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Riddles for which there are no hypotheses. lUn.tekh. 6 no.2172-74
(MIRA 15:2)
,, GRI= I UV, V. , inzb.
The earth in the mmle tenaclea. IUn.takh. 6 no.12:37-39 D 161.
(MIRJ% 14:12)
CRIGOR #YqVA,.,-,L4nd. tekhn. nauk-I KOLACII, T.A., dots.;
SOKOLOVSKIY, V.S.,, anclutent; TEMBI, R.14., inzb.;
LEBEDEV., P.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., rcd.;
ANTIKAY11, P.A,,, red.; BORUIIOV, N.I.,, tekhn. red.
(Concise tapnual on heat exclangerslKratkii opravochnik ,,o
toploobmenrWm apparatam. By V.S.Grigorlev i dr. Pod red.
P.D.Lebedeva. Moskva, Gosonorgoizdat, 1962. 255 P.
WIRA 15:9)
(Ileat exchangers)
BALAYKA, B.[Balajka Bohumil)- SIKORA, K.[Sykora, Karel]; GUIDE141EX,
G.M. , inzh. [t"ranslatorl;. -GRIGOR IYEV', V-A.,, kand. tekhn. nauk,
red.; YEVSTAFIYEVA, N., rid'.-IM-va; ELIMID, V.D.0 tekhn. red.
[Heat transfer processes in hoat exchangers of the chemical
induntrylProtsessy teploobmena v apparatakh khimicheskoi pro-
v7shlormosti. Pod red. V.A.Grigorleva. Moskva, Mashgiz. 1962.
350 P. (KIRA 16il)
(Heat-Transmission) (Heat exchanger&)
DOLININO N.P.; LUKOMSKIY, S.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
Gfq_WRI-YEV,__Y.~.0 Ju". tekhn. nauk., red.; TAIROVA, A.L.,
red.izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhn. red.
(Units for heating chemical apparatus by means of high-
temperature organic media] Ustanovki dlia nagreva khimicheskoi
apparatury vysokotaWtraturnymi organichaskimi teplonositeliami.
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 290 p. (MIRA 16:4)
(Heat engineering) (Chemical apparatus) (Biphenyl)
Device for the control of warping of crankshaft press slides.
Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 3 no.6:47-1+8 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6)
Power presses)
Automatlc control)
Safety appliances for presses. Mashinostroitell no.8:30 Ag
162. (MIRA 150)
(Power pr*ases--Safety appliances)
Modernisation of )Wdraulic presses used in manufacturing parts
of powder materials. Mashinostroitell no.4tl3-14 Ap 163.
(MFLA 16: 5)
(Hydraulic presses)
A -
Coprecipitaion In the sy3tem, Zn4- - Gol"~-
studied by means of radiometrlc titratlon, Dokj. 'A -SqR
155 no. 4:853-856 Ap 16-~.. (MIRA 17:5)
1. InsLitut neorganicheskoy khimli Sibli-skogo ottieleniya PN
SSSH. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for NikolaycO,
Coprecipitation of thallium (I) with the tetrathiocyanomercuroataB
of zinc, cobalt, and cadmium. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no.6:1368-1370
Ap 164. (MIRA 17W
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Nikolayev).
Mechanized gauging of cermot bushings. PAshinostrottell
no. 5:7-8 Yq 164. (KIRA l?s7)
NIY-')LAYEVO Aevol clkmo~~ #m- VeAo
Tetrathlocyanowrouroata of nonavalent thallluu. Zhur.
neorg., khlm. 10 no.U281-283 is 065. (MM latu)
IL. Subdtted Jm. 3v 1964.
DI-Ilter-aination of the surface area of tetrathiocyanomercur-ates
by the isotope exchange method. Radiakiii.mlia 7 no.2:252-253
165. (MIPJ~ 18:6)
~~ ~ ~.~ - I- J , .
- -4 -~ ~:-- , I I 1. .11 l',-- I
AUTHOR: Kolach, T.A., Candidate of Technical 'Jciencez;;
Grigorlyevy V.A., Engineer
TITLE: Study of the Viscosity of Electrolytic Alkalis
(Issledovaniye elektroliticheskikh shchelokov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika,
1,0158, Nr J, pp 65-67 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper contains the results of experimental tests
on the viscosity of electrolytic alkalis. The test
equipment'is first described. A comparative method is
employed using a Pinkevich glass viscusimeter for
measuring viscosity. The e(,uf*pment consists of a ve:-t-
ical electric furnace, in which a metal pot-thermostat
filled with turbine oil is placed. The vitcosimeter is
placed vertically in the pot, in ti.e walls oi which
heat proof glass windows are let in to observe as the
fluid flows out into the capillaries of' the viscosi-
meter. The temperature of the solution wa3 measurcd
Card 1/3 with a copper-constantan thermoelement. To record the
Study of the Viscosity of Electrolytic Alkalis
temperature field in the thermostat fiuid a three-junc-
tion copper constantan differential thcrmoelemcnt was
used, The temperaiure field was also measuree- in a
radial dir-ection using a comb of 4 thermoelemcnts.
