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Ticks on $Iberian chipmmks In the Maritime Territor7. Med.
paruz. I paraz.bol. 28 no.2:152-157 Mr-Ap '59. WRA 12:6)
1. Iz otdala prirodnoochafrovvkh bolezney Inatituta-spidemiologli I
vdkrobiologii imeni N.F.Ganalei PM SSSR (dir.inRtituta prof.
3.11.1furontsev, zav.otdolom - prof.P.A.Petrishchova).
on striped squirrels in Maritime Region,
USSR (Rug)
striped squirrels, infestation b7 mitee & ticks
In Maritime logion, USSR (Rua))
Now species of chiggers (Acartformes, Trombicialdae) from bate
of North Vietnam. Zool.zhur. 38 n0.3:418-425 Mr '59.
(MIRA 12:4)
1. D"rtment of Infections of Natural Sidality. Institute of
3pidentology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of a,
the U.S.S.R. (Moscow), and ChAir of ParasitoloMr, Hanoi Univer-
sity (Heriblic of Ti"t-Nsm).
(Vietnam, North--Chiggmrs Nites)) (ftrasites__Bate)
Chiner fauns (Acartformse. Troublenlidas) of ADrth Tletnw*
Parazabor. l9tl69-193 160- (XIM 1318)
1. Inatitut spidestologii i aikrobiologli IsoN.F.Gamlel
AN SSR I Khanoyakiy univernitet Demokratichasivoy Respubliki
(Vietma, North-Chigpro(Kites))
Chiggers of the genus Gahrliepla (Acariformes, Trombiculidae)
from North Vietnam. Bnt. oboz. 39 no.2:462-476 l6o.
(MM 13:9)
1. Otdel infektsiy a prirodnoy ochagovostlyu Institute,
epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.Y.Gamaleya Akadomii
meditainakikh nauk SSSR, Moskva, i Kafodra parazitologii
Khanoyakogo universiteta, Khanoy.
(Vietnam, North-Chiggers Wtea))
Sturlying actoparasites of the lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus Fall.
Zool.zhur. 39 no.711093-1095 Jl U. (XIIA 13:7)
1. Department of Infections of liatural Nidality, Institute of
Xpidemiology and Microbiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences,
(FARIZO-10101ftUokly District-Insects, Injurious and benefictial)
4 TUNG - -- -
Species of the subgenus Leptotrombidium (Acariformes, Trombiculidae)
from North Vietnam. Zool. zhur. 39 no.12:1790-1801 160.
(MIRA 14:1)
1. Department of Infections of Natural Hidality, Institute of
1pidemiology and Microblolog7, U.S.S.R. Aca4emy of Medical Sciences,
Moscow, and Department of Parasitolog7, University of Hanoi.
(Vietnam, North-Chiggers (Mites))
Geographical distribution of some species of fleas originally
described as being from North Korea. Trudy Nauch.-issl. pro-
tivochum. inst. Kav. i Zakav. no.5:176-183 161.
(MIRA 17: 1)
1. Nauchno-issiedavatellskiy protivochumnyy institut Kavkaza
i Zakavkazlya, Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii AMN
SSSRp Protivochumnoye otdoleniye porta Vanino i Institut
meditBinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny.
A now genus and new species of gamasid mites from North Vietra-
and South China. Ent. oboz. 1#0 no.1:225-232 161. (MIRA UtW
1. Zoologicheokiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad i Institut epidemiologii
i mikrobiolorll Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR, Moskva.
(Vibtnamp North-Mites) '(Iunn&n Province,'lites)
DO Ull
Trombiculld mites of the genera Doloeisia Oudemans, 1960
and Traubacarus Audy et Nadchatram, 1957 (Acarif(-mes, Trom-
biculidae) from North Vietnam. Ent, oboz. 40 no.2:448-453 161o
(MIRA 14:6)
1. Otdel infekts~y s prirodnoy ochagovostlyu Instituta epidemiolo-
gii ireni N.F. Gamaleya Akademii meditainakikh nnuk SSSR Moe'-va
I Kafedra parazitologii Khanoyokogo universiteta Khanoy, Vlyetnam.
(Vietnam, North-Chiggers(Mites)l
-~~~~~m I-MI -
Gamasid mite3 of North Vietnam. Report No.). Zool. zhur. 40
no.10:1r565-1568 0 '61. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Institute of Epidemiolo" and 14icrobi-ilory, U.S.S.R. Academy of
Sciences, Moscow and The University of Democratic Republic of
Viet-Ham, Hanoi.
(Vietnam, North-Aites)
Gamasid mites of North Vietnam. Report fio.2. Zool. zhur. 40 no.11:
1633-1W N 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of
Medical Sciences, Moscow and the University of Hanoi, People's
Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam.
(Vietnam, North--Mites)
K.". A , M~ ;. FHUDY AKOV,
Report r),' finding the tlck firsvb W-wrart oq".;
,,it tn- 3outhern part of hc. marltlime T-jrrllo)~y. d : F.4-
C 'M*.RA !,R~"
16 161'.
(-Apla lnfek:~sly i I)rrcdncy
-,r, 4, rv,,~, miEkl . t3 ' ny A ~ad -v~ I',. '- 5 k ra;4~.
Harvest mites of the genus Trombicula (Acariformes, Trombiculidae)
from the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Ent. oboz. 42 no.3:691-
701 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Otdel infektsiy s prirodnoy ochagovoat&u Instituta epidemiologii
i mikrobiologii AMN SMR, Moskva i kafedrWparazitologii
Khanoyakogo universiteta, Khanoy, Vlyetnm,
Effect of X rays on the sexually mature tick Hyalom-na asiaLicum.
Report No. 1. Mod. paraz. I paraz. bol. 33 no.535br,)--563 s-o 164-
1. Otdel infektgiy a prirodnoy ochagovostlyu Instituta apidemiologii
I mikrobiologii Imeni Gamalel AMN S.SSR.
Study on the larvae of bloodeucking mosquitces (CulITInae) in
North Vietnam. zhur. 43 no.8.11 164. (11~ PA 17: 11 '
1. Otdel bolozney s prlrodncy "nstit-It-a Opid6miologil
i mikroblologil At-N' !&",R,, Moskva.
GRCKHIOVSKAYA~ i m. , Gim,.-r,
Chigger mites (Trrmbilcullnuni In On
Territory. Zool. zhur. 43 no.10,!W,14~71 '(4 .
1. Department. of tht, IrXection3 of "Inlural N,-riclllty, Institute
of FpJAdpm!ologyy and Mlerobir)logy, Academ~, -,f Y(-,iical Sciericcs
of the (Moscow).
ACC NRi AP602169i 4J souRcE CODE: UR, *0350/66/035/003/0299/0304
AIM1011: Grokhoviskayn, 1. M. ;119intovich, V. F. ; 61dorov, V. Ye.
ORG: Institute of Epidemiology and Ric--'I,iology, im. N. F. GoiWeig. AMN BBSR
(Institut epidemiologii i m1kroblologii AM SSSR
TITLE: Susceptibility of IxoideB ticks to dickettsia prowazeki
SOURCE: Meditsinakaya parazitologiya i parazitcLrnyye bolezni. v. 35, no. 3, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: human disease, animal disease, disease vector, rickettsia, ticks,
Rickettsia prowazeki, experimental infection
':Ticks were infected with Rickettsia pmwazeki by injection or by feeding
~pn infected guinea pigs. Some tick species were more susceptible than
others. Rickettsia Xemained in the bodies of ticks infected during feeding
for 15 days. Rickettsia were found up to 116 days later in ticks infected
yarenterally, showing that the tick's bo(~j provided a favorable environ-
'ment for growth of Rickettsia. Ovarian transmission to progeny did not
occur. Infected ticks aid not infect healthy guinea pigs by feeding on
them, but the guinea pigs could be infected by vaccination with ground
tick bodies. Orig. art4_haa: .3-tables and 1 09ure. -[W.A-i-50; CBE No. 101
SU13 CODET'o6/-i~ubm -DATE: IOAug65/ ORIG REF: 004f OTH REF: G031
9rd 1/1- uDc: 576.895.)12:576.851.71+5 1.67-542:576,851.71
ACC NRI AP6020692 lsOURCE Con:
AUTHOR: Grokhoyakaya, 1. M.; Sidorov, V. Te.
