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ZURAM31VIL!, DZIIVARSMMWILI, A.G.; ZMIABASHVILI I red ; 11-24OZZ, K.I. red. izd-va; DZHAPkdDZE, N.A. 0 te=. red*, (Study and improvement of hydr~ulia fi.Uing oparations in mines of-the Tkibuli coal depositlIssledovani6 i uS*OV'er_ shenstvovanie gidrozWaadochnykh kboziaietv AAnkht skogo mentorozMeniia uglai. Tbiliaij, Izd-vo:;Akad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 1962. 215 p. (MIRA i5ln) (Tkibuli region-44ine fil2lng) ZURAMHVILI, Z.A*.- H istochemistry of the central nervous systetq undwr the effee~i of. aminazine and tofranil In an acute experlm4. ~)oob. AN Gruzb SSRI; 30 no*5:503-590 VV t63* 16311~ 1. Institut morfologii AN CruzSSRS Thillsi.A~redstdvleno chlenom-' korrespondentom AN GruzSSR N.A.Dzhavakhishviii. ZURABASWILI Dynamics or some biophysical Indi"s of the &Itwnal rhythm In. schizophrenia patients. Soob# JUI Cruz. SSR ~Z, no..316.P7-694 D t 63. (mlas, val) 1# Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut, paikala ~t, I-I itilmdcterstl?a~ zdravookhraneniya GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predetavlrnio, n,,Iiad,!!dkcaq I.Ya. Tatishvili. ZURABAYEV N k"k~nd.." tekbn. vauko: 4otoentj SMAKOV#' Tu.Io f yj~~o Vladimlrovvi~cch r".j TIKHONOVAv I.M.v takhn. rodo [From Volkhovetroi to pow giants) Ot'Volkhoystrolt k gigantsm'ener- getiki. Leningrad, Lenizdatp 19604 345 P, (KMA 34 P~ 8) 1. Gidrot8WMiCb4Bkiy fakal'tot Leningradukoga po3.iiekbnicheo)6o8o inotituta imeni M.I.Kalinifia.- (Electric powor plants) ~ABISH~V ~y-kand. tekhn. nauk; GELASHVILI, D.X.,, kaid. takhn. naukj red.j BOKUCHAVA, T,P.,, red.izd.-val SHTZPAN,, Deleap tekbno red. (underground working of the Cbiatura manganape depbsit] Opyt podzemnoi razrabotki Chiaturskogo mestorozh6rdia itarganteae Tbilisi, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSR 61. 95 P. (1,11RA 1533) (Chiatura region-44anganese mimes and min! ing) ot! MIKELADZE A.S.; ZjUqRWAB -M9 red BOKU MAp ~.P. I 18 LI red. izd-va; SHTEFAN, Me,-, tokhn. ;G'di (Experience in the mining of thick coal seamd'of the Kuznetsk find Chelyabinsk Basins as applied fA) the coal;depodits of Georgia) Opyt razrabotki moshchrqkh,ugolfrqkh, lastov Rumietskogo p 4b- : i Cheliabinskogo basseinov primenitallno k ugplinyi nestorozhd: niiam Gruzii. Tbilisi, Izd-volkad, nauk GruzinBkad. at, 1961 1 :0 IRA 15 149 p. (Georgia-Coal mines and mining) AUTHORS: Zurabishvili, 1.12.# Candidate of Tochnicol ~,,tencos; Gashkho- .-teliani, L.V.;Kalandudze, V.A., aar~ Teertavadzes I,t 1111ining Engineers TITLEt ` Increase of Effectiveness of Minfn by Long 4ulla ~n Man- ; ganese Mines (Povyshoni e offakti0 tauti: vyyemki lavaml nu margantsevykh rudnikakh~ PERIODICALt Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958i Hr 1, pp 20-23 0~33R) ABSTRAM In the underground minine; of the Vhiutura maaeanooo dopo3it, the method of long wall atoping is most expedient#' Opera- ttone at the wall proceed in three Shiftst one prepwratory shift and two recovery shifts. The total length of the wall is usually 38 to 46 m, In the mine iuni ZtalirVii 60-m et wall WUZ teated, showing that th ~dynatiica of miningipreauure . , did not change uith the lengthening of the wall !Wt tnat the amount of work connected with roo;r control incrou'sedo Tnere- fore, the author concludes that,t: Ine lubgth or wallo in t,'Ia 10hiatura mines nhould be up to 50 or 55,m only. For:the transport of ore alonj; the ivall)6craparu are usel driven by scraper winchou of the 11L 2-1611 typeAManUf4CtUred in the Kri- Card 1/2 voy Rog plant 114ommuniat". The Piiverage daily 6atput of. ono Increase of Zffectiveness of i4inine by-Long 1'1'alla~ln Manganese Mines acraper unit in the mine imeni 3taliri wan ~241#3 tons ~ (scra- per capacity being 0-44 ou M). In the mine imeni Lenin,the maximum daily output of a 0,36 ou M~60rapo'r was 293-02 tons$ The author analyzan technical and economical indices~of min- ing with different wall lengtho and,scraper-transport dis- tance and conaludes that lengthening,the walls result .a in better churacterictiaG. The article contains 6 fiaures and 2 ijAblea. ASSOCIATIONi Institut metalla i gornogo dea AN Ormt SSR~, (Institute of Metal and Mining of th,. AS aeorglar as~) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Mining engineering-USSR 2. Manganese ores-UWR ZURABISHVILI, I.I, Regularities in the manifestation of rock rriasura in entriesh Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 29 no.5063-570 N 1~2. (MIRA 1833) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. G.A.ISulukidze Ali Gruzinskoy SSRi; Tbilisi. Submitted May 15, 1961. ZURABASHVILI, LI.- KWALIYA, G,L; 'GOGNIASHVILI, Oly. Determining the maximal width of the wor~lng area in a mine face. Soob.AN Orus,SSR 23 no#3:313~-318 S '59- (MRA 13:3) 10 AN GrUSSSR.. Iustitut gornogo dela, Thilial.' Predstavleno chlenom-korreopondeAton 44%ionti IF-IF.Tavase. (Mining engineering) R~WI ~JU UIANDAD23, VAL; XIMUADZID, A.S#'; TSZRTSVAIM, V.I. AUTHORs Zukhovitakiy# S.I. and Baking G.I# (LUtBk) 20-11 .5-5/59 TITLEt ~Cheb~yshev~ppYftimatidn in a Hilbert Ring,(O Cheb.Tshevikom pribli.zhenii,,v gil.lbertovom kolltse), PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk,,,1958p Vol,,118gi Nr 5P1 PP~870-872 NSSR) ABSTRACTs Let f(.q) band -f(q) beicontinuous functions,on the compact with;the Hilbert iingAl. TO prbblem of ~he Chebyshev a Ipp'roximation ofthe~ fun'otjq'~ f(q) 1! with the' laid of the functions atf(q) a&H conaisti 'iji dettirmining sulch an a(o)e- R that max a(O)f~q)!,f( ~%X 11avF'(4) f(4)11 q e q:, a EIV Let 3 denote the~orthogorAl 'complemenVin 111of the subapace, T of the vectors a , for 'which aq(q)1M 0 ~0:a Theorem Is In oraerthat for each function f(q) continuous on Q the values of which lie in H, thele exists an &Mkp(q) , it is necessary and sufficient th at the sullest closed right ideal containing all the~Valuesf(q),is the or- thogonal sum of a finite numbor of cattain zinimum right : ideals p 1HI...,Pk H of the ring 3 , i qe. Y (q) E PIH 0. 