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1111"o ~ '-;,;v, .1%; iij trl"'(W, n~ - ,is*- Jlc,e~,-vj~ -:,,, ~ r t , . T r .j ' , K--V I nn. I - 1 1! 11",l ( )-,. la - . 'L , : " 't ) (014f 1, 1;~ ". - ~ Int 'I) A a 1! tKazim, Tec!" o1c.;-IC .1 1n.;4 -0*: _,I deir-ree o~ Doctor of Tecl.nical Scl, bas,~,41 on his cerense, 1~ kr". Y" i,,,~ Coi.ncil_ "; of tl-e 'Mosrow Teat Of "A.-, Ussertntion rc e. t, _--Arntn." For U~e Acadc;dc Do,-ree et' of c - ,~;C - -1vii, - rtell, 1-dill-I , -:;tvfl '!yr,; I-,e;-o 0--v-v-%,, Gert I t I of] Comr;As, 1, ol" 0 Titles JY: ~~ -',1L2 SOV/1 24- 57-4 -4780 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4. p 130 (USSR) AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, A.M., Bulygin, V. Ya., Pleshchinskiy, B. 1. TITLE: A Photoelasticity Method for the Investigation of Slopes and Drains (K issledovaniyu otkosov 'L dren metodom fotouprugosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. khim.-teklinot. in-ta, 1955, Nr 19-20, pp 145-154 ABSTRACT: The paper adduces data on the influence of the geometrical parameters of slopes and the depths of drains on the character of the stress distri- bution therein. The investigations were made by the photoelastic method. The models for tl~e invesLigaticns were prej, red from photo- elastic materials of the IM-44 type. Embankment slopes of canals 1000 mm deep were model-tested with a variation in the angle of the slope from 300 to 900 in increments of 50. Relationships of the bearing capacity of the canal in terms of the change of its depth with a constant slope angle (0= 450 were obtained. Rectangular -section drains, having parameters that varied with height, were also investi- gated. The model of a circular widening 300 nini in diameter was simulated at the bottom of the drain. The load was applied in the Card 112 form of the distributed pressure of a caterpillar model at various SOV/124-57-4-4780 A Photoelasticity Method for the Investigation of Slopes and Drains distances from the edge of the drain. The above-mentioned investigations made t possible for the authors to recommend optimum parameters for canals and drains to avoid the danger of a collapse of their edges during excavation by machines equipped with caterpillar treads. Bibliography: 19 references. B. M. Zuyev Card 4/2 123-1-1886 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 1957, Nr 1, p. 272 (USSR) AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, A.M., Shitikov, B.V. TITLE: Operational Efficiency of Vertical High-speed Worm Conveyer (K voprosu o proizvoditellnosti vertikallnogo bystrokhodnogo shneka) PERIODICAL: Tr. Kazansk. khim-tekhnol. in-ta, 1955, Nr 19-20, pp. 155-165 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1/1 3-3-11/40 AUTHORx Grigorlyevp A.M., Dc Aor of Technical Sciences TITLIi A letter to the editor on the problem of instruction in "Machine Parts" PERIODICALs Vestnik Vysshey Shkolyp March 1957, # 3, P 51-53 (USSR) ABSTRLCT: With reference to Professor N.A.Spitsyn's article in this journal, # 6, 1956, the author expresses the opinion that the supply of instructional literature will considerably im- prove training in "Machine Parts". The higher technical schools have at present 2 training manuals - one written by Professor V.A.Dobrovollskiy and the other by an authors' collective under the editorship of Professor N.I.Iolchin. The author maintains that this is by far an insufficient number of manuals and that quite acceptable manuals could be prepared by the teaching personnel of the respective pro- fessorial chairs. He further claims that atlasses of Soviet and foreign machine tools, automate, textile machines, of agri- cultural machine building, power machine construction, trans- port and heavy machine construction eto. are not available Card 1/2 and states that the Ministry of Higher Education should A letter to the editor on the problem of 3-3-11/40 instruction in "Machine Parts" satisfy the schools' need for such aide, and to supplement the book market with writings of foreign authors on machine construction. ASSOCIATION: Kazan' Chemico-Teohnioal Inatitute(Kaxanakiy khimiko-tekhno- 6 logicheskiy institut) AVAILABIAs Library of Congress Card 2/2 GRIGOROYEV,, A-M-, inSh protective gcreen for vertical milling maohinem. Mont, J opeto. rabe v stroi. 24 no.19&21 162. (PIMA 15110) (Milling machinet~ GRIGORITEV, A.IIL,, inah. Improving working conditions at the Ch*barkull Fiep4ir and fthinery Plant* 'Mbnt"o i spoto, rab,' v stroi. 25 no,03:23-24 Ar 163. (MINA 16 %2) (Cbebarkul machinery industry-Hygionic aspecils) IL 65038-65 FwP (Ln)/FYF (c)/Ivp( wrmop (two-re (z)/FW'?(b) /ETC( ACCESSION NR: AP5020775 UR/0226/65/000/008/0082/0006 AUTHOR: Zozulya, V.' D. ; GrIgorl ey,-A,.A. 7-- TITLE: Choice of lubricating oils for goLhI19'firon sliding bearings SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 8,.1965, 82-86 TOPIC TAGS: lubrication, lubricating oil, graphite, Iron, roller bearing, friction coefficient, bearing steel/45 steel, ZhGr-20PF bearing ABSTRACT: Several typeawt industrial lubricating oil were tested in conjunction with graphite iron bearings'!'"In' addition to the friction coefficient, the specific pressure at which the oil film or the friction surfaces are destroyed, the wear of the rubbing pieces, the temperature in the friction zone, and the dependence on the type oil were also determined. The tests were made on an Mi-I-M friction' machinet the standard method, at a sliding rate of 0. 9 m/ see. The friction pair consisted of rollers made of normalized 45 steel and an iron graphite bearing of Type ZhGr-20PF, of ferritic-p'earlitic structure with free inclusion of graphite; Durin the tests, the temperature in the friction zone and the friction coefficients,! Card 112 L 65038-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5020775 were determined as a function of the specific pressures. The period of time be- tween loadings was determined by stabilization of the moment of friction and the temperature. The amount of lubricant fed to the friction zone was 15 drops per minute. It was observed that the bearing capacity of iron graphite bearings lubri-Ii cated with unpurified lubricants was from one and one-half to two times greater j, than with lubrication with purified distillates. This is explained by the presence in the unpurified products of oxygen containing products which, together with the graphite bearing, form a pasty lubricant which safely separates the friction sur- faces. Further increase of the specific pressures leads to a sharp increase in the friction coefficients and the temperature. Under these circumstances, the authors believe that the reason for the worsening of the antifriction properties must be sought in the loss of capacity of the lubricating layer rather than in the materials of construction. Orig. art. has: 5 figures ASSOCIATION: Institut problem mate rialove den tya AN,UkrSSR (Institute of Pro-'! blems of Materials Processingp'Alt VkrSM) 'SUBMITTED: 19Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: FP,,'13 j NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 000 gowder Metallurgy Card AUTUORS-Gri A M L. P., V. TITLE: Idecsarciaent of Pres~;urcs froii v. L to Tl,,eriaucou,ple G~Uuj~e ~).l ~--!O st. termopernyta mar-Ometruia) PERIUDIGA~-!