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HERUNG, C. (Bucilresti); 11DRISTE Constantin; 1111EDI~SCU Stefan (Slatina);
Pirsan, Livili (Bucurestif; WMA-14, C.; IONf:FCU-TIU, C.; IONESCU,
Florica ff. (Bufraresti); F1T,1PO1','P Al. (Buzaj); CFORGF:3CU-Y--(16b-e-9A---
MU775-sii)-, SANDULAGRE, C., prof. (Nogresti, lqsi); MCRTUN, T'..;
SCHEFFEL, Gabriel.a. (OUrnpulung); TEODOEESCU, I. prof. (Galati);
SICLOVAN, I. (Petrosani)-, AGU., Dumitru (131uj); GRECU, Eftimie
(Buourosti); PAUN, N., prof. (Rimnicu Vilcea); GHEORGHIU, Adrian
(Bucuresti); DUMITIRRASA P., prof. (U"1ttj);'GEURGFSCU, Cornellu
(Grainva); 'BOBiVICU, V. hucuresti); BANTSCH, Grigore, prof.
(Gimptna); OPREA, Gh. (Filtani); POPESCU, Ioan M. Bucuresti);
3orb, Ion (Lugo.0
Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 16 no.4:172-177 Ap 165.
L 42226-66 EWP(t)/ETI IJP(C) JD
ACC N& 76031574 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/66/017/001/0045/0046
AMMs icnescu,, n.
dtG: norm
TITIE: Nephelometric determination of Nn!r2chlorio acA an industrial atmoaphero~!~.
3%WF,: Revista do chimiet Y. 170 no. 1, 1966s
70PIC TAGSt hydrochloric acidg silver nitrate
ABSTRACT: The a'uthor elaborated a nephelometric method for the determination of
hydrochloric aoidp based on the reaction of the chloride ion with silver nitrate.
The error of the method is t0#61 percent, Orig, arts has: 2 figures and 2 tables* I
SUB 0=1 07 SuM DATE t none MM Rat 002 OM M 001
-rO14&Fc U. G .
M019 1.1 10419644Co
Galena rind blendle Im Mn~~iacq, fnd ',:~ ast",e. Studia
L,T-,Iv F-B S. awil'-pleog 6
CATEGORY : 011,01-AGal VcClu"010r,7- C1_101n-ic-"l P.-odilcts and
Their -Uses. Part M-crpiosives. pyrotechnical"
ABs. joUR. : RZKhim., No. 1 194), Ito. 2350
AUTHOP : Fro"'Idon, 0. ; lonon6u,
T-1-mz MICUICd for Rapid Analysi~; of Y.Itzratlr'g
j Mder industftel Conditions
~ORIQ. PUB. z '11ev. chin., 1958, 9, !1o 6, 31.16-313
1ABSIRACT 12Pho nothod which is beJa-C proposod for the
rapid. analysis of riltratinC mL--tures (ITM) is
based on the dotorminat-lon of H-iSk M bY
ncoxis oi- titrition uith Pb(TTO~),, zolution (11)
jr. queou.3 acetone nedi-wn in tho procen-oa 01
ditlaizon (III) as indlicator. In acraeo-as ace-zinej
J-_ vevy snail. ~,Iie
the solubility of PbS04
nds. Chemical Defenne PLgent
.1R3. MIT, MUM.) 140. 2. 1960) No. 235o
11M'; T.
ORIC'. Pm.
AESTRACT excess of II gives, wit'a III, a red coloring.
contld "Mcreaft-'er, tbu3 gerieral acidity of 12M is fo-Und
bY titratingf with alkali and, ~MoWlng the con-
I;E)r-t 01' 1, the content of TM1110 (IV) is cc11011-
lated. 11!1e Gyact ~,,(_,jf P~rtlon (,,l ml) of
gij,3 (j
2~ rft'0
101, eontal-ning 16-50
an(' "10
Is diluted water in El. Measuring- flaak. u-,')
to 200-250 -al. A part of this solution, con-
taining 0.24.L meq of sulfate i on, is diluted
PANAITIDEJ, C., ing.; MARCUP Gh., ingLjjdL=,_Gh,; RADU, N.; PAVEL, D.
VASIMSCU., P.Y ing.; ROSU, A., ing.; PAVEL, M., ing.; E12DI, A.;
Gh., ing.; UNTLUDIGER, E., ing.
New technology in combed cotton spinning for improving yarn
quality. Ind text Run 14 no.10:448-450 S 163.
1. De la Filatura romineasca de bumbac (for Panaitide, Marcu,
Ionescu, Radu, Pavel, D., Vasilescu, Rosu, Pavel, M., Enedi,
Mihai, Sandilescu).
2. De la Institutul de cercetari textile (for Avachian,
Andreicovici, Unterfinger).
TOYKULIM. K. [Tollescu., M.]; NOYMN, K.; ZONESW, 3.
VALUM, Aim; ZKOROMICHAM, Toya. [Horodniciann', Tj
Severe and fatal came@ Induced by Sh. Sonnet. Zhur.mIkrobiol.epId,
I I==. 30 no-707-59 J1 '59, (NIRA 12 t 11)
1. Is kliniki infektsionnfth bolesney Kolentina (Bukharest),
Boologic phogobacterial relations in various natural media -
water, *mud, soil, plants -. and'theli interpretation. Rmnantan
K, Rove 4.noel:21-23 J&-Ur 060.
1. 'Institute of ffyglens and Public Elealth, Bucharest.
0 Z 5J, c,. Ccr~ !C.,' 7-,
zlt., '11-1k.
on, Of Co:.-.: i:.n,-!l
Contributiono to the calculation of absorption columns of
maleic anhydride in water. Studii ohim Timisoara 10 no.2t
203-209 Jl-D'63.
Chemistry of high presswes and t,-,mperattvfi.-. Z't si Ten Flue 31*
no 4: 40-a Ap 162
l-'.uma-nia/.,-harm,-..ico.l-o,-y. '-"o,.cicolo,,- . -nticoa~-;Uants V-5
hbs Jour : Ref ',,hur-7~iol. , No 5, 19515, No 2-~31:)'O
Author : J-%nescu C;h., ~Itolncu D., Chlti-,-e~anu N.
Inst : Ifo*T fljVen
Title : An -.-Naluation of Hemostatic ".ction of P, IW-
manian Dru.- IT"
in ;.s-nillary 'L!aemorrharzes.
Orig Pub : Problemc% 7motachn. sl,%i veterin. lc)51~-, "'o 1-, 73076
Abstract : Rumanian thron~bin is a dorivative from the
groun of acridine compounds. it --idrnnio-
tors-d in the form of a 25~ suspension in a phy-
r; i'alo~-rical solution or serum on the ba,,;i~~; of
(3,S-'-)/l00kg.It induced a precise J.-n the
of coa~~ulation; it had no effact in the-
u u r a , re s"D
doser, on te=3ra' iration and
~.'Lfect took place three hours fol-
~;-I-inistration. IL iaay be used as a local
in onerational wounds.
