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HAM j L, Z- C1 Ma-aeffirthe6f YO No. iialk. 195# .~A *HuszAr, G6za. Sur une m6thode nouvelle d1interlOa- tion. Comptep Rendus du Premier Congrks des Math& maticiens I longrois. 2 7 AoOt-2 Septembre 1950, pp, 727-! 730. Aka(Mmiai Kiatl4. Iludapem, 1952. ~Iiungitian- Russian and French summirics) If L(yj) is Lagrange's interpolation formula for a function whose values at the points xi are yi, the author's interpola- tion formula may be written [L(y,-4*)1L(y,,)j,)". The author states that in many cases an adroit choice of the exponents m and n results in a tremendous accuracy- A. Erdflyi (Pasadoft. Can. HUSZAR, Gyorgjr, dr. -~I 4*-W~ "Alat'*w" On the history of the development of oral surgery in Hungary. Fogrov. exem14 47 no.5tI45-148 Kay 54. (S M IRY ORAL, history Hungiry) SCHRANZ, Dense, dr; HUSZAR, Oyorgy, dr Diseases Of the tooth In a p~jmjtjvs man@ rogorre oxemis 47 no.7s 218-226 July 549 1. A Budapesti Stomatologial KUnika koslexenya (Igasgato: Balogh laroly dr,, egyat tanar) (IMNTAL CAR338, An primitive man) (ANTHROPOLOGY, dents carles in primitive man) HUSM, Oyorgy, Ar.,eastemi tamrsegocl. Denture damges in plants using acids. lopegoaxsegugy 36 mo.3t 72-73 Jkr 55 1. XoslemmW a budapesti OtomatologiaL Klinikarol (Igasgmto: Balogh ZLroly dr. egyatemi tamar) (TXM, diseases occup. in workers with tooth "posed to acids) (AGIN,, Injurious effects tooth Us. In workers using tooth in contact with filter appar. exposed to acids) (OcCUIPATIML Dun= teeth In workers using tooth in contact with filter appar. exposed to acids) HUSZAR, GY. Problems of constructing stables for collective farms. p. 16. Ngyar ?4ezogazdasag, Vol. 11, no. 3, Feb. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East Eh=opean Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, Ju3,v 1957. Uncl. HUSZAR, GY. A emm=icatior by the Ministry of Agriculture on the first bimonthly results of the 2d National Milking Contest. p. 17. (Mag3rar Mazogazdasag, Vol. 11) no. 3, Feb. 1956 Ridapest) SO: Mdnthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC., Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Unel. HUSZAR, Oyorgy,, &r. Henrik Salamon; 1865-1944. Fogorre szemle 58 no.6:161-169 Ja 165 1. Kozlemeny a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Fogpotlaotani Xlinikajarol (igazgato: Molnar, I&szlo, dr., egyetemi tanar). CSIMMA, Janos, tanarseged; _ffV,'LZAA,,_.jstvan, dr., docens; MOUI'Aji, LaDzlo,adjunktus NAGY, Sandor, tanarseged Strength tests on roll stands. Koh lap 97 no.11:497-503 14 164. 1. Chair of Mechanics (Head of Chair: Professor Dr. Istvan Salyi) Technical University of Heavy Industry, Miskole. HUSURI.: 4tvan 1. 1. Optical stress ana,lyois of the steering arm of motor vehicles. Jarmu mazo 90P 4 nb.2:87-93 Je 157. HUSZARY Istvan,, dr.; BODDR, Janos, dr. Electric pressure gauge for a particular task. Meres automat 11 no.11:343-344 163. M; OREM" HORVATH, A.; HAENAGY, Ce.1 SZOGS, G.; tHSACE, L.; ERDELYI, A.; WKACST., I.; HUS ZSTGMCIND07ICS, E. --ESNUMA-L Considerations on the relationships between body weight and cardiovascular diseases in diabetics. Studii cereet. endoer. 16 no.2t181-185 165. HUSZAR, I. Symmet,rical strengthening of loaded bars by bundingo P. 227 KDZLMMYF,I Budapestj Vole 18, no. l/h, 1956 SOURCEs East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol@ 5. noe 8., August 1956 _j~CC ~1 F- ki62~~2 SOURCO COD01 HU125041651051101-1014910161 AUNOR: ffuszar, I*-Khusar, I, (Candidate of technical sciences); Bodor, J.- Bodor, Tas ORG: fB-odo_r7Ganz Slectrioal Works, Budapest TI112: Calculation of the forces on the commutator riser SOURCEi Academia ioiontiarux hungarioao..Aota technics, v, 51, no.1-2,1965,149-161 TOPIC TAGSt electric motor, quality control ABSTRACTt Methods for calculating the forces nn the commutato*r'riser in electrical motort were developed with the aim of establishing pro- cedures for more precise quality control in manufacture. The mecha- nical lead characteristics are governed mainly by design and assembling' 'parameters., by the power effects developing during rotation, and by the effects of warming-up during start-up. The method consists of cal- culating the forces independently and then superimposing them in an appropriate manner. 