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ZVORMN) V.N. Typological characteristics of the higher nor*ou;3 activlty of during char4ges In tho barometric pre.9sure. Funk. org. v usl. i0m.' gaz. sredY 3.156-162 164. (MA 17,11) ZVORYKIN V.N,j KOREEMTOV, A.A.o MIALIKOV, P.A. RsElex influAnces from -the mec--hsnoreeeptors 6:~ th-3 gastrointes:' Linal tracL on breatbing and the cardiovascular system durlng baromtric pressure drops, Fum3c, orgo v usl, !m, gaz, aredy 3,242-25-2, 164. (mIRA 177,01) ZVO Certain peculiarities of proxlmdl subcortex of the acoustic anallsorl comparative anatomical study in mammals. Arkh. anat. Ifolakys. 29 no.2: 10-17 Mar-Apr 1952. (CUL 23:~) 1. Of the Scientific-Research Institute of the Brain:(Director S. A. Sarkiosov, Active Member of the AcadeaW of Medical Sciences USSR), Ministry of Public Health USSR. ZVORYKIN, V,P.;SffKOL'11IK-TARROG6 Te*4* Numerical data on the relationship of the perioeral part of th6~vigual a4a4sorifto cerebral Aft& -.of. thi~!'Wialy sore Ani- _"'anat.*-'-K6skva 30 no.5 A,rkh*- :4)-47 Sept-Oct 195j' Or 1. Of the In$,titute of the Brain (Director - Prof. S. A. Sarkiuov,:Ac- tive Member AMS USSR), Kinistry -of Public Health USISA, ZVORYKIN, V.P. Corpus geniculatum internum ancl acuity of hearing. Arkboamt.gist I embr, 31 no.lt22-35 Ja-Mr 154, tll,~ 7W 1. Is Inotituta mosga Ministeretva xdravookhrusaiya BSSR (direktor daye'tvitellny7 chlen Akademii meditainskikh usulc SUR professor $,A. Sarkisov). (Optic thalms) (Hearing USSR/Medicine Higher Nervous Activity FD-2796 Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Abstract Institution Submitted Pub 154-17/19 Zvorykin, V. P. Towards the question of the discovery of the excitability of the central nervous system Zhur. vys. nerv. deyat- 5, 292-,298., Ver-Apr 1955 Presents data supporting the view that priority for dis- covery of the excitability of the 0. N. S. is.due to the 19th-century Russian physician, A. I. Tyalietskiy, Photo- graph. Eleven references, all USSR (5 since 1940). Institute of the Brain of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR PEYKIN _-(Roskva, V.B-Mogilltsevekiy per., d. 8, k7-3) z p,,. JT, I g Cytoarchitectonic characteristics of the ganglion isthmi and its displacement in the brain atom in frog And in certain reptiles. Arkh.anat.glat.i embr. 33 no.3!15-18 J1-S 156. (MRA 12: 11) 1. Iz institute. mozga AM SSSR (dir. deystv. chl. A101 SSSR prof.S.A.Sarkinov) (BRAIN, anatomy and histology, ganglion Isthmi In frogs & reptiles (Rua)) (RuTILES0 ganglion iathmi in (Rua)) (FROGS, same) USSR Human and Animal Morphologyp Normal and Pa~holo(~Lcal. S-2: Nervous System, Central Nervous System, Abs Jour Ref Zhur -,Biol.,p No 18, 1958, No 83634 V. ~ P., Author 4_~kin V,~ Inst Not: Not Title Morpholoj;ical.Bases of Differences in~ Audiiory;Acuity ln-;: the'Dog and the Monkey., 44 Orig Pub Uspekbi sovrem.' biol. 1957,. No 3,~349-36i, Abstract In a series of. ml croscopic sections sithined vith'~ cresyl-~ violety a-study was made of the subcorticalia: uricular forma- tions in the dog (D), brain weight' 95 ~g-, raid: in the Yhngoby monkey (M), -_ brain ~ wel6t ~95:'g. 7he total volume of all,;~ subcortical formations pvoved to be 64aificantly-greater In D than in M;; The'4esults,of.the measukemen~sl(in mm3YW'e'rG.-' auditory tubercle - in D, 4.01., in Mi 0'.53; ~ventral audito-'. ry nucleus: in D, 8.19, in M)'2.58; superiors,, olivary body: Card 1/2 12 25-2-11/43 AUTHORSJ Zvorykin,-V.P. and Glezer,I.I., Scientific Workers of the Brain Research Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR TITLE: An Erroneous Hypothesis (Oshibochnaya gipoteza) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn', 1958, 2, P 42-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author strongly criticizes and refutes the hypothesis advanced by the Polish anthropologiat, As Vertain- skiy, who believes that urbanization will result into physio~- logical degeneration. % There is one sketch. ASSOCIATION; Brain Research Institute of the Academy of. Medical Sciences of the USSR (Institut mozga Akademii, meditsinskikh nauk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 Hooky&. Begovoya u2', d.11, kv. 188),o SPIMOV# MPS, (11yev, 6titutskays ulso d-13i, kv'9*14)- Conference of the Bri~in Institute of the Acalamy of XedLio&JL S'Oien~`ee of the U.S.S.R. &evoted to problems In the strunture and function of the reticular formation and its place in the analysor systems' .Arkh.anat'.gist I embr- 35 no*-5:121-124 5-0 *58 (min 11132): ts'?NR con), jehrjakaya pdrellf'royka olukholvO& znalizatora~~ tivyakaratay a s aukheniern d1apazona. vosprinimayem3rkh zvukov u primatov.11 report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological Ethnological Sciences,~ Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. ZVO~~,'I-N)--Y--IL AMoskva, B-284., Begovaya uL, 11 kv.i813) P Morphological banos for tho un6qwtl rolo of tho auditory and optical analynors in the bohavlor of doga and monkeyso~ Arkho anat. gist, I etabr. 41 no.7;28,-37 J1 161. 15:2)~ 1. Laboratoriya tsitoarkldtaktoniki (zav. zasluzhennyy deyate111 nauki, prof Ye P.Kononoira) Instititta mozga MRf SSSR. ~VIHOIO (HiWUNG) (CEREBRAL CORTa) ZVORYKIN Y_J,*,._(Mbskva, Begovq& 41 Us kir.188) BiomorphologUaLl comparison of the systems of subooritcal, formation of,visual and auditory analyzer in dogs. ArIch.anataTist.i. c6r; 38 no.4:22-33 Ap 160. TMIR& 1470 Le Laboratoriya tsitoarkhtektoniki. (Zav. - zasliphennyy deyatelt nai,kJ doktor maditsin'skikh nauk prof. Ye.P.Konoh~va) InstAtuta. mozga AMN SSSR. (BRAIN--LOCALIZATION OF FUNCTIONS) (VISION) (UARING) YUDITSKIr, D. G.; ZVORMN, V.,V.; ANPnOvP 0. D. Steam expenditure In the production of alcohol from *classes and in the processing of balcerls yeast. Spirt. prw. 28 no.S: i9-33 162. (MM X 1) 1. Kiyevslciy tekbnologich"My institut pish6b~voy.promyshleu-` nosti im. Mikoyana (for TWitsldy). 2. Upravieniyu NRY-evener,g.o- naladkall (for Zvoryldn, Anpilov). (Distilling industrieo-Oosto) ZVORMN, V.V- 4 w W. AUtorAtio Control of continuous. cooking of raw mateirl'als. Spirt. prom. 22 no.2:19-21 156. Wak, 9~: 8) 1. Kiyevakoys upravleniye Orgprodenergo. (Distilling industries-4quipment and supplies) (Automatic control) Oak Differences in the development of-vegetation ,in stands of early and late form of oak. Dokl. AN SSSR 63 no. 1. 1952 MLRA Library of Congress, August, 1952, UXCLA$SIFIED. 2. USSR (600) 4. Oak 7. Differences in the development of vegetation in plantatiori of early and 1,,Ite oaks. Dokl. AN SSSR 84 No. 1. 1952. rod. 28 Feb, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclagsified. "Forestry and Forest Typology Importance of Underbruqh~~ In the- Cak Forests of thR Northwestern Caucasus.ft Sub 30 May 51, TnRt of 'Forestry, Aced Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for science and engineering Moscow during 1951, SO: SUM- No- 480, 9 May 55 r.,1p-k;r vAlsoo-,ution J.:i hydroch'lcr-~c azid. Ti-ud:r vc 111, izi" 35 64. ct Ts r li'nnoolu tlcn In hydrochl~ c bid, s 16-39 ls?.12) 1. -'ubw.Gt-od "','sotomher 23, 1963, USSR / Forestry, Forest Biology and TypoloGjr X-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mol., No 10, 1958, 43910 Author Zvorykina, K. V. Inat Forestry Institute AS USSR Title Some Biological Peculiarities of'the Field Maple (Acer campestre L.) Orig Pub: Tr. In4ta less. AN SSSR, 1957, 33, lz32-i45 j Abstract: These studies were conducted in the Borlsogleb forest range (Tellerman E~-perimefital Forest). Here maple. enters the III starfe, Where, Its height depending on bhe conditions, reschea from 7 to .15 meters. It is distinGuiched by Good development when it -rovis in oak groves. The poooibility of maple propagation by cuttings or by the shoots on Card 1/3 USSR / Forestry. Forest Diology and Typolo8y K-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, 43910 the stump t.-.nder given tree growing conditionsAs noted. Depending on the advanaO age of the tree stand, the character of maple growth :and its tole in the composition of the tree stand and in the composition of the young trees near a:vtood is determined by light conditions. The dominating position passes completely to the chief forest, forming varieties and the field moplewis driven back to the lower tier and to yottn6 trees on the edge of the woods where the numb6i, of its skele' tal axis reaches 42 tbousand per~bectare. This process Is connected wi-%-'h maintenance.felling. Particularly after these fellings the number of shoots is increased. The presence of,a large number of maple trees vnder a canopy (resulting in a flat croyan, short life opan, early arrest of Card 24, USSR / Forestry. Forest Biology and Typology. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 10, 1958, 43910 thwrowth in height in the majority of skeletal axe characterizes it as edge of the woods variety. However, under favorable conditions~the growth of individual sireletal axe8 of t1he maple in:, the III and even II height level'area may occur. The feasibility of the field maple being part of the wood-margin trees and the main height level" area is emphasized. V. V. Protopopov Card 3/3 - ---------- - ------ I A --11 ZVORYIIIYA K-V, Ilffect of tree and shrub species regenerated by sprouts an 06~ development of oak stands. Trudy Inst. lega 33:11�-131 157. (MM 10: 10) (Reforestation) (Oak) ZVORTKIIA, K.T. Biological characteristics of the common maple (Acer ascmentre'.L.) Trudy Inst. lesa. 33:132-145 157. (KIRA 10:10) (maple) ZVORYKINA 1~ IbAN 49-66-4/y13-16 BIOLOGY: Plant ecology II Associated with Institute of Forestry I/ DjW 49-66-4/.?13-16 IV *Coauthor with I N Yelagin "Supplies of Litter in /bAN 49-64-5/715'~ 18 Certain Types of Broad-Leaf Forests of the Foothills of ,the Northwestern Caucasus" Coauthor with I N Yelagin *Illumination Under the Canopy of~ AAN' 49-66-4/713-16 Certain Types of Broad-Leaf Forests (Northwest Caucasus)* SANNIKOV, G.P., kand.sellskokhoz. nauk; ZVORYKIDIA, LB., aspirantka Early spring aerial chemical Bpraying of shrubs. Zomledelie 27 no.4:75-77 Ap 165. (MIRA,18t4) 1. Severnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhniki i me3,ioratsii. MLIMPOLISKfiYA, N-ina Konstantlnovna; ZVORY-YIIIA, L.N.J~JtC4. (Slufpty iranual for operatlon of road machiriei~y and, et:p I P- mentl Pamlatka. po bezopasnosti pri r'abote.ra do- mashinakh i niekhanizmakill A . Flo t-k7r;L "'Itroiizdat, 1964. 32 p. (iIIRA 17i8i BOLOBAE', Nikoiny Aleksandrov-'ch,kand.tekkn.nauk;UQAX [3afety manual for operpitarB of tower crtinna) Pavrdhtka po tekijilke bezopasnonti dlia ruishirdsta bachennogo kra- na, Izd,2., perer. i ispr. Moskva, Stroixzda-t, 1()(4. 