ORG: Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical
Sciences SSSR, Moscow (Inatitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im.
Gamaleya AMN SSSR)
TITLE: Mutual adaptation of causative agents and vectors
SOURCE: Zh mikrobiol, epidemiol i Immunobiol, no. 6, 1966, 133-138
TOPIC TAGS: animal disease, tick borne typhus, adaptation,
rickettsia, medical experiment, tick, vector, experimental infection.i
pathoj;ca, rickettsial disease, animal parab-ite
ornithodoros lahorenoin ticks were Infected with the
tick-borne typ1jun patl-- gen Darmacantroxenue aibiriaua
by feeding on infected guinea pigs and by introducing the
ric'kettaia directly into the body cavity. The ticks in-
fected by feeding retained the pathogen for 420 days, and
the parenterally infected ticks for 300 days (to the end
of the observation period). The infected tick* retained
the rickettsia through the subsequent stages of metamor-
and transmitped.,,t-tem by ovum to their progeny.
UAP L b 1-0_34...21 - 0 2-2-
6 "6 -9kl,,t -. 3 9-: 5 76095,~Z15Tkvb) 5 o ~S 99 5- 33
ACC NR- AP6020692
Parentaily-7infected ticks transmitted the rickettsia to
uninfected laboratory hosts (guinea pigs and rabbits)
1by feeding. The rickettsia were seen in the amebocytea
of tick hemolymph by the 4th to 10th day after parenteral
infection. Dermaoantroxenue sibirious can be transmitted
'idirectly from infected to uninfected ticks by parenteral
,kn~j_tc_~ion of tracheal matter from the infected- ticks. [WA-50; ME No. III
SUB CODE: o6/ SUBM DATEs 22jun65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 001/
Card 2/2
00 go 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 - - - - - -
t a to 11 61 m is 14 it id6An sigh kly"811 U Is v a p 41
a9SL-1AA-A a Lao a it AA a cc OR a6
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: 1
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UggW/phygics - Turbulence Jul/Aug 50
"Solving the Axisymmetrical Problems of the Free
Turbulence in the Theory of Turbulent Diffusion,"
G. L. Grodzovskiy, Moscow
'*Priklad Matemat i Mekh" vol XIV, No 4.
pp 437-440
Solves problems on (a) propagation of an axi-
symmetrical turbulent jet of an incompressibb.-t
gas in a submerged space, and (b) turbulent
trace behind a body of rotation according to
theory of turbulent diffusion. Submitted
18 Jan 50.
!W 166?lo6
798. Crohovskil, 6. L., ond XmWoov, Yu. F., Coo-flow
thooly (in ltuqsko), lxt,. AkaJ Kauk AM
Old Irkh, Na" no. 10, 112-119, Oct, J~i5-4,
Idc*lly analytical mitudy of solid 1xidy inotion% of a corlitessible
gas in so-called "vortex cooling tube." Pir-isuv!, density, and
teMPVTatU:e d-isttibution as a function of the radial distance Ur X4
calculated for the adiabatic cAse. Difference of the viscous
layers in'the neighborhood of the cylindrical walls is found to be
significtint Imit is not accounted for in the calculations, Method
of impruviiig efficiencies of the vortex tube is discussed.
V. Xotolenko, IISA
A741 55 1.41111 4"Als
semisauemwd VdW
(Smootmat out the lroquat;ft of
In axially wymnietrical turbulent &-A laminar dow.] AWmmoila Njoik -SMS, Dolkiy,:
IOSC 3 fi
L Dl
C-It Is demnitrated that la"
ent -IV* the unevenum of the $w4
tudind ViloCity 6 amootbed out as,
T SyMmWjW turbu
Inverpely proWr6orsal to the distance along the &As of synuwtry atod that the proilk oV
velocity Is determincd by the Bead function J~ and the awWmum ummuckm Is, Oew tha,
axis of Bow. Both in "nAr and axially Symcnetrical low the Intensity of die samothing i
out of the velocity field Is practically the um. The equations for the vtWAty profile at
14minar axially symmetrical flow as well as (or tuibulent So* an livin. SwK8 Ifiesslixts:
7 ~~ - T7
USSR/Engineering Aerodynamics, optical method FD-3233
Card 1/1 Pub. 41-14/22
Author : Grodzovskiy, G. L., Moscow
Title : Characteristics of Unilateral optical Devices for the Investigation
of Gas Flow and Deformations of Plane Surfaces
Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 7, 119-121, Jul 55
Abstract : Describes, for use in photographing a gas flow, an improved and
simplified Foucault-Toepler optical device in which a beam of
light, twice intercepted by a knife edge, simulates an optical
slit. Explains an optical arrangement for studying gas flow and
surface deformations thru color photography, including a grating
system for quantitative measurements. Three diagrams; nine
photographs. Eight references, four USSR.
Submitted 14 April 1955
USSR/Physics lbrvb-odynwaics FD-1439
Card 1/1 Pub. 85 - 8/15
Author Grodzovskiy, G. L. (Zhukovskiy)
Title Flow of a viscous gas between two moving parallel flat walls and between
two rotating cylinders
Periodical Prikl. mat. i mekh. 19, No 1, 99-102, Jan-Feb 1955
Abstract The author generalizes the problem of the flaw of a viscous incompress-
ible fluid between two moving flat walls and betveen two rotating cylin-
ders (11. Ye. Kochin, 1. A. Kibel', 11. V. Roze, Teoreticheskaya gidrcmekhan-
ika, part 11, 1948; S. M. Targ, Osnovnyye zadachi teorii laminarnykh techen:
[Principal problems of the theory of laminax currents], 1951) to the case
of a compressible viscous gas.
Submitted September 27, 1954
- - - " - - _0 -~Z7'-T Ff -1 iL) . L
TXTLZ The Automodellike Motion of a Gas on the occasion of a Vehement
Peripheral Explosion.
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk,111, favc-5, 969-971 (1956)
Issued: I / i~7_
Like the explosion in the symmetry center of a gas at rest, which was investi-
gated by L.I.SEDOV (Prikl.matem.i meoh.,10, faso.2 (1946)), also the auto-
modellike motion on the occasion of a vs_hs~ent peripheral explosion can be in-
vestigated. Such a peripheral explosion causes a strong shock wave to move
towards the symmetry center of the resting gas (density Q,). The pressure P1
of the resting gas is assumed to be negligibly low compared to the pressure
P, behind the shock ways. If E in the characteristic energy of the explosion,
t 9 only dimensionless variable combination of the parameters is
A _ (Z/Q,)(t2/rl+lr). Here r denotes the linear coordinate, t - time, and it
holds that Ir - 1,2 and 3 for a plane, cylindrical and spherical flow respec-
tively. On this occasion the amount of energy enclosed between the surfaces
const in constant. To the position r2 of the shock wave there corresponds
2 2 + 1,'
a certain constant value of the parameter: A 2 - (EAI)t /r2 Accordingly,
the propagation velocity o of the shook wave is:
C IL V A /(2 +V) rV12 . (2/(2 + )r)) r
2QIA 2 2/t . The motion of the shook wave
Dokl.Akad.Bauk,lll,faso-5,969-971 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1858
towards the symmetry center of the resting gas (c > 0) corresponds to a domain
with the modification of t from - w to 0. When approaching the center, the
velocity of the shook wave increases sharply, and accordingly also the pressure
P2, the velocity Y21 and the gas temperature T2 behind the front of the shook
wave will grow too: P2" (2/(K +1 ) ) Q, c21 v 2- (2/(,V +1 ))c; "e'
it is true that T2- 1/r 2v . - The flow of the gas behind the shock wave is
described by the aforementioned solution by L.I.SEDOV. The integral curve in
the V,z plane is given (v - rV/t; Q - qjRj p - z - Xp/R). To the here inveati-
gated current there corre 8ponds the portion of the integral curve between
(V 2,z2 ) and ((2/(2+ V')),O). The same formulas are used in this case for compu-
tation as in the case of the aforementioned work by SEDOT. - Three diagrams
illustrate the results of the computation of the velocity-, density-, pressure-,
and temperature profiles for the plane, cylindrical, and spherical case at
k . 1,4. The domain of the automodellike motion is between the shock wave
and an exterior boundary with the radius rK' On the exterior boundary r. the
flow velocity of the gas and the motion velocity of the boundary are identical.