6 4po for all q15Q or S H 9 T - H p, (D 14 Pk where Card 1/2 ZURABIS Efficiency of increasing the length of the longvmll. Soobo' AN Gruz.SSR 18 no.4:449-456 Ap 1157. (MM 1. AXRdemlyR nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Inetitut ~netnllk i gornogo.dela, Tbilisi. Predetavleno chlenam-korrespondentom Akndemii 7.1.1mvidse. (Mining engineering) 7 1 r/ "T61TADU, V.F.; ZU.UBAbliVILI,,jj Rating the I)z her% il lo-Babin-Husersk iy methol ,for dot*r"Ining t'he amount of protein in food products. Vop4plt. 16 nc&~4.*81 Ji-Ag '157-~ : ("qLU MU"I 1. Iz kafedr7 gigiyany pitardys (2avo prol*#' V.F.Katsitadso) TbIliskogo meditainRkogo instituts. (PRM1111i) (YOOD--ANALTSIS) ZUR_";13A.'3fV]L17 Jgrurd iM11piyevich; M"11~ PtTif 11 TJ%~ d wc. tr, r nx)dnk) p;t,ri 1% T d au [Frobleui of the pathoirgrirml archiltoctow-Losiand h4sto- chemistry of the eentral nervous system und-et 'the effect of aminazine arV1 tofrat,ill Voprosi pit toarkh! iek tondki i gistokh-IrAi. Td',:', pri deistwii amirnzina 1. te;'A"I'anila. Tbi- lisi, Izd-vu Ili Gruz..-'.SR, j1)t%1,. 15.7 1). OARA 17:10) 1. Chlen-kcrraoForvlen-~ 3N Gruz..IISR (fcr Dzhiav,akhi BhVin) . ZURABASHVnIO Z.A. Characteristics of striation and ourfaco,tr'msian of the bl~ood plasma in schizopbrenia. Soob. AN Gmz. MR 33 no.3023-V7~ Mr t64 (MIRA l7t8) 1. Nauabno-issledovateltakiy institut psik hiatrii imeni H.M. Asatiani Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya Gnizinskoy SSE~ Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom P.P.Karbitradze. ZURABISHVILI.p., IJU kandidat t9khvicheakikh wkuk;,rAZw4DZzO TOA., inz6ner _A.S., inzhener;.TS]MTSTADZB, T.Xot inzheusro Scrapper loaders used ip. ptoop Oaft-OnkiftC. Yakh. trud. rab, 11 no.'4:40-41 Ap 157. (Mining machinerr) K5SAYFIV A. S,.-; ZURABOV Uzbek fumigation team. Zashch.~rast, ot vred$l.I bol. 10 no.12: 46 165, (MIRA 19.11) 1. Nachallnik fumigat3ionnogo otryads. pri Utbekskoy' ~,osudnet- vennoy karantinnoy inspektaii,, Tashkent (forMizaTevI, 2. laqzyy, agronom fumigatoionnago otryada pri U2bekskoj gosu4a,rvLvennoy kare,13- tinnoy inspektali, Tashkent (for Zurabov), -71 - im I 1 1! ." f quateruiry twunocuum I)dsea. Siliv I "Mon (41, I do .......... ZURABOT, O.Ya. Prevention of Byablepharon In ooul&r burm viih medlola I'll lied paper. Test. oft. 68 no.lt22-25 J" 156. 1. ~Is glasnogo otdslen*u (nauchn. ruk6volit6l -prof. B.S. mumuslashvill) 1-Y, Thilleekay garodskoy bolOulteyo (CCUJUNCTIVAI synblepharon In burns, prey. with ms4ioal compressed paper) (BURNS eye, prey. of symblepbaron with medical cospressed Paper) BAIIAT.A , A~T.; VARTANTAR, N.G.1 ZUROM, i,rs, Cleavage of quaternax7 ammonium bases. Part'll. Sylltheals of Mixect tertiary amines. Zhur.ob.khim, 25 ne.8116104613 'Ag 135. (tan 9 2)' l.Terevanakiy seaveterinarnyy institut, (Aulues) BAUYAN. A.T., ZURABOV, I.Ya. Research In the field of quaternary a=onlua4mpowds. Part 2. Dehydrochlorination. Zhur.ob.khis. 25 no.M2445-2448 D 155. (KLHL 90) 1. Yerevanskiy too-veterinar"Y institut. (Hydrochloric acid) (Anmonium compounds) inAp YASKEVICH, A,., otarshiy inzhener-kapitan; ZURAM.jq Revision of the Internationa.1 Signal Code.' Mor., flot 22 no.A.- 25-26 Ag 162. (MIRA 1$.-7) 1. Upravlaniye glavnogo revissom po bezotwsnos moreplava,bliya! ti nvy Kinisterstva morskogo flota (for Yaskovic~). 