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KuLlm I ~Gnlo!-PA-A~ALDMDOVO L.S. Characteristics of strong sto-ma In the Neftyan~e Kamni .water area,. Izv.,All Azerb.SSR.4ger.geol.-geog.nauk I nefti no.531~5-131 161. (MIRA 15:1) (lleftyaMr Kamai rogion-Storms) I-TPRAGIMOV, A.M. '~'7. - - -5-j-4 , , - . Contact-type electric wave-level meter. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.10-41-44 0 161. (MIM 15:3) (Oil well drilling, Submarine--Electric equipment) IBRAGIMDV A.M. Studying the effect of wind waves on the supports of open off share'structurso. Azarb.neft.khoz. 41 no*2:43-45 F 162. (miu 15:8) .1 (Artifiaial blands) (waves) NAZIROV, R. I.; IBRAGIMOT A. M, j 'J~MVt A. A. E~rdromtoorologiaal obtracterlotics of the Zyrya-more region. Uob, 2ap, AGU* Ge,olo-geogo nor* ]w,1:79-86(,162. IRk 16:1) AoMro'n Poninmaa) 11!1~~.Worology) nziRov, R.K.; KULIXEV, I.?.; ILRAGIMOV, A.M.; ALIMOSDOV, L.S. Fouling of steel structures in sea waters as a factor in the projecting of marine oil-engineerIng plants. Izv.AN kzerb. SS4,Ser,fIz,-matJ tekh.nauk no,,lsl5l-159 162, (MM 1594) (Marine biology) KULIYKVI I.P., dcktor tekhn.nauk; jIL ~AGI!T,_LM._, kand.tekhn.nauk A1.1-Union Gonferanoa on the Effect of Sea Waves on Hydraulic Structures, held at Baku. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.900-92 3 163. (MM 160) (Oil-well drilling, Submarine) .ATKQY,,,-A.M.; SAIDOVAf N.A. Investigating some characteristics of wind and wave conditions in the region of Neftyannyye Kamni and calculating wave elements by the wind. Za tekh.prog, 3. so.8s36-37, 44 Ag 163. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Gosudarstvenn" nauchno-issledovatel'skly I proyektVy. instit~% "Girpomornaft"'. IBRAGIWV, A.M.1 VARTANOV, Kh.D. For high quality In work. Vest. sviazI 24 noollt23 N 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Machallnik Azerbaydzhanskogo reopublikanskogo radioteentra (for Ibragimov). IBRAGTMOV, A. P. Dissertation: "The Development of a Method to Separate Mixtures of Mono-, Di-, and Tribasic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Oasolino b,.: Fractions From the Beginning of Boiling to 1700." Cand Chem Sci, Inst of Chemistry, Acad Sci Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, 1954. (Referativnry Zhurnal, KhLraiya, Moscow. No. 16, Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 55 ~~ I - - ,- .. .,, .. .. ...--I I . ..- .- ~ Fm, ,~a ~ il 1LI T~ UTT-i -7~ !;!-mu- =lf dimsiz I 77~ h3230 8/844/62/000/000/043/129 D214/D307 AUTHORSs lbragimov, A. P# and Brodskaya, G. A. TITLE: The action of r radiation on aqueous solutions of tiro, sine an&.phenylalanine 80URCF,t Trudy II Vsesoyuznogo soveshchani a po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. 8. Polak. Moscow, izd-vo AN SSSI~j 19629 256-262 TEXT: This is a study Of the influence of radiation douey con- centration of solutions and atmosphere on-the radio-decomposition (r rays) of tyroeine and phenylalanine. The decomposition products were separated by paper chromatographyusing an 0.5% solution of ninhydrin in H 20-saturated butanol as developer and were quanti- tatively estimated by densitometric methods. Irradiation of a mil- limolar tyrosine solution in air (106 - joTr) gave 4 colored spots on the paper which disappeared at higli doses. Progressively fewer products were observed in N and in vacuum. Addition of gly- ? . 2 r -cerine (OH absorber) reduced the decomposition of tyrouine by a Card 1/3 T 1.4 6/844/~2/000/000/043/129 The action of radiation, D2i4/D307 factor of 3. A 0.05 H solution gave 6 spots.; R = 0.35-tyrosine, F RF = 0.55-phenylalanine, A F = 0.445-hydroxyphenylethylamine, R F 0.205 - 3,4-dihydroxyLihen~11alanine; the rembLining 2 spots were not identified. The liroportionLof tyrosine decomppsed was proportional to the dose and increazied ~as its concentration in H 0 became lower. 2 Spectroscopic studies in the uv range showed that at low doses tyrosine decomposed, but dd the dose is increa8ed tle groducts themselves became decoMposed fUrther A 0.05 14 solution of phenyl- alanine on exposure to 107 to 5 x 10i r gave 5 utots: 1~, = 0.55- phenylalanineg R U.445-hydroxy,,henylalanine, R = 0.35-tyrosine, I F RF ;= 0.277-aniline and RP =.0*205-uniclentified. The extent of de- compooition was greater than in thQ case of tyrosine. 6pectroscopic study R = 2U0 300 ) of,a 0,001 M Bolution showed a large num- ber of ich AE'3appedred at highe' 106 0geaks, wh r doses until at 25 x 50 x 1 only 1 peak remaih0d. A 0.005 M eolu ion showed 3 peaks on irradiation with 106 r and 4 peaks with 10 r, but the number Card 2/3 V844/62/000/000/044/129 The effect of r rays ... D287/D307 were analyzed by paper chromatography and densitomutry. 'Jimilarly to decomposition productuiin the orl.-,,anism, the latter included cys- tine, cyuteic acid and taupine. laper chromatographic inve3tiga- -tions, ViLn ilyke's method and Conway's diffusion method for the de- iormination of liberated M proved that the rate of deamination 3 depends on the concentration of the irradiated uolution and on the type of amino acid. The amount of ataino nitrogen uas found to de- crease rapidly in U.U5 M solutions of glycine, aianine and serine when the radiation dosAge was increased. Deaminution proceeded more readily in glycine solutions than in the other amino acids, i.e. in U-containing amino acids. There are 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut ya .dernoy fiziki AN UzbSSR (Institute of Nu- clear Physics, jiS UzjSR) Card 2/2 SRWATYY# V.A.; YANOVAp K*Go; TUyOHIIKVp A*Vo; .