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ZUBTSOT, P. A. ZMTSOV, P. A. ---"Investigation of an AG Tachometer Generator.: Method of Calculation." *(Dissertations for Degrees in Scienee an(lUgine"ring Defended at USSR Higher Mucational Institutions) Kin of Highsr Mlar~Atioa USSR, TAnItWraa Polytechnic rnst imeni M. 1. Ealinin,'laningrad, 1955 SO: Knix lotopis'. No. 25, 18*Jun 55 For Degree of Candidate in Vichnica-1 Sciences SPIZHARSK-TY,, GRONVW Yu,,Ya.; T-~,Inimcli whploi-ij ti 3p(,Wvlxovp 44,6; 0014-7,TSAMA., T~ . lil u L.T.41MITALI) L 11"llig olaih,, Me tod1 r-a,:kj a' fo r ploogoog. 10310 (MIPAii8.6) 15-1957-12-17069~ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, aeoldjiya,:l957$ W.12,,~ P 53 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zubtsov, Ye. I# TITLE: Shan Structural-Facial Zones of Tyan16 -:and the,Deep Fractures (Reported at the i6~'Seialon'of S~iintifio Council VSEGEI on April 5, 1955Y. [Strukturnolfatiiall nyye zony Tyan'-Shanya i glubinn~ye razlomy (DOklad na godichno sessii uchenceo soveta, VSWEI 5 aprelya: 1955 971 PERIODICAL: Inform. ob. Vses* n"i,, geol. ih-4a, l956, Hr.4,, PP 38-45 ABSTRACTs It has been assumed::until now ti~fat Plileozoio deposits of ' ,be 0defly a~facjal the Chatkal-Naryn Zone appear t6 variety of Middle Paleo oic for~atidns (Sil~~an,! Denovian th eP d ih if d b l d e n and Lower Car on ero a evelope JA '' t T S t h - van geo- Pergana-Kokshal zone of ern he sor# hAn syncline, Only in the northweat,, Iii i6 Karatauiand Dzhebagly Mountains was therea known section of a dif.!. t f t t eren arruc ure wi h a lar discontinuity ahd an angu- f, ~th l f it i ar uncon orm e lower the Silurian and, n place o y Card 1/4 15-1057-12-17PO Structural-Facial Zones of Tyan'-Shan' and th OL, iep!Practurei (Re- ported at the Annual Session of Scientific C i V.~EOEI on April 5. 1955) lower half of the Devonian* Thid section was not,conside;~~ed 7 typical for the whole Chatkal-Karyn zon6, but on!IV for iti northern margin. The author and other geologist" explain4d-Oiat Te- such a structure of the Paleoz6ic section exists''bLlso inithe: maining territory of the Ghatkal-Naryn,zone~ which fact sha dy .0 rp contrasts the latter with the Pergana-Kokshal :bone and a,soi'with the southern Tyan'-Shan'. The author coniidersithe Chatkal-, ! Naryn zone (together with Kurandnakaya. zon4~ (zone)] as aniindividual structural-facial zone separated from the:6outh~and north!TY#.n Shan' zone by the large and deep marginal,fAulte (see the~'diqL- gram). Overthrusts lying nearthese sharp bordors are considered as local and without any influence on bringing together -of thb faclede The Whok arphsaftes the great value of a study pf,ithe deep marginal frictures for qlarifying the,,de-mlopms~t_of active crustal zotte, for solving the problems t of i0taMaPnesisAnd,fok guldlig the exploratory a~tiviiiosw Card 2/4 A;'Id 1. Suvorov Structural-Facial Zones of Tyan'-Shant and th6 Deep Fracturos (fte- ported at the Annual Session of Scientific C04XII IISIMEI on :April 6j. 19mat 70 W Al -A U I k I I ovy A 42 N.4 Ale A AS 10 2 OKA 7 5 Card 3/4 -lgr -12-17069 1 5 'P7 Structural-Faoial Zones of Tyant-Shan' and~the De;ep Fractures (He- ported at the Annual Session of Scientific ObuxiAl VSEGEI, on April 5j. 3 4 5 6! 7 1 Northern Tyant-Shang; ? Central Tyanf',-6han I aa C ha tih: al Naryn. zone,, b -, KuramjnsWWa zona;!, $, - SoutheA T.Y! an I ~_Shan 4 - Faults: ABC -,"Most Ijhportant Strae'tur'al Line" 'of T A. Nikolayev, BD - 'Talasti-Ferganam.1! faultj EFryff - Faults a; the border of the northern and thu southern Tyapl,-Shanl, 1E ~'. Faalts, at the border of Chatkalt,-Naryn- and XuraminskA3a zones; 5 - Intrusions controlled by the deep:Paultsl Card 4/4 BOGOYAVLENSKIY, Nonstantin Nikols7evich; UALOBDVp ~J.ktor VladWrovioh; DMGACM p VI ,adWr 1vancpf1$chj ZU11T 4MMhail Yef movich- UNDIKHOV, Alekoandr 1 1"! 0b; ___ J' ";Nikv1(qav1ohj MILLER, T,.Ye. red.; KOV. KOV, N ELIKIND, L.H., red.iod-va; ISLENTIYEVAy NO., tokhnered. (Working nonferrous metals and alloya by~*aswwe] Obra- botka tsvetnykh metallov i splavov davledem. ['By) K.Nv Bagoiavlenskii i dr. Izd,2'' ',porer. i dop;~.,,Moskvaj Me- tallurgizdat, 1964. 564 p. [IRA 17:3) d i I 7 II i 11 i i ZtTil"iOVApfe.l. ; _LtK�QV -1 SMIYAN, Yu.P., veterinarnyy XORMTSEVA, L.