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Publication Date:
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Influence of Polar Additives
Creases in Silit;one Fluids
There are 3 figures, 1+ tables
.-;, , -/60/00/06/11 '-,
Flo -i ohl'i .~
on the Quaiity 01
and 10 Soviet re!'eremes,
Moskovskiy neftemaslozavod i VNII NP
(Mostow Petroleum-Dibricant Work3, and VNII NP)
Card 3/3
BM-7 oil for high-vacuum pumps. Nefteper. I neftekhim.
no.2:8-10 163. (WRA 17: 1)
1. Moskovskly neftemaelozavod.
AUTHORS: Gromova. L. G. V Dzhabar-Zade, R. M. S179hl6210001001IM1010
TITLE: Standard program for the integration of systqms of ordinary diffeiantial
equations by the Runge-Kutta method.
Vychislitellnyye metody i programmirovaniie; sbornik rabot
Vychislitellnogo tsentra Moskovskogo univei;siteta. no. 1. Ed. by
N. P. Trifonov. G. S. Roslyakov, and Ye. A. Zhogolev. C Moscow] f d-vo
Moak. un-ta, 196Z, 2:78-Z92.1
TEXT: The paper constitutes a contribution to the setting up of an ensemkIc of
standard computing methods comprising several variants which have differenfIchar-
acteristics relative to the speed of operation, the volume of the memory req4'ired,
the simplicity of its use, universality, etc., and which, hherefore, may eachle
,-more directly suitable for a given problem. The progr
am proposed here is iy--,,Iended
for the numer-ical integration of systems of m ordinary differential equation ,Cf the
type dyi/dxmt f, (x. Y10 Y2, - - Y.), where ixl, 2, ..m, or its equivalent vector aires-
sion,'dY'/dx=T(x, Y), with the initial conditions 3FJ - ' , according to the ~'Dnge-
Kutta formulas of the fourth order of accuracy. The process of numerical intiogra-
Card 1/2
Standard program for the integration of;. . S/794/62/000/001/009/010
tion consists of successive stages, in each of which the known value of the solution
y (x ) and the magnitude of the step h are used to calculate the value 'Y(x
n n n+1
according to the Runge-Kutta formula., 'The computation program, the algorithm
of the automatic selection of the step, the distribution of the operational circuit
units, the logical program scheme, and the nonstandard operators used are
described. There in 1 Russian-languAge Soviet reference: Ryabenkiy, V.S.,
Filippov, A. F., Ob ustoychivosti raznofitnykh skhem (On the stability of difference
schemes), Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1956'.
Card 2/2
L 18o45-63 EWT(d)/PCC(W)/BDS ArFTCVIJP(C)
ACCESSION RR: AP3001035 S/0055/63/000/003/0025/0037
ALITHOR: Gromova, L. G.
TITLE: Weak lacunae of hyperbolic equationskith two independeht variables
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet~ Vestnik. Seriya I. Matematika, mekhanika, no. 3,
1963, 25--!Pr
TOPIC TAGS: weak lacuna, hyperbolic differential equation
ABSTRACT: Lacunae of linear hyperbolic equations
are those regions lying in the base of the characteristic cone (for t const)
and having the property that any sufficiently smooth changes of initial data in
these regions do not influence the value of the solution at the vertex of the
characteristic cone. The first part of the paper states necessary and sufficient
conditions: In order for an interval in the base of the characteristic triangu-
lar function uxx -7 iutt + a(x, 1) 4' 6 (x, i) u, + c (x,
L 1805.63'--
to be a weak lacuna of first order, it is necessary and sufficient that
(x, 0; 2) cl does not depend on 1; 3) cis- + (3)
4 ..2.
The second part proves that the equation L )u cu (where c - const, L
- 11 X
is a linear homogeneous hyperbolic operator of high order vith constAnt co-
efficients) has no weak lacunae. The weak lacuna is a lacuna for derivatives of
solutions of -some order with respect to t. The author expresses his deep
gratitude to S. A, Gal'pern for his help. Orig. art. has 22 formulas and 1
ASSOCIATION: Moscovskiy universitet kafedra differentsial'ny*kh uravneniy
(Moscow University, Chair of Differential.Equations)
SUBMITTED: 07Aug62 DATE ACQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00
Cord 2/2
(A) L -8499-66 EWTW/wP(j) .- am
ACC NRs ALP5028479 SMRCE CM, MV0286/65/000/020/0064/0064
A 44 IR i
AUMORSi Levitin# 1. Gromovat L. O.;q9troval Y. D.1 loffsp At Ll 1krohankog
Ye. D. %kv\
:ORGt none
TITLEs A method for obtaining rubber@.
Class 39P No. 175644
SOURCEt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965# 64
TOPIC TAGSt rubber, ozone, antiozonant, cerisin, paraffin, potrolatm/ AF
ant:bzonant mixture
ABSTRACT: This Author C"ficate presents a method for obtaining rubber by apply-
ing a waxlike antioxonant.6 To increase the resistance of rubber to ozone, mixture
AF, consisting oT-n&-Tu-ral oerisin (30-70 wt parts) synthetic oerisin (20-5 wt
Parts), Paraffin (40-10 wt Parts), and petrolat='(10-0 vt parts), is used as the
waxlike antiosonants Xixture AF may be applied together with chemical antiozonants,
,SUB CODEt 07t 11/ SM D&M 113@p62
tip I -M)Cs 678*7-048
.Cari 1/1 665-436-432
11 w m r~ n w I tf, t r;j ri:-~ n
1, - I.
Convorting the upring field pua (fiavm arverxe) into the winter
field pea. Agrobiologiia no.6:806-805 11-D '61. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Vausayuzny.,( nauchno-issledovatellskly inatitut kormov imeni
V.i,. Villyams, at. Lugovayu, Moskovkoy obl"ti.
(Fiuld puu)
Pinching bacl~ and.defoliation of forage beans in Moscow Province.
Zemledelie 24 no.7:31-35 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut kormov imieni
V.R. Villyamsa. 2. Chlen-korreopondent Vsesoyuznoy akadexii
sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina (for Yelsukov).
(Moscow Province-BeanB)
GAVRIWV, K.I., dotsent; PAIWENOVS, M.L., asniqtent; GFOI-INA, L.I., asslotent
Search for new medicinal plants in the Stavropol flora yielding
the antibiotics phytoncidea. . Uch. zap. Stavr. goo. med. inst.
12sl59-160 163. 1 (MIRA 170)
1. Kafedra obahchey biologii (zav. kafedroy dotsent K.I. Gavrilov)
Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo instituta.
GROMOVA. L.1., assistent
Comparative evaluation of thu stlmulaLlng and inIdAbitive
properties of aqueous root extrActs from the plants of the
Family Araliaceae. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12t
163-164 163. (HIM 170)
1. Kafedra obahchey b1ologii (zav. kafedruy doteen'. K.1. Gavrilov)
Stavropollskogo gorudarstventiogo meditsinskogo Inatituta.
IM�,,Xeihods of dettrmLn&Uou of rubber-oord
bond fftagUL R. V. lJz-tNA- L, 8, PROMOVA
-7A '=I tn~~t azi
pr~ ~vy
194-95. (Vem. Kh1m. Ohshch. im. D. 1. Molidel-
cove, Doe., Ott). 110 following iorthodms vire coni.
jw~m ; (1) skrip[Ang of ft ainglo thrmil of oefrd from
the rubbor wWor static comprelimioti; (ii) stripping uf
a singia thread of cord front tho rvL1wr strider ro.
poskUA coniftrwAlon; Oii) paing out a bingto thrm4l
of C,)rd t4fcnv luld rtfvr fatiguo. arld tc"ting (if ruh.
