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SNICUROUMIZ, Juroslaw; CZAMORTFISKA, Wlktorla; jAGr,)I,',A, Rmifacy; Zims(I Jan; ZUPANSKA, Barbera. The haptoglobln level In burna. Fol. tyg. 14. 19 ti a. 39 t14?6--L/.-7'? 28 S 164 1. Z Kliniki Hematologli Studium Poskonitlembc Lekaj.zy Uadmit Medycznej w Warazawle I KlInIki T1emritolog!czn-nj Inst;rt-YAu Hemttc- logii w Whrazawlis (Kierownila prafo, VtA-wkow:lcz) oraz z Kliniki Chinngicmiej Instytittu Iiamatedogii~ Wer'osrnilk Xlinlk-.13 doe. dr. med. A. Trojanauski (decaseed)). CZAFVOBIL,7ZKA, Wiktoria; JAGODA, Banifacy; RllGURN*;r(,lZ, Z!FHsKr, Jan I Bmrta:~a kimla in burn at-cknesir. Pol. tygo lek. 19 rle.,-45zrjl8-1720 N 9164 Is Z Kliniki Chirurgiomej Tnstytutu Hematologll wAhriuavle (Klerawnlkt doce dr. meds A, Trojanovski [dadefoeal :1 2 la!mW Hematologii Inat-ytutu Hematolool oram XlinikL Poinatologil Studlum Doskonalenia Lekarzy (Kierownikz prof, dr, nod. V. Lawkovica). LITWINI Joanna; 57,MIGIEISKIO Stanislaw; _EIj.PANSLAj44-b&ra' Histochemical studies of the activity of norispeciric esteraues in blood and bone marrow cells. Polo arch. nied. wiMiet. 35 rlo-5: 647-652 t65. 1. Z Klin1ki flematologicznej TnstytutujIemat!oIogIL w Warazawio i z Katedry Hematologii -Studium Doakonalenia~ Lekarz7 w Warez .aiiie (Kierownik: Prof. dr. med. W. lawkowicz). lr(--na; Z11PANSKA, Barterm rilgtribation of ABOIroups in sow hamatol: p tyg. lek. 19 no.5:lE8-171 30 Ja 164. 1. Z Katedry Hematclogii Stadi= Poskonalotla Lekarzy Akademii Medyezriej w Varszawie i z Kllnihl Hematolpgft Itistytutu Hematolegil w Warszerwie (kierawniki orof. dr med. WIcdzImlerz LawVawicz). SEYFPd-EDOWA, HalAna; WALL145KA, Irena; UP uibura Anti-Kidd Oka) antibodies Ali chrmic lymj)iialie tmikemia wlt~ bypogamaglobulinemia. Arch. iff.-Tams ther. qi:q. :0 no.Z'%333-V+1 165 1. Npartment of Serologyp Umiatological ("LLnic find Intemal Diseases Department, Institute of Hematology, Warallwo lot8) Uncl. IG,Stanislay Treatment Of catatonio stupor by MGM Of medical Otu7thmia. NouropsihijLtrija 7 no.4s265-273 159,' .1. Is Bolnice sa siveans i dusevne bolenti Vr~pec-%,Mreb. (Ravmatei : dr. ,T. Glaser) iCAUTONU ther. , - . t k- F-~ ZUFKA Frantilek] Historic task of the Czechoslovak trade unions. Ysem,prof.; dviah, no*3:9-12 Mr '59. 1. Predsedatell ?Sentral'nogo Soveta profsoyuzov Chekhoslovskii, vitseprodesdatell Teemirnoy'federstsit profsoyulov. (Czechoslovakia,--Trade uAionm) ZMA, Trantishek Dupka, YrantlVek) Inexhaustible s'ource of our strength.*fso1uz7 16 no, 33-33 Ap 160. (KIRA 13.4) 1. Predeadatell T$entrallnogo doveta profooyZv Ghslrhoslova~li. (Ozechosloyakla-Trade unions (Lenin, Vladimir Wich, 1870~1994 ZUPIG, S. Problem of rebabilitation of mental dsflcisncy~ud mental disorders. Neuropsibljatrija 2 nb.4:240-247 1~54. 1. 1z Bolnice za zivcane I duaevne bolesti Trapce-Zagt.eb. (IMMAL rehabil., value of work.