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joze--' SUP.111AME, Given Narza Countrys Cz"hoslovakia Academic Degrees: Lnot givenj I Aftiliationt Lnot givonj Sources ?rague, Sibornik Goskoslovenzko Spolecrosti Zenepisno Vol 66j NO 43 61., Datal 'Ilhe heeonaLructlon of Travel 4~coatjzibility." Oro 9B16%3 HURSKY, J. -I.. .- '- On the theory of flexibility of economic area3. Sbor zem 69 no.1:7"1 164. HMSKYP J. Magnesitig industry in Austria. Sbor zom 69 no.4019-320 164. Collection Nisnar geographische Scriften." Reviewed by J.Huraky. Ibid.046 HURSKY, J. S'lipplement to the list of towns in Czechoslovakia. Sbor zem 70 no.lt70-73 165. Process of urbanization in the Netherlands. lbid.:79-80 RINGELY J.; HURT...K.; ISERLE, J*; SVAB, J. Pheochromocytoma as an emergency surgical diseaLe. Rozhl. chir. " no.6082-385 Je 165. 1. Detake oddeleni (vedouci doe. dr. J. Ringel), urologicke oddeleni (vedouci MDr. K. Hurt) a ocni oddeleni (vedouci doc. dr. J. Iverle, CSc.)j nemocnice Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi v Pardubicich a Urologicka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlove University v Hradcl Kralove (prednosta doe. dr. J. Svab, CSc.). HUT, K.; MARHOLD, J. P- HERMALUT, J. Occupational tumorg of the urinary system in Czechoslovakia. Neoplasm 8 no.5;.951-560 161. 1. Urologische Abt. d. Bezirkskrankenhauses, Pardubice, Forachungz institut fur organisohe Syntheseno Pardubice-Rybitvi,, - ;- Betriebssanitatodistrikt der Ostbohmischen chemischen Werke Semtin- Rybitvi. (UROGLUITAL SYSTM neo 1) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (MiCIZOGENS5 HURT Text=* -a" Struclurld dmixes 6 SH Abw, P U. U. bgtkh qt~umnfdm~~Udwlunymmyuj Yl* #Y, I zecu.j. Umm. Aramp IA, 4LM5-URq kJamask sum Day); cf. C.4. 52, 21 IZV.-Ilm orien= of Sitan, fit: was studied by meant of x-rays. At continuous clon. gadou, a tempomy orientation in a certain area of the Ptlou (ratio) was observed. 71ils orknutim suggests = the poaWity of a miniature telescopic effect w A tinuous elongution, Is carried out above the croosi of 2nd degree. The change of blackeziNg Inteasity~gIElla-i tropic ( ) reflections was observed, starting frout the Acingatiou (ratio) relation 1:2.6 untO the breaking of the ej fiber. The obtained min. in the corrdation of intensity changes of bUcktaing of distropic- (002) reflections and the elongation indicated the =4 advantageous ourch. pmper- tinof the fiber. The tnechmlsm of tiongaticm by applying t continuous process above the crossing point of 2nd dextee Y. 'vis, h, dimcmicd. lats Midw- H'MJq V.; KUSAK, A. Modernization of machine tools. p. 218. STROJI.VMKA VYRCBA,. (Anisterstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Hinisterstvo presneho strojirenstvi a Ministerstvo automobiloveho prmWlu a zenedelskych stroju) Prahas Czechoslovakia. V01. 7) no. 5., Hay 1959- Monthly list of East European Accessiora (LTAI)., W, Vol, 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl, HURT Vratielay. inz. JAMMU,. Martin, inz. Determining the orientation of fibers by means of targent line to the inflection point of blackening curve. Chem rvesti 16 no.9:660-663 S 162. 1. Vyskumny uotav chemickych vlakien, Svit, okreo Poprad. jPTIQO,.xQkAr-L Fmmination of the propagation velocity of longitudinal waves in petrographic models. Studia geophys 6 no.2:IW175 I(Q4, 1. Institut fur geophysikalioche Erkundung, Karl-Marx- 'Univeraitats Talstrasse 3~# Leipzig C 1,, Deutsche Demokratische Republik. .HUBU V., ing.1 MAKNESCU, T. Quick calculation of obord reduction correctiors in projeotIonot stereographial uniqug gmant plan,, Brasov and Qatfas-Kruger. Rev geodesie ? no.1s6-14"63. 1, Direotia dj zistemat~zare, arhitectura si prieotare a;q=atrugtiilor, Tg. Mureo (for *.=ba).' 2.I.S.P.A. Bucureati (for Marirfocu). ,HURUBAN, ivo; VITEK, Bohumir Pressure distribution in the cellar and foundation masonry. Acta tech Cz t no.4s353-370 160* (MUI 9:10) 1. Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,, Institute for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Building Department, Brno. (Masonry) (FouridationO (Basements) HURWIC, Josef, prof. dr Radioactivity of protons. Probl(jmj 19 no.103646 163. Demography from the point of view of historT of social development. 654 HURWIC, Jozef "Werner Heisenberg and the 1hpics of our timeO by F~--'Ltz Bopp, Reviewed by Jozef Hurwic, Rocz chemli 36 no.11;1719-1720 162. EMIG , Jozef Jozef Rollneki (1889-1962); on the first anniversary of his death, Postepy fizyki 14 no. 31 281-287 163. 1. Katedra Fizyki, Wydzial Chemiczny, Politqchnika, Warszawa. I -, ~` HURWIC, J.,, prof. dr; CIBOROWSKI, S.# doe. dr Report from the Congress of Delegates of the Polish Chemical Society. Wiad chem 17 no. 7;432-433 JI 163. 1. Wiceprezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego, Warszawa for Hurwic). 2. Sekretarz Polskiego Towarzystwa hemicznego, ~arazawa (for Ciborowski). ~ HURWIC, Jozef, prof. dr , . In Bunsen's city. Problemy 19 no.12:754-762 163. 1. Wicepresee Polskiego Towarzyotwa Chemictnego, Warszawa, 9---- HURWIC, Jozef, prof. dr Xenonic and kryptonic acidB. Problemy 20 no. 4: 246-247 164o ob- .6 is. 091 0. 30 I" jai&* ~tw NMPW wvw 0 0, mtkbc-Y RowhL TAU*COIL W. 1). Ntil" iN C". - e dW= t and SovWt cbmisu we outlined. Fmak C-nnet 09.133 '.547.412133.01), : b47.53209 : 547551 vAterxim ftheit-n of wAter In he"FrIve SV14 cosch'M Triffiehlirlhe III the 1401verblot In I'leterMI&SINM of 1111"10 Hooffle"l. ~Sttltonwanlf ron.'Rycollyrh rtr-twordw wqxly w lwtuettle I riletv- rfil-ritis wrOn jal;r; rob -1sim-cynhilkow w lotinsi.suirls immirntAw dliv%ln- wycic. IttirmyAl 0. 