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YrKCFAYXV, S.I.; GRIGORIYXV, U.P. Conveyer with tripper car for loading kegs In freight cars. Kaml.-shlr.prom.21 no-7333-34 155. (mutA 9a) lJovdakovskly zhlrkombinat. (Conveying machinery) AFONIN, Z.!.!., lnzl& ; BEYMSKIY, B.V., inzh., F.ts., lnzh.; GOMiNOSMY, Yu.V... knd. toklin. irizh.; KOVALF-VSKIY, G.V.,, krmd. tekhn. naW: XAGUIL."., T.E., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; DRUZ', B.I., kand. teklm. nauk.. retsenzent; KULAGIN, V.D.., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; DOROGOSTAYSK-TY, D.V., doktor teklul. nauk, red. [Theory nryl construotion of ohlpfl Toorlia I ustmlotvo sudov. 1,:ogk-vn, Tranor-ort, 145. Yll p. Wlri.4 1,~,.-q) BAr4FYAN5KJY) zuc "U'V' ~ I. - I .. ~. ~V ) i-;. Deposition of xi stpel layer on gr,4y rist- Iron. Avtom. svar. 18 no.5i25-2a ?.~r 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Zhdanovakiy mptAllurgicheskiy tnstibit. PAVLOV, M.K.; BABAK, B.D.; MININA, I.S.; LEONTYUK, S.V.; ~IRIGOWIZV#,-Ye.; USACHEVA? I.G., red.; SOKOLOVA, takhn. red. (Manual for the rabbit raiser]spravochnik krolikovoda. Mo- skva, SFillkhozizdat, 1962. 214 P. (MIRA 15:11) (Rabbits) GRIGORIYEV, Ye.; DESYATERIK, V. Sanitary patrol goes around the city. Zdoravle 8 no N 162. (MM i5:10 1. Nachallnik manitarnogo patrulya pri gorodskom kamitete kmoomola i gorodskay sanitarno-epideniologicheekoy stantaiiv Dnepropetrovsk (for Grigorlyev). 2. Radaktor gazoty wMolodoy lonineto* (for De"aterik). (DNEPROPETROVSK..-FUBIaC UALTH) GRIGORIYEV, Ye. Caftranating coeeilemosi on the prob:Lsm 6Labor resourceis of the U-SoS-R- and vRY9 t0 iWove their Utilization in the nation&l economy.0 Biul.nmcb. lifors.t trud :i sar. plata 4 no-2:49-52 161. (Manpower-4ongresses) (MIRA 14:3) BUDOVOY, G.T.; IIARTINKOVI I.P.; SHKOLIDIKOV, D.Ya.; SOLOI-1114, V.V.; RE2VIK, A.I.; IMIATOVICH, A.A.;- GILINSKOY, E.B.; ZHIRNOV, V.Ye.; IMEIISKIY, 14.1.; VOMOV, IN.I., red.; VOSKAIIYAN, G.G., red.; KASIYOVSKIY, Ye.V., red.; F01.1,321, A.Ya., red.; LISOV, V.Ye., red.; P01101-MEVA, A.A.,, tekhn. red. (The district worker's manual; reference and ret~odological aid for economic and cultural planning in an bdministrative dis- trict]Spravochnik raionnogo rabotnika; sF)ravochno-rotodiche- skoe posobie po, planirovEiniiu khoziaistvenrogo i kullturrogo stroitel'stva v adrinistrativnom raione. Moskva, Ekonordzdat, 1962. 439 p. (YIRA 1l,,:7) (Russia--Econordc policy--Handbooks., manuals, etc.) SOV/ I Z4-58-10-11469 Translation from: lieferativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 110 (USSR) AUTHOR: __Grig)r'yev, Ye.A. TITLE: The Dynamic Stability of a Ring Affected by Normal Periodic Im- pulses (Dinamicheskaya ustoychivost' kol'tsa pod deystviyem normal- nykh periodicheskikh impul'sov) PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 12, pp 68-74 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the stability of a circular ring under the influence of periodic shock impulses. A fundamental differential equation for the motion and an equation for the vibrations are ad- vanced. The boundaries of regions of instability are determined by the methods of operational calculus. It is shown that periodic solu- tions with periods of ZT and 4T exist no matter what the initial data, T being the identical time intervals at which impulses of identical size and opposite sense are applied. It is remarked that further per- iodic solutions of 4T period exist, when the initial data are especially selected. Card I/ I Yu. S. Shkenev n~_ KUIAYEV, V.M.; GRIGORIYEV YetAj MRTSKVP B.V. j___ __ FcimdImg the profiled part of i6bocompressor rotorso Listoproiwo no.3-1239-40 N 162. (HIM 15 112) (Upliers) (Founding) GRIGORIYEV, Ye,A,, kand. tekhn. nauk Temperature of the charge in the combustion chamber of a diesel engine during starting. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.7t9-10 J1 163. (MIRA 161l1) 1. Volgagradskly mekhanicheskly Institut. ACCESSION NR.