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viamis c la TW10" Indits. pr4utark vAto,1161 A (Fool ke*Amh 11110C. WAIWAVIA, C~kthl~ I, ri!IPA-14ky t7 vagijrflr~ 41 fmif 4. S 131100.-1161" hwl the "M4144-va w5j.141 W"r fqltql tw 11wir iiijill'ifs C fly the Tithms". awthal 4"Al CIMIRAt"I With Of.- JWJ ~104LA oforuimabom of witwuls c to toloted Solutions. J~Slllva Ckm.. Zteill 3, 31IJoN, IWM~-Tht W40i C.A.M CltotvlliipsWi i i wrillod was it"fill"I ull.J wilb Ille 1111m. lot and (CII.CoOhIli In tbe p wovskv oi vegrialile ittithwowsmar AM tutairmw 41yes "I lvwlts %*Vt t4aAhirf jAtt ZUFFOVA, D. "Vitamin A (axerophtol) and caroteries in baBle raw materials ol,' the oval: food irilustry. Cher.icke Zvesti, Pratislavao Vol. 8p No. 5) May 1954, p. 267. SM: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3. 11o. 11.. Nov. 1954, L.G. The Im of vitasnin C In the pmdwtiod d famdo joke. litall4ava. cwrw~ rvoli S, 10-210031).-The torso of vi-: fAmIn C Its timAluluk-or RAmis C emum td tomim. f6milki Vdkutui~ I 110starclo fiat.. l1rublwria I Curb'. 1. 4t 4-49011"'Ild r3460t 190).-Tbe erkit vkPlat"t Inflool AM diltulk Clowlititml wo vilillitill On Tbere acre low-i tit 01.00-2'71 in t1u. finislivil PfRAlwt (mis"Jol as vin"twed with tw~ osinin e, wilitul Ill"Wl" lu"Ifl. 15.0-VARI as drW. by Tillmono ontib"l. )An Mir" C Z E '-%tsmla A s.ftqtMeat ~ZJ t=ot- bn a- M11,11frials -4 d BARMS, V.; CUPKOVA, E.; EtISCHEROVA~ X.- WTTERMAYER T.; BILCIKOVA M.; FnVA P #,, MULUM&A, M.1 ORAVCOVi, V. t_K!,, CATARp 0 Tahyna virus infections among the population of eastern Slovakia. Bratial. lek. listY 45 no.8:501-509 31 0 1650~ 1. Vyskumny ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie vBratislava (riaditel doe. WDr. J K&rolcek), Infekcne oddelenle Fakultnej nemocnice v Kosiciach iveduci primar Mr. T.14ittermayer), Vyskumne laboratorium parazitologie a mykologia pri katedre vseobecnej biologie Lekarske fakulty Univeriiby Komonakeho v Bratislava (veduci prof. MUDr,. V. Vrsansky)ia Kmjaka hygionicko-epidemiologicka stanica v Bratislava (riaditel 14JDr. F. Schulz). \/'Wctresmlt PQMAGFtdm; of gift Igri z4t(*41tk.- J'ampa I 7F t) 32, J02-M IMIL-Wit mirmitad in Mir AnticuLtimil cm int VfEk ]I d by oltcilmiuW pjjCa~ The tilemy. 6" 7- phrillf cd prfelpitalms, mmaral oil mi!ldnerf, vid morunivitatimi use dimamird Ir-I t, i7 'j, I - . ..-. --f~w GARRIS, M.A.; ZUFAROVA, DNA Characteristics of the distribution of froe,bitumen In Pre-Devonian sediments of western Bashirla. Vop. geol. vost. okr, Rue. platf. I, IUzh. Urala no~2:92-" 159. (KlF.A 12:12) Baehkirla--Bitumen) w,"'A i-A-4-ij i I-! i 400 00 .i 5793. INATER SCFIUINC BY MOS OF BROM CCO~ ZuAll k0 J. NUT& 0 Vodbo Jftnuar~,, to Ifarcho 2940'0 v*I*';IT#'2$0-234)~ 'An account of the process "Od with S;w, rofshats., in Prague gas workso 3 see v I ;L A 29YALLUSCICAL U111,411*1 CLAS$SP"IVW Sv8dvj Lt am- 4w *.v tit Ourv c It 10 or It v 0 0 AN Z- KMM, JjPRVROVSKT, I-,TRIM, %;ZUMCKOVA, T. Slide method In culture of tubercle bacilli, Us. lako casko 89 no.30:841-844 28 Julr 1950. (CUM 20:1) 1, Of the Bacteriologioal and Sarological Do p~qx~ twent In Bulovc (Haad--J. Viklicky) and of the Institute for'Olinicil Phymiologr of the Medical Faculty of Charles Universityo Work droup of T. T=tj (Head-Prof. J. Sklada.10 M. D.). PALO, Vladimir.. inzol, icap inzo Occurrence of volatile carbonyl compounds In 4~vsk aboop ohoosoo~ Prum. potravir. U no a 5:266-268 My 163 1e Clibmicka, fakulta Slorvenska yyooka skola tnbnlcka~ Bratiolava,* GAIGINSCHI, I.; DUHITMCU, T-; GUTYAN, M.; ZUGRAVJCL~ )IJ-0 BWOUNU, A. Aspect of the kkalov-Bitter fiores in 0984 of pl*sbia deformationAs Studii fis tehn laai 10 no.l.'85-91 159 (Z&11, 913) 1. Viliala, I&si & Academiei Rapublicii Poptlare 4mine. (Plasticity) (Deformations(Mechanics)) (Colloids) (Spectmw analysis) (14agnetic; f Leldo) J MEN ATMASIU, G.; 10STIANU, T.; BUCUR, n.; WGROBSOU, JD.~' Regional magnetic researches In northwestern Transylvania. Note 5-ai The 1957 eampaign, Studii cer.fiz. 10 uo.4:64~449~159. (UAI 1. Membru corespondent al Acad".1el. RepubliailiPopulare Romine' (for Atauasiu). (Tranoylvania-ftnatlum# Tarr"Itrial) VIJDEA, Vasile; VIJDEA, Eloonora; 1TJG11A',,*;Si~'j Dorpl The Capidava-O-Adlu tectonl,. lino In the ppouli~f,,tri- 51, by the resistivity method. Studli car,~ gool j;0,rT gepgr 9 w3.2.- 503-512 161.. 1. Geologic Institute of the Geolog:Lcal Cmml"4,~$nm, bn. 1 t L,~3 d June 19, 1964. GICESCU,, Tatiana; ZUGRAVESCU. Doiria-, Contributions regarding the influence of the acid cancentra-~ tion on the chromatographic behavior of inorganic' ions. Rev chimie Roum 9 no*2:131-135 F 164 1. laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Univerm'Ity of Wcharest~ o, 7 A3 00 0 A Fmal ra"m Containing a cy u61A wo malit. a. 7ZAVOOLIA. wal.! U. Clift. 00 wo2otim.-ne stiaty led to the &In. 00 8 of Ili* kill- It substituted In the P, girsvire of d;U.Y'.!4 C.Phs. and &too to a twetu tilt cyckAwayl rwfksl and the 11b 00 1: ch-pree ill dimmicn. To obtain file free CAII'leolf0c, C01,1111% W" lnvpl. f'" 00 't: cycluboxanuil In CoM allil In the rvwfwv so ji, Willi tranifortiml 1 -4041111col into P-CJI'lCJI' Crafts rewlion, . 4 Ali III a Mayell-Turneir nielhod. The mwid wat ir NfrOll fly pissing in HCI Cu. Tw4linj of a Willi 3 molt. phMilir Alive 111111p.c 00 Milifivil with AACI gave -Vyc If "in I e 1~ li p=v hhk h 121". 