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Analysis of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodes
where a is a parameter contained between 1.0 and 0..5,
Wi is the activation energys k is the Boltzmann constant and
T is the absolute temperature. If Eq.(l) is plotted to
logarithmic scale, a straight line is obtained. Consequently, the
curves of Fig.1 and 2 are plotted logarithmically in Fig-3. From
this, it is seen that all the straight lines converge at a' point Pl.
This point corresponds to the temperature of 1920C. it is$
therefore, possible to determine the activation energy. it j
the acti%,:tion
found from the graphs that for the voltage of 0.5 V
energy is 1.16 eV. This figure is in good agreement with the value
of the activation energy quoted in the available literature. The
p-type junctions had the following characteristics: average
resistivity of 400 $1 cm, plate thickness of 0.5 mm and area of
75 mm The reverse characteristics of this junction are shown
in Fig-5; this is replotted logarithmically In Pig.6, where it is
seen that the curves become equidistant straight lines. From these
characteristics, it is found that the activation energy is 0.3 to
o.62 eV. These figures are comparatively low and it is thought
that they are due to the acceptor energy level in the main band;
Card 2/6
Analysis of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodes
the forward characteristics of the diodes were also measured.
The n-t e diode had the following parameters; average resistance
of 100 Rcm, plate thickness of 0.5 mm and junction area of 150 mm2.
The characteristics of this diode are plotted logarithmically for
various temperatures in Fig*8. The p-type rectifier had an average
resistivity of 400 R cm,thickness of 0.5 mm and junction area of
75 mm2. The logarithmic plots of the characteristics of the
element for various temperatures are shown in Fig.9- From the
characteristics in Fig.8 and 9 it is seen that in the region of
medium and high currents they can be approximated by straight liner
which converge at a point P2 for both types of Junction. The
voltage coordinate of IP2 corresponds to the activation energy of
silicon (1.2 eV). The characteristics of germanium diode were also
measured for the purpose of comparison; these were shown in Fig.59
from which it is seen that a P2 has the coordinate of 0.73 V
which corresponds to the activation energy of germanium.
Theoretically the forward characteristic of a silicon rectifier can
be expressed by I OU
t Lnj CL TWCTea ;UT] (5)
_~R+ -y- Noe-
Card 3/6 j P n
Analysis of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodes
where a is a constant, No is the total number of electrons
which can be produced by thermal ionization in one cm3, L is the
diffusion'length of the holes, Ln is the diffusion lengtR of the
electrons, Pn is the concentration of the n-type holeaji,,npt i:
the concentration of the p-type electrons, TP is the e im
of the holes, 'rn is the life time of the electrons. Eq.(5) can
approximately be expressed by Eq.(7), where A is defined by Eq.(6).
In logarithmic coordinates, Eq.(7) can be written as Eq.(8).
If ANO is independent of voltage U, Eq.(8) represents a set; of IX/
straight lines. If it is plotted in semi-logarithmic coordinate
system, these straight lines pass through a point P3. Consequently
the curves of Fig-8 and 9 were plotted semi-logarithmically; the
resulting characteristics are shown in Fig.12 and 13. From these
characteristics, it is again possible to determine the activation
energy of silicon. The results are in good agreement with the
previous values. The set of the tangents in Fig.8 and 9, which.
pass through point P2 can be expressed by
.. (eU) -L
iRil kT (11)
j V - Wi
Card 4/6 pr
Analysis of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodes
where J,~l is the current density at point P2. The quantity
in Eq .0. represents the diffusion potential Vd- This is given
by V kTIn nn (12)
d 'E-P
By combining these equations with the preceding formulas, it is
found that the maximum diffusion potential is expressed by
Vd max = CxWi- From this it is concluded that by increasing the
doping in a diode, point P2 is shifted and the density of the
forward current is increased. This was verified by means of a
non-doped type-p diode; the characteristics of this device are
shown in Fig-15 and 16. By comparing this with Fig.9 and M it
is.found that the inflection of the characteristics occurs at
higher current densities in the presence of doping. The doping
also increases the diffusion potential. The forward characteristic
of n- and p-type junctions are also used to determine the ohmic drop
in the junctions. The authors thank M.Kubat and A.B;Irger of
CKD Stalingrad for help in their work -a-n-d-f-or lending the n-type
-ff-iodes, to D-r.Trousil of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences for
Card 5/6
Analysis of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodes
supplying the p-type material, and to"fz and J.Ladnar for
preparation of the p-diodes. There ar-e-I7-Tigures and
20 referencest 11 Czech, 2 Soviet, 6 English and I German.
.* .4
ASSOCIATIONs Statnf vyzkumny-ustav silnoproude" elektrotechniky
(State Research Institute for-Power Enzineerins0-
SUBMITTED: December 18, 1959
Card 6/6
(1,44 go, E073/E535
AUTHORS: Huss, Vaclav, EnSineer Doctor, Cilielka, Jaroslav
rt~rlz, Josef
TITLE: Influence of the Ambient Atmosphere on the Surface
Conductivity of Silicon T
PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnick'Y. obzor, ig6o, Vol.49,No.11,PP-596-6oo
TEXT: The paper presents a description of the measuring
methods applied in the investigation of the influence of the
external atmosphere upon the surface conductivity of silicon
of the types p and n. The influence of moist nitrogen and
dry oxygen was experimentally investigated. A sketch of the
test-rig in shown in Figal. During the tests the temperature
was maintained at 200C. At first,nitrogen with increasing
moisture content was fed in until the nitrogen had a 100%
relative humidity. This was followed by feeding in dry
oxygen so that the relative humidity dropped slowly to 30%
Following that. the cycle was repeated. It was found that the
duration of the cycle did not affect the results. The inverse
current increases with increasing relative humidity above 50%.