The temperature difference between the lower ~.nd of the
capillary and the measuring ball did not exceca 0.1_.':~Oc.
Thu viscosity of the solution was acterminca by the
formula: Vt . ct-e - 0.56 Q-r ccm
8 L -t
where Vt is the kinematic viscosity of the solution,
ct = the viscosimeter constant at the test temperature
in ccm/sec, r = outlet time of the work volume (in secs)
of the fluid, L - capillary length in mm and Q-t - work
volume of the fluid which flows through the viscosimetcr
in the time -r . There is 1 graph and 3 Soviet refer-
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut
(Moscow Power Engineering Institute)
Card 2/3
-Study of the Viscosity of Electrolytic Alkalis 50V/Ii~,~j-lu/la
SUBMITTED: May 12, L)58
Card ";1/3
5(4), 5(2) BOV/64-59-1-19/24
AUTHORS: Kolach, T. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, llrigorlyev,
V. A., Cindidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Exchange of Experience (Obmen opytom). Investigation of the
Jiscosity of Electrolytic Lyes (19sle4ovaniye vyazkosti
elektroliticheskikh shchelokov)
PERIODICAL: Khimichoskaya promyehlonnost'. 1959, lir 1; pp 65-87 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigations mentioned in the title were made with anlu-
tions the composition of which (Table) corresponded to that
of electrolytic lyes in evaporating plants. The viBcosity was
determined by the comparison method by use of glass viscosi-
meters according to Pinkevich. The viecosimeters were calibrat-
ed by the Inatitut mer i izmeritellnykh priborov (Institute
for Measures and Measuring Instruments). The measuring in--
atrument (Fig 1) was provided with an electric furnace, the
temperature of the test solution was measured with copper/Con-
stantan thermocouples. The temperature gradient was also
measured. The measurement of temperature was carried out
according to a compensation scheme (
� 0.06 ) by mean3 of a
potentiometer PPTV-1 and a reflecting galvanometer U-21 The
kinematic viscosity of the solutions was dstermined in the
Card 1/2 temperature range of between 20 0 and 10-15 below the boiling
Exchange of Experience. Investigation of the Viscosity of Electrolytic
point of the solution, and was represented graphicallyin
comparison with data (Ref 3) on the viscosity of mixtures
of aqueous HaOH and NaCl solutions (Fig 2). The evaluation
of the experimental results according to an equation (4) on
the temperature course of the viscosity curves is also in-
dicated (Fig 3). There are 3 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet
Card 2/2
PUTIWV, N.A.; GRIGORITV, V.A., rodaktor; ANHUMOV, S.N., takhni-
chesiriy ruglow- Mewo
(Physics course.] lure fisiki. Isd. 6-e, perer. KoskTa. Goo.
izd-vo takhniko-teoreticheskoy lit-ry. Vol.l.[Hscbanios,
Acoustics, Molecular physics, Thermodynamics.] Mekhanika.
Akustika. Molskuliarnats, fizika. Termodinamika. 1954. 708 P.
(nwsios) (KLU 8C
USSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries--- X-1
Processes and apparatus for chemical toohnologye
Abs Jours Rof Zhur-Xhimiya, No 3,, 1957,, 10599
Author t Baklastov, A. M. and Grigorlyev, Ve Ae
Inst I Not given
Title I Organosilicon Heat Transfer Media
Orig Pub: Prom, onergotika,, 1956,, No 6. 1-4
Abstraott The heat capacity and density of tatracrosylomysilans (I)
have bean determined experimentally, an have boon the
viscosity, thermal stability, thermal conductivity,
corrosion properties, and hygrosco~io properties of I
and of totraxylyloxymilano III). he thermal stability
tests were conducted at 314u for 663 hre.; no mrked
decomposition of the heat transfer fluids was observed
during those tests. The tests have shown that under
static oonditions I and II practically do not attack
carbon stools, copper, brass, and duralumin. The hydro-
lysis of I and II proceeds with the formation of an
Card 1/2
6SSR/Processes and Equipment for Chemical Industries- K-1
Processes and apparatus for chemical technology.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 10599
Abstract: oerthosilicie acid gal and the corresponding homolog of
phenol, ass e-9-, in the equation:
(CI13C6H40)4SI + H20 Si(OH)4 + 4CI13C6H40H
Card 2/2
0,-,. 1 - C, " i I
".,._V.A.) Catid Tech Sci 7~cperimktal rtud.-Y o" ce-Itnin
h!r,h-temqpc,r,-ture vilico-ort_~-nic he- t c,,rricrr~.Il (I'in of'
ill~-, Mluc-~tiall TJSSI,. lon Onlor Of
YNTS, A.G., doteent (Taroolavlt, u1. Stachek, d-51, kv.8); GRIGORITEV, V.A.