(Ser)) Oq MIAL DISORMS, same.) (RMWILTTATION. of ment. deficiency ment. disorld, val4e~of work. (Bar)) arious die. (WORK, In v ment. disord. & ment. d6fic is ncjr,. value in rehabil.' (Bar ZUPKA, lFrantishek (Zupka, Francisek] Improve methods In trMa-unlon woric, Voem, prof .01sh. oo.3:33-35~ Kr ~0= 10:5), I.Pradvadatell TSentrallnogo soveta profsoruzov~OhekftodlovWdl. (02echotlovakia-Trade unions) (CsschoslovWd a unions),; ZUPKA, Frantishek Intrigues of revenge seekers create a threat: to the main obje6tives of the World Federation of Trade Unionn. Vid,m.prot.11vish. n6.jjtq.'j2 N 16o. 1. Chairma of the Central Council of Crecholilovak trade Untopa, vice-president of the World Federation q Triiae untoria. (Czechoslovakia--Trade unions) (G~rmaiiy, Waat--Hilitariam)' w ZUPE~K, D. V. Clinical aspects of fasoioli"is in man. bfo4oparMi ra2;*'bPl& no.52528-530 161. (HIRA 140.0) It Iz klimiki infektaionnykb bolepsy Stallriokoy obleatnoy kUrl.- cheskoy bollnitsy imeni Ka-linins, (glavM7 vrach B11A. Shaporanko, zav. klinikoy S.L. Erez). (LIVER PLUKE) ZU.?NIK D.N.; MELIRIKOV, P.P.; VULIPSONp GA. WF Some ch"m6teriatics of the blood picturd Abd Vidal motion in typhoid hVer patients treated and untreaW with syntomy0in. I Zdrav.Eel. 8 no.32%46-49 N 1*62. (KIRA 1615) 1. I2v Rudnichnoy boltnitsy g. tikkeyevki (glavi3yy viach N"j. Shvets)o --------- (TYPHOID FEM) (BLOOD-ANALYSIS A11D CHWISTRY) (MEDICAL TESTS) (ACETAMIDE) ZUPNIK, D.9 (Donetsk) State of the cardiovascular system In epidemlo an& 1krenteral hepatitis. Vrach.delo no-10:121-124 0 162.. ~MIRA 15'.10) 1. Klinika infektsionnykh bolezney~(Zav. - doltoent'SoLiErez) Oblastnox b6llnitsy imeni Kalihina Donetsk~';~ INFECTIOUS) (JAUNDICE) (cAnIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) VULIMONP G,Aoj MELINIKOV, P.P.j ZI)PNIK, D.N. Ro'currences of typhoid favor in relation to the type of treatment. Vrach. delo no. 10.16417 ;1611, (UM 14: 4) lo Makeyevskaya rudnichrAya bollnitsa Stalinskory oblauti. ~(TIPHOID FEM) aupsim, 11,10; MONIKOT, POP* Hemoculture In mill and obliterated forms of typhoid favor. Shw* mikrobiol.,epid.i I is 30 no.121123 D 159. 130) 1, Is modilm-saultarwy chastl shabhty "Zholadnay* Dalb&* g4 )kkayevkl Stalinskogo maditsimakogo Institn4a, (TYMED M .ZUPNIKt D.N. Vidal's reaction in typhoid fever patients treMed And not treated with synthomnin. Yrach.delo no.lOtIO95 0 15941. (MIRA:13tg) 1. Mediko-sanitarnays. chast' shakhty Molodn.a! balkA. (TTPHOM FAY I ZUPNII, Do 0 erxhinsk, Dnepropetrovskoy oble) Peritonitis in bacillary dysentery, Trach.dalio nopltl3l.5-l3x6 D 158, (KM .12: 3.) 1, lnfektaionnoye~otdelenlye Dxerzhinakoy gorodskoy bollnitsy.' (PIRITONITIS) D T M V w-- -('-I ZUFNIKI J. "Planning and preparation of the renovations in the bricl! Indulitt-y" P. 316 (MATERIALY BUDOWLANE, vol 7, no. 11, Nov. 1952 71armwul rolafid) SOs Monthly List of East European Vol. 2t 01':1, WxNry of Cc~ngrcjsll Aucust, 1953, Uncl, ld'ChOn=alk~~ Q( dlittiptO PrG~114116 H br- k - tfictlitt, !~I- B~mlel ~ . ., f .