~* Aotivo and pavoive immunization of ducklinga agaInst viral h6patitis. VeterinAriia 41 no,3t40-42 Mr t64# (KI4 1~tl) 1. Ukrainskaya reepublikanakaya veterinarta~& laboratoriya Ministerstva sel'okogo kbozvaystva Ukrasa (for Smiyan) 2* t1javVy veterinarMy vrach Gosudarstvannogo nauchno-kontrollnogolinstituta veteritarnykh preparatov (for Zubtsova). ZUBTSOVv Te.j.; ZUBTSOVAt U.I.; HIKLMOAAJUAY,,~A.D, Now hids of marine Permian deposits In Tion, 86an, Dokl, AN SSn 116 no.4:681-683 0 157. (MIRA 11t3) 1 Vaeanyusnyy nauchno-inalmdovatellakly,,#-,Oologlahomkiy listitut L i;ningrAshy gaeudarstvannyy universitat im. A.A-v Shdanov&. Prod- stavlonu almdevdkom D.T, Waliftinym, (Tien Shan- Pals ontology) 2o-119-4-41/6o AUTHORS: Chirkova-Zalesokayal Ye. F., Zubtso'y? Yei. I. TITLE: New Pounds of Stevphanian Stage Flor!a in Central Tidh Shan (Novyye nakhodki stefahakoy flory V~~Srednem Tyan'-Shane) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 19% vfil,, II 9j lir 44 ppo 776 - 778 (USSR) ABSTRACT: M. D. Zaleaskiy (Reference 1) described in,1920 fossil flora from the region in question which is very sirailar to the' complex of the Stephanian f lore, of Vastem Europe - On 1he ~ strength of this single found the late Paled%laic aInd Plaristi~o distri- bution of zones of the !whole earth ~waa retionstruct4di,(Re'feren- ce 2). In this connection further fo4nds,,2oo km wesi of the first site (Naryn-Tau), the goic-Irim-Tau-chain:0955) are interesting. The found was made 1)y Y6. 1. Zubtsoy and Ye. I. Zubtsova and was investigated! 1by Yts.,F. Zales4ksy~&.The containing rook is described. Then the author repeats the de- tails of the first found of the florm in que-stion (Reference 1), Card 1/2 and describes the composition of the1lora from Kok-Irim-Tau. 2 o- 1194.41/160 New Founds of Ste'phanian Stage Flora in Central Tian Shan A strange lycopod C~nopqdiaceae);MA'iroesia rhotboidoft Goth.and Jong.(Reference 3) is at Ig -here* This type was described from north west Sumatra. Then:t1le single'sitos- of St4phanian flora are enumarated.1he founds were~mado in Kok-Irim-Tau in three different plad,ea, however, in.approxima- tively the same horizon, A description of the last',mentioned plant (figure 1) follows. Then the position of theilaye a is compared with the flora in questionIn Kollc-'Irim-Tau and~in Sumatra.There are 2 figures and 3 referenbas, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti Akademii nauk SSSR (Ntrolhum lutit-atej AS USSR) PRESENTED: December 6, 1957, by S. 1. Mironovp Hember, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTPD- Mmvember 28, 1957 C"xd 2/ 2 I AUTHORSs Zubtsov, Ye. I.j Zubtsova, Ye, 1. 4g/~i MikTu_kR_o_-15k_1ay , A . D TITLEt New Discoveries of Marine Permian DepOsits in the Tion-Shan (Novyye nakhodki morskikh permakikh oflozhoniy v Tys.O-Sh4ne) PERIODICALt Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Pr it$ pp. 681-683 (USSII)~ ABSTRACT: It is customary to consider the northern margin of the Fergana aInd Tarim depression as the northernboundary of the'v*rine Per, mian deposits in Central Asia. There~is an assumptioit according to which the coast line of the Permian sea:took its course some- what northwards in the east of the liAe BoSbu-Tau mountains - south eastern slope of the Chatkal chain. Since this~4ssumption was up to now not confirmed, the diacoverj~of marine lower Per- mian deposits in the north west of the Ferganat i. e.:in the dis- trict of the Naryn depression by the two first authors in.1956 is interesting. The finds are of two diffevnet places'(their dis- tance is 6o km). a) in the eaetern pult of the Daybiche-Tau chain (Ulan river valley) and b) on the soathern slope of the lloryn- Tau chain. At the Ulan river the expo~ureu have a breadth, of Boom and 3 km. They are covered by unconf6Vui red -colored tortiary de- . posits in the north and border in thO.Aouth along thelfracture to Card 1/5 a thick chalk mass of lower carbonif orou3- The real charaoter of New Discoveries of Marine Permian Deposits in the 1,ien-Sban- 2o the Permian-carboniferous-relation isinot quite clearlheie. The cross section is described in detail and the names of,thd fossils of single horizons are given. The total thickness of the lower Permian amounts here to 470 m- In the14aryn chain a thick com- plex of terrigenous deposits of the upper palaeocoicuu' is devel- oped. Final conclusions. According to~lthe quantity and the syste- matic composition of the foraminiferw~the Permian exp4)sures of the Baybiche-Tau chain are much richei than those of~the same age of Naryn-Tau. The differences are appirently connects ILad. with the facial peculiarities of the sites. The knowledge given in!the pa- per concernin3 the systematic amount of the fusuliniaen 4n the Baybiche-Tau exposure shows that the two fauna zonesi(the.lower with a paraschwagerinp3quantity; the upper with a lot.of parafu sulines) on the whole correspond to the central Karadhatyr hori- zon of Ferganaa( according to the