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a a v - - T a a v - - - - ..Fix , , . . . . .... W W 's It M If The .00 L WT #44 9 OMOKM '11"Irli a btly fpit " Ift a owuld be onto 4. IFINALt it 4ij I I f coo too of 0 go fit 60 s I uoe All ... ... .... '06 1,001"0 416 0 If PIP 41 - 0, 0 .1,92 0 wpm M.-~ e-O" A A A, F-A d ONOW Zwktv WAY 00 t I W"~Aof WON am 10:5 a:1 foo, towlKV tuaLow Of The f"lluo"Isof "numo witit 4 wows Wb&t bow Allk *60 doo i"ll"164. PhONAIIIHM 190 A iuAmilm Its mm mPI4 wl:~ takn is uw4, Tfw cl~vwj #0 Iuuk.1m, Room, toIto t1w mu d 14 111,- Amumbe of do p4mt *bib Wth m4. N AtrQlAiwlt Iwo zMewdorins.the saw parind. do plamr .00 so 69 'S w k0 A i it - I L a mwTALkV"MCA& LVIRATWIN CLAIWOCAYNO to I too sivilliva %*Bavo mAv Qmv died 9 A u to to LlV In In 04, 0 0 * 0 0 0 000 s*of o 00 coo 4 0 0 0 oie 011111 wmm v w v v v v w w - - . . .;- w "' - - F - . ~ , I-, - - - - -- - - - - - A40 06CO1401 Tho origin of Goloring mattor in colorloso beet '-juiossio. Jaroolev $took ' -40 Z- ZuoiWrlvd. Coshoolouk. ! Rep, $8 65T410(1932) 4oo C A 20 0 . 1 1 0* 0 * , # 0 0 61 , 3 2 see 00 i Poo INAT CLASWICAl00P. WSKAI, LOT It" 0q. Owl A 4 m0 -SL so n 9 !3 0 ,00 '0 0 00 0 0 0 10 0 4 oil .1 fill 14 x Z --------- - 1~ il it Tr e m L4 1,1 0 to 0 CV It k ~il a 6i 4 00 00 o 0* cliftme a# ";f"IL A. MAIGMn AND a, , w I go, pro*. w4w. 19 34j..3. CL KwA v r% in Ow ow, and two-beth -00 0 .00 =00 00 COO 00 so go goo :;0 0 a 0 it its 0 to 0 SLA StIALLOWSL WItIPAMON CL AWOKATICU ago' tr. 1-10,114 is' is to PO 0 Otorpipma oil RIM 21104 OR 0 It -0 1 0 0 0 0 000 it o * o 0 # 0 0 0 0~0 .0 0.411 000 469600604 0 60 0 0 0,4 6 0 e 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 6 j is IM - 4 EMMMUMPM1 1 611 11mm- . , 00 *1 so we so A0, &I 6 L N 4 19 AA It 0 0 0 AGE I 'i. *.(I ON .1 ofitI. -4. rrudamm.1 alifftit owl In dw rehmil graviawk ol"ftailoi Aw tho ifullp of tho calliodal prowtka of "gatabia umoft 14qa" Ated eltmMe. ~ 34. P#Mllik Kaskiwo 'P". riqW, 10", 41V401 4~pw ZjjV. 1$^ 11, W$6.-Tile 14owimil proftclum III toWsW: MAIlly hwvmld. tll out (wit lUtratbm thinlumb a skin plate ur aaflemooi = clurst 0 W"U# of fl* pou. 00 the Alta twith Nam solm of tk 0u" ODD= " tw 41 t* SWOM out km.v own. (A the j*ja oil t2w filw in ormut of fA,Tn' ftith ocidn of Nile, It""Une"t with 1114(h beating and dem of Ow NmC1 by tjw Volhartf murthirld. Atrawo pivarilt go 11 j7 q. A%*.iLA 14fALLURCICAL UtIPAUM CL&MOK&TICII r -All '114V V-1-111 u a AT 10 It .. ..... 0 Of II It It HE It a 14W A 1 14 00 0 d, 0 0 0 0 00 004 so . ON 1 j~ 6*0 see 2 goo 400 gee ores a CERnA MEDICA Sec.2 '761.U/3 Physioloao~otc..May 58 2230, CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FOCAL CONVULSIVE $FlIzUkEll INDUCED BY STIMULAT10N OF DIFFERENT CORTICAL LAtERS -~Caracterist cile accesului convulsiv focal declangat prin excitarea,utior stratuvi coirti: cale diverse - Zucker.MLajj-X,, Inst. de Neurol. 11. P. Pavlov', nucureqi, REV. FIZIOL. RORIM. ATOL. 1957, 415 (240-24-1) Graj)hB I Two pairs of electrodes (each of too 1A.) were implanted chrorvically &t 2 symme-Cri- cal points of the cerebral cortex in 40 rats. In 15 rats the 2 electrode pairs were, of the same length and thus stimulated the same cortical layer: in the other 25 they were of different lengths and thus ended in different layers. (The plarieg was subsequently verified histologically.) When electrical stimuli of increasing inten .- sity were applied until convulsive activity appeared. it was f~)und thatthe convulsion threshold for 2 symmetrical points was the same if the electrodes ivere in the same layer, but when the electrodes were in 2 different layers the~threshold for the superficial. layers was much higher than that for the deeper layers (V and VI). This is not an exclusively motor phenomenon of the pyramidal cells, as in the classical I experiments of Dusser de Barenne, but a central phenomenon characterized by the i appearance of a hype rsynch ronous bioelectrical activity due to the formation of convulsive neuronal chains. Graur - Bucharest et ZUCMMKAN. A. Study of cerebral astabol,ten of acetylCholins'i Moto,b6l," Of acetylcholine in convulsive seitures. Bul, st4imt.o~ sect. mods 7 no. 3:817-835 Julv-Sepl 55, (BRAIN, metabollam acetylcholine. in exper. convulsiois) (JILACTRICITY, effects wtper. a a eff on corebr'it~'l xetab, of onval & C etyleholing) CAGxTYIaHOLW,;. *stab. brai off. of exper. oonvulsions) (COMLSICUS. experimental electricalli-induced; off. on corib+ia melt&b.