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S,/6,16/62/008/00.1/603/016 ~Me tho'dof i ~nve a t i ~ga t i n ~gt h e~s t, lethod of investigating the statiatjoal BIWB102 2 2 2 yt~(t-)O_ 2k0 VV (6), where 'C denotes' the time during which the 0 curve o 0 f (6) drops to the e-fold 'the authors ome to the formula 77 v M- With the aid of the correlation ourvea, the~'timo 2 2 2k~ LO interval C of the scattered signal can be dot ormined, and from' formula X 0 (7) the mean square velocity of motion of inhomogeneities. The,altatisti- cal evaluation of,test results was made by means of ablock diagram,~the signals being transmitted on films. The films came into an optical correlometer the signals of,which were again recorded on films by means of a loop oscilloscope. The correlation function (T~Ywas measured in tests with air as well as in sea water.under various hfdrometeorological- conditions. To,check the effect of all factors in their totality 'on the' correlation function, an experiment was conducted where the scattering of frequency-modulated sound occurred by stable inhomogppeities- Some fro-", quency modulation periods were then evaluated. Tho:experimental para- meters were% f 0 4 keps, AF 300 opal T I aeov J ~a t e gr t i o ntime,T Card_ 2/~ ZVMIEVR V.A. Method for investigating wons vith carbonatA reservoir rocks using aubsurface flow-metera, Nafteprom.-delp no,~1'111-14 165. (MIRA 18110) 1. Neftepronyolovoye upravleniya wKrasnoksmalulaftlof ZVEIW,.V.A. Calculating the passage of a:ray through a nonspherical refracting surface of a higher order. Izv.vys.uaheb,;z'av.,, prib 4 no.2i=- 121 161. WRA 1415) 1. I*ningradskiy institut tochnoy mokhaniki',i op~iki. Rekomendovana kafedro optiko-mokhanicheskikh priborov, (4tioal measurements") ZVERVO V.A# Calculating the Path of an obli.que (exmoridio~al) ray of light through the surface of a paraboloid otrevoluiion. In. ucbeb.zav.; prib. 4 no.3tI09-119 161. 1. Leningradakiy inatitut tochnoy me~hAniki I optiki. Raikomendovana kafedroy optiko~mekhanlcheskikh pribor6vit (optics) -I! U113 0 , nshoner; ZVEM, V.V.. inthener. Aspects of insulating cables.for supervoltages Vests elektroprom. 27 no.3:29-38 Mr 156. (ML4 9SI2) 1. Zavod "Moskabell.R (Blectric ,cables) (Ilectric insulators anct insulation) ZVEREV, V.V., insb; UTROBIN, B.V., Insh. ~Tbe*O~ry and practice of packing copper and aluminum conductors of power cables. 7est.elektr4roxa. 29 no-11:56-60 N '58- (.Blectric cables). (kIRA 11-911) MACHMT, L. I. , inzh. ; ZVMMV, V. V. , inzh, Air conditioning in connection with the insulating of,high- tension cables. Vast. elektroprom. 31 no-5:73-75 My 160. (MUIA 13:8) 041ectric cables) (Blectric insulators and insulation) (Air conditioning) VALEM, A.M. I- GOIEV91u.D,,, GOIZVAq Z. N.- ) GOLOVKO'p R.Ye'a; ZAVIYALOVA# B.A. j ZARETSKU B.A.; ZVE~ Ye.A.) LIXNSKIY-v I.A. yMMGUSRVt I.Kho; MHYZLERI M.Kh.;;;;---- -IR.0 V.A.; RtJDAKGVV Ya.D.; SUKOVAICV, P~P.j KWANOVI G.M.; FWRINV ZUDINp B.A. 9red.;',BORUNOV, N.I.P tAba. ~ik# (Adjustapnt and operation of qquipment in thq Novo-UfUskii Beat aAd Electric Power Plant) Naladka i ekilpluAtatalla- oborudovaniia na Novo- Uflm~oi TETs. Moskvag Gos. enerjr, izd-vul~ 0~1961. 175 p. (KMA 14:9) (Bashkiria-Electric power plants) (Basbkiria-He%ting from central stations) 7'~-REVP revgraf 1111ch BUNIN, Prof. red.; A.M., [Dysentery, food toxinf DIZOnterliag pishchevyeactlon$ and intestinal invasions] vazij, Pod redo I a pre tOksikOinfelctaii ikishechzWe in- 1962. 262 ~. ( diel. '.V.'Unina. MOskva,. Medgiz (DYSENTEBY 1YmSTINE&-D.TSEA= ~ (MIRk 25:8) (FO OD POISONING) ZVERAV, Ye. L; Diagnoo is of chronladysentery and indices of recovery. Sov. mod. 22 no.12:86-89 D 056. (KML 12:1) 1. Is kliniki vnutrenuft bolaxney Nookovskogo madits.inskogo stomtolo- gicheakogo inatituta (dir. - dots. G.N. Beletskly) I Moskovskpy gorodskoy klinicheakoy infektsionnoy bolluitay N0.2 (glavnyy Vrach A.M. Pylltaova). (DYSOTIMT, RAO MART diag. & Indices of recovery (Rue)) i~b!iiAlir~-,Symptcm.'During-thL, ~t~nt, of W&y.-Patienta by Sl=onamda.~G-, Ye zverev,,:--- aci Ay MrA 1~ ~2;- X'21.32& imeid Mechnikov of use sul.kidlue or: disulfane: on 411 laccill=7 dyaeil-~-":' pa t ientaand fin do them not so severe as to talre:secessation. of-treatment. N6:cwrel&ticii:.. ZTMT, To. 1. Present-day dysentery and intestinal diseases sulliar to it. Zhur. mikroblol.epid.i immun. 31 no,lt88-92 A 160. (14M 13 t5) I* Is Noskovskogo meditaftskogo stomatologichealc~ogo In'stituts i 2-y Moskovakoy infelctsionnoy Iclinicbeekoy bolluitay. (DYS119TARY BAcnZARY) Clinical aspects, prevention and therapy of dysentery. Had. nestra, Moskva no.8,.3-11 Aug.,1953. !(CIUL 25:1) 1. Candidate 14edical Sciences. i ZVEREV, Ye.l. Symptoma-toloff3r and ~ilftpn()!jj.,3 ).I' lnt~-~stiual. fevers ~A and B. Zhur.mikrob.ioj..jepld,J. Irwin- 40 (MIRA .17:12) 1, Iz Moskovgkogn irotAltsinikovo totila tol OgJ cho slmTo Ins tituta. -ZVEREV, Yu.G.' id and cellulosi Constants of the dissociation of glucuronic 40 oxidized by-nitrogen dioxide. Tru,dy LTA no*91:71-82 160. (MMA 15:12) 1. Leningradakiy tauchno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany truda Vsei3oyuznogo tsentralinogo soveta professionalinykh 00yuZov 61.lulose) (GIncurotio aoid.) oxides) (Diaso6iat on) (Niti I U) 0 "The Preparation an([ Certain Propertilloo f) (In Re"ect t6 Ito Uoe as a Heraottatic llaterW) State Uj LeninLgradj 1951;. (MMUlipij J.o 61 1131' So: Stri. 3:10 670, 29 Sept Survc-,, of Scienti Defended at USZ ifigher Educational Institution N.T., red.; MMRV, L.Ta., [Publications of the State Power logthopring.Publ'i0filar, House during 1955-1956; a catalog) IsOWWGosemnrgoii~&ijL 2& 19551- 1956 gg.; kat4log. *okra. Goia~energ.lld-vo, 1957 1*'-159 P. - (Bibliography-Powor evWineerInC)!..-, (Bibliograiphy-31.'ectric ongt6eqring) (Bibliogra""Hatit..el ZVMEV, Z.G., starshir-nauchnyy sotrudnik. Testing Golfteert-Orimm vacuum apparatus operating,on secondary steam from'evaporator baths. Trudy VNIIICOP no.6-.53-57 156,, (Vacuum apparatus) ZVWMV, Z.G., starehly naucluW sotmdnik.;ORNL, R.T*, inzhener. Testing of a machine for packing cans in boxes, Raf,. nauch. rab. VKIIKOP no.1:14-17 155. (KLRA 9:11) (jp~ -.-- ckaglng machinery) (Carming.and praserving-Apparatus and oupplies) ZVrJW, Z.G., Inshener; MERUZAT, A.A., inshener; Methods for the mechanical cleaning of root crops Wore canning. Trudy VNIIIP no.3;18-31 154, MU 90) 1. Krannodarskiy filial nAuchno-issledovatollikogo institnts, kabellnoy promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving) Uf vZ I J ~F-u I ACC Nk~-AM26000 SOURU1. COU.3:. CZ/0030,165/0001008~iWoviruin 1 nt, Pracue Primary X-Ray Diagram" Praou jjj`cha2i;ca a T) 0, J pLil,~.a, Vol 10 No 8, 65 pp 269 ,11~5trzlqt fAuthor's Czech, Russian, Garman and Engiish summa;4- in 7e`s-,' fn 6 d i f i e d]) The article draws atLention : Lo ;the da. gor df x -raying of the human ody and emphasizes he nee.... coss#e - X b e to limit the X-ray dose. It desicribes in detail the method '.'f limiting the X-ray_ beam wit. wh the 1)rixiiary X-ray dia -1111ragm deikl-; x oped at the Chirana plant,.whicb. enables the 2 size` of tho necias~-~, toholde" t Gary X-ray field to be adju.5tod and the pla r _.p b a corroct- pqt#-ral X-ray"boam' has 1y. 1 cat ed-wi tDL-ro~spo-qt J~a-,_~ho c Orig, art* 2 IJPRS:* -.33,5001 figures and 1 table. TOPIC TAGS: radiation hazard, x ray equipment SUB CODE: 18 SUBM DATE: 10 Oct 65 UDC1 621#386 II1 6 1 6 1 1 a it U is 4 .5 a if is to a it. 4 3 So A A v a ID it 1: 11 to IS to v m p 19 41, Aj AJ 'A A 4 3 00 Aiaf. a &-I TA -A.. IL- ~L a if F 9 Of , I t U I M 14 4X W Ix 00 .41.- Stf V- V414'0~4% - ----------- 00 o: .A; .00 Utillsallm Ot tbs WO tref. A~~&IZvtmvaj Kos.,i~ so g -00 -'mxx*4Axvmaym Prom. S. S. S. R. i9, No. 2, ig-19 64 8: ([M).-Tbe aq. ext. of the larch bark Yields 62-4c; of a Pith-Cmde tauming e%trLct; the txtd, bark can be u3cd Ar &11 VIM. CUD. of LvIoring u)atttr. which on sulfuna. tion can be used aj a dye and am a tannin. The milk. a who. of the dye Is ncutralized with Itel and tightly 5*0 00 Z acidified. The dye ppis. out and can he oep(l by Cell-, A. A. BoAttingic =00 r 00 -00 A I a - I L A Of TALLLOWAt WIWI.( CLASSIONCATOOM jr~- 1.13 43,-.-TT- ,I L~' jo( I I a I -,to; a, vI-%)-. 0 U 11 &1 so- 11,; 00 to It it So 44 It Is it R it ff n It MIA So 0 00' 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 Q 94 0 *0 0 9,; .00 100 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 4~ * 0 0 * v I GONGWOVA, R.P.; ZVMVA,..A.Jk.; HISHARIN, A.P. Roentgenological ezamination of the Palatine tonsils Yest.otorin. 21 n0,5:34-35 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz kliniki bolezuer ukha, gorla, nose. i rechi (zav. Prof. I.M. Krukover) Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (TONSIL, radiography) SKLYAR, V.T.9 kand.khim.nauk; SABIROVAv G,V., bindekhlm.nauk; ZIHU*.. A,Ss, kand.k1jim.nAukj ROZHIN, Y.P., inzh.; GONOPOLISM, inzh.;-U-IW,k,,-A&.,s- inzh.; CHUCHVARAJ, F.G~, inzh.; Frinimall uohastiyes KOVALICHUK,'L.V.1 TERENTIYEVA, ~.N.; VEDERNIKOVA, VT. Production of the IU-12 freon oil from Anastaslye4ka petrolem. Nauah.zap.UkrMipr&ekta no.8s48-57 162. (MM 16:1): (Freons) (Lvov-Petroleum-4~efining) VIC'. A. G. A, G. "The Monorrtic- Rpactiem in Mlaiaria Childr~in." Min RSFSR. Kuybyshev S Ale tat Inst. KvVb-yqhAv, 10~5 Dj-.,.t%f rtp, tj I. the eipgree of calAid-A.!~ in r"w1jell., SO: Knizhnaya Icto-I-s' !~'O- 27 2 July.1955, i ij i, g, i r, m 11ir g r7r j um , j ;,:i 17 ID Iffl""IEM.-DI FE MITI fl VIFIE117, JUM 19111 1 11 ZVEREVA, A. G. USSR/Mfedicine - Malaria 1~y/.T-un 49 Medicine - Dysentry "Annotated List of Russian Books" 5 PP t'Pediatriya" No 3 Reviews U books, among them "Monocytosis inInfantile Malaria, by A.~G. Zver~eva,: "Prob- lems of Infantile Neuromalaria in the rranscaucasus," by A .1. El,ldarov, Clinical. and Differential Diagnoses of Acute Gastrointestinal Diseases and Chronic Dysentery in Young Cheldren," A. 0. Benderskaya, nUsing Gramicidin &emaq in the Treatment of Dysentery in Young Children," by A. A. Kaydalova, and "Data on Infantile Laiabliosis From Chernovit- skaya Children's Clinical Hospital," by V. V. Arkhipova. PA 50/49771 ACCESSION N-R: AP3003051 AUTHOR: Shpil'rayn, E. E.; Zver2v~, fi~. M!! Experimental assembly for studying AT _gjag%r-21, met is TIT LE -por _p c of alkali-- m- at high temperatures SOURCE- Inzhenerno-fiziclieskiy zhurnal, no. 6, 1963, 74-71 TOPIC TAGS: alkali-metal vapGr pressures, high ternplivra'ureqf ABSTRACT: An instrument consisting primarily oll, n U-shaj)ed tube w as daveleoped for det-r.4tic-na the vapor prt!q,;~ires alka!