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is 0-0 a 4_0 0- or-@ 0 a 9 is it a u m t3 is v a 0 00-1 00 9 SON so a *083 008 god so 4 43 4 sew 0011 4-A-eW.-SIM-7 b=" a bit at woo we As A p tallmd 14 vow'.. a 13.11 -! 6 - . . wm~mmw m. '0646 p tv Uw b u All; 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 *a it 0 STAS 0 /0 -so '00 -00 .00 do 0. "*o T;;". -00 milfilcr"54 ~(iu Frcneb).-2- .00 pa (a g.) w" h -Ated wm thm"ift yMdl al.fdaly. ' 6m. 0176 1 dr 1 see . . . a . WOMWE.); pb-ylh,djatm. see UWW*"-IA"fc"* Ow WO WAbM 0% MY- ' 4 : ago Tim ed Mor.. ICHO'~MW; 4 - "0o k# 6740, ptumn M 8. In. Ac 3 bm Was Oh- 4110 0 i AW10 9w . . ; sma . mass a. U4, (hvm = s* in 14anmyfbkyda. bay" ashydrWk - T. so* M I-r (davemps.). & me &dv. of IV, is. 1084* ago M. 0. Webb see 200 0*0 0 DIV. woo OAA I I IV 0 0 v 1 9 v 0 A 6 9 1 99909996490090 1 k ) A- A 00 A calorimsetric maysis of O*m. Itsm". lead kl%&"- 011111 0. Wichterle and M. HadtickY (10d. fcchtt- =-bu nt. Data a ZMA). - CWkdim Ceffill"Adw- Owns. comma 2. del-Tt (ISITI(im resuck).-The '"' 1 1160ra d Cl an k1jojWm to Imm jetessely bi- 11 jjx(a) NO is Converted to alt U&WkW Old"Inse ;j;1n., bmaliff. SOOMW to. all rZiMic(Th" -mhr4Wcr**mm%m*(P# al'No". I-CItIme-1 oblairifinw,11 ykIdtMoaffill.cycfamlineemerominor 00 .1 jU) in jjmk) cv. I&1 and 878 a. C1 CA 0' 1 bv- 1119d 04-111 09 4 dwo. W the blue MY Wert Lit 46' d" *0 bill ONA4 #1& 1.1131, I-Chloro-I-nitrumoucli4zais A. wessi. I*kw !bP train CI and a wAst. of eyd"90t""* 99 (IV). will g. H.N011-11PSO's, !5j- NO mid IM 9- IW tewo 41M. the bles yer b-,, iv.-tew-, '(OlAent decimme.). 40 0 - MW 6z imatedum(V).FtOMO(fir-- &MIS . JW billion 0' 1-td. with W-32 I. Cl. - 4 111bit- Of ay"" MW & skuPy rMbtr liquar', the latter, WON lw "WNW w-b- dv- "Napd. slowly lit 3ul old was used for ON pip - I- a' I r vidliss. Of 4 and U1 In abiLlYsIA. Ogh*" we dirtat*4 b firw 4foc'mul V tusk Yon. laws. 601"Otsurift 110404sub- with on Mg. solvent 10 give 8 biest ca'ar' Sequent V%tn. so MIS Octal d 4 "b'* 91 S"( 'or We"": The sillIds] MW 13.7 fl,14011-IfOAc (8-2,ji IINO N.OAc In UJIM cc. If we tressted with Y, e1c., 90 -0`01 &Is St.& MOV&LLW"KAL LifINAIIAN CLAWKATIVis I , m s 0 U . a 6 1 I s i . I he Wor color - Test (or UtNOI I: n1m twaille (neistr"sell with N&OAc 9 isiddle) 6 treated with IV and wvv-rAl drops 00 V and the blue color said. with sylene. Dem c4 U: 0.01-OJA c. in 10 cc. HOAc in a "mated tube, 03-0.3 cv. V, And 30 cc. HA) we dild. to M m. wkk HOAc. -00 The extimilea N then mrsimml in a Lamp walvermil reWrwlrr; a rrd filter tSudsm 511 red) gives Vfttcf vislums, nw tirrvisisto ill 0.1w, 40.011) "IAw sulm. Is -2%. The tallaclinst of ;Y usirar iv -intUwly drid. O i ) f 1 1 i 4DAc.,s Dem. of cy-r1ofirtanum - 3 cc. 0.3 11 n ' j, 1 ) Ij. OAc added to a %Amldr cents. 41.01-41M g. ketow. now. afterw min..21 cc. HoAc, 0.5 cc. V. and HgO toW cc vol td h l " i . age lu . tl e ex, ; t j m 6 nicesured a% with ff. fj*J4. of IjjX()II: 0 Ill 41AM S. NIW In I w, Irv 0 11.2 11 N&OAr. 0. 1 tv, cyriolwit4mutc, UP1 CV. IIOAc and 11 25 t V Fk; . m. a" dil . toAfllv~ Willi IIAl . I stin of .. hrImphilimilk- arid (VI): DAI AILS g. 111%,011-110 In .1 ' 'V. Ii'(). ne"I'sliAge'l wilb;l "i NAMI lit 141 11),hrreal"I 24 lain with 2 m. mAt M VS.* slier ~Mn. 4 m4-1.41vr. V and dan: to lkpm.. the rKinic6m i4 uwxtuml. I.W.O. ------ - wool U 0 10 Mli is 4 it a -4 j i k i k ij& a Igims lowl; a stirmeme 7 9 IF 0 0 0 : 0 : 0 010 0 *1* 0 0 0 40 0 0 * 9 0 a 0 0 Is a too* 009 a be On 0 0 0 0 j*4 go 00 00 .00 cleUne's NjI,C1cd(itbik (A at. $two .7 I)tfgw peg tape - 64 I-M - Juv. , IW7*'. 80 lso"IM661 01-1 Va. we, jarIM16% VC. 0v dc rribit.dry .. c Compd. in wto dwo ztd. 4 tiff" out. tb to &JACO the Ill b"PS I .5, ~ ~ Ill, ~~j I 111pnoa goo re ultosh SO P11 IA MICLU, to 1. *g 12W %. %Nbtl irrin t a to . with 14 tw 40.10 to a clear 10- the t=;;; Ad dlkd With mist d v! - Wine to 1. 7 Lwd:j Nits I is it tbe W 0611 b--- d cratfuurd after bcr~woc lar-1 of t 161 04 live 65, (W,;-Jy~pow Vol 10 JAAA"O A** *I ---- SIVII Ito A With IC011' INA (IV) 1 S rals. 10' it'll 3 to pg~atxfw) P",dGb"-`a ube slaw. 40 j It Is blot 190* tbo t I WS. CA- 103 (15 S. ;,va tuto at b"tod ;~~* . be coalcols aw to I " CC. obs. On to ;xAcd ic stisid- If bo %be a , W, M &*-nods-sho.- tive VOW - '-% I with 6 Ibcc bet AWN. to 941, =11.3 I It o"a jttcd ;Iwb It. It .14,01 . _ j,h 1()D CC - '9 to US- 5 tboo t c-) V N woo 46 vclOzca 0,70, 69,4 ;2jda. 6 41i q I tb 3 9. tb* t1w gailt. ~'*d todW- *1 - 51 . 10i off Mil CCt, tubelint CO'.8 1.51105. (().7 6.), As. 00 C.11.6%, ;,a t a t , 0 'J1(`I`_1',;,Wd3ob9I-- ~1*15ct- 030ce. 954 do: orratf, to- .1 4 tim" jw- nal. mathre-At 11-O'se b and tb .bit and ANOW 11,16,isat o4q-a*dyl'VbsgDcc- Cjts*,jIebAtVu J~~ to 2 dryuc?,a on i N, I . of %J'Awb latit. to .wit 10-01 of us. I fict I" Uou"d. Zoo, - DIU tm ratt k , ,0r#& - - a Sad6d ia r I"Wir oollr "a' to w6d% 64 am tafel", d6o Sm a OW-4. wd6 Stv" the dis".. Is foe od!nl ssuo :: "" V P-5.. he WOO I VL in Awd. to or c"ItMINA. 4A 10 %. 4 CO- tww to WW 100 - t ljter a ;mcd. 11VA I redoction 13:~ 6- - ; tA* Or to a tb (VI) ba . ),.*M. the 1;;ows. ocu is can ofavi ii ~,1109'er NgsW1e 6$& -" 12.49. did 1~Vjj5jujtj,. T.U( .5 a. ight the t -pbi ad the 221-2% 182*- Over* -lk' 0 0 - ..I !;- IM4 I With ter Camp red, filua_ to Its`_"O'Wrb;;; o"i" .1 wo g. at to 19 cc. No .6 Is. to cao-5.4. 71.1, bu,.t *W, )61tcf to& is% I ad b0 34M bS. 140~ exiow. :A-dmd~sro bs viva V ivu) I ..Ji& 9411ho 341- IR:-C~Y 110 to T ZA a 3, d -00 .00 .00 geo zoo 0*0 goo too 000 goo 4* 0 goo goo woo zo 0 co 0 Ago %baktf 4(k) g. at 2.6~j Nq-H# mad the Wit. astd. after 7 I I his. lk time, an d min then Is obtained the J414 'b T IN4 ' dr ir sil ok W) ;;~W of VU le 2W7 0 a ris . w. . oo o, . y ; j The Draduct fivem the Clemmemom roductiam of YU gives the um oition (wised ts ) as that from the moollows p roe mother Hqwjr Itu", lix- (ly-1 D 4 Vill lpt" w Ito k. so . . redwalm of ". VU rrdwW wkb Adum tialmlyst OW H U09-19-1 HOAc is gamiwi Ift.3 Im. by 2.9"~ 0, al the -It 2W cc i -midthoproduct ystd two t I.C.H4 whit. OM -a &w - i.11,NMOWO is. M A F . n 2W cc./he., the 11OAc diOd. AT. and ball of the llill~ %A *bite 3 2 iddin I i h 0 m. 23 . prow. by hastfig - . m r.. y t s p I*W "Wue txsikJ u as- ll %A "'to 411% tai= C 00 1 11m dr Wkk d Vj ThOllb and Na at :d3l M - o p4 , C 11 N(k m "y"b, , t , - , - .3 -, a - (dtcmpa - I - DAY. 1~ - v t *0 00 smixt. ,91 a 0 o - y dWd. Nj - . hea;4j .1 =6 10.5 Ion., vmW to 00-70'. eutd. with ::j:, U by twiling in a both at 3W* with St Own ~ -h' i 1100 at 2 4110 cc I S 1 ~ so 00 CJl The CAa asi. washed with 140, the mAms some ' = . n j . 1 X.) produc j At 0). After 4 6 uivs 1~ 0 J4 r lo x1 9411 d by .. .d the r.M. diKd. t. give 13 It. of the JF- dW -d&q of VU. N 95-d'; Okra&. tom. 237*. To (I S.) . . o , . q emauniped 1,76 ce.14 j tittering on the ),I ao~. nor filiorAiv is cmtd. and acididird 00 In HOAC adds 7.8 cc. 2 S Rr ado. is HOAc, while Har IS with 6.6 8. "Mcd. 110; clymn. givre an Utow"fifabir 0 treated 11 10 i 2 H 60 liberated: . to 6 cc. mid cooWW #in I ' MIT Su" a i N h 14 VU h d O cc. n (U. 9 K.) 1 pCoduct" M. 2m)-V. with 6 drops 3Vi P-hyd". -0 the milt. r~Apd. 40 a 00 o O t VANS e 4 rm o wr p, of , M. s . ( Ch (1.5-2%) is Vowed 60 hes. hato to S. Vu fm Ito ot. I HOAc at the rate a# iW-M coc look do mM 11.0 bath Old CTy%ld- IFOM CJII SiM J-4`CrY'-4-S-j'- I-exule, on. 10"'. 