strAigraphic scheme,by-Miklu- kho-Maklay). Any original species whicli do hot occur ih the early Permianof the Fergana depression lac~'~hera~ The occur ~ena e of a rath er great quantity of forms is *triking; they aru isiraiiir to those of the upper part of Tayyuan' ser~ds of Vorth China~and to those of the Chuant-Shan' aeries of South China. Verj, interesting is the discovery of 3 species which are.described from the Car- Card 2/3 New Discoveries of Marine Permian Deposits in the hen-Shan. 2o-)#.42/51 nic Alps (A. Shellvin), here in great~number of individuals. There are onlj few species which cou.14 be tound in the schwage- rine layers of the Russian Plateau at~l in the near-Ural egion. From the occurrence of the same specion in~the,Carnic.klps, Per- juana , and China it can be concluded to especially favorable mi- gration conditions of the fauna in thd~.. latitudinal extention. There are 3 Slavic referencea. ASSOCIATION: All-Thd- Scientific Geological Researoh. Inatitute, State Uni- versity imeni A, A. Zhdanov in Leningrad (Vsesoyuznjy~nauchno- issledovatel I skiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningradskiy gosudarst- vennyy universitet iui. A. A. 6hdanova) PRESENTEDi May 11, 1957, by D. V. Nalivkint Academician, SUBMITTEDi May 8# 1957 AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 3/3 o.l.; ZUBTSOTA, Ye.l. Pro-Carboniferous deposits of the Takhtelyk-Ridgd, Xok-Iriw-tautj and the northern edge of the Marjrn Valley iii thelian Shan. Inform. abor.VSZOBI n0-3-3-9 156. (HLRA-iOll) (Tien Shan--Goologro Stratigrapixte) A=MI.-Y's =1 Formation of the eastern, Fer&%nm coal basin*: KAt.Y.MAI no.1 32 156. OKLRA :1) (Fergma-Cota geology) Z~u B T S ~O~v On the most important faults of the Tien Sbanl~. DokI. AN SSSR ill no.3:673-675 N 156. 10-.2) 1. Vaesoyusn" vancbno-inaledovatel'skly geolOgicbenkiy InetWitt Leningrad, Predstavlano akadaudkom H.S. shatailm, (Tien Shan--rhultt (Geology)) AGEYEVA, L.S., w1adshiy tiauchnyy sotrudnik; SINrM11(IKGV,, Ira.D.; ZURMYVA, R.A. Testing virus vaccines agains~t Nswcastle'.4!aaaso'an poultry faris with a year-round system of dhicken raising'. Veterinariia' no.9t42-45 S 162. 16010) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-kontrollnyy Institut vleterinarny~h preparatov (for Ageyeva). 2. Glavnyy.vater'inarl vrach Uprivlea~jva ptitsefabrik Moskovskogo oblastnogo soveta taroOogo khozyay~tva' (for Sinallnikov). 3, Glavnyy vaterinarniy-lyrach p'titsefab~iki Moskovskogo oblastnogo sovnt6 narodnogo kho'~IyaystlvaI(for Wbtsova). ZUBTSOVt To. I.; ZUBTSOVA, To. I. MIXUMM)-KAmrl k D. Naw ffids of mrine Pormian deposits In T1 emll Shall', Dlokl, ANJSSR,~ 116 no,4:,681-683 0 157. (HIU 1193) 1. Vaeanyusnyy nauchno-I.Raledavat4l'okly g6hogichaskly inat'i.tutA Ienirgrankly goftdarlobve=Y7,universitat Iij. A.Ai. thdanova.' Prod- istavlenu akademikom D.V. lallvkinym. (Tien Shan-PhlaontolOA7) AUTHORS: Zubtsov, Ye. I.t Zubtsova) Yet I. 1 D~.,~~ Miklukho-Maklay,-W7 TITLEt ~ta ih the Tien-Shan' New Discoverieo of Marine Permian Depos , (Novyye nakhodki morskikh peraskikh otl*zheniy v Tyan'-Shan,e) PERIODICALi Doklady All MR, 1957) Vol- 116, lir 4, pp. 66i_'683 (USSO IBSTRACTs It is customary to consider the norther#i tuartin of the Yergana and Tarim depression as the northern boandarj of the makine' Perv mian deposits in Central Asia. There in Ian dasumption 6ccording to which the coast line of the Permian 4ea took its course some- J -Tau mountains', - what northwards in the east of the line~Bogbu south eastern slope of the Chatkal chain. Since this asdumption was up to now not confirmedj the discovorj of uarine lover Per- , mian deposits in the north west of the1l,erganap i. e. in the dis- trict of the Naryn depression by the two firot authors in 1956 is interesting. The finds are of two alfternet places (their dis- tance is 6o km)z &I in the eaatern part of the Baybiche-Tau chain (Ulan river valley and b) on the soathern slope of the Uarjn- Tau chain. At the Ulan river the exyosar~aa have a breadth of 8oom and 3 km. They are covered by unconform red-colored tertiar;r de- posits in the north and border in the souAh along the fracture to Card 1/3 a thick chalk mass of lower carboniferout3. Th~:: real character of New Discoveries of Marine Permian Deposits in the Ti6n-Shan- 2o-4-42/51 the Perinian-carboniferous-relatioli is,rtot quiLe clear,here'. The cross section is described in detail arid the nanes of~.t'he fossils of single horizons are given. The total thickness of the lower Permian amounts here to 470 M, In the lfaryn chain a t4iQk com- plex of terrigenoue deposits of the upp'er palaeocoicum1s devel- oped. Final