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I ---- S-4 lj-r-A -,k-- - 4, 4 ~ AA- t. I'M" - ~ . I I ., *0 c Tba clacitr"inflag of pladeummad pmflddtUM 411 CaMr; IL. Amovive. A. V'Gh I fit to VnVamy. 4 A tplW (lows. - S. ftNAO-7M On French 197"011wril-Thr f(410wiflif F-' -00 14 4 11 1 at I cipmnsersilcil-. Vot 111-platilit Im cu! -q~411'04 Pill. INIII),11141, :At and Mild -00 11; c. 41. 1 atilp./wi. Iii.. at 70 M)'. bot 3-4 smis.; lite 4 the talirr fixuled win 1). 1,41.14 7iQl. in, I lhll 00 E J'it Nfisli(N(h?i It, av~IISOXCJ4 IIRI'. C. 41, 1 - 2 amp. , I,. ,J ago* at Isar 2 nsirl~, ri"'millimliv-1 for vvfy t1kill III I" ill J. P09 I'd 14140119111nCt17 (11, 11411;4.114MCLI 40 0~ I.-,. (Nifil'Iffts, LNI, Na'11110. #M aliff MIX) 2-1: v. 41. 0 00 th), Im ltlflitl~; thu Lut..% Wilt 7, ml.ul.: an-I N11.011 25i v. cl, u.74 warp./vI. Its. at :.I,' floor 1-21 min.; shie-linn* ill" A, A. 11tAppilly Ice* tie* Z it to t 1" 0, u u A, it It it 441 it It it 19 K 01 tf It of 1113 a I IF ,a A V 14 a 43 :1 1 1 e0 0 49 0 0 0 0 00000 0 of a 4 0 0 4 0! 0 0 6~*v 0 Its 0 * 0 0 0:0 0 4 0 0000'0 0 0 of 00 00 0 * * : : 0 : 0 1* 91: : 0 0 0 w'o 0 0 1 04 0 0~6 OF me 0 00. OM ice AM lu 600 NO 0 7 -2 of I a ow~ 0. 11 0 1 go 0 gog eme AVLO -Otloii I I 1 4 1 G 1 0 # a it v A A Red"rk on **memoir klivo. *Iikw "d A. A. Maraks Obvyk 10 fftct I au a al cakmblum uA tantalum." dl A Zyggints4v land Z. G. Narnwedre. 1. (aw, C", V. S. . 1 R;)' 810 Z-,k., - Otgult - 09 (19M): cf. C. of. Ji, 46141.-Ilcarilims of Cb ai;~ rt with rewrcinal dots not livv a qual. t"t f4w th,!,r rl,-- rvirntt "V as 00 -3 zo 41 see see '00 &SO-ILA 041ALLUICKAL LITINATIM9 CLASWKATKR be 40 wave si IS14110 wit 04V got u AT to sw OF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 4 a 0 0 040 0 41 4p 0 0 0 ~ 6!0 M oo 00 0 a, :0 00 w *0 ........ .... *go KIM ro"dow w 444#dbm of alobiWn "W *0 tjW%kW. i 0. H. jAA;jMY ft%t Z. U. NANO. . . SAM V. Getl~ 10 A, N. 829).-The to- i ZOO "on with.rwmin4 (Pktonov el al.. A., 1937.1. gis 0 265) is no4 girm pure Xb salts, arxi canpot, wrre bi 'r f d ti f N T R 0 or atm on o o~ m. . . .00 Ago IWO 0 1204, 11111131'" %1*.& WIWI* --- ........ I a rw a u is AT PC al; 0 al K' it S a a LI ;o a i r; 0--- o'. lea 11 0 00 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0e *so 0 0 00 00 Zo 96 0 4. 0 wo 0 * 4 0 0 00000 00 0 111 0 0 40 0, 0 A 111 40: 0 0 0, e o o 0. 0. 40 0 Ilb0 00 0 000 0, 11111111 ---11 -11 1111111110-11111111111 All gnua!~jal'R I xr" I., I A 9 GONLINV see em lee its 0 LA T. see 00 211OW "it rov M S in 0" f# T - ;;; Ii fAl Im. I of 0.0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0,641; It a 044 0 a o o $I 41 0 ;O~GLS 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0~ 1 0 OLO'G'e S;o " togialooWet . . i q0 A la A 1 4 t I V u tt is It 4 is it to X so A C60141 1.13 of. C.3#9 I.. . ...... .. ...... Tic acitioa at cuWas adauds od-sa-1-utftnz of C' old 4141 C"d an AWd 0 B Z ')Iwy and 11. L. 0 0 a S, s. is. 111%M41,103:! 2..M. 0 :' M 0 40 4,*AjM4)(U'A Englilb); cf. C. it. 31, 1PIP.-A %On. of 0 0 041 If L. tO.W90 S. Au In I(XI tril.) wAs stirred at room with I C. of fincly ground wulfide. After (WO dAY4 IV. 147 00 sit (the,x. Au per 110) ini. vias &L folkrm3o rbalmlivrite, nunt; pyrite, twoe; gakna. OAXIO;; glibal"ite, u.CPsu; and ro"1101 x2nijAr. 0.16W. Sinidirexpts. with a KAu. (C,'I)s soln. 0.0430 U. Air in IOU nd.) gave the fullowint rv*Wts after -4) dAys. chalcopyritc, "M40; pyrnt.. (),tir'O. jr-Ams, 0.1(uu; sphidefitc, 0.110); and tontful. 11. 1 $24J. DrActford Stone zoo w goo so no 4 Igo goo -W-i - T. i "t cf eg w ow a x Ai '010 0000 0 0 0 0 IWO 0 0 is 0 6 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 40 000 0 0 0 09 of 0 4) 0 00 0 0 go 4 0 00 0 0 * 01;0~41 0 0 0 0: 46 0 0: 0 41 0,00 0 90 0; 'A M v one. I w , k - A lv (i fet 7.v.~mnd 1. A. lljtjit~n. t #m1w. P&O owj At HOW18)(an Fnaliltli).--Au i~vtsltitsktu"m of Ow rr- (gakrut, xpluariiw~ aw. (*)PYTI(V. pirrite ww atstoopyti mW AuCt, tw XjtAuLN 1"I to Ow f-Alowine equaiiaeu: 41!~ 3 IUS AaCl, 3 IWIS + 1.1 U + 3 8. (h) 9 FvSv 4- 40AuC1, + it FjCI, t 2 11.0 - 8 i T I-WI. ir ILI 11,A). 4 -10Au, f N* I 11110. (0 J FvCu.14 f. 7 AuCh + cl II.U - a- Ali + it 11ACIt 00 0 + 3 cucl. + 1.5 11,504 + 4.6 s -16- 9 lie), kdj ; 14 zlls- FcS) + W AuC4 + 10 HO + 2tI 110 - 24.6 1 W f- 6.5 00 z II.SO. + W'Au + 281nas + 7 Fe" + 48. If) ii F,!AS 00 a +- 2-1 Fcros + W =tick, + 4 resu, A~ I; Cli + MAU +61 -4-:11 4-4.8110, (h3 1116 Is S 00 4 NsOll - 11 Au 4. 3 PlikNNO). J- XNN-A I. 00 j i 11"(t" 11.5 (471%S-FrS) + 17.NAAt.(I. 4- 041M - I-. A. + ft.~I0101 + 1.3FC(Oll)t + t; Xav~k). + LAS + 5 LAP VaOll, (A) 2 Fe.% + 11) NAAuot + 4 It,() - -1 Fel(Ill i, a* 41 40 4 %'s*SO. + 11) Ali + 2 Naoll. It ii unlikely Owt rvAv. r Awl * wvur ip "Atiliv. 61liatt,1114 so* irpri-m-ni IN- worr%ws of In the rq1trill kit it'll ".m. tt 4!T-LLURGKAL LiTERAILAN c -TN--4w-iT ... is so *j 4 A .w JO Ne v U w AT 00 vi~t, it -lt et 0 :0 0 0 00 0 O's 0 0 0.0 -0- 0 0 0 - 'lz 0 "A ~t -1 1 A.. 09 00 DOUM1641106 of gwd In CyAnills solutlodii (it calif. * .00 caftud" onto, 0. k' ' IV a i-4 ~ a - Nn- 30*01XV.-The fralw Val III viiiTw m- I 1 hodog. I W % Aw, To I(N) MI. of the tyankle -toln-allij &' Ill 00 IfN(h, beat tob-difle.add I'D-1-15 9, KCI(Xin MuLtil ik d i 00 ins pn ut ng V") min. floll the *)In hr l roo . neutralize with Nuoll or xolf 10 weakly tiew r": .00 Ir action (litliffu-6 Celt) Iind det. the Au by Cheating With al 00 hydroquinoot, or c 0fittlettirallY Cry roiilisarint:wlth a -d l inivnjit l d l . 0 y preg ors hY olps o Ow Au 4010- on filter r=Prr "Irif with lfg,(,NO0,, -. 00 Katuich golll 43 to p '00 A . . . ........ OCIALLVOCKAL 1.11111AU4111 CLAIWICAMS sic., SIVIOIST . sit 0.1 asc Sol I "161-a-Vall 0 wool r--I--T 9 0 T a i u 9 AV 1.0 Lai It It It j WA A 1 w I N 4 a !* 0 0 0 0,0A 0 0 0 0 ill V:# 004 0 0 0 0 00 Iff 10 0000 0 0 0 0 40 0 a 0 -&I I '.A -a' . I . , . -1 2 ILI 11.1 1. aLI M 11 7;;7 0 6i~~dw G.KamOt%ds64rAO"x,Avj A MW Im 90a vltl"scb.*W) &(U. S, IL'14.), 12. 013 ;dudm 16 CC4 (O.MIS, 124"i4od t, t~ 00 .,*3kL to 30 21 and 380o ".) atki in .00 FI IT$; ;;I SAM OA(m W 14,JW4, 14 ad Itlv"wR%clfc6R(w INtit o* 4, a Ito "a'Eug"14. At 0- is d4loo"t ut nutch a bol %t It tw temp. f1te loddhm to" 4k" lo CP 00 s i CCI, (0.:Wt ~ st"I 00 ~l 400 cc. of Wit. at 1). !ml dad Tbd "owtkm Imaima too A. A. INvIldt"y so 1441AAM wit 0 AV 10 As an 1 6 ad a 1 0 -1 w m I is 3 1 5 41 0 0 0 e.0 0 a 00 O's 9 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 O:i,o 0 0,0,tD 0 0A FRUMSIS AND FOOPIRMS I.C1, -00 *0 AK r- .00 got -06 loo 00 'Oe laftra-sikaA wav" an COM04 D, 1. EAMATt AU4 0, 9, Xv? 9j 4; ~=!~ .... ... .00 (Ann. Bat. PIOU60. IM i NO 1" Bi- ~ "Tim i!: i .^ ago "ImadWhrit -vwA tow p. of Is IAtIQUAI.Of 414. _q. [Pt(NE W Mihd j F.Se-l'"Poffur" to ultim. Wort wavft mi 2-10 M.). Dhimption of: tbd coo a OIA, Is suppoiwd to omV.: it. T. m 100 goo 004 coo too no ~"At LITERATURE C&ASSWICATION SIVINIj.4 Vag At %..ego -S tglc..3 a.. 44L 40tial ow 4., tst its - -1- a q 5-u-SAV 00 Ili MHO11 Ia mLIv 0061 Mdols KuI o o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 4~ 0 Vo e0go 00000,000 0000.0'00000o 01060o a Is ca, 0 00 4 ft _UL, q Got .00 4a, + F -00 00 A + + 0 * I .0e 4w is + *fit Zoe + + 000 1 "; I Is ~40ARM + Nil; +1 5m_ p *1 lan C-2, 14., 143N +4 roe 10 fee JUAW 'I zoo '~j I AmM~ Ad luit Mo. 10011 0 no 10=4 too A S AI L A!~TA~I~PGICAL LITINAT01 CtAMOCAtION (P.1 dot - -.-IM I v 7 ir m U 9 AV 10- a I I OF Ol is 4m 09 9 9 9 It ts9 KW4194 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 * 00 00 0 00 00 0 0. 0o, 00 0 0 6. 0. 000 0 0 0 0 0 I I'll 1. .0 -13 1 a 0 A 6. A At hi j a L A 04 0 06 Oddwml6to4lii" 4"-h OMWA d"Iddir -00 00, V. X.S. N. .00 #=)..It 14 kwwa this set W1.0t co imms in sit" Ket"ift within tmtuw 11JO01"I -00 008 of Ihs OrAff 0140 ~ It to 10,11 kkils. 0." 1, Oki taxtild trilill. 00 A And Pmaticc,~1%6 Ift"44111111100, Jim Onultillwy dAill -00 onthitifactolwalr=M(Up o1wattrijanilitellip. -40 00 (uptolBOO)otio"i mWqoW.1owater. Tbetfha olpairtialpmom"Ofox "ontlitVAO olcufrotric:03 in water onts dotd. One of cus frolli 0e a cum We, with 5.8-M -(~-,to coast. "Olc*t. Vn&r Putfid Pressures of 0 [a the "em varying firoan 1004 0.3 to 40 at the I ' Cu diiisolved noged ~"u W;?-~ Bsp=lAboteffect tit temp. 00 the ~ sails 000 'am CuS In distd. water under mir premoure, 6 t am clan the CUS oxictatim velocity mW Me passing 00 W at Cis Into mAtL hicetaft as fhe temp. is rabwd until, in see Of optknum U twAmL Am uttkb sok. dmmmses inure or less fica of C37-VitmVirle od the itil" "rus of bc- 00 W, to T ctlecation Wd dfmd:Lg ~ iTydMyel. W it. sulk,, 400 product. Tbm data kad to the following coMuslono; see Culf cam,h# dissolved Wilistd. *nice M a firw hop. Under*p1mmact at lemps. ffti 100, to W. (2):TIW 000 vslmily~vrltk Which CU poom Into, sq. Ida. to propm. tit" to 11W partial pvmrq of 0 in tlwcfgn4 PUM, woo , Vok 1,4) An a fWA of Wftgy0m:of the CaS q which Imms ')in the ciaidalkim of CU& k* toPIW stivate, cu", boo In watw. 11CA0,41=11W q1tion the mmis. k. K. imi too to mi $fe' Irpri, Is 0 00 AS or: It. 01 0 0 s 0 fe 000 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 04,101 0 m 0 0 0 W-2 : .. . i v v 10 !1 1) 14 Is it is is A _,L A -A L, VA Y_T. 1, 4.1 A..4-k_ go As Tm Intaret6sms of itold with tallude and imliroic as:14 *a a 0 mill)(111 lcllolilh).i~ ~1. is. is, fill Mriallk. All Is umfiectrit by 9k 4411ti. 11 ivillitiv I" : ir It%)" during 240 hy4,,,,r at VW jacid al 1-1P. ski 0 a doring hm. 114111041 at lot. air stiot tortitio of Ali I hit Mal j4"' "Iff"fir, FIr4ilt 1,14.1 Still as 1:1 A li-di"I Willi lt!4% 111411 fit-, -Ilm% milt "1 0 a W ow VA-Ilow fillval'. 141-61 volu it. in a .1. t -it ilt'leti'lliv 1 *a alwa)m C~Muai~x ou..O Whitic adol mripliv, Au L- luatjulihv~ drul 1111MI -lum"I Ali T. it, 0 COO 00 00 190 1 00 1 0 0 '400 !woo too 0 too 0 woo 9 v 1, 0 to It 0 of of a ill it"n K It at Lo a I - - 1 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 00 so 4) 0 0 0.0 04 00 it Is 0-0 o 0 is 04 0 0 0 40 a v e 0 S 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 a 0 8 see a go OOA . ~ I - ~ I __-- - 1--__-_____-... -11.- - ....... ....... ... Detivem6atim of -the Puthrum-itimp netaft and .4 geld S. IN' . .11lialtarlo. V, A. Vo- too,;vu to. unchharrva. rrwr vsosoywt, K*v- 0"111 healing. ocant i1v~ %,1n. 411d "N'll file At Ilt-1vir Ali In I fit ailuA 11-41,# ."t'l (Ittaij); 1114111, 11 1411wr Ill Ali I, in C. A. -tube method was used for l"Ifer. place 0.1 cc., a the 414". on a fill" pope, doic. 1r and Rh In ortirs. A large excess In the charge of fillId. with Ilg(Nill.). vallij. Aod ",luimre the. durk ppot of 00 AS (5 times The ordinary amt.) and of tit (escierding 5- 10 reduced All with site color %.Alc. The foll-otring mothol 00 timeq the content of It) trarWimms nearly All It into the Is ProPm4N1 for Mg. Au In cy"Illile milni. To 100 cc. Ill yti metallic state. A rapid Method for drig. An fit oles, has "le Sdln- add A-10 cc. of 14NO., firsit its I"Illlff, 1111fing, 9 0 1! brendevelaped. I'lieniethodisapplkabletoficWcontu- Wting all" 1-0-1-11' 91 of KCI0- ill 9110 C'007tte Of IN-20 I flor". Pulvverfir the "topic to &I mesh. treat in a min. t)0" for 30 Cool. 12tillrAIIII! WiLb Off tuawrakly o ~1! s porcelain diqh with (91-70 cv, of IINO# (d. 1,4) (XVIA411"t 461 caeti'm 10 lItIM111 4MI let. All hir thr drop or lite 000 a Violent evolulklaof Nax4leit),dil. with UlUcc. of water. vollimetric. Ptrthod. In lhr volit"ItIlric meth"I fil. Ille 11; filter. wit-h the residue with hot water mind proorrA at Ill lobt- "'l *"fee to 141 er., add I cc. d X Ill, tit Nallir, the analy%. I"Iffer 044h. asid. In file cold &Ild .. 're. of 0-diald4ditir of quafts and och" tire 1,We 10,10 x. of the vie tit a -Md litrale flool ffi,. 111irroi,jr, Will, 0 0 -a porcelain dish or mortar. add gradually an I Nola. (1, 2 X. + KI 4 g. in HOW cv. of water) until the bew" caw of The exceys 1, jWmists, set Stan.% overnisht or wrintri In thc F ki The alartat after "rry &-to min. In the course lb"PIWAIC A 111in. of 2 mg. P( A, a of W W".. of the 'ago- 04a be drill. I'let 0 and lit intelf, nd he If he nib water IS "jib lht liclu. becal'OL they fillet p"aj liltVWA'VAU~ tail ditwZbedl aspApatijuntAdd towillie All jullo, ink tow 111ru'll I Xg.'of meutille- Hit for each 100 cc. of HquW and %W# R. Henn I*i for tit) min. Iftvant the "a. and wuh the All smalsam 11 Vvith water by derantstion. Trital(er the stalatitam to is parvelain dith, anti dlosolve the Its lot IIIN(li (1 -2) with At L It AT01 CUMPKATICH A A ALL UNGIC I I 1.14 No -4 solo" .10 a4l, ml it"to ll~ It -T-r YA-A~ g u W2 a I In at at st W 0 AV to to K is It lug of 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0,4111, 00 so 0 0 to 0 0 0 90Q 0 0 0 *,* a OLO 41 0 0. 