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c"Citka Od Ili* calb"ll insp fints patilitary Opittelet Awi 0*40'.. Items, COM-444 1%. Ile W"I"mis twivievil larld S11. 'W prilmar ,v asililies WAI 104141swrvi lit 11114 fructi,"', mily Ibe Iq#W ralst oil thr .11; .411 0. *(.,* 6,46"It"Syrd fit (lit, (Alt lot flur dedivii1e, rtfr. 641"441 1. mIll'(41 tit III 1W own -11 -1 Lit- 111,111 the 411191114-1 -1 #--#IV I MV Kivriehv Itwirutismi-i A,4,11,11. 11601040. skelt ff. A01. 11M., m6inth-ok 10-614k -11 4-00.9c w4-1.1 dull Nlia. '61,11141W, i!1skillill1r. 111.1.1filine, .11141 1%I'lillillt.. 1'.4tingrAphic I'lifaLl Ast~skvil It" lite #-Itm. $if the 1140, A 111'.116. likkil" it ~tfl lit life friirto"s oletti. W Mr,cl 1, ol d1vtAll-me. $Jill$ the Illiftith-l* of A"m twit- and 1* 1""14. ill the j'1kt4.jjCr mi't .11 Ow. 11-1 b4 ff.." 'h Ile, it 141,14. if M. hided , x1vit'a slimi "t ri.lid, "'444. Atid '11101 'il it". 01,14,11'sar 1-a"Ils"k 11.4t.,14 11 1 of pyroracm.;-'a i,*Ld3 in I-actic Bratijlava, "661 6, 'In J/4, -,ir,/Apr. 11)15~! 1). '.14 Zast'--ril 1"'Itrop9all icceisjons List, Val '3)~ 1,,Ic) lo, Oat WOW plooftnilki on, VT hio Motu for the Coatest of 1. 0618. 0.Sjl=b.rdhpd p kall MOW - AS A Tbs. mmpdl6 Imm 4 Allied by 11ho owv we po"111 dan 1A wrims 0"i dlesetl ith an *alit& baffer at p1l*C it Md 0 C"Igpll I SAW Sit tMP4& 18 FW CUfMtI- ran. rfks' k*4 eMdr rrk-%. cbir**. black chm Fma sots, blovkborW a" vmfenudo" 4dr, Kv lisloo. awkvts. and Xam v=u owAl W IlwMI*f RIM 11194 HIM431013-111111 qf,,l U111111111 Ifillf RIM [nil X~ A;e Jf. .(Ccnlfltl rupaphie USIY 0. WMAMUL-The PuLanicirisphic- b0i'"Thwor seld ale, allmm. at irdno"O 1-11 v4rkte~ W.i~ ItIlk"w"l, AIIT4 cItchavocirof the stArm tvtmlwvntlnl Iiii a WrATe 00 the CWVO. 1111111-11PAW gX)tft1iAl% III a JAtI0.I# [Alffel' 41, P11 .1.0 1111th 11 ([1111411411 11141141,11`11% "rV# dtfilit 14wil -FI.A0 v. Aothim-i'lilifI4 U.-tit OIVI.l to! frold jw-frj W-fififilml v1sth 111.106 to Jill 1.5-3 Anil ilk lifilell jiltsolvis end. with 117j, IlL IiI. Ilthilivist fiUl ~jta n flu pul:g"A twwrmu "14 40111SUIVO. 1, N161.1 WY116 atilt I~LkIWII WrI1110 lsjuf~l. of, I.i.dv 40, aml "114111ke 0141's. 0 El,-13. Jim hatf.wovw Swipolki lo"arst The %bjil. v"Imuoil, ckcttthk lit),= T. lit P11.3.3 mod -0.011 V. at I'll 0.4. ,C16. MAI of am wave Is proporticiami to the ro"mi. lit if, towns, &W coust. at Mdwi corwis". to the beitinning tho cuffent to IbWtW by Um diffooslom of I to the eltizinde itif adwxwbhd facce. The ccuWd. o(I with the clectmk H& Is tm scirfam of 9w tketrotle mintl thkWs ItA m 'IrIly. the mdwd of the fkaroa W M*mpw. lit 114ho ctemIn4 a pn:rvd failing of the drop, the ivave h" all adsortlizi cand At pit 3 ft-d 3 a eme push wave It fiwa*A it uwaf.~- streaming elwttw*. LI ------------------------ ~~-q 10-4, Praow. Corth.). C". L ly 4 wj4x 105j)~ .-Ifewl 11)1VAICS 1,011J. a &O"lotl 1. ~~, , i i Imw ving ant$ batting a C110 poiji an twbon IU of tio stefuitt Adotoo Ouivo t" tkIA46flattim Torcid an 44", . *A4rqr-oI,hir curvro. Its bisfirrod Witt_ adowM" wav" am forowcf, the bright of whicb Is hwittimimm"t of tho cumv. ut Itime alwo". A stkWl ht the co"no 11tail by JbO Uw 011 04 o4mult"t tirctrollf 61"s Is lig-Alkot 4 ibrote war" f4w owylke-11 purlit"04, in olob~ at aft4low lull.: lilf*tfd %ilk X60111. WSVV4 hAVV hMn (OUnd to the fnhKtk* Of a C.