00 s A him. to C!, p the wwml& . . the 4CM dbW. of is a bidY410, m- Z34-4-0 CLrctxv T. Masm 0 04o mum andthe (16X.) cv"d.bVa4dWgJkOH- 06 -6 71- a- 1-1 so OO W t W J 0411 so F---- . . O - 90 00 0 0 04 *0 a 00 00 of cyclipliammittimmis Ollim'. ld".Iiwduckl and J. IlAr #Ttcll. Univ.. Itirsam) , C.Wks"'" Cs"ka I&W. ckgm. Cummams. 14, MI-JIMMUM" 11118611). c take "xime (11 way lx- it"ity alkylited to gi whk,b int cwwim kmids a( ter 01106, Stable lis U)"A UkUM at taillps. lu 40**. st NIOD' I #at= -dPwAleld-it. It win Pirevil. tW viddims 11 mk&. d"pi smillati, to ZM g. I In ajoil ii. hiiii " N&(M. bftt. inl on a almn both 0.6 hr.. camilisgi irsig. with Stso. waslitims the tit. wisb %aH�(h will MO. dry* om NaoW),. and disig. U litregal. in thla way wem: Me ViM). thg MI-1.5', h,l dl- 0.9477, *6 1,4N11 1.4111W. 1.47,310. and 1.4-,W-, J.v the C, I). F. aad a linft. ft-P.. And Fj (V .5,; ). 1"S 111) 1'. 11's 04'. N. "Ill. it'- OX'73, a' 1.0043.1.411OV. 1.471M. mid 1.47003 for Theallylethirr(II11.1h, 1.1817"Wittlifirtid.t" time. yield by ulding 2441 a. I in.4it Act. %.4n. ut 104 C. X011 141 211) 9. Cll,;CllCll,llF, hi-AtMg Oil A SIC4111 tMlh With OC- clskinAl With 110I.Clig. with iltying llw CS1, .'m I.. AIM '11,11g. If (I 1.4tt lit a WAS AddCli 10 Ill'; 14CS3118 t~'. IUF14 lit fill.) with latlow 4dl*. ont~ijghth of the mAn. ficAttif to 101' (4 viuk itaction mcurred), the pnxlssct himitol to 121)". and thel fest Of thr Illixt. Added shrioily; after the feActiun W sulp- *ided. the nsi%t. w3i tmnstnt twito itc. licutrAliml with (Njj,jtC(N. And CAM With J~tj(f. &~AjlffJlJC- I., lit, its. CA, (ftAit K m Cola t mi-d frmn i hr c %I, V. UL Flint KNOA),-A favid, simple Owlyak of (hell lent CY61- b-awww (0-cyclohnaW (0)-YhOli (11)21 &Mulatto to 1-2%. iff hUM up= Cbe mensurrawat of the a atwi I Cd tW MMWk; the COMPO. at the samPle- 6 read directly IMM the trkafskr disgram constructed from messurc. mitts. Thedalzaregivrnfor mizu. whkb OM(Mift it" than 201Y0 In. (rum Is to NO, U. and 211-100% 1. P. V Elam mid Needle #m ilk. bpdrWpk 411 A&COM g. CKh Im 1470 W.H We yfrI&d I'A It. (=%) J4 ykm woo nbtakwd It. crol in 0 0. MtCO Wki ~'Aft -01084. ftheresm.yj 6jmkJ W crolem"Isydr-lib w1mm L 04%hommeftak Debmal md Miles Hudlkkt 1.). Chtm~Wd~-M. 45" JD (VIA 6 ) walwd by 6. WWA Z;91;4 161th IOU 1064wkellbm.; otbeream. WO-24mimd (U), Us 41V-4 1 '. , caMislog 10A It. I with 14.7 I of. 1(80 CNIS. 27 ff. 11,406 kd 3.7 Us a yvlkmrm all, War an k1011H. 11 ipwv Lm-&eW=emrcAnmk wid). t". kAlly Wilk ft. cCl Clio ,~, M), 1 1, i asidLwd In MtKO-with Chromic- mill. at ef env# X A a, 4%) felf"Or "f, M. 79", obt4lowd by ether fit". Id. Hgdlkkt, li C A . -- j4 1404 _ " -0 W's 1, fop j,,N-Wwb 4r. P. 4 go" M as 5"k,j-,kloj . wla*" . ,Ay 4A. I, ~:~c orri-lovoll 'IV % - / 0 /(~ ft4 e, ,, - - 11 I~f A ,olljoind-g- -vj~0w*WMWI~wPwbbrW PW-WO- V,:Wlklill$ jy 46. M74UI S JF~r ow 93 on= 771114mckt C~-, cb .. HUDLICKY, 14110S "Methody preparativni orgaul.cke chemie. fvyd.11. Praha, Statni nakl. technicke literat" 19560 Cmethods; of preparatory reactions in orFanic chemistry. lst ed. index3: It p-381 (Praha, Czechoslavakia) Monthly Index of East Furopean Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7,, No. 6, August 1958 ry.,11PIV. R ow aLL VC.R., mztvgair~ v;L~qUig wuh - tip.- Synthesis of Of If #wmuu LI ull. 5o, 771KIK. 01 dzechoslovakia/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 900 Author: Lukes, R., Hudlicky, M., and Janu, Z. W& Institution: None Title: Reactions of 1,3-dichloro-2-butene. H. Synthesis of 2,3,4-tri- methylpyridine Original Periodical: Chem. liety, 1956, Vol 50, No 2, 258-263 (Published in Czech); Sb. chekhosl. khim. rabot, 1956, Vol 21, No 1, 140-145 (published in English with a Russian sumary, Abstract: The action of benzylamine (I) on 1,3-dichloro-2-butene (II) yields bis-(*r-chlorocrotyl)-benzylamine (III). Treatment,of the latter With concentrated S04 leads to the evolution of HCl and the formation of N-benzyl-3-aceNyl-4-meth,yl-1,2,5,6-tetrabydropyridine (IV). Distilla- tion of IV at ordinary pressures causes decomposition with the forma- tion of 2,3,4-trimethylpyridine (V) and toluene; distillation of the hydrochloride of IV likewise yiel" VP with the additional formation Card 1/3 Czechoslovakia/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chewisti7j* B-2 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 900 Abstract: of benzylchloride. Similar cleavages followed by rearrangement have been described previously (V. Prelog et al, Helv. chins acta) 1942, 1654). To one mole of I in 360 ml of water with 3 mole!) of NaOu add 2 moles of 11 (20 minutes at 420); raise the temperature to 980 for 3-5 hours and stir 4.5 hours. At that temperature III is obtained in yields of 67%, bp 123-5-133-50/1.2-1-7 MMj the picrate, mp 132-1330 (from alcohol), is also formed. Add dropwise 0.5 moles of III to 150 MI. of 96% %S04 at 800, heat while passing a stream of air through the solution (to remove RCJ) for 6 hours, pour over ice, make the solution alkaline, and remove COO IV is recovered as the picrate in yields of 29.5%, mp 146-146.20 (from alcohol). IV is obtained from the picrate, bp 1310/0.2 mm, n&0 .1-5519, d~O 1.0492, M, 69.82. Distillation of IV at 115-4000 gives V in d 20 1-5151 n22.7 1.5138, drOeOl.,,840f 34%, bP 188.5-189-50/740 mm, rT) , D ! 3 (nD markedly decreases during pro- longed contact of V with air because of the high hygroscopicity of V; this explains the divergences in the physical constants given in the literature). V is obtained in 47-6% yields by the distillation of IV witn 3% HC1 (gas) and in 65 .2% yields from the distillation of the hydrochloride of IV; in the latter case the picrate is also formed, Card 2/3 %,tlru 11.3 AM~LUeaddsunldes. M.Ildlktt_C..h-l7.126, Sept. la. lVb7.--?Welbphen;n-e-u-xWWTT-g) was nd,ei with 8 g. CFjCOjH (1) at -150 and t;je mixt. heated to go*. An exothermic reaction took pkwe. The mixt. was heated 2 hrs. and I tvapd. in secuo. -11ve residue gave (!!! crptn. from 20 tal. HtOOM l.amunilide, at. 112-130. similArly. benzanilidc (at. ld2-3*).f brazoplmoone oxime and *- caprolactust (bes IOD-1 rmua G4-8*) from clahexanone oxwe were obtained. T. Mim-, C I< C) S CZECHOSLOVPMA/Organic Chemistry - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya., No 8., 1958P 25059 Author : Hudlicky Milos Inst Title : Reactions of 1.3-Dichloro-2-Butene. IV. Reaction with Grignard Reagents. Orig Pub : Chem. listy., 1957.- 51.. No 2., 336-34o; Sb. chekhosle khim. rabot, 195T, 22, No 2. 