0 c ; in. 1 M" 00 l' Ag Is Under C(N. gal 00 St l""p. a vellow toil" Which on btslims tilt 4 11 too .00 4*0 -00 Maim 2 1 1w W1 4 -00 f hion on lilt "J"ri-Alu !w. dk-al Ot 11 1.00 likAl 4 1 04111 11 ch All a litc It - 0 Mir M1 0. 11 by k;tw 2 41 in hill se Me ell re ;* 0 CGIII)CO I ' citfillwelys Ii. g*0 ) r 1 life oil I I '00 at orlI1114 I- 4warwit atrd 1 to 0 ---- ---- 1-- - -7. i.* 0 41110~t cli-ingem dmole the 1wrienco of n free railk-al, It illiftitA: the triviling of the chlorisle A, clitivilk 14 :w was I4w"+1 Into the Vigo.. I thrlormalko of p-eyt!liiliexylpbonyWiplwttyltiwtby Ilittowle. Ill. lilt 00 1 16MOGIC-9 LITFOO19t 4 t 0* S' 414 14 1 02 0 it 11 It a it it x a I 0 u 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 46 f, 0 0 o0 Of 000 0 04 00, 0 0 0 0 0 10 : 0 so to 0 0 e 0 !lf0 0 0 1 0 0 11 Q Is w A I -,L- 2 1 A a A L A A A WfIlit ONO PIM0111, Ik7ef 1wiolursaw el odwiid itinme Ji~rsttvos by cho Amon C"ohins empowws 1 0. 01 aripswu Phase" U AM h1sat. S. UpAv4scu. Of 1 '04 Z~41-1!`=,iu'~OA. 00 a doulail the previous stul Id. C. A. 33, 12W), eir-sts toy t1w action of the Ckicoard r"Sent an P-Cji,.Cji.- Come (1) *ith it view of q0taining a carbitsol 01 the my" lite' This me io Mixti. of an sk, or$4 so oldn which it was ipilopsslWe W.0cp. the &Artil sqvtloef~ k hr f4mmatitme of the akfin belog favattif by ostot all owtio ai the GriaUW4 "a at. 1-bich appAt.utly i~ivj*loa a debirdming agent. Irwatwe 30 0, "11 an )(4,41 "ith, die 0 Grlgwwd ecepvt pr7d towls 26 9. RtRrsal 4 jo; Sf zoo followtd by heating brs.~ ttVWcIng the MA) *ith 1:.11. coo and beating an slidni. 6-hk, ptrW, slid 4twmpg-~Svilh AtOR slur sundLog tw 12-hre., gave 20 t. A"Yfphm*:4*kw his 169'- the sisucturr of lb a jil M k*,W br Maing Witfi KAL.Oi to I andAIZILL are 0 Shollarly. tinting 30 g, I with the Grilivard inuis 1 11 2 PrUr and 4 g, Mg Ikided 1/3 W. of "kiw#,341 coo 114001, thi 15741 . Oxidation of TWO 1k.11 $five I am Ift- J~j' the (;Cigmrd m4rist ~ rain M i. Bulk andF4 9.7his rjeWed 4 see b. 191-21; axidalkso *1 whk-,h sav; land [ItCLMI., I and PbUlift HIM" livided =-4 The above st lorntw ro Ily F. Looltz 94 S M - S L A alITALLIJAWAL LITINSILM CLASUPICAUGM WOO .... .. ..... 64! U a IT 11~; AM A S I IW, ]a M J, 'a IV I to -9i -- ~- I 0" '*a s" 'a 0, P" 0 00 0 00 01 / do 0 0:0 0 f 0 0 000 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V 010 Ip a 0 0 41 . . . . . . . m 11 q ,AirA-..r A r F C 00 ~J? An 0 060C91tit AMC 001.0f*1011 -III -00 4A ik awraWY cwk 00 MVIOND); scdj Ittilatit 00 00 tv the 00 its cmpds.. Ruth lklgvtn .60 00 00 9 -140 .0 o LOS t!q 4 OCTACLUNGICAL UTINATURI CLAMPKATOCO '4 1494 1. i3.v 'W to 0 oil S110411 U IS AV 10 At p cp It At a Is OCR Stan a4c 40 4 ~s L's X K ILX-X- K ;=~K-x 't 0 gal TV a I v 41 fy .7 - m -WW 00 4 sts. 011(94at'sif Wood G-! LJ't#r Most% of prisuoity "M"OW NMJWO aNtsi" (d *0 Mel", Lt. C. Ct"11. 1. A). Cut wid pl, Matiolmu-100toc. A W410940). CUw,Zf%rp. byrr from an isidividmil who " stied 4 pd*wV mitcot of tis, ~00 00 Over was, WY psisand i1mil exid. with brat"ot. ! !At the '00 Woutistry b" .t the bitfumt &W ivotoir phaittl It falliltr .00 *0 istum Gowl. forms which a 101,61Y Widleflal wits islittiltiod by diplis. A a4ld moovifid w" c"aimd fruma the Itopeo, Ito kim-tion. The tivitue t"War wait skied. pow&vithiliked-In .00 *if% brisprits, ruld rob" sod urarm, eshpir. *0 V10911 Ihr worm ether all. a "1114 Issairlial Stu] tell foil Wriv ablafned. The swAid rusivrial "notitid. go The rats. so olistaltood *"a Inj"!f"f pu"talicomid ago Y go Inkietwkww"r. With IAWcWd air. irtio, It WOO r4*014V too to Prods" tiamoris his IMP mkv it"t 1AW illeP 0( hiptilins, SOU :'' 101111411 fit r" hom-M pOtt py motstAtAo" wbkb. Iss)"votv. IN "r mot frawtablAW P11 11 WON "1 6 Or 00 thrette With 111iffid I -ITOO:F41. t~ Ez"r ago SOO to 0 U09 C4 U00 tj Rao- W-& o~, 4. j, sit J), 0 10- , , a. 1 -1 - W ft 0 40 :6 u to a a W 4p o o 0 o 0 0 0110 0 1 0 0 * 6 *to o 0 46 006 10 0 0 -qg i 0 0 3111 ---- MEN I M . 00. 1 . . . ...... 00A Oda 114 00 00.4 k$ 01 1-00 009 (;Woo, X;Q#1 r 0948 ilisle. a .00 I w sMe 002 1 .00 #0 a 3" 1. Ilion &W 18 -00 "Or, aw days, Mdrn="RbuuOd txtd. with et off 15 -00 Te 00S Mms U 1 0. 1 1 .** CC. 0 tmftd with s Is (f g. tilt twilloill WOO 0 't 10 hts. "A 4NOWN. with 0% 11sx), Kivu 41 .5% 44 00.3 (r). tho 200-' 0-pt b" bi from 110 a. t. bw ' 12-14 *.,q' I 4f_PA U 111 11 0 0 I give SP,'* odf up at 00W a W. MAP, 24r, 111-Ph dowspl. 318 20' '231" kit thoUt,m., IV 1 .404 ko" b 011 dation 1~ W with Z RUM, 'IM Oftly 11SOil. r I C-Ll MA fit prepd. In other Trim thus CWVCOC and Ph- ZOO ugur give a-PkMYf4-p-ffW11thCb.2.WW. whkls C.6uld sot be coadcused with Hdt to 4ivv M. M djx!s,njjj taw =.t or amime, which Ps= L WOO N.SLA 011TALLURGOCAL LIMAtbAll CLASINFKATIOW vim -i-lilvalls 14~_vjbl I',-% V; ire Wovu 19 AT -0 -1 1- r ?r 0 s Lit 00 0 000 so 000 0004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is il't 00 0000100 000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0. 49 0,00 4p 0 * 0 40 0; 0 40 10 ;11111 0 0 0 0. 4 144 6-RRV C- SC ul 4 Th4 mv di hiiWyahlitki I ter -ilk avids.4 LZueramim.'RAW . r FR01--va" e kkOk stu'dy Its- --'---.-~COCBrtCIICO,,H-(&; -- H7,Ue.