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TOTH, Elek; ZUKANYI, Berta Plum varieties suitable for presermtion. Konzery paprika no,3--I i o7 my-je 163. 1. Kerteszeti es Szoleszeti Poiskola. i COUNTRY -FOLANI~ CRUGORY :Zooyarazitology - k1too and Invects - Ifooturs of A!,ajr Of Diseases ARS. JOUR. t RzBiol'o NO.19 1953 86345 AUTHOR Ztzkasiak-, J, 1113T. 'r L 2- Duta on Uio Fauna of thtj Blood-Uo Ang 1400vito6m In Lawar Jilealm 011-11G, PUB. 'Madcm. Parazytol., 1957, V61.3, lo.4, 419_420~ A33TMOT In AuLunt 1956 in Shchminw-Um, aAar EalWhikhak tn the onnorete bAsiris in tlia rejort p1krk, lar"e bf 81 ot,aoies of' maquitO03 wore dLtcaverod, The majari.V Wero of Anopheles btfuroatum d:~M Aedon r*aioul3;bk1s,- tNe 3thor3 werv +~.e larvAe of:1A. mapulkVennis, Av, U.-taphylla, culex torrontl=,:~ tad mpiamliff.: Duriuc V-Lis poriod. Uie aumbori ot vi7igsd wi squitoc3 were nor,- ligible; In livinn- quarters the fe=lez o!' Ae. pniau- la'las wero emountered, as -tell as rmleo axd faumles of Ae, acLbaphylls, aad 0. turr,pintium, , lsolattd mos- quitnes were also founi in thol planb grooth or tffie.' park. 6-marming wma notad anon tho ~ftmls 0. tdrrwit- CAID* 1/2 -14- _7 VI&Sta I-A LOVI ULOVA ) ~ SWei.-I.2'.2., Given Namea Cow.try: Academic Degrees: Affiliation: Source; Data: tz:e 1~44:111-o nu, Oro 931443 ZUKAIJSKAA, kaud- 1110-d- muk; VIMBAIIIIS, ("?ILIOVIto, j,j-. nauL:)in. sotr., kand. 13. , red. [Everyday and work bygieno for womenj Notor,; I.-Illitles ir clarbo higlena; antrasis pitaloytas Ir tzn~ loldims. Vllnius, Laidykla "Mintis," 1965. 135 p. (14 1 RA I 18: 1) ju 1056t[256 AUTHOR _bwzw, TITLE-. Calculation of surfaces, testing on elastic base by optiCal VolatUaLion methodg PERIODICAL~ Mokslas ir technika, no, 2, 1962, 35-37 TEXT: Theoretical calculations of planes on elastic surfaces are complicated processes requiring mmh labor and. a high degree of mathematical proficiency, but transparent Isotropic materials under iittc5s find illuminated by monochromatic isotropic materials under stress and illuminated by monochromatic light provide an experimental method to establish planar dimensions, utilizing the stre!is differences and curv% of isoclinic and isostatic interpolations, as well as band interpolations at the surface in horizontal ioctiotis, A series of formulas and equations governing these relationships is provi(led. There ave 5 figures. Card 1/1 ZH'YUGZHDA, I.I. [Ziiigzda, J.1; MAKA 11YAVIC11YUS, M. [Makarevicius, V.); SHIANCHYAUSKAS, A.A. [Slanclauakas, A.]; AW)RA27TAVICIMIS, D. [Ambrazevicius, A.); EYDUKYAVICIIYUS, P.I. [iidukevicius, 13.1; ZHUKAUSKAS, A.A. [,2uka,.iskasj_A.] Speed and temperature diptrlbutiQn In the turbulo.-It boundary layer on a plate. Trudy AN Lit. SSR Ser. D~no-3i99-105 163, (1,11IRA 180) 1. Institut energetiki i elektrotekhniki AN Utovskoy SSR. 14AKARYAVICHYUS, V.I. [Makarevicius, V.]; MUKAUSKAlt, Potential velocity diatribut .ion In a trano, past a single raw of cylinders. Trudy AN L41 190 162. 1. Institut energetiki i elektroniki AN L~i~f MAKARYAVIC11YUS', V.1. [Makareviclus, v.]; znYuc,-,/m)A, I.J. fZiugzda, J. 1; r JIYU, AMBRUMN,11YUS, A.B. (Ambrazoviclus, (Eidukeviclus, P.]; 7 W, Speed dIstribution In the isothermal boundnry layer on a plate. Trudy All Lit. SSR Ser. B no.3:91-97 16.1* OCRA 18:3) 1. Institut energetiki I elektrotekhniki AN Utcyvskoy SSR. ZHUKAUSKAS, A.A. [~ukau,Rk~s,,,-A.J; SHLANCHYAUSIXAS, A.A. fBlanciauskas, A.] Calculating a turbulent boundary layer taking into consideration the variability of physical parameters of a fluid. Trudy Ali Lit. SSR Ser. B no.3:107-112 163. (14IRA 183 1. InstituVenergetiki i elektrotekliniki All Litovskoy SSR. 16(5) 25(5) 80V/128-59-3-26/31' AUTHOi: Zukerman ngineer TITLE: Mixing Method for the Production of the Malleable Cast , Iron PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr :31 P 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The production of malleable cdstl~ iroii in foundries with conveyor belt systems is A*aywidifficult', as it 4s necessary to interrupt the.w6rk when adding sulphu- ric type castings. (This is trU6.for:'methods,using the dlipola furnace or the electric'furnade). At the elec- tro- me chani cal 'plant at Kharko* (11KHEMV) t at which 6 to 7 tons of malleable cast iron are needed~pet month a casting method has been start6d in,'i0ni,oh the liquid cast iron is mixed with steel at a rate 3 to 2. The cast iron thus produced has the~follbwing contents: . 