577-582 Abstract : 1.,3-dichloro-butene-2 (I) reacts with RMgX -through the C1 atom in allylic position, to form chlorolefins I z RCIUCHICUCH (TI) LrR C,,Hq (a)., n44Hj, (b), CdH5-(c) and C~HSCH,Xtld) ; 3:Ia-c yield with concLirated H.,SO-t. methyl ketons R(CHAXPOCH3 (III)P while Ild - a mixture of methyl naphthalene and methyl tetraline Boiling of ether solution of AW (from 1 mole Mg arA 1 mole RX) with I mole I gives II (RX., reaction duration in hours, yield of TI BP in OC/ma, nD (temperature In OC): Card 1/2 C7,ECHOSLovAK3:A/Or~Dzic Chant try - Synthetic Organic Chemistry) G-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiyap No 8j, 1958.- 25059 C HrERP 3 13, 83.92/50., 1.4434 (18); c&H,,,Br.. 6p 17.. ;1-5-97/lt.5 tsolution of RMgX added to boiling I; IIb contains admixture of n-C*Hag) C6H ) 605,9-19p 102-105/151 1-5332 (20g; C&HXH.~Cl. 2.. fr, .9-12,/ 14-5,, 1-5261F (20)- d 1.0259. 0.08-0.16 mole of II p stirred at 25"with k;_100 ml 96% H-SOV., bloving a current of air t;hrougi the mixture) to get III (Rp dura- tion of reaction in hours, yield in %): a, 18.72; b, 3p 38; ap le5s 53o Commication III see R71MiM) 1957, 6oh66. Card 2/2 Pb D r, i (- (,-, Y~ /,-/, .CZECHOSLOVAKEA/Orgenic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Rererat Zbur-KhLidya, No 4, 1958, 11247 Author : Hudlickyp M. Inst J- T'Itle The Beckmann Rearrmpment in Trifluoroacetio Acid Orig Pub:~Chem- ListY,, 51 -473 (1957) (in Czech) No 3, 47o Abstract: It has been established that CP COOR (I) is both a catalyst and a solvent for the Beckmann garrangement of acetopbenone 03time (II), benzopbenme oxime (ni), and cyclobexanate oxime (IV) and of the corresponding amides. For a concen- tration. of IV in I of 39.5% at teneratures of 75, 87-5, and 990 the follovIng values have been obtained for the reaction rate constant: 0.00067, 0.0035, and 0.14; tor a concentration of 2D.21j: 0.0051, 0.013, and 0.036; for a coucentration of 11.0~: 0.012, 0.025, and 0.18. The re- Card 1/2 CZECHOMOVAKEA/Owganic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 4, 1956, 3-19.~WF action appears to be first order and the velocity decreases with 1-0n-reariDg concentration, II is dirsolved in m8lten 1, rz-C-'--=Pd P. hrG, yield Z acetanilide, mp 112-113 (80%. of the I is recovered). By a similar pi-ocedure III yields 88% benzail-'lide, mp 162-1630. E -caprolactam by lOo-1010/ 2.5 mm, mp 64-680 is obtained by a similar procedure from IV in yields of 62.51,. Card 2/2 ~~rl IYN CZECHOSIDVAKIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Ber. Zhur.-Khimlyap No Up 19561 36284. Author : Jarkovsky Pesata, Hudlicky M. Inst :Not given. Title :Reactions in the Anhydrous HF. III. Synthesis of Dichlorodifuorometbane. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 4, 625-632. Abstract: Synthesis of CC1kFjrrom ccl~ and EF was investigated. Small quantities of SOZ and water do not hinder this reaction. Catkaytic activity of SbCI,,rrspIdly de- creases in the presence of CSZ which reduces it to SbClj- As the result of that, when using technical grade CC14, small asiount of Clit should be added, It is recommended to employ 0.08 mols of catalyst for I mol of =~, 10-2Yp excess HP, and maintenance of temperature at 100-120 DC. Card - 1/2 azEcHosLovAK:rA/Organic chemistrY- SYnthetic Organic Chem'strY- G;2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur--EhimiYa, No 11) 1958, 36284. A test run conducted (that involved preparation of 6.25 moll; of product) extended far approx. 16 hours. During its course were used 150 gr. SbCIX, 1020 9r- CCI and 300 gr- anhydrous HP., The reactants were ~:=6 brought up to 100-120 C as pressure was raised up to 30 atmospheres (1-2 hours)- The gaseous products were cOn- densed. Yield of CCI.~FZ was 930 and of CC1jF Was 2%- For part II refer to Chem. IlItY, 1952, 460 92. Card 21 P2 1,7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 43446. amounts of catalyst increase the formation of Mi. Under the above stated rditions there are formea 3-1~ of CHM~F, BP 9-10 - V. Preparation of C.4CljFz (I) in the usual equipment (see preceding co=mnicalion) is difficult due to insolubility of CIC14 in HP. The reaction can be ef- fected by increas ng the amount of SbC13-, which acts as a solvent (0.56 mole per 1 mole C4C1,,)- .7 The op- timum ratio HF:C4C14 is 4, temperature 150', pres- sure 2D atmospheres, duration 16-25 hours. Yield of 84.W/6, together with 4.4% C'Zqlj~_ and 2-ef, C'C1jFA- Card 2/2 acid!' '111d 51. I Ph! it' if~A I ('11 12 111 CC! mi', 11 it 11 1... I 1 .1 1 t.4 it inwill!I14. "lid 1'. 0 --i _j Ali". JJCJ (1. 1), t1it t J)'_j I'l); 11) I'Ll V, 4 idtfate. extil . with C41 N, Ow i1q. I-) a Akoh!, d l61" N,L011 - vot, with cllcl~' ('1111 thc ('110, ext. disid. to give 193 g. . -Ir cc 1, bj .6 -0,102, iOn" .". 98-0 (i., ICIA ;,!III the ~Ar. JIMIEtti WidL . Ai UNd 44~Z AU( ikox! (II)i tt;v 1394 4:1, Oh~ K. I '. - 1,11, .. IF "a) 11.1 Ij I e, so =VL; thfut.-Ch it, 14C TAW"t ott kc, licutralilhir: with NQOI-.'. wv9- K--1vu r, n'," by ('i R. 111) with 3A X. 111.11 by ritiltring itr ILI ild. UtOll, 4 stil. IfC), 4viii :1 int. 111"i, NaUlf 31) ----------- ti rK. at rv-,m tnfl eAtr_ %%it h itill an it C~114 yicltliji~ 7 fil PA, (dil. utoll). NaOill by tb- wilal 1"I. i.tij. III, W. A-,d 11,1_1 uf the WPIlCu4t t-rOml haviug W-W, ix tabt. (9 70 g. U1, 16) -iod. S, i'na FA) S. nopbAint in-) .14 gllAi w-M 6 fle-atEd 3 firs. tc) ibin.-:4 t:miti,no I-lied I lirs. kith ZIO n-A. .50 'C' INW, the cjq f 53 g. a, 135" tilt co~'ILA mxtioll wINI alLilized, bl;~ky M71terird ~ff. tli~ Cll!rAt, with CIICI,, ';w aq. IQ ;,It 5, ~ , 10. to dryn, ih~ ~--in .iln ~ ji. tud , 'I't ~Illi C.11" z voi'-c ,-I TV- - . -I- 1~ 1 ilq~ 1, AN, 'ViLl., NMI, Lli~ R'll. nak-rcl. ana ivyT~- ov~:f ptch xavt ~-('4q,Ipeffityl)vakric arid. 111. 177' ~EtOll- k/ CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Ehimiya.. No 22, 1958, 74110- Author A. Posta, M. Hudlic)~- Inst 'p - Title Reactions in Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride. IV. Preparation of Difluorochloromethane. Orig Pub: Collect. Czechosl. chem. com=s, 1958, 23, No 3) 535-537, 537-539- Abstract: See RZhMm, 1958, 43446. Card 1/1 ~Y, .0 Co. S- s-.3 8 i sk o atn A 4`3 .9 t 11 4-2 9 J,N JAI a 17 V C C 43 4 d P..~ n la Z!l aNds." 0 Its d. z:1 0 A d, age, i, ..Ti I MICKY, M. ; MARES, F. "Reactions of 1.3-dichloro-2-butene" V, Preparation of some pyridyl substi- tuted fatty acids. In English. p. 46. COLI-ECTIGN OF CZECHOSLOVAK CILMICAL CGOqJHICATICIS, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly List of East Europsan Accessions (ESAW, LC, '701. 