii astron. .seiomol 6 no.19137-145 161, (Carpathian Mountains) (Se ismic waves) rIONESCIJ-ANDRg,_Pana- . Theoretical variation of the relation and RI in the nearby deep BA 147-158 161. earthquakeo. Studli astron Wad 6 n . I (Earthquakes) 3/169/62/000/009/003/120 D228/D307 'AUTHORS: Petrescu, G., Radu, C. aud Ionescu-4ndreip P. - -------------- ,TITLE: Seismic activity on the territory of the RPR in 1959."- comments concerning the atmosphere and the crustal structure near-Vrancea PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 19629 7, ab- ,stract 9A25 (Studii'Vi cerce*tari astrone i seismol.j 6, noo 2 1961, 247-258'(Rum.; summaries in Russ. and Frt)~ TEXT: The results of studying the earthcLuakes that occurred on the territory of the RPR are presented in the first'part, The stronger .earthquakes are examinedo The crustal structure in Burope is de- .fined. Certain judgmentsconce~rning the asthenosphere and the crus- ttal structure in the vicinity of Foegan are expressed in the second. 'part of the work. A value of 90 km was obtained for the astheno- aphere's upper limit; this agrees with N. V. Shebalinlo data (RZh- __~Qeofiz, 1962t 6A106), The granite layer's depth is defined as 13 km. ~:Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/009/003/120 Seismic activity on D228/D307 This value coincides well with the data of geologic investigations*,,,---- 21 referencee. Z-Abstracterts notes'Complete tranelation._7- d Card 2/2 S/i69j62/000/010/030/07L D228/1)307 P.. G. and Ionescu-Andrei Petrescu , , TIME: Swedested alterations to Standard STAS 2923-52 en- tzLj .. i tled "Construction-standards. Macroseismicity ti zone s P2'RIODIC.,'~: Referativayy --hurnal, Geokizilca, no. 10, 1962, 30-31, abstract 10A196 (Stud- 1, certt(ri astron. qi scis.- 3 -267 (Rum.; summaries in mol., 6. no. 2, 1961, 5 Rus. and Fr.)) On the basis of macroseismic observational data for earthquakes that I-Lave occurred on the tcrri:tory of the RPR,.and also of microseismic investigations of thcse earthquakes, the author& propose the int roduction of improvements into the standard STAS 2923-52 so that it will correspond to modern requirements and re- f4lect the macro seismic effects actually observed. f7i~ostractcr's note: Complete tranalation2 Card 1/1 S/169/62/000/002/015/072 D228/D301 AUTHOR: Ionesou-Andrei, P. TITLE: Deep seismic focus at Zara Birsei PERIODICAL: Referativnyy.zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1962, 13, ab- stract 2A1.00 (Comun. Acad. RPR, 11, no. 5, 19610 503- 511) TBXT: The processing of the data of the earthquake of July 22, 1959, gave.the following results: Epicentral coordinates __ h 45;960N, A 25-920E; focal depth 225 km; time at the focus 03. lim 88.6; magnitude: 4. The epicenter fell on the concavity of the bend of the Carpathians, near Zara BIrsel; no deep focl were pre- viously known here. P-waves were not recorded. Z-Abstracter's note; Complete translation-I Card 1/1 m - - ~ -~ I IQNSSCU-AHMI P.;_JIANUj D. Theoretical variation-of the relations Rp and Rj in the doe and remote earthquaken. Studii, astron saismol 7 no;2t361-PO . ZIMSMO D.% IOUSCU-AUM, Pe ... I...-,.- ~ I I I ..-. Nature of faulting and stress pattern at the seismic focus in the vicinity of the Black SeAL western coast-b Prob] geofis .. 