10.4. $111 S" %,!I, I Into-% 11%hirt A's xnTutiol" 411 *,Iirr III twit-1w A"'I estlotin totrachlarl( Inottend of clehydmtr:t be"rette niod emkocoo to- tnrhlnrl,lr - a dig '1e moment of anifint, wism delpinvol"l; oUrfectric c"witatits fit the oil ents upplift4i wic u*M The results are III a-,-rre- Mroil w4h lite dit~ecililaltteol by Wher tnve3tirntors sho have wel 111,111PUMIs solvrotA. fil)PIltAtiOn Of the 141111`11111 111110TAttd With w!'Irr swikemv It IM-Mi I for Imth lite uppmrtvs3 awt the ItOinklite tit T" to I- i1rh xImplrr -C Pr J j I i ehe~ ido, malwoAd sobdoft d WOW to bee"" md arble $Wo- od" as go Odwalm Ow memewswerm 41 mpb me- WAQW. jaft&~("tftb. lost. mys.- cbm., on. n 114-41(tost xxog"O pww rAi%w so dkd. by we of pallf. $19%,v0dolfamr. OW CC4 63 edge is butow of i4w. CA OW CON (dkke. Man. film ukm into dmirili&ratlan of &W. *ad troomatemals. S. NoWnshm I---- HU-171--ruc'--J.- - --- - ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- "Popularization of Chemistry b~r the Polish Associaticn of C~emistrj." P. 327. (PW,-,E',7fsT. Vol. 10, No. 6, June, 1954, Warszwm, Poland) SO: Mlonthly List of East European Accessims, (EEQ), LC, Vol. If, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncl. VA 4,,,'A quantum-mechimical appmtch w Zacharfasen a g flurwic (Int. Ti.-cclin;J., amaw q'Illi-Al Lmauugewuw in It= -c4 mitull. The ttit.d o(o. of vah:mv titctrisits %ct., calt-J. Tht! spati.&I cilkifiguratioll from d1t-..;e 41mAdviat~'tai wan con-- 'dAunt Willi Za rhatia-cib's nterv-dwei. tule (CA. Zs' .1751.1), itcct:,rding to whii-l- thi.; -iiiii,itratiun dt pcjids on the (Oal 11o. of vahawt: ch(UG14q. I - HO-wal - J. - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - Bulletin - Vol. 2. no* 10, 1954, Suggested standard for low dielectric constant. In English. P. 489. SOt Monthly list of Feet European Accessions,, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4. No. 9s Sept. 1955 uncle - 11.~~ "Shortcomings of Polish Chemical Literature.," by Jozef Hurw.4,c, published in Nauka Polska 4th Yearp No. 1(13),, Warsawp Polish Academy of Sciences, 1956, from the Warsaw Polytechnid. 21(8) P&M I BOOK EXPWITATION FOL/2380 Wrockawskie Towarzystwo X~%*Owe e Izotopyj dztel odczyt-Y o zastomovanisch (Isotopes; Four lactures on Their Application [Wrooftv] Panstvave wydawniftwo naukoves 1957. 73 p. 2pOOO copies printed, Ed.: Jan Mergentaler. PUM100i This publication is intended for both "icists and interested, I laymen 0 OOVERAM The collection of articles represents a series of lectures delivered at the Conference on the Use of Isotopes in Science and Technology organized by the WrooZavskie Towazzystwo Nankowe (Wrocbw [Breslau] Science Association) at the Politechnika WrocZmmka (WroaZav Polytechnic Institute),, Nov, 5., 1955. The introduction was given by the chairman of the Association, Professor Doctor Stanislaw IftlazynakI. The text of the four lectures is given in this volume. The discussions Vhich followed these lectures are not given, No references are given, Card 113 Isotopes (Conte) TABLE OF C Preface POL/2380 5 Ttrzebistowski, Wlodziizderz. Radioactive Chemical Elements. This 7 paper contains basic Wormation about rad1Oi90tOPest their properties and preperatione Bexanowski, Tedausz, Use of Isotopes in Biology This is a brief review of the development of isotopic methods in biological research*17 Mosaicki,, WjodzjMjerz. Isotopic Ana3,vsis in Absolute Chronology 31 The author rev we met#210 used in age determinstpn with Ue aid of radioactive isotopedt-ur-1- dating, carbon CJ-* dating, and other methods. Hurwjo, jozef, Use of Isotopes as Presented by the ftneva Conference, With Partl&aw Attention to Radlochemiatry This PaPer Is a brief gwnwy of the discussions on the use of isotopes held at the 61 International Conference on the pean-eful Use of Atomic Energy., Geneva, August 1955- The author =Mtjons the fact that the Soviet card 2/3 Isotopes (Cont.) POL/2380 contributed radlosative isotopes for the Polish research program. AVAIIAZZ: 14brary of Congress TK/mg card 3/3 9-30-59 HURt.41C, JOZEF. U progu nowej epoki. (Wd. 1. Warszawa). Kslazka I Wiedza, 1956. 70 p. (At the threshold of a new epoch. lat ad. illus., ports., footnotes). SO: Month3,v List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6. June 1957, Uncl. B-4 pLL,I.y Chomical B01(1- jD / physical Chomistry. MOlOculO ,,bs Jour Rof Zhur - Xhim., No 10, 1958, No 31480 Author i Jozof Hurwio, Jorzy Michalczyk., Krystyna PogorzolsIM. Inst I Titlo : Intormolooular Compounds of Pyridino and i,cotic ~--Ad. orij., Pib I Roozn. chom., 1957, 31, No 1, 265-275. ;.bstraot t Tho diolootric polarization (DP) of pyridino (I) and aootic acid (II) mixturos in ratios corrosponding to I: 4 11 casd 2 1 : 3 11 was dotorminod in diluto bunzono solutions. 11ho difforonco botwoon tho oxporimontal valuo of tho DP and'tho sum of DF-s of tho componont parta of tho mixtuft vras 0.87 cub. cm in the caso of tho first solution and 1.04 cub. cm in tho caso of tho socond solution. Thus, tho DP, samo as cthor physical magnitudos rf tho mixtures Card 1/2 Pol';j4D Physical Chemi,try. MoIGQu1O. Chcmical Bond, B-4 AbG Jour Rof Zhur - Xhim',j MO 10 A 1958, NO 31480 undor study, BhOV13 groat divoreonbos from additivity. Tno prosonoo Of a sorio, of comploxos, tho compo Which doponds an blo mochanism of thO conoontration, is assum sition of tho od. L proba- formation of thoso comploxos is sugd"tOd- Bibliography with 21 titlos. Card 2/2 . vv tiux Ic, J. 16th International Congress of Pure and Applied CIL-mistr7. p. 81. (KOSMOS. SERIA Bs PRZYW'CDA NIEOZYWIONA.) (Warimawa, Poland) Vol. 4, no. 1, 1958 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EIAI) W Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 poLOD Org&UiO Oh*Mi8ttY- TheOrsti"l organic G-1 