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zujovic, Jovanka, Dj., asist.dro. JOYANOTIC, Borivojo,i dr; DMIC, Drag:ica,'; dr, Myositis calcificans progressivao Srpski arb.coloklako 87 Doeiii. 1444-1451 Nov. 54. 1. Pedljatrinka klinika Nediciukog fakultets u Beogrsdu.u~ravulk: prof. dr Matija Ambrosic-, Radloloski InstItut Oadicillakogo fakul W& u Beogradu. Upr&vnik: ~rof. dr Stojan Dsaie. (xmsiTis ossuricAms. progressiva) ZUJOV109 Jomnketj PODVMCI grooko, DORDIMIC, Slob~&nj ITTROVSKI, - - ----------------- Role of otoge'nic Infection on the occurrenoe~of dystrophy andidiarrhea in infanta and mall children, Srp-ski arb, colok,jok, 88 no'.J:271-277 Mr 160. 1. Pedijatriska klinika Medicinskog fakult4t!i Univerziteta u ogradw. Upravnik, prof. dr Hatija Anbrosio, Otorinolarin&loolm klinilm MOM- cinskog fakultote, Univerziteta u Beogradg.,Upramili prof. dr',*eeko Podvinec. 2. Clanovi Uredivaokog odborajO-qrPuki arbiv sa COUMPOO lokaretw1for Zujovie and Dordevio). (OTITIS in inf & child) (DLUUM lin W4 child) (INFANT NUTRITION,DISORDFM stidi) z 'OVIC, Jovanka; MILOSEVIC, Vukosam; PETROVIC, Ljub ta Diravitaminonis A. Srpski arb. colok. Isk. 89 na'.3:28~-294 Mr 161. 1. Deeja klinika Kedicinskog fakiateta UniverzIl total hBeogradu~' Upravnik: prof. dr Borivoje Tasovac. 2. Clan Ui,*dLvkk*g adboraj "Srpski arhiv za colokupno lekarstvol (for Zujolvic).' (VITAMIN A DEFICIENCr in inf & child) Lljo V) M WSWIC. B.; ZWOTICH, Dj; STOLMM.2; PMVIC, No The application of bysterosalpingogr by In diagn"Is In 1grne- coluff. Srpskl arh.colok-lek-83 no.1:61-75 Jan '5~- 1. Ginakolooko-akuserska kliniks Ms&c1nmkog fakultsta u Deogradn. Upravulk: prof.dr Sin1sa Tasorvac. Radioloaki Institut MkUcinmkog fakultsta u Beogradn. Upravulk: prof, dr.Stojam D.odle. (MACOWGICAL DISUM, diag. bysterosalpiWgrapbr (Ser)) (GMTALIA ZZUU, radlograptq 1wateronalpinograpby In diag. of &WAfm.(Ser)) sm so lee Ftg", so see goo fee J*ULLMICA& WFillAtIAS CUSM"T" I 141doo nip a" 4or WI it It 0 .0,a ~3 ej s -Av* AS I I lot 0 Jill ZUK, A:Ieksander; 3*W'imft. rarol i- of paraplegic patients after spinal cord injvxies. Chir. narz. ruahu 22 no#4:39.1-396 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Ortoped~rcznej A, A, w Posminiu. Xlerowniki prof. dr W. Dega. Poznan, u1. Dzierzynskiego 135. (SPINAL CORD, wds. & inj. causing paraplegia$ ther., br6ding (0o1)) (PARAPLEGIA, etiol. & Pathogen. spinal cord inj.. ther., bracing (Pol)) ZUK, Aleksander., WALCUMSK!, Stanislaw shoes for correction of ahort log, Chir, Wt. mahu 22 n041: 91-100 1957. 1. Z KlIniki Ortope4yoznsj iL, H. w Fosmalme. Klarown1k; pr9f. dr W Dega. kdres autorowt Po2nan, q1, DslartyiInkien, 135, KlInUm OrtopedycrAv.. i~~G, p:bnorm. length Inequality, corrective,shoes (Pol)) MM, Aleksander; WATjCZYNSKI. Stanislaw; KAJISCH. jUeksander Orthopedic braces in the treatment of scoll6sia. ChIIr. narz* ~mchu 22 no.2:225-227 1957. 1. Z Kliniki. Ortopedyezuej A. M. w PosnanimAierownik: prof, dr W. Dega Poznan, ul. Wer2ynskiago 135. (SCOLIOSIS. ther. man ement with olthopedia braces I(Pol)) ksander, Tak. MIIMZY13LOCKI, Vieslaw, Ins., m9r.jj" Evaluation of ankle hinges In spi ral braces~if. Chir. narz. ruchu 21 no.3:324-328 1956. 1. Z KlIn ortopod. A.M. w Poznaniu. Kisroptof# Ar. W. Deg4i (OGOPE)ICS, apparatus 'and instrumetito, braces. evaluation of ankle hingeii(Pol)) ZUK, Alsksander Apparatija for radiological measurement of thp~ angl$a of curvature of the spine using Cobb's method. Chir. narzo ruchu 21 to-5;07-~ 509 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej A#H# w Poznaniu. Xlerownik: prof* dre W. Do a, Adres autora: Posian, ul. DzIersyneklego 135. fSCOLLOSIS, diagnosis, appar. for radiol, measurement of spinal,curvature (Pol)) SWIMSIX, Gerwazy; ZUX, Aleksandor (Poznan, u1. Datersynaklego 135) Arthrodesis of paralyzed foot in small children following polio- myelitis. ChIr.nars.ruelm 20 no.2tlll-122 1955 le 2 Kliniki Ortopedycsnej A. K. w Poznaniu, Xlsrownlks prof dr, W., Doga. (POL1014YELITIS, . surgery, aAhrodenis of paralysed foot in child.) (FM, paralysis, arthrodesis in polio# in child.) MACIMWSXA, Maria; ZU, Alskmander Modified Trancks's needle. Polaki tygod. lak, 0 9 nd.,23:723 7 June 54. 