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KOTATS, YAMC, dre; KUTAS, Isre, dro; KYIMT, Oesa, dre Trypsin inhalation before brouchography. Orv.hatil. 101 no-31: 1096-1098 31 JI 160. 1. Budapesti Oryostudomnyt Igyates, Tudogyoffaszati ninika (TRYPSIES ther.) (BRONCHI radlogr) RDTAB.Imra. dr. Late respiratory daefte after pasumothorax treatment carried out without administration of tuberculostaticee Orv.hetil, 101 no.39.# 1384-1.386 23 8 160. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomayl l4getem, Dudogyogyanzati Klinike (PNMOMORAX COMP1.) (USPIMION) ZSAM&I, Pal. dr. Certain problems in soleroderma. Kagy radiol, 12 n014;I93-303 N 160. U Van meffe Tanacea "MarkanovesW lorhass, (igasgato foorwon; Cselko Laszlo dr.) Routgenosstalyanak (foorvos, HutRs Imrs dr.) 9s I* Belaogyanzati Oestalyanak (foorvos: Vasarhelyi Bela dr.) kozlemenye. (SOLEROMEM) HUTAS, Imre SMOS Sandor-,- dr-. Angiopneumography in functional diagnosis of the lung. Tuberkulosts 11 no-10:307-309 0 160. 1. A BudApesti Orroutudomanyi F~gyetem Tudogyogyassati Klinikajamk (igalgatot. lovats rerenc dr. egyat. tanAr, as orvostudomanyok doktora) koslemenye. (A]ITIOGRAPHT) (IUMS radiog) MAIDI, Andras, dr.; RUTAS, Iure, dr.; SOOS, Gabor, dr. Treatment of ca;rd~ioreep5~lrato ~ Insufficiency with hypothiaside (dihydrochlorothiaside . Ory.hatil. 101 no.48:1700-17003 27 N160. 1. Orssagos Munknegesseegogyi Inteset as Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, Tudogrogydexatl Klinita,. (PUIXONARY HEART DISEASE tber) (OHLOROTHUZ113 ther) HUMS, Imre, dr, Gaotro-asopbageal refl= and reflmr asophagitis. MaU radiol. 13 no.6: 336-339 N 161. 1. Vas megye Tanacea %rkusoveskyl Korhaza. (igasgato: Ceelko Laszlo dr. fooryos) Rmtpnoastalyanak (foorvoe: Butas Imre dr.) kulamenys. (STMWH dig) (ESOPHAGUS dio) HUMBp 1wel MIHOCZrl Iaoslw Experimntal studieer on, the effoot of a ganglion-blocking drug (eco3ld) on cbronio'cor pulmonals. Nagy belorv. arch, 14 no.2176-78 My 161. 1. Budapesti Orvoetudomkrqi lbites Tudoeogyassati KUnikajanak (Igasgatot dr. Kovats Perenc eg7at..tanar) koxlemanys. (AUTO DRUGS pharmool) (PULMONART EMT DISEASE oiq)er) ERTASp Imre,.dr. ........ .. Infra-red gas analyzer in the diagnosis of respiratory function. Tuberkulosie 15 no.2:49-52 F 162. 1. A Bad - Berkai, The Oyogyinteset (Igasgato*. A. Tegtmeier dr. egyatemi tanar) es a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Eg7etem Tudogyogyaozati Klinikm (Igazgato: Kovats Ferene dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenys. (RESPIRATION pbysiol) . (CARBON DIOXIDE cbem) (INFRARED RAYS) r --I-orvo_ &Y 0 61YZ -es-c;e 3 itudomanji zgyatem, Tuda it; a-I -K.Iinika) Fiudapest. IIA ~iiMple Test of Respirator-y Function iii tbe IL-itferential Dih,~:110~,j,,j rf ~.esj)jratory Disorders." Bu dial) e s t ,Orvosi Vol 1t.)4, No 2. 15 Jan 6~, vi) 56- At wt, ra ct zLkLi-thor-'s HunLtarlan auarAary modified'i Comparison of forced inspiration and expiration appears to lead to a dil"I"erer-tiation. of empb,~Ysemal and especially bronchitie r6.qiArat--)r,y difficulties. The forced Inspiratory test re- !,' ;,~y be normal ixi ce.393 Of emphysema while bo-rh vest 1.!.:3ul*,s are lower in cases of bx-,nchitis-bronchospasms. A-bait 90 ~'o of 418 patients showed a definite correlatioz b~Mveen the clinical icture and the ras,~iratory func-,ion test rt~,ults. Three 0~ 18 references are Hungarian, the rest 'ii-.,ztern- HUTASO 1.0 dr. Respiratory analeptlea in the treatmient of chronic respiratory failure. Thor* Rungs 12 A6,311W124 164s Is Departunt of Most Diwases (Directors Prof a 0. Makovits) I University Nedioal Sahoe4 Budapest. infrapullmo nnry vent1lation disorders In eirphysvina and emphypew discusti. Orv. hetil. 105 no.33,1551-1556 16 Ag 164. 1. Budapesti Orvestudamunyi Egyetem, Tudogyogyaszati KlAnika (lgazgatos Miskovits Gusitav dr.). HUTAS, Imre, dr.; MIRLWS, Marta, dr. Respiratory analeptics in chronic respirutcrj inaufficiency. Orv. hetil. 106 no.3/01461-1465 I Ag 165. 1. BLdapest, Povarosi. Tanacs Janos Korhaw (igazgatet Tako, Jozaef dr.). V. (respiratiosi Tudo-osztaly (foorvos: Putas, Imre, dr.), RUMANIA ux: 613.2-09g.-616-022-39-092.9 BIRZU, Alexandtina, Dr, BESLEAGA, Virginia, Dr, ZAVATZ, Olga, Dr, Dr, ILUCA, V., Technician, and VARLAN, V., Technician. 