OheaistrYi, No 11 1959, 1133. Abs JOur's Ret Zhur-Khimiyas Dabrowskis J. .jr;*.Radzikowski s Author /.2-amino- Inst Not given, In O-r a Tautomerism in -constant Title The Investigat'c the Dielectric vinyl Acids by Measuring of~their solutions# Orig Pub: Roozn. chemot 1958, 32, No 159-161- revealed previously (RZbKh!Lm, 1955, lot: The tautomerism retraotometric and Abstrs 4005q 195qt 26610) by Means of -aminovinyl ket- I in speotrosooplo measurements (01j) CjjCH NR ones RCOCH RC C R1 a R; R' ='j; b R 2 n 3 H71 la R C2 H5.1 d R isO - C4 U91 R' a 0111.) is 0 R R' - CR3; Card 1/2 i f I it7V I A /"/ rI 307/25-59-5-1212/56 AUTHORt Hurwitz, J. Doctor of Technical Sciences (WARSAW) TITLEs A Great Career of a Small Gadget PERIODICALt Nauka i zhizn' 1959, No. 5t Pp 51-53 (USSR) ABSTRACTo The author is a Professor of Chemistry in the Warsaw Poly- technical Institute$ Vice-President of the Polish Chemidal Society, Member of the Executive Body of the Polish Society for the Propagation of Sciences, Chief Editor of the monthly magazines "Probleqr" and "The Contemporary Enoyelopaedia". He describes ebuliometers c-structed in 1925 and 1934 by the Polish Scientist W. 6vietoslavski jointly with W. Romer. This instrument measures accurately the boiling point of any liquid at a given pressure. There is 1 drawing and 1 diagram. ASMOIATION: Warsaw Politechnical Institute. Card 1/2. a 1-11'. 1 1 C"ll J -!-r-!7 Sf ,lic 1.9,,r of c~,f~mjcej ejqments and Its Prlt-or; or, t~.P 11--ndelee,v'a birth and the 90th anniverstiry of the p-iblirrti-i of th r-prlr~dla I law. 1). 93. KOSITOS. SMLk V.- PRZTRCDA N'TrIMT-41-C~!U. (Pol skle To, two Przyrxlnlk-~~,-- !-.n. Kopernilm ) Warszai;;,-v Poland. Vol. 5, no. 2, 1959- Monthly Ust of Enst European Accessions (ZFAI) IL, Vol. 8, No. 8, Atigust 1959. UNCL HURWIC, .1039f ------- &trapolation of the specific refraction of a dissolved compound to an infinitely high dilution. Rocs ahemii 34 no.lsA75-278 160. (KM 10:9) 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Technology, Warsaw. (Refraction) (Solutions) HMICO -Tozef; MICHAIZZYK, Jerzy Relation between the saturated vapor pressure and dielectric cons for certain binary liquid oystems. Rocs chemil 34 no.511423-1438 160o (Em 10:9) 1. Natedra. Chemii Fisymej Politecbniki, Warszawa. (Vapor pressure) (Dieleatrics) (Liquids) (Systemo(Chemistry)) HURWICP Jozef, prof. dr Geneva for Uie third tl*~. Frobleaq 20 no.11%646-664 164. In Wilhelm Tell's country. Ibid.:690-692 164. HURWIC, JToxefj HICHALOZYK9 Jerzy Relation between the saturatod vapor pressure and density of now binary liquid system, Roos chemli 34 no,5:1439-1 3 160. I &Z9 10: 9) 1. Katedra. Chemii Fizyoznej Politecbniki, Warszawa. (vapor pressure) (Liquids) 075temB(Chemist"7)) 26833 P/046J61/006/007/005/008 WOO D249/D302 AUTHORSt Hichalezykp Jerzyp and Hurwic Jizof--. TITLEs Dipole moments of complexes of uranyl nitrate with tributylphosphate IFERIODICALi Mukleonikar V. 61 no. 7-8, 1961, 503-509 TUTS The following workp wbose object is to find what complexes are formed by UO (NO.3)p with tri bu tyl phosphate (BP) determine their 2 dipole momentap is an extension of the work of V. B. Shavchonko and his co-workeraq who failed to report on their methods of Investigations A saturated solution of UO 2(NO3)2 in TBP was carefully prepared (free from HP10 and HN03). The mole fraction (z) Of UO in this solution was do- g(N03)2 termined spectrophotonstrically by Wyadynyaw Rutkowski at Pracowni Chenii Analitycznej IW, Warzows (Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry IW, Warsaw)e Portions of this solution were dissolved In varying amounts of pure benzene to give four solutionsp each with a different weight fraction (w) of Card 1/5 26833 P/040JOI/008/007/005/008 Dipole moments of**@ D949/MO9 170g(NOS)2 - TDPV but with constant x values Further portions of the satu- rated solution were diluted with TDP to give three solutions, snub with a different x values Prom each of themop(xa series of bonsene solutions was madep each solution with a different w for each series was constant), For every resulting solutionp the dielectric constant E 0 the density d and the refractive index m wort datermineds The value was found by the hetrodyne beat methodl d was found planometricallyp while a was obtained with the aid of a universal refreatometere Prom the values of vq d, E and nj the factors Ot , 13 and Y were determined for every solution where d-db =g- 102 - 0 a . E - C b lad Y b (the postscript b Wdb Eb 2 'W% refers to -the pure solvent, lots, benzene). The specific polarization Pf for the U02(NO3)2 - TEP was calculated at Infinite dilution from dbl F-b' CC and 8 and the specific refractivity R was ca 'Iculated from dbt nbl s( and Y * The values thus obtained of P and R were plotted against x@ The Card 2/5 Dipole mmonf.4 off*@ 26833 P/046JOI/006/001/005/006 be"/Wog maximum value of z obtained vam M26.01 a lure V6,008). f" Complex Vould have x a O*5f house It am -be Interred that the salurated solution does not coamimt of this complex ilea*# Extrapolation of W experimental carve of the P values against x to x 0 Cos gives 7 0o415 ama Obore I rotor& to VOS(NOO)l - TBPo Mines the experimental graph deviates from the straight linop It may be assumed that at higher TV soncentrations the complex VO I(Nods 9TBP as voll as free UP are present* If so free TAP were promost, additive relationship of the two complexes could be expected having to a linear relationship between Ahe P and zo A plot of P versus z vmld tbom give a straight lime passing through AAo point (P a 094160 x - 095)o It a tangent to the a orimostal curve at x w 0.5 be extended to most,,& vertical line at x a 0*331corresponding to VOA(NOO)i 2w) then as point of inter- tk~m method section Vauld give PIZ (vhor* 11 reform to VOR(NOS)t 273PO By P~j was found to be 0.465 amPj-'. A graph of R versus x given a curve Card 3/5 26833 P/048JOI/006/007/005/008 Dipole moments of*.. D249/9302 closely approaching a straight line* None* R, (. 