Card 1/1
RUKOU/Human and Animal physiology - Internal Secretion., V-9
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol-I NO 1: 19581 4246
Author : 0. parhon) F6' jitratI.0 Oi Ionescu
Inst Academy of t6 Rumanian PoPulm RePublic
Title i Factois %nfluencing the Coupensatory Elypertrophy of
the Adrenal Mands. TV. Adrenal Compensatory Hypertro-
phy after Ludbar Sv_mpathectorw.
Orig Pub Studii si cereetari endocrin0l. Acade RPR., 1955., 62
NO 3.93.7 543
AbstracI.; In rats, the right adrenal gland was removed.. and a left
lumbar sympathectomy was performed. Twenty days after-
wardsi, the left adrenal gland was removede Its veiEAt
was increased by 55%; hyperaemia of the vessels of both
zones was discovered and there were signs of an increasc'"
activity of the zona glomerulosa. The medulla cOnsistPa
Card 1/2
RumAUA/Cultivated Plants- Fr~iits. Berrics*,.
Abs Jour Ref ZhW,-,-? Biol., No 7, 1958, 30001
Author Fqrhon;,Cjw, Is.tratk,-,F&)Jonescu, G.
Inst - I C.". __ .
Ti 1e An,Investigationof,,]Fqctors.Causing PqMpensatqry Hyper-
trophy of the Suprarenal Gland. III. The Ekfect'of Seve-
ral Animal Hormones and Extracts of Endocrine Secretions
pn.the.,Flowering Process in Fruit-Tree Branches.
Orig Pub Studii~.Ai.cercetari-endocrinbl. Acad. R,.P.,,-,1955) 6)
Nck 3--!4,- 556054~, .(R~maniM
Abstract Experiments of~the.Laboratory.of:Fh oendocrinology of..
t4e.Rumanian Pp9ple's, Rep~Ablic have,shown that hormones
and,extracts of-the aands of. innei.secretion from animals
produce an effect on the physiology and morpholoa of
fruit trees. Thus, estrone in a dose of 1000 units per
1 liter of water, acting (in February) on branches of
apricot, peach, sweet ancl sour cherries caused the
Card 1/2
RUMAM/Cultivated plants pruitse Berries. M
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 7, 1958, 30001
flowering of all branches (the branches were placed in a
vessel containing a solution of estrone).- There was an
increase in the number of flowering buds in the peach by
almost 4 times, in the sour cherry Prunus cerasus) it was
almost triple, in the 13weet cherry ~p. avium) doubled in
comparison with the control (brand s'placed in water).
Placental extract in a concentration of 1:10o caused flo-
wering of the branches in the sweet cherry and apricot
Only* Suprarenal extract in a concentration of 1:100 sti-
mulated flowering in the sour cherry, peach, and apricot.
It is also noted that the action of estrone delayed the
appearance of leaves on all branches, and the suprarenal
extract stimulated the development of the staminal orgms
and simultaneously retarded the growth of the petals in
the apricot blossoms.
Card 2/2
01 af,
oAj r
Pharmacology, Toxicology, Analeptios U-3
Abs Jour v Referat Zh.-Biol., No 1, 1958, No 3388
Author Deriv, S., Tanasescu, Gh., Costesou G., ~,~so _G.. Tanase
I., Dimitriv M.0,Manesou M.v Carp, N., Neasour C.0
Gr-igoresou-Simionesou G.,, Ionesou C., Nitvlesou, F., Sib-
iceanu Gh, Voioitu, Al.
Inst zNot given.
Title tA Study of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids (Methionine,
Cysteine, Cystine), Cyclic and Heterocyclic Amino Acids
(Tyrosine, Tr-jptophan, and Histidine), Nucleic Aoida (RNA
and DIIA), Proteases (Trypsin, Cathapsin, Dipeptidase and
Carboxypdptidase) dnd of Nuoleases (Ribo-and Desoxy-ri..
bonuclease) in the,Cerebral Cortex of Rats Under the In-
fluenoe of Luminal and Benzedrine.
Orig Pub t Bul. Stiint. aoad. RPR. Sec. Mod., 1955, 7, No 4, 1193-1208.
Abstract : A study was made of protein and nuoleic acid metabolism in
2 1/2
ZJMANIA Pharmacology, Toxicology., Analeptios U-3
Abs Jour t Referat Zh.-Biol., No 1, 195a, No 3388
Abstract : the cerebral cortex of rats during a state of lumin&l-
induced depression and of benzedrine-induoad excitement. It
was shown that under the influence of benzedrine there was a
decrease in the amounts of oysteine and oa,thepaing there
Was no change in the tyrosine and tryptophan oontentj when
lUminal was administered, the amount of GILthepsin Vjs in-
creased and that of tyrosine and tryptophan remained un-
changed. No alterations in the activity of desoxy-and of
ribo-nuolease were noted during excitement. During a state
of inhibition, an increase in the activity of both nuoleases
was observed, whereas there was no change in the amount
of RM and DNA. The authoro .conjecture that during sleep
anabolic Processes predominate over catabolic processes,
RLMANIA/Hurzan and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T-9
Internal Secretion. General Problems.
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, 51019
and mutzry gland extract (HZ) Jilhibit it. MCC inhibits
the growth of rootse Testostorone folliculin and thyroxin
stimulate blossoming, while M, and testes and suprarenal
Gland oxteacts inhibit it. Fron the author's surmary.
Card 2/2
Mcuo asoriou
11.1 WO ,r.
Ii ~.'tm
lien -f- ~
rvations on trle at.macLure of tzlfj jjl"-nn,~d '-~,orty Jr.,
to tne pbuses of the c-oxwL, c yc
in herls. cor-'et.
endoer. 15 no.5:4B'l:.-0,l(,, 164.
L 45247-66, T JK
ACC -NR.-4~--6b3j-- SOURCE CODE: RU/0023/65/010/004 34
AUTHCR: Ionescu. Gh.--Ionesku, G. (Doctor);-Ienistea, C.--Iyenishtya, K. (Doctg)
j t)
Ions a--Ionesku, K. (Biologis
ORG: Institute of Hygiene and Work Safetyj Bucharest (Infftitutul de igiena si)p-rlo
muncii (0
TITLE: Frequency of,B. cereus in minced meat and sausages [This paper was presented
at the U.S.S.M., Secl-i-o-n-oF-Infectious Pathology and Epidemiology Conference held in
Bucharest on 22 February 1964-J
SOURCE: Macrobiologia, parazitologia si epidemiologia# v. 10, no- 4, 1965, 327-334
TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, processed animal product,, microorganism contamination, food
ABSTRACT: The authors checked the presence of B. cereus in 77 samples of chopped meat
in various forms (hamburgers, etc.) and fresh and smoked sausages* Bs cereus was
present in 36.3 percent of the samples, with variable percentages for the different
types, from 9 percent for smoked cold cuts to 86 percent for "fresh" coldcuts such
as bologna, etc. No relation could be eitablished between the frequency of B. Cereus
and the bacteriological indices for fecal contamination of the food. Pathogenicity
tests on mice were positive for 196 of the 203 strains isolated. As a resun of
their findings, the authors suggest that the absence of B. cereus be included among th
sanitary requirements for -thermally processed Twat products. Orig. ar L
1 figure and 3 tables. (Based on authors' Eng. abst.] [JPRS1 t. has
1/1 J-,CK, 613
Influence of cholesterol treatment on egg productior and blood
lipids in chickens. Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.lt75-77 165o
RUMANIA UDC: 576-851.5:613.287.