38 P. (KIRA 17:7) GUSUCIIIIII Vl&talJy Ivanovich; ZVORYKINA, L.N., red. [Safety manual for operators of equipment for':churn dril- ling] Pamiatka, po taklinike bezopannosti d3ia-mashirlsta stanka udarno-kanatnogo bui-enila. Moskva., Stidiizdat;196/1. 28 p. (WRA M.6) BONDARI, Yevgeriiy Petrovichp inzh.; ZVORYKINIA, LA.p rod. (Safety manuAl for ar3somblillp, re-1:0-orced cullit-'roto elements] Pamiatka po,,tekhnike bezopauuosti dlia mobtazhnika zhelezobe-toruVkh konotmkWi. Ind.2.44, ispr. i dop. Yoskva, Strolizdat, 19(4. :31 pi01 Wl PA I'l -.'6) KLOCHANOV, Petr Hikolayevich; EYDINOV, Yuriy Solomonovich; ODRIOKOV, S.D.2 kand. tekhn. nauk, naucbn. red..; ZVORYKINA, L.N.p red. [Painting, glazing, and'fa'cing operations) MaJAarMe stekolfwje i oblitsovacbMe raboty. Maskvaj, Stroiizdatp 18:2)' 1964. 313 P. (MIRA~ SHARAYEVSKIY, Ilikolay Pavlovich; ZV RYKINA, LA., red. (Safety iranual for work6r., asserbllngmlningt,l jiipment] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopamostl ctl:La rao,-,cbM po montazhu gornorudnogo oborudovaniid. Moskva~ Stroliz- dat, 1964. -9 P. (MIRk .17:9) ALI MOVIGH, Arkadiy Illichj ZWRYKIVA, L.N., red. (Safety vanual for the assembler of tower criAnes construction] Pamiatka po tekbnike bezopasnotiti d1la montazhnika stroiteltxWkh bashenrWkh kranov., lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva) Stroiizdat., 1964. 46~p. (MIltA 1716) BOLOBANI Nikolay Aleksandrovich; BELEVICH, Vladimir Borisovich; VELIKOTSKIY, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; MACHABUI, Shata Levanovieh; RgFFELI, N.A., nauchn. red.; ZVORTKINA red.; MIKBEYEVA, A.A., (Assembling precast concrete structures) Yontuh sb'omykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii. (By) N.A.Boloban. i dr. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 344-P.. (MIRA 16:10) RABINOVICH S.G.J. inzh.;-SKVORTSOV, A.F., inzh.; YAKOBSON,:Ya.M., ~Ouchn. red.; ZVORYKINA. LA.,. red.; K)ROVNFV, N.K., tekhn. red. (Preparation of fomwork in industrial construction'] Opa- lubochnye raboty v promyshlennom stroitelletye. Moskva Gosstrolizdat, 1963. 311 P. (MIRA 16111~ (Concrete construction-Formwork) KLIMOVI V.T.; MAIIICHSV~ V.I.j RUDINCHIKI A.M.; EYLF-Jtj S.A.~ BORMIEV, N.K., nauchn. red.; red.; tekhn. redo (Construction of cofferdams and caissons) ~troiLollstvo opunkrtykh kolodtaev i kessonov, Moskva,. O*sstroiizdat, 1963. 247 P* 173 1) (Cofferdams) (Caissons) A.. 'PARFENOV, Vasiliy MaksimoTichi MS.I.N I' &,,L.R red MIKIMYEVA, takhn. red. (Safety manual for blasters,(in open areas)) Pamiatka po takhnike bezopasnosti dlia vzryvnika (na otkrytykh rabotakh) Izd.w., pererA dop. Moskvap Gosstroiizdat, 196~. 29 p. (MIRA 16%9) (Blasting-Safety measures) RROEV, Vladivir Mikhaylovichp kand. med. na-uk,- ZVORTKINA, L.N.. red. [Industrial bygiene in a coment factory] Gigiena'trwla na tsementnom zavode, Moskva, Strolizdat, 19U,- 46 1). (KI161 17:5) LN, Eduard Setrakovicb; ZVORYKINA, L.II.p rkj.; TARKIIOVA, K.Ye., tekhn, red. (Rigger-signalman's safety manual] Paziatka,po takhnike bezopasnosti dlia takelazhnika-signallshchika. lzd.2,t ispro I dop. Moskvay Goostroiizdat, 1963. 45,P* (MIRA -17:3) Nf I.S.; ZVORYKIN.A L.S., red.; TARKHOVA#.X.Ye., tekbn. red. (8afety manunl for stonecutters] Pamlatka pa tekhnike bez- opasnosti dlia rezchika kamnia. Moskva, Goostrol4isdat, 1963. 37 P. ~ (mRA 161g) (Stone cutting-Safety measures) R.A.; MDNIYEV, B.H. One uay to metallize Soignette's sal,to Trudy IX.1 no'.28:199-',201 159. MRA 15 15) 1. Kafedra fiziki Leningradakogo korablestr6itellpogo instituta. (Rochelle salt) (Mstal sprayilng) NW Wy SOURCE CODE:~, UR/0020/66/168/003/0564/0566 I!r9 AUTHOR., Y4rasnikoy) L.'L.; Zvorykina., R. ORG: _Lenin9rd~-~ShiPbuijdj!jg institute (Leningradskiy korablestroitellnyy" 1~nstitut) TITLE:'~'Miagnetcacoustic effectfin aluminum alloys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyp vi_'168p~ no. 3)'1*66) 564-566 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy) magnetoacoustic: effect: acoustic Absorption, torsional vibrationj acoustic resonancep'solid solution, grain structure ABSTRACT: To check on the hitherto,uninvestigated increase of the phase velocity and increase of absorption oftorsional sound waves in alloys,,the authors pre,pared. aluminum alloys with different contents of iron impurity -of the order of tenths and hundredths of one per cent. Plates of equal dimensions were tested (130 x. 7.5 x 2 M), fastened precisely at the vibration node, tuned to odd harmonicsp and excited by reso- nance with torsional oscillations from X-cut'Rochelle salt.crystals. The resonance curve was plotted by producing beats from two sound generators with a constant fre- quency difference of 50 cps. When a constant magnetic field vas~applied, the resonant 1. 4i frequency was different from that without a field. The relative change of phase' velocity was determined from the change in the resonant frequency, and the damping of the torsional oscillations was estimated from the relative logarithmic decrement of*--'- the oscillation with and without the field. The results show that the magnetoacousiid effect depends on the grain dimensions, density, chemical composition, and othertac- C~4 ip UDC. 548-0: 535 ALC NRs -- --AP6018056 tors vhich have not yet been investigated. 4The mapetoacausti c effect vas used to determine the limit of solubility 6f the stlid solution'during non-equilibrium, dynqic solidification. The results obtained by the authors for'the solubility of silicon in aluminum (o.48%) differed from the results published in,the handbook)' but Vas closer to the theoretical value. This report was presented by Academician B. P., Kionstantinov 9 September 1965* Orig, art4 has: 2 figures and 1 formu3A. SUB CME: It, 20/ SUBM DAM AN 5/ ORIG MW: 003/ OTH BEF: 001 _46 qw4-2&RyxlKMTA V. Students' Politakh. l.Kuvbysbovski:r experiments on the use of antibiotics in poultrr farming. obuch. no.8,.86 Ag 159. (IUU. 12:10) oblastnoy institut usovershe~stvovaniya uchitoley. (Poultr7 breeding) (AntibioticO 114-rZI I 1 11 7~ 1 Q nee The gradwals of 041w= Is tivatiml with V14 in IDsO to cive 41% of jbr- actevola to ad Ra detivad"s. V. M~ Rmiltwov mid midip (VU) 01 In. 0. M'01% 8441 M% rw. V. A. &oK*Ykh&4. KU, maj. swi, V. R. S. S.. cloin nil * smon C A., 24, illf. while IsAlliv, With KOO 271 .-C1111 (C tEt) WWI` %Kul, t1t tin U 6 chtsith with TU and k)tuo U. Thc Imm Ykid of HCI than by uOing al i. CH i wW running the ift" am at Viscuum diftm. 44 ecHIN1110011 In aln. lifoll , es oil h*itk mupt4 its dmataps-tir a' actoe"ok " WhOnot Itsmik Its. Cl giv" 17% tv! the h 01-ja4wowwic 92-%-"M IV Otmi $001 sivit VA Add;th6ida WWI viith 00 1 Its 140 stud air. Nita Nil. Ansts m* Itic nomial attilb tM). no. IAS't No 2MAV: ring d"Ok" (IM. 1m 110 Sam. in. 133.5 d'. ly-ftemloc" ore.1717t, 11-acOftuik (K) with Mki. and Nil, at U-40" Tot use 00 acid. -v-4n1yI-?-f?mIvf me and a ueutr4 W- It anct f turow repivioUiNd 133). On rA this itactka ftxcl.~Ve 144% 04wKwal"d fbirr"I't mid (M), M. PF001111117 fmml.; 11"Mm. of MI cim the #mkk- of 129.S 10. With C101hill , alfil"ns 00% a# I 0"fr. IN, 1r1W If0ftmill r 'S- rift with V111 tivdi twit, Cos 00 Opoodhis Owego* (IV), M. MV. U secd KC110 Q TOM i~=xmlU"w (11 In, 1134411, **A J-bcawjmlS- Cos atio a d tba Owe4v Oferip. M. III. LIT-W. MO. eis W - id*mo. m. Uncitt the "am owli- W" "CI, tins fkwa* acmn. giving a "d" ~ of f4&;30. 1111113. Vivn XfI aftil Iti tOrdAssn, in. 100-111. coo 001, M), M. 140-714 mw b"yl. tAkvmtf4 40 dit midine. VI can be stqW. byz"apm. from ".0 H H. $ad W" S* 70-W* sivs Me =M. chfixw coo Nos boo AFTALLUPSOCAL LIT(NATIOt CLAIVOKOMM, too *#MV4 WAr 0" 4" alsixal 0 OA L 3 is 41 - U 91 All 013 11 If W K It: it 4 iiiii:8. 0: N a 0 0 000 000 0.0 00 0! 0 64 0 00 6 411 W* 06 i -0 ~0, C 0i Oll": , 0 00 0 0 111 0 0 000 8: a a & 1. 0 - - 9m. MA01-1 * 1, *** 4 - deceased]; STOLININOVA, U.N.; DMATHIN, V.A. Comparison of the Iodate and indophenol tests for4atermining Ascorbic acid in industriai prepartions. Tr~dy VNIVI 5:196-200 154. (HIBA 90) 1. Khimiko-analitichee~-- laboratoriva. (ASCORBIC ACID) :lND0PHU0Q, (IMATIS) ZVoRYKINA, V.B. [deceased); STOL'NIXOVA, U.N.; Devyatnin, V.A. A study of the reaction of furfurole with aniline and its uwln making a qualitative evaluation of vitamin preparations. Trudy TNIVI 5:200-204 154. (KIRA 90) 1. Rhimiko-analitichanknva laboratorlya. (ASCORBIC) (FURAL113MR) (AXILM) 00 00 C! Tk# d"er*sW 'at diomac coistomilf: ikddd. VT. m4focki"'d Oplaak acid. V M. Andimlov adif 0 C11". CAA". W: S. S. R.) 7, tm"w 0 h i6i(IM17), e( C A.'31' (11160, At' lidd twen shown (C. A. '" imi) iiial 04vimly.i. '( 0, 'i4k 4. 9KC44 gives m*Cwhie (1) mul a '111%t' *0 j OYIN. Vol-III mlik'6011 Kim I OW 611mv 0-11titt"tilli-1. CO Whft it Wool. of a- and O-bltutcottyb is rvducod ~ wfilt NO-Ig zor by tlectrolysist hall the mixt. Is uncloatiged, 'AO 0 MA of mmtoo)1domdAll; 1)i-O-C4tb#XY11`9 011d, m. J72-4'11 fomed. Thio, =y1 Is um to lmtr~ medleltin thefortnatim oil., If. b9. L. pis ;0' ;k! CIO 0 I fell S11141". too ISLI111 Off q.- it- u is j 9 1 ir is i a 9~ it IPW IT to w 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 4 0:0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 00 I's es 00 0 4 00.4 00 0 0 00 0 ej * 0 0 O's 0 0;0 a 0 00 0 0 %,. MMMINNINOMM CA AcylatIm retcdow. v. k. Rfodionny tootol V. K. Z so kinto Do" Akad. Natoli S.S.S. K. St. SKI 6 =. (R--i-, Z. Ed., 19", U. OM.-;- ttempts to p". 2-pht!nyl4-bmyt-O-okoottrLbydid- WOp+ ;d Cj?j1ClLN-Chle.NlLC( Clio M. T,wtio"t the zcda~ of Ar.0 on other acyl cticulidit, was It ~otmitflxlud' Hallinc DaNI-Ift with Ac*O and tmating the rewtints- PendooCt With Wing. Witter Yielded Of4tJa1$i[aj- MCII#- CONIM treated in like matinee, yieldtil'~AcNifilh. 'The following totem wvre prepd. by huting the ccr- resp-di * 'spda vook arids withiatc. and in H.SO,. I (U). 11.1. neroll. .from peft. ether, ni; 49-50 . N 174-6% fte needleto firconmetber-petr. thr. in. 624. I T be 211- 0 Treating M with AcO &od procrr above ' Ided 11. P-(Pk;r**(ddMQO potlat to tU 11 IC (IV), Ofilained lrovo:tbit aMMO MCid W1 in 10%,XOFI at 0-5*, needles rroM ether-0elK 1.01. - ale., m. 102-41', r=dUy sal. in Etti). mortit:71iwith SMj at 40'and then with o0r, the atonA4, (V), needles from sic., m. 182'. * witb AcIO y1odded 1. ms. M'. NI, 41, 1 fe atsit - f.COCI ther cir Treat- yieldtil aing V tomirv A A r', -- .- Ce 06, ~ A "--m - _4-tl~.-Py;i-mldinescrlts. 3 hn. with 5 CC. B&O. w;s%hr-I wills vold dal'N.4011 droil V ZrWykillA, /-my). AW. VaAfk S.S.S.R., OW. the H.IrO ist)(a. of the residust TVANIWd with Ill. N;A()Ii Kkoltso. Sauk MR, M040; c(. C.A. Ja, if-,31.