00163 Cs 3g7l) and P-II (='00193 c2el) were obtained by extrapolation to x a 0.5 and x - 0.33 respectively. By multiplying the values PIP,, and RIRII by the molecular weight of the corresponding complazy the molar polarizationag (PI] and IVIII 9 and the molar refractITIU081 (RIJ md (RIII p were obtained. Prow these the dipole moments were calculated by, h~([Pj - '[R) "IT 4 a 011273 j . ~ valul '~ and found to be as follows:," 3,04DI:,"j, - 3,47D. he low value of /4,1(3,ID) found by Shevchouko "i due to his failure to recognize the pro- .sence of IUO 2(N'3)9 - TBP and free T13P in the solutions. The authors express their gratitude to Mi*ozysXav Tauben for his -valuable suggestion& and to Professor Witold Tomassise for the loan of apparatus. There are I filpre, 4 tables and 5 referencess 4 Soviet-bloc and I non-Sovist-bloc. The refer- ence to the English-language pubReatiou reads as follovot R. J. Le:Tevreq A. Vines J. Chow. Soo. 1805 (1937), Card 4/5 26c'~33-33 P/04$JOI/008/007/005/008 Dipole moments ofeea D249/D302 ASSOCUTIONs Politechnika Warazavsks, Warszawa, lydzi4 chemicanyo 'Katedra fisyki (War:aw Polytechnic, Chemistry Sectiong Department of rbysi a) SUBMITTEDs Mayo 1961 Card 5/5 IMRWIC, Azef, prof. dr. Rewards for sclentIfir. works cn nuclear energy. Frobler7 18 rc- 2- 147-149. '62 1. Czlonek Fanstwowej Rady i Komitetu Felsklej Akademli Nauk do Speaw Pokojowego Wykorz7atania Energil Jadrowej, Warszawa. R=ICpJox*f# prof* dr, I The prophet in the laboratory; Dymitr Mendeleev and the periodic table of the chmical e1mentso Problery 19 to-5034-349 162, 1. lierownik Katedry Fisykip Wydzial Chemicuq, Politechmil-A. Warszawa,. HURWID, Jozef A symposium on complex compourxl~, Problemy 3.8 no.8s592-596 162. HUA~aC, Torof TUementary wave meebanion applied to quantum ohomistryg b7 We Heitler. Revimied by Jozef Hurwic. Rooz ohemii 36 no#5087 162, HURWIC~ JoZef "Nuclear- and radiochemistry; fundamentals, practical methods and technical applicationy by Roland Lindner. Reviewed by Jozef Hurwie. Przem chem 41 no.12:736 D 162. POLAI,I'D HURWIC, Jozef Departnent of Physics of tho Division of Ghemistry,, Warsaw Polytechnic School (I'atedra Pizyki na 'Ilydziale Chem-4cznym Politechniki var,,3ZaWSI(iCj)j, Warsaw 1963 Crakow, Postepy fizvki, 110 3,/pp 281-88. "Jozef Rolinski (1889-1962)". HURWIG, Jozefp prof. dr HA*rnualei. Problemy 19 n~-51318.11.63- HM _jozefE prof* dre. . g~ -w 4~ million degrees, Problemy 19 no,6:387 963~ NICHALGZYK, Jerzy;,HURWIO,_joz.ef- Uranyl nitrate complexes with tributylphosphate. Nukleonika 9 no. 6:483-484 164. 1, Department of Physics, Division of Chemistry, Technical University, Warsaw. -HURWICS Jozefj JARZYNSKA, Stafania; ICCHALCZYK, Jerzy The Th(N03)4. 2 dipole moment. Nt*leonika 9 no. 6t484-485 164. The IA(NO3)31 3TBP dipole a4mant. Ibid.1486 1 4 .I 1. Department of Physics, Division of Chemistry, Technica.1 university, Warsav, HURWIC, Jozef I-- - -_ --- - - - Antihypeions. Problemy 19 [i.e. 20] no. 2:U6 16,49 _L 501'3-66 EfiT(m) DIAAP ACC NP- AP5025546 YU/0020/65/000/002/0023/0028 AUTHOR: Hurwic, Jo-ref Ororov Doctor, Presid6nt) TITLE: Activities in the nuclear field In Poland SOURCE: Nukl carna energijn, no. 2, 1965~ 23-28 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear power, nuclear physics, n4~plcar research ABSTRACT: Following a brief historical Introduction, this article, %~Tlttcn by a Polish scien- tist for the Yugoslav scientific community, discusses the m..dn 17 Institutions related to varlout aspects of Polish nuclear research efforts and descrIlbes various pixticle accelerators tuld nuclear reactors. The author outUacs the current programs In the physics of the atemic nucleus, elementary particles, cosmic rays, solid and liquids, and plasma. The status and advances in radlochomistry, radiation chemistry, technology of re-,ictor fuel aiie, reactor ma- terials; and isotope uses In physics, chemistry, engineering, hiology, medicine, wid agricul- ture are discussed, The author concludes by stating that the first nuclear power plant Is scheduled to go, into operation sometime after 1970. Orig. art. has: 4 figiires. ASSOCIATION: Coumission for Publication and Popularization of the State Counciland the Qgpim h ? lish Aeademv or"~iil-en~c-~Wacomisva _fRt Uses of Atomic Energy of t c I o - ----------------- -- I - _.- ...... ---.1 ~ .1 za publilmoije I. popularizacijq. Drzavnog saveta I. Nom fleta za mirnodopsku primemi nucloaxDe energlje Poljske akademijo natika) . 1;"; -- L 5013-66 ACC NRI AP5025546 I SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 NO REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 I SUB CODE- NP POLAND -TS, Jerzy, mgr inz.; WOSIEKj Stafania, mgr inzo dr; KU Chair of.Physics# Section of Chemistry of Warsaw Poly-technic (Katedra Fizyki na Vydziale Chemicznym, Pulitochniki, Varszava) (for all) Warsaw, Chemia analitycznal No 6, November-December 1965, ppl365-1371 "Determination of water content of trotyl, by the method of dielectric constant measurement." L a3779-67____MPkjj Rm_ I-FACC-Nki-ftW31702 SMCE COD91 P0/0O99/66/040/M/UWffU4G AUTHOR: Htuvic Josef j Smialek-Kazmisrowska.L Sonia; Malissewski, Bogdan _7DI 00:Z CRG: Department ct Physics,, Chemical Faculty, Institute of Technology, Warsaw (Katedra Fisyki na Wydziale ChendczMm Politeemiki) TITLE: Dipole mononts of sow phosphoroorgani3 compound4tith sulphur and seleni=:.., ;#" no. 3 ).