1, Z III Klinlki Chorob Wevnetruy,ch A.M. w,i,~'o%nai'itu, k1srovAkt prof'. dr mad. Fraciesek Labandslaski I z Lab,oratortum, Centralnego, t Stpitala Miejokiago ing Jossfa Sirusta w PoinAniul- kierownik:'dr mad. Maria Raclejewska, dyrektor expitala 4i med,,An Wiktor'owics. todif ied Irancks a needle) TOLAND Zl,"K, 13oleslaw, Chair of General Anim,,U br,~adlng (Xatodrtv Nierzat), WSR rWvz3va 'RollAnza, Higher Sohool of Aqriculturo3 in Wroolaw "E,valiiatlon of Bri)a0in~,.: Value of Boar on the of Variouv Numbors of Controlled Litters." Warsaw-Lublin, M rcyna W'PvtA Nov ed]- na, Vat NO III) 6,re!, pp 633-639. Abstraott Ajithor ertablishes flv4- polo ;-?: o,~ dattmination and works out a formula for evaluation of ca'.1relations. IT., 3 results are tabulated, and vartfication procodure va,:c,riC.WIdy,)d, Of' the four raftWonces, one is Laglish alia three i~re Polish, TUMILOWICZ. Stanislaw.;ZUK. Mixed abscess from the l7mph nodas of the hilixo; surigical treAtment following lobectomy. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no428:1086-108'7 8 July 57. 1, Z UK&& Ylysjochirurgli IDSKL; kisrovniki prof.. V. Rzopecii, Sanatorium Sokolowskiego, P=P w Zakopanem i z,oddsialti Ghirurgii Sanatorium im, Pawlowa w Rabca; ctrr. X. Milewski, Adres: Otwooki u1. Dzierzynakiego 56-13., (PINUMONZCTONT, complications, mixed abscess from lymph nodes of hilus after lobeotomy, surg. (Pol)) (LT"H HOLM, abscess, pulm. hilum, after lobactomq. surg4l~ (Pol)) (LUN06p abscess$ hilus lymph nodes, after lobeetoWj~ sur& (Pol)) RUDBIK.Jan, ZUK, Xdward Bronchograpby In children with a mixture of lip Iodol With tslcumo~ Pediat. polska 30 no.6;555-537 ;Una 55 1. Z Dzieclecego Oerodka Sanatoz7jno-Prewsntoryjnego,w Rabcs. Dy,rektor*. dr med. M. Ifilevaki. Rabka, Dzieciecy Osr~dek Sanatoryjno-~ Prowentoryjr,y. (BRONCHI, radiovaphr, contrast media, lipiodol with tale. In child) (Go MMST IMIA, itpioaol with talc in bronchograpbr In child) Muz, with liplodol as contrast medium In ~roncbography In child) Edvard. RZEPFLKI, Tadeusz.,- ZIOLA, Herir7k; vlolpnt ClInical. course in a case of tuberculous peri-,eest- ral alseeso and tracheo-branchial lymph nods tuberi;7ulos!e. Pol. przegl. chir. 36 no.6-.819423 Ja 164 1, 7 ~ Slask"Lego Dziecleaego Osrodka Sanatoi7jno-Privwen*!;'a- rynego w Rabee (Ordynatort dr. T. Rzepeaki).l TLUDNIX, Jan; R7XMKI, Tadeunz; Ndmr4 Cannes of the ins for V4wo=4 resoctioniin children, Oruslica 26 noo7t593-597 July 58. 1. Z Dzieoiecego Osrodka Sam toryj no-Prewe ntov7jnejg w 7obcs ;W!'rejetor: dr J. Radnik. Adresi Dzimoisoy Ostodek 3anat0'%!yjno-"Preweator7jnW W; Babes. (TUMBOUIMM9 PMWARYO iu iAf. & obild indication for resection, causelb (Po 1) OERAPALSKA, Ewa,- PECIIFRFX,, Kazimlerz; FUID111K, J4mj PUPMY I, Tadousis; Z41,WSKA, Hanna; ZUKp Fdward. Views on surgical Indications in Irreversible brnnehr,--pulmonary changes in children. C1ruzlica 33 no.W03-7011 Ig 1. V Dzieolecego Catrodka Saratoryjnego- PrewantoryJim-go v Fabcp (Dyrektort dr. med. J. Rudn.Lk). zur, J. Increasing the efficiency of combines and alimating loss during thd J~arvest of'graln. p. 263 (Ministerstvo zem*delstvi) Praha. Z PUblication on Machaniz"Altion Of agriculture issued by ','-he Ministry of ApTiculture. Semi-month.& Vol. 5, No. 14, July 1955 SOURCE: East Ebropean Accessioiw List (EEAL) Library or Coqreau. Vol. 5, No. 1, Januaryo 1956 (!ALCZY%QjK-,, Varla; 7,UK, Jazlina Tffruct of retarding agents on the Otability ~,lf vilbamir C C-1*11.utjono In ampuls. Acta Pol. pham. 20 n606~441-445 61 . 1. ;'~ 7akladii Famaoji Stosawanej WdemiJ lfeojyn%rmj w '-,c4zi (K!vrawnlkt prof, dr F, Hodrzajewskl), all IN milill I I HIM li 11 llyl ii S/194/62/000/002/006/096 D230/V301 AUTHORS: Przybylski, Tadeusz, Zuk,_D1ieszY9Xaw:and Hebel, Zygmunt TITLE: Constant-current analyzer P:MODICAL: Referativ-.Vy zhurnalt Avtomatik4L i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-1-33zh (Zef3z'..naukb Poliiechn. gd,'AnBk., 1960,'no. 21, :63-70) TEXT: The Dei~artment of Electrical Engineering 6.f the Gdgnsk~ Poly- technic InotJtute has developed, for own uso, a new constj~nt_.bur- rent analyzer. Five types of the 'variable potentiometer w4re'used as standard resistance boxes: 0.2; 2.5; 5; 50 and-100 kohis;~the resistance valdes for a given posi-tion were deternined using an ohmmeter. The potentiometers are divided into two groups:-Of 60, in each of the vertical analyzer fi-elds; they are qormected~by means of two 8ingle-cord Jack and sockets in thellsimulation field";cir- cuit containing 48 switching stations with rjockets. 