- AT4040608 8/0000/63/000/000/0086/0089 AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, Ye. A. TITLE: Method of constructing non-negative solutions for a system of linear equations SOURCE: Konforentalya po voprosam primenonlya matematiki v sotBiallaticheakoy ekonomike. lot, Leningrad, 1961. Matematiko-ekonomichoskiye problemy* (Problems in -mathematical economics); trudy* konforentsil. Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1963, 86-89 1k TOPIC TAGS: mathematical economics, economics, linear equation, linear programming, applied mathematics, linear function, matrix, vector, simplex method, cone ABSTRACT: The author considers an ordinary problem in linear programming. Given the system: a,*Xk It is required to doUrmine tu e;4lue-of the linear form L I&Xt' 1/3 Card ACCESSION NR: AT4040508 for xk satisWng the system (1). Such a problem has been solved by various methods, in particular the simplex method of Dantzig, but the method sMested in the present paper Is new. First of all the author considers the question of the existence of nontrivial, non-negative solutions of the homogeneous, linear system: 0. 1. 2. (2) If the system (2) ~as a Don-negative solution, it to represented in the form AS Ce C XM 2/3 !.Card ACCESSION NR: AT4040508 where B Is some non-negative matrix, and ci are arbitrary non-negative numbers. if the system (2) contains only one equation a,x, + am-cs + + a,x. - 0. (4) then the question of the existence pf a non-negative solution Is trivial. Clearly, if all the coordinates of the vector a = (al, a2, an) are strictly positive, then no non- negative solution exists. IAt us assume that the numbers al, a2, ... , an are not all positive. Then there exists some set of non-negative vectors x (xl, X2, - - - , xn), which are the solution of equation (4), and the points (xj, x2, . - , xn) describe some convex, polyhedral cone K in the space Rn. 7`he first problem consfils of building a framework for this cone. After discussing the construction of the cone, the paper con- tinues with a consideration of the linear programming problem. The author proposes a new method for obta;ning the results of the linear system.. Orig. art. has: 21 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: MA nd DATE ACQ: i21=64 NO REF SOV: 000 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 A Inzhener, redaktor; IONTSEVAYA. EA., redaktor; XOIMS, I,K*; GRIGOR'YSVa.,Tp,,A RCOV. B.C. rwator [Laying pipe lines without trenches and underwater) Bestransheinala i podvodnaia prokladka truboprovodov. Moskva, Trudreservisdat. 1953. 62 p. (Pipe lines) (NMA 7:6) GRjCr0K'YEV' BOROD111, Ivan Vasillyevich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, doteent; GRI- GOR'Y1V, Te.A., inzhoner, reteenzent; DANILOV, P.M., inzhonef7- RTMeNT.. MI110 V.L. tnz9"~"n"e`r7mrateenz ant : TAKOVLICV, G.I.. dotsent, redaktor; SHOLITAKOVA, N.V.. tokhnicheekly redaktor (Organization and planning of water-supply and sewerage construc- tion and assembling workj Organizataiia i planirovanie stroitallno- mont&zhnykh rabot po Yodoonab-henitu. i kanalizateit. Kooky&, Go@. ltd-vo lit-ry po strolt. i arkh1t. 1955. 305 P. (KM 8:7) (Water supply engineering) bewerage) GRIGCRIYNV,Ye.A., Inshener F *Trench excavation." M.N.Sekliudov. Reviewed by B.A.Grigorlm. Mekh.strot.12 no.8:31 Ag'55. (NLRA 8:10) (Zxcxvatlng sachinery) (ilekliudov,K.K.) GRIG d& .1ch tush.; ZHUXOT, Filipp Yedorovich, insh.; 29~~IR V -va; n o ekha.usuk, redo; SHNSMOV, S.A., red.izd ENTASKINA. A.D., tekhn.r*d. [Construction of water supply and sewerage systents; the practice of construction organtsbtions in Noscov3 Stroitelletvo vneshnikh Wei vodoprovods t konallsetsit; opyt stroitellnvkh organizatsii g.Koekvy. Moskva, lad-vo N-ve komun, khos. RSFSR. 1957. 375 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Water supply engineering) - (Sewerage) ZHUKOVI F.F., lnzh.j GRIGORIYEV,...