-ON1q)~shm thol tit 63.5* the nudeopilylid sulistlill reactions 61 t Is Wows: atom wete of Ist order, which"pro"d that 4ndtr these etptl. Oble. ~:Thn conditions the Intenutdiate COC*.CIf Was pas maction ordei did not chnn %with R whkh pr*.Ytd thot ut this tenip. the conjiptim the olefink bond was strong enouth to produce demapling of the conjOgation r-w. where, the hDal " to attache& The Wiles'of tilt tate consts. (wder R - H >; Me > OMe (0 0,81). ram the reaction at 88.86 it wlis:dettil that pith H. the hydmtysls foltoired a OrecLic Sm1-=cchRnJmm, while with R'- Me or 016fe the taft-fiahism;nua proWly smixed'one, This fact sugg4ted that tile lormlion of the cation was pcmlbtc- when R, - 11, while thi., otfitr lubttlw~ gnts Inhibited this furmmtl~u. . At 46' Ivith R, W~ If tilt tv. wlillp thi~otbtr iiv~' action went by a Wixed meclianjsm~ hydrolkxtd so slowly'that theretictloo enuld not be measuied .~The flummett orfact6tsfor ISIdandOWe in O-sub benzoic tsters, calcd.'froui m0oti- teactipm of I could he applied to this r0clions. Tlt.~ ltaa;oi t A disculsion i-& the'i im (1111, p In this cast wu 0.81, 114111" Wns jlvtn. Country : RUMANU, G Ctitegory: Organic Chcxistry- Organic Synthesis tibs Jour: RZhRhim-) uo j.7, 1959, No. 60851 Author : ~~S~cu.; P-,trovanu, M.; Toodorovici, It. Inst : Title : Synthesis of Certain Derivatives of 4.royl- Phenoxyacry.Uc :-citla --nd Their Bacteriosita-Lic. OriG Pub: An. stiint. Unx. Iasi, 1958, Sue. 1, 4~ h,~ 1, 191-198 Abstract: By the substitilicion reaction of nerylifs :%cidt), n-RC6114CW,3r. - CI!CbO,'l ["Ia-c; m) It - Ili: b) r, - cu 3 vith corresponding phemls, -."n c) R - C:13q the pr.seacL- of M-011 were synthesized me-As of (n-RC61f4CO) (n-RC6'14O) C C11COOR Cm~-f; a) Card 1/3 6-16 Country s iwwm G Cate(;ory: Or(;anic Clw;.ustry, OrGruiia Syllt'tw-SiS Abs Jour: No 17., 1959, go. 6o851 MXhim., R C;13, 11' b) R = C-,' Cl- It MjO 31 13; R 11; d) R C-:30, n = M R U, R f) R = C"13, I" = C11301. Was de-,,ioaatrc.*W t?lat the bae-Wricst-i-bic activity of H depeii-ALd Va R', the effect of which increased i-1 Coe ordur-f If< CH3 -,e, C-' 0, The most active was If:L^. 4-tolu- ylacrylic aci va3 brominated with tae c-louLa- ted qumitity of Br2 in the cir COW zlodiu~l~ SUP(L.- - -3 17 ratinC; X j ") -dibrom- 6 -n-toluylpropionic I 11 point (fraj beamr-.110,'7.5 ar acid of 154 of which wQrQ licated for 4 hours wit'A 9 rjr:' 13 Otonc ",-.ALl~ 3 mi C COOTTa, 2.2 -,.r 1-1--2C04, 75 ml ac C11301T, lb, 807), mltinrs point 113-17410. Card 2/3 Country : RUMANIA- CatcGory- Oreanic C'io..LsLry- Organic Synt*aes:~s kbs Jour: MiKhim., No 17, 3-559, No. 6o851 AnaloGicilAy frea propionic acld, point 144-3.4~ ::Jo wiu synthesizCA, 70',,', of 144..Otr,~-' point imituri.a.. T~~ the solution oT 2 6r: ITL~-salt of Ia-c :i.n 10 X.- -%nAL-r wi~ru added 2 ,"r mid 0.8 L;r in 4 i.Ll wanter, humtud Zor 1; hours at 70-7-0, diluted with water, -aQ,u~ralizi4 with 12SOI, ax,~=.c`%*, with other, ac~iASTUILI rubtaln- ing Lrind-ic,~~cd nre SUbStMICC) LIO.Will, in 0C (from 1111, 131-132; b, 1.,19-120; c, 127-129 (frcL~ alcohoLqted watur); d J_09-111; e, 153-154; 10, 149-150. -- D. vithovskV Card 3/3 G-17 G q Z UGRAVWM, PEMVANII 0 M. 1:, PAIM jR. IhV*st1k&U*w'. concerning the'preparatlopa. dtfteWre and bacteriostati6 properties of derivatives ;t,'B-aroy-l' acrylic acids. Rev abitale 7 no. 1:633-W,' 1620 1. Department of Organic Chemistry# "Al. 1.,Cuzap University Iasi. AVRAMOVICT, S.; GABE, I.;_~UGrtAVE 6U.I. Ke timino-3-oxazolidined I one- (2,4) and of some nonsaturated ketones.. Anal St Jasny, 1 10 rio.2:165-1711 164. 1. Laboratory or Organic Cheml5try, ACT"SK, 20354 ZORCE -CODF,.: aq/~Mjf63/016/008/0_384/0851 AUTHOR.- Z~jEavescu,,j?-t. G ORG: 1:!~b~ato!Z for Physicochemical Analysis, ICECH* (L&bcrAor%d,,dqV,04Wze Mico-enimice IUMHIM) TITIZ: Electrochemical method for determining.hydro mt ep in gases SOURCE: Revista de chimiep vo 16, no# 8# 1965p 384-385 TOPIC TAGS: electrochemistrys trace analysisp hydrogen'~11,'. ABSTRACTS A description of an electrochemical method for det6iIdning *rogen traces in gases by mans of the oxidation of the molecular hy*oogen h4sorbed on the' platinated-platinum anode of a mercury ce117 which givei risel,to an electric.current on the order of millimioroamperes whichis~roportional'ito th6 h gen'6oncentration I Yd= Sensitivity of the method is approximately 5 parts per iiillioni~for concentrations i between 0 and 0.1 percent hydrogen# Orig. arbi hast 3,figurosp 4 formulas and 1 table. (Based on author's Eng. abstract] [JPRS SUBM DATE I none OR= REPS OW~ .:0TH gag 009 SUB CODES 07 -J, Card 1/1-Tw- ~Def~!.M6.U-041545-3 a At a 0 0, 41 a 0 A In c a 9 -F a j a L Ful :43 a O'ic 0 S-A .1 .... . ..... ....... -As*, 010CF1111 ail oqxaom4p*dm tmiliounds on p-C 0 tylacqu.. Pikalefts. 1. z6viliek issid Merit. zu rAvtwu. 