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Z/038 62/000/004/001/oo6 D29 1 YD301 AUTHOR: Hupka, Stefan TITLEt Basic types of directional gamma radiation detectors and their use in medicine - I PERIODICAL: Jadernk energie, no. 4, 1962, 110 - 116 TEXT: The artidle presents a general review of the basic types of directional gamma-radiation detectors used in medicine for local diagnoses. It deals with the various current collimator designs for wide-angle, narrow-angle, and profilographic detectors, both single- and multichanneled, using either GM tubes or sointillators. Finally# it briefly describes the Czechoslovak "Scintillation detector-set type 11TESLA FAG 20211 produced by the n.p. Tesla-Liberec,,Zhv?d Premy~leni (hational Enterprise Tesla-Liberec, Subsidiary in Premysieni). This design of this detector permits the use of interchangeable cylindrical and conical collimators so that it can be used both as narrow-angle arid wide-angle detectorl but not as profilographic detector. In the narrow- angle configuration, the d3tector has a resolution of 2 cm at 10 cm Card 1/2 - ---------------- Z/038/62/000/004/001/006 Basictypes of direction&l sCamma ... D291/D301 distance of a point source frGn the lower collimator end, while in the wide-angle configuration, the zesolution is 1 cm at'a focal dis- tance of 8 cm. A well-type scintillator is furnished with the set making possible activity measureme*.its of biological samples, such as blood, tissue, excretionag etc. There are 16 figures and 10 re- ferences: 1 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the 4 most recent English-language publications read as follows: "Scintillation Equipment for Clinical Radiology';Science Tools (The LKB Instrument Journal) 1956, no- 3, 21; E.R. Miller, N.E. Scofield, Radiology, 65, 1955, 96; R.R. Newell, W. Saunders, E.R. Miller, Nuc- leonics 10, 1952, 26; W.V. Mayneord, S.P. hewbery, Brit. J. Radiol., 25, 1952, 569. (Technical Editor: J. gilar). ASSOCIATIONt V~zkum* fAstav onkologick~ (Oncological Research Insti- tute), Bratislava Card 2/2 HLTPKk, 8 V%1-- - sim, S. OZECHOSIDVAKU no scadomic dqWw I=Eoa+Ad Owdlo&ml Heftamh IniNtitutO Us OnkO1O91WW)jl BMUDIAMS mractort on, woobw sAV, 400"t 1. "U11201 M6 DMIdODA"'I star //,~ 9,0 Now 620 pp 522-529, 609M %La~ U __ _&A% llftwpaphy ill the MagncsU of the Diseases of the ?Mnid Mandl# Co-&Utharf HUM,* Sa saw as abwe HUPMTM. . IsolAw Adsorption of polymetheorylio aoido Dependence on molecular weight@ Rooz chamli 37 no*921001-1008 063. 1e Department of General Chemistry, NeCopernicus University,, T6run. ULINSKA, Alina; HUPPENTRAL, Leslaw 0-i--~- A two-liquid phase system for distribution of polymothacrylic acid. Rocz chemii 35 no-4:1153-n54 161. 1. Department of General Chamistr7, N. Copernicus University, Torun. P/525162/004/001/001/001 D204/D307 XTHORS: UliAsl.-.a j1lina, Docent, Doctor (Director, see Asso- ciation5,_nTk~.nthal, Lesxaw and Wojtczak, Zbigniew TITLE: The separation of polymethaerylic acid into fractions by adsorption on carbon SOURCE,; Towarzystwo Naukowc w,du. Studia. Sectio a. Chemia. v. 4, no'. 1-4, 1962, 7-16 TIDCT: The' aim of the present work was the separation of polymethacrylic acid (111-U) into fractions of-'various mean molecular weight OFT), using the single-step adsorption Method of M.A.,Golub. The purified 1NA 61 , 761,700, degraded, from N . 11180,000, 250 ml samples, 0.276%6) was adsorbed 'on activated carbon supplied by Zak- Xady Elektrod Weglowych im. I Maja w Raciborzu (Carbon Electrode Works, im. lot of May, Raciborz), from 207. EtOH, at 25 .1 O.LOC, using .1 - 24 C portio 'no of the carbon. The separated fractions were test- ed for concentration and viscosity, after removing EtOH at room tem- perature by 'bubbling N2 through the solution;this method avoids Card 1/2 The separation of ... P/525/62/004/001/001/001 D204/0307 degradation of the polymer. The viscosity at first increased (pre- ferential adsorption of short chains) and then fell off with time .