~~,,A-, inah. Nov developments in the shield mothod. Gor. khrz. Moak. 35 no.llt23-25 N 161. (MIRA 160) (Underground construction) GRIGORITEV. Ys.A.; HURAVIN., A.V.; TAIIKIIEVIGHp A.G.; SHOR, D.I.0 kand. tekhn.nauk, atarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Urgent problems of underground construction in the city Gor. khoz.Mosk. 36 w*6:23-25 Js 162. i HIRA 3.5; 8) 1. Glavnyy inzbener Tresta gornoprokhodchookikh rabot (for Grigorlyev). 2. Zamotitell nachallnika Upravleniya dorozhno- mostovogo stroitellstva Glavnogo -pravleniya po, zhilishchnomu i grazhdanakomu stroitel, I styu y g . Moskva (for Maravin). 3. GlavWy spetsialist tresta, "Monorgstroy" po, stroitellstvu podzenwqkh sooruzhoniy (for Tankilevich). 4. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatell- skiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut podzemnogo shakhtnogo stroitelletva (for Shor). (Moscow-Underground construction) GRIGORIYEV, Ye.A., iznh.; 141RAVIII, A.V., inzh.; ETKIN, S.M., inzh. Perfecting and lowering the cost of the construction of sewers. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 37 nc.100-7 0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Trest gornopro~,hocheakikh rabot Upravlenlya dorozhno-mostovogo stroitelletva Glavnogo ipravleniya pc zhilinhchnama i grazhdanqkomu stroitel'stvu v g. Mcskve. GRIGORITIV, Ya.G., inzh. Small grain concrete made with cinders. Biul.takh.inform 3 no.4:6-10 Ap 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Concrete) GRIGORIYXV, Ye, G., inth. , --4, :~ .. 1 4 / I ~ Be avior of rainforcments in fine grained cinder concretes. Blul. tokh. inform. 4 no. 6:21-24 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) (IftInforcod concrete--Testing) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) GRIGORIYEV, Ye. G. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Investigation of Certain Problems in the Technology of PrejAring Sectional Structural Units Made of Cinder-based Concretes" Laningrnd, 1960, 20 pp, 150 copies (Leningrad Institute of Engineers of Railroaa Transport im, Acad. V. N. Obrazteov) (KL, 47/60s, 102) IVANOV, V.I.; SLTIM. K.S.; GRIGORITEV. Te.G. Production of aerated concrete products at the Avtovo Housing Conotruction Combine. Bet.i zhel.-bete no.6: 248-250 JO 160. (KIM 13:7) 1. Nachallnik Avtovelcogo domostroitallnogo kombinata Glayloulgradstroya (for Ivanov). 2. kakoToditell laborstorii stroitellzWkh mterialov Leningradekogo filiala Akadeali stroitelletva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Satin)- 3. lachallnik laborstorli AytoTakogo domostroitellnogo kombinata Glavleningrad- @troy& (for Ortgorlyev). (Leningrad-Lightweight concrete) G.~NOR IYEVL Yel-q-.1 SATIN, M.S.; DENYADIN, I.M.; Il'.,*IIOV, A.K., inzh., n~uchnyy rod.; DKEPROVA, U.N., red. izd-va; FULIKINA, Te.A. tekhn. red. [Residential buildings mado of air-entrained concreto]Zhi- lye dona iz gazobatona; opyt Leningrada. Lenirgrad, Gos- stroiizdat, 1962. 130 p. OURA 15:10) (Loningrad--Apnrtmont houses) (Lightweight concrete) ACC NRj AP600716I SOURCE COVEt M/Oii5/65/000/012/0013/0016 AUTHOR% Antonovp Ve Vol PoliBijk1j.-Yu, Dj Tgingauza V, Kht Grifforivev Ia. 2.1 -4 .2- Belkova, 7. M. ORG: none TIMt S6ma methods for elimimiting the error due to sweep nonlinearity in photo--- pulse device souRcss lzmeritalinva tekbnikap no. 12, 1965, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric call, industrial automation , error minimization ABSTRAM A photoelectric system of automatic control of rolling-mill-product dimensions is consideredl specMeally, the error due to nonlinearity of the mechanical sweep of the n shaped se is analyzed,, and these two methods for the error elimination are Bugge;teds (Irteneration of a nonuniform sequence of filling scale pulses by an W-oacillator; (2) Samep by an RC-osoMator. In the first method, the ecale-pulse frequency in calculated by a variable capacitor whose plates are shaped to compensate for the noalinearity of the sweep. In the second case, the same results are achieved by calculating a luminous flux falling on a photoresistor or by calculating the intensity of a light source. Only the theory of the methods is presented. Orig. art. hass 5 