- 1, ~ ., . - .. -,* 1 71 Hai - filar "" - 0 1 1 .1 1 - -.. I - ~. I II~ . I i 1, . .. I I. I - : I I - . U302 s/658/62/bw/w/038/048, r A0621A 10 1 770b AUTHORS: Saftic, B., Variafik, M., Zup TITLE: Effect of monoenergetic 14.2 Mev neutron' Irradiation' on the conductivity of germanium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizlka, no. 12, 1962, 66 abstract 12E471 ("Glasnik mat.~-flz. i astroni':". 1961, 16, no, 1 - 2, 121 -.123, English;' summary :Jn Serbo-Croatian) TEXT: The conductivity variations of n-Ge irradiated by a, flux of 111.2 MW neutrons Vas investigated. The initial conductivity of th6l sped1mms was 0112837 ohm-l-cm-1. In order to reduce the effect of the t,emper4.t.4re virlations ofithe,' surroundIn t (tiomperature; 0g medium, the specimens were placed In a themio'sta 30 + 0.05 C), The condgetivity variation of the specimen$' after 15 hour-IrTadia- tion- by a flux of 5.10 neutron/see was as low as - 0.75%. In the specimens which werp not placed in the thermostat even that smnll variation was not noticed. Vhq rate of removal of the carriers was 'determined as equal :I;o 25,~carriers pe,' ne4- tron. A possibility was obtained to detect the dependenoP previously assumed (RZh F1z, 1960, no, 9j 23850) of the carrier removal rate on tho initial carrier Card 1/2 URLI, N. (Zagreb); ZUPPA, M. (Zagreb) Effect of 11+ MeT neutron bombardment on disordek-od r4gions it n-type germanium. QLas mat fia lhv 17 noOAQ23~4132 4&1 (publet631. 1. Institute "Ruder Boskovie", Zagreb* IGIZWSKI, S.; MALUSZYNMO Kj NATANSOIT, L.; TURMWICZ, J4,.; UPROM pl.~ Further measurements of the angular distribuUon of fast neutrons elastically scattered on Ga. Acta physica, Pol 23 to-t,6043- 8" Je 163, 1. Department of Experimental Physics,, Universltytodz (for Iglewski., Maluozynska). 2. Institute of 1hiclear Research., Polish Academy of Sciences., Swierk by Otwook (for Natanson,, Turkiewicz., Zupranski)e J! I MM, 11 Ill -1 MI"11"IT, ME . 11 Diatr: WaWAE30 cYs (1t0 ploon-ft poleww's altotp of neuts ace 131 1. 6110. Z) 6AW141"i -aila 11 if q it Warsaw fird '84 ra I al ~hyjr'. 7, 1017-0005D In fit 11).-Tran Issit mcluil Inel .1 Es am re c CTO scvt cak-d from tile 00,ts of g tMost"kisiolf is. sample thlcr~ ~k M. resp. T I ;m 0.1. 5.3 0.4. of 8.1) Ag showed ticyiadws firm lincurill 105B/62/000/008/022/134 JA062/A101 AUTHORS: Maluszyhska, K., Natanson, L., Turkiewlez, J.1, Zupratiski, P. TITLE: Angular distribution of fast neutrons elastically scattered 'on Ca PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1969, 47 - 4B, abstract 8B34d (Bull. Aced. polon, sci. S.6r. sci. math.,',astron. ot phys., 1961, v.g,no. 8,621 - 623, English; summary in Rus.sian); TEXT: Measurements of elastically scattered neutrons were conducted'simul- 0 0 0 0 V~l taneously at 7 , 120 , and 1500-The neutrons j0 , 60 , 90 were recorded using an Agfa K2 100-~x photographic emulsion. A Ca specimen 3 cm high and 2 em in:diameter was irradiated by a collimated neutron beam from the BBP-C(-VVR-3) reactor.;-Th6 lower limit of the neutron energy spectrum could not be 1OWer than 1 Mev on'. account of the background. Angular distribution curves are presented'for scattered neutrons In the 1 - 2 and 2 - 3 Mev ranges. Attention is directed onto th6 forward-bacward asymmetry. To explain this circumstance, one has to allow~for a direct intaraoiion between neutron and nucleus, besides the scattering proce4a from the compoaite,nu- cleus. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Ne. K*ltypin Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4008534 P/0031MA)08/004/0373/030 AUMOR: Manitius, Jan; Zurt Andrzej TITLE: Region of optimum operation for a~ con~:rolled rectifier,during automatic voltage regulation SOURCE: Archivum automatyki i talemochan .IM v. 81 no.ilh) 19~6. 1, 373-3% TOPIC TAGS: automatic voltage regulation, vol-tege conta-01 system, controlled rec4L:ifier, polyphase controlled rectifier, optimizationi:opti .clum operatio'n r'gl6n, static error) rectifier firing anZlet relative voltage mrrorr' rectifier conti-ol angle, phase-chift rectifier control ABSTRACT: The article deals with the operation of a phode-c6ntrolled rectifter with automatic voltage regulation. The closed-loop system analyzed here!~'.Includes a phase-shift, type of firing angle control arxl a proportional, type voltnt'e rogu- lator. The static error is derived first in terms of r.~iLiply,voltage variations, then in terms of reference voltage variations and f inal* in Iterris off external disturbances, i.e. load changes. The optimum firing anr4le Is established in:re- gard to minimum voltage error under these quanistatic c6aditvions. This optimum Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4008534 ga. nilt Itage corri lies betveen 300 and 450 depending on the total in i he ctirig '4d system. Such magnitudes of firing angle are in excess of those consider sential for efficient energy conversion in the rectifier devices.. It remains;, n: therefore, to determine that region of operation withi ~iwhich'the p7'rer!tact6r is maintained sufficiently high while the system is still! aapabl~ of being! ~eg4ated. Mathematical analysis of this criterion leads to folloVitg conclusions:~11) the control angle should not be allowed to decrease to below;' 100(lue 11.10 maximum load changes that could be expected; 2) a reduced supply v6itage reaults in,~be the power factor of the narrowing of the permissible range of firing angles; 3) system increases with the correction angle and thcrefore~with,tbe magnitude of tbe disturbance. The power is minimum at no load and is maximum. it maxim= load.; Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 3 tables and 51 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Akademia Gorniezo Hutnicya Katedra Electro,t-echniki Autn-8c i zej (Mining-Metallurg Academy; Department of-Ele2trical Engiheerlpg'in Metallurgy") SUBMITTED: o8Feb63 DATE AcQ: 24jan64 BXCL: 00 SUB CODE: CG) n NO REP 80V: OCO oraa 006 Card 2/2 I OP ZUR, Tadeusz, dr inz. Analysis of level luffing Istruoturmol plate:glirder'Jibs in lG' luffing jib cranes with rope compensation, F;kmlimch 22 no.2353 25 J 163. 