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77,7 77-, -44 Adourplive prepe"kt and .4truttat" d 1411-ra 6010 as* *0:4 x*4 "Alamloopls." (In Ausslan.) St. Sf. Lhilsimino arul A. GO Zpev. VokWv Abdmil Sauk USSR (Aw: -ademy of Sclemes of the U5SH). ac* of HOT.. v, W, Noy. 11, 1949, p. W0-212. Attempts to xQPly tile aluil"ll of 1110 Aft-WIAWn PmAhci k4wl'for two t)tvs fit activilted 404 iie to It. . ovv. Tabolaled aml durtetl diall il'* cale ffiat the almme admwbcnts are sliniL d Carbon with WRO mkrovorcs. 2410 tie 1. .1 A #9TlLLUftfC^L 4101109 CLAntOtAtION ~7 Ig Al! 03 Ito 0 10 a 4 0 5 x 9 4 11 0 4 of 'a a 0 0 16A 0,4 0 0 )its I I fullullm"Num to r 2 4 1 T v 0 41, cln 1, 1, 0 m v 0 p is 41 al it a at* A 1.L l_LllL_" 1 _.A_1_ 1. a 0 el i-00 00 1 00 Si t. TM s"111 zutv* 00 00 ai Gos ,* ~* showa rig J4" Out wtiy fir N 04 be W sh"t ,,P . 4 can r. t". coo 00 #m, go 0 d. of III) sono of w 8*0 0 At&.ILA ' t4l t E-HEFE _ ' - - T C i U a to 11, I V o i T i Aft 1 13, 1 1 10 of 0 to It 0 a 9 0 a ' of o 04 4 *1 to 0 0 0 000 0 s 0 6600060 00 0 4 r00 0 0 * 0000000 of 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 of a a C"T Ili# at throllo tholitill *11 to-O . wilt of the ellectivil". N. U, Halt- nevskill sod K. A. Zuelva. Izitil. A kad. Sank S -i 3! )" . Sirp. Fit. 12; 41fI'-Zl(l04XI,--In lilt a. -v. tit, the AIW~ is,. tenititiell of lite lines At XV. At '21MI, -¬ Si 121:4W A . omitteil by A11414 allikys tif 1.44 - .14. wtio 1,*kiiiI I,k Ike IvigulAlly WSW 110 Ilse lliwitchril Mill 1%4 tilt! all1w W10.1 4 Mly jZ,.InC4Mvrt%Ar. the infirnmily 44 At Wit w-Ar. lilt Ihe qwwbnl Allov.-ii. Thor bilentitir difftfil6cf, At ALM At !.%tit Air vanti-letilly blight-W Im lilt 4111H41110 41kn4. hut the Oll"i"rowe At ~Wol Al'.NMI 1. the wii~ tilt "It 11110141 AM IoN AtillrAltil 1141111111-1. rhV 11111111.01F #10 lefoolnet Si Wild - At A. uk iietv 4iiihily ctk-.1.4' ItA the alint.11rd Allay%. Ow iliffncn,-r ,it 2.746 - Cit 4?411 11 ~111E'AhAt greater far the dillelk-111-11 S94-1-113kill.. 1'1114t aillneskiv. of intrmvtitk~ are xTet-1 In lite turighl""It-I id the tkirtrailek stualler in the vol,hilt kit lite 4.11, ' Pht.v Are evidently duo to A viwistle of tilt truip., Olk-lkelkifil liteIfivesual Itraillitlit 01 tilt A16Y tIeLto.1r. IN del'bl!tatu's geLtikko. tilt VuSLI.kak J the retillile InivaWly Of lines with tim temp. r Is aw - A r(fil - EtO itere 8 - Our tacitittlon triergift "t the uptivir lekieEtj V the 2 lines, cow %111.1 ittly. fur a siven %r t1u, ritii1wit at Is the vivilk hilghte 1'. to Averment with b6 prediction. the effect of the tht"okil tfWAIllfillit 4VItIld relialtive Latensitles of 2 stated lines was found to diltritute with iner"Us cwtinit IntittiMty In lite urc. imi ottli inCIV111141"S IMP, to a sparig. thermal 1cruirrient k)( 1thr thrmcnle Willy lins no cITtvl iss the Itsic iolcmifirl'ii 'I'll TT 77,111b I A L~ 6 4 1 A ........... A Adhsosivc 1. S kisl.r w1 I.- to R -of :11. lift., ri,4. j,mv-sveyrn -00 0e go 0 o go too cre A 10 S L it -tc~, PIT, Of u 9 IT W) is IT to 0 pit 1006 an Igo plan is OtmAnTsm 00 0 411 00 so 0 0 ~ 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 i i 'i ~ff ~M:f I! ~M T I. ..... ::i, i ~H U.S.S.R. 60J26. Mr. .11). "I rixxlg hadifif In fall sow., cum1wil of thil cat$ Is ptrvtslz by ~ 1141.9 -Poo all midiltiti r4rtit. 11. KiCroO.. W* a t 00 a see coo 0e X00 00 00 .00 *00 Igoe a low 1;-. 0 IL'., $06940 -0 1 loge.* k. cat IV IN f A C 3 P&A' 16 ~11 9 000 0 0 0 0 OV 0 0 41~411 111 00 114 :6 A 0 IT11- Val 'I 0 A 00 j, jjj g: 60 is COW lot aw ptW.4 dt'" pew. ft" "M. L.-A_z -tva-s"d A. -1. t -#di&Dv4S(d")d pi~#m f4o'bro.0,M-11 (a) 6"04 It= ury tech. viramits 1. A., A. 0. .; 14~ .. 16,~_ k7 di 1401*4CW meet of I ),withcmt fmaidr- )y N413. and (b with abalf, but builiall h a VA". of goal 4u for Its mutralitatim both p athierd a 11,11W, W11 list but The cost of bleachimis WIS klither Than md,024. Th. We 0t ca with Aaddamlisittled trulk,hp A pftvxwo Meech- A. F. CaUV117L 3 111*11,1141.17: d C Ti- WW- -If,(h was I* the imlichkiti"thm pimm ~ A actir method Im Mmrw5i~q iul 2,*hItqam with it vrty mAN mawiti wftt&tmlhm cif the blevirldtig link-04% itith a mitAlas Temant of the quality of thd L&WIled yun. Aut=ktloft Mth umn SMIC (if IIA 0411 ft- plam the whole 2nd oft# at the bleaching I is Zvorykitt app. Incirmsme the pirtithictivitj of 1114 slip. IA times. 71mught KUM. X~ffid. zAar. 11 No, 30 13114, W R: 100" A S N. I L a 114TALLOASCAL LITIONA11bitt CLOistifKATO" slow 111.0,01AV& all 01 : 0 0 go*** 09 000 1g0@ 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 ...... .. .. . AM A 1 9 i7a ii1t 46 ;4 ~06 ::g -00 .641 too 19 too do 0 1 a a 0 41 4 is 0 1111; 4B 41 a # d 0 0io off 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 W 0 0 !91 IN wig 0", r r r r r ~v v 'A A-k to 004 of --------------- A I Ft~_t -of 04 : 00 Lms~4 at cddw ftk Wadi** of 0 pm. j m -Ns 2.* MM 3N a 4.12 4; x 41" t mill oss t4CO the WWI k OW kfl$WOw Ot thel - i LI sm"d dw Over"tAkma MOW*, I t VZZI itkot t 'Imi f1w o 's zatmAs Lk WAiwd Im the Ya v goo 00 bom tiot kwo cd cOuloso 1. i ,t am fabrics. mr#W. am yam bAW, V=1 0 falkits V. fromm Yet" 90b ol of To Igoe w 7% addd. loo 44 virma *I dw.feZ. am mb. komp k is FecommeWul to t ckloritt at %be btchmsh$ of the the chlorissud impudiks an M11,4 ln~ 'i mom emar in dw 10"Wing atk. Igoe d goo I its AtI JILLAII1 4 in It sa"69 -0 d tt d 11 111 " 's, sit 10 '00*06 411 0 640 o' 411 ,so* Is0 oses 0 'Ow 2, o - - - - - - - - --- I 03 4 4 it it is M It 16 1? 