~BR#GIMOVj, A*PO .rties of amino acids and PePtidsB- Dokl. AN Radiolytio prope -663 j1 164. (MM 17: 7) SSSR 157 no-31 1. irimiko-khimicheakiy inatitut imeni L.Ta. KarPOva- Pr*dfitav- lano ejmdemikos J.J, Cbernya"TYme TURMAN, Ya.Xh. I KHAIJXOVp D.R. I !~~qp~ovo, A.P. Effect of preoaving gamma Irradiation on the content of phospbor" compotmde in cotton seeds. Usb. biol, shurs 8 no.5114-18 164 (141R& JW) 1. Institut 7adernoy fisiki AN UsMIL KHALIKOV, D.R.; TURAKUIDVP Ya.Kh. Presence of a modification of DNA preserved for a lorg time in gamma irradiated plants. Uzb. biol.,zhur. 8 no.6tF-11 064. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut yadernoy fizikI AN UzSSR. I ~ r.t~ - I - . - -L --n - A&UPI" - . -- I KHALIKOV) D.R.;.IBWGB40Vj A.P.; TURAROLOV, Ya.Kh. Effect of the prevowing gamma-ray treatment of cotton seeds on the change in DIIA in subsequent generations. Uzb. biol. zhur. 9 no.3s9-12 f65. (I.Iffili 18:8) 1, Institut yadornoy fiziki AN UzSSRo SHARPATYY, V.A.1 YANOVA, KeG,j TUYCHIM, A.V.1 IBRXUIMOV, A-F& Radiolysis of frozen aqueous eolutions of some amino aoids and peptides,Zhur. fis. khim. 39 no. lt232-233 Ja 165 (KM 19 ti) 1. Fiziko-khinicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpovap Moskva* Submitted May 9, 1964o AP5027177 ww/GGAT/RM SOURCE CODE: UR/0076/65/039/010/2510/2514 I jk I 3' ; C 4_j i . AUT110R: Sanayev, B.; Yanova. K. G.; Ibragimov, A. P. Marzolint D. H.; Maslov, B. V.'~'j ORG: Hoscow !~4y~tc~qkqmtcal Institute Im. L. Ya._,.Karpqv,(Moskovskiy fiziko- khimicheskiy institut) TITLE: Radiochomical Prooertias*of certain peptides SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimli, v. 39, no. 10, 1965, 2510-2514 TOPIC TAGS: glycine, valine, leucine, eleLtrs_n'_'r~~_Iatfqn, radiation effect, free radical, electron paramagnetic resonance , irradiation resistance, electron spin resonance, radiation spectrum, radiation chemistry ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the radiation resistance of certain simple peptides and the nature of the radical products formed in them during iadio- _lysisY The polycrystalline peptides glycylglycine, glycylvaline, and glycylleucine were 14adiated with 1.7 -1.8 MEV electrons, and electron spin resonance (ESR)-"' '/-~ spectra were recorded during the irradiation with an EFR-21W spectrometer at tem- peratures from 128 to 295K. The radiation resistance was found to be independent of the irradiation temperature and decreases In the'order glycylglycine -.- glycylvaline :;r glycylleucine. Analysis of the ESR spectra showed that irradiation of low-molecular peptides at low temperatures causes radicals to be formed from the amino acid resi- dues present in the molecules of the peptide. Radical products can form during radio- lysis of dry polycrystalline samples-both as a result of rupture of the bonds in the Cord 1/2 UDC! - 541-12-01 L 10518-66 -XCC Nit, AP5027177 molecule which has absorbed the radiation energy and as a result of interaction of primary activated products, for example, H and HH2, with peptide molecules. The results are compared with the spectra obtained during radiolysis of aqueous solutions of glycylglycine, glycylvaline, and glycylleucine at -150C. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 t&ble. SUB CODE: 07, jZO SUBH DATE: 23jun64 / ORIG REP: 004 Lvrd 2 IBRAGIMOV,, A.Yu. Use of geometric transformations in proving theorems in secondary school. Trudy API 12t137-153 160. (Kau 16: 6) ,(Transformations (Mathematica)) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) 49~AQIEOV,-4sad-lumfi-KARTASIMAN,, AsImas Akopovuhj SADYGOVI Sadyg Naushafaly (Geometrical constructions on a plane) Mustevi uzerinde hendesi gur=larl pa4agozhi institutlar uchan ders vesaiti. Baku, Azartedrisheshr, 1963. 181 p. (Geometricheakie po- atroeniia na ploskosti) (In A2erbaijani] (MIRA 170) OP TEPAGNOV, D. 0. Tbraplwm, B. G. "7be history nf' Yebirinary medioine In Amortaydzhan. to Ploscow Veterinary Ac-levrT. AzerIviy1zhan Sei Res Tnst Of Animl PusbarAry. Yoscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candtdat,3 In Veterniary 3clences.) Knizhnaya Letonis' Ko. 18, 1956. SHAMAZAROV, Nikolay Samsonovich. Prinimali uchastiye: ABRAKYAM, S.A.; IMUGIKUT, B.G.; KOCUMV. S.S.; KAP21ROSOV, G.A.; XMCKTAN. R.AO MUSTAYAMA, S., red.; KMISHIYXVA, S., a g' g' [TVh gorno-Karabakh Autonomous Province] Nagorno-Karebakhaknia av nmwia oblast'. Baku, Aserbaidshanskoe gos.izd-vo, 1960. 85 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Pervyy s9kretarl lagorno-Kerabakhokogo obkoma Nommunistichaskoy partii Aserbaydshana (for Shakhnassrov). (Nagorno-larebakh Autonosons Province) I SAO Results of the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis with intravenous novo- calne with atropine. Test. otorinolar., Moskva 15 no.3:85 YAW-June 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1, Docent for lbragimov. 2. Of the Clinio for Diseases of the 31ar, Throat, and Nose (E6ad - Prof, 1, F. Xorsakov), Turkmen Medical Institute, and of the Polyclinical Divislod, Aabkhabad Municipal 71rst Clinical Hos- pital. IBRILG-IHOTI_BM4, dotsent; BEDWYATAt S*M.; XORSA OVI I.T., -professor, saveduyu- snonlys Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis vith intravenous injection of novocains and atropine. Vest.oto-rin. 15 no-3:85-86 My-Je 153- (KLUA 6:8) 1. 111nika bolesney ukh&, gorla i nos& Tarkmenskogo meditsinskogo inatituta. 2. Polikliniahaskoys otdoloniye Ashkhabadakcy orodskoy klinichaskoy boll- ' nits'y no.1 (for Ibragimov and Beregovaya), (Cold (Disease)) (Atropine) (Novocaine) IBRAGINOV, B.1h.; EHYDYRUV. B. Word table in the Turkmen language for the study of hearing. Isv. AN Turk.