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GRIGORIYEVICH Vasiliy 1Lrnkhorqyjcb, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.;
*2~~- & "id-.-i~khn. nauk,, reteenzent; TOKARI, V.M.01
red.isd-vs; GARKUKKIKA, L.A., tekhn. red.
[Effect of the procedure for joining sheet-metal parts on
theIr strength and durability] VliianI9 tekhnologii vypol-
neniia soedinenil listbvykh detalsi na ikh prochnost' i vy-
noolivont'. Moskva, Oborongis, 1963. 207 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Machine shop practice)
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 13/31
AID P - 116o
Author Grigorlyevskiy, I. I., Foreman
Title Prevention against damage of reflector lamps
Periodical : Energetik, 11, 21-22, N 1954
Abstract : The author briefly describes the arrangement to prevent
damage to lamps in an installation for drying bakelite
insulation on generator sheet steel. One drawing.
inititution : None
Submitted : No date
-------------- --
Obeervations of the lunar Oclipse Of march 24, 1959. Astron.
tsir. no.201:6-7 Ap 1590 (MIRA 13:2)
1.0deaskaya astronomichookwa aboorwatorlya.
Obilpses. lanar-1959)
YAXUBTSIM, N.M., kandidat teknichaskikh nauk; GRIGORITICTM, G.Y.,
Xffectiveness of sinter cooling In a pot cooler. Metallnrg no.11:2-
4 N 156. (PIRA 10:1)
1. Starshiy nauchnyy sotrhudnik Loningradskogo politekhnichookego
institAtta( for Takubtainer) J. Nachallnik aglomeAtsionnogo toakha
Cherepovetakogo astallurgichaskogo zavoda (for Grigorlyes~*h)
AUTHORS: Levin, L.Ya., Yakubtziner, ii.M.,
TITLE: Use of Pyrite Cinders in the Production of HiC-h-basicity
Fluxed Sinter (Pria.enleiiiye piritnykh oC-ar,:ov v proizvodstve
oflyusovannogo a-loverata pov-sherroy osnovnisti)
6 J
PIERIODICAL: i4(tallurg, 1958, Nr G, pp 10 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: A saortabe of conceatrates at the Cherepovets' Vetall-
urgical Vlorks led to the use from the end of 1956 of pyrite
.cinder. 1,1ertioning this, the authors go on to deocribe the
development of sinterin6 methods enabling a hiCh proportion of
this material to be used in the production of sinter witi a
basicity range of 1 - 1.2. The sinter plant at the -works has
three 75 m machines and sinters a relatively high SiO 2 mix
(Table 1). The pyrite cinders available fror the Dorogomilovsk
and Shchellkovsk Works contain 0.3-0.40i'o Cu and 0-35-0.45% Zn,
the sulphur content of both varyinr- widely. Because of the
paucity of published data and lack of experience in the USSR,
on the sinterin- of pyr 'te cinders, experiments were first
carried out on ua 0.11 mh sinter box kFi,-ure 2) with the parti-
ci~ation of P.T. Krasavina, '::,ov-and A.G. Zel'tser.
A.S. Bulatni.
Cord /3
Use of Pyrite Cinders in the Production of HiGh-basicity Fluxed
Coke and limestone were 3-0 mm, cinders, concentrates and
flue-dust were screened through a 5 mm screen and returns
were 12-0 mm. The results shored (FiCure 3) that with a mix
containing 10-30% cinders accurate control of carbon (to 4.5
and 3.5-4.0% in the box and on the full scale, respectively),
was obtained. A further series of toots were made with mixesc
containing 33Y6 cinder showing sintor sulpl~ur increasing -1-1-ith
increasing CaO-content, but this effect could be minimiz3d by
raising the carbon content of the mix. Sinterin!~ speed
increased as the basicity was raised to 0.8 but was unaffected
by further increases. With increasing returns, from 25 to
35% sintering rate, permeabilit5 and sinter strength increac-d
and sulphur decreased tFigure 5 . Tests with 0-40% cindcrs in
the ore part of the mix showed that a satisfactory sinter was
obtained with 20-25% cinder without appreciable slowinZ of
sintering. Bed depths of 200, 225, 250 and 275 mm were
tested ~Figure 7) with 25%, cinders and a basicity of 1.2:
maximal sulphur was obtained witI7 the shallovest bed, the
best de-sulphurization beinG obtained with intermediate bed
Card2/3 depths. Sinter strength was hiEhest with a bed depth of
Ose of Pyrite Cinders in the Production of HicL.I.-basicity Fluxed
225 mm, while sintering speed decreased whan the depth
exceeded 250 mm. The authors' conclusion is that 250 Lin,
is the optimal bed depth. Results of full-scale experiments
kFigure 8) at the Cherepovets- Works on the zhole c-onfirr-ed
the box experiments. The main conditions for maximal. de-
sulphurization durin- sintering were found to be: bed-depth
240-250 lim instead of 275, carbon content of tLie mix 4.5 -
4.8 instead of 3.5-4% (with 20-25,~'b cinders); Cood -Permeability,
secured by 30-350/o returns and an artificial hearth 1,-qer.
The lower iron content of the sintpr with cindc~ s was found
to have no effect on the coke rate (?00 1CC/t pid or the
coefficient of utilisation of useful voluc~e (0.?3). There
are 8 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Cherepovetskiy inetallurgicheskiy zavod (Cherepovets
Metallurgical Works) and Lenin,7radskiy politelchnicheskiy
institut (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute)
Card 3/3 1. Sintering furnaces - Equlpment, 2. Pyrites - Applications
3. Sintering rurnaces - Operation
AUTHORS: Yakubtslner, N. M., Nevmerzhit3kLy, Ye. V.,
Gr1gor'yev'jkh, G. F.
TITLE: The Practice of Producing Sinter of ."nereased Basicity
When Sintering Fine Beneficiated Ove
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 3, pp 19A-203 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a description of a successful production of
increased basicity sinter at the Cherepovets Metallurgical
Plant(Cherepovetskiy metallurgicheskly zavod), The
described sintering plant is equipped with, 5 sllrl-
tering machinea w~ilch were r)ul; Into pp(-,ratior i!-, J-ine
1955 and April and December 1')56, respectt-vely 'see
Fig. 1). In the first few months the plant prod'iced
nonfluxed sinter, or *'Lnter with the degree of basicity
(CaO : 910,:,) not higher than 0.5; but sInce the end of
1c)55 the plant, has been produelng, --l-riter of 11.15-1.2-10
basir,-Ity. Woriking on such sinter, plant's blast
Card 1/6 furnaces had better results (regav,-ilw coke
The Practice of Producing Sinter of
Increased Basicity Wlr~en Sintering Fine SO,//
Beneficlated Ore
than other furnaces in tqe USSR. Described are-
characteristics of raw materials and t~~etr prepara-
tion for sintering; Olenogorsk (not Iderti'lled)
beneficiated ore; pyrIte c1rdero; 111"lesione; co'ka fInes
and ot~ler admixtures, as well as ~'re work of slnterlng
plant and the quality of sinter; oreratlon of tlie
equipment and technical -economi cal. charail,ter'-stics
of the sintering plant work. The cos* of stnter,
considerably lowered since !956.. '!25-12'f r~,,bles/-.on)
apd processing (abo*jt 15 iubles/ton) is still, ex-
pensive corrpared wit~i Southern plarts (48-55 rubles/tor!
for sintering; 5-10 rubles for oroceoslng. Tl~is is
explained by: (a) !,Agher cost of Olenogorsk bene-
ficiated ore (10'( rubles/ton as agains,,- tlr,lat of
Krivoy Rog benericlated ore ~30 rubles/-,or); b)
high power cost due to -an "I ln 1-shed constructfo- of t,'-.e
plant and overequipment of sintering plant. wlt~,
electrical machl-ery: (c) expe-,sive re-zairs of rew
equipment type cooier~-, of st-te-, co-,vey'_,7i~ of
Card 2/6 sinter into blast furnace s~.op, el-c.) a-A :D_~rci-~ase
I-11fli, to Idle
them from
I-on caot
(4) In
I Ileap
nie j`,ove
m 1 1
C; o
Pol "
! r
LAW;Ii~ I,'
Card 5/6 F Ig I (C"'Ptioll on Car(l 6/6)
The PPI(Atce of' PvoducLtig Sintlev of
Increased Baolcity Whetl Sintering P
-, Flne
Beneficiated Oi,e
Fig . I . Schematle diagram of' e(jutpininit at the
Chevepovets altitevint-, pl,,mt . ( a arouti(i type, voofed
stovehouse of beneficlated ore; W coke crushing
buildIng; (c) conveyors IlItO ChArge building; (d)
limestone cl'ushing, bullding; (C) collveyol's Into
tering bulldlllj~!,; (1') car dumper; (j-)) sintering,
but1ding; (h) thi-ee-ring type ;LuLer- (~,oolers
( t, he thii,d coolei, io equIppeil with c-oollng blo,.-.,er
battery cyclones); (1) (!onVeyOt,.,, trif'o prImavy InIxInf,
bulldli)L7,; conveyov", f*-mn coko
C ad
UTLOT. T.D.; SMM, A.B.; v rabote prinimalt uc6_s_ti_ye:_,__ - __
Open-hearth furnace operations with clasnifted sinter. Btall
20 no. 12:1063-1070 D 160. (MIRA 13:12)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chernoy
metallurgli i Cherepovetskiy metallyrgichookiy zavod.