~.- ki,;~ Dory 1 Tcu%imi'-~ Z.3 ).-ri i'r (US6R) ABSTRACT: A ~;~Lm-jlo, 11OL-WIVe 150()C is fittc,d vfire is .kept bj, a-r;~.u I 3~wvls tile theorc-bicz!1 cirrAlit, Lild FiL.,~ extrufau mnk~e in ',he C~JiUl-, UiUl-i CUrVuS, fOl' jUC1. wur :in., _,e 1U-- 'o ,,im HE. F4- in dry tir over Wit', rt~nj Uives Wie detc-iLed PrL:cti-c,,1 circulu, %-.-it'i 11 V,- 1, S L-ilues. Fib.4 sijo~',rs L.~I(j~ tjje.,~..surc~j ic zmd colcul3ted points for Lwr..,on lie,)ii heliUltl (L~) Lild Hydro~:en (5). Tc-c- i-;,' izul, ccd - -1 '- ,, c r e de rived Lis itlL; 31,101uc:lov~3'cy' ; c,-, I., ,, t i') 11. (R~' i. . ~') Lid ,"! very viell) with Ulle I ,:uvves. T,,o', olt- Ljv(~!; vvlues of tlie in VIC-' Card 112 !,'Le,:!sLu-ciaeuu of Pre.;zures from 0.1 ',;o HL, U::;ift;- ~. Tiien~ocou?le Gc.u...-e calcult,ted reloLive to ,Iir tor ;C.~~Le oillicr ,?Vr co,it~Ans If fiture3 knd I t, ulu. ~)iuc f, ro,"cr(.ncc-;, :- of wi-lich ,re ,30v--*(:,- SUBLITTED: Oepte.abcr 23, 1. Pre s sure-Me asw-ernen t2. gage-s-Desl9r, 3 Thermocouples-ApplIcations C t rd 2/2 GR1GOiYL-Vj A. M. "Methods and Equipment for the Measurement of Low Pressures" a paper read at the International Metallurgists' Conferencep Moscov 26-30 June 56 SO: CS-3,302,24o, 11 Jon 57. 1A &k 9 -4 "IS cr v3-.- & I eq. oc,.t .0 HSU J 0 R~ I a A A .4 a 03 --a. 00 -3 a I 0 go 114 ~ om.~ Ail I : SZ ~?:i 1 .1 "a bij c4 3M --t:- Il e 0 14 4 0 e- . sh K P, 't oil Ar- " H PHASE I BOOK E(PLOITATION SOV/6270 Samarin, A. M., ed., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR. Vakuumnayn motallurgiya (Vacuum Metallurgy). NoG00W, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 515 P- Errata allp Inserted. 3200 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: V. 1. Ptitsyna; Tech. Ed.: L. V. Dobuzhin- okaya. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for engineering personnel of metal- lurgical and machine-building plants, scientific research workers and teachers, and aspirants and students at schools of higher technical education. COVM7AG"-t Themoydnamio fundamentals of vacuum application In various motallurgloal prooessoo and problems of melting In vacuum Induction and are furnaces are disoussed. Procedures of casting large irBota and vacuum degassing of steel In ladles are described, along wlath designs of metallurgical vacuum equipment. Problem connected with tha use of mechanical and &team-ejeotor vacuum pumps, and with the C"-d 2/47 Vacuun~ Metallurgy SOV/6270 designing, caloulation, and operation of vacuum systems, are re- viewed In detail, along with vacuum-measuring techniques. No personalities are mentioned. Each article is accompanied by ref- erences, mostly Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 5 UlXakov, A. Yu. Thermodynamic Fundamentals of Vacuum kvvlf ov' 0n_ Yu A ppl taaWon rn the Processes of Making Steels and Alloys 7 1. General, laws 7 2. Reactions In reduction of metal oxides with carbon 29 .3. Deoxidation of steel 33 4. Degassing of metal 46 5. Distillation of alloy components in vacuum-melting processes 53 6. Interaction of molten metal and refractory lining 63 Card 2/7 Vacuum Metallurgy SOV/6270 3. Procedure for calculating the time for obtaining the given pressure In the system 419 Grigorlyev, A. M. Measuring of Vacuum 424 ~'Tftfoductlw-- 424 1. Classification 425 2. General remarks on techniques or measuring vacuum* Selection of the manometer type 44T Balitskly, A. V. Vacuum ftterIale and Accessories 451 1. Structural vacuum materials 451 2. Metals and alloys 451 Nonmetallic materials )~ 2 Vacuum accessories 467 Levin&, L. E. Gas Analysis 490 Levina, L. E. Airtightness Testing Techniques 498 AVAIIABLE: Idbrary of Congress SUBJ11&CT: Metals and Metallurgy Card 7/7 DV%w'1b jk 2 ;63 ARTOBOLEVSKrY, Sergey Ivanovich, prof. (deceased]; YUDIN, V.A., prof.j retsenzert) ZINOVITEV, Vyach., prof., retsenzent; -GRIGOROYEVt A. M.p retsanzent; KOZINTSOV, B.P.# red, W (Theory of mechanisms and machines] Teorlia makhanizmov masbin- Moskva, Vysshaia shkolap 1965. 367 p. (MIRA 18:9) ZOZIJLYA, V.D.,t GRIGOR,IYEV, A.M, Selection of lubrioants for Iron-graphlte sliding friction bearinga, Porosho met. 5 no.8x82-86 Ag 165. (MIRA 1819) 1, Institut problem saterialovedenlys. AN Ukr53R. ex inv.' aURPTA MMICA See 9/V01 13/5 SURGM-1 Y-V 59 ierence. It w 2895. SURVEY OF THE MEDICAL SERVICE DURING THE EVACUATION OF WAR CASUALTIES (Russian text) - Georgieve k it A. S. , Grijorew .A. N. . Golosov B. A. . Gavrilov 0. K. and Fvlano-v-V-. VM. -MED. Z11. 195?, 2 (50-66) An analysis of the results of the work (if the medical services In recent war* shows that the successful treatment of war wounds and diseases is largely de- pendent on the correct organization of medical aid at different stages of the eva- cuation of casualties. The medical services for dealing with casualties must be organized with strict regard to the character of the military operations and the number of casualties. For Instance. during the Great Patriotic War (World War 11) the demands on the medical services decreased during retreats and increased during offensives. New medical techniques and Improved means of transport (helicopters. ambulance planes. etc.) frequently allow postponement of primary surgical treatnwnt of the wounded. and their evacuation further to the rear. lu authors suggest that casualties requiring evacuation should be divided Into 3 groups: (a) those requiring emergency treatment; (b) those whose treatment can be post- poned. but whose evacuation must have priority; (c) those whose evacuation can &wait the clearance of more urgent cases. ----------- GRIGCR'YFiV. A.H., R'rnr-, gyardii general-mayor moditainakoy BlU2hb.V; GAVRIXkV, ' -0 oteent, polkovnik meditainakoy sluzhby; POLTAKOV, L.Ts.. dotsent. Mayor moditainskoV elnzhby; IASHKOV, X.V., podpolkovnik moditsinskoy sluxhby Cybernetics and problems of administration in medical service. Voon.