&M no.l.-88-90 155. (Km 9:5) 1. Turkmenskiy gosudarstyannyy mediteinskiy institut iment I.T. Stalina. (HUB IBRAGIROV, B.1h. Change of a natal polyp into cancer. Izv.AN Turk.= no-3:88-89 '55. (KLaA 9:5) 1. Turkmenskiy gosudaretvennyy meditsinskly institut iment 13. Stalina. (NOSN--TUXMB) IBBAGIMOV. B.1h. ." Rare instance of a wtal splinter residing in the nose and acces- sory sinuses for thirty years. Isv.AN Turk.MM no.5:89 '55. Om 9:5) 1. Turkmenskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut imeni I.Y. Stalina. (NOSS-I w ION BODINS) oj[pme: IBW3XOV, Bo Kh. Dissertation: A study of the stages in the development., the etippatho- genesis, and the treatment of nasal polype Degree: Doc Med Sci 14241eo'" 06, -A~S~ M: Turkmen Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin ~) 0~( , -Defense Date, Place: 1956, Ashkhabad Source: Knizhnaya Letopis'., wo 45,, 1956 IBRLGINOV, B.1h. 2621, In"s ~A~e removal of a needle from the throat by mans of Indirsot larpgospopy. IsvAI %rk.$U no.ls77 156. (NIU qs8) 1. Ttirkmenskly gondaretyennyy meditsinskly institut iment I.V. Stalins. (TARMKMM AD LARMMMCIPY) !USSR/Hunon -nd Animal 11orphologry (Nomal nnd rntholoriccl). S-2 Respiratory System. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur - Did.9 No 19~ 1958p 86346 Author i Ibragimov, B. Kh Inst AS Turlaiion SSR Title i Do-.mlopmont of Nasal Polypi and Their Patho-histological Charactoristics Orig Pub: Izv. AN TurkmM,, 1956, No. 2. 60-65 ,'.bstract: The development of polypi was tr.-ced by repeated exami- nations of 40 pationts with protrpctod scro-obtarrlid inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and adjacent cavities. Investigations were also corriod out on 727 man, living under conditions of the hot Turkrwnistan climato, - among whon, in 105., polyposis in the initial stages, and in 5,, formed polypi were observed. The histological study of pclypi in 120 Card 1/2 operated patients showad that it is possible to ininn.1 Morp],,0.10~,y mal an~! Pafl,,~Iogic,-11) 5-2 710rpirintory Syst,= AbB Jour.- Rof Zhur - 13j01. s 110 3.9o 1958o 88346 Lbstract: distinguish 3 stages in the devolopmnt of polypi: formation of islands of polypoid O&ma of tho n,,sal mucosax dovolopmont of sman polypil outablishmont Of the POlYP U 0 P00unculatod structure. Edema- and thickening of +110 Bub-opithelinl 1.nyor sn, s note"', and BuPPOrtivG infiltration of the whole tissue of the Polyp was discovered, Tho 9:LDndB wore cystically en- largod, The odoma and fluid infiltration I)Otwo(,n tho collogon fibres was more marked the younger the polyp. Tho author considers polypi as an product of the cata- rrhal and edematous inflammation of the mucose of the nose mid cdjacont cavities. I. Firjmll CZrd 2/2 16 110"J`4 9- 1 V C- C- IBRAGIMOVI B.Kh. Histomorphology Of cancer originating from the integumental epithelium of a nose polyp. I%v.AN Turk.S.S.R. no.3:133-137 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Tur)menskiy seditsinskiy Institut. I (Noss-CANCZR) - I I _', i.r &: A, bl- --- -1, /_-? /- ~j 7 / C- I I IBRAGIXOV, S.Kh. Respiratory function of the nose an the indicator of the effective- ness of treatment. Isv.All Turk.SSR no.4:123-126 '57. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Turkmenskiy gosudarstyennyy meditsinskly institut Im.I.Y.Stalina. (NOSS-DISEASES) Kh. Foreign bo(Ues in the nose and its accessory olnuses. Zdrav. Turk. 5 no-508-39 S-0 161. (HIRA .14: 12) 1i Is kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannostl dotsent B.Kh. Ibragimov) Turkmnakogo gosudarstvemogo moditainakogo instituta imeni LV. Stalina. (NOS&-YOREIGN BODILS) HAGIYEV, M.F.; IBRAGIMDV, Ch.Sh. Theory of molecular sieves. iXzsrb, khim. zhur. no.3:84-91 165. (141RA 19:1) 1. Institut neftekhimicheakikh protBessov AN AzerSSR. I ... , " NAGUEN, M.F.; IBRAGIMOV, Gh.Sh. Contribution to the tbecry of molecular sieves. Azerb. khIm. zhur. no. 2s64-70 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov An AzerSSR. Submitted Dec. 7. 1964. ACC M AP7012436 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0249-66 022!007,.0014,0017 AUTHOR: Nariyev, M. F.; J~L~g ov ORG: Institute of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technolocy (InstLtut teoraticheskildi problem Idilmichaskoy takhnologit) TITLE: Role of capillary condensation in the over-all process of sorption SOURCF~: A14 AzerbSSR. Doklady, v. 22, no. 7, 1966, 14-17 TOPIC TAGS: adsorption, condensation reaction SUB CODL: 07 ABST11CT; This report Is a continuation of a series of reports on research on adsorption. In the previously published works, problems related to physt- cal adsorption on globular adsorbents having a highly dispersed structure were solved. In the present work, the role of capillary condensation is taken Into account. The sorption volume is calculated fron fornulas repre- senting, a general case. A formula is derived for adsorbonts with a complex structure where adsorption and capillary condensation talte place simul- taneously. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas. CJPRS: 4(),42ff Card V1 ,q A,B, -~, ;AYM,,,AA".JOVBIS S I!EA Problem of pressure distribution In a layer under non]-inearly elastic flow conditions. Inzh. zhur. 3 no.lsl59-160 163. (MMA 16 t 10) (Oil reservoir engineering) IMAGIMOT, D.To. assistent, Significance of the reaction of a rine in the phage titer fur the Indication of typboid bacteria in drinkin water. Had. zh. Uibek. 