200 and 500 ohm-potentiometers are used as auxiliary Junction points for,'the Card 1/3 3/194/62/000/002/0016/096 Constant-current analyzer 1)230/~D301, simulation field; these points are connected INvith the correspond- ing socket junction points of the measured field which are used for measuring resistancest currents and voltages..The meaeurinig instruments are mounted on the board of 'the analyzer. In the upper part of the analyzer there is the switching field', distributing the voltage to 5 junction points and to sockets (each junction point consists of 5.sockets). The measuring ammet6 .r iIa supplied with a range switch, current polarity switch and an auxi- liary resistance used for calculating errors introduced by~the~in- ,ternal resistance of the ammeter. In the analyzer circuit-there are two class 0.5 ammetere for currents 1.5; 3 and[ 7.5 and15,.30 and 75 ma. Voltage and resistance measurements are made with a~ valve voltmeter having ranges 3, 10, 30 and 1,00 V ,The accuracy of voltage and.resi8tance measurements iv 3 and 5 percent, respective- ly (for the measuring range 0.1 to 100 kohma)'. A.:c. or doc Maine at 220 V provides the power supply; the circuit has five stabilized rails, 0 to 80 V (Max. load of each rail 30 ma). The analyzer is inexpensive and small in size; it is thus suilZablAe for use at the Card 2/3 5/194/62/000/002/006/096 Constant-current-analyzer D230/D 301 Polytechnic*laboratories, teohnical oolloges' Wid also for deeip (and similar) organizatiom 4 figures. Z-Abstracter's notevCom- plete translation.-7 Card 3/3 KALAWSKr. Stefanj ZUK, Tomass; GAWLIC Zbigidew .... . .... ... Cygtic degeneration of the semilunar cartlinges 04 the knee,,'i ChIr. nars. ruchu 23 toti.051-5.6 1958, 1. re espitala Wojskowego il.s Sakladu ka~fomii I'altologiostlej A.N;o''W Warstawle; Iterownik: prot.- dr L. fteski"Icre'lAdress Wirlszsxa, US' Vawolnicka 28;20 mo 150' (MM, cysts lateral meniscus surge (Pol)) ZUK, TORAU ZUr, Tomass (Warssava. ul. Ssezenlivicka 23 m* 6J scoliosis in the light of electrodlagAostio,data. Chir. narx~ ruchn 22 no.2:131-138 1957. 1, Z KlinIki Ortopedycznej Ao K. W warazavia Xierovnlk: prof#' dr; As Gruca. (SCOLIOSIS, stiol. & pathogen. decreased muse. tnus on wivex aide. electrodlago (Pol)) (BIRCTROODIAGNOSIS, in var die. scoliosia.. determ. of decreaved Ono. t0=$ on coirvex sidit (Pol)) (MUSCUM, phys io 1. decredAst m~s-c. tows oir 4oftvix a idm of scoliamip. ~"//ZUK, Tomass; ZKMIDWSKI, Visulaw; CZASKOWSKI, lessok BlectrodiWootic pioture of "OolloBis follolvimg oporation. Chir.,'nars. ruohn 22 no.3t297-30) 1957. 1, Z Kliniki OrtopeVasnaj A. 14. w Waresawie. Kiet0imik: prof A,'GrvmoL (SCOLICSISS Ourge dytitamio scoliosin, postop. eNronaximotry & elailtroiWagmphy (pol)) ;=..-Tomasz,(Warszawa 22, ul. Szoseelivicka 23 m. 662,6) Signif icance of chronazimetry in myodystophigifetalim deformaAs (arthrogrypoSis) & related disoaaes. Chir. nar's. Mahn 22 no.6t 589-595 1957- 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyc2noj A. H. w Warestavie.,lierowniki prof.~dr Gruca. (JOMTS, abnorm. arthrogWosis, multiplex, chror=im"try (Pol)) sammicz, Hanna; WAIMM, Krystyna; Z Attempted ambulatory rehabilitation of scho'61-agq children with cerebral paralysis. leur.&c.poluka 10-no.6:809-820 160~ 1. Z Miedsyszkoluej Prsyobodnl Lekarelciej W Waregaitle, lierovnikt dr K. Sokal. Z Kliniki Rearologicznej A.M.'w War"imawle-0.0 Kierownikal. Prof. dr Z 1Uiniki O;t*Pq-! d.vesnej A,M, v Warssavie, Kidrowuik: prof* A,Grada, (OBOBRAL PAISY rehabil) ZUK, Tomaez lClectrtnyographic studies in sc*11eaes treated by conzorvativm~ and surgical methods. Chir. narz. ruchu ortop~~Polski 26 ne,lt 27-32 161. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedyeznsj AM j Warstavis Kiel,4v%ikt prof. dr A. Grua&. (SCOLIOSIS tbor) (MZTROMYOGRAPHY) SOBKOWICZ, Hanna; ZUK, Tomas% Effect of Flexin on spastlei' in Infanti ty 11) cerebral palvy~ 'lreu~ol, neurochir. poychlato pol. 12,no.1155-62 169# -1. Dzial Profilaktyki Wojewodzkiej Przychodni Higieny Szkoi~ej V~ Warazavie Kierownik% dr mad. K. Sokal Kllni~a Netrologiczni'AM V Varazawie Kierownikt prof. dr mad. 1. flau'slj~noqa-lletrusevieg ]Kllnika Ortopedyczna AM v Warazavie Kierownikt pro~p. drmed. A. Gruft. (ZOMOLAMINE ther) (CEMRAL PUSY th~or) plainod. I pimptis at ml low 00 of co" No Md Wl .1 et A r C4, Distri; a sa iota It -see 400 sic anal jgq,&M~vce for, &4 *to 114~ "ll P46-d 11 4 &d. A.4,11 T.. .11 13-22(lOWIXEnguAll Sm Y): i *aeltding Rtfl fire. -.'.'The equfpm t as by 0.03.4tr. yesgil, de.- 'W In a 4403g)4d UO to 100 mg. Is v"S4-i =h tw It I Im, with a L2-w. hesiter Eupts.- on ca g a cu. Scul M VCM. PbS d idtied. clayto of bmic SNC14A L k'O! VOIA Hl 11i r I I if Psi Ral - h . Y' it' 1 a ft, A p , I yk* w III ganiciltar I . u to f~ dalp h rme i: 1am4ml t~ 111b lion ca 0 rallp NO 4 Ili J. pi t POLAND/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instrunents C Methods of Measurement and Research. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika) No 8; 1959) 17215 Author Zuk, WIodzinierz Inst University Maria Curie-Sklodowska, WWAn, Poland Title Electromoietic Separators and Theiritse La Nuclear Physics. Orig Pub Description of a coastruction of separators is given along with the theoretical premiees of the oeparation of ions masses usiii3 a homorseneous migaetic field. An example of a 900 separator, which mkes it possible to obtain ion currents on the order,pr lo,5 arTeres and quantities of isotopes on the order of a mi" iCxala, was examined in Greater detail. Methods an 4eecribed for collecting the isotopes on metallic targets and for usinG the compounds thus obtained in beta'and 03rxm spectroscopy. Card 1/1 144 it i~dfi' 1, It it I ~.;l 4f~ -1,14!-W,iftf, -41~ taa,~ - --*-- ZUK) W.. Electromagnetic isotope separators and their apT-Iication~ in nuclear physios, P. 49? Nukleonika. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet do Soraw Polojw9go Wykorzstinia Eaergii Jadrawej) Varzawa . Vol 3, no 5, 1958. v Monthly List of European Accessions (EEAI) Irj Vol 81 no. 71 lu:~v 1959. 14114" Ilk ~COUMRY 3 Polan 4 OATEGORY : L~boratory ~qviPwnt- Tnotrtm_Ot1t-*t1AOu ABS.. JOUR. A-Uhiz, -.~o. 16 1939t 56980 AUTHOR M. Curie-Sklodowska Univeraity: T IT L,:,,' Ion gourets of flew Deoign for Ua~ in hhe Mas4l Spectrometric Analysin ot Gasaa~, ORICL n!3, Ann Univ M. Curie-Sklodovskai AA11, 1-12, 1956 ~ (1956) ABSTRAOT A Hier-type ion sourco for, masst-spectrometric analysis in dtiscribed.,1he das~gn Oe the, source aUova for aud tht:cleaniag of-the anode ivithq lAt nk6eaditating turbifig al : i~6-tr ence_~betweea the individu 41 omic durirents in the ion votrce as well as the dependence oV the 'ion.: currents on the inthisiity' 16f the iolt-.! izing 471ectron current and on the gats pressuro: CARD: J/2 J ~ ~ i RMI M1Wi;.j-i;j!Tr,~ 1; ii 7 COMRr Poland OATEGORY I Laboratory Squipmute Thstrumntation ASS JOUR. AZK~W*~j V6, -1.6 1-9-59Y 56981 ' Curie-Sklodowska University Ion Source for Isotope Analyals %*:)r Elements MIG.' PUB.' Ann UAiv M. Curie-Sk.loclowska, AA~1, 0-21, 1956 (1958) 'ABStRACT An ion source for a mass spectrometer-rh eh can'' be uoed in the. isotoge analyst6 of' both, gaosou" an e a 'is do- d low-vapor-pressurs liquid loi~ent' *cribed. The source ia equippad!~'*ith I all elec- trically hented.vaporizer of 30_m~ 04 Lpaci ty The vaporizer block in O'quipped filith & taper*d ground glaas .4foint which mAkee iL posdtiblt to change the sample without removimg and taking apart the entire source. Data on tha~operation GARM -ACC-NRS b", W2 Pdor t Skiiii TH U 0 ORG: Departrant of Exper-Imntal Physics, M. Curip-S!El- I Lu)lin TITIZ: Moasurewnts of gamra-ga,%rna arVilar correlatioil) in-,.- SOURCE: Nukleonika, ve 10. no. 5, 1965, 261..26a '7!'TOPIC TAGSt. lanthanun,,~Isdioisotoe, eakma ray. OpsatOmto"e4i radiatu do actor, 'ABSTRACT.* Vaasuremehts of I &=na-g'aruna a; !ngultr carreil,04on ~vxl JOLOL WO, d x.riad citit by moans of a gaimma-garm directional aorrelittion alspit-Aus conoUting; r a dal4ai--~ dence spectrometer with two detectors, one fixed and t~ptqi otbai, movable ThO mountab detector was adjusted at angles 90. 135, 180, aivi 2415' with re"at to the., Uxed detector. For the 304-162 kov cascade about 25,000 coincid(Mees were 2olleeted for each position of the movable counter. Thig allowed datormInation nf the anj~ular correlation ooeffici*ntst A - 0 -060 t 0.007, A4~ = 0#020 t 0.011s. AawiTdrq7 the spU4 sequence 14-) for the 304-192 kev casciltdo, the radiation shcntld have a rdiod mlti.-! polarity (D,Q) for both trwmia~ns of thiri *cascadU4 Tho xmmsurdmeMd; Of a low energ7 lini 30 Imv + x-r4-corr'elation with the 537 k)IIT g311IM11. IIzLe miso: shOwed a distinct amisotropys, and allowed for determination (if' A2 40030 10-013 wkithout correction-for the-F-ray component. 