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GROKHOLISKIY, A.L.; KOGAYEVSK.M. A.F. Devios for the measurement of magnutic characteristics of ferromagnetic materials In a fruquency range of IQ.kUocycles -9-750 megacycles. Trudy inst. Kom.swnd.mer I izm. prib no.64: 214-217 062. (MIRA 16:5) (Ferromagnetisia) (,'ugnetic measurements-Lquipment and supi-lies) -3 _ MIKITINSKIY, M.S. 1-990KHOL' XJX. A Frequency correction of the capacitance of a disc condenser. Trudy ingt. Kam. stand., mer i I=. prib. no.65s77-79 162. (MIM 160) 1. Novosibirshy gosudarstyennyy institut mer i izmeritalinykh priborov. (Condensers (Electricity)) (Electric capacitance-Standards) GROYdiOLISKI,Y, A.L.i KUGAYEVSXIY, A.F. Set of high-frequenoy permeameters for determining the perme- ability and the loss angle of ferromagnet1c materials. lzm. tekh. no.706-37 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Permeameter) GROKHOLISKIY A.L.;-,KUGAYf-,VSKIY, A.F. Determination of the magnetic permeability and angle of losses of ferromagnetics by means of a coulometer. Zav. lab. 29 no.9:1101-1104 063. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Novosibirskly gosudarstvennyy institut mer i izmeritelInykh priborov. ACCESSION NR AT3013127 S/2589/63/000/072/0053/0058 AUTA'.'- 0 RGrokhollskly,_~.,L., Kugayevskiy, A. F. 3.roadening of the frequency range of high-frequency permea- r.-.e te rs S43OU2CE USSR. omitet standartov, mer I izmeriteliny*kh p.riborov. Trudy* institL v Komiteta, no. 72, 1.963, 53-58 TOPIC TAGS pe:meameter, permeability measurement, magnetic loss angle =ear,urement, cc-axial sample hoidar, compenzation sar,-;ple holder, mag- netic mate~rial quality control A 3STRACT A method is considered for the of magnetic ,ermeability and 'he loss angle of ferromagnetic materl:.- 'u-Ing co- axial and com=e nsation- type sample holderv, The method ...a*.W3 Lt 4- po-osible to control the quality of magnetic materials anC. lt;o investli- gate the infrequency spectra. It is shown that the coaxial holder can be used in a frequency range up to 200 Mcs, which ~_Z *.-eyond the ran-, e of permeameter, and its advantages are that no e.-.pensiva appar- atus is employed and there is no need for placing a separate winding Card l/p ACCESSION NR AT3013127 -I/ over the An improved model (the compensation holder) uses essentially a --omparison method so that many of the errors due to the apparatus are eliminated. Holders of this type were constructed at the ING-1.71P and showed satisfactory operation with accuracy + .~ per cent for the permeability and + 10 per cent for the loss angle. ~he temmerature variation of the permeability and the loss angle can also De Measured by modify-ing the equipment somewhat. Orig. art. has 3 fiSures and 9 formulas. ASSOCIATION NGIMIP SUBMITTED 13Mar62 SUB CODE MA, ML DATE ACQ,- 280ct63 ENCL 03 NO REP SOV 002 OTHER 001 Card 211~ L 6858-65 EWT(d)AWT(m)/E9r,(k)-2/ZEC4j/T Pg-4/Pk-4/p3.-4/po-4/pq,4 ASD(a)-5/ AFWL/RAM(t) RWH ACCESSION NR: AR4044267 S/0272/64/000/006/0119/0119 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metrologiya i tzmeritelInaya takhnika, Otdel'riy'y vy*pusk, Abs. 6.~2.81#o AUTHOR: Grokhollakiy, As L. TITLE:, Method of calculating losses in motors with coaxial cylindrical electrodes CITED SOURCE: Tr. in.!.tov Kom-ta SSSR 196 vy'p- 74(134), 3#19-27 TOPIC TAGS: capacitance, inductance, measuring instrument, coaxial,cylindrical electrode, inductance meter, coaxial electrode TRANSLATION: Considers a method of calculatiIng energy losses in the surface layers of capacitance meters end inductance with coaxial-cylindrical electrodes. The method makes It posGible to determine the residual renistance for menauring capacitors at frequencies of 10-200 He and to lower to 3-5% the measuring error of the (1-factor of inductance meters (with a Q-factor of the order of 100-200). The method of lose calculation is based on the fact that in the working range of frequencies, a meter Card 1/2 L 6858-65 0 ACCESSION MR: AR4o44,267 with coaxial electrodes can be considered an a coaxial tranBmission line without losses, in which is propagated an electromagnetic wave characterized by equal and opposite full currents and charges per unit length, observed at opposite points of the electrodes. When the electrical field is radtalg and the magnetic field to circular, for a wave propagating-in W-Coaxi&I line -there -in no low cutoff frequert" cy. Therefore the meters can be used from an low a frequencras destreh. Usidest they cause slight attenuations in the tran Lent waves# Your illustrations, bibliography: 5 references* SUB CODE: D4 ENCL: 00 Card 212 GP.UKIiOLISYIY, Aj.; Ui)J!:!'SuV, V.A. Increasing Llis ac(:uritc..-,, (if ri:proLluction of the unit, of capacitance - the farad. Izv. SO All SSSR n(,.?. Ser. tc-l+. n~Wk L10.1:137-3-38 164. Oxll~, 1. Imititut, avtoxntiki I elekLrotnetrii Sibli-skogo ot,delenlIP, A3 SS.SR, Novnviblrok. GROKIIOLISKIY, A.I_ Errors of quality-factor meters. 17.n.tekh. no.2:;..-25 F '64. (VIRA 17:4) KU(;AY;-;'V'SKIY, A.F.j (;~-,OKIIOL SKIY. A.L. Apparatus f*)r rrr,~asjrlrq~ AW lll14,,fwt,lc trial.,witils. Zav. la~). 30 rw.l*~(~~ pri bc r c) v GROMOLISHY, A.L. Calibration error dependent on tile composition of the masures and the auxiliary set. Trudy Inst. avtom. 