1mr fallrio 1",6 und" rqwMe-3 xhfarj arid (iv)
-"jing of rubbo r fabric'mwiclis t3n&.r rup-l" cout.
prT"un. I'lle rcvult.4 froill (i), (iii) wl (iv)
IKtnd Widi OthOr Alld With thO Vff~'iOilf-'Y 11f til"
tyrom Oil the Lost Ix"lich. Mallod (ii) U #c[I-titive tu
vprknui chAnpa of mix wid in tho tochritilogy of
poWation of Uis imptc-purit. Tjtci~rublov tuwd is
numt1orw4 Irittidejanily oA SKIL~ Tbace acit 7
Dlatrs 4E20(j)
- I I , . , . I - I 1 1 11 , . , ,
I I I - , . . I - . ; , . tj , .
- . . I ; 11 , ,,, i , ~ " - ! . ~,i ~ , , "
u ", ~-,, - , .';I i -O.L, 1,7)
Plourootomy in acute tuborculoun empywa. Eksper. khir. 5 no.4:
48-49 J"tT'60o WhA 13:12)
Restorative Burgery In patient.9 with ax--Dred pleura foUoving In-correct.
or combined therapy with artif Lcial pnewothorax. Probl. tub. 38
no.3:56-61 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. 1z khlrurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - chlen-korrespondent MiN SSSR
prof. L.K.Bogush) Instituta tuberkulaza ANI SS';R (dir. - chlen-
korrespondent AM SSSR prof. II.A.Shmelev).
BOGUSH, Lev KonstantinovIch; G~OVOVA Lidlys Samo ovna; KAZIZ%', V.P.1
L-_-,_ - -1 _
red.; ZAKHAHOVA, A.I.p tekhn. red.
(Surgical treatment of tuberculous ornryematal Xhirurgicheakoe
lochunio tuberkuleznykh empiem. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 131 p.
(D4FYEMA) (MIAA 15:2)
ALTYPAIVAKOV, Anton; SHIFIM, V.D. [translator]; bOGUSII, L.K., red.;
GROMOVA, L.S., red.; MIRONOVA, A.M., teklui. rod.
(Bronchoscopy and bronchographyl bronkhotikoplia i bronkho-
graftia. Pod rod. L K.13ogusha. Moskvaj Modgiz,, 1961. 126 p.
(MIRA 15:4)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for
AMbAKIII Mikhail 1,111khaylovich; GICCOVA, L.S.) red.;
tekhn. red.
(Tuberculown of the lung;-their clinical anatomical analysies
pathological -amtony, pathogenesis, and classification accord-
ing to resection naterials]TuborkulomV legkogo,- kllniko-
anatomichooldi analiz, patologicheskaia anatordin, pato,-cnez i
klasnifil-atsiia po materIalar. rezektsii. I-'oskv:., '-edgiz
1962. 341 p. (mu.A 15:1i~
(uns-Tut"'Olts) (1,U[sxULOSIS)
Use of new Instruments for the operations of decortication of the
lung and pleurectomy. Trudy NIIEKHAI n0.51253-257 161. (MJFA 15:8)
1. Iz khirurgicheskoy kliniki Instituta tuberkuleza, AMN SSSR.
BOGUSH, L.K., prof., red.; SHEBANOV, F.V., prof., red.; GROMOVA,
L S red.; LYUDKCVSKAYA,, R.I., tekhn. red. T=00mmmem
[Surgical treatment of paLientB with tuberculosis) Khl-
rurgicheskoe lechenie bollnykh tuberlmlezom legkikh; tru-'y.
MoBkva, Medgiz, 1963. 154 p. 041RA 16:8)
1. Vaesoyuznoys soveshchaniye khirurgov i ftiziatrov, Moscow,
Morphology of the visceral pleura and pleural depoelts our-
gicRUy removed In rigid pneimothorax. ProM. tub. no.11
84 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1 Tz kHmirgicheskogo otdeleniya (zaveduyushchly - chlen kormspOD-
dent. iL1,21 SSSR -rof. L.K. N-pnish) TSantrallnogo Institute, tuber-
kuleza,(direktor -- deystvital'nyy chlon AM SSM prof. N.A. Shmelev)
MinlsLerstvft zdravookhmnenlya SSSR, Moskva.
1-128 j
SEVEROV? V.S. (Monkva, , ul. 6-ya verata, d.2., kV. 33); SHIPMAN, N.D.
GRUIOVA, JX* (Moskva)
Use of tho 11,M,Titarenko aspirator In a clinic for lung sur-
gery. Grud. kh1r. 5 no.2:117-119 MY-Ap163 (HIPA 170)
RADKFVICH, R.A., prof.; TIV;LqOVA, O.A,, doctor,ik; '-!Trl'l, II.V., kand.
med.nnuk; GROMVA, L.S., DDYA-UNA. U.S.,,natxk
-~ - -
Review or the book "Collection of transnctions of the 4apnblic
,vie-tific Resoarch Inntitilte, of Tli~-,4rculosis of the Ministry or
Pliblic IlenIth of the Co,.-orplan S.S.R.; Vol.10." Probl. tub. 41
no.10:qA-()O 163. ~KIRA 110)
%'"1r%OWVA, N. 11 .
"C,r, 7,.co1oj,1c Gbaraeteristicp of Parn typ,nid Fativ,)9enic Arl'-ft'Ll" It. ',a1v,!b In Civ.~ At"
Novosibirsk CblAsts." Clmsk Sthte 7,3terlmry Tn!-#,. or thm Min. ~.'Iication
USSR. Cm3k, 1955. (",X3smrtat.!on for t1,,-i Dej.ree of Can-lidqte of Biological Sciences)
SO: FnI ziarAya- lAtopis' , No. 22, 1955. pp 93-105
3/07 62/917/002/002/004
AUTHORS: Peahkova, V. M., Gromo and Aleksandrova, N. U.
TITLE: Successive spectrophotometric titration of thorium and of the
sum of rare-earth elements
PZRIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v. 17, no. :), 1962, 218 - 221
TEM A method was developed for determining about 10_5M solutions of -
rare earths and of thorium with Komplexon III in tha presence of arsenazo
I as indicator. Thorium and the rare earths were successively determined
in a sample. Compared with visual titration, sensitivity was improved by
3 to 4 orders. For the rare-earth determination, the following was added.
to solutions containing the rare earths in quantities between 10 Pg and
1.0 mg: 10 ml solution of arsenazo 1 (1-10-59), 1.0 ml of 0.1 N hydro-
chldric acid, 3 ml of 25 ~ urotropine solution (to obtain pH 6.6) and
5 ml of 1 % ascorbic acid (to reduce Ce4+). The product was then topped
up to 100 ml and mixed'. 20 ml of the mixture was titrated in a cuvette.
After adding 0.1 ml of Komplexon III 9olution at a time the optical den-
sity w s measured at 575 mIL. The end pcint was determined graphically.
Successive spectrophotometric ... B107/B138
Checks revealed an error of less then 1 ~6. Thorium wa3 determined at pH
2. It is important that the indicator concentration be at least as high
as that of thorium. The following was added to a solution wiLh 20 pg to
0-5 mg of thorium; a 20-ml solution of arsenazo I 0-10-4M) and 10 MI. of
0. 1 N hydrochloric acid. The further course is as above. Checks revealed
an error of 0.3 ~. The successive determination of thorium and the rare
earths is possible for a ThsRE ratiq between lil.and 1t1OO, but is not ifi
Th:RE = 1000. For determination purposes, 10 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric
acid and 20-ml solution of arsenazo I (jo-5m) were added to 0-02 - 0-05 mg
of Th and 0.1 - 1.0 mg of RE, and topped up to 100 ml. 20 ml was titratedl
as above; I ml of 25 J* urotropine solution was then added in the cuvette,1
and the rare earths were titrated. Checks reve6red the same error limitel
as above. For comparison a monazite sample was analyzed by spectro- I
photometric titration and by the oxalate method. Yu.-A. Chernikhov and 1
F. V. Zaykovskiy are mentioned. There are 2 figures, 4 tables, and
7 references, 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-'
language publications read &a followas Bril K., Holzer S., Rethy B.,
Analyt. Chem. L1. 1353 (1959)1 Wylie A., J. Chem. Soc. 1687 (1947)-
Card 2/3
Successive spectrophotometric ... B107 B138
ASSOCIATIONo Mookovskiy goeudarstvennyyuniversitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBIMITTEDs May 18, 1961
Card 3/3
?. ~,,Sn (600)
4. Rhenium
7. Colorimetric determination of rhenim with the use of d1oximes. Vest.
Mosk. un. 7 no. 10, 1952
9* Yonthly List of Russian Acegesions. Library of Congrgsa, Yarch 1953. UnClIssified.
