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Card 8/10 R,,a I,-, a 4, v 1000 10i Z.5 tol to-,, IWTOP~~ 17 A4 411-2- Fig. 4. 1 (X) , v (o) and R (0) of' an U 0 -MfrO cS 00 3 sample vs integral neutron flux nv~ cit a constant neutron flux density of 8'101'-:) ciii- -6eo-l. I A Study Of El--~-ctromotiVe Forces Gt~nerat~,~d 7 722'j' in Semiconductor Systems Containing Uraniiim., SIOV/89-8-1-211/29 When Irradiated in Reactors. Letter to the Editor 10% enriched sample gave a 11~A'illlen.l arger effect than the natural one. Author2 used'al~,,.i.axideo and sulfides of Be, N1, Mo, If, Zn, and Co. . In all, cases they, observed anenif , although the E!ffeCt occurred with the-U 0 -MrO combination. COMpUtation showed that 3 8 in this last case 0.01% of thE.' 'Vra ents' energy'was IM transformed into electrtcil. f--n1Xj.,y, SLIch small affi- clency can be explained thruuj,,.;h~ tho~ apparently ~3hort lifetime of tke current carrleI43 a. x ation ,, , nd a poor -el between their diffusion path lehgth compared wi 't h' the sample thickness. The authorj conclude. that the emf is basically a result of a valve effect, althour;h the volume and thermal emf,may play'some role too.. Professor A. K, KraBin Bhowod lnterci4,it, G. N.. Uvhakov Collaborated dklvkl~' f'A tu I-It, fl. V. A. S'halln, and G, V. 1~,iljov Lrivolverl in experimental work. There aro It f'.1gures; ind 6 Card 9/10 references, It Soviet, 1 U.K., I I.T.S., The U.K.~ and A Study of Electromotive Forces GeneraCled -227 7 in Semiconductor Systems Containing Uraniwn, SOV"/A')-8- 1-21'./29 When Irradiated in Reactors. Letter to the Editor U.S. references are., G. Kinchin,i R. Pease, Repts Progr. Phys ) 18 1 (1955); J. Glen, Advances Phys., 4, Nr 16, 381 ~1955~- S UBMITTE D t August-3, 1959 Card 10/10 GOLUEEVp V.I.; _A.V.;. NIKOLAYEV, M.N.; OR1bvj M.YU-0 Effect of:ref1ectovs made from different materials on an increase in neutron capture tV-the uranium shielding of a~fast reactor. Atom. energ. 15 no.:3:258-259 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) (Neutrons-Capture) (Hucelar reictors) 6 7 - EVIT(m) CC NR: F60215~6-- SOURCE CODE6. VB/0089/66/020/006/0518/052D AUTHOR: Zvonarev,, A. V.; Koleganavy Yu. F.11-Minayj~~ Nikol&yev, K. If. ORG: none TITLE: Measurement of neutron s2ectra in the energy regions UP t0,3 key by keaon'ant indicators SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 6. 1c)66., 518-520 'actor neutron flux TOPIC TAGS: neutrq spectroscopy, re fast noutron, neutron captuv BR-1 reac-tr-,rj,,~~ ABSTRACT: The authors propose a modification of the method of V. 1. Golubev eV al. (Atomnaya energiya v. 11, 1961) for measuring neutron sp6atra at different,jlpoini-8 in- side a nuclear reactor through the use of resonant self- screening of indicators~by filters of the same material. The authors' modification..' aimed~at extendine; the possible energy range, consists of using the first resonances of neutron capturO in , and Na23. 11180. -14n55 The filter resonant self-screening factors needed to'make use of the method are calculated for different thicknesses of the indicators thtmseives and of the filters surrounding them. Plats of these factors, obtained by a:Mor~e Carlo computer calculation., are presented. The method was usedto measure the dis;- tribution of neutrons with energies corresponding to the first resonances Of ln~wl AU197j w188., M55 J, and IN623 inside a uranium block measuring 70 x To x 90 cm bombard- ing vith neutrons in the Fermi spectrum. The results confirmed the possibility,of UDC: 5M .325-52 BCNDARL?I,,I',O, I.I. [deceaced]; GOUJBE'I, A.V.:,- IIIKOLAYEV,14.1i.., ORLOV, M.Yu.; TJMIADZE, O.F. Neutron propagation in uranium carbide. Ataii. energ. 