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- . -.. - . - - - f - - ~ ~, ~ ~ , ! ; !, ~ I ~. !~i- 1 -~' . -A - ;. I ~j 1, . - M ~ ; A -11 11 .1 P 11 1 11, : -1.111 !'-. I -~ - _,, - ~11 I . -- --.- - -1 , 1. . ..NEVSKAYA, T.S.1 ZUBRILINA, G.V. (Mookva) Uropepsin content in urine of healthy and 61ck children -1-Ag ality food Vop,pit, 2 J receiving high-qu 4 no.4:55 58 165o (MIPA 18M) t! 1. Otdel detskogopitaniya (zav. dots n ~?.V.Plnakov) Instituta pitaniya, AMN SSSR, Moskva. Submi.tted No-,ember 14, 1964- I L I A SEPANMO, B.N.; KHATUROVA, L.T.; ZUBRILINA, G.V. Study of the biological role of the chemical structure of glycogen and features of glycogen metabolistfi In alloxam diabetes. Biokhimiia, 20 no.4:479-484 JI-Ag,"55 (HLRA 8:12): 1. Laboratorlya fiziologIchesko7 MIMI Aka~emii.nmuk SSSR, Koskva. (HPINEPHRINN. effects, on glycogen matab, in alloxan diab0se), (GLYCOGEN, metabolism, 'off. on epinephrine.' in alloxan'didkbates) (DIABETES MUMS, experimental, off. on e Pinsphrine on glycogen me tab, in) M .1 IM., i ME UH, Card 1/1 Pub 22 32/5~,. Authors I and %hayurown. L. P. Stepanenko. B. 11.1 G. V~ Title I Glycogen metabolism in aormal state and duiriaf, ollorcan diabetes Lavestig- ated by metma of radioactive osrbon Periodical i Dok. All Sa'91 10013. 521-524, J11M 221, 1955, Abstract I rilycogen, matabolism was invtstigrated in Phopilthy adult rate wd ta rodents inflicter. witb alloxon diabetes. The erpta:rtments witre conditeteil by means of radioactive c14 and thn results otitaiaed tire) des,:ribed. One USS44 reference (1953). T*blea. Institution Academy of Sciencea USM, Laboratory of r-hjr4iiolagRcal Cheml-Otry -e-nted-bj F resen Y: ailn' So I Academician ~4', 1. Op C. Pte. A MONMR, V'V.; KOCHMINA0 V'V.; ZUMLM, M. req iramen ckldren in b6ar4i Protein# and vitamin 0 and I u tolof sobools., Pediatriia no,021;:25 161. WIRA IN9 1. 1z otdela detelcogo pitaniya (Zav. Yu.x.jolt~va)~Inqtituia pitanlya AMN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korrespon:&nt AMISS= prof,' O.P. Holchanova). (PROTEINS) (ASCORBIC ACID) (HIEK'MAVIN) ai 00416 $1439/mv 2 2293 AP6023693 46 941161(4 4- 647,979A AUTHOR: Chibisovg, A. X.,- KaEyaJcLn A4 V.- Zubrilba, M1, To. TITLE: Phot yk], under pulsed illutnAttatiatu x0ition of qtjgEph SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khlmLl, v. 39, no,, 91. 19615 t 22914293 TOPIC TAGS: photolysis, chloLophyllt pulood Llltmiftatlija Md ABSTRACT: Reacti(ins. of tvversible plt*tooiddation of cfil*ropbi~lls (21 a 4- 1b in ethanol solution (concentration 2 9 10-5 wol/1) wetvi studEed- at 20*C by m2ans ;of pulsed photolysis. Some maasurements were made at A013C. Tetrachlovol2enzoqui- ' none (5 K 10-S -1 x 10-3 M01/1) was used an the *Klddint. 'Ilia Solutions were expbsed to pulsed photoexcitation In the "red" absorption band of the pigments. The com- 1plex character of the oscL1lo&,v&= obtained is due to thm diff-emat stabIlities of ,the Intermadiate states of o%vonents a and b of the pigmtnt during the phatooxi- dation. The fact that "ctral changes during the pulsed photwxaftation at' the pigment - tetrachlorobanzoquirone symt-am take place In an oxygegi-containitig 64)lu- tion shows that a photochemical reaction occura between the adiuMlet-excit"d pigment 1/2 :41 S1,0Y -N-R,-e-AP-5023693 ~Iecules and the tatmdacraberitaquitiont. (eleatron aw-optarl malodtdts~ ItIm postulated thdt the spectral eMnSpis obserwed In the ch3mrophylls consist In tbo differonce in tho light tranvilimsion of unexcited pigpout 001a'aulas and prdmbly of the cation radical of the pignamt. Orig. am. hast 2 figm-es. 1 famam. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut gpokb1iiii i analitichemkcy khljmtLll,, Akedomiya nualt assm (Institute of GeochemistIT and Ana~ytical SUBMITTED: 24Jua64 ENCLi 00 SUR COM NO REF GOV: 008 OTHER: 004 Cord 2/2 SERYAKOVA I.V.; ZOLOTOV, Yu.A.,- KWAKIII, A.V.; G~IBOVI~ L.A.j Zi4RILINA M.Ye. ~oosibilitr of the solvation of a tetrachlo~oferiate ion in the extraation of iron from chloride soluti6nae Z*hure morg,% khim. 7 ric.832013-2018 Ag 162. (MIRA 1626) 1. Institut gookhimii i analitichaskoy, klil:m:Li imani V. I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR. (Farrattes) (so:Lvation) (alilarid'es) 8/02C 62/14'/003/024/030 B124Y8101 AUTHO113 Ryabchi%ovp D. 1.0 Orlit, Yu. B., Karyakia,i'4. V.'s Zarinsklys V. A.g and Ubrilinal V,. Yot. L'--': Z%Zraction recovery of porrhanatea with kotoli-ta 11-1.110DMIL: Akidemiya nauk S33H. Doklady, v. 144, no-'3t 1962, 565-567 TLXT: Data on the influence exerted by the proportion of zho hotcnv~on the distribution coefficient a In the oxtraction of porrhonat4s;Nre prvatntod, and the ueohani4m of extraction rooov*ry of purrhonalea id btlidlod by Weans of aoze thermodynamic paraZotero and the Infrarod upocura; ~'Th-s r iution 5 between the ratio 20 t UVf (28 being the molecular we4ght ~f; %he CO group and M.7 the molecular weight of the ketone) of the axtraottolt Golvont aid the distribution cooffici4nt WIL3 found to :be linear for thij: laothyl kett-ne, sarioag while, with ketones of the same molecular woii;ht arid atruaturas different from those of the mathyl ketones, deviations fram lineurity wore established. A constant value of All of qi2 + 0.3 konl was *ttablinhed for the mothyl ketones. The value for other types of ketones 114 nomijihat lover. Generally, lower values of the "thermodyntaia" distrIbutiom coefficient a, Card 113 Utraction racovory of ... B124/11101 and L,11 --a well as P_ shift of the stretching vibration fraquola,zy of: the C-0 Group ware found in the pmonce of sodiQz porrhenate., '43ACe obviously no funduzontal difforonae 14 to bo Qxpootad in ofte'oorioil of colveita concerninG the nechaniam of extrao *tion rocovory of rbdium perrhenate, the respective deviiLtions are probably due to 06 difference in the compozition of the solvates forniod. The infrared spect7!jim of vater In sev6ral solvatod associates or the porrhenate ion with hyd~ogqn, sodium,' potazsium, calcium, and aluminum Ions rozainad practically undh=gad. Then the solva:in.7 cations are replaced by a hydrophilic group sUh as NF) C4, somme changes of the intensity distribution, in (C 0 5)4 .3"* or (C61:5 3 the apactrum of water are observed, with the main portion or twator~ remainin& more firmly bound than in the iotone-vater 11 yatem~ Mai It cun be concluded that the porrhonato ion is hydratud, which aZil~uus with data in literature. The shift of the absorption-band frequency ~f the OV Group is somewhat greator in the presents of-salts than In iho prenence of zator. It can be stated that tharo is a direct bond between the kiltone and the rhenium ion in the a6lvato. Tacre are 3 figuren R'nll,l table, The cost importaAt Englich-languago refor4nco isi R. D. WaldrOllb J. C1101A. Phys., 26, 803 (1960). Card 2 8/020/62/144/003M4/030 Zxtraction recovery of ... B124/9101 ASSOCIATIM: Institut meohimii i analitichaskoy khinii ita~ It. I., Vornadakoro Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatituto of Opochotalutry and Analytical Chemiatr/ Imeni V. 1. Vernadsk* of the Academy of Sclences USSR) !rovember 13, 196it by A. P. Vinogradov, AaadeiLician SUB.1.1111TED: November 4, 1961 p Card 3/3 6.,34*' nn of IRA 18jIG)' -729.) 3 L ACC NR, AP60310~2 SOURCE CODE: UR/OOOT?66/000/009/IJ AUTHOR: Vinogradov, A.' P.; Vdovykin, G. P.; Karyakin, A.,,V.; Zubrilina, 14, Yeo. tow- ORG: Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemintry In, V, I. Vernadakiy~. AN SSSR, Moscow (Inatitut geokhWi i ansliticheskoy khimii AN SSSH) TITLE: Investigation of the organic compounds and diamonds of tbe Novyy Urey meteorite by infrared absorption spectroscopy SOURCE: Geokhimiya, no. 9, 1966, lio6-ilog ik TOPIC TAGS: meteoritics, diamond, ivd~=~Vabso_ tion spectroscopy, organic compound, meteorite /a 4Z.