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ACC Hai AT6o34356 016110169 'j, '6voki. 90 mot (Khar y VITUr Stabilization of the input r, jtance of c1r.-miel transistors by extraotw- .minority carriers SOURCEv AN UkrS5R* Poluprovodnikowy:~ itekhnika, i mikroolaktxionika'(Ooiaicmduotor! engineeri~ftg anA microelectronics). V-4l Haukm aujWAo 1946o 161-169 .TOPWTAGSs transistor# pn junotionp cesdoonductordoyice, electria resistahalev minority carrier AMMACTi A method for heat stro- Xisation of the reverse irent of a pn junctioii is proposed-for channel transistors (see Fig. 1). The conditiond of,'*ztraotion of minority carriers by the pn junction of the gate differ oonsideraWLy from thoue in a diode'. In channel transistors there is an electric field between the drain and the source which can transfer minority carriers from distant reeons of the semiconductor to the gate. The use or an'additional gate provides effective extraotion of genentedand injected minority carriers in the drain region. The~use of minority,- j carrier extraction to stabilize the input parameters of chkiitel transistors aWme it Poo ible to expand the working temperature range and to avoid.Aegativo input rasist~- an= This method can be used in other semiconduotor,deviceelln whioh minority 1/2' ACC HF4 ATW3-4356 3f 14 pigs 1. Channel trsmistoras:,., driEcLn region;'.2 channel region; 3 -,source region, ,4 .1 J 7L r ~'o"io4'.). I r U b1i i., , `, , ,, carriers do not play a useful role1iiithe main volume of -16;e S-Ga~6dtxctor'. or 40. art. has: 5 diagrams and 3 graphs Y 2/2 SUB CODEs !S= DiTHi'l ~-J=65/ ORIG R4~1;. 1w, OQ! 22/ 00V 4'OT CW.RWOVA, L. A.; BALITAN2 Kh.V.; ZUBRITSKIY, L. M. Rea,it,lons of unsaturated compounds vith ~z~LidesIof thei Six) tape. Part lt Telomerization of piperylaw and Isoprene h:rdrc~- bromides with diene hydrocarbons. Zhur. ob, Khlta. 34 no,W917- 1925 Je 164. (Mllu 1, Leningradskiy tekhnologichookly Inatitut Aweal. Lensovet&.~ BAUYUP Gurgen. Ashotovich; VAsUltEv.. Y!~Drj.7 rvpoxy resins' and C'O'Mpotind mW the driciency of, their dse]EpoksidWe~ smoly i' kompaundy ~'.,kono~i.(~,hoskalft effektivnost' M prim'enonfia. LoningrsA,~11965'ih 0,4,mi 18.- 7) I ZORITSXIT, M.P., Imndidat okonociiefieskikh nal*. KULMR, 0., Dr.; ZORITZKT, P., dr.,- OONSTAIITINESCU, G., dr. Therapeutic results of chlorprommisine in plsychia~rjc amergencieso Mod, int,, Bucur. 4 no,8:1225-1229 Doe 566,, 1. Lucrare efectuats, in soctia do psihiatril a Spitalulul. ur. 9. (M AL DISORDMS, tbersp7 chlorprometine# In psychiatric emorgencievo results) (CRWRPROMAZINE, ther. use Mont. disord., in nento phases. resalto) FIONOVI N, Direct method of operation, Mor. flot Ui: h019 r:10-13 S 162. U-A l5tW 1. Nachallnik otdela mekh&eZat0ii i t0j~~Ologil GosudarAvennogo, proyektno-konstn9dorskoijo i miiobno- -issledovatel'Iskogo instituta morokogo tx6iiaport~ (for Fiolftov).' 2, Rukovoditell.gryppy otdola portov I ltairskik6 putby- Gooudarstve=ogo proyektno-konotruktorskoijo i nlt~chAo- isBledavatellskogo ingtituta morskogo trailaporta (for ACCENION NRs AAM9865 M4/09431 =HORSs Zubritakiyp To Goj Som$y*# To V. TITLEs Short, wave extinction of photocondUCtIvity In dii&dui MUMe :SOUMEs Finika tverdop tolap yo 6.* no, 30 104m 942-94) -,TOPlr, TAGSt photoconductivityp smonochrotutia lights Idmed Ughtj, ul~ravidlet t lights sendoonductor conductivityj crystal property 'ABSTRACTs If a crystal of CdS is Muodnated almItaftoo6sly 6r short-wao luot, prodiLcing a photocurrent (from a heating ImV and a filtw'' or ~C4804- in a 4u4 land by monochromatic light incident on a surface of the OrPtA in a nar bl OM I(serying as a probe)# it Is poesIble to obisorre a deorea0a In the photocumnt tproduced by ihe primary light beam* Me effeub do-ea not depu~A on the :L#addince of the light be= on one aids or the ogmmite* The rpi#ral d$stritution 'of Short- 'wave ext-inctIm Is ahown in Fig, 1 on the Ouloxareo Til~!.Gztihation ;by short-wave 2ight mwdf-m4e the am featm-as u IThe photomuTmt f2ming tbrm& a arptel'readm 4L m*$6m ad aw ~t~A 21 T [ACCESSION NR1-iPWi0U6 contacts of the crystal during illumination with the p1boo Tids Meani ~Mv a zone of high resistance occurs near Us o9atactes, and t I a gr4a~sr put Of the voltage applied to the sample fall in the contact Uywse Mwb-vemq iitin~tion of photocurrent is obawyed oWr when them, central parts ~X the orptal is illuminated and when the voltep here is liow.' The phati4imenom mW be 04~wsa bjr the formation of a local space chsrge In the re4on'Mudixtad IV the probeo 1 Orig. art. bass 2 fl&~rssp :A=UTIONs Odessidygoew-0- Uaver"t" lx~ I# (Odessa state University) SUBMEM I 17JUM3 DATS ACQ1 319MA 0 SUB CM3 I Wp pa V) RV. Bove 00Z, 1- d. omas;~ 003. 