1 elektrowetr. SO AN SSSR no.9:39-44 164. (MIRA 17:11) ACC NRi SOURCE AUTHOR: Grokhollskiz, A. L. (Novosibirsk); Sobolevskiy, K. M. (Novosibirsk) Ale ORGI none TITLE., AC bridges with inductively coupled am elements SOURCE: Avtometriya, no. .1, 1965, 68-75 TOPIC TAGS: inductance bridge, electric transformers ferromagnetic material, electronic circuit ABSTRACT: A'Aescription of the high metrological properties of transformer ,measuring bridges and the advantages which determine thcme These adv tages j an. are inherent in am elements with close inductive coupling. A brief his- torical review of %exice on transformer measuring bridges is presented# and .the main results of soviet investigations are analysed, The analysis of work~l performed is used as a basis for a program of investigations needed in this area in the next few-years. These include: further work on the theory of am windings with close electromagnetic coupling; theoretical investigations of the processes of equi1ibration of transfomer bridges,; theoretical and exper- imental investigations of the transient processes in transformer bridg83 and indicator deviceal analysis of the question of the influence of the parameters of the ferromagnetic' core of the trAnsformer on the value of effectivo reeis- tance of the am windings under various operating conditions; developnp~t of L 26563-66 ACC NRt AMI7391 a theory of tranafomer am windings with many outputs for connection of :several full resistances; theoretical and,experimental work on increasing - the sensitivity of transformer bridge circuits; and experiments on measure-, Iment of induct9ncea,, direct and alternating for a Wido frequency ~sngep which must be made much more accurate. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: OBSep64 / ORIG FkF: 040 / OTH REF: 019 -L 62089-65 ACCESSION NR: A.P5016739 UR/0286/65/000/010/0049/0049 _D ItUTHORS: Grokhollakiy.,A. L.; Kaahcheyov, E. L.; Fedoseyev, G. S. TITLE: Standard capacitor with rated capacitance. Class 21, No. 171048 SOURCE: Byulloten' izobreteniy i tovarrykh znakov, no, 10, 1965, 49 TOPIC TAGS; capacitor, capacitance ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a standard capacitor with rated capac- itance in the form of several groups of electrodes with similar geometric shapes and dimensions. To decrease the frequency dependence of the capacitance, the high- voltage.and screening electrodes are placed symmetrically relative to the low- voltage electrodes, 9.g.t relative to one located at the center (see Fig.-l on the Enclosure). Orig. art. hass .1 diagram. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIWED: O8Apr6/+ ENCL t 01 SUB CODE: EC NO REF SM 000 OTHERs 000 Card 1/2 L 62089-65 JACCESSION NRI AP5016739 Card ir2 MICLOSUREi 01 Fig, 1e 1- high-voltage olectrodeal 2- screening eloc- trodeal 3- low-voltage electrodes ACC NRt AUTHOR: Grokhollakiy) As L; Khohcheyev., 1. L. ORG TITLE: On the construction of a precision transformer bridg Soma: Avtometri".. no. l., 1,966,, 62-68 TOPIC TAGS: capacitance.bridge,, electric measuring instrument ABSTRACT: This paper was reported at the VII All-Uhlon Conference on Autmatic Cm- trol and Methods of Electric Measurements In- September ig-65 in Novosibirsk. A pre- - -Tr - - cl-slo-n -a-n-aformer-coupled bridge is ae-s-cfflb-e-d7ore---measurement of capacitances in the range from 0.01 to 10,000 pF with accuracy 0.001% (Fig. 1). The use of traw- former coupling makes it possible to obtain arm ratios over a wide range and with high accuracy. High accuracy is ensured through the use of a special portable model of a standard capacitor invented by the authors (Authors certificate No. 17oi48 - Byulleten' izobreteniy Jq65,lho. 3.0) but with crossing capacitance, based on a prin- ciple originally proposed by D. G. Unpard (Monograph N 216m in, January 195T)- Both the capacitor and the bridge itself are described in detail, and the possible errors are estimated. The bridge is Intended primarily to calibrate standard (02) capacitors. Orig. arte hast 4 figures, SUB CODE: -o9/ SUB.M DATE: 050ct65/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP: 003/ ATD PRESS:~2 Card L 28359-66 ACC NRs AP033m Fig. 1. Diagram of bridge Compens. vinding S AT-1 AT-f too C, n Al lowo p V~ IAO 72" AMIANOEMEN11) FOR RYTR ~,!e arr. ;4~x Ircl, n,~ e digs- at tL~! 'WI fj~~f~ijl Un lo~,- ADAYKINq N.M.; I.tAGDYCIWISKIY, F.I.; GROKHOLISKIY, A.N., Organizational work of the State Testing laborator7 in Lvov. Izm.tekh. no.7:54-55 JI 162. (I~M 15:6) (Lvov-Tooting Laboratories) GROKHALISKIY, G.j, inzh.; POLESHIK, S., inzh. Automatic apparatus for measuring Nei consumption. Traktv i soilkhozmash. 33 no.3tl.8-19 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Fbznanskly politekhnicheakiy Institut. PRAZDIIIKOVj, Ye.V.; GROKHOLISKIY, G.A.; 14IIMYLOVA, I.G. Characteristics of aseptic inflommation in the akin of white rate following repeated resections. Vest,IZU 16 no.9:140-1" 161. (MA 14:5) (SKIN-INFUMTION) 1 . GROKHOWSKIY, Ti- F- 2. 