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ARBUZOT, N.T., ksnd.tiktm.rgrWc;,OOMOV. V.L.. knnd.takhn.nax&.: GORSKIY, B.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk-; KALISHCIWK, A.L., kand.taidm.nauk; KOITSKIT, L.P.. kand1.tekhn.nw*; KURBITO!,.D.I.., kand.tekhn.nauk; NwZOV, Novel'4;- PILT011, A.16j kand.t4hu,nsuk; FUNK9 N.5.9 kand.tekhn.nauk; S1NWSOV,_S,,L-,--1cVhV1ekh.n.naWc; ULITSIUTA-1.1., kand.tekhn.nauk; IMMORTANSEft N.S.' kand *tokhn.nauk; Smamis, A.A.. kand.takhn.nauk; PDISKIY: Ye.A.', lnzh.: KORSAK, Tu.Ye.. red.; MATUSSVICH, S.M.. (Manual on civil engineering] Sprnvochnik po grazhdanskom strot- tel'stvu. Izd.4.. ispr. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo tekhn.lit-ry. Tol.l. 1959. 867 P. Tol.2. 1959. 56o p. (MIRA 12:8) (Civil onginearing) GROMOV, V., kand. takhn. nauk Windows with paired casements. Zhil. stroi. nc.1:15-18 '59. Zhil. stroi. no.1:15-16 '59. (MIRA 12-.10) (Vindowe) GROMOV, V.L. Windows for apartment and piblic buildings. Standartizatsiia 26 no.604-35 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Windows--Standards) GROMOV, V.L. Standardization of window glass. 36-37 Ag 162. (Glass-Standards) Standartizatsiia 26 no,8: (MIRA 15r8) (windows) GRCt4GV,, V.,L, I- - - DooTs for apartr,,~)nt, official and induutrial buildings. Standartizatoiia 26 no.9:23-25 s 62.. (MIRA 15:9) (Doors-Standards) LOSKUTOVA, L.T.; MAKOTINSKIY, M.P., kand. arkh.j RUDINA, M.A., arkh.; SHPANOV, I.A., arkh. Prinizal uchastlys LIVSHITS, A.M., inzh.; GROYOy,_Y.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzeng; KRASNOVSKIY, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PAVDOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; PODZOROVA, N.G., inzh., retsenzent; FOLOMIN, A.I., doktor takhn. nauk, reteenzent; GURVICH, E.A., red. (Catalog of finishing materials and elemental Katalog otdoloch- nykh materialov i izdelli. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt $-'[Wood and paper] Derevo i bumaga. 1962. 56 p. (MIRA i6-.8) 1. Vaesokusnyy nauchho-iseledovateltakiy institut novykh stroi- telInykh materialov. (Finishes and finishing) 1%GiiOZOV, Nikolay Viktorovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; AJIDUZOV, filikolay Terentlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; gfIq,'OV, '.,'aoiliy Lukich kand. tekfuj. nauk (deceased]; KALISIM, Ale~oandr La Iyanovich, kand. tekhn. nnuk; hIJRijATOV, Dritriy Ivanovich, kand. tekhr-nauk; PILYUGIII, Vikhail Sernenovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; UUTORYANSHY, Aleksandr, Abrar-ovich, kand. toklui. nauk; SHEERMITSIS, Alokwindr Abrnmvich, kand. tekhn. nauk; LAVRIK, Gennadly Ivanovict, arkh. ?.'.ALEI,'A, Georgly Illich, inzh.,- PNMY Ye^im Arnnovich., inzh.; SHMAR, Alaksandr Sarnoylovict., inzh.; BERGER, K.V., red.; VISIU,'LVYY, V.V.v red.; 10-11CIMIKO, N.S., red. (Manual on civil engineering] Spravochnik po grazhdanskoum stroitellstvu. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Kiev, ?udivellnyk, 1965. 2 v. (I-XiA 18:2) NFROS, I.Te., inzh.-podpolkovnik; aROKOV, Y.M., rvjyor. red.; LITWHIKOTA. N.A.. (Basic stnicturs, of bombsights] Onnovy ustrointyn pritselov dlin bombometaniia. Izd,2., perer. Kookva, Voen.izd-vo K-va Tooru- zhennykh oil SSSR, 1947. 318 p. (KIRA 13:2) (Boubmights) ;, A 6-R 0 'N, Vf V N ad eaksiseWs of spoKtruns psommoto.s. v N, ,I." Is 1. m"hicle" Owill rmh. %I.-.-1 Z" * X410, 34.,1Mh;lwo)).-A fid-w- .-th discu"sm u1 the cakn. I spect uln par-unetcft. PAUI %V. ll,,wtrttu# G3(MOV, V.M. *4~~ ~! Riddle of gravitation. Znansila )l no.1o;28-)o 0 156. (HLBA 9;11) (Gravitation) BALANDIN, A.A., akad., red.; KOBOZEV, N.I., prof., red.; LEFEDEV, V.P., dots., zam. red.; HALITSEV, A.N., dote., zam. red.j AGRONOMOVp A.Ye., dote., zam. red.; GROMOV, V.N.-, red.; LAZAREVA, L. V. , takhn. red. [Transactions of the First Interuniversity Conference on Catalysis] Trudy Mezhvuzovskogo soveshchaniia po katalizu,lst. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak. univ. No.l. ?t.1. 1962. 475 p. NIRA 16:7) 1. Mezhvuzovskoye soveshchaniye po katalizu. lat. 2. Khimiche- skii fakulitet Mookovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta (for Balandin, Kobozev, Lebedev). (Catalyeia-Congresses) GROMOV, V.P. Axperience in draining fields for the drying of excavation peat. Torf.prom. 30 no.70-10 n 153, (KLU 6:7) 1. Isetsko-Ayatskoyo torfoprodpriyatiye. (Peat industry) V. :,. GROM07i V. P. and NAUAMKO, V. M. ('/oronezh VuLerinary StaL-Ion'. ?,,-ratzlonoid epizootic ainong grown pigs. So: Ileterinariya; 24; 10; October 1)4(; Uncl. TABCON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 ~." 