Such a flow is @.g. obtained on the occasion of the contraction of a hollow
piston in the direction towards the center. The here investigated cylindrical
flow in suited for the determination of the steady flow round a correspond-
ingly thin rotational body at high supersonic velocities.
INSTITUTION: Central kero-Hydronamic Institute "N.E.ZUKOVSKIJ".
AUTHOR: Grodzovskiy-, G.L. (Moscow). 24-6-13/24
i~~es of the flow around bodies at high supersonic
TITLE: Some prop
bpeeds. (Nekotorye osobennosti obtekaniya tel pri bol'shikh
sverkhzvukovykh skorostyakh).
PERIODICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nank.Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk"
(Buire-t-T-F of the Ac.Sc Technical Sciences Sectlo-HT-,
1957, No.6, pp.86-92 (~.'S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: At high supersonic speeds the shock drag coefficient is
entirely determined by the nose portion of the body.
Reference is made to previous work wherein the levelling
out of the shock drag coefficient at high supersonic speeds
was recognised. based on the similarity laws previously
discovered, simple formulae are derived (equations 8 and 9)
for the pressure distribution over the suriace of the body
in terms of the angle of rotation of the flow in "~Ihe shock
wave. In Figs.2, 3 and 4 pressure distributions so derived
are compared with values computed by the method of
characteristics for a bi-convex profile and with the test
results in the nose portion of a solid of revolution.
These results show that at high supersonic speeds the
C&rl 1/2 relative pressure over the profile is, in the first approx-
imation, proportional to the square of the sine of the
Some pro erties of the flow around bodies at high supersonic
speeds. ~Cont.)
angle of slope of the profile. This property makes it
possible to obtain analytical expressions for the aero-
dynamic coefficients. Several variational problems are
considered. In plane flow, the shape of a body with the
minimum frontal drag for a given length is found to be a
wedge. The shape of a profile with a minimum shock drag
for a given moment of resistance to bending is expressed
in eq.(15). In axially symmetrical flow, the minimum drag
shape is given by eq.(17). Its drag is 0.844 times the
dra of a cone. When friction is taken into account,
eq.&O) gives the optimum shape. The flow about a body
whose profile is described by'the 0.?5 power of the chordal
coordinate is examined. Such a body has a shock drag 2?%
lower than the equivalent cone.
There are ? graphs and 15 references, 8 of which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: April 16, 1956.
Card 2/2
!G. L. '/,',,-;,,-24/37
P, - o o f G a!: P lo in, a i~; u
TITLE: foi
T--.,,.in, Accuwit of F.Liction
61'ekotoryye toch..-Yye reshtniwl o
o u:-heto-.-i t;:-k)niyj J. ionvektiviio,,o ten1oDb:.IQTIa-)
Izvustiy~i AII-Iadt-.,,Ai- 11~,,uk S"R, Otdeloniye 2ekhniches'.'A~::'L
li.iuk, 195LI, IIr 61 rj-.,) 127-121) (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This - bec.-a investi,ate-3 by 1,A11iLzichchikov
KhriFtiwiovich (ILef 1), Romarenizo (Reif 2) :~~d others.
!'lie pi-o":Ie.~i uf ~ unifur:.; station,-i:y flovi of a vizscou-
,ar, usinj,~ the,,-;n hydrodyma~.-it; the,.)ry of tra--.fel
to a 61iffercnti~il eqw.Itio.", for whic," a nxabar of
nuf~,C-r-Lci,l alld onrtl,~,tical ,,olutions can be
ol, ~ --d i te el .0 rle -~2xttct Colu~'I-ion in jom~-,rlt,l of thic.
pik,blei~i i~-, naLiely, tl,"L ~jv,,,n by Dvornicl-Ieni-o (R,:!f
for th,~: caoe of ~! constaw; t;e;:jner&tu,.-e heW. The present
Daner coislderE a clasF of sulutionv of this Dro',At~,~
in tlc ;enaral fur..i e-Lbracini., it wide r-Ln,e of
The ro-ults can be uzed, for uhe
Card 112 flovi of i,av in R pire i ~ivlnj-, -in
distr-itation alort, ., ; cvo(~ b:~ dividLn,,
- 6 ito, will. T) t i o 1:
So:7,e Solutions for Problr-.:.s of Gas Flo*., in --, Pipe TakirlF,
Account of Friction and Convective Heat Exchan6e
the pipe into sections in each of which a 6iven
t(,-:' dintribuLion is replaced by one -.,hich is
near to one of the exact !7olutions.
There are 3 fiLures and 11 referenceF, 3 of ahich are
Soviet olld clie Baigli~)J..
SU&MT&D: March 1958
1. Gas flow-41athematical analysis 2. Gas flow--Heat transfer
3. Gas flow--Friction 4.,Ripes--Properties
Card 2.12
AUTHOR: Grodzovskiy, G. L. (Moscow)
TITLE:' c~ie rfe r~ ce of the Wing and Fuselage at Super-
TT1 ncy
sonic Speed (Pole zn:;a interferentsiya kryla i fyuzelyazha
pri giperzvukovykh skorostyakh)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye te,'Chnicheskikh
nauk, blekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 1, PP 1?0-173
ABSURACT: A non-linear theory of a "wing-body" interference in a
supersonic flight is described. A conical shape of a fuse-
lage with a triangular wing (Fig.1, a), a semi-conical fuse-
lage with a triangular wing (Fig.1, b) and a split-type
fuselage with a similar wing (Fig.1y) are considered. The
calculations are based on Refs-1-13 with the following amend-
ments: the geometric relationship of the conical fuselage
(angle 2w) is shown in Fig.l,a where:
K + 1 - K 1
FE W CL ~H_;
Card 1/4
Efficiency Interference of the Wing and Fuselage at Supersonic Speed
The pressure affecting the sides of the fuselage and the
lower surface of the wing is
P - PH 2
P -' 1/2 KM2P
the Pressure on the other ourfaces is equal. to zero. The
coefficient of lifting force of the triangular wing (surface
OAB) is: cy = (K +.l)w 2
K -1 (3y 1 0
0 x 7K ;3r
In the case of the arrow-shaped wing OACB ( the
pressure on the lower surface will be:
~ - cy = (K +- 1) W2
In the cases shown in Fig.lbv, the front edge of the wing
Card 2/4 OB - R2 = CXm corresponds to the edge OA - rT = 7Tcx,
Efi'icicncy Interference of the Wing and Fuselage at Supersonic Speed
The results of calculations are illustrated in Fig.2. where
the profiles of the relative pressure P2 and density P2
in the supersonic f low 7 - Txnl (K = 1.4) are shown. From
the data in Fig.2a it is possible to determine the distri-
bubion of pressure on the lower surface of the win,-,-, using
the formula:- 4P2 dr2 2
p = H I dj_)
The table on p 172 shows the values of K VCY and K/L for
the various values of m (the last column is given for the
conical fuselage with a triangular wing). It can be seen
from the table that there is a much closer connection be-
tween the conical fuselage and its wings at the supersonic
si-)eed than was considered for the linear solutions in Refs.2
to It. This new deduction is connected with the characteristic
Card 3/4
Efficiency Interference of the Wing and Fuselage at Supersonic Speed
distribution of pressure at supersonic speeds as shown in
Fig.3 (a - conical, b - semicircular fuselage). There are
3 figares, 1 table and13 references; 6 of the references
are English, I Italian, 1 German and 5 Soviet.