-6f acetylcholine) ------------------------ 'LUCY, ?1. Ja. "F and hydration of Vinylacetylene (;om-2oundv,.ll b-,- A. 1. hleb~ k2e=na (p. 20F11) SO: Journa3 of General Gbe-WFtrv (Zhurnal Cbelich~'.1 r c, 10 1143 400, 11 ~Prtll 1401W)hirra ohkb wvar hudition th; fl~p*hwvo als'l in illoo ltnlIs4jI~il,- nvightmMorl"Nool O'n lelqwmq6.n Woo." twirot sitodithl toy "IrAlss ~or is Idill 41*411 111,olllomrk se inetlwod. A`-ltAY'lI4*hV4 lit 11011OWn 10 Wo' wrre vsvi,o,of in cc inwoollolkw fAffbAtall-on "t Ow IsIt"allo U%aotv $1 tmr~miwv- 10 "a,"Oot *%1+1110va Clouslowng bloAsy r... Fur thow violiorhownu tootryl It" t*wn u"ti, fig fulnilmite brin theinitAtut. My wAking use of the shock wave it -amw, poioi,Me is) t))W4 Fowt otioluklodor torollwernAho complimiloin still 11141 Nov RANIN. A SMRUI rivilogm taken Itet & very Awl titup fritail,141, or"ablorif the W114,11104 lit lit llwrkjllit~ i'l-11WO91, b0 M#Wds fac dw Gil 4 l ova ff, O 8 finishing Plumm" Lai ore d O lt, werli Invenflat7i (.10,1114tus lo light. (44113C to rubbin i I .09 t, X g h the in't JIMI "FY N101160, 61141 fell IfIt" lairal'i l fi s. fal$ 01141 g-14piulk-11. jjJq(,j Art -1914 IvIrwisted is 101widl f .4 00 'is 0 boo .... . ...... .. . 51 acy&LLuv6KAL LIMATuer C"l%WKAlIQP -A Ionia,) -0 too u 20 As 9 it IgaA Ka 00 4 ;o 0 o 0 6 0 0 0 1 9 0 00 00 o0. 00 0 0 000 0 o0 000O'0 99000 004000 POUND / fluman and Animal Phyuioloa (Nonnal cjrA ipatholegical). T.3 Motabolism. Abu Jour Rof Zhur - Biologi7n, No 13., 108, llo-~~60b6q Author nr M. Inat tatD tuto of Hygiono Title Thiamino and Riboflavin Urinary Excretion awan Index of Saturation of tho Human Organium wit ih Those Vitamins Orig Pub Roczn. Panstw. Zakl* higs, 1956, 7, Nol~I3p 223-239 Abstract Thiam1no (T) and riboflavin (R) oxarotiiM wad 4otorminod~ in 70 pooplo between thoogoo of 15 arid~~58. With a daQT doso of 1.5 mg. of T and 2 rg. of R (an'~ adequate daily dose), there was a daily, excretion of about 70:=g- of T and 45o meg. of R. T and R administration on aln empty stomach fluctuatod within the first hour''botvican 5 - 151 mag. of T and 14 - 30 mcg- of R. With It Buff.idiently largo dono of vitamins, a dofinito rolations.h1p botVoen tho utilization of vitamins and excretion was eat4blishod. Tho Card 1/2 POLAND / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological). T-3 Motabollem. Abu Jour Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60o69 lattor omphauizo the wofulneso of thlo,',dotormination in the evaluation of tho saturation of tho,orgenion vith T and R. Aftor 4 hours of 5 ng. of T ard R admtnistration', tho oxcrotod vitamins varo 100 and 500,meg., :~Oepectivoly. The author proposoo that for a corroat'iteturo of tho vitamin saturation in tho body, it is (%:0f iciont to take eamploo aftor 4 hours for tho dotormination of T and R In tho urino. -- G. A. Chorkoe Card 2/2 25 POUM/Cherdcdl Tedmology;,Chobid4i Vt~ucts wA lb,6ir ,pplidati0ho. Food D:dustl Abs Jour: mr Zhur-Kh1n.j.'No 6.1* Author Zuez --k, R Inst Titlo Typical Milk Cooling, Installations at Czboh Collection rointso' ,.bs JcUr: MejAnd Hleezarski, No 6;~q~; 1142 (1 (in Polisb) lid ,'.bStMCt: A*1 Milk-ClOolin(; installation is dcscribad,.~~ ons~afilia of a cylin(Irical rafriCorated stora[;o tonjt:oqu~ jqied with an evaporatine coil, a methyl chluiiP codlina systun, and a wator sto t.ank.: Z inikir. ~XMG9 Card 6W,14i ml- 11, POIJUTD Ch9mical Technology, Chemical Pioducts.and Their Application, Part 3. 1. Food Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958,,U6924 Author uczek, Inst : Not given. Title : Yogurt Production in Czechoslovakiai Orig Pub: Przegl. mleczarski, 19580 Bj Not 2$ 3.8 206 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 ZUCUIEWICZ., Stanislaw, mgr in2,,. Beginning of the reconstructibn or the Vitt-dgen lilbrks in Tarnov. Cbemik 16 no.7/8:218-223 Tl-A9 163. AUMOR: Hott, 3 (Engireer) (Prape); Z!44j %Tt. (Engloom-) (Kook) ORG: none TITLE: Czech~patent no. 66~-65 96 SOURCE: vynalezrt ao,,9, 1 50 13 Colo rol, circuit* Tbkc TAGS: measuring apparatus- meaeurin S~ instrme~t.,~14eaa~ electric current, electric switch, electrmkic switch, e~j.actrckttcs 1 1114 TRANUATION: The Cormection. or a 6enauxing device for IM!j oleraft~e ilk partiatt- lar, designated for use in progrs=wed control equlvaont~~,ai EV; measure4 quitatitles converted to voltage values or the curren. measuroment f.:ran&9eL*red in the form of an electric code used for actuatir4g the signal uumber table and for other evaligiticna witk a metering switch that to equipped: for aot,=Una the q.,#ch -qntL for Ae- com"Iri viationa with the reference voltage sourde. In the c6tiriie a9' oporatidz~, thel installid switch is actuated by a s1pal from the 0cmparisoft of the measixr*N; dev I fs~ that the reference voltage supplied to the comparloon elevient is its h1gli as the v)lteoe eupplied from the Input of the measurIng device or proportional to it a*d a chezge, In the poei- ,tion of the metering switch Is ajeampanied by a changd! In tht point of the reference voltage value, or of the vmlue of the voltage supplied