1 :0 9 Ow. Sot- CAIN. R&Ommio ZOA, I illfccu- .00 o tintaing previcitts st~ I. i tc C. A. am WO& to rwpbw* thelpt radimls fly $11P1 tc -4141 by am fiftetion of the (k ""to on .410 Wall COM& (1) with a vkw of obtaininS a c b On typo, -4119 P-ColloiCAC(OHM. ~ This moct I ion 4 to news. of an sk. and in olefts (it slat ad, .00 r" t1r. frott de'lif 11A O's whkh It wag impowlik to "t that vii utt. th 600 ftwm&IM di the vkb bill" vnwwtd 1111"k Jan euvlot, by of the Griond movill, whkh appatcully let, vi as A dchydratim awme. twing 30 g. W I In lit A) with the G"Auad m4"1 prepid, Fmm 23 g. HIM mid I t. Ms '3 tolkwW by besticag hn., relphelall the RijO vt ilk C.11o 1300 0: sail bestilme on awl 64ar. period, nead dt2vtqg. with AcOM after stawting tor 12 has.. pvcs 20 C4 J, 'a. AmXPAaw0-14mkx*. bw 169'- the stiructut* U alit. tfin 0 wts "td by aslailsimat witi JUNO. to I smitt AcOll. Similarly U*atkd 40 & I with the Gdoud ( #09 Prof ;v 4 S. 74riaw is WaXt 1r"*:- 4mmad" of v k M11fim, the 137 it rkell1we I twi at. 800 H. Tmtkg s. t with tho Orlitiard reo at (mm 91 V. vritk ve ad ud PhMglk liluevr4w y1ce d! yviv P Itoltol =hj&k*#. bit 2234% a V14 at "lm dy of iialms. F. tmtl 1341 all, 1%; i-11-r-i -W 4-0 -1 -!N- 9 A 4 u 0 and, *1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 "0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 all 0 0411 We 0 0 a0 see 61460C 6060 0 Pto 0 0 * 0 00 4 0-0 leis 0,410 0 0 all0 0 0,0 00 Milow"Irl" 0 4! 0 9~0 * 0 0 0 ci AV 0 C. a It 6 a x 0 a I I w x11,40 log &00 alk motts Ow i 711116=-- 7~; A1901ALS NMI 'X- MM"W mirsaul 112$141111" will ll~ *on is! !Dl "C"'t 0 *A on 0 On 17 T~~ 00 Goo 60 004 00 00 00 00 1 ) )its to A I C.- a -L-1- --a a j I it 00 A Oil 00 0 be Fria, fadkAls Comatalulft a of an am I I 14vtwu 411d -40 00 HW).-Tht study kd to tbe, data. of the IsAjosiLt -00 00 of tht lit"Me cycle Substituted in the p'li'mitiogs wi the I : 0 drstre of dimmi. of CII N, soul silo to a "11pariol, w. ' th d b h l w d : --a at ey o egy mlio an t e Ph radivAl. smot 0 9 1 degree of dimxvocts~ To obtain the I," rallaml 1% C U ph W*4 txv (form C 110C ml hicitifts CA w 00 . .1 . I C 4 , ; ~ V A I t I r MCI CJI d I h l t t"no e pratwitstr ca .. n . an n t r" was Imit"1114,01 infix fir the plJO& . t J. ,no so Cralto trwitimt, anti list" Ijj lite ' litayes-Turner suorthnsf. I he, Wid Witt r-MV1111c4i fit isi~s( 411 00 N40111 by pooliang in NCI Irosm. Treating the 1W toter wi h 2 Phbl 1l d nu t s, r. 14ye g ll h isillisoft t evablasol With ArCl care fo-eys-bihexyll I W,* , ob 1 h i rh 1 1 1 hl ' Of 4, 00 imm asse M, e 4: c 1 ,4 4 0 enV . p licrormv (it Aft. Ito Ct fit IN off# smiles, Cth, gave at W411faly ' 400 lemp. a yellow volsose Which fill beating turned trolf0tv And on boiling We red, 4 hm ImAling fixed ther cootor, to p deep 00 j omile whif:b , turned yellow no coolldr . The-* 0:111 i rbaintes dnot* shot porieffort of ft (mv ta. kvi. IU~Jwivg ~Avorll lilt" fire sign., Use Mot, M941nirmod stur Is) she fisisollIth"I 0 too ke 0 4111 , 0* 4ji. 1,Mf 00 It hi V. 4A, 4 . is at , it of so of to it " ,, n .6 e. e; 0 Oi 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 6 o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole SYRBU, P. [Sirbu, P.]; NANDRISH, A. [Handris, A.]; FOTXNO, Ye. (Potino, E.];, ZUGREVESKU, A. (Zugraveocup A.] Prevention and therapy of hemolytic disease of'ethe no"orn. Tr'eat- ment of the sioimmunized puerpera with corticosteroids and of th~ newborn infant witb blood,transfusions and corticostoroids. Akush. i gin. 38 no-5:60-84 S-0 1,62. (MIRA 17til) 1. Iz gospitalya zhenskikh bolezney "Dzhulesh-O",Bukharest tuta gematologii, Bukhareat. 04 L As, 41F W 1011tKIIIIII. AND 0010#1111111$i "KIN 09 Androb 1w thw PMU. 11.,ZWiLmtw inoll M. I. ISO (Ztv(xye Mork9y (.rAe Nool-Prmwi M"). UM 214--V0; I'. As, A drWIM tkwdrstiorsi ioldvi-n sit roeflottim ZOO, %~l In Kunioscom One 1110thtfilm -4 1. 00 U 00 fee use Wei L fla- wall, a.. 4.1 sillso cog aww &$I --i-w us so V, v .0 An Is 0 rod a " !# 0 0 i v 0 14 . 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0:0 006.6 0 4 00 40 0 : a 0 0 # 0 9 q;# 0; lo 0 * 0 :10 000 00 Go @is 0 00 so so "" - 11 11 0 0 * 0 0 Oslo- 4 4 r- 1- L'A 1, If f 4 ~ , all 0 of chemkod ""4111,11 tot 8WA Flatboat. 11 11,waimh Ap'k6 IN I nrloviow Atelkal 1032, 214 !M,-- A det"-d darm tips ; Ia -, affair On"l. i. -i-- it V so 90 r 0=12 -.00 so me, us* , a 4 to f 41 % ii 00 000 so 00 0 go all, 410 0 0 & 0-0 00 * 0 0 0 0 Sa wiI is;* 0 14 P Ai 'A 0 41 At a r LA, A 0 U~4k Ot A.A. 4b* OWN's 00 A, A.A; 00 A 00 &Y meow ext"01. 9. bi, A pwi .00 041 t ofthehimeldfiluierreflWaaw "Ifira(li" t' 0-5 U"Id Ot IN water-w4i so *W~\ 60 U-S, laml. Metiv U. 0m10.0 isi "d vam$ 42"W". #0 A. A. $I. .00 '40 00 a 509 is coo .,so wee too at 00 slow 111"#t a .0 a; 14 IS AV 0 V Sir S. 11 OR a o 4 at it of 't a r9 It of MW 01 A 14 0 0 0 a 0 0 111 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 a a 0 0 4 0 0 0000 0 * 0 0 000 of so 00 0A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e.,0, 010 ------- T- f ww -7777 Will 00 00: 41 W44 00 00 00 ooll *ed 004 000 :00 00 001, too Sol 00 goo goo goo :00 gwo- --Ali 0 AV 4 3 lei -0. 0-40.W.O 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 Wo, a We 0. O'e. 6 6.46 0-0 41; 0 -0~0 0:0 ZUIKHIxtj*.R,,.,korabel'w vrach- OMMY, Me , kDrAbel'xw7 vrach , ~l I- ----- lll--~I. 0 Zxpedition to the undersea kingdom. Zdoravle 5 no.6:29 Je 159- (KIR& 121 U) (SUBMARIMM BOATS) (milmam PHYSIOLOGT) MIKH11f, D.P., Wor med. aluzhby Collapsible basket-litter for shipboard traniportation of stret~hmr annes and their d1sembarkation. Voeu. med. rfiu~- no,~3t86-87 Mr 1~8. (WOUNIOD AND SICK, (MIRA 12:7) ;! basket-litter for shipboard transportation. ('mis)) (SHIPS1 banket-litter for ohipboard tratsoort of wunded sick (Rae)) 03 11 A a I A 11 A c A -1-L-1 so 04 00 00 to 00, to of 00 41 06 to 00 00 ._- r00;,", i1_ V 1 0 I.."t JUA.A. -A. .40 .40 Removisigg on ftm was And d#wagtm WA ba"ats. .