1?5`FF -peiformed at the Institute of 4giene (Institutul de Igiens.), Iasi. "Rattusnorvexi2jLs as Pathogenic Germ Carrier." Bucharest, Microbiclogia, Parazitalogia, Evidemiologia, Vol 11, No 5, Sep-Oct 66t pp 431-435. AbstreLct [Authors' English summary modifiedj: The 4thors TTualea-lQb rate caught in food enterprises to determine the -1percentage of carriers of pathogenic and conditione4ly patho- genic germs. Of the total, 15-9 percent were carrilre of S. enterid1tis Gaertner and 1.8 percent of S. typhi-mu,-ium. Among the conditional pathogenic species, the rate were carriers of Arizona, Citrobacter, Aerobacter and Entero .ecies, the erc Ut : the strains* latter represented by Str. faecalis in 74 pcoc:n Approximately 8.5 percent of the animals showed potintially entero-patho enic coli-like organisms. I Inaluges 3 tables and 11 references, of which 7 Rumaniang 2 Russian and 2 Western. -- Manuscript submitted 8 May 1965, HUNGARY HUTAS, Dr lore [Affiliation not stated]. "Comments on the paper by Dr Bela GIKES, entitled "Clinical and Experimental Data on the Closing Vochanism of the Cardiall Budapest, Magyar Radiologia, Vol 18. No 6. Doe 66; pp 333-335. Abstract: Critical comments on GIV2S1 article published in Magyar Radiologia Vol 18, 51 1966, pointing out a number of errors and serious inaccuracies both of fact and interpretation. ACC NRt AP6029386 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: -HutAa&-j=-Khutaehs I. (Doctor); Koovis. Sandor-Kochiahl Sh. (Doctor)/.,r CRG: none TITIE: Importance of cytostatics in the treatment of mammary carcinoma SOURCE: Magyar radiologiat no. 6, 1965v 345-350 TOPIC TAGS: cancer drugs chemotherapy ABSTRACT: The preser,*w3,v used cytostatic drugs are of no Importance in the treatment of mammary carcinoma. In the early stage of the diseases good results can be expected from a combination of the two classical therapeutic procedures. At this stage, the use of cytostatics can only be accepted as justified if they do not .. -! represent an unnecessary stress to the organism but can demonstrably improve the results already achieved'with the two classical modes of treatment. Orig. art. has: 1 figure@ (JPRS: 3491611 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: 03Apr64 / ORIG REF - oeo am nEF: o36 HUTAS, Janos Track regulation experiences of the.SzeksafeheLvai maintenance station, Vasut 13 no#2:21~22 F 163~ 1. Szekeefohervari Palyafeantartasi Fonokseg vezatomernoke. SZONII0 L.; LOMS.. 0.j HUTAS,, Susanne .0 Appraisal of the initial amtow of leukasmia in childhood. Acts, Pasdiat Aged Soi Hung 2 no.ltl-4- $61. 1. Department of Pasdiatrios, University Medical School, Oscs, I (IXUUMA in inf & chil4) M41GARY VARGA, Ferenc, Dr. Dr; Medical University of Pecs, Pediatric Clinic (director: KEE 1-,-FRONIUS, Odon, Dr) (Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Gyermekklinika), "Behavior of the Parameters of B3ood p1l and the Acid-Base Equilibrium in the Course of Exchange Transfusion in the Newborn." Budapest, Orvosi Retilap, Vol 107, No hl, 9 Oct 66, pages 1921-1925. Abstract% (Authors' Hungarian summary modified] In the course of exchange transTusion in 12 newborn it was found that, among premature infants under 2500 g weight, the blood pH will show a continued, moderate lowering but it will become normal within 24 hours at the latest. In heavier infants, normal- ization will start as early as the blood exchange. The rate of normalization of blood pH will be slowed down slightly when large amounts of blood are used for the exchange and the icterus is more severe with a serum bilirubin level over 20 mg %. It is probable that the development of a more severe acidosis is prevented by the Na bicarbonate produced from the citrate metabolism. Sniall-weight infants with high serum billrubin level are also able to decom- pose citrate although the process is slower than in the newborn of normal weight, On the basis of these observations it is thought that the use of haparinized blood or bicarbonate, recommended for the detrimental effects of citrated-blood exchange, is not necessary in general; it may be taken into consideration in special cases of premature infants of low weight where metabolic acidosis is present to begin with and the use of large amounts of blood is contemplated. All 13 references are Western. 1/1 36 RUTIS, Zoussanna, dr.: EMLTI, Teresta, dr. Effect of unfavorable domestic conditions on repeated hospital- 12ation and mortality of children. OYermekgyogyassat 11 no.11: 336-34o N 16o, 1. Peosi Oryostudomanyl Bastem Gyermekklinikajanak koslemenye. (PEDIATRICS) IMOS, Oeskar, dr.; SZONTI. Laszlo, dr.; ~~AS, Zeuseanna, dr, Difficulties in the evaluation of bons marrov smears in early diagnoole of loulmmUs in children and adolescents. Gyarsek- 97097assat 12 no.ltl6-22 - Ja 161. 1. Pecei OrTontudomanyi Egyetem Gyarmakklinikajanak kozlemenye. (BORE KARROW pathol) (UMNIA diag) - LOHBOS, Oszlmr, dr.; UUM, Zouzeanna dr,; SZOM, Laszlo, dr.; GOFMAN, LJ u bov ( lAui;;f,, ---* Relation of bone marrow plaemocytes to serum gamma globulins in infanc7. Orr. hetil. 102 no.14:637-639 2 Ap 161. 