'rhe approximate results obtained with the aid of this t~chn~q4e'may be used for designing purposes.' Orige artobas: 8 figures and 2 _f orimil - I*- L&Ag.4rt. 'in E 4*j- 10PRA: 33, 5WW SWJ CODS:09,, :D1 SUBH DATE t l4H&y63 I ORIG RRF 1 003 / GOV REF 1 001 / OTH REF i HUSPR, Ilostu, dre; GABOR, Istvang dr* momme ocAmitted during pondex psychosis. Orv. hatil. 106 no.34t 1614,1615 22 Ag'65. 3. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi EgYetemq PBychiatriai Klinika (igazgatot Nyiros Gyula, dro) as Igazaagugyj OrvoBtani Intexet (igazgatol Ckroo, Sandorv dre)e HORVATH, A.j PAPP, C.; OIDSZ9 E.) HORGA, M.; MAKSAI, I.; hl;SZLRI I. Statistical findings on excess weight. Correlationa between body weight and frequency of arterial hypertension. Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.3t285-291 165. fT[ISZAR, Istvan, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa; B6DOR, janoB Calculation of the direction of forces of the comutator bars. Muszaki kozl MTA 34 no.4:381-396 165. 1. Ganz Electric Works, Budapest. SutnLt.ted May IL, 1963. HUSZARO I., Cand. of Techn.Sc. 25 years of photoelasticity in Hungar7. Acta techn Hung 31 no.3/4: 281-284 060, (EEU 10:4) 1. Department for Mechanics, Technical University, Miskolc (Hungar7) (Hungary-Photoelaaticity) HUSZAR, Istvan, a impsaki tudomarqak kandidatusay TELM, Elsner (Miskole) Sbape factore of rods veaUned by coupled notches. Hussaki kozI NU 28 no.1/4s3-12 161. (Ew 10:9) 1. Nehesipiri Mussaki 3&79tem, Heabanikai Tanazek, Miskolc. (for Teleki). ; (Rods) (Strains and stresses) t 47524-66 EWP(j) JW/TIM ACC NPI AT60134998 SOURCE CODEs HU/2502/56,T47/002/0115/0120 i AUTIMU Legrady, laszloA and Hu "U.Joisel,.. --Guaar, Y. of n1trokemia Industrial Works in Fuzfogyartele zw ____ - - 'P.h _j i -;2 / "Oxidation Methodo'in Organic Analysis. Part 1: Determination Qf en 1 hydrazine in the Presence of Aniline" Budape- NO -2 StActa jChimica.Academioe,Scientia)a!LHunizaricae ~ Vol 470 1966, pp A:-~~LMC_t. (English article) The method is based on the fact that phenyl- in qunntitatively oxidized by XBr in HCl solution to a diazo- nium salt, and that this reaction is not affected by the presence of ani- line in the system. The end-point of the reaction 'is indicated by the .discoloration of a starch-iodine solution through the formation of excess potassium bromide. The method described has an accuracy of + 0.3%. The -determination is adversely affected in the presence of by4razina. hyOrptJ xylau-;.ina, or other, reducApS aggnts I. - - *6rige art* has$ I figureq 6 formulas and 2 tables* :[JPRS-. 36,002) ~TOPIC TAGS: phenyl compound, hydrazine derivative, iodine, aniline, quantitative !analysis t i SUJ CODEs 07 / SUam DAM 24, Jul 64 / ORIG UFs 001 / OTH RUs 007 I- Cwd I/ SZEJTLI, Jozef, dr.;HOIJ.D. Janes, dr.; KOMIDS, Sandor; GANTNER, Gyulane; lutm,,AKAO-f; TOTH, Mihalyno lAundry starching. Pt. 4. Magy textil 16 no. 2t78-80 F 164. 1. Budspeati A' Muezaki Egyetem (for Szejtli and Holle). 2. Fovaremi atyelat Vallalat (for Kemles). LFGRADI, Laszlo; HUSURP Jozs0f Oxidation methods in organic chemistry. MaU kam folyo-'r -10 no.9:411-413 S 164. 1. Nitrokemia Industrial Plantsp Fuzfogyarteleps HUSUR, Jozsefne . ."Comparing the investments of the Soviet Union and the United States of America" by L. Neszterov (Nasterov, L.) V. Caskmazova (Chekmazova, V.]. Reviewed by Mrs. Jozsef Hussar. Stat szemle 41 no-4:430-4~1 Ap 163. TALBGDY,Gy.; IMOOZI.B.; HUSZ&R,L. Turther studies on the corticoid synthesis of the placenta. Acte physiol. hung*' 17 no-1357-61 l6o. 1. Institute of Oi~,slology, Medical University, Pecs. (PIAOMM phys tol. ) (ADRXUL CORM HOAMONAS phys iol. ILDt2 T-2 PrOfonsor; 13ULLA, -A-) LID; GROSZ huu& i jj,, U; 1-.'IACI=(;Up D.J, MD; IIU,,,'ZAR G.o LoCturer; C04I., Vap T., MID. 13110haretit, LI:Ln-n-ai Vol xii, No l, Jan-l-leb 63, PT) 1-10. "Mothodological Bar ,ee of public Hoalth.11 HUSZCZA, Alfred Exfoliation of the retina operated on by the method of shortening the eyeball. K:Lin. oesna 32 no.2:161-166 162- i. Z Kliniki Ocznej AM we Wrocjaw~u Kierownik2 prof- dr med. W. J. Kapuncinaki. (HVINAL DETACMMIT nuig) K.HRA.BOVSXI, Z. (Ilrabovesky, Z.1; UUSAR,-.kt~ftffz&r, L.1 Gonadal protection in examining thom. Periodica polytechn slactr 5 no,3:296-305 161. TELEGDY, Gy., WSZAR, L. The effect of FSH and HCG on the dog's ovarian progesterone and &- androstene-3-17-dione secretion in vivo, Aota physiol. acad. sai. hung. 21 nos4t339-345 162~ 1, Institute of Physiologys Medical University, Pecs. (FSH) (ANDROGENS) (GONADOTROPINS, GHORIONIC) (PROGESTERONE) (OVUIATION) J-k-; EHDHOCZIj E.; LISSAK, K. TELEGDYj Gyoi-!TW The effect of sexual hormones on the function of the pituitary- adrenooortioal system in the female rat. Acts. phyBiol. acad. sci..,hung, 22 no.