-Yj /'Y~ ~IUW WIT, 'Veppew x"milow 24. m4A -A fvvirw oil the 111vorktult tm -00 tui it4y- a !Ntaffill w" 114A of vVirrolm in cat'litfid, 04.06. 100-111011. v%*'ItujjII' aretmir, Met Olit mid Whitt and lkm below un, A, A. Nwhwn4k 00 00 goo isa* 400 Z'00 A 0 A PCIALLOGICAL 1.412111,11'at CLMSw1CA11C* -woo $&NO) -&1 8-4 I'm to An a 014 a tt it m 0 A, of v *0 01 0 14 4111410, 00000 0 0 00 0 o 6 0 0 4 004 0 1 q 0 a 10 0 000000,00000 0000 00 90 * 0 0 0 0 0 04 4 0 010 01-/', 4 oil 9 )-a$ j! , x It in it N u m m m v 0 w v 41 41 Fj I A I , 1. . I.- -- - -- - -- ~_ - __t-, if 4 0_04 .. C'. F. j ~ I . i, It . 1 11 ~i : 1.1 +', ;4 N car- N. XI, xMil"W" slut NOV. .-Srdwym*1 fit," 0-0~10 .. Gof. wo dW& at BMI In rM*tW Moull (4twilMd id 'k- the pkws havisif a ORmakobt .0-76m, ter 4-13. past ogler " b we okalned, Tim Oftialke immilaml 06 81 HIA im a 0 47, 0 911 c 97411 MAM, 11 .4 N+ ~1; ter %w d a 01411(m i LOW. "k d&4111 110 044.64%. & 125-173 471 1 "k 23-416 point 4.494, TO% point 6' IM It , N 42, ad& 6PW, bam DAK beedas 10.1 cial. amd PmAn OAS. T1W so of toli of: 0 21112-21LIS. C.H. 0 LISA X_ It + 1.3`0 end of AI j AML;m lieu Oia , pat t 4 :I I 0 , -, ! 6 a StIALLUNCKAL 11TINATLAt CLAISOK4110" I slow 77 L 16J.38-P .40 L~. 4., u IV tot C-T-T-f-T-6-1 "art tra"LOR 0 of 0,40 0 0 0 000- 000 0 0 9 Is 0 0 0 Y&"W of rw d~. 19.7% .3%bodb* .02WO) sod 14 TM toomw 1"" uAlmd .6ft - id, ins 7u md*n ct tW~- fww". oil Wo~ r point +uk Dan at it onk A. A. : : . t: 04*, 01).4110 i_41161i, -ia, -I) i-i-m 01 1 AS 4:1 0 # If's 0 0 *0~4 * 0 0 .0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 * Iso* foe 010 0 *0 000 --ja 0 I too tio 0 j 1 0 5 & 1 0 0 of U 1# A A r.-A-L-f p s 4[- 10 I, 1 ..3 00 to 00 Apwa 6 for lialift ll;~; Grictuman sad MAW* Ifts"(W. N. N*. Lvviris '06 0: andD.V.Z xv.-,Rusx,29,'l.AprAJ=- 0 'If *0 '00 "49 tie 0 is; I A .1 A, 111 -S L AIRTALUFFICA4. WtMall"t CLA%%*lC&TP0l. 00 s 1010 *0 10 0 sit I#f* NA*N*q I? a i. 0 0 40 $0 0 0 a 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 *0 0 0 0 o o -03-1 11 # 0 1 - . . 1~ . 1. ~. a 11 il u w n IT-1-4 A -M P Q a 1. 1, V V i.I.-A .01 . 00 A i"f" NivilLyluldrond,j) L) Anarmas for ,643, A Milt jwA. 't 1 goo of A) COO .!lroo --0o of 'goo ;,96 so ti Woo so as 0 A S Am S L ASIIALLUNIAKAL LITINATU1119 CLAIIIFKATICW of 3,A 00 it un 5 As c1 11 W, foll, VVIC att Oti Ircrit list mia A va 44" 0 0 0 i4l 0 a 0 0 0 0 IN 0 Ill 00900 0 46 i 00 0 0 0:6 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;~o 0 0 0 0: 0 W 0 0 a 0 t A A. C-A--" A h'. 1 0 041 of :'00 00 .. : 0 t 0 for hy~Qj. 9 . Lyms a .00 d D n , zo of 41 no* : ow too cto 0 w w coo Igoe too* 0 01.4! tj* 0 Alm-SLA TALLURSKAL LITERATIA9 CLASUPKATION tie 0 00 00 ti 1 ;00 'A L I I e 0 As 11 cc IT It a PAI 4 1U low 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 a 00 00 06.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 so 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 :Ie eso 0 ov 0 0 a is.01 0 fe 00 a a It A V 41 ~A t. It w 10 41 N *Ao A w It4 A go !00 49 06 it N, V. Ltwow "4_L),~ I @I9 Arstlvls~ to kj*d 0 VALK so .40 00 00 off go 11 A 0 00 '00 WAL&UPGKAL UIERATURf CLASSIFKATION $SSAL& - ,, - 1-- - - - -1 - -_I ~ -. :~ _,: I-- ~ I -- ~ l~ ii~leljq. - . 1. 1. 1 1 . .1----4 ....... . " u 10 Is la An I I w F, a 0 0 irols left md *.t n I 0 o m# a 41 0 01 : : : : 0 0 * 0 I I 1 6 0 & r 0 11 u u A A -6 r- a. VA, its ..p f". P,001.) A"tus for bldma" N. V. .9.0 -60 July 3 lul. 00. oil age go 0 j uos go too a60 0*0 q*0 :4 0 0 la 00 k 4.;, lot 0.~ T 03 is 14, tv ft it 'm r4 it it u goo go 09 06 0 o a o Ibli P~ l o 0s0 **fee 0 0 0 e 0 4 o i I % U_U_M it %-It-* -m alit -it I r Lt O-A J__A__L_ AL-it-, P. a a , 3 - - If -,A,-M NA WA of A.P.41aptow 1~v mtk so 00 A .00 so so rj salwoutyONC N so 1) z 4,11W.1 -00 a 1W, I so a1. 1! 14tv qn -00 wete, &td. el * in 1041Z fvtkxtio (de.11mi i'. X., 90 tau). ibe plame bevial a " y c acity of 6 ums; ami 00 mmkoke M-04A.U. Inv L%-13.7& &,MTN". welter 41"1 k"Wq wm obtabied. The sommkoke iNWa("f 11#0 0.01-6.9& 5 0.47-ago. c jr. .14-mml. it 3.bA- see 00 'S see 11,0 0.6-1.64%. Am 1415-173 8 Oa7O' 11mulmi 11&4h 33-41% P011f, POint do 090 a" trst#. 6tim 0.40 boating vau# 10AW-10,340 Col. and paraft 0116~- owd of: The coW was etwup goo CO~ 26.2 -211.13, CJI, 8-01-12M, 0, Co g** dAn-6A% It + CH4 + CvH# 43.2b-47M atul N 3.37- 00 12.M%. The amam-cilmd, tar yiet4k4119.7170 o( a fnkt- fk)a hail Mt. below 2W .0,7r0) and 14.3% ,j6r at 210- (op. gr. 0)., The hamot"O, frIOCOM 0 00 coo at 183-4110, prmiuctis aW trwm of hm". The mraidese (or OW 11#41 Old d. IA423 JfjO JX%. Bt*mkm &A 1701. 111rch. admixts. O.Id3e. Pow point +221. #A OSQ% end coke A. A. Mithibusk, ii R-1 0; no jj 00 it ...... it it N I Ilk 0 ad 01 9 1 Ir 10 9 &1 4 3 "* els, 00 0 ~0041 Oleo* 0001111AD *a:: ::I@,: Nev : :N 04 10040 1o0 00 410.: op 00 t go - -- 00j --0o Oil t .00 00 Ato sea ell s 00 so boo LVN*ATM CLAIWXATAO: Ij Zlefts@ e8 111446 479 ON 4bg -5-7 0 IA %L 0 4v 3 1 IN Z4 -. T or 00 a .00 O's .00 111111111j VKPV ASIA xi'llitiv. thh: T Wa 11 ) ION1 . NJ$ V 1 9, 12- Aciff sludge itomd low a hill$ t1fvW 'd "201 X llr d th e i on orn wom Wool 111vorst I$$ lilt the mid-Ilt-3 4n 111% ar"I life horill w 11 I 1 1 1 7 . o " llyrr : 1 % (if 1 , C 4171% FIRVI: dn i it 61A M10 l 1:00 . a o s . mik 104 4-abotifle valtoritizO Aull offlihi Nra -glift " . , Milo W10 with vmr~6 fuel 11114 Its 410(m.111 *I-W liji l T, a l WA14 Inuotod that a 1161. Cmill I part of otild %$Mfg* 411112 014tis if t`Mq I f ,% ras it ol"o,41 1 11*1 Itermfid"I lite temp. is limpt at *p) lll)'~ &ARI the lillott All lllsoo.