-Cimuli. tvAPIL. gAvc IM1 se little jal"I 0.21 is. Corli-10 .7-ploositi-11 of tims toorrit eslabli'll(A (ow tile Isffnialidin cd anthiess sat'll its. it if? ... it Visit 0* toy the inti'molun of acyLlifill Itullu%ilim strisine 8610 Alki SOCI.. flillUoteti hy Ifesillnent With dry IschttgUMA11111le 3 Ilti. '&tell 141 1111, AXII), 10111-t1l of Ill, 00 Nit.-. tit 4o-5. wills the thecirctleall atilt. of SMI Socol "ma AoO. Wilitill she itni,ltte 0.4 lit. with 75 ml. 11,0. *00 0 are rI)tainef: it 75-M I with exec" SOCI, lind *An. In I.'It.l) give '.*~l ll~ S1.11"011,1 IlLiti-rLit And 2.5 At 09 "is or, Wiliff "W (bm.t. all Vt,O). whole di-ttot. oil tli~ at obtain"I the 71le reaction APIWArs lot be jeriver.41 its Ommarr Aloof is cu4int lift zont:JI4101' CAN. 11.1, Its I'll W,011 112,411 Acids. ltzpt~~ sit tile VVC1114thin otsmides so Ary. tho, litt.-t k1,1 4.) ks,141~1 With is, ~Al-, %*~,ljjl jgAW 0.1 4.6-1 ilroits Nm 011 J~.Jjj. toy I ilkt A11.1i latest sullisw Acids by hol Acti) 3buslot4i flint bornisoylainj fic,lik"s by 110) an't 0.1 is. j "i'll YD"11NIM0. sonsinotteLtorgunic acid slivot--i not A I'll deriv. of tetnoitsydro- oi*41. tit. ITV (by flitther iidofilkallwi wish Avoll): tht- 0 ryimhline. We it Mr deriv.. ix. the lie pitip It trJOIAONI or . triwtulo to file it vvAo:,,kr0_1 tit t,tahfi.ll"I she -1 it Ar; follorl, U-411-0.411-ml Itivors 1114ill. yields of ArN. fe I is '111 0 h fornal 14t, N't I I'll .1n, 1 PhO.C., ,80 -11 1 lit it.) lot 1;,'il 4*,, Ill' ' N.Oll ,a. tro,.sM doais,ni.r with Whissilist deliv; hr.,dii,latiolifi4filith aldet.ttlord N I I 119M IXt soil MgAsts~ -it lift 90 40 0 0 1ICI to Congo mi, giving 751 At derip.. in. 101-24, (frolik in. oJILM0111). Thi. slim.) with tie theoretical little. 1)(SOCI, 186* (front 14011), nr 1060 boosted to 4n-V, tile t,,4ithotal S()Clt torinsivril in roaristror All'i limidisse (M ti,orstlei, tit. 7 1 V ifroin -lit. F101 I pvc silly Ow lit. 11`2 =.rei.1m. in tocturne (or Rico trented with dry 'kill. 44 0 sims 81,70 0 lusila m ijoft/40104i wide, ticiedles" lit, 1711 . .1.1 amife, In, 1.5g, J111.111 W.11 0, 4, (1.7 jil.). bumsicil 3 his. wills 10 CC. AeoU, this execiai fit. 21. Kate either 95`~ Argo rriju)%-td in rjesto.,and the residue boils:410.3 hr. with "tedic-, (frimn OtOll), lot tu)~v 2.1 CC, 11.0 Atilt I'llUtoll, gAvic 75% Z-sviej4yI4-ArjryI-rp-tkro- 111r,Aydr,,pyrimiditte, necillu., no, Wil" (f". Pistil); 11), limilv%, its. M, iffissit 1(t,4)- 111' orliffroilm lit, I ing Ar ri pill 11% W.4511,1111 wish 51.'~ Not,11); hTtIftwIto,14 1-1 ill"Itl NOW. lit 9:11's, ..too Peer. tihe( - 11 0 lot- thiss by 5`~ NAM Apt. it, I .,fllv Ow immle oll, 03, OX; 1 1111'. thalinot .5 A. (11) 1 V101111): Wel I (N'1 111401,0 h14 rkvr either M Ion. wills 40 tv. Art() 411-1 from4tuirsit 44. 41wvc save 1.7, it amble. lived1r., too, ~31440 Orma hijiloo-lit-), m 70 it (Insist lwspsoqut~. (1- M- X,~A .1s An I p ld Its u so 74" 01 66 0 0400 6 oleo 0 00 0 06 00 oo::!O:i/ ~o 000 0000 00000 ff IF J A. L OfflUtitt Ski- Transifficuiatioi-a 4 antidit's'of A'-sIkyI(4iyli,.l~earbtlh- -00 0111YAMIDOpirupluale acids into 0-ultida Adds. %'-' M. 00 HAKIWOU11, Ulld V _KZyurykIna. Ds-Ahs,ly .1k.j4l. A'.juk 00 if S.S.S.R. as, 2"t. CAMI. 00 (NIIC(JjF1I)CIrjCOSIIj with 25 pit. KOH I lit, 00 Ix It and aciditicatitm give SO% 4-tweiffulpelopnic ii~dfl; d 10.5 g. of the aruide aml 3 tul, EILOSA joln. in lial lit All, IeLmand 3 dap,, diln. sim 0.2 C. unckinadultifideol-lille 641111 00 14chlification gives a litGe htitylilihydirtmiracil, with furth" .60 acillification giving I'll% X. 'd-arri .JaMarmons IC (wid, it). 0040 *0 lit-Ating 00 N401140initi.Aiui"kliflc-ati,,ilttv*Ni' =00 atid, at., 11111-1 '; :thii it 2300 4010 US 4 - phenyl-2,15 Aikv whe %ah I'd t w9 13 if pyriuddlift wi(fi V9 M1011 3114 LCIllitiC.11111111. 2-Clill.- .00 CII(' tcd In 15 in]. ltli~ KOI I with OJI fill. 09 CJCOEt rAve the"N-mybeik"y dfrir., I I" 60 acidification; beating 1.2, X. f this und uA fill. '400" :1 Ifirs. at 40-5'. evapp the SOClg. and t1r.1tillit With a;* 0' dffl:dt, Ill. Sill In lit,(J CAvir IMY'r of the Vory"IN'll.fill '2:1140(frous HtOll),uhich (0Zg.) warlat'l tve aeid, n. JAC (d ecompit.). on acklificaticm. G. St K. ZNO 0 ti I KAL I~ITIRAILOIE CL ASSPFKATKN Ifiv. ---- ----- "0 0 -Ilk If i'. w 0 s I Aj .3 V s Ell 't it a It OF "WIR I 'OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0~0 Ojo 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0~0~6 0 *~*'O 0 0 0 0 0 611~./ 1-71 4. Tit# Iformann mcown. fit Reaction of. acylated &mW*a of 0 allussic add wilb allialinift bypoblo- mites V. M. V. lk"d Nakk NNS I? . clutel. ON j l'.J~ 43. 11411SUAtill TVACtiCIII "fill OVIVI-Itt#l Aillki1r, 14 AM littscrods thttitsch the Pit- 111,1131111 -11 -CIFf3fl-I Wit-rallafri '410 Illa ,wl&- trit'littel Y041, 'IlIrtfifillrd lfltv~ a lt"IW iff"it J-0111i'll, ill w4filififf A.-ill. i, alwilt-OL 11ir .. 1, .4 thr It,tlh, are ill fill- 1101111 44 lfrr- .""I, W k-wrt Awl 'Selsts-ty. 1*1 11, .,Ilw lift Ill, _WJIJ 17~', Wt If 41 ;~ a IwAtilis th~ -.1" .,41 1.11, imtetm* hristiffs to two') ti.%~ wi C"Ame Im) r4m. will. ut,(). 5 j4dflietk". K! 3'. 1 it .41191th" will 1) 110 kill, Ilk. ii", ..W1116,411"W'd Of, oil ..If, 1; g %Ith Notwit $OM iw. 0-1 Oilt. let-Imp Aml -- M, 'Idl, I 1,miod IV to it 0 1 0,14 Ov" j ... "Hit . All'"I. with it :1 it, kj*,Sl) m 6 fill, If,() 4.6% '. I'll %thilv Ill lirwOrd two," lit, ; A, Alkliv... j4jr, If. At-lobults"I (if 117 9, (Vt (Ill to Ill fill, III, it) 4101 1111Z Wt. he trifols. irICIW* Ilk)* little OtV I 1) 74 6 It 111111tAl 4)11, 1::!f~ .Ikl, Jot.% 2. Ill, Lotter weir .rld, lit. it. lf4,-e. lit IV, 11 Ivirlifrol I'vi R V, 9"041 priti. ~vflsr IIC.N;. AIP1.1 i4k. tit, In .2* it lift h 011"W's Ow vdill fill kill(-md uhth r,Sit,)j fit.. lilt 14 tit 7_1 it. 1,011 fill,# ;:.1 1,11 11,41,01ilikliv pw$- ~Jl,l "11,1104, 11j'Atim"i'l 1.1 thr -10 .41 If,' I x 111.s Jet".- I VII) 0 V, lit 3", Awl I i "S If O.J Vt. -.11"g Vt[ -still J. KI)II V. Its. 114', Int-luffs with lit-, J-02 -it. jvljl~ Of Vt fix, I - It 111, W, ,,Ill -it A ... 'lot 4 ~ ill" . ofid A All, 111,11AVo~ w III.' III 1.4441"d il-fit - Ill- 'Ah, "lm.. N.A ml, Vi'm ftillf M.- 14.11. m I'llib 1.14 M it, I 4phlril %lilt .1w,fing lit - lit' St. ~'! X fill lit fit 4 A a NAt M ,fill N1 fill 110 1. 0111.-d :1 lit. . 44111 '$.111110A lit Nt' (fill JNf, tililfilliff. ".6.1 qv~% al~, M Carbazide Acids General method of obtaining B-semi~-carbazide acids. Dokl. AII,SSSR, 85P No* 3,t19512 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified~ ~lw ; - -;~; i""i, - ).!(:T ~ t o L. . tu'L T,-,, " - ~ i, , ,, I I I , . .- H. :L,~ - RODIONOV, V-9. [deceased]; ZVORMNA, V.1r. Preparation and reactions of certain derivativew of/3-ursidopelar- gonie acid. Izv.AN SSSR~Ctd.khim.nauk no-3:332-335,Kr 156. (Km 9 1. Institnt organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SM. (No-oic acid) USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetle Organic Chemistry Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya);~ ?To 2., 195V 440P Author : Hodionoi V,M,, Zvorykina$ V.K. Title : Syntheses of 11.11' c6aversion of Dinatereoisomeric Ganrz-Ethyl-Beta-Aiiinocaprylic Acids to Substituted Tetra- and Hexahydrdpy~imidines. Orig Pub Zhr obahch, khimiij 1956p ,)6, xo 4* 145-a6q Abstract Isomeric gama-o-thyl-beta-tiraidoetipiy~ic aqids,(Ia,b): are obtained from the tuo diastarbotabraeric gw,=- ethyl-beta-aminocaprylic acide (11a;15) by thr"ec proci-qu. res; a) heating of It with KCNO; b) heating of wddea of N-carbethoxy-derivatives of 11 with alkali; c) sapq- nification of 4-(11.ethylpentyl).2)6;."dioxohexahydropyr .i- midines (111a,b). By boiling with gC1 (acid) I are con- verted to III. Action of SCC12:foJi.~wed t~yjld; on 3 N-benzoyl derivatives,of IIa,b, aves 2-phenyl 4.(j.,. ethylpentyl)-6-oxotetraliydropyrimidiiies (M,b~. Card J/3 - 69 7f: USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry E-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 2; 1.957, 4409 Heating of diastercoisomeric amides of ~prma.othyl-beta-' (N-acetylanino)-caprylic acids (Va,b)lwith (dif CO) 0 2 gives 2-methyl-4-(I"-ethylpeiityl).,6-o.~o-4-6trahyiropy;imi. dines (VIa,b). -Frora 12 a 11-carbethoxy-Ila (Pr6pared in' usual manner from Ila) yield 74~) MP 60-610 Urm petro. leum other)) by heating with 5 MI SOC12 .4t h6p for 3 nours, driving off excess SOC12 in vacuum, adding 500 rtl ether and saturating with NH 31 is obtaipod thle ardde of N-carbethoxy-Ila, yield 68%, mp 1460 (from water). Analo- gously from N-carbetboxy-111 (prepared from Ilb, yield 70%, mp 63-640 (from alebbol-petroloun 'ther),), is propa-. red amide of N-carbetboxy-iib, yield 7p.6%, mP 1440 (from water), 1 g of the amide thus obtained'' in 20 ml'10% so- lution of RaOll, boiled until dissolved,!acidified to got Ia, yield 86a,16, mp 14p-o (from water) or. 1b, yield 0.85 g, 14P 1690 (from alcohol), reepectively, On heabing IIa,b with solution of KCNO the yield of I iD and 76%, Card 2/3 70 USSR/OrgELnic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry B-2 fibs Jour Referat Zhur Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 44VI71, respectively. boiled with 12% soluti6n IICI-, for 3 hours; yield of Ilra 67%, MP 1520 (frou watei~); yield of Mb 8c~, MP 145-i46o (from water). `5 g N-bellzoyl-ll heated with 3-75 ml SOC12~at 75-800 for~13 houia, SOC12 driver- off, added ether and saturated irith MI yield of iva 44.8%, IM 1250 (from aqueous alcohol); ~Ileld of IVb 62~r, MP 1230 (from aqucolls alcohol), To' mixture of 11 ani 10% solution Na R ( ) 0- --ield of R-acetyl-IIa idded (6H 3C0 j 81-3%, MP 1180 Vrora water); yieljd of 11-lacetyl-Ilb 78. Rral7o (from water), By action of '1130M mid NH on the latter there are obtained Va, yield 89.3 HP Mo (from alcohol), mid To, yield 77.%, MP -1750 (from, alco'- hol). Mixture of 1-5 G V and 30 ml (CII CO) 0 boiled 4 hours, (Clf3CO)20 driven off; yield of 41a J~%y 14P 920 from aoueous alcohol); yield of VXb 7q%, mp 86-870 ~from ether). Card 3/3 71 RODIOVOV, Vladimir Mikhallovich, itkndemik [deceased) ;~I-TORYKIKAj @go# ~ __I_ so;tavitell- KISJUVA, V.V.0 sontavitell; PIMBDTA.' A.M., It anslatorl; KNWANTS, I.L.,akademik, otv,ra&.; MWAKIN. H.R.; akadsmik, otv.rea.; SMTSOV, Yu.B., red.ind.; POLMVA, T.P., [Selected works] Isbrannys trudy. Moskva, Isd-vo Akacl. nauk--SSSR.' 1958. 792 P. (MIRA 12:2), (Chemistry, Organic) AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICAL: ABSTRACTt Card 1/2 Goltdfarb, Ya. L.