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raphe used in
structions for
selecting corrections for spur gears and the in-
theiruse. Tbat. woh. 37 no.7:32-38 Jl 157.
(Gearing. Spur) (MM 1018)
Selecting paranatern for rams and intnrnal gnar. Takh.ugol.
mash. no.1:20-14 158. 041A 12! 8)
1. Veivan3miznyy much no-I s olodovat e1' skiy i proyaktno-tekhnologi-
chaskly inntitut ugollnngo mashinostroyaniya.
(Coal mining machinery) 0"aring)
25 (1) SOV/145-c,5 -7/8-9/24
AUTHORS: Shneiderovich, R.M., Candidate of Techn~,-a', Sci;nce..'3,
and Gromnn M B.1-1
TITLE: Displacement Criteri6n in Connection with R earing Ca-
pacity of Shafts
PERIOD'ICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zaveden4y - Mla shino-
stroyeniye, 1958, Nr 7-8, pp 77..87 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article is devoted to establishin'-, the -critical
loads acting on a shaft in connection with the maxi-
mum permissible displacement of components linked to
it. The shaft criti,cal displacement ohlo,ill be deter-
mined on the basis of a normal pe-forman-,e of the me-
chanism both for the case when the load lo continuous
and when it is of a short duration. in FA~, 1~ the au-
thors analyze the effect of shaft defle,:tio n under
the gear wheel. The value of perm-issible rf- sidual de-
flection is expressed by f3rmtila f - A O~5E_,
d 1/3 where Eo is initial eccentricity;6 M.h min 4mum per-
SO V/ ji 'I -~ -56- 7/8 - 9/24
Displacement Criterion in Connection with Bearing CaT~aC~"7y of Shafts
missible displacement of the initial contour. The next
problem analyzed in the article is that of inclination
of the shaft section iinder the (,ear wh-~,..31. This questi-
on was considered in the work by A.I. Petr-.ioevich,
'fToothed Gears", Machine Elements piibl~,she(3 by the Mash-
giz, Volume 2~ 1953, edited by N,S. A:,Le~rkan Z__~_17. Per-
missible value of inclination angie A-1 of one gear with
res,pect to the incl,_nation angle G cf the other gear
Is determined by the fun,.tion . -
I d1) 21 PC b 2-92;
where Ko is a coefficient determincd by graphs given in
Fig 2; C = 54000 kg/cm2 four strallght tee,h: 67500 kg/cm2
for bevel gears; P is normal force actini,; r~n the gear
tooth; dl - diameter of the smaller gear forming the
pair. The authors proceed by analyzing the effect of
shaft inclination when supportled by rolt-'er, bearings
(Fir,r, 3 and 4), and refor to the work loy R,D. Beyzell-
Card 12/3 man and B.V. Toypkin, "Rolline Mashgtz, 1953
Displacement Criterion in Connection with Bearing Capacity of Shafts
Z_V. Finally, the authors establish the shaft angle
of turn on a ball bearing support, expressing it by
formula 9 10 ~~2 + ToLt; the values of4,
Too g and To a e given in Table 2 and depend on the
ball bearing size. There are 3 graphs, 3 tables, 4 fi-
gures and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatekhnologicheskiy institut IMASh AN
SSSR (Moscow Avio-Technological Institute IMASh AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: March 14t 1958
Card 3/3
BMMTDLROVICH, R.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; GROMAII, M.B.
' ' '-`-7---
Static supporting capacity of shafts. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
mehinostr. no.9:71-89 156. (MIRA 12t10)
1.Institut mashinovedonlya AN SSSR.
(-:!r R o yq\ (~ r4 , Pfl ~
Serenseno Sergey Vladimirovich, Roman Mironovich Shneyderovich, and Mikhail
Borisovich Groman
Valy i osi; raschet i konstrulrovaniye (Shafts and Axles; Calculation and
Design) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 253 p. Errata slip insert~ed. No. of copies
printed not given.
Reviewer: D. M. Reshetov, Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor; Ed.: I. I.
Trapezin, Candidate of Technical Sciences., Docent; Ed. of Publishing House:
L. N. Danilov; TIech. Ed.: B. 1. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature on General
Technical and Transport Machine Building (M&shgiz): A. P. Kozlov, Engineer.
PURPM: This book is intended for designers.
COVERAGE: The book considers modern methods for cal=latIng strength and rigidity
of shafts and axles and the bases of practical design of shafts for modem
machinery. Loads carried by different types of shafts (in machine tools, pover
generators, farm machinery, etc. ) and the relationship between actual and
theoretical loads are discussed.
Shafts and Axles (Cont. )
Calculation methods for shafts, for the selection of safe cross sections,
and for determining the magnitude of stresses are described.
Practical design of shafts,, methods of strengthening shafts, and other problems
am explained. The first section of the book deals with the most frequently occur-
ring cases in the design and checking of shafts. Calculations connected with
estimAting the resistance of shafts to static and alternating stresses am discus-
sed togetb!er with the characteristics of acting loaAs and modem concepts of
safety factors. The second section of the book represents more specialized
problems based on calculations of shafts according to allowable elastic and
elastoplastic displacements. Problems in the calculation of statically in-
determinate straight shafts and crankshafts are also discussed. The third
section of the book is concerned with calculation examples for shafts and axles
of production and paver machinery. Emphasis is given to actual stress conditions
and proper consideration in calculations of the mechanical properties of
materials used. In the fourth section reference data for the calculation of
shafts for static and fatigue strength are presented. According to the authors
these data reuresentagen&WImatIon of corresponding data from other technical
literature. No personalities are mentioned. There are 45 references: 44
Soviet and I German.
(in ."o..'Pov
31 5-
1. Vsesoyuzny,,,
Institut ll'f:vl'n.-),,,o
:1-var. r"n,-,a u;-ol.
proye::tno--tekhro2c., I c' foliy
Manufacturing gear wheels of plastics, -Testomache 40
nosN39-45 Hr 160. 101antics) (MM 13:6)
- ' -. %. (0earing)
.~ , 1, ~ "." 0
2/~'C,/-' ~_/"-013VD06A15
AMCR: )-cmv., M.B.