~f logodrilm, At A A,! it J~ oft.* 5 ~1 of a of All A 1 0 al, ON U III it 18) At to 11 a, 4 61 to At It A, W b4 0 ow R u 3 or A-Z'40' A P10:91136 ko 0000401-46 -It. so so l.) 0 "' 0 p 00 C I pontsmium nitrate in fetW600*4 c4b 7 Agkt. US, i LAb P 1947i wIllm i PlItAlk dord iwvrr ;wIlwou'd Ily -,, %fil hrd jk !i 3int). X ) i AS Ji llvO# and The Clet" CJIA neutialiad *4 . 11 lcicw *cuk Imuic majou il olgAilliti. 'j'hj.- d 4 d , jlrx to 6 tir*1 , tu ivaos, wW tht datil. i4 PCI(IM"40 ~4110- zoo 00 goo 06 Soo 0 0 roo 00 OW1 ' r T IP ellAtLURSCAL LIMMOR CLASMCA O 41 0 A, 00.00 41114AIJ .40 dftt adi *VASS Ofj q4 W u x it " C, 1. 11 ; a KY NI I I 1 00 0 a 6 1 x 0 9 a 4 Im 00000W0 , ;4 0*0 so*@* * 00 0 006 too *1****** 000 0#000 e 4 4 f 1 too 1 l 4 0 0 0, is 0 * 0 0 o 0 0004 0 00 0 * 0 0 fLo 41 41 0 0 41 000 4 ~ 0 o l I v N-Bromotiulm"s Liall"s and VI V-dibrome"Imono III ourmikully isn't ~,'A. Zolksms Ov-spiowtil Clirm-Ti,rhool. In,43. /*or. (AJk1VF"KAINI;- I I 4~-ii Chrin.) 20, M-7(101); ti. CA. 44, 11061. 'N44'Pill4i. quinotte Jinines. ic.outntistim-A ItAving the AIII 1cwtoll in. -I~ad .#the quirione dewrifKA~ rim! from cpthmon With high issillmimin ImimiliAl ivm* Iv delil* inoltinnttig-Ally. Ilk- Milln4letrivc frilmn, 11 and:111 tor Ito4i'llimillortfir vraclifill, Ifir Afelilloplirmits. Ow 4141crim i"Illirr fit '41"t -fit f'-f Ow to dIA"llik-4. P-111K.U.N31, IICI Kill) flylOi- limmile will. In the VOW rewfilk 04 S-4romo-P qio I tjohr twiffe. Whovor. antilm-yelknor, licrionfl, W ' Willi 114110i. "'ll, I" C4114. k1thl IWIP- ttht-14411111i'11111Y Wil. low V'1011. -4oip Allw"t towel. in UP, Trournwilt of n.1 4, in 110ml. 110)und 10m1, ].*I Ifel, with 6w.-oolillm, Willi 40 It. lifillfrolml. 11,04ti,121.91. Naolfalivethe X. NOW limome. $01* C.114), obloin"I sliniUrly frorto 1.1-anilisonsphlbol. toyr. is little color witb bCoffrOff I'miC not with PhOlf A' % 101Y.M... . 11174 43 role, m. 103.5* (from Cj1J, is obtAlned by mfoull,so is( -5.2-0I%(tfI%)CA0-%fe with N,I,.S; itt INK* oabjlit~ m4kcsit mlvi-alilv toupe its HISO, palt, oblAincti ljy hrmimit 1117 C. Its 75 nil. lisoll with 3A Iij 411 flust in 13MI, Ifloatili at. tin. ilsill old". of 1:9 11.40o; the uillat, Thr It" IAw und S.0011f rvactily y4dbl NA% giv*4 a Nue coloot with III011. %ilililAdIr YiAll, itv"imp. Ird' (front Cj(o)t givinq 4 lpluq mfoor with I -Cii. 111011 IMI slot with 1111011. 'V'.V diiniow, deminji. 7's*, mitiniAlly olimitiol Iwm U.I- I I I - - - - w - - - - - w - - - - - . - w - 'ill w w w1 w w - - - - - - - - - - - -- t D to w it 0 a it F it q r l W 3 I is A S A 0 9 a I &-I. fi W it I IV d.r top$*% _.Pep 1 011 P* A ff"Imsel of oludillusula"m leflip. is. ' I "t MdW 1 I 1 , ft , NO, M 411 It " 7 2 : 1 jIll A16.1 on t1w, tornwe ottruph. d1wisfily still 00 so gi! mill. of duralunflumn air ilov"111"IM. I WVIW liarflemil lor 4WO"I .11.1 .1 It'll' .114FWV'41 h1l"If Oily., I"t4s"Ilts bW greater inctrame ill ju4-jjIjtt.( 4mi jjj~ 4-j4NI Ilia" woe frololvil ill 14111. An ,411,1v loch lit vil it 1 1'. 1 mw 14 an 1111KIll MW how" lemnliteme and livoill. titan an allinit tivritit. 4".1e, Cu. Z. atitibulem the J!"t that theor riewilks, vary ;1=2 11" PI*ViDU7 fellowleil I0 lfw kmCt lwl stftvfil "W"I twomited by h at. A. ii A ~ 400 l l 00 a zoo 1 1 9 9 ~ 1 1 v 0 N 9 0 g godl Ali sL a .1141.1016!(A1 OftVATAC ftasiwscollco- r li" it! 6j' I is 4 till u W) 0 to IF a It j% mg a it a n it dt a I Ah an 0000000 111111141 0000000000044 of Oise 4041 00,4000,111.0A 064,141 ~044410410000 elealdim, *0 A": 00 T"FIATUM? Iff me MO $1, 1; go 8 36-41).' 1y -wee .00 . Wire hardened by.artiflislal ageing, at 160' Ohowed' lower physical' proportliesp but greater increase im as 11, i1 14141 916a ductility and electrical omducti*ityp than wire 4rostad lee a Joe CA ~ t 100', An alloy with 4,1% of Cu showed hI&Mr *00 oqj.jij:i~ strength and lower hardness and condualtivity thallione .,too with 3.11% or Gijq for.all boat-tr4atmokits studied4 Cho Abso (a) J ro 0 see *4141 lee* ~LA_ 01YALLURGKAL JITIVA1411 Q411'FICAM"r 7 U v AV Q Is ItM KwinI %I tv It It cr 49 m a it9CK a d) 41 0 41 0 0 000Soo 0 004000 9~6 0 0 :ee, a0 0 0046 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - N - 60 t v !!0 4 0 & ti 0 0 ) o 0 t "1101lit1..4 poirfal~K;- CA 26' of A MCURIAL MZT11ti) OF MACERATION AN. COIT0,411ATION OF FLAX. Imp, tro. , E. Y. Fitcuor.and Russ. 36.464. Doc'. 4. 192b. Tho amic *rat I 00 to carried out In the usual way with a maosratim iLquid prepd. f r= 00 a 7.! the stalks of as, Urtica dic4as ot of Urtics, urstid. .00 0 1 .00 moo of .00 Of a 3 go 0 90 goo, bed, t ' V I , to t, to a A 9 to 4 4 it off ft it 1"1 An 4 it ~.w v 14 to 4 lk 10 1 ~ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0:0 SO 0 0 0 41 fees 0 0, oo * 0 0 co, 0 o 0 0 6~4 0 0 0. 0 0 0 4, of 0 0 91 0 0 0 *19 0 0 of 0 0 0 010 0 0 #!01~v Qt 4 111JI11134 Ito ft n n NO m IN 1 0 1 1 - I-A !,i.s 1 - , 1 0 00 flas, QtL IL'N, Fimor; stud N. N. Vim* Wpm, I.I.M. l 1927 A J y- so 8 . n - oe Ow gMCRV*jjcm al Ut. etc. jj bbtalftti by inkfins bmil stwi l --Of with watri for 2 -.1 hm at oo~mo. a z 00 .60 00 of of of j4 0 Lai to P L~ 41!lttli!~C UWAVOt CLAIJOKATION 7-77- ...... 