7, C-'~OV', 7. P. "Cont&~ious Ci!~vpsr!s of the ,our,,-- of ;,:ricultunr-~l P-713-7.als Pnd the :T-ht a~-,ainst them." Sverdlovsk. Sverdl,- .,in 19.1,2. ~2 nr-~;~r. SO: Vct., JuIY 1952, UncItnnified. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Causul bY J)actf, of 'Farm Gi _jSGA/D1-1 anaL r-M i.95B, 503-11 U~a - B101 1 110 11 f Fvx*-tl" 4'b 0 Jour f,utbor Inst Title Orl(S pab V*'V-P SY Instit'ate* Yam .0rucalloolse 11herCIPY of Bovine .5 1951P 1y 311~33 Tre "Weral. a.-Itu. 'Was UrAertaxen On 24 a& rrca 3 4therOPY , ,M9 prepOX teeL tic- tivirXIS 33.0,'160 031Y see the CaVs crimcr~~ ~Qfvltb 'Oruc (Sener e8. to "U - to t1"- ulster later it covs of flictq acco n; vote advi 3.5 da'r tile 011i StTSD30 ino doses theup brw- 013,ov . I r, a') r4 30 dar, after eli- bi t.... rghe f insectlont of!,50 VIP a 'rapeate&) 1!O110V t,,, first (3.0sts 051GWas 0t jolloW&L bY 16 Soria 0- t,,.,, lnSeCtI-On" vas n the the Secona InSectioda7s aiter 50 01 005ln 30 ruct NbSt Card 1-/2 - 12 - usSR/Diseases of Farm Animalse Diseases Caused by R-1 Bacteria and Minei, Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biolev i4o 18', 1958.9 83547 Author Gromov, V. M Khokhlachevp V. K. Institute t Sver3ro-vak Insatute of Agriculture Title - Vaccine Therapy in Bmcellosis of SAne Orig Pub i Tr. Sverdl. a.-kh. in-ta, 1957, 1., 317-320 Abstract : Semiliquid formolvaccine was used for treating bruc- ellosis. On the first day of treatment o'L tods vaccine was injected. in a 1 ml doseP on the 3rd day in a 3 ml dose., and on the 6th day in a 5 ml dose. After 70 days the treatment was repeated. The vaccinations re- sulted in body temperature increases in the sick ani- mals., and they also caused loss of appetite and de- pression. Vaccine therapy affected the treated animals favorably. Bacteriological, scrological, and biolopical findings were negative. Card 1/1 USSR/FiseaseB of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by 3acteria and F~.,i. ~bs Jour Ref Zhur-Diol., No 16# 1958y 83515 Author I;r V P Zhukova, Ye. N., Vetluzhs!cikh, P.A 024.- V 0di Inst t Sverdlovsk-TH-hitute of Agriculture Title : The Sfiectiveness of Vaccine Therapy in Bovine Bnlcellosis. Orig Pub ; Tr. Sverdlovs,'~. s.-kh. in-tax 1957, 19 321-326 Abstract : Fomolvaccines and heat-killed vaccines -Aere pre- pared from virulent strains of all three brvaelle types to be uscd in vaccine therapy, ice and rabl:its infected by brucella cultures wure subje- cted to -I'orwolvaccine treatmnt, Decteriolol7ical examinations of perished and killed mice and rabbits did not reveal brucells discharges. Ay2rt from this, a sharply increased agFlutination titer was dete- cted in rabbits. Druc-31losis afflictO cows were Card 113 treated with intranuscular injections of formolvaccine USSR/DiseDoes of Far,.-.1 Antn.,als. Diseases Causei by n-l Bacteria and Y`vngi. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Diol., No 18, 1958, 83515 Abstract and of heat-Icil-led vaccine in the followinL nanner; 2 billions of microbic organisms were used for the first injection, 2 billions (3 days thereafter) after aeain for the second injection, 5 billions (5 days thereafter) for the third injection, 5 billions a&ain for the fourth injection (20 d :-s thereafter), 7 billions for the fifth injection (10 days thereafter), 7 billions apain for t~e sixth injection (14 days thereafter), and 10 billions for the seventh injection (20-25 days there- after). After 1-2 dayst a general rise of body temp- arature -vies observed in the viajority of the vaccina- ted animals. Also, loss of appetite and a decrease of rdlk yields were established, as well as swelling of the injection site. Already after the first few Card 2/2 USM/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases '~'aused R-1 Bacteria and Pungil Abs Jour t Ref Zhur-Biol., No 18, 1958., 83515 Abstract : injections ag[lutinin titers rose and reneined at a high level (1:800, 1:16oo, 1:tS400), for a long period of time. Eleven to 13 months after the treatment, a decrease to 1:50 and 1:25 follcnied or became even negative, The phagocytal index increased in the diseased animals durinF the vaccination period. Wore treatment opsonopha- gocytal reactions were negative or slii~.htly poBi- tive, A specific vaccine therapy carried out on 2 farms, prevented recurrences of abortions and re- sulted in a decrease of barreness. Also, inflamma- tory )recesses of the animalol sex organs ceased.