1. Katedra Budowy Maszyn Dzwigowych i Urzads'o'n tisportowych Folitechnika, Wroclaw, ZURABASI[VILr, A. D. "Problems of Pathophysiology and Pathomorphology in Psychiatry," 7eat. Ak. I~Me. Nauk SSSR, No. 1, 1948. Prof., Corr. Mem. Acad. Med. Sai, MSRp -cl948-. 7URPH-SM111, t.. D. zurab2&V13.1, A. D. and Cholck2SIIVili, Ye. S. "Question ot t1!e1!.rr.,orp1jolorical and Nnetionol. rev~!rsibility of t),.,o nerve el,-.runts of the cerribral aorttx of ihi- cat (Experimental-morphological and clectroenceplhplr-grrip~; -ic ob,ovrvatb:1ns)P'1 Trudy In-t2 riziologii lm. Feritnsl-vili, Vol. VII, 1949p p. 365-99 -- Summat7 in CeorcApn. Biblior: 20 items So: U-3566, 151-farch 53, (Letopis 'Zhurn2l 1gyk1i Statey~, llo.:l,~,, 191t9) A. D. Zurabashvili, A. D. "Architectonics of the brain and Dpinal corcl of deceraballate dogs," Trudy Fizi.ol. in-ta im. Pavlov~p Vol. iii) igh9l p. iol-o6 -- Bibliog: p, 106 SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhurm2l Inykh Stattor, No~ .111, ol,q). 1191. Brain Lesions in Schizophrenia. (Kna*'Tda7pi~tTem- TORHKe IUMBO(~PeHHM) A. D. ZuRA&AsHvtu. Hespona`ronoriiR ti rlcHxHa- TpliR) CO (Netrppat. Psikhiatj 19, No. 1. 26-31, Jan.-Feb., 1950. 5 figs., 6 refs. Fifteen biopsy specimens obtained at leucotomy in Z: cases of long-standing schizophrenia were studied I histologically. All the specimens were of Brodmann's area 8 or the transition zone from area 8 to area 9. Small foci of nerve cell loss or rarefaction were seen in layers 11, Ula, Ulb, and to a lesser extent in 111c. These 7 foci were not uncommonly suffounded by a zone in which the nerve cells showed degenerative changm, chiefly with ocderruL Short of the focal cell loss, described above, there were also milder lesions, in the external , layer complex, namely, layers 111a, 111b, 111c, and 11. The inner layrer complex was much less involved. The changes consisted of the wrinkling and sclerosis of ne cells together, with paricellular, and peri4cndritic --The- protoplasmic and dendritic p showed tortuosity. swelling, ing,---and - fusion - of--- - Ilbri_ls~ ~ Onh the dendrites and protoplasnuc procts ses, vxm affecma in some -of the fields VU-11C I'M bod= m=ined intact, , and these: dendritic lesions were observed to progress in a retrograde fashion t"*rds the cell body- -.- In- pUces. _.where this occurred tIM ,5~maptic and numbers round'-t& int= -part - c&- the- .....Mu-nicuoustv lac-king, round the affected dendrites. qlar chid--was __F Perizeti _~.Wi the synaptic structures away rom-ffiacc*body~- -Thvip_-~ synaptic- structures themselves were coaTscr and. more argentophilic than normal ones. The- author.. thinks that the primary brunt of the lesions --schi ---tynaptic, apparatuf.. His previmm studies of the ekaro~~' 7- disturbance of co-ordination between the two hcrru*---- - spheres. Coramissural fibm bctween homonymous 0576-C 9 TOA WIXEDWIG, T A3*My) - W--Z~W-wl 