(ads orpti*n_o.L_1ouga=_.chains.) -Int-agr al, -.Ud- diff crent ail mass dis- tribution curves were typical of degraded polymers with maxima in the low FT region. Reproducibility of the results 4as high. Fracz. tionation of aqueous 11-14A with 311 H2SO4, carried out for the purpose of comparison, allowed no conclusions concerning the polymolecular- ity to be drawn and the.results were irreproducible. Indications were found that 11MA -associated- -on contact idth H SO M-dle the adsorption method required only 14 days, the H2S84 fractionation tool; several monihs. It is concluded that fractionation by adsorp- tion is a convenient procedure, superior to other methods, allowing a rapid estimate of the distribution of fl-values, although the frac- tions themselves cannot be isolated and it is difficult to colkolete the process in full. There are 3 figures and 4 tables. The most important English-language reference is: M.A. -Golub, J. Polymer Sci., 11, 583 (1953) ASSOCIATION: Katedra Chemii Og6lnej Uniwersytety 1.. Kopernika w Torur,iu (Department of General Chemistry, 11. Coper- Card 2/2 nicuo University, Torun') HUPPEBTUL, Leslaw.. dr Adsorption of polymethacrylic acid an activated carbon. Vied oh~m 17 no.2JI17-118 F 163. 1. Katedra Chexii Ogolnej, Universytet Mikolaja KopernUm, Torun. of th:.~ o' N. Con univ y 2o -Xi ii or-oln--j, 'corp'lion of ~bl,.r-z'.! acryll c Ac4 Dcn onc a o n aw, 20 c'-' r-- nc:'d:-2 1101 ~i, 9, 19`3 1c'O", -1 C)" ~.b -- L,-, C~ c t :r7 a0soi.-2'vion of* z--c-ld on ac-'--;%rc, c=-bron a.- 1%inc'k,--'oi of L cr(.,.n It of 2) t",-. 0- crcansco wital inc---j,~C;4 - --ol -,CUI .),"On In"s on t, " OOIVL,.-.' On ao b,;On ndso'-i V- Al.- -dscr-)tion ar, a funct'on of' riol;~cu-lcx .:c~cht. T:13 of 3 G ard 12 U-vcn. 5~ con rcaforonco, cluE. 1 P011--h 011:1=) HIC"RAJI), V. Containers for the shipping of cement. p. 456. STIN57. ('Ministerstvo atav-ftictvi) PraM. Vol. 3, no. 11, Nov. 1955. SOURCE: FAwopean Acoes:-dons List, Vol. 5, no. 9, September 1956 HURAB, V. How to replace Fuper bags by steel when !bulk cement is used. P. 126 (Mechanisace) Vol. 4. No. 4, Apr. 1957; Czechorlavikia SO: MONTELY INDEX OF EAST EUROIEAN ACCESSIONS (VAI) LC. - VOL 7, iiG. 1., V'1;1. 1958 HURAB, V. "What contx1bution has the year 1957 brought to t~,e further development of bulk cement transportation in Czechoslovakia?" p. 427 (Mechanisace) Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC. V51. 7. no. 4. -April 1958 HURAB., V. "What are the limits of the economical use of bulk cement?" p. 201 (Mechanlaace, Volt 5. No. 6# June 19589 Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., Vol. 7. No. 9j September 1958. ...IrJRA.T KAKAIp F, On the problem of angiograpby in bons tumors. Acta 6hir. orthop. tmum. Cech.-32 no.3t235439 is 165, 1. Ortopedicka, klinika Lakarskaj fakulty Univertity Komensksho v Bratialave ( rednosta akademik Slovenskaj akadsmii vied J, Cervenanej ff.YPT7~ YEDICA Sec 9 Vol. 9/10 Surgery Oct 55 5570. HURAJ E. Klin, ped. chir., Bratislava. * Zlomenlay dolneho konca., meru u aetf. Fractures of the lower end of the humerut, in chi I dren ROZHL.CHIR. 1954, 33/10 (594-600) Graphs 3 Tables I On the basis of personal experiences with 215 fracture$ of the distal end of the humerus in children, 118 of which were followed-up, only conservative therapy anatomical reduction and fixation in plaster - is recommended. Cases in which fragments are locked in the joint are operated on (3 cases). Sytitematic after. treatment Is important (baths, instillation of procalne, iontophoresis, X-Irradia. tion). Wondrik - Litomifice HURAJ, He Surgical treatment of nonspeciflv tirflazmation of long bemo, Bratial, lek. listy 43 Pt. I no.11:671-676 163, 1. Ortopedicka klinika Lakarskaj fakulty Univ. Komenakeho v Bratislava veduci prof. MUDr. J. Cervanans1W. OSTEOMYELITIS) (BONE TRANSPLANTATION) iAMPUTATION) (TREPHINING) (SURGERY, OPERATM) by denoitometry. F165. Ortopedicka klinika TAkarskej Etratislave ( rednostat akademik 1~ Gervenansky 0 fakulty University Komanskeho I'llovenskej akademi-e vied HURAJ, 1. Spinal fractures treated at the orthopedic clinic of the Medical Department of the Sloval'an University during 1942-52. Bratiel. leke listy 34 no.9tlO46-1064 Sept 54. 1. Z OrtopeA. kliniky LISU v BratIalsve, prednosta prof. dr. J,,Cervenansk,r (SPDM: f racturem .hoop. statlst.~ (PRACTUM,Be spins,, hosp. statist.) HURAJ, 1. IM 1 10. 9 Monow Osteogenests Imperfect& congenita. Bratiel. lek. liety 35 no.6:356-361 1955- 1. 2 Ortopedickej kltnilqr LYN v Bratislava, predn. clen korespon4ent SAV J. Cervenanskys' (OSTMGMMIS IMPMMTA, congen.) CZECHOSLOVAKIA HURAJ,-E. 1. Orthopedic Clinic LFUK (Ortopedicka klinika LYUK), Bratislava; 2. Children's Surgical Clinic (Klinika pre detsku chirurgiu), Bratislava Bratislava, Lekarsky obzor, No 59 19639 pp 273-278 "The Severity of a Non-specific Suppurative Affection of Bones and Joints," CZECHOSLOVAKIA il~j E Ortho edic Clinic of the WAHipaculty of Komensky University fOrtopedicka klihika Lekarskej fakulty Univ. Komenskeho), Bratislqva Bratislavaq Bratielavske lekarske liety, No 11, 1963, pp 671-75- "On the Surgical Treatment of Non-specific Inflammations of Long Bones." HURAJ I f'..; ~,M.K , !". j .. Tra-,L-,a to the !pim, !.n orthopedic work. k:31.a chir. orcrt3p. traxim. Cach. 31 no.4j3l.3-318 Ag 164. 