(Blast furnaces) (Sintering)
L 1311-66 Y c JD
ACCESSION MR-. M561091 UR//0JSG8/651000/004/D032/'DO32
SOURCE: Ref. zh. FIxIka% Abe. 4D242
AUTHORt Ignat0yevat H. I.; Malik-Gaykazyan$ I. Ya.; Gr
.117, ~r -V .41, IV'
TITLEt Effect of lead impurity an the concentration of F-centers In alkali halide
phosphog crystals if, f Y,
CITED SOURCEs Sb. Spektrookopiya. M.1, Nauka, 1964, 176-178
TOPIC TAGS1 crystal phosphor, color center, alkali halide, sodium chloride,
potassium chlorldep potassium bromide
TRANSIATIONs. The authors study the effect of Pb-content on the number of F-centers
(n.) in HaCl-Pbt KC1-Pb and KBr-Pb crystal phosphors. The Pb-content (C~max) 'a de-'
termined which corresponds to the maximmi number of F-centers. The initial growth:,
in n as the activator concentration is increased is d,e to embedding of the in-
puri~r into the fundamental lattice.structure at conce trations less than C~max
which increases the concentration of V- and then F-centers. The reduction in F-
band absorption with a further incre"t In Pb-content is associated with that por-1
- V-i- . . I- - - I . . ,
. : ~ ;~i~ . ~ , , -. . -
. . , - '--" .- 1-;.~ "-, - . I
- . it ~ ~
BUsinesa accounting by ahifta in the railroad atationa. Zhel.
dor. transp. 45 no.1102.43 N 163. (MIRA,16z12)
1. Starshiy normirovshchik at. Belogorsk Zabaykallskoy dorogi.
R, 1, Grigadiut i
t=. Moil. NotiltS.ZR. V~rftll lVost.
Jan-,1457.pp.17441. l3rds. fulto,
Anti. AptAkatka t4 Ow yet-lalWat inellp.01
(to fobwll the W',hr quiakmo 14 it
cacrying *Ica am lim polcklog 11111(frP,
lift *w4m4td lux0ogemmus ond 1-.vallhe
Synthesis and proportion of di- and triphonyl alkenes. Report No.4s
Seledtive hydrogenation of di- add triphenyl alkanes ater PtO
Isv. AN MR.'Otd. khin. nauk no.2t294-301 F 161. (MIRA !~;2)
1, Inotitut orpnicbesko kbinii is*N.D.Z*Iinakogo AN SSSR.
(HydrogenationT (Platinum oxide)
Reactions of benzylideneaniline with aome unsaturated compounds.
Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11:2039-2041 N 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Reactions of d1hydropyran and 2-mothyldihydrofuran with some
Schiff bases. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.ltl79-181 Ja 164.
(MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.
Reactions of dihydroaylvan with Schiff busev. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.kh1m.
no.9:1693-1695 5 164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zellnskogo AN SSSR.
Now stable free radical 4--methyl-2-apirocyclohoxyl-3,4; 31,21-
tetrahydrofurano-l,,2,3,4-tetrahydr(qilnolJne-uxyl. Izv.AN SSSR.
Ser.khim. no.9t1725 S 164. (MIRA 17:10)
1. Institut khimicheakoy fiziki AN SESSR.
F :-, 0 i,r I 'S . I, t " IT -, 1 ( 10 S pV. I. ; KA FAKi 1A "C' V , F . A , : -!p
f 1. 1 1 1 " I '- . i
Reacti on" of ha 11 cf:fn-ccrtalr I ng Schiff Is bnns~s --t I th unsaturat-f;-d
ethers. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. kh1m. no.2065-Y17 165.
(.'4TFJt lg:;)
1. Tnstltut organicheskoy klilrdl Im. N.D. "le'llnokogo AN SSSR.
L-5-7597-65 EWT(M)/EPF(0)/EWP(J)--'-p
ACCESSION NR:. A?5017964 cWM2/65?&0/ON/11O2/l104
A1JT11OR- S E. G.; Povarov, L. S.; Grigos, V, 1.
--Ehapiro. A. B.; Roxantse
TITLE: Paramagnetic derivatives in the hydrogenated quinoline aeries
SOURCE: AS SSSR. Izvoottya.,Seriya khimicheakaya, no, 6. 1965, 1102-1104
TOPIC TAGS: cl-uinoline derivative, free radica electron spin resonance, ESR
ABSTRACT: The following stable radical from the hydrogenated quinolLne series
was obtained for the first time: 6-methozy-4-methyl-2-spirocyclohexyl-3.4; 31921-
tetraltydrofuran-l,,2i3,,4-tetrahydroquinolin-l-oxy1 (rV). It was synthesized by
catalytic otidation of the corresponding &mine (11):
L Y^-~
to CH
Mn, b
ff)R=if (fill a =14
Card 1/3 (111 Rocits fly) 4=0c"I
L 59597-65 . 1. . :
The hyperfine structure of the ESR spectrum of this radical consists of 6 lines,
Such a decrease in the number of lines upon replacement of hydrogen in the
par&-position by a methoxy group agrees with modern concepts of the interaction
of an unpaired electron with protons of the benzene ring. Radical (111) was re-
to the initial amine and to the corresponding hydroxylamine (V):
U-11 ib
0 (111) Oil M
The synthetic procedure employed is described. "in conclusion, the authors ex-
press their appreciation to A. A. Medzhidov for participating in the evaluation
of the spectroscopic part of this work." Grig, art, has; 2 figures and 2
ASSOCIATION: Institut khLioicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemilil
y khLmLi Lm.
cal Physicp, Academy-of-Eq e 6S6106 Institut organicheako 'He Do I
Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemiit~~r Academy of
if Sciences. SSS -------
Card 2/3
L 59597-0
NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000
. 1, A.
FOVAROV, L '%; (;Rfr*,',, , V.7.; v r % V . 'i I.,
. I ~ "... 4., 1 1 ~ , , .,.. , , -: 1 -, ,
Reactionz of aril.- with Vl.')Yllr.,t.,r2 "7-. A:,' ~ P..S' -- I.. ~h' r,.
no.10:1891--1893 165. 0a M 18: 10)
2. Tnqtl.ttit k0mli jm.. 1 If 1 ~ ~ ~ C- f- k) A: i S J~'P .
Reactions of Shiff bases with vinyl alkyl others. Izv.All SSSR.
Ser.khiz. no.IW163~-2172 165*
1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimii im.
Submitted July 7, 1965.
(MIRA 18:12)
N.D.7olinBkogo AN SM.
zv. v r. 1; 1 T;
:t,' Iff -Z"I Ji p-
Use of Noble's operation. Xhirurgiia 40 no.300-74 Mr 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Kafedra obahchey kh1rurgii (zav.- doktor med. nauk F.M.
Danovich) Petrozavodskogo universiteta i Kandalakahskaya
gorodskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vraoh L.P. Mutovina).
I.,?,!.(I,etruzavudok, ul. Lonina, 3',;,
Opin dislocutlori f f the till) Joint In a Oiild. f~,Ar-
no.6:93 Je 164. 1P: 5
1. Iz kbirurgic-heskogo otcieleniyu (za-.,. - N.B. 14-,ictira) 7.1.,elezno-
dorozlinoy bolinitay (ritichallnik - M.D. Vishnovokaya) A. Potro-
KODO, Khuan [Blasco Cobo, Juan); GRIGULEVICH, I.R., kand. ist.
nauk.; red.; BOIRTEVA, N.P-.x-rWr--, tokhm.
(Out friend Cuba] Drug nash Kuba. Pod nauchn. red.
I.R.Grigulevicha. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 47 p.
(Novoe v zhizni Inauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia
i geografiiaj n0.22) (MIRA 17:1)
`~il ~A i~'
r;.,11 i%'-; -I , 11 ,;-TV i, , 1 4 , i . :
"Indeytsy Latinzkoy fuwrik.1 i 1kh rol' v
bor 'be. "
report Gubmltted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropologic-al 'e Ethnological "Iciences,
Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64.
GONIONSHY, S.A.p otv. red.j GRIGULEVIC11p I.A., red.; YEFIMOV.,
A.V.p red.; GORII."Gvt RUDDIKO, V.T.j, red.