-ised,zhuro noo6:76-80 Jo '59. (MIRA 12:9) (CTMRWICS In military sod. (Rue)) (ODICIU, NILITART AND FAVAL cybernetics In military mod. (HUB)) GRIGORITRY 'Anstolly Hikitich,ERRIHOR11"W, Anatolij KvkytoV:!hl (Stanislavokaya oblast').; DIBROVA, O.T.. kand. geogr. nOUt, otv. red.; NEUIMAPAo V. Te . 0red.: KIROTAKOT. Tu. Y.. red. kart.: VOIKOVA. K.K.. tekhn. red, [Stanislav Province; a geographical descri-)tiorj Stanislavalka oblast'; geografichnyi riarys. Vidnovidallr7i red. O.T.Dibrova. Kyiv.!Dersh. uchbovo-pedagog.~vyd-yo *Radtanalke shlrola," 1957. 109 o. (MIRA 11:10) (Stanislav Province-Geo0aphy) GRIGORIYEVP A.N.; MITROFANOVA, R.D.; MARTYNENKO, 1-1. Stretching vibrations of the metal-nitrogen bond 11'rom the data of the infrared spectra of nitrilotriacetaten. Zhur.nPorgAhim. 11 no.1013-215 Ja 066. (MIPA 19tl) 1. Kafedra neorganichaskoy khiml'4 Mookovskogo gosudaritvennngn universitsta imeni M.V.Lomonosova. Submitted March IF, 1'6". 0 I - - -~ I-r . II .% . - .. I Reserves for an Increased producti n Jn Ir4untry. Molkvn, 6osrljlnjzrlpt, 1943. "1 co', -, . (NvmJnoe nn il-whic Otechest-venoe VoIny) (--l-',Y)52) TS155.G85 7. .- o L(A 1114 t I tn,~! a it CA f: T, prod c tivi t"! IO.'~!t a f.-17- j"It" I, I ri f.1 11), 1, 1. f ~ t o f 70: i w i A c c ti I o z ;.n IN, GRIGORITIT A Technological programs and the organization of labor. Sots.trud no.l: 33-39 JA '56. (Technology)(rndustrial organization) (=A 9:7) GRIGORMN. A. lot the labor system measure up to present needs. Sots. trud no.4: 11-14 Ap 157. (NIU 10W 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy ekonomiki truda Moskovskogo gosudArstyen- nogo ekonoulcheskogo Instituta. (Industrial management) to' GRIGGRITZV, A. ------ ,- ~, To now successea in eociAllst I,bor organizntion. Sots.trud no.10:14-24 0 157. f (MIRA 10:11) (labor and lnboring claBseg) f PANASHCHENKO, I.P.,, dots.; CHUNTULOV, V.T., dots.; FOGFMINSKIY, A.P., prof.; SPATAR, N.G.,, dots.; LAUTA, S.P., dots.; USTINOVA, L.A.1 dots.; KRIVEN', P.V., prof.; FILIPPOV, V.I., dots.; GOLUBEV,V.A. kand. ekon. nauk; DZYUBKO, 1.S., dots.; GHIGOR~Y~V,,A'N dots ZATSEPILIN, V.G., dots.; TERESHCHENKO, V.F.,- LVY'BEHO,-WYa,p kand. ist. nark ; ORLIK, Ye.L., red.; KHOKHANOVSKAYA, T.I., tekhn. red. [Economic.history of foreign countries]Ekonamichaskaia istofiia zarubezhrqkh stran; kurs lektsii. Kiev Izd-vo Kievskogo univ. Pt 2,[From the 1870's to the present timelOt 70-kh godov XIX v. do nastoiashchego vremni. 1961. 3V p. (MI.Lk 15:11) 1. Prepodavateli kafedr politigheskoy ekonomii i istorii narodno- .go khozyaystya Klyevskogo instituts, narodnogo khozyaystva (for e!11 except Orlik, KhokhanovskAYa)- (Economic history) VASILIKOV9KIY, S.M., inzh.; GRIGORIYEV A N , Inzh. Power estimation of seeding units. Trakt. i sellkhozmn5h. no.707-39 n t65. (MIRA 180) 1. Povolzhakaya mashinoispytatelInnya stantsiya. A. Anall.2 'Wiltinou -j,.elo-nol doro"'I Po 0S.-rivriol ("eirtellnoiti. p statement of a rallrotio In Its main llnes of activitif s). 91. lzd, Derer. 11 ~cp. Moskva, Goa. tranaD. zhelernodor. Izd-vo, 1946. 352P. DLC: la2l'Al-Ga5 19461 GO: Soviet Trananatntion and Coquiunicntions, A Bltlit-,rspl~yr, Lllirrr-.- u C,~ni-ress Reference Dennxtment, Washirvton, 1952, Unclassified. GRIGORITEV, A.N. [Analysis of balances for basic railroad operations] Analiz balansa zhelesnoi dorogi po o9noynot delatellnosti. Izd. 3. perer. i dop. Moskva, Trans sh elgorts dat, 1950. 398 p. (MLHA 8:1) (Railroade-Accounts, bookkeeping, ate.) GRIGORILT. A. N. Collection of directives on economic principles of manaeoment In the railroad transport industry Moskva, Gos. transp. zhel-dor. Izd-vo, 1951. (Mic 35-3937) Collation of the oriCinal, an determined from the film: 831 p. Microfilm Slavic 457 AG 1. Railroau law - Russia. 1. Grigorlev, A.N. U. Fassia (1923- U-S-S-E-) Laws statutes etc. GRIGOFLITST- QlAmAi9i 414"Iffe-TIC"; CHRMSHEV. V.L. redaktor; KHITROV, A., tekhni -dWM cheskly re Tro [Accounting in various branches of the rallroa4l Khoziatstvann" raschet otdolentia zholeznoi dorogi. Moskra, Goe.tranaportnos zholesnodor. izd-vo, 1955. 129 p. (MTRA 8:4) (Rallroade-Accounts, bookkeeping, etc.) GRIGORIYEV, A.N. Now cost accounting features for locomotive sheds and trnck sections. Zhel.dorstransp. 37 no.10:42-44 0 155. (kLRA 9:1) (R&ilroada--Cost of operation) AIIALIZ KFOZYAY.,TV"N,';OY .o3n) 0~!ALY:1'1.", 01" t,O -G-IC 07' A L.,. Ztf --'LX)' 1 ZDAT, 1956. "'.5 n. TAI)L-",. ALFXROV. A.A.; ARTEMKIN. A.A.; ASHKICKA2I. Ye.A.: VINOORADOV, G.P.; GAIAYEV. A.U ; GRIGORIYXV. AN ; DITACHINKO. P.Ye.; ZALIT. N.N.; ZAXHAROV. P.M:; I.I.; WIN, I.P.; KWIX, P.I.; KWRTA- SHOT. A.T.; IAPSHIX. V.A.; MOLTARCHUK, V.S.; PMSOVSKIY. L.K.; POGODIN. A.M.; RUDOY, K.L.; SAVIN. K.D.; STMONOT. K.S.; SITKOVSKIT, I.P.; SITNIX, M.D.; TREREV, B.K.; TSWURAls. I.Ya.; TSUKANOV. P.P.; SHADIKYAM. V.S.; ADALUNG. N.M.. rateenzent; AFAHASlYXV, Te.V, rateen- sent; VIASOV, V.I.. retfienzent; VORMIYXV, I.Ta., retBeazent; VORO_ NOV, N.M., retmensent; GRITGHINKO, V.A., retsensent; ZHERIBIN. N.V.. retsenzent; IVLIYXV, I.V., rateenzent; KAPORTSEV. N.V., retsensent; KOCHUROV. P.N., reteenzent; KRIVORUCHKO. N.Z., retsenzent; KUCHKO. A.?., rateenzent: WBAUOV. V.V.. retearizent: MOROZOV, A.S., rateen- sent; ORLOV. S.P.. retsensent: PAVWSHKOV. M.D.. retsontent: POPOV. A.M., reteensent; PROKOYIYXT, P.F., reteenzent; RAKOV, V.A., retsen- sent; SINEGUBOY, V.L. retsenzent; TERSNIN, D.F., reteenzent; TMO- KrROV. I.G.. reteenzent; URBAN. I.V.. retser -tit; FIALKOVSKIT. 1.A., retsenzent; CHWTZHEV, B.F., retsenzent; SM14YAKIN, O.S., ratsensent, SHOPIMBAKOV. F.D.. rateenzent; GARNYK, V.A.. redaktor; IAINAGIN. N.A. redaktor; MORDYINKIN. N.A., redaktor; NAUMOV. A.N., redaktor; P0BX- DIJ. V.P., redaktor; RYAZANTSEV. B.S., radaktor; TVERSKOY, K.N.. ratlaktor; CHUlVATTr, M.S.. redaktor; ARSHIZIUV, I.H., redaktor; BABULTAN, V.B.. redaktor; BXRNGARD, K.A.. rednktor; VERSHINSKIT, S.V., railaktor; GAKBURG. YeJu.. redaktor; DURIBAS, A.T., redaktor; DCKBROVSKIT. K.L. redaktor, KORNMV, A.I.. radaktor-. MIKIMTEl. A.P.. redaktor (Coutinuad on next card) ALTBROV, A.A. ---- (continued) Card 2. MQSKVIN, G.N., redaktor; RUBIIISHTEYN, S.A., redaktor; TSYPIU, G.S., redaktor; CHXRIfYAVSKIY, V.Ta., redaktor; CHERMYSFIV. V.I.. redaktor-, CHWITSHIV. M.A., redaktor; SHOUR. L.A.. rodaktor: SHISHKIN. K.A.. redaktor [Railroad handbook] Spravochnaia knizhka zheleznodorozhniko. lid. 3-s. ispr. I dop. Pod obahchei red. V.A.Gernyka. Moslcva. Goo. transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 1103 p. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Mauchno-takhnichookoye obehchestvo zheloznodorozhnogo transportc (Railroads) f !ORIY.'&V, Aleknoy Ilikolilyevich- ASLAHAZOV, Govork Mikiielevich; KTJ'-"MIII. GHIL I ' --S~j(,Uy Pylviovich, Prjnf~vl ijc)itjetiye:POLYAKjj, B.S.. SARAWISMV, Yu.S.. red.: KHITROV, P.A., [Railroad tonk cars; design, operation, and mintennncel Zholezno- dorozhnye taisterny; ustroistvo. okepluatntaiia i remont. Moskva. Gou.trtmsp.zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 214 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Tank cnre) BABELYAN~ V.B.; VINNICHENKOt N.G,, kand. ekon. nauk; GVEDASb, G.N.; GRIGORIYEV,_-L.N.; DABILOVY N.K.1 IVANOVI A.P.; IVLIYLV, Ivan Vasillyevich; POTAPOV, I.A.; IRUB'1111N, M.G... kand.okon. nauk; TUYJIOVITSKAYA, L.K.j inzh.,- IYU411UK, D.P., inzh.; SHEMWI, A.Ya.; SHCHERIAKOV, V.D., inzli.; EVEITOV, G.S.; KRISIGALI, L.I., red.; MAKUNI, Ye.V., tekhn. red. [Financing in railway transportation; marmall Finansirovanie na zheloznodorozhnom transports; spravocWk. Pod obshchei red* I.V. Ivlieva. Moskva# Vasa. izdatel'sko-poligr. obffedinenie M-Ya putei soobahcheniia, 1962. 422 p. U-MU 15:4) (Railroads-Finance) FIL."YSIRIM? F.1,',.; BODROVA,L.I. IVinirali uchastiye: G.K.; GRIGORIYEV,__A~fl.; USIX-0, L.A., tekhn. red. (Analysis of the pr(xIuction and oconoric oport,tiono of a rail- road division; i:ethodolof-icul textbook] Analizz proizvodi3tvcnno- !+ozialstvormoi doiatellnooti otdolcniia dorogi; mtudiche- skoo poobic. Nosl-val Trans zholdori zdat, 11,61. 119 p. (FIVIA 15:10) 1. Russia (123- U.S.S.R.)Miniuterstvo Futcy soobshcheniya. TSontral'rVy nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy inotitut Vinistorstva t(r nn, Bobrova). 2. TsPEU (for U y soobchchoniya (for Floyshr F Nedopokin). Ja, 7 i,: GRIGORIYEV, Alekvandr Nikolayevich; KAUICHIN, Ivan Fodor-r.,,'--n; Feliks NolseyevIrh; KOIZUEOVA, M.".. r-d. (Analysis of the administrative operatiorm of the 11re enterprises of a railroad] Analtz khozialstvenntA del.Aell- nosti lineinykh predpriiatii zhelazno! dorogi. Movkvn, Transport, 1965. 294 P. 0, IRA 18:4,1 GRIGORIYEV., A.P.; NEKRASOV, I.Ya. Hydrothermal synthesis of minerals of the ludwigite-vonsenite serien. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.3:671-674 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut geologli Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo, otdelenlya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.S.Sobolevym. (Ludwigite) (Vonsenite) 0-0 as 0 a* o 6 a o- o- o- o- o -4F o -o-w- ~ soollullulf is it 4 it a a a is if i- 11 v u m a IS L, 2 P. a V 41 al 40 9 A -I- 1-.10 Aa f-.A--L-L-A k A L-L C.P.J 44 16 OC OR U,& . . A 4-f-l * ph.U W 'VCOF"~ It IlitAtl I w1o 1l j '-f f A , 00 J ; 00 00 a 00 .,Soo so !,,so Do 0, '00 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q q 0 a G 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 ,000000000*00000 too 1100000*0000 000000000,00-004wo 0000*000906600040 0 two 40 4 0 IF G a A I I, ft a I *of uct Bit U1111 a b L V s b s i It, m n cj 66~' 4k ~ 0404 Ofr 00- 0&- 0o- 00- ~sjpx qf Isciv I'll '-4 '$1 'P- Pd1pV9 44 110M"P" Of 111fS ..4.1. #pw tomemerm"s ip"I gnu pis: 1-bul 10,11WIPP) a" Me" !"1" 03 am 1111141 RWIAPA .1-1 -rrw -n)o 4".11010- 41 'y Fm AdASOM s, PP9 p or- spow" &MA111he r, 'in Y, a fv f 9r A 4 1 f 9 11 4 o16 1 1 It f I PI If 4 1 I Ile a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Of 00 00 go o0 00 00 go of 9 r T q 7 j 0 0 90 0 00 0: 00 0 a -00 00 -00 -00 0 Initsom W ~%WmMc wide ties odkismad pavidmiiiis -00 of products Cs. S. Petrov wW A. P. tkww'w. RM. wj.wl, Yeb. bullaftled prtrabmm is trmird 00 With iffy reffima"S cr l*-Wbumice of Sash "ortall. Ow Albah w4blimmem, fwMed am raid. wilb Sq. mcull Pf MoK o: too -00 to 00 600 00 zoo 00 x40 roe j 000 0 Big to :0 too ;:00 0 K) At It o d a 000000000000 o 0000 r~-O,,o;oooeqo~qoqoo*qoqoo ~ze 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0, 0 0 6 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,~ IlP aid -w It' 1~ I" IM ITY I Z 10, (A,, ;Uft go a . IL- f 6 S fit d.01 "~v 00 -00 00 t j go 1 4 1 - A, 1- . Wit." t 1. 14 Ow 11.,41 111A1111%, still 111 00 00 41,411 AIM if"11.4 "till I"'t 1"ll, 1~ .00 000 - -og 0 0 31 - 00 0o 00 'j c 00 boo 00 '00 06 .0 AO All ~woo v i woo "", i AR I t I CW 3 4 4 s ;;;0";** o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 006 go o 0 0 al 00 o o o 'D ~ ; 6 o 0 10 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0.:0: g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *9*0*00606410 off a a#& O-VFO 0 $41 di 4 to tallullm Is Is I Mi llis, MAIJI affoliv mil Ull Ads kv 0 0 a Al a 0 L L a 0 AA 0 Cc 0 R C. a Surface Civierstisom aud 60 SOON of im"Paic savissits 06 PbPGSk a" *Nfto plaVACS G S Primv -mi A V 1-. IQ it S S k . T..oki I4A11b . I n 1.~ 1,% so 8 *Bill - -111-11t AlUt 410a, the 1%111 11041MAll AIWI its. %wv*. no 1611.1 al., 11W 41-11th in who-st the Avrill A** 00 *gill sit, aki 4 a dye! I It.- qJ1116cr 4.4.w 111JI - 1 k .91 4 An S . .411. .4 It J.1 SIMI 11 !41 , k-,Mtj, A,IV. ),,A. towni o4 the pts%lor with a m4yrnitisk. i sow, oortm, .,4- 00 it.. .18,11vily "I the .)..b 1. -4 00 "i .10111#ljjt Allil spl)"I volorraln'll. In .0,1,1 j On utjr,~& J'A litimlin 14 tm It d. Phfill. "1.4 ..1.1 00 W IN 1. 0, rr 1.1 Is. Z Kim* Is 00 4111 so 0 -09 too too* 1,11111"Itself CIsillisise"00" a I, a - S k a too ISO V '11 st aw at at 2 As a 1 0 U l adWf agalff sex ual' Ito #44 so a...I 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 04 O f fee* 0 0 999909 111- o 0-0 4111-41 0 t00 0 00 0 00 110fees 0 0 000000000*0000099 00000#000000000000 : 0 FV 40F,"- p0*)lAjjOm gpop so, BJ14 as bit 0A 1a t. It L Is a- 1, 1, L toA 4 4 1 1 If i IA I I AA a a I$ U so 4 of - -0 0 :o of f: A C 0: -00 -00 o: Uldbift sittiod WW too atw hyd"Ords Off luffiffill .00 G. S I'vitow arol A. -J1191611 14r- 00 66 j1pjub 1* Not hl ;600 411 "olWW,-r .4.1 litill. I- own =to wc*t but orbroop url can Par sploolo, toy 1"llfroofirl"A the wkk hamor awl lasqurtfilld 011111 h% Into It and -11 110% 1 AA0 I 4AL The bull. can for, ars.lor'l with irmi'l I., &,W,1 0: 111111~tu"Cvimlmt. Nml f afloat o--n no .h , ,ot, no roe 00- Wily almoul 1 21,c' jInloan I~ .16soth 9*0 00 see 7see low* 6*0 pats 0 $L A J11lALtb4%KAL k11111,1701 C&AWFKAVIC" #Ali 0 Or AV mr) 4 6 old a 4 3 4 U 11 It A 0 a a 4 01 icon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0,00 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 fee 0 Loo -0 111, * * 0 0 0 0 a 06000000 006--- a .0 ' 7 Me '4MMrk r"ims G S Nfr-m and 00 -00 Cr J CAWW 144 W, S S' I Is. N'. A vitiso to-4- 140 111 mut 1 "S.4 f";t hl.4 1. Cwl,lt "-I with firtirf"J" 0 IS .0 Whrit usutti-insw 0 it, the mw . a s-4 twl.