figures and 22 formulas. SUB COM 0%0/ SUM M02i rme (RM REFt 001 Card JJJ UDU 601.323.431~2*08W531 71 AM4008937 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Grinor'yev, Yuriy Grigor'yovich R~diation injuries and compensation of disturbed functions; study naterials of initial-reactions of an organism under the influence of ionizing radiation in small and large doses (Luchavy*ys poraine- niyn i kompensatsiya navushenny*kh funktsiy-, materialy* izuclic- niya pervonachal'ny*kh reaktsiy organizma pri vozdeystvii ion- ~zlruyushchego izlucheniya v maly*kh I bol'shikh dozakh) Moscow, Fosatomizdat, 1963. 201 3. illus., biblio. 4150 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: radiation, radiation affect, biological effect, radiation dose, compensatory reaction, physiological compensation, acute radiation sickness, radiation sickness, functional compensation, radiobiology PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book In intended for radiobiologists, medical scientists, and others interested in research and develop- ment of new techniques for the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries. The materials it contains may also contribute to the solution of problems of exposure to radiation in space flight. Card M14008937 The book presents the revults of extensive clinical and experimental research on systemic reactions of the organism during expostire to radiation. The investigations include: the biological effect of small radiation doses as manifested in the initial reactions of the nervous system, functional reactions of the organism durini irradiation with lethal doses (LDIju to LDIOU), and special aspects of death in animals due to radiation. New methodological procedures used in the investigations are described. Problems of the com- pensation by the organism of functions disrupted by radiation injury are examined and the various compensatory reactions classi- fied. Further experiments designed to explore the capacities of the organism for compensating radiation injuries are reported. The author thanks Professor A. V. Lebedinskiy, member of the ..Academy of Medical Sciences USSRO and Professors N. N. Livanov and X. P. Danshlak, Corresponding 114mbers of the Academy of Hedical Sciences USSR, for their valu4ble advice* TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Card 2 /6 .~ .: ; ~i,: I,- !, - . . ......... ; I . , , : .. ; - ~ . C., , . - . : I -;- . ~ f. . : . r , . Olit, 1'~:7) (~- .", . I :-: " ) K I yk-;iiKoy YU.M. , in.-L. A.3. I---'zh; A inzh; Prinijwtli uchvstiye: Ail-'HINCV, KINARIN, Yu.N.; RUMM"o', ',.V.; BMN, V.Y(N.; A. ti. Investigating the oxidizing zono of a blast fumince working under oxygen-enriched blowing (351','~ oxygen) and ussing natural gaj. Itatl 25 no.8:78L-7(!O S 165. (MIRA 18:9) WSSRAuclear Fhysics - Polarized bcams FD -'23 0 5 Card 1/2 Pub. 146 - 30/34 Author : Grigor'yev, Ye. L. TItle : Observation of polarization of beams of fast particles by means of nuclear photoemulsjons Periodical : Zhur. eksp. I teor. fiz. 28, 761, Jun 1955 Abstract : The results of expi.-riments on scattering of high-energy particles points to the existence of noncentral forces in the Interaction between nucleons, the presence of such forces leading particularly to the occurrence of polarization of beams of scattered particles, the magnitude of which is determined experimentally by measurement of the asymmetry during double scattering. The author attempted to observe the polarization of beams of protons and neutrons by means of a photographic method, instead of the usual scintilla- tional counter method (L. Wouters, C. Oxley, A. Roberts, H. Car- valho, etc. all In Phys. Rev., 1951-1954); namely, the author ob- served the quasielastic scattering of protons on nucleons of the nuclei of the elements composing the emulsion. He obtained the magnitude of asymmetry to be 0.06�0.03, and concludes that beams of protons and neutrons arising in the interaction of 670-Mev ~ ~r.Tj 6ard 2/2 FD-2365 particles with beryllium