1. Peosi Omstudomnyi Egy9tea, Gyer==nika es II Belklinika. GAMA GLOBULIN) BONE MARROW anat & histol) ~ IIADZISEL11,10VIC, S., drqj~LTH~~j D., dr.; DOKIC,S., dr. Roln of late gastosen on the intrauterke anI pontnatal do- velolnent of the infant. Med. arli. 18 no-5t111-120, S-0164. 1. fikusersko-ginakolooka klinika Medicinskog foRulteta u Sarajevu (Seft Prof. dr. J. Knezerlc-Svarc). HUTERER, D. dr.; HADZISELIMOVIC, S., dr.; FRICA, S.,dr. On the pathogenesis of hypertension In pregnancy. Med. arh. 18 no.1:69-72 Ja-F 164. 1. Ginekoloako-akuserska klinika Medlcinskog fakulteta u Saraje7u (Soft Prof. dr Jolka Knezevic-Svarc). HUTH, T. On rehabilitationp prophylaxis and care of patients with urogenital tuberculosis* Acta. chir. Aced. Soie Hung. 3 no.2/3:169-171 162. 1. Urologische K14nik (Direktors Prof. Dr. T. Hath) der Mediziiiischen UniTeraitat Feco. (TUBEMVLOSIS URDGMUTAL) MIKHAYIMKOp P. 1. Dvkhailentot ?.I.]; BUT21KO,, V.1.1 MVKIUA2 F.S. GUTIffAq O*Lo [Hutina#,,,'~GL.j - Dyeing of lavman fibers with dispersion d7es, loh. promo no,2s Z7-29 Ap-4064 (MIRA l,!t7) j HUTIRA, B.,; BALAURE, Fl. Transformation of the relations of socialist production into rela- tiono of comminist production. Problems soon 14 no.11321-37 N 161. 1. Membra al Cologiului do rodactio, OPro'bleme economics" (for Hatira). HUTIRA,, E., candidat in atiinte economioe Indissoluble unity and comeotion of the Marxist-LOninist theor7 4nd the practice of socialist construction. Prohleme eocn 15 noalWO~ 34 D 162. HUTIRA, E., candidat In stiinte economice; BALAURE, Fl. Alliance between the working class and the peasintz7.. a social basis of the Rumanian social system. Problems econ 17 no.8z 59-74, Ag 164. I - ,v I -, r . AGRICULTURE Periodical MECHANISACE ELSTV1. Vol. 5, no. 24. Dec. 1955 RUM. V.; HUTKA. P. Experience with the prep,3ratlon of the production and finance plan. p. 461 Monthly 149t of East Nuropean Accessions (EEAI) D-3, Vol. 8, no- 3, Mar.,1959. Ohol. aadimir A complete representation of a screw line* Mat fYz cas SAY 11. no*2:"S 1619 1, Kabinst, deskriptiW.Itgeometriep Slovenska VY50kfL skola. teohnickaj, Bratialavdi VOzOVOM The 4ment, #hso, 0.80,; HUTICA, VIadWrj promovany pedagog Equations of correlation mom nts of turbulent flow velocity in two different points. Vodohosp cas 12 no.1154-64 163. 1 GeskoolovenoM akademle ved, Ustav hydrologiff a hydraulikyj Zovensks, akademia viedi-Bratislava. HUTL, Tivndar, ACTH and vitamin 31 99 no.10:348-350 9 the prevention of 58. 1. A Badupesti OrvostudomnYi Rgyetem I. Bz (igazgato: Redri Indre dr. egyet. tana ) e9 Matettani Intesetenek (ipsgatot Nagy Danes (ABI)OMO. surg. postop. adhesions, eff. of ACTE (ACTE, eff. on develop. of postop. abdom. a (VITAMIN 31, off. same) KLinikajanak Anatoulal es tanar) koslomenyo. - . -- ~ 7 11 S/137/6Z/000/009/003/033 Aoo6Aioi AUTHORS: Buiek, Z., Hutla, A. TITLE: Desulfuration in a vacuum PERIODICAL-. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 9, 1962, 11 - 12, abstract 9A60 ("Sb. v5dac. praci Vysokh ikoly bafiske 0strav511, 1961, v. 7, no. 2, 245 - 246, Czech; -summaries in Russian and English) TM-T: The authors investigated desulfurition in it vacuum of metal with different S and C contents. It was found that the final S content did not depend upon the initial 3 content. Under the experimental conditions the 3 content was determined from the 0 content in the metal. On tho'baAis of experimental results and literature data it is assumed that the mechanism of desulfuration in a vacuum can be represented in the following mannen elimination of 8 from pure Fe and steel takes place by evaporation. The evaporation process is favorably affected by Increased 8 activity in the solution and reduced 0 content, predetermining the equilibrium of the 8-content. Desulfuration of cast Iran containing Mn and Si in .a vacuum proceeds mainly on account of the formation of a Mn-sulfide and graphite Card 1/2 Desulfuration in a vacuum S/137/62/000/009/003/033 A006/A101 mixture, and also SiS. These processes take place simultaneously to a different degree, depending on theeKperim6ittal c.onditione. (Abstracter's notes Comple te translation] Authors~ summary Card 2/2 HUrLA, D. Some notes on this year's cooperation of research with agricultural practice. How the Rybany Machine-Tractor Station solved the problem of the 1Sg in the fall operations. -1~ p. 535 (MECHANISACE ZEMEDEISTVI) Yol* 7, no. -21, Novo 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Tndex of East European Accessions (EFAI) LGI Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1058 liuri.A. V. Electric timers. p. 989. (Chemicke Listy, Praha* Vol* 950) no* 6, June 1956*) SOI-Monthly List of East European Accession (MI) LCp Vol. 6. no. 7,, July 1957. Uncle CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Laboratory Equipments Apparabust Their P Theoryp Constrii6tion and Application. Abs Jours Ref Zhur-*Khimiyas No 181 1958, Woos Author V.Jastimil Hutla. Inst Title Electric Regulators of Reflux Flow, Orig Pub: Chem listy, 19579 51, No 10, 1962-1963- Abstract: Relays of 2 constructions for the regulation of the reflux flow at column distillation are des- oribed, The time lag systems are produced by circuits each consisting of a condenser (4 to 8 A(k), a variable resistor and a gas-disoharge tubes These relays control electromagnetic Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Laboratory Equipment., Apparatus., Their F Theoryp Construction and Application. Abs Jourt Ref Zhur-Khimiyas No 18,, 19589 60800* Abstract% manipulator slavesp which regulate the reflux flows The regulators can be used at a reflux number up to 1 : 100. Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Laboratory Equipment. Apparatuses.F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyal 1958, No 20, 674o8. Abstract: desired temperature difference (between the column Internal and Its membrane) is maintained by means of a potentiometer which is a part of the bridge. When the bridge is out of balance, a signal to a relay activates an electric motor that operates the variac (a laboratory autotransformer) that controls the heating electric circuit of a column. Card 2/2 41 COUNTRY CAT]EGORY AB.S. JOUR. AUTHOR T4 ~ I T-iTL.-P. Czechoslovakia P-3 16 19 39, .;o. 57378 Carmak, K. and Not gj.vqn The Registration of Column Head Temperatures ()jjq. ?Ua. Chem Prumysi, 8, No 10, 523-525 (1956) AMMACT A resiatance thermometor with amplifier and re- cording milliammeter has been used in measuring column head temperatures of laooratory distilla- tion columns. The accuracy of the measurements was 0.1*. Y&. stefanovskiy CARD: 1/1 TECIMIDGY PERIODTCAL: CIMIWf PRIMISL, 'OL. 11, no, 3, 11058 Hutla, V. Temperature registration in the head of a distillation column. D. 523. 'Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, no. 5, may 1959, Unclass. KRIVANEK, Emanuall HUTLAI Vlastimil Telecontrol of the stop watch in measuring motion velocity. Chem listY 56 no.3-lsl346-1350 N 062. 1, Katedra automatizace chemickych vyrob, Vyaoka skola, chemicko- technologicka, Pardubice. HUTLA, Vlastimill KOTYK, Josef Dynamic oharacteriotios of falling film evaporators. Chem prum 14 no.8:403-405 Ag 164. 1. Chair of Chemical Production Automation, Higher School of C~wmical Toohnology, Pardubice. HUTLA Vlastimil, inz.; K(YT)rK, Josef, Inz. -- II.--.'.-'--'-' -, Possibility of the automatic control of a diaphragm evaporator with freely hanging film. Automatizace 7 no. 6:154-157 Je 164. 1. Higher School of Chemical Technology, Pardubice. ACC NRt AP602542, SOURCE COM CZ/OOBO/65/000/00310327/01 AUTHCR: Hut3Aj VIAStiMil CRGt Department of AutomAtion of Chemical ProcesBes, Graduate School of Chemical Technology, Pardubice (Vooks sko]A chemickotochnololg#ka, katedra gutomatirAO0 chomiokyah vyrob) TITILE: Adaptation of the KBT6/EN line recorder for measurement of dynamic charac. teristics of thermal "at*= with thermocouples SOUIM AutftAti"00. no. 5, 1965. 22?-128 TOPIC TAGS: thermocouple, recording equipment, temperature masurement/KMY)-EN recording equipment ABSTRACTt The article desor' ibes the modifications of the line recorder and presenta the cirmdt And procedure for MaB=Ownt of the dynamic characteristics of thermal systems with thermocouples by meam of it. Orig. aA* hast 1 figure. LIMS: 32,4, SUB CODE: 14, 09 SUM DLTZI none OFtM REFs 003 Card l/A0 UDC: 621*317*08?*6 HUTNIK' F. Distribution of collective farm products and the operation of the law of socialist accumulation on a collective farm. P. 30. SBORNIK. RAM ZEKEDELSKA EKONOMIKA,. Vol. 29, no. 5j. Sept. 1956. Praha, Czechoslovakia SOURCE: East European 14st (EEAL) LibrW of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 Kid // C~f "; " '~ , 1 , iI-- I!//C 4,1, 1V-- --- - - --- - -- -- - - HTJTOROWICZo H. Attempts to measure dew in Kortowo, P. 5. (GAZETA OBSERWATORA, P.I.HeMe, Warozawal Vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 1954.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. ~, JAn- 1955, Uncl. jA99R-"W--1C7'1 ~- Dew as one of the vdaroclimatic elements. p. 91. GOSPODMA WOTNA. (Nacselna Organizacia Techniczna) Warszawa,, Poland Vol. 190 no. 2. Fob. 1959. Mohthly list of East Furopean Accessions Index, (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncla. HUTOWSKA-MKASIEWICZ, Maria Ifistochemical studies on nucleic acids in dental pulp. Czas. stomat. 18 no,10:1185-1191 0 165. 