Torsion of the gall bladder. Vent.khir. 79 no.8:122-123 Ag 157.
(MIRA 10:10)
1. Is kliniki obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.G.Rukosuyev)
Yaroslavskago seditainskago inatituta.
torsion, clin. aspects & management)
Duodenal and upper jejunal phlegmon. Ehirurglia 34 no.9:99-100
S 158a (NM 12:4)
1. Is kafedr7 obahchey khirmrgii (sav. - dots. G-1. Dudkovich) Ta-
roolavokogo meditsinskogo Instituta.
TM, A.G., dote.; GRIGORITEV. V.A.
Blood Tessels injury in peacetime. Ortop.travm. I protez. 20 no.2:
60-61 F 159. (KRA 12:12)
1. Is kafedry obahchey khtrurgit (zav. - prof. S.G. RukonvyeT) Taroe-
laTskogo meditainskoeo instituta.
(BIDOD USSELS, wounds & Inj.
peacetime Inj. (Has))
AID P - 5205
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 4/13
Author Grigorlyev, V. A., Eng.
Title Analysis of certain phases In roll-spot welding
Periodical Svar. proizv., 7, 13-15, Jl 1956
Abstract The specific phases of contact resistance to heat
between electrodes and welded specimen Sere analyzed
and described. The experiments were conducted with the
D16T aluminum alloy and the lXhl8NqT stainless steel.
Two graphs, 1 photo-macrostructure, and 2 diagrams.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
"Mutation Rate in Immature Sex-Cells of D. Melanogaster, Its. Dependence on
X-Ray Dosage and Method of its Determination." Dok, Ali 23P No. 6, 1939. Lob. of
Genetics and Experimntol Zoology, Leningrad State Univ.
Analysis of hydrocarbon solutions of cobalt carbonyl In a flow.
Zav.lab.26 no.10!1094-1095 16o. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Vassoyuzny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inatitut neftekhimichaskikh
(Cobalt carbonyl)
. .~r~- ~.l
-, ~ A
Torsion of the spleen, Vast.khir. 85 no.32t130-131 B 160.
(KM 14t2)
lo Is kafedry obabobey khirurgii (sav, - dotoent G.A. bx&evicb)
Yaroolvaskogo maditainakogo inotitata. Adres avtoral Yaroolayllp
u1. Yom. Yaroslavokogol, d*67F kv*22)9
ETS, A.G., dotsent; GRIGORIYEV, V.A.
Penetratint; wound of the thorax with a bilateral wound of the
mediastinal pleura. Vest.khir. 89 no.7:310 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Iz kafedry obshchey kbirurgii. (zav. - dotsent G.A. Dudkevich)
Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Compounds with a complx ani~,n [He(scil)4 1' and th,~ir j:recipltates. Dokl.
AN SSSR 158 no.2:415-418 8 164. (MIRA 17:10)
'. Institut neorg~.mJcbesko, ~Ien!yn AN SSSR, 2.
.1 khimlli Sibirskop) otd
Chlen-korrespondant All SSSR (for Nikolayev).