4), 00 zoo coo 7 too vee COO WOO WOO Oaf A AND aohl~ 11,1, :too fit 1,1141illis"I ImmOll-rom will 411, -n III , (.,r lif, e's Ifqlvollm~j hild 00 ,gej Alsim-flor W that or p[Allittlin Atiotlav.) (n.111 111OU'll 11WI41--N. A. 'G0 '00 001 00 00 00 to woo look v! 0# of paw I I 'tai, 13* if 46 '. u It: 0 0 0 00 6 0 is 0 TO a 0 0 - 0 0 i ilo 0 0 0 0 go 0 111 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 400 0 0 IN0 0 0 OIT44 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '06 A Compouads of manpatu malts with pyrWlmo md athYl -00 aedkmhw. O-E, ZVO ts*v and M. CWmlys, J. l M f C ?U INO~ J mr R 9 6 1 - . . . . ; c l k ch'., ( , S. S. .11 . !W;2$~-Ncw currijkli. of Ali) with CJI.N (1) anti (.01v MI)isobtalued by with m i r id k h l ni ant c g. t rvael y sic Itrtmit 11NOt,addintil toalig y 004 in a desiccator for it few days; MorCA.1011-4crONA(M. f' M oxalic acid Wit ring in cooed s O I b ll C ili woo 000 , . n. o o n , o ng a j ty j adding to the filtrwe Etolf and 11 anti cryg. Bymmilir inctliods there wete 1weN.: YmOil-211C -11tO(Vj; 00 0 a ' -A 1 VI 14 0*1 I V IV th roe equ C Art 011 R 1 . MY1 . And , VIlandVIllarepalle-ropecrystals. Allafrin-wil.inCtOll L K 6 AKS110 1-. l'0 and benzene. 9 00 coo its 0 I It I L A P4TJLLU*GjC4L LITIMAyUgg C%A111FKA1w slow 11vt va 414.441, u S411444 It 41.11 Q.d 4 ---F- IF - U 00 'T 1 ; - - Kd wit 9411111 K a I X4 - It . 0 . .000000000a g000 0 00000 : 0 0 0 0 P11 * 0 0 0 * 0 a00 0 0 0 s 3s Nit; Alm 0o41 J% dh 04 IMP 43 of AWKWed Abs- wed se'd soo Z Woo A9.4 Its 0 we 0 IL I I p Not MTA4LQftKJkk LFMA too all so pot: I-T I we-a 4 u It ~9~~ Aftike 0 0 4 -0-0 of 04, Dili 0 0 we 'as- - - - -iv V W W W MI T W W W sor W W W W W W Its so It 11 is 11 41 "1 A 11 11 li~ W11 4 1,, a A A It t,-k1fAt jMtj pitIrt(If 1~ ",I T 00 Saw Mlaml op*dcs cIf thit platimlin grosp. 1), E. 00 -ZV 1 '194. dfIod, iti. V, 4R. f0 L -00 i4)~(ixi R*45,b---A small plify of p4acor 11 0 Pt was 1tonal issr The Mocij-k CU_r Malmit Vin-Mg, Omsidrialise Irt-gular cut-k vir"lals were lovetient. %!rfroz .114*0 out Into Irt-tullifula P101114. others ftallentil. 11". %p. gr, was widely var-table loscius to inclusi4mo. Tbtt NarilA Pt ditIvrit from ilia Urid Pt by having hilth 1041 roment, much. Fe and somt: N1 and Ag; Au is not a coin. .00 rxinent (A the alloy tout is present in tile devnit. rho 40 uAnic niordikite Is lortrixonlrd late the end mcmimf whil:1 =0 0 %hosev lot 35.1111, Fe 2,53f, N1 25.14. IN! 3 '. 57 Cu 9,281 .1 1).71 and invC 0.4116~ Ir and 14 Is were not olkmvrivil lit 0 ally Ill the grairmo. fi differoi (turn ilia toullailk lot of S. Africa ljy its With Fe content. 'rile firrilogic fcaturr% motably the lifesenre of rotil IMAS (older Ihun tile 00 Ileruill the assumptioll that ilia roiciallic Kralit, clMd. 04 flint a gu4coup "Jilliluill which may have ConItNted M tjif~ tj le Contacts bette 00 bonylsof the various metals formed at tv sulfide slid coal deposits, 1). W. Pcartc t!9 it Mi 9 1,- -7 too 0 U S AV 10 111; n J. s a OW 0 to 0 1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 ............. ...... ........ .... -A 4kAGWO Of mActum dk*, 0. curwak4h. imv mA A. Z, GON. 111.6,11di with a 111& &111114 ol' 11w illitical Atel. fjt;jW,1%. Pink* an.i .11001 jM0011" Iw"1011ir pim", nif"hwhoic, Iiml, L, A Willi L with Will wet* 141VI%f it, the Kmo kilin"cl; 2 11, NI-filrJOWIL-Tift Wimp ItIvIllifil, Pled the foratallum of L4 mude with 4m rul-O'llic, I$ IA41, I Irwhili'l I %tin"Iml, noom%linw. In. dined extittlmioct with high himintiLmulm. it I.IRPI- IMA; pink. Two mnpd%. with IIK)111 %%it prtpf. 00 A: d~ I in dry HCL 11w eik-c ties dtied by pirillengvd -Anindivis m9n. III hInCl, fit PK)II *I's Iscliltil on a "amt to h for 0 0 Z, 9;, ~ C111(ittell NAIS04 Or K#C('h, Ilk'" (16111. front NA fif A hs%, undirr tellux, vixil"I To ive. 144ml in 4 dr.ircat ir ;:0o CA, Octilefle or Prtr. Othet was wvl to 111111 thir wpn, with CACI% follownt toy utl4n.ill pcit~cthcr, and thr!Ltnoll 00 oll Ib* erpt. ptodurts, which wete hamilt4l under anhyd. r-4111 * AMC. of piltd. J1401,PrOlf wo, filleted A: thin pet.,nss, 0001 4lowlitiormi. 'the ptvpo~ 0( mactiftlittic, n ludint-d vilitimm, light IsInk, Cie a *0 Wet. Id a known 4"11. of Al"ClIf In a III'" out b Cliff Ali' 1 'IU wm tourN, will, oblAted on P1144040 blatullus In. of AN V. Nli-0111 1011alelld by C1041. by! (A) UVW64441 P115/11mu nma "outed 'Aff'- (b) he"ing " life 41--40-910T OVI, glov -r III ri by mpid coolut . ; or** (c) dow mmoveit tif exmtt %InO, In 7Svc. ktt~A HAI *,I" ktpi in a dri-6- 0 09 v H In a ck-simititir fat *tit by coohT (If) W"Yo tutto with cacti, then "ith l1w severrial month,. IM01111 as above, followed by it". bectserle, and yieltfins 6 ppt. (4 'JIM cj,.s/1rO/j,: which wavi filteml hg (c) istitsfectim of the nuither liquon froces the ditivis expt*. ;queezina beturm fliter Oupm. tolloilvil by Olublull wit Ilk 10 PWM removal of WOH figlowvA by cooft Tliv P"O. lArst PrismA, "I'lomlinic. itstfivitc! extinction. but go 0 ucts obtalturd depended upon the "Whod f. im"ll- "Oute (T%f&Is how birmight c%tineckm. hiaxial initrfet- d only 11011ticencom p"actis wm amislymcd and 1.114V ligurr. a LW LSM. lifthi pi tit. Twmetirep-6-with 0=lar"rhme i"uptis. wnv defickitely tatthliv%iiinit IWO111irtrflirttki. Igo a to 2 (am, either ikrdko frtq*ntly by boiling under redviii w*3 mW, kept in a CaCir dr*k- twinned x I.SW-UW, inoticidinic, extitt"W" ansk cator, jitit" in a jj#Wj "ocaior; *fire 3 months The 1011,411 , . Piak 34' or platrit strelcheil into wr4lies, 4 I'mu, *sAtIvIlled with Mr,ohir, pl)l 4,11110,04011. tl~ thmutsic, Mrsight cmindlues, wrtik blfvlTjW%%v' pink; jimit", motwinw, 4 I-DJrj.l .0i Imlifictl r9linclix"t. twSOPLAIIIIII t a "Is-ILM AtIALtVOCKA1. IllflifUl if ?w a A I': I it P 5 .9 a 7A Ita it x It U, m it III I, I 4111 Pr tr a It 000 0 46 40 0. It 40 40, 0 0 0 41 '10 0 0 see a 0 0000 0 0 6 9 0 ~o~ 0 ~ ej *: 0 6 0 41,00 .00 9 990010 4 04 410 0 0 41111 0 46 0 000. 04 olotio,44. SWIN4 (IdAd.) III W Ir. "Ad 01101i "I, ki-PI 00 00 lit 4 Clich sk-st-rattw for a mamth, Abrol f" 41.4111ho I* a 11404). d"W9014r. YWIdi" 14*014fixf)[1, Plain twmmles 1 0 00 16 1& India"I rAtinctilim, Tort) Ilk 1 mil w4b Inat .. ;;t d It a (13 t W 0 00 , . n o ee. p p , AmOll in 41it call *W4 00 a 11"ling 1144 "JAMOft V o so . Width cryit, virg. , nummIlltic iltith I g0ta, It I'M 1,4w im-1111(it PlOwt I OF jft~bdf IIIJ1441t 11TAtr4l 160k JIM, 400 wfortha kliotL WIN the MIMIC kild III- Irlitt- P" , k4*d, on 40 hins With Rt4O. MwC7t.jAwO1/, InvguUr paint, it 1.4%-1.490, thMilic with ittraight eliflection. Two 0 so tvmpd%. wece ptvpd. with doer-AmOll- 164nCls (21 It.) 2411 i 111 Ail M r f t k A 00 00 -sa- n iv. cO tetti Stit NK i 4 stallil iii a , dr4wiW 6W A mattialks, ppid. 00 m 1.614, t"itid try%" with virallM ftflact ion. macit o J9 If.) in 110 C; qI-kv-An3OH on probxwd ataaffin~ tit a f W 0 4 of t ti * p , 0', St 00 00 00, of 00 09 so 0 0 0 0 0 see 00 0:4k S"Wm-4 ungstmaticauses. A.A Nilundoll till.) 0 - Gem. Chem, WSSM ) 11. timt it c A4%1 1). - Sm C.A - 37, 61781. G. 11. Kw4at.-II 0: so 1** 8.1 00 so 0 -so 00 00 '00 00 0 so so oo 4p so 0 moo S. zoo 00 too too Leo it .41.11.11GRAI liffMAT1,01 4301IM614ft I '-- fjo 0 Soo, 14 0 $I it 41 u It 11 1 0 0 0 of 0:0 a 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 40 6 60 0 0 0 0 00 04 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 'I 7 - - 1. .- ...... '~'Gwtim si.s.m 41 two coctspits., 7 4 t New tv"; CM3'. Court, Coll, U4, slA Wool w I Sold. to tlw ale. at to -41") for W-W ds I, (a) from 0 Ill UL t byrmmWethe " :T a so I wdo to I//#; o( t Ole 1 111rhor link 6k. TMV& ""kall of pm".# C4Wj d.. awl cfy*tal sytim. "a t c (1) a Mew, U. Impht-bko I I A QJM *AN)- 11W. (9) 4 mco" (moll Ahli, Ia. IJIV * 0.". cubic: 13) 3 utoll. Q.Mo6d~ JIM, I.Tw - 0=. rbaMbic; (4) 2 1510M. I., DIUM-9kkishp- 1.424 cWhanSt ~MrJVJD; am InoW. oth.7 in Kgrai 1.7112 * O.UW, rhomb6c; (5) 1 StOlt (tw%v) fma the *k l - A i b ;; 3 06 tt j eastut (&v iop.) y m . &k. so=. &M 00 motha liquor of The foreggist, bitc-purplisbi 1-70 Ipm MY 9 4 eloc caud bctttrF4t1,-m9thykttstU*fottjte as* rbombic; campda. cd Calks withr (4) 4 iQH ' UCS ; ~f I Tha a ekclrodr shows a we" &4i& p1j. I-TC0 dF. UM& UWJM Utts, Nue 1.41 ficht (bevr) 1 ";;i& t , , , , . thIl o0 the 11TIAter the lio. -1 4k. UWS. Imad, Pot 2 31c0", from The mother lkuor of the r AlY ludiating 011ifiblon 4( thil It of ale. by Co lish m". 2AQ, 1.70 A OAS. vh*ak*" . . I A3 045 U d (0) 3 Rif: 70 M kXM C ue. 1. purplish- . . , bi., 1.07. 1 .61 0.0i~ tskliak; (10) IMOH jikyWue,2X9,I.72-Q.03.c%%biq; 1)zEt0H' )&U rbtr kmar of tke (OMCQIUC 4dU b IM act detd ; coaspds. of 005 b44 witblis) 4 see . , , H (a) 1. atuber 1 1 4-4 01M *X- (13) 6V'WH (0) ~Mr';;% the Mot z : JAS 14- 16 ds I the larc oins bmw ot* WOO ' c , 5 u 4ak bcowa m= OM tic; (14) J 1.74 1. -b 0.03 kcZatow, (d2 C40M 1, be awaiew. im, the ode. at Cds, In U01:4 #-I not, ccribam. 0m ~ mw~twill -a WAM ' All don MIT cmgmts. decoma. as kmitimc "A III-11=1 ilk t, a 0 them *$40tv It 0 V I I aw, 0 9 a a :v c a &V TV (A ,0 0 6 0:0 41 0 0 0 o 0 010 go 0-0 *~*G:**;6r'w 6 GoA 4. Nkbd ad in We mmsu~- am of Waftm i Ss 0-1 . wy lCompt s$, I"g, 600im. ia Lob _. evad. A cad, Sti. U. R l9l)-ftecInt ana yvesof the l4nom of the Chlaturadlitrkl h*Ting n accuracy of 0404% of the samr4e wt. show that both ojiltik Vid caroohllt# or" contain nrai t. amounts fit Ni.and C.) I IJIqhtly >. &all In the ratio of. tvillocliarke no*, The emwo, is Independent of the type of on and the Un content. 1.(.Y%Illl. In Sion IOVS24 1111;1IIJ RD It I? jIjf4I $I 4u 0 411~ a AAA.-k--y woc 1. fir --o I.(. U.Socal 0.0c. 00 00 so 00 so saw Wgum fa Wait" Ubwou'd tb4 Platinum Omov. 0. F. ~60 1gvmL Seb. Fisiko-KAins. Amt.. JDA 16. (1). "30-2428).-1 In 00 HuRsiani. V.U" pkUnuin of the Norilsky deptwits is a willif R1104m )r -00 pallAmUm 13-67%). cqiwe Imn (MV,%j, anil nickel In PI till. .00 00 um. Whemls miWnIng Aximium " fridinin atr whil w4iitiona~. 16411"1", 00 cwt dis"we up to 32% oemimn; at hiSber concentrations the cwmiijm latticia 800 prevads-D. A. =00 no 0 '00" 3:00 0 lees goo 4010018 roe ~ of t:00 boo A I* - $1 A, NVIA LLIJrGKAL WIN Mitt CLAWFICA11011 ti 0 0 fe SOW 143C41 .11 134. "1 bus I, :.f '3- U -0 11 AV ft IV It Of it K N N U If Cr It It CM9 1. ?A A. S 41 OW 0 N 9 1W ti 0 1 4,iG, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 4 0 Wo 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 000000 0000 0 0 41D 0 0 0: - TOO- ZVYAGIIITSEV) "'Energy Coofficients or crystalline latticen (VEC) and the Structure of Dinnry Metallic Alloys," Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. UROSS, 38, 28-32,:;1943 in Engliqh)ij.-~A-wl The valency energy coeffs. (VEC) of the ions of the components fIurnish a very con- venient means of coriparing ions of different valencies and,revetaing scz* regulari- ties in the formation of intermetallic phases of binary syntems. Inadequate accuracy in calculating the VEC and lack of clearness in some of the determinations of the valency of metals restrict present consideration to the qxUal. regularity. SO: C.A. Vol. 38., jan, lo--jun 2o, 44 I 4p F, 7 oil. "Inumuftsiom of pwintun Am Irmism In the I*u st4u. 0. 1. A. V641ituiruva (ZAkr, Pril-40swI ,flitmer A. G. Mkhatadt~ and N M,"Ii, 22-30, V. Abs~ 1995. 39. 11261-11n Ittmian.) 111stimim-i mus .00 al6yo, cissitelining 11), 23. M. and We' of iridium vem preimml fmis rMleml, 0 n was stisiiii-d at 13M. 1 11m).am 151101', arut intentiff%Wost th,-111 4100 00 m;4d diffiloicin oecurs I after 10 hr. at IY30, 1'. all allms stinWil showtNt thr, lintienri, of solid volutioub. 11M monv"t. of tile filisnatitill of hoillo. zoo 000 p-nmrus mfid milulion was not4A by the apj"rance of a nixv. in the run-es of 44,3 ifie Avirivill rotlilut,41vity, and by mimmnpic and X-ray eAtImination. rly.v diffusion (if iridium Into plittinum Iis slower Mien I hill ot platinum Into 14dium. 11ar n-muly AirritaWn of milid smiluthms Isi-rutito the list- of purder. too tiletallurgit-Al oleth(mu of nianufwturr at fairly low tellilk-ratumd, XOO *Oz COO a& 41 4110 00 As ti 00 IV be An a I a OW 0 m 9 1 of so 0 111 u 0 0 0 0 46 0 411''40 is At 00 0 0 00 0,0 40 0 016 0 19 0 0 0 0 Ili 6 0 40 *is Ojo a 0 a * 0000 0 04 0 0 0 0 0, 40 00 A m 6~6*wAPW bow WwAmift pmwmuak of 0. R, AV 010114"V'.0- (Como#. tend. Atdd, 56. UXIS.S~. is". 