~. -nel.a.q v-1 '~-.,g C~,S-? a,'r' e1ec+ e g I a ~, -i c Q g 1 -9 C. 7 1- :aucr- J r rn q.d ..-i ...... e:) - rjq 4rj - aj. a I S a,,o:-d lo D r rn s p vc rn -n j,g,i a va. and 'he s e el, 'e~g :i !-~,!ated I:c D-,.iring !~~.-perature eq~iallzalion, the glass L,?gr is rnairfa,Aiod mdi-r argon at a Card 1/2 Cap It C C as--`~: ON NR: AP30030-51 !,.an 'he vapor pressi-ire so 'hat 'lie -ve-i~l -q ~!i 'A 1ji f-): x can also bi~ s s a, 0!7igg. at-t, ~ia.-ii 1*,.jy-~~res- ASSOCIATION: Institut vy*9okikh ternperatur pri ME], Nfoscow (tjgLTemi)era- ture Institute, MEO SUBMITTED: 21Jan63 DATE ACQ: 22JuIC3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 INO REF SOV- 000 OTHER- 002 Card 12 V Country : USSR Cat~96riy-;. pfiaxizbcolty, ToXicoldgy.,M04io'nal picaito. Abs J6ui f R-ZhBio-i.i i1a 6, 1959j No 27863 Author Drakej K.V-; Kiryutina, V-I-J ZVOrOva, A-V-; Toloinieva) - A - Z'. Inat Khabaioivslt~, Modical" on rmcology'of Labinaria'. Title tbe4ha' OriC; Pub: Tr. xhabarovalcoGc zied. in-ta) 1957, ob 70-83 Abstract: Infusions and tinctures of Japanese LALIi 11aria (I) in dilutions of 1:30 - 1 : 200 incroase,the 04MC- tions; of isoLitod intestine of rabbit. I removes the paralyzing action of atropine and adrenalin on the intestines, but does not remove the effect of papaverino. In subcutaneous and intravenous .Card .:.-~/2 TOLOKNEVA, A.Z.; ZVEREVA, A.V. Pharmacology of Japanese elecampane. Trudy, no.20t201- 2c6 16o. (MIRA 15110) 1. 1z kafedr7 farmakologii (zav. dotsent K.V.Drake) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ELEGANFANE) V398/61/000/003/023/027 C7, -2,5--g-o (a m,.,( :Z t 0 AOO1/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, No.. 3, P. 383, 3Zh103! AUTHOR: Zvereva, F. G. TITLE: Investigation of High-Frequency Oscillations In Noon Glow Discharge at Low Pressures. PERIODICAL: "Uch. zap. Kuybyshevsk. gos. ped. in-t", 1959, No. 29, PP. 85-91 TEXT: The author investigated experimentall 3 self excTng high-frequency oscillations in glow discharge at Ne pressures 10- - 9 x 10- imm fig. The.cathode in discharge tube3 is indirectly heated one made of W-spiral, the anode - 'of T.a. Oscillations were recorded with the aid of a moving Pt probe. The range between 100 and 10,000 Me was Investigated. In decimeter range measurements were performed by means of Lecher (Lekher) system, in centimeter range by means of a waveguide measurement line. At a discharge current of 100 - 150mamp and.a pressure of 8 x jo-3 mm, Hg oscillations with a frequency of 100 - 1,000 Me, yielded a bright resonance pattern. The distribution of generated power along the tube was. ob- tained. When the.pressure was reducing, resonance patterns became more distInct, I. e., generated spectrum became narrower. At the pressure increased to 10-"-m Hg, Card 1/2 20379 A001/A001 Investigation of High-Frequency Oscillations in Neon Glow'Disc~arge at Low Pressures a continuous spectrum (apparently, noise one) was'gen6rated throughout the.whole range studied.' Noise grew with increasing filament current. The summary generated power increased with the growth of anode current. Oscillations with the 10,000-44c frequency were generated only at a definite anode current. V. K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the~6riiginal Russian abstract. Card 2/2 11111 .1. W UTHOR: Zvereva, F. G.; Shcheglov, 0. So TITLE: Effect of anode shape on high-frequency plasma oscillation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 11A156 REF SOURCE: Uch. -zap. Kuybyshevsk, gos, ped. in-t, vyp. 49, ch. 1, 1965, 220-227 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, anode, plasma osc illation intensity, anode design p ABSTRACT: Experimental data are presented on the study of high-frequency 1;-4 10-3 oscillation s in a mercury-vapor plasma at pressures of the order of 0 mm Hg. It is shown that during the passage of an unmodulated electron ; beam, through the plasma, longitudinal electric waves with a -frequency close to Langmuir's are excited in it. The relationship between plasma-oscillation intensity and voltage are obtained for various anode shapes (disc, cone,: and rod). [Translation of abstract) [NTJ SUB CODE: 09, 20/ t..-Card UDC: 537. 525', ACC NRi AT700447. SOURCE CODE: Int/3245 /66/000/002/0061 /0065 AUTHOR: Z ORG: Kiev Automation Institute (Kiyevskiy institut avtomatiki)~ TITLE: Device for regenerating radiotelegraph signals distorted by shot noise SOURCE: Kharkov. Institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki. Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki, no. 2, 1966. Pro myshlennaya telemekbanika (Industrial telemechanics), 61-65 TOPIC TAGS: radio telegra?hy, signal distortion, TJm%4:* circuit, receiver selectivity ' A.,0;-, iABSTRACT: A device for regenerating radiotelegraph signals distorted by shot noise is described. The device eliminates received distortions',not exceeding 0.5 baud it consists of a Schmidt trigger, a pulse shape.r, a ring register, a blocking oscillator, and coincidence circuits. The device operates as follows: applied signals with durations gre .star than 0.5 baud are. regenerated and those with durations less than 0.5 baud are rejected., Selection of signals to be regenerated is accomplished using a coincidence method wher~_by received signals are compared with signals delayed by a tim interval equal to half of the transmitted signal duration. The device was tested with a sixteen-element code. The code was distorted with~statistically distributed (an approximate Poisson distribution) 10-usec pulses having Wg; none il~ ACC NRt AT7004474 amplitudes approximately equal to 'those of th' code pulisIas- anId at different a average'frequencies. The re-ception error probability per code element did not exceed 10-3 for an average distort ion-pulse frequency of 0.02 and ag I for -a distortion pxilse duration equal-to that of the coda pulses.. 0 art. has; .5 figures and 2 tables.* [IV] SUB CODE: 17/ SUBM DATE:. I none/* SOV REF; .002/ AM PRESS: 511'5 it din) AIN-M"' Md" ' ' ' - ': - - .%Ll 'I 'l-, i, ...- 21 7 .. 1 ,i . Card 2/3 "J' -) 94 - Q j EW~ ~_r j ------- -ACC--NRi~::---AF6032472--------- SOURCE CODE: VR/005616610,~iI663TOtiV on6 AUTHOR: Dzhibladzej M. I.; Zverevaj G. A., Marina,, T. M.; Prokhorovo A. Ma ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. TAbedevp Academy of Sciences SSSR (Fiiicheskiy in- d s titut XWemii nauk BBSNI TITIE: Investigation of the seance Una Iddth AM or the tempersture'shift of the continuous generation fr ency of Dy2t in C&Fg SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesko-y'fiakip V# 54 no. 3. lWo 773- 776 TOPIC TAGS: lager spectroseopyo solid -state laser, oaramapetic aser., cw laser., fluorite,, d yspropium ABSTRACT: In view of the possible use of CaF2 Cr7St&U activated with divalent,dys- prosium as laser rods at 2.36 p wavelengthp the authors have calculated the probabili- ties of the nonradiative transitions of the Dy2+ ion in CaF2 which cause the homogene- ous broadening of the luminescence lines, and also inveatigaW the temperature depen- dence of the frequency shift of a Dy2+:CaFg cw lAser In tho vicinity or lrg*~ 218 shown that the broadening of the luminescence line (the t On 7TJL%2 * 8T2. is determined essentially by the lifetime of the lower level 8T,2 2 P since the probabili- C ty of the nonradiative transition from this level Is of th 9rder of 10 '-1 The k2) 811Z2) ra2) nonradiative transii2ons from the lover level, 8TQ azd 8T. MKI Ar6o32472 determined In the harmonic approximation by perturbation theoryj~had probabilities 6.61 x 10 and 7-13 x 109 sec-3,respectively at O*K. 7he temperature dependence of the shift of the cw frequency., measured by means of a Fabry-Perot interferometer with ~ procedure described earlier DAN sssR v. :L61, 8o6,. 1965),, is found to correspond to ~ shift of 0.0095 * 0.0025 cari per degree$ which is approximately double the value calculated from the change in the crystal field with changing temperature. The dis- crepancy is attributed to the fact that the point-charge model of the crystal field Is not a good approximation for Dr24:C&Pa,. Orlg., art. hast 2 figureep 4 formulAsp aw 1 table SUB CODI: 2D/ SUM DATE: 05Ap266/ OR.TG Pin 004/ Omm: 004/ ATD PRESS: 5100 A Card 2/2 vmb ALESHCHENKOV, P. 1. ; YE MLYALIMI, 1. Ya 2nITRIX)V, A. D. LMEWA G A MRGUNOV, N. G.; KRYUKOVI K. A.; ~MAYEV, Yu. I.; OYAZETA) G.'D. "Development of superheating power reactors of Bployarsk nucAear rower i3tat,ion (BADS) type." report submitted for 3rd Intl Cong, Peaceful Uses of Atomic,,Energy, Geneva, .31 Au' 64~9 Sep 64. 9 ZVEREVA, G.I. Amount of ascorbic acid In loca 'I varieties o 'vegetables and some wild plants. Vop.pit.21 no.3t84-86 Yq-J6 162.1 (MIRA 15 110): 1. Iz laboaratorii Irkutskoy oblastnoy sanitai-no-epidemiologiche- skoy stantsii. i (ASCORBIC ACID) (IRKUTSK PROVINCE-FLANTS-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS), ZVBREVA~ G.V., prof.; OIF,,SKTV. V.1-11., assistent; ZINI'lIENNO, L.G.3v veturi- J1drn7Y,vrach Etiology of masLi6ia in cows. VeterinarRiv4I no.~:77-78 my 64. Omul 18:3) 1. I,Ivovskiy taoveterinarnj7 in.-Altut. ZVEREVA, G. V. "Electron-microscopic and biochemical irriestigations of Gto red bull semen." report submitted to 5th Intl Cong, Animal Reproduction & Artificial Inoemination, Trent, Italy) 6-13 Sep 64. 111- -Ti .71j" I ~11 P F. ,11 ~ IT 1 11 It I III If Ii ii~ I I N1 B~ j:! 11 11 v Ut RT1 ffi _rk :..i t IT 11 1 1'k . I I IT13 RAMA, G.V., professor. P.A. ToloskovI s Nothods of investigating the ':reproductive capecitj of miie and female farm antmals.0 Reviewed 'by O.T.' Zlvsrsva. Vstarl- narlia 31 no-11:39-0 1 154. (NLVA 7:11) 1. Zavedv;rushchly kafedroy skusheretva Llvoyakogo vq*,*An&rno- -seetekhaichooko instituta. (RU110DUPTINFOOLO"Ov-, P.A.) (TXMMRT RISSARC~) ZVEREVA, G.V. Professor (Llvov) "Something New in the Treatment of Trichomonlasis" Report given at 13th Inter-VUZ (Higher Educational Inats.) Scientific-. Industrial Conference,, held February, 1956 at Kiev Vet Inst. ZVEREVA 1,V.., prof.; OIAELICMK, N.P., aspirant; TIMIONOV, PI.M., aspirant Methods for intravital examination of ovaries in covs. Veterinarlia 42 no.7:81-82 Jl 165. (KIRA 18:9) al 1. Llvovskiy zooveterinarny7 institut. ZVEREVA, G.Ye.; KAPUSTIN, A.P. Measurement of ultra-acoustic parametern in liquid-crystalline cholesterol caprinate. Akust. zhur. 10 rio.L122-123 164. (MMA 17: 5) 1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pelagogicheskly In-ititut imeni Krupskoy. 