tui Componn a a W
a CbW P
a, luftth CItr
M, in _ _.M 0 1 Ctrof
V, 1M. Potshkovs, ayid-M. i1rL_ariyA.
lXV-r_FJT(TUj'7). - , "
Mic vro,
~~l corlapltx formation for ik Er, aud rr with citric Add, antl
the cffc~t of p11 mJ the ratio of the tear tants WAS StUdi(A by
dttg. ebangti1a the abv)tption spectra fur their spAlts. F,,r
shifts la the max. - The Complaes 0 Pr are formed In, a
-bighcr-pH ranp than ve'tbose of Nd. - The cocup'lls. of Pr
-we less stable 14 alk. rnedia wid decomp. at p11 > 12.7. The'
"fornution of GaV I complex corupd. was obierved fur Er.
Didtr.' 4E4j/4E13d
I - 1- 177 T.
Invest 1(gaLlon oi' CoryipLex Comp-urid.; il~tr-'- DirLh 1
flare Earth Elenents (E.Atractiun, Analysis, U3e), PubliGh, -d by the lr--,itut~-- )f
Ge-)cherAstry and Antilytical Chemistry Imeni V. I. VurnmlukiY, 1958, MoncOw-
(Chemical Faculty of the Moscow State University Im. M. V. Lomonosov), p. 2-17-283-
.5 (2,3)
AUTRORS: Gromovat M. I Varpksina, 1. F., SOT/55-58-6-22/31
TITLE: Spectrophotometric Investigations of the Complex Compounds of
Samarium With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid and Trioxyglutaric Acid
(Spektrofotometricheakoye inaledovaniye komplekanykh soyedine-
niy samariya a limonnoy, molochnoy I triokeiglutarovoy*kislotaai)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universitsta. Seriya matematikip nekhaniki,
aatronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Nr 6, PP 171 - 179 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Various scientific treatises have permitted the statement (Refs
2,6,il-13) that the absorption. spectra of the rare earth ele-
ments change in the course of the formution of the complex*a.
The absorption maxima are displaced ia dependence of the con-
centration of the complex forming addition iuid of the ohange
of the pH-value of the solution. Thia displftcement permits con-
clusions to be drawn on the stability of the varioi;,E ocr~plox
compounds of the rare earth selami_-:.t,~ a3 -ell as on tht~ olf range
In which they exist. From this point cf view the Inveatilgations
mentioned in the title were carriel _oit. The SF-4 aizat.-.-pho-
tometer was employed for the nea~iAZvxont of ths absorptica
Card 1/3 spectra whilat the pH-value -r the solutions w&9 szcartaixted
Spectrophotonstric Investigations of the Complex 90V/55-58-6-22/31
Compounds of Samarium With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid
and Trioxyglutaric koid
by means of the potentiometer LP-5, provided with a e'A,3e 31ec-
trode. The initial solution was a samarium-perchl~)rw'o eclutior.
In order to determine the exact position of the maxima of the
samarium ion the initial solution was taken spectro-photome-
trically (The respective data are found in table 1 and in fig
1) and the data obtained more then compared with those of
Prandtl, Hof 10. The molar absorption coefficients of the prin-
cipal maxima agreed with data from publications (Refs 3,7,8,9)-
The further modifications of the samarium spectrum in the pre-
sence of the complex forming addition were observed on the war&
length of the absorption maximum X-401mg. The spectra of solu-
tions having different pH values and different ratios of saxa-
rium and complex-forming additions were taken (Pigs 3 and 4)-
The limits of the pH values within which the various complex
compounds are capable of existing, are compiled in the tables
3,4,5- In the pH-value field 1-12 2 complex compounds of saaa-
rium with the citric acid and also trioxyglutaric acid were as-
certained, as well as one compound with the lactic acid in an
Card 2/3 acid medium. In basic media only hydroxide precipitates are
Spectrophotanstric Investigations of the Complex SOV/55-58-6-22/31
Compound@ of Samarium With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid
and Trioxyglutaric Acid
formed. The stability of thee* complex compounds was investi-
gated with respect to hydroxyl ions, ozalate ions and fluoride
ions. Photonotrical lata permitted the conclusion to be drawn
that the compounds with oitrio said and trioxyglutaric said
exhibit about the same degree of resistance, and that they are
by far more resistant than the compound with the lactic acid.
The authors thank G. K. Yeremin and L. I. Martynenko for plac-
ing the spectrally pure samarium salt at their disposal. There
are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 17 references, 3 of which Lre
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analiticheskoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry)
SUBMITTED: April 15, 1958
Card 3/3
fill p iv 0 r~
1 !13
d. ;31 4.
Spectrophotometric studv of complox compounds of praseod7mium with
lactic acid. Vest. Moak un. Ser. 2: Khim. If) no.4:55-58 Jl-Ag 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Kafedra analitichookoy khtmii Moskovoskogo univerelteta.
(Praseodymium conpounds) OActic acid)
FESHKOVA, Valentina. Moisayevna;.-PPIOVA,-Iiarggdtg-lvanoyma; ALDARIN.*
I.P1. prof*y otv. red.; GOLIDMERG, G.S., red.; IAZAREVA, L.V.,
tekbn. red.
(Practical manual on spectrophotometry and colorimetr7l Prakti-
cheskoe rukovodstvo po spetrofotometrii i kolorimetrii. Moskyas
Izd-vo Nosk. univ.,, 196.1. 172 p. (MIRA 1511)
1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Ajimarin).
(Spectrophotometry) (Colorimetry)
Complex compounds of erbium, with trihydrox7gluat#ric acid. Vest.
Mosk.Un.Ser.21 khim. 16 no.6:41-46 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet. Kafedra analiticheakoy
(Erbium compounds) (Glutaric acid)
GROMOVAY M.I.J. assistant
Controlling the water-vale with bacteriological means.
Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.10:26 0 162.
(MDU l6s6)
1. KafedreL mikrobiologii Qzxkogo voterinarnogo instituta.
(Tara District-Water voles-Biological control)
Successive spectrophotometric titration of thorium and of the
sum of rarF earth elements. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.2:218-221
Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Lomonos Moscow State University.
(Thorium--Spectra) (Rare earths--Spectra)
Complex formation in the system *nzoyl acetone - gadolinium -
chloroform - water studied by the distribution method. Vest.-
Moak.un. Ser.2:Khim. 18 no.ls58-60 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Kafedra analiticheakoy khimli 14ookovskogo universiteta.
(Gadolinium com0ounds)
L 29946-65 iNT W/W (t)limp (b lif,(c) JD/4jG
JACCESSION NR:- AP4044o I8o 5/0189/64/060/004/0057/0061
AUTHORS:-, Gromova , M.I.: Wmantd;ya, T,J.; Peahkayn. V. M. 49-
TITLE: Using the absorption spectra of the dichloroxinates of pra-
seodymium, neodymium and samarium for the determination of
these eleinents.