[Chile; its politics, econoqr, cultural Chili; politika,
okonomika, kulltura. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 353 p.
(MIRA 18:9)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut Latinskoy Ameriki.
a to,,;ory t USSR ',adio J'hy3ic.;. rjonorut,,lon and Convorsion of 1-4
Rad*o-l,'rwjuoxjr.-y 0sri]luL1'0.,l:,
Abs Jour Faf J,,IAr - Fizika No 3, 1957, "To 7272
A'I Ulo r ~,ri-ulovich, V.I.
,f i tle I No'n Motilod for F,oquency Multiplication and ',.uftrt.-. Gr7,,,;tul Stu-
hilization of S)i(')rt and 'JHT 77avos
Ori - Pub Eleltrosv,(azl, 1956, .4o 6, 14-18
Abstract De a c ri. ption of a froquency-multiplioution metho.rl, 'Imsed cn the
Ilan ni tho s"retrum o.' noriodically-diaconfIntma
linliko radin rmlsos o',itainod ~,- mndulatl,~11,
rizi,- diirLn, intomittont o:icillfttiori it; under cortain l.,or,_dtiors
~,eriodic fo r any ratio of 1'roquoricy :, and. -, -.-.rhor- - iz; the Golf -
excitation froquenc7 of the '-enqrator anf! - t:-,n 'ro-~ )f t-.
control volta,-e Ithat interrunts oariodically the
the r-ororator, If k..; t~ho umplitude if tho cori)onent k--is
indonendait of the number k o.P the hamonic (ti
.,o rax.1m,-n of the
ODectral function shifts relative to ). Illie
ij varied over a aido ran o by Uic rnturflnf; o." th- :on,~,ru--or ol,
froq~ionc-,, 0 A nidtiolication t-ircu;.,; L iesc-i'ood 4',,,r
Card 1/2 21
---------- ...............
1'nd*0 017 ics. ~'.eiieraLion aric! Coliv,~,rs:_':'. D
Radio Frequency Uscillations
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Fizika ::u 3, 1957, :j'o 7272
a short-wave multi-channel quartz-crystal Sir ar c
.li 1 ir-
cuits can be recomnendod for use all the -10cir
band. See aluo Referat Zhurnal Fizika, 19!~4, 1821.
TITLE: The Probiem of tj,nti0j!-,,,L Claractcr of 6toad' -
t1le plu(-
state ol3cilintions in an Elc~(,tronic N&Wtrou OaciUator
(K vo1)1'0SU 0 flyuktunt,,3ionno-. khar,'ktere Llqtnnovlp-
niya kolebnniy v elektronnoia I. avto,,,,~neratore)
PERIODICAL: izvo-stiya vysrh1kh uchehnykh radiotv_ 'kh-
nilm, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 1, 111) (,r-70 RTS'~R)
ABSTRACT: The author investigates the i~envraj eare of it sta-
tiptical oscillntion build-up jlror;(,~ls ill a self-
oscillator in the presence of ext(.~rnril oxcitatiol,
and trrin-lent switching prcci!s-os. The presence
of the latter reduces the oscillation build-up
ti.,ne in :t self -oscil lator nrid its disper-
sion which incre"es the threshold possibilities of pulsed
system from the point of view ~1' riini-
inuin puire ciuration nnd internal noi,,jn. The nitthor
shows that the reduction of build-up tA~ne
Card 1/3
The rroblem of tho Pitictlijitinnal Charact,pr of Stuady-State Gs-
cillations in an Electronic N0100tron0failUtor
0 )!,: # 7 1 n h- Ei (-h
and the magnitii(le of itfj djjj~! -10 not (,,j~pr_tll
on tho dynamic forces of a ryrIt-,m, blit, are deter-
mined by the excitation-to-Nli( t-trit ion ratjo
112 - S 2
and the regenerated circuit 'irns, conzt,-nt. The
statistical characteristics of the butil-up time
may be iined for determining the spectriims of
signals and noises, Further, they may be used for
calculating spectrum generators, superregenerators,
pulse-modulated radio liner, -and similar sy~-tems.
The autho, expresses his gratitiide to Doctor of
Card 2/3 Physico-Mathematical Sciences$ Profeopor M.D.
The Problem ol' the 111tictwitional Charactcr of "-Jteady-~itate Os-
cillations In an Electronic YALgaetron Oscillator
Khaskirdfor valuable advice, anl to Docent 1. Ye.
Sredniy for his remarks concerning this inventiga-
tion. There are I graph aud 11 ref'oroncQs, I of
which Is American and 10 Sovii_,t.
A60CIATIOU: Kat'edra tulwiHenipi Odesako(;(-)
instituta svycazi (Chair of To.1cvirion of the Of1ps-
Pa Electrical Ent..-ineering Inrl,~!,uto ol' Communicatiorn)
SUBMITTED: May 30, 1958
Card 3/3
9 (21)q 24 (7) -,OV/'] 42-2-4 -9/26
,ulevich, V.I.
TITLE- ihe'Fluctuation Character of the Opectrum of an Eiec-
tronic Self-Oscillator for Pulse Operation
PERIODICAL: Izveotiya vysshikl uchebnykh zavedemy- Radiotekhnika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, op 446-453 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author investigates the infitience of fluctuations
of the initial oscill-~tion tgenerating conditions in .1
rulse self-oscillator on its output spe,-trum, The time
characteristics of statistical proceoses for establi-
sbing amplitudes and phases of self-oscillators by
accounting the fluctuatior influent(- wer,~ investigated
Ref f).
by I.S, Gonorovskiy ZRef 27, V.I. Grigulevich /7 7
and others., A number of papers deal with the influence
of fluctuations on the gnectrLIM Of a oelf-cocillato.,
under steady-state operating conditions; I.S. Gonorov-
skiy LRef ~j I.L. Bernshteyn ZI-jef L,7~ Th- -vizthor used
data from his paper /Tef 1~7/ for thio -tjjfjy. jjC_ 4nves-
Card L/4 tigaTes the spectrum-of the statistical- reall.zation cf
The Fluctuation Character of the Spectrum of an Electronic Mwter-
Oscillator for Pulse Operation
a single Dulse; some results of preliminary calculati-
ons; the calculation of spectrum components of a radio
pulse random process; the spectrum of the envelope of
a radio pulse random process; and finally, a calcula-
tion of internal noises in a pulse oscillator. For
some pulse systems, a certain time characteristic of
the oulse envelope must be maintained. The conclusions
and ihe quantitative characteristics presented in this
paper are of interest for pulse frequency multipliers
of superregenerators and radio lines with pulse modu-
lations. According to the results of I.S. Gonorovskiy's
pap r jef 17, it is easily determined that A (U ) ~
10-9 + 10-7 fora master-oscillator in steady-state ope-
ration, and that h = 1o3 + 104, according to the fori-
)W (W ) = 1 a F
Card 2/4 h2 FU
The Fluctuation Character of the Spectrum of an Electronic Master-
Oscillator for Ptilse Operation
where -A F- pass bandwidth of the channel. The author
concludes that noises in the spectrum of a pu1sc master-
oscillator are determined principally by fluctuations
of the initial conditions of generating oscillations,
and chiefly by fluctuations of the initial phase.. in-
creasin5 the density of the continuous spec~trum by
2( P- ) times compared to the spectrui.,i of the envelope
WH 2(~%)2> 1
The author mentions in a note I.L. "ernshteyn's cri-
tique of the papers of Hamilton, Knipp, Kuper ~R-ef n7
and Pound ZR-ef 117 for their interpretation of the sTa-
tiatical character of processes in a self-oscillator. -
The publication of this paper was recommended by the
Department of Radio 'Nave Propa:~ation of the Odesskiy
Card 3/4 elektrotekhnicheskiy institut svyazi (Odessa Electri-
The Fluctuation Character of the Spectrum of an Electronictl"tor-
Oscillitor for Pulse Operation
cal Engineering Institute of Communications). There are
3 diagrams and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet
and 3 American.
SUBMITTED: JanuarY 59 1959
Card 4/4
GR1GULE-VI(~H, V. I - , Cand lech 6ci -- "Radi o-impul:;u multiplier
of f'requencies. (Generator of spectra)." Mloscow, 1960. 16 pp; (Minis-
ti-j of Higher and Secondary Specialiot Education KF2R, Mioscow Order
of Lenin Aviation Inst im Sergo Ordzhonikidze);160 copies; price [lot
given; bibliography at end of text (22 entries); (Kl,, 27-60, 152)
3 24-0
AUTHOR: Grigulevich, V.I.