4L 160-162),-It it 11119- ~ j ted that the Possible pooportions of the tomponentot tit NUT. tank 00 are tb* Sam mHo as the VAIC' W In= - =C tW and V ~ at. Vol. The pooffAt pro-, detmakned 4~lejhlllo ruk am fodber r""w by fx"Drs. imk Stabilifty and tW ntcossItY;of U111100119 tht' COMPICK: = in a stable -to . lattice. Restilts are tabUlated for thi Alystfin, Ift-Not, Hg-9. W-Mg. Co-Au, and Au-Mn, and con,,rima is ffta& with observatkoct. ve ,00 .00: 00 100 so Ott, so Opt mob 44 11691 Ged's. min, ~MPT.Oo,.,wdl as I 0 the Or to 0 umdcl 00 *0 cad *0 MOO* jib Am 0 "'AM46 SPA( 00 It I it Glow t at. AAL-R OR I'd use to* p wool, %w Jelit 41hig adg- Iwo AM i 0 a a fit; uIrI21906:04, " 4, - . . 0 a IF p If a of 4w a 0 TheRvAtIlligot(W-1 Stiver, tind Nletuts 01 t4e Mitinum Group. (its kumUj jdc*- cow: Nfriallurgildat. 1045. 214nn, lot 00 oo Ao 001, ro a so's D go soo :zo 0 goo goo jql! NO 0 to ---------- -------- -FTALLURrKA 1.112NATUAl CLAII)FKAVOM us ;LZ*', Do 0 ~.i Ot Weer r .U 19 &V 00 L An A 5 a fu 0 .1 4 1 N 04 sa 0 19 0 ft to of It Ota a9 Ic a a It Or W n I lKa IS 146 0 00000 0 * 0 so W 0 0 0 0 0 000 fe 00 0 0; mi 00 Va Is o ** 0o 0 ee 00.0 0 0 0 0 oto 44 0 o o 0 e 0 * 0 0 0 0~ a M& d-h El u -*AV -00 Iwo". Ir To' Yqw-flit-vir 0,000 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0.10 4:4_6144 "Met 7 ----7,i lr.;, 00 ITTU 0 i I 1:~ 0 0 a I w -.0.000*0 qV600.00 0 -m a 0 a its$ " - " - - - - - " 1 11 " " I Ors POO P"Ptolill J~v ..... . ...... 00 A *0 TWO Y $11m ot S"Iti Inflod chormistm 0. 7yyasitibev. Zhur, Prj* 44, KAj,,q. (kn. Ch cm.) s 1045-W(1947). N. non a 0 0 00 see =00 0: A too jL SITALLUNCICAL UltIA1101 CkASSIllirkilto i 46 MAP to, 1~ u a AV RO Is I I v rw 0 14 A; -0w of a d "I mw A A so it If A op e 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 AN 410 0* 0*1* of 0 0 AD, 41 0 nNIMM-- ~--71 9-3 03 u Ar-13 -4 v tla m zv I AUIN-1 zjrv V M. 7T, 1. i~;-, T `17 -797T :~j j: Rational phase analysis of dimes from rikkill elelctiolyzis. 0. F. Zvyaginticv awl L. V. Plaksina. I:rfc. Sekt~u 'AW'Iv'T"1jPUfikIe B14fewwoly1th Afew., hill. WA-M Sr.;g. KAiaj.. .1"J. Sa"SAS.R. No. 22. %1-111) I lUIS),-The objrct of this Inyntlilation wai to tit, clisirilmikeri of NJ in electeraylic eilbriecs ismorte free necteti, Nullide. sulfatel sued Oxide. The dlied and iterontul alhur 4100tainol Fe 3.62, Cu 8.43, Ni W-61. Pb 0.4)U;), CA 1,12, Wit trisce, Si 2.Zl, sui&tk S 3.27, and sulfate S 0.971%. A OA-C. saitiple um treated with I&I itil. of IIjO to re- milve M~YJ4. Tile, reliblat w" lrereitt4l with 100 mi. of CUSO' *(Ali. lei boiling tellip. leeiting 4 hne., sind tbii IIrralinvill was rriwatird until I se filtrate.- was firre of N1, lie this step all the tattAllic NJ iuldl 171! NJ.'; *10. N. [fill "!: lyrd, The rpti,fue v" IsAint tveh:~ f"r I fir, with Is. Ilifiel- fit Sla'141 ACO) 23. 110) IM, Milot Ill% A IIII, I'lilie reminve the ovvel of (tie NIS. '(h#fv%Wovwik%t(vAtriI i0h AIII(A rVNI4 fil d1eimebre (141k: NJ, lklialls tit line, flowli ct'lliler oll, jivi-ri, Gas Deposits -"New Eydrochenleal Mitho& of Determining Pe trolem and Gas Memoslts,"~ 0. 761_1~ntsev P. 23 "Prirods. No I A;i~ing -,* 0 the, Wrkera~ M-_zan AffMate_ Geol Insty ters'near oil _depcmits ~ohange their usual ccmtl~_i, tion.'_ FOr, exai~ple, viters of the ftta= ASM-ugm- ally have a PH equal to 7, and ratio of esim to ealcl= is aboat one. In oil-boaxing re.gionay tbdu ratio rises to 1.8, 2.5 and higlier. Ve PH 47149TIOI twR/petroleum (Ccnt&) Jan. 49: of thei water also, chenges In one direction or the other. 46 47/4=01- *4 "n- -M 1 ZVYAGINTSEV, 04 E. a I i I .. . : li f . I i. f ~~.: 4 , r, A~, - a :9913VI-M qaTpt6-[-Lbj O6PnjOUj ~ij AOR 9-E (6tUTI V"l ,x jq C It V49X snob^I ptiv al olotl..~i 48trI XODOCK Vtm ''WeA 16j, Vvov ~,,Cq pow;uaRm jo 4pTH tib' 0' .4v PAP~' Lq -pvo.~ o T,4= J= tmnv ~ I ;o VOT:Pallob 4.0brq ;P, JWTAQX atqvxo#vA ON ~vpojT.A&. (AQG4U,;9yxAZ GiL .0, U'i'w 49 ZT:KPAalTfiva' *A *A, *I -,V Cq . 1,Mm A04nt=L& 'V 'A llv~ox trT 134UGMAOTROV MTOSTIRI JO. "TiLOVIL ono=o 0 =4 217- zXYMETSEV, 0. YE. Panrjati wimechateltnogo rwzte;-,Va IlEcolay-ft 19 Fedorovicha Fedoroira. (1869 - 1945) Izvestlya Sektora platI4 t drugUl blarprod. m(,tallov (In-t obnhchey i nk?o,~"gw. lkl,irmi Im. mu-nalcova)) vvt). 23~ :1,9149) SO: Letopis' 7-hurnallinylich Statey, Fo. 29, Ifoslcva: 1949 Cklocidatilia of plittlaum metall; with ammocatins tillodde. 0 pl~'i- A"I isild ~d The rmctif*t 6 mocv effective when MOMS arr tInCIT III- ThIml and in file prmlsve of Fe and Cis but nut NI.,; H%. cm XMCI: vtve no advaotace. ChkWW;kIkW) tittvpO bar,-Ay ist truips, above Ms. fill 6 chfixidiml mare easilly tkAn Pt. M. 110*11 ZTTAGIRTSEV, 0. Ye. 12 to 15 May 1,048, Moscow, first conference was'held.on historT of SoTiet chemlfitr7lo convened by Commission on the History of Chemistry, ~AcAd Sci [MR. Uarq papen voire presented by (ostensibly) members of this Commission. "Studies of Platinum Group Metals in the USSR. (Inst Gen and Inorgaa Chem ireni Y.S. Xurnakov, Acad Sci USSR). 'Materials on the History of Soviet Chemical Science," -published by Acad Sci TUSSR in Moscow-Leningrad 1950. )~283498. L 'Ad N' A dim OaJ -V-1-A 5 S M .73, "fit, -54 "'M A IM~,: ~rti$--g=.MLK 'hWori I of Hit (:-afttuil aq qers-rilt tw tritev4j fT%Itn heffillmitr to qnd CLIITR~Ittt! elhut (kor mth wtak .-. n'l J'q ytc I Ezo )ova tions m t ft,~ rarth tvujt . 01 It([ falti"it. "a 1 (6 O'lution tbt 11% farxith CMUP " 'Idll'A In C'm'fral III ultil tlr 'QuInall1rilri: in a dtagrun~ Zo b W W1 hl Stemubr~L-. V Platinum L. A. Chugayev's chloropentaminoplatino-chloroplatinate. Izv. 3--kt. plat. i blag. met. no 26, '51. A~ Monthl List of Russia Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952. Unclassified. Matoorological A Vol- 4 No- 3 March 1953 ClImatology and inatology Chemistry Bibliography Works on chemistry published by scientiPai*r*,wo~"L institutes and 'higher tecluiical schools Zhur, prikl. khim. 25 no. 4 (1952). Monthly List of Rusaian Acceecions, Library of ONWItreris, Miguat 1952, UNCUSSIVIRD. PRr Vitt Y G 11 T OE" 10T!, ZTf GrInL--rg, AlokonniU, Abrw.-~ovichj D),98- "Introduction to the chemistry of complex compounds." A. A.: (winberg. Reviewod by- 0. Ye Zvyagintnov. Zhiir. priU, khim.0 1'43j no. 7; 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress," lfove~t~ber 1952 Oncl. r1C Z-V C -h 0 9-10 CmC110910--7k Miat] Aug 54 raphy of.the Czccaoslovak ventral Cheilic-al and POlarO--- .graphic Institutesip Prague," 0. Zvyagintsev ~;zr P--Ik KILim" Vol 25, No 8, P 903 Reference is zade to "Khii~iyu-7` 16-1, ptibllshed -Ili . . ..... a-ue u mid-1951, to create intimate coopera- IGzech.scieatLsts and S~,~riet~ zsholars - 'Ttii-- ~Deriodica-l is to be publiilie& 6- -timeis va# comprise 1,000 yp per yr. Vol I, iw I find 2- 22&nk, appeared-in 1951, with the latter iiialuding a bib- Uograpby, for 1950, of work done in polarography throughout the world. Most of the articles deal -dith org che=:Lstry. Some, articles treat of ana- lytical che=istry, and others are in the field of polarography. (Czechoslovakia, as the birthplace Of L polarography, is carrying on exU!nsive work in that fieldtELecording to Zvyagintsev.) An original article by J. Heyrovsky and M. Matias, "The L Action of Surface F4ITn on the Polarization of Capillary Electrodes," is mentioned. Io ZVYAGINTSEVp Oe Yee 2. USSR (600) 4. Metallography 7. MetaUio state of an element. (A. I Gorbov's priority in concepts of the nature -of meta1s). Zhure prikI, khim. 25, No. 9. 1952. 9. Monthly List of-Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 4nuary 19534 Unclassified. 1. Z-VYk31NT5'r',-V, C. Ye. 2. USSR (600) 4. CherLi,-try - bibliograpay 7. Iransactions of research institutes. Reviewed by G. lo. Zhur. ~5rikl. kiiira. 25, Ho. 12, 1552. 9. Montay List of Russian Accef9ions. LiUrary cf Ungress. Plaren, 1~53- U&Ndl ARBUZOV, A.Ye., akademik; KAZANSKIY, B.A., akadealk; PMOTO A*D., chloa-korrespon- dent, AN SSSR; VIKITIN, V.I. , chlsn-korrsspondsut,~ h1l SSSR; YIQUROYOXIYJ I.A#, professor, otyatstyennyy redaktor; POGODIN, S.A.,~profesior; ZTYAGINT59T, professor; YBVTMTA,P.U., uchenyy askretaIrl. Owl Naterials on the history of Soviet chemistry; re' rts given at the 2nd PO All-Union Conference on the History of Soviet Chenistry', 21-26 April 19511 Materialy po istorti otechastyannoi khimii; abornik dokladov na vtorom Voesoiusnom soveshchanii po istoril otachastyeAnot khimil, 21-26 sprelia. 1951 g. Hook-ra, Isd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 193).:318 (nRA 7:4) (Chemistry-;.Ristory) ZVYAOI M EV, 0. [reviewer]. --------- - XTraneactions of the Voronezh State~Universlty, val. 23,~ Collection of,papers of ,the Department'of Chemistry.* "Transactions of the A.11-Union Institixte of the'SodAlndastry. vol. 6. Reviewed by 0.2viagiatsev. Zhur.prIkLkhIIin. 26 no.9:1003-1004 S '53. MRA 6-do) (Chemistry.) (Soda industry) M Aaa"k 'W', W."', ~-A'%" I 1 .1x ZVYAGUMEV 0 Y [reviewer); VOLORKOVICH, S.I.; TZQOROV,4.P.; APSHME, D.A. "General chemical technology'." S.I.Vollfkovich'. A.P.2gorov, D.Aolpshtein. Reviewed by O.S.Ulagintsev, Zhnr.prIkI.khim* 26 no~12:1)23--i)24 D 15). NLU: 6:11) (Ohemistry,Toohnical) (Vollfkovich. Semen Isaakovich) (J~gpr,ov. A.P. Ofpshtein. D.A. Y ZVTAGINTSEY, O.Ye. Transactions of scientific research institutes. Zh-,lr.prikl.khim. 27 no.2:227-228 F 154. q I (MA 7:2) (Technology) (Science) ZTCAGGINTSOV, 0. Ye Subject Card Authors Title Periodical Abstract AID - P-103 USSR/Chemistry 1/1 DDbryanskiy, A. F., and Zvyagintsov,,,,,O. Ye, Bibliography Zhur. Prikl. Khim. 27, no. 4P 466-468, 1954 A book Ch2m:LceL I-Reflninz-Qf 01 by RO Goldstein (translated'. -Fg1L-.M into Russian by N. S. Dabagov) is reviewed. '~Some'articles from Lrransaotig -Mq - 32, , - no of th2 Sci2n&ifig Eggglarch Ingqtut& gi no 1953. cQ)L Tn. I Tran n Qf the 14qg ititute d-Yine Chem;WA Institution : None Submitted : No date y, Loo j, iv)4, ana Trea itute im. V. I. len1n. V no. 1, 1952 are listed. . 1, ZINAGINTSEV, 0. Ye. "The Chemistry'of Ruthenium." a gj-jor presented at the Atoms for Peace Conference, Geneva, Switzerland,, 1955 III Mi M MI L Will fli;. ~I ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. tmn History of Ural platinum. Trudy tekh. vol.6: 160-204 155. WRA 9:5) (Ural Kountain region--Platinum) A I v Y t) V, AID P 157l Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 1/21 :,.and Yegorova,, Authors Vollfkovich, S. I., Zvyagintsev, O~.Ye.i Ye. N. Title Yuriy Vitaliyevich Marachevskiy On the.occasion of his 6oth birthda~y and the 35th anni- versary of his scientific and teaching activities Periodical Zhur. prik. khim., .2", no.1, 3-6, 19.55 Abstract Biographic sketch with photograph.: Institution: None Submitted No date /AJ TS t VJ AID P 2273 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 18/19 Author Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. '%6iikman, A. N., G. V.:Samsonov a d 0.;Ye. Kreyn~ Title an Metallurixiva redkikh metallov Metallurgy of Rare Metals) Moscow, 1954 (Book review) Periodical: Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, no.2, 226-227,, 1955 Abstract -Critical review. According to theireviewer, Part:I of the book gives general information on metallurgy, rare metals and the rare metals in.dustry.~ Part 11 is devoted to the description of tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, titanium, and zirconium. Institution: None Submitted No date AID P 22tk Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 19/19 Authors Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. Title Tananayev, I. V.., 8.-A~' Fogodin, 76. yg;. Rode, V. 0. Tronev, and I. Bi Mizetskays; edai., Khlmi~a. redkikh elementov. Vypusk I (Chemistry'of Rare Elements. Issue T) Academy of Sciences, USSR. 1954, (Book review) Periodical: Zhur. prikl. khim., 2-8. no.2, 208, 1955 Abstract The reviewer states that the book conslats of 13. papers on rare elements. Titles of some~6t the papers are given. Institution: Academy of Sciences of.the U.S.S.R~ Submitted niblished in 1954 (Moscow) ZVYAGINTSXV, O.Ta.; VALUSHKO. M.G. Fedor Alskeandrovich Toropov; 1884-1953. Zhur,prikl.khim. 28 no.12: 1345-1346 D '53. (MLRA 913) (Toropor, Fedor Alakeandrovich, 1884~1953) ZVYAGINTSU, O.Ye.; SUDARIKOV, B.N. wwftoOX"4'~ Complex metal salicylates. Part 1. Isv.Sakt,plat.i blag.met. no-31: 78-94 '55.