7ff- 75) -L1 -AT I S/275/'63/000/001/028/035 D4 13 /113 08 A j"', L)' 5: v t., re va , IH R J. Ye. and Kapuutin, A., P. TITLE: The be"YtQr Qf hem _4 PERIODIOn:17 'Ref aii'ati-whyy Al a ~'&ttjma ek w 1' t~rahikfil- i teyd pri eft! yet no. 11 19,039 12, abstract IV 68 (In aollectionv Pj~i- menentye ulltraakust. k iseled. veshcheatva, no. 15, ,,I. , 196 1 , 69-74 T U, experimental fitudy of a liquid-crysitallAne substance ~;,-azoxypi,enetole) in)electric and uitrauonic 'Lields has shown that ele,2-.rostatic field causes motion of the oubsl;ance in the di- r;?c-,iDn a'* tLe fle-A, While the UltrUsonic field ~jives rise to a de- finite orientation of the moLecijles r:tf the subetarice. 5 references. // -~bs~r;icter's note: COMPlete tra1115,;Ltion.-7 '--Card 1/1 -L .45534-66 EWP(k)/EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T R . ......._w00 IDXIA07~-j ACC NR: AR601371,3 SOURCE CODE: 58165100010101. AUTHOR; Zveneyg-,Q. Ye.. Kapustin, A. TITLE: Investigation of the absorpt nn of 4trasound in liquid-c*rystal nln-fionoy'i- I benzaltoluidine SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. iozh497 REP SOURCE. Bb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshohe-stva. Vyp. 20. M.# 1944P 87-93 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound absorption.. organic crystal, liquid crystal, phase transition, temperature dependence, ultrasonic velocity ABSTRACT: A pulsed method was used to measure the absorption of sound in ntn-nonoxy- benzaltoluidine in the frequency range 2-15 Mcs and in the temperature interval 80-70CJ including the region of the following phase transitions: isotropic liquid - nematic liquid crystal (phase transition 1) and nematic - smectic liquid crystal (phase transi. tion 2). The ultrasound propagation velocity was measured by an interference method at 2.2 Mcs in the temperature interval 80-70C. In the isotropic liquid, far fromi the phase transition 1, the velocity decreases linearly with increasing temperature. Near the temperature of the phase transition 1, the velocity begins to decrease and reaches a minimum value at 75.5C. With further decrease in temperature, th.e ultrasound veloci ty increases. The appearance of the smectic modification influences the slope of the curve. The experimental data on the absorption of ultrasound are discussed on the 1/2 L.Sard "'C~.rd 2/2 08364-6-/ CODE:-- 3/0058/66/00G/ 05/WO6/EO07- ACC NiZi jUjoO16139 0 A b1L KOIR: Zvereva, G. Ye.; Kapustin, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of the absorption of ultrasound in li(Diid-crystal cholesterylcaprinate SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 5EI47 BEIF'. SOURCE: Tr. 1-y Vczhvuz. nauchn. konfarentsii po primeneniyu. nolekul. akust. k is3led. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent-, 1964, 85-92 TOPIC TAGS: liquid crystal, phase transition, ultrasound absorption ABSTRACT: The authors measured the absorption of ultrasound (a)'in cholestex7leiipri- natc, which has a cholesteric modification when heated and a smectic modification when cooled. The measurements were made by a pulse method in the frequency region, 2 15 Mc at temperatures 72 -- 91C. An absorption maximum war. observed near the phase. transition between the isotropic liquid and the cholesteric~crystal (phase transition 1). in the cholesteric modification a/v2 decreases smoothly vith.decreasing tempera- ture, and then drops sharply near the phase transition fromthe cholesteric to the smectic crystal (phase transition 11). The abrupt variation of a V2 is due to the appearance of the smectic modification. With increasing frequency, a V2 decreases, and the cholesteric and smectic states tend to equalize in an isotropic liquid. A C.rd 1/2 L 08364-057 f-kCC NR. AR6028139 0 discussion of the experimental data was carried out from the point of view,of re- laxation theory. It is assured that the relaxation is connected with reorientat'ion of molecule groups in the ultrasonic field. The experimentally observed growth of the excitation time with decreasing temperature confirms its pro ortionality to the size of the molecule groups. In the liquid-crystal state, the relaxation proces,s:is due to reorientation of the boundary molecules of the swarm, which in not rigid formation. The investigation confirms'the existence of swarms as thermodynamic ally stable forma- liquid crystals. I. Hikolayeva. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 nst Results of testing the VIS-2 drrer. Xhleb.i.'kond.prom. I no.6.-14-16 Je 15 7. (HIM 10:8) l.Rostglavmakoronprom, (Drying apparatus) ZVEREVA~ K, D, Fluid Dynamics Determination of the momentum or force or a mass of.compressible fluid actIng.on a wing of a plane at stationary flow., Uch. zap'. Mosk. un., no. 152,,113,51. Monthlir List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952. Unclassified. MEMNA, K. V. VIData on a Study of IVhe Condition of ilood Vasselvi in 1140cardial Infarction." Cand Med Sci, (torlkiy State Illedical lnst.~imeni S. ~"j Kirov, Gorlkiy, 1955. (KL, No 8) Feb 55) 'Lnd Te cYuLi(;a1 Sw suin. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 )urvey of Scientifif. Dissertatiun Defended at USSR Hir!har ~2ucatif~nal Ull) folio ZVLREVA~ K.D. Opredelenie momenta sily vozdeistviia massy szhiiaaemoi zhidkosti na krylo v sluchae ploskogo ustanovivahegosia techeniia. (Moscow. Universitet. Uchenye zapiski, 1951 no. 152; Mekhanika, v.3, p. 187-201) Title tr.: Determ-nation of the moment of acting force of a~compressible fluid mass upon a wing in the presence of plane steady fluid. Reviewed by Jo H Giese in Mathematical Revicwsj 1953, V. 14)';rlob 6, p- 599. Q60. IJT 6 81951' no. 152 so: Aeronautical'Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress.., 1955 IDELISON L.I.; KAFAFOVA, D.D.; ZVEREVA. L.A.; OUDD-1, V.I. Urinary excretion of erythropoietin. Probl. gumat. -i perel. krovi 9 no-4:18-22 Ap 164. (MIRil 17:11) .1. Gruppa chlena-korrespondenta APN SSSSR pro,f. P.1. Yegorova na, baze TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsyllinisterstva, Putey soobshcheniya i opytno-proizvodstvennoy lab6ratorit Vsesoyuzhogo: instituta, eksperimentaltnoy endokrinologii (dir. prof. Ye'.A. Vasyukova), Moskva. cVal 000 - Tlls h. gAtIUVIIii V. V. Altutt4ov, and 9. V. Zemlyunisticay. att dried fresh without tflieltills Auld ago Itwil treat4h With umml, 3 too 90 000 too "LN z0 0 LA 1~~ 7ALLIVIKKAL LOINATIAS tWSWikAlM3Jl U00, 14 A. I'm to"Ov No* wit 441 GAS VIAIRIW Of if# aT A IF A I-E M x 1 0 r--1~1_0 TI W, N 9 a 4 :2 4 !t 111 - pt 0 tv it a At IS it it K K 'K 01 at 04 4 1 YA - 11 0 0 100 000006 go* a 00 4 o 0 0060 o o 04) 0 0 0 0 0 : I * : "t, 1/1 01,41 01--e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0. w o 0 40 ~ Is 0 0 46 0 * 0 0 0 4~0 01. 64 0 0 0 0 ~K Usen a/ Chemistry Insec icides Oard 1/2 Pub. 40 - 13/27 111; 110:1esova, I. D.; and Authors I Arbuzov, B. A.; Alimov, P. Kurdina, 14. A. r.-I t:1;, Title I Synthesis of certain organic derivatives of thiopl/rophosphoric aaLd Periodica t Izv. AN 35M. Otd. khira. nauk 6, 1038-1041.1, Nov-Dac 1954 Abstraot I Experiments were conducted for the purpose of obtaining new insecticides of the thiop:rrophosphoric acid series. DieViylthdophosphoria acid was synthesized by adding, sulfur to diethylphosphorotv. in the presence of three difforent amines 4trivthvlandtif~, pyriftr,~t and. diethylanillne)- Institution Acad. of Sc., USM, Kazan Branch, The A. E. Arbuzoir Chemical Institute Submitted January 16, 1954 7 z7. ilynt Albd Fiib "N" -7 US AwS4 S b t FIE - ---- ---- 6ti s lesis --0 yll ce ~ _7 7 71 Of, al* 6 -q- 7- 10424104 4~Q60' -495 ~ ' - ~ lb t i ~ l J t a6 ~; : h r t . wo-me odval d A h:l~ 6 th 9 ' theisl Pyr - r- dl - bT i ' sp And diet VIP idd j l h y r0gqnb, -group are:reOAded;by;: t lfferqO Ac Ad - ~~di~ ~ l4i~ '6k 1. 1' eff tily 46 h OSP , or ,Cl L . k --rea U otbyl h ic 'did:' w n- in ann i c,~~] The, P-4A66:~ch~mir,,Ml he:; r t ar listed. Two refqv~na6sz I UOA and 1 vxem~ui L91 -.190). ta 0 lhot WtIon- CA h he, L 3U]-.Atbv Ch A of -Sc Kii~~n Brhhc T 7 -j T-1 ----------- s i V q ARBUZOV, B.A.; RIZPOWZHNSKIY,11#I.;,LSVIRXVA,: K A, Raters of othylphosphinous acid and *own trinellor'mations of these asters. Report Wo. 7. Himed anhydrides, ol' ethylphosphinous. and dialkyl pbosphorous acids; anhydride ofetItylphomphinous and isopropoxyethylphoophinous acids. Diethyl tieter Of ethy1dithio- phosphinous acid, Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no,.2:179-166 11 157-, (MLIIA.lOt4) 1. Khimicheakiy institut im. akad. A.Te.Arb~vovaj 4zanskogo filiala, Akademit, nauk SSSR. (Phosphinous acid) "Esters and Ester Amides of Phosphoric, Thiopyrophosphpric, Pithlotriphosphoric Acids and Some of Their Properties (Efiry i efiroamid-y'f'ospornoy, tippirofosfomykh, ditiotrifosfornoy kislot i ikh nekotoryye svoystva) -Chemiatry.and Uees of Orranophosphoroun Canpuuhdr-, (Khimiya i primeneniye fozfororrc~nichf-tlfldldl qf*t~dn Trudy of First Conference, 8-10 Decmrtiber']M,~ Kazm, pp. Published by Kazan Affil. A3 USSR, 1957 164-175, Report discussed by B. B. Shugayev (Unsk: State Medicailmititute) and K. S.' Shadurskiy (Minsk State Medical Institute). -6 Arbuzov,.B. A., Rizpolozhenskiy, -9/31 N. I,,, Zvereva~ M# A, The 8'sters of:, Ethyl-Phoaphinic~.Acidi and Some. of. I t'i Transformatio Ins. (Efiry etilfo6finis't6',y kisloty. i 1ki nekotoryye prevrashch6niya) Communicatioh.8. Mixed Anhydrides of Dialkyl-Phoaphbrld Acid, Et,hyl-Phosphinic Acid, and Diethyl-Phosphinic Adid (Ooolwhcheniye 8.i Smeshannyye angidridy dialkilfosfotistoy, etilfosfinistoy i dietilfoafinistoy kislot) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii,nauk SSOR, Otdel'enire'' khimicheskikh; naukj 1958, Nr 6, pp. 706-712 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Kosolapov-and 1.7atson (Uots~on) (Rek il -Neir6 the first ~t 0~ obtain anhydrides of ai-n.-propylic~j' an-l,wdi-n.-but~i4hp'aphinic acid as a result of the action of.6e ahlorine anhidriiae of dialkyl phosphinic acid upon the ei~ter~s'eof-this acid4 Later, the same authors (Ref12) obtained:twh d4ides of diifiiethyl-'. Y r and udle.'%yl phosphinic acid. In flie pr6sent paper~thelauthors describe the method of obtaining mixed anhydrides~of the type (OH) (R-C H C -n-:C H (Et) ?17 P 0 P Card 1/16 2 2. 