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya. 2. Khimiya,\no. 4,
TOPIC TAGS: pra3eodymium, neodymium, samarium, spectrophotometric
determination, ~. dichlorohydroxyquinoline, rare earth dichloroxin-
ate, extraction, coefficient of extinction, absorption spectrum
iBSTRACT: The spectrophotometric determination of praseodymium,
neodymium and samarium, or mixtures of these, complexed with 5,7--
dichlorohydroxyquinoline was investigated timum extraction of
these complexes from aqueous solutions wi;h cloroform is in the pH
6.5 -7 to 8.5-10 range; below pH 6.5 complex formation is in progressr,
The rJk4q AnIrl salts were dissolved in dilute HC1040 the reagent was
Card 113
L 29946-65
used as a 0.1% solution in 3N UCl. 'rho absorption spectra of the
rare earth dichloroxinates were obtained. All three complexes absorb
strongly in the 395-400 millimicron region; Nd has several peaks,
while Pr and Sm show no peaks in the 500-850 millimicron region; the
Nd maximuny at 581 millimicrons is most pronounced; Sm has a maximum
at 1085 millimicrons. Concentrations of the elements in Nd-Pr and
Nd-Sm mixtures were determined by solution of the equation D
1 vkt,6. ca's where n - 2jXj= 581 and XX7 640 millimicrons for Nd-Pr,
i ogs i
and It - 581 and Aj- 1085 millimicrons for Nd-Sm mixtures. The co-
efficl-ents of extinctione for the selected wave lengths (in milli-
microns) for the various complexes: Pr, atA- 581,6- 10.34 and at
:A.- 640, e- 7.85;,Sm, at 1~- 1085, C- 5.0 and atX- 581, E- 3.6; Nd,
at?*- 581,U- 63.0 and atA= 60,6- 7.8. Because of the limited
solubility of these rare earth complexes in chloroform, the deter-
:.mintble concentration of Nd in Pr and Sm is in the 1 x 1o-4 to 5 x
10- M range (0-014-0-072 mg/ml of Nd in the presence of 0.12-0-07
mg1ml of Pr or 0.13;0.075 m ml of Sm).* Pr and Sm cannot be deter-
mined in the presen a of reVatively large amounts.of Nds Orig, art*
has: 2 tables and 3 figures.
;Card 2/3
L 29946-65
ASSOCIATION: MGU Kafedra analitichoskoy khimii
"DoEartment of Analytica
U D~Xgrjj
sow State
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 009
Card - 3/3
IESHKOVA, Valentina Molseyovna; QvOv~UVA, .11-largurit'a
ALIFARIN, I.F., prof., otv. red.; DEAGACHEVA, R.G., rk-4.
[Laboratory manual on spectrophotomotry and eolovimetryl
Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po spektrefotometrIl I kolori-
metrii. Izd.2., perer. I dop. Xosk-va, Mwk. unIv., !965.
227 p. (MHA IF.12,1
j. Clilen-korrespondent AN F~&rR (for AhmurJn%
ROM.All-FiEVA, T.l.; rK)MOVA, M.I.; V.,M.
Spec tropho tome tric determination of noodymi,,jm in Lh,~ 1,-H3onee
of praseodymium and samarium. Voot. Mook. un. Ser. ~: KYIm. 20
no.6:74-78 N-D 165. (MIF"A 19:1)
1. Kafedra anallticheskoy khlmli Moskavokogo .inivorsit'Aa.
L-lUbmitted March 22, 1965.
L 30227-66
ACC NRj AP6013027 SOURCE CODE: L)R/0189/65/000/006/0074/0078
AUTHOR: Romantseva, T. I.; Gromova, M. I ; Peshkova, V. M.
ORG: Chair of_Analytical Chemistry, Moscow State University (Kafedra analiticheskoy
khimi1-'--M-0SKo~s_kTY -gosudarstvennyy universitet)
TITLE: Spectrophotometric determination of neodymium in the presence of praseodymium
and samarium
SOURCE: Moscow. Univereltot. Vestnik. Serlya 11. Xhimiya, no. 6, 1965, 74-78
TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotometric analysis. neodymium, praseodyinitan, samarium
ABSTRACT: Absorption spectra of complex compoundAormed by neodymium, samarium and
prasecidymium with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulr-onic acid were studied. A strong
hypsochromic shift of the absorption band of this reagent in alkaline media, combined
with the bathochromic shift of the characteristic absorption maximum of the complex
formed by this reagent with neodymium, creates favorable conditions for determining
neodymium at A 581 m1i. Neodymium was determined in Nd-Pr and Nd-Sm pairs in water-~i
-alcohol solutions at pH 8.0-11.0, using two wavelengths: Al 581 mu and X2 590 mu.
The data show that the method used permits a sufficiently accurate determination of
neodymium in praseodymium and samarium in amounts of 0.0043-0.043 mg/ml (or 3-10-5
UDC: 543.7
L 30227-66
ACC NRa AP6013027
- 1.10-4 M) at Ild:Pr(Sm) ratios of 1:99 to 1:8. OrIg. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tablea,
3 formulas.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 22Mar65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 005
NR: AP6010716 SOURCE CODEs UR/0189/66/ooo/WI/00,~/00713
AU.':'Gi.1 Romantseval To L; Gromovas Me L; Pashkova, V. Me
0&,1 Analytic Chemistry Department. Moscaw State University (kafodra analAtichaskoy
Use of' Wforent variants of spectophotometric measurements in the doterminaeo
tion of erbium in holmium,W thullum, and of ytterbium in lutetium
SOURCES jubscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya IL Khimiya, no. 1, 1966t 73-78
TOPIC TAWS spectroootometric analyals, erbium, holmium, thullum, y-tterblum,
ABSTRACTI Continuing a study of the spectrophotometric analysis of rare earth mix-
tures for their Individual componentsp the authors have compared different variants
of the spectrophotometric method and attempted to show their applicability to the I
analysis of separate pairs of rare earth elementsq taking as an example complex cow-
pounds of a series of elements of the yttrium subgroup with 7-todo-8-hydroxyquinoline-
3-sulfonI3 acid, Absorption spectra of water-alcohol solutions of complemes of erbium,
holmi%=, thallum, ytterbium, and lutetium were studl4t%d. Erbium was detemined In Eree
Ho and 14-22 palrep and a statistical treatownt of the results showed that the errors
had a random character in the case of the %-1k pair, whereas In the case of Sr-Ho the
reftlts were systematleal2y high. Hwevei 9 Ir was rollably determined In No by &1so
2/2 =I 503-7
L 34374-66
ACC NRi AIU10716
1 making use of a differential method. Itterbi-za was determined in the Yb-In pair;
mathematical treatment of the results shwied the errors to be random in characterp
but the standard deviation was fairly appreciable The mothods employed ruitt*d
the determination of Er ~n ammts from 3 to 10% 6 x 10-3 M - 3 x 101,4 Mrin Mt and
fropt 5 to t0% (1.5 x t0-4 M ; 3.0 x 104 M) In PMand the determination of lb in
mounts from 15 to 30% (4.5 10-4 M - 9.0 x 10!~ ) I
in Ia. Orig. art. has$ 6 fig-
wee and 4 tables.
3UB COERI 07/ SUM DAT31 02Apr65/ ORIG RICIPI 006
;., j ~,
_L 07162a-67
I ACC NRi AF60281 SOUBLE CODEs 0189/66/oOO/662/0080/008i
AMORs _Romantseva, T. I.; Gromova, M. I.: Peshkovas Vy Ma
ORGs ical Chemistry Department (Kafrodra analiticheskoy khimli)
TITLE: Study of complexing in the system noodymium - 5j7-dichlorooxino - Amylatstat,87
:~~ Of
SCURCEI Moscow. Universitot.- Vestnik. Serlya 11. Khimiyap no. 2, 1966, 80-82
TOPIC TAGSS neodymium compound, stability constant, chelate compound
0 1
ABSTRACTS Coll loxing between Nd land 5,7-dichloroxino (Cl20X) was studied in the sjs-~
tom Nd - C12OX - amyl acetate - H?O. Tho overall and successive stability constants
of the complex formed were calculated by the methods of (1) Bjerrum, (graphically and
by computation) and (2) Dyrason and Sillon. The comolox was found to have the compo-
sition Nd(ClZOX),. The overall stability constant Is -4-37% whereas the correspondingi
constant for the')It'd - C1 OX - chloroform - H20 system is -4.58. This Indicates that
tho advantago of MW1 acutato over chloroform in extracting dichloraz~ complexes of
rare earths lies in the fact that tho extraction with amyl acetate begins in a more
acidic medium, I. e., under conditions where the rare earth ion cannot hydrolyze.