8, No. 6, Sert. 59 Unclassified 06620 AUTHOR: - Hi-d 1 4 czzcH/8-53-i-i6/20 TITLE: Conference on th6 Chemistry of Fluorine PERIODICAL: Chemicke listy, 1959% Vol 53, Nr 1. pp 51 52 ABSTRACT: A conference on the chemistry of fluorine took place in Rague during June, 1958, at which thirty papers were presented. They were parly reviews and partly original reports. Original work has been or will be published in the following journals: Collection, Chemicki PAMYll, Cheiaicke" zventi and other journals. (n.b. A report on the conference in given in this journa.1 and the reviews will be published in its further issues.) The Czechoslovak Chemical Society, Czechoslovak AceSc., arranged on June 9 and 109 1958, a national conference on the chemistry of fluorine* The aim of the conference was to make publically available information on the present state, nationally and internationally, of the chemistry of fluorine, as well as to evaluate the results obtained in Czechoslovakia in this field aud coordinate Cardl/7 06620 Conference on the Chemistry of Fluorine CZECH/8-53-i-16/20 work in individual centres and to give new incentives for research and technology. The conference began in the large lecture theatre of the Faculty of Chemical Technology (Technical University), Prague. It was opened by the introductory remarks of Academician Lukel and the conference programme was divided into four sections. The first half-day session was devoted to lectures on tlie basic raw materials for fluorine chemistry. The lecture of J. Kalpar (Faculty of Lhemical Technology, Prague) contained concrete information on the occurrence of fluorite. The lectures of Z. Dobial( and J. Spurni (Faculty of Chemical Technology, Prague) and of J. KocoureR (Institute of Ore Research, Prague) reported on the preparation of fluoritle ores by flotation. A lecture by M. Odehenal (Faculty of Natural Sciences, Masaryk University, Brno) dealt with the winning of fluorosilicates during the production of citrophosphate. The second half-day session was made up of lectures in Card2/7 the field of inorganic chemistry. 066?0 CZECIV8-53-1-16/2o Conference on the Chemistry of Fluorine J. Suchard (Corporation for Chemical and Metallurgical Production, dsti nad Labem) revieved work performed uy the Corporation in the production of hydrogen fluoride, cryolite, fluorosilicate and inorganic fluoride; his lecture was supplemented by detailed information on the production of hydrofluorle acid (S. Vondrug, the Corporation); chemically pure fluorides (V. Tyl, the Corporation) and fluorosillcates (J. Dubi-kar, the Corporation). K. MatiaAfovsk:f (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) delivered a very detailed lecture on the production of elemental fluorine and the difficulties involved. V. MachaVek (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Czechoslovak Ac.Sc., Prague) presented a paper on the proparation of uranium fluorides. Two further lectures dealt with health questions. J. Marhold (Institute for Organic Synthesis Research, Pardubice-Ryb1tv1) drew attention to the dangers of Cax-d3/7 06620 CZECH/8-53-i-16/20 Conference on the Chemi try of Fluorine tjInstitutq for Sj? tiluical Researflv,Prague) fluorine and : compounds and 99 c a/spoke on no-- significance of fluorine in dental medicine. The analytical section was inaugurated by the review given by J. Vrettal (Antonfu ZApotock-j Military Tecbnolo- gical Acadomy,.Brno) on the analytical determination of inorganic fluorides. Reports on original work dealt with the determination of water in high percentage hydrogen fluoride (K. Otto, M. Uhl~r-, Institute for Resear6h in Macro- molecular Chemistry, Brno); pyroanalytlc estimation of fluorine (K. Zubec, the Association), spectrographic determination of fluorine in silicates (A.- Spatkovi - Stodolovd, Central Geological Institute, Prague) and the determination of fluorides in the atmosphere during the welding of basic electrodes (L. Hanslian, Regional Station for Hygiene and Spidemklogy, Olomouc). Methods for the analytical determination of fluorine in organic materials were summarised in the review given by K. Otto (Institute for Research in Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno). Card4/7 The work of J. HorfiSk and J. Kbrbl (Czechoslovak Ac.Sc. 06620 Conference on the Chemistry of Fluorine CZECH/8-53-1-16/20 and Institute for Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Research, Prague) dealt with the determination of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds containing fluorine. The subject dealt with in the work of J. JanAk and J. Novidc (Laboratory for Gas Analysis, Czechoslovak Ac.Sc., Brno) and of V Pokorny (Institute for'Research in Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno) was the chromatographic analysis of gaseous organo-fluorine derivatives. The fourth half-day programme, the richest one, was occupied by papers on organo-fluorine compounds. M. Hudlicky' (now of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Technical University, Prague) spoke on the mode of intro- duction of fluorine into organic compounds, on the prepara- tion of the main types of organofluorine derivatives and on the applications of fluorinated compounds. The subject of V.%7Aeinbhlls (Institute for Research in Macromolecular Chemistry, Brno) paper concerned the technological methods of production of the most important refrigerants (freons) and their application. Card5/7 06620 Conference on the Chemistry of FluorinOC'ECH/8-53-i-16/20 The lectures of J. ZdraA1 (Institute of Research In Macromolocular Chemistry, Brno) and of H. Lamar and R. Rado (Institute for Cable and Insulator Rose rc~, Bratislava) considered the preparation and properti:s of fluorinated polymers (Seflon, teflex and copolymers). '~ The paper of-M. Huillick-y (Faculty of Chemicil Technology, Technical University, Prague) dealt with the use of fluorcs- derivatives an media for and catalysts',in various organic reactions. D. Ambros and J. Rovner (Institute for Research in Macro- molecular Chemistry, Brno) presented a communication dealing with the auto-oxidation of-trifluorochloroothylone, the crystallisation of its polymers and the determination of its molecular weight. It in egtinated that 70-80 chemists participated in the conference, among whom was a celebrated guest, Professor A.L. Henne, the discoverer of freon, from Ohio State University, USA. Card6/7 The conferenceshowed that the chemistry of fluorine, a 06620 Conference on the Chemistry of Fluorine czecH/8-53-i-16/20 not very ancient field of study, is being fostered In quite a number ofOrwh laboratories and a number of modest but valuable results have been produced, as evidenced by the number of papers published in Czechoslovak chemical journals (see the bibliography on pp 52-53). It is necessary to support to the utmost the development of this branch of studies so thatth4Vmay eventually be able to reduce the 10-25-year lead which the advanced industrial states have. Card7/7 HUDLICKY, M. "Fluorine compounds as catalysts and reagents in chemical reactions" Chexicke Listy. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 53, no. 3, mar 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions MAIL LC9 Vol. 81 No. 71 July 59, Unclas HUDLTCKY, M. "Organic fluorine compounds" Chemicke Idsty. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 53, no. 3, Mar 1959 Monthly list of FAst bwopean Accessions (EEAT), LCp Vol, 8, No. 7j July 59, Unclas HUMIC,KY, M. Organic compounds of fluorine* I. Fluorinated acetylenic carbinals. Coll Cz Chan 25 no.4:11"-1209 Ap 160. (EUI 9j12) 1. Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry Prague. (Fliorine) (organic compounds) (Acetyl group) (Alcohols) MASS I BOOK MWITATIC11 S07/5889 Hudlicky Milos Khimiya. organichaskikh soyedinaniy ftora (The Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds) Moscow, Gookbinisda , 1961. 372 p. Errata slip inserted. 6500 copies printed. Translated from the Czech by lu. 1. Vaynshteyn. Ed. (Title page) t A. P. Sergeyev; Tech. 9d4 V. F. Zazul I okays PURPOSE: This book is intended for orgodo chemists and for workers in the plastics industry and in establishments which produce or utilize refrigetints. COVERAGE: The textbook is a comprehensive,,treatise on the chemistry of organic fluorine compounds, The b4isic'inforadtion necessary for experimental work and laboratorY*t*chniques..,vhich are in MW oases unusualp are included, and the possibility of further development of the chemistry of organic fluorine compounds is discussed. Special interest in shown in fluorine Card 1/4 The Chemistry of Organic Fluorine Compounds SOV/5889 compounds which oontain a considerable number of fluorine atom in the molecule (polyfluoro and perfluoro derivatives, or polymers). These com- pounds are characterized by inertness and thermal and chemical stability, and are of theoretical interest because their behavior differ.3 from that of other halogen compounds. This ampliiais is reinforced by the rather extensive formula and subject indices and'the chapters on propertiess -taxicityp and applications of fluorine compounds. The authorp who stud- ied the chemistry of organic compounds at 014o and Purdue Universities under a LINESCOgrantp thanks persons in the U, S. who have assisted him. He further thai6i--s bin wifep-.A. HudlickW, R. Lukash and'Vikhterlat Academicianaj, and Raynoyll, Engineer. TABLE OF CCNTENTSt [Abridged3: From the Author Ch. 1. Introduction 13 Card 2,/,4 The ChwAttry of Organic Fluorine Compounds SOV/5ag Referencea Forwda Index Subject Index AVARABLEt Library of Congress SUBJECTs Chemical Engineering Card 4/4 318 3" 359 EN/dk/pp 2-27-62 HUDLICKIJ M. %thods of organic chemistry. Vol. 4s Halogen compoundsw by Bouben and Wayl. Reviewed by M. Hudlicky, Coll Cz Cbem 26 no.7tl899-1900 J1 161. (Houben, Jose) (Wayl) (Chemistry, Organic) (Halogen compounds) HUDLICKY, M. Organic compounds of fluorine. Part 3. Reaction of trifluoromethylalk.71 ketones with acetylent. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.12:3140-3146 D 161. 1. Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague. KAKA6, B; HUDLI(XI, M. Czechoslovakia I liesearch Institute for Pharmacy -md Biochemistry Prague - (for all) Praf,rLeq Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communi- catiorwy-MO-M, 3:962, pp 2616-261T- "Quantitative Deteraination of Fluothme and its Isomer by Means of Infrared Spectrophotomet3-j.11 EIDDLICKY Mllov 1-7~~ Improved apparatus for hydrogen bromide preparatione Chem listy 56 no.3.2:1"2-1"4 D 162, 1. V79kmny ustay pro farmacii a bioohemliq Praha. KAKAC, B.; HUDLICKY,M Organic compounds of fluorine. Pt.7. Coll Cz Chem 30 no.3s 745-751 Mr 165. 1, Research Instituts of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague. Submitted February 25, 1964. ---------- RMIN WN fiVl L 650-2.1-62 Acussion NH: AP5. 02.3335- cz/dbo8/64/0OO/7Oi2 H hi 4 Hudlickyt.-I.1-.6 aA_,v fluorinA -in the chedUdt -of --o,,~9_af%tC--c0ffi?0u TITLE: Progress MURCE; Ghemicke listY, no* 12, 19614, 1373-1395 ToPIC yAGS.- fluorinated organic compound, fluorination, chemical engineering _--pro.P tax", last 6 yeari is reviewed. _(1030rl 0 ~-and- I+. ---Fl:uor imU,0n__agZn_t5 PVO d ne~bho-da o- ill-rou'loing i~_~ii-wr-&Uo7eovvoun -a w-wval-u~-4-A ~,tiozns-or---_organ-io- comr.10unds are d.isou3sod'-~iido-iii-nat~6d--orga.--i6::a-K,3n' ice]. processes used in their determination- are :revi_o_wdd-.- Usea-- of organio fluorine compoundi are dencribad, and individual--- :'plaatia materials based-on those are discus3,3d. Thu present-day L 6501.1-65 CGESSION NR. AP5023335 production of or'ganie F oampowids in Czechoslovakia is revi~'wado 7he main uses at present are w3 refrigerating rlix.Lda; trifluoro-, eth-,lone i--i manufactured and p3lymcrized into a plactic trade- nan;e, "ToPlexttj and a F basad aarootic named "Narkotan" in alao i produoade \9 Orig. art. has: 49 formulas, I graph,, AS OCIATION: VyzkunW ustav., x.-O farmacii a IiInchemii, Prague (institute Pharrwcolog7 and Biochemtstry)rir, SUB CODE: OC, W sny-rr=D. 00 - EXI. su, NR RrF SOV- 006 CTRER! 11? JPRS Card '~~2 CZWfi03LOTAXIA HUDLICE(o Vi KAXao B fOP rASIUWq and BloobadetVYo prag" - (for both) akmmL- *Orgsudgi GONVOIN" Of flu*vimo Paru 100 ft" 87stb"IS of 6 n%Gp"Wjg%*jjW# S -bydroxImlodamo allopole- objdV4mWl"U*QlMo and 3-uotb44pftUMo ftaiwch lmtltat* ror iumay mA 31 o*hfv-'J'.,wtryo Pmf" - (ter both) Pro # 98.1) WIN at 9wam"Snk -al Oda& 20MULO ilaVW49&6# xhlbolVIF, kw-vt gs Tt!&% 0, Duane CO-lAtryl I.CGOI.Vis A-Mrdf D-CIAO!2I met IlTan*,,t 1-11tuta at 2.1-s@ *wvia 11421eh' 17 03t&: 3 Properties of Doolvibsualleld A.14 Isolated rres Salmonella Typhimurimm Irradiated b7 UT ud Adjo., co-autharal--l., tment-a,941adiabLowwo lw%LVA* of rishl. 81910, Nuts M., Department of Redlebtelely, lactItuts it Pwlftr Teringes IsorLs IWISKI, UNA111,Noss I., Department of ladlableloo, Inatituts of ftoloor rsliWsos 'torts Wrloh'. HUDNIY,-PLEVNIK, Tamn a; SIMIC, Marta Ma Quantitative changes in the base composition of DRA (desoxyribomeleic acid) extracted from Salmonella Typhimurium irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Bul Inst Nacl 11%231-233 161. 1. Institute of Nuclear*Sciences "Boris Kidrich.0 Department of Radiobiology, Vinea. or BEGAR&TIC.. A ; HMIK- GLIBLyt V.; JANKOVAG, J.; KAMM, D.; 510-9 - .. -/ Aur-Too C-- I Labeling nuoloic acids with lootopeoand their use. Prim. radloaktiv. ixotop'. 2 no.3M-8~ D 161. .(DNA) (PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPES). HUDNI&Pigm , T9-; KMZIRp D. Structural changes in desoxyribonucleinic acid after UV irradiation in Salmonella typhimurium. Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:34 F-Ap IQ. 1. Institu, 1B. Kidricp* Vincal, Beograd. H MO LIN, Vlad W r; vionja CompUcations fol.3owing suboccipital Welogram performed with lodised oil. Srpski arb. calok. Isk. 90 no.1323-29 Ja 162. 1. Hourolosko-psihijatrijaki odjel Opos balnics wDr Mladena Stojanovicap u Zagrebu Sef: dr Vladimir Hudolin. (SPINAL CORD radiog) (IODIZED OILS toxicol) (BRAIN die) -5 HUDOLIM, Vl.; PZMVCIC, F. Diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis; two personal cage reports# Nouropsthijatrija 4 n0-3-4:209-217 1956. 1. Is Neurolosko-psibijatrijokog odjela (prodatojalk prof* dr. J. Breitenfeld) 1, PAntgenskog'zavoda, (predstojalk prof. dr. S. KiLdrnks) Opos bolnice Dr. MI. Stojanovica u Zagrebu. (TUBIMUS SCLIMOSIS, diag. (Ser)) Dr.; HUHIK-SIMM, J.; BRIMMMM, a., 4r. Psychiatry and clinical psychology, Lljoeo vjes. 76,116.11-122 513-m518 Nov-Doe 56. j 1. 