- I. -Ld. Panchenko Card 3/3 GROMCV, V. P. Doc Vet Sci - (diss) "Materials for vaccinoprophylaxis and vaccino- therapy in brucellosis of horned cattle." Kazqn', 1961. 19 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture USSIR, Kazan' Veterinary Inst); 180 copies; price not given; (KL, 10-61 sup, 223) GROMOV) V.P. -,- 1~ Completeness of the systems of the derivatives of an awdytic function. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.mat. 25 no.4:54-3--556 J1-Ag 161. (KMA 14:8) (ftnctionot Analytic) GRGIOVX V.P. Expaiwion of the system no-42:19-56 162. (series) Cf(jnz)~in uerieo. Trudy M (KMA 16:7) GROMOV, V.P. Growth of functions on a sequence of p6ints in a ray. Izv.A?l Arm. SSR.Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk 15 no-1:37-51 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy energaticheskiy inatitut. (Functions, Entire) (Sequences (Mathematics)) GROMDV.-V.k. Series of 2f (/I nZ)~ functions. Dokl.AN SSSR I" no.1:23-26 ?V 062, (MIPA 15:5) 1. Momkovokiy energeticheakiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom I.M.Vinogradovym, (Series) (Functions, Entire) GROMOV, V. P. Dissertation defended for the degree of Canlidate of Physicomt amtical Sciences at the Mathematical Institute Imeni V. A. Steklova 196 : NAmctional Orders of the Dirichlet Series Type." Vast. Akad. Nauk SSSR. No. 4. Moscow, 1963, pages 119-145 GFiaicv) V.P. The (Mookva) dnf z (k nz) series. Mat. sbor. 61 no.3:272-2go n 163. (Series) (MIM 16:7) GROIANS V.-P. (Moskva) I Completeness Of systoft of &a&ly-tic furr;tA-w;a iri a region. Mat. abor. 62 no.3:320--334 N 163o (,'-IIRA It.11) G --,jFOM,OV, V.11. (Moskva) Complf-nesa of certain nystems of analytic runctions in a region. Mat sbor. ( no.2%204-214 F 165. (WRA 18,,) GE ~ IV V. F . .1. 1- 1-1 --(",i;kva) 00 Grow0i of funutlona def',io)d by series of am typq~: dn' Otn Z)- Mut. abor. 67 no.21190-209 Ja 165* (MIRA 18:8) 3 WDI V. KOX I ("J, r, Method of fn-r ~-y~tal :7- in ref-'P-'tiv, stractlurta; f-ra:w,r~; u-'sirgy tm eller-tric digl,tf!]. (ura,puter, Sh.r. 6 no.1:11,1-152 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:1!) 1 . Vych ~ .91 4 tell -iyy Lfp,:-tfz .-I, i 6-~ -r kcro OW-o 110T.iya jime .20, ',r'6'2 1, a-42Q'7_66 EWT (d) /EWP (1) 1jr(C) _ACC NR, AP i3~88'_ so ffdf-c-o-DE--.--uV(563-9765-/b6Wo-o-27o2-o476-214- AUTHOR: Gromov, V. P. (140scow) ORG: none TITLE: Completeness of certain systems of analytic functions in a region SOURCE: Matematicheskiy sbornik, v. 66, no.,2, 1965, 2o4_214 TOPIC TAGS: analytic function, mathematics ABSTRACT: / ection I of the article indicates the necessary and sufficient con- .ditions for the completeness of the Iscunary system fLRY F(z)j (0 Z q a - 1, n p0 8 + 91; 1, 2, In a simply-connected region D (the analytic function F(z) Is assumed to be regular in region D). It is shown that the system fLp F(z)7(q) 1 (0 -4 q S a - lp p a' Op l.. 2p to complete or incomplete simultaneously with the system of derivatives jr (n) Wj (n n 0, 1p 2# ... Section 2 shows that a certain connection exists between the regions of com- pleteneBs of the systems Card 1/2 UDCt 517#53 -L 23207-66 ACC NRs AP6013588 fy(z.. j)j (j x 1, 2, and CDP IF(z)j (n 2 0', 1, (here D0F F OF z D L-Dn-W). Particular cases are considered as to the connection of the regions of completeness of the systems 02; z and fy(n)(Z)l Oric..arts -has:----2 formulas. J-PRO ' ' -- .. 4. [,.- . j SUB CODEt 12 SUBM DAM 106op63 CRIG REFt 010 Card V2 Ku mo SH3STOFXROV, S.Y.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; DOGIN, H.M.. k:andidat tekhAiche- "kikh nauk; IYAMOV, G.S., inzhoner; LUKICHIV. N.A., inzhener; DAVTWT, 1'.S., inzhsnar;%4A0,MD~,,.Y.SI., inzhener; POPOV, N.A., Inzhener; ZHU- RAYLEV, G.M., master. Vibrators for makiag vire reinforced ties on stands. Transpostroi, 6 n0-3:12-14 Mr 156. (MLHA 9:7) (Railroads--Ties, Concrete) t---V Err F F-S of. A A: ED 1,Fr-1 ' t r 9 Cf Flu r r A jilt ~p - m F- WIN gul :i! 10 41 N t P-S P. 'Ely vital EZ 'Elk linflu"co of removal of pollsaccharldes from the wood imbet"o on the sol hility I It In In Willis liquor. 