- (N1RA 9:5) (Salicylates) (Compounds, Complex) USSR/Chemintry Phynic.31 card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 21t/jrl Authors Title Periodi(:al Abstraot j ZvyaCintsvv, 0. E.!, and Kai, E. F. I About thc trim-nictivity of coftaln intra-:41plv:-rul mib~tltuten In complay divalent Pt ampo-ands I DoV.* AR SSPR 101/1' 9>95i Zidr- 1 1955 I Experiments were ronducted to detemino thd ki.netion of the f~rm~fdn of cisdiamines, or divelent platimun from trincidomonomino potbosium jilotnates nnd the trann-activity of intra-spheral subatitutes In the cm-lex div;i1ent Pt compounds. The constvntt- of the renct-lon rate vure com,'utei accordinC to a formula inUnded for reactleine. 4)f the second order. The time of tho semireaction period was fo~tftd to ba invervely proportional to the initial concentration vaich is a1so characteristic of the second line reaction. The axperimiattil resiats obtained during four bi-molecular roactiorks ar(li tabu-1ated. Fite US,'M1 referencer (1927-195,1,,). Tables. Institution Acad. of Sc.. WSR, The V. S. Kurnikov Ins-Utitte of Gen. and. toorg. Chem*' rresented by Academician'l, . ICherr,,vaev,: September - 24, BUSBY, Alsksey Ivanovich; ZVYAGINTSXV O.Ye., professor, doktor khimicheskikh nauk, otvetstve;;~~~UMKO, G.R., takhaicheskly redaktor [Analytical chemistry-, literature in Russian (1941-1952)] Analitiche~- skaia khimila; literatura na , russicom iuzyke (1941-1952gg). Moskva, ' 403 p. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956 0 (MLRA 9-7) (Bibliography-Chemistry. Analytical) ZVYAGINTSW, O.Ye.; SUDARIKCIV, B.He Complex ealicylates of certain metals. Part 2. Zhur4neorgokhim-l no,1:69-73 156. (Salicylates) (HLRA 9.10) GIN Aye. Development of A.K. Butleroyle theory of chemical structure in inorganic chemistry. Vop. i tekh. no.1:70-81 156. (MLRA 9110) (Chemistri, Inorganic) (Butlerov. Aleksandr Mikhailovich,:1828-1886) ZVYAGINTSN, O.Te.; NIXOYAYBV, A.V. Abram Mikhailevich Rubinshtein; obituary. Zhur.xsorgkhim*l as 4: 609-614 Ap 1560. (KLRA 9~--loi l.Inatitut obahchey i neorganIchankoy khiali Alradomil sauk SSSR.~ (Rubinahteia, Abram Mikhailevich, 1909-1955) (Slblis9~rsphy--C*MP:*uxds, Comulex) T I? ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. "Collected works" of the X.I. Kalinin Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold in Moscow& Zburoneorg.khim.'l no.2:349-350 P 156. (MLRA 91-10) ZVTAGINTSEV, O-ro., professor. Ilistery of chemical industries in Russia$ by POK.Lukfianov. Tol.4 ROTLeved by O.B.ZvIagintseve Xhim.nau1m i prom.'. 1 ae'06723 156!0 (MLRA 10:3) (Chemical industries--History) (Luklianov, P.X.) ZVYAGINTSVo j;e ~Ajjikee'e`vlch MurOmtsev; UR y. Zhu~, neorg. khim 1 A0.12: obit r Bor imLRA 16:6) 2649-2651 3) 156. (Muromtsev, Boris Kjoictlep%rich. 1898-1956) -Z V ~ 6- -T ' ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. "The metallurgy of rare metals" by G.A. Meeroon and A.N. Zelikman. Reviewed by 0. X. Zviaginteav. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.8:1303-1304 Ag 156, (MIRA lotio) (Metals, Rare and mino*--Metallurgy) (Meerson, G*A.) (Zet-ikmau# A.11.) US~R/ Ifiorganic ChemiBtry. Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya) No 4., 1957s 11468 Author : ZvXagXntsev O.Ye.,, Karandasheva Ye.F. Inst AciRemy of -SciVnces USSR, Title Concernipg'Quantitative Maiacteristics of Trans-Effect in Complex Compounds of Tetravalent Platinum, Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 108~, No 3, 477-48o Abstract Studied was the kinetics of halogen replacement;'by C M-N in compounds ~f Pt(4p). Objects of investigation were triwd Z(?'3)3Pt0l2'4('J'7 al., L-EnPt-XH NO,C1X7 Cl. and salts of Blomstrand.type C (NH3N02)2PW41J- vhere X'-- Cl, Br, NO In all instan the:r6actioni take plade only on 66ordinate Cl Pt gi (tr) or C, NO All reactions are bitiole- culer. Ddta obtained sho-4 that replacement Of Cl by'Br causes increase of WA lBr velocity constant k in the case of CW )*'PtC C11 Cl and'.D~MjM,)2 3 3 PtBrC1 -3 _7 almost by 3 times, and In the case of1Z EnPt-""3X02PrC1_7 by 2 1/2 USSR/ Taorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour Referat Zhur- Khimiya) No 4) 1957)' j-1468 times. Replacement reactions on N02 - Pt Cl coordinates proceotd very slowly. Values of k for co4ouAds of. this'doordinate 84~e 3 tines ~ smsIler than the k values of the corresponding compounds of rea,~tive'coordinates CI --Pt- - Cl.- On ume 'of acetone as the- solvent)' 'irx-lietu'6f'vdter'j the valiAes of k remain 'almost uncbApged. -"On the basis of ~ a'comphris6a of the values of k for compounds of Pt(4) and Pt:2+o)'the conblusion is reached that-the same N02-substituent behaves differently in Pt(2+)- and Pt(4+)- series. AUTHOR: zvyagintsevs 0. Y4. 78-3-34/0 TITLE: VII All-Union Confer .1 once on that Ghemlit 1, ry of, Gomple jc:: Compounds, 9-13'Ootob6r, 966. (VII Vseso~uznoye soveshohaniya po khimii kobiplakanykh soyedinenly 9-13 oktyabr7a 1956 go) PERIODICAL:.Zhurnal HeorSanieheakoy Khimiip 1967) Vol'* II., Nr,3, pp. 704-7080 (USSR), ABSTRACT: In this article very brief.abstraots are given of matter presented at the VII All-Union,Gonfersnoe on the Chemistry of Complex Compounds, organisid. by the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni No So Xurnakova, of the Academy of Scienoes*of the USSR from 9-13 October, 1956. The ie~tings.were held at the Leningrad Technological Institute, imeni Lensoveta, and were attended by 250 seiintists from Leningrad., 220 representatives from research establishments from other towns in the"USSR, and also by scientists from Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. Card 1/2 Altogether 57 reports were presented. At the con- Z v X 14 Cr f N / st~- t/ 01 USSR/General Problems. Methodology. History. Scientific k~ Institutions and Conferences. Teaching. Problems of Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya,,,No 6, 19589 16703 Author Z t 0 rsev~ ~ Q _~3~in Inst :-lnstitute of General and Inorganic ~: Chemistry Academy of Science USSR. Title : Vyacheslav Vasillyevich Lebedinskiy. Orig Pub : ZL. neorganicheskoy khimii, 195?v No 8, 1713-1719 Abstract Obituary of V. V. Lebedinskiy, (1888-1956) a:. corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, and outstanding researcher in the field of complex compounds (Institute of General and Inor- ganic Chemistry kcademy of Sciences USSR). A list of scientific work is given- Card 1/1 letter to the editors; In connnation with A.?, Khpusbinakiilo erroneous assumption on tho dincovery of rathenium by A. Saladstak1j. Muir, neorg. khim, 2 no,12:2839-2840 D 157, 11:2) (Authonium), (Kapustiniskil, A.P.) (Sniadatakii, A.) AUTHOR: 896.,9.2 ZWAGINTSEV,O. 5/32 TITLE: I-Titrorte Oxalate Cotnpqunds of Ruthenium. (Nitrowoksalat" PERIODICAL: Atomnaqa Faer Va.. V-157s, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 272-273 (U.S.S.R.) 9 ABSTRACT: At the Institute for General and Anorganio Chemistry of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. the following synthetization and in- vestigation was carried out: 0021 2.) -Mg [RttiO 1.) (NH4)2 [RuNO (02 21 - 3.) Ca [Rtfio (0204)2 1-6H20 4.) H2 [R410 (0204)2]. ASSOCIATION: Not given FM=W= BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZVTAGINTSV, O.Ye. "Transactions of the technical conference on the calcination of materials in the boiling layer". Zhur.prikl,khim. 30 no-7:1118-1119 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Thermo chemi a try) A/ TS- 0 Ili all f'2 -- 1111 a /Ye - It .33 ISIS a a I . . k a - I I I Not d "Iij 41 Vill mail Ail Eat I;fi a Viol lei ZVYV4MEV~ ~,. P NIKOISM, V. D.,, STAROSTINO S. M. p KWUMOVj A. and SUMT, V. S. "Chemistry of Radiortuthenium," paper to be presented at 2nd MI Intl. Conf. on the preacaftil uses of Atomic' Finergy,, 1 - 13 Sept 58. i -3-4-26/38 AUTH6RSi . 9. Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye Budarikov, B TITIZi Plutonium Salicylates (Salitsilaty plut,orliya) PERIO.DICALs Zhurnal Neorganiaheekoy Jhimii,1956,V61,3,~r' 4opp-975-985(USSR) ABSTRACTs The reaction of tri- and.tetravalent plutonium in solutions with salicylic acid and ammonium salicylate.were investi- gated. It was found that tetravalent plutonium salicylate of the following composition is,formed in weakly aoidous mediums PuO (Sar)2' ~ : + ,PO. precipitates as Utbrt1-.9 same conditions plutonium- (M) (5a1-) H 0. The oplimumcongitione for the precipitation of the aali-~ cylates of tri- and fetravalent plutpa ?ium were determi nedo of ~lutbnliuz was A quantitative precipitation . determined at pH - 4 The'salioylat9s of 1u$Pnium_(TV) predDitatod at'pH I-P ' salloylate ion. contain only Pu-(IV5 as an ion and We Also the reaction of plutonium salicylates of 'differefit Card 1/? -reagents was determined. 76-3-4-26/38 Plutonium Sali6ylates SUBMITTEDs Card 2/2 On the actiop of strong acids ths plutonium salicylate,s de- compose with the corresponding acid. On the action.of''Con-' centrated-lyea plutonium hydoxides are formed. Plutonium salioy3de dissolves with ammonium carbon atle solution under the formation of carbonate compllaxes.'~Plutonium eali- oylate is soluble in the folloviing organic iol4ental alcohol, acetone, ether, amylaoetate. It is, however insoluble in chloroform and carbon totrachloridso The comparative Investigations of the tende .ney to form com- plexes between plutonium-(III) and plutoniumi.~(IV) show that .the ialicylates of trivialent plutonium are lose stable than the tetravalent ones. On the action ot ammonlacal solutions- on the salicylates 'of tri-9 tetra- and hexavalent plut onium. Always o-vealicyldtes of plutonium-(fv) precipitate on heat- ing. This fact'was also.proved by chomioalg thermographical and radiometric analyses. The optimum conditions for the pre- cipitation of plutonium oxysalioylate were datermined.There are 25 tables and 4 referenced, 2-of which,are Soviet. November 169 1957 AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Yo. , jhub60%in,-,%, F. 7P,-3-5-1 5/39 TITLE: A Study of the Xinctico of the 113actiors of Substitu tion, in Bivalent Platinum Compounds kinetiki rea%tfAy vnutrislferno6~ zajneo~iaheni~-a v ocyedi- neniyakh dvukhv.%leaL-1C)Y platiil~r) PERIODICAL: Z111urnal Noorganichookoy Xhimii, 1956, Vol 3, Nn 5, pp 1139-1148 (US311) ABSTRACT: The paper in question goes into the kinctics of xibotitution in the inner sphere of platinum II-compounds. The effect of pyridine orunonamines of bivalent plttil,,IILI was observed. The kinetics of the reaction of substitution in monamines of platinum II was inveotie-~~ted at temperatures of 2o,25,3o and 350C. All th 'analysed reactions axe oX" second grade. The constants of the velocity of rea.-,tior. and the activity of energy were computed. From. kinetic in- C1 was vestigations it was found that the coordination N02-P'- the most reactive and that the coordination Cl-Pt-Cl was the least. According to their activity in reaction,the coordi- Ca.,-d 1/3 nationscan beclaslified as followat A Studyofthe Kinetics of the Reactionsof Substitution M-3-5-1 5/39 in Bivalent Platinum CompoundB 1110 2-pt-cl :7 ITC) 2-Pt-n2Dr-pt-cl ),Cl-lpt-cl. From research of the kinetics of compensation of groups in the inner sphere of complex compqunda.of platinum II one is also able to * eatimate the displacement of the * in~i_ vidual coordinative groups quantitatively-. By means of the con3tant of velocity of the reaction of displacement)it was found that the bromine-ion in the inner sphere is 3 times more displaceable than that of chlorine. The N02-groups are endowed with a capacity of displacement which is lo times that of chlorine and 4 times greater than that'of bromine. The reactions of displacement of chlorine in the inner sphere were investigated with pyridine inthe follow- ing platinum Il-conpc~undsz K FPt.NH 110 CINO K PtIIII ClBrClI , KIPUM CINO Cl - 3 2 21 1 3 L 3 2 K ~Ptilli C1 72 K[Ptc if C1 and the NO -Grou. in K ~Ptllll CINO NO", 3 3~ 2 4 p - . 3 - 2 Z There are 1 figure and 14 references, 14 cf whichare Soviet. Card 2/3 A Study of '.he Kineticu of the Pv.acUoriacif ;~,,Ub.,Jtitufton 'in Bivalent Platinum Compounds SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957 AVAILA~UE: Library of Conoress 1. Platinum cor;,potnds---_Subvtitution reactions --Substitution reacticna 2. Pyridinas Card 3/3 ZTYAGIIITSIV, O.Ye..; SWMOCHKINA, Ye,F, Study of the kinetics of internal sphere substitution in tetravalent platinum compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 3 no.5-.1149-1161 My 158. (min 11:6) 1, Institut obshchey i neorganichaskoy khimii Im. N.S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Flatinum organic .compounds) (Complex compounds) I ---- S-4 lj-r-A -,k-- - 4, 4 ~ AA- t. I'M" - ~ . I I ., *0 c Tba clacitr"inflag of pladeummad pmflddtUM 411 CaMr; IL. Amovive. A. V'Gh I fit to VnVamy. 