0 t-4 to 0; 290 to 2t2% of Ct 10 to 1t7% of si,; % of Mn. In this manner the cast iron is changed into white heart malleable cast iron. The llixitg, is doneiin~the pouring ladle. Despite the smallness of the odpaclity ,dard 1/2 of the production, the nlant Y#P!MZ aehieved an annual SOY 128-59-3-26/31! Mixing Method for the Production of the Mall6able'Cast Iron;i saving of 15-000 Rubles ( a savijig of electribicuirent ~d'a savinig' ot a valued at 60 to 65 Rubles per ton, an man power valued at 25 Rubles per ton). The good tiecha- nical properties of the white heart malleable cast iron make it suitable for a row of canting shapes;o- therwise to be made from steel. Card 2/2 --.1 77 ZURERMANI V, A* PlOaGO GOe TSUEMWM, V. A, RumANIA/lIuman and Animal Physiology (Normal and P~thological) T Nervous System, Metabolism. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 26960 Author Zukermann E. 111st Title on the Study of Acetylcholine Metabolism in the Brain. VII. Acetylcholine Metuboliem in the Focuii of Convulsive' 8ciziire Induced by Direct Stimulati6n of Cerebral Cortex: Orig Pub Studii si cercetari neurol. Acaa. RPR. Inst. neurol., 1957, 2, No 1, 135-14o Abstract In 22, cats convulsive seizure was inducea by applyinG focal electrical stimulation an the~region of the motor analysers Cholinergic metabolism in the focus of stimu- lation was characterized by the ratio of protein-bound acetylcholine to the free exceeding,l during the whole duration of the seizure. After general action of current on the brain (electroahock), the acetylcholine metabolism Card 1/2 96 RUMANTA/Fuman and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T ; Nervous System. Metabolism. Abs JOur Ref Zhur Biol.., No 61 1959, 26960 is characterized by wave-like Oscilldtions (phases of , Stimulation and inhibition), -- K.8, Ratner pr v _-The-_FXfe~c U,~er (Problem of the Effect of the Nervous System on the Liver," 0. Ye. Zuker-_ shte~,m, Naval Med Acad Aerdy'v-1 VOI Wo 7 -'In cases of Botkints disease, (acute. infectiaus- ua- y bypergl-yeezia and,gala- _--tto'k-u-ria after satn with galactose. Effects of carbocholine arze exactly Opposite. In n-'Botkinls disease there is vegetative dystonia M/Medi,-i D ne Virus-'. Iseases Nov/Dec 51 (Contd) 1 vith predominance of the parasympathetic tonuaw 'This may be, a factor vhicb. brings about cUs- ~Vtwbawe of liver functions. Treatment vith Atrmine is not merel-y symptomatic, but I-e- presents a method of pathogenetic therapy. ~qft62 "Alkylation of Aromatic Compounds with Alcohols in the F~resence of AnWrous Ferric Chloride," Nazarovas Z. N. and Zukerwanik,-j~-P- (P. 77) SO: Journal of General Chomistry (Zhurtial Obahchei Xhimii) 19W4$ Volume 14, no. 1-2. ZUKERVANIK, I. P. "On the Ifechanism of Xlkylation Reaction under the Influencb of AnIW&ous Ferric-Chloride.n Nazarova, Z, TI.s and Zukerva4k, 1. P. (P- 236) SO: Journal of General Ghemistry (Zhurnal Obahchei Mama) I9W4j Volume 14,o ~ no a, 3s ZMNOVAO E. A. ------------- ZRIMIAR, A.,acadsul clan, *1 ;UMMMM, X. Study of the'funational structure of the not'o;r sna3y~srr cantem Bul. stiIntb, seat, msd. 7 no.2t)67-393 Apr-Jus 55 conditioned motor reflexes in dogs :develop$ A extiliction processes) OMITIOM notoro-,develop. & extinction proas'soes, ~iz dogs) ,741KIIA' V.P. Changes in cortical.dynamice during hypnotic altep-,according to data from research on vascular reactions# Shurenevr. i palkho Supplement:55-56 '57. 11: 1. Infedra polkhiatrii (zav. - prof, A.Mhisiovich) Voyanno-morskoy medttainakoy akedemii. (HYPHOrISK) (BLOOD VESSILS) (CRUBRAL CORM) ZUKHAIV V.P. (Moiikva)j KAPLAN, Y#-.'fn. Yll.A. Cml]!F~Vlij~ I =SNA? I.P. (mwj~vll) Expriment In collectlv4? k7j)1!0~edla- Vorlo psilh6lb 11, no.1:143-, 248 -Ta-F 165, (MIRA 3844) ACC NRi AT6036567 SOURCE CODE$- AU7HOH: Zukhbayag To H. -Nalandaroval X. Pat Xarkolov, D. A.. I P*j)otyaj- ff. Aq; Sizan, Yes N. L. '-ORG: none TITLE: The biological effect of 12 exposures to gamma irradiation onwhite mite [Paper presentea ii-fge-U-onfir-enceon Noblema or Space HicaMe-held in Moscow ~ ,from 24 to 27 May 1966] 'SOURCE: Konferentsiya po problemam koemichookoy medituiny, 