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Stomatologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego w Lublinie (Kierownik: doc. dr. G. Jarzab). ..;~ -1 1 V ". I- T~ ~TIT F. I -~- 4 - CHARKLSAVA, L.S.; XXRAZHYNSXI. M.P.; MMUSUTA, A.V. %^-,. J-,~ Comparative evaluation of the activity of carbonic anhydrase in various animal tissues after fracture. Vestal AN BM no.3:159- 167 HY-TO 152. (KIU 7 -.8) (Practures) (Carbonic &Wiydrass) HUTSCHENREMIER, Gi.Lnter, Coco I-;r-t OperatIon and ml!:rocUmate of st now tvix~ of barns for f-e,-- housing of dalr7 cows on deep litter in the sou'.,.-,e-rn Slovakfa climate zonq. 7emadel tech 10 no.10.619-636 0164'0 1. rhair of Agriviltural Bulltdtng and Denign, Erher of Architecture and Building, ',,Wmar, ^*3rwn RapubIlAc (for Hut.r!e-henreuthev. irititi te -,f Bvl'jiilr;~ Dire~!tkir rf tho ~r7,tit:jte T. '~ru,,%r,v -Tsnac). ~~ , I A, rin P , 11 -- ~ i , - I j -' r,~! r-lui- , inz. Me--hanism of super3onic welding. '"Laboproidy obzor 25 no.11:667-672 N 164. 1. A.S. Popov Ros!rearcch inst-Itute of Telec-aminunlacht1cm Englneer,ng, Prague. .'-L.1717-~66-..EWP(v)/T/El-TP(t)/FTP(-k,)/W4b-)/Z4A(o)--- JD/HM ACCESSION NR: AP5021085 CZ/0039/64/025/oi 1/066?/0672 AUTHOR: Huttelp lv!~ICEngineer); Nohynek,, Andrich (Kqoneer) Lfq, 7 TITIZ: Mechanism of ultrasonic welding N,(qy -SOURCE: -Slaboproudy obzor,,-v. 25,, no., 11.. 1964, 667-672 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic welding# welding equipmentj, electric engineering ABSTRACT: A brief description is presented of principles of ultrasonic welding and the desW-A0 an ultrasonic welder developed at the Institute for Communications Technology* Mussed is the application ot ultrasonic welding in various fields of electrical engineering. Results are given on tests conducted with the weider. Orig. art. has: 8 figuresi 3 formulas, 2 graphs end 1 table. ASSOCIATION* Vyzkumny ustav pro adelovaci techniku A.S. Popova, Prague (Institute? for Communications Tachnology) suEn7m: oupr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE, IEp EE NR REF SOVI'~ 002. OTHER: 004 JPRS Card V!, ISOM" vod NUASaWto ,4aacUm *W bmAodimp Prakt. Arst 409 25 Ava 50 pe 1e NAX CUM To].. 200 No. 2 Fob 1951 015PMW, Gaza, dr.; VIDA, Margit, dr.; RUTTERERL-Ilona,-dr. The effect of various saliaylate preparations on the content of sugar in the blood of patients with inflamatory and other diseases of the locomotor system. Orr. hatil. 102 no.2611213-1217 25 A 161. 1. Orazagos Reuma- as Purdougyi Inteset. ,~BLOOD SUGAR -pbarmacol) SALICYLATES pharmacol) .BONE DISMES p~armacol) JOINTS diseases) iMUSCLES din) MARKOVIC, 0. HUM S Aminotripaptidase activity in srwv al fluid. I. Bratial. Isk. listy 43 Pt. I no.101585-596 163. 1. Vysk=ny uotav reumatickych dhorob,, pobocka v Piestanoch, veduci doe. MUVr. S. Sitaj. AMINOPEPTIDASES) (SYNOVIAL nUID) JOINT DISEASES) (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) BEIM'S DISEASE) (SPONDYLITIS, ANKrLOSING) RHEUMATIC FEY ) (LUPUS MUTHEMATOBUS, SYSTEK0 1 (OBTZOARTHRITIS) HUTTL, S, Intra-articular temperature. 11. Bratisl. Lek. Listy 44 no.8t463-473 164. 1. Vyokumny ustav reumatickych chorob v Pieittinoch (prednosta doc. MDr. S. Sitaj). RML, S.: ZITUN, D.1 SITAJT, S.; XIM)AMW, 3-; NLWAP G- Treatment of pogreselve arthritis with intra-articular 4"InistractIO of - b"worgisonse Polskle arch. we *~qswnv 25 80.6&s IM91028 1"5., L Z'Zddaft Dowl"CaNIMM Oberob Sawat"alreb fills v Pintmobe-Illemm1k: A". 4r. S. IltQ TIMMIWI At at. IMAICkI. (AMMVIS, RIMUTOID therapy bydrocortisome, Int're'-srucular main., (Pol)) (ADRINAL CORTIK, hormones bydrocortisons, ther. of rheum. arthritis, intra- articular admin.. (Pol)) HUTTL, S. Shock accident after myochrisin with following long lasting remission of the inflammatory process in progressive polyarthritis, Bratiol. lek. listy 35 no.12:719-723 30 June 55. 1. Z Co. st. kupelov v Trencianoltych Topliciacb, ILU Tri ardcla, primer MUDr. L. Weisser. a z Vyskumnsho ustavu reumatickyeb chorob, vysunutsho pracoviska v Piestnaocb. prednosta doc. MLMr. S. Sitaj. (ARTHRITIS, RMUKMID. therapy gold sodium thiomalate causing abock with remission of inflamm. process.) (GOLD, in~--riouo effects gold sodium thionalate in tber. of rheum. arthritis, causing shock with remission of Inflamm. processj (SHOCK, etiology and pathogenesis gold sodium tbiomalate tber. of rheum. arthritis, causing remission of Inflamm. process) HUTTL" S. EXCERnA HOICA See.6 Vol.10/11 Internal Medicine NoY56 7072. IIOTTL S., 111',~AN D.,' -SItA.) .9.. KINDPACNAY A. and NIEPEL C., Zakt. -Leezenic TWorwTaue-kainego Choi-61) Ileusnutycznych Filia. J,iegfanach. hydrokortyzonem Wi-dawanyin dostawowo guAdca pierwotnic przewleklego. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with livdrocortisone acetate administered intraarticularly POL.ARCHAIED. WEWNFT. 