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A noly prepotal on for crop difeAses. 'vollialif". scl jk- K4,1.. I Refr,.I. Zhu,.. KU,a. 1953, Mi. bejaxite OhIl af4d Witl:'Alt Cu v,-atruilcd L,ctvii4,~e aj;d ~twty Im lit on smull nuti in Ax,-sliAUlw;%ti. B --Dw, 1 '' --G.-t ry- ~ -1 Dissertationt *Development of Methods for Eliminating the 5parseneaB of Cotton Fields in the Period* after the Appearance of the Sprouts." Cand Agr Sci. Tashkent Agricultural Inst. 28 Jun 54. (Pravda Vostoka, Tbilisi, 8 Jun 54) SO: sum 318, 23 Dee 1954 FD -14; USSR/Biology Phytopathology Card. 1/1 Pub. 73 - 9/11 Author Ibragimov, G. R. Title Cordiceps clavulats, parasitism in relation to Eulecanium. corni (Bouche) Periodical Mikrobiologiya, 23) 6o 702-705, Nov-Dec 1954 Abstract The causo of the massive destruction of Eulecanium corni (a scale insect of the genus Lecanium] in Azerbaydzhan during 1950 and 1951 was the parasitic fungus Cordiceps clavulata. Artificially cultured Cordiceps clavulata were used to spray infected hazel nut trees, thereby reducing Mecanium corni infestation by 80 to 90 percent. Experiments shoved that Cordiceps clavulate, could be cultured easily in the laboratory, and would pass through both conidial and ascosporic stages in culture media. The text is illustrated by a chart and four sketches. Five non-Soviet sources are cited. Institution so Azerbaydzban Plant Protection Station, Baku : January 20, 195k IBRAGIMOV,G.R.; AEMUM.T.K. SP9cIOs Of Parasitic fungi of the genus Oulindosporium Grov. In the Nukha-Zakataly region of Aserbaijan. Isv. AN Aserb.SSR no.4:63-80 Ap'55. (MIRA 8:11) (NWtha region-Fungi) '71 C, uSSR Plant Diseases. Diseases of Cultivatel Plants N-3 Abs Jwur : Ref Zhur - Blol., No 6., March IY57., yr) 2~wl Author : Ibragimv G R Akhmedzade., Z.A. Title e -STiTdy ~o eases of Some Fr-ait Varieties in the Nukha- 7.qkh tal Zone of Azerbaidzhan. Orig Pub Elmi eserler Azerb. universitstip uch. zap, Azerb. lm--ta: 1956, No 1P 81-87 Abstract The result of a single study of tho degree of fruit diseases is given for lowerp middle and foothil.1 ecologic zones in the Zakhatal rayon of Azerbaidzhan SSE. -At is pointed out that in Azerbaidzhan SER black canker are found not only in apple and pear trees, but also on apricot, maple. oak, rose, valnut, and others. Card 1/1 IERA OV._ G.R.: ISWILEMY, Let*; AEOUD-YAAM, Z* Survey of some species of powdery mildew fune of Azerbaijan. Uch.zap. AGU no.6:59-69 156. (MIaA 10:5) (Azerbaijan--Mildew) U33H/Plant Dis-maou. Uomral Problc,..,,3 0-1 :,ba Jour : Raf Zhur - Biol., No 200 1958, No 91925 "'Uthor :IbraGrimv G. B. Inst : zerbay-1zhan Uffv. Title :On the Problau of Variability in Flingi OrIC Pub :Azerb. Un-ta, 1956, No 10, 31-42 i.batract :Miu probleiz, related to species and species evolution in pathoUenic fun~5i are exciained in the light of tile exr-,.xple of the agants of anthracnose in plant3 of the genus Collatotri- chtra. Card 1/1 IBRAGIMOV 4R"gIMWIU=0V, L.A.; AXWWAIIII, %.A. WIN Stu'"Y Of 80ms "Ciet- of Powdery adIdev ftmgi mcurrivg in Assp- baijan. Uab. sap. AGU no.3:59-66 157. (MMA 11:1) (Anarbaijan-Mildow) 'ULITANISHCHIV, V.I.; IBRAGIMOV, G.R.-, red.; DOLGOV, V.. red.izd-va [Mycoflora of Azerbaijan] Mikoflora Azarbaidshana. Baku, Ixd-vo Akad.nauk Aserbaidshanskol SSRO Vol.2. [Rust fungi] Rshavchinave griby. 1959,0 442 Po (KIRA 13:4) lAserboijan-Rumto WWI)) . , .' - , , -'-- - :--- , - - -I.: - - --7-. M = - - - - -1 - , , "- T - 1= - ULITANISH04N. _red.; TASILlyHySKIy, ye., red. izd-va; AGAYNA, Sh., tekhn. red. (Fungi of Azerbaijan] Mikoflors Azarbaidahans. Baku, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Aserbaidshanskoi SSR- T01,3- [Ruet fungi] Rshav- chinnye griby. Pt.l. 1960. 251P. WRA 14:5) (AzerbaiJan-Ruste (fungi)) IBRAGIMOV9 G.R. ---- .106tracterintias of-ths fW29i'Olbsoopori= and Collstotriohm of the order Helmonlaleol tritiabsoUla, kbaraktoriotika nakoto- rykh rodov m~3.iw*oni6vykhgribov't.Olmosporium i Collstotrichm, Bwmt 1934. W pe (MIRA 1418) (welomonigu4s) 11 USPENSKIY, F.M., kand.biolog.nauk; LBRAGIMOV, G*R.; PERESYPKIN, V.F., doktar bialog.caulc 0 va-M .j MARKHASEVAp- V A.,, kandsel bkhoz.~&A Responses to our articles. Zashch. raet. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.9t 13-14 S 161, OCU4 16: 5) 1. Usbekskiy institut sashohity rasteniy, g. Taal*ent (for U"iiekiy). 2. Direktor Azerbeqdzhanskogo instituta xashchity raeteniy, g. Kirovabad (for Ibragimov). .3. Ukrainskiy institut zashchitj rastedy, Kiyev (for Peresypkin, Markhaseva). (Plants, Pratection of) BREZHNEV, I.Ye.;,_IERAGIMOV,__q.R,; POTLAYCHUK, V.1.1 BREDIKHIN, A.M.