from jalo Inpixt (if tho me"urius Card fI =ACC--NRs -value of both voltageg rize4 !b~, ~the N~ct th t k 4~VICOO or of the at 0 13C through which a device Is set for setvAting; the netering OVitchi go also ev~4#16.4,4 with a throw-over contact which,, In one positlon conadeta the Output of the cothparidon, elew.nt of the meaeuring device vIth the de*.Ice for actumillag the metering switch, and In another position connects the Introduced, output of the cizipirison Oement v1th 1ta evaluating device. so CODE; 09 SM DATHt 50IM65 ZUDAI K. "Experiences from the 4th Congress of the InternaticnalInsociation of Bridge and P? Structural Engineering and from a Vioit, to: England I s Bulidir, g, ln~lustry."1621 (Stavebni Prum-vsl, Vol. 3, no. 3, Fob. 195), Praha) SO: Vonthly List of East EuroMan AccessWrsp Vol, 3vflo. 2,.Library or Con&eosy Feb. 1954, Uncl. BARKAN, Vitaliy fedorovich; ZHMOT, T4L*iliy Komstantinovich;..ZU:PAXI& T A lnzh.q red. 1 SWXOTA, O,Nso 0; R02MIN, 1 takhaored, (Radio receiving devices] Hadiopriamnye usbroistyo. lzd.2.T parer. i dop, Noskya, Goe.nauchno-tekhn,lzA-av* Oborongis, 1960. 465 P. (Radio-Receivers and reception) SOV/106-59-4-7/1 AUTHOR: Zudakin, A*Io, -------Boise for Measurement, pf Interferen4' i~the TITLE: Use of White Telephone Channels of Rddio-relay tizes ~(Ispollz6lraniye belogo shuma dlya izmereniya pomekh~ vo~nikayushc*hikh' v telefonnykh kanalakh radioreleyny~h 13-miy) IMIODICAL.- Elaktroavyazl, 1959, Kr 41 pp 5!6 63 (USSR): ABSTRAOT; After reviewing the internationall3r' recomImended:aois6 limits, the author points out that,~~ up to the present time there is no agreed definition of inean powei of a multi-channel signal; for more thdn 240:. channel-$, the mean power is defined by Eq (1) and,for,: tore that 12, but less than 240 channels by Bq (2)o,jRece,ntly bothiin;Russia and in other countries, methods ofiinoise measurf)iien~ have been developed which are based on 16ie ie~lacemeht, ot the multi-channel signal bywhite nois!~. 9~hls i ,e s p ermi s sib 1e because the multi-channel signal, being, compose,d~ of; independent, random sisnals has a,iahitd.-noise probability distribution. Figure 1 shows the simplified bloqlk diae;ram of appaxatus, designed to measure the relative.rioiseipower leVels, ie. Cardl/5 the value of the increase of vihit6: noiae power in si small SOV/106-55-4-?/13~ i in the Telephone Use of White Noise for Measurement of Interference Channels of Radio-relay Lines frequency band within the limits of~;the 'linear spectrum over the noise power produced by th~ tra~ns*mission~weliment under test* The apparatus consistsl:ilof two parts,!a trans- mitter and a receiver, between which the element !under test is connected' The main elements of the' transmitter ard (Figure,2):I a source of white noise, which simulates the multi~-channel signal; a broad-band amplifier; blocking filters. ~The amplifier has a bandwidth equal ta blie linear speotrtim of the multi-channel signal and t)ie'i bloak.l.,dg filters ~, are designed to suppress a small band oi" frdq:uencies'within which the measurements are made. At the output of the transmitting part there:is apparatus which measures the mean power of the white noise passed to the element under,test. The main elements of the receiving part~are (Figure 2): an attenuator; an amplifierl ban&-pas~ filters and an indicator. The number and the mid"freqAeacies ofIth6 band- pass filters correspond,to the numb,e'r and mid-frequencies of the blocking filters in the transmitter. Initially, the Card2/5 entire white noise spectrum is applied to the element under 4f Use of White Noise for Measurement o f In' loeWet-x x~Qe Telephone Channels of Radio-relay Lines test. With the attenuator~set tolits ia-ximlm readitg, the indicator reading is noted. The c6rresponding Tiltdrs are switched in. This suppresses a s#11 b 'and of fr~que'ncies from the transmitter, but passes the Sams smalliband from the element to the indicator. Thei4ttanuator i6l,reduced' until the initial reading is againll~ 6bta4ihed on the indicator. The difference in the attenuator r6adiiigs gives thep'increase of the white noiso~power in the ba6d of. the filters;over the total power of the fluctuation and'inon-1inear noise%produced by the element in the same freq7Lienpy baad. A basic disadvantage of this method is Miat the'datA have to be processed to obtain the formIrequired by the recommendations. The author then descrAes a modification to the apparatus to overcome this d4sadvanbage. A generator of sinusoidal signala is"4atr6duced into the transmitter (Figure 3).; The method of ~aasuxement differs from the first in that, Initiallr,'!a siziusoidal signal is applied to the input to the element under test,~~he~ frequency of the signal being the.jiid-firequency~6f