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problems of space medic.ine); matarialy konforentaiip Moscow, 1966, 178-179 TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiation biologic effeetp central nervous system, radiation. sickness# mouse, radiation tolerance ABSTRACT% Literature studie.s dealing with the effect of frattionated irradiation on Injury and recovery processes In the animal organibm htLve pioduced widely varying results. - Furthermore, Uttle data Is availlible on the effect -of repeated Irradiation with small doses in the course of 4% year. In this ,series of experiments, 430 white mice were subjected to rapente'd monthly ! gamma Irradiation on a GOP-1 installation In a dose of 12.0 r (close power 117 jurlaec) with a total dose of 150 rlyr. ACC RC-AtOj~-5-6-~- A definite reaction of the hematopoietic system to irilad,latldn was established. The most pronounced changes were observed, in theAlite iblobd cell component. Study of the mitotic activity of cornenl epithenum In'experimental mice also showed a measurable reaction of the orgunisra ,'to irradiation. Chain motor conditioned reflexes In different periods after repeated irradiation indicate the sufficient compensation of rodiatiou InjurI6 In the central nervous system. Data from these experiments and results of statistical analysis indicate the existence of a definite regiction of white mice to twelve monthly gamma irradiations in the Indicated dose., How- ever. study of the dynamics of injury in a number of systew3i makes R seem possible that sufficiently complete recovery of the observed~changee occurs. owing_!q.Ak~ _pqznp~p~~ttprX mechanismo of the orgaMem EW.'*A. N0-8-2"2; :A'6 Report, 66-U61 SUB COW: 06 SUBM DA33 i OCKV" Cwd 2A ZIJKHMYA, V. A. "Gcolo,gy anA Fectrograrhy of thti 'L'4z-ytn Beolngv Southeastern Abkhaztu." Q;ind G,)ol-44iti Scl) Init, of 1:11001oltir I and Vineralogy, ~cad Sci Georgian 33,q, Thilial 1953. (R&-01301, cep 54) SLI: bum 432, 29, Mar 55 YEVDOKMOV,,O.I. [JEvodokymawo O.L]I,,,V-KIIZRp-V-.U.p kand.- med.nauk; BREGMANI Ye.L. , ordinator; STAMMKAYA' iE.L. [Starykavalkap IS.L.IP ordinator Use of lydase for hastening the opening of: tho ce~*rix uteri and weakening the pelvic fundus to prevent craniall injury to the ~ fetus and the newborn, Ped., akush. i gin* R2 no;J+t57-59 160. 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instItut 6kbrany matIerinstva i detstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza proto.P.M.Puyka (direktor i- O~G.Pap [Papp 06H.), nauchnyy rukov6iitell day'stv Itelinyy chl6n AM SSSR, prof. A.P.Hikolayev. (EYAWRONIDASE) (LAWR (ORSTETRICt)) ; 'i .! I "~Wl Strols tr'ubow'ov. (Kja lo: 121- - I .! I I zumovren, it., insh. Self-ignition of leatherette, "granitolo* and:"Iedorin." Pozb.delo. 5 no.8:7-8 Ag '59- (Leatbar subatitutes) SOWVIW~ M-s ZURBOVITSKIYI, H,) NIKMROV., ru,., aspirant Iarge panels made of foamed.polyatyrene. ~Ifa stroiaRoo* no,4:26-27 Ap 161, (kMk U:6) le Leningradokiy nauchw-iso'ledovatel'sl# Inobitut polix6ri- zataionnykh plastmeo (for Solovfyov). W~ohalvnlk laborat6rij Dowstroitellnogo kombinats. So.11.lavleuljl radutraya (ror~ Zukhovitokiy). 3, Leaingradmkly'inzhona~vjw ~ttbitel'*T institut (for Nikiforov), (Plastics) ZHUKH -#?,$,.._.doktor med.nauk (Yevpatorlya# til. Lenina, d.13) Osteoplaetic reconstruction of the fornix sestabuli. Test.khir, 79 no.12:113-116 D 157* (MIRA 11:1) 1. Iz klialki kostnogo, tubarkulosa (zav, doktor medshauk Rog., Zhukhovitskiy) Tsvpatoriyokogo inatitiata klinstologii klimstaterilpii tuberkuleza, im. I.K.Sechenova. (AGETAB#M, aurg. fornL% acetabuli roconstructiono' technic) NIKIFORGVt Turiy Tbfl=vidh- iiishoj SOLOVITEVp Mikhall,ilwanotdoh; ZUROVN&~ -KM- Uni may ref I&OUUMVsKirp H.Pst red4l; GVMTst*-V.1;#j:~GdO; isd-ya cudim foned"Polyityl-61L4 to,ingillate ext*tior,:!4&ll! I$) POMS primerWaiia pano-P-031'atit6la v kwbsiot" ute 21, 3JA:namzbmykb, tenpvykh pavelei, teidtgradr- 1961. 14 P, le&ngrodakii Dom 04aebto- khnichsakol'propa&ar4y* Obmen peredovym 0 ~M. SiVUAI StToitalinala ; provqobls=oiMt I no a9) (KIRA W17) (Inaaation Meat)) (Cohorets wans) (S-tyrsns~ ZUKHOVITStlIr S.I., doteent. Some problems of approximation theory, IIaukO%ap.KI$T6uM- 7 no.4:169-183 148. (KM 10:5) (Approximate computation) :: ZUKHamsKly, S. 1. 