%6 SOURCE: Roviniki chemii-annales sooistatis chimicas polonorump V, 409 487-4W TOPIC TAGS: organic phosphorus compound,, dipole moment,, sulfur, seleniuu ABSTRACT: Dipole somients of 6 phosphoorganic compounds with sulfur and selenii- do the-dilute solution method (in dry benzene) with an accuracy of E4q,~, ,,rrmined by t 092D, Orige art# has: I tables [JFRSt 36tO021 CODE: 0? SUM UTES 190at65 OPM MW: 001 SOV Mn Oor MW: 002 V4- A a LC~rd__1/1 PIV~ fil) I~w I.CI M HURWIC, M. Polonization of chandcal terms. P. 169 (Wiadmo3ci Chmiczne) Vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 1936, Wroclaw, Poland SO: MONT= INIZX OF FAST BUROMN ACCLSKONS (MAI) LC, WL- 7, ND. 1, JAN. 1958 "HMWIC, Maria, -m-Arr Cancer and resistance to it. Problemy 21 no.4:246 165. JIRKA, j.; FENCL, V.; q_~f~Gflo Jt HOPMYCH, A. Intermittent peritoneal dialysis. Cas. lek. cesk. 1-03 no.471 1289-1299 20 N 164. 1. Ustav pro choroby krevniho, Praha-K,-c, ( md1t,-,1 prof. dr. J. Brod, DrSc.), GHVAPIL, M.1 MACEK, M.; HURYCH,J. The physiology of fibroblasts. Study on collagen synthesis in tissue cultures of fibroblasts. Ceske fyeiol. 14 no.2t93-97 Mr 165. 1. Ustav hygieny prace a chorob, z povolani a Ustav vyzkmm, vyvoje ditete fakulty detakeho lekarstvi Karlovy Universityp Praha. FaRckl, Z., n. 7,-ui 13 L 2060-66 ACCM310N NRI AP%2?291 CZ100531651011,1002100931riM AUT11011i ChMil, Met 114aeki liol Iturych, J, ,j Physiology of fibroblasts, Study of blosynthes.1s of colla ITTTLF gon In ties 0 otiltiireiv of fibroblasts SOURCru Ceakoslovnnaka fyalologie, v. .114, no- -1, 19(15. 93-97 TOPIC* TAGJt cytolorv, Mamie physjolor~y, bionytithnsis, blochomintry. nmino a(sid. protoln, histology, c,-1.1 ,q of fibroponoue 0 A 113 111 A C T: PhYB tolor calls# ostooblaatep and ch n*- idroblasts to diaeussod; morphological Characteristics are do- scribed, mitoohondria#--oZrto~lasmatiu-Rramiles-and--their oomp J--- 03 Ition are discussed* Froe am noaoidd characteristic of Collagen iacoumulatinr, in fibroblasts are evaluated. Mosynthouio of Col- 11agen proteins in ribosomes# dhape changes in andoplasmic robicula are disoadoed, Investigation of Collagen structure by X-ray dif- !fraotiong elao.tron,pAproso.opej chemical dnalysisp elftd sequential Cani 1/9. L 2060-66 291 on of mol 0 .kCcr.5310ij lilt: AP50 - chemistry, intera0bi ais of dosoribode, Bjophynlado~hojogj# and 1,10100sta aro de- tra,lovGroe aggrog4tiOn' Pat it, polymorication eouleflIp -its pre0AM"I", and indurltrial dust' by tropooollagen # of fibrobla$bi6 Of~oot Of ain Concentration Of ,scribed, study, 0111tureg is discussed, C01't apron metabolist" in Anoan.9 Of tissuc oollpgen formation. 0011 d Senerationj jo acid Jndu00 8110 dio in a ~r ollia Is is disounseM Diploid 0 do mall,tain 46 Chromosomes diPlDid 001 strajils. DiplGi jasts according to ce hoteroPloid 0011 unlit OhMes or pro.tOin in fibrob of calls is discus" ',-modUIS. (;ontent 'proline content -n-are--des0ribed,-Hydroxy - -by- Mrlns--Of-tft!?Ae"~~i"o 6rigi ---- 1-stif-study Collagen protein metabol OrIge arte bast 2 tables* sods ad 9 is described* Institute of Work acids and taK8 pov0l'"'L, VraG-do ( rake detsks lake ,4t Ugt&v 11yeleny PrAL00 a chorob r Faculty Of 10, pediatriOdi ASSOCTAT jonal Diseds0s)l Unt" vyDzk%V11Gmj1ovpyov0njtq diteto 11yGiono and OccuPat SeAroh of Chill j.Ku, Prague (Institute for Re - - SUB CODE1 riticLi 00 S1113ILMED61 00 OTllM 1 020 JPRS IM RrF SOVI 2/2. HURYCH, Jose f;'CHVAPILp Miloo Relation of proline bydr=71ation and collagen blosynthesis to other motabolie prooemmes. Prao. leke 7 no.83342-345 0 *65. 1. Ustay bygieny prace- 4--ehorob z povolani v Praze (reditel - prof, drs J, Teivingerpargo.). tt "NW" M956031470 SOURCE CODE i CZ/0008/66/000/003/0312/03 31 AUTHOR: Hurych, Joeefj Chvapil, Milos ORG: IWatitutefor Work Hygiene and for Occupational Diseases, Prague (Ustav hygieny prace a chorob z povolani) TITLE: Biosynthesis and petaboli of collagen SOURCE, Chemicke! listy, no- 3, 1966P 312-333 TOPIC TACS: biosynth6sis, biologic mettbolism,, protein ABSTRACT: Metabolism of collagen depends on the atypical content of amincacidsp,am the presence of hydroocyproline and hydroxylysine, on the amount of tropocollagen, and its age. The structure of tropocollagen is discussed. Biosynthesis of collagen is compared to the synthesis of proteins. Activation of hydroxyproline and hydraxylysine, their complexes with a-ribonucleic acid, formation of peptidic chains, and the investigation of the structure of collagen by an electron microscope are described. Hydroxylation of proline and lysinex formation of their hydroxy- derivatives, metabolism of collagen proteins, and the mechanism regulating this metabolism are described. Orig. art. has: 6 figures.. 3 formulas and 3 tables. 1JPRS: 36,0021 SUB CODE: 06, 07 / SUBM DATEI none / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH Fd;F: 102 HURYNOWICZ Janina - - The problem of biophysics. Koemos biol 12 no.2tl57-158 163. HUHrNOWICZo JANn(A. Wlyw niektarych arodkow naseWch i narkolycwwch na , adavy c-w - syjnej pobudivosci virl aft blo&dkowgo u krolikow. L influsum do certaines substances narcatiques at sawtiferes mw llexcitabilits chronazique do 18appersil vestibulaire chas Is lapin. Tbrum Wds,, Nauki *-stva, Ogvi&tF* 3947. 95 p. Ufluence of saw sawiferms and narvotic drugs an changes In the chronexis of the vestibule system of rabbits. ftench rammay. CU Not in DLG SOURCE: Ust Europeans Accessions List (ZEU), LGI, VO?,. 59 1000 3,9 March 2m ee4 fit 14 _r) -yJ I 061 of so 00 *V 004 0 00 90-3 a 6 0 4 0 6di6 as see**&* 0 4 - Aq 1 ots) . ........... 4-p "so Ths 400d Of *WtGk BWOOk Wd WWWWOM sub- '06 - Stamen as on -94, ' die Waiv. Tortkoij. 1 1' E. I - AW .0 . . 