2 5 3 7 4 ;j_G .The Esters of Ethyl-Phosphinic .. Acid and Some of Its SOY/62-58-6-9/37 Transformations. Communication 8. Mixed Anhydrides'; of'Dialkyl-Phosphoric Acid, Ethyl-Phosphinic Acid,~: and Diethyl~-Phosphinic.Acid. OC H (C H ) P 0 Under;,~,he itation of alkyl 2 5 2 'P 5 0 H halides brought. to beat upo.n the miied "hydrides ;te' forme, id. unaer the action:of sulphur the mixed anhydrides combine only,with a sulphur atom (and sulphur combines with ph6sphorus which contains eat: 2 ethyl adicals). There are 2 tablea:and"3 refereno .ASSOCIATIONs Khimicheskiy institut im. A. Ya. A hu zo va Kazansko: 6 r 9~ filiala AN SSSR.(Chemical Institute imeniwAo Ye. Arbusav Kazad Branch,AS,USSR) SUBMITTEDt December'21, 1956 Card 24 ,y 50) AUTHORS: TITLEi PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 ;SOV/62-59-,2-32/40 lozhenskiyj.N. I Rizpo P-Dichlbro-vinyl Ester Derivativ6;s'of'Ethyl Phosphinic Acid, ~Proizvodnyye P,P-dikfilorvinilovogo efira'etilfosfi .novoy kisloty) Izvestiya Akademii nauk 33SR Otdelon:Lye'.khimicheakikhznauk, 1959, Nr 2p pp 358-360 (USBRi In the present paper-the interacti6h., of bhloral with alkyl and dialkyl phosphinic acid derivative6 was investigated as well as the physiological activity of deriv&t:Lve.e'of the P,P-dichloro- vinyl esters of ethyl phosphinic acid. The reaction of,chloral p '' :g ed: C H'P(OR) with the following com ounds was inveBti'at 215 2f where OR OCH ; OC H'; OC H _n; Oc H, ij~oc H -n;, OCH C H 3 2 5 3 7 3 7 5 11 6 5' )2 H and C H P where, R, CH and Y tOR (C2 02POR 2 5 3 5;! OCH3' \0R Corresponding P,P-dichloro I-vinyl ester de ~ivativeilof the ethyl , r A ~prlnoipal physilo-chemical phosphinic acid were obtained. The~~ a constants and analyses of the comD6unds'obtained are given in ;2 0 2 iSOV/62-594-32/40 4 d-'9 Ppp-Dichloro-vinyl Eater Derivatives'of Ethyl PhoOphinia:lcid 0 0 c table 1. Preliminary investigations or the physiologiciLl ac- g t a3 tivity of some of these compounds~iiere dar'ried out'at the e t th d ou s -0 0 of n Physiological Laboratory KFAN USSR !;under the supervision of upervis phy - calI s 3_ 0.10 I. D. Neklesova. It w 'as proved that them are phys,ioloocally e8 ter tion the highly active. In the course of the investigation~the esters the of the ethyl phosphirhosicid not yet described were 'sy~~nthe- d were Br tho ,ng to' a e sized in addition.. They were obtained. according to's, method ,ons taataof th previously described (Ref 5). The principal constants of these. esters are listed in.table 2. There axe~2 tables and ref- Olea and 5ref erences, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Xhimichaskiy,inatitut im. A. Ye. XAuzova. Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Chemistry im~en!t A. Ye. Arbuzov of the Kazan' Branch,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 12, 1958L Card 2/2 04052 '10 S/o6i/6o/ooo/0` /od5/o 18 t0l 5/p064 AUTHORS: Arbuzov, B. A.$ Vinogradova, V. id,Zvereva, M.' A. ar TITLE: Esters of O-Ketophosphinic Acidai Information 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro and Brom'o:Abe';0nj3d1With the Didthyl Eater of Ethyl A us Acid and~W:Lth the Sodium Salt of the blonoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous'Acid PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdel:en1ye'khimichekikh nauk 196.0, No. 10,~pp- 1772-1776 TEXT: The investigations mentioned~in the tttl6~wers~ carried o't to determine the effect of an exchange of an ethyl ~radic'al directly, bo"d to phosphorus for the ethoxyl, radical:in triethyl phosphite, or in:diethyl phosphorous sodium. The reaction between chlorb~c(itone and the diethyl ester of ethyl phosphinous acid led to the mixed (!:tbyl isopropenyl ester of ethyl phosphinous acid: Card 1/5 84652 Esters of P-Xotophosphinic Aoide, Information A/062/60/000/010/005/018 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro- and :BO15/BO64 Bromo Acetones With the Diethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid and With the Sodium Salt of the Monoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid 0 0 0C H 0C n 2 5 2;5 C H CH (IV) or C H P 2 2 2 5- '_~O-c 0 1*_1CH Br 2 CH 3 T1 is ~U however, necessary to carry out further investigations to verify one of the two last-mentioned formulas. The reaction"b4tween chloro, acetone and the sodium salt of the monoethyl ester of ethyl phobphi,iious acid leads to the ethyl ester of ethyl epoxy isopropyl phosphinic acid: 0C H CH 3 5. 1 C H P-C-CH (VI). The Raman spectra (obtained from an ilr-n 2 5 2 0 Card 3/5 Esters of P-Ketophosphinic Acids. Information 3/062/60/000/6io/06,5/018 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro-'and 8015/B064 Bromo Acetones With the Diethyl Eater of Ethyl Pho8phinous Acid and With the Sodium Salt of the Monoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid (ISP-51) spectrograph) and the ultraviolet abs:orjltion~:spectra (bbta'ined from an C~ -4,'!(SP-4) quartz spectrophotometer)~:Iof the substanc:e6 obtainedi liti~ers.Wre, and corrdIa which hav-e-=erto not been described in the : ponding steps of preparationare given. It is stated that the reactions. investigated by the authors proceed in the same directions as thos4 of triethyl phosphite and diethyl phoDphorous sodium (Rdf. 1). There are 2 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, 1 British,; and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Nauahno-issladovatellskiy instituVim.:A. M. Butleroya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo univieralite.fa (Scientific* _ arch Institute imeni A. M. Butlerov of Kazan' State --Jigs e UniversAiy). Khimicheskiy-'in-aiii-~,i~.-im...' A.__i7~_._Arbuzova Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk S3SH ~(C.hemical: Institute imeni A. e. b oX e Sciences USSR) ARBUWV, B.A.; VINOGRADDVA, VIS.;_Z~YA, N.A. Esters of 0-keto phosphonic Iacids, Aeport' Yo-71 Products of the reaction of w-chlorocy6lobqxanone With di.mtbyl:eater of othylphos- phonous acid and the sodium salt of the M er oU 6noathyl eat ethorlphosphonouo acid. Izv. AN SSSR.Otdo kbim. nauk no.11:1981- 1984 H 16o. 1~-. 11) 1., Khimicheakiy inatitut Ka;anskogo filiala Alf SSSR i Khimicheskiy institut im. A.M.Butlerova Kazaaakogo unive:roitata im. T.l.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Cyclohexanone) (Phoophonous acid) ji L4014) ML M r, C E, d 6/Ob4/0d;-16/0U8 1 012027 H1002- AUTHOR: Vizelt' A. (j.; Zv6reva 14. A.~ - Ivan vsk~ Duiiayev,, V,-G~; Berim, K. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry. Ali SSSR, xal-lanik, ~n~~Aut orja*, hedkoy Miiiiii: AN SSSR);. Kazany Maical histi-tute, Kazaii 6 F-Ined0sinsk-iv inatita) Lb I Bale TITLE: Synthesis and, sow, properties, Of pho h c 61' 6 19, rimtiv~i SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 160, no; :4 .1965- 8264 8 TOPIC TAGS: organic synthetic,processi, t(~#colqg, ABSTRACT., Eaters of cyclophosphinic L~id - itere - zynthe~sA, z~d- y: roac tion3 oxo-l=bromo-3-methylpli(,bPtL6cycidpd;tte-no-Z, with dor;ie-opq4jr4,j alt6bbls in M6 ~sence of triethylan4ne in other. solution.~ ~Twq'acido irdir-~" 6- ing' br oniideb:iln ltd kri"M ia oniq ication of thecorr spond acid krec~yatn~ ce ton4i er was prepared chlor'o" 3 # 5- J.'rima'thyl-i methyl cat ~b~.-rettction of 2-*X64- oxaphosphacyclopentcn~-.4 with~~matthanol in,tho premace trialhylamine. ~ Ti.- icity studies were run on white mice accokdinf; to the ~eftns motl~oa; moat ~-o~ tltit, compounde studied gave a mion6typic picture of poisoninut ~M:--Jaildr to tild aAioq ~Ir inhi i narcotics. Lethal dooes of the compound3.studiad produ~il stoppage of respiration. The toxicity of the 6dterj~ to; increase, 14t,11 'Increaaing length of.the' hydrocarbon- radi6l** The actl0n,~i:,f th~) jirelaratio4a too reversible j and af ter the mice avoke there', was. no offea, t. 4il theIr' g4noral ion. The preparations were alad'~ jn~eetiga~ tid in vitro' 1~i i i 8 100 1 aiia i o 000 &jij~. 7 :ions on oeven specien of pathogenic microbss* 2het tw 14, nadlt)RtUd, ed b-J. Card, 1/2 VIZELI A.O.; ZVEPYV IVAIMISKAYA, K.M.; SlUDENTOSOVA, I.A.; LUNAYEV, V.G.; Y A-IJ& BERIM, M.G. Synthesis and*certain properties of phosphacyclopentene derivatives. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.4:826-828 F 165. (MIRA 18.2Y 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimli AN 9SSR I Kazlanskiy meditsinokly institut. RUPOLOZ)MNSKLY, N.I.; DOYIKO, J,.V.;.7klElILVA, M.A. Synthesis of glycidyl esters of phosphorus ac Iris:, Do~ll AV SSSR 155 no. .5:1137-1139 Ap '64. (141RAI 17:5) 1. Yddraichaakiy 1-natitut im. h.Ya.Arbuzova Xazanpkcgo T iliala AB SSSR. Predutavleno akadomikow B.A.ArbimavyM., ARDIYZOV.1 B.A., akademik; VIZELI, A.0.1 ZAIKONNIKWA,~I.V.; STIJDIENTSO~Ao I..A.; "it DIINAYEV, V.G.; ZVEREVA, M.A.; IVANCIVSKRA, K'j'; Organophosphorus compounds of low toxicit4-. Dol-1. Ali SSSR 165 no.1:91-94 N 165. (MIRA 18tIO) 1. Institut organichaskoy !-himli AN SSSR, Fzzan'., i Xazanskiy~ gosudarstvennyy meditsinsk:Ly insLitut. USSR/Cultivat'ed Plants Fodder m-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol... No 1., 1958,, No 1620 Author P.A. Kormahchikov., M.I. Zvereva Inst Not Given ~Title A New Concept of Plant Ligalfication Orig Pub ZUvotaovodstvoj, 1956., No 11, 50-59 Abstract St-idies have been conducted on wheat., regneria a~icl alfalfa in order to ascertain the degree of lignification im.the various parts of plants depending on age. Methods of establishdag the coefficient of lignification are presented, based on the fact that coarse feed is composed 6f two fractionsy one so- likile in water., and one unsoluble in water and in dilute acid doluttions. Slight ligaification originates prior to spiking It, cereals, and badding in beans, but becomes stronger during their spiking and buddi phases at the expense of the stems. Card 1/1 ZVMEVAj M.N.3 Cand ghem Sci (diss) "Anion 'double' decomposition of zinc., cadmi=,and lead and Oieir separation from certain eler-erts." Len, 1959, 13 PP (Len Order of Lenin State Univ in A.A. Zhdanov) 150 co,ies M) 36-59, 112) 16 - A USsn/Analysis or inorganic Substances G-2 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Khimaya, No 6, 1957, 19616, Author Yu. V. Morachev:3kiy, M No Zvereva, A* Ao'Kuz- netsova Inst Title Separation of Phosphate to'n from som'e~Cations with Anionites. Orig Pub: Zavod. Laboratoriya:, 11956, 22, No 16,r~1170 '-.1171 Abstract: It is proposed to uee the. anionites !P8-9 and ED 10 in Cl combination for separating Toll- Crom A~ Fe3t and Ca 1, Some 50 ml of the s.olution (0& no, in rei'grei containing '< 0.1. g Of:,PO nee 3to Cl- )3 and Call, Fe tand Al -"area passed throUgh an an m - ite column (I cm in diameter, height 0;f the layer Card 1/2 94 ZVZWA, M.N.: SHIBAROV, V-1. Separation of zinc, lead, aid copper on an anionits. Yeat.L(FU 14 no.4:145-148 '59- S,/6,16/62/008/00.1/603/016 ~Me tho'dof i ~nve a t i ~ga t i n ~gt h e~s t, lethod of investigating the statiatjoal BIWB102 2 2 2 yt~(t-)O_ 2k0 VV (6), where 'C denotes' the time during which the 0 curve o 0 f (6) drops to the e-fold 'the authors ome to the formula 77 v M- With the aid of the correlation ourvea, the~'timo 2 2 2k~ LO interval C of the scattered signal can be dot ormined, and from' formula X 0 (7) the mean square velocity of motion of inhomogeneities. The,altatisti- cal evaluation of,test results was made by means of ablock diagram,~the signals being transmitted on films. The films came into an optical correlometer the signals of,which were again recorded on films by means of a loop oscilloscope. The correlation function (T~Ywas measured in tests with air as well as in sea water.under various hfdrometeorological- conditions. To,check the effect of all factors in their totality 'on the' correlation function, an experiment was conducted where the scattering of frequency-modulated sound occurred by stable inhomogppeities- Some fro-", quency modulation periods were then evaluated. Tho:experimental para- meters were% f 0 4 keps, AF 300 opal T I aeov J ~a t e gr t i o ntime,T Card_ 2/~ ZVMIEVR V.A. Method for investigating wons vith carbonatA reservoir rocks using aubsurface flow-metera, Nafteprom.