-W71-177 162, 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Pace. (PITUITARY GLLND) (AMW= CORTEX) (CASTRATION) (ESTRONE) (PROGESTEERONE) ARMY, Lajoi3p- HU37IRj Mikloo - Double frequency scattering. Koz fiz kozl VITA 11 no.2:77-87 163. 1. "A Vagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fizikai Kutato Intezetenek Kozlemenyei" felelos kiadoja (for Tanossy). JANOSSY, 1Ajosj IMZAR,, Miklos Data on two relativistic experiments. Fiz szemle 14 no.42 114-326 Ap 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Fbysics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. IMN !iq-r ?IF~p La, A-Y-~n Zfkl L-1 Y.-~l '7 n ANUMM LEE? I J-uuezawv.~Losm or add-ttml" ItstricatinK oil. fuel &dditl-ve f- L rlvo"A' L. Magyar Textiltechnika - No. 4, Arp. 1955. Development of the wool industry in the 10 years since the liberation. p. 1280 SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions, (ERAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept* 1955 Uncle FlUKOVICII, Istvan; SZELL, Istvan; FuLbi;~;, Jczs;--f; 1'1:0aiVITS, AnLal; II:-J)ViG 1) Olt And GABOR, Miklos Serum proteins, protein-bound carbohydrates and the MIddlebrook- Dubos reaction in experimental tuberculosia of the uterine horn. Tuberkulozis 17 no.4:119-122 Ap 164. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szuloszoti es Nogyogyaszati KlInikajanak (igazgato: Szontagh Ferene dr. egyetemi tanar es MArobiologial Intezetenek (igazgato: Ivanovica Gyorgy dr. egye- temi tanar) kozlomenye. C' ~-' --Z-r-t -- --- -- BUSZMi As 0 in avlatum Loke vojsk*t Wenma %1, 25 Dw 49 P, M-U, 11 ul CIA %2. 190 No. 2 Avg, MO HUSZCZA.Alfrad .. kWRMP^9WA"4- Investigation on complement titer In focal diseases of the eye before and after tyhpold vaccine therapy. KlIn.oczn& 25 no.2: 113-122 1955. 1. Z KlIniki Ocznej A.M. we Wroclowtu. liorownik:lrof.dr nod. W.J. Kapuscinski. (NN, diseases, focal tnfect.,ther.,typhold vaccine, off. on complement titer) (COKPLUaNT, titer, In focal Infect. of eye, off. of typhoid vaccine ther.) (JOCAL Iff ION. eye, thier. typhoid vaccine, off. an complement titer.) (VACCINES AND VACCINATION. typhoid vaccine, ther. of focal infect.rf eye off. on complement titer) (TIP ID FXM, I*n=1qff, typhoid vaccine, ther. of focal Infect. of eyeleff. on complement titer) KAPUSCINSKIP Witold J.; ANDFMEMKly Felikal BROMIAY...KMESIEKOWA, Kasiziera; oraz wspolpr.1 DROZDOWSKA, Sol HMZYC, P.; HUSZCZA A,,p ILCZrSZYNSU,, B.1 CZEREK-JAGUCZANSKA, H.1 KRUDYSZ, J.; PACYNSh-,-:.';w-UMNIAIKOWA, I. Problem of the evolution of now eys diseases in Poland aocording to material of the Wroclav olinic. Klin.oozna 31 no.4:4n-422 161. 1. Z Knniki Oo%nej AM we Wroolaviu Kierc%mik: prof. dr med. W. Jo Napusoinaki Z Katedry Maezyn glaktryesnych Politechaiki Wroclawskiej Kierownik: prof. dr inz. F. kutrsejevski. (OMTHALMOL00r) HUSZCZAq Alfred Studies on the spectram of proteins isolated from rabbit sad human corneas by the agar microolectrophoratic method, KLU. oczaa 33 no-3/42367-372 163, 1. Z Kliniki Oczaej AX ve Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof, dr nod, We-T. Kapusainski. (WE PROTEINS) (CORNEA) (K=tROPHMMIS) transplantation of . Klin. oczna 35 n Kliniki Oaznej AM we W.J, Kapuscinski). LESIAK, Tadems; YZSZCZA, Damuta; SUJKOWSKAt Krystyna Studise on the utilization of o-nitroetbylbenzene. Pt. 1. Reduction of o-nttroetb;~Ibenzsne i solutiona of electrolytea. Przem chem 40 no.9: 506-509 S '61. 1. Katedra Chemii Organioznej, Uniweruytet im. Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun. HUSZKA, E. HUSZKAj E. Quantitative determination of Thomson's formula with the cathode eacilliscope in high schools. p. 114. V01. 