*N bminol, I" a twom"Um ImitV wt of 11w akkbrk *wI Slynot' The pohrW#W. 5o4 Plitt NOW 0( tht Aglymmi stropusat4fin ""We that of I mirco.1th-4. &S4? ine kwin; wi Cljll~ NnIUP4 41up" no Welk the 411%1110~1 m4w., the suvots. h)rv i)-t=lifs in rowl. 111s.", vwn tor %Ivt,l. M. INA, M., Cent It Jett., Prosspe, y46,4'M-Wl xIll, C.A. iM- srhic Wave at - 1.4 T. in a ItAn, 0 9.1 m KA4nr 0.1 qI W atewiscurrW out In 0.1 AIN4 "it Of lit pit 6-8. the wnvv of -14 V. is f"I . This wait Is l*Wlu*f mily c4mist. O"T Igor ranp C4 pit " sthl 14 alkilmor "it b0 rxctssZn&ndAO*. CS. Optimumcnams.dC M lottivi fsX 10,4 6 x to-,. C. Zlo- at 011P. in; *114vt til 5101 can be ellmlamOd by I v iof 10-# jr (IschwIn. It. llwilklkf TALVIK, A.; WMAN, P.1 EXNER,404 Studies on the inductive effect. Pt.3. Coll Cz Chem 29 n Io0s 1266-1276 Fly 164. 1. Institute of Polarography, CzochoslovaP 'w ~idimy of scienanii, Prague (for Zuman and Exnar) . 2. Chemical, b0par Liv? itt, Tar tu. N~, ta t~ Universityt Virtu, Estonian M.R. (for Talv:l.k). ZUMAN P Quantitative treatments of Bubstituent ettepte Irt polarogmplWo I.General equation for the relation betwelipolarogTaphic balr-"Te potentials and the effect of substituented Coll Oz Chen 25 .no.32t 3225~-3243 D 160. (ftu 10: 9) 1, Polarographic Inatitutej, Csochooloyak AG~Afflwlof Science!. Prap:e (PolarogTaph and polarograpby) ZUMAN F, Polarograpby of nonbenzenold armatia and velatAd Pubotancoe, course of the reduction of ffy4nones Imt t4o drapping,#eraory eleatrode. III.The courno of the reduatio~n~ of N,H -polymet4leno- bin-i7dnones. IV.Polar effects of Bubstitu 4ts in pberqlay6oneal the application of modified Hammet equationi.. Coll Cz Chem 25 no, 112: 3245-3270 D 160. (=U lotg) L Polarographic Institute, Czechoslovak A~Adenq,',of Scienc$: Prague. Polarograph and polarograpby) (Akl~ama%6 compoundioy Ardnone) (Electrodes Dropping n6tom-y); (Phenylijdnone) ~ (Hunott equation) (Matlq~lene -group) ZUKU. P.; SANTATYs Polarography of cardiac glycosides containing tkldshyde~ groups t~ [with summry In lmgliohj. Sbor#Chskh.khIm.ra~.,18 140 1: 28-33 7; 133. (MM ~:O 1. Central Polarographie Institute, Prague analmlemital Izstitut6: of~ the Medical Faculty, Palacky University, Olou*u~a. Mycosides) (Polarograph and polarogrmohy) zUw, P. 0 Is oo~i' with h f t Polarograp ic behavior o an boo n ftrt 1. 04 in Russian]. Sbor.Chekh.khlx4rab. IS no.106-11~ F (MM ~?:6) 1. Tfientral,n" polyarogAf idhookiy institutolragal'i, (Anthocyans) (Pofarogftph and polmr4mph) KORYTA, J.; ZUK", P. Polarography of barbituric acid derlyativos, Platt 1. Barbituria~Acl tin aerman with summary in Russian,j. fibor.CheklkIAMC rab. 18 a6.2: 197-203 Ap 133. (NLRA'716) 1. TSentrallnyy polyarografichookiy Institut, )6gs. (Barbituric acid) (Polsrog~raph and pola ro'graph~) it ZUKIN. P. -. PROGRAM, Z. Cod,'Ined form of ascorbic sold. Part 4o PolarographIcAsterminstion of ascorbic acid In ascorbigei conceiArates CWIW~~r~ In Urz&O. 1 Sbor*Chekh.khIm.rab. 18 n6.4042-40 Ag 13). 1. Uentrialln" polyarograficheakty Institut I*Ontri,1OxYY khimi6bas.kly institut, Praga. (Vitamins) (Polarograph an4 Oolar6gra-phy) ZUKAN. P.