17 mp jo.tapnu 301=ull 641 put! oqol linuoij *qj u=mloq suopromm BuTirumio-w --V ut aquNinimp V- ~st - Wmp ltqi iqtnoW i oge s! 11 -=ueqnusjp:3t -wj qduaoj=jd=u*oir EUMWIsqns jlco!luo)lcuT3 atp uuoj,QAO" poquDsap saium a, ol *jqvUpsnr-6dqpi*j-ii it *III 3--,Atq ut Apttp.pua pup airu&tjo lumson= sndjw atp u! mu tr-nqA 'saj-Ndsiwjq omi atp u! smi; mdojotu Pur oq Sinapsy i obrative Jzmeneniia nervnykh kletok �jynaj)aea and r ocralbility of direction of propagated diaturbances in nez-ve cellz7- lloukva, xv, d, Air wat, 1951. SO: Monthly Uut of --Rusaian Accessions, Vol. No. 5,, August 1953 ZURAWHVILI, A.D. Principles of nervosism and socalled psychosoiatic'medicine. Revrorato paikhiat., Moskvs, 20 no.6:28-31 Nov-Doe 51, Orn: 21..4) 1. Honored Worker in Balance Prof. Zurabamhiiti, Corresponding:Homber of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. 20 Tbilisi. ZURAMHVILI, A.D. Neuradynamia anAlymis of psychop&th*logio m"Ifeetittio". Zh. vyeshei nary, delat, 2 no. 3t325-3j2 fty-Ju~* 1952. (CLNL 2333) I; Tbilisi, ZURAiASHVILI, A. D. Theoretical bases of alectroshok. Zh. nevropat!4~ psMlat., Moskva 52 no.3:15-17 Mar 1952. ~(CLKL 22:2) 1. Honored Worker in Science, Professor, Correupondlog Member of the AcadeV of Medical Sciences USSR. 2. Tbilisi. ZM'BASHVILT, A. D;MVf SHASHVILI, I.T. Foremsi psychiatrist 14, N. Asatlaul. Zho newropato OkhIst.v tone 2 10skya 52 no.4:72-73 Ipr. 19520 1. Honored Worker in Science, Professor, Corresponding Kantor AM$ USSR for Zurabashvili; Doctor Medical Sciowes, Professor for Kentesbasbylli. I.. ZURAI),1311VILI, A. D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Zurabashvili, A. D. 7. Synapses and reversible changes in nerve cells. A~ D. zurab"b,vili. R~~iewdd by L. A. Kukoyev. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr: No. 1, ~~53. 30P Reviewer laudz the publication of this bdo* and I-ts critid;-= of Buell Western scientists as Sherrington and Herrick. Aco to tlio the1booki which is based on a strict materialistic fotindation and the teichinz4 of I.P.rivlot'and Ot B. Lepishinskaya, leans strongly towar&the'neuron Uieor~i'and-, Idi.scusses'flie patholo- gi~il wiphology of gangUon formations, histological methods and the =tborf 's find, ings on the presence of synoptic zones in the brain and qlnaicord of human beings, 255+T2o 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. April 195~.i Unciassified. ZWASA62*11r~T n- The Comiftee an Stialu Prim (of the Couall or mullftopo omit), 112 the tl~uw of scleme and Inventlaw momaes tbalt the fWlawing pop~l*r a6len. tific boasp and textbooks have been submitt4d flor amVetitlon I!or Ot*Lta'P~Lzeiv for the ymm 1952 and 1953. (savewm JoAturso Pbscmrs NO" P.2.Jk)p 20 Yeb 3 Aptr 1954) HMO litae of work il"ted.lL Zurabaghvill, A. D. "Symposs and Reversib,le. Chmass Scitlitifto Resu~rcjl, Institate of Psy~hi~try. of Nerve 0611s" Xini~;try of Georg4an SSR so: W-30604s 7 JulY 1954 -TI,7 -M!j ZURABASHVILI, A.D.