03Ag. art. hass "i fl$uresi, 1. tableplj d SUB dMt NP SM DAho 10 wt W6 ACCESSION NRt' A?40169961 P, 31PW0W11Di0 AUTHORs Zuk. Wlodzimiers A TITLEx Some roblems of mass speortrometry and speotrosoo:~! of the atamia, I' 4UG'.0us SOURCEs Postepy fisyki,, ve 14j, no* Op 19630 703416 TOPIC TAGS: mass spectrometry. nuoloarspectroooopra, gasjonit'ation, surfica ionization, ga's diboharo speotrun, isotope,sepafations woleouler struotw4 determinatioup-isotopio vompoeLtiong plasm&physlosp bet&,,speot.iometers elootr~- magnetic isotope eeparai;or, thermionio emission q,ource, Sw=ft spoctrometai~~ w4lear i decay soheme,,fion bombaroment,, photoiooization ABSTRACT: After sketching the history of the Department of Exp~rimentftl ?1~ the Marie Curiel Sklidowska UnVmrsity in Lublin, founded. In 194.6, tho author briefly,' discusses mass,spootrometry and traces 'its developmakito Its then proooeds* oon. ~ I-, sider.mass speotr6matry in its ourrent~applioatidnsp Aiali inalwas inv*htications of ele*nt&rv -ion4isatio4 phenomena, in jasee; surface ioniiations' disaharg-od i* gases and plaama Ohysioal isotopic composition of elemental apAloations " chimis- try (determin4i4 of the composition of mixtures: on the "eis pt mass spooitraf! detemination of idbleoular structure# and study of ohamic6l kiwtion and free Card 1/2 ACCESSION NRt AP40159961 radioa~o)- A.bria account of the methods of investigation, is iiTenj folldvins which the authbr Afesent the mass, spogtrometry problems~~txrreatly under i~vas~igaft tion a~:the D4~arthent, oh he classifies into four groups% (1) detern~~tiou f Gotop oaposii on of elements and'of t4 r4lo ~or ma4s. spectral ~peakst the o ls~idy of Lou atio 'phononiena. in gases' (3) ;eopara4ou or' nd 0 0 ;1motopeso'o (41) te~)hnio p loms f measursment'and squipsnto Th60 aotivittes ar6 UJUS trated ' M re lts afted in the last few years. Xxq'esti tations in~the fie d M 'a Py oil' nual &r op t ocpy, onduoted in th? DeparWant are &in* dUcuesede Oilge;arte ?0 P cI t r hd$t figur,so ASS0014TIONs Katedra Fisyki Dosu-Wczalnej;UMCS lublits, ft~'aib'6ntsl Phydies i ar-tient of Mari6 Curie. S dovska University) Dep k1o ACQo 03Fsb64 WiMs 00 DATRI NO, SOVI !T. 07M 075 SIM C0Dj s PH,. j: Crd L ZUK, W:Lodaimierz, Prof. dr. Education, the higher achool system and organix4tion of soientific rosearch in Sweden. Problemy 18 no.7tiM-506 162. 1. Kierownik Katedry Fizyki Doswiadczalnej,, Uolversytet Marii Curiesklodowskiej, Lublin. POLAND/Nuclear Physics C-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika No 5, 1957., 11000 Author Zuk Wlodzimiery,., Inst Not given Title Non-Classical Methods of Mass Determination Orig Pub Postepy fiz., 1956, 7, No 5, 539-454 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 L 39031,4-66 ACC NRt AP6018292 SOURCE CODE; 110/004'r/65/016/006/0681/0699 IUTHOR;, Zuk, Wlodzimierz ------------ )RG: Department of Experimental Physics, MCS University,, LublinYatedra Fizyki )oswiadczalnej Uniwersytetu MCS) L'ITLE: The use of electromagnetic isotope separators or~ntudyin g the reaction etween moderate energy ions and matter OURCE; Postepy fizyki, v. 16, no. 6, 1965, 681-699 MPIC TAGS: isoiope separation equipment, ion beam, neutron Interaction kBSTRACT.- The author reviews the literature on electromagnetic separators of moderate iize and their application in scientific research. The prototypes of the presently ised separators are briefly discussed and the use of ion separators in nuclear 'physics is considered. Some of the recent literature on interaction between Ions and matter is reviewed. Some basic principles are discussed relating to the interaction between natter and ion beams containing neutral atoms and multipli-charged ions as well as single elastic scattering of ions in a gas :Lnd the deceleration of ions ih imetal targets. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 1 table, 16 formul". 003/ 01T DUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: OM REF, Card l1lW2,A" ZUK., Wlodzimierz Dept. of Experimental Physiess MarV Curie Sklodowska Unive (.Katedra Fizyki DoOwiadozalnej Uniwersytatu MCS)s Lublin Crakowo PostevY fizykIp No 6; Nov-De'o 105,0 681-69~9 "Research on the reaction of medlum~-evergy Ions with mattor during applioation of elootromagnetia isotope separators,' on # I 1 0 1 A I a 1 0 1, '1 is of A 6 a 41 1 1,11.37 of A! Us& UO, I A*,~ -00 Id oil dmdka Al Os Kci j of wwow .09 with 1=1 N Assimil *0 KCI wputs i6j~2toptwown .410 wat dwcmw w Wf looks) tm "Yalk, I'larwil d"p#A k lot Of Iffia .1 KOW %P, .y ~ sW ! Ki 0,01 rill 'a lwalowmk U) 110 61OW Otdii mi"IL! WOa*4!' 4*0 iv, I d IAO m Offt bw~* d1i wi 0* mtid dw ;;; bor I. in 0! 400 Av Whht I N 00 0. cim". kwf^ 0( *00 rw AN04 0( Ok ~awm "ago vw~ Ott imstaii TAb a ticill 100"aw 00 40* mwdm In morig AL Tim smum low 4110"ky or h4wmatw" am u4k*W by *"saw chdistim S. A~ -,00 no 0 :-8! to. fox.. I O!t see It 4) -, ; ; v;,94 No won 1111 0 000 of 4 fee 000 0 e * 0 0 0 0 $1t 41 0 Go* 4,0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 $ 0 0 4 00 0 0 O.P 0 0 0 4 Jk.e f ~P 0 11ile.9.0 0 I? 11% a maim$ spodreelui ,#k*, LOAM, Potandl. xx. Unit. Mapuu, CsPw-S*1bdiArjAj 4x$iHo. r1doMia, &-d. AA. 4. 07-l1A4l-AQAVub. 