TITIZ: Desig~-.Ing gears fr~-,T. plastj~!j
PERIODICALt Ve3tnlk mash tn,-, s tr,,,yen lya, 3, i9t C, 3c
JIEX-~ F9cil!arl*.le3 Of pid5TIC geaTS are W,.d oampared
with steel geavs. DIik:,%sseJ data graphs a~'J *at,lo2 rf n~,*Lin gear proper-
'USS fYST AaM_E no. c'~P_A-20c,), an-i ny'::. gearz
z gs~~,Ft~d by the
Universi'q :f M!:higsn. 7he ajl.!w,:~ -tal_
cula'.!:n v~'n_--Ia -fire n-,', f Ir -he
th5cry cf plas--, - Siar ~Lr-, ",Ynilmi~~S hate if. rartl:,-
ularly hii
gn ~t r r in S'n, -:,.e I'Aztn '17, p_ as,_' - -z er s ~J r c An s ta ~ad ex-
periments. rk,
.e 3.- t -~el 9re -rerl.!:7.ed In e
HMAS!~. 0-
tlor. wl-;h researe.-h p.*.ia*,!, -promisi,
4 ng
pro! iminary t :-~ i ni #v~:)d
.3 W-'rT W.-
plastic- MA7' han ia~~ri p'Lai'LlIce:
(in ztatl:~ jr:; :n ;~Olyamide
0.23; "v-il,)knl.-:" -r. ~-30 7. Z ap- .7 lak tan"
Card 0
Designing gP5r~~ frim A 1/".
0.28. Tne I Y M a-~~T z 7 KEYA
tee, f,-,r D
d,P-signirig p~,-d-~r 2,,
steel hawk a ~;- In z~-F -v?~ 0 M
tllmes .3oi-~r L-v, j--1 -is-ir proper-
ties are crang!:ig !n r-1,=1ss14)jle
1nad C.-I a 51r.'ZI-I 4 '~tln f.~r an
average-har:!,? ttar. ti'x~
breaking limit. f,-.r har!,~ne-,*~ 4) ,,~:'T*.sgible load is
,30-40 -~!xes nlgh-r In !n Zte~. wea:
PCt on nylD.. 1,
s 1 -.1mPs larger. 7he w:~7K in 3 nylon
tooth is '-1r) t-1mr-S higher tian in a J) TT.~ rfs':,en,~fv! of
plasties can be utilizei: 9) by modifying the profile t:.ward max!==.-Possible
teeth numter In slrrultane:~us mesh; t.) by high crmpensa-~Ion cf Toii~ere this
is an aavantage, e.g., c:tnttlever sh3fls, as in internal Sear!nw; ~-) b~ producing
multipo!n+ contac-. Wlt~!C?-At, high a~!:,ira--~y cf geare an-~ r'g-lilty ct shafts;
d) using hiprringbon-i gears with ur-lnterr-,pted tlootrl; e) --s!nz
planetary transT..'ssInnc wlth-ut balar.-ers; f) ,Elng worm a
_,ear -,r ansmiss tons, es-
Card 213
DesignIng Sears fr~,
peclally tne 6o*.-.b'.P.-ex.-e:,,pInir
.L ; g w:T~'. trl~,n`y !-),vied teeth.
7) Low heat r,~~o-,itanc-,-" ai !,.~!at !V Of
r.2, 8)
Larger side be ----el in view of -9) Ine nigh
creep and -T"n-!l. ic; ; TI, -Igh intlfric-
tion properl:ler :,an te wit', hIgh
e,T'.::!enc7. 7nere a7v!
"Wicient method for plotting nomograms for power function
products" by O.S.Khoyanakii. Reviewed by M.B.Oroman. Test.
mash. 40 no.qt8Z 3 160. (NDU 13:9)
(Nomography (Mathematics)) (Iffiovanak-ii, G.S.)
ZAK, P.S.; FEDCROV, C.D., Inzh., reteenzeftt; GIMMAN, M.B., red.;
DANILOVp L.N.j red. izd-ya,- MAKAROVA, L.A., tekhn. rod.
[Double enveloping worm gears]Globoidnaia peredacha. Moskva,
Mashgizp 1962. 255 P. (MIRI 16:1)
(Gearing, Worm)
GROMAN# M*Bep inzhop red.; BALANDIN, A.F., red. izd-va; RAIRNOVA, G.V.,
(Advanced methods for manufacturing gears and teir engineerins
efficiency] Frogressivnye metody proizvodstva, zubchatykh koles
i ikh tekhnologichnost'. Pod red. M.B.Gromana. Moskva, Mashgiz.,
1962. 301 p. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Moscow. Moskovskoye gorodskoye nauchno-tokhnicheakoye ob-
shchestvo mashinootroitallnoy prorWahlennosti. Sektsiya zub-
chatykh perednch i reduktorov.
(Gear cutting) (Gear shaping machiner7) (Automation)
Standardization of spur gears for general usp. Standartizataiia
26 no.6:15-22 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7)
(Gearing, Spur-Standards)
Standardization of corrected gear vheels. Standartizatsiia 26
no.7:?.-10 Jl 162. (IMU 15:7)
Standardization of gears is the foundation for an efficient
organization of their manufacture and the improvement of quality.
Vent.mashinostr. 42 no.9:3-14 S '62. (WRA 1539)
1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut po normalizataii
v mashinostroyenii.
Standardization of the demlen or gears. Standartizataiia 27
no.5tll-15 My 163. (MIRA 16t6)
Activity of the Committee on the Stren0h of Gears. Vest.
mashinontr. 43 no.lx9l-92 Ja 06). (KIRA 102)
1. Predsodatell Kouiteta prochnosti subehatykh peredach
Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva Gosudarstvennogo tresta,
mashinostroitellnoy pron7ohlennoati.
Sagging in the engagement of bevel gears. Vest,mashinostr. 43 no,3:
40-41 Mr 163. (MLA 16:3)
(Gearing, Bevel)
*Handbook on the correction of gemqO by T.P. BolotovskmiA,
I.A. Bolotovskiif V.I. Suirnov. Revieved by M.B. Groman.
Vest. mashinostr. 43 no.6:84-& To 163- (KIRA 16:7)
Gearing) (Bolotovskaia, T.P.)
lotovskii, I.A.) (Sairnov, V.I.)
Deterzination of the efficiency of the specialized mwm-
facture of BtwWaritoW parts and units, Standartizataiia
27 no.10:3-8 0 163. (MIRA 1611l)
Using standazda for noncorrected spur gears. Standartizasila
28 no.2s53-56 F 164. (MIRA 170)
15 -1
Leaflets for the d es.igner: tables fur strength calculaticn of
involute clo!qed gea- transmissions for stAndard load conditions.
