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i .BERG, L. S.; GRIGU.-W , At STETINCII, 111. N1. (F-rcf-) 2. USSR (600) 4. G-cloV and Geography 7. Disaription of the Land of Kmachv-tke, By S. P. Kvisheninnikcv. Ac!.~emlcl%nz L. Bera and A. A. Grigorev and 'rof. N. 11. Stepanov (editors). (Institute of Etnography, Moscow, Leningrad, Press of the Main Ad.T.-Ini,,tratic-, o~ the Northern Sea Route, 1949). Reviewnd by L. G. Kamanin. Scv. FnCri, No. 1950. 9. FDD Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953. Uncl-13Afied. % ~ , f f GRIGORIEV " -1 , I,, - -1 - A. A. 26265 Zaacheniye D. N. anuchina kakc. Geografa i ego vzglyady na geografiyu (K 25-letiyu so dnya amerti). Probleqr fiz. Geografii, viv, 1949 s 3-9p a portr. Bibliogr: a 9. SO: IETOIISI NO. 35p 191+9 nic'mRIYU, A. 19831 GRIGOR'-f-r-11, A pusakiye otkrY-tiY'II v Antarktike. (Ekspeditsiya Bell insgauzena-Lazareve - IVI 11. S nrimech. red.) Smenal 1949, Noll, G. 10-11- a PORTR- So.: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATET - No.. 27, Moskva. 1949 GRICORIYE-VI Al. A. (a 6263-Itts -191"tuts ftp/oct 49 "Academician K. -I. Ss&.psyev," Acad A. A. Grigor lyw, S. N. Ryazantiev, 2 pp "Iz Ak Nauk BSSR, Ser,Geograf i Geotiz" Vol XIII, No 5 9atpayev--ia president of Arad Sci Kazakh SSR... Yran 1926 to 1941, he vorked almost exclusively In geological exploration of Dzhezkazgsu Rayon, Kazakh ISSR. For his work in revealing the rich mineral resources of this rayon, he vas avarded the Stalin Prize'In 1942. "He was active in organiz industrialization e. this' rayon. Submitted 25 VA! 3/50W I.S., prof.. admiral flotn,; PITIOVSKlY V.A., dotsent, kand.voyannn-morskikh nauk, kontr-aftlral, red. (deceafled]: D1141H, L.A.. dotsont. kand.gmograf.nauk, Insh.-kopitan I ranga, glaynyy red.: DARANOV. A.K., red.; BIRO, L.S., akademik, inzh.-mayor. red.; ROLOGOV, N.A., dotsont. kontr-admiral v otitavke. red.; VITVIR, I.A., prnfon"or, doktnr gnograf.nauk, red.,; GRIGORIM, A.A., - Abhw*I akadomik; TAGORITEV. V.Ta., ansluzhenW doyate nau doktnr voyennn-mrskikh nank. kontr-admiral v atstavka. red.; ZIMXH. L.Ta.. prof.. red.; ZUBOV, N.H., prof., doktor gnogref. nAuk, inzh.-kontr-admiral v otntafte, red.; KAVRATSKIY, V.V., prnf., doktnr fisiko-mt.nauk, inzh.-kontr-admiral v otatavks. red.; KALFST11K, S.V., prof., doktor geograf.nauk. red.; KUDRTAVTSEV. M.K., general-leytanant takhn.voysk, red.; LAMTKIN, S.M., kapitan 1 rang&, red.; MATUSEVICII. N.N.. saslushenrWy dayatell nauki t tekbniki. prof., dnktnr fixtko-mt.nauk, Insh.-vitse-admiral v otatavke. red., [deceased]; MFSHCFWIINDV, I.I.. akademik, red.; MILINKI. S.4., red.; ORLOV, B.P., prof.. doktor geograf.nauk, rod,; PANTELEM. N.A., vitae-admiral, red.; SNEZRINSUT, V.A., doteent. kand.voyenno- morskikh nauk, Insh.-kapitan 1 ranga, red.: SALISHCHEY. K.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; TRIBUTS. Y.F., admiral, red.., YOKIN. V.A., vitfle-admiral, red.; SHYME, TaJe., prof., doktor voyanno-morskikh nauk, kontr-admiral. red.; SHULETKIN, T.V.. akademik, inzh.-kapitan I ranga, red.; PAVLOV. V.V.. inzh.-polkovnik, red.; VOLKOV. F.G.. (Continued on next card) ISAKOV, I.S.---(continued) Card 2. podpolknvntk, pomoshchnik glavnogo red. po, izd-vu: SEWT, H.Te.. kapitan 2 ranga, ucharWy ankrntar'; VORDBITEV, T.I., kapitan I ranga, red.knrt; MIGALKIN, G.A., tnzb.-kapitan 1 ranga, red.knrt; GAFONOVA. A.A., red.kart; GONCHAROVA. A.I.. red.kart-, OORBACHRYA. N.Te., rmd.kart: GHMTBW,, G.Tu., red.kart; DUW)V, A.G.. red. kart; TERSHOV. I.B., red.kart; ZILIBERSIM, A.B., red.kart; KASTALISKATA, H.I., red.kart; KUBLIKOVA, M.M.. red.kart; KkKABOVA, Y.N., red.kart; MDROZOVA, A.F., red.kart; PAVWVA, Ye.A.. red. kart; FOCHUHUT, A.N.. red.kart; HDKWVA, G.N.. red.kart: SMIRUDYA. L.V., red.kort; SMIRIKKA, L.N., rad.kart; TAIIANKOVA, A.I., red. kart; TAITNVICH. M.A., red.kart; YASINSKATA, L.F., red.kart; VASILIYETA. Z.P.. VIZIROVA. G.N., GOLOTAHOVA, A.T., GOROKMV, V.I., MALINKO. V.I.. takhn. rmd.: SVIDERSKATA, G.V.,; CHEMOOROVA, L.P., FURAYWA, Te.M., [ Marine atlas) 14orskot atlas. 1.S. Isakov. L.A. Demtn. Isd. %rskogo generallnogo shtaba. Vol.1 [Navigation gongraphyl Havigatelonno-gnograficheskil. Zam"atitell oty. red. po I tmmu V.A. Petrovskii. 1950. 83 maps. (KIRA 12:1) (Continued on next -card) ISAKOV. I.S.---(cnntinumd) Card 3- 1. Runsts, (1923- U.S.S.R.) Voyanno-mrsknyo mininterstvo. 2. ffachallnik Mnrekngo kartografichnskogo instituta vnyenno- mnrakikh oil (for LarVkin), 3. Nystvit"llnyy chlen Akademii pndMng,tchmnkIkh nauk RSSFSR (for Orlov). 4. Nachallnik Gidro- grafichmakogo upravl"niya voynnno-mrskikh nil (for Tribute). 5. Gon"rallnyy gosudarstv. diroictor topografichmakoy sluzhby (for Baranov). 6. Direktor topografichmakoy sluihby (for Milenki). (Ocoan-Wnpe) (Harlhors-Haps) 1_6 A-go 0 0 0 0 0 ~09 a 0 0 4 A 1K., r.-A-A-J A, a A ost -.0 1-0 "Dip; 00 f -_ - -_ 00 A 4m ot- go, #M�ft. "M 402 IL MC-A suhft*W William 006 1) the oopbwkllo. 2) phi s 0 "_ 9. Neommoof shist ve-a osom latromal fm *0 1.6-13" Ob" AMI: ft 13. 1. Ansolecomm. an velpi Im a ;- 1-7 sli. Ir 7 0 Aw 10 All, Is r ?b w v 0 0 0 618 5566 ee-* W-0-4 L APR 331AMI Swill) 4 GM, CkWl% I I 1,314t. 1`3114'"VT MIAM P- 4614M 1"1 'd pit iwool% roorb voille" brww m twwv 40thwil" to J) clisommor. 4) rim. aml lak-. S) wMeulma SINI K"% "A A96 lot 4khtiomm oosilw -%jmr~vnCNm~khv" As OW11 to 1111VOICS1 to low 1.0010114SW in Ism, wt" cm V. IL Asks'PtA aml V. L"W! soul llw wrake 20 - I. ~ ".9 1951 ? sloe Asee ilk so do 0 soI isee 1. GRIGCFREV, A. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geology and Geography 7. Cutline cf the Glaciition of the Altai Moctmtalns. By 1-11. V. Trcnrv. ( New cerIe3, Vol. 9, Mosccw, Gec6raphy Press). Reviewed by A. A. Crigorev. Scv. Yni~ a, No. 4, 1950. 9. ft Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953. Uncla-,,-ified. 1. GRIGOM, A. A.; YANITISKOV, N. F. 2. U-sm (6oo) 4. Geology and Geogrqkphy 7. Bourgeoise Geography in the Service or Awrican Imperialim. A. A. Grigorew and N. F. Yanitiskov, editors. (Moscow-L4ningred, Press or Acad of Sci USSR, 1951). Reviewed by A. G. Kileykovskiy,, Sov. Migat Ko. 6o 1951. 9. UP Report U-3081, 16 Jan. 1953, Unclassified. GRIGORIMt Ae Nanle precious time. Zhil.-kam. khos. 11 no.n132-33 N 061. (KIRA 16t7) (*Anicipal services) GRIGOR'YEV, A. A.; GERASD40V, 1. P.; DOSKACH, A. G.; KAW-NIN, L. G.; hUNIN, V. Ill.; LAVRENKO, Ye. M.; KJRZAYEV, E. M.; RIKHTER, G. D.; CIIUBUKOV, A. N.; FORMOZOV, A. N. Problemy Fizicheskoy Geofrafli (Problems of Physical Geography), Vol. 16, Symposium, Moscow, 1951. u-1483, 25 Sept 51 1. k~JRIGORII-V) A- A- *) M. 2. USSR (600) 4- Agriculture 7. Central black soil districts. Moskva, Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR., 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions$ Library of Congress, Jnnim= -1953, Unclassified. :gY A., Movye charty Y geografil nzabal strany, soxclsysrinya veliklml eUoikamf konununittria. [Ncw chnracteclitics io the getxAraphy of out country t,taloij.hed by ths U S 5 R a grem con-Irliciions of rommonkinj Madem6a Nauh, SSSR, I-Wsliia, Ser. Geogre/icACAUL. No. 2;.1-10, 1952. DLC-This Is a review siml counterallon of Lompleted works, unfinMed 41A only Prolkcird nmisurr* usmlerukeo by the Soviet Government since 1924 in Linif rtC- himalion Alld clinutic amelioratioll of the forrst steppe, steppe and aiiii :ooes of the Surviet South and drooght coatrol. The author pe.4sits out the im"ance of such works as: forest ahelter IWIti, new irrig.1tion I'lld Water Supply. 