(Thilial) Some data on verbal signalivatIon. Zhur.nnrol L polkh.55 no.11t 805410 155. (XLRIL 8: 11 (01MRAL CORTIX. pbysiolcgr, signal responses to vsfb4&1 stlmuli)"~ (SPIMCH, cerebral cortical responses to verbal etitmli) ZURABASHVILIv A.D. Nourodynamic foundation of delirium# Iriziol.shur,car.) 2 no.4: 82-86 il-Ag 156, (Him 9:10) 1e Insfitut psikhiatrii URRI X.N.Anatiani. Tbilisi., j(DILIRIUM) ZURABASHVILI1 A._ D Mid-A"a w Gentroancephallc theory and some of our data on tbOr developpont off": nuclat of the optic thalmaus id man [with s". moiry in Fror,-.hl Zhur.aevr. i paikh. 57 no.6:701-705 157, (HLRA 10110)~ (THAUNUS, develop. of Mclai of optic thalazis ItL Mn (Rus)) #JAI ZURABASHVILI. Avlipiy Davidovich [Synapses and reversible changos in the nervo call"] Sinapsi'~ I obratimys izmenaniia nervnykh klatok. Ixd#2., porero i dop., Tbilisi, Isd-vo Akid.nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. 1958. 110 P. (MyBS) (MIRA 13:12); ZURABAS11VILI,.,,,A-D., skademi1c; KVALIASHVILI, A.A "KMMXAYA, To. K4;~ NANSYSEVILr. B..R.; SWIM, V.S.; MACKABILI, M.I.; TORDITA. H.V. Iffect oroduced on the orgamiam by nonponottiating, cranial trawas combined with radiation injury. Soob. All artL-s. SSA 20 no. 4-.4' 7- 9 504 Ap 158- (KIRA 11:7)~ 1. AN GrusSSR (for Zuraboshvill). 2. Tbillsx~kiy go lids re tvoinyy moditsisskiy Instituts (BRAIII COUCUSSION) (Z RATS-PHYSIOLOGICAL MECTO ZURABASHVILr, A.D. (Tbilisi) Cybernetics And sons problems in psychloitr7o' ;Zhurineyr, I polkhei 58 no.IOS1264-1269 158 lial) (PSYCHIATRro in oybernetioB In, raview (Ras)) (MmUest In psyohintry, review (RuA)) ZURABASHVILI, A.D.0 zaal. deyatell Imukip akadairik; AVALIAM., N.M. p iz-d-,ra: DMAPA-UDZE, II.A., tokhn. red.. (Some clinical wid theoretical~searches in hiatry] Nekotory'e Mm i kliniko-teoreticheskie iakaniia v psikhIatriL, Tbilisip Izd-vo Akad. n3uk Gruzinbkoi SSII-, 1961. 11100 P. INDIA 15.01 1. Deyat-iitelfyrjy chlen Akarlemii mlitsinskik~ nauk! - SMI di- rektor Nauchnn. -Jgs led avatel 1 skogo instituta rjnikW-!atxIi im* M.M.Asatiani I-linin-totatva zdravookluanentya Gt-uzinnkay M i Akademiya nauk Gnizinskoy SSR (for Zurabachviii). (PSYCHIATU) (SCHIZOP19011A) (PSYCEOPHAIWACOLOGY) TARKHANOV, I.R.[deceasedl,- SAAKASHVILII Mop prof.; OBDEVAIIISHVILI, D.M*j prof*, zael, deyatell,nauki, otv, red.; SATIAIII,, V.S., red.; ZMENTI, V.K... red.; ZURLBAMIVgJs_A..D-. P Of KAVTARADZE-j P.P., red.j akade='Lk, p red.; TSUIIJKIDZE3 A.P., red.j TATISHV= , I.Ta., red.,j KUTATLqMZE, I.G., red.; VARIM, TS.V., red.; KHMADZE, Z4. tekhn, red. (Selected writings] Izbranrqe sochinoniia, Tbilisi, Goa. izd-vo nSabehota Sakartvalo," 1961. 393 pe NIRA 3-5:6) 1. Cblen-korre pondent Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR,(for Gedevanishvili). 2. Akademiya nauk (h-uzinakoy OR (for Bristavi). (Pbysiolog34 ZURABASHVILI, A.D., saal. doyatell nauki, aluidemik; NA01tpOILI, B.IU-p or med. naukj AVALIANI, H.H., red. Udt-vaj DZHAPARIDZEq N.A.9 tekhn. red. [Problems in the patboarchitacto~ica',of radiation le6lons] Voprosy patoarkhitaktoniki luchevogo porashenila. Tbilisi, Iz&vo kkad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 1962, 90 pl~35 illui. 