2.' Mentrall' nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mor ko 0 flo-ta (for Zurub V). (Signals ancl vignaling ZUTIABCYV, Yu.G. m7na. ~120. Sudovozh~ Great cicle uailinj~. Tnf'om. abor. TSMr, i sviaz' no. 27--53-63 161, (Ilipul igpi) ZURABYANI-L'M.p kand.tokhn.nauk; PAVWV, S.A,, dAUr t6khnrAuk, prrofo; Effect of tanning and impreghation methodt~!on the perneabil#y of leather to moisture* Izvo vyma uchebt Mveo teibs log, prCUO no. 1:6040 160, vt: 5): 1. Mentralllayy nauchno-iseledovatellokiy:iiatitit kozbevenno- Auvnoy promyshlennosti (for Zurabyan). 24I!Mosk6vMkiy tekhno,logi- cheskiy institut legkoy promy9hiannosti (for Pavlov)* (Leather-Permeability) N.M.,, kand. tekhn.nauk; MZTHTSKSNZ, U. I., ~nzh.; SAVELIYEV~ A. L" kand.tokhn.nauk; SUCHKOV, V.G.~ kandotakhn.ruiuk Testing of the mechanical properties of leaaer und6r dynamicpcon-~.- ditions. Nozh.-obuv.prom. 6 no.IW15-20 016/4. (MIRA M:~I) ~Tlm for:7dw_ subjitajj,~c-.; VCr t'~p gv3in leather. KOZh--h,1v, jwom. 7 no.7t2o-25 J'1 L 8958-66 EWT(m)1W?(J)1T RH ACC XRt AP5026529 SOURCE COD& OR/0206/61/000/019/00?0/0070 dv ow AUTHORSs Yeliow V# 1 11 1%; Mletelk Ilf 5tEm-ey'. ye. Zharkor, 'Petrovs, S. A nove X. I.Vgorina J? A#j Ur!hmL 141, jq sevat Vil hkon, 19. P OR(h none TITLEt Method for obtaining film-forming matorials and isprognatipS materials tot Arimming and filling of natural and artlrioi*l leather Class JiL2?f5 SOURCEe ByunstsnO izobrotoay 1. tov&rnykh nudwrt no. 10, 1965, To -:TOPIC TAOSt leather,, polymer, protein# YWI plastic, &crr11* plastic ABSMCTo This Author Certificate prostate a method for obtsiningirillm-forming 4"rognating materials for trimin and fllllng~of natural and arlAfloW loathe of TWII for inotanast a0T`jUG 04 NOMAM7110 UMZ#rd V *San*. at, :proteins. To increase the thermal, acetcasp ad water subility t 0060649 ~mA tbk4 dvxability and filling of tho material strootav, the *65KH-g monosiore or* Ismulsiflod In an &quo=@ protein solution. 7" owl"itleation Is tollow*4 by QWd 1/2 UZko 676-74442-416 671.662-524-1 ACC 15 !AUTHOR: Kuznetsava, 0. F. (&ginear);_~uraLby hdidaU of Technical Sciences); Euznetsov, A. R. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) !OREG: Central Scientific Research Institute of the Ioathorl-Shoe'Industry (TaentA'~&Ilnyy tnauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kozhevenno-obuvnoy promyshlonnosti) TITLEE: Strengthening the cemented seam in making shoes vithout roughing the covered edge SOIRCE: IVUZ. Tekhnologiya legkoy promyshlennosti, no. 60 196$, 75-82 1TOPIC TAGS: footgear, adhesive, adhesive bonding, chloroprone, leather ABSTRACT: The formation of strong bonded seams In shoes without roughing the leather e.,fore adhes.ive application was investigatedlusing chemicajV s~ailar polymeric; "!ma. finishing the leather and in compounding the now adhesive compositions. ength of the bonded seam in unroughed and In surfacia-roughed leather depends 'Oe ly on the adhesion 6f the:coating to the leatheri if the coating has lo-j ~incor oration of lat' ','.'