00 ii, 04 1-00 g The bits bias 04 Hoeft fabtko with h blorile in an 00 acits mediums. A- ll~ r'llmill joul 00 c I'Iw fm1-4 I, I or 1-ho'No to I fir 000 00 flim strit wills all Arld low.1tilill. lo'skla 11 .6 it 11%'If V-S 00 a jnj Ing 4 1 141S1 I.( lip 111111 00 VIhjtVtW-W kilf1jettletj Vinh 014jjjtl~ 00 0 wilb avul 1,11tvi-Iong wo the ht%4 .0r.1 Alk. Nois,li,it ill Iliv -00 2all. k. fir; ,,,Irt than that taliall t,14, bills 000 00 a off 10"fo 10 61rwhilso *,Ib I Ilit"CIIIII-111 Ifratiligno, with III(IT mill ;20 0 oil 00 -Of 00 00 Ill 11041 q Eli i to U is k# W3 Is Aft A 41 hi 0 le.-T-VAIF P -6 4111 4 " V 4, 0 of 0 0 j* 0 is 00 po 0 9 IN it oto 4 0 of c 0 0 0 *i 00 0 00 # o 41 0 0 0 000 got 00 0041 go 00 0*4 481 *: 0 0 00 Wi 01 Awl 000 4foo Tiwb. X*atsd ' 1 1 7V~ 1961, 00 tb,~ temp., AJML~~ N 4 . 1,64 61 11(r Od IW- To 0 Von goo .900 goo ago bo 0 ' AIN-ILA MGTALLL*MAL L"tRATINI CLAUIPWAll" goo .100 430100 goo u A hd- 11 4 dow 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0* 0.0WO 0,0 G, a 1400 0 *'16 * 00, 0 a o 0 0 0 0-0'* 0-0-0000404,04:0,4000 #Solpilo. ~l , - 0 '*,eooeolmo!~00 n m Id I? w too 0 40 method (or the dolonotImW ot the Isfars fat Ot ms Ittot-I it bim t6. 0 Hanfening reductil the cm Te tmtuvrt~ truiperillirr. j611g%jrn4j#cjh*. A Ion fol !zoo z as 66 100 9 of 0 It c1 of tf 4 11 0 a 40 qrM I 1 1 4 1 a I 1 9 1... 1. - 1.011tht slop -A A a A a L 004 ...... "Oellut, IIW 000016flit MOVIA fop -00 A atatai'af d*twuktkt CMINier la coutolo" slime Prvm. 1940. of gum. R. Zile! je Chleef. fIN(hfkf tW""I Me 11411thillbitV arid Nge's natill"t (C. A. ", MP) of defil. -r-olosplow it% oft o" 4&1 .00 46"vel 1111114 all ill* id Fbot tht clegultemet tot#t$ still oklkk tSU4 Or UP30d. in a 50% MOH ~*. c4 Ataull, liter 3 h0 1 The v ViOll meat be Inv from ketants and Aldethytits. %opo" the careepbow to distd. on a WAlff bath seeds 6 July, on an rL-r. sJuvr, Tht &Is. b mptaird "Itis 2 so= W thailk-AIA)MIX1. delta 20-alerv. M the"ji-41.121011 In The is added to a settled! gellertim of the distilletto and hostqd tur 4 hers. on a orstiter teath. A YcHow tor Omfir opt. Of cxtts- libarifiniuopbmythyikatonifontio. 094 is imUltd after awiffess **4 allowrd its stand lsw~ 12 full '11W CSY44. Pitt, Is Ibels 11114MI and 11140-d In 4 voitehril OOV vvistaittor wbria It Is loublid with diolif. 140) &led d4itki at it W to coot, art. out 11. tof twolm dWtj*FIWoyI- veto ...... fee te~!!CXAL UTERAIL41 tLAISOKA1100 ------ - i7T ....... slow st"11311"O 1443 -oil 001 -'Irf Is Al aw u ull, to it W it 0 a it 0 of to 4 000 0 0 ep ele 000 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9-'At AD !-0 0 4 0 0 4 0 *-10iJ 641 'A Ir. -0. (x 7----' ~7-'w Igo Aging of townwo" estoor dlnt*. .00 114do. K too C"114M. 14d. v. A. s. R. I I Os I. e.v: lw M-co-mudlill toy ho,"I so a 06d by alliousurt to U1114VU411 light, whwU xtvv~ 1~41. Ii mmy .4111 wXyl w""Potwdins too th* VOINS lot III The or in witiortirm TAR-1 In plk-wing IS'llsiml. WhIl mi 00 j 40 .'so '44110 20 0 A 10 - t L 0 .1 rattv ('Kaa 00 to "i a.- 461 0 u it 41 so is I tv it it&K It *It lot It It Ire I I ION "3 00 0 Is 0 6m 0 0 00 0 0 Ojo URMNKOg T.N ZUDILOTA, G.T.; GAYMVSWA, L.A. Consitutional diagrams of the chronium-nio~ium 8,70tem, Xetallov*;d, i obr. mt. no.iril-16 Ja 158. (MIU IIS2) 1. Institut metallakeramiki, i spetsial'Vkl~ splavot AN USM~Ll (Chromium-niobium alloys-Keiallogrupby) L 16984-66 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T., ww/jvvdwl)/ go SOU, & mnst:: UW), 01451,00010111 401M3 AGG Nk, AP6021ol s., Rodionoo,, xmmst uganyanovp A. No Sazonova, D Zudkovap G. I udar ow State Un4mv al v ORO: Moso a t 1, fTm~ wviva~r TITL3i Properties of o( -fWro64n'Ac*rbd6io:lofls:_ I li 6, 2061-2 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya., Serjyj khimichaskaya no organic synthetic so iaid i'Ai 6tic res ferrocene anch TOPIC TAGSa proces r M"') ABSTRAM Reaction of -Otrapheiv b A; orat60 I J ~her4l-~J)i d carbonates (II) with dimethyloal w P investlitted., and II and some of the-My5rop MOTU ed by -tits sul%bra in a evi6w woric (Dokl. AN 3=9 160p No, Zp 1.96$),o The react-ion devar0ed here tak*a place at $--20C within a few ninutee and procoods accordin; to the equation Card 1/2 ....... ...- '91+547-11 .72.. ';qDR'.k' 2~ L ACC NRt AP6029174 SOURCE COM Bt)/000~/66/()17/()02/1)1()5/()105 AUTHOR: Orosz. I.t Zudor A. 009. Alumina Works,, Oradea (Uzina de Alumina) TITIZ: Gallium lontent of bauxite and the concentrated aluminats oolution ab.thty alumina works f Oradea S01JRCEt Revista do chimie, v. 17, no. 2. 1966, 105 TOPIC TAGSt gallium, quantitative analysis, aluminatel, bowdta, colorimetrit, an~ljmie ABSTRACT: The authors describe the mthod used at the Orad,ea AlimLna Works for the deterndnation of the gallium content of bauxite and co6eantroted aluminate solutions. The analysis involves extraction of the galliuM withlether in thp tom of gallium chloride, followed by a-colorimtric determination with Rodamin Be The method is shown to be accurate# sensitive and reproduoi.Ible. Orig. art$, has 21 3 tables. 