-delp no,~1'111-14 165. (MIRA 18110) 1. Neftepronyolovoye upravleniya wKrasnoksmalulaftlof ZVEIW,.V.A. Calculating the passage of a:ray through a nonspherical refracting surface of a higher order. Izv.vys.uaheb,;z'av.,, prib 4 no.2i=- 121 161. WRA 1415) 1. I*ningradskiy institut tochnoy mokhaniki',i op~iki. Rekomendovana kafedro optiko-mokhanicheskikh priborov, (4tioal measurements") ZVERVO V.A# Calculating the Path of an obli.que (exmoridio~al) ray of light through the surface of a paraboloid otrevoluiion. In. ucbeb.zav.; prib. 4 no.3tI09-119 161. 1. Leningradakiy inatitut tochnoy me~hAniki I optiki. Raikomendovana kafedroy optiko~mekhanlcheskikh pribor6vit (optics) -I! U113 0 , nshoner; ZVEM, V.V.. inthener. Aspects of insulating cables.for supervoltages Vests elektroprom. 27 no.3:29-38 Mr 156. (ML4 9SI2) 1. Zavod "Moskabell.R (Blectric ,cables) (Ilectric insulators anct insulation) ZVEREV, V.V., insb; UTROBIN, B.V., Insh. ~Tbe*O~ry and practice of packing copper and aluminum conductors of power cables. 7est.elektr4roxa. 29 no-11:56-60 N '58- (.Blectric cables). (kIRA 11-911) MACHMT, L. I. , inzh. ; ZVMMV, V. V. , inzh, Air conditioning in connection with the insulating of,high- tension cables. Vast. elektroprom. 31 no-5:73-75 My 160. (MUIA 13:8) 041ectric cables) (Blectric insulators and insulation) (Air conditioning) VALEM, A.M. I- GOIEV91u.D,,, GOIZVAq Z. N.- ) GOLOVKO'p R.Ye'a; ZAVIYALOVA# B.A. j ZARETSKU B.A.; ZVE~ Ye.A.) LIXNSKIY-v I.A. yMMGUSRVt I.Kho; MHYZLERI M.Kh.;;;;---- -IR.0 V.A.; RtJDAKGVV Ya.D.; SUKOVAICV, P~P.j KWANOVI G.M.; FWRINV ZUDINp B.A. 9red.;',BORUNOV, N.I.P tAba. ~ik# (Adjustapnt and operation of qquipment in thq Novo-UfUskii Beat aAd Electric Power Plant) Naladka i ekilpluAtatalla- oborudovaniia na Novo- Uflm~oi TETs. Moskvag Gos. enerjr, izd-vul~ 0~1961. 175 p. (KMA 14:9) (Bashkiria-Electric power plants) (Basbkiria-He%ting from central stations) 7'~-REVP revgraf 1111ch BUNIN, Prof. red.; A.M., [Dysentery, food toxinf DIZOnterliag pishchevyeactlon$ and intestinal invasions] vazij, Pod redo I a pre tOksikOinfelctaii ikishechzWe in- 1962. 262 ~. ( diel. '.V.'Unina. MOskva,. Medgiz (DYSENTEBY 1YmSTINE&-D.TSEA= ~ (MIRk 25:8) (FO OD POISONING) ZVERAV, Ye. L; Diagnoo is of chronladysentery and indices of recovery. Sov. mod. 22 no.12:86-89 D 056. (KML 12:1) 1. Is kliniki vnutrenuft bolaxney Nookovskogo madits.inskogo stomtolo- gicheakogo inatituta (dir. - dots. G.N. Beletskly) I Moskovskpy gorodskoy klinicheakoy infektsionnoy bolluitay N0.2 (glavnyy Vrach A.M. Pylltaova). (DYSOTIMT, RAO MART diag. & Indices of recovery (Rue)) i~b!iiAlir~-,Symptcm.'During-thL, ~t~nt, of W&y.-Patienta by Sl=onamda.~G-, Ye zverev,,:--- aci Ay MrA 1~ ~2;- X'21.32& imeid Mechnikov of use sul.kidlue or: disulfane: on 411 laccill=7 dyaeil-~-":' pa t ientaand fin do them not so severe as to talre:secessation. of-treatment. N6:cwrel&ticii:.. ZTMT, To. 1. Present-day dysentery and intestinal diseases sulliar to it. Zhur. mikroblol.epid.i immun. 31 no,lt88-92 A 160. (14M 13 t5) I* Is Noskovskogo meditaftskogo stomatologichealc~ogo In'stituts i 2-y Moskovakoy infelctsionnoy Iclinicbeekoy bolluitay. (DYS119TARY BAcnZARY) Clinical aspects, prevention and therapy of dysentery. Had. nestra, Moskva no.8,.3-11 Aug.,1953. !(CIUL 25:1) 1. Candidate 14edical Sciences. i ZVEREV, Ye.l. Symptoma-toloff3r and ~ilftpn()!jj.,3 ).I' lnt~-~stiual. fevers ~A and B. Zhur.mikrob.ioj..jepld,J. Irwin- 40 (MIRA .17:12) 1, Iz Moskovgkogn irotAltsinikovo totila tol OgJ cho slmTo Ins tituta. -ZVEREV, Yu.G.' id and cellulosi Constants of the dissociation of glucuronic 40 oxidized by-nitrogen dioxide. Tru,dy LTA no*91:71-82 160. (MMA 15:12) 1. Leningradakiy tauchno-issledovatellskiy institut okhrany truda Vsei3oyuznogo tsentralinogo soveta professionalinykh 00yuZov 61.lulose) (GIncurotio aoid.) oxides) (Diaso6iat on) (Niti I U) 0 "The Preparation an([ Certain Propertilloo f) (In Re"ect t6 Ito Uoe as a Heraottatic llaterW) State Uj LeninLgradj 1951;. (MMUlipij J.o 61 1131' So: Stri. 3:10 670, 29 Sept Survc-,, of Scienti Defended at USZ ifigher Educational Institution N.T., red.; MMRV, L.Ta., [Publications of the State Power logthopring.Publ'i0filar, House during 1955-1956; a catalog) IsOWWGosemnrgoii~&ijL 2& 19551- 1956 gg.; kat4log. *okra. Goia~energ.lld-vo, 1957 1*'-159 P. - (Bibliography-Powor evWineerInC)!..-, (Bibliograiphy-31.'ectric ongt6eqring) (Bibliogra""Hatit..el ZVMEV, Z.G., starshir-nauchnyy sotrudnik. Testing Golfteert-Orimm vacuum apparatus operating,on secondary steam from'evaporator baths. Trudy VNIIICOP no.6-.53-57 156,, (Vacuum apparatus) ZVWMV, Z.G., starehly naucluW sotmdnik.;ORNL, R.T*, inzhener. Testing of a machine for packing cans in boxes, Raf,. nauch. rab. VKIIKOP no.1:14-17 155. (KLRA 9:11) (jp~ -.-- ckaglng machinery) (Carming.and praserving-Apparatus and oupplies) ZVrJW, Z.G., Inshener; MERUZAT, A.A., inshener; Methods for the mechanical cleaning of root crops Wore canning. Trudy VNIIIP no.3;18-31 154, MU 90) 1. Krannodarskiy filial nAuchno-issledovatollikogo institnts, kabellnoy promyshlennosti. (Canning and preserving) Uf vZ I J ~F-u I ACC Nk~-AM26000 SOURU1. COU.3:. CZ/0030,165/0001008~iWoviruin 1 nt, Pracue Primary X-Ray Diagram" Praou jjj`cha2i;ca a T) 0, J pLil,~.a, Vol 10 No 8, 65 pp 269 ,11~5trzlqt fAuthor's Czech, Russian, Garman and Engiish summa;4- in 7e`s-,' fn 6 d i f i e d]) The article draws atLention : Lo ;the da. gor df x -raying of the human ody and emphasizes he nee.... coss#e - X b e to limit the X-ray dose. It desicribes in detail the method '.'f limiting the X-ray_ beam wit. wh the 1)rixiiary X-ray dia -1111ragm deikl-; x oped at the Chirana plant,.whicb. enables the 2 size` of tho necias~-~, toholde" t Gary X-ray field to be adju.5tod and the pla r _.p b a corroct- pqt#-ral X-ray"boam' has 1y. 1 cat ed-wi tDL-ro~spo-qt J~a-,_~ho c Orig, art* 2 IJPRS:* -.33,5001 figures and 1 table. TOPIC TAGS: radiation hazard, x ray equipment SUB CODE: 18 SUBM DATE: 10 Oct 65 UDC1 621#386 II1 6 1 6 1 1 a it U is 4 .5 a if is to a it. 4 3 So A A v a ID it 1: 11 to IS to v m p 19 41, Aj AJ 'A A 4 3 00 Aiaf. a &-I TA -A.. IL- ~L a if F 9 Of , I t U I M 14 4X W Ix 00 .41.- Stf V- V414'0~4% - ----------- 00 o: .A; .00 Utillsallm Ot tbs WO tref. A~~&IZvtmvaj Kos.,i~ so g -00 -'mxx*4Axvmaym Prom. S. S. S. R. i9, No. 2, ig-19 64 8: ([M).-Tbe aq. ext. of the larch bark Yields 62-4c; of a Pith-Cmde tauming e%trLct; the txtd, bark can be u3cd Ar &11 VIM. CUD. of LvIoring u)atttr. which on sulfuna. tion can be used aj a dye and am a tannin. The milk. a who. of the dye Is ncutralized with Itel and tightly 5*0 00 Z acidified. The dye ppis. out and can he oep(l by Cell-, A. A. BoAttingic =00 r 00 -00 A I a - I L A Of TALLLOWAt WIWI.( CLASSIONCATOOM jr~- 1.13 43,-.-TT- ,I L~' jo( I I a I -,to; a, vI-%)-. 0 U 11 &1 so- 11,; 00 to It it So 44 It Is it R it ff n It MIA So 0 00' 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 Q 94 0 *0 0 9,; .00 100 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 4~ * 0 0 * v I GONGWOVA, R.P.; ZVMVA,..A.Jk.; HISHARIN, A.P. Roentgenological ezamination of the Palatine tonsils Yest.otorin. 21 n0,5:34-35 S-0 '59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz kliniki bolezuer ukha, gorla, nose. i rechi (zav. Prof. I.M. Krukover) Irkutskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (TONSIL, radiography) SKLYAR, V.T.9 kand.khim.nauk; SABIROVAv G,V., bindekhlm.nauk; ZIHU*.. A,Ss, kand.k1jim.nAukj ROZHIN, Y.P., inzh.; GONOPOLISM, inzh.;-U-IW,k,,-A&.,s- inzh.; CHUCHVARAJ, F.G~, inzh.; Frinimall uohastiyes KOVALICHUK,'L.V.1 TERENTIYEVA, ~.N.; VEDERNIKOVA, VT. Production of the IU-12 freon oil from Anastaslye4ka petrolem. Nauah.zap.UkrMipr&ekta no.8s48-57 162. (MM 16:1): (Freons) (Lvov-Petroleum-4~efining) VIC'. A. G. A, G. "The Monorrtic- Rpactiem in Mlaiaria Childr~in." Min RSFSR. Kuybyshev S Ale tat Inst. KvVb-yqhAv, 10~5 Dj-.,.t%f rtp, tj I. the eipgree of calAid-A.!~ in r"w1jell., SO: Knizhnaya Icto-I-s' !~'O- 27 2 July.1955, i ij i, g, i r, m 11ir g r7r j um , j ;,:i 17 ID Iffl""IEM.-DI FE MITI fl VIFIE117, JUM 19111 1 11 ZVEREVA, A. G. USSR/Mfedicine - Malaria 1~y/.T-un 49 Medicine - Dysentry "Annotated List of Russian Books" 5 PP t'Pediatriya" No 3 Reviews U books, among them "Monocytosis inInfantile Malaria, by A.~G. Zver~eva,: "Prob- lems of Infantile Neuromalaria in the rranscaucasus," by A .1. El,ldarov, Clinical. and Differential Diagnoses of Acute Gastrointestinal Diseases and Chronic Dysentery in Young Cheldren," A. 0. Benderskaya, nUsing Gramicidin &emaq in the Treatment of Dysentery in Young Children," by A. A. Kaydalova, and "Data on Infantile Laiabliosis From Chernovit- skaya Children's Clinical Hospital," by V. V. Arkhipova. PA 50/49771 ACCESSION N-R: AP3003051 AUTHOR: Shpil'rayn, E. E.; Zver2v~, fi~. M!! Experimental assembly for studying AT _gjag%r-21, met is TIT LE -por _p c of alkali-- m- at high temperatures SOURCE- Inzhenerno-fiziclieskiy zhurnal, no. 6, 1963, 74-71 TOPIC TAGS: alkali-metal vapGr pressures, high ternplivra'ureqf ABSTRACT: An instrument consisting primarily oll, n U-shaj)ed tube w as daveleoped for det-r.4tic-na the vapor prt!q,;~ires alka!