1. Ortopedicka klInIka Lekarskej fakulty UnIv-3rsity Komeaskeho v Brutislave (preduosta prof. dr. J. Cervenansky). HURAJ., E. Experimess vith filling residual oavities in onteowelitis with a wancle flap. Roshl.'ehir. 42 iko-7:491-495 JI 163o 1, Ortoped, kltnika Ie)mrskaj fakulty UK T Bratiolaves, prodm4m, prof. dr. J. CerverAnsky (OSTEMELITIS! (MUSCIS MANSPLANTATION) HURAJO E.1 ROS, H. I... Omm- Reconstruction of pathological dislocations of the hip joint In children with capsular arthroplasty, Bratiel. lek. listy " noo5t281-287 15 St64 1e Ortopedicka klinika Leks fakulty 'University Komenakeho v Bratislava; veduoi olen koresp. Slovenskaj akademie ved prof. MUDre J. Cervenanskys - HURAJ,F,.; MANAl. F. --- 1. - ..'' lmportance of anglography In the diagnosis of Lumors of the extremities., Bratlel. lek. lJsty 45 no*2269-75 31 Ja 165 ~F lo Crtopedickt xlinika lok. fak. Univerzity romenakebo v Bratialave (veduol akademik J. Car7enansky). R',)S,E.; JRJUJYF. imation of the shoulder JoInt In childhcod. Brat.10. lek, liatY 45 no,2c87-91 31 Ja 165 1. Ortopedicka klinika lek. fak. UniverzltT Komenakeho r Bratialave (veduci akademik J. Cervenemaky * MRAN, Jlri, inz, System of waterworks on the Danube. Vodni hosp 14 no.5, 162-165 '64o 1. Ministry of Agrimilture., Forestry and Water Roivrurie3 Ivinagement. HIMPM!, K. "Rudowa drewnianych kutrAw rybackich i Xodzi ratunkowych" (Construction of wooden cutters and life boats), by K. Huras. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksipzki), No. 12, June 15, 1956. HURAYTp 0. Screw driver with glow discharge tube. Elektrotechnik IS no.8t236-237 Ag 163o 1. Elektrikarp Strb&L, okres Poprad. HURDLES. J. Exp-eriences In building complex rolling mills. p. V4 (Inzt-,rWrske Stavby) Vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1957, Fraha, Czechoslovakia SO: XCNTHLY ITIDEX OF EAS`11' EUROFEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VnL- 7, 110. 1, JAN. 195P POPMCU,D.,prof.; ROSIU,L.; HURMC A. lxperimental Investigations concerning the placental olqtocic and tocogenic principle. Ramnlan M. Rev. 3 no.4:75-77 O-D 159. (PLOOTA, extracts) (OXYTOGICS) VASILE, Mirza D.; TWUG, Hircea -I.; GHROWHIU, Tony C. Division of nerve calls. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.3411063-1067 25 Ag '61. 1. Kolektiv pro biowrfologii pobooky Almdemie R,L.R., Jassy a Mtedry hiotologie Uatavu pro lakaroko-farmacautickou.vyuku, Jassy. (NEMONS pbysiol) (MPLL DIVISION) umucs sin as a fom of uttotle can avision. Cas.lekeesk 200 1080 25 As.162. 1. Laborator histologle lekmkeho ustayu, Jassy. (CEM DXVXSXON) PAPAFILP E.; POPAp M.; LAZAR, D. Copper determination with the reagent p-amino-azobenzons. Anal.St Jassy 1 10 no.1:23-26 164. Cotductometric titration of cooper. Ibid.s27-32 1. Laboratory of General And Physical Chemistry, "IL.I.CuzalA J' v University. Submitted Oatober 26-27, 1963. It PAPAFIL, E.;,HURDUC,.N..; Conduotometric titration of oopper. Anal St Jassy 1 10 no.2.- 125-130 164. 1. Laboratory of General and Physical Chemistry, University. P UIPIA14'I A Q_qC, 14., Candidate in Biolo ical Sciences (Candidat in HU;~: StiEt--6~iologice), Bucharest taffiliation not given] "Cosmobiology -- A New 3cience.11 Bucharest, Natura. Seria Biologie, Vol 15, No 2, ~'.ar-Apr 1963, PP 3- 12. Abstract: A review article on the scope and characteristics of cosmobiology, with emphasis on the factors affecting space travel and the achievements of the Soviet Union in this field. Also discusses the prospects for this branch of science and speculates on the existence of life oz Mars. Lill HLIURDUZEU. qA.~ Geologic and petrographic research in the central part of the Samenic Mountains. Dari seama sed 45:215-231 157/58 publ. 162 GURVICH, M.I. [Ifurevych ]; BERSHTEYN, S.A. Mechanism of the biological action of ultrasonics. Fiziol.zhur. [Ukro] 10 noe4008-515 Jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut fiziologii Im. Bogomol'tra AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. L 3353-66 EEN'T (1 )/EPA($) -2/DJT(m)/T/&TP (b) rip(c) Tr,/Jj/GG ACCESSION NR: AP5013481 UR/0105/65/010/005/0510/0571 !AUTHOR: Baturichava, Z. B.; Hureacht N. Yu.; TsyrlIn, Yu. A. JITLE.