- o0 r"ults I hr rmitiora" --I Itmi porps, Wallflaf "taltrial 100 Shell t-litth. wakeel i"'hem are brat"I umltf lmrr~ufv. 0 00 00 0 00 too 00 00 ago, 4 ' to o L V 0 :0 f ago 001 See 0 0 too 00 !:00 00 boo 00 QtA"'j6w.t Wtvalvy ~!'wf Tic* 0 ' ll v a j 41 f! T T u V L3 I ilA es 0 o 7- stafanatian ty S, fne type. acids is CAIrkd Out SlWuftantously with Illenall. lesixors, awl jfA&~ r)L V) - Distro 4i4i 4~ j v V M!a and-t"Ins lhalffam. A. -USSR- 1957; - Castor 1 1 - " -0 oil U d and tilt! whole 4 . is Is( %ulf(inated with 5-104- ,v H;SO4 and tk process Is com. pleted as usual, The tulfonic acids thus obtalued ate m)tt- rn*copk- and react. with aldchydes to form *3tei--k,L z:. 4 JLU TH01t jIGLftjj7AVj L. V. ,O?ORXOVL, ', I FL;SENYC, A.I. 0 TITLE , An Anomalous D: '. ca ~ uf HYP '11.1 'r-UB. 5&6-f3/% (knomal&n-ty rr~-011 cipez.- '. -1 . e. 8 Jaa' PERIODICAL Viiirnal Elkoper',m. t Teorvt. F;-ik.' 1,957, Vol 32, Nr 6, P 1589 (US311) ABSTRACT An uncommon. dec)y of a hyperfragment was discovered in an emulsion chanbQr (emulsion HIM Type "P") which was irradiated by cosmic rays in the stratosphere. A star of the type 10 + Or emits a hyperfragment which, after passing through a course of 2930,u, disintegrates during flight into three charged par6ioles. These particles come to a standstill already in the emulsion chamber. A micro- photograph is attached and the data on the product* of decay are s4own in a table. The masses of the products of decay were determined by means of the method density - range (with respect to the pions). The charge and the remaining range of the hyperfragment in the emul%ion were determined from the density of the 6 electrons along the remaining rangej they amounted to2b and 600 + 100tu. respectively. An the mass of one of the produc7ed particles Is equal to 850 + 300 mass of CARD 1/3 electrons, it is naturally possible to pre'sume that here An Anomalous DocaY of ! Hypernucleus. 56_6_r-A/'rw6 a K-meson is concerned, As, on the other hand, the -harge of the hyperfragment determined with Creat accuracy, in equal to 2e, the K-meyon can be asouned to be ne6ativQ. (ilso the lack of decay products in the case of the K- meson terds to indloate a negative ohargv of the K-meson). The aoncomplzi,ittrity of the products of decay of the hyper- fragment tends to indicate the flying-off of at least one nPutronj Its ergrgy is datermined from the vector dia,;ram of the momenta. Thus It may be assumed that the hyper- fragment desays either according to the scheme (HO5 *_'. 1 ~ X_ t n + He3 2) H.1 2 + (103.! 5) Me7 or the scheme (He 6)+ - HI + K" + n 4 1194 + (110 + 6) UeV 1 2 'It'hen determining the energy the mass of the K-meson was assumed to be equal to 966,7 electron masses. If it is aasumed that the hyperfragment, as a result of the deoay of a certain bound hyperon disintegrates, the mass of this hyperon iv equal to 3000 electron masses. The estim&tica of the life of the hyperon gives the amount 5-410-11 se,~. The here discussed case in at preBent being CARD 2/3 studied more closely. An Anomalous Decay of t, Hypernucleus. 56-6-!3/*56 ASSOCIATION: Moscov Engineering-Physioal Institute. (Moskovskiy inshonerna-fizicheakiy institut.- Russian) PRESSMIED BY, - SUBMITTED: 26.3. 1957- AVAILABLIR: Library of Congress. CARD 3/3 TOPORKOVA. X.P..- YMSIOIKO, A.I.; GRicoRly3y, A.p. K -meson decay of hypernuelel. N~k.vop.1nxh.f1z. no.3:28-)l 158, (MIRA 12:5) (Nuclear reactions) (Mesons) 'ji filli It i HAI I SiAl is MA lull j IL roll Al I \!-;-%I wl Ve 2 841orwl, g', A 0 0 6- /A CO 1 Translation from: Referativny-j zhu,-.nAl, KIAmlyn, 19E~O, 1~, A'-"19,--.R3, Kamenskily, 1. V., Gr!gor'yev, A. F. ,E, Production of Org ic Glass on Allyl Fst,er basp PERIDDICAL, Tr. Mosk. khlm-tekhnol, llr--ta im. Mtnd#,!1eyf-Va, 19~9, NO. Y), pp pp. -90-54 TUT: The authors svidied the p-cssibility of obtaininz s-~ale-resistart and meehanically durable organio glassez on di,7,t1V1ere gly,,~! JIal;y1dicarl":7nate (1) bqs,?, it Is established tha-. poly-ireriza'VL~n p.-~?:!eeds a,,.~ordlng, to a ridlzal mechanism using Lenzoyl peroxide (2% of the ester welsh*.) . rhe cracking of blocks cannot be privented by lntrodu2lng varlous admlxt~ires and plasti.-179-S. into T, Copolymprization of I with mf-~9VI met~acrylate (~> ") caises the. fornatlon of transparent colorli~sz- ~r lignt-yoll-w nc~n-:raAlng blocks with a ind a ~Arlnell Kqr-tr(.sz %-i high as 25 26 Marllen3 scale resistance .)f 110 - lil) kg/cm2. Conditions are given for the ~c~oly?nprlzatlon anrl f,,~,,Aldtfizatlon of' bl,.icks, The specimens obtained withst,;Lrd hsating a,. fo- 2 - 3 hoirs Card 112 85711 9AS 18/007/009 Produc-.Ion of Organiv Glass on A-'lyl Ester, Base AOO(,,AO0 I *without cracking ard warping (the intensity of -clIc-irZ :r. scpolymerizatior of : with styrene, nor-crack-r, -paquz h;O-ks of color are obtalnt!d. Y Z 'LT. t r -W Kava CrAnslatcr'.- nots: 'This Is the N 11 41:,. z1'r, s,a SaTd 2/2 KAMMUSK IY, I. V. ; GA~AM.W ~_ . k_~,~P- Synthesis of organic glass from allyl, enters. Trudy MKHTI no-29150- 54 '59- (MIRA 13:11) (Allyl alcohol) (Glass reinforced plastics) Git I C.0h I V. A.:, j K , (Laiv)rat.ory work In matf'. r I, I I ni r ak tA kturi imiss. V,V, , red.; thi, pc, F.uokvit, ~',i I or- ell t to t.ek hn, I ;..q to 1 wiryk I, Vyo:ihala nUon, .19N.. 12. KOVALEVA, L.T.; NEKRASOV, I.Ya.; ARKIIIIENKO, D.K.; DROVKIN, A.A.; .GRIGORIYEV, A.P.; KOMAR, L.V. Study or the minerals in the series of aecharite-sussexite by infrared spectroscopy and electron diffraction methods. Zhur. strukt. khim. 6 no.1:79-82 Ja-F 165. (KRA 18-12) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AIN SSSR, Novosibirsk i Inatitut geologii, Yakutskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR, Yakutsk. Submitted October 28, 1963. SOURCE CODE: uR/oo58/65/000/01200450045 AUTHOR: Kovaleva, L. T.; Nekrasov, 1. Ya.; Arkhipenkop D. K.; Bravkin, A. A.; Gri- gorlyev, As P* TI TLE Study of minerals of ihe azalbelyiti-suosexite series by infrared opectro- 13 @copy and x-ray diffraction methods SOME: Hof. zh. Mika, Abs. 12D380 RIF SOURCZ: Tr. Komis. po spektroskopit. AN SSSR, t- 3, vYP. 1, 1964, 6o4-610 TOPTC TAGS: m1neral, ir spectroscopy, x ray diffraction study, absorption band ABSTRACT: The authors studied minerals of the series MeB2050H)2-YeB2050102- The parameters of the unit ceU*were calculated for the entire series. A dependence of the parameters, position, and intensity of the absorption bands on the chemical com- position Is established. The possibilities are discussed of crediting the ir bands to vibrations of the B-0-R2* and OH-Ngp OH-Mn groups. The formula (Mgj M02132050102 in proposed in place of the foruLla (ft, Mn)IIB03, since it has been established spectroscopically that the B209 groups and free OH are present. These alngularities are characteristic also of the natural minerals. (Translation of abstract] MM CODIS 20, CPS/ ill. EVLIYA, Chelebi (Ev Iya, Efendi); ZHELTYAKOV, A.D.; TVERTINOVA, A.S. translator]; VEKILOV, A.P. (translator]; GARBUZOVA, V.S. translatorj;_TIGq4!=_,_A,,P. [translator]; ZYRIN, A.A. itranfilatorj; IVANOVA, R.D. [translator); IVANOV, S.N.[trans- latorl Prinimali uchast'iyei 1KYAMIIZV, Kh. [translator); MAS11TAY,OVA, Ye.l. (tranalator3j GRUNIVA, E.A.,, red. i7d-va,- KUZ'Mnl, I.F., tekhn. red. [A travel book (excerpts from the work of a 17th century Turkish traveler); translation and coementary] Kniga puteshestviia (izvle- cheniia iz sochinenlia turetskogo puteshostvennika XVII veka); pe- revod i ko=entarii. Moskva,, Iod-vo vostochnoi lit-ry. (Pamiat- niki literatury narodov Vostoka: Perevody, no.6) No.l. [Moldavia and the Ukraine] Zemli Moldavii i Ukrainy. 1961. 337 pe (MIRA, 14:12) 1. Vootochnyy fakulltet Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta (for all except Kyamilev, 1-fashtakova, Grunina.. Kuzlmin). 2. Institut narodov Azii AN SSSR (for Kyamilev I Nashtakova). (Elviya, Efendi, ca. 1611- ca. 1682) (Moldavia-Description and travel) (Ukraine-Deacription and travol) I. 01WRIM A. S. U-4 2. 334R (600) 4, Deformations (VAchantes) 7. Bending of a round membrane with linear reinforcement of the material. Insh.abor.p 13, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. k,Grigoeov, A. S . On the Wading of a round elastic plate beyond the elastic limit. Akad. Nauk S&SIZ. Prikl. Mat. Mch. 16. Ill. 115 (19.i2). (Russian) Consider a ainild), supix,ried ci,cldar plate exhibiting linear hardening and loadol imifornal) over a circle con- ceniric with the plate. At a critical valu, of the load plastic deformatiow.; will first tkplw;,.r.%t IIt e vviit cr otitit im 11(s 3 C1, I form colution for and a numi-fic d (wocedure for determinatio.1 the clastic part, of the plastic region, Resulin of a special exlwrinient are compaied with a numerical solution and g(Kxl agreerneat ii Jcz So~urce i I'lit theme MWel Rartowo, Vol 1~ 110. 2. R vt GRIGORIYEEV, A. S. VW/Ragineering - Stress of MaterIals jan/Feb 52 "Review and Bibliography," V. Z. Vlasov, A. S. Grigorlyev, S. G. Lekhnitskiy, V. M. Panferov "Prik Matemat i Wkh" Vol XVI, No 1, pp 123-128 -Reviews Yu. N. Rabotnov's "Resistance of MateriaW Moscow State U, 1950, 336 Pp, Manual for Uni- Yer,sities, M. V. Rubinin's "Manual in Practical Studies of Resistance of Materials," Part I., 1949, P-87 PP., Part 11; 1950, 264 pp, YAshgiz; and G. N. Savin's "Concentration of Stresses Bear Apertures," Moscow/Leningrad, 1951, 496 pp. 203T40 3f Li- :-7 L ,~f illatp~s and -'ars of ca(; ..o:; ~ ~. I ; 1. 1~ GR%G,OR'Yc-v, 11 S 8 Re 1361. r A. S Load-carrying eapddty at &M flat; a " I" 6 ll B 3bmik, Ahaffftfit SUR ,L2t1*4WLjin Rumim), [nA~. _ :If,-rr"- n 1963. Autbur trealts the Problem on the smumpuon of Ommunt tw4ential draiises bir She M~ 81"ral ,tam of prictw Interest an volved, munelp (1) DdWn enter edge "tnetrically loaded across the Anx., am* unUorraly'. loaded A over and carrying another unifamdy distributad W; the Inner edle; (2) simple vuMortod riq with k" bob oqi: ' at;d on the surface distributed according to law. the Wgm off loroportionality. Pot the benefit of Out pme" &dvw, I I " limphe am givom showbix the "Trying lead capidir and the I correpponding ffthm for different ratio@ of the Inner and cWw rwilus. M. malets, UsA 1324A. Gkiwor, A. t. a-"4111 of of( A -A mfy~ of varyist thickotiss 61wA ** Halu of skillekin It".1"X laskemer. Wmik. AkeA SsiA SSSR 20, S9M, IVA. Author inveatigatts plates detcgibetl In the title Im, a- :symbecrio onditions of loading gad xoppom 'no notma loods a o co"va" ;4iod distributed and 0 aumbtt ol cm leg, *beet Plifes'are of Coatum -Ock f vuLable th'ckne#N ate freely eappotted oe rigidly ju~:d: are dealt with separately. Plates sit mmade 61 mttctd region. Atxbog do, Ives t 104W lot detafmatiocil be applied to that pat at the plus which is In plastic eVJIMum; hence the necessity to datecalne ythich pan of the platp is is . elastic cquilib(1904 ", which In plastic ejailibeiw& Thus the author had to find a criterion for that.. solutions In closed togs Awe approsimations; more txAct dolutims can be abcalmd stawlically. Analysis of errot mind coWl-.&*As wader which author'i method to oppticable ate also Msentc4. T. Leser, LSA L IN '4a. ~.- 'lug, TATI",NWN, Lannid Samullovich, 1879-1951 (deceased); IRKRASOV, A.I., akade-lik: T1101030Y. A.M.; ILITUSHIN. A.A. : SOKOTOVSKIT, V.V.j GALIN, L.A.; SHCIIXLKACIIMV, Y.N., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; TRXBIN, F.A., dnktor tekhnicheakikh nauk: GRIOORITIW-..AA�Aa kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk: SAMY, L.I.. nkademik, redai-tar-;ZROLMIT, N.Y., professor. rodnktor; AIMKXYXVA, T.Y., tokhnichookly radaktor. [Collected workel Sobrants trudov. Moskva. Isd-vo Akadmit nauk SSSR. Tol.4( Hydrnaerodynmicn. Geophysics] Gid roan rod i namika, Geofizika. 1955. 398 P. (NLRA 8:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Tikhonov, Illrushin, Soknlovskiy, Galin) (Geophysics) (Fluid dynaimics) v LXTBENZON, Leonid Sammilovicb, akademik; NWMASOV, A.I.. akAdsmik: TMONDY, A.N.; ILIYUSHIN,A.A.: SOICOLOYSILIT, V.T.; SHCHMIA W. V.N.,doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk: TMIN, P.A., doktor tekhni- choskikh nauk. radaktor.- GALIN,L.A.; GHIOORtTlff, A.S., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; CHARNTY, I.A., AR"WW'Whaskikh nauk. redaktor; AIRKSBYWA, T.V., takhnichookly radaktor. [Collected work@] Sobrante trudov. Hoakya, Izd-vo Akadeali nauk SSSR. Tol.).[Petrolnum enginsering] NeftepromyslOVaIA sekhaniks 1955. 678 P. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Chles-korevepondent AN SSSR (for Tikhanov, Illyuohin. Soko- lovskiy &*& GaliG) (Petroleum engineering) SOV/1 24-57-5- 5938 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 133 (USSR) AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, A. S. TITLE: The Equilibrium of Moment-free Cylindrical Shells in the Presence of Large Deformations Beyond the Elastic Limit (Ravnovesiye bezmomentnykh tsilindricheskikh obolochek pri bol'shikh deformat- siyakh za predelami uprugosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. 3-go Vses. Matem. s"yezda. Vol 1. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp ZOZ-203 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 GRIGORITIV, A.S. Imeskya) -mmomm- Supporting capacity of stretched and curved circular plates. In&h.sbor. 24:52-61 056. (KLRA 10:5) (Ilastic plates and shells) (Strains and stresses) AU'214'011: Grigorliev, A.S. 1"00cow) 10-21-4-12/1P TITLE: The State of Stress of r.-lindrical 3hells, Free Of Mcywnte. in Conrbetion With Great Darojmakkz~ Ila prya z hennoye sostoyr.niy~ bezmomentnykh tsilindricheshikh, obolochol, pri bol'shikh !e- foKr,iatsiyakh) MIODICAL: Prikladnaya 'Natematil-a i Mekhanika, 11)57, Vol 21, Nr 6 pp 327-03`2 M,%11) AB;MUCT: In the paper the equilibrium of shells which are free of mo- ments with regard bottoms is investigated. li"e shells are assumed to possess a circular-cylindrical form in unloandel state. It is supposed that the material the shells cons.lot of, can suffer stron- deformations up to the instruction. Therefore the state of stress must be lnvesti~ated for 6;reat displacements and great dnfornations. '.'he material of the shells is supposed to be incompressible. The connection bet-teen the stresses and the so-called uri -inal dpforriation3 is taken from the nechanic characteristics of the mat:2rial. Besides of the given supposition the usual np_,-lccts are car- ried out in the paper which are kno-.-,n in the theory of shells being free of monents. After the establishment of tho initial Card 1/2 The '*;tate of Stress of Cylindrical ';hells, Free of 21 - '- 12 Mments, in ConnbetIon WIth Givat Defox-metions equations the equilibrium of shells which are etrcEsed by internal pressure is investigated in detail. '-'here nre 5 fiGures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and 2 American. JIUBMITTED: Ilovember 20, 1956 AITAILABLEs Library of Con.-ress 1. Cylindrical shells-Stresses Card 2/2 V11- It 94 Bit ON fill E, Ic 4 t I pis 1 1 ot -lo lot H! 1 4. 1 At i 1 11:3 a i a .1 j 3 - . I A 1 4 A v I 055 A's AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, A. S. (Moscow) SOV/179- ")9- 3--15/45 ,rITLE: inr-i-e Deflections of Rectangular Membranes (Bol'shiye pryamougolInykh membran) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdelentye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i niashinostroveniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 105-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The equilibrium of a uniformly loaded rectangular membrane is discussed above and below the elastic limit. The deflection of the membrane is assumed large relative to the thickness. The problem ha5 already been investigated by (Ref 1), A. and L. F8ppl (Ref 2), Timoshenkc, (Ref 3) and Vollmir (Ref 4). The strains are assumed to be given by ILW x ~x 2 kax y + ICU 3V 8w Jw Card 1/2 KY x x Y Large Deflections of Rectangulal' Mellibranes SOV/1 79-59- 3-15//15 where u, v and -vr are the displacements in the x, y and z directions respectively. Using tire equations of equilibrium with those of Hooke's law in the elastic region and of the Hencky-41ises theory in the plastic; region, the differential equation governing the deflection is obtained and solved by A finite difference method. In the elastic region, exprei5aions are obtained for the detlectiou and stress at the centre of the membrane! a similar treatment is giren for a membrane within the plastic region arid a load-deflection curve is -:calculated (Fig 11). There are 2 tables, 4 figures arid 6 references., 5 of which are Soviet and I German. SUBMITTED: June 15, 1958 Card 2/2 GRIGORITV, A.S. (Moskva) Plates with equal resistance to bending. Inxh. sbor. 25:45-50 159. (MIRA 13:2) (311satto plates and shells) GRIGORYEV, A. S. . I ----- -- ---. (Acad. Sci. USSR) 'The Equilibrium of noisentless cylindrical shells from nonlinearly elastic material under pressure, varfing along the axis of the sholl.,11 Report presentes at the 10th International Congress of Applied Mechanics,, (TCSU) Stresa, Italy, 31 Amgust - 7 Sep 1960. In the author's absence, the pqws was presented by Grigoliuk. It is shown that the governing equations may be dscompbsed into two parts and in some cages the solution can be dbtaiwd-1n.-1Lftt*3M* ARAMANOVICH, I.G.; GRiGoLkM, E.I.; GRIGORIYFV, ,.S.-. DZHANDELIDZE, G.Yu. "Calculation of force fits in the Manufacture of machinery" bv N.D. Tarabasov. Reviewed by I.G.Arar&nOv*dkJmW4wwv* Izv.rud SSSR. Otd.tPkh.nauk.MekhA mashinostr. no-5:189-190 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Machine-shop practice) (Strains and stresses) (Tarabasov, N.D.) EELYAVSKIY, I.Yu., inzh.; GRIGORIYEV -I-A.S., inzh. I "Bokaponm insulation material for electric machinery. glek.i tepl. tiaga 5 no 10.14-25 0 161. (MIRA 14210) igl6ctric insulators and insulation) (Gums and resins., Synthetic) IIADDO (1>27 AUTHOR: Grigorlyev, A. S. (Moscow) 3112P, P/033/61 013/005/005/006 D234/D302 TITLE: On bending round plates made of material, inhomoge- neous in plastic deformations PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki atosowanej, v. 13, no. 5, 1961, 637-649 TEXT: The material is assumed to be homogeneous in elastic defor- mations and inhomogeneouB in plaAic ones; the load to be axially symmetric. The author takes a system of dimensionless cylindrical coordinates r9z. The yield limit is assumed to be cr-, = cv-,0Li + f(7,9 The solution of the problem is reduced to finding the fiuantities Card 1/3 On bending round plates ... 