'Aug iV*U 4i "Algarithm for Solving Chebysheves rm" ion Problem in -the Case ofla Finite Syst of OMi- Simitwwous Linear E(VAtions) 11 S. Zukhoivitsklyp Kiev state Pedagogic Inst imni A. 11 (Jor 9dy ',Dok Ak Irauk sm,, vol u=, so 4, Op 561-564 Proposed algorithm represents an s4aptation of the method of steepest descent to su*tdt prdlAftmd Submitted by Acad S. V. Bernobteyal T Jun alv68 )'32 1953). I I'Mli: be g v*a ti*nm In x ng, A is in ski Inatri Ai *%,"Aor And x 14 an K-1vect(w. 'M blem ls~'to Ond 'in forwhith Mathematical Revieus 01-Vect . 'I M va lite the residual net-A! ~_bll t1leleao; 'Vol.-15 No. 4 bough jhe~ Id is lisil L for its 61s"t comjxmdt~.lh 1 11 1 it Apr; 1954 does not I end itself m~dij 6 calcidit h ,u at, u ot n cril~of Numeriml and Graphicea Hathods theplPet jStd Of&wlltvAn A, i#hui 0, 1 ev;luAti6n of t i . wti he vector A. ~ WO am (M that In ivbich the Omditi6i ~ ~) iedli where at #-t~wtd detct4i 11 Id am noll-ZO.M. Arid kxqnd, em, this clondidal V nqj ifilled Th uthAr e compuiltion trateseachwi anuck CM_xampri. C) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEXATICS/ Functional analysis CARD 1/1 1PG - 8 AUTHOR ZUCHOVICKIJ $.I. TITLE On the problem of the 6ebyWev's appromikation in the Hilbert space. PERIODICIL Dopovicli Akad. Nauk ukrain ASR No. 1, 7"~110955) reviewed 5/1956 On the compactum Q let be given n operator functions~,Pj(q) q) which depend uniformly continuous on the parameter q eq sald'the valuato of which are.linear continuous operators for every q Fq which~act in the Hilbort space H, Furthermore lot be given bhe continuous vector function with values in H. The problem of &byhv's approximation of the vsotor'funciion 4)(q) by the n ),Olynomi&l 0 1 XZ finding inch vectors Ai that'the 01 Pk(q)Ak (Ake H) consists in deviation max Pk(q)Ak- 0 (q) q r- q becomes least.- In the present paper the case n - I is inv'e8:%igat*dP;the; existence theorem is established and generalizations~of the.theorems.of A.N.Kolmogorov and A.Haar are given. SUBJECT USSR/XAYMATICS/Funational analysis CARD 1/1 PG -- -4-69-- AUTHOR ZVCHOVICKIJ SIT, TITLE On approximations of real functions according to &by6r.: PERIODICAL Uspechi mat. lauk ".A. 21 125-159 (1956) revlbwed 12/1956 Joining a former idea of Krejnj the author combines the classical theory of eabylev approximations with a problem of the moment:~Iheory. At first-thei v author establishes some theorems on linear function a which in gi.e'n n';points of certain linear normalized spaces assume given values And here possess a minimal norm. Starting from this, the author provea,1he existence theorem of the 6ebyiev approximption on an.arbitrary compaot'um &ad a theorem on, the connection between the UebyjYev approximations on tht whole compaotut and on a certain subset of it which consists of not more than q4-1 points# By this it is possible to prove the generalized theorem of,debylfev; the theorem of Haar, set.. ZUK-HOVITSKIT,S.I.i STICHEN, S.B. Approximation of abstract functious with values In bahaoh space. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 no-5:773-776 7 156. MU 9--7) LIutskiy pedagogicheskiy inatitat imeni Leal *rainki I Matematim. cheakiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova Akademii uwilc SSSR.Predstavle'no akademikom N.N,.Bogolyubov7mo (Panctions) (Spaces, Generalized) SUBJECT USSR/MATHMTICS/Functional analysis ,CARD I AUTHOR ZUCHOVI6KIJ S.I. TITLE On a minimal problem in the space of continuous functions, nRIODICAL Doklady Aked. Nauk 108, 303-384 (1956)" reviewed 1211956 - Let E be a linear normalized spacel GC8. As is well-known, then each linear, continuous functional defined on G possesses a minimal Nixtension in 1.~~But this must not be unique. The author investigates the corresponding situation for the space C(alb) of the functions x(t) being continuous and realin the interval [a,b] with the norm Ixg - max jx(t)j,. Thv*6 theoremiari formulated a,-,- t :S b without proofs 1. Lot the linear continuous functional *f(x) b4 defi nod in the subspace GCC(a9b) and possess a maximal element X(t)CQ,# Leo: 1XI - 1 and if(X) b Then the kernels g(t) of all its,minimal exten siono,f(x) fx(t)dg(t) have the same structure. Here the same structure meanss all g(t) are,constant on the same intervals of rapb] where jX(t)j 0(1-;' 1, in), ard 1/3 L ACC NRt AT7000904 (x x"(E' alo) 'A' A' (all, defininea nonempty-polyhedron S1. A unique point 09 01 at vhi'a~ f(x) rea,~hes a' maximump is found (see Table 1). Table I a&- all a3l . . . ain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 61= all. at" al:' 'a',,',,... a., 2611. 