IENISTEA, C., Dr, IONESCU, Cornelia, Biologist,
;I=GNA'92ECY,4"-,_D;~,.and MAN, T., Medical.As.sistant, of'the State
Health inspectorate (Inspectoratul Sanitar de Stat), Bucharest,
and MANNg Ve. Dr. of the "Bucharest" Dairy Products Factory
!-(Pabrica de Produse Lactate "Bucuresti").
"Frequency of B. cereus in Fresh and. Pasteurized Milk."
Bucharesto Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 11,
No-5v SeP-Oct 69-,PP 423-430.
Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: In a study of the
frequency of occurrence of B. cereus in 108 samples of milk, the
authors found positive resultaLin 72.4 percent of the fresh milk
samples, 86.7 percent of the bottled asteurized milk, and 100
percent of the bulk pasteurized milk Mrectly from the pasteur-
izing machine). It was not possible to establish a correlation
between the presence of B. cereus and fecal contamination of the
milk. A total of 213 strains of B. cereus were identified; re-
sistance of the germs was lower in fresh than in pasteurized milk.
Includes a bibliography with 34 entries, of which L3
Rumanian, 10 German and 21 Western. -- Manuscript submitted
19 April 1964.
IONESCU, Gh.. dr.; IENISTEA,, C., dr.; IONESGU, Cornelia, biolog
Frequency of Bacillus cereus in minced-meat and sausages.
Microbiologia (Bucur.) 10 no-4:327-334 JI-Ag 165.
L Lucrare ofectuata in Institutul do igiena si protectia muncii,
jgJWQ,,(2i., dr.; IENISTEA, C., dr.
The viability of the bacteria Shigella sonnei, Sh. flwmari
and K. pyogenes var. aureuxin lactic acid derivatives used in
feeding of small children. Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 9 no.5t"5-
452 S-0 '64
1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutal de igiena si proteatia mmaiip
r :,%.I
U.;T,` OPY
40U R
A 83
Rumania H-11,
R MI lal 110 16 1~5 No.
59 57W
Bibolaru, V. and Ionescu, G.
Tlmiaoara Poly t*ch-nI-C7n--, aru te
The Utilization of Aluminum Shavings as Supports-
for Vanadium Pentoxide
Bul Stlint si Tahn Inat Politehn timiaoarrxi 11
No a, 299-303 (1-956)
The authors have studied the possibility of usihg
Al-shavings ~ as~ supports f or'- V2 05 in 'the 6xida
tion,ol-naphthalene to phtlift-lic anhydrido',''The-
sbayings were-turned from 20-25' 1 n9 ~Mikiwias,
and 0-5 mm ~ thick strips of 99% Al ' and shape'&- into
,,,spirals of_~1-2 mm. pitch.- In order to improve the
adhesion of the catalyst to the shavings, the
surface ot the latter was treated with an oxy-
acetylene flame* this treRtment resulted in good
bonding of the catalyst. A description of a
ro ~,RjcOTT
CD37~:arztllve st"dY Of clICULAin'? mrthod:s for Pn ~!j g
t c,-trop,,a v I . -:-
field Ir. rietric
WQVA-8) with ap"licat.1.0', to
Vol. Po. 12, Dec. lp56
SO P'Lt Eu~-op~*ajj Accession, Vol, 5, RaY 19,57
RUMARA Radiophysios. Radio-Waves Froppg"ion 1-5
Abs Jour i Ref Zhur - Fizilm, No 6, 1967, No 12568
Author t lonesou, G.
Inst s Not given
Title : Certain Features of Propagation or Motor Waves.
Orig Pub % Elektrotehnioa, 1956, 4, No 8, 371-377.
: An examination is mado of several features.of the propa-
oLtion. of radio waves in the motor band (staospheric wave-
guide3, fading, oto.), connected with the fact that in
this band it is possible to have both ionospheric as well
as tropospheric propagation. Bibliography, 16 titles.
S 1/1 Mme J-7)
-5 U, G.
Installations for tYe production and distribution of ccr,1pressed air in no-dern trans-
former and connection stations. Pti 2 (To be contd.)
P. 387 (Energetica. Vol. 5, no. 8, Aue. 1Q.57. 'Jucuilesti, Ruricni.,!)
Monthly Index of Ela.,;t Eumpean Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7., no. 2,
February 1~,58
RLR41:1TL*,/Rv.diophyE;ics Proparntion of Radio Idanvas
Abs Jour : IL-f Zhur Fizilm, iio 4, :L9,59, No 8944
;.'Uthor : Ionescu George
Inst. :
Titlo :Peculiarities of Propa,-,ction of Ultra Short Waves in Cities
Or-,g Pub :T-Accomunicatii, 1958j 2, No 3, 128-137
A'kb r, t z-,. c t:Eb~-perimcntal &-.t,-. are j~-ivcn on the prol..)aC;ation of radio
waves of frequencies of 50, 70 and 100 i,!cG in Bucharest.
Then minimum power of telovioion and frequency *modulation
trancmitters is calculz~tod with ~llowmco for the average
noise level and for the signal to noise ratio. .uthorls
Card 1/1
V r
IL f 1r I ;'r t, Mp
rr V
r Air j
RUMANTA/Nuclear Physics Installations and Instruments. C
Methods of Measurement and Research.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 26669
Author : Ionescu, Gear
Title Developnent of Neutron Selectors
Orig Pub Automat. si electron., 1959, 3, No 1, 27-39
Abstract A survey is given of the development of neutron se-
lectors and modern terrainology of nuclear engineering .
Card 1/1
Effects of radiation upon electronic apparatus and installations. p. 93
AUTOMATICk SI ELECTRONICA. (Asociatia Stiintifica a Inginerilor si Tehni-
cienilor din Rominia) Bucurestip Rwania. Vol. 3, no. 2, M&r./Apr. 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEAI) LC, Vol- 8, no. 9,/1959
The Elutron, a new linear cyclic accelerator. p. 96
AUTOMATICA SI ELECTRONICA. (isociatia StUntifica a Inginerilor mi.Tehni-
cienilor din-Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 3, no. 2, Yar./Apr. 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions.-(EEAI) W , Vol. 8, no. 9,AgFg
Possibilities of using directed thermonuclear reactions for the production of
electric power. 1. po tt.
ELECTROTERNICA. (Asociatia, St1intifica Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din
Rominia A Hinisterul Finergiei Blectrice A Inductriei Electrotehnice)
Bucuresti, RUITAniaw Vol- 7., No. 1, Jan. 1959.
Monthly List. of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959.