5, no. 4, July 1955 FIZIKAI SZEM SCIENCE HUPGARY So:'on Accessions, Vol. 5, No. 9, Sept. 1956 VARRO, Vince, dr.; BUM, Gyula) dr.; HOMANN, Janos, dro; HUSZKAp Endre, 1~ - F?; JMG, lbolyao dr,; KARTAL, Belay dr. Gastric cancer - experiences and thoughts. Orv. hetilo 105 no,U:481-484 15 Mr'64- HUNGARY / Analyticsl chemistry. Apalysi3 of organic E Substances@ Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimp No lZp 19590 42178i 9 __ jL T' Author Beck,, M, T,; Czaszarp J6~ Hus2ka, 6 Inst Not given, Title paper Chromato&aphy of Amino Acid-Copper (II) complexeb~ Orig Pub: Acta phyS, et cfiemi Stegedi 1958" 4b No I"Zo 35-37. ~ajjAg complex compounds of amino acids M AbstrAct:-For*$eP81 an aqueous and Cu bY means of paper chromatography# solution of 1, with a pH of about 8p Is agitated for 15 min, with CuMi 'With slight heating# filtere4 and 0.003 mi. of 3olu ion (6 mcg. of 1) is trans- ferred to Schleicher and Schuell Z043a, paper. The chromato ram is then developed with phenol or with o-cresol, saturated with water at Z70, and treated Card 1/2 -HUNGARY / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis Of Organic E SubstSnces. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim, NO IZ,9 1959, 42178. Abstract: as follows: a) with ninhydrin (11) after decompo- Sition of the complex with ethylenediaminetetraace- tic acid (staining with I); b) with rubeanic acid (III) or with 0,2% solution of 8-0x quinoline (IV) In C H OH (staining with Cu); r. cy after treat- z 0 ment w?th solutions of III or IV, the chromatogram Is treated with a solution of 11. Determined are the values of Rf for Cu complexes of 13 different 1. -- Yu. Lyande. Card 2/2 E-Z9 itt I L. 11~~ten:ij,ration of the Minimum Acceleration U70 rf Iktlltive SYSte-DITp P. 4',)2, (yciLTZATI 'LA1,01, Vol. 9, Fo. 21, Yovember 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SC: 11-!oPtlily List of East Furopean Accessiors (E-I,-AJ ), LC, Vcl. 1, T'c- 3, Varch 1955, Uncl. HUSZTHY9 Ten23op okleveler gepeszmernok voll-lAv . Wow Hungarian-manufaotured expansion circuit breakers. Elektrotealmika 56 no,ll/l2t544-549 N-D'63. 1. ViUamoogep- es Kabelgyar oszUlyvewtoje, Badapost,,X., Gymroi ut 128. F - -- I HUSZTHY, ARroximate construction of evolvent curves with a large base circle radius. Gep 15 no.S-.317-320 Ag 163. HUSZTHY, 14szloj dr., adjunktus Analytical investigation of velocityand acceleration con- ditionB of steering came. Gep 16 no. 4:135-140 Ap 164. I.Technical University of the Heavy Industry, Miskolc. HUSZTHrt p. - No. 14j, Wmer 1954o - Hungarian Heavy Industries The Hungarian tramfomrl a reviev of reoent developments* Pe lls Sol Monthly 3.igt of East D=pesn Accessiones (ZEAL).# LC, Vol. 4p No. 9V dept. 1955 Uncl. L 13510-M ACC NRt AP6007036 SWRCE CODE: 101/00111/65/01'1/003/()2-lf;/O,?42 AUTHOR: Lazar, QY0r9YNftIA$8r, Do; fts%ttk, Errsebet-nCustik. E, ORG: Medical University of Szegedp Institute of Pathophysiology and Anat (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korelettani es Anatomial Intezet) TITLE: Hemorrhagic skin reaction in the rat without endotoxin SOURCE; Kiserletes orvostudoinany, v. 179 no- 3v 1965, 238-2A2 TOPIC TAGS: rats pathologyp serum, antigen, allrgic disease, dermatology ABSTRACT: In the course of the present .experiments, a hemorrhaCia akin reaction was developed,with rabbit serum antagonistic to rat kidpey, in rate strongly refractory toward the Schwartz- man reaction* The reaction obtained was characterized by the mass Infiltra- tion of neutrophil granulocytes loaalized in the suboutis, erythrocyte extra. in-aWe -p]AOeo-with-oosirtophU~9~-gr"4ocy~es- and Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 29jun64 ORIG REF: oo2 (YrH REF: o2i Card 1/1 CJ , N.- HUSZTY,p Denex- Data on the theory of sound radiation* Magy hir techn 11 no.lt6-9 F160. 1. Villamossagi-,, Televizio- es Radiokesmilekek Gyara, Szekeefebervar, guazTyp Do %so Production of Dynankie Loudspeekers" p. 134 *Radio Apparatus of Intermediate Courses" p. 136 Me Simplest Instrument for Measuring Resistance and Capacity"pp. 138 NPart of the'Second Hmgarim Radio Jwtsurs Exhibition" p. 11+2 Vol. 3, No. 6. Jvnev 19531 Budapest) last European tca. 3t No. 3 1954 50t Month List of/%Y" Accessions/-Library,of Congress, March hftp Uncl. nosm, !~. ~'LISZ7'y, r.. 1'ecluiolorierl problems of authentic sound trcnsr~isscn. (Tc I-e contd.) p. 2 52 1 Vol. to No. 11) NOV. 1911~. R t, r. I C T.,"CHNI YA TECHNOLCU Budapest, Hungery So: East European Accession, Vol. 5, Ne. 