'USSR (600) 4. Siberia - Oilseed Plants 7. Raw material supply for the oil-extracting industry of Siberia, Masl. zhir. proln., 17, No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. ' ' 1,4 ONIS903916b, I.T., inzh.; VISMnMTSKIT, Ye.A., inzh.; GROKEWSKIT, M.N., inzh.; IANBVSKIT, V.A., lnzh. (1har1kov) Speeding up locomotive eircUation at the Kharkov terminal. Zhel. dor. transpe 40 no.6-.80-81 Je 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Kharkov-Locomotives) UM/Ingimering - Welding Fab 51 "Qjw Fusion Welding Under Pressure," N. F. Grokhollekly, Cand Tech Sci "Aytogen Delo" No 2, pp 19-21 Notbod, developed for repairing parts of rail- rood rolling stock such as car couplers and spring leaves, shovs considerably higher effi- ciency and strength of joints than is achieved by plastic velding process. 185T2g- f,;rij and jil ',ni-,ines 7. -ome ~eeuljaritivs In caLculatinw, juperc!.,I~-:,aA 'kt,udy LAIVT no. lel, IV51- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accesalons. Library of Corigt-#.--,,!,-. 1953, Ullcl- 2. US.3R (6oo) 4. TechnoloFr3r 7. Safety techniques in welding. Mmskva, Profivint, 1051". 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aoril 1953. Unclassified. N. F. Calculation of superchargers. Ruerg.biul. no.12:9-12 D '5). (XLHA 6:11) (superchargers) - -- - - - - - /- Y, .1 GROXHOLISKMAU., kandidat takhnichoWlth nauk; NAZAROV, S.T.. kudidat temuiFCHe-fikikh nauk, ratnenzent; MOINTSIVA, r.V., inzhener. redaktor; MATVEYNVA. Ts.H.. tekhnicheekly redaktor Dknualthree-pMse arc welding) Ruchnala evarka trsqkhf&znoI dugoi. Moak-va, Gov. nauchno-takhnicheekon Izd-vo maahlnoetroit. lit-ry, 1954. 58 P. (Kft 814) (Ilectrto welding) GROKHOL~~ ~.F., kandidat takhnichookikh nAuk. . -0000, ------- W%, Marking dimenuions on drawings of mchines. Standartizatatta no.4: 67 Jl-Ag 154. (KLRA 8:20 (Machinery-Drawing) GROKROLISIIY, Nikelaq, Poder9vich. kapdid^t takhatchoskikh nauk; TSYRIN, A.A.. V_ ~ !- ~ iid'ii .'CdftlrlT, O.U., rodaktar; VCDOIAGINA, S.D., tekhuichookly rodaktor. (Welding in the repair of tractors and form machiae*3 Svarka pri ro- mente traktorev I sellakekhostaistvennykh mashin. X*skva. Gee. Is&-vo sellkhes. lit-ry, 1956.278 Pe (KLaA 9:5) (Welding) (Agricultural machinery--Repairing) SOV./I Z,1-57- 5-5467 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Grokhollskiy, N. F. TITLE: With Respect to Certain Features of Calculating the Scavenging Process in Two-stroke Marine Engines (0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh rascheta produvki sudovykh dvukhtaktnykh dvigateley) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. in-ta inzh. vod. transp., 1956, Nr Z3, pp 174-180 ABSTRACT: Based on certain hydrodynamic relationships, methods are pro- pounded for calculating the scavenging process in two-stroke marine engines. The relationships which the author evolves make it possible to ascertain by purely theoretical means those design interrelation- ships amongst an engine's individual scavenge parameters that will prove the most rational. In the case of engines having through-flow valve-type scavenging control the author shows the relationship that exists between the pressure in the enRine exhaust chamber and the pressure of the scavenging air. Yu. A. Lashkov Card 1/1 Al grLov!jcljLknnd.takhn.rauk; ChIrISKlY. i. ! , riql.; , [Safety measures in workshops of machine-tractor stA~Ione and state fares] Tekhniko besopeenosti v mosterskikh MTS t sov;diotov. Hooky&, Goes lzd-vo sellkhose ltt-ry, 1958- 94 p. (IIIRA 11:6) (Nechine-tractor stations--Safety measures) (Agriculture-Sefety measures) 25k i) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION OV,/262 9 Orokhollskly, Nikolay FedorovIch Ruchnaya svarka trekhfaznoy dugoy (Manual Three-phase Arc Welding) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 99 P. 8,500 copies printed. Ed.: K. V. Zvegintseva, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: N. S. Stepanchenko; Tech. Ed.: B. I. Model'. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for welders in the machinery manufacturing and construction industries. It may also be used by welders in railroad and ship repair shops. COVERAGE: The book deals with the basic industrial processes of three-phase are welding. The use of single-phase sources for the welding current and the use of switch circuits are discussed. Electromagnetic contactors and two-pole electrode holders are described. Paired-electrode manufacture, an industrial method of semiautomatic three-phase arc welding, and safety engineering are also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. Card 1/4 Manual Three-phase (Cont.) There are 9 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction SOV/2829 3 Ch. I. General Information on Three-phase Arc Welding 5 1. Nature of three-phase arc welding 5 2. Manufacturing advantages of three-pha3e arc welding 16 Ch. II. Equipment for Manual Three-phase Are Welding Units 14 1. Sources of welding current and switching circuits 14 2. Electromagnetic contactors 21 3. Electrode holders 26 Ch. III. Electrodes for Three-phase Arc Welding -ind Surfacing 29 1. Electrodes for three-phase arc welding 29 2. Electrodes for weldijq, o1 .)titing defects 34 Card 2/4 Manual Three-phase (Cont.) 30V/2~,29 3. Electrodes for three-phase arc surfacing 34 Ch. IV. Production Methods of Manual Three-phase Are Welding and Surfacing 39 1. Selecting working regimes for welding and surfacing 39 2. Butt welding without edge preparation 