111MAUMS for TOOFItiOn Of rain and Snow InCit Witivrb. rtAuction of stirface di,rharge, creatioll of systems of ponds And other WAter reservoirs, itstrioltiction (I stra,* Liml rigrk-talitite, compitte afloreulion id ~auly aml waste tAuds, cult- ctru. ti'm of C"111118 (111.111y ;%IF%.4dy (limptVILA), otilitation 1'( river M.NarrL, for hydro-electric Im1wer lilaulm. etc. Subjcci 11rudings: 1. Climatic amelioration 2. Steppes J. Add &*us 4. Shelter belts S. Irrigation 0. U.&S.P-7-1711-P. C-- ,-7- -,' .tI,3Q,,.ly];), A. - y C - , - ; IlPr~-,blem of lnterc~ange of Yatter and Enerj,- in th, I :lydros6here, . and Its Significance in 'ho (general of Geo[raphy," and Atr,;~sphere, Iz. All SCV.Geoc. No-4, 1952 1. GRIQORIYXV, A. A., Acad. 2. 53SR (600) 14. Geographr Important task* of the geop&pherg. Prlr0d& 41 50, 11o 1952 pps 08-69 Geographers are supposed to help planning organizations in proper location of industrial plants. Special attention will be paid to study of northern forested regions of the Urals, West Siberia, and K-Arvio-Finnish SSR seeking to work out solutions to problems of forest management. Gcoeraphical studies will be helpful in establishing new means of transportation on land and on waterways. Activities of geoLrranhical institutes sho~ild be i-nereased. New popular geographical literature with praise of 6talin's plan for trRnsforration of nature should be created* 259T27 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 7ebruary -1953. Unclas3ifted. GRIGORIYXT. A.A.. skwWmlk. Geographical conditions of Improving agricultural utilizetion of *oil* of the non-ehernoses belt of the 1krepean part of the U.S.S.R. 1zv.AN SM Ser.geog. no-3:3-10 NY-Je '53. (MMA 61g) ("ad) Describes aCrotechnical and reasitrez- directed tr,.-ard nrof-rc~:!;ive Increase in the product4vity of the ar-r1enilt-ir-al and foract, econorV in the wn-chernozem (forcst,)belt of '~:uro-ean 2F, -51 7 GRIGMOYNFo A.AO, akademik. - ..a Importance of T.T.Dokmobsevim scientific theories In the development of ph7sima geographl. lev.AN Ser.geog. no.6:5-16 N-D 153. (KLRA 6:12) (%Iadmv. Wasilli Wasillevich. 1846-1903) GRIGOR'v-BV, A.A., altudemik. -4-2"Ik-Q Selection of now academicians and corresponding members for the Department of Geological and Geographical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. IsY.AX SM Ser.geog, vio.6:69-71 N-D '53. (KLRA 6:12) (Ac&d~sW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) GRIGORIYEV. A.A., akademik. Great contribution to the theory of the unity of nature; on the 50th anniversary of the death of V.V.Dokuchaev. Priroda 42 no.12:27-33 D '53. (KLU 6:11) (DoktichAev, Vasilii Vanillevich, 1846-1903) (soils) -GRIGORITIT, A.A.. akademik; UGINSKIT. N.A. XechAnion of the growth of quaternary glacial deposits of the Western Siberian lowland. Dokl.AN SUR 91 n0-3:625-628 JI '53. (NLIIA 6:7) 1. Tomekly gosudarstyennyy universitot Imni V.V.Kuybysl.jva (for Naginskiy). 2. Akademly& nauk SSSR (for Grigorlyev). (Siberia, Western--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology. Stratigraphic-- Siberia. Western) 4.9-21 Alunt. Grienr'ev. A. t Das Problem des Staff- und Energleaustausche In der Uthooplifte, Hydro,;phire unit AtmospliNte urd rolne Ikdeutungfdrdia allgamelneThoodedef9tLY11WAGG V(A . A !To. 0 Geographle. C-fh(: pri,blent of mit!-r awl civergy ciichai%~ in the lithosphere, hydrnsphm :anrl atnimphrir antl it4 6vnifit..wce for the rrncral theory it physical ty9mvilty. I'der- r; ~trtaxivi Ceofraphijche difitleilunrex, 91(t):69-77, 1933. 9 refs. Trans. from: Ak4demik I Xarik, .5.5.YR, faviiiia, %r. Geogrqfieherkii4, 4:12-2Y, 195L DLC-This philosophical easy Gove-rul Untl-onvoln- ;seti out the complex interactions between earth, air and water. Besides evolution of *W. aud mechanical erosion and deposition, circulating underground water interacts chemicall y with the crust to depths of 600 rn or more. Atmosphm acts on lithosphere by transportim 1-4nd. duit. and volcanic ash. Interaction littweet hydraspheris and atrisphere Is very extensive. Fnergy is transported by radiation, circulation and turbulent processes. SxAJM 11pidingi: 1. Geaphysics 2. Alateorological qhlfas~hy. J. Trandations.-CF-P.D. G-Rl (roe FIDOROV, Ye,Ts,, professor; PIMTRUEgNSKIT, P.P.; BUCHINSKIT, I.T6.; WANINOV, Moo profeew; DOSHIPD, L.Y.; ALISOV, B.P.; PIRYU107, N.N.i GALITS07, A.P.; GRIGMITXT, A.A., almdem1k; ITGENSON, Me, professor; NURSTOT, N.S.; IUZKUPWTO WoKej DOGDANOT. P.N.; TAM=. A.B.: SOKOLOV, V.N.; TANISHWSKIT, ru.D.; SkNOYLINKO. V.S.; USPA- YOT, RJ.; CHUBUKOV, L.A.; TROTSMO, S.Ta.; VAIGNMM, G*T&,; SOKOLOV, I.?.; STntD, B.I.; TMIXOTA. N.S.; ISAY]ff, Diawyn, A*A.; MALYUGIN, Ts.A*j LIEUD". Ye.K.; SAPOZHNIKOVA, S.A.,; RAKIP0- VA. L.R.; POKROVSXATA, T.V.; RUWASARTAX, A.B.; ORLOVA, V.V.-, HU- BINSHTRYN. U.S., professor; HILIVSKIT, V.Tu.; SHCHERBAKOVA. Te.Ta.; BOCMV, A.P.; ARMLISKATA. L.Te.; MNAYNVA, A.V.: UTRSMlV, A.S.; RUDWA, A.V.; RUnlNKO, A.I.; ZOLOTARICT, M.A.; NZRSICSTAN, A.G.; MIKHAYIDV. A.3.; GAVRILOV. V.A.; TSOMATA, T.I.; DMATKOVA, A.M'; ZAVARINA, N.V.; SHNNTM, S.M. ; BUNKO, N.I., professor. Disoussion of the report, (in the form of deba,',ea) [of -the cwraLt state olimatol loal resoaroh and methods of itlo Informs 'I 074:26-154 154. 0aaA 8:3) aboroGUGKS no*3 1. Chlen-korrespondeLt Akademtl nauk SSSR (for Fedorcv). 2e Gl&Tuay-a geofizicheskaya observatloriTa Im. A.I.Voeyko7-% (for Predtechanskiro IoebedOT, Tanishevskly, Isayev, Rakipova, Pokr)"kay-j, Orlora, Rubit- shteyn, Budyko, Shcherbakova, Anapollska", DuLay6va, Rudners,Gavrillov, Zavarina)- 3. Ukrainskly nauchno-isaledovatellsk'.r gidremeteorologiche- ski7 in3titut (for Buchinakiy). (Coritirued ;)n rexl, cam) FMROV, Ye.Y9., Professor; PREDTECHERSKIY, P.P., -jA Disounsion of the report (1n the form of Wats)i) [of the cur-rdnt state climatological research and methods rif de-vi~',:,pirg it]. Inform. sbor. GTJGHS no.3/4:26-154 '54. (Card ") (KIRA SO) 4. Vaesoyuzny7 institut rastenievodstva (for Selyanirc7, Rudenko). 5. BI oklimatiche okay& stantsiy-s, Klslcvodak (for B:,shno). 6. Koakol- skly gosudarstvennj7 universitst im. M.V.Lomonosova (for AliSOT). 79 Hinioterstvo putey ooobabehenira SSSR (for Biryukov). 8. Inati- tut Cer-grafii Akadonii nauk SSSR (for Galitsov, Grigorlyer). 9. Geo- fis1cheskaya komiselys Vvesoyuzuogo geograficheskogo obahchostva (for Bygenson). 10. Miniaterstrc elek-trostvantaly i elektropromyshlonnosti SSSR (for Murotov). 11, Imeningradsk1y gosudarntvsnrqy universitet in. A.A.Zhdanova (for Khrozov). 12. MentralInny nauchno-iselodovatelf- skiy gid-rometeorologicheekly arkhiv (for SokolQr, Zolotarev). 