Orig. art. has$ 3 figuresp I table and I formula.
Card 1/1 UDCs
(Prices on the worl& capitalistic market; a handbook] ?Sony mire-
vogo kapitalistichaskogo rynka; spravochnik. Moskva, Tneshtorgisdat,
1958. 391 P. (KIRA 12:7)
1. Moscow. Nauchno-lasladovatellskiy kon"yunkturnyy institut.
ALEKSAlEDROV, P.A., kand.orkhitektury;,GROVOYA, N.M., kand. forms tsevtiche skikh
nauk; KAPITSA, N.K., arkhitektor.o-SAKSONOV.-G.A., arkhitektor;
DAUOVSKIT, T.Y., arkhitaktor, nauchnyy red.; OSKLEMS, Z.K., red.
lzd-va; GIMSON. P.G..
[Auxiliary therapeutio departments of general hospitals; manual on
the plannin of phormacleaq laboratories. and physical therapy
departmental lechobno-v9pomogotelInyo otdoleniia bollnits obahchs-
go tips,, posoble dlis proaktirovanils aptek, laborstorii, fizio-
torapovticheskikh otdolenii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,
arkhit. i stroit.seterielam, 1960. 122 p. (MIU 14: 2)
- of the
pharmacies. Method of
to indexes of commodity
no. 4:29-36 n-Ag 160.
work of employees in Belf-supporting
calculating staff composition according
turnover. Report no. 1. A t delo 9
t;iR; 13:8)
------- --- -- - --
Planning the location of hospital pharmacies. Apt. delo 9 no. 5:35-
40 S-0 16o. (MIRA 13:10)
of the work of employeso in
Standa dization of the work of PhArmacistal
Apt. delo 9 no.6s35-40 N-D 160. '
self-aupporting phameles.
asBistanta. Report No. 2.
(MIRA 13:12)
Planning self-aupporting pharmales. Apt. delo 11 no.2:7-18 Mr-Ap
162. (MIRA 15:5
1, TSentrallnyy aptechnyy nauchno-ioslodovatell;;kiy institut.
1~ V I voki GH V'.
[Instructions on Li-.f, de ;-t,,nlrw,
he State ve
tacl.ed to the
on Varch 31, :;1:,
S3SR 31 z,,Rz,t,: .;t i',,! :11~i'
1. RU-30ill Q
:-,troitel I 3tvu. 2. Gu:mc; a rzftvennyy
skoir sLvcjitoIl.,:t,.,u i
(for Kulakov). 3.
wltelt.;I-Ay iv:ititiit
_jRO!~C!VA=,'.Pavlovna; GRINGAUZ, S., redaktor; TAKOVIAVA, Ye., tekhnicheakiy
[Visual aide for propaganda on collective farms] Nagliadnaia agitateils
v kolkhoss. [Nookya] Yoskovskil rabochii. 1956. 61 p. (MLRA 9:11)
1. Sekretarl partlynoy organizatelt. kolkhoza 'Imni XIX partiynogo
9"yesda, Kashirskogo rayons, Moskovskoy oblasti.
(Adult education)
ACC NR: AP6030325 SOURCE CODES UR/0153/66/009/003/0486/0490
AUTHORS Gul's V, Yes; Kovrigaj 'Ve 'V..* Rogovayat S. H.; Gromovas 11. P.
ORG: Department of Polymer Chemistry and Technology? Moscow Technological Institute
of the Meat and Dairy Industry (Kafedra khimii I telchnologli poll rov# Moakovskiy
to ologichaskiy institut myasnoy I molochnoy promyshlonnosti)
TITISI Study of the effect of aupormolocular of isotaotic polZE2ffloneK
on ita-mochanical properties
SOURCES IVUZ. Khimiya I khimichoskaya takhnologiya, v. 9p no. 3P 19669 486-490
TOPIC TAGS1 polypropylene pLwd.-3=p polynor sLructure, mochanical property
ABSTRACTS The authors continue tho~)r study of thti relationship between the crystal
.onsidering the relationship
structure and mechanical proportiost:bf polypropylono by r
between the sirongth characteristics (breaking stress and elongation at rupture) and
the size of spheroidal aggregates in filris of Isotactic polypropylene. The dynamic
degree of crystallinity of the films was dotornin(A from M-IR data, and found to remain,;
unaffected by the formation of aphorulitos of varioiis sizes. The strength character-
istics decrease substantially with Increasing sphorulito size. In the presence of
spherulites !->165 p in sizap brittlo failure or tite material takes place under the do-;
formation conditions employed. Failure along, the spherulite boundaries and in the
spherul.ites themselves is equally probable. The causes of change in the character of
Card 1/2 lpqs__ 54
L GOL3-67 - - - I -- . -
',- ACC Nk, '-AP6030325 i:
I the stress-strain relationship for films with various spherulite sizes are ana- ,
i lyzed. Authors express their thanks to I. Ya. Slonim for his aaaistance in the re-
; cording of OR spectra. Orig. art. has: 6 figures ;nd I table.
t44201a-65_. EWT(m)/EPF(c)/FWP(J)/r Pc-4/pr.-4 , rm
ACCESSION NR: AP4047217 S/0190164/0061010/1868'118n
AUTHM Gul't V, Ye.1 Koyrigg, V, V.#; Rogovayn, E. H.1 Gromovs, H, P
TITLE1 -Structural changes In s;Aimens of crystalline poly
Ing their breakdown
SOURCEs Vy*xokozo1eku1yarny*ye soyedinenlys, v. 6, no. 10, 1964,
TOPIC TAGS: polypropylenes crystalline structure, spherulitat
spherulite deformationo spherulite breakdown
ABSTT".ACTt Changes of the initial crystalline structures of poly-
propylone prepared under various conditions have been studied during
mechanical failure with the HKU-1 microscope* The experiments were
conducted at 20C with films of volypropylene containing spherulites
varying in size from 25 to 105 P. The films were subjected to uni&xL&l
deformation at a rate of 10 mm/mm, It was sh 0 n that, regardless of
size, all spherulites malt during defoIrmatioyi,;and now fibrous struc-
tures are formed, Failure of poly pecifiens containing fine
LCard 1/2
L 12010-65
spherulLtes (diameter, sevarkil tans of I m1brons) causes molting of
these apherulites and, kives rise to-now crystallint formations
oriented In the direction of-the deforthing-force. Failure of spacing"$
containing large spherulites '(diameter, byer 100p) to occomponted by
their disintegration Into fr'Agmantb'wh1bh'form oriented crystalline
structures, The itrength of-polypro~ylene specimens is affected by
structural changes of fine ot'largd hph'arUlites during deformation
and failure, OrLg, art, has': !7'fLgurah-.,"
ASSOCIATION: MoskovskLy takhuologicheskiy, institut myasnoy L molochnoy
pr6i6Y'*-shlenn,ovti (Movcov.-,TdcLhnologLcaI Institute of the Heat and Milk
NO R~F SOVt 006 OTHERS 000 ATD PRESSs 3122
Card, 2/2
[deceased]; MAKRUSHIN, V.A.j
[Atlas of upper Cretaceous, Phleocene ani ZDcene spare and pollen
complexes in certain regions of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas verkhnomelovykh,
palootuenovykh i eoteenobykh sporovo-pyllteavykJi kompleksov nekotorykh
raionov SSSR. Leningrad. 1960, 574 p. (Laniwad. Vaosoiuznyi geologi-
cheakil. institut. Trudy, vol-30). (MIRA 13:10)
1. V9esoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy geologicheski7 institut
Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Alyushinskiv, Asatldna,
Boytsova, Gromova, Panova, Pokrovskava, Romanovskaya, Sedova,Stellmak,
111'shteyn). 2. Urallskoys geologicheekDve upravleniye Ministerstva
geologil i okhrany necIr 355H (for Agranovskeqn, Bocharnikova, Harty-
nova). 3. Severo-.rVootochnoye geologicheskoye upravlaniye Hinisterstva
geologii i okhran7 nedr SSSR (for Voyevodova, Khaykina). 4. Lenin-
gradskiy filial Gidroproyekta Ministerstva elektrostantsiy (for Zauyer).