0 -00 ic.. t. 144010 - 1611NJ atit C.v 404 -W _5 - It b u a n PC I 9 1 It a PC tt " ft 6 * 1 ii''', iNtf Ollis.".1i 14i i6l .... .... ... 'rill la, D I # ft I 1 0 Ov 0 0 *00 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 p 0 0000000* 0000:000 e 0*00 0 *6:4*0 0 AA A il A CA, 26 00 1-00 93. UACERATION OF FIAX,iTC. X. ff. Fitinor KM Russ. lbob -00 ' oes Dec. 17. 1927. An entyme for the maeration of rllkx. et6.. Is obtained .00 0 A by trestinf hemp stalks with water for 2-Zhrp at 60-70'. .00 .00 8 : .00 0 Z goo to U goo 00 see goo IsI OWN 400 goo ILA L41ALLYOCCAL LITINMAII CtA 2 An ' 0 0 "D a 0 0 0 41 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1P 4 0 0 0 0 *-0 a '10 40 0 40 40, t 0 1A * 01149141611 AW *0 Vo 10,111relliI6 old ikow bi no Obods es Imi. pmxi rot the vontni ot tho ooo,"im oftimptopent.~s ooo, inhiuatiocturp6w. pbevio by dmmpmilim of with,lulphurk ficlol-K U. fee I !&fj*j .8. 4.9 Jet Y-i 'I or I It It AV PO a It a It It A! 4 IN It n It of it of 64 0 0.06.4 6,46 *9 0 Oil 0 6.0 wo 41 0 are ~ld I ... . ......... 4 , CorMajon of aUt"Will by phrA ofic W4 mod Its C.01111f0l 01 All V"kSVIWUlkk WCM 9 Orv Pf"Mm"ll (44 1w, jtj (Itc- ptj*j%Kfikqj d( X1,11). Ott dcv~wwu, of .11h 11,tAdl.. a4l OR 00 dl mr4P 0 moo is Cie 0 I I L A *1 TALSLIONGICAl. ILIT111411144f CLAUIPICA,111101 too 0 .4"X. -.Z 4%. ."-- - ". 111- : woo 131 ft to Rol 4 o1 OT441 0 eve:69 Otte olto s0# 010,11 0 ZUITINj A. I. "Influence of the Change from the Natural Complex of Develoj"Imental Conditiow to: the Laboratory one on the Mutation Rate in Drosophila Malan2gast%r,- Dok. AN, 30p~ No. 11 1941. Peterhof Biol. Inst. of the Leningrad State Wiv. c1941-. ZUITINI A. J. "Mutation in Several PopulatLons of Drosophila Melanwaster '['Under. Natural Conditions." Dok. AN, 29, I-To. 7, 1940# Lab of Genetics and Experimental 1:oolog:r. Peterhof Biological Inst. of Leningrad State Univ.; c1940-. all., IN HII IRF 111HAIL11 IftY 'U11 MI." iJI ;III ZIJITIN A. L "Influente of the change from the natural complex of DevelopinentALI conditionb to' the Laboratory one on the Mutation rate in kosophila Pplanoealter." Dok. ANI 29p No. 8-9, 1940; Lab. of Genetics and Experimental Zoology. Peterhof 31ologica Inst. of the Leningrad 5tate Vniv,;c1940-~ wwo I - 1 .941 We 0 Woo 000 we 0, fto voo see boo a Me 00 U V 111MMA is non a VA.M qlqa4-)o 4 00 0 0 0 0 0 090;: IT 000000:000 *411. 000600000000 0 0 0., IN I ZUJOTIC, _Dj rdJe'j. Roentgenological studr of postoperative peotio u1bar. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 no.4:391-396 Apr 57, 1. Radiolooki Institut Medicinskog fainateta u Bo~waiu. Upravnik: prof. dr. BogoIjub henjakovic, (PXPTIC ULCXR, ding. x-ray ding. of postop. peptic ulcer (Ser)) ZU-TOVlC,x-Pj-9F-d-eL--T,; MEDAKOVICp Ljubica Contribution to the radiologi-eal artuo of, ily2oA6 ulcor. Srpski arh. 0610k. 16k. W ft.109923-933 162.' 1. Radioloski institut Wedloinskog fawtota Unift"itsta U dr. Boco'ljub Boanjakovih.~ Beogmdu Upravnikt prof (STMACH UWERS) YUGOSLAVIA MBDAKOVIC, Ljubica, Dr~ Institute of'Radi- ology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bel rade (Head.,MS- NJAKOVIC, Bogoljub, Dr, prof) (Radioloaki inslitut Medicinskog falmlteta Univerziteta u Beogradu), Belgrade. "Contribution to the Roentgenography of Gastroduodenal Polyposis" Belgrade, Srpski a:rhiv za celoLupno lekarstvor Vol 93, No I.Op Oct 19659 PP 927-93b Abstract: Gastroduodenal polyposis is a disease which is very rarely encounteredf and due to the lack of clinical characteristics it can only be roeritgonologioally.diagnosed* It is important to become familiar with its roentgenological charac- teristics because it can become complicated in the course of its development: hemorrhagiap acute duodenal or pyrolic stenosib, or early or- late malignant degeneration. 2 Easternp 24 Westem reference-. Manuscript received 15 JunA 965.~' ZIUJOVIG, Dorce, J.; MEDhKOVD3, Ljubica ContHbutian to tho rawitgenoln,gy of arch. colak. Ick. 92 '64. 1. Radioloski institut lifedicinskog fakul4etla ftiver2itatau Bnogradu. (Direktor.- prof. dr. Ilogoljub bosnjakavic) J. ZTIJ(Pn.C and f 'ubics MM)Xkj-vIC. DorAtcumt.r rl"d (Upr4ralk) Prbf Dr Bagotjot. -31 Oaculty of pbe Univeraftv. Belgradv, Stud7 Of P71VAC WcAr-n #A CQXQ u It stvO Vb 90, IN, Lc, ku;r h2,. 923-Mo ratt (Freneh 3umary ovdift" t huthars fmmd jqbortt- nlcm-, thaw Ov s; T pr 4(m c4sax of mrttc ul-t:-~ "anly in i1tr Folk b,tz AIAO one in A girl of 121. Th# picturv tft J.-Atu 4ia-I.Iiicitive and 4v= piraic3 U.'aar, ta0i,3.unt tmccr. Slit 23 Ir"I'latomh Cascade stomach and the possibility of it3 nposititah. SrpskI arh. celok. lek. 93 no.1:7-13 Ja 165. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzitata u Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr. Bogoljxib Boonjakovic). prod. g dr. I XORM,~ D. dr# doe. I MILWJiWVIC tV. dr. 1 nTRUVIUR Ljo, dr, Milk proteins in the treatmentlef infantile d1larrheas and dystropb3r. Wed. glas. 16 no.9090-391 3 162d'. le Pedijatrijoka klinika Madicinskog falmltst~ u DoolMadu (Upravniki Prof. dr. B. Tasova*). MARMA WANTILS) unrar jmTkTIOWDISORMPS) (INFANT MMITION) (PROTEINS), 1b treatment of re-al I men La t j cr arb. Wfo "a Baograd.~ pr;;f. dr. a,;1-1v~)je e"kiq MTJOVICP X nka KnOSUMplukoanal PBMVIC, OVIR ova -ova Dwca; DORUMCm Slobodan The role of the adenoids in,'-the Oathology of infants and young. chiLlren. Srpski arb. colok. lek. 90 no.10*11~915 0 .162. 