'I, 1~vy 19516 HUSZTY, D. hUSI"TY, D. Rigid sound emitter with it c-Ircular ring bitilt into "'. linitless wall. P. 309 Vol. 4, no. 4, 1956 Ylw,yar Fisikai Volyoirat 6(;j-4,NCj; Budapest, Hungary So: Eaet European Arcession, Vol. 6. Vo. 3. Hurch 1957 HUZZ,;1Y, 7 . I-,'LISZTIL, r~. Technological proUems of nuthentic tjound t.-.vrsp.JssIcn. p. S. Vol. 6, No. I , Jbn. 1956. EAD-IC,T:'-.CHNIYA TEGIINCLOCY Elidapest, HunCary IT Sc: ast Eumpean AcceEsion, Vol. 5, No. r', Vry 1956- /~RMGkg/ cous ics - Electroacoustics and Technical Acoustics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rzika) No 8) 19561 No 18851 Author Huszty-IWA&A.- Inst lot -Given Title Certain Data on the Characteristics of Loudspeakers Ori(S Pub Kep-es hangtochn.) 1957) 3) No 5-6s 131-133 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 IIUNG.'-RY/:.coustic3 - ElcktrMcoustics rmd Tochnic,7-1. j-6 1..10:3 Jour ; RO:V Zhur - Fizilm, NO ',', 1959, No 9127 ,',uthor : Huszty DLvos Inst -.. ----------- Title Loudcpac-Aars Orig Pub KOP-as hangto-chn., 1958, 4) No 3p 89-92: tio 41 125-128 :13tract No abotract CarC HMMRY/Acaustics - Bounds Waves and Oscillations. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur FizLim, flo 2) 196o, 4316 Author : Husztyj D... Inst : VT,-Fabrikep Stekes fechervar, Hungary Title : On a Rigid Radiating Ring Placed in an Infinite Reflcc- ting Screen Orig Pub : Acta techn. Acad. scient. hung., 1959, 25, No 1-2, 119- 157 Abstract : The author considers the problem of the radiation of a rigid ring, placed In an infinite reflecting screen, vit'li allownnce for the width of the ring. An exact solution is given for the pressure on the symmetry axis of the radiator and in the plane of the screen. It is shoun that the results of the approximate calculation, performed under the assumption that the ring widths is Card 1/3 IMGARy/Acouaticg _ Bound Waves and oscillations. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Mika, No 2. 1960,. 4316 small compared with the wavelength and with externa radius of the ring r, deviate considerably from the exact equations in Ble case when 4 -z. s/r -;;, O-Z, and kr vi, where k Is the wave number. This deviation :in- creases 'With increasing kr. It is shown that the boun- daries of the near flejd7,which has a character of a standing wave, depend on the width of the rings; with increasing width of the ring, the boundaries of the near field are reduced. starting with the exact solu- tion, the radiation impedance is calculated) and the reactive component of this resistance can be quite large at certain values of kr. The action of the ring radia- tor is compared with the action of a rigid radiating disk of the same radius. Umiting cases of an infinite- ly narrow ring wA a solid disk are considered; it is shown that in the limiting da9es the exact solution gDes over into the inown form for these cases. The exact Card 2/3 fillrWN, Depf-tp; llil-IFOVI (;f-.Crgi; nharacterl.3tirp. cw-ves of trinclinel-ir din-tort.lon of Inud- "I speakers. Krip hang 10 no.4:105-109.. U8. Ag 164. .I j . E)q-troacoitstl.c Factory., Dadape;it If,-.r 2. Fl~m arli "'Onientific &)search Stifla (for ani ""filtsthew). HUSZTY, Denes; PENKOV, Georgi; WALTSCIIEW, Iwan . - .1 Data on the directional characteristi- -virven of harmonics causing the,nonlinear distortion ( loudapeakers. Kep hang 10 no-5:129-134,IU 0 164. 1. Fl-troacoustic Fa,' -,r-% ",,,I-vpest (fo,. Huszty). 2. Film an. Radio Scientific Res3h... Institute, SnfLa (for Penleov and Waltachew). HWZTY, Denes Report on the Prague conference of the Technical Comittee, International Radio and Television Organizations Hir techn 15 no.10014-317 0 164. IIUS'ZTY, Denes Gonference on clectroacoustics in Rerlin. Ifir techr. 