nuclei are partially polarized. Five ref: e.g. G. D. Stoletov, S. B. Nurushev, and Yu. P. Kumekin, Otchet In-ta yader. prob. AN SSSR (Report of institute of]Nuclear Problems), 1954. Institution : Institute of Nuclear Problems, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted : Feb 7, 1955 (~RIGOWYF-V, YC,L,. umlil Phyvics - Non-elastio conissions cam 1/1 hb. 22 - 12A5 Autho" Hitin, N. A, and Grigorlev, Ye. L. Title t Non-elastio dispersion of negative 7r-mesons of 300 May energy b7 complex nuclei POTIOdIOSI I Dok. AN SSSR 103/2, 219-222,, Jul U, 1955 Abstract I Experimental.measurnments of the angular dispersion and energy distribution in the nonelastic collisions of 7r-mesona of 300 MOT energy with nucleons are described. Thesu measurements were conducted with the help of photo- emulsions 400,AAt?iibkv where ths?r-mesona formed by the bombarding of a graphite targetwith 670 Hav protons collided with nucleons of the e=lsion, Four refsrencest 1 USSR and 3 USA (1954-1955). Graphs. In'titution i The Aced. of So.j, USSRj, Institute of Nuclear Problems Z eented by : Academician L. A. Artsimovich, M&Y 5, 1955 I-T o 5UBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1337 AUTHOR GRIGORIEV, E.L., MITIN, N.A. TITLE The Elastic Scattering of Positive Pions with an Energy of ~10 MeV by Protons. PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 31, fase. 1, 37-39 (19116) Issued: 9 / 1956 reviewed: 10 / 1956 The differential cross section of the elastic scattering of positive 310 MeV pions by hydrogen was measured by means of nuclear photoemulsiozis. The electron- sensitive photo plates with an emulsicn thickness of 400 1, were irradiated with a bundle of positive pions at the output of a magnetic spectrometer. The mesons were produced by bombarding a paraffin target by a bundle of 660 MeV protons of a synchro cyclotron - The ac-attering processes were selected by means of a micro- scope with an immersion objective. The acts of elastic scattering were identi- fied by the following criteria: 1.) Angular correlation between the scattered meson and the recoil proton. 2.) Complanarity. The complanarity condition is explicitly given. 427 scattering processes were found in the sector of dial 10-1700 (in the center of mass system). The differential scattering cross section found on the basis of these results has, according to the diagram attached, a minimum at 1050. The total scattering cross section of the positive 310 MeV pions was assumed to be 7.10- 27 e2ln 2. (?he summation interval was 200). The differ- ential cross section can be expressel by the first three terms of a LEGENDRE N 2 ~ -17 series: da/d~l - L(2..4+0,2) + (4,9+0,4)SOU~ , (90tc),7) oa , ] .10 CIA2 ilaterad Zurn.eksp.4 toor.fif;,~ C AIR D 2 '2 PA .3 3 7 L., fasc.1,3T ) -I 1~ ) Ti_-e scattering of the p(,sitivu 310 '.'eV pions is ex1lained 1r, fir3t approximation 'by the fact that only S- atil P-states particii~atc- lh,~ i--sufficient a,-Curacy of the results obtained does not make it pcisible to draw conclusions aB to the extent of the contribution made bj the D-state towards 5catteringi probablz, however, it playe only an insigni f'~ cant part. 'rho shifts in S-, F 3/2- 0 and P 1/2 states with the isotopic spin T - 3/2 are. a3'- 3 a33' 1320 and 0 a I . According to experimental data the phas,4 a3~ passes through 90 31--oc within the rant;a of meson energies of atcut 200 MeV. This fact may be considered to indicate the existence of a resonance intl?raction of pions sith nucleons in the state with total and isotopic spin 372. The valua. a 33 w 1320 at a meson energy of 310 MeV is not in contradiction to the existenco of such a resonance interaction. It Is interesting to zompare these res-alts with computations basing on the assumption of an excited nucleon state, Such computations were carried out by basing on the assumption that )nly S- and F-states participate in scattering. The justification for the neglect of the contributions made by higher states was confirmed by the measuring results obtained. According to the attached diagram the -.urve computed In this manner gives a good description of the general character of the anC-ular d1stributicr, of the elastically scattered pions. INSTITUTION: G R SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 ?A - 1878 AUTHOR GRIGORIZV,E.L., SOLOVIEVA,L.P. TITLE The Nuclear Spallations produced by 660 MeV-Protons in a Photo- emulsion. PERIODICAL turn.