-, 94 ABSTRACT- The organic compounds and diamonds of the Novy~ Urey;meteoritei ,vhich fell in the Gortkiy oblest' in 1886* are investigated by m4bansof infrared ~absorption spectroscopy. The Navyy Urey meteorite, like the Goalparal meteortte vithVhich it is compared, is an ureilite. Specimens were examined with the UR-10 quartz apectrograpb. The organic compounds were extracted with chloroform, while the diawnds were ex- or the CH tracted by fusing the meteorite powder with 11a.201. The presence, and CH. groups was positively confirmed, while the presence of C41'41 groups was tL,ught possible. The organic matter was represented by paraffin hydrotarbons. In' the infrared spectrum of the diamond fraction, absorption bands appeared at 500. cii-I and -I especially at 900-1300 curl. These absorption bands are,characteriatic of typa- ACC NRs AP6031o62 -dinm nda containing and admixture of nitrogen in their cqatal Iattice. The presence of nitrogen in the diamonds of the Novyy Urey meteorite id thou .ght tat sug~dst genetic ralticnship between ureilite diamonds and the carbona~e~~ous matter,in chon- drites. The nitrogen, most probably,,was captured by the'dia=mds during Orystalli- zation resulting from a collosion with asteroids. Orig. mrt. oz' 3 figuros. [DHI SUB CODE: 03/ SUBH DATE:'2lApr66/ OMI HEF:. 002 7 Card .2/2 eli r Aa rm, 11 ,;tinp.raj- Yvoblem- AE45, JOUR. Stirezovt.~.ldy~ Ae 1,p, Fubri 11M) 1. T IT L. The 1,roblayn, of nn,.1 dhwdeml rfre - ~exlvntlon of Greon ll'-leedn. ORIG. PUB. A B7, T Pk C, T -37t,siloing~ eprn., M47 ad, ding j)Ornant Of thero warA no;tnagatiiio -efr(scb~~tm , ' * d ;ill: 4irl,'fo~ ALL): 1~tain~) !organic :'-sol do S:C 0 ' -prG4 as &,:re3ult.of,Jta,ln 1), 11 vu,nj calclum, or aae~!! anc!. c-arotene-,OO.,qtCjn4.j ,Vhaw It ho, 6V JTnlon. a al Wrali; Ido ro bi o iogy~,"dl USSR CA;UT~', OR ~f ABS . JOUI. AUVOR 0R'-1'G .PU 3. A 3 T the All-'Ijniorj Ins tituto, i0f r 110~11 aOre ding . . showed that! .06SO515, tile, SIL'Oe t~a:doqs* of presorving~ action;. Lthey decroa,~.o - dry substances reduce,-,tho; ~o f protein.#':': 6ild ~'dol Ovelat, 'Lopment q f no!:t!. ~pr microbioloticalf pr~ocnssesiln a PH of 3 -5-4.6. When Oi-eilerv0d aroen ijulsa. feu to cattle (4-5 months), the ruser 1kallmity of bloA as viell as the physiologo-olinical inil - catorn nne the antaalof produotivity:lvere not CA,1D - 3/4 COU,'ITIf CATEGOMY Farm Animals, General Problems, ABS. JOUR,. I RZhBiol., No. 6t 1959, go. 25773 AUTHOIR Rayetskaya, Yu. T;; Zubrlliaa 2. 1, .564a, ns ltt~e of*~~ n ~s Ir ITLZ The Con'tenf. of 7,.tmin B- 12 i SLIag6. ORIG. PUB. Byul. nauchno-tekhn, inforiae Vaes.; no-i" in-4 zhivotnovodstvag 1958, No 1 (5), 21-24 ABSTRACT No abstract. Card., l/1 *ArAimal fluibaadry, ZUBRILINI A. A., ZULIRILIIIA, Z. I. GOLIDDEIRG, S. Go Feeding and Feedihg Stuffs New method of preparing protein vitamin paste. Sov. zootelch. 7, 1952~ Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatp-11 skiy Institut Kormleniya: Sell zjkokhozya.-fstverxTkh Zhivotnykh MoInthly List of Russian Accessions, Library:of Congress Uj)tetn*(')er 1952. UJICIAbSIFIED. i L in Cft;0); Given llazea cotultrY-, Rumania, A(utclcmic kffiliation: Sourca Such 4 a vs h area t Me Zootehj3joe A' Wit U-M IVol-XIi Ito 109 Oct 19617 Pp 69-71- P-It a "Sugar Beets in the Fodder Rations for, Pie"i BEREW VSCHI j A.A. , Csndtdatg!.,-,~,n-.Agr Sciences (C~ndidat in Stiinte AgricoleY. ,--ZUBRILINA, Z.A.t -Scientific Collaborator-,~ Union Institute for Z4-6-iechnical Research (Institutul Union~ Z66-fe-Rfil-o-e) BADNIZOVO N.A.; [The economics ancl organization of corn produqtion;~ Ihs. practice oi , ~'Statie farms) U6 oiika collective farmso machine-tractor stations an. a a i organizatsiia proizvodstva, kukuxuzy; opyt k-olkhoz,ov. HTS i *Oivkh~sov. Hoskvu, Goa. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ryo 1956. 361 P. OQRA lslg) (Corn (Kaize)) ZUBRILOW,L.Te. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk XWwz extraction capacity In mining thin stelolp seaus. Gor. zhur. P.2 no.2:5-7 7 148. 8:9) (Kining engineering) i i Zubrilov, L. Ye~ "On the interdependence or specd and ambf!1. of (-Ycles in ou"'l-ting horizor, tal laine faces", under: A. /s-ic7 'Ye. Zubrilov in the coll~ctlo entitled: 7 6 oprosy gornogo dela, Iloscolf) 1943~ P- 457-65. SO: U-2888 12 Feb. 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Inykh Statey, 1410~ 1949) 1. if., ZuBlumv L. YO.., KAPUSTIN,~llf. 0.1 DOM, A, S. Shevy, Lev Dmitriyevichj 1889- Concerning the review by Prof, D. A, Strellnikolrp'Docents B~I, S. Lokishin, Ya.~. te. I'lakrasovsk4 and Eng. V. A. Floirov on Acad. L. D. Shavyakovis book "Funda'~nantal Vwory of phn!lling coal mines." Ugletkhizdatp 1950(ugoll No. 3, 1952) Ugoll 27 No. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Coneres 6 Oc toiler 1952 Uncl. ZUBRIIA3V, L.Ye. Methods of determining level intervals anUt6ir economic significance in ore mining. Trudy Gor.-geol.. Inst.' UFAN SSSR n0.31:143-156 158. (HIRA 12:9) (Mining erigitsering-Coets) .(Strip mining) (Nonferrous metals I 4. 0 P PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5298 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Ural'okiy filial, aorno-geolog;Lcheskiy,in-~- stitut. Podzemnaya razrabotka rudnykh mestorozhdeniy (ttnderj~round EAploita- tion of Ore De (Series: Itsw ,posits) Sverdlovsk [ig6o) 1651P. Trudy, vyp. 5 1,000 copies printed. Editorial Board: K. V. Koohnev Profeasoro D6~tor bf.Technieal Sciences; L. Ye. Zubrilovj Candidate of Teo~lhnicjal Scien66s; A. A. Ilivitskly, Candidate of Technieal Saienaes4 Ed. ,of FublOhihg House: M. S..Ebergardt, Tech. Ed.: N. F.'~Seredkina. PURPOSE: This publication is intebded for engineering and technical personnel in the mining industry. COVERAGE: This is a collection of 22 articles~,by different:jautliors on problems of underground exploitation of lhrgd massive~;ore de- posits in the Urals. The articles are based on,:studies carried out in the Laboratory for the Exploitation of Ore Deposits! of, the Gorno-geologicheskiy institut UFAN SSSR (Institute of Mining: Underground Exploitation (Cont.) I$OV/5298 Geology, Ural Branch AS USSR), between 1958-~19594' No pers~6naiities are mentioned. Most of the articles are ad Ia,ompaiiied by references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINING INDUSTRY IN THEURALS Zubrilov, L. Ye.0 A. A. Ilivitskiy, L. A. Utki6.. and B. M. Sh~llman. B-a-sl-c-`Tff~-0-51'n the Improvement of Underground ''Exploitation Tech~- nology of Large Ore Deposits in the Urals 5 Zubri3nv- L. YiEt. Outlining the Boundaries of Poor Complex Ore -ffe-posits' 13 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK PR#SSURE Ilivitskiy, A. A., and V. 1. Nikolin. Determining Temporary Com- pression Resistance in Irregularly,Shaped Samples 21 Underground Exploitation (cont.) SOV/5298 Nikolin, V. I. Construction of Floors in Ore~~IoclciCaving System's 71 111in, A. M., and R. A. Pyazok. Comparison of,:the System of, Forced Level Caving With the Combined System Under the Conditions of the Vysokogorskiy Mine 79 .Zubrilov, L. Ye., and A. I. Shurygin. Selective and Total E -a-cTrbn 'of copper and Sulphur Ores of the Dogtyarokoye Deposits 85 Zubrilov,_~~Y p and B. M. Shullmin. Analysim or Labor Input In VbYM-T6vel Caving at the Vyaokogorskiy Mine 91 Ovcharenko, V. N., and V. A. Shchelkanov. Improvement of Inw clined'Dike Exploitation at the Berezovskiy Mine 103 Shurygin, A. 1. Practice in Exploiting Thin Ore Sections of the Degtyarskoye Deposit ill ZUBRIIDV L Ye. kaMetekbu.nauk; SHILIN, A.H.j ZZLIHSKIYj IV.., gornyroinAener wAnnual output of mining &ad ore-dre:,aing "in'tinad Of the iro* or~ industr7" by L,A.Mizernltskii' Revi ed by~~.'E.ubrilov, Aj~ Shilin, V.V.Ze1inskii& GoraLra n'o.5.