13, Go- sudarstvenz*7 okeanografichesidy inn"it-at (fc-r Samr7lenko). :L4. TSen- trallny7 institut progaozo-7 (f-,r Usma--o-,, Sapw,~hrlkova). 15. Inatitut geografii Akadenli nauk SSSR. I TSontvil1W Itistitut kurortologil (fur Chubukov). 16. Nauebut)-ii-3ledovi&'.-,31$L-17 Insti-tut Imeni Sechenovs, Yalta (for Trotsenko'). 1"I. AxktIcbeqkIj7 Institut (for Vangengeym). (Contlausi ou mext card) FEDOROV, Ye.Te., profeneoz; PRFMGHNTISK.TT, F.P&. :ind t%eyov Discusslon of the report (in the form ~jf debiteql [,if the current atate of climattological research and zmethi-le c" develzping it]. Informobor. GUGKS no-3/4:2i-154 154. (Ca7-i ),I (KLRA 8:31) 18. Dallnevoetochnyy gilrimeteorologichs- skiy institut (for Sokolo7). 19. Inatite, ge,-,lcgll I geografit Aka- demii nauk Litovskoy SSR (f,.,r StTr~-). 20. Rost,~~-Aoe u;--a7leniG gidrometsluzhby (for Temnlk-ova). 21. Mvrakf;7 g1drof lzichaakly Inati- tut Akademil nauk SSBR (for Dmlltrlye-7). 2.e. VaeA;,7U-,-ny7- in.0.1tut rastenlyewod.9tva, (for Malyugir.). 2j. kkademiya, nauk Eatonskoy SSR (fc.r Lledemaa). 24. Akademiya nauk Army,=Pkf-y SM (for Ba&dusarjr-an). 25. Leningradskly gldrometeorologl~,heakiy inotiVit; (f~.r Milevskiy-). (Continued on next card) FXDOROV, TeeTe,, professor; PMTECHZNSKIT, P.P., smA cthexi. Discussion of the report (in the ferm of debatee) [of the current state climatological research and methoda of develeping it]. Infcm.gbcr. GUGMS no.3/4:26-154 154. (Car4 4.) (MLRA 8:3) 26. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologichaskiy Inatitut (for Bcohkov). 27. K&- zakhskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy gldrometeorAo6icheskl.7 Institut (for Uteshev). 28. Upravlente gidrometaluzhb7 L:Wanskoy SSR (ftr Nor- eesyan), 29, leningradskoye upravlenlya gidrcmetaluzhby (for Mikhay'lov, Devyatkova). 30. Tbiliaskly gosuclarstvennyy universitet. (for Tsomya). 31. TSentrallnayu aerologicheakaya obser-ratorlya (for Shmottv). (Climatology) USSR/Geography - Zonality Card 1/1 Pub. 45 - 2115 Authors t Grigorlev, A* Aeg Academician Title i Geographio zonzlity and some examples of its conformity to law (first installment) PW40dical I Izv.,AN SSSR. Ser. geog, 5s 17 - 39# SeF - Oct 1954 Abstraet I A certain regularity ia the distribution of types of aoil and vegetation over the earth's surface Is designated as geographic zonality and is des. cribed as being in accordance with lawa discovered by V. V. DokuchtLey fifty years ago. The zones are divided into subzones which succeed each other from west to east. An analysis 'is mnde of factors such as heat and moisture which produce this zonality. Special features of the %nne system are discussed such as woodland, prairie and desert. Seventeen Flussian and Soviet references (1891 - 1953). Tables. Institutions Aced. of Se., U33H, Geo,-xaphiL Institute Submitteds .... * &R,(--a'VYE~ A.A. US=/ GpoLra-nby - Zonni Ity Card 1 /3. Pah. 4.e. - 4/36 Authora I GriRor;.vev, A. A. Title t GeogrRnhic ~nnnli ty and Pnne inst--vr- of its ;~mformlty Periodical t Iiv. AN SSSR. Ser. geor. 6, 41 - 50, Nov - Dec 390' Abstract I The discuesion of c!enqrq-hicR1. 7orality, which vir continued from lerue 5 of tbi- ma-gazine, me'r-s reference to the vuhtronicsI qnd tro-~Acnl rpzion.9, where the sam-p confoivity to la- I- found, In accprdance with which there iF a de-endencn of the stricture eynnnics of the geo- 0 grarhic-il vtrmjnOInzF on the mimt of hpat nnd the chararter of the relstlonehl,o betwoon the h-at and mot-tura, ;ust nr. in 0- - col!er ro,;Ions. Institution: Acnd. nf Se. , USSR, Cenrr%t,)h1c Inttitmte G-Rj(10q III/E V, (A. M. USSRI Geography - Book reviqw Pub. 45 - 10116 Authors I Grigor!yev, A. A., Academician; anti Leontlyev. N. F. Title I Atlas of the world Periodical i Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. 6. 88 -92. Nov - Dee 1954 Ab3tract I A review to made of the book, "Atlas of the World," edited by A. N. Baranov, viblished by the Publishing Office of the Central Directorate of Geodesy and Cartogranhy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, In Moscow# in 19,54. The book contains 87 double-page maps, 44 x 37 cm and larger and 109 single-raze layouts containing 263 maps with variour. acales. Some shortcomings are pointed out but generally the book is rated high. Institution: ..... Submitted: 'i rid Al, r L'J4, ,j jo-jetvko4 Ceografli: p llngom - 4 -,S , Puti ratvil -o0, -hcstv-.i 5*3slq. rl'arlis r3f deyet-pm,w J ko Col'.VvIltiull rf ti[ t he U',sk, PrafMa, th:!j ~1!!IV t(IJIL ,f, DLC -in rli ~~t i1w .t)d r"'hation.11 af~d ~e.,l b.O-~Iwe of th" IN mirf wd ths, ii,)-ldonship of dim,jr1c inehoraticii to ,,n~ Arctic expeditioni 2. Ge3grqhlal cvriferet c jQRIGOR-'-]3L_#,zj4Tpy #ke,~sqp4rovich-. KUKKIS. S.N.. redaktor; NOGINA. N.I.. '-ww. tokhnicheaki-y' redaktor [The subarctic; an attempted characterization of the basic Wes of geographical environments) Subarktiks; opyt kharaktariettki osnovqykh tipov geograftcheskot aredy, Izd. 2-oe, perer. i dop. Koskva, Goa. tzd-vo geogr. lit-ry. 1956. 222 p. (MLRA 9:11) (Arctic regions) PAI TRY-ALshwakademiki otystetyanny7 redektor; IVANOV. A.Y., otyet- styann.vy rodaktor; PIMTAKOV. I.L.. redektor; GIMYKH. D.A.. takhni- cheskLy redaktor; IOSIMLIVA. S.M., takhnicheekty rodaktor [the Xsrelian A.S.S.R.] lorellsksta ASSR. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr, lit-rY. 1956. 332 P. (KLRA 9:12) 1. Akmdemiya nauk SM. Korel'skly filial. Petrazovodsk. (Karelia-Sconomic geograptW) Lev Semenovich, akademik; GALLBR, S.Yu.. GARASIMOV, I.P., akademik; akademik; KALJISIIIK, S.V.; LINDBIRG. G.U.; KARKOV, K.K.; MUZAYW, B.M., doktor geografichaskikh nauk, otyatetyennyy redaktor; VIKOLISKIY. 0,.V.; RIKOLISKATA. V.V.: OBRUCHV, D.T.: FAVLOVSKff, Ye.U.. akademik; SVATOVIDOV, A.H.; BOLYNSIUYA. V.S.. redaktor izdatelletva; XASHIIIA, P.S.. tekhnichookiy redaktor; ZA&YAKOVA, T.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Selected works) lzbrannye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. VoI.I. [The history of science] Istorita nauki. 1936. 3941F (KIRA 9-9) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kaleenik, Hikollskiy, G.V., Svetovidoy) (Science--History) t,T 8,10-2.56 V tri or Voetkov I nakillorye xaduh! sommunnot k1lim.-itologil. c LA It% iv ow ,4)-;w, prt) I i-wi of cmitemIxitafy fill: ltwl~ t,,, M, 1. (cd.), A. R. voellcovj soviumentlyu ploblelily hilinatolor.H. 1xiiin1j,ad, ViSt). It. ! 1 '7 1 DWIJ - After radialioll ImUlce of the t--artIl*iMltf:ILL. the moi-,tilrv L.dameal"I th, !i 0 1,1111 artil w3tor the withor cowifleft, the prebIt-im of x limatof,yy ;tt (It,- pw.cla 6-1. ificlude the U~rmwhiion ,f clit-amic taws, the physical jw4c-., invuhttl ill 111v fonl 1. "t it'll 'S (1,1111.1ti: AS A IVSIII( Cf IhL illtMldioll tIf the atillu"plicle widl On- sft&i- ;;ii.l i;wolvitrv beat JTl(I 1110i6tLiv: exchati,:o, a physical thenry of ov,ktuiv moharlIv, Oc. Ifeaditirs: 1. Pioulms in clinia(ology 2. Radiation balanco 3. Moisture lialince. 