- The effect of Ionic processes on the thermal destruction of lin Nal(Tl) SOURCE: Ukrayin 1k fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 10. no. 5, 1965, 570-571 TOPIC TAGS: -.sodium hloride, radiative capture, ionic crystal 'ABSTRACT: The authors studied the effect of Ionic processes on the thermal stablli~ I ty of F-capture centers In NaI(Tl) crystals treated with x-rays at room temperaturc j,(5O kv, 10 me, exposure I year). By assuming an ionic mechanism in the destruction' !of F-capture centers,,values were obtained for the activation energy of structure- sensitive conductivity which are in good agreement with experimental results. It is concluded that the thersal destruction of F-eapture centers Is basically-the re-' l isult of ionic processes in the case of higher-than-room temperatures., Origi, al't. has: 21 figures, 5 equations. 1ASSOCIATION: VNDI Monokrystaliv m. Kharkov (VNDI of Monocryst4s) I ~ i. r~' Y! SUBMITTED: 13Jan65 ENCLt 01 SUB CODE: SS NO REF SOV: 002 OTHERt 002 Card 1/2 AV W4V Fig. 1. Thermo-optical lumines- cence induced in the F-band of crystals of NaI(Tl) irradiated with x-rays at room temperature., ~Clerd_ -2/2. QMM 40M 40M Fig. 2. 1n dl TT- as a func- tion of inverse temperature; (I is the rate of optical lumi-' nescence~ T is the absolute tem- Parature). i - - I ft--t off -, rior 4- 11 7111-It 11 :-Ill 11 * - .1. 1 1 ..1 - -t I - . SAVMYISCLT, Alice, acad,j ESAYU, V.1 GALINt Nelij NEGULESCU, Florica; GROSSU, Marial HU M- UA 0 of som species of potatm vith differ%ist.dogme or rosletame to Phytophthora infestans (Kmt.) do W7 fungu attack. Studii care biol. 9. bat 17 no.101414 '(A. 1. Laboratory of Phytopathology and Worobiology, "Traisa Savulesou" Institute of Biology. Submitted August 5, 1964. NOWACKIr E.; PFaYBYLSKA, J.; HURICH --T Dependence between content of guanidine derivatives and alkaloids in seeds of certain species of leguminous plants. Bul Ae Pol biol 8 no.10:445-"S 160. (EEAI 10:9) 1. Institute of Plant Breeding, Poznan, Polish Academy of Sciences and Department of Fodder Plants, Institute of Soil Sciencep Manuring and Plant Cultivation, Poznan. Presented by S. Barbacki. (Guanidine) (Alkaloids) (legumee) PRZYBrLSKA, J.; HURICH, J. Free amino acids In seeds of some leguminous plants. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.3-1t505-508 160. 1. Institute of Plant Breeding (Poznan) Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by S. Barbacki. (AMINO ACID) (LEGUMES) % HURIEM, Claude Treatment of exzema with special reference to antibiotic-corticoid therapy. Cesk. dorm. 38 no.lil-10 F 163. 1. Prednosta dermtovenerologicke kliniky university v Lille. (ECZEMA) (MYCOSES) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (ANTIBIOTICS), (ADRENAL CORTEX HOMONES) HURKA, K.; Cl"PSKY, J. IMRKA, K.; CKALUPSKY, J. The fInd of Interesting ectoparasites of the bat Myotts bechat&inl Kuhl. p. 295. Vol. 11, no. 10, Dec. 1956 OCHRANA FRIRODY AGRIGUMURE Czechoslovakia So: East European Iccession, Vol. 0', No. 5, 1W 1957 _ETNA ~Ka jp.(Dr., C.Sc.1 (Vinicna 7,, Praha 2); DOSKOCIL, Jaromir, Dr.,, C.Sc. Vinicna'7, Praha 2) Influence of relative atmospheric humidity on the survival of bat- fleas (Aphaniptera, Isobnopsyllidae). Cas entom 58 no.2:nl-116 1619 (EEAI 10:9) 1. Department of Systezatic Zoology, Faculty of Natural Scienceal Charles University., Praha. Wisall) PULPAN, Jan (Praha 2, VinienA 7);_IMM, Karel,. dr. (Praha, Vinicna 7); VEWMR, Petr H.., dr. (Praha 2s Vinicna. 7) Three ground-beetle species, now in Czechoslovakia: Nobria, fuscipes Fuoos Deltomerus carpathicus (Kill.) and Amara pasudostrema Kult. (Coleoptera), Cas entom 59 no,62:124-130 162. 1. Tschechoslowakioohe Entomologimobe Gesellochaft und Lebratuhl fur Systematische Zoologia7der Karla-Univereitat, Praha. - iiURKA, yLarel, dr., C.Sc. (Praha 2, Vinicna 7) Contribution to the atudy of Nyeteriblidae and Streblidne in Albania and obeervatiom an their fauna in Bulgaria, Ifungary and the Soviet Union., Gas entom 59 no*2:156-16Lj 162, 1. Iahratuhl far Syntematische Zoologie der Naturwiosenschaftlicben Fakultat dor Karlouniveroitat, Praha. 1,LkHTIN) E.; HURLIMAN, J. The Incidence of paraproteins in the blood In various clinical condi-j tions. Cas. lek. cask. 101 no.35:1061-1065 31 Ag 162. 1. Lekarska universitni poliklinika v Zeneve, reditel prof. dr. Eric Martin. (GLOBULINS) (BLOOD PROTEIN DISORDERS) yWGHgl M.' Conf.; BUMM# A., dr.; AIMROIIOVIGI# Gh-, dr.; XIRUL, V., dr.; BLI6, P.,, dr.; rZLIM$ H.9 dr&; VJIMg Go, dr.; BZJIWARU# Go, dro; RADU CU, Alex., dr. I SARUMBIlt,.dr.; QU. g,; TUDORANUj 0. , dr. ; Si~&L, B. , dr. ; WGULE90, Go &F. --.