17 no.2. 1-13-119 Ag 164 0 17.-8) N fl K LN' VINITSKIT, I. HOROZOV, TS;w .;I 1370 Improve *ffic:Lency work. Dan. i kred. 15 no.li44-46T (KE2A 10:3) (Banks and banking) 2 W)RAREV F. Checking cash diocipline at trade enterprisso. Den. i krod. 15 no.7:49-50 Jl '57. (VLRA jot6) (Leningrad-Retail trade) (Banks and banking) ZVONAREV X.; SENDEPZON I E. SHAH GOII .1 SHORINY V.; sliucturO T. In memory of Ale~bei B6risovich Travin. G;ol.~il geotiz. no.4;116- 119 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Travin, Aleksoi;Borisovich, 1908-1960) V'S.&S fort Jun 301. lima 000 Fee off Met Alf-ILA AUALLONCALUMAM9TUMA"Ou Carr- 11WN 404011 too SA U l kff a U A W, 14 '01, 9 P is k ON Q-4 It- 0 01 8 0 -0, '00 0 M ,_ :0 4's 0 04 04 0 G~ 0 0 4010; 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 ZVONAREV~ ~.IN ~.-~d.; CMNOVAp L,Lp red',; aDWOVA, Ye. G. j, tekhn. red. (Papers of the First Conference of the Siberian Special Com- mission on the History of Coal Accumulation]i4aterialy pervogol soyeshchaniia Sibirskoy tematicheskoy lcomisAi po It istorii ugle- nakopleniia. Nowaibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskog6' otd-niia M aSSR,. No.1, 1961. 325 P, (KM 15: 10) 1. Soveshchaniye Sibirskoy tematicheskoy kondesi i)o istorii uglonakopleniya. lstp Novosibirsk, 1959. (Siberia-Coal geolog7) -ANATOL'YEVA9 Anna Ivano*m- ZVONAREV 10.9; GREMRV Rose# rIed.; M*ZUROVAP.AoFop' ,Otratigmphy an4 problemis, of the Der7onlan paleogeo~raphy of th ie Kinusinsk intermountaftous trough] Stratigrifiia I nekotorye 'Vopr~osy paleogeografii devona MinusWkogo mezhgornop prooibs, Novas .ibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-niia AN SSSR,, 1960. 50 ~ p, (Almdemiia nauk WSR, Sibirskoe otdelenie. L2stitut geologii-i geofiziki~ T v no*2). ~* rV.7. 1342). (Minusinak Basin--Geologyp Stratigp~phic) (Kinusinsk Basin-Paleographi) ZVONAREVp 1. N. Fifth Conference of the Interdepartmental Co6idination Cowniosion' on the Problem "Characteristic's of the Distribution of Foss117 - Coals in the EarthIs Crust.". Geol. i geofiz. no.11:155-157 164+; (MIRA 18:4) EHLONOVA, Anna Fedorovnel GUYNER, R.N., red IoN-p kandojeoL- mineral..nauk, red.; MAZUROVA, A.F., tekbh.rM [Specific composition of pollen and spo:~e complexes in uppe;iGr ta- e, ceous deposits' of tlie, ChiLtym.-Yenisey Depression] Vidovai sobtav pyl'tsy i spor v otlozheAlakh verkhnego mela Chulymo-Eniseis'koi~ vpadiny. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo .Sibirskogo otOelenkLa AN S&SR'1960. 104 p. (Akadeniia nAxik SM.' Sibirskoe otclelenie. Institut geologii i geofiziki. Tx;qd~ no.3) (MIW14-8) (Chulym Valley--Palynology~. (Yenisey Valley--P,alynology), A~ ~f- TaiAnvj V '7 --Cleo 1,:N Z~ a adka NOW '196'' zv T .Discusses the Stallwirize: idhn6~u Gi~,, R#4ohebiw~ V. L'Skokup 1.: 1,440164 1., V.