The evolution of neutron selectors. p. 27,
AUTOMATICI SI ELECTRONICAO (Asociatia StUntifica a Inginerilor at
Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucurestip Rumania, Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan-./ Feb. 1959
On the conimtation of the maroons In whIch parasitle radlatlons are
produced, Mudli owflo. 10 so,4060-M4 159. (=L1 90)
(ShIoUlng (Iladiation))
-24;_0 1.2 B/004/60/000/003/001/001
AUTHOR: Ionescu, George, Engineer (Bucharest)
TITLE: On the possible use of controlled thermonuclear re-
actions for producing electric power
PERIODICAL:. Electrotehnica, no. 3, 19617 75 - 89
TEXT: Utilizing the latest data publJAed on the results com-
municated at the Geneva Nuclear Conference in September 1958,
the author presents the calculation of energy which may be pro-
duced by thermonuclear reactors, fusion reactors and the instal-
lations used for the productionand study of thermonuclear re-
6ctiont in plasma. In the first part of the article published
in "Electrotelinica", no. 1, 1959, pp 4 - 132 the author dealt
with the fusion reaction between the light elements, i.e. deu-
teron - deuteron (DD). and deuteron triton (DT). Based on,
the'investigations of R. Post (Ref. 1: Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, 1956)
338; and PIRE, 45, 1957t 134 160) and J. C. Linhart (Ref 2%.
Nuclear Engineering, 2, 19577 lit 66 65), the author estat-
card l/ 6
On the possible use of... D244/D302
lishes the power produced by thermonuclear reactions and des-
cribes the DD and DT reactions. Several solutions werr-'recom-
mended for transforming nuclear power into electric power,- e.g.
by indirect power transducers and direct transducers. sion
reactors belong to the first category. In order to have such
a system producing energy, the condition of the self-sustaining
reaction should be fulfilled, i.e. the heat losses should be
compensated by the energy produced by the thermonuclear reaction.
The operation of a thermonuclear combustion chamber is then
explained. The most difficult problem was that of thermally
isolating the plasma from the wall and the problem of internal
pressure produced during the reaction. On the isolation prob-
lem, the author notes that Tamm and Zakharov recommended in
1950 the use of an axial magnetic field which should focus the
plasma, and then points out that at the 1958 Geneva conference
IT.I. Kurchatov presented some devices for Isolating and
Card 2/6
On the possible use of... D244/D302
maintaining the incandescent pl:asma in the discharge chambers
discovered b 'G.I. Budker~(Ref. 114, Atomnaya Energiya, 1~?569
29 1-05 _' 11 OT These devices are ihe so called "magnetic plugs"
Or"adi&batic traps" and were used in the new Soviet OGRA instal-
lation. The Budker adiabatic traps are based on the use of a
magnetic field which suddenly increases at the ends of the cyl-
inder , in which the reaction takes place. Another OGRA type
installation is composed of-a cylinder closed at the terminals
by two traps. Installations for examining thermqnudlear reac-
tions may be divided into'three typesi a) ZETA type instdl---'
lations; b),OGRA type installations; and c) STELLARATOR type
installations: To these may be added: d) Cylindrical.tubes
in which'the possibility of producing a thermonuclear reaction
by a discharge In gases was studied. The author then briefly
reviews Soviet investigations which were accomplished in two
directions: a) Study of methods of maintaining and heating
plasma in th6"systaw with closed current lines; b) investig'a-
.,tion's of magnetic traps, in which high temperature plasma is
Card 3/ 6
On-the possible use of..*- D244/D302
formed by the accumulation of the quick particles (ions) injec-
ted into the trap, After describing several Soviet discharge
chambers presented'at Geneva it is pointed out that the largest
Sovi6t installation, the 06", builtunder the direction 'of I.N.
Golovin, consists of a huge cylindric.chamber with "magnetic
plugs" at the ends. The density of the hydrogen plasma produced
in this installation is 1013 cu cm. The-essential parameter of
such an installation is its efficiency, given byt
released power W4 (24)
consumed power
in which W+ kI vd(T) n2 R2 11
v being the average velocity of the particles, d(T) the effic-
ient section of the reaction, n the number of ions/cu cm, R and
Card 4/6
On the possible use of... D244/D302
the radius and length of the cylinder, and kj a constant. The
efficiency in case of a D-IT reaction becomes greater thp the
unity in the installation for T = 100 kev and HR = 5 x 100 gauss
cm, being able to attain an energy concentration of 200,000 kW
per cu m of plasma at a magnetic field of 50,000 gauss. The'
most-important components of-Ahe OGIRA'installation were built
at the Mechanical Engineering Plant in Leningrad There are
23 figures, 1 table and 34,references: 14 Sovie;-bloc and 20
non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4"most recent English-
ldhguage publications read as follows:- Ref. 19 ZETA: The -
Zero Energy Thermonuclear'Ass'bmbly-, Electrical Lergy, 2, 1959,
2~ 36 - 40; Nr- 361 of the Electronic Engineering-of March 1959
it dedicated for the description of the ZETA installati6n (con-
tains four articles on.'this problem); Thermonuclear Fusion
Atomics and Nuclear Ener y,-g, 19589 119 58; Nucleonics, 11,
19587 21 90, and 16, 1959, 51 122*
Card 5/6
R/00XR~'0'12/002/00 2/003
D226 D304
AUTHORS: Ioues and Buchman, �., Engineers
TITLE: On the generation of elastic waves in seismic prospect-
PERIODICAL: Petrol 9i gaze, vol. 12, no. 2, 1961, 69-73
TEXT: The article deals with the generation of elastic waves used
in seismic prospecting by both the method of reflected and that of
refracted waves (KMPV). The authors first discuss the intensity of
the generated seismic impulse and some results obtained by their
experiments. On the basis of their theoretical considerations, the
authors ascertained that only soft rocks -with a low acoustic resis-
tivity generate a wide spectrum with a tendency toward the lower fre-
encies, whereas hard rocks generate especially high frequencies.
he authorst conclusions could also be applied to the generation of
waves by shootings, since they lead to considerable savings inthe
consumption of explosives by increasing the generating surface, the
shootings being carried out in holes of low depth, approximately
Card 1/3
On the generation of elastic waves... D226/D304
5 10 m. For calculations, the pressure distribution P in the med-
IUM located around the shooting point should ae known. For this
purpose the authors used the formula of G.I. Pokrovskiy (Ref. 2:.
Calculul tnca'reAturilor de explozivi pentru rruncare. AdViunea ex-.