the filters. The level of the signal is equal to the measured Card3/5 ,$0V/106-59-4- 1 Use of White Noise for Measurement of Interfiprende'in the! e16 hone lp Channels of Radio-relay Line's level of one te34Vhone channel at:t6 in' th~. el pat to lement. The white noise is applied to the.01ement with alemill band suppressed and the level of the white noiseiisl,equal to the level of the multi-channel alignal. The reisults are obtained as in the previous case.:i~By adaing to thelmeasured values 2.5 dB to account for thel Iour-Ve'~of the,psophometer filter, the value of the increase a~sinusoidal signal over the psophometric noise is obt~,tlned. Whene Ithe psophometric noise power relative,to the vero lelrel,can be determined by: 90-U+2.5) 8 10 P n 10 10 J3) u) where p is the value.of the excems o:t the sinul~'Oiaal I 'this signal over the power of the total'noi6e+ By ui3ing~ formula, graphs can be constructed.fro6 which the peophometrie noise can be easilX obtained. Card4/5 SOV/106-50-4-7/13 Use of White Noise for Measurement of Interterence in the! Oe"! phone Channels of Radio-relay Lines The author then gives brief detaijis of~'apparatudI-de~signed for measurement of the relative n6ise p6wer in~.rladio-relay lines having 24, 60, 240 and 600 c1hanzels. Reslults' of experimental checks on the apparatus axe also $_'Ve-u- There are 5 figures, I table and refereaces,'4 of which are Soviet and I English. SUBMITTED: January 17, 1959 Card 5/5 BARXAN, Vitally Yishelsvich; =AUOV', Taoilly Kons anti n6vich ; 081$1!TAZQVO, R.I., professor# doktor takhnlcheoklkh nauk' IV t Bitumen W10PAKIN.~,A- 4,* Inshener, redaktor; PWROVA,I.A., isdatall'sLy niiakt'or; ZMAKIN, I.N.01 takhnichaskly redaktor CHadlo recelver apparatus] Radlopriewye uabroistoa* Xoskvaq Oas,~ igd-vo obor. promyshl., 1956. 493 p. (KLHA~9tUY (Radio--Receivers and reception) LNRAVOT, A.A., akademik, general-Isytenaut artlllerll~ vedaktor;! RWANTSWA. X.8., redaktor; OWN, I.M., t~kwofieokly reaxki*r.: [4mall arms] KaterialinaiA chasil strelkovogo~;oruzhiia. %Dskydi,, Cfbo'- rongiz IW, lit-r7 po voomshenitu"i boti3ripaaaa. Vol. Z. 1946. 831 p (xLRk 8:1) (7irs;rus) MDAUDIA1 Ye.A. IJ53 of field geophypical daLm for the apTrc4c-tmat4 changes In oil saturation of.reaervoiro in the dq vollopment at pools ao exemplified by layer D-11 of thellvmaz,,~ field, Nafl-ag~' g6cl. J. gocfiz. nop7s23-27 165 1. Vu6soyuznyy neftegazwrly it ZUDAKINA Yf,,A :,.F.~ PARAM"INA, V.A. and gaa 11 aturIO-lop. uf St dy'r Tel the euT-k-o Lazed on !i ii ~.;udy tt~i 6 lea pools of thq T,;,,-msvyv Orrill, and Slika-pcvc q4I VNIJ ZUDAKIKA Ye=A.,- IVAIICHUK, L.F.; BARAHZINA, V.A. Change in the oil-water maturation of rem-privoirs: dwing de~elopm.6nt based on a study of the Devonian oil poolvin thil Tu nd Bavli oil fields. Gaol i geofir. no-5:58-62 164' (M P19) 1, Vsesoynnyy neftegazovyy nauchno-las'led6vatel'Iskiy institut. YENIKErEVAj O.P.;.,ZUDAKIN&*.j*.A.j KORSHIKOVj V.,N,j ZIIXUU~I~ H.H. Prui- mal uchastlye M'kiYIFO-R`S.-, kand. n"k; SWROKH(PiA., L.Lj vedushebly red*; VMONOVA, V.Vj tekbxillred, (Album of standard geological and goop4sicil itros~ 11odtions of wells of petroleum areas in the Volga-Ural rbOon]'Allboz tipa~yW geologo-goofizichaskikh razrezov skvazhin nsftianykh raionov Volgo- Urallskoi provintaii. Pod red. N.A.Per'kava4i Pan) va, Gas. naucbno-tekbn. izd-jvo noft. i gorno-toplivn6i lit-i7p 1961. 132 ps 1, Moscow. Voeso7uzon nauchno-issledovateltakv illatitut geofizi-~ cheskikh metodov razveai. 2. Laboratoriya ikerpr**'~Stsii Votpsoyuz- nogo nauebno-issledavatellskogo instituta gai~fizlOwikikh metoderv razvedki (for Yenikeyeva,, ZudakIna, Korshiko*, Sbk=all, Per0kov). (Volga-Ural region-4il ~rall logging) ANPILOGOV, A.R.; MORSHMDV, Mi.; ZUDAKIITA, TO.A. Testing methade used 11 determining resery0r. J-~'-.rfpvru~A or teirigmMous strata of thp Nymsy and Serafimovskiy depoai~lo froit t1ata of ~ pll~i geophyslcp# Trudy VNII no#29,-125435 160. 41 (MIRA 13310) L.Volgo-Urallakiy filial VeasoyUsnago nauchno-~izsleilavatellskogo Institata goofizicheakikh metodoy razvedki. (Tuymsy region (Bash3dria)-011 well logghg) (Serafimovskly tegion (Pashkiria)-Oil well lopging) !IP ZUDAROT, Z., sanitetski pukovnik, docent, dr.; KRSTIlCp Z.1 oanitetski I. klese, dr. Modern problems.of trauma and working capaelty. V6jllosanit.: pregl. 21 no.llt753-756 X 164 1. Klinika za hirurske bolesti, Ortopedsko'dido1jetJO, Volno- medicinska akademija u Beogradu. d GATOT.Borls losifo;rtch; WBImSXIY,N*~x~OrlSor'yewjch-'~ ZINOr'M Nileols7 AfavAmlyevich; KALMOFSM, GrIgorly Viktoravid .h; NO*IJW.Fedoi Andrsyevlch; MDUlMoboonld Nlkb .avlovich; IMS, RA mEvo,!,rr 1OV16h; SOK010711M I -"%I Pomoo. &YU.,cloomiml r* daktor; FRUHUN,P.S.. takhnichiskly redAktor [Ilioduction of. cast, webte& and forge4 chains], ,proizvoUtIro llty6, sv&rrql& i shteopovoWkh toopei. lAningrad. 