-13-17 W~ 63.. (mm i4r6) 1. Gorno-geologiabeskiy institut Urallskogo filials.,Akadanii. ~auk~ Sverdlovsk (for Zubrilov). 2. Urallskiy ~~hno-iaml6dovatellxkly i proyaktnyy institut madnoy proavshiennosti Sverdlovsk (for Shilin)o 3. Gosudarstvennyy nauebno-tektmicheskly komitet Soveta KWatrov USSR (for Zelinakly)a (iron mine& and minim (Ore diessing) ALFMMMKIY, I.G., go=yy,inzh.; ZUBRILOV. ~jg..,~,Ikandip~tekhn.nauk Reduce capital expenditures by 5 to 10 mllll~n rub400 in the construction of each mine& Gor. zbur. n640:15-18 0 161, (MM 15:2) 1. Urallskir filial AN SWR. NIKOLAYEV, S.I.; IL'INo A.H-; ZUBRILOV, L.Ye.; SHUL1.141N, B.H., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Possibilities for Increasing labor producti4ty D1 the "Magneti- W i tovaya" Mine. Gar. zhur. no.11!10-13 N 961. 15:2) 1. Direktor Vysokogorskogo rudoupravlenlya,(tor Nikolayev). 2. Glavnyy inzh. Vysokogorskogo rudoupravl6n1ya (for Win)., 3. Zaveduyusbchiy latoratoriyoy razrabotki rilanykh mestorozhdOnJy; Gorno-geologicheskogo instituta Ural'skogo.flliala M SSSR (for Zubrilov). (Sverdlovsk Province--Iron mines and mining) i . LUBRILQY,,-I.Ya.---... HWMDVj, U.N.) (ICOIIOVICIIV NOV. _,I PAMNOVp "O.V.,; DOS Discussion- of A.B.Patkovoldi's u4cle "Basla rondo in 12~. proving technical methods and eqx4pment for oz4.droWming and plannlng ore-dresoing plantsO Clot.zhur. no.14547 44 963. 1, Institut dou Ural'sko o filiAu AN $MR, (for gorn 2* Krivorom A ~Uta Zubriloyl Parfenm) ly fiuail~nsti' glornogo dola AN Ukr=` (fbr Bloahn kov). ' 3. ~ 66hal 114'k planovogo otdela Goroblajo4a7toW rudoupriv1!,Wa tfor 19 Glorbnovich). (Qre dressing) ZLjp~~~.j Rand. takhn.nauk; IlPtZC,K, R.A.~ Rand takht. nauk: SHULIMIN, B.Ma, Rand tekhn. nauk Determining the economically advantageous limit of drawing from. cavei block3 at the "Magnetltovaia" MI-n., or thm Vyadkogorskiy Mining Administration, Izvovys.ucheb.zal.l.;#,!orozhur,, 7 noo6j19-22 164, (M I RA i~' 1. Institut gornogo dela GoometAllurgkomitata MSR. 'Pitkomendovar,& ka-fedroy razrabotki rudnykh most-GrozWeniy. is ALEKSEYEVSK.TY, I.G.) kand,tekhnenauk; ZUBRIJAY,,"XaJ-0 kwid.tekhn.nauk Ways of reducing the extent of major mlning'ejlperatlona In opening and developing thick iron ore depwita. rzv.vysouch9b~za,7e;gor,*zbu~r 7 no.7t28-31 164. (MIRA Vilbi 1. Inatitut gornogo dela Gosmetallurgkamite~,a pri,Goaplane MR. VASILIYEV2 M.V.1 VIYUKIIII?Aj A.S.; DOROKINHOp YO.P.; ZnZITAV., K.V. kand. tekhno nauk; LATS# V*Moj PAIDWOVp M~.~' POPOV, V.7e.; TROITSKIY , D.P.; FADDEM, B.V. I TS)VV4AYEVAP 'Z.N.; kand. tekhn. naukp otv, rad'~; MAHAROVAy -g.U.,, red.; PALIMIN, M.Z.2 tekhn. red. (Evaluation and the prospects of the davel6piunt of the mineral resources for ferrous metallurgy in 4;helydbinsk area)~ Otsenka i perspektivy razvitila syrtevoi baz~j cher'noi metal- lurgii Cheliabinskogo raiona. Sverdlovsk, All SSSR, -1964. 67,p. (MIRA 17t4) KORNIMSKU, D.N.; RAFALI, Ya.G.; VASILIYEVY M*V'r prof,, doktor tekhm. nauk; ZUMILCVF L.Ye.., kand. tekhn, nauk Problems of education in minin g enginearing.iUfol' 40 no-1116-9 1659 MIM 18:11) 1. Kombinat Donbassantratisitsbakhtostroy (fo~ Koritipvskiy, Rafall). 