~ Zvorykina, V. K. sair/62-56-6-15/37 Investigation of the N-Oxides of Some Heterocyclic Bases (Izueheni,ye N-okisey nekotorykh geteiotaiklicheakikh' osnovaniy) Communication I. On the Production and Properties of Nicotine Oxides (Soobshcheniye 1;0 poluchenli 1 svoystvakh N-okisey nikotina) Izvesttya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 748-755 (USSR) Three types of oxides can be produced from nicotinev Pl-~N-oxide, Py-N-oxide, Py,Pl-N-dioxide. papers;on nicotine oxidation deal.,with the compounds ofAhe first type.:Th6 authors begin by,mentioning the papers by:Pinner and'Wolfen- stein (Vollfenshteyn) (Ref 1) Auerbach (Auerbakh) and Wolfenstein (Ref 2), Weil (Veyll) Mef 4Y, Hains (Khaynq) and Eisner (Eyzner) (Ref 5) and other authors..The pres'dnt taper deals with the investigation of the ~reaction of the ioxidation of nicotine H 0 on which occasion,all three N-oxides were 2 2' obtained in form of crystals,, Of these, nicotine-PI-Py-aioxide and nicotine-Py-N-oxide,have as yet not been described in Investigation of the N-Oxides of Some Heterocyclic SOV/62-58-6 1V 5 37 Bases. Communication I. On the Production and Properties of Nicotine Oxides published works. Pl-Py-dioxide war obta-ined. as a crystal hydrate (with 2.water molecules and alrwater-free base), aS monopicrate, dichlorohydrate, and mercury complex. For the Py-monoxide of nicotine a crystal base, di6hlorohydrate, dipicrate, and a mercury.derivative were obtained. For nicotine- Pl-N-oxide, which had already been obtainedQ'by Pinner~,(uncler the name of "Oxynicotine") the.authors~obtained a hitherto not described chlorohydrate; the water-fre'e base was separated. There are 11 references,.1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AS, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 13, 1956 1. Nicotine oxides-Production 2. Niaotlne oxidea-p-roper,t-Lea. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Alashev, F. Deg 62-58-6-29/37 Golldfarb, Ya. TITLE: The Production of 11-Oxides of 11-Methylanabanine (Polucheniye N-okisey N-metilanabazina) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh'nauk, 1958, 11r 6, PP. 780 - 790 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Continuing the inveotigation of the N-Oxidos bf,bi-tertiary cyclic baceo (Refs 1#2), the authors carried out the okidation (by means of hydrocen peroxide) of rf-mothylanabasine. Bands of the N-oxides of 11-methylanabasine which haUhitherto not been described in published works, viz. N,Nl-dioxide, Py-11-0--idel and Pi-11-oxide, as well as the picrates and.hydrochlorides of these oxides were obtained. The structure of the 11-oxides of N-methylanabasirewas deternined by reduction by means of zinc and hydrochloric acid in N-methylanabanine (and was identified as a di-picrate). There are 4 referencon, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 The Production of N-Oxides of H-Methylanabaoine ASSOCIATION: Institut orj~anicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nlauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry irieni IT.D.Zolinskiy R) AS USS SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958 1. Nitrogen oxides-Production 2. Cyclic.~conpounds-oxidation'~ Card 2/2 T IT' F" Ff 10.1) P" AL Oar,i I A 9, _'by Vfl. T'.' 'Pro'd ue t I QYL Of 0 V a- awl ul-Aipin6nicol*inz; Oc _icheniye N-ok': ~E y i i0-amirlorilkntina) ,jVj~- . djt,, re. r roj k S '~ SIR , 1)1n iy eklilmichp-Aikh naul T, ._;ti,i,ra Aka 1958, Vr 7t P-,;. 900-903 (U."sii) In pruviouo jqrticlo. the autliorz; dfjscrJb4t',ke N-oyides of .1 ) find Thl~' 'intrestigations in nic,attre (Ref the field of thp n1cotinep, .,an -~oiitinuc_d by O)e duscrIption of the troluntion of.,,urirj~v- of the benzoYl-,'O -amino- nicotino givin in this papej... '-'urlhermore (in th ,a sanonifica- t.1 on of' t he latter by means. uf hplrochloric Uc -.-.,ith th,~,, production of the N-nx.ld,.q. of the, correapon4,ing W-aminonicotines. Analogau8 to th- N-oxides of the ct-amino_~ and acyl amino piperldin-s ljy oldamq and~?,Uyanop 5, Fartitokiy, Ref 6) P1,F,y-d1c)xidp-.s' vind Py-monox~ide are amphoteric compounds. rhich (Iics~llve onLy In cauntic alkali ATId mint-ral, acids. Y', 6 5 4-7 -1 organiche-i3koy 1~hlmii im. N. D.: Zt, I i df-m AUTHORS: ZvorykLrgL*.V_J"-r-Neyl and, 0. Ya. SOV/62-56-9-13/26 TITLE: Concerning Several Coavtfhion Producto of the Diastereo- isomers of y-Ethyl-P-N- Carbethoxyaminocaprylic Acid (0 nekotorykh produktakh prevrashcheniya diaLstereoizomernykh y-etil-p-N-karbetoksiariiilokaprilovykh Icislot) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye Ichimicheski kh n.auk, 1958, Nr 9, PP 1099 - 1103 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the previous papers.the authors rilporte'd the pre- paration of two diastereoisomers of y-ethyl'_~_amino- ca~rylic acid, which were referred to as A and A in 1 2 these papers. Also prepared were several derivatives and transformation products (Refs 1-3)- In testing these compounds biologically it was found that several of them (especially isomer A 2) had bacteriostatic properties. The authors were therefore interested in carrying out further, similar investigations to -test the chemical~and biological properties of these compounds. To do this~ however, it was necessary that the molecular configurations Card 1/2 be maintained and that substitution take place at the Concerning Several Conversion Products of the ST1162-58-9-13126 Diastereoisomers of y-Etliyl-P-N-Carbethoxyaminocapr~~lic Acid functional groups. There-fore the authors prepared diastereoisomers (A I and A2) of y-eth,4rl-P-.(W -phenyluxeido) caprylic acid, y-ethyl-p-semicarbazidocaprt 'rlic acid, and 1-phenyl-4-(l-ethylpentyl)-2,6-dioxohexahydr6pyrimidine, For the synthesis of these compounds the reactions discovered by Rodionov and Zvorykina (Ref 4) were used. In addition to these reactions (in oriler to compare the yields) the isomers of these compounds were prepared, by the method of Longfield and Stieglitz (Lon&felld and Shtiglits) (Ref 8), by reacting phenyl isocyanate with y-ethyl-p-aminocaprylic acid (Ref 3),,and by the hydrolysis of 1-phenyl-4-(l-ethylpentyl)-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrim4-dine (Ref 4), respectively. There are 8 refere"Oes, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheekoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinvkogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni.1,',.D.Zelinskiy,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 2, 1957 Card 2/g GOLIDFAR% Ya.L.; ALASHEVp F.M~~ORYKINA V.K,, [do:ease#l Preparatim of anabasine Py-N-oxide. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.12t2241-2242 D 164 (MIRA 18d), 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii imeni H.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. ar SEWRINk, T.N.; ALASJMV, F.D.; ZVORTKIMA, V.I.; GOLIBIARB, Ta.L. Ultraviolet aboorption.spectra of some pyridim and nicotine derivatives* Report Zo.4: Absorption spectr'wof &oxides of nicotine and fi~-metbylansbasiue. Isv.Aff SSSJLOtd.kh1m.uauk no.6:1119-1123 J1 160. (MM 1327) 1. Inatitut organicheekay khimli imeni NeDoZelinskogo Akadenii nauk SSSR, (P~rridins) (Piperidine) W it I MATRAMVSKIT, S.G.; BAMSBKOVA, N.Y.; ATASSET, I.D. t,;VORYKINA, Y.K. Folarographic study of X-oxides of anabasine and A-metbylana- basine. Izv.AN SSSR Otd,khim.nauk no,52-938-940 VV' 160- ~ (MIU INQ 1, Inotitut organicbeakoy khtmii imeni N.D. Zellnalcogo Akademii nauk SSSR, MUTHIN, V.A.; ZVORMMA T.V. [deceased]; STOL1111KOTA, X.X. Iffect of moisture on the decomposition of vitamins,C and B, in preparations. Trudy VNIVI 3:42-46 154. WBA 9:3) 1,11himiko-analitichookays laboratorlyas (ASCOUIC ACID) (TEMIU) simeA actil lit hiftwial mom-Wons b7 tbi tadato W.d W"Vb(Ml mattois. V A I-q-, ~~ Z-92ma o'd hl ;f- j by th. 0-157 CU 0-64 pit :,Mt wd lh.11 III o'. -Lf~ n"~-l is D'A to 1~ !w ~,w 'I". wl- --h .1 .. mrmdrA fw .detmi,itwian, --t ~--- ~. .-~ a und in uld~tl 1. -(l m if:,I,,-,-, , .1". -~.. .. .11, ~ ,.-rr- I I I I :.. 141, Clmmnd &nfLIJ31V -d -.1tLmli: H, i;l '~td' OTY ' i-I ~~ " 1 -1 f ) 1: ll:-~, .1W I; i;.n." " lid y .. 1 .1. ~-IYwt~ Tft!jP-,1vJ,4 -*t.,~ IP 1 11 1-1 4. 1311- ~ . #"1;4 B 4 !-,t -f lusl.. - A.. KUTEPOV, O.S.; ZVORYKRIA, Ye.K. Short-cut method for calculatJng the production normz of workei rs, and the coefficient of output and opeiative efficiency of the weaving equipment, Izvo vyso uchebt zav.; tekh. te.ksto prom. no.3:, 3-14 162. (MlRA 17:10) 1. Leningradskiy tekstillnyy institut imeni Kirova. ILIINf M.I.; ZVO Nt�. g starsbiy agronom; LEM9 Z,Ya.'; ZVIAGINTOVAp Ye.I.V'mW.'I.Ye.P red.- ZABORSKITy N.1.9 red.; PECHENMv 1 9 .4 I.V., tekhn. red. [Vew corn bybrids Bukovine'3 abd'Buk.qvina 2; :results of stale crop variety tests] Novye gibridy kukuruzy Dukovinskii 3 1 Bu- kovinskii 2. rezulltaty gosadarttvemop sar~isWtaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo ~~va2sell. khoz. SSSR, 1960. 45 P. (MIRA 340) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S"R.) Gos4dhrstvewwVa komis'$4,e, po sorto- ispytentylt sell skokhozya~rstvenrqkh ku-Iltur. 2. zaveduyug4obaya. khimicheskoy laboratoriyey Gosudarstvennoy k6misaii po sorto- ispytaniyu sallskokhozyaystvermVkh kulttur pri Ministerstve sell- skogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Ieym). 3. ZamestItell predsedatelya Gosudarstvennoy komiss 4' po sortoispytaniyu sell AoWiftyaystven~- mykh kulltur pxI Ministerstve sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Marinich). (Corn (Maize)-Varietim'.. x ZAKATALOVO Ye.V.p inzh.; BF-LYKH, K.D.~) inzh ZVUXOV 11 bf inzh.1 SKVOlrrSOV, O.S. , inzh~; NETUSOV.. in doktor tokhn. nauk., prof., rod.; PETROVA,'It.t., re.d.; USENKO, L.A., tekbn. red. (mechanization of the repairand maintenance of ~aormal and: narrowgauge.railroad tracks of ind'hstrial enterj~risesj. 14ekhanizatsiia remonta i soderzh Ianiia zhe1szodor'omhnykh Putei normallnoi i uzkoi kolei promyshlennykh prepriiatii, Movkvaj Vaes. izdatelfbko-poligr. ob"edinenio M-vaiputei soobahcheniiag: 1962. 63 P. (Moscow. Vsevoiu~nyi nauchno-issledovatellskii~ institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.225). (MIRA 15:5) 1. Nachallnik sluzhby puti zavoda chernoy metO-Uurg im. Dzerzhinakogo (for Belykh). (Railroads, Industrial-Maintenance. and repair) MWEL1111KOVA, A.Y.; ZVYAPJL7SKAYA, R.A. Adenoainetriphoaphatase apthrUy ir,,j,rridrJr, of Eridemyces magnuali 2eists. B.LokhimiJa 29 no.4.6622-672 Jl-Ap 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut biokhImli Inioni &jklia Atl SSSRO 140,01tva. ZVYAGILISKAYA, R.A.; KOTELINIKOVAI A.V. ....................... ...... Effectiveness of oxidative phosphorylation in yeast mita-,hondria.- Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.2:448-450 S 165. (MIRA 18-9) 1. Instit-ut biokbimil Im. A.N* Bakha AN SSSR. Submitted Octolber 28, 1964. ZVORMN) V.N. Typological characteristics of the higher nor*ou;3 activlty of during char4ges In tho barometric pre.9sure. Funk. org. v usl. i0m.' gaz. sredY 3.156-162 164. (MA 17,11) ZVORYKIN V.N,j KOREEMTOV, A.A.o MIALIKOV, P.A. RsElex influAnces from -the mec--hsnoreeeptors 6:~ th-3 gastrointes:' Linal tracL on breatbing and the cardiovascular system durlng baromtric pressure drops, Fum3c, orgo v usl, !m, gaz, aredy 3,242-25-2, 164. (mIRA 177,01) ZVO Certain peculiarities of proxlmdl subcortex of the acoustic anallsorl comparative anatomical study in mammals. Arkh. anat. Ifolakys. 29 no.2: 10-17 Mar-Apr 1952. (CUL 23:~) 1. Of the Scientific-Research Institute of the Brain:(Director S. A. Sarkiosov, Active Member of the AcadeaW of Medical Sciences USSR), Ministry of Public Health USSR. ZVORYKIN, V,P.;SffKOL'11IK-TARROG6 Te*4* Numerical data on the relationship of the perioeral part of th6~vigual a4a4sorifto cerebral Aft& -.of. thi~!'Wialy sore Ani- _"'anat.*-'-K6skva 30 no.5 A,rkh*- :4)-47 Sept-Oct 195j' Or 1. Of the In$,titute of the Brain (Director - Prof. S. A. Sarkiuov,:Ac- tive Member AMS USSR), Kinistry -of Public Health USISA, ZVORYKIN, V.P. Corpus geniculatum internum ancl acuity of hearing. Arkboamt.gist I embr, 31 no.lt22-35 Ja-Mr 154, tll,~ 7W 1. Is Inotituta mosga Ministeretva xdravookhrusaiya BSSR (direktor daye'tvitellny7 chlen Akademii meditainskikh usulc SUR professor $,A. Sarkisov). (Optic thalms) (Hearing USSR/Medicine Higher Nervous Activity FD-2796 Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Abstract Institution Submitted Pub 154-17/19 Zvorykin, V. P. Towards the question of the discovery of the excitability of the central nervous system Zhur. vys. nerv. deyat- 5, 292-,298., Ver-Apr 1955 Presents data supporting the view that priority for dis- covery of the excitability of the 0. N. S. is.due to the 19th-century Russian physician, A. I. Tyalietskiy, Photo- graph. Eleven references, all USSR (5 since 1940). Institute of the Brain of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR PEYKIN _-(Roskva, V.B-Mogilltsevekiy per., d. 8, k7-3) z p,,. JT, I g Cytoarchitectonic characteristics of the ganglion isthmi and its displacement in the brain atom in frog And in certain reptiles. Arkh.anat.glat.i embr. 33 no.3!15-18 J1-S 156. (MRA 12: 11) 1. Iz institute. mozga AM SSSR (dir. deystv. chl. A101 SSSR prof.S.A.Sarkinov) (BRAIN, anatomy and histology, ganglion Isthmi In frogs & reptiles (Rua)) (RuTILES0 ganglion iathmi in (Rua)) (FROGS, same) USSR Human and Animal Morphologyp Normal and Pa~holo(~Lcal. S-2: Nervous System, Central Nervous System, Abs Jour Ref Zhur -,Biol.,p No 18, 1958, No 83634 V. ~ P., Author 4_~kin V,~ Inst Not: Not Title Morpholoj;ical.Bases of Differences in~ Audiiory;Acuity ln-;: the'Dog and the Monkey., 44 Orig Pub Uspekbi sovrem.' biol. 1957,. No 3,~349-36i, Abstract In a series of. ml croscopic sections sithined vith'~ cresyl-~ violety a-study was made of the subcorticalia: uricular forma- tions in the dog (D), brain weight' 95 ~g-, raid: in the Yhngoby monkey (M), -_ brain ~ wel6t ~95:'g. 7he total volume of all,;~ subcortical formations pvoved to be 64aificantly-greater In D than in M;; The'4esults,of.the measukemen~sl(in mm3YW'e'rG.-' auditory tubercle - in D, 4.01., in Mi 0'.53; ~ventral audito-'. ry nucleus: in D, 8.19, in M)'2.58; superiors,, olivary body: Card 1/2 12 25-2-11/43 AUTHORSJ Zvorykin,-V.P. and Glezer,I.I., Scientific Workers of the Brain Research Institute of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR TITLE: An Erroneous Hypothesis (Oshibochnaya gipoteza) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn', 1958, 2, P 42-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author strongly criticizes and refutes the hypothesis advanced by the Polish anthropologiat, As Vertain- skiy, who believes that urbanization will result into physio~- logical degeneration. % There is one sketch. ASSOCIATION; Brain Research Institute of the Academy of. Medical Sciences of the USSR (Institut mozga Akademii, meditsinskikh nauk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 Hooky&. Begovoya u2', d.11, kv. 188),o SPIMOV# MPS, (11yev, 6titutskays ulso d-13i, kv'9*14)- Conference of the Bri~in Institute of the Acalamy of XedLio&JL S'Oien~`ee of the U.S.S.R. &evoted to problems In the strunture and function of the reticular formation and its place in the analysor systems' .Arkh.anat'.gist I embr- 35 no*-5:121-124 5-0 *58 (min 11132): ts'?NR con), jehrjakaya pdrellf'royka olukholvO& znalizatora~~ tivyakaratay a s aukheniern d1apazona. vosprinimayem3rkh zvukov u primatov.11 report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological Ethnological Sciences,~ Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. ZVO~~,'I-N)--Y--IL AMoskva, B-284., Begovaya uL, 11 kv.i813) P Morphological banos for tho un6qwtl rolo of tho auditory and optical analynors in the bohavlor of doga and monkeyso~ Arkho anat. gist, I etabr. 41 no.7;28,-37 J1 161. 15:2)~ 1. Laboratoriya tsitoarkldtaktoniki (zav. zasluzhennyy deyate111 nauki, prof Ye P.Kononoira) Instititta mozga MRf SSSR. ~VIHOIO (HiWUNG) (CEREBRAL CORTa) ZVORYKIN Y_J,*,._(Mbskva, Begovq& 41 Us kir.188) BiomorphologUaLl comparison of the systems of subooritcal, formation of,visual and auditory analyzer in dogs. ArIch.anataTist.i. c6r; 38 no.4:22-33 Ap 160. TMIR& 1470 Le Laboratoriya tsitoarkhtektoniki. (Zav. - zasliphennyy deyatelt nai,kJ doktor maditsin'skikh nauk prof. Ye.P.Konoh~va) InstAtuta. mozga AMN SSSR. (BRAIN--LOCALIZATION OF FUNCTIONS) (VISION) (UARING) YUDITSKIr, D. G.; ZVORMN, V.,V.; ANPnOvP 0. D. Steam expenditure In the production of alcohol from *classes and in the processing of balcerls yeast. Spirt. prw. 28 no.S: i9-33 162. (MM X 1) 1. Kiyevslciy tekbnologich"My institut pish6b~voy.promyshleu-` nosti im. Mikoyana (for TWitsldy). 2. Upravieniyu NRY-evener,g.o- naladkall (for Zvoryldn, Anpilov). (Distilling industrieo-Oosto) ZVORMN, V.V- 4 w W. AUtorAtio Control of continuous. cooking of raw mateirl'als. Spirt. prom. 22 no.2:19-21 156. Wak, 9~: 8) 1. Kiyevakoys upravleniye Orgprodenergo. (Distilling industries-4quipment and supplies) (Automatic control) Oak Differences in the development of-vegetation ,in stands of early and late form of oak. Dokl. AN SSSR 63 no. 1. 1952 MLRA Library of Congress, August, 1952, UXCLA$SIFIED. 2. USSR (600) 4. Oak 7. Differences in the development of vegetation in plantatiori of early and 1,,Ite oaks. Dokl. AN SSSR 84 No. 1. 1952. rod. 28 Feb, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. Unclagsified. "Forestry and Forest Typology Importance of Underbruqh~~ In the- Cak Forests of thR Northwestern Caucasus.ft Sub 30 May 51, TnRt of 'Forestry, Aced Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for science and engineering Moscow during 1951, SO: SUM- No- 480, 9 May 55 r.,1p-k;r vAlsoo-,ution J.:i hydroch'lcr-~c azid. Ti-ud:r vc 111, izi" 35 64. ct Ts r li'nnoolu tlcn In hydrochl~ c bid, s 16-39 ls?.12) 1. -'ubw.Gt-od "','sotomher 23, 1963, USSR / Forestry, Forest Biology and TypoloGjr X-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mol., No 10, 1958, 43910 Author Zvorykina, K. V. Inat Forestry Institute AS USSR Title Some Biological Peculiarities of'the Field Maple (Acer campestre L.) Orig Pub: Tr. In4ta less. AN SSSR, 1957, 33, lz32-i45 j Abstract: These studies were conducted in the Borlsogleb forest range (Tellerman E~-perimefital Forest). Here maple. enters the III starfe, Where, Its height depending on bhe conditions, reschea from 7 to .15 meters. It is distinGuiched by Good development when it -rovis in oak groves. The poooibility of maple propagation by cuttings or by the shoots on Card 1/3 USSR / Forestry. Forest Diology and Typolo8y K-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 10, 1958, 43910 the stump t.-.nder given tree growing conditionsAs noted. Depending on the advanaO age of the tree stand, the character of maple growth :and its tole in the composition of the tree stand and in the composition of the young trees near a:vtood is determined by light conditions. The dominating position passes completely to the chief forest, forming varieties and the field moplewis driven back to the lower tier and to yottn6 trees on the edge of the woods where the numb6i, of its skele' tal axis reaches 42 tbousand per~bectare. This process Is connected wi-%-'h maintenance.felling. Particularly after these fellings the number of shoots is increased. The presence of,a large number of maple trees vnder a canopy (resulting in a flat croyan, short life opan, early arrest of Card 24, USSR / Forestry. Forest Biology and Typology. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol, No 10, 1958, 43910 thwrowth in height in the majority of skeletal axe characterizes it as edge of the woods variety. However, under favorable conditions~the growth of individual sireletal axe8 of t1he maple in:, the III and even II height level'area may occur. The feasibility of the field maple being part of the wood-margin trees and the main height level" area is emphasized. V. V. Protopopov Card 3/3 - ---------- - ------ I A --11 ZVORYIIIYA K-V, Ilffect of tree and shrub species regenerated by sprouts an 06~ development of oak stands. Trudy Inst. lega 33:11�-131 157. (MM 10: 10) (Reforestation) (Oak) ZVORTKIIA, K.T. Biological characteristics of the common maple (Acer ascmentre'.L.) Trudy Inst. lesa. 33:132-145 157. (KIRA 10:10) (maple) ZVORYKINA 1~ IbAN 49-66-4/y13-16 BIOLOGY: Plant ecology II Associated with Institute of Forestry I/ DjW 49-66-4/.?13-16 IV *Coauthor with I N Yelagin "Supplies of Litter in /bAN 49-64-5/715'~ 18 Certain Types of Broad-Leaf Forests of the Foothills of ,the Northwestern Caucasus" Coauthor with I N Yelagin *Illumination Under the Canopy of~ AAN' 49-66-4/713-16 Certain Types of Broad-Leaf Forests (Northwest Caucasus)* SANNIKOV, G.P., kand.sellskokhoz. nauk; ZVORYKIDIA, LB., aspirantka Early spring aerial chemical Bpraying of shrubs. Zomledelie 27 no.4:75-77 Ap 165. (MIRA,18t4) 1. Severnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrotekhniki i me3,ioratsii. MLIMPOLISKfiYA, N-ina Konstantlnovna; ZVORY-YIIIA, L.N.J~JtC4. (Slufpty iranual for operatlon of road machiriei~y and, et:p I P- mentl Pamlatka. po bezopasnosti pri r'abote.ra do- mashinakh i niekhanizmakill A . Flo t-k7r;L "'Itroiizdat, 1964. 32 p. (iIIRA 17i8i BOLOBAE', Nikoiny Aleksandrov-'ch,kand.tekkn.nauk;UQAX [3afety manual for operpitarB of tower crtinna) Pavrdhtka po tekijilke bezopasnonti dlia ruishirdsta bachennogo kra- na, Izd,2., perer. i ispr. Moskva, Stroixzda-t, 1()(4. 