*ksp;i toor.fispli,faso.6, 932-938 (1956) Issued: / 1957 The experimental investigations described here were based on the following main problems: the general properties of the spallations, the interaction cross sections, the energy- and angular distribution of the charged particles pro- duced on the occasion of spallations. The distribution of "stars" over the number of beaus was measured with elootron-sonsitive plates and results are shown in form of a table. The average.number of beams in a star depends only little on the energy of the arriving particle. The number of stars with many beams increases somewhat with increasing energy. An average of 0 198 + 0,20 "grey" traces corresponds to one spallation. The cross section of no;elastie interaction processes: The cases of interaction between protons and nuclei are counted by following the traces of the original protons. Results are shown in a table. The experimentally found ratios between interaction cross sections and geometric cross sections is, in the case of light and heavy nuclei, 0146 + 0,18 and 007 + 0012 respectively. These data agree in the case of heavi-nuolti with the-theory of the semitransparent nucleus, but in the case of light nuclei it holds that d teor " 2 dexp' This indicates the probability of a considerably greater transparency of light nuclei than might have been v Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,~Ijasc.6, 932-938 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1678 expected in accordance with theory. The slowly charged particles (protons with less than 50 UeV and a-particlesT-w-e-re studied by determining' angular- and nergy distribution. For this purpose the traces of the particles with simple : nd double charge were measured in plates with rather low sensitivity. All aimply charged particles were looked upon as protons, and all double charge particles as a-partioles. The chareed particles are not emitted isotropically. However, in the can* of angles of - 1000 the distributions of a-particles and protons become isotropic. About 30% of the protons and about 20% of the a-par- tioles are emitted in a casoade process, but these estimates are obviously too low. Next# the energy distributions of a-particles and protons are discussed. Excitation sneM: According to theoretical computations 5,5 charged par- ticles correspond to an excitation energy of 230 MeV. These measurements re- sult in 5A particles. The experimental material obtained here agrees with the general and rough conceptions of the interaction between fast particles and complicated nuclei. The emission of mesons: The simply charged particles emitted on the occasion of spallations contain also pions. The intensity of their production increases considerably with the energy of the inciding par- ticle. INSTITUTION: Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Academy of Science in the USSR, CRICORIYEV E.L. M7711114, A.T., OZEROV, E.D., POWEYORVO, D.Y., MITTIN, N;I. "Positive Pion-Proton Scattering at Energies 176, 2M, 240, 270, 307 and 310 MeV," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, aDpearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 -7- i FROM OF NO klev~'~ MFU).~, #Lrd 14. A. Mitin. N)vlel Phyi, JFTP 4,10-120957) Yet. TF,j!rvit%rdf&tril~mtton d 316-Mev v" rnesons vlv~tkally scUtcrpd by protmio In photovmWslons h29 been measurel. The differential scattering cr(As section b.