1955, 25/6a(1207-12211)Gralihti6Tal)lt!s7 In 41 cuties of rheumatoid arthritis 451 inject(ono into 133 joints were given. The results were fayourable 4cspeclally when a single joint was affected. The insprovc- inunt cotild be maintained with sinall doses, adminisleivd at large intervals, The Intrazis-liculur injections pruvented the develolmient of derornia t ions and madt pomsible an adequate rehabilitation therapy. A vontraindiculior, to intraorlicular hydrocortisone therapy is bacterial Weelion of lite joint to Ro environsnent. Bojanowitz - L6dt MT11A "~ec r Vol 13 1P "liroery Anwist 4229.(1080) SYNOVIAL FLUID IN OSTEOMMIROPATHIA ItYPERTROPHICANS PULMONALIS - SynovIAlna tekutina pri osteoarthropathia hypertrophicans pulmonalis -_L1 Cl t t I S. Vyskumny rist. Reumat. Chor., Polmfka, IliefiInny - FYSIAT. VESTNTMW17, 36/5 (259-266) Tables 2 'the composition of the normal and of some forms of pathological Mynovial fluid In given and an analysis of 6 specimens of synovial fluid from both knees in a patient suffering from hypertrophic pulmonary ontcoarthropathy and cavitary tb is report- ed. The significance of this examination, particularly for the differential diagnosis with progressive chronic polyarthritis. the need to make the first analysis of the synovial fluid before commencing therapy, and the influence of treatment on the synovial fluid are discussed. In cases where a pure but rapidly coagulating synovial fluid Is obtained the possibility of osteoarthropathia hypertrophicans pulmonalls should be considered and the primary disease, which is met frequently a malignant tumour and thus a great periculum in more. should be sought for. (IX. 19) .41 HUTTL, S. Intra-articular temperature. I. Bratiol. lek. Usty 4.1 no.7:405-4u '61. 1. Z Vyokumneho ustavu reumatickych chorob, pobocky v Piestanocb, veduci doo. MUDr. S. Maj. (JOINTS pbysio:L) (BODr TDTEMTURE) Y. CZECHOSLOVAKIA HUTTL S; MARKOVIO, 0* 4L= Research Institute of Rheumatic Diseases (Vysku=y ustav reumatickych chorob), Piestan (for both) Bratislava, Bratislavske lekarske lica, No 10, 1963t PP 585-5947- "Aminotripeptidaae Activity of the Synovial Effusion I." HUTTL, S.; MARKOVIC9 0. S~novial exudate In hy&ops articulor= intemittens. Can. lek. cesk. 103 no.30034-W+2 27 J1164 1. Vymkumy vtav reumatickyah chorob v Piestanoch; prednostat doc. dr. S.Sitaj. 14ARKOVIC,0. - HUTTL S. Contribution to a methodical approach to determination of protein and glycoprotein roponcnts in synocial fluid. Coo. lek. cook. 103 no.199522-525 8 ~~164 - 1. Vyskumy ustav remaitokych chorob, v Piestanoch; riaditel: doo. ITDr* S.Sitaj. HUTTL, T.dr.; VARDI,P., dr. The clinical value of trypsin as a wotmd-powder. Ther. Hung. 11 no.300-32 163. L First Department of Surgery and Second Department of CVnaecol- ogyp Medical University of Badapeste HUTTL adar, dr. Tiv Problem of surgery In abdominal adhosiono. Ory. hatil. 96 no.25: 693-695 19 June 55 1. Budaposti Orvostudozanyi Baotou L @so sobessett klinikajanak (igazgato: Ho4ri Madre dr. egyatemi tamr) kotlemanye. (ABDO W . diseases. adhesions, surg.) (ADEOIgICKS, abdom. surg.) HML, Tivadar, dr.,; MI Laszlo, dr. Surgical aspects of exostosts multiplex cartilaginea. VAU. sebeszet 9 no.3:145-151 June 56. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Xffatem 1. oz. Sebeezati Klinikajanak (Igazgato: Hodri Indre dr. eg7stemi tanar) as Rontganoottalyanak( vezato Zoebok Zoltan dr docens) (DYSGHCffMOPIASU x-ray diag. & surg. (Hun)) RUTTL, Tivadar, dr. Wound Infection caused by ffocardia asteroldes. Ory. hetil. 98 no.1-4:51-53 Jan 57. 1. A Budapeati. Oryostudomanyl Iffetem 1. es. Sebesseti Klinikajanak (Igasgato: Hedri. Indre. dr. egyets tanar) koslem mye. (;CARDIA INFBCTIOWS asteroids@. of wounds, diag. (Hun)) (WOUNDS AND IN JUR IES, compl. Nocardla asteroides Infect., diag. (Hun)) MPM, Tivadar, dr.; SUBO, lasslo, dr.; S014007.1, Burnabas, dr. Acetylation properties of the organism with special reference to liver diseaseso Orv.hotil. 100 no.48:172D-1722 N '59. 1. A BiAsposti OrvostudoivAnyi Baotou I. oz. Sebossett klinikiLjarAk Upsgotol Hodri Indre dr. offeteni tanar) as Saboaxotl Anstonial as *atstt&nI,*nt9sstsnok (Igasgato: Ina Danes dr. so*%" War) kalemorWo. (LIVIM DrSUMS "stab) (IMIMONS wtab) HUTIL, Tivadar, dr. Simple asepsis of the surgeon's hands. Magy sebesz. 17 no.4:215-218 Ag 164. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I sz. Sebeszetl klinikaja. (Iganator Rubanyi Pal dr. egyetemi tanar). HUTTLs TITadur,dr, ... Hospital infootion or suppurative byperemdevI Orr. hetil. 105 no.38tI777~-M2 20 SO" 1. Budapesti Orrostudomimy-4 F4yetemj 1. Sebeezeti Ilinika (Igas- gatot Ruban7lp Pals, dr.) SOMOGY1, Barnabas, dr. Affect of periston on experimental adhesions In the abdominal cavitye Orv.hotil. 