Ves4.mashin(mtr. " no.717-26 JI 164. (MRA 17:9)
i'li! " , :-I. !!.
Use of otmidard gear whi-olq. 'P
Ag 101,. (mil:", 1-7: 11)
AC,". M3 3 1 Of IVR; AP5008381
AUTHOR: Groman, M. B. (Engineer)
TITLE: All-union sc ientif ic -technical conferencm on Novi-kcvgear qyqte'M~G_
ISOURCE: Veatnik mashinastroyeniya, no. 12, 1964, 77-78
TOPIC TAGS: mechanical engineering conference, tranoriission gear
ABSTRACT: 'Phe All-Union Scientific -Technical Conference on Novikov Gears* held
M Odessa, 13-25 September 1964, was attended by delegates from 180
organizations. The large number of reports (about 70) presented and dis-
cussed at the conference indicates that Sov'et engiriaers are working on Ilic,
further, development of NoYlkov grears and an their introduction into industryj
,Jt is Gid-ent f roin the reports and discussions Lhat Novikov gear i3ys-teifib
,are successfully performing in many establishments, even in cases where
jnvolute gear nystems failed prernaturely. The conference has shown that If
st* svven years (the IaSt 31101 nonCer-ence was held in 1957), the
thq a
(levelopment ind Ijitroduction of Novikov gears into industry has mado
cons Iderable progress, t1jun making It possible for tile Coordination Coun_~
cil on Novik2y_gqa MASIJ (Central Scientific-Research
~q, of the TaNIIT
Institute of Machinebuilding Technoloey) to recommend in October 1963
that Novikov gears with 320 BrineU hardness be Introduced in industry
,without preliminary experiments for operations up to 12 m/sec under loads'
Ivarying only slightly.
Variouo deficiencies of Novikov gears were also indicated at the c3n-
1erence. It' was noted that an attempt to use Novikov gears in highly
stressed and high-speed airplane transmissions as well as In automobile
traninnissions was unsuccessful. It was also indicated that Novikov gears
having teeth with high hardness appeared to have lower bending strength
than corresponding Involute gears.
A particubir* fy inie reatin b&a
g , ture of the conference was the new mate-
:rfal accumulated for the last two years on a new modification of Novikov
grears-gears with two lines of action. Their development has been led by,
INIPIGORMASH (Scientific-Res6nrch and Design Institute for Mining Mtl-
chinebuildin ) and Sverdlovsk NIP71MASli_(Syerdlovak Scientiffe-Research
and Des!gn Technological Institute Althoug~ there
Card _2
lis no'final opWqn concerning these gears, the exvcrirrental results ob-
itained for the last two years are encouraging with respect to both gear
'teeth wear and bending strength.
It-is expected that the modified Novikov gears will uncover new possi-
bilitles for'replacement of involute gears. The Coordinating Council on
Novikov Gears of the TsNIITMASH and the Section on Gear Reliabilityand
Durabilit of the State Committee on the Coordination of Scientific-Re-
have recommended considering the developme
search Strdles in the S4�R nt
of modified Novikov ge&ra as a basic trend in future studies. It was stres-
sed that this recommendation does not mean that studies on Novikov gears
with one line of action wiU be discontinued, but It underscores the necessi-
of overs-eemg__xV
c effient -phases in the transition toward modified Novikov
e S. As an example, it was mentioned that a Kiev plant which previous-
r -
yawas engaged in lot production of reducers with sLandard Novikov gears
is now switching to the production of reduction units with modified Novikov
The conference adopted many re con) mendat ions and resolutions
on intensifying the developpient of Novilcov
carj- 3/5-
--L-- 31988 -65
AccEssim IM: AP5008381
An analysis of Soviet and Western sotirces an Novikov gear-
ing systems published up to 1960 indicates a divergence of opinion con-
cerning their signifIcande. While most Soviet papers praise the features
of Novikov gears, British and American gear specialists are not too
enthusiastic about this gearing system. They claim that this system Is not
an original concept, since gears with similar teeth were patented in the
United States and the United Kingdom many years ago, that there is no
possibility of universal application of these gears, and that they are more
difficult to manufacture than involute gears. They admit, however. that
in cases of a relatively low-speed drive with a very low number of teeth in
the pinion, the Novikov tooth form does offer some possible advantages.
The number of articles on Novikov gears published in the last four years
'in the SM has decreased considerably, which fact gave the impression
that Soviet engineers are now less Interested in this kind of gearing. The
conference shows# however, that there to great interest in further develop-
ment of Novikov gears.
J, 31938-65
,*A new system of gearing de ve loped by Colonel -M. L. Novikov. Doctor of
Technical Sciences (deceased circa 1956). The basic idea of this system
is that the profiles of the teeth of two mating gears are circular arcs, and,
moreover, the centers of curvature of two teeth In contact are both on the
same'side of the lij~e of acUon.,
0 REF SOV,! 000. OTHER: 000 FSB, V no
VULGAKOV, E.B.; GAVRILENKO, V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
.PROMAN _M.B.,_.Inzh., red.; LF.SNICHKNKO, I.I., red. izd-va;
MAYAROVA, L.A., tekhn. red. .. - I
-[Gears with modified initial rake contour)Zubchatys persdachi
.wdifitsirovannogo iakhodnogo reechnogo, kontum. Moskva, Mash-
giz, 1962. 98 p. (MIRk 16:2)
Blocking contours of involute engagement. Veat. raahinostr.
42 no.12z12-17 D 162. (MIRA 16:1)
ERPTA MICA See 2 Vol. 1217 Physiology July 59
PHATASE ACTIVITY (Russian text) -_a.".majh3,y k I D iochem.
Lab.. Inst. of Infect. Die., Acad. of Med. Scis of the Ifiv, USSR -
VOPR. MED. KHIMII 1959. 4/8 (399-404) Tables 5
A definite correlation between the serum alkaline phosphatane activity and vit.C
content of the organism has been observed in experiments on guinea-pigs 3nd in
clinical investigations of patients suffering from dysentery. influenza and acute
catarrh of the respiratory tract. The phosphatane activity is reduced with i low
content of vit.C in the organism and administration of ascorbic acid increases Its
USSR/Microbiology Antibiosis and Symbiosis, Antibiotics. F-2
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -, Biol... No 4, 1958, 14736
author : Gromashevskays, L.L., Golub, N.F., Panchpnko, I.P.