1. Dsoja klinika VGdi6insk69 fakultata UniversitstA 11 BeOgIr"U Upravnikz prof. dr' 'Barivoje Tas6vaa. Otoriiiol~ringolloikm kliniks Wedicinskoi fakulteta %Aver2iteta u 13~.ogradil 'Upmvnik: prof. dr.- Srecko, Podvineo. (DENOMS) ZUJOVIC, Joyanka; MILOSEVIC, Vukosavaj PETROVIC, LJubica On a case of early rickets in 4Vremature jr~lji~nt vith calciu~-deffoiency- tatany. Srpski arh. colok. lekd~,41j~-54991- 161. 1. Pedijatrijoka klinikm Medicinskog fhkultot4 Uniyerziteta U' b~eogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Borvoje Tasovic, INFAMPMATURE dio) (RICKWS ca6 rep8rte) TETANY in inf & child) (GALCM defte) ~ MOVI Fqpoproteinamia and ossification disorders 1A children. arb. calok. Isk. 84 iia.12:I345-1351 Doe 56. 1. Pedijatriska klinika Hedicirmkog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Matija Ambrozic. (BLOOD PROT1113, defte. causing ossification disord. in chill. (Sar)) (OSSIFICATION. In inf. & child disord. caused by- blood protein deffe. ($Or)) Srpoki Vukosav HILOUVIC, t,juSjra rLMR011TC, Diulifts mad CJ0rCJE*TTC, PCdf&Lric. rlixitc Opcia klin'.1U) H"d 1'rravitt",t) Fzof Or, "wrivole Visovac, and Cliv.44. (Cl-t~r,-nota- I-In3oLaska Minika) lleo! Prof Or Sre-lto P011,11NEr, Neak.01 FlAr-kilty ,J fa~ultat Univerafteta), Bel.,trmdt. 'Rvile nf Adencids ir, Dlveavi of L-74ints and ~,vqla. Childr=.1, Srrsk! Arbiv za CtIolvirno Li~KaLlnt Vol 90, V-S 10, Oct 62,1 'It AJanoldectmiyAn 16 i,nd 7 L Freimb wz=avy ;-mdif 1--%A j iged up to 2 years was benoffelal in m4t: *11 had had ehmtk re-iffratory infections, all had onlarled adenaidat all re=;Llinta wcrc cit-nirated In 17,. temrorkry improvem4w; ic 1, statiju imc%,kre,0,.J in 31 unfux,vn i1v 2. prefienvive clinical ;~tta, dlmcus4lon. Tow Wssrerlw ZUJOVIC, Jovanka; PETROVIC, Ljubicaj- KRAGVJF,71CO Danica; MMOSEVIC, mkosava. Proteus infections in infants and small children. Srpski arho celok. lek. 91 no#7t661-666 J1-Agv63 1. Decja klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univermiteta u Beogradu,~ Upravniko. prof. dr. Borivoje Tasavac. ZUJOVIC, Jovanka, prof. dr. Hypocalcemic tetany in children. Mod. glas. 17 no.lOt395-398 0 163. 1. Pedijatrijaka. klinika Medicirtokog fakultetA u Deograda (Upravnik: prof. dr B. Tasovac). (TsTANY) (myPorALcE24IA) zwovrc, T. Di. Distrophiss in infants and small children,~ Ondo jw*gl#, Novi Sad 8 no.4-.952-256 1955. 1. Pedijatriska k1tullm Kediclu*g fakultata - Beograd, Upravnikl prof. dr. Ratits, Ambrosico (INFART NUTRITION DISORDERSO dyetropby, stiol. clin. aupects &thor. (560) -Y U rAM LA V7A Prof Dr J. ZUJOVIG Docenc Dr D. MRACP Dr V. MIL'o-14YE 0 nrd Dr Lj.: Modit;41 Faculty klinjU ModLe,inskog fakultata) Head LDpra%niik7 Or A. TASOVAC, Univorsity of Bel~&rade. Milk Proteins in the Treatnent of Childhood DiAtirhean and Dystrophies.1t Belgradej, Medicinski Glasnik, Vol 16, ft 9. Sept~'1962,-"pp 390-391. Abstract [English sumnary modlfted7: St%jdy In 146', infaitto and In 5 MrJri~ aged I to 4 yearn and fed.1192% Hyp*rpro6 dine: Wulyox " or cagain "Jugodijetetika" because of diarrhe3 or Intoleranom tes milk, Authors confirm that milk proteins are superior it sueb caies to skinned milk, but state that hucritional reasons -require chanae to. ski-=ed - semi-skimmed whole milk as soon as Possiblo. Two tabIts, 6 Westan references. --------------------- .......... ...... ZUJOVIC, Tovank- Chronic polyarthritis In infants and small c~ildran4 Srpskli arh. calok. lek. 84 no AW297-1302 Nov 56. 1. Pedijatriska klialka Hedicinskog fakultate u Beogradu. Upravnik: Katija Amborsic. (ARTHRITIS RHIMTOID in inf. & child.' case reports (Ssr~) ZUJO~IC, J. Dj. Ban-rachitic bowing of the logo In children. Srpa~kl arh.c,elok.lek. .83 na.2:209-216 Fab 155. 1. Pedijatriska klinlka Medicinskog fakulteta u 9eogmdu.UpravnAk:. prof. dr Hatija Ambrazic. (LEGS, abnormalitle bow logo, rachitic & non-rachitle Cason in child.(Ser)) (RIMITS, compl. bow legg in child.(6er)) Z 0 10 Jovanka, Dry MILOSEVIO, Vukosavap Drp PETROVIC1Ljubic9ODr;, Z 0 ,IC M_ 123edija-tr~ib--~dT,vri.Ct~'fa-"culty of medicine, University of Belgra4e(Head: TASOVACO BorivojeIDrv prof.) (Decja klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu)? Belgrade. "The Celiac Syndrome in Qystic'Fibroeis of th6 Pancreas" Belgradev Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarutvo't Vol 93, Ito 9 Sep 65, pp 847-851. Abstract: The authors described clinical history of a child..who from bTFth showed symptoms of cystic fibrosis of the pancreas in the form of pathological jaundice accompanied by progressive res- piratory difficulties during the neonatal period. In the second and third years of life.,celiae syndrome crises appeared as a result of intolerance to milk and glutent and then as a result of bron- chial ectasia parenteral infection. Lack of gluten and milk inifood and anti-infection therapy successfully overcame the celiac syndrme and only the continuance of repiratory difficulties remained. 13 Western referencear. Manuscript received 1 April 65. ,~,.ZUJOVIG, Jovankn,,'~),, Two CABeR of gargoyllem; Harlar-Pfaundlerlo lly(Wa trophy. Srpeki arh. .P celok. lek. 87 nc.2:227-233 Yeb $9. 1. DeoJa klinft Hadlainekog fakulteta u UpIgraft 17praynik: prof, dr Matija Ambrosia. (LIPOCHM-IDROD'MTROM, anoe reportal, War))