~:V~ Standvi and ZycneLrev, VhO vere;re"ow r-Or. Most dfi( he Usi- covery and development of They belong to thd".Iwest S .iber'leb.'ad i i, ixi'Adm,jn~sj 0 as 90$, tvation and thi: Mimist6i Basin Coc4 Develdlifikint Irliat. ~The author disoueses. the GU40606, tliet, thfiT group of zen has had. In the ~ discovar~ of,"cokbg c6dA In thm - - ------- --- ZVONAREV, The problem of Siberian i3etrolauu. Izv.vost-fil.AII SSSR no.6-35-38 15?. (MuA 10:9) 1. Upadno-Sibirskiy filinl AkAdemi! nAuk SSSR. (Siberin-Petroleum geologT) z vo t1 4 PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL~REI'Ok. AID'675 I BOOK Call~'No.:: AF500203 Authori ZVONAREV, K. A. Full Title: CARTOGRAPHY Transliterated Title: Kartografiya, PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: Publishing House of Coal Technical Liter,ature (UGLETEKHIZDAT) Date: '1951 No. pp.: 212 Ito. Q'f~copies: 45.,600 Editorial Staff Tech. Ed,: Prof. V. V. Kavrayskiy and Prof. A.:F. Yushchenkoz PURPOSE:. A textbook for students of Mine Engineering Departments, specializing in mine surveying# Approved~by the Ministry-ofi Higher Education of the USSR for students of lnstltutions,of~ higher learning, The book is dedicated tollthe 175th anniversary, of the Leningrad Institute of Mining Engineers TEXT DATA Coverage: The preface states that the absence ofla textbook on cartography corresponding to the mine surv6ying-programs 'of mine institutes and forming part of the course In hIgher 1/2 Kartografiya -AID 67!3!, 1 'The text~inqludes geodsymade it necessary to publ ish this,bo Mt. an Introduction,, four chapters., a conclusioh and four supplements. Chapter I covers gIeneral Information on caitlDgrdphio proj6etio,ns; Chap~er III .conical and corresponding azimuthal~projections;~ Chap~er III, cylindr5nal,.persnective and other:of the most important projections; Chapter IV, obnotruo 'tion'and publishing-of charts. Tiie concludion gives a bilief history of the development of cartography and the importance.'of cartography to the mine.surveying engineer. The supplement$' includes. 1) aitable of the radii of currature of the' aphoroid of F. N. Krasovskiy for every degree of latitudes from 00 to 900.9 2) tables for computat:Von of the projection of Krasovskiyls , spheroid, 4) some mathematical constants. :68 figures, diagrams and maps illustratd'the,text. I No. of References: A few in Russian in the text and footn6tes: Facilities: None 2/2 PAVLOV, otuotstvannyy radal-tor; im r izdatel'stm; 'U.Mibf-kYA, VJ-, p takhnichesiciy rodaktor (Reducing labor connuming, operat-Iona in tritingulAtion survibyiW Snizhenie trudoemkostl marksheiderskikh trifinguliateii. moskvbf~ Ugletekhizdat, 1957. 199 p. Gff~YA 10:10 (Triargulation) ABRAKOV, B.I., irand.takhn.nauk; AVIMSHIN, B.G., prof dokior tekhn.nauk; AMHOSOV, I.r., doktor geol.-mln.nauk; ANDRITFIVSKIY, Y.D., iazh~; ANTROPOTO A.M., insh.; Al'AIIASOYEV, B.L., Inzhe; B'IMG11AN, Ta.T~v inzho; BIA)MU, Ye.Ye., inzli.; BOGACHEVA, Te.Y., iazhn; BUKRINSiCIT,T.A.. kandetakhn.nauk; YASILI Y Wo, P.V., doktor geolo-mino'nmuk;: VINOOUDOT, B.G., inzho; GOLUBEV, S.A., inzh.; GORDIYENKO F.Do, insho; GUSNT.'N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk-, 1X)RCIallUl. 1.V., kand.geol.-min.nauk; KAIMOVi i G.S.. insh.; XASATOOHKIN, V.I.,, doktor khtm.nauk; XCROLEIV, I.V., in kh.; KOST~IVTSEV, A.A., inzh.,-, MLhTKOVSKIY, L.F., inzh~; XRASHMINIIIKOV; GtFol profo',,doktor geold-min.twulr.; latIONOV, L.A.$ I'Dzh,,- TWIT, D.YO,l inz~'&; LISITSAI IOG., kand. iteklm.nauk; WSHIIIKOV, V.A., insh.; HATV!"?IY, I.I., dote., ka nd age ol.-mln.nauk; KFAMISHVILI, G.te., ilzlnh.; HIRONOT, KJo, inzho; HOWHANOV, I.I., iznh.; HAMIOVA., B.N-%,.lstar0hiy nauch*T .Botrudnik; I=.IPJWVg VaTee, inflio, FAVLOY, F#F*, doktar~ takhnatauki FANYUKOV4 P.R.. doktor goolo-min.nauk; POPOYO V.S., inzh.; PY~IIIN,~ II.Pdt Imnditaktme nauk; RASHKOVSKIY, YA.U., inzho; ROKANOV. V.A'~, prof doktor~ ~ekh~. nauk; RYZHOV, P.A., prof., doktor tekhn,nauk; SELYATITSKIY, G"A4 lnxh.; SPIRANSKIY, M.A.. inzh.; TLWANT'YLT. Ye.V..,inzh.