11. N. v Latvian 'giate nd 1115, 0 . 111.1fir 1032, 0 No, i*f( 31-41(in RitiqlAtO.-Pithef partial or tull renio" I oat ema ydmtet ffooi the bIr hydrolyids with dil. soln. with Cu-Nil, wdu_ or decampti. by enzym" vJ C4-mieph",v (r,Arl4s decrea-.M very MignAwantly the Ability CA llgtiln to dkWVr in the .1ul- fitelitt'lor. The Probable M rehanNot lit It's t the U lion I I ion of the CxMiplev ploct-rd'i 'it the dolible bo"419 Its the aliphatic chafts of lignio. and the rem- A] of the -carlsohydrat" hr the pte-treatmenti con% "tx lignin inin a keto-farm with elimination of the douhie honds- this cauws difficultivi In %ttifonation. Andressr' bra%,nkks -1,,t ( 1! J. V. I ~ . TSIRULIS, F.Y&., inzhoner:-.,MMQY,_L�-,._Inziloner. Utilization of dolomite and dolomitized limestones In acid tcwers. Btzm.prom. 3o no.1:23-24 J& 155. (KLRA 80) 1. Tsellyulozno-bumazhnyy kombinat NSlok&Q. (Paper industry) (Dolomite) Gll)!,UV,, V. bi.p Master Olim fici "InvouLU'lating Lac pmcoims Of 17amtrople acating ol" (-iecLdtwu,-, vood an(I r;trtL-.v in cal.mLose mnking." JU up. 14ad :;ci batv S6A. Inut o-- Lumber), '200 copieL;. kw,, 1140 40, 1957, 90) VMMUNIST CHINA/Chemical Technoloci Cherdca-1 Pr,.)Aucts arj~! 11-33 Their Application) Fart 4, - CellulQse -,n,2 1!.-3 Derivatives, laper. Abs Jour Rof Zhur- Khimiya, No 14; 1958, 48995 AutLor V.S. Groi:k)v) r.N. Wintsov Inst Title Cellulose Pulpin(; of Hardw6orl and Straw with Hy,2,r--)troi)ic Solvents. OriG Pub Tszaoclizhi Lun-e, 1957, Ito 11, 22-24 Abstract Translntion. See RZhKhim) 1958, 3277. Card 1/1 (1-t. ~ Cookiri(-- woodpl-) fron wond of incillo-un tr-if-s and straw with ljee of hydrotropic eolvents. bun.rrn-. 32 no.6:11-14 Je ' 5 -," - 10:8) '.Tnstitut legokhozyarntvennyl-h :-0.11'em Alcademli nauk Latviyekay SSR.. (Wondyilj) induitry) (3olvents) GROMOV, V.(Riga); PORMALE, M.(Riga) Hydrotropic and alkaline boiling of green wood for obtaining cellulose with simultaneous hydrogenation of lignin. Pt. 2. hactiona- tion of hydrogenated lignin products and separation of phenols. Vestio latv &k no.4:85-92 161. WAI 10: 9) 1. Ikademiya nauk LatviyBkoy SSR, Institut lesokhozyaystyennykh problem I. khimii drevesiny. (Wood) (Lignin) (Hydrogenation) (Phenols) (Cellulose) GiOWN, V.S.p kand. khim. naukv otv. red.; vol DU.~n, G.E., kand. khim. nauk, red.; IYEVIPSII, I.K.(Iovins, 1.1 band. takhn, nauk, red.; FALTINA, V.K.(Kalnina, V.i, kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; RUPAYS, Ye.A.[Rupnis, E.3, kand. khim. naukj, redo; SERGEYEVA, Voll., doktor khim, nauk, red.; Z-1,1USH, N.A.[Ermus, 11.], st, nauchn. sotr., red.; YUIM, A.D.[Jukna, A.]; kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; MI,S., red,,- SHUENNIK, Ch., red, (Chemical and preserving of wood Khimiche- skaia pererabotka i zashchita drcvesiny. Rigra, lzd-vo All LatvoSSR, 1964. 238 p. (141i"A 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskis Republikas Zinatnu kkaftnija. 2. Institut khimii drevesiml A14 Latviyskoy M (for Gromov, Sergeyeva, E-.=sh). GROMOV, V.V.t prof. (Kazan') Profmor VA. Trutnevi obituary. Kaz. mod. zhur. no. 2:115-118 mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (TRTJTM, VASILII KUZIMlcjijl 1891-1960) U11.11011, V.V. In a ramote divinion. Put: i NER A 16 I. St a rs h, i.y no rui rovD It -I i I k a I I!!,,' tit I vo.,ite". f Lt. 0- 3ibirokoy d,rlogl. GROMOV, V.V., prcd. (Kazan') In memoriam: G.A.giarkovakit. Kaz.mod. zkoir. n,..1:104 Ja-F 16). (MA 16:8) (WARKOVall, GRIGOMI ARTUROVICH, 1909 - 1962) -1 GROMOV',.Y.V., Insh.; TKACHNNKO, P.Te., kand.tekhn.nauk Passage of discharges penstocks durine the work construction through the turbine-unit at the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr. stroi. 27 no-5:17-22 My '58, (MINA 11:5) (Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station) (Penstocks) CIROMOV~ V-V.,D__prof. (Kazan) All-Ruovian conference on pmblema of hearing dloorders. KLz. med. zhur. no. 4:82-83 JI-Ag 160. (MIPA 13:8) (MONESS) SOV/89-5-4 ..