100 no.46:1658-1639 X '59. 1. A Budapesti Orwostudomanyt, laeteiV L oz. seboozati klinikajansk (IN&,sSato: Eledri Andre dr. east. tanar) ee Sebessetl Anatonlal so Nutottani Intexotenek (igusgato: Usa Denss dr. east. tanar) kozlenenys. (POL7VINYWMOLIDONN pharmacol) (ADWWIOXS exper) HUTTL. Tivadar, dr. -.- 100- -Fft Certain modern problems of asepsis and antisepsis. Haa. sebesset 13 no.6,337-343 D 16o. 1. A budapeati Orvostudomanyl J~gyetem I. as. Sebesseti Ilinika- janak koslemenys Igasgato: Dr. med. Dr. b.c.Redri Zndre egyet. ta=r. , (ANTISZPSIS) HUMg To; VARDIO P. Experimental and clinical research with a wound-du3ting powder containing stabilized trypsin, Acta chir Acad Sci Hung I no.4: )65-373 160. 1. 1. Chirurgische Klinik (Direktor; Prof. Dr.Dr.h.c.E.Hedri) und II, Frauenklinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr. i.Zoltan) Der Medizini- schen Universitat, Budapest. (TRYPSINS pharmacol) (WOUND HEALING pharmacol) dr.; VABDI* Pal, dr. Experience with a trypoin-containing wound-healing powder for prolonged activity, Ory.hatil. 102 no.2:64-65 8 A 161. 1. Budapsetl Orvostudommiyi Eastem, I. Sebesseti Ilinilm so II. Noi Klinika. (WOUND EMALING) (TRYPSIIIS ther) HIYXTL, Tidavarl LANYI, Miklc,s; KADAR, Anna Minical data on chronic recurrent pancreatic nearosis. Magy. sebess. 17 no,208-101 AP164 1. A Badapesti Oryostudmanyi lUatem I. sz. Sebeszeti es Tudogyogyaszati Klinikajanak; valamint II.9z. Korbonotani 'Intozatensk kozlemenye. 60/70r236-25" 1f,2-1'3 "publ. 144)0 HUTTLOTA, 0. 1 NIAM, G*A* .... - -VA" mbiAw Cases of fwdlial outbreak of spoudylarthrltis &W71opoletlea, Bratiol, lek, llStY 34 no,3:290-293 Mr 154. 1. Z Rewmatologicksho oddelenie, Liecebw&o ustavu UJIP Trenclanskrih Topliclach, prednost& doe. dr. B.Sitaj. (UMILITIS, ANaWBING, 1. Ofamdll&]L caiss) SPIELMANN.. JT.; HUTTKUN, A. A ,socialist physician-poot: Friedrich Krasner. Orv. hetil. 106 no,.46t2l89-2195 14 N 165.. PASZT(R, P-9; GKOUSIH, H.,; COJOCARU, L,; GIBSTOCU, I., N1CULWCU- X-,; TAYM, X-.; STIMAKUSCU. C.R..; HOSON, G. I)iagnosin and therapy of sOiatica; clinical study of 100 asses. Probl. reumt., Buour. Vol. 11.:49-84 1954- (SCIATICA stiol, differ. diag. & ther.) (INTIRMTEERAL DISK DISPUCBMUTF compl. sciatica, differ. diag. & ther.) (POSTURN in ther. of sciatica caused by intervertabral disk displacment) (PHYSICAL THMAPY, in various die. sciatica mused by Intervortebral disk displacment) BAT-A 1U, (;.,; BRUM, A.i; CALDUN. X.,,- CRISTIAM. A..; CbVM,L,; 11UTTWp A*.o,; SMAMUNU# I.Ve NLL ~ W~O, 0 Study.of rhematic diseases In a factory of refractory produ4~~. Probl. reumat., Buour. Vol. 11.:103-115 1954. (RHIMTISN .in workers in a factory of refractory products) (OCCUP,LTIOMLL DISUMIS .of workers making refractory products) - HMWN, A.,; RADULIT. Fl..; PASZTCR. P.,; TAFFIT, X.,; GIRSTOCIA. I.,; STEWWOU, 0 -R..; COJOGARU, L, g IMHOMAKI. X. Study of cervical disk heraia. Probl. reumat., Bucur. Vol& II.s 137-150 1954 (IN - %MTXMtAL DISK DISPLLCIMM cervical) NICULISCU, H..; WMYANN, A.,; "AUSCU, CA.,- MWU, V..; 1-- 9 MUROSIUO _." _IWI N.,,- DIKIL, 0.,; DIM,V. Post-tonsillitis period. Probl. reumat., Bucur. Vol.II:151-160 1954, (TCUSILLITIS, compl. rheum. die.) (RMMTIC HWT DMUU, etiol. & pathogen. tonsillitis) (RHMUTISM, stiol. & pathogen. tonsillitis) HUTTHM, A., Dr.; TAMT, I., dr.: technician L. Czeisner -_-. - I-s-1-- - v .- Ballistocardlograph.v; method and results. Red. Int., Bucur. 7 no.4-117-143 Oct-Dee 55. 1. Luer. din Inst. do Asiologis normal& ol PatologIca &I Academist RPRf Sectia do Cardio-Reumatologia, Orasul Stalin. .~BALLISTOCARWOGRAPHT diag. value & toohnic) HUTTKM, A.; CrMXNA, T.; CRZrM, R.; WTXDI, C.; ST27AMCSCU, C. 1. Humoral'changes In Sokolski-Boulllaudle rbeumattem. Probl. reumt.. Bucur. 3:134-210 1955. (PaNaWIC HE DISMS1 DouillaudIs die., off. on body fluids) (BLOOD, In various die. Souillaudle die., cosplation, proteins & sedisentation rate.) (MUNIR proteins & tbyroxin. In Bouillaud's dim.) (PBDTNINS In blood & urine In Bouillaud's die.) HUTTMANN, A.; MOSOIU. G.; BAROUHOGLU, B.; STIFAMCU, G.; TISCHIM, C. Rheumatism In a forest anytronmmuto Frabl. rmumat.,Bucur. 4: 901-212 1956. (RHEUKATISM in forest workers in Rumania. etiol. & incidence) (OCCUPATIORL DISEASES rheum. In forest workers In Rumania, atiol. & incidence) VICrU, 1,;APSBMCU, GH,;HUWWN, A. Vootorial analysis of WO waves in mWocardial infarct, Frobl, card*, Bucur. 2:235-235 1956. (MYOCARDIAL MARC?, diagnosis vectorcerdlography, localisstion of anterior infarct) (VWTOBCMIOGWHf, in various diseases nVoc&rdial infarot. lo0alixation of anterior infarot, HuTnUNN, A. Clinical importance of the accentuation Of the second aortic and pulmonary sound. ftobl. c.rd., Emour. 