1. VocLkov, A. 1. GRIGORIYRV, A.A. t:. General problems or geography and physical geography i& "American geography: Investory and prospect.*. Revieved b7 A.A.Grigoriev. Izv. AN SSSR. J&-F 156. (KLPIA 9:7) (United States--Geography--Stud7 and teaching) GRIGCRIYXV,_A A, aksidemik. Interrelation nnd Interdependence of components of n geograpble anviroysent nnd the'role of InterchrW. of matter nnd energy in them. Izv.AH SSSR. Jl-Ag 1~6. (MW 9210) 1.1notitut geografti Akmdenji nftuk SSSR. (Physical geography) ALUCPIYJCV. P`.*.9 AFMCMM, V.S.; BUOVA, T.N.; BTUSMEIIS, L.M.; GINZBVFA, G.Z6; GORDONOT, L.Sh.: G among skedemik- GURARI, Te.L.; DANUCT, A.D.; INKIN. L-Arw.-MUMOT. NIMMilIT. N.M.; KUIAGIN, G.9o; MILETIOTUff, AoG.; MURZATRY, N.M.; PAVWV, T.Ve; POPOV, CC; YASITSXIT. I*Fo ley lAk*TIGTIch Zl~, 1900-1956; obituarr. Isve All SS=ofwogeo 0006s153-154 X-D 056. (on lablit (Slaaa, Zov lAkoylevich. 1900-1956) GRIGOR'TICV, A- (KLRA 10: 1) PAP hangine. Geog-T BhkOle 19 no.6:63 N-D 156. (Naps) GRIGGROYM, A.A.. akadenik; BUDY10. N.I. Periodic law of geographic tonality. Dokl.AN &"*M 110 no.1:129-132 3-0 '56. OILRA 9, 11) 1.1notItut geografit Akademil nauk SM, Glavnays go9ofizicheakaya observatorp Iment kelJoyeykawa. (Life zones) (Phytogeography) MURZAYIIV, Aduard Makarovich; GBIGORIYXV, A.A.. akedemik. otyetetvennyy redaktor; LBMWVA. N.Ve, AWROILSON-i PrOMIA, R.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktor LContral Asia; a sketch of it@ physical geography] Brednimis Azila. fiziko-geografichookil acherk. Nookwo. Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry. 1957. 268 p. (KIRA 10:2) (Soviet Central Asia-Physical geography) L13MV, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich. GBIjQRlVW LO&W skademik, otvetstve"y redaktor; SISILOVA, M.N., redaktor isdatelletva: ASTAFIYZVA, G.A., tokhnicheakiy redaktor. [Oldtline history of geography in Russia during the 18th century (1725-1800)] Ocherki po istorli lgeografil v Rossii XVIII v. (1725-1800 gg.). Moskva, Ixd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1957. 271 (MIRA 10:11) (Geography--History) I - GRIGOR'Ylb'V, A.A#, akademik. note on 3oviot geography. lzv. AN SSSR. 59r. geog. no.5- 104-110 5-0 157. (mm lati~ 1. Institut geografil AN SSM (Geography) ,- 31, " ,I - , , ~ F. t, , ,. GRIGGRIYAI. A.A.. akadem1k. Snow basic problems of physical geography. JzT. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6-.3-17 N-D 057. (Kru 11:1) 1. Institut geografti AN SS3X (Physical geography) GRIGORIYEV, A.A. Certain problests alid tanks confronting Soviet physical geography. Geog.sbor. no.12:63-67 057. (MIRA 11:1) (Physical geography) GRIGOR'YIV, A.A. j~ ~ - , Sone problem relative to Soviet physical geography. Izv. Tsee. 0606. ob-va 89 no.2.'101-105 Mr-AP 157. (Km io:6) (Physical geocraphy) BMU. Lev Semenovich, akad., red.; GZLLER, S.Yu., doirctor reW ,reficheakikh nauk. otv. red.: ANRASIMOV, I.P.. aked.. red.; KAIXSIIIK, S.V., red.; rAd.! MMKOV,, red.- KIRZATIV, E.M., red.; IIIXOLISXIT, O.V., red.; NIKOL!SICAYA,V.V.,rtid.;CBBUCHYY,D.Y- red. PAYLOVSKIY. Ye.N., RKad.. red.; SVETOVIDOY, A.H.. red.; SPRYGIIA. L.I.. red. izd-va,; k= ININ. I.F.. tekhn. red. [Selected works) Isbrannye trudy. Koskyn. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. vol. 2. (Physical geography] Fizicheskata geografila. 1958. 425 p. (NLRA 11:11) l.-Chlen-1-orresoondent AN SSSR (for Kalesnik, Nikol'skly. Svetovidov). (Physic91 geography) NINCHNNO. V.S.; BOCHAROV, M.D.; KRISTOSMITANs N.G.; CIMRKASOV. V.I.; ANMTANOV, V.V.; KAUFMAN, V.N.; PAKHKAHOV, V.1F ; ZVORTXIN, A.A.. ANICHKOV, U.N., red.; BARDIU, I.P., r;d . ; BLAdMiATOT, A,A.9 red.; VVXMSKIT, B.A.. red.-, GRIGOROYET, A.A., red,; KAPUSTINSKIY. A.F.. red.: KOLMOWROY, A.k.',- red',,,- WMHATLOT, A.A.. red.; OPARIN, A.I., red.; PXMV, P.N.i red.; STOLITOT. VA.. red.: STRAKHOV, N.M., red.; FIGUROVSKIT, N.A.. red.; KOSTI, S.D., (Biographical dictionary of leaders in the natural sciences and technology] Biograficheakii slovarl deiatelei antest-vosnaniin i takhniki. Tol.l.* A - L. Otvetst"nnyi red. A.A.Zvorykini R~d. kallegiih! N.M.Anichkov 1.dr..Noakva..Gos.nauchn.i%d-vo "Bollshals Sovetskala Inteiklopediia.4 1958. 548 p. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Hadaktsiya istoril esteatvoznanlya i takhniki Bollsboy Sevetskoy Antsiklopedil (for Nemchenko, Bocharov,. Iristosturlyan, Chorkasovi Andreyanov, Kaufman, Fakhmanov). (Scientists) AUTHO R: None Given 11-1-28129 TIZO,: General Meeting of the Department of Geologic-Geograph- ical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Held on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the great Socialist October Revolution (Obahcheye sobraniye otdeleniya geologo- geograficheskikh nauk AN SSSR, poevyashchennoye 40-letiyu velikoy oktyabrlskoy sotsialicheskoy revolyutsii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, # 1, P 117 (USSR) ABSTRACTi On October 29-31, 1957, a general meeting of the depart- ment of geologic-geographical sciences was held in Moscow, commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution. The meeting was opened by the Academi- cian-Secretary D.I. Shcherbakov. The meeting heard the following reportsi 1. Academician D.V. Nalivkin - Boundaries of Goosynclines and Plateaus on Geologic Maps. 2. Academi- cian of the Azerbaydzhan SSR M.M. Aliyev - Development of Geologic Science in Azerbaydzhan During the Soviet Regime. 3. Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences I.I. Gorskiy - Biostratigraphy and Geochronology of Continental Card 1/2 Deposits. 4, Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of 11-1-28/29 Ge ~Y_ ial Meeting of the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hold on the Occasion of the 40th Anni- versary of the Great Socialist October Revolution SciencesK.A. Vlaeov - Genetic Types of Deposits of Rare Elements. 5. Academician A.A. Gri orlyev - Several Basic Problems of Physical Geography. . M er-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Science L.A. Zenkevich' Professor V.G. Bogorov,- and Professor V.I. Usachev, - Ro~ularity of Distribution of Living Beings in the Ocean- 7. Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciencw V.G. Bondarchukt' Pro- fessor P.N. Shullga - Atlas of the Paleogeographical Maps of the Ukrainian and the Moldavian SSR. AVAILABLEz Library of Congress Card 2/2 A U ~ h0h Grigorlyev, A.A., Academician 10-:ta-,'1-3/29 ,o TITLE-, Some Geographical 14gehkadffm - of Heat and Water Exchange on Land Surface and Ways of Further Studying Substance and Energy Exchange in the Geographical Environment (0 nekotorykh geoCraficheskikh zakonomernostyakh teploobmena i vodoobmena na poverkhnosti sushi i o putyakh dallneyshego izucheniya ob. mena veshchestv i energii v geograficheskoy srede) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geoeraf'icheskaya, 1918, Nr 3, PP 17-21 (USSR) AB~5TRACT; The latest investigations on the regularity of the formation and development of the geographical environment showed that the interdependence of its components,(established-by V.V. Doku- chayev) is based on the exchange of' substance and energy between them and between the geographical environment as a whole and solar radiation and sub-crustal substance. .quite recently, out- standing achievements have been made in the comparative study of zonal characteristics, on geochemical processes, on minerali- -.,ation proceose-) of' subourface tuld ourface waters, on orosion accumulative geomorphological processes, o.