=(;U. 1. dr. "'-MaU. So, dr.; ZAHAMCU, T., dr.; BkIKUS, P., conf.; 3W", V., dr- Scarlatinal rheumatism. Had. into, Bacur. 9 no.1:67-70 Jan 57. (RHZMTIC TEM, atiol. & pathogen. scarlet fever, incidence & prev.) (SGARM Fily , complications rheum. fevers incidence & prev.) -1 wr f l u ff Is R 'I L L j j1 MM Yy 40 A CC to a 4 8 1 u f~ M 1C, : I t 40 0 is bt"d glutmajose so role is rhousualk patleals trIstod by mail 1114111PY H. Ols-IM JWA Vt., 24. pt, 11. 457, litli, In 21 Will, 111,111W Ilir 'IV t*iq"%t %1%11& hitow an. I.Mvf lwfiwlr, 41,11 Willict *hV'. n fitilly 1'.3 111. 111, Iftlit"IS ,1k% III, w4litntillAIVIVI willins Ititimal linill.; ioll'-f I"All ... III 11"1r W&. %,11'r it". 11. A 00 cool 00 040 too 00 a 00 Ar 21 are 0 9 97v coo 0,vt 00 Igoe of to 1. Its mlfgtitog~Kdt 1,111CAtt,01 C1,41111OW-6 it coo to 1z, N1 I % t4 0 1 N w to I" a Of Iff a Ot 9 IT a to 1141, 0040040000000000000:: 't 0 9 0j: : 0 0 s, 0 00 : 0 0 0 solb 0 ei 0 0 0 60,0 00 0 0 * a 0 0 0-0 0-00 0 ej, go o go 06 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 Gi : 0 0*00*06000000 1 #A 10 CL W It I a 6 I A I f j A . 4o A 9 L-1 At j A I 1 It I v to 00 . .: H A 00 of i; 00 a rho varied" FA glabrikkoo saii gt*C*ft to j%#aMo1kc Pdfloold 22 fee t, fit, ....... 4100"1 4vtkff%5 T _ ` - dn't V. 0611". Age. lei. soffe. "', rr. , r-7 1T. 7j, IIRM). MAIlift FILS& nn the 191111AIM4411- 9111claw f.A11,0,4 I l Mate anit 16 formAk fbirsionstir potwosit siming wvjj.~ moo i tivispy olkitir"S am hwitmomr, of olowhitw in it", Go .31 at"I 7.141% of 11n, wonvirn. ji,11111% Ow 14.1-1 - -, , ~.d MA,IW;,4 11W IrmAl, pah. III, 'h..".A 0 .4 of lthk-w its Ifir I-h-1 G C V.-L, o0 00 g See see 00 it _-O0 Ise so$ 200 90 asso so ..of of 3 ell 00 w 00 it , 11 " T 1 In 4: It .4 0 to a 3 4 I " Kla n is 0 9 0 0 0 0 oo 0 00 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 I M 0 0 G 0 M 6 a 0 00 *:006600*00*990 0 I' X 4 11 is it U 1, A 11 It. I L -1 6 a A I At I I 'A all- f .-.1 4. of A, 2v so .4 :so 00 A .00 variatlaft of the total albumin and scructi-slobulin in 00 r ductice under On iodoesce of a mixed tritatinvot: how- 0 a marine and fasgodAerapy. 1!.~jw. S. %fultil.-t and F. Ghelky. Ann. W. voir. Jaisy rt. It, Z4. Pit 7 0 4 i 11KNI. - Albuntin &M Wfurn NI"bulin were d'td. in N 411 11W, AM 211 fetuale cOwe including inwi,~Tm4ft,lenit" at"I chronsic polyartiedwr dwittlistivm. After *-14 tiny* A Alit 06 1`111.1f treafmcat flow total albuinin incfra%ed he 57.11.1~ .4 see 00 lie mak mW 40% of the frinak "wti. If I fir P rum - so* 91.4"llin rMtrut *1 the blow 11 1.1kc" a, an frpj~.% of it- vov"y. linpravrment was 49"ervvi in #4 #h, #nAir ago and 74.0% at the fetnAle 47111". C.. C. cr'.A' =oo so j are 0 zoo go Lt ;900 so:, see so tofflAft,#1 CLAIJOPICAPICAP wee *~ to- AV -0 IL 0, n 1, 1# or of it It V, ff "J* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 60 6 -rrus iia A V 4--s- it A a I a L a no -L,7c '01 Pa.", ull is, 4 tq A variado" M"d Im "d Cox" of Chadren subjectod to as&@ UdlooArm. -LAWPR"Uhc, 1. Gladlet and Ann. id., amils. Assy-W-711. Is. zu4 jW).-TW Fe and #be Ca emlents of the Islood 94 Z% 00, il- thikkm too drtd. before and after spendinx 28-31) days 'el 0 a at the le"bansplartiveir hemalth. %larmatlaccuccameetwas 00 trial ivvly- WO beta t the cum. t6c Fe content incs-led - %Ilega bwh lbe Cat most Fe content were low befure The It cure. the Fe content did not chavite or Isecoute lower. Any LeVtwmtc 00 3 00 - --------- --- k A 011fil.a.91VOKAL L119RATWI C&AIWICAYON L -7 m4gi gas UNW as( Wilii I 14 An I %Bodo livivo us a eoooqoeo~ Ve 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 066 0 Old 0 0l 0 00000 so*$ 0 "490900*004,90969069946 ****see** -09 -00 4*0 cloo coo Soo are 0 fie 0 see too too Joe 9 a 3 1 9 Kat- 404 of a T- H U C C- I ~ PT 0" 2093. THE Nil-I'DICAL AND SURGICAL 1*RLA*rsILNT OF urOANTRITIS IN TIIE INFANT - Contribtt;iuni asapra tratamentalui medical 4i chiruri--ical .11 otoantritelor In sugar - Itu rm u za che E. , Bu rdea M . , lift r bu t.1 R. anti linitnovici M. Clin. Infant., Inst. de 'Med. Inil - RM MED. CH11L IA~l 1957, 61/4 (8~9-847) The authors studied 218 infants with otoantritis admitted into the pnediatric clinic during the years 1054-1955 and come to the following conchiiions: Complete medical treatment with antibiotics and the improvement of the general con.hnor. (transfusions, vitamin-therapy) are indicated in the majority (if cases of otoantrit is. Of all the mLans uaed for the improvement of the gencral condition, transilu.