SUBMINED: May 28, 1958.
Card 4/4
Useful interference of wings and fioelage at h7personic speeds.
Izv.AII SSSR.Otd.tokh.nauk.Kekh. I manhinostr. no.2:170-173
Ju-F '59. (MIRA 12:5)
(Aerodynamics, Supersonic)
GRODZOVSXIT, G.L.,(Xoskva); DYUKAWV. A.N. (Moskva); TOXUW. Y.Y. (Moskra):
TOIZTTXH, A.I. (Moskva)
Self-simulating gas motions with shock waves propagating with a
constant speed in a motionless gas. Prikl. mat. i mekh. 23 n0-1:
198-200 Ja-F '59. (MMA 12:2)
(Aerodynamics. Supersonic)
GR02eplISKIY, G. L. (Moscow)
"Electrical current in an Axioymmetric meridian Flow Field of a conducting fluid;*
"Supersonic Flow with a Subsonic Axial Component Past a Planq2: Ca--cade
and a Perforated Wall."
report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics) Moscow) 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960.
*smoothing of parameters in viscous helical flows." with Dyukelov., A.N.,
Tokarev, V. V., Tolsbykh, A. I.
Gnobov s r, A G. L. , KRASIMIKOVA, N. L. (moocow)
ItSelf-Si.milar Solutions of a Gas Motion with ShoQk Wevies Propagating
According to a Power Law in a Gas at Rest."
report presented at the First AU-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb 1960.
UP - -, 4 -11 -~ , -" ,
i -, I I V It, ii .L, .
1) G. L. rl1vto 1.;11
IlThe Problem of the Unsteady Motion of the Piston aryl Posoible Applications
of this Problem to the Hypersonic Flow Past an n-Power Body of Revolution."
report to be submitted for the Intl, Council of the Aeronautical Sciences,
Second International Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 12-16 Sep 60.
GRODZOVSKIY, G. L. aiul KRAGMUNNIKOVA, H. L. - USSSR Academy or 3ciences, Leningrad
Road 7. Mosco D-40-USSR.
"The Problem of the Unsteady Motion of the Piston and Possible Applications of
This Problem to the Hypersonic Flow Past N - Power Body of Revolution."
report oubmitted for the 10th Intl. Congreso of Applied Recluuiics, Stresa, Italy,
31 Aug-7 Sep 1960.
0 ' ZUj 0 A S/179/60/000/01/006/034
AU'rtiORS: Groazovskiy.'*G.L., Dyukalov, A.N., Tokarev, V.V. and
To 1 a t ykh,--A-.-T-.--tMo scow)
TITLE: The Axisymmetric Meridianal Flow of a Conducting Fluid.
Equalization of the Parameters of the Rotational Flow
of a Viscous Fluidi
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh
nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, Nr 1,
pp 41-46 (USSR) I
ABSTRACT: The electrodynamic equations of maKqetohYdroq2Mamicj and
the equation for the current density j are simplified by
the assumption that the velocity and current density
component v and J0 are zero, (a cylindrical
coordinat: syspem, r ,el x is used). For meridianal flow
of an incompressible conducting fluid at constant velocity
vX = v0, if r =H0, and a further simplification can be made.
A solution for H 0 is sought in separable form as XWR(r).
To this solution a linear term in the radius is added to
satisfy the equations of motion. Boundary conditions are
derived by assuming that the cylinder which bounds the
Card 1/3 fluid is non-conducting. Similarly to the known exact
The Axisymmetric Meridianal Flow of a Conducting Fluid. Equalization
of the Parameters of the Rotational Flow of a Viscous Fluid
solution of the flow of a viscous incompressible fluid
it is shown that in the case of the meridianal flow of
an incompressible conducting fluid the equations of
magnetohydrodynamics permit of a class of t'automodel"
solutions (dimensional analysis is invoked). The
velocity and field components and the pressure are
expressed in terms of the non-dimensional parameter
I = x/r and the functions of this parameter which occur
are determined by the solution of four ordinary differen-
tial equations. These equations are solved by introducing
a function related to the stream function. The direction
of the current along rays passing through the origin is a
characteristic of the flows under discussion. Two
examples are discussed. One is a conical charge in an
unbounded medium. The other is a charge in a conical
channel with non-conducting walls. Finally the similarity
of the above problem with that of the axisymmetric flow of
Card 2/3 a viscous fluid moving with constant velocity inside a
The Axisymmetric Meridianal Flow of a Conducting Fluid. Equalization
of the Parameters of the Rotational Flow of a Viscous Fluid
cylinder in the absence of friction at the walls is
There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: April 14, 1959
Card 3/3
~3 to C: .-,~2
t r: C, V. 1.
ca r: ca C!l
77. ",Zz
D- C- 1-7
Grodzovskiy, G.L. (Moscow)
Experimental investigation of the interaction between
compression shocks and the boundary layer in the range
of Mach numbers between 1.0 and 1.8
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh
nauk. Energetika i avtomatika, 1961, No.4, pp-20-31 + 2
TEXT: In many types of supersonic flow, an interaction between
compression shocks and the boundary layer takes place. Typical
cases of flow with and without separation of the boundary layer
are illustrated in principle including flow past a re-entrant
angle, the reflection of an oblique shock from a wall, outflow
from a nozzle or a diffusor and flow past an aerafoil. Separation
depends upon the intensity of the compression shock and the
initial velocity profile in the boundary layer. In the case of a
turbulent boundary layer over a flat plate, the velocity profile
is independent of the Reynolds number, at least between 0.78 and
50.0 millions. Downstream of a compression shock, substantial
transverse pressure gradients can exist at the outer limit of the
Card 1/6
Experimental A`nNestigation of ... S/024/61/000/004/005/025
boundary layer. However., very near the wa'A. where the separation
begins, it is always possible to select a -igion in which the
transverse pressure gradients are substant Ily smaller than the
longitudinal pressure gradients. The sepa t:.on point is defined
by a longitudinal pressure gradient obeyinj a relationship which
contains also the velocity and static pres-si-e in the undisturbed
flow, the thickness of the boundary layer a the point of separa-
tion, the ratio of specific heats and an e.N - rimental const-.nt.
Experiments show that in the interaction of ompression shocks and
the boundary layer, the rLse of pressure al~i K the wall proceeds
over a certain length. It is shown that th ratio of this length
to the thickness of the boundary layer at ti point of separation
can only depend on the shape of the initial elocity profile in
the boundary layer of the plate and thus is idependent of the
Reynolds number. Therefore, the separation f a turbulent boundary
layer from a flat plate is mainly dependent i the pressure ratio
across the compression shock. This critAca ,regaure ratio depends
mainly on the Ma--h numter of the flow and h been thoroughly
examined by previous i-vestigators for the ge of Mach numbers
above 2.0. Extrapole4ion into a range of i ller Mach numbers
Card 2/6
Experimental Investigatioti of S/024/61/000/004/005/025
proved to be in conflict with existing individual measurements.
The present paper is devoted to an experimental study of the
critical pressure ratio in the Mach number range between 1.0 and
1.8 (local value upstream of any compression shock). Experiments
with a flat plate were carried out in an installation with the
rectangular working portion of 90 x 120 mm cross-section, in
which a flat plate of 320 mm length and 90 mm width was set up.
An additional wedge was placed above the plate to produce a
system of compression shocks. Adjustment of the setting angle of
the wedge controlled the intensity of the system of oblique
shocks. The static pressure distribution was measured at the
plate surface by a series of holes. The two side walls of the
rectangular working section were made of a flat mirror and of
optical glass, respectively. The optical spectra of the flow
were photographed and examples are reproduced. To detect the
boundary layer, a T-shaped microprobe of 0.5 mm diameter and 5 Mm
length was placed on the plate surface. The holes in the probe
were 0.25 mm above the plate face. The pressure drop measured by
the probe indicates the flow direction near the plate. The
separation point occurs where the pressure drop is zero. The
Card 3/6
Experimental investigation of s/o24/61/000/004/005/025
results of the measurements are plotted in the form of the
critical pressure ratio against the Mach number. Measurements
were also carried out with axially symmetrical nozzles operating
at pressure drops different from the design value. A conical
compression shock forms at the opening of the nozzle. Since the
pressure gradient near the opening is small, conditions are
similar to those over a flat plate. When the shock reaches a high
intensity, a flow separation can take place. A study was made of
the effect of the Reynolds number by varying the static pressure
behind the nozzle. The effect was negligible. The existence of a
turbulent boundary layer was proved by measurement of the
velocity profile. Throughout most of the examined range of Mach
numbers the critical pressure ratio varied between 1.6 and 1.75.