111610cillish *umnMry)--Z. cirserlbes 0 80"tranew of the Mer lyw, and outfluesexpd. retults *I lov"t1salied lottfution phopm. tna d Air. X. 0. And COi. the rtUllw briNvven Ow oil$ 0l produml IN$ And glectrolk beam was loutid to be 11110ar unit tijull to 12 Wus/em. elkiroot bewis, volsilt tht Won- sity of the in ciwmnt will sliflost (siust. lot cttlAhk #41111-s at the clecuon current. ft wall shim" Oull the lhff~nlhy of Ilse ion current aberve Its thombol4l v4lut di-W"tim toil the accelerating poienthil only 9 The slit of the lim Vill'Is Isit, wMe or It the rAs pre"ure between twostits (lon-culk Jig 11"4l output slit) Is too high. Sylvia N-Mll tsks 00 "*6 .00 0* of potasalum chlorido 6ryqtob Acd vatod 11 odium. ~ WIWI1Mk1# gut, Jw, UNW; Mario lWor %". A A, 0 O-N(10441) (in Prrnch IU phnsphnron"niv 44 viyst ,It: 0 4 conig, 0.01. mal. rq, ~-Idtmuvrd In the attlerr shown: 40 XCJ,Naa,KIJr,.VA1Ir,KI. The optimum Lono. O(TI 0 In Ka was found to be 0042 mot. ~' (range Igo r5ligated, 0 was 0.00003"M2 mot. % TO. 'At duratium iJ phns. pborewcnce ith time of Pictiorntion (di-ochaim'of At electMICS) wssr studied,and the resultsure dkems tit. go* zoo too so's A 04TALLORGICAL trYINATbOt CLASSWKATIon too 11a., wj.4~' too salava lilt cov cat U 4 IT PI) 0 C. 91 11 It ON it IN I a C 3 1 !T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 eel** 0 00 960600,896 go 40 # 0 so 00 0 00 ZUK Zb'gr.4 -aw Evaluation of some methods for the determiation of total ser-am lipids. Wiad. lek. 18 no.13sIO99-110~ .1 JI.A-65. 1. Z Zakladu Analityki Lekaruklej 2 Centr.15zPitala Min. Wojskowoj Akademii Modycznej (Xiarowniki med. N. symonowicz). JEOMP Ll i ft - 4 . Y CZECHOSLOVAlaA / Analytical Chomistry--Analysis of Inorganic substances. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 14, 1959, No. 49229,. Author &az, L.; Sizoni, V.;4EM46~. Inst : Not given Title ; Titrations with Hydroquinono and Similar Reducing Agents. XI. Tho Determination of Cerium in Various Materials Orig Pub Chem Listy, 52, No 7, 1354-1356 (1958) Abstract The method discusead in Caummnication,l (RZhXhim, No 9i 1959, 3o966) for the titration of Co'(4t) V'ith hydro- quinone has been applied to the determination of Co in monazito sands cerito metal (Go, Ia,~ Pr, 71d,, Y, Fo, Ni, Si, Y4B, Cal, Al-Th-Co alloy) Auor,,Sas inntles) and in the raw material vastos during o3p Ictrolyulsfa-i -c7 Co (3t) is first oxidiiod to C (0) with K~'or amm nium Card 1/3 Abs jour C ard 2/ 3 LRYA T sUbs t4naoug, ziur :"Ya,! Jro' t6 Solutt C~!: 16 ~ I t 2-2 ro it, , Yet 114 ~ V;8 Od' kI ~i(rol~olh I I , , It d6 to Vd,h6tj6iJ of the7era Gahm tv"I Orgi- in the Pol I or (6,gip C021 cletoix, 0 ti T ln GITejro 'wl'ib Cd2 + bIgh cozeentr 151 c4tlbns tl6a elve ld X~ ::do not ationa. The Pb(2f) P AI(3t);:Rl Aresenc '0 .,4 A"Poont in Ae(5+ Introdu, lar (2q.- Ab(611 96 catl COS consIct ') A,!,' 'mo4rlte 0i, one cause Grab.1,o arroral: , Introduce Pooltive cl I I ~ 13L(3+) ei~j i I evi (thOl Irat: tvO W(6 S nogativO cle 1' atlons b(5 +), C 7 Otlors) -th, in sze, Th I ~ zest amount's a (2 f) Sl-(20) & preileti.6, cis (21 Of to a Over ewen the 1 2.()Ou-lt'3 -The CZIDCHCISIOVAIn / Analytical Chopietry-Analysis of inorganic E.2 substances. Abs Jour Ibf z6r khwya, No 14, 1959) ~o ~,49229 0 persulfato i' thelprosonge MAgI a', chtaijet) solution is t~oli 4itrata Id h Oh, O-bdl K 80114"tioL containing, 1% 4. as bL stabilitek, Pqt~~ti~~tkic:or visu4l,I(forroin lhdidaior) techniqvu t6w h tW I "D doteimdziation of the 'endpaihtL The AIV avlee ezIror in the determinations is ! 0.3 4; maby cations (0 go, C024 1 Zn2t I Cu2 't, Cd2,1, Nat, and K. do not interfere with the titration even 1whon pr,osent in high concentrations, The preeence.of large amounts'of Fe0f), Pb(2f)) AlOt),, ffi(21), mo(61f), Ag~' Bi(A and As(5+) introduces considerable errors (the first tvo~ cations cause pooitivu deviations, vhoreaa the resti, introduce negative deviations). Th4 preabiwe of H601), w(61), Sb(5t), Ca(2~), Sr(2f), ba(20, an~ MOO even in small amounts loads,to a laverin~ of the results. The C ard 2/3 Analytical Chomiatry.-Analysio of inprganic B-2 substances. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 14, 1959, No~. 49229 presence of Pd(2+) makes the determination of Ce totally, impossi'ble. The method is suited also to,the detormina- tion of small amounts of Co(0-01 , 0,,02%)'Ir. atool; or sat in vh6n'~ however, in the latt case complic t'ions~, high concentrations of Or and M are."presont. K. Kamen Card 3/3 E-16 14URGUIL-SKU# IsGs [Murguleecup I*G#]; ZUKAJ Sht. (Zuk&,,~t.] Viscosity of malts in the system RaIALF - BdClol. 