1JFRS: 360561 SUB CODE: 07 SU BH DATE: none SO-V w I Ool Or4 If REP ~t 002 Card 1/1 M-3 WIVP77 T- T~ F1 7 T1 I Ti I III- --I F-TI IF T i- I Flo MI'llivi, -;l4iWiN hi'll 46"A'M1,611"m HE i1 Fall goo momi 7 . V It o lost 00 off; 00 0 so 13 Noe cod 00 w 00 It We 4 of 44114LMKO4 kIrwTw CLAIWKATM I "04400 "it a" 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 * 6, 0 4 0~! 0, 0 0 so Is is G~f is 0 4-6 0 0-0- 0-0-W.04"'s Of 00 .0 -10.0 04 0 a 0 Z.7 Rok=090 Fmcomm during 61m fettu&Wc, P, V, is rapld. a t"1111. 11KI4 dev'Ors Orieft"d ottfttw;t~ i-- x0clov. 1. ft. fixtbutiom till UnIml compa"101 by 61140"s, -m 41sem. ium - 61i odkk- Mwto-KIW(; Newarch last., Mawaff). Zkof. far. Mor, atstato 1j;* has six ~tlftct om Ili+ IVWAUM POM1,41 *a "A 25- I'Me Chfings' In MrottriCull Ill- SAS On tht Mfth, Pd ift-atilemm. Varimis'Almor men"s (Ififf"kage MW I hickor") of telf"Ime fliff" doring pf:pd comfS M-11 tM3 WO, M,F. mod =5&# bumlid id"ing after %welling with sit, Is studivol under various con- w tic'eeld. 'Mdu el; wit in so. of Alhit "IS h diflons. This change originates In comb. stmot whk-h t)ll groups in tb4! j,4djulaw tmee. At tht mun thus. the relax with Irilmsof I ulfromWo", renuk"e affl.iff, b"ryl. and rthykffluwo r.) acA th-t zklik 0.0. NJ) 24 am Investipted. The naturv *f tht malrThki supporting t1so Ali" 6 lmpwfant: It the IUV Im 11(imid (fill. 1IM04-9 lottlAW, Ill Olactkm.~ loisetvOr. I,. z5tior 4f# min, it It is 401W (at"*). I ry am m m- I- clr&ws with no. 44 m limilif, this prop frfale vk ill, rulArlify of solvent trot" As' VAr4"t&=c11 m. durln3 film furrootkni. 11 MW (M_.4c The eff"I of temp. d"nds on tht V1.1t "vpn.; It the which lictutrabors Ill I Mativema, (of 011--0 1.31fer Is %10*, 'trr'" 41mfea-W with Incrou4nit if It Ijjjqf#AjWns an,d aff* -tithe *IAII1T tile" sallmsisift. ~ WO! ~R~ ~Vicn, A., ztMOV, A. Solving the most important problem..-Mat.leta. no,04:20-21 Ap. 157. (KIRA 10:10) 1.11achallnik Arkhangellskogo lesopillnogo savloda im. Kolotovas 2,Glavnyy mekhanik Arkhangel'Bkogo lesopilliabgo savols. i M* Molotova. (Sawmill a VAGMMP S.D.; --- ZUDD.YAj_,.I. KIRAKHAYE Vp A.D. Electric characteristics of high-frequancyidlmcww&vo in argon and potassium vapors InIa constant =60tioixisla., Zhur. t ekh. f it. 31 no.3 t 336-342 jb 161. 149)) I, Petrozavodbki7 gosudaretvamW univojBitet. (Magnetic fields) 10 2027 S/05 611031100310111109 B 11 2%B209 AUTHORSx Vagner, S~ D.; ~udov, A,~ I~, Khakhayo:v, A, D. TITLEj Electrical properties of a bi,6h-freq acy Uacharge ih arigon and potassium vapor in a constant mainetic'field PERIODICALa Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v, . 31,4 ;no. 5Ij 1961, 3316-342 TEXT2 The authors investigated the effect of a m4netkc, field upon the electrical parameters of a h-f discharge in argoil 'p6nd potassium vs~.Por,at various pressures. The plasma parameters were oxamined,by a two"p'rob6 method. Under the conditions set in~this study, the variable diff,erence of the potentials between the plasma regions adjao 1ont to -the probes need not be taken into consideration. The discharge tube, which is supplied from a generator, is depicted in Fig. 1. The argon took place at 4.1 Me/see, and that in potassium vapor at 7,5'Mc/sec- T'he magnetic field was generated by single-layer solenoids.; Results o If the measurementsp Tableol and 2 contain the electron ~.empvratures for argon and potassium as depending on pressure and magnetir. fitid strength. The electron temperature decreases, particularly at la# temperatures, when a Card 1/11 20927, S/0 61/031/003/00/01 t, P Electrical properties of a... B125YB209 magnetic field is applied. The eleotron tempprature seems to be ii2raeiy determined by processes ocourring outside the gash ".The ~moasurements made by the authors indirectly prove the hypothesis of: j. Salmon (Ann.401,P4e., 2,827,1957) that in h-f discharges at low pressursi eleotrone are generated by secondary emission from glass. When no magnetic field is present, the concentration of charged particles in potassium and, argon ineress,00 monotonically with pressure. At all pressureos a magnetic field increases the concentration of charged particles, for the ma$netic field pro4ento the migration of charged particles to the walls an4j thus, prolongs the average time for which an electron remains in the discharge. This4gain raises ionization. One of the factors favoring oqmilibiium is the,decrease in electron temperature, and another is the rise in density of the current flowing to the wall. These facts speak in favor of a adnaiderable,in-, crease in concentration of charged particles over fhe entire cross'leection of the tube, After a magnetic field has been applied, the conoentTation of charged particles no longer aepenas mqn*tQnic&iiy con pr-,vaure. The reduced effect of a magnetic field upon the discharge at high pressures is~due to the fact that the mean free paths of the electronsand the radii of their Larmor frequency are of the same order of magni'Ludo, In the case of argon, Card 2/11 Electrical properties of a... the second maximum is related to 1 several values of pressurel*two ty;y:r: -may be observed under equal conditions. field, the discharge with higher concen tube axis and with higher radiation int the "weak". The disoharge~in or weak, depending on the form it aaeum stantly reduced to zero. Application o a weak discharge to go over into a stro the magnetic field was turned off. In types of discharge appeared at certain conditions. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate t "strong" discharge., In mercury and ar.9 where both types of discharge are obser a "strong" than upon a "weak" discharge change considerably on transition from Tables 3 and 4 and Fig- 4 illustrat th- meters on the magnetic field strength. and L. Oryzunova for their assistance i Card 3/11 11 11 -14 All "?092'1 S/05" 61/001/003/00/019': Electrical properties of a... B125YO209: 300 Legend to Fig- 31 Potassi=j a/see. "Weakil V - 1100 v, f - 7.5 M ~discharget I - H m 0, 2 - H m 38 oet es .Y H 66 oe, "strong" discharg Z90 4 H 0, 5, 38 oe, 6 -.H 66 oe, 7 p in mm Hg. 20927 1~5'y6l/ 31/003/01 S 0 0 11019 Electrical,properties B123 200, Legend to Table 2t Elioiiol% temperature and density of th's ' - ion ourrent falling upon the wall as depending on pressure TONI m0amor and magnetic field at rength . "NONNOM Ulm YpIld N I?Awrnom q (potassiump f - 7-5 Hc/secf~,;!: X& C'XQMXY 01 A&MAGNPA IMORPMMO sloe" V-11t; ' v 1100 I ) - V . - P in mm Hg, H --H in oe. H. 0 P. MM P116 0% -K 5-10-1 10-3 1 4CWO am is 340N) 19 26M) 19 So 33000 21000 2S - U-IV 4 000 4 20 20000 3 4 14000 45 3-1" 4 000 1 000 32 23 16W) 26 21000 4 5 1 7 7000 61 I -10-t I 000.~ 2 36 SM 74 37006 110 -MOOO 170 2.7-101-1 S3000 88 M) SAW 85 I; I I V 20927 S/0,5 611031100310111049 Y Electrical properties of.a.ea B125, B209 m, OT (A imi P 0 M&rMNTH*ro MAX 01 mu . 1 Y-4 . 0 V 1 00 Legend to Table 31 Discharge. parametemas - - mrrv, 10 rength'(arion, depending on magnetic field st f V) 0.01 mm HgI 4-1 Mc/qeo, V 000, PIT.1 q. ,I Pjt r. t Oes 0 121~' 4900 42M 0. , 6.7 8.9 4.5; 5.61 25 3900 0 19 1 WS~ 26W O,~ 61 3S so 23C O 107 $1 2, 1m 142 41 75 amm 12S 87451, 22000 198 70 Table 3 Card 10/11. 2092171 S/657/6i/031/003/0'11/019 Eleotrical properties of a.. B125/0209t T&SAWMA 3a~hcmwoelb 12SPSMOTPO P**PjNAII OT 11411PRWOMMOmf MAMIMOr~ UOAJI Ism 7 5 wrru. V F= Legend to Table 0 Discharge:parameters ~ r K V. as depending on magnetio field strength , , (potassium? P 0 04001 Mm Hg, f MO/sec) V 1100 V). I - H in 00. 0 360M 44 19 19 3M 115 20 3$ 41 30 57 ~i 2= I 5 40 76 94 26M 2300 O 0 as 164 54 70'! A I i- Ta~le 4 . I ~ i ~ I I i I i I i Z,fMGf ' .p P. i ; .. I ... - .., - . . I ... I .- . - ARTA140NOV# K.I.; LEBZDE7t N.Iq YERGALI=,V, E.Ye.,- U=-CHXO, hox.; YAKUSHIIIP MoVs; KAZAKOVt V,N,; BUHMOV, 11.0,; 111KITINAv L*r4 KVESYUK, F.I.j Prinimali uchaa tiyej mA,,rIIVvo! A.T.:; KOVALEV, 84101 R014ANOVp V,Ss; MARCHFIIKO# B,P.j-UD9j.Ay T#X.j`OIWCIVs UsNo.; PECHEITICINs, S.N.; LUKINI Ye.G; KHLUDKOV,-7-.I-.- Shaft-furnade copper smelting with an ozygen4nricbed blows TSveto mots 31+ no,3t32-39 Hr 161* ON= 3J+:3) 1. Irtyahakiy polimetallichaskiy kombinat (to~ Art m6novv Lebodavp 'rergaliyevp Lesechko# Metveyevp' Kovalevp Roma~ovp Marchenkop Ndoves Omarov), 2o VaeooyuzW nauobwisaledovatellikiy M~Stitut tovitnykh meta3-Iov (for Yakushinq Kazakov# Bryukhanovp Nikitiiaaj Khveeyu~j Peohenkint Lukinj Xhludkov), (Copper-Metallurgy) (ax7gen-industria3.'~applit.,ations) 4, -AAA 91 v. 0 it lo The alburptim at water v*Wl by MIXIM. tit The cutionic Nib tom ""tit vp ArA mbjwcd to all- 0 -irpliIIII-4 W'ster vajollrundris Ittit4rullou fit CA X III lhdswl.~l tit firrIVIN.-It prr ItIUS, U*A1 siskl tile tor"mire fit trimp tit lus.111. ''lie Ad"Iti)(Ims cum% tile the 111111-mil C1161,411 11 And thch vAi%U, took ou an 8-obi4poil (costs. At tht atarf.'~ 00 tile lutuirtiedcadfula had mmicialluork-em the Allsolivilm: 00 Imr. I" itrilwiritt, the effm of the ration's W;k4 IndIrM. a. th" ItAve afficittel tile Ittwidre of tit* wid. 00 Ow Verilt.1lich eqn4fl-to I-ijoilla-Will, MIT'Ill tile 1111filit 41 Mium M file eurvo. P.-is tht, 014111wern "Ill. Ifle rIJII,4 1 will 14.14, N...1 np tit U Wr; sit Oto IWIMITO iwstn 4 11.0 tile $00 JIM .1f, it it JW ~1117v, It hoith* ~i% It sit MI-711% 44 -mi'T oloWd" "In, these! I$ a Wl"111IMPtitittill 9A IrA141- .1 00 L.1 v cmid, on tht, pr,*"% 41f 1110 ad"ICTI41cm. 300 f OkCAILLWCOCA4. LIFF9,14JUSt CLAjW$C,,j,,, j, 14,111110 11N, d.. art- - ------ is j7jj',jW;j~j AV it to to a 44 of 0 14 11 43 a I I of it 14 00 **of* itso 0 * so 0 0 0 00 000 0 a 00 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *00 0 0,~L*Oi 0 0 1111.4 is a A /haw Ill, %1 4-44 104%) k i, i i~--w -q No or if 4, 11.. lotf'-44 4.1" C'4 ii. wfir :41M,11 l"; fit -i hith irsiCtItifft AM ;P 4. ~441111 IVO W"C fit# If'rii Iff Nbf Ili I ClOwt illy fir alli-I b4f,*'; r1w k"l 4#1 W4,11tirlit'v 44 illy 'I And Ill. und IV. femp, m Ill % - $1. On"lly *hrfl .1 ilm-n-11W4 At hill.114.1; its.0 J.q InAlit" aw .1iff'14+1 the vtofra.'JA 00 41 J'N "Itte. sh-l-fifiv. "I'Mrfifiol 00 1 "I-ql I 11W Writ , Mn ~ I A , It Its a 4 F4 fill 11.1 vilist I'll 'olvist.1 1-144 11.4 l'-'ft A;'p- 0 At Wtv "ItAll "k Fwvftli to Ift"I"I'll lit, Milli it 00 .4 h0voLin 4 vAtaotm I listewwl 4100 410 0 fee 40 ZO is 6 Wit 1,L A OfAlibOttkat tll$IRATLW ("AW AT~ In to 0 if w of fi it a I'd m ki 4 1 '-Joe* 041110"o a 0 00 0000 00 * 0 s 0 0 0 fill, 0 0 00 0~6 0 0-9-6-0 is OAS 0 0 0 e 40 a * 010 41 * di 0 0 w-' A t ........ ed~ A 0 cgs 4 irp kol N *PA 1100 04 4"0 of wolf "Ow *r Ii bootool 098 004 At 00 dki not aa4 00 ak < C-0 I" 00 mom o0 SCIALLIMIMICA16 46"CIIIAVOC Allow "it -- - I fte 400 was too too 'I -In W. w 6, 0.6: W 0. i I O..Ol* 041; 0 0 jif 0,41A 10,0- ov -010* 0-0 0. a set A, -4 1 j A,11 A K ? 4 ... I fX 100 A 06 The influmte of difieraht levels of phodpliatum imill- -tim on the dirvelo, meat of young litanix, 410 9 194q, N*4-. J, 1.-, 44 4 141 00 AM llitms..- ht,..t- wtv- stimle sin IN, elitmitly -4 Obt.", III 4.1111"t gnvwn with 1140 fcrtillfrr. With N. 10. nji'l MIK. Willi NIIK (fiv liilKflc.t 1111.41t6l) .4 In-II616114, .4ilAitmi. Thin trvitinvit A- g~lv%- IN. hishot pf 11 ImIrl'. to 00 00 a 0 io a are 0 too (" kZ; tvi !--so to too KATKM Lif(SAILit CLOW bi too I v, I I W 16 9; At At 10,10 090#4 0 6; 0 0 *1 06 00 go 00 00000 0 o1 00 00 ia a a a a 00 as 00 6600 ffy ' gogll 0 I Trandomatlous at pailompow,4 compounds Itt oloWng mar wbqzt 1. 1 A. Zoom and V. 1. MrA64-4ov. V. I, Motcowl. VOWA kad. NakkS.S.S.R. 70, 4CjIl-72(1VA)).-Ammlrvno6vvr the I ipening POW of Of $"I* lsy &I". of Phan 1661#4 by 64., ,1011 exitt., lWtImallo" of witil Cold I % lICI. and dem. of residual II.PO. pre the following "ot roulls: Nuck"rotelm P,pbrAphwIdv P. phytim fo~ heic~e diphmpliale P, and inorg. P drellot from the in-sinning of r July to the middle of Atilrust. after "hich phylln 11 lwtfns to rim. lic-tome momVbmph.Ale rimem In the lit rwrio". df~ clines In the 6*t kilod. a h1rh carries Into) the t.0glij" Ir" 'of ""Plember. Inervaie of slAtth putalitts thm of Olt lilt. 1-TIM T1VT-,'1r Sub. flatoo, PWOO I fitantuis 11111 M 1"4r, A. s. rult"i I. V. 1141"fant.w. 'n"S. A.4' ~%r , i is . --, T, L. " Ir .W IW pit 19 13), 01rd j"Imp Anil ImI14 top terilwil, Juil jA 1pilco.wil, *jiw%:jjjWrr tstradlilg In1 11, te.1111 the lourfacr Io A drplh (if 15 215 Mill. TION)h Novi %was AsitillAtelf Ily 1.011,w$ Immills -W Ily I.-Is 101"ifix (101611-4 C-11 IWP Oiftl 14-0 11401 if[ i-fgld~ %I IW4 It oo i T -?'I- - 1)! '~~ to. I- -"", --.1-1-1-1-1 -1- 1 1~ . "b(tOM6 ANO plept#111% WIMI D WALLS!. SUCTRIC ARC rOWACSS WITHINCLIn 1039s No* 60 ppo 30;31)j. (14 Russim)- 111, Ohiinottan -or f.: throo *lsatric-a a t4s moltin whiall the r tumooo durflomi stir inaltood, wall& of the outer *&slog and the intAnul 061 6 0 at an angle of 9* had the following resul-tes (a) Improved life of the rofro6tory lininfoand roWs (b) rod4ood electrode *0 J and energy consunptions wo ) i"provod quality of Us stool 00 a because there was no disintegration or the uriltigo. 6OW go go ago 4A vs . . . . . . . U III As, 5~1 0 It of a a14 a P( all ON 1 4 W, 40 0 40 0 04 46 0 0 9 10 0 0-o'0 0 40 AV is Is O's AAIIPm Ming sea .... ...... *4p 04P 001 000 001 Oft sj,!kv Ic r".1rAcalf"m 6saimpo llA41.01 t 00 X),"~Jn Owne *vtrk I W to *4k not oft rthwuwy "at"IN dr. I too "4~4, Hvs~isvm,lfy of the orieW both bcm%m-j; (01he Oft C;minvfe 000 A#W Omtel"I pam" dt="Lwd; and I 'SiMP9 R the quIfty. of tW AWA *W 009 00- as* too 00. 90 0 G* r 00 00 4 it 40 owl 11 toa 4~ time 0 0 0 0 Old 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 41 wile. 0 - 77 7Z 04 it 00 % .004 I 0e4 1 004 = WW"Ll KNO W 004 oe;a Vol .-- I So .3 as Zi 'I', Ajok - 001 04144,1610"At b ua A* a JAI; 0 0 0 4) 0 Si *Soo 0000 1. -0 0 0 -a.:*, wo-o' w 40 0 a Aj -00 O loo .00 -00 .00 SOO r4 0 coo goo woo goo goo goo goo goo No o NOW WOO 0 10 ~l :4 t 0 4, 0 0 0 0 o 6 0 OA: 0.; jL m-e a & I I I I fie D. K ma;PUMIG io"stroi 5"W&S-M 0 t -1., & and watotr glam w" it storption tovs- amf is Cottrd Waipitator, with takTably good results. C.1 Otinc Aj is see t06 9 t-:1 tw ff %law silwiis". Ov see f., 1424" VIP oft* am u AV 0 a v , u W avo A I 'mine a if: 0 44, o~0100 0 -1.,,L, M oIr Woo, 511 jf,j P4 4,6.,4mk 17 \jxPedammis to cumoutil" and use of a 0 0 If conasis tot prooludion of ON 401d. ip.),fin *owl N. Shion vi 344 AV 1151)~Amlott.ootigWtc, NaAP#wul mafcrN~io was 1 jwtvilkoktor. vilA Wkp4V toW mulm. C. 111mot so 'so of j j 0 V 1O 0 40 so x glop ~0410i, 00 S "..&LA SlIALLVPGKAL 1,11111ATUIP1. CLASWICAMN --00 'of s ve 0 V ""A u 1% AV -0 Is a fW 1) 1 W of I 4i -.3 1: it it of If rf it a I I 0 000016 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0"s, 4, 0 0000000 g0@ a 00000 s6@ 0 0 00 *0: U1 ACCESS10N P - 3/01 C -!~Op P.; 71,1jeV waLl ri-a T The manufacture of low-struatura-ted etative rLxmace earbon black SOMCE: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 4. 1963P 25-217' TOPIC TAGSt carbon blaakj carbon black Nrniame, cqv(.,-1on remotor, reinforcing filler ABSTRAM TLhe lovy yield (>f g_p r the chainnel WLD A Ic obtained bj process Induced the authorm to attempt tile prod-act'lon of a high-'y ,ilspersed, low-structu-rated. active carbon blatt--k fmit high-aroma'~ic ,~'-~,de o~l materl~5-1, whic!i would posactas ou'.stmndinj-!, propert'-lec-i !