Below a Mach number ef 1.25 even a straight compression shock has
a pressure ratic under 1.6 so that the flow always remains without
separation. These results,obtained for the region of interaction
between the shock wave and the boundary layer where the pressure
gradient is zero, can be used in the analysis )f supersonic flows
with small pressure gradients such an the flov in nozzles, the
flow past profiles, the flow in an oblique no2.,.le opening and
Card 4/6
Experimental investigation of ... S/024/61/000/004/005/025
others. Positive pressure gradients promote (andnegative gradients
retard) the beginning of separation. In nozzle flow, the results
obtained in the present paper yield that pressure drop through the
nozzle beyond which the flow remains without separation. It in
pointed out that, at a pressure drop below the design value, flow
separation increases the thrust of a reaction nozzle so that separa-
tion can become a favourable factor. The conditions of separation
in flow past an aerofoil section are discussed. The largest
incidence without separation is reached by a section with a flat
upper surface.. Among the symmetrical profiles which have a lower
wave drag than non-symmetrical profiles., the rhomboid reaches the
largest incidences without separation. Segmental profiles of 9%
thickness have no range of incidences without separation. The flow
in the oblique cross-sertion of a cascade of blades (for example,
the outlet annulus in a turbine stator) is examined. Featuresof the
blade profiles can be chosen, which ensure flow without separation
at supersonic outlet velocities. The main parameter is the angle
between the directicn of the outer velocity and the tangent to the
back of the profile at the outlet cross-section. This angle should
be as near zero as possible to ensure lack of separation, a narrow
Card 5/6
Experimental investigation of ,,, s/o24/61/000/004/005/025 I
wake and therefore low total pressure losses. G. 1. Petrov,
V. Ya- Likhushin.. L.. 1. Sorkin and I.P. Nekrasov are mentioned -.n
the paper. There are 15 figures and 3 references; 2 Soviet and
I non-Soviet.
SUBMITTEDt May 10, 196a
Card 6/6
LO '6
00(2//090 ///31) 100,12 14
AUTHOR:~: Grodzovskiy, G. L.9 Ivanovq Yu. Ii., and Tokarev, V. "r.
TITLE: ,:otion of a body with variable mas3 and conctan'. power
consumption in a gravitational field
.CLMIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk S.SSR, v. 137, no. 5, 1961, 1082-1085
TEXT: The present paper gives a study of the General case of the A/
optimization of the reactive motion of a body with variable mass in a
Cravitational field of two centers when the power consumption is constant.
For -- -,-iven trajoc~tory, the acceleration is equal to a(t) - -Vdm/Tdt, where
V is the escape velocity. The utilizable reactive power may be written
as IN = -dmV 2Adt. Thus, a 212N = _dm/m 2dt. This giveq by intooration the
~ G 2
of the body as a function of time: G - G ( a d
~ 1 + 0 tj. The
0 0 2*~,g
-specific vvei,-Iit of the I)o-.vcr source is defined as: Lt and the
Card 1/7
5/02j/6 1/ 1 -37/005/011/026
!-lotion of a body with variable ... D1104/B214
relative total weight initially is given by
+ G
T G0 2 N 0
uJIT/G + + a dt For a given a(t) the quantity
0 2,;g
has a minimum: 2-7
- :-j~ at (G,.7/Go),)Pt - (aN/Go)op,
where t~ a2dt. In the case of a step by step decrqa3si of -ower
related to a decreaoe in weight, the maximum relative utilizable weiGht
riy be calculated from the formula
G.. MAIM 0 + of - 2 ) 11-DI) fj~ (4),
Here, 4S Given. The optimum ratio between the may be
Cn.-d 2/7
able ...
,.:o'.io.i of a body with vari, 4
o itai 11cd from (1,) by (I.J.,'I'crent.1--tion. 7-4,:.-
fun c 1. on a of in, i:; ocen f,-o,-- tlhi a
rcciuircGa minimum of the int,--Gral a2d t. an illluztration,
.41 0
m.otion in' _6 ~ViTi'6" r-piral ic ctudied in t'~.e cave of
t/ 0'~ 2
The rczuIt obtained ic: r1II 0 t ) 6 - . '2"1e neyt toPic
V 0
otudied is the optimum displacement of a body of variable masc in the T
*bctwccn two Given pointor This problem leads to a variation proble.-i 4for
the inte.-ral I'. a2(t)dt. Here, the Plano motion in the Gravitational
field of two conters is. investigated, one of which 13 at re~~t and the other
Card 3/7
L',otion of a body with variable ... B104/B214
moves with constant angular velocity fj on a circle of radius r 0 about
this- center. In order to study the motion of the body in a region in
which one of the two centers has a'doninating effect on the motion of t*.'Ie
body, it is convenient to place the reference syster. in this center.
On these assumptions, the integral of the variation problem introduced
--bove yields the integral
r k
I- IV, -r41+C0)$ +a Mj]+ (rj~j + 2;1 (~j +1Yj)' dt. (9)
Euler's equations of this variation problem are:
G'21+ 04T, 2-
X,-V,04" (10)
V 2 r2l - 11-1111 -
-L (a,,,v,, 2a,,v+, + vj);
(v,- 217,' IN;
Card 4/7 rd
Motion ol" a body with variable ...
3/0" 61/137/005/011/026
B 104"% 2 14
The problem is simplified and limited to the following variation problem:
It is desired to find a trajectory which gives a minimum for
a 2dr/vr under the additional isoperimetric condition. The time for
r1 r2
the displacement from r I to r2 iT dr/,Yr) and the polar angle of
r2 r,
the displacement A~ v dr/rdr are given. With their help, expressions
Card 5/7
S/02o/61/137/"005/'ol 1 /or^ 6
Motion of a body with variable ...
can be found for A r and ~ which agree with (10) and (11) for 'r-- 2&, and
Al2= 2v. It is shown that in the case of the free fall along the optimum
trajectory the-accelera:tion varies linearly with time. Finally, the
singularities of the system are also studied. There are 2 figures and
2 references: I Soviet-bloc and i non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to
the English-language publication reads as follows: J. 11. Irving, E. K.
Blum, Vistas in Astronautics, Z1 Second Annual Antronautica Symposium,
ASSOCIATION: Teentrallnyy aero-gidrodinamicheskiy institut im. R. Ye.
Zhukovokogo (Central Institute of Aero- and Hydrodynamics
imeni 11. Ye. Zhukovskiy)
PRESENTED: August 1, 1960, by L. 1. Sedov, Academician
SUBMITTED: July 24, 1960
Card 6/7.
go *Optism Contour Seat Rejection Fine Cool" by Radiation."
report presented at thel 13th Intl. Amtronsatics Congreon, Varna, Bulgaria, 23-29 Sep 62
GRODZOY*iu . G. L, , IVANOV, 'ru, N. and TWM# V. V.
"CA VIS lbtlQu of 6 304 of Varb&l* Nome with Constant md
DecreasIng Paver Commumptlan In a Gravitational Yield.:"
Report presented at the 13th Intl. Astrmmtlca Congreme, Varna, Pu34Wla, 23-4 SeP 62.