TITLE: On the problem of the phase stabilization In pulse self-oscillators
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz', no. 8, 1962, 13 - 19
TEXV: The author shows the possibility of synchronizing pulse self-osell-
lators by the external~signal in the operating conditions A >-V'2-,y , (1)
e being the dispersion of noises and A the amplitude of ~ge oscillations of
the preceding pulse at the initial momen? of the self-excitation conditions. The
basic conditions of the synchronization of pulse self-oscillators by the external
signal are determined in the article. The obtained results*render much easier
the construction of frequency multipliers by the squitter method. In the first
part of the article, the author sets forth the method of radio-pulse frequency
multiplication. The steady-state amplitude (Ast) of the oscillations of the
self-oscillator is reduced to the value (A2) at which becomes possible the "trap-
ping" of the phase of the osaillati6na by the components of the external signal
that have'caused a transient process (an impact excitation with initial ampli-
Card 1/#
On the problem of the phase stabilization in ... A055/A101
tude Ay) in the self-oscillator circuit. Owing to the positive feedback, the
already stabilized oscillations increase then again up to the value Ast. The
process is repeated periodically at the frequency of the synchronizing signal
2-a . As a result, the output oscillation of the self-oscillator becomes
a strictly periodical sequence of radio pulses with a period equal to T (Fig. 1).
After a brief description of the propQrties of this frequency multiplicat on
method, the author determines the self-oscillator synchronization conditions,
A0, "?o and o0 being, respectively, the Initial amplitude and phase of the os-
cillation, and the natural frequency of the self-oscillator, theauthor writes:
A2 = Ast ,-A 2 (T-t2) P (2)
(where ~2 is the damped circuit decrement, independent of the number k of the
pulse), and
2 N) (3)
V. (see Fig. 2) is the variation of the phase of the oscillation in the
where I
pulse, and N is the multiplicity factor, also independent of k. The author de-.
Card 2/#
on the problem of the phase stabilization in .... A055/A1O1
duces next a se't of expressions for the oscillations in the k-th pulse. The
full synchronization of the self-oscillator takes place if there exists the limit
"m TO, k - TO (9)
k -It Ob
independent of k. This can be satisfied only if 1,q sin (12)
At the end of the article, the author discusses the assumptions made by him and
shows that the synchronization condition (12) holds in spite of these assump-
tions. There are 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: January 8, 1962
Figure 1: (1) Ast
Card 3/6
9, 3 2- f~ 0 A055/A101
AUTHOR: Grigulevich, V.I.
TITLE: Synchronization of self-pulsed oscillators In linear operating
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazt, no. 9, 1962, 26 - 32
TEXT; This work Is a continuotion of the"author's previous article ["K
voprosu stabilizatsii fazy v Impul'snykh avtogeneratorakh" (On the problem of
phase stabilization In self-pulsed oscillators), Elektrosvyaz', no. 8, 19621
where he dealt with the synchronization conditions of self-pulsed oscillators
In "self-oscillating" orhonlinear" operation. AnAlogous formulae are now de-
duced for oscillators in "linear" or "amplification" operating conditions. The
amplitude A2 of residual oscillations before the achievement of synchronization
depends here on the number k of the pulse: A2, k - AO, k-1 OL , (2)
where c~:~o 0 is a factor taking Into account the variation.of the oscillation
2 A
amplitudb In the pulse sequence period T i.e., oL- U (T), U (t) be-
Card 1/3
Synchronization of self-pulsed oscillators .... A055/A101
ing the envelope of the pulse. The synchronization conditions are determint'd
by the following conditions:
lim A0, k - Ao (6) 1101 IT 0' k 0
k - - k -* LO
The general synchronization condition, which does not depend on the relation-
ship between ~j 0 and .12 Is: L4 < I . (8)
For a given relationship between w0 and ~4 , synchronization takes place if
the following system of equations can be solved for AO and 'po:
sin r v - AO - sin
Y (9)
A 2 = A2 + A 2 CX12 + 2 AO A rf~ Cos 0 +
0 y 0 y
Synchronizatlon conditions (8) and (9) hold for any A > 0 (14)
They hold for any general assumption, with on6 restricLon: superposition of
excitation and residual oscillations should be possible In the range of Initial
Card 2/3
"ynchronIzation of self-pulsed oscillators .... A055/A101
amplitude values. Several formulae for checking the fulfillment of the syn-
chronization conditions in practical frequency multiplier circuits are repro-
duced In the second part of the article. The results obtained both In this ar-
ticle and in the previous one facilitate the deslgn.of pulsed frequency-multi-
pliers. Thanks are expressed to I.I. Shumlyanskiy and L.P. Kramarenko. There
are 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: January 8, 1962
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Grigulevich, V. I. so Lobodzinskiy, V. A.
TITLE: Some optimum relations In the limitation of AM oscillations
SOURCE: Elektroovyazl. no. 4, 1964, 19-26
TOPIC TAGS: frequency multiplication, AM, AM limitation, AM suppression.
radio pulse frequency multiplication
ABSTRACT: A method of evaluating the efficiency of AM suppression by limiters
is suggested. The suppression is mainly intended for obtaining monochromatic
oscillations from the spectrum of a radio-pulse frequency multiplier (V. 1.
Grigulevich, Elektroovyan'. 1956, no. 6). The system consists of a quartz
oscillator, a frequency multiplier, a preselector, a limiter, and a filter. the
preselector converts the pulsed oscillations of the frequency multiplier into AM
continuous oscillations. The nature and position of the extremurn points in the
Card I /Z
output wave differ from those at the limiter input: the modulation frequency is
doubled which was experimentally corroborated. The modulation factor at the
output is found to be equal to: a'--Lv4ne ; the efficiency of the amplitude limiter
is m whe re U" coo 0. The came of limiting unde r f requency -
12 UM
multiplication conditions in also considered. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and
37 formulas.
DATE ACQ: Z8Apr64 ENCL: 00
Spurious pha3e mcaulation In the limiting of k' os,~Ulatiors.
Elektrosviazl 18 no.8:73-76 Ag 164. "1 RA 17:F)
R4 t -~7,1
High frequency electromagnetic method for controlling the properties of
surface covers of details. In Russian. P. 29.
Mont.14 List of East %ropean Accessions. (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2,
Feb. 1960 Uncl.
"::r.!!.U I -cme, It of at) C. tier a.,* v a r; )I I Z. -.c):,
t !,u kni t ted fo r 1.ea?,*ij,,?Tnent. !~ i id d%, itf); m t ~ url. S i #-:4t Ii of- -I:L ,I rall
Intl. Ae,-,~,urument? ~onfei erice fi-vj~,nerll, El'uwar",
3oveahchanlye po korpIcksnoy Mekhanizatsli 1 AVtrM.1tIz2t3t! ttkh;-X-
lcglchesklkh protrez3ov v mashIn.)ntrojoall. 2d, Moacc7-, 1956
Avtc=tI-.&taIy.i =shInoatroItol4nykh pmt3c&30v. t. III% Obrabct~zz
rezariiyem I ot3hchlyc voprory avtoratizatni-I (Automation of Ra-
chino-BulldtrZ Processes. v. 3: Metal CuttlnZ and General Aut---
mation Problera) Moscow. lzd-vo AN SSZR. l9tSO. 296 p. (Ser-es:
Its: Trudy. t. 3) 4,700 copies printed.
Sponsoring A&ency, Akademlya nauk SSSR. Inot1tut mashinovederaya.
X-1881Y3 P0 tekmolee" xA1h'-no3troYen1Yft.
Reop. Zd.s V. 1. Vikushln. Academician; Ed. at PubllshlrZ House%
V. A. Kotov. Tech. Ed.: 1. P. Kut'aln.
PURPOSE. This collection of articles Is Intended for technical
personnel concerned with the autonation or 4the machine Industry.
CovxWE: This is VoItL%e III or the transax-.1ons of the Second
Conference an the Full Mochaniration and Automation of X&nufac-
turing ?recesses In the Machine Industry, held September 25-29.
1956. The transactions have been published in three volumes.
Volume I deals with the hot presavor-iting, or metals, and volume
11# with the actuation ar~ control of rmchincs. The present
val=e deals with the automation of metal machining and work-
hardening, and with Ceneral probl*as encountered In auto=a-
tIon. The transactions an the automation of mtel-mchining
process*$ Were published under the supervision of P. 3. Dan'-
ramok and A. M. Xaratygin, and those an the automation or work
hardening process*&, under the supervision or Z. A. 3atel- and
P1. 0. Talcobson. No personalities are mentioned. There are no
Eryaher, Yu. B. On the Operation of the Tool& In AutO=tlC
'Production Lines 32
Lyudjtlrs;cly V 0. Experience or the SXF-6 t5pecial Design
office go. 91 j. D..Ienlng and KastcrlfrZ Autonatic ?rOduc-
tion-Line Opemtlon* 43
Teeorov. B. V. Automation of Universal Metal-CuttlnZ Machines
for Mass Production 53
Neklyudav. 0. 1. Aut=AtIc Yachlftlne of Par-to Used In
Watchmiking 62
Automition or Machlne~Flulld!n,; Processes (Cont.) 30VA291
Yakobson. M. 0. Auto--jated of Gears and Spllrx4
Sharts bo
Koahkin, L. X. Auto~atjon or rUr--facturjnZ fmcesse3 1~xei
an K~tar7 Tran.fer Mathirms 82
Ryvktn, 0. M. Metal-Cattinz TGols for A~tc~-at,J Pr~A,Act-nn 9A
Darblaher, A. V. Aut~atlon or K%n~jCacturlna Frncai33v3 at
tyto I On List state T~earlrxr rl&rM III
301(olov. Yo. P. Experience In the Oporatic-M or !emiauto-
mails Hydraulic C4opjn4 J1.,%chIn-.