2. Institut gornago delaj, go Sverdlovsk (Tor Vasillysirt Zubrilov). A AR n32312.. SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/000/010/$027/MO27 AUTHOR: Zubrilov S Krupenina, N. V. TITLE: Study of the,e Iffecp of.ultraeonic treatment of cement moptar',on the strength of concret L~V Ref. zh. 01URCM. Xhimiyd,,' Part', 11 13 REF SOURCE: Tr. Leningi.,.in-ta'.vodn.' transp.0 vyPI. 40 -19659 11:7-12~3 TOPIC TAGS: cement,.conerete, ultrasonics,, concrete otrength,, ~mort,ar,, cement strength, ultrasonic~'vibration. ABSTRACT: Conerete'made 'with cement, subjected'td ultrasonic t1r~eatment at a frequeney'of 20 ke, increases in strength by~41% i.n two days, by 93% in three days, and by 53% in seven days compared tp~the strength of control samples. After ultrasonic treatment, ordinary,cement acquir,es the property of quick hardening. The-greate5t inorease in 5tre Ingth,is observed after'a three-min'ultrasonic treatment a6d a Viater cement; ration of 0.5. The increase in strength is proportional to the,.Ancrease in intensity-of the-ultrasonic vibrations within the 41A to 8.9 kw range. A,W/C,ratio below 0.5 sharply;reduces, the cavitation zone and a treatment of ce'ment:below that ratio in undesirable~due 'to the-strong absorption'of ultrasound. The direction of the ultrasonic Card 1/2 BAKffTN, V.P.; 13TMOK, K.G.; BUGARV, L.A.; BUMN, Ai,4.-. VORWYNY, ItAre DliMDb7# V*V,: I)CROMOV, H.S#,- AMRILOV1611~ ft"., laUT I Tiff I LAO XAMOPOLOV, IIOGO; xwm~iff. 4--r4~#; bmLoTo MOB ,4i LOKAKO, A,So; MIKUYWYA 1414o; MIVllt0Vv,3*A~g OLIKH(g, N,R,;:OSIPOTA,,T#V,,-,,PAKHCMT, Ya.-mo,,, luKsIlf I.N.;: SAVARI, Te~A.; PODGUYNOV, 8.3f.; PUSTILlifix, ROZHKOV,'i SAKYNIN, A.P.; spivArov, TAO-N.4; sTaIGIlf, 1,:461', SwulisTsov, siect SICHW, P.S.; TROITSKIY, A,V.; USMOV, X.I.~ KHOUMOVS ~A.Te.; SMW,tWrN, N. T. Nikolal Xonstantinorleh Chaplygin. TSvet. inet. 28',uo.2r57-5& Mr-Ap '55. (KIRA 1-0-:.1-0-,) (CMplygiu, Nikolai Konstautinovl~h, 171U1955) KOVANOV, Vladimir VIasillyevich jFPror.jb`0wkTMUT gait lillisailchodotl"I BOGUSWVSK&ApT'.B.j,kand.mod,AM*I:GgrM,I).'t..,Xmid;zod.naukj NR6Wit,1F.Ds$'ao4s*[d*os*sed1; 'VAVILOV,Gtg~lkand.ted.nauk, (Practical manual on topographical anatotq]'Praktichaskoe rukovodstvo po topograficheskoi anatomii- dlia Andentov i vrachei. Moskvat Izd-vo ""Mellitsina," 1964, 388 . wjS*17:3) 1. Prepodavateli kafedry operativnoy khirur~,gii i.topografi- cheskoy anatomil. Pervogo Moskovskogo neditaitskop instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova (for Boguslavskaya) Gey tman, Zubrilova, Leonov)- 2. Daystvitellnyy Alen AMN SSM (for Xovanov). i --i ii" 141~ ij~ wshul 11 ANIKINA) T.I., dots.; BOGUSLAVSKAYA, T.B., ass.; BOMAS0,11I.M... dots.; GEYMMI, D.V., ass.; GRE3,IADEHOV, Y114 V1. lasso DOBROVA, N.B., ass.,; KLEPIKOV,~V.A., ass.; ass,; KULIK, V.P., mlad. nauchn, sotr.; NUftOLMAN,~ omop dot . [deceased); SYCIMIKOV, j.A.j dota.; THAVIN,'AA., so.! ispoln. obyazamioati prof,; RUMBI P yo KOVANOV,V.V., prof..,red,; PROKOF"n,71 V ZAGORELISKIY, la.l., tekhn. red. [Special methodology for practical work,in tooogr6oldc anatomy and operative surgery) Chastnaia met,6~ika ~raktiche- skikh zaniatii po topograficheakoi, anatomii i~,operdtivnoi khirurgii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Pod red. Kovanova. Moskva, 1963. 224 P. "(~ M"A 16112) 1. Moscow. Pervyy moditninskly institut. 2. OllektiV pre- podavateley kafedry oporatimio~ khirurgii i to6pogra.fiehezkoy anatomii 1-go Moakovskogo instituta imeni IX'~Seclle;zova (for all except Prokoflyev, Zagorellskly). 3. Zavsi~uyushchiy ka- fedroy operativnoy khirurgii i topografichesk~y ana:tomii 1-g0 Moskovskogo instituta im-eni 1.14.Sechenova I chlene-4orre'spon- dent A141 SSSR (for Kovanov), (IWATOW, SURGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL) (SURG101Y OPMTIVE) SO'V/ 137-~8-9-1903 Translatiop from, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallu rgiya, 1058', Nr 9, 1) 1 Z7 (USSR) AUTHORS: Vinograd, M.I., Zubrilova, V.A. TITLE- Prevention of C6`a_rFre%QzazUjaz_F_racture in Silchrome Steels (PridduprezMeniye poyavleniya~ krupnozerniis~ogo hdoma V sillkhromovykh stalyakh) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Metallovedeniye itermich. obrabotka. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1958, pp 31:-38 ABSTRACT: A study is made of the effect of degree of T~eductkon, temp'-: erature of recrystallization, and the tempe?atttre-ipterval dur. ing forging upon grain growth in Kh9SZ and K1110S2 J steels. The experiments were run with ground rods. Rod!