Card 1/3
Influence of the Ambient Atmosphere on the Surface Conductivity
of Silicon
At the instant of feeding in oxygen there was a steep increase
in the inverse current. With increasing humidity the
conductivity has a minimum at about 50% humidity, whilst the
presence of oxygen brings about an increase in the surface
conductivity. In the case of n-type junctions, the surface
conductivity increases monotonously with humidity without
there being a minimum and with increasing oxygen content the
surface conductivity decreases. A physical interpretation of
the phenomena is given. Humidity represented by the OH group
acts to the outside as a dipole with a positive charge so that
it attracts surface elettrons and intensifies type n
conductivity. On the other hand, in the case of type p it
repulses the free holes and,as a result of that, the surface
concentration of the holes decreases. The oxygen has an
electro-negative effect: it repulses free electrons on type n
junctions, i.e. it weakens type n Junctions,and it attracts
holes in the case of type p junctions, i.e. it intensifies
the type p Junctions. On the basis of the obtained results
Card 2/3
Influence of the Ambient Atmosphere on the Surface Condictivity
of Silicon
it is stated that the type of conductivity can be determined in
certain cases by means of the oxygen atmosphere. The conductivity
Increases monotonously with increasing oxygen content in the
atmosphere in the case of type p junctions and decreases
monotonously with increasing oxygen in the atmosphere in the
case of type n junctions. Increase in the humidity brings
about a monotonous increase in the surface conductivity for
type n junctions, whilst for type p junctions it brings
about a drop at first until a zertain minimum in reached and
from then onwards the surface conductivity increases. p-type
junctions are more stable with respect to humidity than n-type
junctions. n-p-n transistors from p-silicon with a specific
resistance of IOXI cm are practically stable with respect to
humidity. There are 6 figures and 4 references: 2 Czech,
I Soviet and 1 English.
ASSOCIATION: St'atni V'Y'zkumny' U"'stav silnoproude' elektrotechniky
(Blegtrical Engineering State Research Institute)
SUBMITTED: July 20, 1960
Card 3/3
9. *3*61 AO61/Ajoj
AUTHORS: Busa, V., K?ij, j., Ladnar, j.
TITLE: Production technique for silicon semiconductor diode-S
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4. 1962s 24p abstract 4-4-47v P
(Chekhool. Pat. k1. 21 g, 11/02, no. 97215, 15-11.60)
TEXT: The Production technique suggested for silicon alloys designed for .
semiconductor power diodes is characterized by the fact that the pi
consisting Of 1 Part Of concentrated HNO ckling agent,
applied to the contact surface of a fusel and 3 Parts of concentrated-Hol, in
-in gold electrode and a silicon plate.
After washing with distilled water, the completion Of manufacturing semiconductor
diodes Is continued with the.conventional technical processes. By the new method,
the electrical properties of semiconductor diodes are improved significantly
without any substantial Increase of manufacturing costs.
A, S.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
6z/ 000/004/016/105
cern~ O~ sev~._
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A silicon diode ...
S/19 62/000/004/047/105
D201YD308 -
Card 2/2
. ..... - -
HUSA, Vaclav, inz.0 dr.j IADWAR, Jossf
Diffusion computation profiles of flat translators. Slaboproudy
obzor 23 no.2:119-120 F 162.
HUSA, Vaclav inz dr~;--CIHELKA, Jaroolav,, inz.
Recent research in semiconductors. 11 tech obzor 51 no.l:"-45
Ja 162.
1. Statni vyskwW ustav silnoprouds elektrotechniky, Bechovice
-HUSA --v -I- - -_i- ---d -- --CIHELKA J- -1 inz-*-
,, ac av, nzo, re; , aros av.,
Automatic semiconducting rectifier. El tech obzor
51 no.200-91. F 162*
1. Statni vyzku=y ustav silnoproude elektrotechniky,
AUTHORBs Husa, Yficlav, Doctor, and Cihelka, Jaroslav, Engineers
TITLEs Measuring the frequency characteristics of air-blast
circuit breakers with the aid of the successive flash-
over method
PERIODICAL3 Elektroteohnick~ obzorp v-51, no. 3, 1962, 114-117
TEXTs The article describes the use of the successive flash-
over method to determine the dependence of the breaking capacity on the
natural frequency of the recovery voltage of air-blast breakers. This
method which has already been described by the authors of this article
in a previous paper (Ref. Is Elektrotechnick~ obzor (1960), no. 8, pp
417-420), has the advantage that conventional short-circuit tests are
avoided and breaker poles are less damaged during tests. The shorting
and measuring circuit, according to the new method, comprises capaci-
ties parallel connected to the serial blowout contacts. These capaci-
ties are dimensioned so that, when the short-circuit current is cut off,
Card 0
Z/01 62/051/003/002/002
Measuring the frequency ... D291YD304
the entire recovery voltage appears on the first blowout contact pair
and has then a certain frequency (fl). In case the first contacts do
not breakp the entire recovery voltage appears on the second contact
pair and has then a certain frequency (f2). The same procedure occurs
when the second contacts do not break. By increasing the short-circuit
current, recovery-voltage frequencies (fl, f2, and f3) are also increa-
sed. When the short-circuit current reaches a certain value, a flash-
over occurs on the first blowout contacts, and the first point of the
frequency characteristics is thus given. Further reference points of
the freq'uenoy characteristic are determined by a further increase of
the short-circuit current at instances when flashovers occur on the
second and third blowout contacts. This method was used to measure the
frequency characteristics of a CP 405/22-600 and a new type of AEG-Kas-
sel 22 kV, 400 mva air-blast circuit breaker. Obtained results were in
good agreement with values previously obtained by short-circuit tests.
There are 9 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc references. (Technical
Editors Engineer K. Bauer).
Card 2/3
Meaeuring the frequency D291/D304
ASSOCIATION: Stfitni vkzkumrik fistav silnoproud6 elaktrotecbniky
(state Research Institute for Heavy-Current Engineer-
SUBMITTED% December 18, 1959
Card 3/3
EUSA Vac~-Y. inz., dr., kandidat tecbnickyah ved; CIIMM,, Janslav, Inz.