1A no.3:92- 93 Mr 165. HUSZTY, Denen ------- An unsolved problem of applied acoustics. Kep hang 6 no.lzl7-19 F 16o. 1. VT radiogyarp Stekesfahervar. HUSZTr, Danes On an unsolved problem of applied acoustics: excerpts from an article. Musz slat 15 no,7:14 Mr 160, (EW 9W (Loud-speakers) a/196/62/000/024/006/0^14 AUTHORSs Papp, Is,;vanj Kerpely, Ka"ImAnj Huszty, D4nes; and Kerkay, Andorni TITLEs A method of preparing aninotropic permanent magnets from barium ferrite PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrote~khnika i energqtika, no.24, 1962, 4, abstract 24 B 29 P. (Hung. pat. no. 14805, February 15, 1961) TEM The blank of BaO.6Fe2O3 is heat-treated in granular .form with a mean particle size greater than 6 microns, the fraction of 6 - 12 microns size being less than 50~ by weight. The powder is shaken in a periodically varying but unidirectional magnetic field not exceeding 500 Oe. After preising in a magnetic field of the same direction and magnitude, the blank in demagnetised in a decreasing alternating field and heat-treated. Sintering is ,carried out at 1300-1330 0-C for more than one hour, with subsequent heat-treatment for 3 - 15 hours at 600-1000 *C. Card 1/1 [Abstractor's notet Complete translation.] HUSZTY, Donee r- Measuring device for the determination of magnptlo propertloo of hard ferrites. Magy hir techn 12 no.3s94-10,1 Jo 161. 1. Hiradastechnikai Tudomanyos Egyamast Tagja; Villawasagi, Televisio eo Radiokessulekek Gyara. .. f. . HUSZTY, Danes the latest dynamic :Loudspeakers made in Hungary. KeP hang 8 no.2140-43 Ap 062. 1. VillamosBagi, Televisio- as Radlokeezul4ek Gy!tral Szekesfe- hervar, HUSZTr., Danes Now Hungarian dynamic loudspeakers. Pt.2. Kep hang 8 no.3:84-.89 Je t62. 1. ViUamossagi, Televisio- es RadiokeezUekek Oyvav' Sarkes.- fehervar. IIUSZT!Ej- Danes-, Some aspects of the design and manufacture of up-to-date, direct radiating, dynamic loudspeakers* Hir techn 3j no.3;90-100 Jo 162, 1. Villamoasagi.41ibVzio- as Radiokessulakak Gy&ra; es a2 Optikai., jlkusztiakai as Film'knnikai Egyeaulat tagja. HUSZTT, I~Gpqa "TOPme l e've nt of the Bulgaria electroaccustic induotrye, Kep hang 9 noJM-90 Jo 163o Denel News of the Section of kicolvitios. Y,~p 10 no.6.175-176 D 16,4 a 1. Electroacoustic Factory, Budapest. HUSZTY, Dories An account of the Warsav conference on acoustics. Kep hang 11 no.lt26-27 P 165. 1. Acoustic Research Group of the Ifungarlan Academy of Sciences, Budapest. HUSZTY, Denes Measuring air gap induction ind olartrmochanical force functions of elsetrodynanic sound transducers. Kep hang 11 no.1:1-11 P 165. 1. Electroacoustic Factory, Budapest. HUSZTY, Denes Probable trends of developmqnt of lound radiators and loudspeakers. Kep hang 11 no.203-36 Ap 65. A visit to two East German research institutes. lbid.02-54 1. Electroacoustic Factory, Budapest. z- Me ~,T,-60"32-8,1--4-----S,-O-U--R- C- E,-C-O--D-E:-P-0/0-00-0/-66-/O-O0-,/--000-/00-5-7-/O--0"6-6- A7jTHOR.-' 11uszty, D. (Budapest) ORG: Research Group for Acoustics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest (Forschungsgruppe fur Akustik, Ungarische Akadernie der Wissenschaften) TITLE: Wave propagation in viscoelastic rods SOURCE: Conference on Acoustics of Solid Media. Warsaw, 1964. Proceedings. Warsaw, PWN, 1966, 57-66 TOPICTAGS: wave propagation, oscillation, elastic oscillation, longitudinal oscillation, viscoelastic rod, elastic rod/Lovels differential equation ABSTRACT: Longitudinal oscillation in infinitely long, linearly viscoelastic rods was discussed on the basis of Love's differential equation for elastic rods, and it was found that a usable approximation of wave propagation values in viscoelastic rods can be obtained if their lateral dimensions are smaller than wavelengths. The effects of rod diameter variation can be investigated using a hypothetical frequency-dependent rod modulus. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 14Jun65/ OTH REF: 010/ 111 not Card IIW71-41 14, An Im avement, in th Rungo- ta-Nystr6 Mq~hod for the Xwerical Solution of DifFerential F4uat;.= - tibia r1rht-Drdar-1w Huta A. Une amiBoration de la mithode de Runge- llkiffa- ys rduk pour la risolufloa nUmirique des iquations. bj diffirentielles du premier ordre. Acta Fac. Nat. Univ. h. C:Umenian. Mat 1 (1956). 201-224. (Slovak.and RiLs J1 sian summaries). HUTA, A.0 doe. dr. OSc. .. Obaervation on the decomposition of natural nwmbors, iota r nat Univ Cam 9 =61107-62 164, CAPOVAj H.; DUBANSKA, H.; HLHNp J.; KOLDOVSKY, 0.; -r ILEK NEGASj, 0.; NOVAK, Pq SBJNOHA,, L.; SPACEK, J. The mount of total body fat determined by skin fold thickness in males from 16 to 35 years. Cesk. gitstroent. vyz. 15 no-7:540-555 N 161. 