conclusions. According to the quantity and the :syate- matic composition of the foraminifera the Permian exposures', of the Baybiche-Tau chain are much richer, :~hari Olose of 010~ 06',ue age of Naryn-Tau. The differences are apparontly~aonnected *fith~ the facial peculiarities of the aitea. The.Acnowledge given in the pa- per concerning the systematic amount of~~Ithe fuaulinidea~izi the Baybiche-Tau exposure shown that the two ftiatin zones (the l6wer with a garasch-wagering.iquantityl the uplier with a lot of R&rafa- sulines) on the whole correspond to the,central Karachaiyr hori- zon of Perganaa( according to the strati6raphic scheme~by Miklu- kho-Maklay). Any original species which do not occur in~the'early Permian of the Fergana depression lack here. The occurrence:of a rather great quantity of forms is striking; they are siLlilar to those of the upper part of Tayyuan' serOs of.1forth China and to those of the Chuan'-Shanl series of Souii'i Chitia. Ver.1 intere~sting is the discovery of 3 species which are ilescribed from the Car- Card. 2/3 New Discoveries of Marine Permian Deposits in the Tien-Shan. 20-442/~i nic Alps (A. Shellvin), here in great number of individual6. There are onlj few species which could ~O found in the 6chwage- rine layers of the Russian Plateau and in the near-Ural~region. From the occurrence of the same species~~,in the Carnic Alps,'Fer- igana, and China it can be concluded to especially favorable~mi- gration conditions of the fauna in the latitudinal extettion. There are 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATIONs AU-VaLm Scientific Geological Reaearch In3titute, State Uni- versity imeni A. A. Zhdanov in Leningrad (Vse13OjUZUy nauchno- issledovatel Iskiy geoLlogicheskiy institut,~Leningradskiy gosudarst- vennyy universitet iia. A. A. 1,hdanova) PRESENTEDs May 11, 1957, by D. V. Nalivkin, Academician.; SUBMITTEDs May 8, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SOYA, Te.I, Pro-CarboniferoUd deposits of the TAkhtalrk ~idgej Kok-Irin-Tiu. and the northern edge of the YAwyn Valley in~~ the Tion Shan. tuformo sbor.VSEOZI no.3:3-9 136. (MLRA 16:1)~ (Tien Shan-Geoloff, Stratitraphic) UGIA)Y. F.G.. professor (Leningrad, Kirovskly pro, d#2,, kv,4 26); MTSOMM V.I.; PUTUTOTA, N.G. KpPhode for the early diagnosis of lung cancerl[with summary in" Ifiglioh, p#151-152) Yest.khir. ?7 no.12:27-34 3) 1561 (NLRA 10,02); 1, Is gospitallnoy khtrurgichaskor kliniki (za*. - prof* Y.G.Uclov)~ 1*-go Leningradskogo neditsinskogo institute in'o~ akai4 I.P.P'vivlovas (IIJNG NZOPIASMS, diag, early diag.) ZUBTSOVSKIYI V. N., Cand of Med Sel (diss) "Dlmgnosla of cancer o f the lungs by cytological inveatifgations." Lf.-:ranr-rad~ 1957 2.,'-, pp (Kir!t Leningrad Medical Institute Im 1. P. Pavl~-~Vo C1111 I rof 110'spitill Surgery), 200 c-)pies (KL, 37-57, 104) C2 wr Him! i tF minn ~~HY7 I'I (Leningrad, P-P22. a. Wya Tolat4go, Diagnosis of lung cancer 'br cytologic examUlaillon [with summary in English. p.1603. Teat.khir. ?8 no.$;93-103 Ply. '57,' OLRA 101-7) is Is gospitallnoy Wrurgicheakor kliuiki (sav. prof. Y-G1:MClo#) 1-go, Laningradskogo wditsiuskogo instituts im". akmd.~ MID NW-1-ASKS, ding. cytodiog.) ZGTSOVSKIY, V.N. in-lung cancer, Veot, khir. zi~d 6s2,3-35 165. (KUM 18 112) I*. Iz-gospitallnoy-.khir=-gicbeikey Irlihiki 0; ohlen- 4". 1my,rasmt%rAfmt AMU SMit ~.i nrnf _~ V~111_ Iffflowl I-DIft T.0114 n- POOMNOV, N.I.; ZUBTSOVSKIT, Y.N.; TORKOVICH, I.L. Some Aspects of methodia used In ge6logical piompecitag for coal in the buried easternsection of the greater bonatelmain. Ra~v6d. I okh.nedr 22'no.12:23-26 D 156. W~A 10:2)~ 1, Rostovskaya geologichaskays ekspeditolyat Musts Basin-Coal geology) (Prospectin Unc% F.G.p prof.;_LUBTSC~ ,,,V,.N,.j_KARTAVCVA, V.A'oj TSAUD-,1F,, L.O.J NIKITWA~ N.I. Late results of palliative surgery In tetralogy 0t Fallot. 111A 18-7) Kardiologiia 5 no.2:35-1,0 Mr-Ap 165. 1. GospItalinaya khirurgiohe3kaya klinika (PAr. jwpf, F,G. Uglov) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo inatWita lmi,ml t.P. Pavlova. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID,507:- I BOOK Call No.'* ~: QC1942.Z8 Author: -ZIWAN, ZH. D. Full Title: OR!