SAWNIOi~,_ ~~YN, VA., doktor geolog,-mineral.nauk,,; MORACHEVSKIY, D.Ye., red.izd-va; XUZNETSOV, G.V,,
red.izd-va; ZENDELI, N.Te.,
[History of Paleogme coal accumulation in Sakhalin) Istoriia
paleogenovogo uglonskopleniia na territoril Sakhalina.
Moskva, I2d-vo Akad. nauk SSSRv 1963. 167 p. 22 plates.
(Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoriia geologii uglia. Tru'dy
no.17). (Sakhalin-Coal geology) (MIRA 10W)
L 050hu'-65 EWT(1)/FXG(v) GW
1AUTHOR: -Gromova. N. Vs; Feyjtpllson. Ye. it.
ITITLE: Outgoing radiation in a cloudy atmosphere
11965, 952-963
Izveotiya. Fizika atmonfery i okeana, v. 1, no. 910
TOPIC TAGS: optical thickness, atmosphere physics, albedo, outgoing
radiation, cloud reflecting properties, cloud albedo
1ABSTRACT1 The angular and spectral distribution of the radiation
escaping from the atmosphere has been calculated for the spectral
range of 0.4-0,95 I'm beyond the absorption bands nnd for various
heights and thicknesses of the cloud layer. The albedo of the layer:
was determined as a function of its thickness and the positi on of thel~
sun, as proposed by Ye. M. Fetygel'son, Measurement:a of the solar
energy were made with aircraft-borne spectrophotometer with inter-
ference filters in vertical soundings of the atmosphere at 500-m
intervals up to a height of 6-6.5 km. The article is divided into
-Card -1 [2
L 65040-65
three partas 1) thickness of the spectral optical layers of the
atmosphere; 2) reflecting properties of clouds; 3) spectral bright-
ness of the escaping radiationp fluxes, and albedo. It is concluded
that at any wavelength in the visible part of the spectrum, during
any season, clouds having the same optical thickness, regardless of
theirheight level, emit approximately equal amounts of light beyond I
the limits of the atmosphere. The nature of the light reflected from;
clouds of different thicknesses is essentially distinctive. Orig.
art. has: 12 figures and 7 tables.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziki atmooferyt Akademiya nauk SSSR
,institute of Physics of the Atmosphere Academy of Sciences,SSSR)
Akademiya nauk SSSR. In3titut teoreticheskoy astronomii,
Astronomicheskiy yezhegodnik SSSR na 1960 g. (Astronomical
Yearbook of the USSR for 1960) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR,
1957. 1,7000 copies printed. Supplement: Pokrytiya
zvezd lunoyu vidimyye v ... 1958-1959 99. (Occulations
Visible in ... 1958-59) 60 p. 1,700 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: Subbotin, M.P., Director, Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy, AS USSR, Corresponding Member of the
PURPOSE: This book is published to serve as an astronomical
Card 1/14
Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 1960 (Cont.) 31(11
COVERAGE: The growth of theoretical astronomy and the application
of advanced computation techniques are the factors which
have forced a change in the astron6mical yearbooks. The
astronomical yearbook of the USSR for 1960 includes changes
made to comply with the decisions of the International
Astronomical Union. These changes are Indicated In the
chapter "Explanation of the Yearbook". Starting with
the .1960 issue oftkda yearbook the coordinates of the
Sun, the Moon and the planets will not be calculated by
the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Academy
of Sciences, USSR, but will be taken from the office of
the Nautical Almanac (i.e., on the basis of the decisions
of the International Astronomical Union), and thus basic
data in all countries will be identical. Soviet personalities
and their contributions to the 1960 edition are mentioned in
the introduction. The reduction of the ephemeris of the sun
and the moon to the form now used in the yearbook was carried
out by Mallkova, A.G. and Mazing, G.A. Nutation was calcu-
lated using Woolard's new formulas on the BESM high-speed
computer of the Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computing
Card 2/14 Techniques, Academy of Sciences, USSR, by Zagrebin, D;B.,
Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 196o (Cont.) 316
Gromova O.M. and Faletova, A. Ya, Reduction factors
Ca-I-g-e-Urtic syaptem)p apparent places of ten-day stars,
and of stars close to Polaris were calculated on punch
card-calculating machiiies under direction of Zhelaznyak, M.B.,
and Fursenko, M.A., by the methods of Kulikov, D.A. Prepara-
tion of the initial material for these chapters of the year-
book was carried out by Mitrofanova, E.A. (supervisor),
Gromovaj O.M., Mazing, O.M., Mashinskaya, T.I., Poznyak, G.M.,
Schumikhina, K.Go. Gutkina, P.A. and Suslov, A.K. Other
calculations for the 1960 yearbook and the persons by whom
they were executed are: heliocentric coordinates of large
planets - Gromova, O.M., and Mallkova, A.G.; reduction factors
(trigonometric system) - Mitrofanova, E.A., and Shumikhina, K.G.;
mean places of stars - Mitrofanova, E.A., Zhelezayak, M.B.,
Gromova, O.M., and Shumikhina, K.G.; tables for determination
of the latitude by an observed altitude of Polaris -
Shumikhina, K.G., and Poznyak, G.M.; epheme2is of Polaris -
Mallkova, A.G., and Shumikhina., K.G.; occulations of the sun
and the moon - Mitrofanova, E.A., Gromova, O.M., and
Fusenko, M.A.; planetary configurations - Mitrofanova, E.Ao
Card 3/ 14
Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 196o (Cont.) 316
and Gromova, O.M.; physical coordinates of the Sun -
Gromova, O.M., Shumkhina, K.G.; physical coordinates of
the'Moon - Mazing, G.A., Mashinskaya, T.I.; ephemeris for
the-illuminated disc of Mercury and Venus - Abalakin, V.K.,
Mashinskaya, T.I., Gromova, O.M., Shumikhina, K.G.;
physical coordinates of Mars - Mitrofanova, E#A*p
Mallkova, A.G., Mazing, G.A., and Fursenko, M,A.; Physical
coordinates of Jupiter - Abalakin, T.I., and Mashinskaya, T.I.,
rings of Saturn - Gromova., O.M. and Shumikhina, K.G.; sunrise
and sunset - Gromova, O.M.; moonrise and moonset - Gutkina, P*A.,
and Shumikh1na, K.G,; change phases of thetloon, perigee and
apogee - Mazing, G.A., Mashinskaya, T.I. The preparation of
the manuscript for printing was done by Frolova, A.I, The
explanations were reworked by Kalikov, D.K., and Proskurin, B.F.
Organization of the calculations and the printing of the Year-
book was carried out by Kulikov, D.K. and Proskurin, B.F.,
with the cooperation of Mitrofanova, E.A. and Zheleznyak, M.B,
The author of the preface and the chief editor of the year-
book is M.F. Subotkin, Director, Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy, and Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR.
Card 4/14
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii.
Astronomicheskiy yezhegodnik SSSR na 1962 g. (Astronomical Yearbook of the
USSR for 1962) Moscow, lzd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960. 647 p. Errata
slip inserted. 2, 000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Institut teoreticheskoy astronomil Akademii nauk SSSR.
Resp. Ed. : M. F. Subbotin, Director of the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy
of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Corresponding Member, Academy of
Sciences USSR.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for astronomers and geophysicists.