11 j, Cord 2La 71 d .77 ZUBRITSKlYp V.I. . i V01,cs,lptiyiGf I V. V. 30 no.lo:14-17 0' r' vetlj,61~jj? Sudostroenle 04TRA 17: 12) ZUMITSKIY, Vladimir Ivanovich; SARHAROV, Sergey Hikhwil ovich; SXOBELING, L.V., red (Transportation vithin a port] Vnutriportov i tvinsport. Moskvas Transport2 1965. 165 p, 1141RA 1B.- 10) OTARCHENKO, D.I., prof.,, doktor tdkhn.naWcj- VIASOV,,I.F.p~, Inzh.; RAKHLU' TS.M.j, inzh.; P~ETIN, A.G., inzh.;-ZUBRIY, I.A., inih.; DOGDANC#Vt Av~ If p I i~~. Maatering the rolling of an edonomical taebi ab bar on a 450 tilI4' Stall 23 no.12M08-1109 ~D 163. (idAIN2) 1. Zhdanovskiy metal,lurgichaskiy institut i VhdanovAly zavodt ~ty*elogo mashinoatroyaniya. tekhn.usuk, dots 1~rdmulia design of oulve ipas having varl'ous crone sections p taking Into consideration the water acou=3,at ion lil front of the installations, TTudy Kiev, arto-dor, inut. ya C" a -3:129-131 15, (Road drainage) Mu w5) 124-58-4-9974 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 95 8. Nr 9, p 58 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zubriy, P. Ye. TITLE: The Hydraulic Calculation of Road-draina'' ge 1:~i`pes of Differing Cross Sections With Consideration of the Accum1ulation of Water Upstream (Gidravlicheskly raschet dorozhnykh t.rub razlichnollo poperechnogo secheniya s uchetom nakoplrt%iya',vody pered',soor- uzheniyem) PERIODICAL: .Tr. Kiyevsk. avtomob. -dor. in-ta, 1957, Nr 3, pp 129-'133~i ABSTRACT: The method previously developed by t~e~. auth*'rjref. Ti.', Kiyevsk. avtomob. -dor. in-ta, 1955, Nrl 2,, pp'~Z5iM; RzhMekh, 1955, Nr 11, abstract 6124) for the hydtiulic calculWon of circular road-drainage pipes (with conside~~ation of the acc'umu- lation of water upstream thereof) is extended in the present 'paper to pipes of generic cross section. The sub ,stance of the method ts not altered; only, in lieu of the pipe dlamet~r, the cross-s~,C'tion'al area*is determined. 1. Pipes--Hydrodynamic characteriat'ids 2. Mathedatics--Applications N. P. Rozanov Card 1/1 DMOT, YuAy Nikolayevich, doktor, takha. nauk, prd.'; Petr Yefremovich, kand.; takhn. nouk, dots.;.ALMt6ANMOYSKIY,A., -A., red.; FRIMAN, S., tokhn. 'Md. (Hydraulic calculations of open channels] GidravIiahaskis' roe- chety atkrytykh rusel. Kiev, Goa. iud-vo stroit. i arkhit. USSR. 1961. 200 p. 1WO) (Hydraulics) SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DAIN: ZUKaYtt)l UKIU "r; MUM; IJLM Muff ATU PRESS: 5115 d L1~i L Cord 2 ZUBROTA, Ye.A. Hydrogeological characteristics of the ucmtheastern part oflhe~ Crimean Mountains. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav ; ~,6ol. I razv. 2 no.6: 93-103 Je '59 iMIPA 131:1) 1. Hookovskiy goologorazvedochnvy InstitutAm. S. Drdzhonikidze.~, (Crimean mountains-Water,Uadergrouad) ZUBR(;l lmngea on r""tittiv?. 'I Paper (H IRA 1.111,,iblmostroitell no.10:41 0 157. lo: 11) k . t , 1 !~ ~~ ~ i . I . i I . , ;: -. - 1 ~ -- --- ---- 170) AUTHORS: Gutner, I. I.,.Zubryakov, S. V.j Sol6ylye4~ap To. TITLE. On Stomach and Intestine Innervation'# Human Embryos, (K!, innervateii zheludka i kishoohnika u chelo4veks v embrionallnom periode) PERIODICAL: ,12411 8-431 Doklady Akademii nauk SS ffr 2, pp 42 SR, 1959, V61~ , , , , ~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: ginhing The plexus myentericus was described itlre&Ay~at the b , of the'sixties of last century and siice then has been con- tinuously investigated. However, the~$truotuie of th~~nerve " cells mentioned in the title has been','Anveotigated o~iy itt the last decades. A survey of publications~is then given~,(-,Refi 1-8). Data on the nerve cells of the plexu6inyentoricus, eipeciiiiy concerning the length of'ifie appendagei) are very contr~didtory. The authors investigated the struoture,"of %iie nerve cells (Pf tho plexus myqntericus in 25 emb os at~d fetuses (length- ry 7-41 cm, ages 2.5-8 months) in the stomach (body and pyAor'lus), duodenum, in the caudal section of the'~~umall intestin6~and in the rectum. The appendages of the nerve'cella were found in Card 1/3 embryos and fetuses of different age (Piigs 11-0- In any 0abe a On Stomach and Card 2/3 Intestine InnervAion in Human Embtyos bOY/20-124-.2-51/71 great number of neurons~with 5-6 apo~ndages which are lohger than the cellular bodies, can be found in,all intestlnal~sec- i more- tions at an age of about 5 months (1~,netht, P.4-26 cm), over, they have a very long axon. The sha e'of the Cqlle~be- comes.slightly or considerably more domplicated some',monthe later. The main part of the elements~iot the'plexua atyent6ricus remained without appendages Oil Cutts, ;Sinc~,tho silvering~,methods applied are not reliable it is unoert'sin whether tha'obsi~rva- tions made fully,correspond to realitV. Th4refore, the authors use very carefully the aenotations undiffereritiated~o'r noura- blasts of the cells which are llapola~ri.IaccOrding to.1t heir' ex- terior. For the same reason the data of appealrance ofithe, elements with appendages~of the variatis sections of the stomach and intestine can hardly'be ranged as~'~auch. In any case i~,t was proved by the Investigations mentione4 that beginnin4~with the 5th or 6th.month of the embryo's .1ife"complex nerve c4lls,can be found in Auerbach's plexus of the.atomach and intestine. They have dendrites as well as neurit4s antl are thus ablelto enter these or those reflex arches. 6~mplex,receptors'were found in embryos 12, or 22-45 cm long,~ i.e.iin the indivi(lual parts of the intestine (Refs 8,9). Also the authors foUnd:Com- On Stomach and Intestine Innervation in Human Embryos W7120-1 24- 53/t I plex nerve endings in.fetuses of an age of 5-7 months ;(Fii 4). The above data make it possible to form an Idea of the,negve substratum which permits intestinal and gas'trlo aotiyLty 6Lf the fetuses beginning with the 6th month. It is generally' known that such premature births can be bred with,the neceesary1care. There are 4 figures and 11 raferences,'q of';whioh are Poriet. ASSOCIATION: Yaroalavskiy meditainakiy inatitut (Yaroslavi! Medi Cal In ati- tuts) PRESENTEDt September 181 1958, by N. N. Anichkov,:4caaelmician SUBMITTED: September 16, 1958 Card 3/3 RUZHEYNIKOV, Is right-handedness unavoidable? Prirods, 51 no~ 1108-101 164. jMA 18il) .1. OdeaskLy,gosudarst"nnyy universitat im. IAMschdkova, KOPOCINSKIt B.; ZUBRZYCKA, L. .,roclaw) Remark on'the divioion of \felll~ into, harmonized subaystems. Zastos mat 7'no.3017.321 164. I ZUBRZYCKA, L, (Wroclaw) . i 1 1 3. ZUERZTGKZ, January. Prevention of Injuries of the ureters In gynW61ogidal murgsrY.~ Gin. polska 27 uo.1:117-129 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Polosaietwo, I Chorob Kobleoych AW~mli Nedyesnej w GadAsku. Kierownik: prof. dr J.Zubrzycki. Oydnim:,Xiejski aspital, Ul. HigoLty 1. (MMAS. wounds and Injuries, surg. in gyn. operations, prev. (Pol)) (GRUITALIA, FAMAIM, surger7, pray. of ureteral inj. (Pol)) (WOMS AND INJOINS, ureters in gyn. gn=g.. 'Prey. (Pol)) ZUBRZYCKI, January Effort urinary Incontinence and Vaginal BUBPOUSiOia bladder* Gin, polska 28 n0.3:363-368 Ww-June 57o 1. 2 Oddsialu Cborob Kobiacycb,misjoki Smp~tala;w Gdyni Ordynator: prof. dr. J. Zubrsycki. AdrTautora: Gdrzlav Swistojanska 33a (URINATION DISOREMM, surdio Incontinence, effort, vaginal fixation ot bladder (?0A)) Galles of unusual complications of cerv Ical cancer.~ Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.48:2035-2037 26 Nov 56. 1. (Z Oddzialu Chorob Koblecycb Upitalit MiaJokiego w Wyni; Ordynator: prof. dr. J. Zubr2ycki) Gdynia, ul. Swittojansks, 13/35. (CERVIX NMPLASMS, In pre nanc~, extra-uterine, a (PREGNANCY. NCTOPIC complications, cancer of cervi;, surg. (POM ZUBRZYCKI, January indications for the treatment of fevald ganit'al diseases in Open and closed health resorts. Polski tygod. lo~. 11 no.29:128141,2%~' 16 July 56. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Kobiacych~Miejskiego SWtala w GdYni Osredka naukowego w Polosynia-Uroju; kisrowfilk: profs dra J. Zubrz7cki. G4nia, Switojanika 33/35, m,~4 (GYNEOLOGICAL DISMIS, therapy, indic. (Pol)) ZUBRZYCKI, S. (Wroclaw) Minimax-estimation of the size of a population. tantod mat 7 no.2tl83-194 164. Remarks on a probabilistic model of variability an a plane, Ibid.019-222 ZUBB.ZYGKI, Sltafnn ~Tlrferentlal ard Intogral cxdcuaiis for Dtadot,lo~iiaal and (1conandsta" by T. Czpchowskl. Roviewwd by ki hr 7, yi k I . Ilmn vind rAtem AccEssiat NFtt AT0336D6 1623/bp6 P/2323/63/011/004 AUMMI ZW=y0kL,, S. (Wro*Uv) TITM: Gone approximate integration famubw of otatistical 1hterest SOLMCE: Pololm akademia nauk. InstytUt matematyuny. 60,11joetalum mathematicum', v# U,, no. 1, 1963, 123-136 TOPIC TAGS: - integration formula, statistics, numerical d=acteristic, shapeless product., minimax risk., games thecwy ABsTmm: The present paper is a continuation of work by othor rAuthors t6, fird a more accurate method than random sampling for estimating thetmean. Val= of ~a numerical characteristic of a shapeless product* The problem ecaes daim t6 fining the location of a given number of measurement points Which Vill ew=v the least poosible estimation error. Geometrie rejn-eoant~tion~ am provid0d by'vay of illmtration ---~ and appropriate integration gorwilas for the Meat ZLU- merical characteristic are written -- for three-dlmeaaica~a (a "bale of cotton or a beg of 4, oi~n) two-dimenziawl (a. coni al heap of looi a material poured. rrcm a coraveyor), cne-aimensi-al (loose mater"I lying in s% x%d1way w) Caref lip im: ATW336M example s. The author then treats a givea,c4ws of fwdt~cns f(r),'04r4i (r, being the ratio of tvo segments of the line connecting tht smi-tace of thibody and a known distinAguished point of the body) In two theoLvms toe boAmded iim- decreasing functions and for similar fmaticias which ind~pendantly fulfit a TApschitz condition deriving appropriate minimax linear! approximate inteeration formulas with n-1 nodes,, where n is the disjoint parts ot the segment* The two theorems are written as statements about estimation gemem between nature 6nd the statistician; after solving these problems In tems of t1to mindr= risk ot the statisticienj, the author rewrites them so as to derive f cmulations pertinent ~to approximate integratica with respect to an azIbitrary finite aba*Iute3,y c0atin-Ous measure* ASS00IMM: none SUUMM i I&eb63 DMM ACqs I.!!3Hay,64 EWLI 00, BUD CODE: MA NO RW SOVS 003 t~wl OW, card 2/2 I ZUBRZYCKIf S. (Wroclaw) Concerning Yules characteristic of style. gastos mat 4 no.4:1 328-331 159. (VAI 19 Mathematical Institute of the Poliih AcA&DW of Sciences. (Style, Literary) (Language and languages) (Distribution (Probability theory)) ZIjH=KI, S. On the game of Banach and Mazur* In Englishe p# 227 (COLLOQUIUM MATMTICUM. Vol. 4, no. 2. 1957, Warazaia, Po)And)7 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Voi# 6p ho. 12# DeC* 1957. Uncl. KAMONKA, Jerzy, mgr Inz.; ZUDRZYCXI, Zblgn~et., lm A passenger ferry for Swinoujscie. Bud okret6~~io Warnawa. 9 no.11079-382, N 164. 1. Office of Design and studies of River Crart,, Wroalmw. ZUBRZYCKI, Z. J. A. Z. Budzynski, Z. J. Zubrzycki and I. G. Campbell: "RadiOnretrii, estimatid'zi, of unsaturated fatty acids on chromatograms," 1-4tvre, Vol. 182, No. 4629, 19 Jul 58- PP- 178-79- Submitted from the Radiobiological laboratory, Health Department' and the Department of Eadiochemistry) Institute for Nuclear Resetlt4'h, Polish Academy~ of Sciences, Warsaw, 10 April 1958. ZUBRZYCKI January Tacbmical Inadequacies In connection with tr"-mloca~-ion of tbd 1 uterus between urinary bladder &n& yeenae afa. poiska 28 uov3.'; 663-671 Sept-Oct 56. 1. 2 OdA21&IU Chorob lobiacych Miajoklego Bspi,tala i myni Ordynator: prof. dr. J. Zubrzycki. Gdynia, SvimtoJaoska 33/35 M. 2. (UTERUS, surgery hysteropezy, inadequacies of tschnic'i pr6l.1, (POW ZUBRZTCKI, January Recurrent prolapes of the vagina and uterus following fixation to abdominal membrane. Polski tygnd. Isko 10 no.3$tl237-1240 19 Sept 55. 1. Z KlIniki Polotnictwe i Cborob loblecych A,X#G*-, klerovnikv prof. dr. J. Zubrzycki. (UTIRUS, diseaseso prolapse. sarg. fixation to Abd=.~aambiaaes, postoo. recuro) (VAGMA, diseases, prolapes, surg. fixation to abdom.,membritnes, postop. recur.) Issicoyminal. f istulas as asVelae of biribli injw~106. polfiki;AYRO. Isk. 9 noo?.4t753-756; aoutd..14 June 54. 