Controned silicon diode us& by the Siemens factory* El to-ch
obzor 51 no.10-.550 0 162.
I. Vbt%dOzkmmy uotav silnoproude elektrotechnikyo Bachoviceo
General Assembly of the International Committee of Historical
Sciences in London* Veotnik CSAV 71 no*5*.6014M 162,
1. Glen koreapondent Ceakoelovenake akademie ved.
rT - -
I- - - - --- -,-
BnZOVSKY.O J., inz.; HUSA, V., inz. dr. DrSc.
Noncontact direct-current motor. El tech cbzor 53 no.10074 0 164.
1. State Research Institute of Heavy Current Engineering, Bechovice.
BFM, J., dr.; SOUDSK; MAIZC, Zd.; STARER; MCHUICA, Karel, inz.;
HMA V dre, ScC.; RRIZ, J.
Reporto. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.7.-423-428 JI 163.
WAp Vaolavv ins.# dr*,, kandidat tachnickyth vedl CDM&, ;uuaav, ins*
OsaillAtory processes in swaiconductar rectifiers of tranaftator
connections* 91 tech obzor 52 no.5&264,a65 My 163.
=A, Vaclavs inza dre, karxUdat technickych vadj GIRSTIA, Taroslarp isize
Optical quantum generators,, lasersp powerful sources of
electromagnetic waves. M tech obsor 52 no.61318-320 Je 163o
HUSA., Vaclav.,. inz. dr.., kandidat technickyah vedj MHELKA, Jaroslavp inze
A now heavy-duty silicon transistor made by Siemens Factory. El
tech obsor 52 no*6:323-324 Je- 163,
1, Statni vyzku=y uotav silnoproude elektrotechnikyj, Bechovices
HILSA, Vaclaro inz. dr., Itarylidat technickych ved; CIBUKA, Jaroslay, inzo
Operation of controlled silicon diodes. Z1 tech obzor 52 no.6:
325-326 A 163,
HUSA Vaclav inz. dr., kandidat technickych ved; KRIZ, Josef;
Josef; LUXA, Frantisek
Contribution to the technology of the silicon Mesa power
transistor. El tech obzor 52 no.10:53S-540 0 163.
1. Statni vyzkumny ustav silnoproude elektrotechniky.
CIHEIZA., Jaroslav, ins.1 HUSA, Vaclavo inz. dr,, kandidat tocLnickych ved
Measurement of characteristics on the si3,icon power transistor
of the State Research Institute of Ileavi-current EngineerJng.
El tech ob2or 52 no.10040-544 0 163.
1. Statni vyzkumny ustav silnoproude elektrotechniky.
HUSA, Vaclavp inz.., kandidat tochnickych ved,- CIIU-;IAA, Jaroslav., inz.
Direct-current amplifier with silicon valves for control
purposes. El tech obzor 52 no.10:570-571 0 163.
1. Statni vyzkumny ustav silnoproude elektrotechniky.
--- TO -7:
.- I
- ~ 1 -1-1
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M , , I*'. 11 - . " I I I . . 11, 1 1 -.'- L , -`,-~ xl-~ ----
- . FUE,
L 23676-66
ACC NRt AP6009346 (A) SMRCH COUE: CZ/0078/651000/011/0013/0()13
-AUTUOH: Husa Vaclev (Snalneeringp Doctor of Sciences$ Pecky),# Kris, Josef
Ladnar, A-se-1- rwif Luxa, rantisek (Horni Pocernice)
ORO: none
TITLE: Manufacture ofy.type diffuelon-silicon element. Pat. No. PV 1792-63
SOURCE: Ypalezy, no, n. 1965, 13
TOPIC TAGS: silicon element,, collector emitter, gallium compound, hole conduction
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of manufacture of a.
-p-type difftision silicon element by a two-phase difussion process. The element
base consists -of' twd dirrerent c ductivity layers where the layer of lover conduc-
tivity is adjacent to the region of the collector, while the layer of higher couduc-
tivity Is close to the region of the emitter, The p-type conductivity region Is
created by a two-phase diffusion process, with constant temperature of the preheated
silicon plate during each phase. The first diffusion phase takes place 1200-1350C
for a period of 15 min to 5 hr,,nSal] up oxide heated to 750 -- 200C is used as the
doping compound In an amount cd%bleof evaporating In one quarter of the given ti".,
After the completion of the first phase, the plate temperatare to lowered to 900 --
1250C at which temperature the second phase diffusion takes place in a period of
15 min to 2 hr, again vith gallium oxide as the doping compound heated to 800 -- 1200C
Card. 112
ACC MR. AP6009347 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/65/ril,~,'01"-/0013/0013
ih-VENTOR: lay-(Doctor of sciences, Doctor, Engineer; P(--v',': Clhelka,
_~.,uj,sj6.-V-4,~ A. . C"."' A
Jaroslav (Engineer; Prague); 6erny, Ladhlav Migincer; Sadskzll); K Josef and
Ladnar, Josef (Prague); Luxa, Franti-sek- (Hornf Pocurnice)
ORG: none
TITLE: A two phase semiconductor ele-nent CZ Pat. No. PV 5496-63, Class 21g
--~SOURCE. Vy-nalezy, no. 11, 1965, 13
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor theory, seniconductor research, phase com:):sition,
semiconductor band structure
ABSTRACT: A two-phase semiconductor element built up on semiconductor base plate,
with a collector with first and second base formed as a layer into th., semiconductor
base plate along its entire surface on otie side, with a first and sLcond emitter.
formed as a second layer into the first layer. The contact of the s-.:cond base is at
the same time the contact of the first emitter, with feed connectors co the collector,
the first base, and, if applicable, to the second base and second c.-.-:Zter. The first.
emitter is shaped in the form of a strip and the second emitter in tl'-,~ form of a
comb. The relative position of the two emitters is such that the strip forming the
first emitter is equidistant from all the ends of the comb forming the second emitter.