Turbulenit boundary layer of a plane plate, PKO' no,4:117-1-19
ji-Ag 162. (Boundary layer) (Fluid dynamics) (MIRA 1611)
AUTHOR; Grodzovskiy,_.qt_;~~_ (Moscow)
TITLE: On the motion of a body of variable mass with constant
expenditure of power in a gravitational field, taking
into account relativistic effects
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR..Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
toklinicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye,
no-5, 1962, 184
TEXT: Problems of optimizing the jet-propelled motion of a
body of variable mass in a gravitational field for constant and
optimal expenditure of power N within the framework of non-
relativistic mechanics, were studied. As the velocity increases
the relativistic level is first reached-for an exhaust velocity V;
the effect of this on the choice of the optimum parameters of
motion for a body of variable mass m for N = const will be
considered. The equations of motion and energy have the form:
P- ma(t) dm V I
dt I --V2/c2
Card 1/4
on the motion of a body of variable ...
dm CLI L' ma
dt -I- VS./c2
I I - V2/c2
2 2
V /c
To illustrate, consider the simplest case of motion at constant
thrust P for a given time T. In this case the total useful mass
ejected is
G'NI 90 dm
and the weight of the source of power
specific weight a) is
I V2 c, 1
G~l + G N V
V C2 T
Card 2/4
GX aN (with given
Uri the motion of a body of variable. . S/179/62/000/005/012/012
For given initial weight Go the maximum u8eful weight
Gna G0 - (GM 4 G
naturally corresponds to thf, minimum of (Gm.+ GN) and some
optimum value of V satisfying L4i-M. Eq.(3) can be written
approximately as
2~ Q V2
G G J"T go 1 - -1 V + - V
m , N V 2 -C2 2T C2 j
whence the optimum value of V is approximately
5 T
_0 2g0T V-
Vopt "SOT ~ I - - ;~~ A ! - ? (5)
a- ax2 a b c2
Card 3/4
on the motion of a body of variable ... S/179/62/OOU/005/012/012
GN 3 V2
Hence relativistic effects increase the optimum exhaust velocity
V and the ratio GN/G M, Note that for values of T/a of the
order of 1 year kg/kilowatt, the relativistic correction to unity
in the (Aenominator in Eq. is of the order of IU-6.
SU13YITTED: I-lay 25, 19U2
;-Abstractor's note: Essentially complete translation.~
Card 4/4
GRODZOVSKrrs_i~ L. (Moskva)
Optimum formula for heat conducting radiation cooled fins. Isv.
AN SSSR. Otd. tekb. nauk. Inerg. I avtox. no.609-45 N-D 162o
(" 16: 1)
(Heat-Tranemismion) (Thermodynamics)
Propagation of laminar and turbuleqt axisymmetric spreading, late in a
flooded space. Prom.aerodin. no.23t66-71 162, (MIRA 16;4)
(Turbulence) (Jeto--Fluid dynamics)
-bf -&'free tuz"t jet into a movJng medium.
329-165 162- (Jetg--F3&id dynamica) (Turbulencdl
Promaerodin. no.23:
(MIRL 16:/.)
ApproxImate calculation of axiAymmtric suporsonic flows under
internal problom conditions. Prom.aerodin. no.2dil52-157 162.
(MIRA 16t7)
(Anrodynamice, Siipersonic)
"On the contour of radiating elements part III; the form of a flexible thread
In the centrifugal force field"
report to be submitted for the 14th Congress Intl. Astronautical Federation,
Paris, France, 25 Sep-1 Oct 1963
"On the motion of a body of variable mass vith constant and decreasing pover
consumption in a gravitational field; part III"
report to be submitted for the 14th Congress Intl. Astronautics Federation,
Paris, France., 25 Sep-1 oct 1963
------ - -
Etilization of Sputniks for mtoorvlogical and television purposes.
"sports of the fonowing S*viet Scientists wore presented at Ow
XIIIthp International Congress on Astronautics in Varna, Bagaria
P: Tekhnika Molodezhi, A, 1963, pp. 24-25
L 13816-63 ~EPA(b)/EWT(1)/BDS AFFTC/ASD - FU-4
7M~~IM; AP30WO6 S1617916310001C041011510120
AUMM: Grodzovskiy. G. L. (Moaccur)
TITIE: _S)ipersmic f vith subsonic axial velocity component aboub a flat
cascade and a perforated wall 7
SWIM AN SSSR. Izv. . Otd. tekh. nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, no. 4,
1963, 115-120
TOPIC TAGS: cascade, perforated vall, supersonic flow
ABSTRACT: A supersonic flow about a flat periodic cascade vith no separation
having, a subsonic axial canponent of the inciclent fl(7.., in a direction normal to
the cascade-plane is considered. Fig. 1 of the Enclosure shaW3 the typical flow
configurations for concave and convex wedges. On the basis of the author's noa-
linear theory (Grodzovskdy, G. L. SverMazvukovoye obtekaniye ploskoy reshetki i
perforirovazzinoy sten1ki a dozvukovoy osevoy sortevlynyuzhchcy. Vsesoyuzny*y
cilyezd po tcorcticheskoy i prikladnoy mckhanike. M., 27, 1-3, 11 1960. Anno-
tatnii dokladov, Ali' SSSR, 1960), expressions for basic flaw parameters are estab-
lished -which take into account the pressure lo3ses. The flov fields both In
front, of the cascade and far upstrc= (see Fig. 2) are studied. The relationship
Card 4a__
L 13816-63
Acansicu n: Ar3oo4806
between f1(74 parameters in the cascade channel and incident flow is derived. A
n=erical example of flcrr past the cascade shown in Fig. 1 is given,, and the
results aiv prenented in Craphs which indicate the guiding action of the cascade.
An important specific ease is considered: a perf ornted boundary with transverse
slats in supersonic flar. The results for this case are presented in graphs and
discussed. Conditions for the full equalization of a nonuniform,two-dimensional
supersonic f1crr with PO a ccastant are establAshed. Orig. art. has: 9 figures
and 20 formulas.
A330CIATIMIT: none
SUB14r=: 13Feb62 DATE ACQ: 063eP63 MICL: 01
SO CCDE: Al no MF 3011: 004 CIUM: 003
FASD/AMDC/ESD-3/APGC/AFWL/IJP (C)/SSD Ps-4/Pd-4/Pz-4/*Pe-4/Pab-4/
cdit WAW03006364 S/0258/63/003/003/0590/0615
UTHOR: GrodlRysk G. (Moscow); Ivanov. Yu. N. (Moscow);
1i Tokarev. V. V. tHoscow)
!TITLE: The mechanics of space flight with low thrust. 1.
!SOURCE: Inzhenerny*y zhurnal, v. 3, no. 3, 1963, 590-615
,~.TOPIC TAGS: space flight, solar sail, low thrust, rocket thrust,
space shipp space flight mechanics, low thrust rockito low thrust
"'ABSTRACT: This article is the first in a series of review articles
dealing with the mechanics of space flight at low thrust. On the
basis of Soviet and non-Soviet sources the article reviews these
principal subject areass 1) the mechanics of space flight with a
solar-sail space vessel, including fundamental relationships and
'!problems and the flight of such a vessel between planetary orbits
and its escape from a gravitational f,~eld; and 2) the mechanics of
space flight*with low-thrust engines2,
including the selection of
optimum weight ratios for simpler cases of motion and an ideal
Card 1 2
L 17077-63
Icontrol system with optimum weight and thrust control. The follow-
ling recent works are noted among the 20 Soviet sources reviewed:
1V. K. Isayev, "The principle of L. S. Pontryagin's maximum and the
!optimum programing of rocket thrust," Avtomatika i telemekhanika,
!v. 22, no. 8, 1961, and v. 23, no. 1, 1962; A. N. Zhukov and V. N.