~. 1-ioc;eochemical pro- cesses of soil formation, and on biochemical processes in flora k;arl V., and fauna. Studying these processes K.I. Lukashev, A.I. Perel~- Some k.;e0g!'UphiC:A1 qnd '4ays ~il Further Phi-aI ~,nvironment of .-beat and Viater Exchange or. Land Surfa,:e Studying Substance and Energy Exchange in the Geogra- man, A-0. Alekin, G.A. Maksimovich, :i.1. Yakkaveyev, VA- Kovda, V.V. Ponomareva, S.L. Ivanov, Ye.A. Doroganevskaya and others have collected important material, enabling Soviet science to start fundamental investigations on the re6ularity of formation building, dynamics arid development of the geo- graphical environment. These studies are directed towards the artificiall altering of heat und water conditions on the Earth's surface. There are 2 Soviet references. A660CIATION: Institut geografii AN SSSR (The Geographical Institute of the USSR AS) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2,12 1. Geophysics - USSR 2. Hydrology - USSR A U f HOR: Grigorlyev, A.A., Academician lO-L6-3-12129 TITLE: On the Scientific Activity of the First All-Union Geographical Congress (0 nauchnoy deyatellnosti pervogo vsesoyuznogo geo- graficheskogo s"yezda) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1Q,58. Nr 3, pp 76-83 ABSTRACTi The First All-Union Geographical Congress, convened by the State Geographical Society from the Ilth to 18th April 1933, was attended by 803 persons. Reports on the successes of Soviet geography, on problems of physical and economic geogra- phy,etc., were delivered by the following scientists: Academi- cian N.I. Vavilov, people's commissar N.V. Krylerko, the repre- sentative of the Armenia SSR, Professor A.Ya. loannessian. R L, Samoylovich, D.V. Nalivkin, Yu.M. Shokallskiy, A.F. Vangengeym, K.M. Deryuginj L.I. Prasolov, I.I. Gorskiy, A,A. Grigor'yev, L. Ya. Ziman, N.N. Zakharov, V.P. Glushkov. V.N. Lebedev, P.T. Sokolov, B.F. Dobrynin, A.D. Gozhev, M.A. Pervukhin, A.A. Ka- minskiy, B.B. Polynov, G.D. Rikhter, L.S. Berg, I.P. Geresimov, Ye.N~ Ivanova, S.S. Shullts, K.K. Markov, B.L. Lichikov, 11-N, Sokolov, N.V. Dumitrashko, B.A. Fedorovich, A.N. Kristofovich, Card B,K. Shtegman, N.N. Baranskiy, O.A. Konstantinov, I.A. Vitver, -), Y" , .5 Aw :, I -f 10--"18 - I "le -; On the Jcifiritific Activity of the Firat All-Uniors Geographical Congvrx--an O.Yu. Shmidt. There are 4 Soviet references. A66OClAPIONt 1natitut geografii AN SSSH (Geographical Institute of the AS UM ) AVAILABLEt Library of Congress I Uard 212 1. Conferences - Geographical Congress - USSR 2. Geography - USSR 3. Geography Eccnomic aspects USSR AUTHOP: Crigorlyev, A.A., Acndemician 26-55-6-9/r.6 TITLE: A New Tendency in Meteorology and Physical Geography (Novoye napravleniye v moteorologii i fizicheekoy geografW PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 6, P 5'(7-54 (U39R) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the valuable cWributions to meteoro- logy and physical geography made by Soviet scientist M.I. Budyko, who had come to the conclusion that the processes of :~onnlity depend on the exchange of heat and humidity between the earth's surface and the atmosphere. Budyko introduced new Peophysical methods for innuiring into these Dhenomena, covered in his monograph "Evaporation Under Natural Conditions", published in 1948. In 1956 he published a monograph on "The Ifent Bnlnnce of the Earthls Surface" along with an "Atlas of Heat Balance". This material cleared up a rnnire of general problems covering the theory of climate and explained a number of laws of geographicnl zonality. Budyko's works have been translated into many foreign languages. Card 111 There is 1 photo and 1 Soviet reference. ,i-Study ~,nd teaching 2. Geographv 1. MoteoroloF- MIDT, Otto Tullyevich, akademik Ldeceneed]; KUROSH, A.G., doktor fiz.-Matem. nauk, Andemik, red.; DUONI, B.N.. red.: XALASHNIKOV, A.G., doktor fis.-matem.nauk. red.; KOZLOVSKATA, S.V., red.; IJOnINSKIT, A.I., doktor fiz.-mntem.nauk. red.- LITIN. B.Yu., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; MALITSIT, A.I., red.: LILINI, G.F., doktor fix.-matem.nauk. red.: SHMLEV. X.L. general-loyte- nant, red.: POLINOVA. T.P., (Selected works; mathematical Izbrannys trady; matematike. Ronkva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR# 1939. 313 p. (NIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Deloneo Nalltsev). (Groups. Theory of) C, T- ICW, I.V.. Prinimali uchantile: POTUL40V A.A * TEMOVA. MI.: CHUXLENKOVA I N - IIANOVA, G.T.: GRMITST, A A akedemik. Iih4CFIibV V.S., akademik, iFMOVICH. 0.Y., rea.izd-,Fa; RiIiNA, Tu.V., ' [The Urals; economic and geographical features] Ural; skono- miko-geografichookaia kharaktariatika. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SM, 1959. 365 P. (NIU 13:1) (Ural Nountain region) 3(4) 1_0 - 5 9- _1/22 AUTHORSt Grigorlyev, A.A., Academician, and Budykc, 11.1. TITLE: Classification of the Climates of the USSR. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 3-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the present situation of climatological studies in the USSR and abroad, especially in Germany. After having explained and criticized other systems, they explain and jnstify their own proposal which they had followed in drafting the climatological map of their ccuntry (the map is attached to the artiole). Their classification does not only reflect physicall-geoeraphical unifo.-mities but is also influenced by some climatologic-Cenetic r,.,c~ul-irities. Aver- age temperatures and aieraj,ki factori -f dryn,~,.3s -,,;ere taken into consideration as well. Geobotanical ctoirt.,3 were use,] as a counter--heck. Tablr- I showo the characto~ri~;t!,,j of 4 dif- ferent degrees of humidity of a ~Iimrtte. Ta~!e la li3tg the characteristic:; of 5 difff-r~~nt warm zone:i (fr.)m plus 10 C Card 1/3 to tre total yearly 1,P t? 4,4f~0`). Table 2 Classification of the Climate3 of the U3"'R shows the characteris tics cf 6 dif ~erent c ld z~!rier, ~~ from -the , o e ~,w r. *1 ; - Z- ) .E-.- e ry average yearly temperature ab V 3- region Is characterized In their iy-tem ~~.; t1hree sl*,-rs ~e.g, 11 4 D) expressin- tue mear. values -,t' h,;mi.J-.*'1y, 'neat. and -/er-all suivey of the cold of the region. Table 3 is ar, o new cla3sifization of the Soviet Llimat:!s. A '.,erti~al e,?a- luation of the ilimates I's but partially taken irit,.; conalider- ation. The USSR is said to have 12 type_,, of basi._- climatic zones for the warm period, 31 for tho~- winter sea*cv. At the end, a more detailed chara-~~teristic -;f basic Scviet cliLmateB lo given. MOTe accurate repi~lral obuerrvatonj are to be organized all over the Soviet-UnIcri. The follo-iing scientists have collaborated on this study. L.1. Z%ibenok; N.A. Yefim(yra, V.V. Mukhenberev A.F, Galltsov, O.A. Droz- dov, G.D. Rikhter, Ye.S. Rubinshteyn and A.M. Sernnnova-Ty- anshanskav-. The author also mentions t'%e ""Cviet scientistu.