On the first layer there is.formed a contact of the first base in the shape of a strip
and also a contact of the second base in the form of a comb. On the comb forming the
second emitter there is formed a contact in the shape of a comb and the parts of the
comb engage mutually. The relative position of the contacts is such that
the stripforming the contact of the first base is equidistant from the yoke of the
comb forming the contact of the second base. The relative position of the strip
forming the first emitter and the contact of the second base is such that the yoke of
the comb forming the contact of the second base also forms the contact of the first
emitter along the part of the strip forming the first emitter.
SUB CODE. 2.0 / sUBM DATE: 070ct63
ACC NRt AP6035301-
(A) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/66/ooo/009/0019/0020
AUTHOR: Novotny, Vladimir (Engineer; Tabo:-);-H4p_a,...yq9l4K (Doctor; Engineer;
Aoctor of sciences; Pecky); Kriz, Josef (Prague); Bydzovsky, Jan (Engineer;
Zasmukh); Ladnar, Josef (Prague); Luxa, Frantisek (Horni Pocernice)
ORG: none
TITLE: Ignition equipment for jet and turbojet engines. CZ Pat. No. PV 1920-65
SOURCE: Vynalezy, no. 9, 1966, 19-20
TOPIC TAGS: power plant component, fuel igniter, engine ignition system, jet
engine, jet engine component, turboprop engine, turboprop engine component,
spark plug, low voltage spark plug
ABSTRACT: Ignition equipment, especially for use with aircraft jet and turboprop
engines, is introduced. It has a low-voltage spark plug and is fed by d-c supply
The secondary winding of the induction coil is connected through the rectil
capacitor. The sparking circuit is connected in parallel to the capacitor and
connected in series with the low-voltage spark plug. One end of the primary winding_
of the induction coil is connected to the first pole of the d-c supply. The othe:- end
Card 1/2
AcC N6 301
he outlet of the common collector for the composite two-step
is connected to t outlet of the emitter of the output transistor which is connected
transistor and the supply and another resistor which is connected through
to the other pole of the d-c pply. [YS1
the other pole of the d-C Su
SUB COD'E-' 21/SUBM DATE: 24MarG5/
CERVEBY,, Le., inz.; NEMM, Ma; HUUK,, Be, inz.
RemoviMe coatings protecting electric wchinos during the
impregnation of winding* Strojirenstvi 12 i0.7020-522 J3. 162.
1, Statni vyzkumW ustav ochrwW materialu, Praha (for Cerveror
and flemao). 2. Hutni projakt, Praha (for Husak).
Husak, J.
Electric 9 Uipment of cranes according to the Cseoh~lovak state standard CSN 34 1681.
P. in.
Vol. 10, no. 4, Ayr. 1955.
SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (ERAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9,
Sept. 1955, Uncl.
VF'l i
-ACC NR, AP6030218 SOU-RCE, -C-ODE: CZJ 0057/66/000/CC-3/0119/0131
AUTHOR: '_ !Lusak Jiri (Engineer)
ORG: East Slovakian 'Iron Works Kosice (Vychodoelovenske zelezarny)
T1TLE: New unit for hot rolj1ijp&,of wide steel plates at thq East Slovakian Iron Works
is in operation
SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 3, 1966, 128-131
TOPIC TAGS: hot rolling, rolling mill, pipe, cold rolling
ABSTRACT: The East Slovakian Iron Works can produce steel p!Ate of thicLnesses
0.18 to 10 mm. The plate can be used to produce welded pipej and formed beams.
At the beginning of 1964 a 5 mill tandem for cold rolling was started up. This
mill used to be supplied with hot rolled coils by Klement Gottwald NoYA-Hut I on
Yorks or by imported steel. 7he new unit which started producing in 1966 can roll
wide plates and slabs. The first coil was rolled in November 65; plates with
thickness of 3.8 to 8 mm were rolled on the mill. -Details of the unit are
ipresented. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. EJPRS. 36,6461
SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: none
Card 1/1
HUSAK. Karel
Information from abroad. Tech praca 15 no.10:Supplement:
Naterove hmoty a natery 163.
I ---- - - -,--
News fran abroad. Tech prace 15 noo9tSupplement: Waterove
I bmoty a ratery. 15 no.9tinsert S163.