38 P. (KIRA 17:7) GUSUCIIIIII Vl&talJy Ivanovich; ZVORYKINA, L.N., red. [Safety manual for operators of equipment for':churn dril- ling] Pamiatka, po taklinike bezopannosti d3ia-mashirlsta stanka udarno-kanatnogo bui-enila. Moskva., Stidiizdat;196/1. 28 p. (WRA M.6) BONDARI, Yevgeriiy Petrovichp inzh.; ZVORYKINIA, LA.p rod. (Safety manuAl for ar3somblillp, re-1:0-orced cullit-'roto elements] Pamiatka po,,tekhnike bezopauuosti dlia mobtazhnika zhelezobe-toruVkh konotmkWi. Ind.2.44, ispr. i dop. Yoskva, Strolizdat, 19(4. :31 pi01 Wl PA I'l -.'6) KLOCHANOV, Petr Hikolayevich; EYDINOV, Yuriy Solomonovich; ODRIOKOV, S.D.2 kand. tekhn. nauk, naucbn. red..; ZVORYKINA, L.N.p red. [Painting, glazing, and'fa'cing operations) MaJAarMe stekolfwje i oblitsovacbMe raboty. Maskvaj, Stroiizdatp 18:2)' 1964. 313 P. (MIRA~ SHARAYEVSKIY, Ilikolay Pavlovich; ZV RYKINA, LA., red. (Safety iranual for work6r., asserbllngmlningt,l jiipment] Pamiatka po tekhnike bezopamostl ctl:La rao,-,cbM po montazhu gornorudnogo oborudovaniid. Moskva~ Stroliz- dat, 1964. -9 P. (MIRk .17:9) ALI MOVIGH, Arkadiy Illichj ZWRYKIVA, L.N., red. (Safety vanual for the assembler of tower criAnes construction] Pamiatka po tekbnike bezopasnotiti d1la montazhnika stroiteltxWkh bashenrWkh kranov., lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva) Stroiizdat., 1964. 46~p. (MIltA 1716) BOLOBANI Nikolay Aleksandrovich; BELEVICH, Vladimir Borisovich; VELIKOTSKIY, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; MACHABUI, Shata Levanovieh; RgFFELI, N.A., nauchn. red.; ZVORTKINA red.; MIKBEYEVA, A.A., (Assembling precast concrete structures) Yontuh sb'omykh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii. (By) N.A.Boloban. i dr. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 344-P.. (MIRA 16:10) RABINOVICH S.G.J. inzh.;-SKVORTSOV, A.F., inzh.; YAKOBSON,:Ya.M., ~Ouchn. red.; ZVORYKINA. LA.,. red.; K)ROVNFV, N.K., tekhn. red. (Preparation of fomwork in industrial construction'] Opa- lubochnye raboty v promyshlennom stroitelletye. Moskva Gosstrolizdat, 1963. 311 P. (MIRA 16111~ (Concrete construction-Formwork) KLIMOVI V.T.; MAIIICHSV~ V.I.j RUDINCHIKI A.M.; EYLF-Jtj S.A.~ BORMIEV, N.K., nauchn. red.; red.; tekhn. redo (Construction of cofferdams and caissons) ~troiLollstvo opunkrtykh kolodtaev i kessonov, Moskva,. O*sstroiizdat, 1963. 247 P* 173 1) (Cofferdams) (Caissons) A.. 'PARFENOV, Vasiliy MaksimoTichi MS.I.N I' &,,L.R red MIKIMYEVA, takhn. red. (Safety manual for blasters,(in open areas)) Pamiatka po takhnike bezopasnosti dlia vzryvnika (na otkrytykh rabotakh) Izd.w., pererA dop. Moskvap Gosstroiizdat, 196~. 29 p. (MIRA 16%9) (Blasting-Safety measures) RROEV, Vladivir Mikhaylovichp kand. med. na-uk,- ZVORTKINA, L.N.. red. [Industrial bygiene in a coment factory] Gigiena'trwla na tsementnom zavode, Moskva, Strolizdat, 19U,- 46 1). (KI161 17:5) LN, Eduard Setrakovicb; ZVORYKINA, L.II.p rkj.; TARKIIOVA, K.Ye., tekhn, red. (Rigger-signalman's safety manual] Paziatka,po takhnike bezopasnosti dlia takelazhnika-signallshchika. lzd.2,t ispro I dop. Moskvay Goostroiizdat, 1963. 45,P* (MIRA -17:3) Nf I.S.; ZVORYKIN.A L.S., red.; TARKHOVA#.X.Ye., tekbn. red. (8afety manunl for stonecutters] Pamlatka pa tekhnike bez- opasnosti dlia rezchika kamnia. Moskva, Goostrol4isdat, 1963. 37 P. ~ (mRA 161g) (Stone cutting-Safety measures) R.A.; MDNIYEV, B.H. One uay to metallize Soignette's sal,to Trudy IX.1 no'.28:199-',201 159. MRA 15 15) 1. Kafedra fiziki Leningradakogo korablestr6itellpogo instituta. (Rochelle salt) (Mstal sprayilng) NW Wy SOURCE CODE:~, UR/0020/66/168/003/0564/0566 I!r9 AUTHOR., Y4rasnikoy) L.'L.; Zvorykina., R. ORG: _Lenin9rd~-~ShiPbuijdj!jg institute (Leningradskiy korablestroitellnyy" 1~nstitut) TITLE:'~'Miagnetcacoustic effectfin aluminum alloys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dokladyp vi_'168p~ no. 3)'1*66) 564-566 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy) magnetoacoustic: effect: acoustic Absorption, torsional vibrationj acoustic resonancep'solid solution, grain structure ABSTRACT: To check on the hitherto,uninvestigated increase of the phase velocity and increase of absorption oftorsional sound waves in alloys,,the authors pre,pared. aluminum alloys with different contents of iron impurity -of the order of tenths and hundredths of one per cent. Plates of equal dimensions were tested (130 x. 7.5 x 2 M), fastened precisely at the vibration node, tuned to odd harmonicsp and excited by reso- nance with torsional oscillations from X-cut'Rochelle salt.crystals. The resonance curve was plotted by producing beats from two sound generators with a constant fre- quency difference of 50 cps. When a constant magnetic field vas~applied, the resonant 1. 4i frequency was different from that without a field. The relative change of phase' velocity was determined from the change in the resonant frequency, and the damping of the torsional oscillations was estimated from the relative logarithmic decrement of*--'- the oscillation with and without the field. The results show that the magnetoacousiid effect depends on the grain dimensions, density, chemical composition, and othertac- C~4 ip UDC. 548-0: 535 ALC NRs -- --AP6018056 tors vhich have not yet been investigated. 4The mapetoacausti c effect vas used to determine the limit of solubility 6f the stlid solution'during non-equilibrium, dynqic solidification. The results obtained by the authors for'the solubility of silicon in aluminum (o.48%) differed from the results published in,the handbook)' but Vas closer to the theoretical value. This report was presented by Academician B. P., Kionstantinov 9 September 1965* Orig, art4 has: 2 figures and 1 formu3A. SUB CME: It, 20/ SUBM DAM AN 5/ ORIG MW: 003/ OTH BEF: 001 _46 qw4-2&RyxlKMTA V. Students' Politakh. l.Kuvbysbovski:r experiments on the use of antibiotics in poultrr farming. obuch. no.8,.86 Ag 159. (IUU. 12:10) oblastnoy institut usovershe~stvovaniya uchitoley. (Poultr7 breeding) (AntibioticO 114-rZI I 1 11 7~ 1 Q nee The gradwals of 041w= Is tivatiml with V14 in IDsO to cive 41% of jbr- actevola to ad Ra detivad"s. V. M~ Rmiltwov mid midip (VU) 01 In. 0. M'01% 8441 M% rw. V. A. &oK*Ykh&4. KU, maj. swi, V. R. S. S.. cloin nil * smon C A., 24, illf. while IsAlliv, With KOO 271 .-C1111 (C tEt) WWI` %Kul, t1t tin U 6 chtsith with TU and k)tuo U. Thc Imm Ykid of HCI than by uOing al i. CH i wW running the ift" am at Viscuum diftm. 44 ecHIN1110011 In aln. lifoll , es oil h*itk mupt4 its dmataps-tir a' actoe"ok " WhOnot Itsmik Its. Cl giv" 17% tv! the h 01-ja4wowwic 92-%-"M IV Otmi $001 sivit VA Add;th6ida WWI viith 00 1 Its 140 stud air. Nita Nil. Ansts m* Itic nomial attilb tM). no. IAS't No 2MAV: ring d"Ok" (IM. 1m 110 Sam. in. 133.5 d'. ly-ftemloc" ore.1717t, 11-acOftuik (K) with Mki. and Nil, at U-40" Tot use 00 acid. -v-4n1yI-?-f?mIvf me and a ueutr4 W- It anct f turow repivioUiNd 133). On rA this itactka ftxcl.~Ve 144% 04wKwal"d fbirr"I't mid (M), M. PF001111117 fmml.; 11"Mm. of MI cim the #mkk- of 129.S 10. With C101hill , alfil"ns 00% a# I 0"fr. IN, 1r1W If0ftmill r 'S- rift with V111 tivdi twit, Cos 00 Opoodhis Owego* (IV), M. MV. U secd KC110 Q TOM i~=xmlU"w (11 In, 1134411, **A J-bcawjmlS- Cos atio a d tba Owe4v Oferip. M. III. LIT-W. MO. eis W - id*mo. m. Uncitt the "am owli- W" "CI, tins fkwa* acmn. giving a "d" ~ of f4&;30. 1111113. Vivn XfI aftil Iti tOrdAssn, in. 100-111. coo 001, M), M. 140-714 mw b"yl. tAkvmtf4 40 dit midine. VI can be stqW. byz"apm. from ".0 H H. $ad W" S* 70-W* sivs Me =M. chfixw coo Nos boo AFTALLUPSOCAL LIT(NATIOt CLAIVOKOMM, too *#MV4 WAr 0" 4" alsixal 0 OA L 3 is 41 - U 91 All 013 11 If W K It: it 4 iiiii:8. 0: N a 0 0 000 000 0.0 00 0! 0 64 0 00 6 411 W* 06 i -0 ~0, C 0i Oll": , 0 00 0 0 111 0 0 000 8: a a & 1. 0 - - 9m. MA01-1 * 1, *** 4 - deceased]; STOLININOVA, U.N.; DMATHIN, V.A. Comparison of the Iodate and indophenol tests for4atermining Ascorbic acid in industriai prepartions. Tr~dy VNIVI 5:196-200 154. (HIBA 90) 1. Khimiko-analitichee~-- laboratoriva. (ASCORBIC ACID) :lND0PHU0Q, (IMATIS) ZVoRYKINA, V.B. [deceased); STOL'NIXOVA, U.N.; Devyatnin, V.A. A study of the reaction of furfurole with aniline and its uwln making a qualitative evaluation of vitamin preparations. Trudy TNIVI 5:200-204 154. (KIRA 90) 1. Rhimiko-analitichanknva laboratorlya. (ASCORBIC) (FURAL113MR) (AXILM) 00 00 C! Tk# d"er*sW 'at diomac coistomilf: ikddd. VT. m4focki"'d Oplaak acid. V M. Andimlov adif 0 C11". CAA". W: S. S. R.) 7, tm"w 0 h i6i(IM17), e( C A.'31' (11160, At' lidd twen shown (C. A. '" imi) iiial 04vimly.i. '( 0, 'i4k 4. 9KC44 gives m*Cwhie (1) mul a '111%t' *0 j OYIN. Vol-III mlik'6011 Kim I OW 611mv 0-11titt"tilli-1. CO Whft it Wool. of a- and O-bltutcottyb is rvducod ~ wfilt NO-Ig zor by tlectrolysist hall the mixt. Is uncloatiged, 'AO 0 MA of mmtoo)1domdAll; 1)i-O-C4tb#XY11`9 011d, m. J72-4'11 fomed. Thio, =y1 Is um to lmtr~ medleltin thefortnatim oil., If. b9. L. pis ;0' ;k! CIO 0 I fell S11141". too ISLI111 Off q.- it- u is j 9 1 ir is i a 9~ it IPW IT to w 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 4 0:0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 00 I's es 00 0 4 00.4 00 0 0 00 0 ej * 0 0 O's 0 0;0 a 0 00 0 0 %,. MMMINNINOMM CA AcylatIm retcdow. v. k. Rfodionny tootol V. K. Z so kinto Do" Akad. Natoli S.S.S. K. St. SKI 6 =. (R--i-, Z. Ed., 19", U. OM.-;- ttempts to p". 2-pht!nyl4-bmyt-O-okoottrLbydid- WOp+ ;d Cj?j1ClLN-Chle.NlLC( Clio M. T,wtio"t the zcda~ of Ar.0 on other acyl cticulidit, was It ~otmitflxlud' Hallinc DaNI-Ift with Ac*O and tmating the rewtints- PendooCt With Wing. Witter Yielded Of4tJa1$i[aj- MCII#- CONIM treated in like matinee, yieldtil'~AcNifilh. 'The following totem wvre prepd. by huting the ccr- resp-di * 'spda vook arids withiatc. and in H.SO,. I (U). 11.1. neroll. .from peft. ether, ni; 49-50 . N 174-6% fte needleto firconmetber-petr. thr. in. 624. I T be 211- 0 Treating M with AcO &od procrr above ' Ided 11. P-(Pk;r**(ddMQO potlat to tU 11 IC (IV), Ofilained lrovo:tbit aMMO MCid W1 in 10%,XOFI at 0-5*, needles rroM ether-0elK 1.01. - ale., m. 102-41', r=dUy sal. in Etti). mortit:71iwith SMj at 40'and then with o0r, the atonA4, (V), needles from sic., m. 182'. * witb AcIO y1odded 1. ms. M'. NI, 41, 1 fe atsit - f.COCI ther cir Treat- yieldtil aing V tomirv A A r', -- .- Ce 06, ~ A "--m - _4-tl~.-Py;i-mldinescrlts. 3 hn. with 5 CC. B&O. w;s%hr-I wills vold dal'N.4011 droil V ZrWykillA, /-my). AW. VaAfk S.S.S.R., OW. the H.IrO ist)(a. of the residust TVANIWd with Ill. N;A()Ii Kkoltso. Sauk MR, M040; c(. C.A. Ja, if-,31.