-OI-U--]M DEVELOPMENT OF CYCLONES AND ANTICYCLONES Transliterated Title: Vozniknoveniye i razvitiye tsiklonov i antitsiklonov PUBLISHING DATA Originating Agency: None Publishing House: Hydrometeorological Publishingillouse (Gidrome'teo;- Izdat) Date: 1949 No. PP.: 52 No.,of copies: 50001 Editorial Staff: None TEXT DATA Coverage: This monograph belongs to the,"Synoptid.Met~eorologistls Library" series. It is written in a popular form to summarii6Irecent Soviet achievements in the study of cyclones and~anticyclones., Ac'- cording to the author., modern Soviet methods have left far behind western progress in meteorology. The booklet d6als With the fundb- mentals of the advection and dynamic theory of the development of cyclones and anticyclones. This theory was worked out by Kh. P. Pogosyan and N. L. Tabarovskly, and is bined on I. A. Xibel's hydrodynamic theory of local changes in atmospheric pressure., The author maintains that this is an original Soviet theory unknown to 2/3 V6zniknoveniye I razvitiye tsiklonov I antitsiklonov AID 507 1 foreign scientists. Fundamentals of this theor~'are given in them following works: Taborovskiy, N. L., Hydrodynamic Theory.'or the~,Baroclinic Atmosphire and Basic Problems of Synoptic Meteorology,, 1947. Pogosyan, Kh. P., Seosonal Fluctuations or the4enerll Circulation of the Atmosphere, 1947. Pogosyan, Kh. P.:and Tabarovski N L Advection and Dynamic~Bases of Frontological Analysis, 1946. T~i6 monograph is provided with many charts. Table of Contents Vages I Introduction HiA~Ory:;'-;Origin and development of baric form~tiohs;- Klbel0d, formulas and qualitative deductions concerniq, preseure changes. II General Analysis of Pressure Changes 11-31 Geostrophic wind; Non-stationary movement; Local changes in. pressure and temperature; Advection and dynamic changes In pressure and temperature; Changes in the absolute altittide of the 700 mb isobaric surface; Charts of isallohytsed of the relative 500/1000 mb. topo raphy,, and their us6 in 2 Vozniknoveniye i razvitiye taiklonov i antitsiklonov AID~50-( I j practice. How to forecast dynamic pressure changes from the structure and charts of the thermobaric field; Problems of frontogenesis and frontolysis and dynantic pressure changes; Interrelation between dynayhic changes in pressure and advection changes in temperature.. IIII Origin and Development of Cyclones and Anticyolones 31-52 .'Cydlogenesls'li-and "anticyclogenesis". Evolution of cyclones and anticyclones and structure of the thermobaric,field; Some specifications for forecasting; Critical value of temperature contrast; Changing of altitude d4tormation fields and processes of oyclo- and anticyclogeneals; Movement of cyclones and anticyclones. Purpose: This monograph is intended to improve the qualifications of weather forecasters in their routine work. Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: 7 (1940-1948) Available: A.I.D., Library of Congress. 3/3 ZMANt 0. D.j CAND PHYS-WT USSR/14eteoroloa - Frontal Zones ii.JUL "Planetary Altitudinal Frontal Zone," G. D iZubyarij: Cand Phys-Math Sci 'Neteorol i Gidrol" NO'7., PP:10-16 States that analysis~ of synoptic maps or ~i4a and! bArle tnmography shows that in the nortberl~'6ml~- aphere Vie asic devel6iment of att pvoaas6i~s- depinaw' not on one frontal zone as assumed by V. A~ I~Ugayev ana V. A. Dzhordzhio (cf. 'trudy TsIPII NO'95 OP-L bound and,,~inter 1951), but on at least 2 clasely~ acting planetary altitudinal frontal zones~41~ 23 ZUBIAN.,, G?vorg Davidovich; POGWTAIT,lh.P., redaktor; BRATNINA,14.1., t (Synoptic and aerological studies of atmospheric frontal Sinoptiko-aerologicheskoe iseledovanis atuomfenfth froutov. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichaskoe isd-yo, 1955. 120 po (Hateoroloa) OWA 9:2) Name: Dissertation: Synoptic Aerologiog I 10tudy of Atmo- spheric Fronts Degree: Doe Geog Sci Affiliation: Zn-ot indicatog Defense Datep Place: 15 mar 55, Council of thu Central, Inst of Prcgnosis' Certifiention Datat 28 Apr 56 Source: 3MV0 4/57 KRICHAK, Oskar Grigorlyevich; ZMYAIT. G.D..* otv9tstv*mW rodaktor; TASNOGORODSXAYA, M-X., H.14'', taktzicbesildy redaktor [Synoptic meteorology] Sinopticheekals mateoroloCiiao laningrad Gidrometeorologichookoe iud-vo, 1956. 530 P. (ma loll) (Meteorology) A~"TAVRI4Wb?KK' , P.D., kazid.geograticheakikh nauk; BURTSBY A. Lit'kand.fisiko-j matematicheokikh nauk; MOV, Top., kovd,fiziko-Mattewticheskikh i nauk; ZVMV, A.S., kand.fiziko-matematichookikhnnuk;-ZMULAP,.P~e doktor geogrefichoskikh nauk; HIIIIIIA, LPS., knad,gnografickepleikh iaauk; MOROMIN, A.A., Inshener-meteorolog; RUPPART i! L.L.'. kand.geogrifiche- Okikh nauk; BIRGHYMV. B.H., Inthener-mateor6log; SANDYLOY, A.I., ; kand of iziko-me tome tichaskikh nauk; TURKMIpI.L.j~,bnd*geogftfichPj- akikh nauk; CHERNOVA, T.F., starshty nauchnyy motrudnik; CHISTYAKO*. A.D., kand.fisiko-matematiche6kikh nauk; POGOBYAN, 1b.?., profe,red.; YASNOUORODSKAYA, X.M., rea.; BUYNINA, H.P., tskhn~riodx [Synoptic study atlas] Uchabnvi sinoptiobeekli atlas, Loningrhd. Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Ft.2. (Soot, PsD.Astapoinko I'drj 1957.' 