1z-Neurolovk1-p~1ch1jatr1j~og 9djola Opes boluice dr. M. Stojanevica u Zagrebu. (PSYCHIATRY, relation to clin. psychol. Oor)) (PSTCWLOGT relation to MehipW of clin. peyehol. Oor)) " mir _ MLIN, Vla&-- Retinal changes in tubeA-us- -sc'TW?Mft;--Keuropaihijatrija 8 no.1/2: 30-42 160. 1. Iz Neuralosko-psihijatriskog odjela Opce bolnice dra X.Stojanovica N u Zabiregu (Sof odjelat Dr.Vladimir Hudolini (TUBEROUS SCLIMSIS diag) (PJ=A die) VZOLIN, Vl; RIESSNER, D.; KADRUKA, S. I XWEVIC, M. Giant osteova of the lamina cribrosa. (Contribution to the diagnosis if frontal lobe syndrome). Nouroptibljatrija 8 no.4:306-316 160. 1. Is Opee boinics dra M. Stojanovica u Zagrebu: Neurolosko-psihi atrijaki odjel (Soft Dr. V1. Hudolin) Kiruraki odjel (Sef: Dr. D. Riessneri Zavod s& radiologiju (Sef: Dr. S. Kadrnka) Zavod sa patologiju (Sef: Dr. M. Knesevio). (Os7EcMA oase reports) (FRONTAL BONS neopl) - HUDOLIN, Yladimir, Dr. - ------- -- Prevention of alcoholism, therapy and rehabilitation of alcoholics. Lijec vjes 82 noe6:473-W3 160. 1. 1z Neuroloako-psibijatrijokog odjela Opce bolnice "Dra M*Stojanovicaw u Zagre rALCOHOIJSM prey & control) . -4. , , . .. BUDOLIN, VI.; PRAZIC, B.; MACIVIC, V.; BARAC, B. Social problems in traneveoOtiom. Nouropol.hijatrija 9 no.1:54-U 161o 1. Is Neurelooko-psihiAtrijakog adjelA Opce bolnice 'Dr. M. Stojanovica". Zagreb (Sef: Dr. Vladimir,Hudnlin). (SEE DXMTION) HDOLIN Vladimir dr, Prevention of alooholizu, therapy and rehabilitation of aloohoucs (according to pneumencepbalographie examination of 147 cases). Med. glasn. 15 no.2/2at76-80 F 161. 1. Neurolooko-psihijatrijaki odjel Bolnios "Dr. M. Stojanovical u Zagrebu. (Sef odJelal dr Vladimir Hudolin). .1 . (ALCOHOLISM) (VENTRICULOGRAPHf) HUNLIW,,yJadA~4!~1 HUDOLIN,, Vianja Comp1jeations foll(rwivg suboaciPital WelOgrOm performed vith iodized oil. Srpski arb. calok. Isk. 90 no.1123-29 Ja 162. 1. Neurolasko-palhijatrijaki oA$al Opes b6lnics 'Dr Mladena. Stojanovica* u Zagrebu Soft dr VUdiair Hddolin.- (SPINAL CORD radlog) (IODIZED OILS toxicol) (BRAIN die) HUDOMIL, Josoof 10 years' experience with dacryocystorhinostomV. Szomesset 97 L1003:141-149 S 160. 1. A Budapostl Orvostudommvi Baotou IL at. Szomklinikajanak kozlemnyo (Igasgato: lonay Tibor eastoul tanar, at orvostud6immyok kandidatusa) (LACRIMAL APPARATUS surg.) HUDOMM, Jozaef On foreign bodies at the chamber angle. Szemesset 98 no.2:82.4% A 161. 1. A Budaposti Orvootudoz=yi Bottom II oz. SmemkIinikajanak koslomanys (Igasgatot Nonay Tibor egyatemi tanarp as orvantudomwqok kandidatu3a) (WE foreign bodies) PT,'DOMEL, Joz.99f; TOTH, Margit Considerations on the Groenblad-Strandborg syndrome. Szemeszet 99 no.2tln-3.18 A 162. (PSUEDOXANTIIOMA MASTICUM) -HUDOMEL Abnormal course of a retinal vessel in the central fovea. Szemeozet. 99 no.3tI66-169 S '62. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomajiyi Egnitem II. oz. Szomklinikajanak kozlemenyo. (Igaagatoi Nonay Tibor egyetemi tanar, as orvoltudmanyok kandidatUsa). (RMNA bLlood oupFay) ACC NRI AFtt) SOURCE CODE: cz/0017/66/055/004/0203/02191 0195 A AUTHOR: Huducekp Zdenko (Fngineer) 1 ORG: none TITIE: Opening time in mine networks with a non-grounded neutral point with regard to contact voltage SOURCE: Elektrotechnicky obzor, v- 55, no. 4, 1966, 203-210 TOPIC TAGS: electric capacitor) electric resiatance ABSTRACT: On tho'basis ok an energy criterion the article derives the limiting opening time of a low-voltage not-'. work with a non-grounded neutr"l point upon contact with a 'human bo(?y. 7be limiting time is reduced to a funobion of four ;variables: the network voltage, the total leakage resistance of. the network,, the partial capacitances to ground, and the resis- :tance of the human body. The influence of the individual vari-. ,ables on the limiting opening time also is analyzed. In con- Iclusion, the necessary technical procautiuns a130.aro givpn for, the distribution of the high voltage (1000-3000 V). This paper was.presented by Engineer M. Zapletal. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and.24 formulas. [Based on author's Eng. abst.) (JPRS: 36,8111 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: lOOct64 / SOV REF: 001 / OTH REF: 002 LLB UDC: 621-316.1.,04-78 Lj~Lgrd 1/1 / Y / /I)- HUDYMENKO, Fedir Sydorovych I ~ I ~ - --, - . ~ , , [Higher mathematics) Vyshcha materatyka, Kyivo Vydvo 1-~vivslkoho urliv., 1964. 379 p. (MIRA 19z1) 14TZOVIC Peter inx. YAthod of approximto deterranation of the excessive regulation and the duration of the regulation process in linear sy3t6me. Autmatizace 8 no.lilg-19 Ja 165. HUEBER, Josef, inz, "Zo~;-IrXting" by William G. Pfann. Reviewed by Josef Hueber. Sdel. tech 3.1 n0-89319 Ag 163. i I i I i i RAVLIK, Otto - HMM Ad Results of sorological investigation of tozoplasmosis in domestio and wild animals. Cook. spidem.mikrob. imun. 9 no.5/6:391-397 Jl 160; 1. Ustav spidemiologit a aikrobiolo it T Praze. (TOXOPLASMOSIS reterinaryl RUNGARY Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H-13 Their.Applicati-;n--Ceramics. Glass. Binding-Mateirials, Concrete Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiyat ITO 3, 1959, 9063 Author t Huebscher, He Inst --.-Not given'" Title Foam Gla84 Its Pr9duction. and Use Orig Pubs. Epitoanyag, 1958i io, No 4-5, 109-112 Abstract: The methods of producing foam glass (FG) are indi- cated: 1) by introducing gasses into molten glass; 2) by introducing intense gas generators into molten glass; 3) by expanding bubbles under vacuum in the molten glass, which contains a large quan- tity of gases kunclear glass); 1+) by mixing glass Card 1/2 HUNCKEL, Stanislav - - ~ -4. 1. -.-, -- ~ Development of research an soil mechanics in Poland. Review Pol Acadeny 9 no.lt6-13 Ja-Mr 064 HUECKEL,.Stanielaw, prof. dr Inz. A conference on soil and foundation mechanics in Budapest. Ina i bud 21 no.8:295-296, 3 of cover Ag 164. 1. Technical University, Wansk. HUECKEL.4 Stanislaw, prof.dr. Inz. ---~ ~Ihe "anchoring Ci-P20ity of rigid horizontal elements awsk in sandy soil. Archiw fWdrotech 7 no-3s297-314 160. (EUI 10:2) 1. Katedra Fundamentowania Politachniki Gdanskiej, Gdansk-Wrzsazcz (Sand) (soils) (M.1ding) tislawq prof A brief review of the scientific research in the field of marLie and harbor tMiraulics in Polandq Vodoprivroda Jug 2 ncl-7/8:119-123 '59- (Elul 1091) 1. Ecole Polytechniquo do Gdansk (Pologne)p ot V-directour do . 1'Institut Hydrotoohnique do l'Academis Polonase des Sciences, Gdansk (Poland_-Harbors) (Hydraulics) (Ships) MECKEL, Stanin2aw %ginearls hydrolog7ll by G. Ramenierts. 