-;ion of blood correctly applied is the best. One should avoid late operation Eiti ing the period of weakness of the organism (massive dehydration with decrease in weight, unconsciousness). EXCERPTA MEDIC 31, See t7 1101 5/3 PublIz Health Far 59 790, CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STUDY OF THE MICROCLIMATE AND OF THL AERIAL MICROFLORA IN THE WARDS OF A CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL IN CONNECTION WITH ITS MAINTENANCE AND FUNCTION. ING - Contribujii Is studlut microclimatului ji al microflorei aeriene din saloaneleunuispitaidecapii,. In raport cu regimul de rntrelinere It function- are - Purmuzache E. et Med, Iasi - PEDIATRIA(Ducuretti) 1958, 711 (1-12)-G71PM-14 Tables 7 The Investigation revealed the superiority of the microclimatic conditions in a ward kept under a supervised regimen and a deterioration of environmental con- ditions during top-traffic hours and during the most intense activity in the hospital. as well as during the winter period; a comparatively uniform distribution of the microflora in the air of these rooms was also observed. 186 M.pyogenes strains were isolated from the air of the wards: 71 strains proved to be pathogenic. 77.5% were penicillin-resistard. 71.8% *ere streptomycin-resistant and 56.3% wer4a chloramphenical-realatant. the lowest percentage of resistance was found to chlortetracyc line (43.7%). About 1/3 of the strains were resistant to all antibiotics. (XVII, 7, 50) f MTfd=ACHE,, Z.; BUFMA, M.; BARBU, S.; BOGDAN, Fl. Congenital cerebriform h7perplasia of the adrelml glanda. Stud. carcet. andoor. 13 no.1:131-135 162. ADRINAL GIANDS abnormalities) M 7ROPHY AND UPERPIASIA case reports) i .HURMUZACHE. prof.j TUDORANU$ A,q dr.; FULGA, V., dr.j MANAILA, V,, dr.; VEaZRj To, dr. Therapeutic and prophylactic treatment of rheumatic children in the convalescefit peroid. Mod. intern. 14 no.7077-882 JI 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica de pediatrie (director-prof. E.Hurmuzache). (RHEUMATIC FMR) (RHEUMATIC HUM DISEASE) HUMUZACHE, E.),,prof.j BATINTA, Rp dr.; TUDOTJIll, A.r dr.; DO.LIMCU,G., dr.; MANWHII V-1 dr. Contribution to the study of essential h ertennion with cerebral 11714 no.ltl9-23 Ja-F165- hemorrhage in children. Pediatria (Racur 1. Luerare efectuate, in Clinica do pedintries Tani. HURNUZACHF., L., prof.; IDULAITA, R., fir.; TU4X)iLAJ',*(j, dr. Ununual dyschondr-oplusla associated with anyloidosis. Pediatria (Bucur) 14 no, 21161-164 Mlr-Ap'65- 1. Lucrare efectuata in ClInlea de pedIntrio, Iasi (prof. H. Humuzache). HURMUZAGUB Ir,.* BRATLW, S.; XMM, M.; DRTIANU, A.; - TUWR&NU, A.; DOBRMU# Manoulo-outansous biopsy in diagnosis of latent forms of infantile rheumatism. Probl. reumt., Bucur. no.5t83-84 1958. 1. Clinica do pediatria si Iaboratorul do anatomle Patologica Iasi. (REIL'UK&TIC HEA DTIRVASIM- diagnosis musculo-cutaneous biopsy of moculo-tendinous region of knee, in child.) (MMOIN, patholoff biopsy of musculo-tendinous region of knee in rheum. dis. in child. ) VITA, A.11a, Dr, 00A, C., Dr, A22,0L WASitarjjW, Dr, R=I_ MAN, V., Dr, GRIGORIUP Z-, Dr, MMUZACHR, 2., Dr, GHBOROHM, Molanial Dr, and WAIMLD, M., ffe-Vo-W-performed at the Olinic for Contagious Diseases (0113doo, do Boli ContaeLoase) of the Institute of Medicine (Institutul do Kedicina), Iasi, *Considerations on Two Epidemic Pooi of Diphtheria." Bucharest, RiMMOASUia Paraj;tp;oxia. jaidPA1012ala, Vol so No It Jan-yot 19630 pp 11-14s Rostracts A tudy based an the observation of two rural diphtheria fo:io Both of them occurred in the f&U I(October-11ovember) and the source of the disease was the school; morbidity was astaller in the pr*-vaccination period due to latent Immunity. Both orloodes caus4d familiral foci !ith 2 to 5 infections; secondary infections did not touch children below 3 years of age, reflecting the proper vaccination of this ago group. Earlier diag- nosis and isolation of the first cases would have prevented the opidesials lialudsa 11 rife.rizoes, rhoul Maria, profop dro; BRAUM, Be, dr.; CUCIURKANU, Gh. dr.1 BAITIV, Aft dr.: HURWJZACHE Th dr ; LAZAR, F.t dr.; JOSUSOHN, I., dr.1 DUHITRIU I. I st. , extern; SAPIRA, A., extem Current oppeeU of staphylococe&j e9pticopysmia. Congddomtiono an the cases bospitalised at the Comunicable Disease Clinic of Jasi between 1950 ad 1959. Med. intern.9 Bacur 13 no.1:33-43 Ja 161. I- UwraTv BfOctuata in CXWOK-Ale bOli contagioseep Isori (directort Prof. Maria Franche). If- (STAPHrLOCOCCAL INFUTIONS statistics) S M ICINIA statistics) -1 1 ) 7. .1. r~ --o" 1, uctAon of ma-chine P. 1f'3. A lrv-Or-~~A, Praha 1101. '.