COVERAGE: The Astronomical Yearbook of the USSR for 1962 has been com-
piled in accordance with changes proposed by the International Astronomical
Union to member organizations at its meeting in 1958. In nddition to usual
Astronomical Yearbook Wont. )
information on the Sun, Moon, Earth, and planets, the Yearbook contains
the ephemerides of the lunar crater Moesting A, which until 1960 were
published by the Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch, [Berlin Astronomicall
Yearbook], and whose regular publication has now been undertaken by the
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the USSR at the request of the Union s
Committee on Ephemerides. The solar, lunar, and planetary coordinates
in the Yearbook are based on data supplied by the British Nautical Almanac
as stipulated by the Astronomical Union, The material in the Yearbook was
compiled and prepared by the following scientists: computation of ephemeridts
of the lunar crater Moesting A on high-speed computer BEMS at the Vychisli-
tellnyy tsentr AN SSSR (Computer Center AS USSR) - D. K. Kulikov; reduLtion
of solar and lunar ephemerides - A. G. Mal'kova and G. A. Mazing; computa -
tion of nutation on high-speed computer BEMS - D. V. Zagrebin, 0. N1. Grornov
and A. Ya. Faletova; computation of reduction values of visible pt s tions
ten-day and near-polar stars - M. B. Zheleznyak and M. A. Fursenko; prep-
aration of original data on visible positions of ten-day and near-polar stars
Astronomical Yearbook (Cont. )
E. A. Mitrofanova (in charge), Q,_M. _grgmQva, G. A. Mazing, T. L Mashin-
skaya, G. M. Poznyak, K. G. Shumikhina, and P.A. Gutkina; heliocentric
coordinates of the large planets - Q. M. Gromova, A. G. Mallkova; reduction
values (trigonometric system) - E. A7 ~Mftrofanova, and K. G. Shumikhina;
mean positions of stars - E. A. Mitrofanova, M. B. Zheleznyak, 0. M.
Gromova, K. G. Shumikhina, M. A. Fursenko; solar and lunar eclipses -
E.-A. Mitrofanova, M. A. Fursenko; planetary configurations - E. A. Mitro-
fanova, 0. M. Gromova; ephemerides for physical solar observations - P. A.
Gutkina, T_.T_._Wi'R5nbkaya; ephemerides for physical lunar observations -
G. A. Mazing, P. A. Gutkina, K. G. Shumikhina; ephemerides of the illumina-
tion of the discs of Mercury and Venus - T. 1. Mashinskaya, G. M. Poznyak;
ephemerides for physical observations of Mars - G. M. Mazing, T. 1. Mashiri-
skaya; ephemerides for physical observations of Jupiter - T. I. Mashinskaya,
E. A. Mitrofanova; Saturn's rings - G. A. Mazing, T. 1. Mashinskaya; sunrise
and sunset - A. 1. Frolova; rising and setting of the moon - P. A. Gutkin,- and
K. G. Shumikitina; altitudes and azimuths of the Polar Star - A. G. Mal'kova
Card 3/16
Astronomical Yearbook (Cont.
and K. G. Shumikhina; table for determining latitude by the attitude of the
Polar Star - K. G. Shumikhina and P. A. Gutkina; preparation of manuscript
for publication - V. G. Kudinova; review and edition of "Explanatory Notes",
D~ K. Kulikov. There are no references.
Foreword 3
Times of the Year. Some Constants 5
Ephemerides of the Sun 6
Orthogonal Equatorial Coordinates of the Sun (1962. 0) 22
Orthogonal Equatorial Coordinates of the Sun (1950. 0) 30
'Development of an Efficient Type ct Summer Feeding for Milk Cows in
KxWbYfhevokaya Oblamt." Cand Agr Sci# All-Union Sel-Res Inst of Animal
Husbandry, Moscows 1953. (R&Biol, No 8, Doc 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO, Sm. No. 556t 24 Jun 55
v L
[Antilytic arii~ptlv~t automatic contri-il ivfl i J -j1i:-,: -
skla .k,-u ur-
ravl,~,nlla. Mookv%,
CHMKIS, A. L.; _PR PYA, ~. ~a _.
Abdominal syndrome in rheumatic children. Sovet. med. 27 no.9:
87-92 ST63 (KMA 17:2)
1. rz kbirurgicheakogo ( zav. M.F.Senatova), revmatologicheakogo
(zav. A.A.Ivanova) i patologoanatomicheskogo ( zav. - R.V.Gramcva)
otdeleniya Moskovakoy detakol bollnitay No,9 imeni F.E. Dzer-
shinakogo (glavnyy vrach A.N.Kudryashova).
OftomwAt R.V., -
GeneraUtation of the chamoteristice of rains in the Lake Baikal
region and Transbalkalia, TruO GGI no,,127tl96-226 165,,
(MA is 19)
Congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex (adr,-nogenital
syndrme) with disorders of salt metabolism. Pediatriia no.7:
63-69 161. (MIRA 14:9)
Case of congenital cutaneous reticulosis. Pediatrila no.7879-
82 161. (MIRA 1489)
1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zavo - profo Gelle Sporanskiy) TSentrall-
nogo imtituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i patologoanatouichs-
skogo otdeleniya Datskoy bolinitay imeni Daershinakogo (gl&vMy
vrach A.N. Kudryashova).
Clinical anatomical parallels in neurotoxia in children* Pediatriia
41 no.5:72-75 W 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Iz kafedry detokikh bolewey (zav. - doystvitelInyy chlen
MIN SSSR prof. G.K. Speranski-y) TSentrallnogo instituta usover-
shenstvavaniya vrachey na baze Klinicheskoy detskoy bollnitsy
flo.9 (glavnyy vrach A.G. Kudryachova).
UYAGIVTOSEVA, S.G.p prof.; BAIWOVAp V.F., kand.mod.nntdr; GRWO'IA, R.V.;
Subendocardial fibroelaBtosis in children. Pediatriia 41 no.5:38-
44 My 162. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zav. - deystvitelln~7 chlen M.' SSSR
prof. G.F. Speranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvo-
vaniya vrachey (rektor 14D. Kovrigina) J Detakoy bollnitoy Fos9
imeni F.E. Dzerzhinakog (&Lavnyy vracli A.N. Kudryasheva).
Flood in the Kan, Agul) and Biryusa Rivers in August 1960 and
mothodclogy of calculating the runoff of rain. Trudy GGI no.99:177-
194 162. (MIRA :L'~:9)
(Kan River-Floods) (Biryusa River-Floods)
Correlation of data on the raximum rain runoff in the Lake
Baikal region and Transbaikalia. Trudy GGI no.L)5:1(6-197
165. (MA 18t12)
r u-7
0 Ilk, ll lTlt V ir a . :7 m I I% ram a it
fit luencri nl* Pi t lusion Voro%Lty it a N c fir ortit, A I loy
(in Lite ,;inter ~-tt,4 o1 %)ckel and ~Aivotrattxm t1owders
j:11.410i( At I I I -1v v d e it I ) rI turmi.clicskaya obrabotka metallov.