1. 2 11inild Polomictwa I Charobloblecyok "mutt modyatiltij V4 Od=aku ktarowniki prof, dr JT,ft'brsyokt. J 41STULA, TBSICOVAOEM# etiology ami pathogenesis$ obst. Inj.) (MLIVW. complications. obot, Inj. causing realcovogtiml fistula), ZUBRZYCKI, :anuia7 (Gdau&k-"smz# ul*,Xliniozna 1) Vesteovaginal fietu3As " sequalae of obststilp'traW"# Polski tygod. lek, 9 no.,25,78&787,- conol. 21 -Tune 1. X niniki Polotnietya i Chorob Kobtacych Ak~Aamii YAdyasnoj w Odansim,,kisrownikt prof. clr Jolabrsyckis (INLITIRY0 complicstlons,~ The 0))bir,:Bl im-ethod of tj[,L rN "or er 1101. 2, 711~1 (POlsk-a Akiidem.j.a no. 2, 1955 nPty-tllt ma L-9 I r,,,t East "'urolcAtn Acce.SS"OnS LiSt Ic 1: '7111 11111. 1; i, A"i The estimating of are deposits as a statistical problem. til, 415. Pr.t7,P,rrLAD GEOLOGICZ17. (1-ticlawnictwa Geologic"wo) Wivaltwa. Mand. Vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 1959. ZuBfmai, S. ITAme Inequalities Betweer, the 15cmizits,of Yquiviltmi, 411m,lom llarl.,Alenll (POLSWA AUDEIIIA NAM, Vol. 2) 1,11 .20 1954, Varsovl,~, ~"blarM) -110: Ilonthly List of East Evropean Accesnions 0:1111)),1C, "'?O1. 4;, lic.. Yartli 1955, Uncl. i7771 Fl~ 71 CAM19-14 Lt PlImorInd Wood A 41-illInIttti. 9 -lm III,, Iw.l- womid rI 01, ,1 1&, 'If I hil 110-.- rid '"'I 1,,f ti, ~l 4- 214 lfwl ti 4 .' 4 ,, mw .It wit"I., 2, 2 ;4 1ho witis Wrl I t wi..s Mai RT Ind W is) C1 ~,l 62 ":- ~p w,u 1 2 0 A.? nit. I, . 1 .4 1 $-1[ .4~W- :~21 -ncio-i -i " " h.,, I., p 'tj~j":f ;' '11-: ; I ;" 14jr 01. -qllt fltit!~l AMJ~p,fd (tofn S-911 4111 , 272 Mll of rio.mveHin N wo 1"A d0a 0 fh~ m5flunco al ~,vtflnl".Ivl 10 p-hr-skif Nall 411, ri I PTI reveilled it pattal hrntxt~ 441. cd ~hv oul, 11"It 1 1#1 ,ir-4 IN-26 d,t.Tt i4iimpl u'A l" J.'j- ~tmt 41mx-vtv, Jail Iw 1b, II-11"m pmel-'d hi,.)d It *h M" - A ------------ t 4viA dg ez, p-w 4 A., top ~ t ifolrolit lit ml I , 1 I liam. lhteaj~ywi; ~014 4 and a 'IT ,, , . 7 lei , wIthillil $,I 4W ir 261. 1 Nu 19 is W"t ill lmdocs a badillilU114 ictlilft l " U111111of 1 *., 1 l l am of sat nzLti fatty 1, do (a 2 "Ott. 11WIr"I. -arldnard de thka 5 "1. rl4tm r 1a l l, 4 Ila, were chrotaito for 18 kn. onn Sch t and gVv with It ae HA 0111flill C441JI941(c Into of fflutt WW f; 508 L paper, li 290 min., the 20% edwr antia. d IFO-00' in, h ,l drocarbon ixt b " " f 11; f rtiftmit agents wtvo ibm(fectivi- ara mWo ill Wat rde n d d d R 1 pil of tnt t W , dd 4 lel . . m o MD. eat y it ,hro A beltic the ifttionaxy PhIse 01A the 00% a i ontai e . 03 ti al . f , tteuted AS selitfits -Wq4trid by plieg 2 s" estil.1 y a X. with 1110 . , Ac0II previousl with w inebeinjItI mobilephaze L y . . ? to4-,ram wen Itzmrml for $ iviii. in 0.0311' A :, or StriFs dried at ,ere lmrix;;;:~ Eoln N I hL ' wmih*l 8 times for 6 44411, In Wilitir. lauturred Idt lit, 21 1 i J,, I " ( W .6 Mi for min. in . ofa gain, 0(activity sAtc.obtakittl by MH N&I Of 4 11C.1 tul, acti0y. *U414A as kef ve W f tel t 1 adding Nall" to 100 mi. sq. Hid + Nat% (0.01112 iuki 1 i4'4 at nx= Mmp, Ili dilkneiii, trbt w3tions fconq (jr D.0044,11, resp.) foltowed by mildn. of Ift504 to 0.025JI A d i cat4. acids were eaftnittled for Otteria am tk'Addii. concti. m app. wLs ev scil for compairadve deln. c4 spol. i i i i AS-WUP tMi5l.Wre was inadeqgate f tq. Imill) v act t es, n which the radLatkka entered the mica w*lduw ,w See and f th th h li j P anti vilts (Urrox to P~tl. 015011110 11*11 Milloact"Creittl ~ o e counter roug a a t, the t ergVel ptx(#4 I'll sources %vere itinscoir- ta da d I t t ( d vueb as t. klck of 1~410~ rMoodu er itta i t f d 11~ 9 i s n v r s. n e egra opot-act rected for the hackirround. and spot length?,, vwied If IY t es a. o m ie conz=ts 4 11 4 ac P d2. 4'.. d C ast 4~, Tj flip t VI V" se v tittion 78 I%Z4 tv 1 1 Z "'114. 7tre 4~uatltotivtjy The In Li A Otl U it tmw I kna) :iq I imn. 'S 608L paper itrip3 with~a'mixtj of vety 1,31vi (0 lei hydrocarbons bolling at 180-1H)' u Mation if -i; and 0 K4 I APOH satd. with the fiyi~~rbtm as in!oWle lu 4 ln A%* ta! low- rovemd-j)hune chroonatill"Iphy inidu 'Me III CO-1 c,r io 1'.