309-60 163 &M 170) 1. Is kafedry mikrobiologii ( save - dotsent K-V. kal) Andi- zhanskogo gasudaretvennogo meditainakogo instituta, GOLODSMTYNp A.F.; Lfg~~D.I. [Nev method of sealing the joints of wall panels) Novyi sposob zadelki atykov stenovykb panelei. Makhachkalaj Dagestanskii goo. univ.p 1963. 16 p. (MIRA 17:9) a - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - KULIUN, S.M.; MAMEDOV, N.N.j MDIVANI, A.G.; IWGIMOV, D.R. Practical method for preventing the collapse of casings when lowering them Into wells. Burenis no.7tll--12 165. (MIRA M12) 1. Inatitut razrabotki neftyanykh I gazo-7ykh mestorozhdenty AN AzSSR i treat "Siryanburneft'", EARKOVSKAY,A, K.S.; ZIZBORODOV, R.S*; BROs 1.0., prof., doktor gool.-mineral. nauk; BUNIKOV. M.S.; GH ID, X.I.; ZHIVAGO, N.Y.; IBRAGIWYA_M,,; KU3)RYAVTSIT. X.P.; LICKOV, G.P.; HOSIVIN, U.N.; KAMM NEMOTANOT, D.V.; NIKOLUKO. V,A,; VYSOTSKIT, I.V., nauchnyy red,; RLMaOVA, L.Ta.. vedushchiy red.; TA CHURZHINSKATA, A.B., [Geology of the eastern part of the northern slope of the Caucasus] Geologicheakoe stroenis vostochnoi chasti severnogo sklona Kavkaza. Pod red. I.O.Broda. Leningrad, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-rye laningr.otd-nie, 1960. 319 P. (Trudy Komplakenoi IUshnoi Geologichaskoi Zkopeditsill no.2). (MIRA 13tll) 1. AN b=R. Komplakenaya Tushnaya Geologicheskaya Ikspeditsiya 1956-o 2. Tsesoy1snyy nauchoo-issled.institut gazovoy promyshleangeti (for Zhivago, udryavtsav). 3. Kafedra istorichaskoy i regionalluoy geologii Ofor Imonov, Mioskvin). (Caucasus, Northern--Geology) IBRAGIMOV, D.S. The PDT-1.,5 peat winning and loading machine. Biu2.tekb.-okon. inform,no,5954-65 161, (MIRA 14:6) (Peat machinery) IBRAGIMOV.. D.s., otarohiy inah, Using machinery ii',ths procurement of peat fertilizete. Zemledelie Z) no.8:79-83 Ag 161. (14M 14:10) it Glavnoye k truktorskoye byuro, Severo-Zapada #ri savade MRigaael Imas ~ 0 (Peat machinery) TARASKIN, V.V.t inzh.; OZOLS, G., inzh.j 4,~',UGIMOV,_D.S., inzh.; VARENTSOV, V.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Discussing the type of tractors and engines for self-propelled machinery for the peat industry. Torf.prom. 39 no.2:27-31 162. OURA 15S 5) 1. Baksheyevskoye torfopredpriyatiye Mosobleovnarkhoza (for Taraskin). 2. Upravleniye toplivnoy proaWshohnosti Soveta narodnogo khotyaystva Latviyokoy SSR (for Ozols). 3. Glavnoys konstruktorskoye byuro Severo-Zapada pri zavode Rigasellmash (for Ibra imov). 4. Kalininskiy torfyanoy inst4tut (for Varentsovi. (Peat machinery) IBRLGIMOV, DoSo,..-- --- "-, T'. ~. '.. 1 Conditions governing the fomation and diotributk4o of the bydrogen sulfide vaters of the Fergana artesian basine Usbe geol. zhx=. 7 no.6t43-51 163. (KrRA 17ig) 1, Institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy pologii AN UzSSRe MUGIMDVO D.S. inah. Am;;;j_= Winning peat for fertilizing and bedding. Zemledelie 25 no.10s 64,66 0 163, (MIM 16%3.1) SOV/124-58-7-7783 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 7, p 68 (USSR) AUTHORS: Baryshev, V.M., Ibragimov, E.I., Adonin, ALN. TITLE: On the Petroleum Yield as _a_ru_i~61ion of Seepage Speeds (Zavisimost' nefteotdachi ot skorostey fil'tratsii) PERIODICAL: Tr. Azerb. n.-I. in-t po dobyche nefti, 1956, Nr 3, pp 5-30 ABSTRACT: A description and an analysis of experiments on the dis- placement of petroleum by wate.r, conducted at the AzNII (Azer- baydzhan Scientific Research Institute) for petroleurh production over a number of years, is given. As indicated by the authors, the experiments were conducted for different types of petroleum with and without the presence of residual water in the porous medium. In models, the porous medium was represented by tightly packed quartz sand. The authors assert that during the experiments in the years of 1953- 1955 they performed analog simulation that took into consideration the viscosity and the surface tension of the oil, also the speed of advance of the water-oil contact interface in full-scale conditions. The article fails to mention any similarity criteria confirming the previous Card 1/2 statement. The magnitude of the petroleurn yield during the SOV/124-58-7-7783 On the Petroleum Yield as a Function of Seepage Speeds time of water-free exploitation period is studied as a function of the speed of advance of the water-oil contact interface when displacing petroleum %, ith salt water and alkaline water. The yields of various types of petroleum by -Jalt- water flooding as dependent upon the speed of liquid seepage during the flood- ing period are investigated. Deductions derived from both types of investiga- tions are presented. A series of specific practical recommendations con- cerning the working of oil-bearing deposits currently under exploitation are considered unfounded, -since the solution of these problems should be carried out by means of a substantially wider theoretical framework, including con- siderations such as petroleum geology, underground hydrodynamics. and pertinent economics. Bibliography: 10 references. 1. Petroleum--Production M.D. Rozenberg 2. Fluid flow--Theory 3. liydrod~namics--USSR Card 2/2 r,,IBRAGIMOV, E.I. Catarrhal diseaseo vith temporary disability at the boaiery kaitting futory in Tashkent from 1956 to 1958. Mad. shur. Uxb, no,12t33- 36 D,160, (MIRA 3.4111 2, Is kafedry organisataii sdravockhronen4ya (zav. - dotisent 3.0. Ostrovskaya Tashkentakogo gosudaretvonnogo moditainakogo institutae ITASMW-HOSIM WORKEW-DISUSES AND HMIME) (RESPIRATORI MGANS-DISMES) MELIK-ASIANOV L.S.; IBM , E.I, 1 4 - Study of the effbat of pressures and impurities on the Phyalcal proportion of fluids used in hydraulic fracturing. Azerb.neft,, khoz. 40 no.80446 Ag 161. (MIM 15:2) (Oil vells-Hydraulic fracturing) IBRAGIMOV, E.K. Cand Vat Sci (diss) "Functiorkil disorders wid ini`lwm-iator7 processes in -*,,hc renital region of bhocm-.