1. Fyziologicky uetav CSAV - Praha) Ustav jetocksho zdravotnictvi - Praha, Vojensky ustav hygieny, epidemiologid a milxobiologie - Praha. JADIBOSE TISSUES) HUTAK, . _I_; BERLIN, C.; NOVAK, P. ObBervation of the nutritional status of soldiers. Riboflavin saturation. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 19 no.6:355-358 S 165. 1. Vojensky ustav hygieny, mikrobiologie a epldemiologi( v Praze. KRYSAv I.; TRETERA3, V.; PERLIN, C.; KLAUSO K.; Liffil- iation not given~7- "The Question of Supplying Vitamin in the Form of Ascorbic Acid to Soldiers." PraRue, VoJenske Zdravotnicke Listy., Vol 35,1 No 4, Aug 66, pp 158 - 162 Abstract /Ruthors' English summary modified_7! Soldiers suffered from a large seasonal deficiency of vitamin C in the part of the army in which an investigation was made. 100 mg per day was administered daily for a period of 3 months to a group of soldiers; this group had a serum level of 0.5 mg% against 0.21-0.29 mg % found in the control group. In a group which received 600 iig of ascorbic acid once a week for 3 weeks the level was kept at 0.7 mg%. Such rapid administration should be made only when the nor- mal supply (100 mg daily) cannot be administered. 3 Figures, 3 Tables, k Western, 10 Czech, 4 Hussiang 1 Egyptian reference. -38 - M LITqN, L - KWOCHVIL, K.: SINKOVIC. 1.9 MIA, K.; MAN, L. Technic of port"ayal anastomosle with Bak's and Fav2ovle fistul" experimental studies. Bratisle lek* listy 34 no.7%727-740 July 54. 1, 2 Ustarn usitej aqatoale, preduosta dr. Metratoohyll. z 1* ohirurgickaj kliniky, prednesta prof. dr. Marsky, a z 11. chlrargickej k]Anik,v LTSU v Bratislars, prodnosta olen coresp. SAY 11.91ska. (I.IsTULA, experimental.' Bak's & Paylovs technic of portaoaval wastonosis in) (TSINS, PORTAL ffSTAKs surgez7, portaeaval anastosavis In Bak's & Par2ov's fistulaa) (YUAN CAVAN. sursery. portacaval anastomosis in Sak's and Pavloy's fistulas) EUTOCRYIL, X.; SIXKOVIO. I*; RUM# X.; EMINP I. Problem of utilization of nitrogen froiq protein b7drol;raMes. BratIsle lake 11sty 34 no-7:741-757 July 54. 1, 2 1. -ChIrurgiqkej kIInIkjrq prodnosta prof. dr. X.Carsky, z IL chirarge kliniky, pradnosts, qlan korespondent SAY 1.81ska, a x Ustayu usitej anatonle Y, Bratislava, prednosta dr. W.Kratoebvil. (NI112OUN, metabolism, utilization from protein by&rolysates in dogs. deters. with Iqk's & Pavlov's fistu W (PROISINSO' bydrolysates,, utilization of nitrogen from protein bydrolyss.tes, doter=. with Ick's & P&Ylovls fietulss) KUTAS,, liuv,, dr,l XTIM, Gezaj drj 10MMY, Sandor, dr,l Mariap dr, Respiratory function tests in bronchial dyeldnesia. Tuberkm- lazis 16 nooOsI49-153 Ap4tr 863. 1. A Badap"U QrvoBtudomanyi spletm Tudogyov _~szati Mnika Janak as a Janos Korhas Bandelointesetenek koalismerqe. RESPIRATOYff FUNCTION TESTS) MONCHIAL SPASM) (TRACHEAL STEHOSIS) Qmowx zKwssKA) -,.(wtoxGHoscoPr) _WTAS#.,.1mre#-dr.j, PINTER, Rhdre., dr.; PAPOWZT. KESZLERp Palq dr. I Antal, dr. Iate functional results of pulmonary resection in childhood. Orv. hetil. 105 nool4t631-635 5 AP'61+ 1. Janos Korhan, Mellkassebeszeti Ontaly, Iagmesfunctios Laboratorium es Ikidapesti Orvostudomanyi. Egyatem,, IT.Se- beszeti Klinika, HUTAS,Jmre,.dr.;.VASAROS, Maria, dr. Heparin ointment-in the prevention of artificial vanOUB thrombosis caused by PAS infusiono Tuberkulozis 16 no.9: 267-268. S .'63. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomarqi Egyetem Tudogyogyaszati Klinika (Igazgato: Miokovits Gusz~av dr. egyatemi tanar) kozlemenyeo HERRIN) (AMIROBALICYLIC ACID) MROMOPHLEBITIS) (INJETICUS, INTRA',*ENOUS) (OINMNTS) BIRO. Forene, dr.; IPJTAS, Xnre, dr. Gravd- laounare congoultux. Oyermakffogy"sat 5 no.9:283-287 Sept. 54. 1. Vasmogre Tanacoa lorhasa (Igasgato-foorrom: Sgvoboda Jeno dr.) Gyoriaskaostalyansk (Ifoorwoot rrank Kalman, -dr.) as Routgeno. astelyanak (Poervos: Ditas lure dr.) koslemenye. (CRANIUM, obnorm. cranl= blf ld=) (ABNORWITINS cranium bifidum) ktariovenous log :uly 54. 1, V" Rogyal Tanme Irorhaza (igasgato-foorron: ftvoboda Jeno dro) Rontgenoostalianak (foorroot Hut" lure drt) froslamenyo. (LUNG$. anOU179*' arteriovenous. x-roy) (71STULA A'RMIOVUWS lungs . x-ra-r) ' KOVATS,Ferenc, dr.,; MISKOVITS, Gusztar, dr.; HUTAS, Imrs, dr. Uperimental studies on the formation of tugerculous abscesses, following intramuscular injections. Orv. hatil. 96 no.41M26-1129 9 oat 55. 