The 02 250 motorcycle, Auto=obll Cc 8 no.7#2-4 J1 164
HLUAK. Stanislav
UWW,, Given NaMea
Countx7: Czechoslovakia
Academic Degrees: DVM
First Internal-Ujuic, Veterinary Faculty (I interni klinik veterinarni
Affiliation:Yaiku ~ty Hiead /prednosta/ Prof Dr Karel SOBRA . Brno
SOurcO:Prague, Veterinarstvi.. Vol 11., No 10, Oct 19(1; PP 372-376
DILta: "Artificial Nutrition in Horees in Connection with Treatment of Tetanus"
p! It'll
ifftitatteal Ors. It. 4 CI Cb sit of godtol"t c"tetry, nystes #2d vollarf"" Tftteallay
vgtoll"T"r.colUr (Koten VlaroU *beat*, t"llil a towilmlacto v-tortmorul
rokulty "ji)/mroomor ?roe A. &- vm/l ve. IF. 1 Fine latroreal C111-4
U. lueral t1letw0hirvolor Kerelm viml Irmo
Goarces P"xw, gbonlit CIAZY-Yrtertrarat Hadtot 4, S(3 ), we 9, So sit pv A91 -70h
batiks"Cha"to of $*run CM alA Gn sotivt1ky Is lanes OfUr k6olullotrettoo of CCI)l with
It,(@ of ToUl Illtr*t% nd 04vallorel OMOVI, 4119teal CM4111164 amil Live
Won. Woroolosy*
V03t"hl VIW
It,- lgistor or nonmaj
o. .1.%Vw
ACC NRt AP6014980 SOURCE CODSt CZ/0038166/000/001/0025/OMB
AUTHOR: Huaak, Vaclavj Kjoinbauer. Kareli Ertp
ORG: Radioisotope Division, Faculty HospitalpOlomoua (Radioizotopove oddeleni /3
fakultni nemocnice)
TITLEs Possibility of absolute measurements of
SOURGEs Jaderna, energiev nbl 19 19669 25-28 .* I
TOPIC TAGS: scintillation opeatrometerg game. speotrometer radioisotope# radlosativi
ABSTRACT s Activity measurements that are made with scintillation crystals have
significant errorepvhich may be asaribed to slight differences in the crystals, G'g'#
different thicknesses in the al=inum covers or in the reflecting layers, More
precise meamumento were made by a method in which the analyzer chamel was placed
so as to include the whole photopeak. The low-energy part of the photopeak is thus
includedo though a small part of the Compton spectrum is act pnts can
elk 1401WTIeMIL98AU
then be made wit I or 2 percent. Measurements made on Cap Of 0
20311go 1311, andl%rl with plaw or wall-type scintillation crystals or beta-gama
coincidence method are compared with standard values. The dependence of the perfor*-
ance of plane and van-type scintillation crystals (NaI(Tl)) on the energy of the
measured activity in shown mathematically and graphically. This paper was presented
by I. Buoina. Or1g. art., hass 3 figures, 6 formulasp and 1 table. ICN&7
SUB GODEt SUW- DATEs none., / ORIO RWs 007 1 orK RErt oo5
FMAN, Ari; KUNDERA,, Oldricb; HUSAKI Vaclav; XMINBAUER, Karel
Gammagraph with background suppression. Jaderna energie 9
no.7:235-238 JI 163.
1. Ustredni dilna Iskarsks fakulty,, Univervita Falackabo;
Hadioisotopove oddeleni Iskarske fakulty.. UnIversita Plalackebo,,
Experience with picking hops by machine.
P. 084- (hechanisace Zeredlstvi. Vol. 7, No. 110, Oct. 1957, Prvha, Czechoslcyakla)
Ponthly Index of East European Accession (EEAl) LC- Vol. 7., No. 2.,
February 19.58
- ------
About a repair shop on collective fams. p. 260.
MECHANISACE ZEMEDELSTVI. Praha, Czechwalevakia. Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1959.
Motithly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) IZ, Vol. 9, no. 1, Januar7 1960.
Reactors in medicine. Jaderna energie 10 no.M418-421 N 164.
Nuclear Medicine
CZECHOSLOVAKIA UDG 615-849-7-082.4
WIEDEM.IANWO M.; M1 --V..* KU1MCKAj R.; KUBAO J.; Dept* of Radio-
isotopes, Faculty Hospital and 1-led. Faculty. Palacky University
(Radioizotonove Oddeleni Fakultni Nemocnice a Lek. Pak. PU),
OlomoU00 Head (Vodowl) Dr M. WIEDERKANN; Krajoka Station of
Hygiene and Epidemiology (Hygianicko Elpiderniolo,7joka Stanico)
Ostrava, Director (Reditel) Dr L. BAJGAR.
"Calculation of the Necessary Period of Hospitalization During
Therapeutic and Diagnostic Administration of Radioactive Isotopes*
Prague, Casopis I:ekaru Casicych, Vol 105, 110 41# 12 Oct 660 pp
1107 - 1 11T0 _-
Abstract juthors, Ebglish summary modified_7: Minim= periods
of hosprtalization after the administration of radioactive iso-
topes are discussed. The criterion sho-ald be the excreted activ-
ity and the intensity of radiation emittad by the patient. I
Table, 4 Western; L1. Czech references. (Manuscript received Oot
Si=atan~OUB Use of radioactive iron and Chromium in the
diagnosis of anemia. Cesk. rentgen. 17 no-5:306-316 S 163.
1, Radiolsotopove oddsleni fakultni nemocnice v olomDuci,
vedouci MUDr. M. Wisdermann.
L UA96-60 EWT(m) DIAAP
ACC NR, AP60102,31
AUTHOR: Hus.ak, Vaclay-7G~ag_h.16 V.; Faeinbauer,, Karel--41eynbauerp -K.; Wiedermanno
Milos-Viderriann M.
ORG: Department for Radioisotopes,, Faculty 110opitalp Olomouc (Radioizotopoye oddelen~~
fakultn.1 nemocnice)
TITII-',: Investigation of the design and experimomtnl propertien of Mu1ti,,.h;'d1nc1
focussed collimators used in gammafwayhy -
SOURCE% Jaderna energle, no. 5, 1965t 3.70-178
TOPIC TAGS: collimatororadiology, ganna radiation, grouna datection
ABSTRACT: The thooretical basis of multichannel focussed collirwitorn is di3cussed.
Two different focus3cd collimatora are compared with.a one-hole cylindrical
Collimator in re3pect to resolution sons Euld contrast, With
oqual -qon3itivity,focu3sed co'llimators have batLer roaolutiort
and give batter contrast of the gai=agraphic repord. Not on!), tho
rosolution and censitiiity, but also the dimonsions of tlio pictur-
ed area should influence the selootion of a colilmator, Focuased
collimators are needed for ood amagrams'in'cl.inical.vraeticee
Odele for the proj:~iration of the focussed coMmators, ..i~ per Wa3 presented by
8.~ Hu ka. Orig. art# hasp 13 figures and 3 taeables, JF
BLIB COM o6p 20, 18 / BUBW'DATSe none ORIG IM 003 / OM RM 010
Restoration of myocardial contractility and inotropio effects
(ouabain, quinidins, tyramine, theopbyl3ine ind acetylcholine)
in guinea pigs and rate. Sor. mied. fac. mod. Brunensis 36
nooi/2sl-26 163.