Ploziei ln~pgmlnt 3*,calculul.IncArcAturilor (The Calculations-of
Explosive Charge s for Blastings. The Action of Explosives in the
Earth and.the.Calculation-of the Charges), I., D. T., Buchare6t.,,1957):
193 79200 Vi
0.053 3 (10)
in which k0
being the radius of th6. explosive charge. En m, R the dis,tahce
in m from the shooting point to the point wb:!re the pressure is
determined, Vs -,the speed of sound in the, wadium in m/sec' P. - the
pressure at a point of. the medium in kg/mz, and C - the weight, of
the explosive. Conclusions: Small charges c1stributed at a great.
number of shallow holes leads to a consider.ible reduction in explo-
sives consumption.. The surface to be excit,id has to fulfill them
Card 2 3
On the generation of elastic waves... D226/D304
following conditions: Its maximum dimension should be comparable
with the length of the used wave; the geometrical distribution of
the generating points on this surface should be uniform, whereas
the impulses supplied by every point shoull be as identical as pos-
sible; the radius of action of the impulse of every generating
point should not.3verlap with that of the-neighboring point; the
dimensions of the generating surface and the number of necessary
points must be established by experiments. It is also planned to
generate elastic oscillations by powerful mechanics shocks, so as
to be able to record these shocks by the seismic devices of the
IPGG. There are 7 figures* I table and 2 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: October 4, 1960
Card 3/3
ATMOR: Ionescu, George
TITfjl--,: On the calculation~of gamma doses obtained by moving objects
III-3110DICA1,; I(vI.'(.-vtAUvnyy -zhui-nal, Fizika, no. 1962, 14, abutract 'tDIII
("Studii 91 cercetarl. fiz. Acad. RPR", 1961,, 12, no. 2, 279 -285,
Rumanian; Russian and French summaries)
TEXT. A calculation method,for doses obtained by moving ob ects is con-
sidered. This calculation method can be used in the case of the passage of a
person past a radioactive source, and also in the flight through the two Earth-
encircling cosmic radiation belts.
[Abstracter's note: complete translation]
Card 1/1
---- - - ----
-72 V--q-~Wp/
VARODIN, V., Ing.; IONESOU, Go$ Jug.; ;IIISCAN, V., ilig.; CiPPARTN, M.,
C., Ing.
Aspects of the reflection seismic prospection in the
Moesian Platform. Petrol si gaze 15 no-10029-541 0 164.
L 45247 -6~ T X -I
ACC NRI Ar6033588 SOURCE CODE: RU/0023/65/010/004/0327/033
AUTHOR: Ionescu Gh.--Ionesku, G. (Doctor); Ienisteaj, C.--Iyenishtya, K.. (Doctor
escu,'TWH-ena- 0
Ion 7rbnesku, K. Bi logist)
ORG: Institute of Hygiene and Work Safety, Bucharest (Institutul de igiena. 8i protect a,
TITLE: Frequency of B. cereus in minced meat and sausages [This paper was presented
at the U.S.S.Me, SecTi-o-n-boT'Infectiou8 Pathology and Epidemiology Conference held in
Bucharest on 22 February 1964-T- -
SOURCE: Microbiologiap parazitologia si epidemiologiap v. 10,, no- 4, 1965# 327-334
TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, processed animal product, microorganism contamination,, food
ABSTRACT: The wathore checked the presence of B. cereus in 77 samples of chopped meat
in various forms (hamburgers, etc.) and fresh and smoked sausagese B. cereus was
present in 36-3 percent of the samples, with variable percentages for the different
types, from 9 percent for smoked cold cuts to 86 percent for "fresh" coldcuts such
as bologna, etc. No relation could be eitablished between the frequency of B. Cereus
and the bacteriological indices for fecal contamination of the food. Pathogenicity
tests on mice were positive for 196 of the 203 strains isolated. As a result of
their findings, the authors suggest that the absence of B. cereus be included among the
sanitary requiremexiL s for -thermally processed im at products. Orig. art. has:
I figure and 3 tables. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.] (JPRS1
S CODE: 0 SUBM DATE: l0Mar64 / ORIG R * 005, 1
ard D 21-09'.
1/1 J-1i 'Wi 613
L 45247-66- T JK
ACC 'Ms ---- A~6O3j5
SOURCE CODE: Ru/0023/65/010/004/0327
AUTHOR: . Ionescu, Gh.--Ionesku,_g._jDoctor); Ienisteap C.-Iyenishtya, K.. (Doctor
Ionescu, Cornelia--Ione-BRU-,=. kBiologist)
ORG: Institute of Hygiene and Work Safetyp Bucharest (Institutul de igiena si protect
muncia. (0
TlTLE: Frequency of B. cereus in minced meat and sausages (This paper was presented
at the U.S.S.M., SecTi-o-n -oF-Infectious Pathology and Epidemiology Conference held in
Bucharest on 22 February 1964-T
SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia si epidemiologia,, v. 10,, no. 4# 196% 327-334
,TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, processed animal product, microorganism contaminationg food
ABSTRACT: The authors checked the presence of B. cereus in 77 samples of chopped meat
in various forms (hamburgers, etc.) and fresh and smoked sausagese Bo cereus was i
present in 36-3 percent of the samples,, with variable percentages for the different
types, from 9 percent for smoked cold cuts to 86 percent for 11fresh" coldeuts such
as bologna, etc. No relation could be eatablished between the frequency of B. Cereus
and the bacteriological indices for fecal contamination of the food. Pathogenicity
tests on mice were positive for 196 of the 203 strains isolated. As a result of
their findings, the authors suggest that the absence of B. cereus be included among thi
sanitary requirownts for -thermally processod ms at products. Orig. art. has:
1 figure and 3 tables. [Based on authors? Eng. abst.3 [JPRS1
SUB CODE: (:~j SUBM DATE: 1OMar64 / ORIG REF: 00 H
Card 1/1 JAC Unr! 61q.2
P E f" F E i~
:)f z5Let~ ro d u c
!Ae'.al,irzia, no. 11, lq64, u~A-
411- PD_ TAGS: Pickling, steel, aduminum
Pf iuMbitors in the Dietjiro7, o" 6tee' pr;Dducts improves their
VICOL, Vol, ing. (Bucuresti); IONESCU, Gabrielp ingo 4curesti)
The consfiruoti7oli-realization of the compressed air install-
ationa'in the transforming stations and connections.
Sner0tica Hum 10 no&3-.96-100 Mr ~62e
lo Director tehnic al Trustului de constructii si montaje
energetice (for.'Vicol). 2, Inginer sef adj,, la Intreprinderea
do coustruetii -4 tali'Ce si prefabricate, Buouresti (for Ionescu).
3860 7.
AUTHO.13: 'Uhircoiasu, Cornel, Rasidescu, Stefan, Ionescu, Gabriela,
?~rcasiu; Dan, Izvernaru, Steliana
TITLE% Action of petrole~m-products and a mixture of
(62-38) butadiene acrylonitrile rubber
2w 642 abs
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimlya, no. 9, 1~6 tract
"P3132 (Ind. usoara, v. 8, no. 4, 1961, 139 - 147; !V.