Lebedev, "A variational problem in flight between heliocentric
circulararbits by means of a solar sail," Sb. Iskusstvanny*ye sput-
;niki Zemli, 1963, in publication; A. A. Kary*mov, "Determination of ;1.wk.
forces and moments of light pressure acting on a body moving in
pace," Prikl. matem. i mekhan.,v. 26, no. 5, 1962; G. L. Grodzov-
iskiy, "Optimization of parameters of motion of a body with vari-ble I
:mass and limited power consumption in the presence of a nonlinear
;dependence between the power source weight and the power output,"
jIzv. AN SSSR, Otd. takh, N. 1963, in publication; and Yu. N. Ivanov.1
i"The motion of a body with variable mass, limited power output, and
igiven time of operation," Prikl. matem. i mekhan.. v. 27, no. 5,
11963. OrLS.-art. hast 25 figures. and 70 formulas.
SUBMITTEDt 00 DATE ACQ: 27sep63 ENCLs 00
Card 2 /2
GRODZS)VSKIY. (M-nkvfl)j IVANOV, Yo.N. (Mc);ikvri); TOKAJ(EV, V.V. (Molkvn)
MQ,-;hanics of space flight wih low *,hrurt. Part 2, Inzh,zhur. 3
no.4:748-766 163. (FaRA 10-:12)
"Low thrust Upace flight mechanics. Survey paper."
report submitted for 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64.
"On the shape of heat rejection elements cooled by radiants."
report submitted for 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64.
"Gas tank rupture in vacuum."
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
"The gas dynamic theory of the flow of a fluid with varying phases."
report presented at the 2nd A114)nion Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, Moscow., 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64.
GRC,DZCVSIjYA G.L.; IVAEOV., Yu.11. ;TriFAIC-V, V.V. (Exrcow)
lq,',echanics of space flight with low thrust",
report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Xechanicsp Moscows 29 Jan - Feb 64.
ACCESSION NR: AP4026965 S/0258/64/004/001/0168/0196
AWHORS: Grodzovskiyg 0. L. (Moscow); Ivanov, Yu. N. (Moscow); Tokarev, Vo V.
MILE; Mec~anics of low thrust cosmic flights, 3,
SOURCE: inzhenernM zhurnal, vo 4. no. 1p 1964P 168-196
TOPIC TAGS: cosmic flight optimization, power-limited vehicle, exhaust velocity,
thrust vector, maximum payload, flight trajectory I
ABSTIM: The third and last series in the analysis of cosmic flight optimizations,
of power-limited vehicles has been presented. Part Ono dealt with the limits of
the regulating characteristics of the vehicle system. The attainable variation
ranr,-e for flow rate q and exhaust,velocity V is investigated as a function oil
:1-Mximum jet thrust power N The optimiLn control of the thrust vector, V and X
are discussed under the coMNions
6 -~Ww (V) < NO.
< V""< V (1)
An expression is dorived relating the power source weight ON to the flight trajec-
tory characteristics.' In Part Two the motion of a power-limited vehicle is
idiscussed for the case of engine operation time less than the vehicle flight dura-
'!tion. The variational problem is considered under variable thrust power flow rate i
;and thrust vector conditions with the optimum combination of power-limited and ex-
1haust velocity-limited engines. It is shown that this combination yields an advan-
itage in total payload if each type of engine has the same payload before combina-
f'tion. Part Four deals with reliability in engine performance for missions of long
duration. The optimization criterion assumed here is the condition of a minimum
:in the sum of average necessary and reserve fuel weights plus the dead weight of
':t-he engine. An example is given where it is shown that in a round trip mission the,
,departure leg takes place faster than the retUrn leg of the trip, shifting the
!given eagine-time break to the beginning of the trajectory. The optimization
studles are extended to include weights in addition to the previously considered
weights'of working substance, power source, and payload. Finally, mid-cour3e
correction possibilities are studied, including corrections in velocity and posi-
general 'expression is derived for the optimal correction rwmeut
tion, and
distribution. Orige arto hass 145 equations, 11 figures,, and ltable,
Card 2/3
L 4178~-65 EE0---2/EwT (4) /FBD/FSS-2/Er-,J'T (1) /EEC (a)/BWP(M)/Fr W-VEEC W/
EEC W -2/EZC (r)/I;WG (v)/E'dA(d)/EEC (c)-2/EED-2/211A(C) Pn-4/Po-4/Pe-3/Pq-4/
Pac-ii/Pe-4/Pae-2/Ph-4/Pk-4/pi-4 1JP(c) AST/M-I/BC
A.ccmsm Nat APW3=6 S/0258/6h/004/002/0392/0423
0. L. ,~Moscow
AUTHOM Grodzovskig, 1VanoVA Tu. N.. (Hoscow)j
TITLEt flechaniou of space flight vith law thrust. 4
SOURCE: Inzhenesnyy, zhurnal, v. 4, no. 2. 1964s 392-42)
TOPIC TAGSt optimum trajoqtory; optimum control, asoulatory systemj 94a;v-
MaAqvver, radial'acceleration, tangential acceleration) orbital plane, steepegE-
des centl method., algorithm'mothod, solar sail, Ritz method
ABSrRACT: A detailod study has been made of various onalytic solutions of,equa-
tions of dynaimics for space flight,, both exact and approximato, on small pertur-
bation force assumption, Himerical methods have been describad for constructing
opti=m trajectories and optimum controls. In part one the equation o" motion
Carte;ian and spherical coordinates is discussed,, and an osculatory system of
variables In introduced, Some of these eq7jations in spherical coordinates are
ro - tips, 'j 2;T.
Card 1/14
L 4178,7~-65
'V' V" Ift a1, V.1r. (2y
Cos T C0.1 (0
sin 0
-4 to I
r ~w sin
&.aid C0,j
dr dv
In 0 C05.0, V a C0.1 sin 0.
Wir ds
%. a sin Cos 0.1
do rx
The general analytic solution of the equation
67 ......
is discussed) and particular solutions of the above foux~sets o f equations of
motion are carried out for elementary space maneuvere. These includes radal
Card 2/4
L 41783-65
acceleration, a I w 0 in equation (2) above, where for ar < o or 1/8, ) ar> 0 the
motion is f inito and for aD >. r > 1 it is infinite; transverse acceleration ar - 0
in equation (1) 1 tan&ontial acceleration with Y - 0 in equation (4) 1 noxvml
acceleration, Y w W2 in equation (3) above; acceleration perpendicular to the
instantaneou orbital plane,, and a constant acceleration voctor. A general method
is ouilined for numerical computations of the above trajectories. The functional
method of steepest descent in discussed, and conditions for -trajectory rptimization~
are considered In terms of the extremal of the functional
(D (Z. di
For control optimization, the -Cradien't is introduced according to 'the mothod!
outlined by D. Yo. Okliotaimakiy (K I teorii dvizhoniya raket,, PMM; t. 10,, No. 2. i-
1946). The mathod is applied to several special cases. Those are: the algorithm.-
method for* a trajectory with an unspecified terminal point xid a single control.
funotion; the al-&Qrithm method for a trajectory with both initial and terainal
points fixedj and the , algorithm method where the terminal point, is f roe and the
termination time T ofthe motion is unspecified* The method is applied to an
Card A
L 41783-65 . I
AcussioN NR: AP4=116
Earth-to-Mars trajectory with a solar sail. Finally, several methods are outlined,
for substituting the functional with functions of finite number of variables*
Thes3 include minimization of a function with subsidiary corditionss the Ritz
method with coefficients determined from the method of steepest doacent, " the I
broken path method aW3.iod to the Lagrange or Mayor variational, problwo, Origo
arte hasi 144 equations arA 20 figures.
NO MW SOV 1 0110 OT=t 064
L 57864-65... EW7(d)JEWT(m)JEWP f )/E~9/T V c~ Ps-4
I . .