Vasll-yev. V. 3. Autt-,%tlc P41ancir'& Kaeft!"m
Kurltsym. A. D. Ne- Al-mn,ed f.~cessez for the Maze Fro-
duction or slidtnz
Ca r'd V 7
Auto~.xt!,.n of Machin!4~uIldInc; Ir.)-3-1C3 (Cont.) SOV/5291
Y'll-kin. V. r. Sec-irli,& Stab~ ',I*./ In X~tl' ~:, of Parts Durlr~;
Centerle3s GrIndInC 148
Zolotykh* B. It'. Present State of and Prospects for El".tr,4-
*park Machln:ng of Metals anI Fethoda for Its 4utcz-ritlon 156
Rozenbere, L. D., and D. P. Yaa~h!-.,cn. use or uitrasonicz
for MAcKInInz Hard and BrIttle ~*_tcrlxI3 164
Zheleznov, Ye. S. Automatton or the Process for Grinding
Bearing Rings 273
Dashchenko, A. 1. Inve3tlr_atlnZ the Process Parameters of
3zall Seclautomatle Unlt-Hcad Mactuna Tools 186
Chlrlkov, V. T. Controlling the Carburizing Proceza 203
Card 5/7
AutccuLtlon or Vachl ne -Building Processes (Cont.) 307/5291
X11col-akly, A. P. Units for Q:utnc"IrZ and Tempering by
Righ-prequency Resting In AutomatIc Pro4uctlon Lines 211
Larkin. 7, A. Automatic Un1t for the Shot PCCILInZ Of Lear
SprinS3 21T
Or-Cults Tu K. Automatine the Thickness Control or Sur-
Rjagonravov, A. A. I Academl c I&n)- Obj act Ives or Auto=tine
the Processes In Machtne bulldlne 229
DIkU3hIn. Y. 1. (Academician]. Problem or Autcatatlan to
Mchine Building 231
Kulebakin, Y. S. jAeade=jcIanj. On Methods Of IxPrQvlnc 246
Au-ooiatlc Systesui
Autoc-stion or Machtne-Build-InZ Processes (Cont.) SOV/,5--gi
Kllnenko, K. 1. Zconc,=Ic Erfectjve.~ezs or Automat4o-% and
kethod3 of DeteruintnZ It 272
Yemellyanov, A. D. BaSle PrInelples, of Deteral,%Ine the
&cO"--lc Effectiveness In the Autor4tien or Proddn:tlon Z-.
IO&AAeaYants, M. Y&. Invest~cnt per Unit of [Mte.41 Hor:e-
power In the Autombllo Irw1ustry 20-5
ATAILABU: Library of Conereas
AUTHOR: Grigulis, Yu.K.
TITLE: Automatic thickness control of surface films
PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 8. 1961, 17, abstract 8 V141 (Avtomatiz. mash-
injostroit. protsessov, v. 3, If., A14 SSSR, 1960, 222-
TEXT: The method of measuring the force required to tear
off a permanent magnet from the investigated surface is used to
determine the thickness of anti-corrosion films coating a ferromag-
netic backing. A rod with a magn. tip is placed inside a coil with
a,c. Under the effect of magnetic field produced by the coil, the
rod is torn off from the object surface. The magnitude of current
determines the thickness of coating. The sensitivity of the instru-
ment is controlled by the initial position of the coil i4th respect
to the rod. The wear of the rod tip is prevented by a rolled-in
Card 1/2
Automatic thickness control... D201/D304
steel pellet I mm dia. The effect of the thickness of the object
is eliminated by using an armco ion bench. The instrument vas de-
signed at the Laboratory of Sciences of Machines of the AS Latvian
SSR, the automatic version by the 030 (VCF) factory. The instru-
ment may be used for measuring the thickness of a cemented or anod-
ized coating, also for measuring nickel or chromium coating. 4
figures. 3 references. f-Abstracter's note: Complete translationj
Card 2/2
9/193/6 1/000/tO 1/1308/008
AUTHORS: GyAgulia, Yu.K., Fastritakly, V.S.
TITLE: The Universal Device in -3m (up-3m) for Checking the Thicknesses
of Coverings and Properties of Surface Layers
PERIODICAL: Byul. tekhn.-ekon. informi., 1961, No. i, pp. 42-44
TEXT: The Laboratoriya avtomatizataii proizvodstvennykh proteessov (Labo-
ratory for Automation of Production Processes) of the Institut mashinovdanlya AN
Latviyskoy SSR (Institute of Science of Machines at the Academy of Sciences of the
IALtviyakaya SSR) developed a high-frequency device UP-3M for measuring the thick-
nesses of arbitrary coverings on arbitrary base materials under the oondition that
their electrical conductivities or the magnetic permeabilities differ tyk at least
a few percent . The high sensitivity of the device permits also the measurement
of surface layer properties of components or their coatings over a very wide ranget
the electric conductivity, the mAgnetic permeability, the homogeneity degree of
the chemical c-z4npos&1on and the thermal treatment, the porosity, the surface fine-
ness, the presence and magnitude of surface cracks, the amplitudes and frequenoles
of the vibrations of mechanical components. The operation principle of the device
card 1/4
A005/AO01 -
The Universal Device M -,3 M (UP-3M) for Checking the Thicknesses of Coverings and
Properties of Surface Layers
is as followat a high-frequency electromWetic flux of an emitter induces in the
surface layer of the component eddy currents causing energy losses and an eleotro-
magnetic counter-flux; the magnitude of losses and electromagnetic aounter-flux
depends on the electromagnetic properties of the surface layer or on the distance
between the emitter and the component. The device consists of the following units:
supply with electronic stabilizer, h,f. generator, measuring device with emitter, L/
amplifier, and indicator. The supply unit Includes the transformer, two semic'~Vn_
duotor bridge rectifiers, the electronic stabilizer made up of valves and a stabi-
livolt; the filament voltage is stabilized by a tarreter. The generator has two
circuits with electron coupling (so called Schembel generator with series connec-
tion of the circuits) having high frequency stability within wide limits independ-
ent of the load variability. The measuring unit is a T-shaped overlapping bridge
whose responsive element is the special transducer in the form of a coil placed in
a specially shaped ferrite concentrator. The bridge is adjustable by a capacitan-
ce selector, a variable capacitor, resistance selector, and potentiometer. The
bridge input voltage Is 1.4-1.6 v independent of the bal&n~:1ng degree. The bridge
Card 2/4
The Universal Device 1Jq -3M (UP-3M) for Checking the Thicknesses of Coverings and
Properties of Surface Layers
output voltage is fed into the resonance amplifier Input through a resistance, a
potentiometer, and a aeparation capacitor. The resonance amplifier permits the
separation of the fundamental harmonic. The resistance serves fcr the wilening
of the pass band. The amplification factor of the amplifier Is 100. -The inlica-
tor unit consists of the detector and the d.c. amplifier with a microamm,~ter In
its anode circuit. The measurement can be carried out by both metho3s of unbalan-
ce and two parameters. In the former case, the device Is balanced and tuned with
the transducer on the stindard basis. For measuring different coverings on steel
and nonmagnetic metals or the thicknesses of different foils applied to a noncon-
ductive base, calibration graphs are added to the device; if the elect-rcmagnetic
properties of the base and covering materials differ sharply, it is convenient to
perform the measurement with the transducer removed from the component by a few
millimeters. The measuring method of two parameters Is based on U-.e pcssibility
of direct fixing of the changes of the active and induced transducer resistance, if
the transducer is contacted with specimens of different materials, with different
covering or different finish degree; for these measurements special diagrams rrist
be plotted. This method makes It possible to measure simultane,:,usly two parameters
Card 3/4
The Universal Device `11-3NUP-3M) for Checking the Thicknesses of Coverings ani
Properties of Surface Layers
of a covering or a surface layer, for instance, electric conductivity and magnetio
permeability, or the thickness of the covering or the surface layer and Its elec-
tric conductivity. The sensitivity of the device to variations of the environ-
mental temperature is a disadvantage which requires additional balancing at &r. en-
vironmcntal temperature exceeding 406C, whereby the sensitivity of the device does
not change. Moreover, when using manganese-zine ferrites f--r the trazisduaer con-
centrator, the transducer parameters become generally tetter, and the influence of
the environmental temperature considerably decr-~ases. The manufa't-.Ire of a 2~1
of 500 pieces of the devio5 UP-3M 13 Included Into the plar. 1961 acc:)rding tc
the resolutdon of the Nauchno-tekhnicheekiy komit~-'~ ~ -3,-inarXV":-z Latv1y5kcy 3SR
(Scientific-Technical Committee and Sovnarkhoz of the Latvtyskaya SSR), There is
1 photograph.