- c2e,incomplete sexual cycles ancl subinvolution of fhc Tromb." 17~ze) 1956 18 pp 21 cri. W37YLkin Ad; KirL?,iz k~r IrL%t in K.I.31:r7abin) 120 copies (U. U-57, 99) 43 UsSR/Diseases of Farm Aninal Pathology of Reproduction Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No _-in24 Author Ibragimov E; Inst Title :Measures for Controlling Infertility in High-Producing Cove orig Pub :S. kh. Kirg:Lzii, 1956, No 9, 27-31 R-3 Abstract Research showed that the basic causes of tho infertility of cows in Kirgizia are incomplete sexual cycles and retention of the placenta, The examination of 34 cows with clinical symptoms of the incomplete (anovulatory) cycles showed func- tional disorders in 20 animals, and inflammatory processes of the genital appratus in 14 others. Functional disorders were manifested in luteinization, degeneration and atresia of follicles, and development of persistent corporea lutea in the ovaries, In 3 animals, the infla=.iatory process had a form of chronic oophoritis and porioophoritis, and in 11- that of chronic endometritis. The treatment of 16 cove af- Card 1/2 22 USSR/Diseases of P-arm Animals. pathology, Of Reproduction R-3 Abe Jour : Ref Zbur - Bioll, No 7o 1958, No 31124 fected with luteinization of follicles and 17 cove with Persistent corporea lutea resulted in the restoration of the genital function in 13 and 12 cows, respectivuly, due to the use Of tissular Preparations obtained according to the FilatOv method from fetal mcabranes of cows and women. Froserin* therapy in combination with furacillin and Synes- trol produced good results In the treatment Of purulent and Purocatarrhal endometritis.- AeD. Nkmin *LNeUs-tisaine methyloulfate, U.S. P2. Card 2/2 IBRAGIMOV, X.S. AUTHOR: Ibraglxi16V_8 Z. 93-4-20/20 TITLE: Review of the Book "Hydraulic Fracturing". (0 knige 1101dravlicheskiy razryv plastall) J!r PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye Khozyaystvo, 195T,,,%Nr.4, Pp. Tl-T2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The reviewer discusses the book entitled "Hydraulic Fracturing", written by M. A. Abdullayev, A. A. Veli- bekov, K. A. Karapetov and A. S. Melikbekov, published by Aznefteizdat, 1956. The reviewer points outp chapter by chapters various inconsistencies and shortcomings, In the first chapter criticism is directed against over. emphasis on, and lengthy explanations of such well-known concepts as porosity, permeability and other properties of oilbearing formations., and aginst the author's failure to develop more fully the concept of mechanical .properties 6f the strata. Likewise, more emphasis should have been placed on fracturing fluid. The cited formulas appear "to be'independent, adduced for ideal formation conditions". The reviewer contends that the second chapter gives only,elementary theoretical con- cepts on the necanism of frabtures. It does not give the theoretical foundations of hydraulic fracturing. Card 1/3 The third chapter is devoted to contemporary methods 93-4-20/20 Review of the,.Book "Hydraulic Fraqturing". (Contd) of treating upon the area surrounding the face of the hole for the purpose of Increasing the flow of oil. Since there is no comparison of these methods with hydraullo fracturing, this chapter, the reviewer con- cludes, could have been omitted. The fourth chapter deals with technological problems encountered in hydrau- lio fracturin& with its application. Problems dealing with the mechanism of fracture formation, and with the required pressures are Improperly presented. The authors Identify incorrectly sand concentrations of the fracturing fluid. at the surface of the well with those within the formation fracture. The fifth chapter deals with the causes of poor fracturing results in the Baku (Azer- baydzhan).oll.fields. The authors divide these causes into those depending on technological factors, aAd ,Card 2/3 those depending on the characteristics of the formations. KARAMOVI K.A., nauchnyy sotr.; HELIKbEKOV, A.S., nauchroy sotr.; CHERFAS, A.A.1 Prinimali uchastiye: k-UOV, A.D.; BILODAW, A.A.; DUR14ISHYRIO A.G.; IATTSKV, Yu.V..,- KOCHA.HTANTS, Sh.H.; 1ERAGIMOV) E.S.- HAMAN., V.Ya.; TAGIYEV, Z.B.; CHMICHORBIKOV., ma.) mALAiW N.Kh.. [Instructions on the bydraulic injection wello) Instruktsiia razryva plasta v neftianykh i Baku, 1959. 58 P. fracturing of producing and po primeneniiu gidravlicheskogo nagnetatellriykh skvazhinakh. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Azerbaidzhanskoys nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestv~ nefte- gazovoy promyshlennosti. 2. Chleny Azerbaydzbanskogo naucbrrl-- tekhnicheskogo obshchestva neftyanoy pror7shlennosti, AzerbaidzhanBkiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut po dobyche nefti (for Karapetov, Meliki kov). JOR1 wells.-Hyd.-aulic fr,cturing) 01 G mnv--Ea., inzh.; KMBANOVjZN.G.,Anzh. I 4 Rewte4watrol of pumping units, Makh,i avtom.proizv-,16 no.5s N 1 6-7 1 6Z. /(MIRA 16:5) 1 (Oil well pumps) (Remete control) DANIMLYAN, A.A.1 XMBANGVq N.G. Basic trends in the over-~-;&12 mechanization of extradeep well cementing. Aserb.neft.khos. 41 no.8t4O44 Ag 162. (MMA 16sl) (Oil well cementing) IBRAGIM9vilt~-I MELIKOVO D.K. SERYAKOVj V.F. AzIKWh~--30 assembly for acidization of wells bottom areas. Hash, i neft, obor, no,2s27-31 163, (MIRA 17ts) 1, Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-iseledavateliskiy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniyas -ii L' I'TT 7 T-ITTM-17 IBRAGIMUV, E.S.; GORBOV, V.G.; SERYAKOV, V.F- Oh-" --. ~- - .I.