2E d cj~j) (11)2 2W + 1 0C 3a~0 R (2 dr7 -F r 2E (E)2 ~d2W + 2 d~,,) 30;0 R dr2 r dr 31128 P/03 61/013/005/005/006 D234YD302 (2) where B is the modulus of elasticity, W the bending. Solutions are formulated for conditions of plasticity of Huber-Mises with Han- key's relation and for those of Tresca-de-Saint-Venant. The example of a plate, freely supported along its edge and uniformly loaded, is considered in detail, first for any f(z) and then for f(z) = 1z5. Graphs of extension of domains of plastic deformation and of 2 Card 2/3 P/O 8/013/005/005/006 On bending round plates ... D234 D302 dimensionless deflections are,given for the latter case. There are 5 figures and 7 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: February 22, 1961 ,X) Card 3/3 V 1) 2 9,) AUIL HOR: GrIgorlyev, A.S. (Voijeow) TJTIZ-, EquiTibrium of membrane shello of ruiollition under lart,,e deformations FERIODICALs Prikladnaya inatematika i mckhanika, v. 25, no. b, 1961 1083 - 109U T "'''X TThe shell is under internal pressure viliich varies vilth its heiC,ht, and also cubjected to forces which act on its end surface. The material is considered as incompressible. The fundamental Sys- tem of equationa is derived; the case of an initially cylindrical shell ia considered in more detail'. The shell iA3 iL-ferred to a ays- ten of dimensionles3 cylindrical ;oordinates xuz, rigidly fixed to one of the vertices (see Fig. 1). In the j;encral case, 2 zones are formed in the equilibrium state of the shell# an "elongated"- and a "folded" zones The equilibrium equations for a shell element in the elongated none are (in the cant of variable thickness hp and variable pressure)i Ourd 1/7 21A S/040/61/025/006/011/021 Equilibrium of membrane shells ... D299/D304 d (2h- Ida 9) 2 (Q (w - (w) (2.1) WIT, where are the stresses# q(y) - the intensity of the preo.'s PI and P2 our*, R, - a obaracteristia.dimensiont K - t" shear modulus# B, the thickness in the Initial state. 1f P1 ' 111 P21 the system, of aqua..;.'" vions Inv. .1 . -j"V (2-3) Is ob Wa*d I it P2 --v P'll the Isn't Um equations are replaced by (2.5) Card 2/7 S/04'0'3 /025/006/011/021~ Equilibrium of membrane shells ... 11299/1~3() 04 she A A (It In 3 In h) cot f# - to (It In - 31nh-In Ph In Cos T T he 241 13 In j + (11 - in Tj coo In considering the folded zone# the concept of "determinant" surfa- ce is introduoedp ioe, of the surface which would be generated by the system of filaments which undergo pressure. It is stipulated that in the folded zonep x and y denote the coordinates of the de- terminant surface and (f - the angle between the tangent to its me- ridian and the planet normal to the shell-axis. After transforma- tions# one obtains the fundamental system of equations for the fol- ded zone: del CW4L dip min 9 4 d 9(y) A.hl(731 ~)Ovwf#_ c are constantst determined by the the boundary between the two zones. Card 3/7 (2.8) he 3 In h)' t c condition of continuity of h on The above derived fundamental 1 8h/61/025/006/011/021 0 Equilibrium of membrone shells ... D299/D304 systems can be numerically integrated for any concrete problem;.. hence the shape and thickness of the shell can be found, as well ~s the principal stresses. It is noted that if the shell is oub- jected to uniform pressure onlyt then Q = qRl/2KHj = conet., and there is no folded zone; thereby systems (2-3) and (2-5) simplify considerably and one obtains sin CP (2.9) where A is a dimensionless parameter. It is further noted that even on the assumption that the fundamental streqs-strain relations are applicable to arbitrarily large deformationsp yet a critical value Q = Qmax exists, beyond which the proposed solution is inapp- licable. This maximum load and the corresponding 9 = p* and h, = h* are ax = 2 ell/3 h* = e-210 Qm e P (It being a constant). In the case of initiaV.- oylindrical shells# Card 4/7 21344 S/040/61/025/OU6/Oll/u2l Equilibrium of membrane shells ... D299/D304 the problem is considerably simplified. Assuming A = I# and setting In x = a# 1n h = P9 one obtains diak u + 2 a + (3-4) 211 + a + 2P for Pl _~?' P2 and a = uJa + 201 - 30 +J% - 0)12a + 24, (3-7) da pka + 2P) - 3a -(a - 0)(a + for P2;~' Pl' Equation (3-7) can be numerically integrated. Thuet irrespective of the law of pressure variation with height, the fun- damental system decomposes# and the dimensionless thickness and principal stresses depend only on the parameter )i which charaoteri- zes the material and on the parameter ho which represents the con- tributions of the stable factors (such as absolute value of dimen- Bionsp their ratio# pressure oharaoteristiot eta,), If the curves h(x) are givent the majority of concrete problems can be solved-by simple mathematical operations* If the pressure varies linearly Card 5/7 21344 8/04 01611025100610111021 Equilibrium of membrane shells ... D299/D304 with heightp one obtains Q0 [x(b-y)+ ~zsdy], d'.ctgip,q dy sin ip x TV 7sn-T (3,11) System (3,11) can be readily solved numerically; the parameters hot b and Q0 cannot howevert be arbitrarily assignedi it is necessary to find initially fox each type of problemg the limits of the pose ble values of these parameterse In an earlier work by the authort ~ method is set forth whereby these limits can be found, Pinallyt ~ numerical problem is solvedp involving linear dependence between pressure and height. There are 2 figureep 1 table and 10 referenceas 6 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloev (including 1 translation). The references to the Engliah-language publications read as follows$ E. Davisp Welding and Fracture of Medium Carbon Steel under Combi- ned Stres8p Journal of Applied Mech.p 1945p no, 1; N~A. Weil and N.M. Newmark# Large plastic deformations of circular membrances, Journal of Applied Mecho# 1955, noo 4; W.To Lankfordp Bo Saibeilt Some Problems in Unstable Plastic Flow under Biaxial Tensionso Me" Card 6/7 S/040/61/025/006/011/021 Equilibrium of membrane shells ... D299/D304 tale Technol. August 1947. ASSOOIATIONs Inatitut zekhaniki AN SSSR (Institute of Mechanics As USSR) SUBMITTED: May l8p 1961 Fig. 1. Card 7/7 I &. R / Oe I YE . ,/Al II-*.- GRIGOVIYEV, A,S, Plastic bending of nonhomogenous circular plates.~Aizchiw mech 13 no.5t635-650 16L GRIGORIM, A.S. (Moskva) Bending of a circular clamped plate beyond the alastic limit. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.tekh,n&uk,M9kh&i mashinostr. no.6:83-87 1~-D 162. (KUU 3-5:12) (Ilastic plates and shells) GRIGORIYEV, A.S. Theor7 and design of a line4r electrometer. Izv.vyn.ucheb.zavq; prib. 6 no.6;15-20 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kuybyshovskly politekhnicheskly institut imen.1 Kuybysheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy izmeritelinoy tekhniki. (IRIOORIYLFV, A. S. Stresses in spherical dome under arbitrary loading including thernal and shrinkage offsets. report presented at the Syn"iun on Mon-Classical Shall Problene, Warsawq 2-5 Sept 1963.