~s a :-Inforcing flll(!r In rutl)er ;,r,(jodB. '-,b thAB end 11. was constr-.;ct a apeclvd flirnace whl,,~h uruuldl penrdl: a mr)ve tho,"':i,1,T- of t.',,e q-a,ies a,-; well jLn cornpjile of ,he -ide oi v A o I 111 G. Tbe P110"; reac""or 1with an aromatization frmcto~ I consisted of a wide, short, properly Insulated combustion chamber Card 1/2 -. - ---- .. I L 13665-43: ACCESSION 01 A~?3001431 into ch t I,,% e o I I -air nAxt-are- and 0. 2-0. 51% wihter -vare 4.njfj (It ed. by nozzle. _!ie sul~sequent combus'.'.'lon and ',herml"" deoOlvosition place In a long, narrole reactIon cnaniber. M)b oll ivas pre.-_aa*.-!!--i.1 *-o loo-180cl the temperatlzl"e wil.-Mn the furnace ujis Isfilthin the 1200- 1300C range, and the presstule amounted to 0.1,r,-0.2,00 atm. The re- Isulting carbon black-gas nixture was cooled. ta 4-OOC by water tipray. The y'ield of carbon black amounted ~O 24.2-45.4%, with a spq.-c.'Ic surface of 70-140 Sq m/gm. Tests of rublversi Oont-alnlng the new carbon black as reinforcing fIller ahowed it to ':;,a equal In tensile fitrength and superior in abrasion to that with chnnnel car'bon ~,Iack. Orig. art. has: * figures, wid I table. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-Issledovatal'skly InatItut ohlnnoy rQMy41-3,hlen_ nosti (scientific Research Institute of the 71re Indubt SUMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ# 301-4aY6111 EITCL f 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REP SM 0011 OTIMR: 005 Card 2/2 - V w 1. . . . - . - 1. - - - - - 00 Ifulswilld rpm It Ar a 00 M of 00 It 0~; 0 6 C,q 1.1, is 4 44 00" -00 Z11". Ruw 00 so 00 00 -00 .40 at .00 see as so* goo goo rem goo goo WOO .00 00 400 Alm SLA 'P41 Ot IS ft it %fto 66"O'e, o"10; me 10, of 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 te 0 is* *so 0.00000009 0 0 00 0 0 # .00 a 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi 46 Ole0 4lkj lkv ombed abblo. V, V. III*% all'o I 00 W tI h6f lb 4 A lk4bil k A CUA OD on o "W raw r0, . . mm ng 0 a 00 00 f; -00 to XOO 00 00 00 of 1 '00 coo 00 ~j; I ige 0 100 0044 - of ~vj do coo too tr it 6 All a a .Ooo 000000 * 0 0 0 61 o :~O~ a o 06 $4 a 0 r 1 41 0::: : 0 0 *0 0 0 00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : ksio.o 0 O..O.m ... . ......... Aeloox 4 944* 114slip of il~mrlson Iltitirk Its .1ft star Aelloo I 114khtwor. ( fit Hemmer ) fit, N lh4lijdv Mijilt-orors xattl, It. F.t(wristirrift %virt, lil'uh- tire do. alsolt-, D111,4 att. 4114(inlod. inzh.; Prininalt TORBIN) B.F., inzh.; UBAYDULLAYEVt Kh.;_ZJUjIMj uchastiyet TONKIKH, P.I.j TORSINA, N.A, Preparation of cottonseed meal for storage. ~Masl4o -zhlr.prom.~ 28 no.2:39-42 F 162. (KRA 1535) 1, Sradneaziatakiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchoo-isslodovatel'skogo instituta zhirov (for Torbin,,Ubaydullajov).; 2. Tangiyullskiy maelozhirovoy kombinat (for Zufarov). (Cottonseod) Dissertation: IFGroviU Yorp',-,oloF,;,r of the Nome Elements or thil :~pi, glat-,J-s of R'a.n and "h:31-ken'l " (lical 16 C,-,rtain Animals." C,,ni j,,i ..e Prav,Lp Vostoka, Taslilcent, 29 Yay, 54. 30: ~31,14 264, 26 Nov 1954 ZUr-AROV$ No A# "Age-Conditioned Changes in Morphology of the N6rV61 lamd;nts of the Epiglottis in Man and In Certain Animals," ~'*Wwnt Medical. Inat imeni V. H. Molotovj, Hoscow4ashkent$ 1954* (Disse~!Ution for the Degree of Gandidate in Kedical Sciences) SO: M-955, 16 Feb 56 V NO !111111111 E 'I PI P t rA SIMI USSR Human and .,niual Morpholbgy. Norvous sypt&%. $4 Peripheral N6rvous System. Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol. :No 14;, 19580 647!74* Author : arov, K Inst : _AC-Rtmy-:-~ Tenoes, tjzSSR. litle : Innervation,of the,Human Rpiglott!~'b in' the Zubryonie Period. Orig Pub: Dokl. ~AN UZSSR) J956y, No~ 1,., 53-571~', Abstract: Thin nerve fibers appparod in Itha~ epigldt Itie NO at the boeinning of the 'third non4h of,, ~imbryonlc developiaent. At the, ond of the., third mozatti, gerrainating, 'nerve fibers at the bthse of the E form fascicles which range themselves beneath the Lnucuous membrane, and, in the shape of individual fibers penetrate beneath the epitheliwn,, ~%. most intensive growth of the norve eir3honta occurs -Z a FlYP 6) V vm/Morphology Man and Animle (Normea and ratholosic) The Nervous System." Abe Jour Ref Zhur Biol.~ NO 3o 1958., 12398 Author zufarov, k.A'.' r....................... Inst Title Neural' Elements of the Epiglottis in Vario",Disedsgst Orig -Pub Za sots. zdravookhr. Uzbekistana.0.1956 No 58-'0 Abstract The epiglottis'ed of 72 subjects who d i ~a, fU1, vu I'd tie causes were studied by 11 Ims of ne*ohietoldgic fiods. In all cases significant chanjes 4' my~liiA~ 94 an 11 F 3-inated fibers and their'endings were found,' ;,Fii 'fusi- form or varicose thickthin Igs,dlong the'co4de.of ~' (~bl f i - bers and vacuolei in'the *elin dhiath appfi6~ed. 1VILrious nerve fibers were affected to:different*d*,~es bicAuse of a varying resistance to noiious agents-,OuCal ftd or- pne) especially free nerve endings,, were 61~ultaikeously involved. There was also degeneration of th~ peric*llular Card 1/2 ZLVAROV. K.A Age morphology of nerve elements of the opigiottim, in ffic'me vertebrates. Izv.AV Us,, nobZ:51-58 '56,, (KM 1215) 1. Institut krayevoy meditsiny AN UgSbM. (MIGLOTTIS-INMMATICS) Ithan, pr. Stalina,,d.105. kv.5Y ._i=Zp r*Ae -1ge And