Title Sensitivity of Dyeentery Bacteria to Biomycin.
Orig Ptib V sb.: Disenteriya, Kiev) Gosmedizdat USSR, 1956, 62-69
Abstract Studies of the sensitivity of M strains of Flexner bacte-
ria of various serotypes and 80 strains of Bonne bacteria
to biomycin (I), levom5mcetin and norsulfazole showed that
the most active I depressed the growth of the main mass of
bacteria (91-5% of strains studied) at a concentration of
0.1-6 Or/ml. Bonne bacteria are more resistant to acti-
vity of I than Flexner bacteria, the sensitivity of which
did not depend upon belonging to a definite serotype. The
microorganisms are more sensitive to I on a Moore than on
a Drobotko medium. I decreases oxygen consumption on a
propiferating as well as on a non-proliferating culture
Card 1/2
USSR/Microbiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis, Antibiotics. F-2
Abs Jour : Bef Zhur - Biol., No h, 1958, 14736
(endogenous respiration) of dysentery bacteria; by com-
parison vith the control, utilizqtion of 02 for k5 minu-
tes decreased from 288 to 103 =nj-
Card 2/2
-6SSR Pharmacology, Toxicology, Chemotherapeutic Agents
Abs Jour iRef. Zh. Biol., No 2, 1958, No 8104
Author tGromashevskaya, L.L.
Inst I
Title :Chemotherapeutic Agents and Vitamin C Content of the Body.
Orig Pub iAntibiotiki. Eksperim.-Klinich. izuch. M., 1956, 99-102
Abstract tBy the method of Eidelman and Gordon, which is based on
the intensive alksorption of ascorbic acid added to blodd
in vitro, a study was made of the Vitamin C saturation rate
in 550 patients with dysentery, entero-colitis, gastroen-
teritis, v-iral influenza, brucellosis, paratyphoid etc.,
and in 35 healthy subjects. The patients were treated by
sulfathiazol, disulfan, sulfadimezin (6 g per day for 6 days),
as well as by sanazin, levonycltl ' sintomyoin, biomycin,
Card 1 1/2
USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology, Chemotherapeutic Agents U-7
Abs Jour s Ref. Zh. Biol., No 2, 1958, No 8104
Abstract t microoidin, and gramicidin. The vitamin C saturation rate
of the body was determined before treatment and 24 hours after
its termination. Only sulfanilamide therapy was followed by
a diminution in the vitamin C saturation. Following treat-
ment with the other agents, the vitamin C content of the
organism was s6mewhat elevated. There was a dharp decrease
of vitamin C in the organs (liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenals,
stomach, large intestine, etc) of the guinea pigs who had
received a 7-8 day course of sulfanilamides, coupledwith a
significant rise in the absorptive capacity of the blood.
Those guinea pigs who had received sanatin and levomycin,
had the same vitamin C content in thitr organs as the con-
trols. It was recommended that a combination of sulfanil-
amides with vitamin C be used to eliminate the negative
effect of the fonner on vitamin C exchange, which lowers
the efficacity of sulfanilamidep.
Card 3 'j A
41 r,
L. L. (CLuld. Iled. :;Ci.)
"Chemotherapeutical Preparations and Vitaain C - Content in an organism,"
p. 99 Ministry of Health USSR Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on
Antibiotics, 31 May - 9 June 1957- PP- 405, Moscow, Medgiz, 1957-
0,JR! Vii -S K j YF. , I . 1 . ( K I ye v )
Method for dotcrtiinir,~ t!m vitanizi 0 cori~ent of the lwdy lt'z tt.0
aboorptive abilities of th.) blomt fl-t!th ;i,m-rvrY in Von.
-Ai . 16 no.) -44-52 Mr"p *~-)?. 011RA ID!I~J)
1. 1z 1wititute 1nfektsic,-)nykh !)olazn,4.v AiN Kiyev.
(VITAYIN C. die,,.
blood aboorp. teut (Rt~n))
Julfathiazola in the organism of patients with acute dysenter7.
Klin.mad. 35 (i.a.341 no.1 Suoplement:31 Ja 157. (HIRA 11-:2)
1. Iz biokhimicheakoy laborutorii i=unotdala (zav. - chlan-kor-
respoixtent Akademii nauk USSR prof. 11.1i.Sirotinin) Institute
infaktBionnykh boletnay AM14 SS~R (dir. - prof. L.I.Bogdanov)
InorgAnic phosphorus in the cerabrospinal fluid in polion7olitim.
Yrach.delo no.10:1041-1043 0 '58 (MIRA 11:11)
1. Inatitut infektsionnyih bolesney ANN SSSR.
'USSR/Micr,.,bijlof3y - Microbes Patho(,enic f~,r Man and Anitials.
Bacteria. Bacteria if the Intestinal Gr:)up.
Abs Jaur : Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1959) 99366
Author : giritinin, N.N., Ovsiyevskaya, IN., DrAskaya, Ye-A.,
Gromshevskaya, L.L.
Title : On the Experimental Pattern if the 16yeenteric Pricess.
Ori --- Pub: 711. raftrobiol., epidemiol. i inmunobioi., 1958, 1 3,
Abstract : The course of bacillary dysentery vas studied LA axpwt-
meats with artificial oral infection ill Macaca rhest:s,
8-month-old Hyrialayan and Drawn bears, 2-3 week old kit-
tens, rabbits, pups, kids, piGlets, susliks, pine martens,
African polecats, foxes, cottan and lalborat,)ry rats,
guizea pi6s slid bats. Vie course of dysei,tery had t1he
most typical fo= in wnkeys. Bears and cats also becwt
ill with dysentery. In the first anes the disease lasted
Card 1/2
.USSR/Micribiolocy - MicrAes PatljoC;enic for Mn and Animals. F
Bacteria. Bacteria of the Intestinal Group.
Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, 99366
rure than 6 weeke; in tho cats, the disease had a less
proaa,inced course and the dyseatery bacteria were seldom
isolated from them. HAtled susliks eliminated dysentery
bacteria for Ion,- peri,:)ds. The other'types of onimals
elther did not become ill with dysentery, or else the
disease had a ciarse which was itat characteristic 3f
dysentery im man.
Card 2/2
- 54 -
(larev) - - -
Some biochemical Indexes In the diverse course of Botirin's disease.
Vrach.delo no,loilo5g-1062 0 159. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Institut infelctsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR.