T.--:XTt Data are Given for the swelling and the changes in phy-sico-rhechanio7al
properties-that occur in 36 different mixtures of pe~bunan 3810'whioh has-
been aged for 114 hours at 70 and 1000C, and has remained for 24 and 72
hours at 1000C in mil.14, mineral, vegetable or solar oils, or animal .fat, or
at 250C in gasoline, a-gasoline-benzene mixture ( 75:25) or non-paraffinod-4
petroleum, mineral, solar and vegetable oils and milk. The mixtures were
nade with'Garbomet channel black (A), Furnal R300 furnace black (B),
.11'ethanex black (C) and VX Ultraseal (D). Two different accelerators were
used in each group. Grou; A. Altering the amount and nature of the.acce-
lerator has little effect on swelling; but at temperatures up to 100 C svien-
Card 1/2
Action of petroleum products ... B160/B101
ing. increases vihen the amount of accelerator is increased. At 100 0C no
correspondence is observed between the amount of accelerator and the swell-~_--'..-~
ing. A change in the amount-of accelerator does not change the physico-
mechanical-properties upon aging. The polar media and mineral oil extract
the components from the mixtures. In milk the weight of the specimens in-
creases during the first 24 hrs, after which extraction takes place. Group
B. Changing the amount and natu~-e of the accelerator has no effect-on aSing,
-.n the different media but has'.some effect on swelling. The polar media
and mineral oil act in the same wav as on Group A. An increase in weight
in milk occurs in the first 52 hours at 100 00 or 72 hours-a-t 250C. Group GA
The effect of the accelerator, mineral oils -nd polar liquids is t 9e saine
as in Group B. In milk n 'o extraction takes place in 3 days at 100 C. '4hen'
the fillers in Groups A, B and C are combined there is a slight reduction
in the swelling in the gasoline and. benzene mixture. Group D. The mixtures
swell more than the mixtures in Groups A, B and 0. 'Milk has a stronger
Off'oot on the awalling And the mixturate aomponatito ure not oxtracted. Via
behaviour of the mixtures in the polar media denends on the amount and
nature of the accelerators. In non-polar media a change in the amount oX
accelerator has the same effect as in mixtures A,-B and C. [Abstracter's
notes Complete,translation-3
Card 2/2
-'-'ZfJ*6VEANU, G,
Results of tests with explosion and geophone groups in the
Transylvanian Basin. Patrol si gaze 15 n:). 7-326-341 JI
Obaervationa on the influence of artificial lighting on the egg
production of ducks. Stud. cercet. endocr. 15 no;2:177-178 164.
IONESCU, Gh.9 Pharmacist
Suceava Regional Pharmceutical ~Jffice (Oficiul Farmaceutic
Bucharestj Farmacia. No 3, Mar 63, PP 181-185.
"The Possibility of Removing Certain Incompatibilities."
GRiooRESCU, I., Prof Drp POPOVICIr D., prof :pr. -1=a,_~Dr,
POPA, Gavrila, Dr and STANCU, D., Veterinariin-, of the Faculty
of Veterinary Medecine (Facultatea de Pledecina Vaterinara), Bu-
"Investigations on the Efficiency of the Baiburthian Method
in the Castration of Young Rams."
Bucharest, Revista de Zootehnie si Nedicina Veterinara, Vol 13,
No 7, Jul 63, pp 48-59.
Abstract (Authors' English summary modified): A comparative
sT dy of 3 methods of castration: the new Daiburtlhian
method, removal of the testicles, and crushing of the
spermatic cord by means of Burdizzo, pincers on a total of
167 rams (including the control lot) followed for 1-1/2 years
showed the superiority of the new methoi,
Includes 5 tables.
CIRIN, Liviu, ing.; FOTOCEANU, Ion, ing.; IONESCU, Gh., ing.
Economic ralations of socialist industrial entprprises
and their role in the achievement of socialist management
and strengthening of material Incentives. Problems econ
16 no. 5: 140-3.42 My 163.
1. Director comercial, UzineI6 de Mgoane-Arad (for Cirin).
2. Director eneral, Combinatul siderurgic Resita (for
Potoceanj 0 "'1"1d
3. Director tehnicP Uzinele "Steagul rosu", Brasov (for
I i I - 3r- I/ f -,
F~ur ~- V
Goq)arative study of serodiagnostic tests in exanthwatous typhm
ancl their epidemiological importance. Stud. cercet. inframicorbiol..
Bucur. 8 no-):313-321 1957.
1. Institutul de microblologie, parasitologle al epldsmiologU "IIr
1. CantacusinoO Catedra do Apidemiologie din I.P.S.M.P.
(MIM, diagnos is
exRntheutous, seradiag. tests, comparison & spidesiol.
7ALRNEA, G., Assist. Prof.; VASILIU, V.: V61CUIaSOU, R.; ISRAIL. H.; PARMIRRY, S.;
TUMHU, (;.I 6ZAGLI, L.;.Popm(;U. 7.; IOUNCU, H.
A study,.on a q fever focus dae to horses as a source of Inf act Ion.
Rmmanlan'M. Revs, 2 no.2:20-21 Apr-June 58.
FEM, transmi
by horses in Rtimanla)
(HORM, din.
fever, traned. to humms in Flumanla)
IONESCU. Honorina- DUCA H.
Study of experimental infection of some domestic animal species
with Coxiella burnetii. Siudii agr Timisoara 10 no.1-121-131
Ja-Je 163.
RUKANJ.A 616.981.71-f'078.73
&UM-A, G., Lect, NOVAC# Stelaq Dr, CRACEA, E.viDrt DTJ14TPRL3C1Tr
Banda Dr IQNESCU, Honorina Dr, and Y11HANCFA,;N., Dr, of the
~te of Microbiology, Parasitology and
Epidemiology (Inatitutul de Nicrobiologle, Forazitologie si Bpi-
demiologie "Dr I. Cantaouzino"), Bucharest, BUZDUGANO I.t Dr#
IANOPOL, Ligia, Dr and MARDARE, T., Dr, of the State Health
Inspectorate (Inspectoratul Sanitar do Stat), Suoeava Regiunso.
"Contributions to the Study of Serological Diagnosis Methods in
Rickettsioses. 11. Passive Hemagglutination in the Diagnosis
of Relapse Typhus (Brill-Zinoner Disease)."
Bucharestp Hicrobiologia. ParazitoloRia,_Epidemiologial Vol 11,
No 3, May-Jun pp 249-256.
Abstract [Authors' English summary modifiedl: The authors describe
Tine t iqueB of the pausive hemagglutination reaction with a
rickettBial antigen for the diagnosis of.relapse typhua and compare
the method with the complement-fixation method, the rickettaial
microagglutination. method, and the Weil-Felix reaction.* The ad-
vantages of the method are pointed out on the basis of serologic
examination of 431 samples from patiervts and 100 from controls*
Includes one table 4 figures and 16 references, of which 2
j)?=1ant 4 Russian ani 10'Western. -- Manuscript submitted
.28 February 1966.
Econoriky realized through the introduction of rationalizatuion in the production
process. P. 525.
Innovations approved by the Kinistry of the- ~'~e,,Tolewm Indu5tr~. P. 528.
PZTROL SI GAZE, Bucuresti.. Vol. 5, no. 12, Dac. 1954.
SO- SMonthly Li3t of Ea3t. European Acce5sions, L(,, 11o1. no. 10, Oct. 1955,
RUMANIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Pr~-Oucts and Their H
Application - Silicates. Glassi Ceramics. Binders.
Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Khimiya, 'No 9, 1958~ 29531
Author : Ionescu, I.
Title : draphite-Ceranic Black Pencils.
Orig Pub : Ind Lain., ~, No 0, 306-309 (1957) (in Rumanian)
Abstract : A brief review is given of the technoloL7 of the produc-
tion of black graphitc-ceramic pencils. A c~)qparison
of the classification used at the Cohinoor factory with
the Soviet State Standard and with the classification
used in the Romaniax-i industry is given. The fields of
application of ceramic pencils of varyin(S hardness are
Card 1/1
BUDUESCU, M., ing. tehnolog; ABRAMOVICI, J., ing. tehnolog; HAIM, E., ing.
tehnolog; STREIT, E., ing. mecanic; IONESCU, I., arh.