Innervation of the spiglottis in certain vertlolbratv~s~ A rkh andi giat. i embr..35 no.liIO3-104 Ja-Y 158o (MIRA 11t4) 1. Is Wedz7 gistologLi (ser ' X.AeZufarov)~Andle, haaskogo goeudaretvannogo moditatnek9go 'incWtitat (malmm. Iiniorvation, in vortebratesOus)) ZUFAROV$ K.A.j SHISHOVAP19A. Data from histochemical studies of succinic ddhVdrogdrutso and qtoch~om- oxidase of the kidneys in the case of deafferontation. Trudy Irist. kraev. eksper. mod. tio.3s97-101 161. (MIRA 15zkl) (HISTOCHEMISTFLI) (SUGCIHIG WHYDROGEDLASK) '%'GHMMOXIDASE) (KIDNETS) ZUFAROV, K.A.; CHIZHOVAj S.S.; SHISHOVAjle.K. Histochemical study of the distribution of su~ooinid dehydrogerAse in the kidneyi TSItologiia 3 no./+:471+-476 J14g 16101 (MIM j-428) 1. Laboratoriya patogistologii Instftuta. kriyp'voy O'Icsperimentdllnoy meditsiny AN UzSSR Tashkent, (SUCCINIC D'EHYDRWEUSE) (KIDNM) (MITOCHONDRIA) -;7 - V ~ -fl";v f r,i d i of, the 10111. na :,W-, (117 nur.,vni 1-ril"ll a bodY 65 r- -irncy All 1.1 z3 'i1 A KUPIKOVY V.G., lnzh.; KOWEACHUK, G.P., Ingh - ZUE/A11011 6 Sh,, inzh.; Prinimali uchaotiye: ZINUROV) AOZ.; Yed.; GALITEVAI D.R. Putting a plant for tho di3tillation of fatty'acida,from cottonseed Boap stocks into operation. 14aml.,:- zhir. prom. 27 no.8:37-42 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kattakurganskiy maslozhirovoy kombinat imani VS. Kuybyaheva (for all, except Zufarov). 2. Sredneaziatskiy politakhnicheskiy inititut (for Zufarav). (Katta-Xurgan-Oil industrie's) (Aeids'! Fatty) KANSUROV. M.1h.; WFARGY, T.Z. Aradloation-of malaria in Xomsom*1 Distriat,Umark"dProvin0~4, by, measures preventing the appearance of neWmAlfirial foot C-4ith summary in Inglish). Kedparat. i parssobol.~27 xio,5:581-583 5-0 1580' (HMA 12: 1) 1. Iz InatItuta ma3,~arll I, medItgInskoy poaxitol6gii Ministet-stva sdravoo)&ranenlys, Uzbeekoy SSSR (dire InatItlita - prof* Lome ev i is Xomsomollskoy rayonny annitarno-opideiiii6logi6hitskoy stazteli; (glavW vrach O.A. Azimova, zav. parazitologicheakim otdelbn.~R.xh. Mansurov). (HOSQ,LTITOES Anopheles, eradiction & preyo! of ut-establishment of malarial foci (Rus)) Vlountry CZECHOSLOVAKIA C A T _'_'Aj 0 FY ABS, JOn. f Miol-, .40- i95.1, No. 9974 AUTHOR Zuffa, A. a Skoda, R. INST TITU- Preparatiovi of Frozen-Dried Vacv~ne AgalnAt FOWIPOX From Pigeon Strains Cultivated an Chick ORIG. PUB. Embryuis Veteriu. cador., 1957, 6, No 6, 44-454 AIE33TPACT A rael',hcd of prepmTlag the vaccinit'il; deucribed thf: reanll:4 of Its fxprrimentaJl-lpptLCaVom. ZUFFA Aloiz, Mr. CSc.; NOVAK, Zdanek, Mr. Experimental elaboration of a simplt and affadtive inmuntzation metho,' against swine erysipel&3 and fever. Vet, medicina 8 no.6t 389-396 D 163. 1. Biovultla. National Enterprise. #itra. COUTRY C CATWORY F21,U611, No. 1959.. Wet. 9973 AUTHOR Bystricky, V-) Zuffa, A., Skada, R.i T'LLF, Electron. Micro ticopy of Cohickttullox 4,vid P~Ironpox Viruse"K CIP.-T G. PUB. Veterim casor., 1`958, 7, No 2, 136-143 ABSITACT Preparations were made from chorloitllamtoLc membranes of chiclk emb-ryos Infected with vireAts. The viruses proved to be simaar In size and s~apr. (abosat 420 x 480 mul"u). 3 electron microscopic ISIms. Ca rd: CZECHOSLOVAKIA NOVAK, Zdenek, ZuPPA, Alojzt and ZAI-IECIjIX, A~olfi Bioveta National Bnterpri-ja-O-ffrWr-a-,-7B. WAGhERj Dr of Veterinary Medicine, director. "Duration of immunization Pollat4ing a Single Vaccination 'With! a Live WR 2 Vaccine Against Erysipelas" Prague, VeterinRMX Yledicina, Vol 8 (36), 110 3, May 1963, PP Abstract [Author's German summary]: A single vac iination with' THe -a=vrulent WR 2 vaccine against swine e'ryaipe~ras produced a good immunity lasting more than seven months ih.most ofthe. animals. The authors discuss advantages of:4 p1 big this typed of vaccination. Eight references, IncludinkI Slovak. rl()Vtllf,P Zdenek; META, tlojz; ZAISCNIK, Adolr l,".jnlty period aftor a alngle vancinatlon w-Ith thin live Uft 2 vaccina agairint swIne Orysirclaa, Voter modiclija 8 )~Ao. 3-173- 176 My 1 '03. 1. Blovata National Entarpriso, Nitra. Dlroct,.v of the Entsrprlsa (MVDr.) E. Wagmer. Mlicrobiology CZ ECHOSLOVAKIA M-li-A A., CERITEK, J.; VAGNER.,~ E.; DEMETMI,, E. Biovota~ National laiterprise (n.p,), Nitra, "Study of tne Properties of the Chinese Likpini~ed flog Cholera Virus. II. Immunogenity of the Virua." Prague,, VetGrinarni Medicinas Vol 12, NoA. Jan 67, PP 1~ ry modiVia Live vad eine Abstract 40uthors' English summa 1d 7t prepared irom tlie Cftinene lapinized virus dUntlains 100-1,,,000 immunization units in a vaccination dooe.f~ Rosiutance to ex'- perimentallY induced infection begins on~,tae 4-5th,day afte .r inoculation. Inoculated pigs resisted infection with 4~vir~ulent hog cholera viruses. Administration of t4e protectivelderun, with the inoculation does not'slow down the development~of im- munity. The ability of tae virus to pass~from.,Anoculated,'~o sensitive pil3s is very limited. In 90% of pids an inoculation provides an 6 months" immunity* 6 Figureg~, 3 Western., 2'Czech., I I USSR, 3 Folish, 5 Hungarian reforenceam (14~nuseript Xlao4ived 13 Jun 66). CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseaseil-dausod by Viruses and,Rickettoiae.