- 4An-700 pump unit for hydraulic fracturing and sandjetting. Mash. i neft. obor. no. 120-14 163. (KRA l7s4) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya. IBRAGIMOVP E.S.; DOZORTSEV, A.G,; KURBANOV, Now 2guts-400 cownt head. Hash. i neft. obor, noo7sl9-23 065. (W RA 18:12) lo Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-isoledovatell'skiy institut neftyanogo mashinostrcpniya. DOZORTSEV, A.G.; IBRAGIMOV E.S.1, SHULIGA, V.G. .--. - --- ----y~ IUM-700 self-propelled manifold block, Mash. i neft, obor, no.7:23-26 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya i zavod "Krasnyy Molot". ACC &'R-1. -AP W09127 SOURCE CODE: Uli/0413/u7/000/003/0115/0116 iINVENTOR: Ibragimov, E. S.; Dozortsev, A. G.; Safiyev, X. I. ORG: None ITITLE: A device for testing seals. Class 42, No. 191182 tannounced by the !Azerbayd"-han Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Machinery (Azerbaydzhanskiy lnauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya)l I SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarrqye znaki, no. 3, 1967, 115-116' TOPIC TAGS: turbine rotor, turbine stator, test facility, rotating seal ,,ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for testing seals. The unit contains a cylinder which holds the seal to be tested and a hermetic seal. Inside the cylinder is a plunger which generates a pulsating fluid flow by reciprocating motion. Torces of friction in the seii to be tested are measured by using a calibrated sleeve !to which strain gauges are cemented. The plunger is a composite unit made up of two elements with the ends connected by a tie bolt. This bolt bears against the end face .of the calibrated sleeve which is mounted in the plunger element making contact with .the seal to be tested. UDC card 1/2 62o,165,29 ACC N~.-'--AP7009127 1-.calibrated sleeve; 2-composite plunger; 3--tie bolt; 4-seal to be tested /0/ CODE: 4~~ SUBM DATE: 15Nov65 2/2 25260 S/190/61/003/007/004/01. B101/B208 AUTHORS: Shostakovskiy, M. F., Sidellkovskaya,' F. P., Ibragimovt Fe TITLE: Copolymerization of vinyl pyrrolidone and vinyl baprolactam with dimethyl vinyl ethinyl carbinol PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye eoyedineniya, v. 3, no. 7,' 1961; 976-979 V TEXT: The purpose of the present paper was to study the fundamental. rules governing the copolperization of vinyl pyrro 'lidone (VP) and. vinyl , caprolaotam (VC) with dimethyl vinyl ethinyl carbinol (CARB). -It was of interest in this connection that CARB is the raw material for ths~ so-called carbinol glues. The following formula is given for the structure of the copolymers: CHI - CH . . . . . . . . _CHI-CH, 'N (CHI).CO C ~(ClfAoll Card 1/5 n 3~ 5.-- 2526a 8/190/61/003/007/004/021 copolymerization of-vinyl pyrrolidone ... B101/B208 For the links of the copolymer which consist of carbinol, also the formation of cyclobutene rings is possible. Copolymerization was performed in ampule at 600C for 72 hr. 0.2% azoisobutyric acid.dinitrile was added as initiator. The results for VC + CARB are as follows: composition of the initial mixture, mole-~f,, "yield of copolymer,% copolymer, mole-% VC CARB VC CARB .100 0 76-5 100.0 0 90 10 18-7 65.7 340 19-7 38.1 61.9 75 25 50, 50 33.6 87-4 1 25 75 59.1 4.8 95.1 10 90 6o.7 was not determined 0 100 97-5 0 100:0 The composition of the copolymer was calculated from its nitrogen c6ateulf't The following wan found for VP + CARB: Card 2/5 01 .4 S/190/61/003/007/004/o~i Copolymerization of vinyl pyrroldgko... B101/P200 initi,al mixture, oole-j-. 6 yield of copolymer, cor-voritior. - of col.,olymer, I VO CUB 100 0 67-5 'iU 1 U 1~.7 4 53.8 75 5 2 1. 4 27-9 72.2 50 50 2 7 25 75 61.3 1 90 76-5 Ot 0 1 Ou "')7 - 5 The followir- conclusions nay be t1ri-i-an. 1) Tlv~ ~Ine,j ie.~rd CARD than the initial mixture-, 2) the y1pld Ircreaspi -jjAh CARD content. The ani)nlymero or b.),,!, "'Yoos Nit-re tioiuH~~ in -ic.),,unt! ~nl ethanol, innoluble in d.iethlyl ethe-, oetr6lelx"t othvr, te.izine .qnd v..,~ttor. 1.1artiCUIUrly noted J,-, the. poor lic.'Lubtlity in tiw copolymer i'rom, 10,-, VO anti go coi)olymers -Lj,,,l hom(ipalymurs in nitro,len-conthini:IL. Card 3/5 25260 1 go/O 1 Copolymerization of vinyl pyrrolidone ... B101/D208 OCII, Oc 1? -1-10 CIII on Oe CH I N 3 I%U(ci: co 71 C I C, G L 2 N (CI 1 0 t h ily 0., col Ilav followinfT reoul. ho volubil otl t'fors from that oi the homo~;;)Iymorw Uh,, no1iibilit.-v lncrc;t~-w~: witi. Ar Vj, eontent of tho copolymor. "Vf, i~) !fIVP!~ ror LiiP Viscosity of 1,*. copolymer soliitinn:i: composition of the rolativc ccrrltotiition ol' trie j"J t VII nitial mixture C initia-, x.Ixturc fiomoj:ol.~ner IP; liurro.polynor V., 75,~- 10 2 5,: CAL61 VP 50,~) C ' -R 5(),,-,; VO AL CAVII 1. 511? A 25, VC 7 5,"j CA 913 25 V-L' 75i, l r), Vc ga" c The copolymers h.,ve udliv~oivc ant! i`42 m-foripin;z oronertie!- ihic!i with increasing GAI(b content. 