Complex planning and designing helping a systematic introduction
of new technics in the rubber industry. Industria usoara 3
no.10t416-420 0 156.
1~ I";_z___ ~U-- 7) 1~ V I..
I ltc
mcd. it is donc Ilf-ull r'Llli~ ii, i .,tl:i u It,-;;!. I
Sg. Odessa)~;-1011ESKU,, Ion (Rumywkaya Narodnaya Respublikit)
The fraternal international relations are growing stronger,
Sov. profioiuzy 17 no.21:32-3,3 N '61. (Mjn 14:10)
1, YA*eyevskiy koizokhimicheskiy,z&vod (for Kiselev). 2. Pred-
sedatell Xharlkovskogo oblastnogo komitsts. profsoyusa rabochikh
mashinostroyeniya (for Afonskiy). ~. Redaktor zavodskoy gazety
"Za-tekhnicheskiy progress" Orlovskogo zavoda imeni Medvedevas
g. Orel (for Gorbamv).
(Trade imi&b)
I - -
TA connection with the determination in figures of the physical
wear and the amortization of basic funds. Problems soon 15
-- - - 0,1~
I .
PZMOSK,i- 1-. Nmb-j-i A
Contributions to the study of determination of the product
Getazol. Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.9034 8 163.
Linstitutul pontru controlul de stat al medicamentelor A
cercetari farmaceutice.
IOVESCU I. . ing.
Use of polymers in hydr.6tachnical constructions. Hidrotahnica
8 no..5tl83-190 My 163.
I01,116SCU, I. , ing.; GULDDSTEIV, Ml. , ing., cercetator principal
Experiments wWi.-'some concretes with synthetic resin addition.
Studii geotebp~fund constr hidro 6 103-142 163-
10 Sef '10.1aborator la Institutual de Proiectari si Cercetari
Stlintifice pentru Constructii si Materiale de Constructii
ANTONESCU, I. P.; GOLDSTEIN, Irl. cercetatlor principal;
Experiments with some waterproof coating types and some
waterproofing methods. for.irrigation channels constructed
on loeos. Studli gooteft fund conatr hidro 6 143-182 163
1. Sef de laborator la Sectia liantl din Institutul de
Proiectari si Cercetari Stiintiftce pentru Constructil
si Materiale de Constructii (for Icnescu).,,,~
SWy on the reductAon of Ostra (Suceava) barytine.. studii
chlin Iasi 23 no4s291-302 t62.,
On the dielectric properties of the phosphate stratum and its
application* Studii chin Iasi 13 no&2:303-309 t62.
Poasibilities of uaing the powder obtained from the clinker fur-
nace electrofilters. Constr Buc 16 nr. 757:2 11 July 164,
1 - - I "I
IONESCU, I., ing.; NICA, C., ing.; SCALETCHI, L., ing.
Device for uncoupling engines. Mec. electrif agric 9 no.3:
62-64 164.
1. Faculty of Agricultural Mechanics, Timisoara.
---- Vi~ginla
I Studies and resew-ch on the elements of rougli oLIL filtration in
1 the D-36 M engine. Bul St s1 Tehn Tim 9 no.1:111-119 Ja-Je 164.
Considerations on pertarteritis nodosa (neurological aspects).
Rumanian K. ReT. 1 no.1:52 Jan-*q 57.
(POLTIMURITIS, came reports
with perl&rteritis nodoma)
Intersegmental reflexes in man. Rumnian M. Rev. 1 no.4: 46-51 Oot-Boc 57.
Intersegmental reflexes)
zo A~Eso
USSR / Human nnd AnimA Horphology, Normrl ind Prtholo~_ical. 3
Nervous S stem,
Abs Jour R Kh B161.9 No 21, 19580 Vo 97078
Author i Dro'nenescu, S.; Ionascu. I.; Voinescu, S.; Storiede, 14.
Inat : Not given
Titlo iSubacuto Cne, Chronic Viril PoliancophnlorZrolitis. Its
rolntionship to AM,,otrophic Sclarosis.
Orig Pub :Zh. nQvropetol. i psikhictriis 1957., 57o wo. 11, 14o9-1417
Abstract :On the bvsis of clinicil -nd p,,thohistolqicvl analysis,
a number of similar tr.-its botwoon subacute nnd chronic
encephalom-,11-clitis !nd nmyotrophic lntorvl sclerosis (ALS),
Pro stressed. In a 63-yerr-old women., who died of subacute
,"nterior poliomyolitis, the diserse proceeded with the
appearances of ossymetric spinpl degeneration in the field
of lateral and anterior pyrzmidal bundles fron both sides.
Is number of morphologic chinFes in the contr,-l nervous
system rcmindcd one of acute poliomyelitis. The process
C--rd 1/2 xo_'~4"
USSR / Humon and Anim-1 Morphology, Norzw.1 ond Prilholq;ical. S
Nervous System.
Abs Jour R Zh Bi6j., No 211 1958i No 97078
developad in strgos, Pffecting the carvicol ond thoracic
p,~rts of Vic spinrl cord pt first,, and lptor spronding to
the lumbosncral r,-,Fion of the spincl cord., medulla oblongntr
and motor zone of the corabrnl cortex. Me question ?rises
whether the virus of subacute poliomyelitis is a variety of
the 'virus of Heina-Medin's disease with wenkened virulence.
It is probable thrt subrouto rnd chronic poliomyelitis ond
ALS ore a single infectious process, tho finrl expression
of which is ALS. The preirrlence of ncuto !nd subacute
anterior encepliplomyclitis, Ps well ps ALS Pmong rural
popullco) sqEzosts that thoue diseoses possibly belong to
sonsonol spring oncophalomyclitis, i.e. the-,vire pnn-
oncophPlitos. Viroloricrl resoirch in order to chock these
assumptions iins not cnrriod out.-Yo. Yo. Miesin
Cnrd 2/2
-a-Vol--j-2-/6--N~urol-o-gy Jurve-39
pseudomiopatich - lonescu L , Poilici 1. , Galaction 0. and
Tdutu C. Sect.'Clin., Inst. 'I.P.Pavlov', Bucureqtl - NEUROLA)GIA
(Bucureqti) 1958, 3/4 (371-378) Illus. 7
A case report Is presented of a 30-year-old woman with negative family history.
who showed a neurological picture consisting of muscular atrophy and paresis
with predominantly distal localization associated with poeudohypertrophy of the
muscles of the calf and tendon retractions. The disease had developed in the course
of 18 yr.. In 3 outbursts, separated by long stationary intervals. Creatinuria
amounted to 0.98 g.11., ESR was normal. Basal metabolic rate Is not reported.