Card 4/4
GRIGULIS, Yu. (Grigulls, J.]; EHUBAYEVA, Z.
Effect of the properties of galvanic platings on the
measurement of their thickness by using high-frequency
eleutromagnetic Instruments. Izv. AN latv. SSR no.10:33-40
163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut avtomatiki I mekhanikI AN Latviyskoy SSR.
1, 602-25-65 !7~IT(I)/E',IT(m)/DiP(i)/T/L-,Y,'P(t)/r--i'[P(b)/,,~~iA(h) Pz-6/Peb IJP(c)
ACCESSION NR: ATS013580 UR/2584/64/000/017/0195/0214
'AUTHOR: GriguUn, Yu. K.
:TITLE: Studying the-laminatet and metallic structures by a h-f
electromagnetic field
SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Inatitut energetiki, Trudy, no. 17, 1964. Poluprovodnild:
i ikh primeneniye v elekt rote khalke, 3. Upravlyayemyye poluprovodnikovyye
vypryamitel'nyye elementy i 1kh primeneniye (Semiconductors and their use in I
electrical engineering, 3. Controlled semiconductor rectifying elements and their
use), 195-214
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor material, lam1nate structure
:7ABSTRACT: The theoretical principles for measuring geometrical and physical
parameters of zerrAconductor structures by observation of the peculiarities of
propagation of a h-f electromagnetic field are met forth. Special emphasis to
i-Card- 1/3
IL 60225-65
placed on the lay-on sensor transducers (primary elements) as they measure only
;a narrow local spot. The sensor's electromagnetic field distribution is calculated'.
assurning that no field diversion occurs in the penetration process, and the case
can be regarded as a planar problem. Also, the case of the wave propagation
normally to the surface. with an allowance for wave phenomena and attenuation, is~
examined. Formulas for the characteristic resistance of a laminate structure are'
developed. A simplified calculation is possible 'An these two particular cases: 1
(1) When quasi -stationary conditions prevail, and the field in the laminate
structure can be studied by stationary methods (dielectrics), (2) When the field
;penetrates normally to the surface of the material (metals, semiconductors).
Theoretical and experimental curves of the R and X components of the Pb.
characteristic impedance of steel and brass plated with Al, Ag, Sn, Cu. Zn,
Ni are comparedi the experimental values were measured by Soviet-made PPM-4
and UP-1 (axid improved PPM-6 and UP-3M) h-f sensors. It to recommended that'
e semiconductor structures be studied in a wide frequency bandi. at shf, the
I study can be based on the absorption of electromagnetic energy and the wave field
Lqcj~d Z/3
IL 60225-65
phenomena; at hf, on the phase relations of the penetrating field and the
components of the complex dielectric constant. Orig. art. has: 6 figures,
136 formulas, and I table.
!ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki, AN Latviyakoy SSR (Institute oZ Power Engineeringy
AN Latvian SSR)
i NO REF SOY! 009 OTHER: 002
Card 3/3
L 60227-65 EWT(l)/T/EV1A(h) Pz-6/peb IJP(c) AT
ACCESSION NR; AT5013581 UR/2584/64/000/017/0215/0227 4
AUTHOR: Grigulis, Yu. K.; Aboltyn'. E. E.
z TITLE: Measuri g t" re'srativity and surface-layer thickness in a0mic_0nductor
iqtrnrturam..hv an electromagnetic shf field
SOURCE: A "tSSR. Institut energetiki. Trudy, no. 17, 1964. Poluprovodniki
I ikh primeneniye v eloldratekhaike, 3. Upravlyayemyye poluprovodnikovyye
Vypryamitel'nyye elementy i ikh primeneniye (Semiconductors and their use in
electrical engineering, 3. Controlled semiconductor rectifying elements and their:
use), 215-227
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor material, semiconductor resistivity, semiconductor
!ABSTRACT: The results of a theoretical and experimental study of the physical
characteristics of semiconductor laminate structures are reported. The physical
phenomena of penetration of a shf field, from lay-on sources, into a semi-
conductor having dielectric but no magnetic lose are theoretically c6naidered. The
effect of tg A' and ourface-layer thickness In the R and X components of the
I L 60227-65
characteristic Impedance are calculated (curves shown); two particular cases are
analyzed: (1) The field undergoes a complete attenuation in the surface layer;
(2) The field penetrates the surface layer and dissipates in the base without
reflection. Formulas are derived for determining the characteristic -impedance
coefficients for structures containing semiconductor, metallic, and dielectric
layers. An experimental outfit comprised a waveguide with a plunger on one end :i
and the test specimen placed in touch with the other end. By measuring the
traveling-wave ratio &nod noting the plunger position at minimum indicator reading,
the specimen characteristics were determined. With a slot shf radiator, a
0. 5 x Z-mm surface specimea'accessible on one sicle only was successfuny tested
at 10 10 cps. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 19 formulas.
ASSOCIPLTIOlt Institut energetiki. AN LatviyBkoy SSR (;p~t~ite_of Power_Engt4qjr~ng,
AN Latvian M)
:NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 001
t U R / 0 3 7 1 6 6 5-0-0-T0 i5'f[66-3V10-0-1-1
AUTHOR: Griulll, Yu. L.-Grigulis, Jet Aboltin'sh, E. E.-Aboltins, E
ORG: Power Znalneering Institute, AN LatvSSR (Institut energetik
AN Laty SSR) 6
TITLEs Measurement of the electroj2hysical properties of a semiconduct
with a alit field source 7M at.
SOURCE: AN L&tSSR* IzYestlya. Serlys, fizicheakikh i tekhnicheskikh
nauk, no, 1, 1966, 34-41
TOPIC TAGS: semiconducting material, resonant cavity, resonatorg
electronic measurement
ABSTRACT: A contactless method was used to measure the thickness and
specific resistance of semiconducting materials by exposing then to a
uhf field acting through a alit in a resonator. By considering the
field parameters in the resonator for the case in which one of its walls
is made of semiconductor material, the general dependence of Q on the
specific resistance of the material o was founds The dependence of q
on P was then found for the case in which the semiconductor fills a alit
in one of the resonator walls. All computations were made for a single
resonator type with dimensions a - A a 2b a 20 an and the TEI., mode
Cwd 1/2
L 20621,-"
ACC NR. AP6010263
of oscillation at a frequency of 1010 cps. An analysis of the thooreti-
cal relationships and experimental results has indicated that the alit
should preferably -be located in the end vall of the resonator, perpen-
dicular to the current force lines (TE,, Vave). The sensitivity of
measurements vas found to depend on the ength of the slit and is in-
versely proportional to it. The vLdth of the alit has little effect on
sensitivitys A alit 8-15 am long and 0*5 as vide can be used in
measurements Vithout the necessity of signal amplification. The speci-
fic resistance of semiconductors in the range of 0.01-10 ohn-ca can be
measured by slit field sources vith an accuracy of 110%, Orige arts
hass 5 figures. . (in)
SUB CODEt 091 SUBM DATE: 23Apr6~/ ono Rips 0061 OTH RZ.Fs 002
ATD PRESSiq-2-21f
BELYUKAS, K.L[Beliukns, K.1, akademik, red.; GIUGYALIS, A.A.
[Grigelis, A.], kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; GUDELIS,
V.K.0 kRnd. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; KISNERYUS, Yu.L.
(Kienerius, J.], kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.;
KARATAYUTE-TALIMAA, V.N.[KarataJute-Talimas., V.], kand.
biol. nauk, red.
(Probloms of geology in Lithuania) Voprosy goologii Litvy.
Pod red. A.A.Grigialisa i V.N.Karataiute-Talima. Villnius,
1963. 623 P. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Lietuvos TSR MokBlu Akademija, Vi1nn, GeologiJos ir geog-
rafijos institutas, 2. AN Litovskoy SSR (for Belyukas).
GRIGYALI.;~4._ALA. A.J, kand. gool.-min. nauk, n'-. :-cd.;
VONSAVICHY0, V.P. Voneaviclun, V.I, rod., GUIiYAL:S,
V.K. [Gudelis V red.; DAIJNKEVICHYUS, I.A.
[Dalirikovicil "
,so red.; KAZAKOVA, V.A., red.;
KISNERYUS, Yu.L. (Kisnerius, J.1, red.; CIDEPULITE, V.A.
lcopulytef V.I. red.; A3SOVSKIY, A.N., glav. red.