Some general features of the action of certain chemicals (syntho-
wqcIn norsulfazole. blowyci on the liver; report on an experi-
ment twith summary In Bng1Isnhj. Yarm. I toks. 22 no-1:75-80 Ja-Y
,59- (NDU 12:4)
1. Inatitut infektsionnykh bolesney ANN SSSR. KlysT.
MCROUINp,N.I*$ prof.; VL'tZHKHOVSKAYA, A.A., kand.meditsinskikh nauk;
FEDULOVA, Te.G., kand.neditainakikh nauk; GROKASHEVSKAYA, L.L.,
kand.meditsinskikh nauk (Kiyev)
Age characteristics of the clinical course of infectious hepatitis.
Vrach.delo no.5:457-462 k 160. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney AMN SSSR* 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AMN SSSR (for Morozkin).
USSR). (KL9 3-619 228).
Nature of the effect of antibiotics on the organism in relAtion to
Its original state. Antibiotiki 5 no.2331-35 Mr-Ap ,60.
(MIRA 14:5)
1. Laboratoriyu biokhimii Instituts, lnfektalonnykh bolezney AHN SSSR.
I GROMAS~W4-FWA,,-l.L..---,
Side effects of antibiotics. Antiblotiki 5 no.3:110-115 MY-Je
160. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Kiyevskiy institut infektsionn bolezney AMN SSSR.
Photoelectrocolorimetrio determination of bilirubin and the norma2
amount of it found In the serum. Lab.dQlo V no.6:46-48 N-D 160.
(MIRA .13:11)
1. Institut infektoionnykh bolezney AMN OSSR, Kiyev.
Evaluation of some biochemical indicators In the diagnosis
of aborted forms of Infectious hepatitis. Nauch. Inform. Otd.
nauch. med. inform. AMI SSSR no.1:27-28 161. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Inatitut infektsionnykh bolnzney (direktor - chlen - kor-
respondent AMI SSSR prof. r.L.Bogdanor) MN SSSR, Kiyev-.
Enzymic reactions in differential diagnosis of infectious
hepatitis and machanical jaundice. no.9029~-
337 164. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Institut infektsionnykh bolezney Ministerstva zdravookh-
raneniya UkrSSR.
:I- VA
r., n i I
I ~
,~RUI-1-11 -
Y, LEN VASJL~;IVICII, 1867- Ed .
qandbook on the flight agains ty, hus Yioskva, gos. mad. iid-vo, 10123 119 P.
:'. t , --, ` -, ,
. . :-L
,, 1:'otinklo: ],I., I! ]; i,-' -.-AfAl J,~,
GR!l^PUk'3lU-:VSKTY, L. V. Prof.
; ~05 cow
"to the methods of the scientific work in the domain
of the region epideniology In connection with the
scientific thematics for 1944.
Zhur. Mikroblol., Epidpmlol., I Immunoblol., NoB. 7-8, 1944.
GRr11A'Y1rFV3K,TY, T.. V. , Prof.
Vanager, Central In3t. fort he Improvement of Doctors, Chair of
Epilemi-ology, (-1941,-)
"To the Epideniology of typhus exanthematicus. 35th camunication.
The Nature of interruptlon In the course of morbidity of typhus exan-
thematicus in the unsafe populated localities."
Zhur. Mikrobiol., Epidemiol., i Immunobiol., No. 1-2, 1944.
1'. V.
Ch-ir.. Epldnmlo-lopical- Com. 110. Saj. Board, Po,)nlqts Corminstirint Nblic, "fistIth
(1,YZMAVA) , ( -1944-) .
"Some remarks to the Scientific thl)rnti-,i concom, Inr the st*aly of typhug exanthematicus
for 1944."
Zhur. Mikroblol., Boidemlol., t Immunobiol., No. 1-2, 1944.
ORCIfAaT.'~ZV3XTY, L. V., Prof.
IVIanager, Chair ZpideiAology, Central Inst. for
the Improvement of Physicians, (-1944-)
"To epidemiology of the typhus examthematicus."
Zhur. Mikrobiol.p Epideniol., i Irmiunobiol., 110. 3P 1944-
UR'~Z-1 A, If? Ile V "'.q 9 11 1 ch , I-
Relapsing fever. Moskva, "VledFiz", IA6. 1;~ p. map. (bibiloteka -,rrqchs,)
At head of title: erof. L. 11. jrQc,,Etshe-is;rii i orof. G. !.'. Vatn~-Irs/h.
1. Relapsing. 1. %eindrach, G. M. it. au.
I.1-; V, ~
7. nr.
~/WUGIW VA"Gleff N" l9*T
"Aoblevements of Soviet ft1domfology for Thirty
Years," Prof L. V. Gromsebovskly, Active Nbober or
the AcadaW or Medical Sciences or the USMO 10 PP
"Zhur M1krobials SpIdentol I limminoblol" No 11
The most Important principal question* which have
characterized the development or Soviet &pId*m1o:LqW
are presented. The two basic divisions of spideal-
ology-general. ani speolf lo--are discussed at 1smgft:
with emphasis on the work of Soviet authors In the
field of the problems of the rules of the epidemic
W I ---
- , - I- I
"General Fptdemiology," Yoscow, 1949
Translation LJ-3~24, 6 Aug 53
TUTYSHKINA, Yu.P.; GROMASIENS11Y. L.V., rofergor, raveduyushchly; KAIINICHMI-
KO, T.Ya., ditftftii~~~ - P
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of ac-urlet fever In the light
of modern etiological data, Mmr,mikrobIol.ep1d.i im=n. no.2:22-25 P 153.
NLRA 6:5)
1. Kafedra epidemiologil. 11yevskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni medi-
tainskogo instituta imeni akademika A.A. Bogomolltsa (for Gromashevskly).
2. Kiyevskiy ordena Trudovogo Xrasnogo Znamant meditsinskiy institut Imeni
akademiku A.A. Bogemalltsa (for Xulinicheako). (Scurlatina)
7LJTT3IIKIN,,, Yu.P. ;O.ILUR, Z.H. GRO u ssor. zavedu,)v-
L.V.. profe
shchiy; KALINICMIX0. T.Ya., direktor.
Hemagglutination reaction in scarlet fever; authors' ubiitract.
krobiol.epid.i imimin. no.2:25-26 F 153. NLRA 6:5)
1. lKafedra epidemiologii Kiyevskogo ordena Tritdo7orn Krasnogo Zaamani me-
ditainakogo Inatituta Imeni akademika A.A* JbdjmWIts& (for Gromashovskiy).
2. Kiyevskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Zaameni meditainakiy institut imeni.
akademika A.A. Bogomolltsa (for Kalinichenko). (Scarlatina.) (Blood-A*-,
glut Inut ion)
-1~13V T
ly, - V. FD 158
USSR/Miedicine Classification of Infectious Diseases
Card 1/1
Auttior : Gromashevskiyj L. V., Professor (K-Lev)
Title : More about the classification of Infectious dif;cascs
Perioaical -L"'hur m1krobiol. epid. I Immun. 5, t~7-75, ~hY 1~-!514
Abstract The author discusses his own propose(] system of' clasi;ification of in-
fectiouo dioeaoea and derends it ugainst it,. varlou:i critics. His
system would clasjIfy infeetiow diseasco accordin,; to their mecha
-.Mio' transmission, i.e. the localization of the causative agen*6
in the organism. There wouid be four categories; Intestinal infec-
tionG, infection3 of the respiratory tract, blood infections, and
infections of the integument. He gives the nwmes of' his critics and
describes their arguments. No references are cited.
Submitted -aftember 15, 1953
professor. otvatetyannyy redaktor-, DTACHINKO. S.S.,
professor. redektor; TILSHINA, M.A., kandidat m~d1t81nsk1kh nauk,
redaktoro ZATDION110, To.G., imndidat maditsinakikh nauk, redaktor;
PADALKA, Mae, professor. redaktor: SIRIBRINNIKOYA. V.I., bndidat
meditsinskikh nauk. redaktor,# SORYINA. L.Ts.. Itandidat maditsinskikh
nsuir, redaktor.- TIMUIOV, S.N.. kandidat meditainskikh nauk. redektor;
KHOMUKO, G.I., professor. redaktor: ZATULOVSKIT, B.G., rodaktor;
U)KHMATTY, Ye.G.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[Dysentery; a collection of acientific papers] Dizeneterils;
ob*edinennyi sbornik nauchnykh rabot. Kiev. Gos.mod. iz4-vo USSR.
1956. 265 p. NLRA 10:1)
1. riyovskly institut opidemiologii i mLkrobiologii. 2. Deystvitell-
ny.v chlen ANN SSSR (for Gromnshevokly)
GROk4A,;Hr,-VaIY, L. V.
"Contemporary Problems in Epidemiology," report presented at the 13th
All-Union Congress of Itygienistso Epidemiologist:, Microbiologists, and InrectioniatBj,
Leningrad.. 1956 (June). Zhur, Mikrobiol., Lpidemiol. i Immunobiol., PP 3-5o 1956.
Sum. 1003, 20 Jul 56
GROUSHUYSEY. L.Y..profeemor; TUTYSHKIVA. Tu.F.. dotsent
, -
Age factors and the incidence of Ochildren's" Infectious disease#.
Trach.d*2o no.2;131-1)6 F '56. (NISA 9:7)
1. Doyetvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Gromashovskiy) 2. ZeLfedra
spidmiologit Kiyervicogo nedLtainskogo insitut&.
SL%w2w0~1 V. V.
Local cases of tick-borne relapsing ftivor in the Ukraine;
preliminary report. Mod. paraz. 25 no.1:17-27 Ja-M '56 (MIRA 9:6)
1.1z Kiyevskogo instituta epidemiologii. mikrobiologii I gigiyany
(dir. xnetituta-kandidat maditsinskikh nauk S.N. Terekhov) i
Reepublikanakoy protivi -.lvaremiynoy stantaii (glavnyy vrach
V.V. Slosaronko)
ticV-borne, relapsing in Ukraina)
GROKASHITSKIT, Lev Tesillyevich
(Mechanisms of the transmission of infection; theory of the
mechanism of transmission of pathogen@ of communicable diseases
and Its importance in opidesiologyj Nekhanisay peredachi in-
fektall; uchenie o mekhanisme peredsohi vozbuditelai iafektsion-
nykh bolesnei I ego suachanie v epidemiologii. Kiev, Goomedizdat
USSR, 1958. )31 P. (KIRA 13:7)
GROKASIDCVSKIY, Lev Vasillyevich, red.
(Theoretical and practical problems In immunology] Teoretichaskie
I praktichaskie voprosy immunologii. Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nank USSR,
1958. 367 P. WRA 13:4)
1. Kiyev. Kiyevskiy institiat epidemiologii I mi~crobiologii.
GROKAWWLXIT, Lev Vasillyevich, red.
t0hildren's infections] Detakie infektoli.
1. Kiyev. Kiyevskly inatitut apidemiologii
Kiev, 1958, 509 p.
(MIRA 13:5)
" Localization of the causative agent in the organien wW its
connection with the mechanism of transmission."
report submitted at the 13th All-Union Congreas of Hygienists,
Epidemologists and Ddectionista, 1959.
GROKASHICVSKIT, Lay Vasillyevich, red.
(Materials of conferences] Katerialy nouchnykh konferentsli.
Kiev, 1959. 288 p. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Klyev. Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii.
, -GRawavsKiy, L.V , 0
--. -pFof. (Klyov~
- Robert Koell. Vrach. delo no.9:129-133 S 160s (MIRA 130)
1. Deystv. chlen AMN SSSR.
(KOC119 ROB-:;'RT9 1843-1910)
G;,.L.*,LA.j1L~,VjN`1Y, L~V:, , prof..; G,t!TSAY, N.K. , knnd.mud.nnuk, i.V.
Ca:)Otj Of .741aria contracted In moziLal houpitala and t-.a problem of
malaria control. Vrach. delo no.6i84-88 Je 1614 (fdiiA 1511)
1. Klynvskly nauchiic,~-iti,,lodovat(-~ll.,3.'ciy Institut epide.-.Aologii I
mAkrobi alol.,ii. (1AA.LA.J0THELtAFY) (K1LV--J-UUHL1A)
Nature of exanthematot's typbus and the "revision" of F.F.Z,;orcdo,7s;r-il.
Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i i=m. ~2 no-6:139-145 JO 161. (14IRA 15:5)
GROMAShZVSKIY, LV.,_Zrofsp red.; MORGUNOV, I.N., red.; ChNFRIFAK, V.D.)