4 A tplW (lows. - S. ftNAO-7M On French 197"011wril-Thr f(410wiflif F-' -00 14 4 11 1 at I cipmnsersilcil-. Vot 111-platilit Im cu! -q~411'04 Pill. INIII),11141, :At and Mild -00 11; c. 41. 1 atilp./wi. Iii.. at 70 M)'. bot 3-4 smis.; lite 4 the talirr fixuled win 1). 1,41.14 7iQl. in, I lhll 00 E J'it Nfisli(N(h?i It, av~IISOXCJ4 IIRI'. C. 41, 1 - 2 amp. , I,. ,J ago* at Isar 2 nsirl~, ri"'millimliv-1 for vvfy t1kill III I" ill J. P09 I'd 14140119111nCt17 (11, 11411;4.114MCLI 40 0~ I.-,. (Nifil'Iffts, LNI, Na'11110. #M aliff MIX) 2-1: v. 41. 0 00 th), Im ltlflitl~; thu Lut..% Wilt 7, ml.ul.: an-I N11.011 25i v. cl, u.74 warp./vI. Its. at :.I,' floor 1-21 min.; shie-linn* ill" A, A. 11tAppilly Ice* tie* Z it to t 1" 0, u u A, it It it 441 it It it 19 K 01 tf It of 1113 a I IF ,a A V 14 a 43 :1 1 1 e0 0 49 0 0 0 0 00000 0 of a 4 0 0 4 0! 0 0 6~*v 0 Its 0 * 0 0 0:0 0 4 0 0000'0 0 0 of 00 00 0 * * : : 0 : 0 1* 91: : 0 0 0 w'o 0 0 1 04 0 0~6 OF me 0 00. OM ice AM lu 600 NO 0 7 -2 of I a ow~ 0. 11 0 1 go 0 gog eme AVLO -Otloii I I 1 4 1 G 1 0 # a it v A A Red"rk on **memoir klivo. *Iikw "d A. A. Maraks Obvyk 10 fftct I au a al cakmblum uA tantalum." dl A Zyggints4v land Z. G. Narnwedre. 1. (aw, C", V. S. . 1 R;)' 810 Z-,k., - Otgult - 09 (19M): cf. C. of. Ji, 46141.-Ilcarilims of Cb ai;~ rt with rewrcinal dots not livv a qual. t"t f4w th,!,r rl,-- rvirntt "V as 00 -3 zo 41 see see '00 &SO-ILA 041ALLUICKAL LITINATIM9 CLASWKATKR be 40 wave si IS14110 wit 04V got u AT to sw OF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 4 a 0 0 040 0 41 4p 0 0 0 ~ 6!0 M oo 00 0 a, :0 00 w *0 ........ .... *go KIM ro"dow w 444#dbm of alobiWn "W *0 tjW%kW. i 0. H. jAA;jMY ft%t Z. U. NANO. . . SAM V. Getl~ 10 A, N. 829).-The to- i ZOO "on with.rwmin4 (Pktonov el al.. A., 1937.1. gis 0 265) is no4 girm pure Xb salts, arxi canpot, wrre bi 'r f d ti f N T R 0 or atm on o o~ m. . . .00 Ago IWO 0 1204, 11111131'" %1*.& WIWI* --- ........ I a rw a u is AT PC al; 0 al K' it S a a LI ;o a i r; 0--- o'. lea 11 0 00 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0e *so 0 0 00 00 Zo 96 0 4. 0 wo 0 * 4 0 0 00000 00 0 111 0 0 40 0, 0 A 111 40: 0 0 0, e o o 0. 0. 40 0 Ilb0 00 0 000 0, 11111111 ---11 -11 1111111110-11111111111 All gnua!~jal'R I xr" I., I A 9 GONLINV see em lee its 0 LA T. see 00 211OW "it rov M S in 0" f# T - ;;; Ii fAl Im. I of 0.0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0,641; It a 044 0 a o o $I 41 0 ;O~GLS 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0~ 1 0 OLO'G'e S;o " togialooWet . . i q0 A la A 1 4 t I V u tt is It 4 is it to X so A C60141 1.13 of. C.3#9 I.. . ...... .. ...... Tic acitioa at cuWas adauds od-sa-1-utftnz of C' old 4141 C"d an AWd 0 B Z ')Iwy and 11. L. 0 0 a S, s. is. 111%M41,103:! 2..M. 0 :' M 0 40 4,*AjM4)(U'A Englilb); cf. C. it. 31, 1PIP.-A %On. of 0 0 041 If L. tO.W90 S. Au In I(XI tril.) wAs stirred at room with I C. of fincly ground wulfide. After (WO dAY4 IV. 147 00 sit (the,x. Au per 110) ini. vias &L folkrm3o rbalmlivrite, nunt; pyrite, twoe; gakna. OAXIO;; glibal"ite, u.CPsu; and ro"1101 x2nijAr. 0.16W. Sinidirexpts. with a KAu. (C,'I)s soln. 0.0430 U. Air in IOU nd.) gave the fullowint rv*Wts after -4) dAys. chalcopyritc, "M40; pyrnt.. (),tir'O. jr-Ams, 0.1(uu; sphidefitc, 0.110); and tontful. 11. 1 $24J. DrActford Stone zoo w goo so no 4 Igo goo -W-i - T. i "t cf eg w ow a x Ai '010 0000 0 0 0 0 IWO 0 0 is 0 6 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 40 000 0 0 0 09 of 0 4) 0 00 0 0 go 4 0 00 0 0 * 01;0~41 0 0 0 0: 46 0 0: 0 41 0,00 0 90 0; 'A M v one. I w , k - A lv (i fet 7.v.~mnd 1. A. lljtjit~n. t #m1w. P&O owj At HOW18)(an Fnaliltli).--Au i~vtsltitsktu"m of Ow rr- (gakrut, xpluariiw~ aw. (*)PYTI(V. pirrite ww atstoopyti mW AuCt, tw XjtAuLN 1"I to Ow f-Alowine equaiiaeu: 41!~ 3 IUS AaCl, 3 IWIS + 1.1 U + 3 8. (h) 9 FvSv 4- 40AuC1, + it FjCI, t 2 11.0 - 8 i T I-WI. ir ILI 11,A). 4 -10Au, f N* I 11110. (0 J FvCu.14 f. 7 AuCh + cl II.U - a- Ali + it 11ACIt 00 0 + 3 cucl. + 1.5 11,504 + 4.6 s -16- 9 lie), kdj ; 14 zlls- FcS) + W AuC4 + 10 HO + 2tI 110 - 24.6 1 W f- 6.5 00 z II.SO. + W'Au + 281nas + 7 Fe" + 48. If) ii F,!AS 00 a +- 2-1 Fcros + W =tick, + 4 resu, A~ I; Cli + MAU +61 -4-:11 4-4.8110, (h3 1116 Is S 00 4 NsOll - 11 Au 4. 3 PlikNNO). J- XNN-A I. 00 j i 11"(t" 11.5 (471%S-FrS) + 17.NAAt.(I. 4- 041M - I-. A. + ft.~I0101 + 1.3FC(Oll)t + t; Xav~k). + LAS + 5 LAP VaOll, (A) 2 Fe.% + 11) NAAuot + 4 It,() - -1 Fel(Ill i, a* 41 40 4 %'s*SO. + 11) Ali + 2 Naoll. It ii unlikely Owt rvAv. r Awl * wvur ip "Atiliv. 61liatt,1114 so* irpri-m-ni IN- worr%ws of In the rq1trill kit it'll ".m. tt 4!T-LLURGKAL LiTERAILAN c -TN--4w-iT ... is so *j 4 A .w JO Ne v U w AT 00 vi~t, it -lt et 0 :0 0 0 00 0 O's 0 0 0.0 -0- 0 0 0 - 'lz 0 "A ~t -1 1 A.. 09 00 DOUM1641106 of gwd In CyAnills solutlodii (it calif. * .00 caftud" onto, 0. k' ' IV a i-4 ~ a - Nn- 30*01XV.-The fralw Val III viiiTw m- I 1 hodog. I W % Aw, To I(N) MI. of the tyankle -toln-allij &' Ill 00 IfN(h, beat tob-difle.add I'D-1-15 9, KCI(Xin MuLtil ik d i 00 ins pn ut ng V") min. floll the *)In hr l roo . neutralize with Nuoll or xolf 10 weakly tiew r": .00 Ir action (litliffu-6 Celt) Iind det. the Au by Cheating With al 00 hydroquinoot, or c 0fittlettirallY Cry roiilisarint:wlth a -d l inivnjit l d l . 0 y preg ors hY olps o Ow Au 4010- on filter r=Prr "Irif with lfg,(,NO0,, -. 00 Katuich golll 43 to p '00 A . . . ........ OCIALLVOCKAL 1.11111AU4111 CLAIWICAMS sic., SIVIOIST . sit 0.1 asc Sol I "161-a-Vall 0 wool r--I--T 9 0 T a i u 9 AV 1.0 Lai It It It j WA A 1 w I N 4 a !* 0 0 0 0,0A 0 0 0 0 ill V:# 004 0 0 0 0 00 Iff 10 0000 0 0 0 0 40 0 a 0 -&I I '.A -a' . I . , . -1 2 ILI 11.1 1. aLI M 11 7;;7 0 6i~~dw G.KamOt%ds64rAO"x,Avj A MW Im 90a vltl"scb.*W) &(U. S, IL'14.), 12. 013 ;dudm 16 CC4 (O.MIS, 124"i4od t, t~ 00 .,*3kL to 30 21 and 380o ".) atki in .00 FI IT$; ;;I SAM OA(m W 14,JW4, 14 ad Itlv"wR%clfc6R(w INtit o* 4, a Ito "a'Eug"14. At 0- is d4loo"t ut nutch a bol %t It tw temp. f1te loddhm to" 4k" lo CP 00 s i CCI, (0.:Wt ~ st"I 00 ~l 400 cc. of Wit. at 1). !ml dad Tbd "owtkm Imaima too A. A. INvIldt"y so 1441AAM wit 0 AV 10 As an 1 6 ad a 1 0 -1 w m I is 3 1 5 41 0 0 0 e.0 0 a 00 O's 9 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 O:i,o 0 0,0,tD 0 0A FRUMSIS AND FOOPIRMS I.C1, -00 *0 AK r- .00 got -06 loo 00 'Oe laftra-sikaA wav" an COM04 D, 1. EAMATt AU4 0, 9, Xv? 9j 4; ~=!~ .... ... .00 (Ann. Bat. PIOU60. IM i NO 1" Bi- ~ "Tim i!: i .^ ago "ImadWhrit -vwA tow p. of Is IAtIQUAI.Of 414. _q. [Pt(NE W Mihd j F.Se-l'"Poffur" to ultim. Wort wavft mi 2-10 M.). Dhimption of: tbd coo a OIA, Is suppoiwd to omV.: it. T. m 100 goo 004 coo too no ~"At LITERATURE C&ASSWICATION SIVINIj.4 Vag At %..ego -S tglc..3 a.. 44L 40tial ow 4., tst its - -1- a q 5-u-SAV 00 Ili MHO11 Ia mLIv 0061 Mdols KuI o o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 4~ 0 Vo e0go 00000,000 0000.0'00000o 01060o a Is ca, 0 00 4 ft _UL, q Got .00 4a, + F -00 00 A + + 0 * I .0e 4w is + *fit Zoe + + 000 1 "; I Is ~40ARM + Nil; +1 5m_ p *1 lan C-2, 14., 143N +4 roe 10 fee JUAW 'I zoo '~j I AmM~ Ad luit Mo. 10011 0 no 10=4 too A S AI L A!~TA~I~PGICAL LITINAT01 CtAMOCAtION (P.1 dot - -.-IM I v 7 ir m U 9 AV 10- a I I OF Ol is 4m 09 9 9 9 It ts9 KW4194 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 * 00 00 0 00 00 0 0. 0o, 00 0 0 6. 0. 000 0 0 0 0 0 I I'll 1. .0 -13 1 a 0 A 6. A At hi j a L A 04 0 06 Oddwml6to4lii" 4"-h OMWA d"Iddir -00 00, V. X.S. N. .00 #=)..It 14 kwwa this set W1.0t co imms in sit" Ket"ift within tmtuw 11JO01"I -00 008 of Ihs OrAff 0140 ~ It to 10,11 kkils. 0." 1, Oki taxtild trilill. 00 A And Pmaticc,~1%6 Ift"44111111100, Jim Onultillwy dAill -00 onthitifactolwalr=M(Up o1wattrijanilitellip. -40 00 (uptolBOO)otio"i mWqoW.1owater. Tbetfha olpairtialpmom"Ofox "ontlitVAO olcufrotric:03 in water onts dotd. One of cus frolli 0e a cum We, with 5.8-M -(~-,to coast. "Olc*t. Vn&r Putfid Pressures of 0 [a the "em varying firoan 1004 0.3 to 40 at the I ' Cu diiisolved noged ~"u W;?-~ Bsp=lAboteffect tit temp. 00 the ~ sails 000 'am CuS In distd. water under mir premoure, 6 t am clan the CUS oxictatim velocity mW Me passing 00 W at Cis Into mAtL hicetaft as fhe temp. is rabwd until, in see Of optknum U twAmL Am uttkb sok. dmmmses inure or less fica of C37-VitmVirle od the itil" "rus of bc- 00 W, to T ctlecation Wd dfmd:Lg ~ iTydMyel. W it. sulk,, 400 product. Tbm data kad to the following coMuslono; see Culf cam,h# dissolved Wilistd. *nice M a firw hop. Under*p1mmact at lemps. ffti 100, to W. (2):TIW 000 vslmily~vrltk Which CU poom Into, sq. Ida. to propm. tit" to 11W partial pvmrq of 0 in tlwcfgn4 PUM, woo , Vok 1,4) An a fWA of Wftgy0m:of the CaS q which Imms ')in the ciaidalkim of CU& k* toPIW stivate, cu", boo In watw. 11CA0,41=11W q1tion the mmis. k. K. imi too to mi $fe' Irpri, Is 0 00 AS or: It. 01 0 0 s 0 fe 000 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 04,101 0 m 0 0 0 W-2 : .. . i v v 10 !1 1) 14 Is it is is A _,L A -A L, VA Y_T. 1, 4.1 A..4-k_ go As Tm Intaret6sms of itold with tallude and imliroic as:14 *a a 0 mill)(111 lcllolilh).i~ ~1. is. is, fill Mriallk. All Is umfiectrit by 9k 4411ti. 11 ivillitiv I" : ir It%)" during 240 hy4,,,,r at VW jacid al 1-1P. ski 0 a doring hm. 114111041 at lot. air stiot tortitio of Ali I hit Mal j4"' "Iff"fir, FIr4ilt 1,14.1 Still as 1:1 A li-di"I Willi lt!4% 111411 fit-, -Ilm% milt "1 0 a W ow VA-Ilow fillval'. 141-61 volu it. in a .1. t -it ilt'leti'lliv 1 *a alwa)m C~Muai~x ou..O Whitic adol mripliv, Au L- luatjulihv~ drul 1111MI -lum"I Ali T. it, 0 COO 00 00 190 1 00 1 0 0 '400 !woo too 0 too 0 woo 9 v 1, 0 to It 0 of of a ill it"n K It at Lo a I - - 1 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 00 so 4) 0 0 0.0 04 00 it Is 0-0 o 0 is 04 0 0 0 40 a v e 0 S 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 a 0 8 see a go OOA . ~ I - ~ I __-- - 1--__-_____-... -11.- - ....... ....... ... Detivem6atim of -the Puthrum-itimp netaft and .4 geld S. IN' . .11lialtarlo. V, A. Vo- too,;vu to. unchharrva. rrwr vsosoywt, K*v- 0"111 healing. ocant i1v~ %,1n. 411d "N'll file At Ilt-1vir Ali In I fit ailuA 11-41,# ."t'l (Ittaij); 1114111, 11 1411wr Ill Ali I, in C. A. -tube method was used for l"Ifer. place 0.1 cc., a the 414". on a fill" pope, doic. 1r and Rh In ortirs. A large excess In the charge of fillId. with Ilg(Nill.). vallij. Aod ",luimre the. durk ppot of 00 AS (5 times The ordinary amt.) and of tit (escierding 5- 10 reduced All with site color %.Alc. The foll-otring mothol 00 timeq the content of It) trarWimms nearly All It into the Is ProPm4N1 for Mg. Au In cy"Illile milni. To 100 cc. Ill yti metallic state. A rapid Method for drig. An fit oles, has "le Sdln- add A-10 cc. of 14NO., firsit its I"Illlff, 1111fing, 9 0 1! brendevelaped. I'lieniethodisapplkabletoficWcontu- Wting all" 1-0-1-11' 91 of KCI0- ill 9110 C'007tte Of IN-20 I flor". Pulvverfir the "topic to &I mesh. treat in a min. t)0" for 30 Cool. 12tillrAIIII! WiLb Off tuawrakly o ~1! s porcelain diqh with (91-70 cv, of IINO# (d. 1,4) (XVIA411"t 461 caeti'm 10 lItIM111 4MI let. All hir thr drop or lite 000 a Violent evolulklaof Nax4leit),dil. with UlUcc. of water. vollimetric. Ptrthod. In lhr volit"ItIlric meth"I fil. Ille 11; filter. wit-h the residue with hot water mind proorrA at Ill lobt- "'l *"fee to 141 er., add I cc. d X Ill, tit Nallir, the analy%. I"Iffer 044h. asid. In file cold &Ild .. 're. of 0-diald4ditir of quafts and och" tire 1,We 10,10 x. of the vie tit a -Md litrale flool ffi,. 111irroi,jr, Will, 0 0 -a porcelain dish or mortar. add gradually an I Nola. (1, 2 X. + KI 4 g. in HOW cv. of water) until the bew" caw of The exceys 1, jWmists, set Stan.% overnisht or wrintri In thc F ki The alartat after "rry &-to min. In the course lb"PIWAIC A 111in. of 2 mg. P( A, a of W W".. of the 'ago- 04a be drill. I'let 0 and lit intelf, nd he If he nib water IS "jib lht liclu. becal'OL they fillet p"aj liltVWA'VAU~ tail ditwZbedl aspApatijuntAdd towillie All jullo, ink tow 111ru'll I Xg.'of meutille- Hit for each 100 cc. of HquW and %W# R. Henn I*i for tit) min. Iftvant the "a. and wuh the All smalsam 11 Vvith water by derantstion. Trital(er the stalatitam to is parvelain dith, anti dlosolve the Its lot IIIN(li (1 -2) with At L It AT01 CUMPKATICH A A ALL UNGIC I I 1.14 No -4 solo" .10 a4l, ml it"to ll~ It -T-r YA-A~ g u W2 a I In at at st W 0 AV to to K is It lug of 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 0,4111, 00 so 0 0 to 0 0 0 90Q 0 0 0 *,* a OLO 41 0 0. 