-, TITOV, N.Giidokior khim.nauk; GOURW, I.F., inzh.; TROYANBKIY. 6.7., prof,i doktor geole- min.nauk; YEDOROV, B.D., dote., Imnd.tekhn.nank;FIMOHOV. V.S. linzb. [deceased]; KHOHEWOVSKIY. A.S., prof., dokto~ lgeolo-min.nauk. TROTANOY- BKIY. 8.V.0 otvatetvenny7 red.-i TMPIGORRY, A.M,, red*; XRIKUi6Vl, L.A., red.: KIJZNIVSOV, I.A., red.; HiROITOV, K.Y., red.; AVIMSHIN, S6,G.0, red.,, BURTSM, MeP,, red.; VASILITEY, P.V., red.; MbIA;HAUOY, 161. , rid.o~ RYZWVj P.A*, red.; BALAIWIIIO V.V., Inzho I r0t,- B14H, I.M., ]Madt tekhn,nauk, red*-, BUKRIIISKIY, V.A., kand.tekhn,,wruki redi; VOLKOVO,X.Tu., W, A.A.. lnzh., . 1, inzh., red.; VCIRCBIYl, red., doktor takhn.nauk. red. ABRAMOV, (continued) Ca rd 2. ZDAKOVr6H, V.G., prof.,doktor tekha.nauiired.i IYANOT. G.A.. dokt oi~ goolo-minanauk# red.; MAVAYN, N.M., red.; wolwor, G.T., kandeg sole- min.nauk, red.; KOROTKOV, INV.. kandAtekhn,natIk, red.; MARAV=, A.A., doktor geol.-min.nauk, r6d.-, OHELICBM0, A-11.,L-an&.tekb.n.uaukv'red.; SENDERZON. E.M.,kand.geola-minonauk, red.; USMOV, dotse. kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; TABLOKOV, V.S., Im nd.geol.-miv nAak, red,; KOHOLEVA, T.I., red.izd-va; KAWLKINA, ~.I., red. I zd--ve ;.-PROIZ QROVSK&TA, F.L69, HADEMAYA. A..As, [Mining; an encyclopedia handbook) Gornoe delo; eats iklopedich6skii apravochnik. Glav. red. A.M.Torpigorev, Hoskya, Gon.nauchno-tekbae Izd-vo lit-r7 po ugollnoi pro*shl, Vol.2.,[Geolo& of coal deposits and Burveying] Geologlie ugollnykh mostor"oAd6niA t marksheiderskoe delo. Redkolegiia toma S.V.Troianskiy,, 1957. 646;p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlon-korres ondent AN SSEM (for larava ev) Mal geology-Dictionarles5 $07/154-58- -lil- AUTHORs tor of Technical Scfences: A. Professor, Doe TITLEt With Reference to the Article by A. M . Leanov (Po poyodu stat'i A. M. Leonova) Some Problems in Connectioh With th(i Forrdation of Marksheyder Mining triangulations~~ (Nekotoryye vopros,,J geometricheskogo postroyeniya Marksheyderak ,ikh (rudnichnykh) triangulyatsiy) PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Goodeziya 1~ aerofotos"yemka, 1958j Nr 2, pp 105-106 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a letter to the editors of~the pi! Iusent periodical. The author is of the opinion that present, fundamental work, in the field of geodesy in the USSR creates,a new'geodetic;basis for the development of new,surveys (Of all sa'ales) as V~11 as for the solution of geodetic engineering problems (also thos:e ac- cording to the Marksheyder principl6). The author considers the elimination of triangulation nets of the~5th and 6th classes (according to Markshey 'der) by A. M.:Leonov.unacceptabliE~. Here, he refers to his papers (quoted by: L:,eoiio-;. in which'he says and four A :_ 'of th6 tr?iangula- that he permits three density s,ages Card 1/2 tion of the 2nd class and uses net'al with'sides of 2',3 and 1,5 km SOV154-58,4-112/22 With Reference to the Article by A. M. Leonov. Some. Probl ems in C91ine0ion With the Formation of Marksheyder Mining Triangulailonai* 'length, respectively. The author proves that the establishment of nets with a point density of:mor*lfhan:~1,6 km (w~ereby- points are placed directly among