4 IV471(in French). du 9 ( ing of the "*.movv awnt of the IS 0) ucvqi by the mid: minitimlion ofIall, chue. amfine. - see NA11r. xigqrx. Omf 1. Pant MW To k4anline wrrr =so I Ir age too we* use L- Alaz LITI04TWI CLASSIFICATION ItIm" 0.41Ave Do- No.O. S t~--r- *so Got m do* M too so"44, v a fw0 '1 IF 0 9 a 4 3 0w AT so al; a I a w" 1-r- T 0 0 no 0 0 0 0 ; me 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 a 6 * 0 0 0 0 :,so so 0 0 10 0 0 11 1) 11 4 0 M I? bi ;b It A m oil wu ps aw A A 4 IL I I-ILI -411- A.4 14 11 1 U 6 a A J.' _7j 141#.51,41 AU 1.*e livacip UMY6%-j a pay rek's. ('61'"IA %%-K~ aml the .1 Arfew,&c#,lftjr 6 Ww,iw. N- 2 1:14-33. P-4- 1140 1`14:6-11 mm-~-y A, Sl 35. DWO Sli-~ Ott tow A-ttlow h4o, rolloorted dAta .4 the Of" 1 #4 elitts.41W iftf -A- - "vNlfliwk" too all A .... kjwi- with -i-L,r mvjr~ A M"'"I - 'I' i" f".Cof"I ago A'Loo,-.. I i tow-, fsmmvt% mto$ W-6. fv.* llom its rv o I v,4,ijQian %bith A P'A in 00 1 1'$ 4MI 4 -61- 44- m W41% 6 owv o.1 4-1 dowl"t too 4014 4 lilk .4mil-mv s41.,4,6-1. so*- m.1.10 I,* f. Ow SrAr (4-41 %A.Allom jw~ 6.1.). 1'. off- i i.s m tlw sof,flimmi Itow Soofml 11m4oago, WNW bylLivno. ch"loatte Otto. P40111kal meteofelfty. It R. too so 8 of- 44641sp .10 Gov alit F- -'#-Ir--r -oo~ 3 0 u e 0, ad a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 HUWNOWICZ' J. OMPIC I . ~ . ~~ . %Popp The vestibular system of the rabbit in fatigue. Pull. Soo. anis me. Poznan; Ser. 0. no-3:17-34 1952. (CIXL 23:4) 1. Presented by Prof. Janina Jurynowics, N.D. before the Class of Kedicine on 25 Pob, 1950. 2. Of the Department of Neurology of Vicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. HURTNOVICZy Janins, ChrorwW and QrbnlskI's absolute method. Acte, physiol. polon- 5 no.4s 465-475 1954. 1. 2 Ukladu Neurofisjolegil Kikolaja Iropernika w Toraniu. (MMY S, pbvsiology. chron&Vp determ., I Fisjologit Porownawczej Uniw. Kierownik: prof.dr. J.Harynowics. Cybulski's method) HURYNDWICZ, Janina Mats of Schisandra chinensis on ]MG of man exhausted by mental work; prolimina:ry note No. 1. Neur, &c. poiska 6 no96: 781-789 Nov-Deo 56. 1. Zaklad nourofisjologii I Rijologii Porownavczej U.M.K. w Toruniu, Kiorownik Prof. dr. J. Hurynowicz. (TATIGUN, -physiol. off. of Schisandra chinonsis extracts on ING of man exhausted by ment. work (Poi)) (PLANTS, extracts ftbizandra chinansis, off. on MIG of man exhauste& by mont. work (Pol)) (EUCTROINCIPHAIDGRAPHY, off. of drugs on SchisavAra Oinensts extracts In man exhausted by ment. work (Pol)) ~~/ 0,01" 0 L'_) / C ZI., j, POLAND/Hunan and Animal Physiology - General Problemas Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biole., No 1j, 1958P 3637 V-1 Author : J. Narebski, Z. Hinz,, J. Hurynowicz Inst Title : Electroencephalography in Rabbits by Contact Electrodes Orig Pub ; Acta Physiol. Polon., 19562 7, No 4) 487-493 Abstract : Electrodes are described which are analogous to those used in clinical testse Card 1/1 POLAND / Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. Electroencephalogram of Man. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,, No 22, 1958) 102230. T Author : Chmielewska, Z.; Narebski, J.; Hurynowicz, J. Inst 1 4JQJ~~ Zuklad Neurofizjologii Porewmv"e~d -UrMrK-e-* Toruniu Title The Influence of Schizandra Chinensis on EEG in Emaciated Patients with Neurosis with Depression Traits. Preliminary Report. II. Orig Pub: Neurol., neurochirurg. i psychiatr. polska, 1957, 7, No 1, 41-51. Abstract: in 4 patients, the intake of Schizandra Chinensis tincture (for 28 days, 40 drops per diem, in fati- gue induced by mental stress) was accompanied by disappearance of dysrythmia and morphologic dissim- ilarity of the waves on FM. The number and ampli- tude of alpha-waves increased; they acquired a spindleshaped periodicity. ***Kierownik: prof. dr J. Hurynowicz. Card 1/1 NIMTMSKI, I.; KAMMZZW, A.; HURTNOWI-Cz,_ J, I HIETKUWSKI. A.; NAMYSZLPW. A.; OWICZ, J. Chronaxymetric studies on the vagus eystem in artificial hibernation. Acta pbysiol. polon. 8 uo.3:466-467 1957, 1,.Z Zakladn Fisjologil Pomorekiej A. M. w Szczecini* Kie-yownik: prpf,, dr B. Hietkiewski Z Zakladu Neurofizjologii i Fisjologii Porownawesej Uniwersytetu im. M. Kopernika w Torunim Kierownik: prof. dr J. Harynowics. (HIHKMTION, ARTIFIGIAL, effoots, on vogal nhronaxymetry (Pol)) (NXRVBB, VAGUS, physiology, chronaxymetry, eff. of artif. hibernation (Pol)) NOWICKA$ H,; BAWIEL# 0.; MAR KI, J.; JANISMSKI, U; HUMOW ICZ J, Effect of Schizandra chinensis on vestibular chromaxy following hypo- thermia in rabbits. Acta pbysiol. polon. 8 no.3t487-488 1957. 1. Z Zaklada Nourofizjologii i lizjologii Porowna~cxej Uniwerytetu im. M. K(Ypernika w Toruniu Kisrownik: prof. dr J. Hurynowicze (ANALMICS, effects* Schirandra chinenaia, on vestibular chronazy after hypo- therpkla'in rabbits (Pol)) (VISTIBUIAR APPAUTUS, affect of drugs on, Schizandra chineuste on chronaxy after hypothermia in rabbits (Pol)) (H"OTHWU41A. effects, on vootibular chronmq response to Schizandra chinansim(Pbl)) NOWICKA, H.; XkRZIRSKI, J.; JANISZZWSKI, L.; HUMOWICZ. J.; RA 131. 2. Effect of Schizandra chinenais on electroencephal in rabbits following hypothermia. Acts. nhyalol. polon. 8 no0"3:488-490 1957- I@ Z Zakladu Neurof isjologii i lizjologii Porownswczej Universytetu M. KDpernika w Toruniu. lierownik: prof. dr J. Ek2r7nowics (ARAIMPTICS, effects, Schin-andra chinensis, on 3IG after hypothermia in rabbits (Poi)) (SISOTROJINCIPHAIOGRORY. eff act of drugs on Sohisandra chinensis after hypothermia in rabbits (Pol)) (HYPOTMMIA, effects, on ING responses to Schizandra, chinensis in rabbits (Pol)) RMHOWICZ, Janina; ICAMINIAP Wojalech An imnroved s7stem for the investigation of vasomotor chronaxy of the thumb. Postep .y hig. Lied. do9w. 12 no.5021-526 1958. 