2bjj. 2b,n 011i Pb.; at which the function f reaches a rel tive maximum Then a unique point o(1 providing 8, Sq In 0, is' found (see Table 2), ~If or then the point is Considered stationaryt and r derivativea sr.e,calculated from Tqb~e 2t 2 &(jr?p + I(q) I + + 2 b ~"ies in a finite number If they are all positive, then A x*# The algorithm te of steps. Examples are provided. Cnr,4 9 A ACC NRi AT7000904 Table 2 6, W :0 ... 0 a 0 + r +If 'a'(;)... 0 +I W W I., a (P) 1, f+ flit JAM 1r; + 2b '2 '2; 2 + rr r rn 21,01+1.1 ... 2b F(r) 28, 2b (r) h tri rj+ j;0 26, 2i Mr r + An orig. art. haot 5 fomulas and 9 tables- SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATEs 12Apr66/ ORIG REP: 009 Cord 3/3 ii 37-1-ily"111ir FU)~FTJ ~Tiflj~ ZUKHOVITSKIY, S.I.;PRUM, M. Yo. An algorithm for solving the problem of Chebysher approximatlcn~ in a Hilbert spa-.a. DAL 01 SSSR 159 no&3t497-500: N 26~ (MIRA l8ol) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy~~instltut Imeni A.M. Gortkogo i Ukrainskly dorozhno-transportn-r naiiabno-isslado- vatellskiy institut, Predstavleno akademikoin,11.11. Bagolyubovym. ZUKHOVITSKIY S j FOLYAK, R. A. Algorithm for solving the problem of rational Chebylihwa approzio., maticne DokI. AN SSSR 159 no.4t726-729 D 164 (M,I,llA 1811) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvannyy pedagogicheokly J"wittiot Imeni A.M. GorIkogn i Ukrainakly dorozhno-franopar-tn-jy nauabno-lssl-l- dovatellskly inatitut, Predstayleno akademikom A. Tij. .1ohlinaklin. ZUKHOVITSKIr. $J.; POLYAK, R.A.; PAXWo N.Ye. .. ........ Algorithm for solving the probum of. nonvpz pro :grIamm int. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.5091!994, D 163 (MMA 17:1) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudArstvenqy poftgooohoi4y institut im.~ A.M. Gortkogo i Ukrainakiy~dorcozbno-Uw!Ld~p~V.n*uebno- issledovatellakiy institut# Rredatavl~nolakademikcm A.Yr, Iablinakim, f r,/00301631003/006/0990/1060 ACCESSION NRt AP3003529 AUTHOR: Zukotynski, S.; Kolodxiejcxak, J. TITLEs On the.theory of transport phenomena in oamLco'aductors 'posAess- ing non-spherical and non-quadratLe energy band6~li SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 3 no. 6; 1963p 990-1000 TOPIC TAGS: transport phenomenon, somiconductorl norispherical. ene rgy band, nonquadratic energy band, free carrier$ inagneto-optiral~elff ~Ctf transport equation ABSTRACT: The transport equation is solved for ;the case in which: external magnetic and electric fields as well is~ temp trature con,!* centration gradients are present. All calculations Ate carried out for energy surfaces of arbitrary shape. The electric' current and! heat flux are expressed in terms of~three fundsiental, :,tansorss' The case of ellipsoidal energy surfaces with a nonq4adratic depandencat of the energy on the absoluta value of:the wave vector '10 aaalyieid Va details The transport equation is solved for ii arbltrary energy: Card 1/2 ~ACCESSION NRt AP3003529 surface by using the iteration method extended to ;the case in 4'ich~ temperature and concentration gradients are present. the ma gnet6- conductivity tensor in the case of a tlime-4epfindeinli eloictric field i s derived. The results can''be used with Maxwell equ~atiohs~ to calc4late, all magneto-optical effects due to free carriers. 10rigs,art,'haol 65 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institute of' Physics, Warsaw University (Zukotyns~i) Institute of Physics# Polish Academy of Sciences., 10srssiw' (Kolodziejid2ak)~'~.',". SUBMITTEDs 04M&r63 DATE ACQt ISJuI63 EXCLt iOO SUB CODEs -PR NO REr SOVi OW OTHERi 0 1'9 It Card 2/2 ZUKHOVITSKIYO S.I#- FOLYAK, R.A.; MIMI M.Ye. Algorithm for solving the problem of conve 'hebyohev apgoxiination. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.lt27-3o n 163. IwAk 1639) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskli'inatitut, im. A.,M:. Gortkogo. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Bogolyubovym. (Linear equations) (Algorithms), M(T( A ~CC /Bjr-, InTCA.13D.