~1'10 rnm in diameter of Kh9SZ steel were si,zed with redu 90bo) and ismall reduc- Card 112 tions should be applied in drawing, namely, up to 956 for Kh9SZ $PV/ 1.37-58-9-19033 Prevention of Coarse Granular Fracture in Silchrome St eels steel and < 12% for KhlOS2M steel. Reductions excee6tig 20% result in fine granular si-ructure but produce a consider'able amount oe rejeits due to cracks. Performance of a special sizing operation with~~changed tolerances made it possible to draw grades Kh9SZ and KhIOSZM ste,,!Is at'less critical reductions. F. U. I.. Steel--Fracture 2. Grains (Metallurgy)--Control 3,1~~ lieat!treatment-'-Appilications 4. Rolling mills--Performance Card 2/2 LASMRV, Vae. ciao It's Ated MIMOVOLI IMI LITOVOMKO, Properties o zhurs 4 no*3*- Lliyevskly -.-i;Mersitat Im. I.Go Shavehankoo 711 -li --I' T; I, i Zu'~rls, E. 11,131 Opredoliielt Bolezn,,-y I 71reditel~~-y,Sr-,10.91'0~hozyayiitttAnit,kii Rastonly, Vill riyus, Gospa itnaucl-l"d.A, 1954. 112 S T11. 2? Sm. 3-000 Ekz. I R. ~ok.-Dibliogn-: S. 96 I;a Lit'ov Yai.- (55-324r-) 632.2/7(olp,)4-(ol6.3) SO. Ynizhnava Letopis', Vol- 7,1955 VASILsYXV,-P.I., doteent, kandidat takhnicbe8kikn nauk,-~ ZIMRITSU" ~ N' IAM~f _1 SIGAL,, L.A.s PrInimall uchastiyes AMTSWAYA-pl-01; KNYS1MVAp G.I.- SOKOLISKAYA, I.N.; TISIENKO) O.A.; GREKOVA," V.I.'j IMYWHKOVA; 'L.A. Analyzing the method of Isolating permeabl6ihoriions in a cross wation of wells drilled in the central and s4heri par~n of the Wit Siberian Plain and determining the nature of their ~sdtturation. T= SNIIGGIMS no.180-45 t6l. 16:7) (West Siberian Plain-Oil well logging) BLAZHEVSKIT, Te.V., dvashdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo TruA&; VDvCwmQj LV., kand. sellkhoz# nnuk#ix"4,agronom,Ukr.8"5Rj YOROBIjb* N.Ye. t at. nauchn. gotr.; GMH8jJ;, E.E. j dpAtor blol. haU4. prof.j ZUBRlTSXY,,6~-A,,, agronom;. KISELIGOF, Z.81. 0 Insh.., zas.L. mexmwnrzwuor sellskogo kbos. Ukr.3SHj KLTUCHKO, P.F., P kand. aeltkhos. nauk; KORCHAGIN,,.A.Ye.; LEIIXDEV,, Te.H., stl-~ nauchn. sotr.; NASTPATKO, Y,,%,-kind. sellkho2.hauk; PULE, G.P.p kand. sellkhoz.na4; W&KACH# V.N., doktor isellkhos. nauk, prof.; SPIVAK, I.I.,. sootakhnik; TEWHENKO,, L.V., kwid. sellkhoz. nauk; FEDULATEV, A.A.0 agronom;'UKOVENXO, V.A.,, kand. tekhn.nauki KITAYEY / I.A., kand. seilkhoil, nauk, red.; MTJSITKO, A.S., akademik, red.; VINNITSKIY, P.P., red.; MOLCHANOYA, T.N., tekhn. red. [For hidh corn yielda) Za bollshuiu kukurtkg~. [Efl,E.V, Blazhevskii i dr. Odesea, Odesik6e knizhno's izd-4o, 1962. 173 p. . - ..;: I .(MIRA 160) 1. Zvenlye%,67 kolkhoss im. Gorlkogo Kotovskogo rayona na Odeashchine (for 81ashevokiy). 2. Glavnyy a~gronom sovkhoza "Besearabokiy" (for Korchagin). 3. Ukrathakaya sk.adeptiya sellskokhozyaystyennykh nauk (for ftsiyko). (Ukralne--Corn (Maize)) ZIIDANGVSKIY, N.S., doktor toklin., nauk, prof.; FAXIORID, kand, telhn. nauk; ZUBRITSKly, Bflo, itizh. Effect or the intensity of the proCalls OV ,.ombuotlon on the~,,dua~ing r 11 S it i rate of piston rings. Trakt. i sellkhomasib. m90-5 64. 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy konttruktorskiy~Anstitut toplivnoy apparatury avtotraktornykh i sta Itsionanifth dvigateley'i Leningradskiy sellskokhoavaystvennyy inatitut. USSR/Slectricity Circuit Breakers Feb,53 Trattion "Operating Experience with New Past-Acting Circuit- Breakers at Traction Substations," Engr B. S. Zi~-,, Sverdlovs.k Elek-vo, No 2, PP 68-70 Cites..results of more than a year's exptl operation of nev type VAB-20 fast-acting circuit-breakers; de- 4signed by A. I. Golubevat traction substations*~', that comparison with equipments BAOD, BDA,, and VAB-2 revealed superiority ofWB-20. 