90 fold. maps (in portfolio)._ _ _ (Practio6l recammendation4 and aasignments for students using the Osynopitc Owly atlas* L Metodicheskie rkomendatoii t sadantis dlia attAentov k "Uchabnomu sinoptichookoma atlasu,s chest' 2. Soot. A-S~"Zveravp 1957 8 Pe: 1. Mentrallnyy institut prognozov (for Ghernava) (Climatology--Charts, diagrams, StO.Y 3(7) AUTHOR: Zubyan, G. D. S07/50-59-1 -1/00 i TITLE: The Intarlatudinar ftchango of Warm ana. Cold Air 11asnoo in!; the Stratosphere In Winter (0 mezhshirotn6ni obmcind teplykh'4 kholo- dnykh MA88 vozdukha v atratoefera 2imo.0 PERIODICALt Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959i lir, I j pp~!3!02 (USSO ABSTRACT: This is an evaluation of results of 9~ri~opti~al investi~,ations f made at the and of January - beg nninjr,io F6b~uary 195$ on.the station Sevornyy PolY1113-T(SP-7) whilo"At dtitted at ii~out: ~ ngit Iild(t. For cb~parisont 850 nor-th latitude and 156-1530 west'la the measurements of Station Saratov 01,0 34'. north latitude', 460 031 Vtat longitude) are added, Thb'~tempwrtituro di6iribution characteristic of au=er with gradient.b'dir" Lated from~the pole to the equator is disturbed during the'polat night. I~nlthei~ stratosphero, a warm belt -with reIntivoly high temperaturep forma which comprises the whole hemis0hare.iLargo graalento directled towards the pole'are built UP,[north of this belt.: They cause a strengthening of west wiWis at!am increaB~ in: height, and a stratospheric Jet streAm~on the margin of the polar night. - A disturbance of thin winterly normal condition Card 1/3 occurred in the period of time observe(L. The following was' The Interlatudinar Exchange of Warm and,Cold Air SOV/5P-59-1-1/?O Masses in the Stratosphere in Winter found: 1. An extraordinary increase in, tempOrature in the central arctic due to advection of wnlrj~ Pir~ftom temp6tatu're zones. 2. A great decrease in temperatiire iii the temperate, latitudes due to a spreading of cold air from the arctic b,asin towards the south. 3. An inversion of~the vertical at-roti-, fication of temperature over the central arctic ani the temperate latitudes in contrast to the,one characteristic of winter. 4. A considerable shift of the~'wnrm belt in the Pacific and North-American section to the north, and 4~shift of the arctic "cold cap" to the south-~owards Europe i;~i Voist Siberia. 5. A concentration of large h6rizontal tempe~~tur'p gradients over the pole, and an appros~ailh of~the stra,O~pheho jet stream to the pole. 6i A splitti 9'0f the polar c~olon6, the formation of a zone o~ increasTpiessure over th6icent.ral arctic, and thus an essential chugo tit alronlating obiditions. A general regularity for this process aouldInot be ascertained. ,between Also ofher variants appear well possible. A connection; atmospheric processes in the middle a 'ttatosphore an4 those'in other layers can be explained for every- concrete case'o*nly:by Card 2/3 means of a synoptic analysis of the totiperature fields$ The Interlatudinar Exchange of Warm and Cold Air SOY150-59-1-00 Masses in the Stratosphere in Winter the geopotential and the Rir currenta it diffetrent hekkst$,~ The disturbance observed Is caused by the specific wln~eriy radiation conditions. There nre 5 figures and 10 referonoeb, 5 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 J I ZUBYAN, G.D. Aerological study of the penetration of cold aii~ nasses imto Armenia. Dokle All Arm. SSR 40 no.3:183-188' 1654; 18: 12) 1. Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk All Arr4SR. SubmItted August Up 1964- I-L 021~8-62 I,',JT(1) GW NKs AV7002325 OR/02'' /66/042/0' SOURCE CODE: 52 0.3/0i~9)lO`65' I AWHOR: Zuby ,in. G. 1) ORG : 1Lqqtitutc, q - Geological Sci nc s,. Arm!;SR (Institut p N' ArrASSH) . . . r - - . - - . __ - - ~ P~ _ P'. . . ijologi6heskikh n4qk Aj~ TIT18:. Burgos of con3iderable a -tratospheric templerative fluctuatior.3 ovcr~Armet4a SOURCE: AN ArinS!3511. Dolclady, v. 0 noi.