- VJUPIX !JF1(0 TV7, MOR: Zukhorv ki S. Kiev') L TIM- A problem In piecavise, 11near profpr=dDg SOME: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy witematiki I matemeLtl0lesk ' fUlki, V- 3, rjo, 3, CO 1963, 592-605 TCPIC TAGS: linear programmliv, lizriew constrednts, EL141=1 tiz ABSTRACT- The author develops en a0-gpritXm for firAing the pnint, in n-dim=ionel space for which the sum o1 the diatw-ces to m h3Terplanqw; Is mininized, Eub,)act to P " ineer constraints an th! a point. Qr1g. art. has: PC) f mmilas and 8 trables. ASSOCIATION: none SUE41TEM: ObNay62 DAM ACQ: 10Jun63 ENCLi: 00 SO CODE o. 00 NOW SONT: 004 a=, 1: 0012 Card 1/1 4- A 11 L 1) 'AFFTC, 3 ACCESSION MR: AP3003501 3/0020/63/151,1001/1)027/0030 r_- AUTHORS: Zukhovitakiy a. 1.1 1~~k, R. A Primaik, 14. Yn !TITLLP- Alearithm for the solut1w of the com ix Wwbycharf ruxtmtlon pmbldiz SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady,*, v 191, no. 1, 1963, P-7-30 TOPIC TAGS! &Igarithm, Tehebycheff approximtioa, It-near, wimpUz equation A3STRACT: Th a previous work by the f1rat-aamed author an oilgprithn was developed for the solution of a 3ymtem of Linear complax equatioab;. ta thet present vort, the authare further develop the algorithn and. &p-ply it to the amlation of the wre geia- eral problem of determiaing the nialmum of &a nrbttmry (3owlent place-vise alicath f=ction. The paper vas presented tq Academician N. 11. BogmIjubols om 18 Janumrr 1963. Orig. art. haa: 10 formul'as. ASSOCIATrON: Klyeviskiy gpeuderstyeany*y pedagogtcheakly Oorlkoe (Kiev Peda Cal L"titatel) SUMAT I 02'ran6_3 UTIC ACQ: 3QJV163 11NOL: 00 NO BW S07: 003 ZUB CODE: MH 7~ 'i P: i i 1 - 1 !13 6, YLG (W) ACCWSIOff MR: AP3003501 AUTHDR30: Zukhovitskiy, S. I.; PO-IYV Ej.. R._A.; PtInak, 51. Ya 'Tr= - A34prithn for the solatlom of the ecnvez Tababyehof f appitixtma'Aloa prOlAnt ZOOCE: AN SSSR. DokIaAy*, v 151P no. It 1963, 27-30 TOM TAGS: &Igorithm, Tehebyalieff approximation, 11anar ocaplez equation ABSTRACT.- In a previous vork by the firist-a=ed muthor an ailgori'41mu was developed for the solution of & system of Unear complex equationk. ID thet pimsent wo(rk, the authors further develop the algorrithn snd apply it to the tial-ation. of the wre gen- eral problem of determining the mLnic-ri, ot an airbItrary awwHr, pifien-vise arooth function. The paper was presented by Acadeziaian R. 11. Bo$a1yubo,r on JanpmLry OX-19- ext- b&&- 10 fOl-MMUs- ASSOMATIONt Kiyevskly gosudarstv"MY41V, VedagoglebfisktY -4,4& 1 tin, AP 4 Gorlkoga (Kiev Peda yicak_k_qilt~!Ll~e) t-U I ISMITMD: WattO UTZ ACq- 3WV163 VIOL: 00 ISM CODE: MR UO TW SOV: 003 MM Card 1/1 j: 39875 S/044/62/000/007/012/100 AUTHORs Zukhovitakiy, S. 1. G111/C333 :1 TITLEs construction of the beat approximation of continuous functiono:Using polynomials in a complex domain PERIODICALs Reforativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no#,,7, 1962, 24, abstract 7BI24. ("Insledo po sovrem. probl.~ teorii funktsiy kompleken. peremennogo." 11.#;Vizmatgiz, 1961t 201-298) TEXTs Given'is a geometric description of thQ id4alof a finite algorithm to solve the following approximation,problemat'A finite system of k-dimensional (0 ::~~ k -zz~~ a - 1) planes is given iA* a-dimensional Euclidean space; each plane in ass gned aLnon-negative woight (I. e;GY a number by which the distance of an arbitrary point frota this plane is multiplied); determine the point which, when weighted, has the least distance from these planes. It is shown that :the corstruction of a polynomial zl'-f 1(t) + *a# + Z (Zj?*#.f % are complex numberst If (t) are functions with complex values) vhich best n Card .1)2 5/044/62/000/007/012/IOQ On some algorithms for the . . . C111/0333 approximates ihe function of c,omplox values f(t) on the lattice tit*!I t is a speoial case of the problem formulated above.. M ,fAbstracter's notes Compkete translation-] Card 2/2 ZUKHOVITSKIYP S.I. Approximation of an incompatibI6 system of littear equations oni the principle of minimizing the sum of the moduli or all deviations. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.5;1030-1033 AP '62. (MIRA, 15t4) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy inatitut.pish chavoy . promyshlenno.sti. Predstavleno akademikom N.N.Bogolpbovym. (Unear equations) 2/018:' 5/020/62/143/005/00 B112/BIO2 AUTHOR: Zukhovitskiyt S. 1. TITLE: Approximation of an incompatible system of linear equations j according to the principle of minimization of the sum of.thel absolute valvies of all the deviationt) PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 14), noi 5, 1962,' 1030-1033, TEXT: For the incompatible system of linear equations n %(x) Ji aijjj + a 1 0 (1 j-1 a point x is sought such ~that n m z(x*) JL(x*)l Min m Z 1ji(x)1. x By means of a corresponding number of Jordan eliminationt (of. E. Stiefelf Numer. Math., 2, 1 (1960))p the system Card 1/3 5/020/62/1.43/005/00V04 Approximation of an... B112/BI02: IM is.replaced by n+l M so that Card 2/3 a a 1 11 a a . . . . . . . . . . ~2 . . . . . . . . . . , a a fn ml M2 mn. am (n) (n) (n) n) an+l , 0 a n+l 2 ... s. + 12n 4n+1 11 12 'I n (n) (n) (n) .(n) ml s .... M2 a mn % 1/020/6^/'4V005/002/618 Approximation of an... B112/B102 m m (n) ~n) n) sign a a 1 + a( i 1k z i ik li-n+1 i-n+1 a(0)/0 a(n).. for k 11 ... In. Then, the values have the requ ired property. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti (Kiyev Technological Inatitute of the Food Industry) PRESENTED: December 11 1961, by N. N. Bog6lyubov', Academician, SUBMITTED: November 10, 1961 3/3 Card Z703 S/020J61/139/OD13/002/02~5 C1 I I C222 / -;-fU-THOR s Zukhovitakiy TITLEs A now number scheme of the algorithm fd~!r Clkebyshevle: approximation of an incompatible eyete'(9' of linear eq-a'atioiis and-a system of linear inequalities PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, ve!p 19619 534-537 TEXTt In ef. 2s DAN 79, no- 4 (1951)) and (Ref:#1 3t latem.sborn,,33, (75), v-2 1953)) the author developed a finite and monotone algorithm R for the Chebyshev approximation of the incompatible linear system.of: equations a " + a + 0 (j.jfb..tmY- ~ n i. ,, 1 . 12 in By keeping of the earlier geometric scheme of thi algoirithe by uo e of the : Jordan's exclusions, in the present paper the author obtains an Oseential. simplification of the,numerical scheme of the al#orithm. V At first an arbitrary point xl(n is taker. an& the table ) n Card IA 25703 S/020/6,1/139/003/002/025 A new number scheme of the algorithm CII1/C222 11 r5 2 . . . 9n is established. Let I-q (XI)i (x,)I I-II(XI)l r r P I p where Xv NZ (xt) where + 1P0.0 r -Ir r r r1 + : 'P I p P The point z' is denoted with x and understood as,the p-th approxima,tion. p Card 2/(" 25703 S/020/61/4-3~/003/002/025 ;T,;: A new number scheme of the algorithm CII1/C222-; Now successive Jordan's exclusions with thbse r -stilid, r 4'ath rows are I P carried out which have coefficients different from zero for the. r mained in the preceding steps. Putting for simplicity IO..*,r s;p,, p then in analogy to (Ref. 4 :-E; Stiefelg-Numer.' Mathd~v! 2 (196q)) one~bb- tains the new'table Th t VIL . . . lip to+, n (P) a 1. P ap ~1- P+I P+ P+I P a, 1(-,o) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p + I am(P,,) a(P) 11 Then the author puts iZ 1 I mZ and' nolva;~ the ' sys~ei (p) p (p) 'L + + a F (X + [, a X *so (p) a !.(X;) I Ii ip pl i ,p, P Card 3/6. p + 11 p + 21-6, m j: J. AA il 703. 3%26/61/139/00~/002/025. A new number scheme of the algorithm C411/IC222 + 1) Among the solutions one chooses the greateet poeitive,j,4t beink' smaller.than Let the maximal devia~tlion + 1) bi 4 (P) p r,eached by the first t equations (5). Then for the neIw-(p+0-th.&pprP- Ximation x one obtains z P+t hv+ t (xp+ t)> -Qi(,P+t) (i>, + t), 1111~xp+dl (X i "Ll P+t t "IP+t( P+t) P+ This process is continued as long as e.g; for the approxitstion i thq",; q, first qdeviations are maximal, where in the upper pirt of the tablelithere, are only r 0, and which do no t separate the a dge trom rL if -~j (x:< q If the characteristic is equal t (j, et max t 4%tm) Ithen It is!'put:1 0 ;equations 0 and th~' Cyr 20 .2 -b X4 + . + 0 + (xq) aTV ill (~r#) -:1 n (jrq)l (k q* + 1 , Card 9/16' 0 S 02 139/9WO01 2~ / 1%611 . ~O ith l t t th l C11 S e a emen s o m ome comp gor 333 are solved from which the smallest solution greater iharl:.' ( ) q is determined. If the characteristic is smaller than qj then tl~'e io~dmn exclusi on is- applied again. Thd process is continued untif ot ie stateis that ai l e (n-r)*- dimensional edges formed by the q-plaft toristics i posqes charao , . smaller than Then x is the sought optimal'p6lnt (Z~e S. J. Zukhovitakiy Zief. 5: htem. sborn., a (75), v.6. 