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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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Constructing buildings by the method of 31 stories. Prom.strole 38 no,4132-38 160. 1. Treat No.19 Glayleningradatroy (for Zue~er). Langiprogor (for Ioffe), (Precast concrete construetion) ZUSSBR 0. Using the method of progressive llfting~of stories in constructing apartment houses. DIU. tekh. inform. po 4troi. no,6:10r12 -To Oaunao) (Apartment hounes) (Hydraulic JaCICS) TY TICH, Yu.T., inzh.; ZUSS12 A.P, Insh. Heating and drying unfinisbed.buildings. Bital.tekh.inforn. 5 no.1:25-26 Ja 159. (Building-Cold weatber conditions) (Drylrv, apIparatus) (14IRA 12:4) ZUSSER, A.P., inzh.; LAn"BNIKOV, H.B.; KUBAM, G.N. Using tivrping form In making precast reinforciW con~reto fences [Suggested by A.P.Sumser, M.H.Lazebnikoil, G.IfAubarov] Rate. I Izobr. predl. v otroi. no.6:30-32 158i (KRA 11M) (Pencas) (Concrete construction-Pormwork) GAL PERIN , L.Yu. ; gV�SE&r-A.T4. IOFFB jM.I.; mims, m.; slZOV., A.A.j~ STAROVOYTOV,, I.F.., red. 12d-val- FULIKINA, YO.A... Uklm. red. [Experience in the design and erection of buildings by elevat-~ ing the stories]Op,,t proektiroyaniia i montazlia 2dtinii meto dom pod"ema etazliel. Leningrads Go-istroiWat, 1962. 147 (Precast concrete convtru~tion)'~ (Hoisting machinerr) ZUBSER, S.G., kand.blol.nauk Studying causes of diurnal vertical mlgratW~nm In't-isbes. frud;r obv. (MI.RA li: 11) lkbt.kow. no.8:115-120 158.: 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovatol'skiy institut.morskogo rybno6 khozyaystva i okeanograflie (Fishes-Migration) ASUN(MA.M.Ye.; BOGOROV.V.G.', MJSM,S.O.; MHOWA,]W.i.; STAOSTIN,A.3). Scientific and technical research of I.I.Mesiatgov. Trudy Gidrobiol.ob-va no.6:17-22 155. '(XLRA 8:9) (Mostatsev, Ivan Illarionovich, 1885-194o) 000 00 .0 so it t 00 a z 00 00 swit'das Off kkAw W004 and Cra") J, 40-0103!1J.-The fllt* fit 4111111 WO 045% 4# WOOM WO A- 6 0 w it may clv-e A NOW" to .3. X S- ILO no lw 2.5% pgd~- in -wk* ~ -.1 1111411tis . IM --~G* "M w4k 6f IsMiCT-411111t CIMMO. a &Y &00 it me elk& a4k d and X1 The bat nbMbwd *W IW w ftwlill of cli t, sit if" Ou bu UjW4I in thin cloalfil ft IM Mirly, a h "quite,111 11w out Aa bap t* be tbwgb t-6cdonkta as 76% 1 -- " " ** bw At for bi 1111cc tltw aw?p Intritisial 'llim" * 11,S)t dirled. In which ow a p*wder f--. aftet bbLUM reed. It mugg ba smed it* llertilucM to tb6 ORM, the cattk & mixed witit powd. pent and dr" is &slam low slice'l r -T via 0 5 AV 10 9090-41 too roe too life rl _Ier ............ cfttmift .4 Ofpm-k ll!'WW" *000 bill fill"11111101% 1. i ElOnWil (PertOW" a" Cro") S, v*11 tum"Ifi. rM ts, t tl 4 1w all.. the kedw to 6%, Us" too do br* 1.2ttill ='*2' 0.4 20 3 Stfam. Pr*"m at 134-140" givots a PnXIM OWIL In milf, dainmliml in The -00 00 It wil. Ilm ttrtdu*r thus obuined bona N comitat of T.6 tit jV3%. pdilbtlr lo"tk One the cather. By autodawing with Nits for# hmat Imuliwr it ogstainqd .00 00 bVW'rasuy Inintrallow mail Of" mr*vAltl&%m!Nwrlv4slN, Otilvl%by .040 d N7 It Is pointed out that tapts. have shown that by the H. swrilits] 44d Morm wow a4l 0 waste, hak and am" other org. Industrial wasta Isrocluctsi star bit omvrTt"j latto valo. go able N 1111tuttem too 06 3 ago 0 .go too I I A INETALLURGIC&A, LITORAYURIF CLASUPOC1,11411 too VOW 0101tv 4114 *40 dAt 401 u is If Atli 1; Cc it Is0 m I " AA i 10 e, OU 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 is 00 $00.4 0 O'o. 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 40 00 0 Wdl 0 0 a a1 IN ---------- . I IV . a . ., - , - to A I $,I OtM. Th, ,,,row a bwodc"O. ev- ts"*"ft S IT, It-