(FTHOH'5: Spitsyn, Vikt. I., Gromov, V. V. -6124 ~'IITLFs Investigation of the Law of the Sorption of Radioactive Stron- tium on Montmorillonite and Its Fixation by the Method of Calcination (IziAcheniye zakonomernostey sorbtsii radio- aktivnogo strontsiya na montmorillonite i zakrepleniya yeFo metodom prokalivaniya) PERiODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 446-452 (USSR) A BS THA CT The sequence of the various cations decreasing the absorption of 3r89190 in montmorillonite (from Oglanlinsk, Krym, Kazakhstan) is as followas A1+3 > Fe+3 Ba'2 > Ca' 2 ';;' Mg +2 :~' H' > NH' > K* > Na+ 4 89,90 It was stated that the sorption of Sr by montmorillonite has the character of ion interchange and obeys the law of mass action. The presence of anions such as CO 321 so42 , C20 42 which, with strontium, form a difficultly soluble salt, does Card 2 not change the absorption mechanism. They do, however, decrease SOV/89-5-4-6/24 'n-e,3tigation of the Law of the Sorption of Radioactive Strontium on Mont- morillonite and Its Fixation by the Metnod of Calcination the amount of the absorbed strontium, which is probably due 0tQ the forming of radioactive colloids. Calcination at 850-900 C and extended duration of calcination over more than 1-2 hourr. does riot ex4-rcise any influence upon the degree of fixation of Sr 89,90 in montmorillonite. Activity, which can be washed out by river- or sea water, amounts to r%-42~-. It is assumed that 0already before the crystal lattice begins to change (T - 800 0 fixation is brought about by the forma- tion of difficultly soluble strontium compounds with the ab- sorber. Above 800 C the modificatiorsof the crystal lattico structure and the step-like vitrification of the material be- come effective. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 19 refer- ences, 9 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs JanizarY 7, 1958 (,* -! , ,2 5(4) i'JTTHORS Spitsyn, Vikt. T., ,calertician, ~;.-,)nov, 7. 7. TITLE: The Influence of the Rudiouctivity of llarilim Si;lfr,te on Its Sorptive Properties (111ijaniYe bariya na yego sorbtsionnyye PERIODICAL Doklady Akadenii nauk SS';% 1950, ':()1 12 Nr .*,, pp 722-724 PSSR) ABSTRACT: The authors of the present report invesLigate the influence of radioactivity on the sorptive properties Of solids. Darium sulfate, which had already -previou3ly been thoroughly investigated (Rofs 6, 7, 8), ran imod tin a norbont. The present paper deals with tho aclsorption from aqueous solutions S)11a and of two 11 0 of acid orange dye (Orangre AT2D (C 11 16 11 2 4 S)Cl and brilliant Kreen basic dyes nethylone-blue (C 61[I O t 1 5 ~5 11 r' )C" occurring on these sorbents. 5 , which was (C 2 27 35 introduced into the barium sulfate during its Precipitation, I served as a source of rtidioactive radiation. "he production Card 1/4 of the BaSO -preparations is described in short. 3 g of the 4 SOV/2a-12'1-4-42/53 The Influence of the Radioactivity of Barium Sulfate or, Its Sorptive Properties precipitate tg be inventigated wa3 shaken at a temi-erature of (25 � 0-5) for four hours with 11j ml of' the coloring substance solution of the corre3ponding- :oricentration. After thin, the coloring substance content iii the liquid phase was spectrophotometrically determined by meano of' the apparatus SF-4 and SP-21,1. 1.11ousurinir errors artiounted to 34;1j. The reaults obtained by thene inve.: ti~,a t. ions are shown oy three diagrams. The acid oran,~e dyo is to the largest extent adsorbed by the BaSO , viz. by ono order of magnitude more than the other colorinli, agents. Ye thy le ne- blue is ad- .9orbed somewhat i.-iore than brilliant t.-reen. The sorption of the two basic coloring a-ob3taiices dir.1nishes with increas- ing specific radioactivity of the barium sulfate. 1hus, the sorption capacity for methylene-blue at activities of 0.01 - 10 imillicurie/p, depends linearl.-7 on the loCarithm of the apecific activity of 1-3aSO4. '13'he t..uthors nLio (,,irried out special investigations for the purpo.;e of .,olving the Card 2/4 problen as to whether the decreare of th,! ad.,3orption of the ' '1/2o-12.5-4-42/53 0 3 The Influence of the Radioactivity of Barium Sulfate oil Its Sorptive Properties investigated basic coloring substances ir onlt imagination, and whether it is not due to loss of color un.-Jer the in- fluence of radiation. Also these experii.-iento are iles--ribed in short. According to the results obtninel the variation of the sorption of coloring substances 1.9 not due to destruc- tion of these subutances bj the kiction of S35 radiation. 