-10 "* 4~ 7, J)p 1, : - C*) If
-tiulviny. tilt- yro(ess of sintering of nickel and
h. -ml j"i i it :air 1 1 orm d.-, !at t),. cs ad some unumija I , li-inecs o F t Ile 1,1 t t cc
-A 'et-.t ihel-e ot the Inem on X-ray di t(vaction patturn.-4
tho licio '3m' 14 'N 6o% 2'! f,'or thv i rive." t tgat ions,
.l.t. .17jill .14 "1 -orioii.4 rillls~tlell ITICIrcsiti.t.8 10 1! -IS-3v and
- - -'-1 wt-s ,11ir:p-treti by cold The spec. imetim weve
4~ I 111 11 . k hvdt c-von -itz voin at 11 'Av' -.' For d hou t A - rav
d i x ac t 1071 pat f et it% urre made usiing a molybdi num -cf'ez ent 4,
t :) sitl.w w a Ilk 1ppor rmliiit :,in a Ile I'Attico i-el-jo 1
voill 1 he I it "I Ivull(I thitt dul- lll~- -.Lnts-- tric thf,
.1 pel (!d diff n. ~11Tllgv "it) tali t ovloll'~41 v bill Ili Illml#% I !K. I
Owl o., fit- la! t I !-P per o(j~ .. cl sintered
i is or, Voru--4j ty 6 1 /00 /007/014/016
It v t n t crinst I imp hour 4; f or t It e Cis I ),-~U I 11g In I t2 a
1) 4.1. C1 U, I, I - 'I -,% ,
I I ~, -`-11)" ~ , c u r % curve It C, I -
ou i rig t it i lit t p hotsr,% o 9 itt I er Ing tht- n-.xlml and M.1:)MA
o: tit - i W , d id no ( roim ide J'-;s toq~el- imon-4 i~ i t h % tit ious
Is ow N,( r ditring the later dilago-4 ol sinteritig they
tov %11 the spec iini-noi-, I he i to i s j ,4 1 in i I --i r h inge
lit lie, to I ti I r ng o I x: he 1 1 ne fj on the (it f I r its. I ion I)L t t e: n-t
tit( ? ~ n, - .4; 1; 1 tit , t J oi mhArp r, a ght up t v t Im d I vi -q ion of thl-
A(Jjk) I I t I he Fiharp I j neot cor re4pond to I at fccr Int 1 iLt
w i, I ;t 4 I-Aictwittorta wer e tab Aet- ved Ly 01 1 k
1111: 1 .,IllCtt11VVE Cloklady vysmhey shkoly , .--t to, I lurviva No 1) 19
dur 4 is ir f. , n! i it; o, I .uns co .1 110Y It P h e 1)114 111411 .$to I Ills%
k% % it I w- lig, o it I '. '%, a' i t lid c I% i- ant I. um v 4:.%, It or m dot s no ha n g
ninno t onwi!~ I v t h r u n i fe rus i t y r) f t III, -4o L i d -4oJ is t i on '11111. Lai, t,e
to xp I i n #~ (I ti it the tatij-4 of Y*esults of' tilt %tudy tit the lot*niat j Ion
Ind I c, it 111 v in tlie n t c lit ortit! t I I it%- a 0, s i ty
WA . it - - -- - -f 1ri - vi I I I ny I, ( a maim t I I- r . omr o - i i (,it 1 - I lit i i ng
the d 1 6 -~ i I In t i on i (. hroin I um I Is vacuum i t a I oij.~ t P-pilet ,I t I re4i,
d nit nem,, v3i ~, c i t lit- nub -rn., C rope-) - v14 VL r? f, III I ml it !A hv V I IV.
1 he
I h V Z I ( 4~;-! t (.1, .n9 [I, X-n~N .4. k J& lit ~ so -4 tilt' Ll-At 1 141
Influence of Dificu.4ion 110ronity . . . 6
used for "tudying the low angle scattering (1 - x-ray tube,
2 - monochrom. ~) - Geiger-
ator, 3 - specimen, collimator,
Muller counter, 6 - counting circuit). It wa-m found that sub-
micrumcopic pores or a siie of several hundred Ang.4trom forn in
the nichrome during the process of evaporation of chromium. Fis-3
shouts the dependence of the average pore dimension4, 7, A, and
of the total poro.-tity (Ios!i in weight), .6 v. mq, in nilc)hrome
subjected to vacuum evaporation at various teml)ez-atures a.-i .1
function of time, min for the -9intering temi)rratUre.3
1200*C (plot a) anti 13')O*C (plot 'The dimensions of the
sub-micropore-s alno did not change mono tonott s ly; the lourer t 11 o
evaporation temperature the larger will be the numbpr of extri-mal
points on the curve It i'lle observed phenuittenon be
0 - f (jr ) .
explained only by the healing of the formed sub-microroores, since
the maximum dimension of the pores wa.-) considerably below 101W 4.
licaling proceeds as a result of chromium diffosion; its parti-ol
diffusion coefficient in nichrome its considerably higher than the
diffusion coefficient of nickel S. Dashinan: "zicientific
fundamentals of vacuiim engineering", Russian translation, 195u).
Card 3/6
Influence of Diffusion Porosity 9/61/000/007/u V, A 10
In this case healinK is postiible if the flow of chromium atoms
to the pore is larger than the flow of vacancie-%. After the
pores have healed, sectionm will remain -which nro chromium
enriched and the internal flow of vacancie:A wi Ll cease. rile
appearance of concentration non-uniform itic.; leads to blurrin.,4 of
the lines on the X-ray pattern and to a reduction ot' the lattice
period. By mean.-i ol* low angle mcattering it i~; atso ~iossible to
detect the decrease in the pore dimezimions. -then, the chromium
concentration begins to equalize in the alloy and the concentra-
tion of vacancies isrill increase; this prodiices .1 narrowing of the
littes on the I)ebye pattern. An increase in the concentration uf
the vacancies lead.4 to the formation of new and growth oC
remaining pores. The concentration of vacancieb will decrease In
jumns and the process of healing of the pores will start afresh.
This process appears to continue until a certnin quantity of
chromium is evaporated from the alloy. Tiler% are 3 Figures
and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I a Russi 1~s I it t I oil.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow telel-Ifistitute)
Card 11/6
1--, ..
Petrology and variation in coal quality of the Kondoms Valley
in the lusnetsk Basin. Trudy IaLb.gool.ugl. no.6:302-)08 '56.
1. gapadnosibirskoys upravleniye geologichemkoye.
(KondowA Valley-Coal-Analysts)
red.; DHITRrY'ZYA, Y.I., takhnoredo
CIST-235 lopping machine) Lentosoadinitelinals meshins LSV-235-
Moskva, Goa. nouchno-takhnoizd-vo lit-ry po legkoi prou7shl.,
1958. 47 (PT;xtile machinery) (MIRA 11:4)
"Still mixing card with continuous action. Tekstqron. 22 no-.50-5-
37 14Y 161- (Carding machines) (MIRA 15:1)
KORITSKIT, Nonstantin Planovich; , .', ,
red.; HATYREVA, G.G., tekhn. red.
(Fundamentals of the design of yam properties) Csnovy pro-
ektirovaniia svoistv priazhi. Moskva, Gizlegpmm, !963.
245 P. (MIRA 16:6)
RADOVITSKIY, Vladimir Fetrovich; GOLIDBERG, Vladimir Sergeyevich;
GROMOVA, T.G., red.; TRISHINA, L.A., tekhn. red.
(Ways of the automation of doffing an spinning machines]
Puti avtomatizataii s"ema na priadillnykh mashinakh. Mo-
skva, Rostekhizdat, 1963. 47 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Spinning machinery) (Automation)
SEVOSTfTANOV~ Aleksey Grigorlyevich; GfCMDVA, T.G., red.; PYATNITSKIY,
V4114, tekhn. red. --
(16gnetic rollers and forces acting in exhaust devices]
Magnitnye valiki i sily, deistyulushchie v vytiazhnykh
priborakh. Moskva, Gislagprom, 1963. 98 p. (MIRA 16:9)
(Exhaust systems) (Magnets)
AVAfEV, Sergey Allksandrovich; GARTUNG, Sergey Vassillyevich; SIDELEV,
Alekaandr Nikolayevich; GROMOVA, T.G., red.; BATYREVA, G.G.,
tekhn. red.
(Electric-power equipment in textile and light Industry
enterprises] Elektrosilovoe oborudovanie predpritatii tekstill-
noi I legkoi prpmyshlennosti. Moskva, Gizlegprom, 1963. 299 p.
(MIRA 16:10)
(Factoriea--Electric equipment)
YUDIN, Fedor KuzImichj SAVARINSKIYj Vsevolod Vladimirovich;
GROPOVA, T.G.j red.; PYATNITSKIY, MI., tekhn. red.
(Use of polymeric materials in the textile industry]
Ispollzovenis polimernykh materialov v tokstillnoi pro-
uVahlennosti. 14oskva, Gizlegprom, 1963. 164 p.
(MIRA 17:1)
/ ~, ~-, i~ Ili., I ;'rI"/,,~
XONDRATITV, K.Ya., dotsent; ORMOVA. T.N.. student.
Changes In the turbidity resulting from the coalescence of water
droplets vuspended In the atmosphere. Neuche blul* Len. nn. no*32:
8-11 154. (NLRA IOM
1. Rafedra fisiki atmoefery.
(Humidity) (Atmospheric tran"rency) (Light-Seattering) - i
r a
Xj I jig !R