~. -nel.a.q v-1 '~-.,g C~,S-? a,'r' e1ec+ e g I a ~, -i c Q g 1 -9 C. 7 1- :aucr- J r rn q.d ..-i ...... e:) - rjq 4rj - aj. a I S a,,o:-d lo D r rn s p vc rn -n j,g,i a va. and 'he s e el, 'e~g :i !-~,!ated I:c D-,.iring !~~.-perature eq~iallzalion, the glass L,?gr is rnairfa,Aiod mdi-r argon at a Card 1/2 Cap It C C as--`~: ON NR: AP30030-51 !,.an 'he vapor pressi-ire so 'hat 'lie -ve-i~l -q ~!i 'A 1ji f-): x can also bi~ s s a, 0!7igg. at-t, ~ia.-ii 1*,.jy-~~res- ASSOCIATION: Institut vy*9okikh ternperatur pri ME], Nfoscow (tjgLTemi)era- ture Institute, MEO SUBMITTED: 21Jan63 DATE ACQ: 22JuIC3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 INO REF SOV- 000 OTHER- 002 Card 12 V Country : USSR Cat~96riy-;. pfiaxizbcolty, ToXicoldgy.,M04io'nal picaito. Abs J6ui f R-ZhBio-i.i i1a 6, 1959j No 27863 Author Drakej K.V-; Kiryutina, V-I-J ZVOrOva, A-V-; Toloinieva) - A - Z'. Inat Khabaioivslt~, Modical" on rmcology'of Labinaria'. Title tbe4ha' OriC; Pub: Tr. xhabarovalcoGc zied. in-ta) 1957, ob 70-83 Abstract: Infusions and tinctures of Japanese LALIi 11aria (I) in dilutions of 1:30 - 1 : 200 incroase,the 04MC- tions; of isoLitod intestine of rabbit. I removes the paralyzing action of atropine and adrenalin on the intestines, but does not remove the effect of papaverino. In subcutaneous and intravenous .Card .:.-~/2 TOLOKNEVA, A.Z.; ZVEREVA, A.V. Pharmacology of Japanese elecampane. Trudy, no.20t201- 2c6 16o. (MIRA 15110) 1. 1z kafedr7 farmakologii (zav. dotsent K.V.Drake) Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ELEGANFANE) V398/61/000/003/023/027 C7, -2,5--g-o (a m,.,( :Z t 0 AOO1/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, 1961, No.. 3, P. 383, 3Zh103! AUTHOR: Zvereva, F. G. TITLE: Investigation of High-Frequency Oscillations In Noon Glow Discharge at Low Pressures. PERIODICAL: "Uch. zap. Kuybyshevsk. gos. ped. in-t", 1959, No. 29, PP. 85-91 TEXT: The author investigated experimentall 3 self excTng high-frequency oscillations in glow discharge at Ne pressures 10- - 9 x 10- imm fig. The.cathode in discharge tube3 is indirectly heated one made of W-spiral, the anode - 'of T.a. Oscillations were recorded with the aid of a moving Pt probe. The range between 100 and 10,000 Me was Investigated. In decimeter range measurements were performed by means of Lecher (Lekher) system, in centimeter range by means of a waveguide measurement line. At a discharge current of 100 - 150mamp and.a pressure of 8 x jo-3 mm, Hg oscillations with a frequency of 100 - 1,000 Me, yielded a bright resonance pattern. The distribution of generated power along the tube was. ob- tained. When the.pressure was reducing, resonance patterns became more distInct, I. e., generated spectrum became narrower. At the pressure increased to 10-"-m Hg, Card 1/2 20379 A001/A001 Investigation of High-Frequency Oscillations in Neon Glow'Disc~arge at Low Pressures a continuous spectrum (apparently, noise one) was'gen6rated throughout the.whole range studied.' Noise grew with increasing filament current. The summary generated power increased with the growth of anode current. Oscillations with the 10,000-44c frequency were generated only at a definite anode current. V. K. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the~6riiginal Russian abstract. Card 2/2 11111 .1. W UTHOR: Zvereva, F. G.; Shcheglov, 0. So TITLE: Effect of anode shape on high-frequency plasma oscillation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 11A156 REF SOURCE: Uch. -zap. Kuybyshevsk, gos, ped. in-t, vyp. 49, ch. 1, 1965, 220-227 TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, anode, plasma osc illation intensity, anode design p ABSTRACT: Experimental data are presented on the study of high-frequency 1;-4 10-3 oscillation s in a mercury-vapor plasma at pressures of the order of 0 mm Hg. It is shown that during the passage of an unmodulated electron ; beam, through the plasma, longitudinal electric waves with a -frequency close to Langmuir's are excited in it. The relationship between plasma-oscillation intensity and voltage are obtained for various anode shapes (disc, cone,: and rod). [Translation of abstract) [NTJ SUB CODE: 09, 20/ t..-Card UDC: 537. 525', ACC NRi AT700447. SOURCE CODE: Int/3245 /66/000/002/0061 /0065 AUTHOR: Z ORG: Kiev Automation Institute (Kiyevskiy institut avtomatiki)~ TITLE: Device for regenerating radiotelegraph signals distorted by shot noise SOURCE: Kharkov. Institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki. Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki, no. 2, 1966. Pro myshlennaya telemekbanika (Industrial telemechanics), 61-65 TOPIC TAGS: radio telegra?hy, signal distortion, TJm%4:* circuit, receiver selectivity ' A.,0;-, iABSTRACT: A device for regenerating radiotelegraph signals distorted by shot noise is described. The device eliminates received distortions',not exceeding 0.5 baud it consists of a Schmidt trigger, a pulse shape.r, a ring register, a blocking oscillator, and coincidence circuits. The device operates as follows: applied signals with durations gre .star than 0.5 baud are. regenerated and those with durations less than 0.5 baud are rejected., Selection of signals to be regenerated is accomplished using a coincidence method wher~_by received signals are compared with signals delayed by a tim interval equal to half of the transmitted signal duration. The device was tested with a sixteen-element code. The code was distorted with~statistically distributed (an approximate Poisson distribution) 10-usec pulses having Wg; none il~ ACC NRt AT7004474 amplitudes approximately equal to 'those of th' code pulisIas- anId at different a average'frequencies. The re-ception error probability per code element did not exceed 10-3 for an average distort ion-pulse frequency of 0.02 and ag I for -a distortion pxilse duration equal-to that of the coda pulses.. 0 art. has; .5 figures and 2 tables.* [IV] SUB CODE: 17/ SUBM DATE:. I none/* SOV REF; .002/ AM PRESS: 511'5 it din) AIN-M"' Md" ' ' ' - ': - - .%Ll 'I 'l-, i, ...- 21 7 .. 1 ,i . Card 2/3 "J' -) 94 - Q j EW~ ~_r j ------- -ACC--NRi~::---AF6032472--------- SOURCE CODE: VR/005616610,~iI663TOtiV on6 AUTHOR: Dzhibladzej M. I.; Zverevaj G. A., Marina,, T. M.; Prokhorovo A. Ma ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. TAbedevp Academy of Sciences SSSR (Fiiicheskiy in- d s titut XWemii nauk BBSNI TITIE: Investigation of the seance Una Iddth AM or the tempersture'shift of the continuous generation fr ency of Dy2t in C&Fg SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesko-y'fiakip V# 54 no. 3. lWo 773- 776 TOPIC TAGS: lager spectroseopyo solid -state laser, oaramapetic aser., cw laser., fluorite,, d yspropium ABSTRACT: In view of the possible use of CaF2 Cr7St&U activated with divalent,dys- prosium as laser rods at 2.36 p wavelengthp the authors have calculated the probabili- ties of the nonradiative transitions of the Dy2+ ion in CaF2 which cause the homogene- ous broadening of the luminescence lines, and also inveatigaW the temperature depen- dence of the frequency shift of a Dy2+:CaFg cw lAser In tho vicinity or lrg*~ 218 shown that the broadening of the luminescence line (the t On 7TJL%2 * 8T2. is determined essentially by the lifetime of the lower level 8T,2 2 P since the probabili- C ty of the nonradiative transition from this level Is of th 9rder of 10 '-1 The k2) 811Z2) ra2) nonradiative transii2ons from the lover level, 8TQ azd 8T. MKI Ar6o32472 determined In the harmonic approximation by perturbation theoryj~had probabilities 6.61 x 10 and 7-13 x 109 sec-3,respectively at O*K. 7he temperature dependence of the shift of the cw frequency., measured by means of a Fabry-Perot interferometer with ~ procedure described earlier DAN sssR v. :L61, 8o6,. 1965),, is found to correspond to ~ shift of 0.0095 * 0.0025 cari per degree$ which is approximately double the value calculated from the change in the crystal field with changing temperature. The dis- crepancy is attributed to the fact that the point-charge model of the crystal field Is not a good approximation for Dr24:C&Pa,. Orlg., art. hast 2 figureep 4 formulAsp aw 1 table SUB CODI: 2D/ SUM DATE: 05Ap266/ OR.TG Pin 004/ Omm: 004/ ATD PRESS: 5100 A Card 2/2 vmb ALESHCHENKOV, P. 1. ; YE MLYALIMI, 1. Ya 2nITRIX)V, A. D. LMEWA G A MRGUNOV, N. G.; KRYUKOVI K. A.; ~MAYEV, Yu. I.; OYAZETA) G.'D. "Development of superheating power reactors of Bployarsk nucAear rower i3tat,ion (BADS) type." report submitted for 3rd Intl Cong, Peaceful Uses of Atomic,,Energy, Geneva, .31 Au' 64~9 Sep 64. 9 ZVEREVA, G.I. Amount of ascorbic acid In loca 'I varieties o 'vegetables and some wild plants. Vop.pit.21 no.3t84-86 Yq-J6 162.1 (MIRA 15 110): 1. Iz laboaratorii Irkutskoy oblastnoy sanitai-no-epidemiologiche- skoy stantsii. i (ASCORBIC ACID) (IRKUTSK PROVINCE-FLANTS-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS), ZVBREVA~ G.V., prof.; OIF,,SKTV. V.1-11., assistent; ZINI'lIENNO, L.G.3v veturi- J1drn7Y,vrach Etiology of masLi6ia in cows. VeterinarRiv4I no.~:77-78 my 64. Omul 18:3) 1. I,Ivovskiy taoveterinarnj7 in.-Altut. ZVEREVA, G. V. "Electron-microscopic and biochemical irriestigations of Gto red bull semen." report submitted to 5th Intl Cong, Animal Reproduction & Artificial Inoemination, Trent, Italy) 6-13 Sep 64. 111- -Ti .71j" I ~11 P F. ,11 ~ IT 1 11 It I III If Ii ii~ I I N1 B~ j:! 11 11 v Ut RT1 ffi _rk :..i t IT 11 1 1'k . I I IT13 RAMA, G.V., professor. P.A. ToloskovI s Nothods of investigating the ':reproductive capecitj of miie and female farm antmals.0 Reviewed 'by O.T.' Zlvsrsva. Vstarl- narlia 31 no-11:39-0 1 154. (NLVA 7:11) 1. Zavedv;rushchly kafedroy skusheretva Llvoyakogo vq*,*An&rno- -seetekhaichooko instituta. (RU110DUPTINFOOLO"Ov-, P.A.) (TXMMRT RISSARC~) ZVEREVA, G.V. Professor (Llvov) "Something New in the Treatment of Trichomonlasis" Report given at 13th Inter-VUZ (Higher Educational Inats.) Scientific-. Industrial Conference,, held February, 1956 at Kiev Vet Inst. ZVEREVA 1,V.., prof.; OIAELICMK, N.P., aspirant; TIMIONOV, PI.M., aspirant Methods for intravital examination of ovaries in covs. Veterinarlia 42 no.7:81-82 Jl 165. (KIRA 18:9) al 1. Llvovskiy zooveterinarny7 institut. ZVEREVA, G.Ye.; KAPUSTIN, A.P. Measurement of ultra-acoustic parametern in liquid-crystalline cholesterol caprinate. Akust. zhur. 10 rio.L122-123 164. (MMA 17: 5) 1. Moskovskiy oblastnoy pelagogicheskly In-ititut imeni Krupskoy. 