7,'oreover, no visible chemical or radio-chemical changes coi-ld be observed in the liquid phaoe that Tai,-,h". have exer- cised any influence upon the stability of colorin,~ fjLlntances or upon the intensity of their sorption. According to the authors' opinion, the variation of ~he sorption of coloring. substances observed may be connected with the occurrence of a positive charge on the precipitate of the radioactive barium sulfate (in consequence of the continuous ~,I-railiation;). There are 4 fi7ures, 1 table, and 6 refei-ences, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 SO 7/2o-12"~ -4 -4 2/5." The Influence of the Radioactivity of Parium Sulfate on It,, 'Jorptive Proportion ASSOCIATION! Inotitut fiziche3koy khimii. Akadenii nau'~ SSGR (Inatitute of rhynical Chemititry of the Ac~lde,'-Iy Of SciOnCOD# usSR) SUBMITTED: Jiily 25, 1958 Card 4/4 ZAaAROV, S- 1-; ZILAGIfip 13. F.i 3111RIWV, k'. m.; v. 1. splasili; AND BALUkOVA, V. D.; "Sorption regularities In Behavior of Fission Product eElemezte during Filtration of Their Solutions through Gvvunds.11 report presented at the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes,, Monaco, 16-21 November 1959. A c Ji 13 -a A ng.; i~ 3a ta.v Is "Ain 3 i 7.1 lit -A A 'a' SPITSTH, Vlkt, I.; ~ROMDV, Vj. __ Iffect of the radioactivity of precipitates on their sorptive propertles. HadiokhImlia I no.2:181-184 159. (NEU 12:8) (Hadioactivo substances) (Sorption) SPITSTN, Vikt.I.; GROI-M. V.V. Adsorption of radiostrontiun by certain soil minerals. Pochvnvedenie no.12:45-50 D 159. (MIMA 13:4) 1. Institut fixicheskoy khimit Akudamli nauk SSSR. (Strontium--Isotopes) (14inerals in soil) S/076/60/034/06/33/U4C, 21-~;00 B015/B061 AUTHORs Gromov, V. V. (110scow) - so- TITLE.- Desorption of Microquantities of Strontium and Ce3ium From Montmorillonite and Kaolinite P~jRIODICAL,s Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, VoL 34i No~ 6j pp. 1357-1363 TEM The desorption of Sr9o and Cs137 from montmorillonite and kaolinite by NaCl and CaC12 solutions (Table 1, composition) was investieated. Both isotopes were used in carrier--free 10-7 _ 10-9 11 chlorLde solutions. The montmorillonite clay was from the Oglanly, and the knolinite from the Glukhovitsy deposit. The equation q, - KI a, and/or q - Kc (2) (q - 5orb- ed ion quantity, K - conntant) was derived from the equation (1) (Ref. proposed by B~ P. Nikollskiy, and it corresponds to the desorption of microquantities of ions by ion exchange and a completely reversible adsorption of these ions. The constants of the equation (2), obtained in the tests, are given in Tables 1 and 2 and confirm the validity o" the Card 112 Desorption of MicroquantitiaB of Strontium titi S/076/60/034/4/-~3/04~ Cesium From Montmorillonite and KaoliaitQ B010061 derived equation. The desorption curves obtained (Figu. 1-j) stow tna the sorption of Sr go on montmorillonite and kaolinite is completely reversible, and that of Cs137 is partially Irreversible. Sr 90 is eluted better with calcium- than with sodium-ions, whilst CsI37 is desorbed better with sodium ions. Both isotopes are deoorbed more easily by kaolinite than by montmorillonite. Finally, Academician Viktor Ivanovicl: Spitayn is thanked for hints. There are 8 figures, 3 tables, and 14 references3 8 Soviet and 6 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDt September 11, 1958 Vi/ Card 2/2 BELYAKOVA, L.D.; GROHOVJ-V.V.; KISEIZVP A.V.; SPITSYNJO Vikt.I.., akademik , Adsorption of hexa and benzene vapors on nonradioactive'and radioactive barium sulfate samples. Dokl,AN SSSR 138 no.5:1139-- 1.142 je $61. (MM 14:6) 1. Institut fisicheskoy khJm4i AN SSSR i Moskovskiy gosudaretvanVy univeroitat im. M,Lomononovae (Barium sulfate) (Sulfur--Isotopes) (Adsorption) S/02C/6'/-,-'9/C0:/ 9.-O/C~ 0 0 B 103/B208 AUTHORSi Spitsyn, Vikt. I., Academician Zemlyanova, L 11. Mikhaylenko, I. Ye., ':romov, V V.. anti Zimak:,v T Yc,. TITLEs Electron-microscopir examinatior of th~- effe.~t of radio active radiation of solids on the structur,: of their surfar-e PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v, 149, no, 1,961 ''63-**6; TEXTt The crystal lattice of solids is disturbed by the 1 2 z -., nz a,~~ t ~ o r. of their own radioactive radiation and the appearing recoil atoms, which also changes their surface structure According to thv authors. al. this may be one of the causes of the effect exerterl on physicachemical properties of solids by their own radiation (sorptive power, in water, kinetics of heterogeneous proiesses of is,,topic i,xrhang- Catalysis, etc.). The authoismaie electron-microsropi~ ij~ljiips ~f the surface structure of radioactive samplos of K SO -'Ags C, 3--ISQ 2 :1 ' 41 m003 which had been used previously to study ads,,rpti::tn. oatalyzi!i and 'Asotopic erchange Except for BaSO ~; th-~ p, c *,irf-s w in., I Card t/ 5 S/C20; ~:'O 410/0' Electron-microsc,:~p,.c examination BiOVB208 repli,:ation, and for BaSO 4 th- method of loublo) repl-.eas replicas) was used. K 2 so 4' MgSO 4' and MoO,awer- appliel to a I n film in the form of a fine powder. A 200 .. 