~ I ~ carbon Wit. In applied to tbestnps aso.21* L, crib fret a distd. RtjO fito of per"Ides, the Et,O being sti chromatogrupb7, the st.1p is dried at 110* fi.,r~oj o:,hr. in then Immersed 111 6.6 6-1. (it, 11 Solm of 0" ilt as - 0.00-14M NalOj anti comir.. 5 01. The join. Is runde 0.0.101 Ill 11250" and after It"t 114" aq'~ I In1 160 Into, the utrIp Is rill, oved find dried ove at r( I temp. during, WhIdi. timi uceiti ttabooad 11) It I -ull,hylidad by dumIn'l f1trip in I Inut, stept; unkitr a 2 uIth. X Ili; nun. slit 91 Ile, sacai 4 mm. AhIck located und(tr an end-wi, Gt vi ildner counw with window thickme" 4 mir./Ist . I (ii, Doij, ok-le and Hoolelt: acid siTe'a rtpta6ciblot rloitlon Im, dkAtive of, OMPOIrtional QInatlots Whott latt, f0id spbj Activity Is plotted usalas~ itints. of acid (sodt Mount) The intiltoci has been ustdito, fitt. max. 8I)ot scav VamdtT SP selate these to isput matetit. T to suethod Alit ?AD, at' Tfl paper cflvvmor~ tllg. inch Alf vzlC44PVrMtu A -4f It (f A- Diar WcAE;3~ A we ! I 'Wrt 4 I d lit a ' VJF r di a i) .- r met r1 17 doub 6 a44 PC Y chi. f ur kd 14 P4,r I Ejt f , ~ p, No N-'Nf by (ICTI `11W 'A 411 N3 t Pint 111ketty; elf tile 144 I n w - 1 4ft `411 pf 4 ) max o9 A . h f 3 , MIA), ir i)x )f '~ '" vIqc#*. ' Oft v K? w f1ki IV lickik 114 f I T BUDZYNSKIO Andrzej Z.: ZUBRZTCKIp Zdzislaw J, Separation of higher fatty acids from srucia~,'aoid **ans papers chromatography, Chem anal 4 no0/6s903-908 1$0. ~(9M 919). 1. Zaklad Ochrony Zdrwia, Pracownia Biochemialtnal Instvtut Badan Jadrowych Polskiej Akademll Naa-. (Fatty acids) (Chromatography) (Er~ucic told) eip .11777 ol ot at" bmilwo after drying tom b* imp"vM by isMins 6. activaled bratoWto m0 tWWrimg:4h* odw*. At m at I 1"triku lbumms, ew-strift. Ole.) Imploves 1111rablIlly n(A *41 00 00 i saawii 14-1 Fri-tv Too, $9 is AV la a T-4-9--y I 1 0 Pr f. 'I NS a 4 it It --a 0 0 0 0 *~o 0 0 0 0 00 0t M 0/50Y62/01 P AMONS g Karimov,' M. 0., Antmahavich, M. I. BorliX~W' va* K. X DwW6y e** S. K., Zubtsov, A. S. ~.T=t Photometry of solar flares according tQ dbcse~vAions of th~lco station near Alm-Ata during 1960 - 1961 SOURCEI Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR. AstrofizIcheskiy In3tItut.' Izvestiya, v. 15, 1962, 77:- 110 TEXT: The present article is a continuation of.the study of the.lsame~ authors published in 1962 in the v. 14 of the, same.source. Film rrames,vera taken in intervals of 30 seo, sometimes 15 see and one:T'minute Prior to photo- metrical processing all frames of the flares were preliminarily examined, ahd racterittical Oeculi:~rltles.'In some.r4batur flares were selected which had cha es. Wring -io years 63 flare photographs were selected, ciii-efully processed ana the data are tabulated. For individualh most pronounced knots are plc,rtw curves of flare development. The graphs In the article contain information anintensi- !ty of individual knots, expressed in terms of intenaliy of,undisturbed places of dard 1/2 S/503/W015/000/OOP-/00 3 Photometry of solar flares acccrding to... A001/Aioi '!the solar disk, versus time of flare development'and changes In'the area of. flares. Both quantities,,ratios of intensities and area are~plotted on prdi- nates, the first on the left-hand side and the second on'the right-haz*&d slde;~ bacissa serves as time coordinate for both quqntities. a The Upper right-hahd corner of figures contains a sketch,of the flare with,all itsidetails, sunspots, flocculi, foci-of flares, etc. The photometric study,ofithe flares shows!that 'their existence strongly depends on the center of activ"y. They have a special relation to sunspots and floccu'll fields.~ Curves of variations of brightness' and area have a series of characteristical features where this relation is close. There dre 62 figures and 1 table. Card 2/2 S/503/42/01#000/006/00 1023/1,?23 AUTHORSt Karimov, M,G.t Zubtsov, A.S.t Ant~61iethah, M. I and Dosybayev, 977- S f so r flares TITLE.. Photometry o la ~.PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk K6%akha~koy SSR. ",trofizicheski~, institlat. 1!,vestiya, v.14. 