- F.F. Davltaya, :3.A. Oelyani- nov, A.T. Kayoorodov, B.P. A1is,)v,_':.1. n-.v-- , A:... yev, L.P. Seryakovj?. Ye.!.% Lavrenl,r"' '1.B. Card 2/3 :;0V/10-59-3-1/32 Classification of the Climates of the USSR are also recorded ir the reference list. There are 4 tables, 3 r-raphs, 1 map, and 37 references, 30 of which are Ooviet, 6 German and 1 Swedish. ASSOCIATIOM Institut geografii AN S33R (Institute of uleograrhy of the ,S U33R) Glavnaya eeofiziche~-.kaya observatoriya (The Main Geo- physical Observatory). Card 3/3 3(0) SOV/10-59-3-20/32 AUTHORt _-Grigorlyev, A.A., Academician TITLE: A. Humboldt - an 6ultstanding Naturalist and Geo rapher of the First Half of the 19th Century (1769 - 18595 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya, 1959, Nr 3P pp 119-123 (USSR) ABSTRACTt This article praises A. Humboldt on the one hundredth anni- versary of his death. The Institut istorii yestestvoz- naniya i tekhniki AN SSSR (Historical Institute of Natural History - and Technology, AS USSR) will publish a special collection of studies written on the occasion of the first centennary of the death of A. Humboldt. There is 1 photograph* ASSOCIATIONi Institut geografii AN SSSR (Institute of reoil-raphyp AS USSR). Card 1/1 SOV/26-59-5-15/47 AUTHMR: Grigorlyev, A.A., Academician (Voscoa) 'J.' I T L -E :A Great Uaturalist and Gcogral)her PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 5, pp 66 - ?3 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes Humboldt's scientific work which covere( geography, geolooy, atmospherics, hydrospherics, bionpherics and climatology. Ile carried out research in these sciences in the tropical area of South America in 1799/04, the result of which appeared in "Cosmos, a Study in Geoph Slice ("Kosmos, opyt fizicheskogo miroopisa- niyalf~ published in 1845. The results of his tra- vels in Eastern Russia in 1827 were published in "Central Asia" (Tsentrallnaya Aziya). The author describes the achiuvements of Humboldt and his in- fluence upon later developments in science and in the materialistic philosophy elaborated by Marx and Engels. There are 5 Sovi,~!t veforences. Card 1/1 A 6,16r- 3 (7) AUTHOR: Lebedev, A. N. 30-1/50-59-9-15/16 TITLE: At the Geophysical Main Observatory imeni A. I. Voyeykov PERIODICAL: LAeteorologiya i gidroloCiya, '959, Nr 9, p 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On MaY 29, 1959, a neetinL; of the Uchenyy sovet (Scientifi-. Council) took place at the Glavnaya geofizicheskaya ob-- servatoriya (Geophysical Main Observatory). It was held in commemoratioit of the 100th anniversary of Alexander vcn Humboldt's death. The members of the Observatory mentioned~ and of other institutes of Lenin;,-rad, were present. Reports were held by Acadomician A. A. Gri orlq cr. "The Scientific Importance of A. Humbold*Yrg7ff0_rJE11, and by Professor Ye. A. Rubinshteyn "In Commemoration of Alexander Humboldt". Pr,-,- fessor M. 1. Budyko, Chairman of the Scientific Council, made the closing speech, pointing to the fact that Humboldt had contributed to the organization of the Geophysical Main Ob- servatory. Card 1/1 it v Z. 't nth t il Im 0 .3 ka SHHIIR, Otto Yullyevich Ldecensedj; LEB IH3CIY, A.1., doktor fiz.-mDtem. nauk, otv.rod.toms; LEVIII, B.Tu., doktor fiz.-mstem.nauk. otyerade toma; XHILIHI, G.F.. doktor,; KAU.IuRlIKOV, A.G., daktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.-, CRIGORIYXT, A.A,, almdemik. red.; DA600, B.N., red.; KOZLOVSKATA. S.T., XMIOSH, A.G., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; KALITSIV, A.I., akademlkg red.; SHIVMY. M.L. gone ral-leytena nt, Geroy Sovetakogo SoyUss, red.; NOTICHKOVA, II.D.,; KASHINA. P.S., --, [Selected works; geophysics and coBmogony] lzbrannys trudy: goo- fizika i koemogoniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akud.neuk SSSR, 196o. 209 y. (mlu 14:1) (cosmogony) (Geophysics) (Schmidt, Otto IUI'evich. 1891-1956) SHKIM, Otto Tullyevich, skndemik (deceased. 1891-19561; GRIGORSYNT. _A.A._L skademik,; SMMMM. K.1.. geiWr91-lejFe-n&-nt-. Garoy Soystakogo Boyuss,; =CK5. D.N.. red.; XALASHNIKOV. A.G., doktor flz.-matem.nauk, red.; KOMOYSLATA, S.V., red.; UMOSH, A.G., doktor fiz.-mstem.nauk. red.; LZBEDINGKIT, A.I., dolctor fix.-matem.neuk. red.; LEVIN, B.Tu.. doktor fiz.-matem.nauk. red.; KALITSKY, A.I.. akAdemik. red.: G.P., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk. red.; NKYRROVICH, O.V.. red.izd-va; KASHIUA, P.S., (Selected geographical works] 12breanye trudy; geogrefichookie raboty. Kosk-va, Izd-vo Aked.nouk SSSR, 1960. 212 p. (NIRA 13:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SM (for Delone). (Schmidt. Otto 01livich. 1891-1956) (Arctic regions) GRUOT. Vadin Ivanovich; PATULOT, A,A., kartograf; GMGORIYKY, A.A.. skademik.,; MOUNT, D.N., doktor geograf.nauk, otv.redo; SMUTINA. T.D., red.izd-va; POLYANOVA. T.T.. [Otitline history of Russian geographical explorations from 1725 to 17651 Ocherki Is Istorit rueskikh geogrefichaskikh Issledo- vanti v 1725-1763 gg. Noskva. Igd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR. 1960. 425 p. (NIM 13:7) 1. Inatitut geografii M SSSR (for Potulov). (Russia--Discovery and exploration) DIRG, Lev Semenovich, skademikI MURUTIT, A.M., doktor geogref.nauke; FITLOVSKIY. U.N., skedealk, reds; GKEJM. S.Tu.. red.; GARASINOT. I.P., skadealk, red.; GRIqW!-XXV, A.A...akademik. red.; KAL&WIK. S.V.. red.; LINDBRRG, G.U., red.; MARKOT, KOKO@ red.; NIVILISKIY, G.V.; red.;'VIKOWSKATA. V.V., red.; OBRUCHEV, D.V.. red.; PATLOVSKIT. U.N., skademik, red.; SMOVIWV, A.N., red.; MTGINA, L.I., red.izd-va; GOLUB'. S.P., (Selected works] lzbrannys trudyo Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk S=* Vol.3. [Central Asia. Loessj Sredniala Axiia; Less. 1960. 550 P. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Chlony-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Kaleanik, Nikollskiy. Svetovidov). (Soviet Central Asia--Physical geographv) (Loess) GRIGORIYEV, A.A., skademik Impressions at the Third Congress of the Geographical Society -.of the U.S.S.R. Jzv.AH SSSR.Ser.geog- n0-3:108-110 b1y-Je 16o. OMIRA 13:6) (Osograpby-Cork,zessee) S/O I O/60/O6C/W_, 100! /00 A05.;/AO29 AMOR- origor'yev, VA., A01demil0lan TITLE, Election of New Members and Corr~spondlng Member~ of !,he Academy of Sciences USSR, Department of GeoloKy-&-cgrap4y 11;~~ PERIODICAL: rzvestlya Akademia nauk SSR, Serlya Geograficheskwira, 1560, Nc, 5, pp- 156-157 TECT: On the June 1960 session of the Academy of Sciences USSR the regu- lar election of members and corresponding members took place: Y-!:vgenjy Konaian_- tinovich Fedcrov was elected member and Grigoriy Aleksanarovich Avsrik - cor- res-p-o-nUn-gmember of the Academy of Scien USSR, Departmen*, of Geology-Geogra- phy. Ye.K.Fedorov was born in 1910 and is an outstanding scient!.4~t, whose in- vestigations in the Arctic have won world fa-mA. He madt geograpb-ic-geophysical observations during his drift on the ice floe "North Pole No. I" In 1927-1938. In recognition of his aohievements Fedorov was appointcd Ho~ro of The Union, V/ Doctor of Geography and in -1946 he won the Stalln Since hf- joined the Academy of Science3 in 1947, Fedorov haa concentrated oti th4 gt!ophy5ic5 of zhe atmosphere In the higher strata with the Intention of finling mf--,hods of actiVAIV Card 1/3 3/010/6-0/000/005/ool/00j A05 4./AO29 Election of New Members and Corr6sponding Mtmbtrs of the Academy of USSR, Department of Geology-Geography influencing met5orological progresses. In 1955 Pedorov organjz-ntd the In5titut prikladnoy geofizlki (InstAtute of Applied Geophysics). which is engaged in research and devolopment work, under Fed.