06m.sol~ziov imd-io~' - sudoetroltellnoi pro4ohlsidosti, 1955. 267 p. (KrAA 911Y (Chains) ZUDILINp VaSIIIY' Ivan.Ovlah; GUBANOVA, G.A.p red. ACCESSION NR; AT4035416 6/0000/63/000/000/0234/0239 AUTHOR; Toropovo V. S.; Zudilinat S, D. TITLE: Investigation of ferrite mapetization roversal o"r a nonhysterealto curve SOURCE-. Voesoyuznoye sovoshchmiyo po ferritana I po, b0ukonUtkWy*m m*lltny,*m Ole- mentam avtomaUki. 3d, Minsk. rerrity* I beskontaktny*y6'clenieky* (Ferrites 4nd non- contact elements); doldady* soveshchanlya. Minsk, lzd-vd AN B5311t 1963, 934-239 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, ferrite magnetization, magnetization reversal, magnetization curve, ferrite core, core storage ~s Id al or non- ABSTRACT: Th a study of ferrite magnetization reversali~ the authors discus 0 hysteresis magnetization curves created by the superimp6sition: of weak stable and strong variable damping ~lelds. A 2 x 1. 5 x I nun DT-1 core and a3 x 2 x I mm. BT-5 co ie with coercive forces of 1. 2 e and 0. 3 e, respectively, and 3 coils wore used in the cLxperimental demonstration of the curves. Pulses were sent through 9'colls as shown In the Enclosure., and the signal was read from the third. The coincident dj=ping Wne-shaped and steady- amplitude pulses magnetize the core In one direction while the other pulse of the.opposito polarity reinstates it. To achieve complete magnetlyattop reversalo the niagaltude of the Card j,/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4036416 . i. C9 " CA A 0P. 19 IF , oll M I RL A. htfinsk -00 A000 go* 000 0*0 o 0 to goo 00 0 " WW in# cop in , FW 0a 9 14 4.04 9 4 0 uon 1 . won 11"dian Ias 1 0000 1 0 0 0 0 0 elo 0, 0 0 ~ 000 qAi 0 .0 a c6 h -A3 ME a& 'o 31 I u,4 68 . , A .b 1, t a to 41 .420" o. P"'I i 9 . A. -41 'on "a lt HIM; aWh jjl .4 _ 'I " 'I An Olt 1 ! -'. ~ 1 '84 ": 11 1i j Man 4 1 , c, a 0 Z l. . 4 V *Pgo .0 .3 Al "I 1.6 MIA ,AUTHORS: Yeremenko, V.N. Zudilova G.V. and Gayevs~a~,at L.A.' TITIB: On the Diagrams of State of the System Chromium-Niablum (0 diagramme sostoyaniya. sistemy khrom'~-,niobiy) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Ife-talloY, 1958 No.1 pp. 11 1c, (U;5,8R). roi ium allolrs hap ABSTRACT: Use of niobium as an addition to oh. 111, created an interest in the system chromium' ril.ob-1,11m, Hot.161'le. I very little data are published in literauu~re -ill tLis syot-emd Therefore, the authors inv(-~stigated the manufacture by stlielt-in.& and sintering of shromium alloys with niobittia for the purpo8e of constructing the elements of the diagram of state of~. this system. The molten allo3rs were produced ii,, a high-~ frequency furnace under a protective argoh~atxosphero fron powders of electrolytic Or-Nb of the sizes:lof 1- 5 it. !The chromium was crushed in a steel ball mill 4nd the iron r6molled by washing with nitric acid and then passed throu6b. a oieve.with 10 000 holes/cm. The niobium, Ipowder containe& 98.2% Nb 0.93% Yet 0.34% Tit 0.06% All 0.5EF% Cat 0400?% 3 and less~ tLan 0.01% P. The powders were mixed and pras!~,~d into briquettea, applying a pressure of 5 tons. A sketchlof the melting device ardl/3 is given in Fig.1, P-1 The results of the thormAl analyois 129-1-3/14 On the Diagram of State of the System Chromi =1-Niobium. are entered in Table 1, p.12. The compositions of the'6btained sinter alloys are entered in,Table 2, p'112; Table 3,:P.15, gives the results of the decoding of the~X-rdy~picture,lof.the inter-metallic compound (containing 4?.Y;6 11b); Table 4 gives the results of measuring the parameters of the lattice,of:a chromium-base solid solution. In Figs. 2 - 8, a few of the obtained micro-photographs are reproduced. The data given in Table 3 indicate that almost~alLthe limes of the X-r pictures are in agreement with the assumptions made by the auMpra4' The diagram of state of the system Cr-A proposed by the author, is platted in Fig.91 p.16. The followin4& conclusions are. arrived at: on the basis of the results,of thermal, m6tailo- graphic and I-ray structural~analysis and measurement Of the micro-hardness, it was found'that in the,syst~em Cr-Nb,~only one inter-metallic compound FoOrl forms,,vihidh has a fhee-centred cubic lattice; inter-metallic c3mpounds)form outectics with chromium-and niobium-base solid solutiow and the temperature of eutectoidal crystallisation of the in~er-metallide'with chromium-base solid solution is 1 660 ~C (for a content~ofo about 31 wt.% Nb) and the second eutecti6 point is at 1 710 C Oard2/3for a content of 66 wt.