4), 00 zoo coo 7 too vee COO WOO WOO Oaf A AND aohl~ 11,1, :too fit 1,1141illis"I ImmOll-rom will 411, -n III , (.,r lif, e's Ifqlvollm~j hild 00 ,gej Alsim-flor W that or p[Allittlin Atiotlav.) (n.111 111OU'll 11WI41--N. A. 'G0 '00 001 00 00 00 to woo look v! 0# of paw I I 'tai, 13* if 46 '. u It: 0 0 0 00 6 0 is 0 TO a 0 0 - 0 0 i ilo 0 0 0 0 go 0 111 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 400 0 0 IN0 0 0 OIT44 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '06 A Compouads of manpatu malts with pyrWlmo md athYl -00 aedkmhw. O-E, ZVO ts*v and M. CWmlys, J. l M f C ?U INO~ J mr R 9 6 1 - . . . . ; c l k ch'., ( , S. S. .11 . !W;2$~-Ncw currijkli. of Ali) with CJI.N (1) anti (.01v MI)isobtalued by with m i r id k h l ni ant c g. t rvael y sic Itrtmit 11NOt,addintil toalig y 004 in a desiccator for it few days; MorCA.1011-4crONA(M. f' M oxalic acid Wit ring in cooed s O I b ll C ili woo 000 , . n. o o n , o ng a j ty j adding to the filtrwe Etolf and 11 anti cryg. Bymmilir inctliods there wete 1weN.: YmOil-211C -11tO(Vj; 00 0 a ' -A 1 VI 14 0*1 I V IV th roe equ C Art 011 R 1 . MY1 . And , VIlandVIllarepalle-ropecrystals. Allafrin-wil.inCtOll L K 6 AKS110 1-. l'0 and benzene. 9 00 coo its 0 I It I L A P4TJLLU*GjC4L LITIMAyUgg C%A111FKA1w slow 11vt va 414.441, u S411444 It 41.11 Q.d 4 ---F- IF - U 00 'T 1 ; - - Kd wit 9411111 K a I X4 - It . 0 . .000000000a g000 0 00000 : 0 0 0 0 P11 * 0 0 0 * 0 a00 0 0 0 s 3s Nit; Alm 0o41 J% dh 04 IMP 43 of AWKWed Abs- wed se'd soo Z Woo A9.4 Its 0 we 0 IL I I p Not MTA4LQftKJkk LFMA too all so pot: I-T I we-a 4 u It ~9~~ Aftike 0 0 4 -0-0 of 04, Dili 0 0 we 'as- - - - -iv V W W W MI T W W W sor W W W W W W Its so It 11 is 11 41 "1 A 11 11 li~ W11 4 1,, a A A It t,-k1fAt jMtj pitIrt(If 1~ ",I T 00 Saw Mlaml op*dcs cIf thit platimlin grosp. 1), E. 00 -ZV 1 '194. dfIod, iti. V, 4R. f0 L -00 i4)~(ixi R*45,b---A small plify of p4acor 11 0 Pt was 1tonal issr The Mocij-k CU_r Malmit Vin-Mg, Omsidrialise Irt-gular cut-k vir"lals were lovetient. %!rfroz .114*0 out Into Irt-tullifula P101114. others ftallentil. 11". %p. gr, was widely var-table loscius to inclusi4mo. Tbtt NarilA Pt ditIvrit from ilia Urid Pt by having hilth 1041 roment, much. Fe and somt: N1 and Ag; Au is not a coin. .00 rxinent (A the alloy tout is present in tile devnit. rho 40 uAnic niordikite Is lortrixonlrd late the end mcmimf whil:1 =0 0 %hosev lot 35.1111, Fe 2,53f, N1 25.14. IN! 3 '. 57 Cu 9,281 .1 1).71 and invC 0.4116~ Ir and 14 Is were not olkmvrivil lit 0 ally Ill the grairmo. fi differoi (turn ilia toullailk lot of S. Africa ljy its With Fe content. 'rile firrilogic fcaturr% motably the lifesenre of rotil IMAS (older Ihun tile 00 Ileruill the assumptioll that ilia roiciallic Kralit, clMd. 04 flint a gu4coup "Jilliluill which may have ConItNted M tjif~ tj le Contacts bette 00 bonylsof the various metals formed at tv sulfide slid coal deposits, 1). W. Pcartc t!9 it Mi 9 1,- -7 too 0 U S AV 10 111; n J. s a OW 0 to 0 1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 ............. ...... ........ .... -A 4kAGWO Of mActum dk*, 0. curwak4h. imv mA A. Z, GON. 111.6,11di with a 111& &111114 ol' 11w illitical Atel. fjt;jW,1%. Pink* an.i .11001 jM0011" Iw"1011ir pim", nif"hwhoic, Iiml, L, A Willi L with Will wet* 141VI%f it, the Kmo kilin"cl; 2 11, NI-filrJOWIL-Tift Wimp ItIvIllifil, Pled the foratallum of L4 mude with 4m rul-O'llic, I$ IA41, I Irwhili'l I %tin"Iml, noom%linw. In. dined extittlmioct with high himintiLmulm. it I.IRPI- IMA; pink. Two mnpd%. with IIK)111 %%it prtpf. 00 A: d~ I in dry HCL 11w eik-c ties dtied by pirillengvd -Anindivis m9n. III hInCl, fit PK)II *I's Iscliltil on a "amt to h for 0 0 Z, 9;, ~ C111(ittell NAIS04 Or K#C('h, Ilk'" (16111. front NA fif A hs%, undirr tellux, vixil"I To ive. 144ml in 4 dr.ircat ir ;:0o CA, Octilefle or Prtr. Othet was wvl to 111111 thir wpn, with CACI% follownt toy utl4n.ill pcit~cthcr, and thr!Ltnoll 00 oll Ib* erpt. ptodurts, which wete hamilt4l under anhyd. r-4111 * AMC. of piltd. J1401,PrOlf wo, filleted A: thin pet.,nss, 0001 4lowlitiormi. 'the ptvpo~ 0( mactiftlittic, n ludint-d vilitimm, light IsInk, Cie a *0 Wet. Id a known 4"11. of Al"ClIf In a III'" out b Cliff Ali' 1 'IU wm tourN, will, oblAted on P1144040 blatullus In. of AN V. Nli-0111 1011alelld by C1041. by! (A) UVW64441 P115/11mu nma "outed 'Aff'- (b) he"ing " life 41--40-910T OVI, glov -r III ri by mpid coolut . ; or** (c) dow mmoveit tif exmtt %InO, In 7Svc. ktt~A HAI *,I" ktpi in a dri-6- 0 09 v H In a ck-simititir fat *tit by coohT (If) W"Yo tutto with cacti, then "ith l1w severrial month,. IM01111 as above, followed by it". bectserle, and yieltfins 6 ppt. (4 'JIM cj,.s/1rO/j,: which wavi filteml hg (c) istitsfectim of the nuither liquon froces the ditivis expt*. ;queezina beturm fliter Oupm. tolloilvil by Olublull wit Ilk 10 PWM removal of WOH figlowvA by cooft Tliv P"O. lArst PrismA, "I'lomlinic. itstfivitc! extinction. but go 0 ucts obtalturd depended upon the "Whod f. im"ll- "Oute (T%f&Is how birmight c%tineckm. hiaxial initrfet- d only 11011ticencom p"actis wm amislymcd and 1.114V ligurr. a LW LSM. lifthi pi tit. Twmetirep-6-with 0=lar"rhme i"uptis. wnv defickitely tatthliv%iiinit IWO111irtrflirttki. Igo a to 2 (am, either ikrdko frtq*ntly by boiling under redviii w*3 mW, kept in a CaCir dr*k- twinned x I.SW-UW, inoticidinic, extitt"W" ansk cator, jitit" in a jj#Wj "ocaior; *fire 3 months The 1011,411 , . Piak 34' or platrit strelcheil into wr4lies, 4 I'mu, *sAtIvIlled with Mr,ohir, pl)l 4,11110,04011. tl~ thmutsic, Mrsight cmindlues, wrtik blfvlTjW%%v' pink; jimit", motwinw, 4 I-DJrj.l .0i Imlifictl r9linclix"t. twSOPLAIIIIII t a "Is-ILM AtIALtVOCKA1. IllflifUl if ?w a A I': I it P 5 .9 a 7A Ita it x It U, m it III I, I 4111 Pr tr a It 000 0 46 40 0. It 40 40, 0 0 0 41 '10 0 0 see a 0 0000 0 0 6 9 0 ~o~ 0 ~ ej *: 0 6 0 41,00 .00 9 990010 4 04 410 0 0 41111 0 46 0 000. 04 olotio,44. SWIN4 (IdAd.) III W Ir. "Ad 01101i "I, ki-PI 00 00 lit 4 Clich sk-st-rattw for a mamth, Abrol f" 41.4111ho I* a 11404). d"W9014r. YWIdi" 14*014fixf)[1, Plain twmmles 1 0 00 16 1& India"I rAtinctilim, Tort) Ilk 1 mil w4b Inat .. ;;t d It a (13 t W 0 00 , . n o ee. p p , AmOll in 41it call *W4 00 a 11"ling 1144 "JAMOft V o so . Width cryit, virg. , nummIlltic iltith I g0ta, It I'M 1,4w im-1111(it PlOwt I OF jft~bdf IIIJ1441t 11TAtr4l 160k JIM, 400 wfortha kliotL WIN the MIMIC kild III- Irlitt- P" , k4*d, on 40 hins With Rt4O. MwC7t.jAwO1/, InvguUr paint, it 1.4%-1.490, thMilic with ittraight eliflection. Two 0 so tvmpd%. wece ptvpd. with doer-AmOll- 164nCls (21 It.) 2411 i 111 Ail M r f t k A 00 00 -sa- n iv. cO tetti Stit NK i 4 stallil iii a , dr4wiW 6W A mattialks, ppid. 00 m 1.614, t"itid try%" with virallM ftflact ion. macit o J9 If.) in 110 C; qI-kv-An3OH on probxwd ataaffin~ tit a f W 0 4 of t ti * p , 0', St 00 00 00, of 00 09 so 0 0 0 0 0 see 00 0:4k S"Wm-4 ungstmaticauses. A.A Nilundoll till.) 0 - Gem. Chem, WSSM ) 11. timt it c A4%1 1). - Sm C.A - 37, 61781. G. 11. Kw4at.-II 0: so 1** 8.1 00 so 0 -so 00 00 '00 00 0 so so oo 4p so 0 moo S. zoo 00 too too Leo it .41.11.11GRAI liffMAT1,01 4301IM614ft I '-- fjo 0 Soo, 14 0 $I it 41 u It 11 1 0 0 0 of 0:0 a 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o 0 o 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 40 6 60 0 0 0 0 00 04 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 'I 7 - - 1. .- ...... '~'Gwtim si.s.m 41 two coctspits., 7 4 t New tv"; CM3'. Court, Coll, U4, slA Wool w I Sold. to tlw ale. at to -41") for W-W ds I, (a) from 0 Ill UL t byrmmWethe " :T a so I wdo to I//#; o( t Ole 1 111rhor link 6k. TMV& ""kall of pm".# C4Wj d.. awl cfy*tal sytim. "a t c (1) a Mew, U. Impht-bko I I A QJM *AN)- 11W. (9) 4 mco" (moll Ahli, Ia. IJIV * 0.". cubic: 13) 3 utoll. Q.Mo6d~ JIM, I.Tw - 0=. rbaMbic; (4) 2 1510M. I., DIUM-9kkishp- 1.424 cWhanSt ~MrJVJD; am InoW. oth.7 in Kgrai 1.7112 * O.UW, rhomb6c; (5) 1 StOlt (tw%v) fma the *k l - A i b ;; 3 06 tt j eastut (&v iop.) y m . &k. so=. &M 00 motha liquor of The foreggist, bitc-purplisbi 1-70 Ipm MY 9 4 eloc caud bctttrF4t1,-m9thykttstU*fottjte as* rbombic; campda. cd Calks withr (4) 4 iQH ' UCS ; ~f I Tha a ekclrodr shows a we" &4i& p1j. I-TC0 dF. UM& UWJM Utts, Nue 1.41 ficht (bevr) 1 ";;i& t , , , , . thIl o0 the 11TIAter the lio. -1 4k. UWS. Imad, Pot 2 31c0", from The mother lkuor of the r AlY ludiating 011ifiblon 4( thil It of ale. by Co lish m". 2AQ, 1.70 A OAS. vh*ak*" . . I A3 045 U d (0) 3 Rif: 70 M kXM C ue. 1. purplish- . . , bi., 1.07. 1 .61 0.0i~ tskliak; (10) IMOH jikyWue,2X9,I.72-Q.03.c%%biq; 1)zEt0H' )&U rbtr kmar of tke (OMCQIUC 4dU b IM act detd ; coaspds. of 005 b44 witblis) 4 see . , , H (a) 1. atuber 1 1 4-4 01M *X- (13) 6V'WH (0) ~Mr';;% the Mot z : JAS 14- 16 ds I the larc oins bmw ot* WOO ' c , 5 u 4ak bcowa m= OM tic; (14) J 1.74 1. -b 0.03 kcZatow, (d2 C40M 1, be awaiew. im, the ode. at Cds, In U01:4 #-I not, ccribam. 0m ~ mw~twill -a WAM ' All don MIT cmgmts. decoma. as kmitimc "A III-11=1 ilk t, a 0 them *$40tv It 0 V I I aw, 0 9 a a :v c a &V TV (A ,0 0 6 0:0 41 0 0 0 o 0 010 go 0-0 *~*G:**;6r'w 6 GoA 4. Nkbd ad in We mmsu~- am of Waftm i Ss 0-1 . wy lCompt s$, I"g, 600im. ia Lob _. evad. A cad, Sti. U. R l9l)-ftecInt ana yvesof the l4nom of the Chlaturadlitrkl h*Ting n accuracy of 0404% of the samr4e wt. show that both ojiltik Vid caroohllt# or" contain nrai t. amounts fit Ni.and C.) I IJIqhtly >. &all In the ratio of. tvillocliarke no*, The emwo, is Independent of the type of on and the Un content. 1.(.Y%Illl. In Sion IOVS24 1111;1IIJ RD It I? jIjf4I $I 4u 0 411~ a AAA.-k--y woc 1. fir --o I.(. U.Socal 0.0c. 00 00 so 00 so saw Wgum fa Wait" Ubwou'd tb4 Platinum Omov. 0. F. ~60 1gvmL Seb. Fisiko-KAins. Amt.. JDA 16. (1). "30-2428).-1 In 00 HuRsiani. V.U" pkUnuin of the Norilsky deptwits is a willif R1104m )r -00 pallAmUm 13-67%). cqiwe Imn (MV,%j, anil nickel In PI till. .00 00 um. Whemls miWnIng Aximium " fridinin atr whil w4iitiona~. 16411"1", 00 cwt dis"we up to 32% oemimn; at hiSber concentrations the cwmiijm latticia 800 prevads-D. A. =00 no 0 '00" 3:00 0 lees goo 4010018 roe ~ of t:00 boo A I* - $1 A, NVIA LLIJrGKAL WIN Mitt CLAWFICA11011 ti 0 0 fe SOW 143C41 .11 134. "1 bus I, :.f '3- U -0 11 AV ft IV It Of it K N N U If Cr It It CM9 1. ?A A. S 41 OW 0 N 9 1W ti 0 1 4,iG, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 4 0 Wo 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 000000 0000 0 0 41D 0 0 0: - TOO- ZVYAGIIITSEV) "'Energy Coofficients or crystalline latticen (VEC) and the Structure of Dinnry Metallic Alloys," Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. UROSS, 38, 28-32,:;1943 in Engliqh)ij.-~A-wl The valency energy coeffs. (VEC) of the ions of the components fIurnish a very con- venient means of coriparing ions of different valencies and,revetaing scz* regulari- ties in the formation of intermetallic phases of binary syntems. Inadequate accuracy in calculating the VEC and lack of clearness in some of the determinations of the valency of metals restrict present consideration to the qxUal. regularity. SO: C.A. Vol. 38., jan, lo--jun 2o, 44 I 4p F, 7 oil. "Inumuftsiom of pwintun Am Irmism In the I*u st4u. 0. 1. A. V641ituiruva (ZAkr, Pril-40swI ,flitmer A. G. Mkhatadt~ and N M,"Ii, 22-30, V. Abs~ 1995. 39. 11261-11n Ittmian.) 111stimim-i mus .00 al6yo, cissitelining 11), 23. M. and We' of iridium vem preimml fmis rMleml, 0 n was stisiiii-d at 13M. 1 11m).am 151101', arut intentiff%Wost th,-111 4100 00 m;4d diffiloicin oecurs I after 10 hr. at IY30, 1'. all allms stinWil showtNt thr, lintienri, of solid volutioub. 11M monv"t. of tile filisnatitill of hoillo. zoo 000 p-nmrus mfid milulion was not4A by the apj"rance of a nixv. in the run-es of 44,3 ifie Avirivill rotlilut,41vity, and by mimmnpic and X-ray eAtImination. rly.v diffusion (if iridium Into plittinum Iis slower Mien I hill ot platinum Into 14dium. 11ar n-muly AirritaWn of milid smiluthms Isi-rutito the list- of purder. too tiletallurgit-Al oleth(mu of nianufwturr at fairly low tellilk-ratumd, XOO *Oz COO a& 41 4110 00 As ti 00 IV be An a I a OW 0 m 9 1 of so 0 111 u 0 0 0 0 46 0 411''40 is At 00 0 0 00 0,0 40 0 016 0 19 0 0 0 0 Ili 6 0 40 *is Ojo a 0 a * 0000 0 04 0 0 0 0 0, 40 00 A m 6~6*wAPW bow WwAmift pmwmuak of 0. R, AV 010114"V'.0- (Como#. tend. Atdd, 56. UXIS.S~. is". 