01IRA 16:7) la Direktor Nauabno-iseledoyatel'skop Ins4tuta psikbiatrii Ministerstya zdravookhranoniya Gruzinskoy SS11 ~T daystvitellayy chlen AMN SSSR (for Zurabashvili), 2. Ruko-vaditell otdolom mozga Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo~Instituta polibiatrii MiaLi- sterstya zdravookhranonlya Gruzinakoy SSR (for'ftne ahvili). a (RADIATION SICKNFZS) (PATHOL001, EXPEIU*NTAL~, ZURABAS j A If HVILI _ jDj_ if ~i t SARADMISHVILI, Petr Mikhaylovich; SRATS44SJIMIDZE~~ Mina' Isaakama; ARABASHMal A.D.? red.; KOBIDZE, L,K,p redoiW-va; WORM, redi (Clinical syndromes of occlusive lesions of the cerebral vessels] Klinicheskie sindromy okkliumiruiushchikh po- razher-ii soiudov golovnogo'mozga. TbilisiI Izd-v* AN Gruzo SSR, 1963. 130 P. (MIRA 17:2) ZURAMSHVILI,l A* Do ~', (Tbilisi) Problems of tho localization of function in the Itght of datd of modern psychonourology. Zhur. neyr. i. lialkh. 63 no. 6: 904i-910 163. (IMU 17:6) ZURABASINILI , Avlipiy Davidovich [current problems of psychiatry] AktualInya pro,blemy!pal- khiatrii. Tbilisi, Metsniereba,, 1964. 339 p. (14111A 18:3) MADMISHVILl, prof., otv. red.; BANSIM11KOV, V.'M.P prof.) zaBl. deyatell nauki, at*;. red.; BAWIT, r r--,..1 KOITOV"a'Ov, II.V., prof., red.; IARSUR'IAKOV", ZX., roa.; MUWAS-INILI, A.D., red.; IIYZ'dIKOV, G.V., kaiA. me&" nauk, rea. [Epilepsy; problems of it3 etiology, pathogenesis, clinical aspects, classifioatlon, treatment and expertise !;.,fjpbrts at the All-Union Symposium an the Froblems or Epiielif;511 Epi- lepsiia; voprosy etiologi.1, patogeneza, kliniki, kltissifi- katsii, lenheniia i ekspertizy., Doklady na , MO;DI.-T'L, M-vo zdravookhranoniia WSR, 3964. 2 v. (IMIRA 17M) 1. Vsesoyuznyy simpazium po probleme apilepsil', 1964. 2. Upravleniye apetnializiravannoy medItalm3ko~ powsbohi Minlitorstva zdravookhranoniya $3311 (for Babdiy~un) 3i Frav- leniye Vsesoyuznogo nauchriogo mox1itoAnskogo o6shchottva neivropatologov i psikhiatrov (for Banshchikov) 4. lwUtut nevrologil AMV S&M, DoystviteltrLTI chlen MIN 133SR (tor Konavalov). 5. Institut klinichoskoy i eksperlinontal.1wrl ne-irologii. AM 3SCH, Doystvitelinyy chlon AMB OWIt (for Saradzhishvili). NIKOBADZE, I.I.; TATISHVILI, Ir.Ya.; KURCHISHVILI, I.B.; ZHOENTI V.K.p akademik, red.; ?, PA MR, akademik, red.j KAVTMWZE, P.P.) akademikp':red.;~ TSULUKIDZE, A.P.t akademik; red.; FJtIS1AV1KiX.D.s: akademikp red.; CHITATA, G.S.) red.; )a1UUDPZE, GR.,t zaol. deyatell naukil prof.$ red.1 MESKH1AOSh*A#p prof., red, (Basic stages of the development of medicine in U'orgial OsnovzWe etapy razvitiia meditsirW v GruziL Tbillsip Izd-vo "14etsniereba," 1964. 286 po ~ (MIRA! 17:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy 8SR ffor Zhgenti., Zurabashvili, Kavtaradze, TSulukidzep Eristavi), 2. Chlefi"korreo ndent AN Gruzinakoy SSR (for Chitayaj Khundadzep Hoskhiar. ~ Q! -