43 3. Butt welding with edge preparation 47 4. Fillet welding 49 5. Lap welding 51 6. Characteristics of the three-phase welding of low-alloy steel 52 7. Surfacing 55 8. Welding and surfacing over slag 62 9. Three-phase are welding and surfacing with welding rods 64 10. Welding defects In steel castings 66 Ch. V. Puddle Welding of Reinforcing Steel With the Three-phase Are 69 1. General information 69 Card 3/4 Manual Three-phaBe (Cont.) SOV/2829 2. Preparation of butt puddle welding with the three- phase are 69 3. Production methods for the butt welding of rein- forcing steel by the three-phase arc puddle method 75 4. Basic defects and strength of reinforced-sLeel welds 83 Ch. VI. Semiautomatic Three-phase Arc Welding 86 Ch. VII. Technical and Economical Advantages of' Manual Three-phase Are Welding 91 1. Welding and surfacing machinery and const'rueLlon elements 91 2. Welding reinforced-steel rods 95 Ch. VIII. Safety Engineering 98 Bibliography 99 AVAILABLE: Library of Congre8s (Tk)166o.G76 1959) 00/mm~ Card 11/4 1-A-6o DROKHOLISKIY,--NikoleL.V-,,Fe-dg.ml4phL.,XOCHEBGIN, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; TSYRIN, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHFAS, M.A., red.izd-va; DENINA, I.A., red.izd-va; SHCHETININAP L.V., tekhn. red. (Reconditioning parts of machines and mechanisms by welding and building up] Voostanovlenis detalei mashin i mekhaninov svarkoi i naplavkoi. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 274 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Machinery--Maintenance and repair) (Electric welding) ALEKSANDROVICII, A.N.j GOLOVANOV, N.V.; GROK11OLISHY, N.F.; HERZON, E.D.; ROMASHEV, D.G.; KHRUSTALEVAP N.I.1 red.izd-va; GRIGORCHUK, L.A., tekhn. red. [Mechanical drawing; methodological instructions and test problems] Cherchenie; metodicheskio ukazanlia i zadaniia na kontrolInye raboty. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 224 p. (MIRA 1713) kand. tekhn. rAuk,, df.,--OE.'- naukt -,IJMn,% KOMPIGOV, kand. tekhn. nauk, d,jl..; PATISHEV, G.N.r kand. tekhn. naakp prof.; KIIM,11111*11,1. kand. tekhn. nauk, retsi-nzentt FISAREV, N.G.: kand. t4hjj. nauk. doLs., retsenzeiriti ODING,j.A... kan,~. t.ekhn. ra,," dot,,,., retserizoril-. H;tFi"Kov, IA., ttA,'!.'I. T'~'O~.. retsem.prr. rli~~OFYEVk, Yrj.i..~ inzh- rt~tsenzera D,A., rotc#-nzent- SFPGP.*n'A, 1.1,.: red. [Dis ign of te Vinci.log I ca) Pro -~.-sses for ! Le billeto and parts for tho rolling stock Df methodo3-wi:al on tt~r- rechnolcfi-a) -;' PIMA FTXje--t,S Pt*eV&rO-(i iTI i.n.AA-utl ns of tilgh~ir :-m-7 ;,:i.7 of railroad trnn!4F,-rtnt!cnj Frocktirovemle zagot-,vik i dt-T~aiek stava zhelemiykr. corog.-, nf.')I,zg'L::heskoi ~,ha5-i -14:1c:rxiogo pn'.)ektirovanifn hc-- -Ieznodarw~nor,-, (ranoporTt. Mo-A-;a.. V.-e,3, zheriernv zhel-dov. tranqF,,r'q. Ft.l. !,-- t,i' t-. BEZTSENNYYJ, Viktor Ivanovich, inzh.; FET1WV, Vasiliy Afanaslyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SAKWOV, Mikhail Borisovich, inzh.; TUIWVTSEV, Va- siliy Ivanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk. Prinimal uchastlye CHEMSHEV, P.N., inzh.; KHUDOKORMOV, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; EXIII, G.D., inzh.,, retsenzent; DERGACH, Ye.Sop inzh.p retsenzent; GROKHOLISKIY, h.F.p kand, tekhn. naukp retsenzent; VIKOIAYEVj retsenzent; %URAGDOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; Zoz;gi- KOV, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; VISMIYAKOV, B.I., aspirant, retsenzent; ARSHINOV, I.M., inzh., red.; FIEDVEDENA, M.A., tekhn. red. [Car repairing at factories) Remont vagonav na zavodakh. By V.1.5ez- tsennyi i dr. Moskvas VBes.izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M-va pu- tei soobshcheniia, 1961. 363 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra "Vagony i vagonnoye khozyaystvo" Leningradskogo instituta inzhencrov zhelesnodorozhnogo transports. (for Grokhollskly, Nikolayerv, Smaragdov, Zolotnikov) (Railroads-Cars-Maintenance and repair) BUDNIKOV, P.P.; AIEMROV, M.S.; BAKIANOV, G.M.; BOLDMV, A.S.; BOSIKO, K.D.; VOLZBENSKIYj A.V.; GROKHQTOVx N.V..; ZHUXOV, A.V.; ZABAR, L.B.; KITAYEV, Ye.N.; KOSHKIN, V.G.; KRUPIN, A.A.; MURa-ISKIY, P.G.; POPOV, A.U.; SUYJIDTSKIY, S.F.; USI-1611SKIY, V.V.; KIIIIITj LA.; SHVAGIREV, M.P.; YUSJUVICII, M.O. Conference on increasing the durability of corrugated roofing isheets. Stroi.mat. 8 no I:P.3 of cover Ja 162. (MIRA 15:5) iRoofing) GROKHOTOV, N.V. (decaaaed]l KROPOTOV, V.A. Using wastes from other branches of Industr7. TSement 29 no,5:3-5 S-O 163, (MIRA 16sil) 1. LeningradBkiy Bovet narodnogo khozyaystva. U~SR/Qptics K Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Pizika, 1957, No L, io656 Author : Grokhotov, V.A.,, Meyklyar, P.V. Inst :Vrodi-o-go-J-Fe-Egogical Inetitiite Title :Heat Treatment of CryotalE of Silver Bromide in Gf.,latir, and Vacuum. Orig Pub: Zh. nauch. i prikl. fotografli i kinematogo. 1956, 1, No 2. 89-97 Abstract: Thin layers of silver bromide ottained by flusing the salt between glass plates, were heated at 6o in a 15% solution of photogelatin during 0-5 - 8 hours. As a result there lis an inc.