Electromyography revealed disturbances of myopathic type. A muscle biopsy was
taken from the calf muscles, which showed a picture of chronic parenchymatous
and interstitial myositis, characterized by cell Infiltrations, degeneration of
muscle fibres, and oedema and hyperplasia of connective tissue. Differential
diagnosis to discussed. and the case. Is diagnosed as chronic pseudomyopathic
EXCERPTA MMICA Sea 8 Vol 12/12 Neurology Dee 59
mytIle et I'scropathie uIc4ro-mutitante familiale. A propos d'un cas clInique - to ne, a c
to n a a a a c o, V. and M a a t a r Z. Inst, Pavlov. Bucarest - ACTA NEUKUL. BEM
--T958, 58/3 (360-209) Ulu*. I
detailed clinical descriptkm is given of the case of a woman aged 22 who I-Ad bobn suffering
since the age of 17 from ulcero-muttlating acropathy. She presented severe disturbances of
sensibility of a syringomystic type, with shooting pains, a cozo-famorat arthropathy end a fract-
ure of the head of the femur. There were no acoustic or vestibular disturbams. nor any pyra-
midd signs or factors of pathological heredity. The arguments in favour of th diagnosis of my-
ringomyolia are discussed. U.JdquL*r-- LAusance
IONESKU., I. [Ionescu, I.]; PETROVICH, I. (Petrovici, I.); STERIADE, M.
Acute disorders of the blood circulation-in the uystem of the
carotid,, basilar and vertebral arteries. Nauch. trudy Inst.
nevr. AMN SSSR no.1:153-160 160. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Institut nevrologii imeni Pavlova Akademil Runamskoy Narodnoy
Respubliki,, Bukharest.
BRILL., A., conf.; COMEA, P..,, dr.; 10IMSCUP I., dr.
Secondary.effects of the treatment of tuberculosis with tuberculo-
static substances. Med. inter., Bucur 13 no.6:885-893 Je 161.
1. Din institutul de ftziologie.
To 177 .-, IT
SU,--L4-,Ua2 Given Narras
Cm"t--Y: Rumania
Academ,c Degrees: -not P.-iven-
Affiliation: Dire cto r , Scientific he the Protection of,
Labor of thp C-C-S ' irectorul ;n6titutului dn Cerce-tari StiintlfiDn
:3~m-wczz ~pentru ProtActia Muncii a! C.C.S.).
xuqt-d'~ Source-. Bucharest, Stilnt-a -si Tphnian , Vol XIII No 11 Nov 1963
pp 42.
1 4
Data: "Prot: potion Of labor. Hneent Achievemants of the Scientific Rosparch
Institute for the Prot,~ction of Liibor of the C.C.S."
IONMU -6if [Ionescup -Ijj MCIM9 D. [translator)
Using the Soviet experienceo Okhro truda i sots. strakh 4
no. 2;59 F 1610 (KM 4a)
1, Direktor Bukbarestakogo nauchno-issladovateltakogo institute.
okhrany truda TSentrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov RvMmskoy Naroftoy
(Rumania-Industrial hygiene)
PORTOKALEj R. (Portocala, R.); DWITRESKOO S. [D=itresco, S.1; IOWSIXT, I.
[Ionesou, I,); BRONITSKIYI A. (Bronitki, A.)
Morphological characteristics of 3 types of Influenza virusp including
one with a double antigen. Vop. virus 6 no-4:408-415 J1-Ag 161.
(MIRA 14:n)
1. Institut inframikrobiologii Akademii nauk R=ynakoy Narodnoy
~Respubliki, Bukharest.
SiAphylococca-I toxiinfeation due to ice cream in a confe---
lJoner's laboratory. Pauaanian mnd. rev. 19 no.2:19-22 Ar-Je'65.
AUTHORs Busilal Ve T.-Bushil , Vo To (Professor); aMM&.s,-L--"TorAs1mp Is (Doctor)l
Popian, Ro=Foplanq To (Doator)l Petrica L.-PetA15, L* tD5&Wr-)j Vilosanu He-
Vylehanus He (Doctor)l Crisan, Is (Doctor); Pinteav Li ~--~Pq=o
ORGt Clinic of Lifeeticum Diseases, TABU U of MM101" Tildsoars, (Clinies. do
tg-- t
boli infeatioasep Institutut do wmiloins)j, (Labors,
torul veterinar regional Banot)
8 .~~Yidsxlio Malwalving an eldsooty axong goats
SOURCES 11crobjelogia, pargaitologia al epidenjologia, we 1-1, no. 2, 3.9669 :L39_U5
TOPIC TAGSt wAlwax, binan ailment,
AWM=s The authors report an epl&vdc of anthrox wbich fol I wW by a few dawn an
epizooty among goats with which the human patients cam in contacts While In. the
buman cases the disease of average intensity (only one came of septiossia). In the
goats the disease was of the highly-ocute septioeadc tMw with z&W lethal moss;
(28*3 percent of the exposed "ls)e The epideadc affected .11 personm* Orige arts
has: 1 figure and I tables' jBased on authors' Eng. abfftff fJPHS: 36,83J4
SUB CM t 06 / BUM DAM s 22ftb65 / CHIG HEF: 005 / OM REFt 005
ZAHAfa;SCUO E.j ing.; IOISSCU, I., ing.
Study on the use of stabilized soil in the work of hydrotechnIcal
constructions and hydroimprovement work. Ifidrotehnica 8 no.10.361-
371 0 163.
EDUARDO Gheorghe, ing.; FRANCISC, Boron, Ing..
ly A C"rT P. "I'MA, G.; RAWW1;,Ui U.r . 17-EANU, C." inpli
IONESCUp,,,,Ion tievschi`*.-.; ITITUO V.I.,' ina.
Reserves of reduction of material consumption in constructions.
Problems econ 18 no.2:152-157 F 165,
1. Director, "Laminorul" Plantp Braila (for Eduard). 2. DirectorO
"Mondial" Factory, Lugoj (for Francisc). 3. Head of the Technical
Office, "Mondial" Factory, Lugoj (for Roseliese). 4. Director,
Scaeni Glass Factory (for V~Sile)- 5. Director, "Victoria" Dis-
trict Enterprise of Local Industry, Tirgoviste (for Sanda). 6,
Chief Engineer, "Victoria" District Enterprise of Local IndustryO
Tirgoviste (for Radulescu). 7. Director, Regional Trust for
Constructions, Arges (for..01teanu). ~8k Chief EnginW, Regional
Trust for Constructions, Arges (for fonescu), 9, DiActorO
Regional Trust for Local Constructiong, Bucharest (for Alexandru).
10. Chief Engineers-Regional Trust Pr Local Constructions,
Bucharest (for Cvasnievschi) . 11. Ilirect-, Institute for Power
Projects and Studies, Bucharest (for Nit-L),.
Improvement of soil characteristics stabilized with cement
by the aid of admixtures. Hidrotah a4le meteor 9 no. 3:
1 141-147 Mr 164. 1
Shudy of the mineral binding materials for coil stabilization.
Studii geotehn fund constr hidro 7:287-340 164.
z. ..0
IgbGSCU, I., CAlcan, V.; Goldenberg, N.
Plastic masses on the base of furfural and derivatives. IV. Influence of
thermal treatment on certain resistances to progressive efforts to break
textolite with furfural-phenol resins po 171
Bucuresti, Ruftanii)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12., Dec. 1957,