-tk(,J on 427 ob- -,J casev bas born Watined In the center-ol-mAss 6ys- serve tem. The anatyuis. L-Mag Into ne.,,-ut only Qua S luct P st2tev, and assuming the, Fermi solLdlun, gave O~t fal- [Gwing vt.lueos for the phase shific a, - -?.3', (is, - t3r, as, , -V. The D rtate, apparently, contributts IM]e to sc2t- "ring in comp2rlEon with the 8 snd P states. (auth) Lf CA 14 E. -AY TIC by r~ It zz Z~ %~ "__1 i-, VQ , ~ t: - \, le: - I- WITIN, (.A.; GRI ORIYJ~, .L. - I Blastle scattering of 360 Nov positive if-mesons by protons. Zhur. ekep. I teor. fig- 32 no.3r440-444 Mr 157, (KLRA 10M) 1. Ob*Yedinonnyy institut yadernykh iseledoyaniy. (Mesons--Seattering) L AUTMR: Sidorov, V.X., Grigorl'yev, le.L. 56-5-18/46 TITLE: Observation of Particles With Charges Z > 2 in Evaporation Processes Produced When Highly Energetic Neutrons Impinge Upon Photographio Emulsion Nuolei (Nablyudeniye chastits s zaryadom Z > 2 v rasshchepleniyakh, obrazovannykh v fotoemul'sii ney- trorguni vysokoy energii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal 13uperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 5, pp. 1179-1184 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Photoplates with a highly sensitive emulsion of 200 (~c thickn*ss were exposed in a oollimated neutron current. The neutrons were produced by the impinging of 480 MeV protons an a beryllium target. The neutron energy spectrum haA its maximum, at -395 NeV. After working on about 10 037 of the registered stars the follow- ing may be said: The average number of "rays" in the stars amounts to 3-8- a b Within the rays in the stars 19 hammer-like traces, 16 pairs of ~ C( -partiolex with a very small angular aperture, 2 oases of flying apart of 3 ck -particles in a narrow cone, 4 traces of Be8, I case of B9 emission, and 23 traces of particles with C&M 1/2 Z > 2 were observed. 56-5-18/46 Obser,vation of Particles With Charges Z )P 2 In Evaporation Processes Produced When Highly Energetic Neutrons Impinge Upon Photographic Emlsion Nuclei a) The oross section for the emission of particles with Z > 2 was determined at (2,8 + 1,4) ab., d) The cross section for the emis;ion of Li' and Be8 ms deter- mined at (0-8 t 0-4) mb arid (1-3 !: 0.6) mb respectively. There are 4 figures, I table, and 16 references, one of which in Slavic. ASSOCIATIM United Nuclear Research Institute (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh inaledovwdy) SUBM June 8, 1957 Card 212 21M SOV/56-37-2-13/56 AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, Ye. L. Mitin, N. A. TITLEt The Polarization of the Recoil Nuclei in ElasticIr'+_P Scattc-r- ing at an Energy of 307 Key PERIODICALi Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, JNr 20), PP 413-421 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present very detailed paper dealu with polarization measure- ments on recoil nuclei and with problems of the SPD-phase analysis. The experimental arrangement iz shown schematically by figure 2, the method, according to which theW -beam was ob- tained, has already been described several times. The pion beam - 307t5 Rev) impinged after emerging from the collimator (E Ir+ (diameter 5 cm) upon the target of liquid hydrogen, which wae located in a special metal vessel. The neutron-sensitive photo- emulsions of the type NIKFI-R (layer thickness 400 ) were ar- ranged at an angle of 200 with respect to the pion emn. Selec- ~ tion of the protons to be investigated was carried out from the following points of vi8 w: deviation of the proton tracks from Card 1/3 the direction (20 ) should not be greater than �4%, which + SOY/56-37-2-13/56 The Polarization of the Recoil Nuclei in Elastic roC -p Scattering at an Energy of 307 Idev corresponds to scattering through an angle of 140t60 it, the c.m.s. The angle of inclination of the trScks with respect to the emulsion plane ought not to exceed 12 . Grain density in .the tracks followed should correspond to that in 160 Mev proton tracks. Measuring results are given by tables. In the plates to the right and to the left of the pion beam axis 545 cases of an elastic scattering of recoil protons on emulsion nuclei were found within the interval 4, - 3.5 - 270 (azimuthal angle p 00