(Mechanism of the transmission of infection; the theory of the
mechanism of transmission of th pathogens of infectious diseases
and Its importance In epideriology]Mekhanizm peredachi infektsii;
uchenie o rekhanizme peredachi vozbuditelei infektsionnykl; boleznei
I ego znachenie v epideriologii. 2. izd., pere=.i dop. Kiev, Gos-
medizdat USSR, 1962. 445 P. WIRA 15:6)
1. Deystvitelinyy chlen Akademli meditsinskikh nauk SSSH (for
BUGROVAp V.I., kand. med. nauk; VITIOGiLADOVA, I.N., knnd.biol. nauk;
DIYAKOV, S.I.p kand. zed. nauk; ZllDA!l'0V, prof.;
WROV-VEREZ11111KOV, N.N.., prof.; M,I'SOVA, O.M., kand.
med. nauk; IfIbliMIETSKIYO A.A.p prof.; KALIE'A, G.P., prof.;
KAIJIMI, D.R., kand. med. nauk; KOVALEVA, A.I., doktor mod.
nauk; KRA91LINIKOV, N.A., prof.; KUDLAY, D.G.p doktor biol.
nauk; LEDEDEVA, M.N., prof.; PMETS, L.G., i.rof. (deceased);
PEKHOV, A.P.# doktor biol. nauk; PLAIMLIYES, Kh.Kh., prof.;
POGIAZOVA, M.V., kand. biol. nauk; PROZOROV A.A.; SRIITSKIY~
A.A., prof.; FEDOROV, N.V., prof. (deceased ; SIWMIA-VAGBA,
V.I., kand.biol. nauk; VYGODCHIKOV, G.V.., prof., zanestitell
otv. red.; ADO, A.D., prof., red.; BAROYA111, O.A., prof., red.;
BILIBIlly A.F., prof., red.; W-LDYIZV, T.Te., prof., red.;
VASHKOV, V.I., doktor mod. nauk, red.; VYAZOV, O.Yo., doktor
red. nauk, red.; GAUZE, G.F., prof., rod.; GOSSEV, V.S., prof.,
red:; GORIZOUTOV, P#D,, prof., red.; GRIRBAUM, F.T., prof.,,
red [deceased]; GROMASHEVSKlY,_L.Y., prof., red.; YELKIN, I.I.,
prof., red.; ZASl'UldffR-,-U-.N., doktoi'-biol. nauk, red.;
ZDRODOVSKIY, P.F., prof., red.; KAPIC11NIKOV, 114.1' '., kand. red.
nauk, red.; KMIPAR.I;KAYA, N.N.,, prof., red.; KOaAKOV, P.No,
prof., red.; LOZOVSKAYA, Ye.S., kand. mod. nauk, red.;
MAY SKIY N., prof., red.; MURGE.TSEX, S.N., prof., rod.
I 'dio.
decease J. (Continued on next card)
RJ00VA, V.I.--(continued) Card 2~
NIKITZ, 14.Ya., red.; NIKOLAYEVA, T.A., red.; PAVIkVSKIY, YeX.,
akademikp red.; PASTUKHOV, A.P., kand. med. nauk, red.;
PMUSHCHEVA, P.A., prof., red.; POKidjVSWA, 14.P., prof.,
red.; POPOV, I.S., kand. med. nauk, red.; ROGUB, I.I., prof.
red.; RUDZiEV, G.P., pruf., red.; SELGIM, F.G., prof., red.;
SKRYABIN, K.I., akad., red.; SOK01DVf M.Lv prof. red,;
SOLOv1YEv'.v,D0, prof., red.; TRIBULEV, 4C.P., dotsent, red.;
CHMIAKOV, M.P., prof., red.; SHATRC7, Llso prof... red.;
TIMAKOV, V.D.,j prof.# red.toma; 7ROITSM , V.L., prof., red.
toma; FEMOVA,, N.K.,, tekhn.reda;
Wultivolume manual on the microbiology clinical aspects,
and epidemiology of infectious diseavesi Enoeotomnon rukovod-
stvo po mikrobiologii klinike i epidec.iologii infekteionrWkh
boleznei. Otv. red. 14.N.Zhukov-Vercz1nikov. Moskva, Yedgiz.
Vol.l. (General microbiology) Cbshchaia mikrobiologiia. Otv*
red. N.11.Zhukov-Verozhnikov. 1962. 730 P. (141:_1 15:4)
1. Deystvitellnyy cKlen Akaderii meditsinskikh nauk SSSA (for
Zhdtinov, Zhukov-Verezhnikov, Vygodchikov, Bilibin, 'V'_,Fhkov,
Gromashevskiy, Zdrodovskiy, Rudnev, Sorgiyev, Cbuzakov,
Timakov, Troitskiy). (Continued on next card)
BUGROVA, V.I.-(continued) Card 3.
2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for lmhenetskiyp
Krasillnikov). 3s Chlen-korrespondent Akaderii meditsinskikh
nauk SSSR (for Planellyesp Baroyan, boldyrev, Gorizontov,
Petriohchova, ltogozin). 4. Deyatvitellnyy chlen Vsot;oyuznoy
akademii sellskokhozyaystvenrWkh nauk im. V.I.Mnina (for
Methodological principles of the theory of the contagiousness of
cor-micable, diseases. Nsk.filosaop,medsi est. no.2:17-.42 160.
(KLBA 15:7)
1. Kafedra epidemiologii Kiyevokogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni
Dogomolltsa. Deyotvitelluyy chlen ANN SSSR.
Problem of eradicating infectious diseases. Zhur.mikrobiol.,
epid.i immun. 33 no.4:128-133 Ap 162. (MIRA 15110)
Why it is impossible to agree with Sh.D.Moshkovskii's interpreta-
tion on questions of principle in the elimination of infection.
Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.8:135-140 Ag 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
V.D., dots.; rod.; 13ARCHMIKO, I.P.; prof., red.;
MZHIKOV'SWA) flot-., rod.;
prof., red.,- 7,111JEIMAZYM, G.Kh., prof., rcd.; :.~X.-TLK.
P.I., prof., red.; SHALI, D.D., dots., red.; FOZ!:,'ZTS,*,:Tyl
S.S., dots., red.; KkL!'UZM,'YY, D.D., red.; CliUCIIIPAK, V.D.,
toklin. roil.
(1~yginnic norms nd the sanitation of the extcrnal orwiron-
mentlGigienicho-2kic noi-matiri i ozdo-rovlonic vnec-luici sredy:
sbornik nnuchrykh rabot. Kiev, Gomndi-zdat USSR, 1961. 268 ju.