-I Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, W663 Author Skoda, R., Zuffa A'. Inat Title Immunogenic,.Effe;tiveneso~of,.Inactiva Vaccines Againat:Neveastle-~Disess',rrepared by V e #in& ~~Ooi Substances-or~by Aluminum Hydroxi "orption. Orig Pub: Vetrin. casop.,,.1957) 6)INO 2, 117-121 Abstract: Two vaccines were. teste4 which were prepared: from a weakly-virulent Newcastle disease vir~wq otraAr., namely one by~,aluxinum hAroxide adsorption) the other kith the admixture oflipoid sub"ance .a, an chickens with the purpose of establishing their immunogenic properties. In chickens ~~ich 4ere Card 1/2 38 A, CZECHOSLr,VAKTA/Di.seases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Viruses and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 4o667. Author Skoda, R., Zuffa, A. Inst Title Anti-Newcastle Disease Vaccines for Domestic Birds. Orig Pub: Veterin. casop., 1967, 6, No 4, 315-334. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 39 CZECHOSLOVAML/ViroloMr Human and 44initn1 Viruses. E-3 Abs Jour Rof Mur Biol. I N612: 1958, 52661 Airthor Zuf fa, A., Skoda,, R*, Idbrecht, P. Inst Title Possible Infection of Hen Eubryos by Ectramol la Virus in the Virological Laboral"ory. Orig Pub Veterin. casope, 1957, 6, 110 3, 2A-2371" Abstract From chorioallantoic shcathinGs of hen tsnbryos PU which substances from upper respiratory passaeas of sick doocs- V, : tic fowls were transferred, an ectromaUa rus was isoLa- tood on the fifth transfer. Mic ryAnnev W which the tratis- fQrred vaterial infeets is unknown. The mr~holo(,ical changres brought about by the ectronella~virua in hen en- bryos and in mice are described. From anthors rcamo Card 1/1 8 Microbiology CZ/0077 /66/0001010/0433/0436 CZECHOSLOVAICEA AUTHOR: Zuffa, A. (Nitra); Wagner, E. (Nitra); Cernek, Ji (Nitra),~ Mihailovic, L, (Nitra) ORG: none TITLE: Study of the behavior of passaged Chinese swine-plague viruS, SOURCE: Veterinarstvi, no. 10, 1966, 433-436 TOPIC TAGS: immunology, virus, leukopenia, vaccin,e, Chinese passaged virus, sN~ine plague ABSTRACT: Passaged Chinese swine-plague virus was studied after it, had been reported to cause no or only minor postvaccine reactions it% awine of all ages. it was found that leukopenia occured in only 3. 2%, and fempeMure readlion in 36. 4% of the sucklings and 12. 416 of older pigs. More than $0, 000 swine were inoculated by the simultaneous method of 2 cc virus and 10 cc serum,, and no adverse.reaction was observed. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. LW-4 L 04495-67 A ACC NR' AP6032750 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0077/6610001010/0433/0436 AUTHOR: Zuffa A. (Nitra); Wagner, E; (Nitra); Cerne J. (NItra)j MthaLovic.- L. (Nitra) ORG: none 'me, vi TITLE: Study of the behavior of passaged Chinese aw-ine-P rue SOURCE: Veterinarstv'i, no. 10, 1966, 433-436' TOPIC TAGS:'Immunology, virus, leukopenia, vaccine, Chinebe passaged virus, swine plague OSTRACT: Passaged Chinese swine-plague virus was studiedafter It had beon r~eported to cause no or only minor postvaccine reactions in swine of all iges, It was found that leukopenia occured in only 3. 216, and temperature reaction in 35. 40/0' of the sucklings and 12. 4% of older pigs. More than 30, 000 swine were fn6 culated by the simultaneous method of 2 cc virus and 10 cc serurn', and'no adverse, reactiun was observed. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. W, 9--:, .7 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF 0 16 OTH REP: 004 card ZUFFA, P The electric arc and characteristics of the power supply,'An alumimm Weldlnp'. p-3-0. (Zaraniep Vol. 6, No. 5. MaY 1957p Bratislava, Czechoslo'Mkia)~ SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) Lr.. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957~. Uncle Ir Microbiology CZECHOSLOVAKIA ZUFFA. A.,, WAGNER9 B.; RAJTARj V.; BOGDANO :.; State Institute 'T5FTEW-Untrol of Biological Preparations i~nd Drugog Branch . (Statna Kontrola Bioproparatov A Liociv, Pob6cka), Nitra-,Bio,veta National Enterprise ( nope), Nitra; Chair oP Pathological Mor- phology, Veterinary Facultyo ColleSe ot Agrioulture (VSPO Vet;er. Fakultal Katedra Patologickaj Morfologie), Kosioeo "Study of Properties of Lapinized Virus Strain SPA After Repeated Passages in Rabbits and Pigs." Prague, Veterinarni Medicinal Vol 11p No 9P Sep;66y pp 579-588 Abstract /Authors$ English summary modified 7: The SPA strain used The production of a commercial lapTnized vaccine against swine fever maintained its immunization properties through 200 passages in rabbits, After 20 passages in pigs the SPA strain of the virus maintained its properties of a modified viruso: Only a mild increase in its virulence keoulted.-this manifested itself after the 16th passage in the occurrence of leak IopIenia,,i,5 Tables, 15 Western, 2 Czech., 4 Hungarian references, (Manuscript received 30 Dec 65)- . r , f-',-- I I . 1. . - 'I.: . II I '' - I"- I ZUFFOVAj D. #Loss of Vitamin C in the Manufacturing of Towat* Pulp." p,26 (CEMICKE Vol. No. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1951) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congiasa, Vol# 3v No.~40 April 1954- Unclaosifieds ZUVVOVA, Danica