% Wb. Primary niobium- and chromium-base 129-1-3/14 On the Diagram of State of the System Chromium-Mobium. solid sol8tions form; the solubility Olt nioblum in chroilium at 1 350 0 is about 3 wt-%~ L011S duration ajinealing.atj 350 C coarsens the compongnts of the eutectic~and'after annealing for 100 hours at 1 350 C, the structure does not have a cutectoidal character. Alloys of chromium with'niobium can be 0obtained by aintering inside a protective atmosphere at *; 550 0-~ in the case of sintering for 2 to 5 hours at 1.550 :0, a full re- crystallisation takes place and an equilibrium state is reached. There are 9 figures and 4 tabl6s and.3.,i4on-slavic reference8. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metallo-ceramics~and S~ecial Alloys~ Ac.Sc. Ukrainian SSR. (Institut Metallokeramiki i Spptsiallnykh SPlavOV AN USSR) AVAILABIE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 SOV/137-'59-1-1069 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallur [ya, 059, Nr Ii 144 (USSR) g' AUTHORS: Yeremenko. V. N., Zudilova, G V 6ayevskaya, L. A~: TITLE: On the Phase Diagram of the'Chromiurl'i-niobiiim Alloy, (0 diagramme sostoyaniya sistemy khfoni-niobiy) PERIODICAL, V sb.: Vopr- poroshk. metallurgiii pro(thiiosti mat6rialov. Nr 5. Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1958, pp 36-48 ABSTRACT: Ref. RzhMet, 1958, Nr 6, abstract M50 Card 1/1 18(0.,7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATI ON POV/2170 Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut metallokeftiki i sp6tsiall- nykh splavov 'Voprosy poroshkovoy metallurgii i proohnoisti m4terialovp vyp4l 51 (Problems in Powder Metallurgy and Strength~or Materials~~Nr,5) Kiyev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1958. 172p. 2,000 copies rintedo; Ed. of Publishing Houset Ya. A. Samokhvalov; Tech.' Zd.t V+~Ye.~ Sklyarova; Editorial Board: I.N. Frantsevi:h (Re6p. Ed.)j I.M. Fedorchenko, G.S. Pisarenko, G.V.Samsonovj nd V.V. Grigorlyeva. PURPOSEt This collection of articles Is intended for a wifticircle of scientists and engineers in the researcli'and.production of pow- der metallurgy. It may also be useful to~.advanded students of. metallurgical institutes. COVERAGE: This collection of articles describes the.results of in- vestigations made at the Institut metallo kiramikii spetsiall;nykh splavov, AN USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special,Al- loys, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR). ~The Physical dnd chem- Card 1/6 Problems In Powder Metallurgy (cont.) ical properties of materials used In powder,metcillurgy are dis- cussed. Materials described as new, production,proceeseoj and methods and results of mechanical testing aOe described. fNo'per- sonalities are mentioned. References follow each.article4 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Samsonov., G.V., and V.S.Neshpor. Some Physica,I~Characteristicsbf Metal-like Com0ounds. 3 The authors, describe results of investigatioins 16f,' microhardness, coefficient of thermal expansion, calculati6n ot the intsi~-atomic bond between the metal and the metalloid, and fa~ctors affecting this bond. They conclude that the hardness of the izietal-like com- pounds is determined chiefly by the bonding forces between the atoms of the metal and the metalloid.. Yeremenko) V.N,) G#V. Zudilova) and L4A* Gayevskap, Chromium- Niobium Structuraf-Dra-gram- 1 3 The authors describe the results of an.inve~tiption of the chromium-niobium system by thermal, metallographic, and radio- graphic methods. Card 2/ 6 Problems in Powder Metallurgy (Cont.) ~~SOV/2170 Frantsevich, I.N,p and V.S. Neahpor. The Pro!)Iem',of Radlooaphlr, Determination of the Charaoteristic TemperatUi* 49 The authors discuss the characteristic tetuberature in respect to the strength of metal and alloys and the effect of the. alloy- ing elements on high-temperature strength properties. Andriyevskiy, R.A. The State of Certain Problems of the Theory of ch Sintering Metal Powders '! _-)-r The author discusses the theory of sintering, the role of sur- face phenomena during sintering, diffusionjnd plastic flow and recrystallization during sintering in an attempt to clarify the physical nature of sintering. Yeremenko, V.N., and Ya. V. Natanzon. The RolTe of,the Transfer',of the Substance Through the Gas Phase in Sintering Iron and Chromium 73 The authors investigated the effect of H01 presdnt in the~,sinter- ing atmosphere on the shrinkage of a specimen, comparing it with shrinkage during!vacuum sintering. Card 3/6 Problems in Powder Metallurgy (Cont.) SOV/2170 Grigorlyeva, V.V., V.N. Klimenko, and T,Ya. K6solapova. Chromium Carbide as a Base for Powdered-metal Materials With Special, Pro~- perties 80 The authors discuss methods of preparing va;~riouq'alloys baoed~ on chromium carbide, their properties, and:applicationso~ Ounchenko A I T F.Frantoevich-Zabludovskaya, I.N., PrantseVich, 6;V'a.