-I?ase in the spectral absorption in the 400 - 460 millimicron r~-gion and an increase in the photochemical sensitivity, while the photocoiducti- vity is diminished. On the basis of previous works by the author (Dokl AN SSSR, 1951, 77, 391), it is concluded that as a result of the interaction between the silver bromide and gelatin thprp are formed F centers, which are centers of light sensitivity This Card 1/2 USSR/optics K Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Flzika, 1957, No It, 10656 conclusion is confirmed by experiments on the heating of crystale in Yacuum: after cooling, there is practically no change in the absorption in th 400 - 460 millimicron region (i.e., no F c,!ntere are formed) and the photochemical sensitiyity does not increast. One observes an increase in the absorption in the 500 - 650 milli- micron region, due to the formation of metallic silver on the sur- face of the silver bromide, and a reduction in the photoeffect, which is ascribed to the acceptor properties of the thermally liberated silver. After exposure of 3uch crystals, the photoeffect increases sharply, this being aecribed to the donor properties of photolytic silver. Card 2/2 h i()P3 /()58/62/000/006/107/134 A16o/Aloi AUTHOR: Grokhotova, B. A. TITLE; The measuring of the absorption of radio waves in the Ionosphere PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 27, abstract 8Zh193 ("Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn- in-ta pri Tomskom un-te", no. 38, ig6o, 15 - 22) TM: Presented are data on the measurements of the coefficient of ab- sorption of radio waves in the ionosphere, obtained in Tomsk In 1959. The mea- 3urings were carried out by the pulse method. The coefficient of absorption L for daytime periods was calculated by the formula:. L - 201gG - 201g(Alh'), where A, is the amplitude of the reflected signal, h' - the height of the reflecting layer, G - the calibration constant. "The following formula was used for night- time periods: L - -201gp, where -j is the coefficient of reflection from the layer. The data on the measurements of L are presented In the form of tables. The data revealed that, during 1959, 82% of the daily noon values of L for the frequency' f, - (2.2+0.2) Me vary from 2o to 40 db, and 80% of the daily noon Card 1/2 3/058/62/000/008/107/134 The measuring of the absorption of ... A16o/Aiol values of L for the frequency f2 = (3-0:t0-3) Me vary from 10 to 30 db. When averaging t~ e world days, the diurnal course of the L values roughly corresponds ,k to (cosy, / I/ for April, and to coaX - for March. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 L 16841-63 Eff (1)/BDS/UC-2/ES(v) A"TC/ASD/AFMDC/ESD-3/AFW Pe-4/?q-4 KIRYAAN 21/1P.3006326 S/0058/63/000/007/HO30/HO30 SOURCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 7Zh2O2 AUTHOR:, B. A basso TITLE: Results of measurement of radio wave absorption in Torrsk CITED SOURCE: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta Pri Toms);om un-t. vy*p. 41, 1962, 34-37 TOPIC TAGS: Radio wave absorption, ionosphere, sunspot correlation TRANSLATION: DataVare presented on the measurements of absorption in the ionosphere arried out in 1960 at frequencies 2.2 and 3 Mc. It is shown that the increased absorption is accompanied by an in- crease in the nu"er of sun spots. The daily and seasonal varia- tions of the absorption coefficient are obtained. DATE ACQ% 15 Aug 63 SUB CODEs GE, PH ENCLs 00 Card 1/1 L 12655-63 WT(1)/BDS/~~2/ZS(v) AFFTC/ASD/AFMDC/J1SD-3/APGC Pe-4/ Pi-4/Po-4/Pq-4 PT-2/CW . ACCESSION NR: AR3007000 S/0058/63/000/008/HO32/HO32 SOURCE: Rzh. Fizika, Abs. 8Zh2O8 AUTHOR: Rudina, M. P.; Grokhotova, B. A. TITLE: Rate of vertical drift in the,F region and number of colli- sions, as obtained by measuring the reflection coefficient CITED SOURCE: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, vy*p. 41, 1962, 92-97 TOPIC TAGS: F region, vertical drift, collision number, ionosphere radio sounding, reflection coefficient TRANSLATION: Results are presented of the analysis of photographs of fluctuating signaJA of first and second multiplicity,'reflected from the F2 layer inY4~er c raatn nnu-'q ` -he ionosphe e at 2.5--3.5 Mc during Febiuary-March 1958. The signals were recorded Card 1/2 L 19655-63 ACCESSION NR: AR3007000 without separating one of the components of the magnetoionic split- ting. The analysis has shown the following: 1) in -50% of the cases the reflection coefficient is p > 1; 2) values p > 1 cannot charac- terize the degree of absorption of the radio waves in the ionosphere, but can characterize the diffraction by ionization inhomogeneities of the E and F regions, where the reflected signal is produced; 3) the appearance of periodic oscillations in the magnitude of the sig- nal during the periods when the signal increases, when the illumina- tion of the ionosphere decreases, is a more sensitive indicator of the existence of vertical motion than is the variation of h,* and can be used to calculate the vertical drift; 4) the frequency of collisions in the F layers, determined from the measured values of the reflection coefficient and from the ionograms agrees with those previously known. DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 SUB CODE: PH, AS ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 , , C! , . C'.0K!:".j,i 0', j.p, . A . Grokliotova, "'. G. -- "Arterial Pressure in Cases of !!