1. W-lad ITeurofisjologii I Yisjologli Ko-nernil-a. Torun, ul. Mickiewim 24726. (PLRTMHOGPAM I registration of vasomotor PorownFtwesnej Uhiwersytetu Mikolaja chromxy of thumb (Pol)) BARGIEL Z.:- J, 0 'L. RIMY-M-1-a-Z-1. Chronazymetrlo studios on the excitability of the vasomotor .system of the rabbit ear based on a visual method. Acts. physiol.pol*U.11 no.5/6:648-650 160. 1. Z Zakladu Neurofisjologii i Fisjologil Porownawasej U.M.K. w Toruniu. Kierownik: prof.dr J, Hurynowicz, . (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM physiol) KADZIELA, W.; LISICKX, E.; HURYWOWICZ, J. Attqmpted photoelectric registration of vaeomotor reactions in the rabbit ear. Iota physiol.polon. 11 no.5/6:769-77o l6o. 1. Z Zakladu lourofisjologit t Irisjologii Porownavesaj Univeray- tetu M.1opernika w Tortmin, Kierownit: prof.dr J.Huryneviez. Z Zak3Adu 71xyki Doewiadesalnej Univeraytetu MANermtka v Tormdu. Kierownik: 'Prof. dr A.Jablonaki. (VASONOTOR SYSTEM physiol) I HURYSZ, Jan,, doze invel SIKORAO Vlodzimierzp dr Jnz, Influenoe of,the technical parameters of caved In long- walle on the concentration of mining& Przegl gorn 20 Ei.e*191 no*99353-357 3163* NJjKv z I ) -I Hurysz J. Hur-jsz J., Eng. *Long-Term Stocking of Flame Coal Fines." (Dlugoterminowe magazynowanie mialu plordennego). Ergeglad Gorglcz , No. 1, 1949, pp. '12-35. Yethods of stoclydng the flame coal fines. Organlsat~on of this stocking in the whole coalfield, and not only In one or several t1mes. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 1951 no N uri ?4- ;, , J. .f L- rwtbw A a p -- to V"w d sake" of "M IAY IM bwWWW WA6W. F=l llrlwcw(;&4wl7 7. 4;ffV44(IW#0.-A revir VA"W out In 1~11JO.4fl.1 otlwv tlw MWI# of IWO. H. A. k RnTIOIqzp J* nifil map, J o In"L 4&76 Od"m AOY#)# 154 VOL 8# 317-3M; Fuel Abstracts 190, v9I* 41, 127W)4 Ttim.wrtbw dtscrlbw tile Ma V 1954 InuvCwtion of highly ComprMod air tKO TWVIOAI drillinga in ada I;o ' , l . G ifi ti ratw1wa ltft WwIs smOmm. lit the Odividuia cal softo 9M to Op as ca on cracm acquiLre a fam of duLmels vhtO ari -camequomI7 titillsAd fcr Im prentre ga31fication. Results aM oomlwlam are given of fpotzed-~m catTl ed. out, (1,1., -A C . HURYSZ, J. "A quickly built barrier against fire." 'p.16) WIADOMOSCI GORNICZE (Panstwowe Wydawnietwa Technicze) Katowice. Vol 4,, no 1, Jan 1953 SO: EAST Earopean Accessions List Vol 4j, No 8, Aug. 1954 .ik V, Econo:,I.c utilisitim of coal depositr, P. 7 PX-,;!;-,LID 3PM,-IAU,'IC?dA. (Stcrwarzynanie insynim-m i je&-,1-ik(;w "olskichi i Ingtvtut Spawalnictow) Warszawi, loland. ~ol- 11, ~'o- Cct/,"al- 1559 M V Morth~y List of Eait Surope2n Accennions (:-:*-~Al) L", 'Vol.. 2 Feb. 1r)59 Uncl. HURYSZ$ Jant doe.,, mgr.,itz.; WySZCtjjRSKj, Jerzy, mpr.,irz. Hardening of sand otowingg Przegl gorn 17 no.10009-511 0 161. HIMMZ, Jan, doe. mgr ins. Combine dri" of handinge for speedy advancing in longwrall faceo. Przogl gorn 18 no.9:497-303 S 162. P/(-Io5/63/WO/009/OM/002 AIJTITORi frur-loz, J.,'Docent,~ V.,.ster of Enriniaoring 71 TLE: Fuming coal dumps F-rMODICA.'Lz Pr--eglad techniczny, no. 9., 1963., 1 TECT: 1,11astes, pollution and contwiination renultim from industrial activitiea pone serious Droblems in the coal basimi of TIpper and Lovier Silesia. Waste coal dmIlz tend to catch fire and to givo off f-tuntes poLluting I- he air. They create a WtIcu- larly hazardous condItion in the hd.ghJj industri-alAmed and densely popu.1,--tc.-I Goi-no- slaski Okrag Przemr-ilorvy (Uppor Si:.esia Iriduotri,-a District). nie amvjal acci--mula- tion of wantez3 in the vicLnity of coall nines in the fom of if,,neous rock.., slag, and ashes is considurable, in 1961 it amowited to about 33 rrUllon tons. Wastes tend to intarfLTe with the normal oparation of some ndnes., on sw-face and under- ground. Gradual elimination of ac(,i,=LLkt(,d inaous rock Iccone3 a necei:sity igneous rock is auitable for certain construction purposed,- but,due to its net-rog--aphic position and unaven granularity, roquLreo additionAl procossing and rach-inery'. This possibility is to be further explored. avid graduaily deveiopcd. The use of such waste as a general DIlcr and for urd,~-rpiniiing un(or,,,,,,rowid i,,,orkir,~.,*s is recc--:I,--.-.ded a3 an ipmediate solution. This vau-Ld require partial crushing, wid sortinZ of the rock Card 1 of 2 ij Card 2 of 2 1 . .1 1 I i I '. 1 1, ---l- -.., . . 17'. - I ~ . i i HMYCZ, Janp doe* mgr Ins* I The and of smoky heaps@, Przegl techn 84 no.12:4.,6 24 Mr 163, 1. Glowny Instytut Gornictwap Katowices, ADAMOVIC V M dipl. hm.; IF i& 0 69 mr. farm.; CKARAJ, S.0 apsol. hodle Isolation and identification of certain carbohydrates in dehydrated juice of mmet cabbage by insane of one-dimnsional paper chromatography, Glas. hig. inst. 9 no.1/2:45-55 '60. (VEGETABLES) (GARBORYMATES cbes) 1 or I X. pt o' V f-LAWV- go- 621JU14.31 : JJl.3W 087. IWM 4100 d"dr4ow" we. V. lh*& 1"A A CAY& 7% *Awy Is baW a mob% Y'kicts" md K * Op ~v, offt smfta(vqwmql= cwrkn in " ontraw" arc l1wor. Sk"m Xori, IN 64 (1934A. ow 0*0"m Nft maww 1 m L dffwim md cbmamomic (bem mobs am do *dmn In the pkwu 0( an rc 1, , I im m So at o te a p! 1, prcswm The ::I%*Im or m .-- -W O*Aatim of sum - or tho wc me ob :. ;M; M Q; Wwl, bw 0. =1 , - IN , '- in otapp=kmft wA wbkm" lonp"Wo MW febtim a( " cbman 1. oRdshm - M,' - SW Aim fps& is =, d by mmm of wa*gowkw expe"Icy. VKYW*Yofdw ml-on sooblalowdOokmof in rs&W is dbcmmd and m Maim b"wcc powe pa cm an knob and am " - is fow%L A I ,, Il for a 4 A-m fm sk yMb m are dw~ 0( GPM tow opm wo vqwbr"w A, -do vO&y of tM 1- is dakvwd to hm bm" I" *w wca up to I OW A. mms T. HUSAq V. Cihelkaq J, S,D%ierzbic)d's Hich-Tamdon Switches; a book review. P.489 vol. 45 no 9 Sept. 1956 FT ~~S~k6fr oBzoR 2ECHNOLOGY Praha, Czechoslovokia So! East European Accession Vol. 6, No. 2p 1951 L.