1. Katedra fysiologie lektroke fakulty University J.3. Parlqmo
v Brno Vadouoi prof, MUDr, DrSc. Vladialav Kruta.
Contributions to the knowledge of the gastropods in
Moldavia. Comunicari zoolog 2- 183-188 163.
XSANU, Ortansa
Vallonla excentrics. Sterki 1893, a new species for the
fauna of Rumania. Comunicari zoolog 21245-247 163.
Contributiorp to the knowledge of the Scarabaeidge of iNmanla. p. 229.
vol. 5, no. 1, 1959.
Monthly List of East 113uropean Accessions (FFAT) LC., Vol. 9, no. 1,
January 1960.
HUSAR, Iy=,_Inso FUM p Rudolf# Ins*
A2tomstio plasma torob velding of 195 = platee from 17- 347
material. Naranis 13 no.3287--W W164
First International Students' Colloquiun on'Welding in
Magedburge Zvaranie 12 no, 12.t 370-371 D 1639
Yugoslav Seminar on Regulation, Measurementz, and Automation
in 1964. Autorwitlka 5 no.4034-335 164.
T~e 191 4- Exhibition of the Yugoslav ~;emindr
Measurements and Automation. A-atomatika 5
on kulation,
no.-Ls ~05-336 164.
Czechonlovakin 9-28
1? 51) ITO.
(11 So-ra, It. and Husar, J.
Not ovell --------
Inyontigation of the Solubility of Milk Proteins
in Lactose solutions
Prumyel Potrayin, 9, No 1, .~5-38 (1-958)
A review article. The behavior of the prottine
in rstw milir sugar from a number of souroes was
ttudiedl also invastigtted -were the efflact of tht
Inoelectri-, point- on th* eolubility of thi pro-
tain cosplexan in &ilk sugar at 95, And the ef-
feet of varying the ratio of sweet atl sour vhey
(etc) and of neutral salt addition. The residual
proteins were separated by dialysic and distilla-
tion with freezing out. The study of the residual
proteins was carried out by electrophoresis &nd by
3 ~Dt 112
L 4 A.,
IIRI~i. PUP. :
, L) I
L!3'TRAf,'T : neptelometric methods. The causes for the variat
sej;atratlon of resi(lunl. proteins from lactose solu-
tione were determined. The bibliography lists 15
titles. D. Yakesh
BWKOVM, Milica; RADIO. Jolene.; HUSAR-DoMR, marts
Hemorrhage In menopause. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 87 no.W04-
209 Yeb 59.
1. Ginekolosko-skuserskR klinika. Medicinakog fakmlteta u Beograft
Upravnik: prof@ dr GWsa Tasovac,
menopausal hemorrh. (Ger))
(GUNACURIO, 7=L11, compl,
uterine hemorrh. (3@r))
LIR09 ldenekl HUSARSXj Wk4kvP-,Inv~
Aircraft Engineering Group and the action plan. latecky
obzor 7 no.12063 D163.
HUSARFAK, Ladislav, Inz,
Pilot nmigator equipment VOR. Letacky obzor 6 no.2:56-58 '62.
AUTFOR: Husarik, Jozet
T NUE Valve lift adjustment in interral coi:ibla!ition engines
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otde'Alnyy vypusk, 39. Dvigateli vnutrennego
-sgoraniya, no. 3,-1963, 7-- 8, abstract 3.,q9.4)r P.(Czech- pat., cl.
46 bl, 5/01, 415 b2, 7/03, 46 e1, 13, no. 10084~), September 1:),
TEXT: An appliance is proposed for the valve lift adjus"rnent in internal
corinbustion engines during operation. Over the cam 5 (see FIF
.,Ura), Part 1 is
fixod In whiah '.he rack bar 3 moves driving the bui;hfne, 21. In the latter, the
li.fte-" 4 travels on cotter 6. The ball hcvd 7 of th~3 lifter is arranged eccen-
trically relative to the axis of the circular, plato ', w"nich rotates In the seat
of thi? lover 9. The latter rocks about th(! axle 10 J.rJv1.nC the valve rod 12.
When -,he bar 3 travelso the relation of tho lover () a.n~ln, anc! by this the valve-
-lift changes. There in I figure.
Card V2
Valve lift adjustment in internal combustion A Qrf:~/A 12 (6)
Ca--I 2/2,
HUSAR(YVA-DURDIKOVA, Anna, prom.blol.,, C.So.
Preliminary report on caddio f2y (Trichoptera) research in Zituy
Ostrov, Blologia 26 noo6t472-475 161.
1. Biologiclq ustav Slovenakej akademie vied, Oddelenle soologis,
Bratislava, Sienldewiozom 1.
(Caddie flies)
tj S jq 0~ () Vfi y /3-/
JjQyA,~-~ of the Department of Zoology (Oddelenie zoologia)..
Institute of Biology (Biologicky ustav)., Slovak Academy of Sciences.,
"A %purt on tho Uenus Anopheles in Sastern Slovakia"
Bratislava, Biologia Vol XVIII, No 4) 63P pp 309-312.
AbS Lrac 'Author's Gurman summary, modified] i '"sport on the collection
of Anopheles imagoes) carx7ing malariaj in 13 areas of Lastern Slovakia
during the period from April to October 1960. Three specieswere founds
Anopheles maculipennis s. str. bleigen, Anopheles messeae Falleroni.. and
Anopheles ai-roparvus Van Thiel. The extermination of these mosquitoes
in thu area is due to insecticides applied against both larvae and
lmngoes, and due to the collectivization of liVestock husbandry* Six
r-~.,.;'erancns, including 4 Czech, 1 Slovak and 1 i0glish,
"Standardization In industrial architecture."
p. 9 (Budownictwo Przemyslowe) Vol. 6# no. 3, Mar. 1957
Warsaw, Poland
S02 Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EZAI) LC. Vol. 7, no, 4,
April 1958
Tasks and achievements of standardization in industrial building. p. U9.