121icro artj 'e ;'.iCuren, o Soviet-bloc Card 4/5 25260 S/190/61/003/007/004/021 Copolymerization of vinyl pyrrolidone .... B101/B208 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut organicheBkoy khimii im. N.D. Zelingkogo AN SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskly, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 7, 1960 Card 5/5 SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M,F., STnRT-IJEMNAYA, F.P.1 PAOVAt E.V*; K=KU, F,L,j -IWAGDWOj* Lactonea and lactams, Report 20s Reactions of H~-(chlorabql) laotam vith alcoholse Izv*AN SSMIOtd,khim.mmk no.6sllU-lU6 ze 61. (KMA 14 & 6) 1e Mutitut organichaskoy kbim" ime N,D.Zelinskogo AN SSSH- (IACUMO) (Alcohols) ACCESSION NR: AT4042431 S/3103/64/000/002/0149/0152 AUTHOR: Yuldashev, A.; As"rov# M. A.; rbragaovp r. TITLE: Synthesis of the dichloroanhydride 6f vinylphosphinic acid SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Institut khImII Oollmer'ov. KhImIya I fIzIko-khImIya prirodny*khI I sinteticheskikh polimerov, no. 2, 1964i,:149-152 TOPIC TAGS: vinylphosphinic acid, thermosetting polymer,.2-chlorethylphosphinit acid, triethylamins, dlethylamind,.anillne, dimethy!formamide, z-chloroothilphos- phinyl chloride,-vlp'ylphosphinyl chloride, organophosphorus polymer .ABSTRACT: The'dichloroanhydride of vinylphosohinic acid Is th 'e basli for the syn- thesis of a g.reat variety of derjvativ6s of this acid which can, In turn, 0 e used for the preparation-of thermosetting organ6phosphorus polymers and the'phosphoryl&-' .Ltion of cellulose. In the present paper,-Iabor-atory methods are described for the synthesis of the dichloroanhydride of vinylphosphinic acid bythe reaction of amines--- or amides of lower carboxylic acids with the dichloroanhydride-of 0-chlor6athylphos- phinic acid In an Inert solvent.(dry benzene) at different temperatures. Triethyl-' anvine, diethy)amine, anill p and dimethyiformamido were used In the reaction? and other. experimental con2itions.were the same"In all cases. The yield of vinyl- .1-phospMic acid dichloroanhydride decreased wittv Increasing temperature. This Is C .. .... due to the fact that amlhes,, as well as alcohols,,'react actively with the chloro- ~nhydrides of the phosphorl~ acld*s, yielding amides, at high t6Veratures. The ,opti.mal experimental co~dltNns were found to be'-equimolar amounts of the amino or amide and j3-6chloroethylpho, hinic acid dichloroaM dride at OC" grad ally Increas- s Ing to 40 and then 60C. Ylilds of*.the,product Are 61#3-".5% with the amines and only 41-52% of the theoretical with dimethylf6rmamide.."A. 0. Diyar6v took part In c~rrylng put the experiments*" . OrIg. art. !has: 2 chemical-.equatloAs. ASSOCIATION: Institut khImfl pollmerov, AN UzSSR,,(.Instltuto of Polymer themistry, AN UzSSR) ~SUBKITTEO: 00 ENCL: 00 iSUB CODE: OC NO,REF SOV: 005 OTHER:.-OOI .2/2 v inyllr-Ay, ~2!,!- - 47 - m - - -fflUffM lZnFTrrlTfl Trl ErC~X7FTIU. ~.-f - - -_ I, i - il;.fl~Faa . I.Pollclum __,. I i M, - I . . .. I., . I . c~_r_!ymer. .-. _.._ ._.-__._ - - .o-e ar weights -- - , ~ I -as hich as 61-6rt and n I c~ 1 1 . ad cwolymersi~-_ - _ i T L __ _ - o-I ~F.dnl n _. - A & __ __ - __ T-fie enmt-11 t 1 ti nit- and the - - -- - 11 obtatried 0 cuiA!~!u 'i - I _jb~f . __ __ - - . .1. , IM, e - " F.; ASK-AROVP SIDEOKOVSKAYA, F.P.; SFOSTAF&OVSKIY, M.F.; 1BFP.2,mOL M. A. Copoljnwrization of N-vinyl. lactams with vinyl alkyl ethers. Vyaclmm. eoed. 6 no.9tl585-1590 S 164* (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imed Zolinskogo. ACC NM AP6002540 OURCE CODE: URR/028616WOO/0231004-1/0041 '7 Ro vin Z. A.: Virnik, A. D.: Sidel'kovskaya, F. P.- Mal'tsevs T. A INVENTOR. go Ibrajjimov, F. q ORG: none -zz products.- Class TrnZ.,-: Manufatturo-ot: I Z9 176661: SOURCE: Byulleten'-ftobratenty i tovernykh anakov, no. 23, 1965, 41 TOPIC TAGS: graft copolymer, bactericide, Cojt4gv 11,4- 41- ABSTRACT: An Author Cert ificate has been&lssued for a method for manufacturing end products with bactericidal provertNe from coE21ymirshrepared by grafting .~~Phetic polywieirs~.- (usspecified) to natural polymers, such as cellulo2j.-VV The wt1xYd involves treatment of the products with iodine solution.- (Bo] SUB C ODE: 1; a-'r"UHM DATE: 23jun641 ATD PRESS: q1 70 RM Allzx~ ff-- ---- KOZLOVSKIY, A.D., inzh.; IBMIMV. F.A., inah. Instrument.for determining the tension of wire reinforcement, Trudy BashNIIStral uo.L216-227 162. OUIU 170) E L 23331-66 --EWT. m VI? 0 VT -YO M ACC NRs AP6006978 SWRCE AUTHORSs skayaq Fo Pol Askarovp Me A* vp Fal Sidellkov 0110t Institute or nskiyp AN SSSR (In3titut _Organic C4emistry ime N!,fD. Zeli organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR) T TITLE: Synthesis of a graft copolyme of cellulose and polyyinylcMM1U"10 SOURCE: Vyaokomolokuly"Mye soyedineniya, ve 8, no* 2p 1966,9 247-250 Milic TAGSs cellulose plastic, graft copolymer, redox reaction ABSTRACT: Investigation of the synthesis of a graft copolymer of cellulose (I) and N-vinyleaprolactam (II) is described as a part of a general effort initiated earlier by F. lbragimov, A. D. Virnik, F, P, Sidellkovskayaq M. Ao Askarov, and Z. A. Rogovin (ZhVKhO im. Mendeleyeva, 11, No* 2p 1966)o This work was carried out to determine the effect of the size and structure of the lactam ring upon the grafting process and the properties of the product. As in previous work, the gr ing was performed using H202-FO2+ redox system. Fabric of viscose staple -Iferved as a source of I. The effect of the concentration of H20~ in the system upon the content of grafted 11 is illustrated in Fig. 1 (the optimal concentration is 0.008%),, The effect of the temperature upon the reaction is shown in Fig, 2 (70C in most suitable), The optimal reaction time is 3 hours* The graft copolymer of I and Il readily CCrC;-l/? Oct 541.64+661.7213+678.746 L 23331-66 0. .43 4a tko 0 0 - ji-i 4-1 4001 POW ~OL IL on v 1P 4 .4002 41 H2b2-concantration, % 70. 