(Study of the geology of the U.S.S.R.] GooloCicheskala
izuehennost' SSSR. Glav. red. A.D.Assovskii i dr. Villnius,
AN Litovskoi ;SR. Vol.43.[Lithuanian S.S.R.; tho period of
1800-1955) Litovskala SSR; period 1800-1955. No.l. [Published
works] Pechatnye raboty. 1962. 257 p. (1-111HA 17:S)
1. Institut geologii i geografli M Litovskoy &SR (for
GARUNKSHTENE, S.S.[Garunkstiene, S.1; QLI~~J,-A.A.[Grigelisj A.])
kande geo.-miners nauk; VONSAVICRYUS, V.P.(Vonsaviciusip V.b
red - GAYGALAS, A.I.[Galgalas, A.], red.; DALINKEEVICHYUS,
I.A:[Dalinkevicius, J.1, red.; JKAZAKOVA, V.A., red.;
KISNERYUS, Yu.L.[Kisnerius, J.1, red.; CHEPULITE, V.A.
[Cepulytep V.I.# red.
[Study of the geology of the U.S.S.R.] Geologichaskaia izu-
chennost' SSSR. Villnius, Mintis. V01-43. No.l. 1964. 244 p.
(MIAA 18: 10)
GRIGYALIS, A.I. [GrygoI15, A.]
Dynamics of Ilyodrilus hammonionsin Mich. nnl ?5a=oryctr~s barbatus
(Grube) (Oligochaeta) in variolia biotopos of Lake DlqnR. Vop. ekol.
5:42 162. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Inmtitut zonlagii i parazitoloi,ii, llillnylui.
PROKOPOVICH, Arkadiy Yefinovich: CRIUGRIYXV, I.G.. inzh., retsenzent:
KORWYO L.A., Inzhoq red,;
[Kachinery Industry in 1959-19651 Stankostroanis v 1959-1965 gg.
Noskvao Ooo.nouchno-tokhn.isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryg 1959.
152 p. (Govotakoe mehinostroanie v 1959-1965 gg.). (MIRA 13:3)
(Machinory Industry)
AUTHORS: Rubinshteyn, JI.M.; Grigorlyev, I.G.;Gellman, O.Ya.; Khut-
saidze, A.L.;Chikv~Trz_6_1_F-_G_-_
TITLE: On the Technique of Obtaining Monomineral Fractions for
Determining the Absolute Age of Rocks by the Argon Method
(K metodike polucheniya monominerallnykh fraktsiy dlya
opredeleniya absolutnogo vozrasta gornykh porod argonovym
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958,
Nr 6, PP 95-100 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The Argon method of determining the absolute age of rocks
is the moot convenient for wide scale use in geological
research. Not all potassium containing minerals can be
used for this purpose. The beat mineral is mica -~ and
especially muscovite, biotite and glauconite mica. For
the purposes of obtaining monomineral fractions of these
minerals in large quantities (necessary for mass age de-
termination), the author constructed 2 separators of which
descriptions are given.
There are 2 photoo, 2 figures, and 6 references, 4 of which
Card 1/2 are Soviet and 2 American.
,A. 1-56-6-8/113
On the Technique of Obtaining Monomineral Fractions for Determining the
Absolute Age of Rocks by the Argon Method
ASSOCIATIONt Geologicheskiy institut AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi (Geologic In-
stitute of the AS of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi)
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Geology 2. Rock-Determination
Cand C-,en Sci
Dissertation: "Electric Conductivity and Viscosity of the Systems Formed of
Lithium Chlorate with 'dater and of Lithium Nitrate with Water, Methyl Alcohol
and Water-Dioxone Mixture." 7/6/50
Inst of Genoral and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov, Acad Sci USSR
SO Vecheryaya Moskva
dum 71
LICE 11 01:41flAildiVilY 4nd Viiiwit',' of 01J.U W.
Morale WAU'r, M A.
S je-.
Ki-, It;d
I it'll II'0 A
U :1',' Ilk) 11101 WJ it I '~' I Ii, .,1 1, %%,1 1,
lit C A. 31.' .13'1&131~ lkvo~".I
wttirtl ta higlivir limard
lilt, I-iol' *1 ilk % 1.1 "Ay cw%ci lu'd
Ill-VA4 nt 1.)iut' to 11W m L'Inla on ll!e
0IM'S. C4140- d- VWN-(-~ U4 Wtil 4 , thV
olirvei of Colkil. alld t' ll;j,. ". ff, , ?),..I ).rrali
rwru3potlilink tuthecolki.o. I-Wlll~ :111-1) 1hrincr,"l-4-irl,
Ijbillig hills InON ~.ljd bv Ov. "f fill C j.)jjLj jiltli,~:jj_
Jag it- (lit' vW-1:-';j(y .11 Ifir P!,
AW), IsNa. So raw. M4.. A ad.. fad. OU"ll
awc. Mo., Aftol. NARk S.S.S.R. It. 30-10(1952).-
hit system was StUdW at UMO* comma. of 0-40.0 swol.%
rlw maxim on Use cood, mrm
shifted from t04 w4~% at 25' to 11.8 md.% at IODO;
Ike erphydric P*int Is at 11.0 M01.1ro. On XPM1. 11se
$amoe pffints an the 'I (Y cUfM 6 110(P rhd K4rttd,
The WhYdrate was nsarked on tbo promtr cmic slaw
by breaks or bencls. In eq. mans. the Awoiky dmvwws
mforrate uwkr dw Infintme at an eke. &M in a shell of IlsO.
The dimendoiss of this dwil dtp"W an the'coam cm.
A k4d. Me to A S~SJ.R. 21, 311-
this Investigation the CONK". of UNOS "its
0-24.80 Mal.% and the temps, 0. 23. and W. The cond.
Curves had Maxima that shifted toward higher cotsca. with
the rke In temp. Thut, at 0* Itte max. colncfdc4 with A
Mai.% and at 60* with 8.3 Mot.%. The viscosity curves
to" gently at first and then $m 1y. centrally, the
lWatterly cury" of UN(h fit IN711 rmmbkd climi
1111440us curves In 1110 txctp4 for the pulnetkal Values 3
the rM. pnints. At 24' the cond, mmem In 11,0 coincided
Ith 103 mol.% 1AX(h aa4 in McCill with 9.2 Mal.%.
!~ tabs. valued comd. at 23- .4 50' 1" 1110 was 8" 9
times the coilespundlog value In 1169tol
viscosity In UeOH was only 1.34-1415 L-.
sPonding value In HeO. Apparently, the laterwica of
compones ts In tht 2 systems Is quite different.
lithmin mitritle solulb"Ims its rquJitmiiicuirlt
w.iti,, nud illnin tr. %I A. 1.
(N. s. komok.", III, t. Orts. [III fit. I
1-,,e,t~ 1-il
Kh:m- Akad, V,,,,k
vi,.rE 51ty, $L, Ulic('r 1crim. tel"P..
I j ti-ml, t,( I : !ri :Lt. 14 LhWo were Amwil
Of 11,0 :11111 dinx.111111c ist 15 751 Tim,
WiNt. wr 4 2,17 X If)-, .3 1
14 1:
A, 2.1, 60, Ited 7.1,*, rci,p.
of t:rYstull rcNia vM1 0 ISO,
(--t. !! " . !
* h) suit?. fred Gj
g)-".t ot,.17
At It njol.,,; there ,,o -
rijr, c 1~:i- rv i it r. I Oid In the
Mahe ill,,',
'NA i tnt, I,,,
O'er Nrtm- Your prmws zt,j ill.