theTpoinbs, of the,t)iird and even second classes) is rational. Thia rather,disadvantageous multi-stage-structure of triangulation ne,ts for the plarposes of the Marksheyder methodf to which A.A. Leionov wasta;to revert, is more precisely defined by 'the author.,; ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy ordena Lenina. Gosudar'slltvennyy universitet'im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad Lenin Order SUte Univd-ra ity imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: May 22, 1956 Card 212 ZVON,UMV, N.A. All-Union conference of Universitieg of the U.S.S.R. on ecientific methods in geographya Teot*LGU 13 nool8:107-169 .58. (KIRA 32: 1) Oeograpby-Study and teaching), M ACCWSZON MR: AP50114539 VrVOo8q/6,q/01S/o09,j" 691-059-,542:621.0~0.5W AUTHOR: Likhachev, Yu. L.; Zvonarev, V . ..... P.; nTkop V._I,'AL. TITLE: Internal stresses due to urteven swe ng of f~aqdonii~rj 12aterial SOUFM Atomnaya energiya, v. 18, no. 5, l965, 485-48-1 TOPIC TiM : fissioning material, reactor fuel element, Nel olement swelling, in- ternal streerip macrostreas A ABSTRACT- The authors consi(lar a nev cauge of macroatr4jases of the firat kind In fuel elements, namely uneven owelling of the fissioning tiatertal, brought abciut by the fact that the f1saiao products are not. produced at equal ra;tP.13 OVer the arose section of the fuel elEment. The resultaut strena,~,s D-r(ii o_rLlr--tj.IAtte4 lmder certain s;mplifIlIng assumpti n!!-, with ri Notl t!Iomrnt In the fnmii -if ii, rolid cyli-ndri- CiLl r-d Po fin -xampj-. The. eictic.n 'the strowieii due IX uneven ww.*L1.:_rg an,J of '.ho tPirmerature stressoq is cnnsid+~i--J for brittb! malter5itl for plavtic material wi 'th Cr..ep (Metal 1~tt 1-:11t IV'P. 1,11 ',(If mW -1111~qtir ri-Aterj&i -.1jAh lipprec'uble cretup (rtdatiif3iT high tempertii~.11.Tc )xtre!). Tj; jj Thj)wD that the uneven &welling aust be taiken Into account in 1.))~e Strength Calculations in the case of brittle materim.1 and. materi.&I with aegl1q;Jbie creept Llrlg4i ikart Card 1/2 BIMMM: 25MAq64 ENCL- 00 MR REF SOV- 003 OVER 06~ Card 2/2 SUB ccWE: HP GORODETSKAYA2 E.G. (Horodotelkao E.H.J; ZV A.AJ Aulgxpar t ova,, It. J; SOME IMO T.A. [Softienko, T! YARYOIDIK , R.A ZHADANOUt R.I. Ballistocardiography in cardiovascular pathology in children, Fiziol. zhur. [ukr.) 8 no.5t6OD-608 S-0 162. (MA 17:11) 1. Department of Pediatrics of the Kiyev Fobt-Graduate Institute for Physicians and the First Childrents Hospital of Shevchenko District, Kiyev. ZVONAREVA, 0. N., Cand Med Sci "Condition of the cardio- vascular system An typhoid-paratyphold d1seases of children according to 4a:~~~-4W-th4-444,n4 Stalino, 1961. (Min of Health UkSSR. StallA~'State Med Inst im. A. M. GorIkiy) (KL. 8-61. 261) ACCESSION NR: AP4007678 S/0214/631600/00:7/0064/0067 AUTHORs Zvonarevap M. L6 TITLE: The It line in the prominence spectra SOURCE: Solnechny*ye danny*ye, no. 7 64-67 TOPIC TAGS: solar prominence, hydrogen line, chro~mosplkcre, promlne~ca. spectrum, solar flare, H line ABSTRACT: Parameters which characterize the physical conditions':in' solar prominences can be determined by comparison-iof theoretical~and i observational contours of the It , line. Spectrograms oii,tained iw -the cross sections 6f summer of 1960 at Pulkovo were used for determining the It, line at various heights above the chromosphere level. F,ormu Las for computing contours and intensities of hydrogen lint"s were developad by solving the problem of diffusion of radiation,~ith redistribution of energy between lines, in accordance with the f~oquen*c -y withinithe line. The velocity of gas notion in a prominence~Js found to be 11 km see-1. Photometric.