4L 160-162),-It it 11119- ~ j ted that the Possible pooportions of the tomponentot tit NUT. tank 00 are tb* Sam mHo as the VAIC' W In= - =C tW and V ~ at. Vol. The pooffAt pro-, detmakned 4~lejhlllo ruk am fodber r""w by fx"Drs. imk Stabilifty and tW ntcossItY;of U111100119 tht' COMPICK: = in a stable -to . lattice. Restilts are tabUlated for thi Alystfin, Ift-Not, Hg-9. W-Mg. Co-Au, and Au-Mn, and con,,rima is ffta& with observatkoct. ve ,00 .00: 00 100 so Ott, so Opt mob 44 11691 Ged's. min, ~MPT.Oo,.,wdl as I 0 the Or to 0 umdcl 00 *0 cad *0 MOO* jib Am 0 "'AM46 SPA( 00 It I it Glow t at. AAL-R OR I'd use to* p wool, %w Jelit 41hig adg- Iwo AM i 0 a a fit; uIrI21906:04, " 4, - . . 0 a IF p If a of 4w a 0 TheRvAtIlligot(W-1 Stiver, tind Nletuts 01 t4e Mitinum Group. (its kumUj jdc*- cow: Nfriallurgildat. 1045. 214nn, lot 00 oo Ao 001, ro a so's D go soo :zo 0 goo goo jql! NO 0 to ---------- -------- -FTALLURrKA 1.112NATUAl CLAII)FKAVOM us ;LZ*', Do 0 ~.i Ot Weer r .U 19 &V 00 L An A 5 a fu 0 .1 4 1 N 04 sa 0 19 0 ft to of It Ota a9 Ic a a It Or W n I lKa IS 146 0 00000 0 * 0 so W 0 0 0 0 0 000 fe 00 0 0; mi 00 Va Is o ** 0o 0 ee 00.0 0 0 0 0 oto 44 0 o o 0 e 0 * 0 0 0 0~ a M& d-h El u -*AV -00 Iwo". Ir To' Yqw-flit-vir 0,000 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0.10 4:4_6144 "Met 7 ----7,i lr.;, 00 ITTU 0 i I 1:~ 0 0 a I w -.0.000*0 qV600.00 0 -m a 0 a its$ " - " - - - - - " 1 11 " " I Ors POO P"Ptolill J~v ..... . ...... 00 A *0 TWO Y $11m ot S"Iti Inflod chormistm 0. 7yyasitibev. Zhur, Prj* 44, KAj,,q. (kn. Ch cm.) s 1045-W(1947). N. non a 0 0 00 see =00 0: A too jL SITALLUNCICAL UltIA1101 CkASSIllirkilto i 46 MAP to, 1~ u a AV RO Is I I v rw 0 14 A; -0w of a d "I mw A A so it If A op e 0 0 * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 AN 410 0* 0*1* of 0 0 AD, 41 0 nNIMM-- ~--71 9-3 03 u Ar-13 -4 v tla m zv I AUIN-1 zjrv V M. 7T, 1. i~;-, T `17 -797T :~j j: Rational phase analysis of dimes from rikkill elelctiolyzis. 0. F. Zvyaginticv awl L. V. Plaksina. I:rfc. Sekt~u 'AW'Iv'T"1jPUfikIe B14fewwoly1th Afew., hill. WA-M Sr.;g. KAiaj.. .1"J. Sa"SAS.R. No. 22. %1-111) I lUIS),-The objrct of this Inyntlilation wai to tit, clisirilmikeri of NJ in electeraylic eilbriecs ismorte free necteti, Nullide. sulfatel sued Oxide. The dlied and iterontul alhur 4100tainol Fe 3.62, Cu 8.43, Ni W-61. Pb 0.4)U;), CA 1,12, Wit trisce, Si 2.Zl, sui&tk S 3.27, and sulfate S 0.971%. A OA-C. saitiple um treated with I&I itil. of IIjO to re- milve M~YJ4. Tile, reliblat w" lrereitt4l with 100 mi. of CUSO' *(Ali. lei boiling tellip. leeiting 4 hne., sind tbii IIrralinvill was rriwatird until I se filtrate.- was firre of N1, lie this step all the tattAllic NJ iuldl 171! NJ.'; *10. N. [fill "!: lyrd, The rpti,fue v" IsAint tveh:~ f"r I fir, with Is. Ilifiel- fit Sla'141 ACO) 23. 110) IM, Milot Ill% A IIII, I'lilie reminve the ovvel of (tie NIS. '(h#fv%Wovwik%t(vAtriI i0h AIII(A rVNI4 fil d1eimebre (141k: NJ, lklialls tit line, flowli ct'lliler oll, jivi-ri, Gas Deposits -"New Eydrochenleal Mitho& of Determining Pe trolem and Gas Memoslts,"~ 0. 761_1~ntsev P. 23 "Prirods. No I A;i~ing -,* 0 the, Wrkera~ M-_zan AffMate_ Geol Insty ters'near oil _depcmits ~ohange their usual ccmtl~_i, tion.'_ FOr, exai~ple, viters of the ftta= ASM-ugm- ally have a PH equal to 7, and ratio of esim to ealcl= is aboat one. In oil-boaxing re.gionay tbdu ratio rises to 1.8, 2.5 and higlier. Ve PH 47149TIOI twR/petroleum (Ccnt&) Jan. 49: of thei water also, chenges In one direction or the other. 46 47/4=01- *4 "n- -M 1 ZVYAGINTSEV, 04 E. a I i I .. . : li f . I i. f ~~.: 4 , r, A~, - a :9913VI-M qaTpt6-[-Lbj O6PnjOUj ~ij AOR 9-E (6tUTI V"l ,x jq C It V49X snob^I ptiv al olotl..~i 48trI XODOCK Vtm ''WeA 16j, Vvov ~,,Cq pow;uaRm jo 4pTH tib' 0' .4v PAP~' Lq -pvo.~ o T,4= J= tmnv ~ I ;o VOT:Pallob 4.0brq ;P, JWTAQX atqvxo#vA ON ~vpojT.A&. (AQG4U,;9yxAZ GiL .0, U'i'w 49 ZT:KPAalTfiva' *A *A, *I -,V Cq . 1,Mm A04nt=L& 'V 'A llv~ox trT 134UGMAOTROV MTOSTIRI JO. "TiLOVIL ono=o 0 =4 217- zXYMETSEV, 0. YE. Panrjati wimechateltnogo rwzte;-,Va IlEcolay-ft 19 Fedorovicha Fedoroira. (1869 - 1945) Izvestlya Sektora platI4 t drugUl blarprod. m(,tallov (In-t obnhchey i nk?o,~"gw. lkl,irmi Im. mu-nalcova)) vvt). 23~ :1,9149) SO: Letopis' 7-hurnallinylich Statey, Fo. 29, Ifoslcva: 1949 Cklocidatilia of plittlaum metall; with ammocatins tillodde. 0 pl~'i- A"I isild ~d The rmctif*t 6 mocv effective when MOMS arr tInCIT III- ThIml and in file prmlsve of Fe and Cis but nut NI.,; H%. cm XMCI: vtve no advaotace. ChkWW;kIkW) tittvpO bar,-Ay ist truips, above Ms. fill 6 chfixidiml mare easilly tkAn Pt. M. 110*11 ZTTAGIRTSEV, 0. Ye. 12 to 15 May 1,048, Moscow, first conference was'held.on historT of SoTiet chemlfitr7lo convened by Commission on the History of Chemistry, ~AcAd Sci [MR. Uarq papen voire presented by (ostensibly) members of this Commission. "Studies of Platinum Group Metals in the USSR. (Inst Gen and Inorgaa Chem ireni Y.S. Xurnakov, Acad Sci USSR). 'Materials on the History of Soviet Chemical Science," -published by Acad Sci TUSSR in Moscow-Leningrad 1950. )~283498. L 'Ad N' A dim OaJ -V-1-A 5 S M .73, "fit, -54 "'M A IM~,: ~rti$--g=.MLK 'hWori I of Hit (:-afttuil aq qers-rilt tw tritev4j fT%Itn heffillmitr to qnd CLIITR~Ittt! elhut (kor mth wtak .-. n'l J'q ytc I Ezo )ova tions m t ft,~ rarth tvujt . 01 It([ falti"it. "a 1 (6 O'lution tbt 11% farxith CMUP " 'Idll'A In C'm'fral III ultil tlr 'QuInall1rilri: in a dtagrun~ Zo b W W1 hl Stemubr~L-. V Platinum L. A. Chugayev's chloropentaminoplatino-chloroplatinate. Izv. 3--kt. plat. i blag. met. no 26, '51. A~ Monthl List of Russia Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952. Unclassified. Matoorological A Vol- 4 No- 3 March 1953 ClImatology and inatology Chemistry Bibliography Works on chemistry published by scientiPai*r*,wo~"L institutes and 'higher tecluiical schools Zhur, prikl. khim. 25 no. 4 (1952). Monthly List of Rusaian Acceecions, Library of ONWItreris, Miguat 1952, UNCUSSIVIRD. PRr Vitt Y G 11 T OE" 10T!, ZTf GrInL--rg, AlokonniU, Abrw.-~ovichj D),98- "Introduction to the chemistry of complex compounds." A. A.: (winberg. Reviewod by- 0. Ye Zvyagintnov. Zhiir. priU, khim.0 1'43j no. 7; 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress," lfove~t~ber 1952 Oncl. r1C Z-V C -h 0 9-10 CmC110910--7k Miat] Aug 54 raphy of.the Czccaoslovak ventral Cheilic-al and POlarO--- .graphic Institutesip Prague," 0. Zvyagintsev ~;zr P--Ik KILim" Vol 25, No 8, P 903 Reference is zade to "Khii~iyu-7` 16-1, ptibllshed -Ili . . ..... a-ue u mid-1951, to create intimate coopera- IGzech.scieatLsts and S~,~riet~ zsholars - 'Ttii-- ~Deriodica-l is to be publiilie& 6- -timeis va# comprise 1,000 yp per yr. Vol I, iw I find 2- 22&nk, appeared-in 1951, with the latter iiialuding a bib- Uograpby, for 1950, of work done in polarography throughout the world. Most of the articles deal -dith org che=:Lstry. Some, articles treat of ana- lytical che=istry, and others are in the field of polarography. (Czechoslovakia, as the birthplace Of L polarography, is carrying on exU!nsive work in that fieldtELecording to Zvyagintsev.) An original article by J. Heyrovsky and M. Matias, "The L Action of Surface F4ITn on the Polarization of Capillary Electrodes," is mentioned. Io ZVYAGINTSEVp Oe Yee 2. USSR (600) 4. Metallography 7. MetaUio state of an element. (A. I Gorbov's priority in concepts of the nature -of meta1s). Zhure prikI, khim. 25, No. 9. 1952. 9. Monthly List of-Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 4nuary 19534 Unclassified. 1. Z-VYk31NT5'r',-V, C. Ye. 2. USSR (600) 4. CherLi,-try - bibliograpay 7. Iransactions of research institutes. Reviewed by G. lo. Zhur. ~5rikl. kiiira. 25, Ho. 12, 1552. 9. Montay List of Russian Accef9ions. LiUrary cf Ungress. Plaren, 1~53- U&Ndl ARBUZOV, A.Ye., akademik; KAZANSKIY, B.A., akadealk; PMOTO A*D., chloa-korrespon- dent, AN SSSR; VIKITIN, V.I. , chlsn-korrsspondsut,~ h1l SSSR; YIQUROYOXIYJ I.A#, professor, otyatstyennyy redaktor; POGODIN, S.A.,~profesior; ZTYAGINT59T, professor; YBVTMTA,P.U., uchenyy askretaIrl. Owl Naterials on the history of Soviet chemistry; re' rts given at the 2nd PO All-Union Conference on the History of Soviet Chenistry', 21-26 April 19511 Materialy po istorti otechastyannoi khimii; abornik dokladov na vtorom Voesoiusnom soveshchanii po istoril otachastyeAnot khimil, 21-26 sprelia. 1951 g. Hook-ra, Isd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 193).:318 (nRA 7:4) (Chemistry-;.Ristory) ZVYAOI M EV, 0. [reviewer]. --------- - XTraneactions of the Voronezh State~Universlty, val. 23,~ Collection of,papers of ,the Department'of Chemistry.* "Transactions of the A.11-Union Institixte of the'SodAlndastry. vol. 6. Reviewed by 0.2viagiatsev. Zhur.prIkLkhIIin. 26 no.9:1003-1004 S '53. MRA 6-do) (Chemistry.) (Soda industry) M Aaa"k 'W', W."', ~-A'%" I 1 .1x ZVYAGUMEV 0 Y [reviewer); VOLORKOVICH, S.I.; TZQOROV,4.P.; APSHME, D.A. "General chemical technology'." S.I.Vollfkovich'. A.P.2gorov, D.Aolpshtein. Reviewed by O.S.Ulagintsev, Zhnr.prIkI.khim* 26 no~12:1)23--i)24 D 15). NLU: 6:11) (Ohemistry,Toohnical) (Vollfkovich. Semen Isaakovich) (J~gpr,ov. A.P. Ofpshtein. D.A. Y ZVTAGINTSEY, O.Ye. Transactions of scientific research institutes. Zh-,lr.prikl.khim. 27 no.2:227-228 F 154. q I (MA 7:2) (Technology) (Science) ZTCAGGINTSOV, 0. Ye Subject Card Authors Title Periodical Abstract AID - P-103 USSR/Chemistry 1/1 DDbryanskiy, A. F., and Zvyagintsov,,,,,O. Ye, Bibliography Zhur. Prikl. Khim. 27, no. 4P 466-468, 1954 A book Ch2m:LceL I-Reflninz-Qf 01 by RO Goldstein (translated'. -Fg1L-.M into Russian by N. S. Dabagov) is reviewed. '~Some'articles from Lrransaotig -Mq - 32, , - no of th2 Sci2n&ifig Eggglarch Ingqtut& gi no 1953. cQ)L Tn. I Tran n Qf the 14qg ititute d-Yine Chem;WA Institution : None Submitted : No date y, Loo j, iv)4, ana Trea itute im. V. I. len1n. V no. 1, 1952 are listed. . 1, ZINAGINTSEV, 0. Ye. "The Chemistry'of Ruthenium." a gj-jor presented at the Atoms for Peace Conference, Geneva, Switzerland,, 1955 III Mi M MI L Will fli;. ~I ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. tmn History of Ural platinum. Trudy tekh. vol.6: 160-204 155. WRA 9:5) (Ural Kountain region--Platinum) A I v Y t) V, AID P 157l Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 1/21 :,.and Yegorova,, Authors Vollfkovich, S. I., Zvyagintsev, O~.Ye.i Ye. N. Title Yuriy Vitaliyevich Marachevskiy On the.occasion of his 6oth birthda~y and the 35th anni- versary of his scientific and teaching activities Periodical Zhur. prik. khim., .2", no.1, 3-6, 19.55 Abstract Biographic sketch with photograph.: Institution: None Submitted No date /AJ TS t VJ AID P 2273 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 18/19 Author Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. '%6iikman, A. N., G. V.:Samsonov a d 0.;Ye. Kreyn~ Title an Metallurixiva redkikh metallov Metallurgy of Rare Metals) Moscow, 1954 (Book review) Periodical: Zhur. prikl. khim., 28, no.2, 226-227,, 1955 Abstract -Critical review. According to theireviewer, Part:I of the book gives general information on metallurgy, rare metals and the rare metals in.dustry.~ Part 11 is devoted to the description of tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, niobium, titanium, and zirconium. Institution: None Submitted No date AID P 22tk Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 19/19 Authors Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye. Title Tananayev, I. V.., 8.-A~' Fogodin, 76. yg;. Rode, V. 0. Tronev, and I. Bi Mizetskays; edai., Khlmi~a. redkikh elementov. Vypusk I (Chemistry'of Rare Elements. Issue T) Academy of Sciences, USSR. 1954, (Book review) Periodical: Zhur. prikl. khim., 2-8. no.2, 208, 1955 Abstract The reviewer states that the book conslats of 13. papers on rare elements. Titles of some~6t the papers are given. Institution: Academy of Sciences of.the U.S.S.R~ Submitted niblished in 1954 (Moscow) ZVYAGINTSXV, O.Ta.; VALUSHKO. M.G. Fedor Alskeandrovich Toropov; 1884-1953. Zhur,prikl.khim. 28 no.12: 1345-1346 D '53. (MLRA 913) (Toropor, Fedor Alakeandrovich, 1884~1953) ZVYAGINTSU, O.Ye.; SUDARIKOV, B.N. wwftoOX"4'~ Complex metal salicylates. Part 1. Isv.Sakt,plat.i blag.met. no-31: 78-94 '55.