* Magnetically Soft Powd a and O.A. 6he~i ered-metal Materi Is (Report 2) go Results of investigations dealing with theAevelopment thods for prdparbg various types of powd6red-metal ma$ftetic conductors from magnetioally soft metals (electrolytic iron and permalloy-type materials) are presented# Fedorchenkot I,M, Iron Powders and Their Fiel,413 ot 'Applications 104 The author cites numerous cases~where Iron Powder,cam be~applled. He-stresses the economical factor in the use of iron-graphite: powder*~'as high-quality bearing material. Grigorlyeva, V.V., and B.S. Tuchako Pulverizing Tit anium Carbide,117 The authors describe:.*,the method of gringlng~titanium oxide in' gasoline and alcohol usln~ a ball mill with,balls of the same TiC) composition. Card 4/6 Problems in Powder Metallurgy (Conts): ~AOV/~2170 Pisarenko) G.S.p and V.A. Chebotarev. DevicellorANsting 116'at-' resistant Materials forLong Time,Strangth and.cre6p, During.iren~- 121 Sion and Bending The authors describe construction of the n~w IM.3 device 4nd, its advdiitagoo over other existing device6#1 A Agarev, V.A.,'R.S. Umanakiy, and L. Kvitkad ~i,blert`giri Prob.16ms' in the Theory of Elasticity 134 The authors discuss the functions of stred6es) ibquations'6f Oon- tinuity of deforxations')~6olutions in termd'-of the funct~onsiof displacements and stresses, and the utlliial~,Ion~ot electrical analogue simulation. Ruzhitskiy, B.M. Investigating the Strength ofjlntelrference-ftt~ Permanent Joints-'Under Static Torsion 160 describes the methods and result$ ofhis experi- mental investigations of the striength of pr6ss- avid shrink-fit Joints of samples made of a typical constrUotion 6arbon-steel. Card 5/6 24M AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 SOV/41i-2 3.11- 32136 Zudin, A. A. The Phosphorescence Spectra of Some Phohols at the!Ta4peratures of Liquid Oxygen (Spektry fosfore Istnentaii nekotor~ykh~fenolov pri temperature zhidkogo kisloroda~) Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fi~lchenkayaj. 19550 Vol 23t Nr 1, p 142 (USSR) In the present paper the phospho~dlzcencIeapectra,'Q~f alcoholic solutions of pyrocat~ohol, resorcf~, al'14 hydrochinone1were investigated at temperatures of liquid oxygen. T~e substances were selected because of the reCular vaTiation of~their structure. The molectiles are in the metaetable atate.jhe pictures were taken by menns of A ainglle-dialc phodphoroscope. Spectra are illustrated by a fiVire fr='~vhich it may'be seen that isomerism influences thd charariter of t1ja spectra in that pyrocatechol,and resorcin with1he hydroxyl group in ortho-or meta-position, have a sharply~narked striictuie, whereas hydrochinone, with the hy(iroxyl, group in para~position, possesses only a band with a maximum at 14127 mp. The aiithor I -, m r r PJA D oil r. ni t lt;,,frn ",,q, o,n J%,Iovr t8 2 AN S 13SIR L I-:; I vi~ 1. o"T L Mineral composition of CenGzol: collsincintil't sed.11"kntn ir, t~e Valley. TrAy Ins4 901, fIeOfJ-%. 'Sib. otd. no.44:152-165 t64. fWn, A -L-7: 11) A . . A e7 (Mok Mdob. JW. 3. its). 1*47~-,jn m 00 is givom of Mra~ by '00 Minkmviab mw zoduL rown, lidwiope.", ow. gk~,oj) ddt"ms a w of allamialtim intalrai %1wn t1w frint in jwat~j &I hiv. Ill 00 8 ild IJ611"L -Ul llw~t 10*101i isr flnv~ 11mol &66 tv mug allinwit 200 zoo 00 w 00 00 4r S "0 f gso 0 moo 411: I-1-111 S-n 0 W 06 U is-11100:4 it A yo 0 0 414 0 0 go 0 0 ale 0 0 0 0, 0 )o4 a 0 0: 4 9 0 0 *Too 19-0 -*"*low '444 VAI=p I.M.; GOIZVvY-a.DJ GOLEVAq Z.H., I GOLOVXQ.p R.YS'.; UVIYALOVAj, ZAMSLlr v B.A.; ZVERV, Ye.A.) - LIMNSMO.Y.A. ; JINIGUSMp X.Kh*j MHYZLERj M.Kh.,- MUTOVXnI, V.A.; RUDAKDVO 14*D., juxormov, 0~ OF4 KWANOVO O.M.; ISTRDIt Z.1.1 ZMINI D.& N.I., r~a, at [Adjustroent and operation of qquipmont Jz thq Novi O.-Umskiii to I aid Electric Power Plant) Haladka i ekopluAtatplia oborudovanilklma im- Ufi~mskoi TETs. Moskva v Gos. energ~s 175 p. (MA i. 1419) (Eashkiria-Blectric power plants) (Bashkiria-He%ting from cenlrU-stations) CHMOV, Yevgenly Ivenovichl ZUDIN, B.A.. red.; ZO=OV,, X.I., (Preparation of studded casings at electric power plaxtvl~~ I Ugotovisule shipovykh ekrazov na elektr6stantoilakho Moskva, Goa.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 63 p. W~A.12:10) (Blectric power plants--Xquipment and supplies) (Boilgis) 4,u(L,,.n, and -1. G Cut :30.LT.- ~fjnlt~s~, The booldet describor, thn, causco, Tod A. io f orr,,i-L U10-1 of bollel ixale,~ V~I'j desLg'i ns)II-hods of installatton, cund onoj,altin" Of Varlow; blo, Tho I i IWO cd=7 A instructions arc i1mcludod foi ntirtaces, and banic labor r--c ctated. The booklet is i-1-1tonded for ncroonnel chm-al uit-lI b0, Ira, Iml n "! .