- cross sections of the It, line become narr*wer with increasing height above the chromosphere level. This phenomenon Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4007678 may be caused by decreased scattering of quanta from the center of prominence toward its periphery without any chan~$e in the phy$ical conditions within tha prominence. Orig. art. has:t 2 figures and 2 formula's. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra astrofiziki Leningradskogo losudarstvannogo universiteta (Department of Astrophysics, Leningrad Stsite University) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 21Jan64 ''ENCL: 001 SUB CODE: AS NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 ccr~ 2/2 ARAKELYAN, M.A.; ZVORAREVAp M.L.; KOLESOVO A.K. Calculating the Rosseland mean value for the,atmospheres of hot stars. Uch. Zap. LGU no.32307-44 164.. OW 17P 12) ZVONICEK, Jan. doe. inz. dr, Mollier L - x diagram and its use in de3igning 6vaporators. Frum potravin 15 no.5:226-235 W 164. 1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Ilighor School of Technology, Prague. In 81250 S/04 60/000/13/14/016 C111 222 0 YC AUTHOR% Zvonareva, M.L. dim TITLE: On the Contours of the Emission Lines at the non-Coherent Scattering P:E,RIODICALs Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta, Seriya ina tematiki, mekhaniki i astronomii, 196ot No. 13, Pp-.~ 141 146 TEXTs The author considers the radiation diffusion in'a plane plate for'a completely incoherent scattering. Por the diffusion th4re results the :intigral equation Y'(1 16 - Z I B (t; I)drl + B (v (9) B(-C 2 0 0 where V in the optical thickneao of the plate, 0 L2(.) E A dx (10) K(v) Card .1/3 8125o On the Contours of the Emission Lines at the S/043/60/000/13/14/016 ,non-Coherent Scattering C111/C222 2 dy x I (11) E i y e d-(x) e- A n Y~ Y and Bt B are defined by 0 0 0 where 6. e are the coefficients of absorption and emission, C! o; relates to the direct emission of the sources. The solutiontof (9) is bought in the form 2 (13) B(,r a + bV - a r The results of the numerical calculations of a,b,o are~given in tables. Then the contours of the emission lines are obtained according to the formula 0 (24) I(X) o(- (X) B(r)e- 'k (X) dV . Card 2/3 i .81250 On the Contours of the Emission Lines at the S/04V60/000/13/14/016 .non-Coherent Scattering C1111C222 The appearance of a characterin,tical which- appears.'for -5 and which increases with an increasing r 0 0 The author mentions D. Ivanova. There aro 2 figures, 4 tables ana 2 references t I Soviet and I Swiss. Card 3/3 Z7(-,IIA,nbTj So M., and A. F. -MMI-XV Primenenie,teorerV o trekh momentakh pri raschete gaizontallnogo opdeniia. (Tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, l,0hOj no. 12, P. 0-47,,~~tablesj diagrs,): Title tr.: Application of the three morient equation in th;e design of, horizontal control surfaces. TL504.T4 1940 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Uni6nj Library of Congress, 1955. ZVONARITA, K.L. Contours of absorption lines associated with ndiici6dron,tl-aiif(,-I"itw-,,~~'-~L [with summarr in Xnglish]. Vest. WU 13 no.7:189 -195 t58 (MIRi 11-5) (Stars--Spectra) Vfi) AUTHOR: VONTAREV M, L. 43-7-10 18