1962, 9~-106 TEXT: Results concerning the' photometry of I'lares of intensizy 2, observed from October -19~7 tili the ~ end of 1959P.;, are presented. The observation were done at-a ~height of 2600*m by means of a chromospheric-phe4spheric telesedpe ok,type A�P;2 '(APR-2). The line Hj, was photograrphed thrqugh~in interferpno polarization filter with bandfwidth of 0.6AV 641a standart,3~-= :Card 1/2 S/503/62/014/006/006/007 102,3/1223 Photometry of solar flares D-jiv+ &+-4 0-,n panchromatic film (sensitivity 1000-1200 GOSTjuni'ts). The rat',e was 2 frames per minute, sometimes.8 or 4. S.everill typical, photo- graphs are given. A table containing all 17, fla'res, is al.o o given. The table gives the time, position and intensity of-eaoh flare. Each analyv!ed in,detailt. intensity and area d6,pen- dence on time are given in a graphical form., "There are 18 figures and 1 table. .Card 2/2 Teknologiia kholodnoi ahtaMovki, Dop, v kacheatve uchebn. posoblia dlia vyssh. tekhn. uahobn, zavedenii, Moskva, ltaihgiz'~ 190. 463 p. plates, diagrs. Bibliography: P.(455)-457. (Technique of cold stamping.) DLC: TJ1255*Z8 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the S viet Uhion, Library of Congress, 1953. ZUBTSOV., M.Ye.- ROMANOVSKIY, V.P., prof., red.; T.L., red. i;d--va; BARDINA, A.A,, tekhn. red. (Foreign achievements in the field or work)iarub,,-ih- nye dostizheniia v oblasti kholodnoi eht~mpovki. Pod red,~N.P, Romanovskogo. Moskva., Maiffigiz., 1962. p. (Bibliotechka shiam- povshahikap no.10) (MIRA', il6t2), (Sheet-metal work) SOV/137-57-6-9958 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgil 19157, Nr 6, p"89 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zubtsov, M.Ye. ----------------- TITLE: Problems of Precision in the Blanking of Large Parts (Voprosy tochnosti shtampovki-vyruAki krupnogab~aritnykh detaley) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Progressiv. tekhnoLkholodnoahta-,ftP. proiz-va. ~Mo!bcow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1956, pp 61-71 ABSTRACT: An examination is made of factors" influencing the blan~,ing (B) of large parts. An anal~Ticdi metho&'of determing the mag~ni- tude of deformation in B is~ presented. The data of investigations conducted to study the effect of various f9 'ctors! on the blanking* of Nr EZB steel electrical machine stator and rotor sheets is" adduced. Measures to ensure the accuracy of B of large parts are inidic~ted. V.S. Card 1/1 25(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION Zubtsov., Mikhail Yefimovich., Candidate of TechiAeal Salences,,,Doeent ---------------------- Listovaya shtampovka (Shoot Stamping) Moscow,, shgiz,, 1958. i~495 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,500 copiss,~printed.j.~ Reviewers: I.A. Noritsyn, Doctor of Technical Solencea, Professor.. and V. Y6. Nedorezov, Candidate of Technical Soiince~;!.Ed.,, V;D.,UBit- syn. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docenf;.W.' of Publih i House; Ye.S. Kushlyu.- Tech. Ed..: R.O. PoV~skay4; Managink- for Technical Machine Building (Leningrad Division,, Maahgizl:, 'Ye~P. Naumov, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended as a textbook for vtuZes. It,can also be used by engineers planning fabri ,eating processes, designing dies.. and developing theoretical problems of sheet stamping. COVERAGE: The book deals with the problems of cold and hot sheet stamping. Suitability of parts for stampiAg, rilles for planning the manufacturing processes., and the fundaimlenttls of engineering standardization of stamping operations arei'discussed. The typi- cal and more interesting constructions of dies, design methods, and Card 1A7 Sheet Stamping calculations of basic parts for strength are presented. The prob- lems of mechanization and automation h6o of 0 ~ forming pr6desses, safety techniques, and organization of the working place are analyzed, No personalities are.mentioned. Thore are 120 references: 112 Soviet', 5 English, and-3 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 tntroduction 5 PART I. SH BET STAMPING PROCESSES Section 1. Classifieation of Shedit St6mping Processes and Operations. MaterialwUmd Ch. I. General Premises of Sheet Stamping 9 1. Field of application of sheet stamping 2. Classification of sheet stamping processes and operations Card 2/ 17 ROMLNOVSKIY9 Viktor Petrovich, doitii.o kand. to dote., kaud- tikhn. Or t UFf'saj-1val nank, red.; X&PUNSKIT 3 