2-0-202 20* I0,`I`ES(,U-5EhECLiLTj A. Ionescu-i3erechet, A. Organizational problems connected with agriculture. construction. po92 SO: Montlay List of East European Accessions List (EEAL) LC, Vol 4, No. 11 November 1955,, Uncl, IONESCU-BUJOR 0 , prof. univ. Atthe great celebration of the fiberation of our country from'the fascist yoke. Gas mat B' 13 no-8:4496-450 Ag 162. LITAROZEK, Aacl&.,; IOMOU-BWOR, Cara*. InTestigation of respiratory function In mitral stenosis patients; preliminary stu4y. Bul stlint., seat. med. 7 do.4:1067-1085 Oct-Doe 55. (MiStAL STMOBIS, PtqsIology romp.. , splragrapkW) (REWMTION,,in various dis. attral stencels,spirogmpbr) MMMCU. Volnea, Conf.; BUJOR-CARUS. Ionsecu. dr. Mechanism of production of &cuts pulmonary adem in patients of mitral stenosles K6dq Int., Buaw. 8 n0.2:231-234 Apr-Ksy 56.' (NITM STIMSIS. co4lications Mute *14. idema. mechanism of prod.) (PULMDNARY XDMUI stiol. & pathogen. mitral 9tinosIs,,s9oh&nIss of prod..) -~LE- KARIMMJ, voinya. [Marinescu. V.] (Rum"iya., Bukharest); 1010sti-BuzHoo- URUS Llonescu-BusJor-Carual (Rwayniya, Mechanism of &auto pulmoAary edema In mitral stanosis [with sumary In Anglish, ps157] Testekhtre 77 noo7:23-26 ii l56. (MMA q 110) (MITRAL STANDSISI cool. puls. edema. phyiiol.) (PUIMMRY IMM, stibl. and pathogen. mitral stanoals, phystal.) I I r-7, UF-' 'I I j 7 LAJILd KARIMISCU, VOIMA; IONESCU-BUJOR CARUS Contributions to the study of the pathogenesin of accute pulmon~47 edema in patients vith atenomis of the mitral. valve, Rumanian X* Rev. 1 no.1:40-41 Jan-lby 57s (XIULL SMOGIB. compl. pulse edema* pathosen. (PUIXONARY MM, OtIOls & PathO9616 mitral. stenosis) MRIMCU, VOIMM; - G, - IOnSCU-P&WLJW; MARCML SELTAM The ligature of the pulmonary artery; an effective means for the pre- vention of venous admixture in chronic pulmonary suppuration. lb-nian M. Rev. 1 no.2378-83 Apr-JUne 57. prey. of venous admixture by ligation of puln. artery) MARINESOU, Voinea; 'SUJOR-GATRIM, Ionescu The role and the limit@ of,compensating mechanisms in the postoperative period. Ramnian N. Rove 1 no.4173-81 Oct-Bee 57. postop, conpensatIng mechanisms) ICUESCU-BEJJOR, Claudiu Intrinsic study of permanent and rotational flown of a perfect fluid. Bull math Rm 4 no-3/4237-79160. .I IONESCU-BIJJgR -Glaudiu Intrinsic atudy of the permanent and rotatlonal flows of an ldeal fluid. Rev math Puree 7 no.3493-541 162. ZIMSCU-BUJCRI Glaudiu no -- I Intrinsic study of the rotational and permawnt outf]Lowg of a perrect, fluid. Ft, 3. Rev math. pm*e 8 no.1:155-~201 263. IONESCU-BUJOR, Claudiu Introduction to the intrinsic study of the class of permanent motions of perfect plaamm in a stationary magnetic field. Studii pore mee apl 14 no.3t537-557 163, IONFZCU-BUJOH, Glaudiu introduction to the ihtninsic study of the class of steady motions .of perfect plasma in a statioaary mug-aetic field, Rev Mee appl 9 no.4t 7W-817 164. IONESCU-BUJOR, C. "Developrwnt of Inatruction in Mathematics and Physics in Rumania~', p. 360t Issued trr the Rumenian Society of Yat~erratics and Physics. Monthly. (GAZETA mAMIATICA SI FIZICA. SERIA A., Vol. 6, No. 8/9, Aug./Sept. 1954. SO.- Monthly List of Eastern European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. IOM~`flu-BUJORI C. IlRelationship between Scientific Creation in our country and in Russia and the USSR", P. 369, Issued monthly by the Rumanian Society of IMathematics I and Physics,. Monthly. (GAZEITA YATEYMICA SI FIZICA. SIRIA A., vol. 6, 21o. 8/9, Aue./SePt. 1954. SO: VlonthLy List of Eastern European Accessions, (FIAL), LG, Vol. 4, No. 50 Fay 055, Uncl. IONESCU-BUSORO C. 60th anniversary of the founding of QAILt& Mt&UjjU. p. 485 GAZETA MATEMTICA SI FIZICA' SERIA A. Buouresti. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1955 SOURCEs last European Aocessions List (VAL)t LC, Vol. 5,, no. 29 February 1956