::tgl Itq 1:7cx -.It -5 S, ;"Ill 1
I I t1oll iNOI
mt 1, to 1.11 " 4.1",, t U') fr'
at 7.'j* ;tons 7 to 28 .,Pi '0
e file 1:1
"ltf I J`Q%e 'U"Ifumn trellis,
UNI), ht,,I is bviiJ at
poijit clubA,-I)v, vvljcr~ 1:,5rtr T11C riullij. ;j:jj/-
theryn (.#r 11.39 UNO,, w1vivIl Conflict. k tq'i'4 1),
within th-, Vyl, go1w, IIi.tI 1") burd% wid "^,c 1,11.,rply
:r belln.
with I.-Inp. The v~ud. -ts dt-*,.I. ii.% the Ly.~t Ahicli
crmculned pm-licilly P11 uf the LiNO,, Cocid. iivct1u-r:u4
hat ben(Im o-z t1vt bouiml.jr; of the la% er tpn. -conc. ' Tpwl
-1jtc:r:nI( the 'Ayet, %epis. time !h;., Lond. cruo zi.imiy x~s'
divi" up(jil tmcI,xm.:i firin i.. "'ar. vi~z"qhy u,!d 'L
curvei ImliAvert In An amJ,,)jo,t, ra.1,uncr. Fer cut.1
macm. r4 UNO, at in 11-0, Mt-M, an:1
t~7 L ~. tfai&
. rt -.ity -,44
k: cond. vlwf Li. tettir,
and of visirc-ily (0) arv: (.,r 8.91
Cn 'of cf)rPri
LINO, in HO x - 0.101.9 ri'wicm_ -1 - 1AX, contipoke,
m 1.433, Au..w ~ LIMP crt,' ./P rer
9.09 m I I NO, In ~I V. M_ If 2.017 d
LIMP, 0 I.7.4j,4LJa/A - 0 "Of,
in jIj()idIs:rXat;e X - i),)W, 'y - "VIU4, ati-b. -'. I'M
2.10-1. And alp - ()'al. alnutatively, the
coa& can be exp,ai ~IT k In the di
'st Ir-ILtatt; 4), the 3
. kin't a deurix
M. 4P / VO A001/A101
AUTHORSi Rubinshteyn, M.M., Grigor yev, 1.0., Uznadze, E.D., Gel'man, O.Ya.,
Lashkhi, B.A. -
TITIE: Spectrophotometrioal determination of alkali metals In ammonia-oxy-
gen flame
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurmal. Pizikaj, no. 7 1961, 175, abstract 70149
("Soobahch. AN OruzSSFe, 196o, V. L4. no. 6, 683 - 690)
TECT: The authors describe a flame-photometrical device designed for de-
termination of Na, K, Li and Rb in solutions ' The NH -02 flame was-used for spec-
trum excitation. The measurement of spectral line in?ensitiea was conducted
with a photoelectrical device which consisted of an 3M -2 (bM-2) monochromator,
a photocell, a d-c amplifier, and a microamperemeter. The nature of an effect
whiah.arose at the simultaneous determination of alkali elements was Invest1gat-
ad, and methods of taking it into account are proposed. In particular, tables
are calculated for correcting the results of joint determinations of Na and K.
[Abstracter's notet Complete translation) M. Britske
Card 1/1
GRIGORIYEV, I 'verigh; ZULIN, Vladiair Vasillyevich;
PETROPOLISKAYA,, red.; DURASOVA, V.M., takhn. red.
tElectrlcal conductivity an a awns for analyzing gaseous and
liquid systeas)ZIektroproyodnost' kak metod analiza pzovykh i
zhidk.ikh sistem. ftibyshey, Kulbyshevskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,
1961. 21 p. (MIRA 16:3)
(Electric conductivity) (Electrochemistry)
8/08 62/000/017/041/102
AUTHORi Grigorlyevq 1. G.
TITLEi Multichannel installatiln for the purposes of flame photometry
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya# no*. 17, 1962, 143, abstract
17E10 (Soobaboh. IN GruzSSR, v. 27,.no. 3, 1961, 299 - 305)
TEXTt The installation consists of a spectral apparatus with a scanning
device and an electronic section, which includes an oscilloscope, a system
selecting and distributing electric pulses along the corresponding
measuring channels, and the sources of euppl The optical section is
a.Peembled on the basis of the 116T-51 (ISP-51 spectrogrfth.rThe scanning of the
aIOectrum is effected by the oscillation of an'autocollimation mirror with
a frequency of 50 cPs- A photomultiplier is used as a radiation receiver.
After amplification and transformation the signal is directed on to an
oscilloscopet on the screen of which the spectrum investigated is observed.
For the exact measurement of the intenoity of each line, the pulses are
distributed along the corresponding channels. The apparatus described
permits the simultaneous measuring of five lines, besides, it is possible
to determine the quantities of Na, L, and K in solutions, starting from a
Card 1/2
Multichannel installation for the... B162/B101
concentration of I mg/l. LAbstraoter's notet Complete translation,]
Card 212
Photometric determination of potassium and sodium in amonia-
oxygen flame. Biul.Kom.po opr.abs.voor.gool.form. no 4:409-113
161, (MOA 15:1)
(Geological time)
(Potassium) (Sodl
Zav. lab, 28
systm fbr recording spectra In flaw photomietry.
no,9t2l39-n4 062. (MIRA 16c 6)
1. Cloologichookly institut AW Qmsinskoy SSR.
(Flow photmetry)
GPTC,',)i'YhVi I.G.
OpernOng experjenre with a multichannel spectrophotf-metric
apparatus for recordin-, radiations from alkaline elements in
flaMe. Soob. AN Gruz. S.SR 29 nu.1:17-23 Jl 162.
(,MTILA 18:5)
1. GeologJrhoskiy institut AN Gruzinokcry SSR, Tbiliql. Sut~-
mitted Februjiry 121, 1961.
Geochemical characteristics of tin and tin-tunFsten deposits in
Eastern Siberia, Trudy MGRI 37:90-101 161. (MIRA 15;1)
(Siberia, Eastern--Tin ores) (Siberia, Eastern--Tungsten ores)
1_2rIVr'Zev, Ivan Ivano-vich,, Boris Grigortyievich Diatroptov, and Nadezbda Ivanowna
Prepodavulye teoreticbeskay nekhaniki v tekhnikame (The Teaching of Theoretical
Mechanics in Tekhnikums) Moscavv Pkvftakhizdat,, 1960. 243 p. 4#000 cages
printed. -
Scientific Zd.: G.M. Mav"kiy; 5d.: XV. Kobrinskays; Tech. Rd.: Vj, Bwdkbnlek
PURPOSS: This book in rec,ommend0d as a training numal for teachers at aWlal
secondary technical schools by the Training and Yletbods Direction for Special
Secondary Xcotitutions of the Ministry of Special Tecknical, Collegaud
Secondary Zftcation in the VM.
COVERAW: The book discusses a nodwr of general problems in the teackIng of
mechanics and also special methods of Vvesentation (vm4er the conditione or a
tekhniktm~ of indivi&wl Uplce. The limited size of this manvAl does not
permit consideration of special metbods for all topics of the course; +Awzvfore,,
the topics selected were those most difficult to teach. The topics treated we
The Teaching of Theoretical Necbemics in Tekhnikums SM/4126
statics, which gives the students ability and skill in solving 1problem for
system in equillbriump including the foundations of graphical statics;
kinevotice.. which 4scusses various types of motion and examy3 a of their
application in engineering; dynamiesp in which only the met essential problem
are singled outj and elewnts of the theory of machanimm; and machines hich is
quite thoroughly covered. So personalities are mentioned. There are gc~references:
58 Soviet and 2 Gerson.
1. Aim., -prdblem,, end special features of teaching theoretical
mechanics with elawntary theory of mchodoms and machines
at tekhnikum 6
2, r1anning the teac" Drocess 12
Presentation of new notarial 17
Impressing the material an the towlen a' maxiory 27
Written tests an mechanics 30
Card 2/4
Vacuum treatment of steel for seamless-forged steam turbine
rotors. Motalloved. i term. obr. met. no. 604-36 Ja 164.
(MIRA 17%7)
1. Ura.3'skiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya imeni
Sergo Ordzoni)ddze.
Survival of leptospirm on various objects. Voon.-med.zhur. no.6:
73-76 is 051. (KIM 9:9)
Destructive affect of temperature and sunlight upon Imptospira.
Zhur.mikrobiol.apid.i immun. no.1:44 A 154. (MLRA 7:2)
1. Iz Voronezhakogo Instituta spidemiologii t mikrobiologit.
USSR/Human and Aniual Physiol.ogy. Action P)f PhysicnI Agents. T
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Bidl., No 8, 1958, 37013.
Author Grigoriev, I.I.
Inst 7-~_ ~~~
Title Susceptibility to Leptospirosis of Rats Subjected to
X-Ray Irradiation.
Orig Pub: Vrachebn. delo. 1957, No 3, 267-270.
Abstract: Rats, (224) were injected intraperitoneally with
5 rl of Leptospira (L) culture of the 2 (Zhukov)
or 5 (Knndratiev) serotype; 4 hours to 14 days after
a single general irradiation with 400-550 r, a lower-
ing of resistance to this infection, as compared with
control animals, was noted. The highest mortality
(34) was noted in rats irrndiated with 550 r and
infected with L of the 5 serotype, the low(~st mortality
Card - 1/2
Sensitivity of irradiated animals to pathogenic Leptoffp1r& (with
summary in Inglish], Ned.rad- 3 no.4:46-50 J1-Ag 158-
(MIRA 12: 3)
1. Is Toroneshekogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo i onkologicheskogo
instituta I Sochinskogo gosudaretvennogo institute, revmatisma.
(MOTMPIROSIS, experimental,
lumun. in x-irradiated white rate (Rus))
(ROMMIW RATS, effects,
on exper. leptoopirosis immun. in white rate (Rue))
Blimination of streptococcl in rheumtIc fever. Vrach.delo no.6085-
587 Je 159. (NMA 12:12)
1. Sochinekly nauchno-looledovatel'skiy Inatitut revmattzm.