4vieved by S. Hueekel. Archiv hydrotech 8 no.4:623-.621+ 161, 1. Redaktor Naczelny kwarta2nika "Archivum Hydroteohniki". HLIELLE, #i, mgr inz. (Gdansk) Wrigerat and air-conditioning installations for vessels f~,hing in tropical seas, Bud okretowe Warszawa 8 no. 6: 207 is 163, --- - I - --- --- -- - -- ---- - 11UGET, Marian# mgrop (Od"ia) -- - -- -- --m Marine insurance. Techn goop morska 12 no.2:52 162. HUGO, Rri -1 "Science of plastics for engineers" by C.M.v. Meysenbug. Reviewed by Jiri Hugo. Stroj vyr 12 no.3t238 164. HUGOIJ.; JIRGUS,H. Rheology of hard poly7inyl chloride. Chem prum 14 no.2t8l-86 F'64, 1. Statui Vyzkumny ustav materialy a technologle, Praha CZECHOSLOVIJM/Chcnical Technology. Chemical Products H n ,-nd Thoir Uses. rart IV. Synthotic Polymers. Plastics. Abs Jour : Rof Mir-Miniya, No 15, 1958, 52090 Author t Hugo, Jiri Title : Epoxy Resins for Low Current Electrical Applications. Orig Pub : Slaboproudy obzor, 1956, 17, No 8, 447-452 Abstract : Cast epoxy compounds UPON 2100 B (1) and UPON 2200 8 (11) wore prepared in Czocho- slovokia. I and II are relatively low viscosity compositions, consisting of epoxy resins and a reactivu solvent (mono- meric substance containing a vinyl grcup). Card 1/4 CZECHOSLOVIXIA/Chenical Tuchnology. Chemical Products H and Their Uses. Part IV. Synthutic Polynors. Plastics. Lbs Jour Rof Zhur-Khimiya) No 15, 1958, 52090 Curing of I (initial viscosity 300-500 cps) and of I,~j (loco_18oo cps) wns accomplished at 20-50', using 8 purcont of the curing agent and 0,4 percent of the Xcelerator. Thu process was distinctly exothermic* In- troduction of i_~ filler (quartz, sand or mica) increased th,:- specific heat, at tho saria time docronsing heat accumulation in- side tho cured slab. Presentod ware cheni- cral and physical and dielectric properties of I and II, cured at 200. Specific impact strength of I and II was correspondingly 20 and 30 kg.'cr,,/cm2. Stitic bending yield Card 1 2/4 132 CZECIIOSLOVIaLrq/Chomical T,:..chnology, Che-Acal Products 11 and Their Uscs, 1~,Art IV* Synthotic Polymers, Plastics. Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Khiniya, No 15, 1958$ 52090 strength (kg/cn2) was 420 and 620. Ultinnto compressive strength was 490 and 710, while ultingto tensile strength was 260 and 280 kg/cm . The nodulus of elasticity vias found to be 20100Q nnd 389000 kg/cr,2, Brinell hard- ness Okg/m2) vias approximately -16 for both rosins while Martens heat resistance was 520 an& 570 and Vick's heat resistance was 709 and 780. Diolectic strength of the re- ,jins was 17.2 and 18.2 KV/m (200), while surface rusistanco was 3.7 x 1012 and 4.2 x 1012 ohms, ruid 2el x 1011 and 4 x 1011 ohms after water irziorsion for 24 hours, I and II Card 3 3/4 CZEGHOSLOVIXIji/Cho.nical TocImulogy. Chomicna -,rLjucts H vnd Their Uses. Tart IV. Synthetic IL-lastics. rolynors. ' Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Mintyal No 15, 1958, 52090 shrink loss upon curing than opoxy-poly- ester compounds. Cracks wore not formed in cast I and 11 rosins upon their sub- jection to heat cycling, between -70 to 1200. -_ L. Posin Card 4/4 133 'Distr: 4E2c(j) Creep Chamterlstles at poly Yale- rialov$ Sborxik 038, 816-29(=-Div ~-.Iments' V11yarnitles have been carried out at 10- 41X) Xg./Sq. Mr. and at O-W'. Test spechnons have heen subjected to a const'. ten.4ile load at atru. niolAturcs of 30- 857, and at a ternp. of 21*. and the deformation mcas- .urA as a function of thrin, Bending tests indicated bend- ing flexures vgAable with time and permitted the detn. of the so-called creep elasticity modulus at various temps. It was found possible to use the E,(1) curves for the calen. of t creep curves, O-W*. The calcd. curves wire identical with the measured ones for stresses up to 100 kg./sq. cm. For ambient temps. or foT lower ones, correct ions are made /J" for moisture content. ZILVAJI, V.; HUGOp J. The machining of pl"tlq.,,_Jsm4*dOqO opt'5 no.11.329-331 N :6o. 1. Statni vyzku=y ustav materialu a technoloViep Praha. HUGO) J., inz., I- ----- -- Mechanical propertlies of ccnstruction plastics. jerma mecli opA.- 5 no.11043-346 11 160. 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav materialu a technologie, Praha. (RM L 082h9 7 - _Tj-P14 AP6033024. SOURCE CODE: CZ/0032/66/016/007/0551/0558 AUTHOR: Hugoo (Ed&ee'r .1 Xrous, M. (Engineer) JQ ORG: State Research, Irts*ti~'te' of Materials, Prague (Statnt vyzkumny ustav materialu) -J, TITLE: Evaluatl`6h",o~,t I strengt of plastic materials SOURCE:, $t~oJire:~"A*A- ---iv 16-.~ no, 7, 1966, 551-568 TOPIC TAGS: p1j"i1c,:-.1a'rininat6d plastic, polypropylene plastic, polyamide, polyvinyl chloride, 'epqx1de, epoxy plastic, stress analysis, mechanical stress, static test ABSTRACT: The methodology of testing and evaluating results of research on the strenght and behavior of plastic materials exposed to prolonged static stress is explained, and a surv9j,'of the resul s is presented. A group of polyamides,d polyvinyl-chlorides, polIy 19and epoxy vitreous laminateqewas tested. propylene, Semifinished VUGPT Gottwaldov were us .edfor the tests. The dependencies '"d. valtie's-determined are presented in dia&Tams. The paper f Val -172 C ard L 08249-67 kcnw, -A-f 6-0 3 was presented by 19 figures and 11 forMujgj6.,#`~' SUB CODE: 11 f'; 90B LCard- 22 -ofessor, Engineer, Doctor. Orig. art. has: kqed on authors' abstract] ~.none/ ORIG REP: 010/ OTH REP: Oll/ :Ez A. V, "Elemontary wave meohaAico"-,by W. Hoitbf. Reviewed by P. Huhn. Aota chimica H=g 38 no,2sl7O-l'71 163, A-- -0 AIM- HUHN 11. Arproximad Ivt so]" 140 , .- A ---a - 0""11 03) dkv"x WMA ASMI(ar xj, to oil Wise Sarias Md-O X-GeArxim ~A', VOL oul j 3 1932, NO. 12, ~- 370-379, 9 11P) P1 The toact!" W411ico of complea chemical reactions vm loveritigatid. Instead of almaltancously considering all the chemical processm only the steps determining Tocludcal Abst. the rate of the elementary reactions fpvolved - starting. F) ITOO vi. noting, branebinl, and rupturing - reactions - wen Iskin- into account (' four-it sp mochavism'I By this zWbod the vroce" MAY be characterized by two dUler. outial equations - one Mating to the conversion of the, stating material and the other determining the rate of I I OW cbs"a in the concentration of the active centres. It' 00 fate Constants of the alimentary reactions no known. the explicit solution of the differential equations is P002W& ible W approximativo numarkat Integration 9. 9. by the zukr-cow-1 polygon Meow. If these constan- an k. gh trials a quartet dU%=tW equations to. A Vmqipyi VTh. mcchj'~-['mn ("f oll VrIv R I A k"' J!, 0,~Tnval dcc~vnpa Cf Ctl.'~ I 'A cl-l' -M b e. dpjt EuZyc-At'd stein d ~Sl), Tl:c t,t,.e :f Cl. tht a'. (C.A. Vt. 45 ay be " I -kay- met tht 50"ifiratical nl~ aw. to 2 .1-. thtmortut6l reactiom CIO + 0,;;t CIO, tAff L-c2l,) ajul C10i + C' lQj v.-! Cl-.(?. (W! IV --okdAllott -f-pugovil vf 0 U- a III) I'10 I :I .1 Iii tilOV 111,411ii'l i:, (~~r tilt.( flu'll 111C il!Ili the ( 1, 11 'U"T - rv-:, Ivrivatioll (if thiq uquation it r,-Ijjt;wtAiip k gl%vil for I v I ,.11 'it ut - 111L C~j ollatit"n 14 tilt, fit iji, )wxut ratiml "mm, lKill-ling to 0C poillt Ly InVilmiroWe conventration &-tla By of -this-eqTmUnti it I~cpiiw oddcut that tilt, kwlectric IItWitt tit unitt.