-Cimuli. tvAPIL. gAvc IM1 se little jal"I 0.21 is. Corli-10 .7-ploositi-11 of tims toorrit eslabli'll(A (ow tile Isffnialidin cd anthiess sat'll its. it if? ... it Visit 0* toy the inti'molun of acyLlifill Itullu%ilim strisine 8610 Alki SOCI.. flillUoteti hy Ifesillnent With dry IschttgUMA11111le 3 Ilti. '&tell 141 1111, AXII), 10111-t1l of Ill, 00 Nit.-. tit 4o-5. wills the thecirctleall atilt. of SMI Socol "ma AoO. Wilitill she itni,ltte 0.4 lit. with 75 ml. 11,0. *00 0 are rI)tainef: it 75-M I with exec" SOCI, lind *An. In I.'It.l) give '.*~l ll~ S1.11"011,1 IlLiti-rLit And 2.5 At 09 "is or, Wiliff "W (bm.t. all Vt,O). whole di-ttot. oil tli~ at obtain"I the 71le reaction APIWArs lot be jeriver.41 its Ommarr Aloof is cu4int lift zont:JI4101' CAN. 11.1, Its I'll W,011 112,411 Acids. ltzpt~~ sit tile VVC1114thin otsmides so Ary. tho, litt.-t k1,1 4.) ks,141~1 With is, ~Al-, %*~,ljjl jgAW 0.1 4.6-1 ilroits Nm 011 J~.Jjj. toy I ilkt A11.1i latest sullisw Acids by hol Acti) 3buslot4i flint bornisoylainj fic,lik"s by 110) an't 0.1 is. j "i'll YD"11NIM0. sonsinotteLtorgunic acid slivot--i not A I'll deriv. of tetnoitsydro- oi*41. tit. ITV (by flitther iidofilkallwi wish Avoll): tht- 0 ryimhline. We it Mr deriv.. ix. the lie pitip It trJOIAONI or . triwtulo to file it vvAo:,,kr0_1 tit t,tahfi.ll"I she -1 it Ar; follorl, U-411-0.411-ml Itivors 1114ill. yields of ArN. fe I is '111 0 h fornal 14t, N't I I'll .1n, 1 PhO.C., ,80 -11 1 lit it.) lot 1;,'il 4*,, Ill' ' N.Oll ,a. tro,.sM doais,ni.r with Whissilist deliv; hr.,dii,latiolifi4filith aldet.ttlord N I I 119M IXt soil MgAsts~ -it lift 90 40 0 0 1ICI to Congo mi, giving 751 At derip.. in. 101-24, (frolik in. oJILM0111). Thi. slim.) with tie theoretical little. 1)(SOCI, 186* (front 14011), nr 1060 boosted to 4n-V, tile t,,4ithotal S()Clt torinsivril in roaristror All'i limidisse (M ti,orstlei, tit. 7 1 V ifroin -lit. F101 I pvc silly Ow lit. 11`2 =.rei.1m. in tocturne (or Rico trented with dry 'kill. 44 0 sims 81,70 0 lusila m ijoft/40104i wide, ticiedles" lit, 1711 . .1.1 amife, In, 1.5g, J111.111 W.11 0, 4, (1.7 jil.). bumsicil 3 his. wills 10 CC. AeoU, this execiai fit. 21. Kate either 95`~ Argo rriju)%-td in rjesto.,and the residue boils:410.3 hr. with "tedic-, (frimn OtOll), lot tu)~v 2.1 CC, 11.0 Atilt I'llUtoll, gAvic 75% Z-sviej4yI4-ArjryI-rp-tkro- 111r,Aydr,,pyrimiditte, necillu., no, Wil" (f". Pistil); 11), limilv%, its. M, iffissit 1(t,4)- 111' orliffroilm lit, I ing Ar ri pill 11% W.4511,1111 wish 51.'~ Not,11); hTtIftwIto,14 1-1 ill"Itl NOW. lit 9:11's, ..too Peer. tihe( - 11 0 lot- thiss by 5`~ NAM Apt. it, I .,fllv Ow immle oll, 03, OX; 1 1111'. thalinot .5 A. (11) 1 V101111): Wel I (N'1 111401,0 h14 rkvr either M Ion. wills 40 tv. Art() 411-1 from4tuirsit 44. 41wvc save 1.7, it amble. lived1r., too, ~31440 Orma hijiloo-lit-), m 70 it (Insist lwspsoqut~. (1- M- X,~A .1s An I p ld Its u so 74" 01 66 0 0400 6 oleo 0 00 0 06 00 oo::!O:i/ ~o 000 0000 00000 ff IF J A. L OfflUtitt Ski- Transifficuiatioi-a 4 antidit's'of A'-sIkyI(4iyli,.l~earbtlh- -00 0111YAMIDOpirupluale acids into 0-ultida Adds. %'-' M. 00 HAKIWOU11, Ulld V _KZyurykIna. Ds-Ahs,ly .1k.j4l. A'.juk 00 if S.S.S.R. as, 2"t. CAMI. 00 (NIIC(JjF1I)CIrjCOSIIj with 25 pit. KOH I lit, 00 Ix It and aciditicatitm give SO% 4-tweiffulpelopnic ii~dfl; d 10.5 g. of the aruide aml 3 tul, EILOSA joln. in lial lit All, IeLmand 3 dap,, diln. sim 0.2 C. unckinadultifideol-lille 641111 00 14chlification gives a litGe htitylilihydirtmiracil, with furth" .60 acillification giving I'll% X. 'd-arri .JaMarmons IC (wid, it). 0040 *0 lit-Ating 00 N401140initi.Aiui"kliflc-ati,,ilttv*Ni' =00 atid, at., 11111-1 '; :thii it 2300 4010 US 4 - phenyl-2,15 Aikv whe %ah I'd t w9 13 if pyriuddlift wi(fi V9 M1011 3114 LCIllitiC.11111111. 2-Clill.- .00 CII(' tcd In 15 in]. ltli~ KOI I with OJI fill. 09 CJCOEt rAve the"N-mybeik"y dfrir., I I" 60 acidification; beating 1.2, X. f this und uA fill. '400" :1 Ifirs. at 40-5'. evapp the SOClg. and t1r.1tillit With a;* 0' dffl:dt, Ill. Sill In lit,(J CAvir IMY'r of the Vory"IN'll.fill '2:1140(frous HtOll),uhich (0Zg.) warlat'l tve aeid, n. JAC (d ecompit.). on acklificaticm. G. St K. ZNO 0 ti I KAL I~ITIRAILOIE CL ASSPFKATKN Ifiv. ---- ----- "0 0 -Ilk If i'. w 0 s I Aj .3 V s Ell 't it a It OF "WIR I 'OT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0~0 Ojo 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0~0~6 0 *~*'O 0 0 0 0 0 611~./ 1-71 4. Tit# Iformann mcown. fit Reaction of. acylated &mW*a of 0 allussic add wilb allialinift bypoblo- mites V. M. V. lk"d Nakk NNS I? . clutel. ON j l'.J~ 43. 11411SUAtill TVACtiCIII "fill OVIVI-Itt#l Aillki1r, 14 AM littscrods thttitsch the Pit- 111,1131111 -11 -CIFf3fl-I Wit-rallafri '410 Illa ,wl&- trit'littel Y041, 'IlIrtfifillrd lfltv~ a lt"IW iff"it J-0111i'll, ill w4filififf A.-ill. i, alwilt-OL 11ir .. 1, .4 thr It,tlh, are ill fill- 1101111 44 lfrr- .""I, W k-wrt Awl 'Selsts-ty. 1*1 11, .,Ilw lift Ill, _WJIJ 17~', Wt If 41 ;~ a IwAtilis th~ -.1" .,41 1.11, imtetm* hristiffs to two') ti.%~ wi C"Ame Im) r4m. will. ut,(). 5 j4dflietk". K! 3'. 1 it .41191th" will 1) 110 kill, Ilk. ii", ..W1116,411"W'd Of, oil ..If, 1; g %Ith Notwit $OM iw. 0-1 Oilt. let-Imp Aml -- M, 'Idl, I 1,miod IV to it 0 1 0,14 Ov" j ... "Hit . All'"I. with it :1 it, kj*,Sl) m 6 fill, If,() 4.6% '. I'll %thilv Ill lirwOrd two," lit, ; A, Alkliv... j4jr, If. At-lobults"I (if 117 9, (Vt (Ill to Ill fill, III, it) 4101 1111Z Wt. he trifols. irICIW* Ilk)* little OtV I 1) 74 6 It 111111tAl 4)11, 1::!f~ .Ikl, Jot.% 2. Ill, Lotter weir .rld, lit. it. lf4,-e. lit IV, 11 Ivirlifrol I'vi R V, 9"041 priti. ~vflsr IIC.N;. AIP1.1 i4k. tit, In .2* it lift h 011"W's Ow vdill fill kill(-md uhth r,Sit,)j fit.. lilt 14 tit 7_1 it. 1,011 fill,# ;:.1 1,11 11,41,01ilikliv pw$- ~Jl,l "11,1104, 11j'Atim"i'l 1.1 thr -10 .41 If,' I x 111.s Jet".- I VII) 0 V, lit 3", Awl I i "S If O.J Vt. -.11"g Vt[ -still J. KI)II V. Its. 114', Int-luffs with lit-, J-02 -it. jvljl~ Of Vt fix, I - It 111, W, ,,Ill -it A ... 'lot 4 ~ ill" . ofid A All, 111,11AVo~ w III.' III 1.4441"d il-fit - Ill- 'Ah, "lm.. N.A ml, Vi'm ftillf M.- 14.11. m I'llib 1.14 M it, I 4phlril %lilt .1w,fing lit - lit' St. ~'! X fill lit fit 4 A a NAt M ,fill N1 fill 110 1. 0111.-d :1 lit. . 44111 '$.111110A lit Nt' (fill JNf, tililfilliff. ".6.1 qv~% al~, M Carbazide Acids General method of obtaining B-semi~-carbazide acids. Dokl. AII,SSSR, 85P No* 3,t19512 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified~ ~lw ; - -;~; i""i, - ).!(:T ~ t o L. . tu'L T,-,, " - ~ i, , ,, I I I , . .- H. :L,~ - RODIONOV, V-9. [deceased]; ZVORMNA, V.1r. Preparation and reactions of certain derivativew of/3-ursidopelar- gonie acid. Izv.AN SSSR~Ctd.khim.nauk no-3:332-335,Kr 156. (Km 9 1. Institnt organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SM. (No-oic acid) USSR/Organic Chemistry - Synthetle Organic Chemistry Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya);~ ?To 2., 195V 440P Author : Hodionoi V,M,, Zvorykina$ V.K. Title : Syntheses of 11.11' c6aversion of Dinatereoisomeric Ganrz-Ethyl-Beta-Aiiinocaprylic Acids to Substituted Tetra- and Hexahydrdpy~imidines. Orig Pub Zhr obahch, khimiij 1956p ,)6, xo 4* 145-a6q Abstract Isomeric gama-o-thyl-beta-tiraidoetipiy~ic aqids,(Ia,b): are obtained from the tuo diastarbotabraeric gw,=- ethyl-beta-aminocaprylic acide (11a;15) by thr"ec proci-qu. res; a) heating of It with KCNO; b) heating of wddea of N-carbethoxy-derivatives of 11 with alkali; c) sapq- nification of 4-(11.ethylpentyl).2)6;."dioxohexahydropyr .i- midines (111a,b). By boiling with gC1 (acid) I are con- verted to III. Action of SCC12:foJi.~wed t~yjld; on 3 N-benzoyl derivatives,of IIa,b, aves 2-phenyl 4.(j.,. ethylpentyl)-6-oxotetraliydropyrimidiiies (M,b~. Card J/3 - 69 7f: USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry E-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 2; 1.957, 4409 Heating of diastercoisomeric amides of ~prma.othyl-beta-' (N-acetylanino)-caprylic acids (Va,b)lwith (dif CO) 0 2 gives 2-methyl-4-(I"-ethylpeiityl).,6-o.~o-4-6trahyiropy;imi. dines (VIa,b). -Frora 12 a 11-carbethoxy-Ila (Pr6pared in' usual manner from Ila) yield 74~) MP 60-610 Urm petro. leum other)) by heating with 5 MI SOC12 .4t h6p for 3 nours, driving off excess SOC12 in vacuum, adding 500 rtl ether and saturating with NH 31 is obtaipod thle ardde of N-carbethoxy-Ila, yield 68%, mp 1460 (from water). Analo- gously from N-carbetboxy-111 (prepared from Ilb, yield 70%, mp 63-640 (from alebbol-petroloun 'ther),), is propa-. red amide of N-carbetboxy-iib, yield 7p.6%, mP 1440 (from water), 1 g of the amide thus obtained'' in 20 ml'10% so- lution of RaOll, boiled until dissolved,!acidified to got Ia, yield 86a,16, mp 14p-o (from water) or. 1b, yield 0.85 g, 14P 1690 (from alcohol), reepectively, On heabing IIa,b with solution of KCNO the yield of I iD and 76%, Card 2/3 70 USSR/OrgELnic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry B-2 fibs Jour Referat Zhur Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 44VI71, respectively. boiled with 12% soluti6n IICI-, for 3 hours; yield of Ilra 67%, MP 1520 (frou watei~); yield of Mb 8c~, MP 145-i46o (from water). `5 g N-bellzoyl-ll heated with 3-75 ml SOC12~at 75-800 for~13 houia, SOC12 driver- off, added ether and saturated irith MI yield of iva 44.8%, IM 1250 (from aqueous alcohol); ~Ileld of IVb 62~r, MP 1230 (from aqucolls alcohol), To' mixture of 11 ani 10% solution Na R ( ) 0- --ield of R-acetyl-IIa idded (6H 3C0 j 81-3%, MP 1180 Vrora water); yieljd of 11-lacetyl-Ilb 78. Rral7o (from water), By action of '1130M mid NH on the latter there are obtained Va, yield 89.3 HP Mo (from alcohol), mid To, yield 77.%, MP -1750 (from, alco'- hol). Mixture of 1-5 G V and 30 ml (CII CO) 0 boiled 4 hours, (Clf3CO)20 driven off; yield of 41a J~%y 14P 920 from aoueous alcohol); yield of VXb 7q%, mp 86-870 ~from ether). Card 3/3 71 RODIOVOV, Vladimir Mikhallovich, itkndemik [deceased) ;~I-TORYKIKAj @go# ~ __I_ so;tavitell- KISJUVA, V.V.0 sontavitell; PIMBDTA.' A.M., It anslatorl; KNWANTS, I.L.,akademik, otv,ra&.; MWAKIN. H.R.; akadsmik, otv.rea.; SMTSOV, Yu.B., red.ind.; POLMVA, T.P., [Selected works] Isbrannys trudy. Moskva, Isd-vo Akacl. nauk--SSSR.' 1958. 792 P. (MIRA 12:2), (Chemistry, Organic) AUTHORS: TITLEt PERIODICAL: ABSTRACTt Card 1/2 Goltdfarb, Ya. L.