(INZYNIERIA I BUDOWNIC7WO. Vol. 1k, No. hp APr,9 1957j, Warazawa., Poland.)
SO: Monthly List of Last European Accessions (EEAL) Lc. Vol. 6j No. 10, October 1957. Uncl,
HUSARSKII losch, inz.
Tole-and Radio Aigineering Exhibition in Poland, Przegl tachn
79 no..lOt443-448 My 158.
Telecommication industry at the 27th Poznan Interrviticnal Fair, n. 752.
I'RZIEGL-',D TECHIUNY (fiaczelm Urpnizacia 'rechiczna)
Warszawa, Poland
Vol. '19, no. 16, jiuvlst 1958.
Nonth1v list of East Elirooean -ccessims Iniex (EEAD, Lu Vol 3, No. 11,
11ovember 1959
,_HUSARSKIp Lech... ins.
Development problems of wire telecommunication In Poland, Przegl
techn 81 ro,4s6-8 A 161.
DZIMIELEWal, Tadousz, llnz.~ 10")AHSFI, Rcman, inz.
The hinterland anti organization of the ,;poratIO11.3 Of th'f-,
Ory dock in Gdynia. Tech gosp morska 13 no. 7/8i223--225
J.-Ag '63.
.i. Enterprise of Maritime Engineering,
LUPASCIJJI Gh., prof. ; GAPARIII , Gin., prof. ; B6114.131c- VR! I r"A f It, Anpq'o I? -
COSTIII,Pa, dr.; IIJ dr.; B02rOC,i., dr.; 11-11S.,ITS. Ch.,
dr. [deccesecfj; "'OPOVIGII T.p DR.1 HAIVAS, nutria, dr.; DOROSO V.,
Sradication of an rld ftcus of aniylostaniasis. ".icrobiolcgAa
"'30 My-Je 164
(Bucur.) 9 z)o."*.22r-
1. 1 ---!ire efe.-tuatu In de Igionp din Tinicoara.
St: tiunea do malarl-c-holmintologie din Timisoara s! Gam-.rul
vzjtihelmJ_ntlc din Anina.
BEKE, Cyorgy; HUSE, Getborne; MOLVAR, Irma
Bread preservation by deep freezing. Elelm ipar 16 no.2:54-58 F 162.
1. Hutoipari Kozponti Laboratorium (for Bake), 2. MIRMITE Melyhuto
Vallalat(for Huse and MoInar).
IUSIK, J. - Strojiremstvi - Vol* 3. no* 4# Apre 1935.
Constantly improving the qm&Utr of products of the m4dmery Indistry. po 2,42,
80: Monthly list of Jast Ampeam. Accessions, (WAL), LC, Vol. 4, So. 9. Sept. 1955
Pumps for repumping of hydraulic-sterage power plants. p. 21.
CZECHOSIDVAK HEAVY INDUSTRY. Prague, Czechoslovakia. No. 8, 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 2,.Feb. 1960.
AUTHOR: Hulek Josef
TITLE: Centrifugal pump
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 34. Kompressory i kholodial'nya tekhnika, 11,
196 1, 11, abstract 34.11.89 P. Czech. patent, chm 59b, 2, no. 96053, July 15, 1960
TEXT: A patent has been granted for a multistage centrifugal pump in which vortex formation
in the intake is eliminated by mounting a special, water guiding ring near the shaft. At one end the slot between
the ring and the shaft is covered, while at the other end the slot widens so as to unite with the working chamber
of the pump. Them is I figure.
(Abstracter's note: Complete translation.]
Card 1/1
Labor productivity indoxes and analyses in the European socialist
countri*s. Pod org 17 no.8:372-37/+ Ag 163.
ITSEK, IV. A Grigo-'ev's Cdnstaxt y Increasing Lator
ProdLctivityL--a bock review. p. 286.
Vol. 4, No. 6. June 1955
Praha, Czechoslovakia
So: East Europeon Accessicns, Vol. 5, M. 5p May 1956
ACA; NNo AP5028798 SOURCE CODE: cz/ooog/65/000/009/0537/0540
t /
AUTHOR: Jindra, J.-Yindra, I.; Husek, M.-Gushek, M.; Wen, J.-Meen, Ya.
0R0: Research Institute for Single Crystals, Turnov (Vyzkumny ustav monokrystalu)
TITLE: Preparation of high-purity sulfur
SOURCE: Chemicky prumyel, no. 9N965, 537-540
TOPIC-TAGS: sulfur, crystallization, distillation, sublimation, oxidation, thermal
decomposition, zone melting
ABSTRACT: The existing methods of high sulfur purification were analyzed and the
efficiency of the following methods was tested: crystallization from carbon disulfide,
distillation, fractional sublimation in vacuo, zone meltIng, chemic&l oxidation by
an acid mixture, and thermal decomposition of impurities. Chemical oxidation by
H2S04-NNO3 at elevated temperature followed by distillation and extraction with
redistil.led water van found to be the most suitable method. The paper is dedicated to
Professor Dr. Eng. Frantisek Petr on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Orig. art.
has: 2 figures and_71_Ta_'61_e.__rB-ased on author's abstract.]
BUB CODE: 07, 11, 20/ SM DATE: 29Apr65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 010
cmd 1/1 upc; 661.2
GOT-TY-El,, S.., L".j HIMM.2-Auj"o
Prefabricated o4afts for water mains. Vodni hoop 13 no./+:153-
155 163*
lo Vodni stavby,* nopo, Praha,
J"L-'-Vv autolf a Toefticka opolupTuoso ItrazKo Zol tt,7,Wp Ko
Activ,'ticv r7f the - 0)11*oM! Z Cei ter tv.r h=m. at tl*
Tiwv.6 Bmk of the Fwaty BDzpltrj.Jo racionAd nmututo
of Yetional Awdth st lkladoe ftloveo Sbarr, vod. pmo, Uko
luko rtrlw* tYIvt A no,0021-329 t 65.