!i&esion, peeling occurs at the coating-leather boundary. P ex 7-ILTW-l in the coating composition to increase bond strength Vas found less expedient an incorporation of a polymeric film-forming material (ohloroprene-containing 'slift-30) the adhesive composition. Adhesion of the coating to loAther,ls increased by using Card 1 2 ACC NR: AF6014715 ~Iessentially the same polymeric film-forming material In coinpounding the pigmented f compositions and in leather finishing. Small amounts (10-20% on weight of the adhesive) of the polymeric film former Increas6s the oemotiiod sea'n strength4' 117ho work was done in the laboratory of Finishing and Polymeriol,MaterIals of the ~TSANIIO And at the Department of Shoe Technology MTILP.11 Orig. art. hasi 4 tables'and'5 figures. SUB CODEt 11, 151 SMX DATE: 20Apr65/ CRIG REFt 006 j Cord 2/2 7-i 4's16 314own ii I II lowl Ra I illfilill I I lHil Il t 11 INII IAllv YELISEYEVAY V.I.; ZURABYAN. K.M.; ZAYDFS, A.L. Now tM of polymric disperstons. Dokl. AN SSSR 162. no,~.1086-1088f' ja 065. (Mllik 180) 1. T"Jentrallnyy nauchna-issledovatellskiy inst!,,tut kozhevrlnnO-bhM-*y promy-shlennosti. Sutnitted April 8, 1964, METZMN, A.I., kandidat tokhnichookikh nauk; SWMT, Y.G.0 kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk;,, ZURLMN, K.K., inzhensr. Increasing the wear resistance of sole leather. Leg.prom. 16 no.9: 20-23 S 156. (KLBA 9ill): (Leather industry) ygLISEyLVA, V. 1. , kami. takhn. naUk;.~Myh~ K, K kand.telchu.nauk Study of the physicochamical reactionm Of -pblymar dinparsiou with fibrous aorbents. jzv.vys.ucheb.vav.: toVh Ing. prom. no.2.-21-27 159. (GIL 12:10) 11 Mantrallz*7 nauchno-iseledovatellukiv tnatitut kashovermo- obuvnoy prorWahlannootie (Textile fibers) NIIJM, Ye.P., insh.; MNSKAYA, W.S., kand. telih)t,~nauk; ZURAIIYAN, t#Mo# kand. tekhn. nauk Characteristics of various methods for 7, azd liming"of rav hides in the manufacture of hard leathin.. eve vyao uchabo tavo; takh. log. prom. no.4:34-38 '59. 1 1 (MRA 1312) 1*Vsesoy=Wy saochnyy inotitut takotillney L legkor promyshilennosti i TSentral'ny7 nauchno-issledovatsl'sk4-,- inistittxt kozheTenno-obaynoy promyshlonnosti. Rakovendovana kafedroy telthoologil obavi, koshi i iskusetvanno.r koshi Voesoyrusnogo tekstillnoy i legkor promyahlonnooti. (Leather manufa4tl~L) IMM, B. D., Central Sclentifin, Vmeorcb tnatituto of Lenther Fintuenr tndtt~try, I+mwow - "Miv of teefinotoden, rmw ractory equfjm~lltll f" 1~114! 8oviet Won" ,~vtioll V-o KORIMAIMA, U. D., Adm1n1nLrnt1vc Dpnrtment~or the 'Trade-aIndustries, lk~acow - "Fxporiencea abritsiOn realsLnnvo of tiole leathern" Soiction -d A., rrof. Dr., K-mtlov l1jjdtjtut~ or LA~bt rnductry, Wnoow - "tNe or PlAntiell In the choo induatry" Gertion '2-n RODIONOV, A. M., 11eoe~areh tnotimite for tiv., i~tj, Industry, Mnpcov - (Gobject to be gtYen lthtptr) Section 3-c SVETKDV. V If., Kmeaw Technological Inatitlit+ or Light Industry, Macaw - 'Principles or cultulattrij of t~q strength of leather" Section 2-d Prof. Dr., Moncow Technalogical1hstiOte -oi Light Industry, Macov - "Principles or -Vohatrv~tion of rational last forms" Section 2-c. MIABYM~--4j, Central Scientific Research