- but al -0 may norve as a practulcal ald for otullior ol_~ bbilar CTrn SD: S mts'-i- (Sovt-3' 00'a;), I if SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol* 7, No. 5' Au6st 19% - - - - -- - -- - 0 of 19 ymmik 10primm l# 90~ 8 67- " ~ WR 39 & f M K 4 1 -00 0 9 ( O d - O ). wns. mw 2t Iss l i d o CUAV.Ai lr, 12 n'. kAg W"* Okumedvalti, fthat I k fi I -00 -00 00 a o n., COVIwe W l CmItni til Wits. In P4. bnkt sad I turn n Th amis F b or 3. 6 mml 12 bri. at WKI 970 1 ' 4) l id -00 00 A ~ e otts Were ruilml in the I rn of 0 h6 we 11W 011W.0irtw ilm -00 arm ttmovvd, Twelve (tiffem"t tall t k d KfU t tolits, r1011 0. 8*0 00 49 or lut stoM t It towdrrs id A , it lunil"o, kwAi ll, 00 04111 .3 VON the P-mink Of Am fit cv-4 and asidallan w(*At " QI. as* 00 (WOU ) wvm OAsimed vr~lh the mist. elmig. ty,5% 0 and 99A% of Fe-Al-Ch alloy powder (42.2% lie vttul g. 1 2 The 4% ") l 2 coo 00 . . o foll- b 1heibmes thoold not fit lik - below V75* or 10M, dnw%ftx!vjwm fli s ifi isf " X CO 0 w invots. At lowirttokp4, the mte t pec c n qu of cill,wiatim is too si t 00 6M at Ugf*r (emp*1 The strucli The marfaft Is" di kbe tmeted kre bttownts I& paini rods ctjnqisteT a waiN Al mi( coo ce to I see too woo IO ib. vC. 1k & 'N d 0006 o0 0 so* 0, 0 a 0 0 0 of of 0 V 0 a 0 0110 q Co 0 o 0 0 L41 oto 00 tjo 0 410, 0 GUDTSOY. N.T.0 BOODALOV.- A a# Gudtoovt M.G. IozInfikii# LF. ZudijIq He A. lbgdanovj lavest. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.1, Otdelj, Tekh. Rauk 1950j, 108-25 App. is described for heating polished steel specimens of 25 sq.~mm. cross-4*ct~ a to the %,p, in vacuo (1071=6 Hg) and etching at the desired temp,by~, a'dmiJtfng Cl, HCL, HNO,, 19 axidesp or air to several mo Rg. preasure, HeaU4 is accomplished by passing also. current through the specim ,ant ad the temp.ijs detd. by thermocouples welded to the specimen. Above 9000 ,the s0eeimene ars~~ etched in vacuo because of the var7ing.-rate of vaporization'.of the,phases and impurities present 6 Special attachments permit measurementof Vickers hardness at temp. up to 900 and of the rate of vaporization of the metaim A, A 61/~ n o S S P, A"AkAt~A W- ;Lf:A -11 ACCE SSION NR: AT4009495 8/2509/0/000/014/0068/007i AUTHOR: Banny*kh, 0. A.; Zuding I.; Orakoshkin, D. A..;' Samarin, A. M. TITIX: Properties of ferrite aluminum-lron alloys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Inititutmetallurgii. Trudy*, no. 14,J963,~,Metallur gJyj&, metallovedeniye, fiziko- :khimicheWdye metody* isyledo IvaWya, 687 77 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum'alloy, iron alloy, afuminum-iron Ooy, ferrite alloy, melting, forging, heat treatment ABSTRACT; Some properties qf aluminum-iron alloys are,qf indostrial lmportanc6, but they are not commonly used as constructlon~ materials, 'In the present work a niumber of these alloys were exposed to melting, forging and heat treabnent,,; after which they were studied for specific gravity, impact strength, rupture stiength and plasticity under various conditions. The chemical composition of the a.Uoys'used In the investigation Is given in Table I of the Enclosure. Two series of alloys were melted: one group in air and the other in a vacuum. U was found that vacuum melting of the alloy improves the mechanical proportion, especially under high-temperature pondlUons. 71gure I of the Card ACCESSION NR: AT4009495 Enclosure shows the dependence of the rupture strength and pluticity of the alloy "on! the aluminum content. The curves show that an increase In the aluminum content to about 15% increases the strength of the alloy between 20-60OC; at 700C Vie strength does not dopend on the aluminum content. The alloy has a maximum strength and satisfactory plasticity at 400C; the strength drops sharply and the plasticity simultapeouoly Increases at tem- peratures over 600 C. Aluminum-Iron alloys may thus be used under stress without add- ing a third element at temperatures below 600C. Figure 2 of the Enclosure shows that an Increase in the aluminum content In the alloy increases grairt size At 1, 100C. Additional studies on the effect of admixtures (71, Zr, B, NI, W) on the properties of the Al-Fe alloys shows that the introduction of titaniumo zirconium, and boroh Into alloys with 10% an bo Al does not change the strength of the alloy. Zirconium d ron 'lower the scallog resistance of the alloy while addiff as of nickel and tungsteit tb an alloy with 15% Al lowers the strength and plasticity of the alloy. Orig. arL hais: 7 figurps mad 6 tables. ASSOCIATION:. Institut metallurglig AN SSSR. (Metallurgical Institute, AN SM) sun do DATE ACQt 26Jan64 ERCL- 04 SUB CODE: NO Rzr wv, 006 amsal Oil Card 2/6 4. ACCESSION NR: AT4009495 ENCL9~u~t 01 conten Allo I UOZ At M" M 0 N Alr-M&ted alloys 1,81 0,023 0,032 DOW 0#Cw '2 9180 0,004 O,OGS 0~0= 7 8,70 0,010 0.0a 0jout O,OD40 8 f2,70 0,005 0,016 000M Of COW 0.018 0,0wo - u V - 01t d Allo 3 0,36 acu m M