7ff- 75) -L1 -AT I S/275/'63/000/001/028/035 D4 13 /113 08 A j"', L)' 5: v t., re va , IH R J. Ye. and Kapuutin, A., P. TITLE: The be"YtQr Qf hem _4 PERIODIOn:17 'Ref aii'ati-whyy Al a ~'&ttjma ek w 1' t~rahikfil- i teyd pri eft! yet no. 11 19,039 12, abstract IV 68 (In aollectionv Pj~i- menentye ulltraakust. k iseled. veshcheatva, no. 15, ,,I. , 196 1 , 69-74 T U, experimental fitudy of a liquid-crysitallAne substance ~;,-azoxypi,enetole) in)electric and uitrauonic 'Lields has shown that ele,2-.rostatic field causes motion of the oubsl;ance in the di- r;?c-,iDn a'* tLe fle-A, While the UltrUsonic field ~jives rise to a de- finite orientation of the moLecijles r:tf the subetarice. 5 references. // -~bs~r;icter's note: COMPlete tra1115,;Ltion.-7 '--Card 1/1 -L .45534-66 EWP(k)/EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T R . ......._w00 IDXIA07~-j ACC NR: AR601371,3 SOURCE CODE: 58165100010101. AUTHOR; Zveneyg-,Q. Ye.. Kapustin, A. TITLE: Investigation of the absorpt nn of 4trasound in liquid-c*rystal nln-fionoy'i- I benzaltoluidine SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. iozh497 REP SOURCE. Bb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshohe-stva. Vyp. 20. M.# 1944P 87-93 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound absorption.. organic crystal, liquid crystal, phase transition, temperature dependence, ultrasonic velocity ABSTRACT: A pulsed method was used to measure the absorption of sound in ntn-nonoxy- benzaltoluidine in the frequency range 2-15 Mcs and in the temperature interval 80-70CJ including the region of the following phase transitions: isotropic liquid - nematic liquid crystal (phase transition 1) and nematic - smectic liquid crystal (phase transi. tion 2). The ultrasound propagation velocity was measured by an interference method at 2.2 Mcs in the temperature interval 80-70C. In the isotropic liquid, far fromi the phase transition 1, the velocity decreases linearly with increasing temperature. Near the temperature of the phase transition 1, the velocity begins to decrease and reaches a minimum value at 75.5C. With further decrease in temperature, th.e ultrasound veloci ty increases. The appearance of the smectic modification influences the slope of the curve. The experimental data on the absorption of ultrasound are discussed on the 1/2 L.Sard "'C~.rd 2/2 08364-6-/ CODE:-- 3/0058/66/00G/ 05/WO6/EO07- ACC NiZi jUjoO16139 0 A b1L KOIR: Zvereva, G. Ye.; Kapustin, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of the absorption of ultrasound in li(Diid-crystal cholesterylcaprinate SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 5EI47 BEIF'. SOURCE: Tr. 1-y Vczhvuz. nauchn. konfarentsii po primeneniyu. nolekul. akust. k is3led. veshchestva i v nar. kh-ve. Tashkent-, 1964, 85-92 TOPIC TAGS: liquid crystal, phase transition, ultrasound absorption ABSTRACT: The authors measured the absorption of ultrasound (a)'in cholestex7leiipri- natc, which has a cholesteric modification when heated and a smectic modification when cooled. The measurements were made by a pulse method in the frequency region, 2 15 Mc at temperatures 72 -- 91C. An absorption maximum war. observed near the phase. transition between the isotropic liquid and the cholesteric~crystal (phase transition 1). in the cholesteric modification a/v2 decreases smoothly vith.decreasing tempera- ture, and then drops sharply near the phase transition fromthe cholesteric to the smectic crystal (phase transition 11). The abrupt variation of a V2 is due to the appearance of the smectic modification. With increasing frequency, a V2 decreases, and the cholesteric and smectic states tend to equalize in an isotropic liquid. A C.rd 1/2 L 08364-057 f-kCC NR. AR6028139 0 discussion of the experimental data was carried out from the point of view,of re- laxation theory. It is assured that the relaxation is connected with reorientat'ion of molecule groups in the ultrasonic field. The experimentally observed growth of the excitation time with decreasing temperature confirms its pro ortionality to the size of the molecule groups. In the liquid-crystal state, the relaxation proces,s:is due to reorientation of the boundary molecules of the swarm, which in not rigid formation. The investigation confirms'the existence of swarms as thermodynamic ally stable forma- liquid crystals. I. Hikolayeva. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 nst Results of testing the VIS-2 drrer. Xhleb.i.'kond.prom. I no.6.-14-16 Je 15 7. (HIM 10:8) l.Rostglavmakoronprom, (Drying apparatus) ZVEREVA~ K, D, Fluid Dynamics Determination of the momentum or force or a mass of.compressible fluid actIng.on a wing of a plane at stationary flow., Uch. zap'. Mosk. un., no. 152,,113,51. Monthlir List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952. Unclassified. MEMNA, K. V. VIData on a Study of IVhe Condition of ilood Vasselvi in 1140cardial Infarction." Cand Med Sci, (torlkiy State Illedical lnst.~imeni S. ~"j Kirov, Gorlkiy, 1955. (KL, No 8) Feb 55) 'Lnd Te cYuLi(;a1 Sw suin. No. 631, 26 Aug 55 )urvey of Scientifif. Dissertatiun Defended at USSR Hir!har ~2ucatif~nal Ull) folio ZVLREVA~ K.D. Opredelenie momenta sily vozdeistviia massy szhiiaaemoi zhidkosti na krylo v sluchae ploskogo ustanovivahegosia techeniia. (Moscow. Universitet. Uchenye zapiski, 1951 no. 152; Mekhanika, v.3, p. 187-201) Title tr.: Determ-nation of the moment of acting force of a~compressible fluid mass upon a wing in the presence of plane steady fluid. Reviewed by Jo H Giese in Mathematical Revicwsj 1953, V. 14)';rlob 6, p- 599. Q60. IJT 6 81951' no. 152 so: Aeronautical'Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress.., 1955 IDELISON L.I.; KAFAFOVA, D.D.; ZVEREVA. L.A.; OUDD-1, V.I. Urinary excretion of erythropoietin. Probl. gumat. -i perel. krovi 9 no-4:18-22 Ap 164. (MIRil 17:11) .1. Gruppa chlena-korrespondenta APN SSSSR pro,f. P.1. Yegorova na, baze TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsyllinisterstva, Putey soobshcheniya i opytno-proizvodstvennoy lab6ratorit Vsesoyuzhogo: instituta, eksperimentaltnoy endokrinologii (dir. prof. Ye'.A. Vasyukova), Moskva. cVal 000 - Tlls h. gAtIUVIIii V. V. Altutt4ov, and 9. V. Zemlyunisticay. att dried fresh without tflieltills Auld ago Itwil treat4h With umml, 3 too 90 000 too "LN z0 0 LA 1~~ 7ALLIVIKKAL LOINATIAS tWSWikAlM3Jl U00, 14 A. I'm to"Ov No* wit 441 GAS VIAIRIW Of if# aT A IF A I-E M x 1 0 r--1~1_0 TI W, N 9 a 4 :2 4 !t 111 - pt 0 tv it a At IS it it K K 'K 01 at 04 4 1 YA - 11 0 0 100 000006 go* a 00 4 o 0 0060 o o 04) 0 0 0 0 0 : I * : "t, 1/1 01,41 01--e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0. w o 0 40 ~ Is 0 0 46 0 * 0 0 0 4~0 01. 64 0 0 0 0 ~K Usen a/ Chemistry Insec icides Oard 1/2 Pub. 40 - 13/27 111; 110:1esova, I. D.; and Authors I Arbuzov, B. A.; Alimov, P. Kurdina, 14. A. r.-I t:1;, Title I Synthesis of certain organic derivatives of thiopl/rophosphoric aaLd Periodica t Izv. AN 35M. Otd. khira. nauk 6, 1038-1041.1, Nov-Dac 1954 Abstraot I Experiments were conducted for the purpose of obtaining new insecticides of the thiop:rrophosphoric acid series. DieViylthdophosphoria acid was synthesized by adding, sulfur to diethylphosphorotv. in the presence of three difforent amines 4trivthvlandtif~, pyriftr,~t and. diethylanillne)- Institution Acad. of Sc., USM, Kazan Branch, The A. E. Arbuzoir Chemical Institute Submitted January 16, 1954 7 z7. ilynt Albd Fiib "N" -7 US AwS4 S b t FIE - ---- ---- 6ti s lesis --0 yll ce ~ _7 7 71 Of, al* 6 -q- 7- 10424104 4~Q60' -495 ~ ' - ~ lb t i ~ l J t a6 ~; : h r t . wo-me odval d A h:l~ 6 th 9 ' theisl Pyr - r- dl - bT i ' sp And diet VIP idd j l h y r0gqnb, -group are:reOAded;by;: t lfferqO Ac Ad - ~~di~ ~ l4i~ '6k 1. 1' eff tily 46 h OSP , or ,Cl L . k --rea U otbyl h ic 'did:' w n- in ann i c,~~] The, P-4A66:~ch~mir,,Ml he:; r t ar listed. Two refqv~na6sz I UOA and 1 vxem~ui L91 -.190). ta 0 lhot WtIon- CA h he, L 3U]-.Atbv Ch A of -Sc Kii~~n Brhhc T 7 -j T-1 ----------- s i V q ARBUZOV, B.A.; RIZPOWZHNSKIY,11#I.;,LSVIRXVA,: K A, Raters of othylphosphinous acid and *own trinellor'mations of these asters. Report Wo. 7. Himed anhydrides, ol' ethylphosphinous. and dialkyl pbosphorous acids; anhydride ofetItylphomphinous and isopropoxyethylphoophinous acids. Diethyl tieter Of ethy1dithio- phosphinous acid, Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no,.2:179-166 11 157-, (MLIIA.lOt4) 1. Khimicheakiy institut im. akad. A.Te.Arb~vovaj 4zanskogo filiala, Akademit, nauk SSSR. (Phosphinous acid) "Esters and Ester Amides of Phosphoric, Thiopyrophosphpric, Pithlotriphosphoric Acids and Some of Their Properties (Efiry i efiroamid-y'f'ospornoy, tippirofosfomykh, ditiotrifosfornoy kislot i ikh nekotoryye svoystva) -Chemiatry.and Uees of Orranophosphoroun Canpuuhdr-, (Khimiya i primeneniye fozfororrc~nichf-tlfldldl qf*t~dn Trudy of First Conference, 8-10 Decmrtiber']M,~ Kazm, pp. Published by Kazan Affil. A3 USSR, 1957 164-175, Report discussed by B. B. Shugayev (Unsk: State Medicailmititute) and K. S.' Shadurskiy (Minsk State Medical Institute). -6 Arbuzov,.B. A., Rizpolozhenskiy, -9/31 N. I,,, Zvereva~ M# A, The 8'sters of:, Ethyl-Phoaphinic~.Acidi and Some. of. I t'i Transformatio Ins. (Efiry etilfo6finis't6',y kisloty. i 1ki nekotoryye prevrashch6niya) Communicatioh.8. Mixed Anhydrides of Dialkyl-Phoaphbrld Acid, Et,hyl-Phosphinic Acid, and Diethyl-Phosphinic Adid (Ooolwhcheniye 8.i Smeshannyye angidridy dialkilfosfotistoy, etilfosfinistoy i dietilfoafinistoy kislot) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii,nauk SSOR, Otdel'enire'' khimicheskikh; naukj 1958, Nr 6, pp. 706-712 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Kosolapov-and 1.7atson (Uots~on) (Rek il -Neir6 the first ~t 0~ obtain anhydrides of ai-n.-propylic~j' an-l,wdi-n.-but~i4hp'aphinic acid as a result of the action of.6e ahlorine anhidriiae of dialkyl phosphinic acid upon the ei~ter~s'eof-this acid4 Later, the same authors (Ref12) obtained:twh d4ides of diifiiethyl-'. Y r and udle.'%yl phosphinic acid. In flie pr6sent paper~thelauthors describe the method of obtaining mixed anhydrides~of the type (OH) (R-C H C -n-:C H (Et) ?17 P 0 P Card 1/16 2 2. 