insitttute 'of EaCifi-e-r-S-datitutes, Moscow - "FlUing or the flabby parts of leatliers" Section 1-d report to be submitted for tho Conaroca of thn Goifttifis iloaqty of the I.Rtbars:8hoo! a& AjU04 Industries, wdopostp M=vu7p 3-6 00% W2 BMW, B.D*;--ZUR.A.M' 0 arshiv nauchnyy sotrudtik Practices of the Rungarian leather Industry (to be continued), Kozh.obuv.prom. 2 no.1127-32, Ja 160. WU 136) 1. Direktor TSentralinogo nauchno-incladowatellskogo instituta kozhevenno7 promyshlennosti (for Breyev). (Rangary-Leathe'r Industry) I ZURABYAN, X.M.,insheser; WRLM9 AwL, kndidat tOhnicheskikh. nauk, Iacreasing the waterproof proportion of Ruse an loather made of pigsklx# Lgg.promol? noo4t25-26 Ap '57. (MM 10:4) (leather industfir) BRM,,V, B.D.; ZMBYAI[, X,N., otarshiy nAudhnyy notrulLnik Prqctices of the Hungarian leather industry'(0ontImlation). Kosh.-obuy.prom. 2 no.2:28-31 F 160. (KERA ljt5) 1. Direktor TSentrallnogo nauebno-iseledovatel'okogo institutA: koshavenno-obuy'noy pronVishle'ninacti. (for Broya*'), i (Hungary-Leather Inch stry-Nqu ip men t and sup too) P1 it V 14 W-m n t AWO a Cc IF or Mfg too delk (ad -F,-- chi ,v A to Via. aws; Wau rww WN Ov ~,V, '511 I XF, 2 V JV,UjoVq I.S.; LIKIIOYED171M., K.I.; IMUCHERKOs C=UiOV,, G.G.; zuRAi3 t7 M jj_j~ inzb.., retsenzent; K(MIXISVo V-9-s inzb.., reteenzent; BORODAUMMO, P.I., inzhsf rato-snzent; CIMPKEVICII, A.A., kand. tokhn. nauk, red# fileceauadIl FALIKOj O.S., red. izd-va; PODBLI, B.Ly tekhn, red, (P.gricultural machinery] Sol I skokhOKt6i5tvGTAq0 lranbiiW. [By3p I.S.Ivanov i dr. Moskva., Fkasheiz) 1962. 683 p. 1. Roatovskiy-na-Donu tekhnIkum oollskokhoz~ayat ";Mogo raa- shinostroyeniya (for Zurablya;n) Korneyev), 2. Lyuboretskiy tekhnikum sel'skokhoqaystvennogo maiihinostivyeni~& kfor Borodavchonko). (Agricultural machinery) ZURABYAN So 1,9 CAND CHEM.SCIf "ON AF~AACTIONAL COUPP- SITION OFXPOLYCHLOROPRENG SYNTHETIC RUB Ben"'NAIRIT"o YEREVANq 1960. (COM OF COUNCIL OF MINISTER$ ARSSR P" HIGHER AND SEC SPEC Eop YEREVAN STATE UNIV). (KL9 3-611 200)o 10 it Automation of the apparatus for washing frai.~tionii, In the tare distillation shipa of the coking sad coal c6MjeR:j P3Antq. Xokq i khts. no.807-40 163. (KRA;160) 1. Ukrainokiy goauderetvannyy proyektqy i~Aitut' "Tyazhpromavtomatiks". (Chemical apparatus) (kitomation) I s G I Me if v li "' .1 r 0 L 0 _2 m'_tA"V_t L_&-M. MAX.PPAt It -A - k_4 s.. a. j.-s. fll -00 4 OP. , '. ~ - .. 1 1. ~ I'll. ~ ~ .. j :!-Of .00 Syu&~& n*bw. rI'6zur*kOws6. 1'r Oem: "*rbe Z=11 um of! Me Ita"Ant synthirtir njW*rp Agee j"!jjjwd. 00 1 -00 tirsOlk (;iwwt moo =06 0001 004 few too 00* 00 x*4 so* ZOO 02TALLIOSKAL LOINOW1 CLASSWK'41" =!n .................. "IV 04V 4#1 plil 041 U Is AT No is T r V 10 dl 4 a 0 tt 00 tog 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 'f,.p 0 oes so 9 000 foe 000 0 0 0 011*6 0 0 0 0 off 0O's 0 oi/ A 14W FAqip'' IdII 00 A q 00 00 A ...... 00 A HWM of the 4islopmml of r%bbor 90 00 kW Of the MOW of jw,%jucJ$jS tujj.