-titiable fit -, ~,tltitiovt uf an alito asniplex Ivithout the addi(imt (if uiccsak v (if Iig;i - oll%ivali,tit III (tit, %,ikm-v I;; tiv: k-oard (,,it k it ht 111.1 'it tho alld the mmt.,tt- ic;i 14 tic,.V, naillf [kill (his State. The nuthollatiell Cquati'llu-, 'am tit n 11-mon-tical um~wt-atimv, v,tre aillitiol w I~Iria!imr' of th'.: "Ot tomi-111triti'm of frin-4 JTt~int L~ ll~lilg kAl, Salt, whid. tit" 1.14111,11 [kit thtir (11~1-'Ifiort I,, fmm m.t- 33. The mectlactsm Olt NORVICOcUdull anillahlbli(on -Z. c;zab6 P Flu hn A. B Magyar Klm'aiFM -7171 ~1.11 vdiral - 0 - pp 7 figs., 2- tabs.) IL tfi~--U-Udoiln and gentrAtiar-chanism of hamogenco" It -latirmtoi by M. Pdri'71PIC.5 -of ffre -Alift I m It Is kn(nm that a sabstance Or- lig lzave OPPOSIte c ects on the same, r&dtca!S del)endil of the "actarits. teutive, coaccutmdom 'SUbject to oKvftrdrg Iteiween the Etabilized -- -------- radilvdartrid the starting matt,dal fit between the ptiklif- 1124L41- nUlkIdl# gkllil: ttW -VtL%thhJjjyXjj fWjjrAj%. DfffjCq itics Hanle" fit -041 - 1"ith(Midtl6ml fennulktion ot this extrefticly rmt4en jm)m-,,g were Solml Palcoessfully br tr-,Ntegp inechani-tru ying tlv~ Infildlifel of the "(01 ~tcvclojv%l by the nutharm. To tL%t the valldity of the CqUatirms nlitallied by thearcilkal dctivatints thc nitrous 0%filt-COUlvitell o1, luldlilted dcl-cullwodtfial of pro I stiddlyAlle %6% slindied as a functinn of the nitrous o2le, n ntrattall. INE Lit, /I/ /A HMGM/Pbysical Memistry.. Kinetics - CoMbUstioup ExplosiOns- B TOpoAIWdst3*'. Cauvaial Abe Jour: Yof M=-*XUmLyaj,,Wo 290 '1058j. 732". Authhr T. Berces#2.~~ Inat Title iOn the Eatension of the Concept or the Four Sta" Mechanism. 1. General Considerations. 11. Application in the Analysis of an Expe Kinetic Curve. Orig Pub: Acts, phys. at chi&. 8zegedj 1957o 3p No 1-4s 95-W; IM-111. Abstract: I. The system of differential equations describing the concentration chan of active centers (dn/dt) and initial rAst4noes for not-brancbed ebain reacticas., the chain carriers in which are 2 active centers converting one into the other in succession, Card 1/3 ROGARY/PhYfic9l Chemistry. Kinetics. Coubustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Cataysis. Abs Jour: Hof Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1958t 73279. van reduced (assudug that the chain were long Zgmt)to a system of equations (RZhXhim,, 1956, ) for single center chain reactions proceeding according to the fou stage nchadem; origination, continuation, branching and chain rupture. Ex- pressions of dc/dt and dutdt for the case of thermal daeonosition, of 80,zF~,Z OOMixv 45%, 13796) Pro- ceeding through 2 active centers f n = n I + n't 0 (C1) + (SO)Cl!J vere obtained as an exanple. II. The system of differential equations describing the kIDIatica of the thermal decouposition of 80 CI (see put I) was numerically integrated varying the rate constants of elementary stages as Card 2/3 d lnh~j ~chal* ply, Siered, L- tk, z P. Hu SUM" si tht:,stahfli~tstlon of to used In the nwhanism of cat I ted chem.' --math. detsils as liven wid applIvA to da" '4h4 d-P I r On. of pt(?,*Mehyde and the dftvmpn. of H, Induenjed b)~ M Paul. H. ltn!msm,=~ ISM 'Meanim of the Laflusocing factor of the homogeneous chain cat& yals'jand Inhibitlom P_ Ifuhn and F. Marta (Univ,* Siegidi Hunfl. AcAl T=svieledieni7t. Aila Phys. e .4, 33-44(10M)(In English).-A relation was established between the half period of conver- sion I,/, and the Influencing factor F(I). defirittl as the ratio of the stationary chain component of the rate of the In- fluen"d reaction to that of the noninduen"d one. F(l) of the thermal decompri. of propylaldehyde catalyzed b NO was caled, from expti, b/, and I~y choosing by trW surtable values for the characterlstlevonsts. 0. 4. as for the eQuation F(I) - (I + 0 I)IVI -+28,1 + 6 11, where 16 the conen. of the iniluencing substance, for tho date of StAveley and Ifinshelwood (C.A. 30, 66311) %nd SuM, d of. (C.A. 53, 833c), and of the more tittallest work, within NO resture 0.00-M.00 mm ol'the authois The agretment Mween' Wed. - and ex U F(JI) waxgd. The process is chain. of of a at mvp.tO _4Sr YJ ------ B.", HUNGARY Physical Chemi sitry. Thermodynamics. B Themochemistry. Equilibria. Phase Changes. Thysico-chemical Analysia. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 12, 1959, No. 41548 Author : 11uhn,, P.; Beckt M.T. Inst : ToRgiven Title : Some Mathematical Considerations of Successive Equilibria Orig 'Pub : Acta_phys. et chem. Szeged, 1958, 4, No 1 2p 45-53 Abstract : From known equilibri= constants, the concentrations of LIT_ '.,,i~7, I ~jd f2 OdIj_7, Od,; 7 and t/ were ca - cula ed for mdl"ecular r"ractyona of cad- mium iodide in a 10 -3 to 1 M solution. Card 1/3 EUNGARY Physical Chemistry. Thermodynamics. B Thermoohemistry, Equilibria. Phase changes. Physioo-chemical Analysis. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 12, 1959, No. 41548 Similar calculations were performed for cadmium bromide, cadmim chloride and cad- mium thiooyanate solutions. The equili- brium constants for each stage of complex ion formation as well as isoelectric points of several cadmium complexes have been calculated. A method for the calculation of dissociation constants of pol basic acids (based on LIUmeasurementsT has been propojed. The concentrations of Z_H~7 2NO 9S04_2 and L112S04-7 in 16-4 to 1 M H2SO4 solutions were computed. Card 2/3 15 HUNGARY 'hysic&l ChemistrYi Thermodynamics. T~prm6chemj try. ClAngag. Millbris ph... B 14Y31co"chemidill Aalyal's. Abs JoUr Ref ZhuV , A"MIYA, No 12, 1959, No. 41548 PInally, Ion co,cent., tiona of oxall., tions In the sojU_ Ic acids were eat Citric and Pyrophosphor- were pres ablished The results ented In tabular* r,,j. A. Zol0tarevskiy f0 Card 313 PMTODTCAIS: Vol. 64, ~Io. 7/1, -T,11,71-411ry. IIIV, rf&7 KF'TAT FOLY-MAT Huhn, P. Discussion about the Bodenstein method in the frane of four-stage, -.echaniam p, 263 Vonthly list of Zast European Accessions (EEAI) Vol. 8 p 1100 2., LC, Fdbruary 11?59., Unclass. Dictr: 4E3b 7- --of, nundoi functiozi. M-, to T. fk-,k andL._Udff-(UMV cArtw.- Maij. i. 11sixg. Z(F-.285M15D5MY.. cf)miklcx forl"alkni fu')CtWn of Djtrrum (C.A. 35. tM70), i, was mutlifts by 11warAlfins the stability axims. of com, plex systems like NI(SCNN. Nis, CdBro, lIsCh. Pof the' Alucyaunte systein and Cdf, the expil. data obtained agree with those caled. by Fwaacus (C.A.I. 47. 85M) and Leden, (C.A.36.MH40). The ii - 1/m polsits tit) not have a definite Chtin. R1iln1fiCAS1t%,, but the Wilts V)herei is rin hiteger ex-1 hibit a dcfbtite chens. mmung In that the conespindingi cOmplex attains amax. value at thisvoint. R,.9.hfuntt-- HMIj Peter, a kemial tudowanyok kandidatusa (Szeged) An account of my Moscow study trip. Ker tud kozl MTA 15 no.1:91-93 ,61. (EM 10:6) 1. Szegedi Tudoetanyegystem Szervetlen es Analitikai Kemiai Tanazeke, Szeged. (Rusoia-Chemistryl Physical and theoretical) (Hungarians In Russia) (Aoadeaq of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) HLMTI Pete kandidatus; KALLO, Danes, kandidatus 11-~L=TJL An accont of the work of the Working Comitteo on Catalysis in 1963. Ken tud kosl MrA 22 no.lslO3-104 164. UMMOT-P ing-1 OMMU.- I-P 149.1 NITUJV.o ing. Gcnsideratio~m'on the oboice of the optinmm tensim utili- gkition for aleotria drives In thO oil extraotim Industry, Strol ei gaze 14 no.9t448-456 -8163,