-.,rov's supervision, Fedorov has recentl-v been working on queations concerning checking on nuolear explosionb. Since lgr--,g Fedorov is Chief Scitntiltic Secretary of the Presidium of the A~ademy of Sclence~ V USSR. G.A. Avsyuk,,,born in 1906, Is a prominent scienti5t In thL- fitld of glacio- logyAgeodesy and ~~.mLoaipty. He studied lhj!, Ic,- movements and lc,~ formatlonx of the Arctic_q&and the laws governing the ice flow on th,,~ large river-s~ fl- nally he explored the &%--ial regions of Tyan Shan and Pamir, In 1947 Av.zvuk established the observation post Vysokogorna;ya Tyan-Shanskwja fiziko-giografi- cheskaya Stantslya (Ijigh-Mountain Tyan-Shari Fhysico- Geographical. Station) of the Geographical Instituf-e of the Academy of Sciences USSR, of whl(,h ha wa8 *he hesd during 10 ye&rs. Ccnelderable interest. pr--~aents b-is meth',)d of glacier melting, contributing to inc7easea watc-r flow in mountaln 77iv-r- In Ig-7 AvsN-uk was placed in charge of all glaciological work In tha USSR 3ch~,,rjled to te con- Card 2.13 s/Oio/6(',/r.,Oo/005/C,O i /ooi A053/0-29 Election of New Members and Corrf-!pondlng M..)mbbes of th,~- Acadokmv of USSR, Department of G,~ology-Geogravhy ducted in accordance with the program of ths International Geophysical Yx'sr, The -procedure to be adopted in this connection wa,6 approved anJ r.~cowended b~j the Assembly of the IGY In Binissels., Avsyuk LF the author of 120 s~,If~n~ff publIca. tions. Card 3/3 ,--qFJGORIYEVo A.A. 13usic steps in the development of thought on physic U~ geni7ttyhy from the middle of the 18th century. tekh. 260. (XIII'al 14:3) (physical geogrphy) GRIGORITEV, Andr~y Alskoandrovicb _.-akademik; FARASIKOV, M.A. , red, izd--Va; VOLKOVAO V.V., toklm. red. [Developmout of plWalcogeographica.2 concepts in Russia in the 19th and the bipgl =4 of the 20th century) Rasvitie fitiko-geografichs- skoi fteli v Roamii (nl-nachALlo XX v.); kratkii ocberk. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SM, 1961. 89 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Pbysical geograpby) IMAIKIN, Naum Grigor'yevich; -WIWR'YNY, A.A., akademik, otv. red. -. SINIWTA, N-9-o red. isd-ve; NOTIC # N~Do q takhno red* (History of research an the-physical geography of the U.S.S.R., 1917-19271 Ocharki po istoril fisiko-geogrefichaskikh isels- dovanii territoril SSSR, 1917-1927 99. Moskva, I%d-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 245 p. (MIRA 14:5) (Physical geography) CRUGORITEV* A#A,g_g3.av. red.; TIEWIROV, V.P.t zam, glav, red, [Concise geographical encyclopedia] Kratkaia geograficheekaia ental- klopediia. Glay. red, A.A.Grigorlov, Chleny red, kolletilt P.M.Alazo. piev i dr. Naucbn. aovet izd-va: A.P.AlskeerAroy i dr. Hookwap Goa. maucbn. isd-vo wSovetskaia entaiklopediia.0 Vol.2. EvIakh - Millibar. 1961. 592 p. (MIRA 14t8) (Geograpby--Dictionarios) GRIGORIYEV,, A.A. - ----- Regions of the Kirghiz Range marked by increaoed moioturee Meteor. i,gidrol. no.903-34 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Adygine Valley,--Precipitation (Meteorology)) GRIGORfTEV, A.A. , akademik Alluring prospecto. Priroda 50 no.8:15 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. All sssit. (Space sciencou) GRIGORIYEV A.A.,--OkademA da 50 no.11:32-37 N 161. 0) Founder of Russian geogriLpbY* PrirO (KM 14:1 (Losonomoyp Mikb&n Vasillevichp 173.1-1765) BERG, Lov Sermnovichj akademik; IIIKOL'SKIY, G.V-, otv. red.; OBACIEV, D.V.j dOktW.-j$01p *3Akp ot',. red.; GELL&,-, S.Yu.,red.; ~~JGCRIYEV A., ctkadonik, Xderdk, red.; a red.; KALESUIK, S.V., red.; LII'.DBE.Z, G.U.j, red.; RMIKOV, K.K." red.; I-11UHUYEV, E.M., red.; Y.IKOLISKAYA, V.V., red.; PAVLMKIY, Ye.14'.1 akademik, red.; SENTrOVILOV, A.'L:., red.; S.TMT.,~, T.B., red. izd-va; YEGOHOVA, A.I.F., tekhn. red. [Selected works) Izbranrye trudy. I'onImn, Izd-vo Akad. naixk SSSR- VOI.5. [General biology, bioGvo[,rp-phy, and va2coichU, "OloMology)Obshchair-, biolojjir~, bloicoCraflia I pIco- ikhtiologiiu. 1962. 513 P. (MIA~A 15:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadevii nauk SSSR (for ralesnikj flikol'skly Svetovidov).' (Biology) (Geo aphical diAribution of aniral ana pL-mts) FFiahes, Focuil) BELYMIKE, D.S., akadem1k; BETEKIITIN, A.G., akaderrrik; DORISYAK, A.A.# akademik,- GRIGORI-- - ..,-akademik; NIALIVUH, D.V.p alrademik; SIIATSKIY, J.'S., aWemik; VLASOV, K.V.; Zff&~CIfUZHIIXGV, Yu.A.; OHWV, Yu.A.; FEDOROVI S.F.; KUZNETSO'V, I.V., red.; MIKULINSKIY, S.R., red..: KUZNETSOVA-YFX4',OLOVA, Ye.B., red.; MUCHKOVA, V.N., tekhn. red. [Russian scientists; sketches about outstanding workers in natural sciences and technology; geology and geograpby) Liudi ruaskoi nauki; ocherki o vydaiusbchikhsia delateliakh este- stvoznaniia i tekhniki. Geologiiap geografiia.(,,.Voskva, Cos. iZd-VO f12iko-matezn, lit-ry, 1962, 579 p~ IIiA 25:3) 1. Chlen-kor-espondent Akademli nauk SSM (for Vlasov, Zhem- chuzhnikov, Orlov, Fedorov). (Geology) (GeograplW) GRIGOR IYEV_,_ red. (Concise geographical oncyclopedia]Kratkaia geografichaskaia entaiklopediia. Glav. red. A.A.Grigorlyev. GhlerW red. konegii-: P.M.Alampiev i dr. Nauchn. sovet izd-va: A.P.Alaknandrov i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchn. izd-vo "Sovetskaia entsiklollediia." Vol.3. (Milos-Soiuz SSR. 1962. 580 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Geograpkq-Dictionaries) GRIGORIYEVO A.A. M.Lomonowyle role in developing geography and the scienee of nait- ral, history in Russia. Zzy, AN SM. Sere geog no.113-15-120 J&J 162. (MIRA 15t2) 1. Institut geografii AN SSRt. (Immonosov Mikhail Vasillevich, 3711-1765) Geographyi iNatural history) ARBATSKIY, A.V.; GRIGORIYEV, A.A.I_XLIMNKO, M.Ya. Preparation of a now flotation reagent - 1,1,3-triethoxybutane. Kh1m.prom. no.)rI76-181 Mr 162. (MIRA 1514) (Butame) GRIGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; BUDYKO, M.I. Seasonal variations in the climatic factors of geographical zonality. DAL AN SSSR 143 noo23391-393 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Climatology) GRIG(IRIYAV,_A. A,; MARKOTp M. N. Practice in the agmellmtic regionalization of the Kirgbis M.R. Inv. Kir. fil. CWog. ob-va SSSR no.32129-135 162. (MIRA 15:10) lirghisistan-Agriculturs and climte) irghisistan-Agricultural geograpby) R POTEKHIN, I.I., glav. red.; BARANOV, A.N., red.; EELYAYEV, Ye.A., red.; GELLER., S.Yu., red.; GRAVE, L.I., at. nauchnyy red.; GRIGOR!JMY,- A.A red.; GUBER, A.A., red.; KULAGIN, G.D., red.; MALA, YCA., re MANCHKHA, P.I., red.; MILOVANOV, I.V., red.; NERSESOV, G.A., red., OLIDEROGGE, D.A., red.; ORLOVA, A.S., red.; POPOV, X.M., red. HOZIN, M.S., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SMIRNOV, S.R., red.; UFIMOV, I.S., red.; SHVEDOV, A.A., red.; YASTREBOVA, I.P., red.; PAVLOVA, T.I., tekhn. red. (Africa; encyclopedia] Afrika; entaiklopedichookii spravochnik. Glav. red. I.I.Potekhin. Chlany red, kollegii: A.N.Baranov i dr. Moskva, Vol.l. A - L. 1963. 