~ ihirtsuh A 0 -- Ftw IbIt T21010 IYI*',- 00 00 8 .00 moo go j roe ago oew AA.! as, 0 1 Ai too ums CLA kcarla" -7-1 a u 9 AV 00 Ll 0 0 4 x a x ff, a Is It v Ow 0 aw I w so I , 0 0 00 00000 0 90 00 0 6 040 a 00 0 00 g 0 Oric~ 4 go 0 *1 0 10 0 0 fie 0 0 4, 004 00000 40 -01 0 0 0 -0 0 -9 Arf: 0 4 0 so A 00 it go t It 4 9 ; a 1, H u Or -u 1- t r FA a 19 p ---!- A -A r- ., a - --A- AM- A K. I S' of A, IJ OlMillt"PO llfiktik 041 f r too see moo too too A I lk LMNA1011 CLAIAWKATION. woo Poll I... I i7j. Islaso 4hp ~v 44 ..1 4 1 INS, w - i - -1-1 ~ .1. -v --;-'r -T 1-1-1-r OIN u It In I no 0 to 0 0 10 9 0 0000 0 4~0 0000.0 00.0 gas WA 0 0 i4,0 so 0 0 00 00 CA FIENIAZEK, Jan; ZURAKOWS-KA-ORS7,AGFI,_JRnins.; CHOINSKI., Zdz:!slaw Radiation grafting of polyacrylon.itrile. Polixery,tworz wielk 9 no,3:94-99 Mr 164, 1, Department of Technology or Artificial Fiberap,Technical, University, Lodz (for Pieaiazek and Choinski). 2. Universiti,, Warsaw (for Zurakowska-Orsaagh). ~L'19150-63 WP(J)/EPF(c)/WT.(it-)/DW AFFWASDi Pc-ld?,~-4 RWMky ACCESSION NRI Ap3oo5914 P/00141~i3/0421007/036~/O* AUTHOR; 4edl1ngU,=gd9w, HIM e Zdlii~!lAwl and Zurak0vsk&-iOrszaght Tanina:, TITLE: Influence of itamma radjatjo on the properties or certain film-forming polymers SOURCE: Przemysl chemiozny,'v. 42, no. 7, 1963, 365-3 TOPIC TAGS: Gamma ray, ionizing radiation, polymer, fiLn,-fo iiig polymers polyurethane resin, silicone resin, eporl resin, Miller tule, !aromatic sylitem! ABSTRACT: A study was made of the influence or ioatingia-adl4tjon on jfi~~Wj 7 coatings obtained fromlov molec?lar weight jdayjl~olymei~s and. copolymers ~,andi, selected polyureth e;1silico - nd eponr -=skw 43 The ~ stAbilit;~ of the pplym6rs to radiation was found to be dependent on their ch(micail struoturo. However$': they show deviations from Miller's rule (Abstracter's no6t Alfiller's rule noL stated], which cannot in this case be applied without Itmitations, The presence of chlorine has an adverse effect on the stability of -the polymer to'. Card 1/2 i p # a Ito it Nab Irms 10,111,11m n)lb 1. -AA 9; POP -AK 41t_j c -,I __t - .4 0. A., 00 fddkstws o9 *m* aquae. A. Zurlikim-shli. Got i - 14, 21)(1004 fl., S. Poo. mmarrut Ahama, 16.8.90L(kt. 17, Imusi. -C.Aw. liartofier. rkwilir i Ps #Irr. oAmd-. hattlorm u1 watert Fr. 4:1 * I Co, 111I N1 It padisikin of IN *vrr The a '~ Ili-air 00 . . . NII.VN alay ?* Imed to ork ntaffet often N iru r -00 , f %telsis .Pch sip Met, Zu. 1%. A.. N1, C.. qw . d is a. -00 way Ira&[ irmitt UnNuilabill Im Asol"I k We .00 If 00 w 0 ;10 0 ";too .4:0 0 100 tNo 0 A S A - I L A olEtALLURCKAL, Lift RaTioll CLASSIPIC111100 sme 0 it 11 111 OkiI a I 00 Of a 0 go 0 0 0 60 v *00 00 o 00 o o 0 0 0. 0.0 I -- - - -~ -.. ~ .1 - - - :,-!- - ~ - 1-1 L4:~-. - , L --- - ,_-, 1 10 I ZURUOWSKI, J. "Selecting Ground Resistance Nagnitudes in Low-Tenoion Sy8tems.4, P.299 (PRZEGLAD ELFMTWECIMICZBY Vol. 29, no. 7, July 1953 VarMWILI Poland) 11 ut The effect of methods of extracting the leav6s of doffestic'sumao,(te"raturep time of powdering)on the quallty and quantity of tanhides, BiURIM Ilizem. P. 120 (PPEZIGLAP SKORZANY, Lodz., Vol. 8p no* 8j Aug* 1953*) Sot Monthly List of East European Accessionsv (EEAL), LC.I: Vol* NO# J.4'n- 1955'. Uncl, TrAl";mIca of 1,;wit on thv~ cnumi,jn~~ ()f ju I PRIZZILAT) Lortz, Vol. 10 no. Feb. %,onthly US!