2 5 3 7 4 ;j_G .The Esters of Ethyl-Phosphinic .. Acid and Some of Its SOY/62-58-6-9/37 Transformations. Communication 8. Mixed Anhydrides'; of'Dialkyl-Phosphoric Acid, Ethyl-Phosphinic Acid,~: and Diethyl~-Phosphinic.Acid. OC H (C H ) P 0 Under;,~,he itation of alkyl 2 5 2 'P 5 0 H halides brought. to beat upo.n the miied "hydrides ;te' forme, id. unaer the action:of sulphur the mixed anhydrides combine only,with a sulphur atom (and sulphur combines with ph6sphorus which contains eat: 2 ethyl adicals). There are 2 tablea:and"3 refereno .ASSOCIATIONs Khimicheskiy institut im. A. Ya. A hu zo va Kazansko: 6 r 9~ filiala AN SSSR.(Chemical Institute imeniwAo Ye. Arbusav Kazad Branch,AS,USSR) SUBMITTEDt December'21, 1956 Card 24 ,y 50) AUTHORS: TITLEi PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 ;SOV/62-59-,2-32/40 lozhenskiyj.N. I Rizpo P-Dichlbro-vinyl Ester Derivativ6;s'of'Ethyl Phosphinic Acid, ~Proizvodnyye P,P-dikfilorvinilovogo efira'etilfosfi .novoy kisloty) Izvestiya Akademii nauk 33SR Otdelon:Lye'.khimicheakikhznauk, 1959, Nr 2p pp 358-360 (USBRi In the present paper-the interacti6h., of bhloral with alkyl and dialkyl phosphinic acid derivative6 was investigated as well as the physiological activity of deriv&t:Lve.e'of the P,P-dichloro- vinyl esters of ethyl phosphinic acid. The reaction of,chloral p '' :g ed: C H'P(OR) with the following com ounds was inveBti'at 215 2f where OR OCH ; OC H'; OC H _n; Oc H, ij~oc H -n;, OCH C H 3 2 5 3 7 3 7 5 11 6 5' )2 H and C H P where, R, CH and Y tOR (C2 02POR 2 5 3 5;! OCH3' \0R Corresponding P,P-dichloro I-vinyl ester de ~ivativeilof the ethyl , r A ~prlnoipal physilo-chemical phosphinic acid were obtained. The~~ a constants and analyses of the comD6unds'obtained are given in ;2 0 2 iSOV/62-594-32/40 4 d-'9 Ppp-Dichloro-vinyl Eater Derivatives'of Ethyl PhoOphinia:lcid 0 0 c table 1. Preliminary investigations or the physiologiciLl ac- g t a3 tivity of some of these compounds~iiere dar'ried out'at the e t th d ou s -0 0 of n Physiological Laboratory KFAN USSR !;under the supervision of upervis phy - calI s 3_ 0.10 I. D. Neklesova. It w 'as proved that them are phys,ioloocally e8 ter tion the highly active. In the course of the investigation~the esters the of the ethyl phosphirhosicid not yet described were 'sy~~nthe- d were Br tho ,ng to' a e sized in addition.. They were obtained. according to's, method ,ons taataof th previously described (Ref 5). The principal constants of these. esters are listed in.table 2. There axe~2 tables and ref- Olea and 5ref erences, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Xhimichaskiy,inatitut im. A. Ye. XAuzova. Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute of Chemistry im~en!t A. Ye. Arbuzov of the Kazan' Branch,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: July 12, 1958L Card 2/2 04052 '10 S/o6i/6o/ooo/0` /od5/o 18 t0l 5/p064 AUTHORS: Arbuzov, B. A.$ Vinogradova, V. id,Zvereva, M.' A. ar TITLE: Esters of O-Ketophosphinic Acidai Information 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro and Brom'o:Abe';0nj3d1With the Didthyl Eater of Ethyl A us Acid and~W:Lth the Sodium Salt of the blonoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous'Acid PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdel:en1ye'khimichekikh nauk 196.0, No. 10,~pp- 1772-1776 TEXT: The investigations mentioned~in the tttl6~wers~ carried o't to determine the effect of an exchange of an ethyl ~radic'al directly, bo"d to phosphorus for the ethoxyl, radical:in triethyl phosphite, or in:diethyl phosphorous sodium. The reaction between chlorb~c(itone and the diethyl ester of ethyl phosphinous acid led to the mixed (!:tbyl isopropenyl ester of ethyl phosphinous acid: Card 1/5 84652 Esters of P-Xotophosphinic Aoide, Information A/062/60/000/010/005/018 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro- and :BO15/BO64 Bromo Acetones With the Diethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid and With the Sodium Salt of the Monoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid 0 0 0C H 0C n 2 5 2;5 C H CH (IV) or C H P 2 2 2 5- '_~O-c 0 1*_1CH Br 2 CH 3 T1 is ~U however, necessary to carry out further investigations to verify one of the two last-mentioned formulas. The reaction"b4tween chloro, acetone and the sodium salt of the monoethyl ester of ethyl phobphi,iious acid leads to the ethyl ester of ethyl epoxy isopropyl phosphinic acid: 0C H CH 3 5. 1 C H P-C-CH (VI). The Raman spectra (obtained from an ilr-n 2 5 2 0 Card 3/5 Esters of P-Ketophosphinic Acids. Information 3/062/60/000/6io/06,5/018 6. Products of the Reaction of Chloro-'and 8015/B064 Bromo Acetones With the Diethyl Eater of Ethyl Pho8phinous Acid and With the Sodium Salt of the Monoethyl Ester of Ethyl Phosphinous Acid (ISP-51) spectrograph) and the ultraviolet abs:orjltion~:spectra (bbta'ined from an C~ -4,'!(SP-4) quartz spectrophotometer)~:Iof the substanc:e6 obtainedi liti~ers.Wre, and corrdIa which hav-e-=erto not been described in the : ponding steps of preparationare given. It is stated that the reactions. investigated by the authors proceed in the same directions as thos4 of triethyl phosphite and diethyl phoDphorous sodium (Rdf. 1). There are 2 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet, 2 US, 1 British,; and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Nauahno-issladovatellskiy instituVim.:A. M. Butleroya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo univieralite.fa (Scientific* _ arch Institute imeni A. M. Butlerov of Kazan' State --Jigs e UniversAiy). Khimicheskiy-'in-aiii-~,i~.-im...' A.__i7~_._Arbuzova Kazanskogo filiala Akademii nauk S3SH ~(C.hemical: Institute imeni A. e. b oX e Sciences USSR) ARBUWV, B.A.; VINOGRADDVA, VIS.;_Z~YA, N.A. Esters of 0-keto phosphonic Iacids, Aeport' Yo-71 Products of the reaction of w-chlorocy6lobqxanone With di.mtbyl:eater of othylphos- phonous acid and the sodium salt of the M er oU 6noathyl eat ethorlphosphonouo acid. Izv. AN SSSR.Otdo kbim. nauk no.11:1981- 1984 H 16o. 1~-. 11) 1., Khimicheakiy inatitut Ka;anskogo filiala Alf SSSR i Khimicheskiy institut im. A.M.Butlerova Kazaaakogo unive:roitata im. T.l.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Cyclohexanone) (Phoophonous acid) ji L4014) ML M r, C E, d 6/Ob4/0d;-16/0U8 1 012027 H1002- AUTHOR: Vizelt' A. (j.; Zv6reva 14. A.~ - Ivan vsk~ Duiiayev,, V,-G~; Berim, K. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry. Ali SSSR, xal-lanik, ~n~~Aut orja*, hedkoy Miiiiii: AN SSSR);. Kazany Maical histi-tute, Kazaii 6 F-Ined0sinsk-iv inatita) Lb I Bale TITLE: Synthesis and, sow, properties, Of pho h c 61' 6 19, rimtiv~i SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 160, no; :4 .1965- 8264 8 TOPIC TAGS: organic synthetic,processi, t(~#colqg, ABSTRACT., Eaters of cyclophosphinic L~id - itere - zynthe~sA, z~d- y: roac tion3 oxo-l=bromo-3-methylpli(,bPtL6cycidpd;tte-no-Z, with dor;ie-opq4jr4,j alt6bbls in M6 ~sence of triethylan4ne in other. solution.~ ~Twq'acido irdir-~" 6- ing' br oniideb:iln ltd kri"M ia oniq ication of thecorr spond acid krec~yatn~ ce ton4i er was prepared chlor'o" 3 # 5- J.'rima'thyl-i methyl cat ~b~.-rettction of 2-*X64- oxaphosphacyclopentcn~-.4 with~~matthanol in,tho premace trialhylamine. ~ Ti.- icity studies were run on white mice accokdinf; to the ~eftns motl~oa; moat ~-o~ tltit, compounde studied gave a mion6typic picture of poisoninut ~M:--Jaildr to tild aAioq ~Ir inhi i narcotics. Lethal dooes of the compound3.studiad produ~il stoppage of respiration. The toxicity of the 6dterj~ to; increase, 14t,11 'Increaaing length of.the' hydrocarbon- radi6l** The actl0n,~i:,f th~) jirelaratio4a too reversible j and af ter the mice avoke there', was. no offea, t. 4il theIr' g4noral ion. The preparations were alad'~ jn~eetiga~ tid in vitro' 1~i i i 8 100 1 aiia i o 000 &jij~. 7 :ions on oeven specien of pathogenic microbss* 2het tw 14, nadlt)RtUd, ed b-J. Card, 1/2 VIZELI A.O.; ZVEPYV IVAIMISKAYA, K.M.; SlUDENTOSOVA, I.A.; LUNAYEV, V.G.; Y A-IJ& BERIM, M.G. Synthesis and*certain properties of phosphacyclopentene derivatives. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no.4:826-828 F 165. (MIRA 18.2Y 1. Inatitut organicheskoy khimli AN 9SSR I Kazlanskiy meditsinokly institut. RUPOLOZ)MNSKLY, N.I.; DOYIKO, J,.V.;.7klElILVA, M.A. Synthesis of glycidyl esters of phosphorus ac Iris:, Do~ll AV SSSR 155 no. .5:1137-1139 Ap '64. (141RAI 17:5) 1. Yddraichaakiy 1-natitut im. h.Ya.Arbuzova Xazanpkcgo T iliala AB SSSR. Predutavleno akadomikow B.A.ArbimavyM., ARDIYZOV.1 B.A., akademik; VIZELI, A.0.1 ZAIKONNIKWA,~I.V.; STIJDIENTSO~Ao I..A.; "it DIINAYEV, V.G.; ZVEREVA, M.A.; IVANCIVSKRA, K'j'; Organophosphorus compounds of low toxicit4-. Dol-1. Ali SSSR 165 no.1:91-94 N 165. (MIRA 18tIO) 1. Institut organichaskoy !-himli AN SSSR, Fzzan'., i Xazanskiy~ gosudarstvennyy meditsinsk:Ly insLitut. USSR/Cultivat'ed Plants Fodder m-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol... No 1., 1958,, No 1620 Author P.A. Kormahchikov., M.I. Zvereva Inst Not Given ~Title A New Concept of Plant Ligalfication Orig Pub ZUvotaovodstvoj, 1956., No 11, 50-59 Abstract St-idies have been conducted on wheat., regneria a~icl alfalfa in order to ascertain the degree of lignification im.the various parts of plants depending on age. Methods of establishdag the coefficient of lignification are presented, based on the fact that coarse feed is composed 6f two fractionsy one so- likile in water., and one unsoluble in water and in dilute acid doluttions. Slight ligaification originates prior to spiking It, cereals, and badding in beans, but becomes stronger during their spiking and buddi phases at the expense of the stems. Card 1/1 ZVMEVAj M.N.3 Cand ghem Sci (diss) "Anion 'double' decomposition of zinc., cadmi=,and lead and Oieir separation from certain eler-erts." Len, 1959, 13 PP (Len Order of Lenin State Univ in A.A. Zhdanov) 150 co,ies M) 36-59, 112) 16 - A USsn/Analysis or inorganic Substances G-2 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Khimaya, No 6, 1957, 19616, Author Yu. V. Morachev:3kiy, M No Zvereva, A* Ao'Kuz- netsova Inst Title Separation of Phosphate to'n from som'e~Cations with Anionites. Orig Pub: Zavod. Laboratoriya:, 11956, 22, No 16,r~1170 '-.1171 Abstract: It is proposed to uee the. anionites !P8-9 and ED 10 in Cl combination for separating Toll- Crom A~ Fe3t and Ca 1, Some 50 ml of the s.olution (0& no, in rei'grei containing '< 0.1. g Of:,PO nee 3to Cl- )3 and Call, Fe tand Al -"area passed throUgh an an m - ite column (I cm in diameter, height 0;f the layer Card 1/2 94 ZVZWA, M.N.: SHIBAROV, V-1. Separation of zinc, lead, aid copper on an anionits. Yeat.L(FU 14 no.4:145-148 '59-