474 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Sovetskaya entaiklopediya, Gcjudaratvannoye nauchnoye izdatell- stvo, Moscow. (Africa-Dictionaries and encyclopedias) AVSYUK, G.A.; BUDYKO, M.I.; GEWIMOV, I.P.; GRIGORIYEV, A.A.; DAVITAYA, F.F.; KOLESNIX, S.V.'; SWHAVAp V,G, --.- - I . . Geography in the system of science studying the earth. Izv. AN WM. Ser. geog. no.4sI02-131 JL4g 063. (MMA 16: 8) (Geography) GERASIMOV., I.P., akademik; PRIGORIYEV, A.A., akademik; DAVITAYA, F.F., akademik; AVSYUK, G.A.; KALESNIK, S.V.; BUDYKO, M.I., doktor fiz.- matem. nauk Physical geography and its position in the system of sciences of the earth. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.10:24-28 0 163. (MM 16:11) 1. AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Davitaya). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Avsyuk). K014AR., Igor' 'Valerlyanovich. Prinimeli uchastiyes KOLOTIYEVSKIY, A.M.0 dots.; KRIS4ATOV, M.F., dots.; TIPP~-YEV) A.A.0 akademik, otv. red.; NEMCHINOV, V.S.j, akadeirtik, otv. red. FRADKIN, N.G., red.izd-va; MINA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. (Geography of the economy of the Urals by regions] Geogra- fiia khoziaistva Urala; poraionnaia ekonomiko-geografiche- skaia kharakteristika, Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 393 p. (MIA 17:4) 11-1 GRIGOIIIYI---V, A.A. (Development of the theoretical problems of F,~,yslca-i geography, 1917-19341 Razvittc Wo.-titAcLeukikh, prolAer, so- vetskol fizicheigkol geografii (1917-1934 99.). 1,,osl,.va, Nauka, 1965. 345 Pa OVII(A 18:3) GRIGCR":EV, A.A-, akademik; BUDYKO, M.I. RnIation bOtwOOn tho balances of 110fit anti mo!BturO und thn intennity of geographic processes. Dokl. AN SSr)II 102 ro.l; 151-154 My 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Chlen4orrespondent AN SSSH (for JuLIA'u) . AVSYUK, G.A.; ARPMD, D.L.; VENDROV, S.L.; GELLEP, S.Yu.; GEPASIMOV, I.P.; ~q~990R!.YEV, A.A.; GRICHUK, V.P.; DZERD7EMSHY, B.L.; YJiMU4111, LX.; ISAKOVp Yu.A.; LFONTIYEV, N.F.; LIVOVICII, M.I.; 14JR7.1,YFV, E.M.; INEYSHTADT, M.I.; RIFJITER, G.D.; SOBOLEV,L.N. On Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev's 85th birthday. .Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no-4:3-4 Jl-Ag 165. (%0,A 18: 8) I GRIGOPIr"'. A. D. , It. su. Hydraulic calculation tableF for a-besto-cement w&ter pipos. Moskva, Oos. izd-vo lit-ry strottel'stvu i arkhttekture, 1953, 30 P- (54-18941) TP885.P5M4 v t-,/' GRIOO 9 A. D. GRIGORIIEV, 'A. D.: "Investiiation of the possibility of using lignin-contain' raw materials in ;-he production of veratraldehyde (an intermediate product in papaverine production)w. Sveraovski, 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Viral Polytechnic Inst imeni, S. M. Kirov. (Dissertations for the degree of Carididate of Technical Sclevice.) 301 Knishoeffa lakpiplal goo 50 10 December 19559 Moscow. PUSHKARXVA, Z.V.; GRIGORIYXV, A.D. Obtaining vanillin from raw 7viterifil*containitip, lignin. Med.prom. 11 no.13:6-11 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichookiy inntitut iment S.K.Kirove. (VANILLIN) (LIGNIN) FRASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6 41 Suslov, Nikolay Ivanovich, Aleksey Dmitriyevich GrIgorlyevs Igor' Veniaminovich Pimenov, V 11~iy -pavlovich Krestaikovj, Valentina Ivanovna Susorova, Valentina Ivanovaa Norotakayap Tamara Vasillyevua Basargina,,and Pavel Alekseyevich Zaytsev Nemetallicheskiye materialy; Bpravochnik (Nonmetallic Materials; A Handbook). Hoscowp Mashgiz, 1962. 360 p. Errata slip Inserted. 32,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): N*I*Suslov, Engineer; Reviewers: A.V.Podollsklyj Eagiseer, A.I.Lesik, Engineer, T.V. Basargina, Engineer,and W.I. Bagla, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: N.A Dugina; Executive Ed. of Urai-Siberian Department (Mashgiz~: N.D.Chilikina, Engineer. PURPOSE: This handbook Is Intended for engineers and technicians iA the machine building industry. COVERAGE: The book contains syste.:iatlzed information on non- metallic materials used in machine building in the Soviet Union. Card 1/3 Wmametallic Materials (cont.) sov/6417 A* Trade names,, OOST designatIons, properties,, and applications ore given in tabular form for plasticep adhesives, varnisheas dyes, oils, and chemicals. The book deals primarily with plastics, which are divided into seven classes. Chapter I was compiled by Engineer N.I.Suslov; Chapter IIp by Candidate of' Technical Sciences A.D.Grigorlyev and Engineer I.V.Pimenov; Chapter III, by Engineer V.I.Susorova; Chapter IV, by Engineers E.P.Kreatnikovp V.I.Moroltskayap and T,V.Basargina; and Chapter V, ty Engineer PaAs ZaYtBeva There are 84 refei-ences! 83 Soviet and 1 English, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Ch. I. Plastics Ch. II. Adhesives C ard 2/3 5 7 151 GRIGORIYEVj A.D. Comparative study of methods for preparing vanillin from hydrolytic lignin and coniferous wood sawdust. Trudy Ural.politakh.inst. no.96t4-7 160. (MURA 14:3) (Vanillin) (Lignin) (Wood waite) GRIGORIYE7.', A.D.; PUSHKAREVAj Z.V. Preparation of vanillin from coniferous wood sawdust and hydrolytic lignin by moans of copper oxide. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.96:8-18 160. WIRA 14:3) (Vanillin) (IAgnin) (Wood waste) A U'1" ', W t S =�~c v --,_ :'Winyantseva, T1,2LS': An apparatus vacu~ S/120/62/000/003/032/048 2032/E114 Mikhaylov, Yu.G. , Reynov, L:_!L A.V. , and Sizirnov, A. P. for producing films by evaporation in 11-~Ir~IUJICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no-3, 1()62, 133-135 f--':~T: A description is given of a laboratory apparatus Uncluding full sectional drawing) for the production of films of meta16 and dielectrics. It can be used to evaporate five different m,"terials and to obtain(in a single puimping cyclo)multi- layer systems consisting of filins with ten different configurations in any desired sequence. The thIckness of the films is determined in situ from their resistance. Alundum evaporators licated directly by tungsten spirals are employed (Inaximum temperature 1700 'K, 160 W). The pumping speed (oil diffusion punip) is 250 litros/sec and the working pressure is 5 % 10-6 i-,im 11-Ig. The targets are cooled by liquid nitrogen. There are 3 figures. Card 1/2