- of "'Ist an jcc!z3:, Uncl. jo n!;, (Z AL) LC no. 10 m0ctt 1955) 4^11 ~14 It 349 11404 b34.101 Janicki J.. Prof Dr and.A4!A19xOMA.,8, Be tzll'1'1~ kwsetlIl *8 to file Value for ()%let flaft for Tsisslad Ntpows. Alaslatile ivarlt*el litory wlereb kritat"Alyril 4111% pownylkill ~Aat- barskirKa- Prier,1411 Hirarzany No I-S, 1030. pit. 2-7. 1'11190. N kALN 71he arlole eives run detans or tbo rtsearch wotr% rarrimi om% in order to determine the ut.111ty valuo of oalpr bart,jivin "Oft grown In Poland Research wait carried out with Lho bark of 'ovw- year shoots front two of the species "it common in ~the country 1. e. Salix v=nalis and Salta americana- Tho followinf: tiata Werim 6t-' lemined: proportion of bark to vmd. molaure contenC in tht Wk. quality and quantity of tanning material, optimum drying ecodl(sona. method of stripping thv bark antj conditions for *bfi46jj1S tannillif r%trarla A draft fit commercial stsindards for lister bori for 14hiiallf purposes has been drawn up~ it was found tlut all r,,~ 111iminhils is m!ich more valuAble for t-he tantilhe Ifidilitry than still* smertilansk 387 Janicki J. Pro(. Dr. and !mMx*L;kL 81 Se. inla. allsh Till. nine 11118tv"Als and tht riiii-Micts Of calswilng Thral. -Krajowe surawce gartinlikowe cm Inuthwodes Ich Pnexi4d Skarzany No ". 1040, Vp 2-4, 10 tabs Dricription of resixits of experiMenu with b4rk dr1r4l Cilld Isle- "rvtd by sulphosintloil Movessily and possibility of 1111114~lq gill Ott. traction pl4mt in Poland, Autilenli(SW dala to tilt 411411~11.v of sling materials arallabir in Use clsllrslry~ Polish Technical Abst. No. 1 1954 Textile, Leather and Vdper Industries 2101 VlZumkowski M, Hethmls of 11"Olt-illng Inter- I larve3trtImurk. 350-Gri"Gon terwa0i kory A%vlel~-kowcj jwryslcunla xinw~W~egol';! Prze- Wqd Wmimy. No. 3. 1953, (Blul, M Pj), 1-4t 7 tabs. FLr bark obtartea In winter ~ the fclrm ot flitches" du n(* de- w1arate when smpended for drsrt~i on it4m The bark ~, whert~' drIM in sMfmg. a fully valuable tanninit Mtpriad. Good rmultj havq' a60 been obtained by briquettl" bmkl~ prevh),isly trnate(l Mh Sulphtir i POLAND/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Uses. Part 1. Processe3 and Chemical Industry Equipment. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 15, 1958, 5'0596' Author Zurakovskil S. Inst Title Determination of Cyclone Heat ftphanger Size. Orig Pub Przem Chem., 1957, 131 No 81 474479 Abstract Processes of sedimentation and heatinF, of variously sized particles in cyclone heat exchangers hav,- been studied. Recommenda- tions for determination of theiribasic dimensions !-4ere given. V. Solcoll!kkiy Card 1/1 MUMUTC-UT, JST""TIMPI. ZuralKowski, Stanislaw. lWynomvetwo ogolnc-,; vy~14%(Ily divatudentow rddz. cbmAl tcc)nIczrvj Politechniki Wrcolnuskief. UIrvelalits fjgt~,I. Panstwowc-Cc L~dawr. flvu~oweCo, 1951. (General mechaplcrli (I 1~. ireerir T'.;8 textbock for ctudents of the Folytecbrle Schobl In Wroclaw. Pt. 1. tevAces') SO: East 'Miz-orbm., LO Vol. 2j ho. 12, :Dec. 1953