# POWER, V.I., tekhn. red.; 7RUKHINA, O.N., tekhn. red. (Guid to fungi occurring on the fruit and seeds of trees and ahrubo]Oprodelitall gribov ma plodakh i semenakh drevesmykh I kustarnikovykh porod. hoskva, Sellkhozizdat., 1962 4U PO (Mi 1611) (Woody plants-Disease13 and sts) (Fungis fttopathogelAcr IBRAGIMOV, G.R. ------------ in the Azerbaijan Institute of Plant Proteotion. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.8t9-12 Ag 163. (KMA 16t10) 1. Direktor A"rbaydahanakogo inatituta zashchity rasteniy, Kirovabad, IBRAGIMOV, G. T. Cand Med. Sci - (diss) "Conservative treatment of patients with chronic purulent epithempanitis." Moscow, 1961. 16 pp; (Second Moscow State Med Inat imeni N. I. Pirogov); 300 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 237) IBRAGD4OVv G. T. Conservative treatment of patients with chronic suppurative *pitym- panitis. Vast. otorin. n0.3226-32 161. (MM 14112) 1. Iz kafedry bolesney ukhap noes. i goria (zav. - prof. I. I. Potapov) Tsentrallnogo instituta, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey, MoBkva. (TWANIC MMR&NE--DISFASES) - IBRLGINOV, L,,kandldat tokbnichookikh nauk. Iffoot of mming traak arrampont an Ohs 1sUth of locomoti" stand time In hump yards having parallel placownt of yards. Trudy TASUIT no.6:73-81 136. (mm 9: 11) - (Railroads-Humopyards) .8% I I , , - o-. r., ~,- ;'' -1 IBRA(;"I-'OV I F-TSellnoprad); RABINOVICH, M. (P.TSelinorrad) 4r-!~ I Followinr the right course. Sov. profBoiuzy 17 no.20:9-10 0 161. 01,1RA 14:9) (TSelinop,rad--Farm mechanization) (Stock and stockbreeding) IBRLGIY,OV I. Photographic ovservationo of Encke-Backlundle (19601) aW Sekila (1961f) comets in Dusha;~be. Aotron,tair. no*231:5-6 N 162. (HIM 1644) 1e Inatitut astrofisiki AN TadshikokoT SSRO (Comets ACCESSION NR: AT016602 S/2556/63/000/034/0042/0044 AUTHOR: Bakharev, A. M.; lbragimov, I.; Shodlyev, U. TITLE: The mass of meteor matter falling to earth in a year SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye astronomo-goodezicheskoys obshchostvo. Byullaten', no- 34, 1963, 42-44 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, meteor, meteor matter, telescopic meteor, stratosphere, meteor matter sedimentation, telescope AOSTRACT: A new study has been made of the mass of meteor matter annually enter- ing the earth's atmosphere. Visual observations of meteors made over a period of twenty years at Dushanbe were analyzed. The seven Instruments used In these ob- servations are described and observational data tabulated separately for each. The U. Shodlyev formula P w-L-x was used for determining the area of visibility of telescopic meteors from 7mmto )3m for the various Instruments. In this formula P Is the apparent area of the field of view In square degrees In which telescopic meteors of a particular stellar magnitude were visible; x Is Instrument magnifi- cation; 0 E 70 where L(F,G) denotes P. Levy's distance.4atwaan two diettibution functions r and G. Orig. art, h" 3 forMLIM- CJPRSI suB com. )4A SUBM ]DATEt 150ct64 ORM REP: 004. OTH RU: 001 I ; LINNIK, Yuriy Vladimirovich. Prinim IBRAGIMOV. JI.Lidar-Aldit"gh - al uchastiye PETROV, V.V.; DOECH?WO, V.V., red. (Independent and stationarily connected variables) Nezavi- simye i statsionarno aviazannye velichiny. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 524 P. (MIRA 19:1) 9-66 __zw' d ACC NR, tjP60nqQ,2 SOURCE CODE: LrR/0020/65/1'.1/t&,/1267/,2i,9:; AUMOR: in.. ORG: im. A. A. Zhdanov niverEi~ tet (TOTLInFPradskly goffudarstvennyy u TIVE: Rate of convergence to norm,11 dill'-rllulion SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 161, no. 6, 1965, 1267-1269 TOPIC TAGS: normal distribution, distribution function, characteristic function ABSTRACT: The sequence studied consists of identically distributed random variables with a common Estribution function F W and characteriatic function f (t). F (Y) ts assumed to belong to the region of attraction of the normal law 0(z)" 'I T W-9 S e-392ds. In this case have a finite-10 ini'tlal moment and it is aaauaod that P.(x) is tho distribution function of 0. .4t1i which is norced so that F,(z Noceesar'y and sufficient conditions are given for the theorem I SuP (D -'0 (n-&A), 0 < L 207oo-66 1992 -;~C-CM. AP601 to-extend this theorem to the case > The Kramer-condition is-us'd P" -17 *n)1 -0 ~i Necessary and sufficient conditions are given fOl 0 >-O. The paper was presented by 6up P. (X) Wl and for --C0