500 X thick quart-~ lay-r wK.- sputt,?red onto it in vacuo. After dissolution of ccllodion in amYl acetate, the quartz replica were rinsei in dist-.111t.-i water in the -aq~- K2so4 and MgSO 4' and in dilute aicoh~~l In th,~ cas- J Y-r,,,. Pi saml;Ic-3 of K and Mg were obtained by ael(lilng small, amounts 15. taining S Balo4 precipitates were isolated by a method p: ,iai' r1escribed by Vikt, 1. Spitsyn, V, V, Grom,v (DAN :2A 122 - 4- Radiokhimlya 1, 18'. ('959)).. Radioactive 00 3 was obtained by adil-ng an 11099 containing sample to ordinary M,~O 3 in orlpr '.o attain th-~- n,~r-S3--,,y specific radicactivity.. The mtxture was converted to amm')ni= I by treating it with aqueous ammonia; It decomposed when neatfrd '"n- resultant 00 3was sublimed at 81,OOC. When comparing tho p-t,jr-- (magnificationi 12,000 times) [Alstracter s nctpi N:t Card 21 5 2726 51020YF Electron-microscopic examination._ B103/B208 authors found the following differences In the crystal surfa-e of a~ radioactive and b) non-radioactive samplest 1) The surface -.f C _4 comparatively smooth, that of a) highly pitted. The crystal s,ar*'a-- of BaSO4 is changed to a high extent by incorporation of small ral-, amounts, K 2so 4# BaSO 40 and MoO3also show some changes in their q,irfa- structure after an external irradiation with aOO-kev elec*.rona. Al*ri,ugh the dose was much higher in this case, the changes were !,?es pr-r;,-_-un.-ed than those caused by radioactive radiation The above surfaze appear rather regularly over the whole length of the crystal of th- radioactive substance. The deep cavities observed in samples irrafliatei with neutrons were absent ,1he surface changes resemblt.- th,:,sz, 4n metal etched by an ion beam. The authors further conclude tri-m th- .-M Parison of the photographs that the surfac,~ defocts of *h,. samples develop already during the separation of the Iii-i-S.- 4*r-,m the, solution or from the gas. They assume that "he radiati..--r-, -01,~N-Cll,clj CHIN-< -CH, 0 [R The average magnitude of the degree of condensation (n) depended on the ratio of the UDG; ACC NRt XF6d022f6- starting materials. At constant reaction conditions, the concentration of epoxy groups in the final products decreased with the increasing length of tho alkyl substituentse In the first stage of the synthesis, the nature of the solvent affected the rate of the raaction. At 75-95C the rate decreased with the solventss iscamyl alcohol> isopropyl alcohol:~benzene+ Isopropyl alcohoV0 benzene. Use of a benzene-isopropyl- alcohol mixture as the solvent in the second stage of the reaction made.possible a re- placement of a 44$ solution by the solid N&CH* The aohydroohlorination reaction was practically accomplished within 3-4 hours, Curing with maleic anhydride (5 hours at 60C) or 4,41-aiaminodiphenylmethanalgava resins of approximately similar properties, Experimental proceduret one moleof diamine dissolved in 300 ml C6H6 was heated for 15 minutes at 85C and than a known amount of spichlorohydrin was added slowly (15 minutes) by drops to the solutionj this via mixed at 85C for 15 tours. The clear light-brown solution of dichlorohydrIn formed was cooled to 200, 294 M 44% N&CH oolu- tion was added gradually for each mole of the diamine, and this uras mixed for 15 hours at 20-25C. The NWIl formed was removed and the reaction Wixturs, was washed with H20 to a negative Cl- reaction and a weak alkalinity of the wa3h water (pH 7.8 - 8.5). After distillation of the solvent (C6H 6), apichlorohydrin, and residues of H20, the resin formed was dried in a vacuum at 36 - 40C. Using C6H6+ isopropyl alcohol mixture as the solvent, the reaotion was performed analogously with a reduction of the time of the dehydrochlorination with solid NaCK to 5 - 6 hours * Orig. art,, has: 3 fiP-O 1 formula and 5 tables. .80 CODEs 20jO7/ SUBM DATEs 18J4164/ OUG.REPt 010/ OrH R91% 010 Card 2/2/W4," ~V Q=Tjr-Tw#A.; KAWKATA, T.N., rod.; POCKARITA, A.Ao. takha.rodol GUASINDTA, Ye.S., t* (Coal in the fuel soonomW of the United States] Ugoll v toplivnom khozisiotys BShAo Moskva, Gomplanisdat. 