;iATCESSION 19: APM6231 UR/0373/65/000/003/0040/00148
'AUTHOR: GrodzovskiZ. G. L, (Moscow, Kiev); !~itq o It. (Moscow, Kiev);
Tokarev, Mecow, Wiv)
ITITLE: Energy storage in pover-limited flight optimization problems
1BOURCE: AN 888R. Izvestlya. Nekhanika, no. 3, 1965, 4o-48
;TOPIC TAGS: power limited flight, energy storage, optimal flight, Pontryagin maxi-.
imum principle
;ABSTRACT: This article deals with the variational problem of the maxicnim payload
':in flights with power-limited propulsion systems with energy storage. It is
slorr a
lassumed that the u1 i nl?iystem consists of a power source N (0 s N i NO), an
!energy storage W21!1~_ ), and an engine with thrust P (0 :g P s PO), and that
E (0 1 E 4 E0
'weights for these components are, respectively: Gva aNo, Ge = OEO and Gy = yP0,
!where a, 8, y are proportionality factors (specific weights). The variational prob-
Ilem is defined as follows: jiven the total initial weight Go of the propulsion
,system, the factors a, 0, y, the dynamic maneuver with the duration T, it is required
!to find optimal operating conditions for the power source N(t) I the energy storage
IWO (Ne = -E), the thrust force NO, and the unit vector i(t) of the thrust direc-
tion which will ensure the mwdmum payload 0W. A complete system of differential
L 57864-65~...
equations, boundary conditions, constraints upon the control functions, and phase
coordinates is written which describes the defined variational problem in Mayer's
ormulation. The optimal controls i(t), P(t), Ne(t), and 11(t) are determined by
using the maximum principle of Pontryagin. The obtained control functions are
ifanalyzed for the interior sections of the trajectory and for the boundary sections.
;A propulsion system with energy storage only. (without power source) Is also investi-
!gated as a particular case of the Seneral problem. The case of the so-called
111ideal controlled propulsion system," which Is characterized by the fact that there
bare, no limitations upon the upper bound of the thrust force P(P 2 0) and GY U 0 is
lanalyzed. As an illustration of the solution of the general problem, two maneuvers
lare analyzed for which the equations of the variational problem can be completely
;integrated. The case when the thrust force P is constant is also investigated.
,Orig. art. has: 36 formulas, [LKJ
:,NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 001 ATD FRESS: 4038
L 5U55-6 EM(h)/EWT(d)/MC(m)/T-2/EWA(d)/&W(w)/EWP(v)/E,4r(k) P~440~b_
ACCESSION NR: "5011329 U11102581611005,00,'1/0352/015
AMOR: Grodzovskiyo 0, Lo (Moscov) j &ikanov, T. A. (Moscov)
TITLE: Fragmentation of a ruptured vessel In a vacuum
SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, vo 5p no# 21 1965, 352-355
TOPIC TAGS: fragmentation problemgas filled vessel, gas escape mechanism,
isothermic process, adiabatic process
ABSTRACT: The authors solve problems on the motion (in a non-force field) of
two fragments produced by the rupture of a gas-filled vessel in a vacuum. Postu
lating several assumptions on the mechanism of gas escape through the rupture
gap, they write expressions describing motion, initial conditions and variable
gas pressure for both fragments. Specific calculations were performed for
isothermic and adiabatic ~rocessez of gas escape. The forwzr process vas reduce
to the form g
the latter to 00, at initial conditions given by
L Slh55-4-5 -,-- -- *----"-------, - --.
ACCESSION NR: AP5011329 - .
. Z- I
in M 0: /t;0, I' = 0. 10 = 1, ;
Numerical results of digital computer calculations are presented in tabular
form. Orig. art. has: I table and 23 formulas,
L 05-79-57
ACC NRI iT6022476 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0181/0197
I/ I
AUTHOR: Grodzovskiy, G. L.; Ivanov, Yu. N.; Tokarev, V. V.
ORG: None
TITLE: Optimization problems in the mechanics of low-thrust space flight
~SOURCE: Vsesoyuznyy.a"yczd po teoreticheskoy i prikladncy mekhanike. 2d, Moscow, 1964.
iAnalitcheskaya mekhanika. Ustoychivost' dvizheniya. Nebesnaya ballistika (Analytical
imechanics. Stability of motion. Celestial ballistics); trudy s"yezda, no. 1, Moscow,
,Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 181-19T
TOPIC TAGS: trajectory optimization, space flight, thrust optimization, solar sail
ABSTRACT: The authors consider the problem of optimization in the mechanics of space
flight with low thrust. Included in this problem are selection of the optimum ratios
between the weight components of the spacecraft and optimum control of the thrust
system as well as determination of the' optimum trajectories of the flight in the aggre-
gate. A relationship is established between the weight characteristics and parameters
of the engine system and the possibilities for thrust control are discussed. Optimi-
zation of flight mechanics is considered in detail for systems using solar sails and
Card 1/2
L 05P79--67
ACC NRI ivr6O22476
power-limited propulsion systems, e. g. electric reaction engines. It is shown that
the problem of optimization for an ideal system resolves into two independent prob-
lems: 1. finding the optimum ratio between the weight of the power source and the
weight of the working material and 2. finding the optimum trajectories and programs
for the rocket acceleration vector. The literature covering the numerical solution
of these problems is briefly reviewed. Orig. art. has: 13 figures, 34 formulas.
.SUB CODE: 22/ SUBM DATE: 04Dec65/ORIG REF: 022/ OTH REF: 023
AP6034139 SOUACi; t;(jD:;; IT,1104241661"10051000310012
AUTHOR: Grodzovokiy, G. L. (Moscow)
OiG; none
TITLE;': Some variational problems in space flight mechanics
SOU.-~C-_:': inzhenernyy zhurnal. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, no- 5, 1966, 3-12
!TOPIC TAGS. flirht machanical apace flight, spacecraft maneuver, variational problem
:ABSTU~;T: The effect of weight constraints is analyzed on the optimal motion
,par-a-teters of a variable mass body in a gravitational field. The power system under
;investigation has the following three constraints: Gas efflux velocity, storage power
;lcvel, and thrust. General variational equations are derived for payload weight GrI
between two points in phase apace, with an engine that har, a given specific weight f
band a limited gas efflux velocity V e- V Numerical results are obtained for the
irelative maximum energy as a function of initial acceleration, for various values of
IG and Y. These results are shown graphically. For example, for Y t! 0.01--0.02,
the optimum initial acceleration a varies between 2-5 and 4-0- Next, the fundamentall
pf-upe.;:''i(~~j of an ideally maneuvorable spacr engine nre discun-;Pd for a given working
medium storage. This proccoa conaieta of dotomining the optimum expression of an
LC9rd 1/2
ACC NR: j.~PG034139
Iengine weight component that will allow ideal maneuvering with a characteristic
velocity dv. This in found to Pe -
I + v, + kv. - ir,Gll
where T. - X"I, T being time and I/K--storage time of working medium equal to the
weight of the energy aourco. Various graphical plots of the above expression are
obtained whero r, is given as a param-ater. The author expresses hie sincere
gTatitude to V. V. Tokarev for his valuable remarks concerning the above problem.
iOrig. art. has: 45 equations and 10 figures.
50 CODE: 20, 22f SUM DATEs 26K&r66/ ORIG RFY1 010/ OTH W, 015
ACC NRIARGO29290 SOURCE CODE: UR/0313/66/000/006/0023/0023
AWHOR: Grodzovskiy, G. L.; Ivanov, Yu. N.; Tokarev, V. V.
TITLE: Problems of optimization in the mechanics of cosmic flight with low thrust
ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye kosmicheokogo prostranstva, Abe. 6.6a.18o
iRij- SOURCE: Tr. II Vsen. allyezda po teor. i prikl. mekhan., 1964. 0bz. dokl. Vyp.
11. M., Nauka, 1965, 181-197
ITOPIC TAGS: mars flight, space flight, trajectory oDtimization, optimum trajectory,
~optimal control, thrust optimization, solar sell, jet engine, thrust to weight ratio,
~thrust vector control
[ABSTRACT: The optimization problem in reviewed as one of selecting the optimum
1weight characterintica for the vehicle, the optimum engine control, and the optimum
Itrajectory. Considored an engines are the solar sail and the electrical jet engine
~of limited power. Two optimization problems are suggested for solution with respect
1to these latter: (1) calculation of optimum relationship of weights of power source
land working substance, and (2) calculation of the optimum trajectory and the program
~for controlling the thrust vector. Examples of calculations for an earth-Mars flight
;are cited. Bibliography of 54 titles. V. Ponomarev. (Translation of abstract]
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