(art :-cfects." Ir- . I leutsk Slate "Iedical In.9t. Kranioyarsk, '1914j. (Disseration ~ or t.Ic I errec of Candidate in Nedical Sciences). So: Fnizhraya Letopis', .'o. 11, 1956, nP 103-111, ISAKOV, I.I., prof.; GROKHOTOVA, S*G- Treatment of acute renal insufficiency in intraperitoneal dialysis. Terap. arkh. 35 no.2:105-BY7163. WIRA 16:10) 1. Iz kl1n1ki goopitallnoy terapil (zav. - prof. I.I.Isakov) Pawoyarokogo meditsinskogo instituta. (KIDIIEYS-DISF.ASES) (DIALYSIS) ARTFIVIEV, I.M.; GjjoKjjovsKAYA, A.P., inzh. We doubled the production during the "interval." Putf i put.khoz. 8 no-4:21-22 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Nachal'nik Kurskoy distantsli Moskovskoy dorogi (for Artemlyev). 2. Kurskaya distantsiya Monkovskoy dorogi (for Grokhovskaya). us"/~Wiolne - FUts Apr 49 Medicine - Mosquitoes "The Neat of Scaly-Toothed. Rats, Nesokla Indic& Bailwardi (Thomas), as a Mmes-Breedine Place for Mosquitoes (Phlabotomus)," P. A. Petrishcheva, 1. M. Grokhovskaya, 3 PP "Dok Ak Sauk SSSR" Vol LXV, No 4 Discribes first case of moo location of preLmago so,3quito stages in ratholes In Kara Kala r-alon of Turkmen SSR. Submitted by Arad Ye. N. Pavlovskly.. 7 Feb 49. 9w 41/49T61 UROL-iMKIY. A.A. Autoontic Dipette for digestion. Snkh. Prom. .~ ntj.":54-55 F '58. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Snelyanakly tekhnikiim ulahchavoy uromyshlelinosti. (Sugnr industry--FAuinmmnt nnd sunolien) (Pinettes) GROKHOVSKIT, A.A.; TARZMKM, P.I. Automatic thermostat for cooking and cooling of the digestion mixture. Sakh. prom. 12 no-12:23-30 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Smalyanekly takhnikum pishchevoy pronVehlonnosti. (Sugar-Analysis and testing) (Temperature regulators) GROK11OVSKIY, A.A.; LAVRENYUK, V.A. Automatic digestion pipette e+ipped vith an electromagnetic regulator. Sakh.prom.34 no.5!35-36 Ey 'CO. (,,'.IRA 14:7) 1. Smelyanukiy tekhnikum pishchevoy promyehlennosti. (Sugar manufacture) (Testing laboratories--Equipment and supplies) GROKHOVSKIY, A.A.; SOROKA, A.A. Automatic recording device for determining the rate of disintagra- tion of a piece of refined sugar in water under pressure. Sakh. prom. 34 no.6:38-40 Je '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Smelyanakly tekhnikum pishchevoy promyehlennosti. (6ugar) LITVAX, Izraill Moiseyevich, doktor takhn. nauk, prof.; KRASNM, G.M., inzh.,, retsenzent; GROWN j1Y. A.A.p insh., retsenzent; IVIWVP P.Ya., inzh., retsenzent~- A.A., red.; SATAROV, A.M., tekhn. red. (Technology and technochemical control of beet sugar manufacture] Tekhnologiia i tekhnokhimichaskii kontroll aveklosakharnogo pro- izvodstva. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 447 p. (MIRA, 160) (Sugar manufacture) GROKHOVSKIT, I. Notes on flying skill. Part 4; The art of flying. Grashd. &v. 14 no.4: 14-16 Ap 157. (KLBA 10:6) 1. Za~wv't'ft'el' kons'n-dir'a podrazdeloniya pa letn'ay chasti. (Airplanes--Piloting) (Aeronautics, Covmrcial) GROKHOVSKIY, L.,-4. SoMe LOIric, t ! -- !I c f ' K,~ ~~ , ud-t -~ " . *-,,~ 1a p j: - ai 5 a I c) f lake de-pvsits of sal-t. Mat UZ -,' 3 (.%,'L RA 18.-1) (jROKfl("1.*lKlY, (Mv~jkvn~ DW-1,11 KO I I MO S Olt I L ),I I I I. !'I "I MA It '4, W, . (~ : I ~ "' '- : ' ) . ., I , ~f, . ( '. ~ ; ; "6 1 F, : () ) GROKI!(iv.-,Kllp ~,P. N.n,,tl,)n;.d :0, -1 ,v ito n,,' tLe f L,.utLur,/ -u~jrvri, i I.n C.ir3nlo gpl.,,,Lrl.ttij with ganLdil sooratory Von t. . 18 tio.1.005-60 163o (Itim 17-h) 1. Gastroexiterol ogicl,eskayn laborat-orlyu i,:.*.'; .),.' 11 ~L L,.jn tn, eds y gr ICL sanitarno-gigly,anicheekly mo~ittz;tnrk4y ln7-t!t,jl. GROKHOVSKIY, YU,,V,JO inzh.; ISHANOV, A.P., inzh. The KhVST-lt2 mounted cotton picking, machine. Trakt. i sellkhoz- mash. 33 no.1202-33 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Gosudarstvennoye spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro po mashinam dlya khlopkovodstva. GROKHSHTEYN. B.Ya.; XMSOV, Yu. Ye.. inzh.; SMARSKIY. A.A., inzh. Irroneous assertions on certain aspects In the development of electric traction ("Three-Ohase switching of single-phase contact lines' by N.Y.Bokovoi. Reviewed by B.IA. Grokhshtein, IU. E. Kuptsov, A.A.Snarskii). Vast. TSIIII MPS no. 5:62-63 J1 158. (MMA 11:8) (Blectric railroads--Wires an-I wiring) (Bokov6t, N.V.) ---- GaLI.ER,~~ies,do Contemporary trends in the field of doc=entery classification anl codification. Akt probl inf dok 7 no.1:33-59 Ja-F 162. Prtzhi-, 3"atni (".'aniv.1 for t~w 3tuiy Of SO: ].'.onthly List of ~Iwit Eurcpean Acc-:ilrjw-,, (7".7AL), L7,, Vr)!. 11, I,ov- 1955, Uncl. , ~.- C J, T 1, , A,, C, T.-:) . CIrganisace socialistickych 7emedelskych zavrAu; malprinly ke studiu. (V~%I. 1.) Praha, .4itattil porlio,,ogicke. ra'r-l., 1955. 391 P. (Ucehni texty vysokych skol) S(-T--lhCF: 7EAL - LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Cv,,t. 1956 GROLIG, A. Differe'to between the concept of production of material matter3 and the concept of production. p. 1. BIBIZ03RAFIE ZMEDELSKA A IMNICKS: C&3KOSLOVEIISKA LITEERATURA. (Ustradni zemedelska knihovna Cesko3lovenska ak,idemle zenelolsVch ved. Statna vedecka kniz-ica a Polnohospodarske dokumntacna stradisko Sloven3kej akademia vied) Praha. Vol. 2, No. 10. October. 