-Se IL 1189,182t783 : 621.314A3 015. NEW TECIMIDGY MR TRZ MMUFACTURE OF UflhfAM~M PCAYSIt MD&S.A lul ftj~yx, L-C rn AAdhMIAdMr.. 6 boprou4wor, No. goo- Is Cloth. The now tockfil"o Is based on Me use cg a special carbon jig which is constr%tclod In socit it manner tW all tbej~~c*kqtcal operattou ivrol it W iiik* of a sarmwUum diode, are cam - pleted by plAtlog a hill assembled jig to Uw processing ovn. The usembly of the jig Is as tollows. A molybdenum cup combanint; a place Cd 0.1 mm union to PlAc" on top ad a r base plate which . carries a Most of 03 voin ttd~U; a pmanium viater in pJaced on top of W foil holds thevap; an top d The water comes a piece 4 0.3 mm Lri&ur* foil WXI a second Ma cvp; Me cup also c*rAaUw a piece of tinfoil havLng a thickne" of 0.7 mm; a braided copper Wad, terminated with a re itod-ple", Is placed into Um top cup. The use td the jig permits Uw mazadsclars of 10 A diodes with a small spreae, R.SsidoTowicz Distri 4EId 134, DWWVCZ OF TIM XATURAL YMUZNC-t OF Tfir RICOVIRT VOLTAOX UPON TfM WrjtRRupTj0N pjRMRM- ANCR OF AIFt-BLAAT CUM= BRZAKIRS. 4jhM and C1,411". Slektrotedi. Ob"r, Vol. 47, No.7,340-64 (103sy-Z-Vtock- ftcuslqa Ow br"k4aws strength bowom contsets u WUmn- 'CO bY W pt"AUT4, W ear*CA. &Wtna *zalsslon AM aleetzode G, mUCO. 01"S o4cillogram o1 PAr prossws in irmt arA bilkind the quonoblag chamber PA function of tims Liter contact breaking. Measurements of tba, interrquom persormus at a cux!~~ circult-brtaker %t, 30 19 and 0 WV *a haction of jrnaeoq, 1, load. to the relation: I being the h4;bA*t current the circuit-' breaker can Interrupt. C, a voltage deparAeni coefficient &Ad a a coefficient not dopoodent upon volta4o. Observations d times at vihich t1w are restrikes We LbGwn tUt these occur eseozwy in TA two sepwrato perlod&. czEcHosLomaA/Electroilics - Photocells a-id Semicoaductor Device. H Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 1, 1960, 1551 Author : Husa, V., Kriz, J., Ladnar, J. Inst Title p* -- p -- -n* Junctions in Silicon Orig Pub Slaboproudy obzor, 1959, 20, No 5, 284-287 Abstract The author considers the physical basis of the p* i - n* junction and justifies the choicep* -- p n* junction for use in a silicon diode. The techno- logy of manufacture of diodes with large junction surface and with reverse voltage greater than 1,000 volts is considered. Conditions are determined for obtaininG sufficiently small resistance in the for- ward direction. Card 1/1 HUSAj V. KVASILq B-. Measurenent of the conductivity of semiconductors in the microvave range. P. 667 SIABOPROUDY OBZOR. (Mislaterstvo rresneho strojirenstve, Rinister3tT* 'PoJu a Vedecka tocinxicka 3POlec'Ost Pro elektrotecUniku Tri CSAV) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 20, As- Ilp NOV. 1?59 Montkly List of East European Accessions (Eal) LC, Vol. o Jan. 1960 no* 11 Ultel. HUSA, V,.; CIFIELKA, J. Analysis of the volt-ampere characteristics of a germanium diode in'the reverse and forward direction. P-379 =ROTECHNICKY OBZOR. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirensittvi a Ceakoolovenake vedecka technicka spolacnost pro eletrotechniju pri CeskoslovenBkx adaemii ved) Prahav Cezecholovakia Vol*462 no-7, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol,8, no.11 Nov. 1959 Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Electricity - Semiconductors. G Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Mika, no 4, 1960, 9087 Author : Cerny Ladislavo Husa Vaclav, Kriz Josef, Ladmar Hosef Inst : 4,N~f Title The p-n Junction in Germanium Orig Pub Electrotech. obzor, 1959, 48, iio 8, 406-409 Abstract A brief description of the physical principle of the p-n Junction in germanium, and a comparison of the theoreti- cal premises vith the experimental data. Problems of technology are considGred, ard certain results of experi- mental investigattton of the p-n Junction are given. A technology -to recommended, which insures small disper- sion of the characteristic in the forward and backward directions. See Referat Shur Fizika, 1960) No 3) 6618, Card 1/1 , V-,' CIRELKA, J.; GEM, L. HP~__ Contribution to the problem of overvoltage in circuits with germanium diodes and protection against it. p. 478. ELEKTROTECHNICKY OBZOR. (Ministerstvo tezkiho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenske vedecka technicka spolecnost pro elektrotechniku pri deskoelovenakg akadeiia ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 48, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Unol. 8399..0 Z/017/60/C49/010/002/002 113110 ~10'3, 5192/E482 AUTHORS: Husa V9clav, Invz dr., Cihelka Jaroslav Engineer and ._tEF"_n_Cr_islav, Engineer TITLE% Analysi of Voltage-Current Characteristics of Silicon Diodesl~~ PERIODICAL: Blektrotechnickf Obzor, 196o. Vol.. 401,No .10.PP.530-537 TEXTj The characteristics of several silicon rectifier diodes are analysed. One type of the diode is made of n-type of material and results in a p-n-nx junction. Another diode is made of type-p material and its base plate is alloyed with aluminium on one side and with AuSb on the other. In this way px_p-n junctions are obt&ined. First, the inverse current voltage-characteristics of n.-type and p-type junctions are considered. Thy-junctions had the following parameterss average resistivity f 190ACM, thickness of the base plate of 0.5 mm, and area of 1 0 mm .. The measured characteristics of these junctions are shown in Fig.1 and 2; the figures show the current density in oA/cm2. Theoretically the current density in the reverse direction is expressed by - W Card 1/6 1n = 1 0 e - kT (1)