(14P.A 15:11)
1. Kiev, Mledyclinyi instytut. 2. Daystviteltrrjy ch.1-in Akaderii
r-eclitsim,kikh nauk SSSR (for Grormhovsldy). 3. Cl-.lcn-
korrespondent Akadom-ii neditsinAikh nauk SM (for Shakd,.bazyan).
4. Direktor YJZ~evslkogo meditainokogo instituta (for Dratus).
5. Kafedra gigiyony pitaniya Kiyevokogo meditsinsko:,o i-mitituta
im. A.A.BororolltDa (for Barchonk-o). 6. Kaftdra ob2hchey -i,7iyerW
Kiyevokogo modi-11sinskogo, instituta, Kiyovskogo meditainc.kogo in-
.9tituta brn. A.A.,-.,ogona1ttsa (for Verzhikovskaya, S1=111).
GR0:-USII-EV5KIY (KEFV), -L4_y.. Prof.
y of the MochanIsm of Tral::fer of Infectiong."
"Ill'odern State of the Theor
Peport presented at the Scientific Conference of the Dushanbe List. of
EpidemioloCy and Hygiene (DIEG) devoted to problems of 'Epidemlology, Hyviene2
Bacteriology, Virology and Parasitolop7j held in Dushanbe, Deceml-er 1962.
(Zdravookhraneniye Tadzhikistana, Dushanbe, No 3. 1963 Pp ho-111.)
member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR
GTINASHEVSHly I Lev Vii!3il 'Yevichs ; . P . , I - ~ I
(General epidemlolegyj mariual fzr phis'~!isn~ ar.-`
of public bealtb faTultiesj Obahchala eplder.lo2cgifa.;
kovodstvo d1la vrachei I studentcv san-Jtama--gJ,g!en,:he--
skikh fakulltetov. Izda4a, perer. Maishra, Meditsina,
1965. 289 p. (XiRA
ACC NRi 06017377. (A. 11) --- SOURCE CODE: UR/O338/63/0)4/0o6/0?2q/o73,3
AUTHORt-.-Gromashevski L. V. (Kiev)
ORG: none
TITLE: Transmission of tick-borne recurrent typhus by lice: Report I. Introduction
SOURCE: Meditsinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni, v. 34, no. 6s 19651
TOPIC TAGS: infective disease, pathogenesis, disease incidence, animal parasite
ABSTRACT: During World War II an spidemic of louse-borne recurrent typhus
unexpectedly spread through the European USSR and disappeared only in the
late 1940's. It was traced to workers brought in from the Soviet Central
Asian republics) from regions with natural foci of tick-borne recurrent
fever. Thus,* a well-investigated disease which had been considered entir*-
ly eliminated in a vast country had again appeared In its typical form;
this occurred on the territory of the focus of another infectious disease.
which is ccnaidered as its indisputable "ancestor0 This prompted the
author to investigate the relationship between tick-borne and louse-borne
recurrent typhus, vdth the object of determining whether the pathogen of
tick-borne recurrent typhus (Spirochaeta sogdiana Nicolle, Spirochasta
u9bekistanica Picul),, on b sing ingested by the louse organism to r with
Card 1 /2 UDC: 616.986.5-022.19t4og-"I-2
L 26464-66
ACC NRe APCO1737-7
the blood of the hwaan host is transfqMd into an Oberneier spirochete.
into the pithogen'of epidemic (louse-borno) recurrent typhus. This
involves the following questiones How does this process occur? How does
the spirochete remain viable in the louse organism? How does the infected
louse tranandt the pathogen to the healthy-human individual? What is the
infectious pro'cess in the infected human individual? Further investigation
*odU be concerned with these questions and should shed light on the medico-
biological relationships between tick-bams and louso-borne rvcurreq~_ typhus*
SUB CODEt 06 / _SUBM DATEt 16Apr65 ORM REF t 003 OTH REF t - 006
GROVAPJI~Sa.U. L.'J-(Kiyev)
Eradicntlon of lnfectious diseases, Zhur.m1krob!ol.,
epid. i immun. 42 no.120-10 U 165. (MIRA 19:1)
NRi Ap6o.18381
AUTHORs Gromasheyoklyp Lo_ V- (Kiev)
ORG: none
TITLEI Problem of eradicating infectious diseases
SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no. 12g 1965, 3-10
TOPIC TA08i disease controll infective disease
ABSTRACT: In this theoretical discussion the author criticizes past and -
present tendoncies too treat eradication of infectious diseases from an
empirical rather thAn from a theoretical point of view. He links eradi-
cation of infectious diseases to ideology and the development of a network
of.socialiut countries. The basis for this connection is the comprehensive
planning concopts of socialism., thich he considers essential to eradication
of infectious diseasese He finds that genefal discussion of this problem
has not gone far enough and that its terminology is not uniform. Work should
;be done to select those infectious diseases which might be susceptible to
1 eradication with means presently available. BU;L it ii"rtant to distin-
guish-sradication from reduction or control# I-JPRs7b
SUB COM 06/ SUBM DATEs none/
.,.4 1/1' Mi 616,9-084.4-001-12
Passive agglutination of arythrocytois as a dia~7iostic method
for some izamohemopathles. Sbor. trud. Llvov. nauch. -Isel.
Insts perml. krovi I neotlosh. khir. no-405-63 160
(MIM l6tl2)
Dai,,l lo Z lo Z; t lo j
:.,0. 2, ."'n:: I
Li.-J. ;vo~Aan A~-Ct--.-; lons, 101.
[Russlan medical literature of the 18th century] Pusekala meditsinsksia
literstura VIII voka. Moskva, Isd-vo Akadexii ind. nauk SSSR, 1953.
281 p. (MI-RA 7:6)
Repudiation of Protasev's d4stertation on physiology. Trudy Inst.19t.oat.
5:387-397 153. (MLBA 6:7)
(Prot&sov, Alakeei Protas'evich, 1724-
Certain probloss of hygiene pertaining to studying in schools.
Gig.i san. no.5:26-32 My 134. (NM 7:5)
1. Is otdolm gigiyany Nanchno-looledovatellskogo pediatrichookogo
institute. Ninisterstva sdravookhraneniya RSM.
(School hygiene) (Mental physiology and hygiene)
Prophylactic trends in Russian wdiclue. Sov.zdray. 1) no.2;36-40
Mr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7:4)
(Medicine, Preventive)