1955. SOURCE: Eist European Accessions List (Ea-AL) Library of Congress. Vol- 5. No. 1, Januar7. 1956 (41AUTC1.9 AtOTS Nektere udaje o z1vocisno vyrobe; pomucka pro organisaci prace, planovani, kontrolu a rozbor vyslodku hoopodarenI. (Vyd. 1. ) Praha, Statnl peda- gogicke nakl., 1956. 201 p. (Ucebni texty vysokych skol) (Some data on animal production: a handbook for the organization of work, p',anning# control, and analysis of results; a university textbook. Ist ed. blbl., index, tables) SO: Monthly List of East F11ropean Accessions (,ML) LC, Vol. 6, No. P, Aug 1957. Uncl. GROLIKP J., inz. "Flotation of coal In the Wrraine coal bFisln" by E. Gochet, C. Hauriere, A. Plessis. Reviewed by J. Grolik. Przegl gom 19 no.4sl72 Ap 163. "Considerations concerning some particular problems of coal flotation" by P. Belugou, J. Daniel, G. Dru. Reviewed by J. Grolik. Ibid.:173 GROLIMAN, Ye.; ZAVELISMA, I. Ehweau of ecommic analysin. Den. i kred. 21 no.8:58-60 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Upravlyay,.ishchiy Frunzenskim otdeleniyem Gosbanka leningrada (for Grollman). 2. Nachallnik kreditnogo otdela Frunzenskogo otdelenle Gosbanka lAningrada (for Zavellskaya). (Leningrad-Auditing and inspection) IiAOIJ-1,0SI, Vince, dr., kandilatus Method and more Importnnt reRults of the national research statistics. Pt. 1. Stat ezemle 42 no. 63612-618 Ja 164. 1. Secretariat, Council of Ministers, Budapest. MICIVIU31', Vinc~5-, (]r., kandidatus Mnthcd and more importRnt results of national research statistics. Pt.2. Stat szemle 42 no.12:1219-1233 D 164. 1. Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, Budapest. -GROLOV, A.S. (MDskva); CHENTSOV, H.N. (Moakva) Use of a MDnte Carlo method in solving definite integrals depending on the parameter. Zhur.vyoh.mat.i mat.fiz. 2 no-4; 714-717 JI-Ag 162. O'ClU 15:8) (Integrals, Definite) . (Probabilities) CZBCHOSLWAIaA/ftru Anims". Demstic Fowls. Abe Jour: W 23m, -Biol., No 4, 1958, 16859. Author 0 Inst Title Contribution to the Study of the Influence of Biogencus Stindants on the Intensity of the Growth of Chicks (K voprosu Isuchmiya vliyaniya biogennykh stimayntorov n& intensivnoott resta toyplyst) Orig PA: Pol'nobospodirsuop 1956p 3, we 5o 620-630. Abstract: in reopen" to the subcutanocus implantation of muscle tissue, skin, spleen, liver, seminal glands, ovaries, and oviduets to chicks of a different breed, an Intensiveness of the Increase In veigbt, especially In chicks I-gain behind in growthp took place. Tn the experiments, the tissue of Card 1/2 i3AGIU, Clomcnit, LID; Candidato for L"Iedical Scionces; A., N!GULi-.`XUj P., TUD. Orthopedic and TratmatoloUl ~,linic of tho Brincovenenc -.o.,;pital, Section (Clinica do Ortopedio si a F.S.P.M.F.-Brizicoven.asc) (Director; Academician Al. hadulescu) (for all) Bucaarost,, Viata Medicala No 3, 1 Feb 63, pp 181-18/.. "Differential Diagiosis of Spastic Paraplogia.n GR(tl-,D.; -Si:i;FCA-Mi I SIA,S. Ileritmisillar ab,;veov(-.o tincordirif, T..) dori rX ar. otorhinolar-pigoicgleal cllnlc. 7dr-.v. vpstv. '113 rx.12j356-366 164 1. Ctarlnolarlnf-o!,7s',:a klirik% f'a~:ultete -.r K-utlivini (Predstojnik: dr. Jariko -11 GROMI N. (Groma: Nj; DAMBERGA, 13.; KRFWR, Tu. (Kromers, J.); SHMIDT, A. Ismidto A Amino acid composition and biological effectiveness of some preparations for parenteral nitrogen alimentation. Izv. AN Latv.SSR no.9:91-94 163. (MRA 11,:12) GROM, It. (Groma, N.1; KREMER, Yu. [Kremers, J.] Use of sorbite as an energy supplying naterial in parenteral feeding. Izv. AN Latv. SSR no.10:103-106 163. (~IIRA 17:1) GROMA, Bartolomej, inz. Admissible load of stratified subeoll. Inz atayby 11 no.7: 243~-246 JI 163- 1. Geologicky prieokum, dope, Mina. GROM, G.A., inzhener. Unsolved problem of over-all mechanization of lumbering. Mekh.trud. rab. 10 no-12:27-29 D 156. (KIJU 10: 5 ) (Lumbering--Machinery) (Lumber--Transportation) GROMf I.I. [Hrom, I.I.] Data on the medicinal flora of the Kc=i A.S.S.R. Farmatsev. zhur. 19 no.102-34 164. (MIRA 19:5) 1. Loningradskiy khimiko-farmatnevtjcheBkiy Inatituts-kafedra farmakognozil i botaniki. GROH, Igzatly Xapitomovich, d9tsest; PANXRASHIN, V.P., luzhemar, retsenzest; lbtf lazhoner, retmeasent; OBOLDUTXV, G,T., lazhoser, re- daktor; IMMA, V.I., inshoser, rodaktor; RUIXNSXIT, T&J., tokhalchs- ekiy rodaktor. (Free forging] Svebodsala kovks. Xiev, Goe.nauchme-tokha.W-ve mashl- mostratt. lit-ry. 1955. 291 p. (mlaA 9:6) (Forging) WHEN David Markovlch~.GRCM, I.K., kand.tokhn.nauk, dots., SWOKA, H.S., roC.--`R=IMTSKIY Ya.yl. 9 9 retsenzent; [Safety manual for operators of steam forges] Pamiatka po tekhnike bazopasnosti dlis imznotsov svobodnoi kovki Dod parovozdushaymi Molotami. Kifw. Goo. nauchno-tekhti.izd-vo Mashinostrott. ht-ry. 1957. 37 P;rging-Safety measures) (MIRA 11:4) (F ROVITY. A. D. ; GRCIK, 1. K. Coining patterns on dinnerware. Kuz.-shtum. proizv. 