1. A Budaposti Oryostudomanyi liffetes Tudogyogyastati rlftikajanak (ipxgatot Kovats Forenc dr. eg7st, tansr) (TUBXRCULOSIS, experimental off. of vegetable oils in Intramusc. inject. on action of antituberaulotic agents in tuberc, infected gminea pip & an form. of tuberc. abscesses) (OILS vegetable oils in tutramuse. inject., off. on action of antituberculotic agents in tuberc. infected guinas, pigs A on form. of tuberc. abscesses) 1- HUTASO Jai@, dr.,~, NTIRIWTO Go", dr.,; YAROKA, Gesa, dr. Therapy of bypoventillation, occurring with hemoptyits. Tubark, kardsaoi 8 no.6;169-173 Doe 55. 1. A Budaposti Orvostudomarqi Iffetem TudoMrogyassati Klinikaja (igasgato: Kovats Parana dr. agy. tamr kozlemezw*. (ATKMTASIS poethesoptyste, surg. (Run)) (HEMOP M IS, coupl. atelsotasts, surg. (Hun)) VARGRA, G.;HMAS, 1. Successful isoulaxid therapy of tuoorous peritoneal tuberculosis. Ory. hetil. 94 no.26t723-724 28 Ouns 1933. (CM 25 : 1) 1. Doctors. 2a Tuberculosis Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Pereno Kovv~ts)p Budapest ~Odkcal University, RMAS, I.: VAJD&, G. ;7e changes In phagOOyte activity in the course of Isonicid, therapy. Ory. hetil. 94 no.28:771-774 12 July 1953. (CUL 25:1) 1, Doctors. 2, Glinic for Pulmonary Diseases (Director - Prof. Dr. 7ireno Kovats) of Budapest Medical University and the Iaboratory (Read PbYsician -- Dr. lasslo Goreozky) of Budapest Hungarian State Railroads Hospital. --EXCEMA-MMICA-See.14- Vol-.12/5- Radiology- -MV- -1938 t~ -Z, 886. CHONDRO-OSTEOPLASTIC TRACHEOPATHY - Tracheopathia chondro- osteoplastica - Hutis 1. and ZsAmbdky P Va megyel TanAcs K6r- hiza, Szombat"Ty, Hun ry - MAG. RADIOL. i957.39/1 (17-22) Illus. 4 In a male aged 48. with cor pulmonale tracheography revealed a stricture at the level of the jurtulurn. Tracheo-b ronchos copy confirmed this finding and in addition there was noticed a rigidity of the tracheal wall caused by rough calcified hard plaques bulging into the tracheal lumen and not removable for biopsy. Gyargyi - Budapest MMAS. lure, dr. oor and tuberculosis. 1. A BudspestfOrrostudomianyl Agyeten Tudo ogyaszati 11 (mazistol UT&t*. Forese, dr. koslesemrse 'ASTRETOW, complo tuberc., pain., case reports (Hun)) (TOWUMSIS, PUMNARY, stiol. & pathogen. gastrectomr, case reports (flun)) HWAS, Imre, Dr. Tomographic pictures in the detection of madiastinal teratomas. Orv. hetil. 98 no.43:1184-1186 27 Oct 57. 1. A Van Megyei Tanace Markusovszky Korhaza (igazgato-foorvoss Szvo'bods, Jeno dr.) Rontganoestalyanak (foorvos: hutas Imre dr.) kpzlemeuye. (MEDIASTINUM, neoplasms terstona, diag., tomograpby (Hun)) (MATOML,,diag. tomograpby in mediastinAl teratomm (Han)) HMAS, Imre, Dr.; ZSAK3NY, Pal, Dr.; VAFOA, Zouzoa, Dr. Data on the diagnosis and therapy of solitary liTer abscesses. Ory. hotil, 99 no.33:1147-1150 17 Aug 58. 1. A Vas Mast TanRce "Markuovszkyw Korhaza 1. sz. Be1gyogyaszati OBEtalyanak (foorvos: Vasarhelyi. Bela dr.) es Rontgenosztalyanak (foorvos: HutaB Imre dr.) kozlemenys. (LIVIR, abscess solitary, diage & ther., case reports (Ekm)) HUTLS, Ivre, dr,; IMH=o Gaza, dr. Trypsin aerosol therapy of chronic pulmonary diseases. Tuberkulozis 12 no.11:258-260 N '59. 1. A, Budapestl Orvostudomanyi Igyetea Tudogyogyassati Zlinikajanak (Igaspto: Zovate Parene dr., egyeteml tanar, az orvostudomanyok doktora). kozlemenye. (BRONCHITIS ther) (TRYPSINS ther) HUTAS, IN" ,Ihxadoxioal oxygen effects In the diagnosis of chronic respiratory In- suffiolenoss. Orv. hetil. 100 no.6:210-212'8 lob 59. 1. A Budapestl Oryactudomanyi Iffetem Tadoaogyazzart Klialkajanak (tgaiggmto: Xovats Perenc dr. Iffetemi tansr. as orryostudomanyok doktor koslemenye. OMPIRLTION insuff., chronic, adn" of oxygen canaing extensive Wo. ventilation, diag. significance (Ikn)) I IWTAS, Imrs &.ol HANDIp Andras# dre Significance of respiratM funotional *xazinations in case of oilioesior Munkavedelow 6 no*7/9 02-35 160o 1. Budaposti '--otudomanyi Egyetom Tudorgyorpaozati X14,nileskja of &sagas Muukaegemsoegyg~i Inteset. KOVATS,Forene,dr.; NIHOOZY.Iaeslo.dr.; RUTAS.Imrs.dr. Bealid therapy of cor ~Ulwnmle. Tuberkolaxis 13 no.5113D-132 Ap 1. k Budspesti Orvowtudomi7i %yetem Tudogyogyaazati Mulka (IgiLzgato: Kovate,lerenc,dr. egystsui tenar, an orvostudomm" ok doktora) koslemenye, (PUIXONARY MU DISSO ther. (ALTTWOMIG MM ther,