-Y,'-i~66, 159-165 ITOPIC TAGS: troposphere, atmospheric temperature ABSTMICT: The paper cited below gives some results of inv6atij,~itilon of th~ istr&to- sphere over Armenia on the basis of daily acroloGical observations at Ycro~j van in 1961. Aperiodic temperature changes in Armenia ocletir not. only in t1i 10 troposphere and lowcr atratospheral-but alao in the highcr1aycra of the lot,* .ter, possibly ~o its upper boundary. Viese variations arc~abaervddfor thq~ most part in the warm season of the year an& in the middle Intratosphere fro-` .quantly attain 10-150 in 1-2 days. The most important cautIntive factor ap--; parently is vertical air movements induced by the stratospIkeric nubtropical~'i :frontal zone. Ilia article gives an extremely well-expresai.1d case of this :stratospheric temperature change in tho occdnd half of Augu'at 1961. At thdl I same time, the temperature fluctuatione in the tropospber6Jwcrc up to 10-14P but the temperature changes in the stratosphere and troposphoro vere oppo-. i a i to in sign. . Thin 'cane. was associated with penetration 6f a coW air wool, but not all such stratoophoric temporature changes are cautiod 'bY4uch event6o' iThe key factor in vartical',air.movements, which arc discusilad in general, and in application to the particular case considered. Thi6 artidle was presented by Academician AN ArmSSR S. S. M(rtchyan on 18 October 196~, Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 formula and 1 table. 1JPRS; 370971 SUB CODE: 04 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF1 005 Card 1A nat ASTAPENKO, P.D.; BELISKAYA, N.N.; BUSIMi V. I. I- BUS119t)l O.A.~ GUROV V ZIMYAN- r.-D-;-KATS, A.L.; MININA) LOS.; MDROZXyp A.A.; PAVLOVSt,AYA A.A.; POGOSYANO Kh.P.; SAMOYLOV,:A.-I.,~ S91EINOV" P. I. T RAKANOV,i G.G.; TURKETTIO Z,L.; CHERNOVA,, V.F.j,GH1STYAW10 A,,)i~ (Symptic atlas for'schools]Uchebnyi sinaptichdiskii ~tlfts. Pods red. Kh.P.Pogosiana. 3, perer. i dopa, izd, Lenilngrcj J (M,,GIdromete4- izdat, 1962. 217 gold.col.maps. RA 16:3): [Assignments for atuaents)Za&miia dlin uch4shchikhain. Pod!;' red.Kh.P.Pogosiana, 138 p [Methodological:linstr~ctions and~~ recommendations for teacheral-Reiodicheakie uka~:aniia!i-rekomen-' dataii dlia prepodavatelel. Pod red. Kh.P.Pogoiliana.:'73 P. (Meteorology-Charts diagrams, etc.) POGOSTAN, Khoren Petrovich. Prinimali uchastiye: VGAROVA, K.F., mladably nauchnyy sotrudnik; SWILISIXOTA, M.T.. mludWy nauchnyy sotrudnik; PAW4TSUTA, A.A., *l&d:hiynauchn;'ry sotrudnik; FAVWTA U.N., insh.; GMVLTMINA. A.C. tar hiy takhnikl HOSTAGINAO! U.N., starshly takhnik; SXXNNOVA, A.V,l stavshiy takhnik. _20 G.D.,; BLINNIKOT, L.Yd# red.; 71MOYA, TA,, tekhn.r6d. [Jet streams in the atmosphere] Strainye tacheniis v otmoafe". Moskva, Gidrometeor.izd-vo (otd-nia). 1960. lB2 p~ (jet stream) (MIRA 13: 8) BOGATOV, Anatoliy Danilovlchp katul, tekhzi. nauk; ZUBP:[N Leonidovich; BASHCHENE0, II.T.p Ived, red,` [Ore concentration in Plov launers) Obogashchan'le na struinykh zhelobakh. Moskvap Nedra, 1965. 97 P. (1111RA 18:4) ZUBYNINA, A.V. Classification and the clinical aspects of cicatricitil pyloric stenosis. Sbor. nauch* truds Ivan& gose med. inst. no.25:86-91 162. (MIRA 17:5Y 1. Iz kafedry fakiLlItetskoy khirurgli (zav. - P~Iof. N. A. Blago- veshchenskiy) Ivanovskogo gosudars-tvennogo medilainskogo inatituta (rektor dotsent Ya.M. Romanov). u y v V. 11 k, F C I f 2u E~ Nev data un mode, 4)f wolf rp,!.-.J fxj. t~oM AN "go) *'!-:J'-~;,7 - - _- I= f fill 2557Q746 W. (d)/WPLh)/ ACC Nk: AM6007923 h gakharov Zubtitskiy,_ 04 Ivanavle u Oer VA Iva 6vi6" Transportatioltithin a port (Vautriportovy7 transport) Otdscow, lzd-vo "Ttavaiiort'.1j 1965. 165 p. Lllus. Errata slip insetted. MO copies grinC44- TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering, railway ongineeritig, highway Paginceringo r&Uway transportation, ship, port PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book Is intended for studddto in opera- tions, and hydraulic- engineering specialities in highmi.- edociLtional inotitiltiord of the Hinistry of the Merchant Harine; it may also Ue used by port and planning- organization personnel In the merchant marine. Problems relating to the deMign, construction, and operation of rail lines In port aream, sit$ mhort-diotmuce ac- cess rail lines connecting ports to trunk lines and toxhistri.p.t complestets are re- viewed. The planning and construction of port facMeles, vorftng facilities, sorting yards, motor transport access roads, and roads connectioR various port areas are also discussed. TABLE OF CONTENTS: [abridged]: _7' 'Card 1/2 .... ........ ...... ._LLi 7 7- t rt L* 25r'?0.66 ACC MR: A96007923 Ch. 1. the general character of intrapott transp6rtadioft Cit. 11. Rail tranaportation Ch. 111. Automotive transportation 91 Ch. IV. Port veosels -- 156 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: I ';Ju 16 5 Card 2/2 60 7 '17 ZUB2HM Agglutinant property of Shigella sounsi as t~lelatefl to the PhANG of their growth in a liquid culture inodium. Tri* L$OKI 3 0:63-12T '36. (MIRA,10:8) 1. Xnfedra mikrobiologLi Ieningradekogo sakiltarno~Siglyentobaskogo moditsiaskogo instituta (gav. kafedroy - prof. H.S.fisher) (SILIGAIJAs cultare, o=el, agglut. properties in liquid medium & growth ; actor (Run)) 7- Y /Y 6'. N, DIPHTHMIAI "An attempt to Use Fluorescent