1z+ ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 4 no.6331-17 191, (RNA ,;,2vy)o 1. TSentr khimichaskikb issledovaniyAkademii nauk Rtm*mskoy Narodnoy %spubliki, Rekomendovana kafedroy met~illurg'il legkikh motallov KraBnoyarskogo instituta tsvetnykh mpfAllov. (Aluminum--Eleetrometallurgy) (Tiecosimetry) T La ZUKAKOVA 1.13. (Tula) Mycosis fungoides. Arl-h. pat. no.12974-77 .14.*2- (INJIM 18:1) I, Iz fin tologoan atomicheako go otdelciniy., (Isalirf- 19A, Gets) Tultakoy oblastioy bollnitay (Clanyy vrach RSFSR I.A.Tumarun), 29gA~~~Avs~nesovi~ph.L IYAKAYXT, Hilly Iven6vich; L131M. Valentin Goorgiyovich; ZMMCH, Pj.M* & insho ,r#4d* 1: PLITMVp P.A6, takhn.rade [Undergrounct coftstr'notion; a follow-up on matarialo' published abroad] Stroitel'stvo podzemykh soom2heniiii(po M' terialam zarmbezhnogd opyta). Kookya, Gos.tranepahil-~,dor.izdiro, 1959. 86 P, (MIRA 12:3) (Ithdargrmuid conetruotion~ DUBININS M.M., akadsmik; KADLETSj 0,1 BOTLIKO Ll ZAVERINA, re,D, [deceased]; ZUKAL, A.; SUMSTS, S. Carbon adsorbents with molecu2ar sieve properties. Pokl. AN SSSR 157 no.3s656-659 JI 164. (MIRA 17s7) 1, Institut fixicheskoy kbimii AN Chekhoslovalskoy SSR i Institut fizicheakoy lkhIm-li AN SSSR, FENYES, -Asmas; KORIOIDY, Laorlo; MAL, Rrldrl Matbelflaticial examInation or *%Ihq 11.ght oauged Ming procoss La cornsil beef. Pt. 1. W klit kozI HTA 8 Serl8u B ho#41529-540 163(Pub].-~`60- 1. National Meat Industry Re-dearah Institutep Budape'st (for Karmendy' and, Zukal), ZUKAL, F. Sinetered,carbide as material for blades of Bandblaot-claniting machit'ies.ip.106* SILVARENSTV1. (Ministersivo tezkeWatrojlrenstv!.~4 Che~k.oslovensk-a:~ vedocka technicka spoleenost pro hutnietvi wslevarenslvi)4'~ Proba' Czechoslolvakia., Vol. 7$ no. 3s Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LO., Vol;!. B, no. 7. 4uly~, 1959 uncla. ZLTKAL, F., inz. Effect of the shape of wheel blades on the output df shot blasting~ machines. Strojirenstvi 13 no.9t686-692 S' 163# 1. Leninovy zavody, Plzen,, Vyzkumny ustav sle-Mrenalrye.,h stroju..~ Brno. Poland/Analytical Chemistry - Analyais of Tporganic Substances; G-2 Abst Journal: Referat, Zhur - Xbimiya, No 1, 1957, 1259 M. Author: Michalski, E... and Zuk-Kunaszewska Institution: None Title: Electrametric Determination of Iodides by the Polarization Of one! Electrode Original Periodicalt CTr. Note: This Seems to be a boOX QU. Zw not marked by the letter K; publication data are Loclz. LTN, 19") 16 page P7 Abstract: The titration is carried Out vith 4n aypurqt4s conslatInS of'~ Vapselo., one of Aich contains'KI folution ond. the ot~Or,, s. oaturated '001ution Of H92(NO3)2. The vessipla are conae;ted by an eltdrolytAc blr#gl filled vith KNO solution. Two Ft electrodes are iMmersed #.t4e golu- tions and connehed. to a galvemometer vhich:ls ovitched 9n d4riVg the titration only for short intervals for the 'purpose of ob.aervipg the deflection. The elect;-ode imersed in the XX sol4tion constitutes the anode a4d is depolarized du4vg titration. After the attoirgent, of Card 1/2 Poland/Analytical Chtm-:!~stry Analysis of Inc-rganic Substanc"... G-2 Abet Journal: Referat Mair nf.miya., No 1p 1957j 1259 Abstractt equilibri-m a sh%rp c1rop in the concentmtion ~ of I'~ Ions. takes placej this caase-s polarization of the anode and irteirrupis:the current. Near the P-od cf the titrmtic%n the galvanometer can:btt switched on con tinur-.1s ly (since -the deflaction is approddWmg zero). The tean error during ~M~ detemJnation of V10, V50,. V100, and 1/250, N soluticma of K.T :L5 -0.0r, 3 in the presence a chloii(le the error is vO.2%., and La the preaemce of bramidig Z AC 4E-. LU a u -A uAl- t~ tkt-~,-l M 't ~11:; -th It -id fftl~40, 4oh). 1 sill -1411 u-41 Ili k ~nlxll -?I:' I- d0'. U) till! f -1M 11011 0' V 4- 111 tIu, limb4'r trill in titrated 'tith 11 No, tit,- -ii'l'! 411. .1 ~U~zrmigH I-scatue M the T"t-riatitIlt Aml 111r. tirv~ni Irty, ki (.he I'Alli'l p-n-jimill. tan jxl, ulmn -2 ana oF r of 11 per cemt. Erfull of 0 1 Flit c-t. reilm;ti.ely. Are ctbtained In the preneme of Iflorides and bromide-s. CHtAL AsSillk (it'll )ItAK F4., 1;--32 ACCESSION KM AP5012950 I 37 ~VD AUTHORS#--- Zoddlaval -01 -- to-il ~--Muuob r (Tiflia)i Zukakove G. ormt1o rat on tIhe stice W* poperties TITLE: TM of at of a 4101 SOURCE# Makhanika, polinerovp no. 1l 1P%o:! ~7641 TOPIC TAGSt plastics neohmical pppek-~y~! deformat~, fi rat i~, tons.oma~c rx. ~ib. glasel TsDM 10 universal pEes N10~ A 16 -14 ABSTRACTs The affect of defornation rate on the MollaniC411 pro of1plastics Tho was investigated* Tests word =do an 4 ToMI-1Q.M V , 4 a.!k bloa4, was recordad an moti-3n-pieture fila with an 0.11rapii connaTed to a TA-5 amplifier, Deformation was wasyod by a tansomater deoUpqid by the autharoe Testa were made on I lastiewd laminated filmriftess;1loind it w" fouild that v~-~ f r the deformation rate ma ects the nooba7cil Rii~ulrtles. 