SCKCWA. L&T#, teklin. redo' [Ways of increasing prod-activity, In. stampin$3 A14 iovyahenila proizvoditelinosti v shtw.Tovochnom proinvodstio, Kookwa, Gas, nauchno-tekhn, Ltd-vo inshinostrait, lit-ry, 1955, 28 p`0 (-Biblip- techka shtampovshchikas'noo'l) xiR& nt7) (Sheet metal work) ZUBTSO.T,. Taflaudshr dots., 77171M takhn. naluk.; ZOMO Nikolay novich, insh.; V,P,, dots., bmd. takhn,: nauk, -4 RIDOMOT, T.Te., 77-A. tekhn. nauk, re !d4; LITxmd T.L.0 - Isd-va; PMIMYA-. tekhm. F;' and blanking of large -artg] Shtampo~vka-V~r~k& krqpto~- detalei. Pod Oliftinw. red. V.P. Hamniovukogo. Moskva, Goo, o-tekhno iad-vo -%milriostroit, lit*rn 1955. 60 P" chka shtampovshchikap ?i-~*2)9 (NIU 11M (Sheet metal work) i: 7" p 11 7'11 jfT 1, m it] Illu'rIll 11 1jjj~fjjj i~;; i i1 AWEI A Aw. PX45E I BOOK MCEWITATION 934 Zubtsoy, Mikb 1 yefimovich, Candidate of Technical Seience~p Docent, and Zorin., Nikolay Konstantinovich,. Engineer. Shtempovka-vyrubka, krapnogsbaritnykh detaley (Ptmehing Large-sized Parts) Moscov Mashgiz 1955. 60 p. (Series:Bibliotechka shtamVovahc1dka,, vyp* 25 5,000 'copies printed. Ed.: Wedorezov V.Ye.,,, Candidate of Tecbnical Sciencenj Zd,,of Publishing House: leykina, T,L.; Techi Ed.: Pollskaya, R.G.; MahUbg Ed. for 4terature on machine-building technology (Leningrad Divialon~ Mashgiz): Nikitin, P.S., Engineer; General Ed: Rlomanovskiy, V.P*. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for vork6re in press-foiming fshops as at aid in improving skills by means of exchange of progressive work experience. and the introduction of advanced cold-punching methods, COVEMM: This booklet is the second in the series Bibliotechka'shtnow, (Press Operatorfs Little~Library), It describes the design of dies amd'tp-e Card 1/3 Punching Large-sized Parts 934 processes which can be used for blanking and punching lArge-sized part ' to in machine-building plants, No personalities are mentioned.' There are references, TANZ OF COMBOTS: Ch* I. Punching Large-sized Parts for General-Rachinery, 3': 1. Some special features in pressjorming large-sized parts 31 .2. Special engineering features arA designs of blankii* dies 41 3. Special engineering features and designs of piercit* dies 4. Special engiiieering features and designs of combination dies 13i i Ch. II, Punching Large-sized Parts for Electrical Machine:q 25i 5, Laying out of stock 6, Sequence of operations in punching of electrical abibets 291 7. Typical design of dies for electrical sheets Ch* III* Accuracy in Punching of Tiarde-oized Parts and Enoneering ' Standards 49 8. Requirements for accuracy of punching 49; Card 213 ZMTSOV, M.Ye., kandidat takhnichokikh nauk. Accurac7 of die punching large nachine parts*1CXzdIFj WRIWAM vol.4,0:61-71 136. Oma iot'4) (Shoot metal work) Mmehing machinery) ZHDWBOV, Viktor Vladimirovicb; BOOOYAVLMKIT. Konstitntil 111kolayevicb; ,ZUBTSOV, Hikbli"Yefinovicb; I-A IK. 1, Aleksanai Den'loovicb; LM-000SX0, Tevgeniy noiseyervich-, FOSTNIKOV, Hikolay ItIkolarevichl MILLM, L.Ye., inshener, reteensent: B"MMV,' %?., Inshener, . reteenr nt; CHXMV, A.R., redak-tor; $TARADUBTS)NA,341., rmdaktor; .-ATTOPOI.CH, M.Xv, tekhaldbeek1jr iedaktoe.. [Working non-ferrous metals and alloys by -preolm"wel Obrabotka tsvetzqkh metaliov i splavoy davlsnIem.:Koskva, ~ Oos,iiailchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernol I tevetnol metillurglile 19534 466 p. (Non-ferrous metals-Metallurgy) (XUtk 8:12) YE ZUBTSOV, it Tekhnologlya Knolognoy Shtamipoyki. (Cold Stamping Techology) Yoakvs, 10asPG12', 1950- 463 P- Illus., diagm, tablet. "Literature. I Istochniki"t P. 455-457- 3ook describes many kinds of cold stamping and discusseP'Iscientifically te6h- nological problems of stamping, the constrvetion of diept etc.' PRnual for Btu;- dents of technical Institution. P VOR)p "6d* tdkhn4 ROVINSKIYj Georgiy Nikolqevichj HOMMOVSK17 naukp red.; ZUBT MJeo., kand. takim. nAlik., red, LEYKIDIIAj To ..9 red. izd-va; BARDBA, A.Aol, taklm. red. (Stamping large parts for the automobile ir9w'5'tx-y1ShUMPavk& krupnogabaritwjkh detalei avtomotillnoi proiVolilenndo-IAO Pod obshchel red. V.P.Romanovskogo, Moskva, Masligiz,, 1962, 73 po (Bibliotecbka ebtampovahebikao no.5) (MIRA 15:9) (Sheet-matal work) (Automobiles)