ACCESSION NR: AP4040699 S/0135164/000/00610019/0021
AUTHORI Grigorlyev, V. A. (Engineer); Grishins, A. D. (Engineer)
TITLE: Spot welding of V92 aluminum alloy
SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 6(630)# 1964, 19-21
aluminum zinc magnesium alloy, V92 alloy, alloj~ spot
i'welding, alloy spot weld, weld property, AHg6H alloy, aluminum zinc
~ealloy,magnesium containing alloy
!ABSTRACT: The weldability of V92 high-strength, heat-resistant,
'aluminum-base alloy (3.9-4.6Z Mg, 2.9-3.6% Zn, 0.6-1.OZ Mn,
1'O.0001-0.005% Be) in spot welding has been studied. The beat results
in welding sheets 2-3 mm thick were obtained with a welding current
,.of 44 ka, a current pulse duration of 0.08 sac, an electrode pressure
-.of 1100 kg, heat treating with a current of 23 ka. for 0.14 sec, and a
..forging pressure of 2000 kg applied for 0.06 sec. The welds obtained
under these conditions had a shear strength of 810-920 kg per spot
and a peeling strength of 266-275 kX per spot. The failure occurred;
,mostly in base metal in the form of a tear along the spot weld peri-
,-meter. A welding current higher than 48 k& overheated the metal and
produced metal sputtering and voids in the welds. A smooth decrease
-of the heat-treating current prevents formation of cracks, improves
weld ductility, but increases the width of the zone of columnar
Idendrites. The welding current changes affect the weld strength more
strongly than the changes in the current pulse duration. The micro-
structure of the weld nugget consist* of large grains of a-solid solu-
ition, a second phase (an AL-Mg internetallic compound)located along
ithe axes of center-oriented columnar dendrites, and a strengthening
phase (an Al-Mg-Zn Laternetallic compound) phich, however, can be do-
tected only with the electron microscope. The microhardness of the
dendrite crystals, 90-100 HD,is somewhat highe'r than that of the
disoriented crystals of the central zone of the nugget. The base
petal and the heat-affected zone have a microhardness of 150 and
.140 HD. respectively. The V92 alloy can be welded to AMg6H alloy.
The strength of the single spot welds in this came, was about 15Z lower.
rig* art* bass 3 figures and I tablee
SUBMITTZDt 00 ATO FR9SSs 3047 9XCLt' 06
SUB CODE HN NO asp SOT$ 003 OTH19Rs 000
card 113
Improving the control of friction press operations. Kuz.-ahthm.
proizv. 7 no.2;45 F 065. (MIRA 18:4)
GRIC0711YT.11. V.A., kand. tekhn. vauk; ziauk;
F. V.
Control of therral conditims in rubber t.res. t.vt. L-rom. 31
no.2:1?-19 F 165. ("'Il'U 18: 3)
1. ",oskovakiy enorgeticheokly 1notitut i ~taiiciiyc)-is.920dovlellskiy
inotitut shinnoy promyshlennosti.
L 36241-66 EW1(m)/EWP(t)/ET1 IJP(c) JDIM
ACC NR: AP6005420 SOURCE CODE: UR/0289/65/000/003/0050/0056
AUTHOR: Nikolayev, A. V.;,Grigorlyev, V. A.
ORG: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, AN SSSR, Novosibirsk
(Instftut neorganicheskoy imil bibirskogo otdclenlyn AN
TITLE- Occlusion of cations of elements of groups 1, 11, nnd III of the D. 1. Mendeleyev
periodic table by precipitates with complex anions
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye oWelenlye. Izvcstlya. Serlya khtmiclieskikh nauk, no. 3,
1965, 50-56
TOPIC TAGS: chemical precipitation, cobalt compound, zinc compound, cadmium
compound, mercury compound
ABSTRACT: 'Me occlusion of various,cations blater-insol compounds of the
complex tetrathlocyanomercurato ton lig SCN )7 ('(i bosonjT n fermion /,i and k anti-
fermions)'?to the final state ljml> is consilared, the transition being
characterized by the matrix V(ij,nm,kl) ILI dol. This matrix is related
to the general transition matrix Vf_~,d by the relation
- (1). A method is de-
scribed in the Introduction for obtaining the system of equations con-
Card 1/3
Relation Between the Matrices of Various S/05 60/039/003/053/058/.XX
Transitions and Multiple Processes B006YB070
necting the various transition matrices V(~), by means of which the fol-
lowing system is obtained.(2);
1by H aPj)V(I -a+ap,j,.a+ap;n b+bq ~m- P+bq lk T+=,',-Y4cr)
(ij,nm,kl) 6.
Y ~abc)
p v q , r
The term ^H a,P,-r)
contains the production and absorption
respectively, of the bosons, fermlons,
of the interaction Hamiltonian
operators a,p,y and &,bsc,
and antifermions. Mass renormali-
(11.100,00) 10,0.]
zation is carried out with the conditions V
- 0, and
V (00,11,00) F~ 0.1 . 0. The results obtained are applied to the problem
of N charged scalar (poeudoscalar) bosons in a fermion-fermion collision.
The following 4seumptions are made for this purpose; Fermion-antirermion
pairs are produced neither in the final state zior in the intermediate
onel the nucleon collisions may be arbitrary; the energies are so high
Card 2/3