2 (1953))- L. V. Kantorovich is mentioned. -bloo raferehoo.~ .There are 4 Soviet-bloo references and I non-Soviet ASSOCIATIONs Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy! 5 C promyshlennosti (Kiev Technological Inotitute of the Food Industry) PRESENTEDs March 13, 1961, by Xi X. Bogolyu Academician SUBMITTEDt March 12, 1961 -Card 10/10 ,=HDVITSKIT, S.I., ASKINO G.I. Certain theorems pertaining to the best approximation by tmIlultedi- operator-functionso Isvp AN SSSR Ser. rat. 24 nooil:93-402 J&-Y 160. (KIRL 13:6)~ 1, Predstavleno akedemiton W.I. Sogolyubovym. (Operators (Mathematics)) (Approximate coloputation) ZUKERWITSKIT S.I. Algorism for the solution of a generalized problem on linmr programming. DokI.AN SSSR 133 no.ls2O-23 J1 160. (KM 1327) 1., Iivqvskiy I~ekhnologicbeskiy institut pichebovoy 'pronyahlennosti# Predstavlono climfoi~,iki5m;lr.N:Bogolyubov7me (Algorism) (Linear programming') 3/020/60/133/0volioo C 111/ 0 333 AUTHORt Zukhovitakiyo So TITLEs Luntrort 'm r' e olution of a Generaliid Pr6blem on rm ~ Mot Linear Programingl PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadamii nauk SS8Rp.'1q60$ Vol-~1)33o NO-ti pp.20-23~ TEXTs A problem of industrial planning considered t),v L.N, Xantorovioh' (Ref. 1) is geometrically formulated as followat Lot in:% the planes. A (X) ... + b F- + + b , 3 , -.: o$ b 2 2j and the closed convex pol~r"hedron LOA be given, whioh lies in the P6 1sitive octant and which is-defined by (2) + + a k k(x) 1k I + a2k 2 nk k! ~kl? Determine a point x in A for, WhiPh it is (3) min (x max min A- (X) I i its S Card 1/2 709 S/020/60/133/61/04/069 C Ill/ C 333 An Algorithm for the Solution of a Generalized Probism on Linear Programing This geometric formulation of the problem enables the author to give a solution different from (Ref., I) which consists ina monotonous arid finite algorithm for-the determination of the point'x*. The proposa4 algorithm is a variation of an. algorithm, corresponding to*the problemp which the author formerly devoloped (Ref. 2,3,4) in~;aonn ction with the approximation by Chebyshev polynomials. ,The author thanks G. Sh. Rubinshteyn for valuable advices. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIORt Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishch4voy ,promyshlonnosti (Kiyev Technological Inatitutt of the food Industry) PRESENTED: March 4, 1960, by 11, N,, Bogolyuboy, Acad~miolano SUBMITTEDs February 17, 1960 Card 2/2 0126 V44+ 16- q6 S/038/60/P24/0.1/004/006' AUTHORSs ~g~Aqvi,,t nd EskinpO.I. TITLEs Some Theorems on the Best Approximation bylV.nbouAded 02era~or-~-- Functions PERIODICALs Izvestiya Ak~lmii nauk SSSRt Seriya satema ticheakaya, 1960t Vol 24, Ur 19 PP 93-102 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors consider the existence and uniqueniq*s:of the boat approximation of a continuous function with values' in them Hilbert space and reflexive Banach space, respectively, wiih the aid of a closed operator function. The~:Vesults of the paper are already published 'rRef 12. The authors mention S.Ye. Stechkin. There are 9 references, 6 of whiofi are Soviet, 1 Americaji 1 Polish, and I French. PRESENTEDs December 15P 1958 SUBMITTEN by N.N.Bogolyubov, Academician. Card 1/1 - k - 6. pa i J ul~ Uri- .4 ;,i 11,26-11 us 16 A 141 d I i 6.12,490.2h. a.-3 A CL w U IV NII 0-2 ~M a t a plo V. ft9 . e2 His a C. J; an 1~01 16(11 AUTHORS: and Eskin,G.I. SOV/20-127-6-..1/511 TITLE: Some Remarks on the Best Approximationlof Diffekential~Equiationo by Polynomials PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSS IR$1959,Vol 12T0Nr:6,pp, 1158-0W(USSR) ABSTRACTt In the domain G let be given the system of differential equations (1) LU - f (u - (U P-4fu )I f ~Wi~ (f c n V. d) with the boundary conditions lulr- Y 4 ,The approximate solution is sought in the form of a polynomia luma for which kyk k- inf m ;~jL 1fk- f max kl T ax (maxj?m r is reached. This problem of the CaucIhy appvoximation~of 6 function continuous on a compactumt;~~ a polynomial to reiduced a system.~of non- to the problem of the beat approxim4i.lon 0 compatible linear algebraic equations by the introdu6tion of sufficiently deneo note on G and r so ~that the algorithm of Card 1/2