-" '10. 3, ~':ar. lg.,--"- J - A , -- I .I~ - SO: :-'rnthly -11sL of' 1-11-st Il-'liro,ican Acces:jlon:i, (L"'a'), Vol. !~j It,;. 10A ucf.- 1~~55, HMNIK F. - BU2EK, J. I Discussion on the introduction of unit heads. p. 436 (Strojirenska Vyroba) Vol. 5, no. 9, Bept. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF PAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIMIS (EEAI) LC. VOL- 7, 1140. 1. JAN. 1959 HURNIK, Frantieek Universal apparatus for obecking emm. Stroj vyr 11 n0.71 356-358 163. 1. US CSVTS; Zavody presnebo strojirenetvig nopog 00ttWaIdOTo HURNIKI H, Conference of Representatives of Socialist Countries on Photographic Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites., Pulkowo, November 1962. Postepy astronom 3.1 no. 3t 235-236 163. HURM - HIEWM. HUFJUj, HIERONT.M. Photopaphic Position of Asteroids and Coasts obtained at the Poznan University Obserwatoz7 in 1946-0. Acts astronomical Section Cp 1949, v. 4p -P. 1M-nO. M a HURNIKO HIERONIM. HURNIK,, HIERONIKS Occultations of Stare by the Moon Observed at the Astronomical Observatory of Poznan University in 1946-1949. Acta astronomica, Section C, 1949s V. 49 P. 110-112. HURNIK, HMMNIK*- HURNX,, HIEROMR. Occultations of Stare by the Moon.. Observed at the Astronomical Observatory of the Poznan University 1949-1952. Poznanskie Towarzystwo przyjaciol nauk. Bulletin. Serie B: sciences mathematiques et, naturelless 1953, no. 12, p. 211-213. 6=j6;,KqEBCKEt F. "The time service of the Poznan University Observatory. In English." P. 375 (Bulletin. Serie Bt Sciences Whematiques Et Natu-relles.) No. 13, 1954/55 (published 1956) Poznan, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC- Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 - - .,IT I - ~ I, - - , - - "P~ -~i -1 - - HuRq~~nz.; BENDA,-Alexand , inz-~ outdoor switch plants for high-voltage lines. Efiergetika Cz 3.1 no.5; 246-U8 My 161. HM. NIK, Stanislav Ur SUMOM, a van NSA" Coimtrys Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: /not given/ Affiliationt /not given/ Sourest Prague 9 Casopie Dro Mineralogil a aeologii, Vol VI, No 2. 1961t pp 2000 Datas "The Find of the Fruit of Trapa in the North Bohemian Tertiary." UKtj) J 6UMAar; (in cLyo); Given liouci coltntry.. Czechoslovakia /not given/ Research institute of, 9nite, (vvzkumny ustav pro hnodo Uhli) Ai:,~*I.Iiti,tion:-CIComutov-Geol6gica1 Investigation (ooologicky pruzkum Chomui;~)# T."Ost Source: Prague, Sbornik Coskoslovanske Spoleonosti Zenaris vol 66, No 3, 1961# pp 226-Z38 W%. "Gravitational and CrYoturbational Processes in the 11orth Bohemian Tertiary." Authors% tanislav !AMNEP,~IjOiroalav ..HURNIK,,,StazLie3Av,,- Prcmarany geolog; SYMM, Pavelo prozovany geolog Determining the granularity of filter layers in the north bohemian lignite banino Ubli 6 no.51169-172 My 164 1. Institute of Lignite Researohp Most* HURN ~. K 9 goolng Ge:)lrjg,Jcal, structure of the nort weritern border or the quick- sand arna of the central tsection of' the North Pohemian lignite bq5in tind prospects for Ito drainirg. Uhli 6 no.10:35C-3151 0 164. 1. ReBe~ir~h Tnstltlite of ' Igrit.,-, Mn-,qt. IFURNIK, Strm!rlav Synsedimuntary chalinal In the aeam of tho llo~rok mino noar Duchcov. Ca.- miri gpol 9 tic..31341-343 164. 1. Reoaar~.h Institute of Lignitey Most. IININ, Stanialsvp P.g.i TRACI]TULEC# Jan, p.g. The drainage of quick sand strata in North Bohemian Lignite District. Uhli 4 no.2958-W F 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro hnede uhll v Moote (for Hurnik). 2. Sdruzeni severoceskych hnedouhelnych dolut Most (for Traobtulec), CZECHOSLOVAKIA HAVLENA.. V; MHUZ, S. Prague, Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii, No 4. 1963, pp 376-379 0 . "Tree Stumps in the 9e&+&rW0and Layers of the Main Cave in the Chomutov-Most-Usti Basin." Stanis ay "Stratifieation of sedimentary rockmA by L&N. Botvinldna. Re-viewed by Stanislav Hurnik. Cas min geol, 8 no.3:332 J1 263. A -V HAMNA., VaaIav;.jRT.F* ~,, G.taniqlay. Stunpa from the ceiling and werlying rook of the maln seam of the Chom4tov-Most-Usti Basin. Gas min gaol 8 no.4:376-379 0 163. IfURN1K, Stanislav -I -,., Cryopedologic textures in the vicinity of Zidoviceo Most area and Kuolin, Bilina area. Sbor zem 69 no.3tl73-176 164. HUHNIK, Stanislav; WILDOVA, Jarmila Present state of the rernarch on underlying strata -f tY ca tral part of the north Bohemlan lignite basin. Cas min giol 9 no.4: 403-412 164. 