'Raluction of relative deformation rate for stretched vinyl ;aaatio from go 000-10-6 ced-1 to 5#10-6 sea-i- led to greater relative deformatiout 2151% for a defortdjq stgvas of 2 kg/mm2,9 59% for 4 kg/m2l 66A fat- 5 ka/ul?. bt~ IMOX40-64 fibo-slaovp Card L 32 ACCUU014 ItRt AP5011990 reduction of the deformation rate frond 260410 to J)*1 t aown .h- : 1; an inartase of 58% in relab, tion ,or at deforming stresses gave do vinyl plastic and laminated flbergLwso tbo" rskob~joas 14 deformaticia r4te at , ~~j ,be Sam 250 caused a decre"a of about, 40% in the daformtlo modaiia for ea,*. The B&MS reduction in rate for vUql plaotia aud frcrm 10004-1004 to' .,3.10-6 CW.-I for laminated fiberglass caused a decrease in tensile Aloongth of about 30 w4 48% 48% 4 respectivelys OrIge w6 heat 3 figurest 3 tabldej #M 6 foruxua. ASSOCIATIO14i nano Aj M.M.; KADIRm! t,) 0 . Iria, C. PIACHINLY1, T.G. ZUKAL,, A. DUBIN114 IS, , , ... illlacenov, T.1; POLAK, ft. Characteristics or the poroun structure or lictive coals obtained. t,- various methods. Zhur. fiz, khim. )9 no.50198--1205 Yv 065.! (M1RA 18:8) 1. Institut fizichet;koy khimli All Chekhoslovatskay Sotsialisticheskoy Reapublik-4, Fraga. j j�.`_jL 81 EIVE11111catle in Cum PuffiLftilig H K C, I I It k A 1~ (1t42-,Ais% Jp-r, V,W mi,,$. No 1. fill opfitual t=tkI%ULN'JCQj far race twitfilling Imuc been HintililhoLl by it. godomoti till it Imuorowly orak Pri,or it) pulbilit tT1r Van% rMOILIC bM 111VIIIIIII 1, fra4cazents urngulft, Rmomh end the lane. -r r"Moved Intl-rout of & pcirt tirdmirwe villmoll it II ,WjENm f occhmum uld tft.~b tyrup -11JOEIld be jiled for tough jht.1101inij I lie iNiv" inklism 114](Ald tar millud a Ill I , ceit. 'p -l" A ~3 t Lill'. ,, , viluskjo wi-l fit" T"-pt j- C~:ntral L-~"Iboratrxy 0:L' Control 'Boad: LiK"06, u wau~' i~Oj Of 1 -.L t a -j I v P C o rit r o I ,~-.eut i~.P. ije zurch- '76nstl Vul;L, ~)r '. LO 1 i,;~7~," , F Hu n.--a ria n v,.-, s i on not 6iven j, St. -i~ob, olo~d cal ax;.d Qeml cal -64-vdies or-, ldperiinw - u Prcducts wita 6alt and Liehydn~rioxi-" ,tcta Vctr,~~rinarj.a madea.iae ~~clcLlnlaxlja hun42.rii:~U Vol j?, j~07 _IZ; -2 liSh al-UCIU; AU"ChOlS' En~,'Iizh ox~=a. ut-: y u &-6 e -I-Eu,cterioloeical criteria ixre satisfied"if sa s ar -,.tr(3 free of pathcGenra, toxica -ons Ad: zieubers eA. t~roui, Th-9 number vipenli-~g cau~5od. b~- t4et;abo4le. prr;(I'llets ~of o ai-illi and ot er bioc'hr;w~cal faxtor i?io t abou-', til $ 3 Pre vie.o,torn.., TAKACS, J.; ZUKAL, E. WAMUNWA Microbiological and chemical studies on ripeh~'Ing Of sausage products conserved with salt and deh7dration~ Acts. veter Hung 12 no.3:257-261 162, Is Central Iaboratory of Veterinary Meat Control Siervice (Head:J.Takacs) and the Department of Qualita~~tive Control, Meat Research Institute (Director: F. Lorincz) Budapest. A OJTOZY, KrintofneQUKAL, Endre Food quality indexes and their evaluations 19141m Ipar 17 noo5: 155-159 MY 163. Is, Fovarosi Vegyanzeti as Elelmiezervizagalojnteset. (for Ojtozy)o 2. Orozagoo Itusipari Kutato lfttew~ (for' ZUZLI). zuvi,, E. leseirch in connecti,)r with nerceptirm by the sense organs band Its 7tathea,itA-ml evaluation. I. P. 183. (ELEL-ME31 Inar. Vol. 9, no. 6, June 1955., Didapeut.) r SO: Monthly List of &ot 4troneart Acoession. (EIDU)' Lo.~ Vol It Nov. 11 1055 Uncl. ZUKAI,~ S. Reasearch in connection with perception by the tsenf-e organs and Ls rratherla.,~cal evaluation. II. p. 209. ELMEMI IPAR, Vol- 9, No. 7,, July 1955 (mezogazdasagi Ipari Tudomanyos EUyesuTet) Budapect. SOURCE: East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. September, 19% ONE MIGDAISYA, Zofia; ZUKAWSKA, Karl& .---,-&lsnectomy in hematological diseases obBei,*ed at'~tha 7irstInterMl ClInic of the Academy. of Vedid4e In Woreftw.'~~, Poleld arch, MGAI io weifn, 29 no-3:349-350-1959. 2 1 Iliniki Chorob WownetrutWoh A.K. w W"Sawle lierowniki prof* dr u. Med. A. Biernacki. Adres antorai Warsxa4a~ u1. Nowogrodxlm 39.'; 1 Muilm Chorob Wewn. A.11. (3u)OD DISUBBSO surg.1 spleneatofty (Pol)) (SPIM, surg, exots. in blood ats. (Poi)) ZU atisek ~,Fr~n Fettling lines for small and middle-Bized cating1b. Slevaronstvi 10 no.lls454-455 N 162. 1. Zavody V.I. Lenina, vyzkum slevarenalqch a-trojii,, Brno,