2 no.7:45-46 ji.16o. (MIU 13:8) (Decoration and ornament) (sheet-metal work) GROM.9 L.., prof. zasluzhennyy vrach Rfmymkoy Narodnoy ?zspubliki Organization and the activity of the Society of Subprofemsional Medical Personnel of the Ramanins, People's Republic. *4.eestra 22 no.6:46-48 Je'63. MU 160) 1. Predstavitell Obshchestva arednikh maditsinskikh kadrov Ru- aqmkoy Narodnoy Respubliki. (RURANIA-NEDICAL SOCIETIES) b S/080/63/036/001/011/026 D204/D307 AUTHORS, Mitkevich, E.M., Karpenko, V.G., Knigavko, I. P. and S. TITLE: Corrosion of apparatus during the production of potassium by the alkali method PFRIODICAL, Murnal Prikladnoy khimii, v. 36, no. 1, 1963, log - 114 TEXT: The main corrosive aRents in the apparatus (M.I. Klynnhtornyy, ZhPKh, 31, 5, 684 (1958) ) which are con- s1dered are KOH,K and K2027stnce the effects of KOH + K, KOH + + K202 , and KOH + K202 + K mixtures on metals are largely un- explored, the effects of (a) pure dehydrated KOH, (b) pure dehy- drated KOH + 10 % K, (c) ditto KOH + 0.5 % of active oxygen and (d) ditto + air, were studied on Hi, steel-3, and Cr-Ni steels Im - 62A and 3t.i- 943 (EI-629 and EI-943), at 5000C. The temperature was mnintnined to ~ 50C; experiments with (a) and (b) .(d) in the presence of were cnrritd otit under nitror . W and Card 112 s/o8o/63/O36/Oo1/o11/o24 Corrosion of apparatus ... D204/D307 nir, over 100 hours. The results are expressed an weight-loss per unit area. The most corrosive mixture Causing the rapid corrosion of the appmratus apDears to be the KOH + K 20 + K mixture, owing to the aimu-rtaneous presence of oxidizinK ani reducing agents. The least affected metnla were steel-3 and Ni in KOH and NJ and EI-91$3 in KOH + K; Ni was also prictically unattacked in KOH + K 0 In KOH the corrosion of all the metnls tented practically ceasei after ~Ij hre. On the bnsis or these results, industrial teists were carried out, with the assistance of plant employee Ya.M. Verbly-dnskiy, to test the relative corrosion rates of steel-3, NJ and EI-628. Full confirmation of the experimental work was achieved, particularly w.r.t. Ithe importance of the absence of air (and therefore of K 202). There-are 4 fipures and 2 tnbles. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut osnovnoy khimii (Scientific Research Institute of Basic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: October 9, 1961 Card 212 110 Ti lie Ri~. th t', e r,,-3 tl -i: 3:L ~ -I t.- rl 1 )-16 _qt, 1961 GROM, Srecko "Key for jetermining the Mosses of Czechoslovakia" by Z. Pilous and J. Duda, Revieved by Srecko Grom. Biol vest 9s140-141 161. KUZIMENKO, P.P.;_GROMt_V.S. (Hrom, V.S.] Electrical transfer of gold in solid gold. Ukr. fiz. zhur, 6 no.lsl4O-l42 Ja-F 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kiyevskiy ordena Lenina, gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. G. Shevchenko. Cold) ns) M t BAIUIA, Patur; GROMA, Goza; DRUM, Istvan I-leavuroment tafsks In tho laboratory o.' third yt;ar physics. stud,,-nta, Pt.l. Fiz szerae 8 no.3:94-96 1r 158. 1. Eotvot3 Lorand 'Aidorruinyogyetem -.--"zikai lnt~,z,-Ac. Kungary/RadiophysIcs SuperhIgh Frequencies, I-1-1 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - rizika, No 12, 1956, 35391 Author: Farago, Peterj proma, Geza Institution: None Titlet Reflex Klystrons Original Periodical: Magyar tud. akad. Kozl. fiz. kutato intez. kozl. 1953, 1, No 1-2, 66-811 Hungarian Abstract: See Referat Zhur - Fizlka, 1955, 9786 Card 1/1 621.385.1,029.6 621.37JA23 Sul. Reftl Oftillacom ?-- 3 ANo a- 1 . -Xcra7T,-7MWar.. 4, Na.~" (193477~- 9 --TfleMfth&nWm of reficx klystron and Darkhausen- Kurz oidlialms werrw-mpared and fWnd to be Menually slMdar, lJoth in feedback ooxiltators. with one h.f. fleld ptoducing the bunchmS ofelectrons Ind atto coavvrtlnx (a fr3ctlon of) am kfutic erverly of the ek"rons Into h.f. power, with a foedback mechankm mintalned by a cumunt retattlivit field. All the differenca In Me behaviour of the two typo of oscillAton can be explained by the fact that In the reflex klystron. the hl latcr-solon spacc h separated from the constwil retarding Acid. and in she Haik- hausm-Kurz oscillator the two aft superimposed. The main consequerm are discusscd quantitatively. A. HUNGidlY~4iae_oretical Physics Fiqld Theory - Classical Electr3dynamics. Clazsical B-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 8, 1958., No 17244 Author : Barna Peter, Grom Geza Inst Not Given Title Motion of Charged Particles in Cylindrically-Syruetrical Mag- netic Field Orig Pub Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 1957, 5, No 4, 291-300 Abstract The authors consider the problem of the motion of a charged particle in a cylindrically-symetrical magnetic field. Uao given are the results of mnasurements. A detailed discussion pertains to the case of a homogeneous and linearly-increasing field that increases linearly along the direction of the axis. Card 1/1 GITMIA, G-.____. Sr", ENCE PM- 3DICALS: FIZIKAII SZEMLE Vol. 8, No. 3, March 1958 Groma, 0. Measuring tasks in the labor4tory of grade-3 students -*Ln pi.Yiics. I P. gh Monthly Ilst of East European Accessions (EF.Al 'I la', Vot. 8, No. 2 February 1~69, Unclass. GRUA, Guza; 1,AlLA;hl, --r- Measurement tas;-s in the lv6oratcrry of third year students in phy:;ics.Pt.2. Fiz-ozeale 8 no.4:1211,13() ~p 15P. 1. Lutvos Lorand lJ..KiSLrjOAL Yizikai Intaneta. 1 0 (.jR(?,,!A, GQ2& Some problerav concerning the r., amiremont of iron loss . "g 163. in transformar sheat3. Rir techn 14 no.4:11.7-14V 'r 1. CS01fell :" GROMAJ, Gaza; MUCSY, Endra Use of tho elgetromicroscope In wtallography. Koh lap 96 no.12s572-578 D 163. 1. Caepall Fnmmit Famfizikai Laboratorium.