1. Research Institute of Lignite, Moste Submitted Cctober 29v 1962. CZEC110SLOVATLCIA HUMTIKY -SO -" Research Institute for Brown Coal (Vyzkumny ustav pro hnede uhli), Most Pra,,-,ue, Capopis pro raineralogii a geolo&ii, No 3, 1964, pp 341-343 "Synsedimentarj Channel in the Seam of the Pokrok Mine near Duchcov.11 CZE-101,03LOVIKIA HURNIK, 3; WILDOVA, J, Researc717"Inatitute for Brown Coal (Vyzkt=y uFjtav pro hnede uhil), Most (for both) Prague, Caeopis pro mineralogii a gcoloLii, 117o 4, 1964, pp 403- 411 "Investigation of the 'underlying' Searm in the Central Fart of the North Bohemian Basin." MM-TK-LU-r, S "First finds of cyclic sedimentation in the Tertiary lirnic coal. bastris in Czechoslovakia." VESTNIK, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 31,, no. 4, 1959 Monthly list of East Euroje Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept 59 Uncles Av'eAly" S CUMMMAMA/General Biology, CIenatics. Abs Zour: Ref. Zh.-Biol., No go 195To 35226 Author Groch,, J.; MU%LS- Inst Title Mw Influence of Vegetation an Some Elements of a Micro- c3 ' -te and on an Organism Orig Pub: Ceskool. hyg.., epideniol.,, mikrobiol.., immol., 1955, 4, No 9, 462-465 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 -13- B-5 MMA' M. Ifew data on the characteristics of bilirubin In the orpnism. Gas. lak. cask. 97 no.42:1337-1338 17 Oct 58. I, Isborator pro patofyoiologil krvetvorne soustavy a jater, 1. interni klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. M. Vatousek. H. J. Praha 2, u nemoanice 2. (BILIMIN direct & indirect bilimbin, properties & olin. value, review (Gs)) HURSAN, Glil."? RY Complex couraes for lecturers of various disciplines. Term tud kozl 9 no.4:192 Ap 165. 1. Bekes County organization of the Society for the Popularization of Scientific Knowledge, 1. Geograficky ustav Ceskoslovenske Praha 2,, Na Slupi 14. Claosification, of the districto of Czechoslovakia according to their economic importance* Vestnik CSAV 72 no.3s387-391 163. e. I N HUR5KY,-J. "a 11 =No WL "Two versions of Muller's map of Bohemia." p. 88 (Kartograficky Probled) Vol. 10, no. 2, June 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EW) W. Vol. 7, no* 4p April 1958 RWKY' J. Hursky, J. Maps designed by Vaclav Sirek durln6 tho 7ears 1788-1791. (Conclusion) P. 73. KLITOGj-.V-r-ICXY MMIMM. Prtiha. 'rol. 9, no. 2, June 1955. SO: Yonthly List of Vast European Accessions, (-ZEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 11, Nov. 1955, 'Uncl. HURSKYp J._ "A nonmilitary edition of Geyer's map of Moravia from the year 1779*w p. 124 (Kartografioky Prehled) Vole 10, no, 39 Sept. 1956 Praguep Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no* 4., April 1958 HURSKY, J. -X- *Experimental maps of localities picturing their accessibility to trans- portation.0 p. 168 (Nartograficky Prebled) Vol. 10, no. 4. Dec. 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 HWKTI J. *Safarik's Historical YAp of Slavic Countries". P. 27, (KKATOMPIM MHM, Vol. 7(1. a. 8), No. 1. March. 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EUL), W, Vol. 3. No. V. Dec. 1954, Unal. WMKY' J. OMaps of Czech Lands In Brandenburg-Prussian Cartography of the 18th Century", (To be contd.), P. 71, (MTOGWICKY PREHLED, Vol. 8. No. 2, June 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (BEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Unol. MS?7f , J . Maps of the Czech Lnndsin the Brandenburg-Prussian of!'icial carto;rraphy, of the 18th century. p. 101. WRTO"ITRAFTCKY F7'-'IIL'7. (Ceskoslovenska akademic ved. Kabinmt pro kartorxafii) Praha. Vol. 8, no. 3, Sept. 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, Vol. 5, no. 9, Septenber 1956 MSKY, J. The unrealized plan to issue a map called "Special Yap of the Kingdom of Bohemia" drawn in 1848. P. 130 Vol. 9. no. 3. Sept. 1955 URTOGRUICKY PREIMED Prahas Czechoblovakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol- 5 No. 4, April 1956 0 wj;n-y' J. Evolution of the "Iyunigration frontier." p.111. (Casopis Pro Mineralogii A Geologii, Vol. 62, No. 2, 19K7, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-EAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. mm,:. =mAm i an6fDay Vol. 63, no. 30 1958. Hurskyq :. Passenger traffic in Cach lands before the industrial revolution. pe 226e Monthly Index of Zest Swopean Accessions (EFAI) LCO Vol. St No. it Un. 1959,