~ Zvorykina, V. K. sair/62-56-6-15/37 Investigation of the N-Oxides of Some Heterocyclic Bases (Izueheni,ye N-okisey nekotorykh geteiotaiklicheakikh' osnovaniy) Communication I. On the Production and Properties of Nicotine Oxides (Soobshcheniye 1;0 poluchenli 1 svoystvakh N-okisey nikotina) Izvesttya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp. 748-755 (USSR) Three types of oxides can be produced from nicotinev Pl-~N-oxide, Py-N-oxide, Py,Pl-N-dioxide. papers;on nicotine oxidation deal.,with the compounds ofAhe first type.:Th6 authors begin by,mentioning the papers by:Pinner and'Wolfen- stein (Vollfenshteyn) (Ref 1) Auerbach (Auerbakh) and Wolfenstein (Ref 2), Weil (Veyll) Mef 4Y, Hains (Khaynq) and Eisner (Eyzner) (Ref 5) and other authors..The pres'dnt taper deals with the investigation of the ~reaction of the ioxidation of nicotine H 0 on which occasion,all three N-oxides were 2 2' obtained in form of crystals,, Of these, nicotine-PI-Py-aioxide and nicotine-Py-N-oxide,have as yet not been described in Investigation of the N-Oxides of Some Heterocyclic SOV/62-58-6 1V 5 37 Bases. Communication I. On the Production and Properties of Nicotine Oxides published works. Pl-Py-dioxide war obta-ined. as a crystal hydrate (with 2.water molecules and alrwater-free base), aS monopicrate, dichlorohydrate, and mercury complex. For the Py-monoxide of nicotine a crystal base, di6hlorohydrate, dipicrate, and a mercury.derivative were obtained. For nicotine- Pl-N-oxide, which had already been obtainedQ'by Pinner~,(uncler the name of "Oxynicotine") the.authors~obtained a hitherto not described chlorohydrate; the water-fre'e base was separated. There are 11 references,.1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy AS, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 13, 1956 1. Nicotine oxides-Production 2. Niaotlne oxidea-p-roper,t-Lea. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Alashev, F. Deg 62-58-6-29/37 Golldfarb, Ya. TITLE: The Production of 11-Oxides of 11-Methylanabanine (Polucheniye N-okisey N-metilanabazina) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye khimicheskikh'nauk, 1958, 11r 6, PP. 780 - 790 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Continuing the inveotigation of the N-Oxidos bf,bi-tertiary cyclic baceo (Refs 1#2), the authors carried out the okidation (by means of hydrocen peroxide) of rf-mothylanabasine. Bands of the N-oxides of 11-methylanabasine which haUhitherto not been described in published works, viz. N,Nl-dioxide, Py-11-0--idel and Pi-11-oxide, as well as the picrates and.hydrochlorides of these oxides were obtained. The structure of the 11-oxides of N-methylanabasirewas deternined by reduction by means of zinc and hydrochloric acid in N-methylanabanine (and was identified as a di-picrate). There are 4 referencon, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 1/2 The Production of N-Oxides of H-Methylanabaoine ASSOCIATION: Institut orj~anicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo Akademii nlauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry irieni IT.D.Zolinskiy R) AS USS SUBMITTED: January 29, 1958 1. Nitrogen oxides-Production 2. Cyclic.~conpounds-oxidation'~ Card 2/2 T IT' F" Ff 10.1) P" AL Oar,i I A 9, _'by Vfl. T'.' 'Pro'd ue t I QYL Of 0 V a- awl ul-Aipin6nicol*inz; Oc _icheniye N-ok': ~E y i i0-amirlorilkntina) ,jVj~- . djt,, re. r roj k S '~ SIR , 1)1n iy eklilmichp-Aikh naul T, ._;ti,i,ra Aka 1958, Vr 7t P-,;. 900-903 (U."sii) In pruviouo jqrticlo. the autliorz; dfjscrJb4t',ke N-oyides of .1 ) find Thl~' 'intrestigations in nic,attre (Ref the field of thp n1cotinep, .,an -~oiitinuc_d by O)e duscrIption of the troluntion of.,,urirj~v- of the benzoYl-,'O -amino- nicotino givin in this papej... '-'urlhermore (in th ,a sanonifica- t.1 on of' t he latter by means. uf hplrochloric Uc -.-.,ith th,~,, production of the N-nx.ld,.q. of the, correapon4,ing W-aminonicotines. Analogau8 to th- N-oxides of the ct-amino_~ and acyl amino piperldin-s ljy oldamq and~?,Uyanop 5, Fartitokiy, Ref 6) P1,F,y-d1c)xidp-.s' vind Py-monox~ide are amphoteric compounds. rhich (Iics~llve onLy In cauntic alkali ATId mint-ral, acids. Y', 6 5 4-7 -1 organiche-i3koy 1~hlmii im. N. D.: Zt, I i df-m AUTHORS: ZvorykLrgL*.V_J"-r-Neyl and, 0. Ya. SOV/62-56-9-13/26 TITLE: Concerning Several Coavtfhion Producto of the Diastereo- isomers of y-Ethyl-P-N- Carbethoxyaminocaprylic Acid (0 nekotorykh produktakh prevrashcheniya diaLstereoizomernykh y-etil-p-N-karbetoksiariiilokaprilovykh Icislot) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye Ichimicheski kh n.auk, 1958, Nr 9, PP 1099 - 1103 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the previous papers.the authors rilporte'd the pre- paration of two diastereoisomers of y-ethyl'_~_amino- ca~rylic acid, which were referred to as A and A in 1 2 these papers. Also prepared were several derivatives and transformation products (Refs 1-3)- In testing these compounds biologically it was found that several of them (especially isomer A 2) had bacteriostatic properties. The authors were therefore interested in carrying out further, similar investigations to -test the chemical~and biological properties of these compounds. To do this~ however, it was necessary that the molecular configurations Card 1/2 be maintained and that substitution take place at the Concerning Several Conversion Products of the ST1162-58-9-13126 Diastereoisomers of y-Etliyl-P-N-Carbethoxyaminocapr~~lic Acid functional groups. There-fore the authors prepared diastereoisomers (A I and A2) of y-eth,4rl-P-.(W -phenyluxeido) caprylic acid, y-ethyl-p-semicarbazidocaprt 'rlic acid, and 1-phenyl-4-(l-ethylpentyl)-2,6-dioxohexahydr6pyrimidine, For the synthesis of these compounds the reactions discovered by Rodionov and Zvorykina (Ref 4) were used. In addition to these reactions (in oriler to compare the yields) the isomers of these compounds were prepared, by the method of Longfield and Stieglitz (Lon&felld and Shtiglits) (Ref 8), by reacting phenyl isocyanate with y-ethyl-p-aminocaprylic acid (Ref 3),,and by the hydrolysis of 1-phenyl-4-(l-ethylpentyl)-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrim4-dine (Ref 4), respectively. There are 8 refere"Oes, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheekoy khimii im.N.D.Zelinvkogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni.1,',.D.Zelinskiy,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 2, 1957 Card 2/g GOLIDFAR% Ya.L.; ALASHEVp F.M~~ORYKINA V.K,, [do:ease#l Preparatim of anabasine Py-N-oxide. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.12t2241-2242 D 164 (MIRA 18d), 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii imeni H.D. Zelinakogo AN SSSR. ar SEWRINk, T.N.; ALASJMV, F.D.; ZVORTKIMA, V.I.; GOLIBIARB, Ta.L. Ultraviolet aboorption.spectra of some pyridim and nicotine derivatives* Report Zo.4: Absorption spectr'wof &oxides of nicotine and fi~-metbylansbasiue. Isv.Aff SSSJLOtd.kh1m.uauk no.6:1119-1123 J1 160. (MM 1327) 1. Inatitut organicheekay khimli imeni NeDoZelinskogo Akadenii nauk SSSR, (P~rridins) (Piperidine) W it I MATRAMVSKIT, S.G.; BAMSBKOVA, N.Y.; ATASSET, I.D. t,;VORYKINA, Y.K. Folarographic study of X-oxides of anabasine and A-metbylana- basine. Izv.AN SSSR Otd,khim.nauk no,52-938-940 VV' 160- ~ (MIU INQ 1, Inotitut organicbeakoy khtmii imeni N.D. Zellnalcogo Akademii nauk SSSR, MUTHIN, V.A.; ZVORMMA T.V. [deceased]; STOL1111KOTA, X.X. Iffect of moisture on the decomposition of vitamins,C and B, in preparations. Trudy VNIVI 3:42-46 154. WBA 9:3) 1,11himiko-analitichookays laboratorlyas (ASCOUIC ACID) (TEMIU) simeA actil lit hiftwial mom-Wons b7 tbi tadato W.d W"Vb(Ml mattois. V A I-q-, ~~ Z-92ma o'd hl ;f- j by th. 0-157 CU 0-64 pit :,Mt wd lh.11 III o'. -Lf~ n"~-l is D'A to 1~ !w ~,w 'I". wl- --h .1 .. mrmdrA fw .detmi,itwian, --t ~--- ~. .-~ a und in uld~tl 1. -(l m if:,I,,-,-, , .1". -~.. .. .11, ~ ,.-rr- I I I I :.. 141, Clmmnd &nfLIJ31V -d -.1tLmli: H, i;l '~td' OTY ' i-I ~~ " 1 -1 f ) 1: ll:-~, .1W I; i;.n." " lid y .. 1 .1. ~-IYwt~ Tft!jP-,1vJ,4 -*t.,~ IP 1 11 1-1 4. 1311- ~ . #"1;4 B 4 !-,t -f lusl.. - A.. KUTEPOV, O.S.; ZVORYKRIA, Ye.K. Short-cut method for calculatJng the production normz of workei rs, and the coefficient of output and opeiative efficiency of the weaving equipment, Izvo vyso uchebt zav.; tekh. te.ksto prom. no.3:, 3-14 162. (MlRA 17:10) 1. Leningradskiy tekstillnyy institut imeni Kirova. ILIINf M.I.; ZVO Nt�. g starsbiy agronom; LEM9 Z,Ya.'; ZVIAGINTOVAp Ye.I.V'mW.'I.Ye.P red.- ZABORSKITy N.1.9 red.; PECHENMv 1 9 .4 I.V., tekhn. red. [Vew corn bybrids Bukovine'3 abd'Buk.qvina 2; :results of stale crop variety tests] Novye gibridy kukuruzy Dukovinskii 3 1 Bu- kovinskii 2. rezulltaty gosadarttvemop sar~isWtaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo ~~va2sell. khoz. SSSR, 1960. 45 P. (MIRA 340) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S"R.) Gos4dhrstvewwVa komis'$4,e, po sorto- ispytentylt sell skokhozya~rstvenrqkh ku-Iltur. 2. zaveduyug4obaya. khimicheskoy laboratoriyey Gosudarstvennoy k6misaii po sorto- ispytaniyu sallskokhozyaystvermVkh kulttur pri Ministerstve sell- skogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Ieym). 3. ZamestItell predsedatelya Gosudarstvennoy komiss 4' po sortoispytaniyu sell AoWiftyaystven~- mykh kulltur pxI Ministerstve sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Marinich). (Corn (Maize)-Varietim'.. x ZAKATALOVO Ye.V.p inzh.; BF-LYKH, K.D.~) inzh ZVUXOV 11 bf inzh.1 SKVOlrrSOV, O.S. , inzh~; NETUSOV.. in doktor tokhn. nauk., prof., rod.; PETROVA,'It.t., re.d.; USENKO, L.A., tekbn. red. (mechanization of the repairand maintenance of ~aormal and: narrowgauge.railroad tracks of ind'hstrial enterj~risesj. 14ekhanizatsiia remonta i soderzh Ianiia zhe1szodor'omhnykh Putei normallnoi i uzkoi kolei promyshlennykh prepriiatii, Movkvaj Vaes. izdatelfbko-poligr. ob"edinenio M-vaiputei soobahcheniiag: 1962. 63 P. (Moscow. Vsevoiu~nyi nauchno-issledovatellskii~ institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.225). (MIRA 15:5) 1. Nachallnik sluzhby puti zavoda chernoy metO-Uurg im. Dzerzhinakogo (for Belykh). (Railroads, Industrial-Maintenance. and repair) MWEL1111KOVA, A.Y.; ZVYAPJL7SKAYA, R.A. Adenoainetriphoaphatase apthrUy ir,,j,rridrJr, of Eridemyces magnuali 2eists. B.LokhimiJa 29 no.4.6622-672 Jl-Ap 164. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut biokhImli Inioni &jklia Atl SSSRO 140,01tva. ZVYAGILISKAYA, R.A.; KOTELINIKOVAI A.V. ....................... ...... Effectiveness of oxidative phosphorylation in yeast mita-,hondria.- Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.2:448-450 S 165. (MIRA 18-9) 1. Instit-ut biokbimil Im. A.N* Bakha AN SSSR. Submitted Octolber 28, 1964.