10 0C 10 Temperature, Fig. 1. Effect of H,02 concentration Fig. 2., Effect of temperature upon the upon the amount of grafted U (% of the amount of grafted 11 (weight % of copolymer weight). Graft conditionas copolymer). Graft conditionst ratio ratio 50t1, temperature 7OCj time 3 50ilp time 3 houral 00008%1 hours* 1 - II a 10%P 2 11 15%e 1 1 10%# 2 11 absorbs acid dyes and is resistwt to light* Orige art@ boat 4 figures* SUB CODEx I SUBM DATM 27rfab65/ opm RErl' oo6/ OTH RIWs OM Card 9 19 0 L, IBRAGIMU1, F. 1. Skin - Diseases A case of simultaneous occurence of poikilderma and mycosis fwigoldes., Vest. ven. I derm. no. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, 14brary of C3ngress, March 1952. Unclassified. m - - - ,iLi -il Ili'; , 1, . Syphilis - Diagnosis Significance of precipitation reactions on glass proposed by Sc-.Fiet authors frr serodiagnosis of syphilis. Veat. von. i dem. No. 1, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Acce2siong, Library of Congrress Julie 1953. UI-',CL. IBRAGjQbj*jOw kandidat maditainakikh nauk; IBRAGIMOVA, V.S., kandidat ~~-- maditainakikh nauk Chinese Journal of dermatology. Reviewed b37 ." -lbrogimov, V.S.1bra t ova. Yes.t.derm, I vems 31 no.3:33-53 Nr-J* '57- "a ICHINA--URKATOLOGY--MIODICALS) (KIRA 10:11) IBRAGIMOV. F.Lp The foun4sra of Chinese medicine. 35 no-10:V~9-154 0 (KIRA 1. Is koshnogo otdoleal" (sav. - kandidot mediteinskikh hank 7 lbragimov) gospitalyi govetskogo Xrasnogo Kresta v Pakine (dir. kandidat meditSinBkikh nauk F.L.Loontlyev) (HISTORY, MLIDICAL In China (Rus)) IBRAGIMOV, V.I. ~ivi -a id a.-,t a.-n medical jouriml." Revived by F.Io Sovoxdrffo,8s6o-62 Ag 158 (VMKISTAX--MICrD3~-P!IRICDICArZ) IBUGINOV, 7. 1.; IBRAGIMOVA, V.S. M, Shih Chen, 151&1593. Farm. i toke 21 no.6:75-78 N-D 058. (PHARMCOWGT, histom (NM 12:1) contribution of Shih Cheng Li (Rae)) -DI" 500 13 Vo-,1 1'1,14 ', n- .6 na tolocy Apr - -59 1010. KERATOSIS FOLLICULARIS SQUAMOSA DOM (Russiantest) - lbragimov F. 1. and V a n C h u n - 7 e. - VESTN. DERM, VENER. 1958. 321TWB--10-) rifus. 2 A case of keratosia follicularls squamosa (Dohl), which was observed by the authors -at the Dermatological Department of the Soviet Red Croon Hospital In Peking, is presented. The rash was localized on the abdomen in the lumbar region and on the cheat of a 24-year-old Chinese. The patches were about the size of the palm of the hand or even larger, and consisted of silver-white scales, with a central black dot, situated about the follicles and surrounded by a strip of depigmented skin. Treatment with vit. A. arsenic. ultra-violet rays, an ointment containing Nalicylic acid, and sulphur and baths proved Ineffective. Kraus - 11radec KrMov# 5, IBRAGIMOVj-Z,m-Uk4 Ibrj!gipovj *JBRAGIXOVA, Valentina Semenovna; SM rM-CH2MI _q)A, Tung-chfnj ttronalatorl; CHZHA CHW-XMW [Chang Chu-hgng) (translator]; GANNEWN. A.7. prof farmkognosii. doktor farmateevt. nauk, red,; NAMOV, Me., red.; MICHIKOVA, Tu.S., tekhn.rod, [Principal medicinals of Chinese misdicinal Osnovuye lekarstyannye aredetva kitaiskoi meditsiny. Pod red. A.Y.Oammermen. Monk-rap Goa. isd-vo ned.lit-ry, 1960. 41o p. (KIRA 13;11) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatesytichookly Institut (for Gommermen). (CHUA-XYWT. XIDIGA) (CHINA-KATIRIA KIDIGA) T-BIOC-DIN, -F.M. 113a;~-.,) I - vr 11 ea t I- a ris f e r a -'v a V.1 S,-' 3 PI ft g t ~. " f I U i I f I ow he tw P e n 4",,,1,) rcta~.Jng ,ylinders. lx!zh. Mar. 5 no.4,7&0.-772 165. kHrRA ls.~) ABBASOV, A.A.j IBRAGIMOV, F.M.1 KASIMOV, A.F. Consecutive flow of tbree fluids between two annular coaxIal, cylinders, Trudy AsNIX DR no.,10:442-448 160, (KULL 144) (Fluid dftam~cs) IBRAGI~~V _E.M. Heat exchange In the movement of viocous-plastic liquid between the rotating coaxial cylindorB. Izv. AN Azerb. MR Ser. geol.- geog. nauk no.209-92 165. iMIRA IM) IBRAGIMV, FM .1 Unsteady flow of viscoplastic liquid. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no.500-34 165. (YM 18:9) 1. Institut razrabotki neftyanykh I. gazovykh mestorozhdenly AN AzerSSR. I]BRAGIMOV, G.I. Apprcximation by a subsystem of Faber polynomials. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no.919-12 164. (MIRA 18i1) 1. Moskovskly ordena, Lenina energeticheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzerSSR Z.I. Khalilovym. IBRAGII,IDV , G. I. (Moskva) Completeness of a subsystem of Faber polynomials on curves of a complex plane. Mat. Sbor. 65 no.1:3-17 S 164. 7 (MIRA 17:11) -IBRAG114OVp G.L. of the Drilling Trust of the Alimetlyevsk Petroleum Industry fulfill their obligations. Neftianik 6 no.2:5-6 F 161, (MIRA 14:10) 1. Predsedatell ob"yedinennogo burovogo komitata, profooyuza rabochikh neftyanoy i 1-himicheskoy promyshlemosti tresta. Allmetlyevburneft'. (411metlyevok region-Oil well drilling) ~~ --I k2. t'A Study of the Specialization of Certain Anthracnose Fun-i on Bean, S-uash, and Potato ~'ropsll) Iz. AN SSR, No. 6., pp 80-90) 1950. wow by CWkloind: casw bKb& av IMOM tfntmmt wtgh .9w so* jw go Ada. a nou 19-0 mw v go 6^ ow Caw mw "w: ,ww.t "i -cu. IL N"X I I %" 'I, I 1 7 : i I ~ V . , ,-J~ . I r I ". R. 2. USSR (6-00) 7. "Speetalization of Species of Colletotrichum on Certain Benn, Sv 'uash, and Potato Plnnts", Trudy Voesoyuz. In-ta Zashchity Rasteniy (Works of the All- Union Institute of Plant Protection), V'O 3, 1951, pp 2,95-2112. 9. Mi!-roblolopiyn. Vol XXI, Issue 1. Moscow, inn-Feb 1952, pr 121-132. Unclarrifled. VJ1 J" V , U11 Nuts - Diseases and Pests Bark louse (Eulecanium comi Bouche on the lombard nut. Les. khoz. 5, no. 7. 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - SepteEber MM Unclassified.