I i;
The ca',,3strophic flow of ice on the Hron Rivar in YIrch 1954. p. 217.
Vol. ,,, no. 70 July 1954
VCD*.,;,I 'HWPOI).',,,4SVI
Prs,ha, Czechoslovakia
So,.1rce: East Zuropean Accession List. Library of Conj-m!ss
Vol. 5, Illo.8, Augu3t 1956
11U3-`-.'1CA, J.; INTREUS, R.
The catastrophic flow of ice on the Hron River In Earch 1954. p. 233.
Vol. 4, no. 8, August 1954
Praha, Czechoslovakia
Sourc-j: 1;qst burnrean Acc:Jssior, List. Library of C,--.n! r--!aS
, 1.-0.
vol. 5 1, 3, August 1956
Periodicals: GWLOGIMM FMCF, no. 49, 1958
HUSMCA., J. Geoloeic structure of Plana, a polygenous volcano. p. i61.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE&I) LC,, Vol. 8 NO. 5p
Hay 1959p 6nelass.
HUSER, Karel
F.LrBt IIqvJd oxygen evaporating plant in Czechoelovakla. Skler a
keramLk A no.31333.7-319 N 264.
1. F*seareh and d"Velopment 1natitute of Technical. G-lass, Prague.
L02192-67 EWTM/EWT(M)A/EWP(t)/ET1 IJPW
ACC NRs AR60-3-'1870 SOURCE .. CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/DO85/DO85
AUTHOR: Vaydanych) Ve lo; Hueevas No K.; Triskap To Y.; Chorniyp Z. P.
TITLE:.Effect of methods of growing alkaline Iodide erlptaln on their
luminescence properties z/
SOURCE:,..Ref, zh. Fizikaj Abe. 6D695
REP SOURCE: Vienyk Livivelk. un-tu* Sero Me, no. 2p 1965p 46-48
TOPIC TAGS: crystalp crystal growth, anion Impurity, iodide, iodide
crystal, photo luminescence, x ray luminescence, crystal impurity,
energy transmission
ABSTRACT: The effect of various anion Impurities formed in a crystal
during its growth (using the Kiropoulos and Stokbarger methods of
growing crystals in an Inert gas atmosphere)) on the luminescence
properties of phosphors NaJ-Tl, KJ-Tl, and CsJ-T1 to shown. A decree
In the output of photo and x-ray luminescence in crystals with anion
impurities is explained by the assumption that the-transmission of.
energy by Tl luminescence centers, both in the electron-hole and ex-
citon excitation mechanism takes place at a higher energy level
(D-band, Pl-transition)a [Translation of abstract] ESP]
111 "1 CT.- 9
~! j
neEcarch center of nercnautic modeling in people's Czechoslova:cia. p. 10
SIMMIATA POIZKA.. (Ligo Lotnicza) V`arsw~wa, 1~()lrndl. Vol. 11 110. ZC-,, July 1955.
Vonthly List of ---ast European accession (7,M), LC. Vol. F., No. 9, Septen-aber,
1959. Uncl.
Fuels. Tr. from the Czech. p. &Q (SERZIMATA POLW, Vol. 10, No. 21,
Y.V 1954, Warszawa, Poland)
SO: ]4onth3,v List of East Ewopean Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec.
1954, Uncl,
--- ---- IMMO
..A- ,
. .....
.: -I'-
~ 0
-, 'C
~ mULL u1 Lz-,LvAi&-,.6.Lvu -- -zL
,~ ua"6i!Lv
--L -, .*
I - IW 3 F & -3,A-*
Forging gear wheels with preforged gearingp P. h33, STROJIRENSTVI
(Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Vol. 5. No. 6p June 1955
SOURCE: East luroBean Accessions List (:-:EAL) Library of Congreas.,
Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1950
Precision of gear forging with preforged gears* pe 65a
STROJIRENSKA VYROBA, Prague, Vol. 4. no, 2, Feb* 19569
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6,
June 1956, Unel.
HUSKAY A#M,, promovany ekonom; KOVAL, S., dr.; KRAUS, E.
- ---------
Enterprise Internal units, their role and developmfmt In
the building industry. Inz stavby 12 no.8053-358 Ag 164o
On the normal at the bypersurface of the affine space A. Bul Ao
Pol mat 9 no-31143-146 '61.
1e Inatitut Mathematique, Section do Wroolav, Academia Polonalae do#
Sciences. Presented by 1. Maresevski.
(Spaces, Generalized)
'LF:KO !:':KT
- 1 1. ., T.
11'rullization, In affirm space, of Fi lino!ir conziection witiriout
1,jr.iiori in a 61fforenLiablo wirioty. Anrider, i,ol math 1.6 no.
Pressure respiration with the use of a compensatory appliance and
its effect on the hwan orpniss. Cesir. fysiol. 9 no.1:23-24 Ja 60.
1, Ustay letooksho sdravotulatyl, Probao
Magacolon with difruee polyposio. Cook. gastroent. v7z. 15 no.8s
601-602 D 162.
1. Interni odd. Fakultni poliklinikyp prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Herfort,
Radiologicka k3.inika, prednosta prof. MUDr. V. Svab, Chirurgicko odd.
Stat. oblastni nemoonice v ~btole.. prednosta prof. KUDr. B. Nioderle.
(MEGACOLON compl) (POLYPI compl) (COLON neopla=s)
Health status of patients with Dupuytrents palm-,r
Sbom. leke 66 no.l2r3V-362 D 164
1. Interni oddeleri pclikliniky fakulty wecbecac' lektratm!
UniverBity Karlovy v iraze (prednosta - prafedr. K. Herfort., WOO
a UstrednI laboratoi-6 polikliniky fak-ulty vseobecaneho lek&rstii
UnIverBity Karlovy v Yraze (vedoucl - prof, dr. J.Yomolka, IrSc.)