1958, z43 (NIM 1217) (United Statee-Cool) ACC NRs SOURCE CODEt AUTHOR: -Gromova, To. A*-Gromova, Ee A.; Skaratova, So A* A0 ORG: Institute of Normal anrl Pathological Physiology, ANN SSSR, Moscow (Insutut normllnoy i patologicheskoy fitilogii MIN SSSR) TITIE: Physiological analysis of the effect of serotonin on the motor funcUon of n SOURCEt AN SSSR* Imstiyao. Sarlya biologicheakaya, no. 1. 1965, 103-167 TOPIC TAGSt serotonin, biologic metabolism, electrol?lWsiology, cat ABSTRACTs The Imstigation of the mechanism of action of serotonin ofi the motor functLan or the organism is of major Interest in view of the existe6ce of experimental findings on its antispasmodic effect (Scarinci, 1955; Cohn et al., 1958; Laborit at al., 1958 and others) These findings have led to ,the theory that disturbances in the normal metabolism of serotonin may be a definite factor in the genesis of convulsive seizures. The authors experi- mentally verified this plausible theory by performing an electrophysiologLeal analysis of the effect of serotonin on cerebrospinal reflex activity. Thus, mono- and polysynaptic reflexes of the spinal card on stimulation of the . muscular and cutaneous nerves of the hind legs were tooted in experiments an 62 cats with sectioned spinal cord. It In shown that the intravenous and introarterial administration of serotonin in doses of 10-150 S per kg body L 23537-66 ACC NRs AP6013qq0____________ weight produces two-phase changes In the magnitude of the electrical potential of these reflexes, recorded In the anterior roots L7, Sl of the spinal cord. It is concluded that serotonin exerts a direct effect on the. segmental ceiibrospinal reflexe's -in* the mechanism Of the 'action-'6f serotonti on the motor function of the organism, which most Investigators consider due to the offset of sovotonin an tho cerebral subcorticst structures.. orig. art* bast VAgUros6'-'LJ_PRJ5 MCODES 06 SUBHDATFs 2OJu163 OMREFs' 003 OM REFt 010 C -ax 7, Ye. I. "Studyine the Process of Amwnia Absorption From Cokc Cvan Gas '.-.'ith Sulfuric Acid Solutions to Improve Industrial 1-:ethods of Proparbig An)oni'an Sulfate." Cand Chm Sci, Ukrainian Sci-Rcr, Coal Chemistry Lnst, GlavVol:s, ., y of Local Industi-f; Khar1kov Sci-:'os Inst of Coal Chcrdtsti-~, Rxarlkov, "inistr. I 19_54. (RZhMba, lio 21, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Tochnical Dissertations Derepiled Irl U:;.;.i Hit:hcr Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sun. No. 521, 2 Jun IJ5 BRODOVICH. A.L. doktar takhnichookikh nauk; Gg-WY-Ye.l.. kandidat tekhnl- chaskikh nail . investigation of asbestos-vinyl as a protective coating for equipment f by-product coke plants. Koko i 156. (KLRA 9:7) : ,Ukralnekly uglakhImicheekly institut. (Protective coatings) (Coke industry-Iquipment and suplies) GROMOV, Ye.I.; CIIERXASIIIN, V.N. Methods for protecting cross tie rods in coke ovens. hok3 i khim. no.11:35-37 '61. (KIRA 15:1) 1. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicheskiy Institut. (Coke ovens) s/o68/62/000/003/003/003 E071/E435 AUTHORS: Iromov, Ye.I., Cherkashin, V.N, TITLE: Corrosion resistance of materials in technological media involved in the production of indine-coumarone resins PERIODICAL- Koks i khimiya, no-3, 1962. 47-48 TEXT. The results are given of an investigation of resistance to corrosion of various steels and corrosion resistant materials in the media of the plant for washing and neutralization of polymerized indine-coumarone resins WC13 used as a catalyst) In the evaporator and condenser. Specimens investigated were placed in a special cage made of a fluoride plastic which was fitted in to the appropriate plant equipment, Data on the velocity of corrosion tl--./ were expressed in loss of weight (g/m2 of surface per hour), It is concluded that the body of the washing apparatus should be made from mild steel, protected by diabase plate lining, the joints of which should be filled with a paste Armasite-.2 (resistant to acid and alkali); the protection of the cover and manholes can be achieved with ATM-1 plates, faolite or bakelite lacquer. The evaporator can be made from steel )fl8P,12M3- M18N12M3T)., tubes Card 1/2