21263-272 1956. (GARDUC KUM= AND SOMU second aortic & ptLlm. sound accentuation. causes) CIRSTOCIA, I., Dr.1 HMMANN, A., dr.; PIGURARIU, 0., dr.; RADULIP-, Flos dr, Dermo-ostsoartbropethic syndrome in brouchopulmonary neoplasms* Red. tnt..Bucur. 9 no-1:137-141 Jan 57. (LUNG MPLAW, manifestations pseuio-rheum. ostooarthropathy resembling Wrie's die., value in early diag.) (OSTIDAMMPATHr, HIPIRTRDPHIG PULMDNARY, etiol. & pathogen. cancer of lungs. causirg Incomplete synd. of Yartele die.) T Country Rumania T CatOG re 5:)rY -'Human and Animal Physiologyj Physical Facto 00 - j--ul'. Ref Zhur Biol, No, 2, 195ti, No. 8613 Autt~jr lluttmann;A.; ChJrauu;2J., CindeaiV., CheraseC T-,1-1 itUt. M 2 -The Effect of Meterological Factors on the Lactacidopectic Capac.ity of Blood Serum. ~OrI3 Pub. ;Studii st cereetari fiziol. Acad. RPR, 1957, 2, No. 1-21 161--174 :no abstract _-MMMAW-1 PASZTGR,Pt; GOJOCLW,L.; TAFFITpX.; UIAMU,L; MMI.C.; FRVXUZAGHB,A.; ILNCU,I;,; XOiSOIU,Gr.; STMANISCU.C. Gorrelatione between the degenerative obanges in the cervical spine and arterial hypertension. Probl. reumat.,Bucur. no.6; 99-108 159. (HYPIRTMION, etiology) (SPINE, diseases) (06TWOROMIDRITIS, complications) (ARTHRITIS RMIUMATOID, complications) SCHONGUT., L.1 TURAT, L. GSERHATI, E.; HUTTNF.R, I. On problems related tn chrcmic cortlaosterold therapy. Acta paediat. Acad. sal. Hmg. 5 no.3t423-433 t64 1e I@ Kinderklinik und 11. Institut fur Pathologische Anatomia der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest. Distr; 4V2c (m), Reiction o! wdium fernxyonldo with fenota ch:cxLis In tl,e presence of pousslum galifi. Gve ut;d JFFO , ,yi7ars W;em Z 311 P. Nu~[Ft:(CN)Aj ,rjln. ivis adllcil to FeCl, In ain- of ~Cl 'nit! llhite Ilpt ii-,,i (""U'K tlle Vra.,:t Ci~17~11u, the FeCII C.1110 muo u-,tA. An f K prz-znt -Li MCC-1-puratrd Into t%c -p-pt. tIle pjgln~ljt Tr.Z5 C-.UrtCd rL-~ 1)y a4jC~n;! 11k] jr6 and the lipt. to staml vali" 41 J, "ri', to -d by oxldn. in the pttimceRF-K-salts. R Na-fre'. 1"punt C0111d be obuLned. In the coum, of ae'lig t!-v -jk- tent of the ppt. app-Oulled or tre(CN)61 compm.; therateof " traasf,mriatiou lp,,,"'ith inci-vasiag rmt. of acid uscd in the iL&g. G. j Hm -m. ,--USK Characteristics of tungsten lamps. p.60. (SPRAWOZDANIAZPOSIEDZEN..]Amrszawa, Vol, 5# No. 12p 1954) SOs Monthly List of East European Accensionsp (LWL)., LCt 161. 4, No. 6, June 1955s Unol, "I'Arrictinn Arrown In Clrcultr of WreA (urrt-r-t", 1'. 7, Vol. ]J+, No. 1, jarr-.a-y 1054, ',-Iariaw, Pcl~ird) S'( :Yonthly Urt c~f F4,,nt '4'-uro,lear. 7r" arch 19-15, urcl. "Directirn Arrows in Cirmits. of Altr,rratirt; Ctrrent", 30, Vel. 34, Illo. 2, Febman., 1.054, UarraW, .~Olwd) SC: I'cnthly LJ,,-,t cf 14.!~st luropeat; Accc!;,A c.!, Ej LC, Vul 3, !,S~xrh 1955, Uncl. KF HUTTIK-:R,- I-'..- ''. Iodized electric bulbs. Przogl elektrotechn 41 no.1:37-40 Ja 165. 1. Department of Lighting Engineering of the Technical "-iveraity, Warcaw. HUTTHO H. =S-=- Fluctu#tion of w1tage and the life of electric bulbs. Przegl elektroteohn 39 no.,1:41-44 A 163. 1. Katedra, Techn4kJ Swist3.nej,, Politabhidka, Warszawa. RUMMITA / rharmacology and Toxicology. Chomothorapoutic Agonts. V-10 Antimalarial Agonts. Abe Jour : Rof * Zhur - Biologiya) No 17, 1958, No. 8M4 Author : Unguroanu.. Ir.; Boldosou, I.; Boingoanu-Dranga, A.; Hutu Is irlst eTOT-9LT-;-;n Titio : Influonco of Chlorochin (W-7618) on Mlarial rarasites (Plasmodium. vivax) During Natural Wootions. Orig 1?ub :Studii si oorcotari otiint. Acad. M Fil. Iasi, 1955, Ser 2J. 6J. No 1-2. ul-u6 Abstraot :In 8 pationtis vith mal ia caueod by P1. vivam., tho thorapautic and parasitocidal effoot of chlorochin (I) was tested; an average dose of 2-5 g during 3 days was stipulatod. Pov stopped the first day; schizonts dis- appoarod in 20-30 bours, bametocytos in 48 hours. in 8 hours after tho administration of 1 g of the drug, amboid C ard 1/2 51 IRUWNIA r oloar arA Twdqoloa. Antirrial Cb=tbcr&POut:Lo Agents. V-10 Aba Jour 1 110fe Zhur - B'01091M NO 17P 1958.- No. 80724 schizoift beck orbiculw.. cOMIP00t, and were colored umv interdiVO3.7 then USU&10 "ter tt'O administration of 1.5 S of I, do8etivg OWWg of the nuclei WWO observed, 00r*ti'*B With Peripheral OX"ion. In jwgq MWItes, e9pecia,13,y in the facale hametooytes I agglomeration of the Pigm=b amd its exPAU'on from the 0011s was observed. Card 2/2 UT -0 UNGMMNU, Ernest; IONICSCU, Ecaterina; BOINGEMIU-MANGA, CU, I.; ORISMAIRUP V.; IMM, I. Studies oforevention of helminthiasis in rural areas. Bul. stiint., sect. mod. 8 no.4tIO13-1034 Oct-Bee 56. (H]lL?4IM!R I IOM, prev, & control in Rmania, in ruml areas)