-, 2UNAMOVA. R.1 SOUCAX. B. Pol,%rographic determination of carbon b1sulf1do'by &6ods rays Li~ German with summary In Russian]. Sbor,Cbnkb#"!la,r&b, 18 no.3:02-647 0.'53. (M&7:6) 1. TSentrallnyy polyarografichookly institut I :Tzstituk professl6nal!Afth zabolovanly i trddovoy g1glyany. Oarbon biviilfiddi) (Polarogr*ph &nd j polarogravhy) ObeaJoal Abet. Vol. Apr- 10P 1954 Bleatroobodstry i X Was 01 the W1 Uri llel"dk'wem studkd 2a Itj ob in ((fm do I 'I t Irt'. t C d&a u. I me t I a In IiIIII(tuutt"a sodnt"011prilld 1-1 1 ~-, 1 1 hXIS cm I'll IM isad P-IUM TANG Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulfur bonds, Coll Cz Chem 28 no.4:829-837 Ap 163. 1. Polarographio Institutes, Czechoslovak Acac'~my ot Scienceop Prague, 2. Petroleum Research Institutep Chinese Academy of Sciences.. Talien,, China (standing address fotlue-yuan Tang) v urm , F. j -Stadc effects In organic Pok fit --k-2111LIA116- L i or CUM. Arad. "'echoslovulklan Acald, &I., Pra I WdthWes 411 the Nilarithkthle jII):ilr6av'WVrr redil d l l M h 4 fit I i ,ki. Huxl. 18, 14I-U(I95DXia ft $time Mies . Illuc ow r t a) t e t4 i i dii rjoefle or con t ( iz . the steric and polar factors ot the reactivity of org. crimp'.1s. tnes and ad nes of type; the ox i reduced at mure nex. 8~1 ` than tho the agriaer ftee aldehy( l Were rob- cull be distinguished by polarographic methods. The au f l i f d a CrOuji tif the It a," dtrivs. Is an ji fed. rince o itunr n Ihors Investigated: (1) The steric h cop ty; b culk*lg" acid svit s iedticed tit tutim ptn, -i -i (2) the hindrance of solvAtIon: (3) differc=s bctv%~:cn the I tmalz tit I.- threcl 11011; ftir~ t all ht: redo. of tIIQ siu alla f j properties of d1witereomers as regards dissocu. und cormelex th. SIt"ath", woo reveistiL '1111:qt ivas little Clu ret ellee formation; (4) relations of steric structure to adilorption: ~5) steric factors In reactions. In the simplest caws the bet0 cen the F.-s of the eillats. The iepti. of It LuO s ( t.W I half-wave potentials (P4.&) were characteristic of the clectran amm and onlital Ca ziolns.z crythro-phen)-ky3tei villa catalk4ed diffenntly by A nti ImcaurA or the differenali rco- bb. affinity of the mols. The greater the no. of the conjugated I i hi h l h i l h twecu their consts. of dI vIllcu. anditoatiplex torniathm. : A ir-c c e rv n. ectrons t at w t e mom pos. the potent a took If 3- lwc hen dnone (1) was substituted by a 6 capulty phellovullon *Ws t until I . p y y p &4 shifted to more neg. potx!n- hie group in para position methylholarrhinliuc cfllllg~ lilt temir I all 11 1 1 , "t was much greater tials For ortho Me derivs this plftitiou" rior dellyd"iteir. inhyl l aolddit I I n . . , than Is explained by the hindrance of coplanatity in the- in 0- obsuVable (amino grui . Man). I was closed into a ring latter case. If the ortho Me grou t that the tr-form sul-virbs ilk w mail). - thmi. did tryti r nxidn. of oonc),ckk 9114 1 9 o,j, 3 It lid t lenzena. WO 011 tweattle with I the planes of the rings of the thron and trythro epituirl On be 6ndys y t 6r*- '.-k Identical, and shifted to "lom vos. potentials. The graphic WX014A. F ri lil t ]IF, P 1111wi. 1, 1 i I Im tl~ Obessiod Absto Vol. 49 No. 6 Mar. 25 1954 eLb 'c tsq"l th ow 4 4 SIR IT A , Mi 0'.. brik 6 ef,~ a Idol ;I, Cat a :C:. Chemical Abstracts v thif ici '114a , f I 2 P%ae I. wn"'r to. 5,~1954 *Aegotnom au4 t"to h Icyj'=. with MT. (139, m V), M. ft, 110C C IWI * Mir Electrochemistry, Id