Microscopy for the riagiwsis of Diphtheria", by Yu.N. Zubzhitskiy, Laboratornoye De16,~!No 2,~ March- April 1957, pp T5-~-38 The author adopted Keller's test (fluorochromiftg vith cotlyphoaphine;; 1939) and, as a result of his experiments, asserts that the,method by fluorescent microscopy of the diphtheric bacteria rendibrs it possible to accelerate and to obtain more accurate laboratory diagnodis, of diph-: theria. This test is quite accessible for daily use 'i~ every bacterio- logical laboratory. Card 1/1 5 USSR/Microbiology GaneralMerpolology F-IJ Abo Jour: Author i Inst Title Orig Pub: Abstract: Card 1/2 ;Ref Zhur,-Siol,, No 18 1,190 IWO+ Zubzhit, skiy midi .1'e Fluorescence Microsc6py:11of Tuberq DO 111. and. its-Evaluation,in Cofinectioftvit4, 0S~ibt e P Errors of!:thd Method and,Va iabi~~,ty"6 the Vector.~ Labor. delo, 1957, No. 61 22-25 J In the preparations of materials! tested with fluorochromated acridin orange b:tl the:detailV were dyed greenish-yellow and only tOborculosi~ mycobacteria (TM) fluoresced with a bright .mord specific; orange-red color; this method ii than treatment by auramine. InliteSting 600 smears by the fluorescence method, 6% more ZU.BZHITSKIT* Th.M. Substitute for immersion oil In fluorescence Microscopy [with summary in English). Mrobiologiia. 26 no.3086 ~V~-Je 157. (NDU 10:10) 1. Uningradekly oanitarno-giglyanicbeskiy mediteinAir inatitlit (MIGROSGopr, fluorescence# substitution of Immersion oil with anisol in microbiol. (Run)) I ZUBZHITSKIY, Tu,ffs, MALTUKOVA. 1.T., MANIMMISHTAK. U.Te in 0 13 viv tudy 0 the sensitivity of nerve d'sU protoplRam t6l novocaine s Trudy LSGMI 45:172-183 '58 (MIRA li:xl) Is lafedra obahchey biologil,Laningradakogo eanltarno-giglyenl-~ cheakogo maditsimakogo instituta (save. kaftidroy ahlaa--kori~Ieapdadent AMN SSSRb prof. P.V. Kakarov)o' (MMS) (NOVOCAM) UDINTSIV, G.R.; ANAVINA, Z.N.; ANDRVEVA, A,G.; BLOk V.Bip:'~GAVAN' v 0 TAGOR'KOTA, A&S,; 'ZVBZHITSKITO Yu.1r.; IIIINAp N.D.-- KAMM, I.Tf; ICAJM, LeMo; MIRDYZ'VSIaYi~o';':t:OT4010"0;-~nCHAYVAq te.A.:, PAR11OV, 18,S Influenza in 1957 from data of the hospital thlarapoutic clinic, of the Ieningrad Institute of Sanitation and Hyglens. Boy.wd. 23, :no.loz67-70 0 159. 13:0 1. Iz goopitalluoy terapevt1chegkoy kliniki (214veduwanhehiV - chlen- korrespondaut ART SUR prof. O.No Udintony) U;n1ngrikdukogo gwaltarU6- glg4yenicheskogo meditsinskogo, instituta. (TNYLUJMZA statistics) Q~ZHMSKIY, Tu.W.; BARSKIT, I.Ta. ------------ Combined luminescent audphaae contrast m1cr6ucopT,6 Zab.dsla 6 no.3:42-43 W-ja t6o. (MIRA 13:1) loni lmdakago 1, TAboratoriya Iyaminestsentaoy r1kroskopit U41. sanitam-egiyenicheakogo maditainskogo LnAltuta~ V lAbora- torlya ekotsitofisiologii Botanichookogo inailtutw1uni T.Le Iromarova. (PffASR MICROSCOPA) ZUb'f-9,1L;:,KiY. Yjr-.y Nw-umovirb, TOEM, 1.1j., rod. vl r.:)I,)i!Y a:xJ lmiuriol f7 Ile t od lludiliv t-LientAirl akt)pA v mikrc,,, virvsologil i immoAcg.1,11. Leningrad, Vleditslna~ 19#':k4', 152 p. (MIRA a: ci ZUBZHITSKIY, Yu.N.; YAKOVLEVA, G.S. Detection of virus antigen in cells by the.indlrp~ct fluorescent antibody method. Trudy LSGRI 66000-306 162. ~MIRA VtO 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Laningradakogo sanitarm-gigiyonicheakago maditsinskogo instituta, (zav. kaNdroy prof. M!.~.Fil:her). ,,ZUBZ ITSKIY, Yu.K. H ZUBZHITSKIY, Yu.11. New possibilities to use fluorescent irtiornscopy. Tr,,;Liy T.SG14I 66t90-303 162. Production of precipitin sera for the indirect fluore-ncent anti'Lody m, thod. lbid.:104-109 Una of acce'Lerated methods fcr the parificatior, of tmiril~ from fluorescein lsocyhnattj dcvtvativt~s. IbLd.ill.0~1,119 D( tection of enterapathogenic Zscherichia coll. ,by tim indiiree t fluorescent antibody method.,35-145 Use of fluorescent antibodies in~the study of'li-wt withods of diagnosis in virus hepatUle (Botkin's diseaso):.. IbLd.007 317t (YIRA 173d 1. Kaeedra mikrobiol.agii T-f-iningradskogo sani tAr:no-g 1~ I~e niche skog') wditsinskogo instituta (zav. kaffedray - prof. MJIA.3~.,er). ZIJBZHITSK Studiss of the diatribution and fur-ation of he-143rologms Firotet4a in the tissues of a nonimune arp-anism by thc~ iniothoc~ cf lumine;rdlent; antibodies. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 ~no.jj234-237 H.- '64. OCRA 17~4) 1. Ins"itivt eksperimentalinoy med.itsiny AMN 0,133MR. Rrcdstnv1fnO akademikom NJI.Anichkovym. ZUBZHITS Effootive method for obtaining precipilat:W''g! sera vith a hi"' Ah tit'er for work with luminescent antibodies. Iab.i del*;6 l6o. 1399) 1. Wedra mikrobiologii lieningradskogo semitarna-gigiyani0hoskog'o meditsinskogo instituta. (ANTICOV AND AITTIBODIW) (SIU61