- (N1RA 9:5) (Salicylates) (Compounds, Complex) USSR/Chemintry Phynic.31 card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 21t/jrl Authors Title Periodi(:al Abstraot j ZvyaCintsvv, 0. E.!, and Kai, E. F. I About thc trim-nictivity of coftaln intra-:41plv:-rul mib~tltuten In complay divalent Pt ampo-ands I DoV.* AR SSPR 101/1' 9>95i Zidr- 1 1955 I Experiments were ronducted to detemino thd ki.netion of the f~rm~fdn of cisdiamines, or divelent platimun from trincidomonomino potbosium jilotnates nnd the trann-activity of intra-spheral subatitutes In the cm-lex div;i1ent Pt compounds. The constvntt- of the renct-lon rate vure com,'utei accordinC to a formula inUnded for reactleine. 4)f the second order. The time of tho semireaction period was fo~tftd to ba invervely proportional to the initial concentration vaich is a1so characteristic of the second line reaction. The axperimiattil resiats obtained during four bi-molecular roactiorks ar(li tabu-1ated. Fite US,'M1 referencer (1927-195,1,,). Tables. Institution Acad. of Sc.. WSR, The V. S. Kurnikov Ins-Utitte of Gen. and. toorg. Chem*' rresented by Academician'l, . ICherr,,vaev,: September - 24, BUSBY, Alsksey Ivanovich; ZVYAGINTSXV O.Ye., professor, doktor khimicheskikh nauk, otvetstve;;~~~UMKO, G.R., takhaicheskly redaktor [Analytical chemistry-, literature in Russian (1941-1952)] Analitiche~- skaia khimila; literatura na , russicom iuzyke (1941-1952gg). Moskva, ' 403 p. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956 0 (MLRA 9-7) (Bibliography-Chemistry. Analytical) ZVYAGINTSW, O.Ye.; SUDARIKCIV, B.He Complex ealicylates of certain metals. Part 2. Zhur4neorgokhim-l no,1:69-73 156. (Salicylates) (HLRA 9.10) GIN Aye. Development of A.K. Butleroyle theory of chemical structure in inorganic chemistry. Vop. i tekh. no.1:70-81 156. (MLRA 9110) (Chemistri, Inorganic) (Butlerov. Aleksandr Mikhailovich,:1828-1886) ZVYAGINTSN, O.Te.; NIXOYAYBV, A.V. Abram Mikhailevich Rubinshtein; obituary. Zhur.xsorgkhim*l as 4: 609-614 Ap 1560. (KLRA 9~--loi l.Inatitut obahchey i neorganIchankoy khiali Alradomil sauk SSSR.~ (Rubinahteia, Abram Mikhailevich, 1909-1955) (Slblis9~rsphy--C*MP:*uxds, Comulex) T I? ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. "Collected works" of the X.I. Kalinin Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold in Moscow& Zburoneorg.khim.'l no.2:349-350 P 156. (MLRA 91-10) ZVTAGINTSEV, O-ro., professor. Ilistery of chemical industries in Russia$ by POK.Lukfianov. Tol.4 ROTLeved by O.B.ZvIagintseve Xhim.nau1m i prom.'. 1 ae'06723 156!0 (MLRA 10:3) (Chemical industries--History) (Luklianov, P.X.) ZVYAGINTSVo j;e ~Ajjikee'e`vlch MurOmtsev; UR y. Zhu~, neorg. khim 1 A0.12: obit r Bor imLRA 16:6) 2649-2651 3) 156. (Muromtsev, Boris Kjoictlep%rich. 1898-1956) -Z V ~ 6- -T ' ZVYAGINTSEV, O.Ye. "The metallurgy of rare metals" by G.A. Meeroon and A.N. Zelikman. Reviewed by 0. X. Zviaginteav. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.8:1303-1304 Ag 156, (MIRA lotio) (Metals, Rare and mino*--Metallurgy) (Meerson, G*A.) (Zet-ikmau# A.11.) US~R/ Ifiorganic ChemiBtry. Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya) No 4., 1957s 11468 Author : ZvXagXntsev O.Ye.,, Karandasheva Ye.F. Inst AciRemy of -SciVnces USSR, Title Concernipg'Quantitative Maiacteristics of Trans-Effect in Complex Compounds of Tetravalent Platinum, Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 108~, No 3, 477-48o Abstract Studied was the kinetics of halogen replacement;'by C M-N in compounds ~f Pt(4p). Objects of investigation were triwd Z(?'3)3Pt0l2'4('J'7 al., L-EnPt-XH NO,C1X7 Cl. and salts of Blomstrand.type C (NH3N02)2PW41J- vhere X'-- Cl, Br, NO In all instan the:r6actioni take plade only on 66ordinate Cl Pt gi (tr) or C, NO All reactions are bitiole- culer. Ddta obtained sho-4 that replacement Of Cl by'Br causes increase of WA lBr velocity constant k in the case of CW )*'PtC C11 Cl and'.D~MjM,)2 3 3 PtBrC1 -3 _7 almost by 3 times, and In the case of1Z EnPt-""3X02PrC1_7 by 2 1/2 USSR/ Taorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour Referat Zhur- Khimiya) No 4) 1957)' j-1468 times. Replacement reactions on N02 - Pt Cl coordinates proceotd very slowly. Values of k for co4ouAds of. this'doordinate 84~e 3 tines ~ smsIler than the k values of the corresponding compounds of rea,~tive'coordinates CI --Pt- - Cl.- On ume 'of acetone as the- solvent)' 'irx-lietu'6f'vdter'j the valiAes of k remain 'almost uncbApged. -"On the basis of ~ a'comphris6a of the values of k for compounds of Pt(4) and Pt:2+o)'the conblusion is reached that-the same N02-substituent behaves differently in Pt(2+)- and Pt(4+)- series. AUTHOR: zvyagintsevs 0. Y4. 78-3-34/0 TITLE: VII All-Union Confer .1 once on that Ghemlit 1, ry of, Gomple jc:: Compounds, 9-13'Ootob6r, 966. (VII Vseso~uznoye soveshohaniya po khimii kobiplakanykh soyedinenly 9-13 oktyabr7a 1956 go) PERIODICAL:.Zhurnal HeorSanieheakoy Khimiip 1967) Vol'* II., Nr,3, pp. 704-7080 (USSR), ABSTRACT: In this article very brief.abstraots are given of matter presented at the VII All-Union,Gonfersnoe on the Chemistry of Complex Compounds, organisid. by the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni No So Xurnakova, of the Academy of Scienoes*of the USSR from 9-13 October, 1956. The ie~tings.were held at the Leningrad Technological Institute, imeni Lensoveta, and were attended by 250 seiintists from Leningrad., 220 representatives from research establishments from other towns in the"USSR, and also by scientists from Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. Card 1/2 Altogether 57 reports were presented. At the con- Z v X 14 Cr f N / st~- t/ 01 USSR/General Problems. Methodology. History. Scientific k~ Institutions and Conferences. Teaching. Problems of Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya,,,No 6, 19589 16703 Author Z t 0 rsev~ ~ Q _~3~in Inst :-lnstitute of General and Inorganic ~: Chemistry Academy of Science USSR. Title : Vyacheslav Vasillyevich Lebedinskiy. Orig Pub : ZL. neorganicheskoy khimii, 195?v No 8, 1713-1719 Abstract Obituary of V. V. Lebedinskiy, (1888-1956) a:. corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, and outstanding researcher in the field of complex compounds (Institute of General and Inor- ganic Chemistry kcademy of Sciences USSR). A list of scientific work is given- Card 1/1 letter to the editors; In connnation with A.?, Khpusbinakiilo erroneous assumption on tho dincovery of rathenium by A. Saladstak1j. Muir, neorg. khim, 2 no,12:2839-2840 D 157, 11:2) (Authonium), (Kapustiniskil, A.P.) (Sniadatakii, A.) AUTHOR: 896.,9.2 ZWAGINTSEV,O. 5/32 TITLE: I-Titrorte Oxalate Cotnpqunds of Ruthenium. (Nitrowoksalat" PERIODICAL: Atomnaqa Faer Va.. V-157s, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 272-273 (U.S.S.R.) 9 ABSTRACT: At the Institute for General and Anorganio Chemistry of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R. the following synthetization and in- vestigation was carried out: 0021 2.) -Mg [RttiO 1.) (NH4)2 [RuNO (02 21 - 3.) Ca [Rtfio (0204)2 1-6H20 4.) H2 [R410 (0204)2]. ASSOCIATION: Not given FM=W= BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZVTAGINTSV, O.Ye. "Transactions of the technical conference on the calcination of materials in the boiling layer". Zhur.prikl,khim. 30 no-7:1118-1119 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Thermo chemi a try) A/ TS- 0 Ili all f'2 -- 1111 a /Ye - It .33 ISIS a a I . . k a - I I I Not d "Iij 41 Vill mail Ail Eat I;fi a Viol lei ZVYV4MEV~ ~,. P NIKOISM, V. D.,, STAROSTINO S. M. p KWUMOVj A. and SUMT, V. S. "Chemistry of Radiortuthenium," paper to be presented at 2nd MI Intl. Conf. on the preacaftil uses of Atomic' Finergy,, 1 - 13 Sept 58. i -3-4-26/38 AUTH6RSi . 9. Zvyagintsev, 0. Ye Budarikov, B TITIZi Plutonium Salicylates (Salitsilaty plut,orliya) PERIO.DICALs Zhurnal Neorganiaheekoy Jhimii,1956,V61,3,~r' 4opp-975-985(USSR) ABSTRACTs The reaction of tri- and.tetravalent plutonium in solutions with salicylic acid and ammonium salicylate.were investi- gated. It was found that tetravalent plutonium salicylate of the following composition is,formed in weakly aoidous mediums PuO (Sar)2' ~ : + ,PO. precipitates as Utbrt1-.9 same conditions plutonium- (M) (5a1-) H 0. The oplimumcongitione for the precipitation of the aali-~ cylates of tri- and fetravalent plutpa ?ium were determi nedo of ~lutbnliuz was A quantitative precipitation . determined at pH - 4 The'salioylat9s of 1u$Pnium_(TV) predDitatod at'pH I-P ' salloylate ion. contain only Pu-(IV5 as an ion and We Also the reaction of plutonium salicylates of 'differefit Card 1/? -reagents was determined. 76-3-4-26/38 Plutonium Sali6ylates SUBMITTEDs Card 2/2 On the actiop of strong acids ths plutonium salicylate,s de- compose with the corresponding acid. On the action.of''Con-' centrated-lyea plutonium hydoxides are formed. Plutonium salioy3de dissolves with ammonium carbon atle solution under the formation of carbonate compllaxes.'~Plutonium eali- oylate is soluble in the folloviing organic iol4ental alcohol, acetone, ether, amylaoetate. It is, however insoluble in chloroform and carbon totrachloridso The comparative Investigations of the tende .ney to form com- plexes between plutonium-(III) and plutoniumi.~(IV) show that .the ialicylates of trivialent plutonium are lose stable than the tetravalent ones. On the action ot ammonlacal solutions- on the salicylates 'of tri-9 tetra- and hexavalent plut onium. Always o-vealicyldtes of plutonium-(fv) precipitate on heat- ing. This fact'was also.proved by chomioalg thermographical and radiometric analyses. The optimum conditions for the pre- cipitation of plutonium oxysalioylate were datermined.There are 25 tables and 4 referenced, 2-of which,are Soviet. November 169 1957 AUTHORS: Zvyagintsev, 0. Yo. , jhub60%in,-,%, F. 7P,-3-5-1 5/39 TITLE: A Study of the Xinctico of the 113actiors of Substitu tion, in Bivalent Platinum Compounds kinetiki rea%tfAy vnutrislferno6~ zajneo~iaheni~-a v ocyedi- neniyakh dvukhv.%leaL-1C)Y platiil~r) PERIODICAL: Z111urnal Noorganichookoy Xhimii, 1956, Vol 3, Nn 5, pp 1139-1148 (US311) ABSTRACT: The paper in question goes into the kinctics of xibotitution in the inner sphere of platinum II-compounds. The effect of pyridine orunonamines of bivalent plttil,,IILI was observed. The kinetics of the reaction of substitution in monamines of platinum II was inveotie-~~ted at temperatures of 2o,25,3o and 350C. All th 'analysed reactions axe oX" second grade. The constants of the velocity of rea.-,tior. and the activity of energy were computed. From. kinetic in- C1 was vestigations it was found that the coordination N02-P'- the most reactive and that the coordination Cl-Pt-Cl was the least. According to their activity in reaction,the coordi- Ca.,-d 1/3 nationscan beclaslified as followat A Studyofthe Kinetics of the Reactionsof Substitution M-3-5-1 5/39 in Bivalent Platinum CompoundB 1110 2-pt-cl :7 ITC) 2-Pt-n2Dr-pt-cl ),Cl-lpt-cl. From research of the kinetics of compensation of groups in the inner sphere of complex compqunda.of platinum II one is also able to * eatimate the displacement of the * in~i_ vidual coordinative groups quantitatively-. By means of the con3tant of velocity of the reaction of displacement)it was found that the bromine-ion in the inner sphere is 3 times more displaceable than that of chlorine. The N02-groups are endowed with a capacity of displacement which is lo times that of chlorine and 4 times greater than that'of bromine. The reactions of displacement of chlorine in the inner sphere were investigated with pyridine inthe follow- ing platinum Il-conpc~undsz K FPt.NH 110 CINO K PtIIII ClBrClI , KIPUM CINO Cl - 3 2 21 1 3 L 3 2 K ~Ptilli C1 72 K[Ptc if C1 and the NO -Grou. in K ~Ptllll CINO NO", 3 3~ 2 4 p - . 3 - 2 Z There are 1 figure and 14 references, 14 cf whichare Soviet. Card 2/3 A Study of '.he Kineticu of the Pv.acUoriacif ;~,,Ub.,Jtitufton 'in Bivalent Platinum Compounds SUBMITTED: June 1, 1957 AVAILA~UE: Library of Conoress 1. Platinum cor;,potnds---_Subvtitution reactions --Substitution reacticna 2. Pyridinas Card 3/3 ZTYAGIIITSIV, O.Ye..; SWMOCHKINA, Ye,F, Study of the kinetics of internal sphere substitution in tetravalent platinum compounds. Zhur. neorg. khim. 3 no.5-.1149-1161 My 158. (min 11:6) 1, Institut obshchey i neorganichaskoy khimii Im. N.S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR. (Flatinum organic .compounds) (Complex compounds)