248T26 ~Recommends__ it* use. at -mini cipal traction substa~ ti -and --ectifier installations, and applicatioi*.. ,of its design principles of powertu rolling -mill motors. Submitted 26 Sea 52. ------------ ---------- ---- "A Ii 6 _61RW4 A Zxibri lkdi %meov, 010.1 T104 AUTHOR; Ito, 0 TITLE- Stability of VHF oignall'ovel in rnedlum.1anir. ma Co r h ,,[Recommended for publicaflowr by: the Zq4.All-Union "on, t a pi I VHF. In Mountain Terrains 4-91ulj 64# Vlan-Ude f S URCE; Elektrosviyas 14,26" ts u TOPIC -TAGS-. VHP communication, VHF ~iav'e prspagation 14 AIL TR,ACT: VHF tzianislud T tits *are sneasured chalracteris of a q~ figure)' Twd'sets qwut~were: used: 10-w AM _100,v-vic.:tranmtnittQ'r'.. 01 th 0 7 dib and a,receiieer`ww~i a An, seniltiv,ity of'-O 6 ("v; G74W7 (z) 80-kv puloe&20 an Sidi With 40 CD J: 807,dband H: A, -ACC NR*. AV6Tl4l4� sensitivity of 5 (4 v, G'w 7 db. These restilts aria ~repOrtO-M~ (1) The signal level is fairly stable wherever the diffraction Mechanism of the field propagation piedomina .if the -,"il: (9fiort'route, Bingle-peak mountain); the signal suffers con'sidei"le fading' diffraction field component is comparable to the tropospholic C mporient, (=ulti~eak_7, 7. mountains); (2) The owing and frequency of fluctuation inc'raaci~rs with the signal frequency;. (3) No pronounced interdependenc,e between the aveiage'hourly 4ig~ level and the near-ground refraction index was observed$. while~their diurnal averages' show *clear correlation;. (4) slow level fluctuations are explainable' by their! refraction nature. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 8 formulas# and 4 tables* 09 SUIR M DATZ-. "283an65 -/'0 SUB 'CODE: 17, RIG RE 00 T','OTH =F; 00 3 3 ol q 'PI Card Z 2 vmb xx -- ------- -- - ........ . .. A .4 to to l& to AA 06 of 1111411-14rous MU4 ho su~w. VA * ' 1 *00 0 "ktvm Promat, 10. Nov. 31 zubritskil Sdak zattsks 1 willot . K) (SOMI). --A w h 00 a plutj in opoblorij the wild bw dt at 21mwa, Almi Own tran-Amd too 9I"VkI baft1Iw ilt jiso" iotil Ivy rwI*ftit 0 so I IVA)' 14) C&O and COt. Tlw lime obtalont 14 4 a Mir Olniclum. 1h$$ vot-WilO th"ll. 06 fwIrO the little loalls dolAl the 1`111N JoW 04 1341VIVIS A0141 IM10II&WO111 Ca 1WA4010110911 err fivefs re 0 so go go* so 00 :,00 it It it: lom, '4 lor if or 01 if (00 f , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g; * , 00 S:s, I 0 so. 0 0 0 so so 0 o so* 0 0 It ZUBRITSKIY, K.V. Experimental basis for the permissible concentratIon of ethylbenzene in bodies of water. San.okhr.vod.of, zagr,prom, stoch.vod no.5s62-71 162. (MIRS l7s6) 1. Kafedra gigiyany Voronezhakogo meditsinskoig'o Instituta. j1P. S/112/59/000/012/076/097 A052/AOOI Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Blektrotekhnika,.'1959, No. 12, p. 2150 25395 AUMOR. Zubritskiy,~A TITIE- Application of p-n Transitions with an lrnord4sed qharmal ExcitatiOn of.Change Carriers to Temperature Compensation PERIODICAL- Uch. zap. Khar kovsk. un-t., 1957, 94, Tr. Radlofiz. fak., 2,: P. 119-130 TEXT: It is proposed to use semiconductor diodes;(ionnected in a flxled bias circuit for the temperature compensation of transistor d-c amplifler.01rcuits. By selecting the temperature coefficient of fhe diode, the cons;tant collector a ;ur- rent within a broad temperature range (up to 60-7000,can,~be ac *Meved. Methodi of engineering calculation of compensation circuits-are g:Lven Which are In.a gdod agreement with the experiment. 'K.S. Translator's note: This is the full tran3lation of the atriginal Rusoian aj)stract. Card 1/1 SOV/142-58-.4-9/30 AUTHOR: Zubritskiy, L.A. TITLE: Effect of the Injection of Minority Ca rriers on~the Input Impedance of a Crystal Chan'n'el Transistori' (Vliyaniye inzhektaii neoenovnykh 11 noslti;ley na . vkhad- noye soprotivleniye kristallicheakogo kanailno& trioda) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - hadiotekhnika, 1958,, Nr 4, pp 445-450 (USISR) ABSTRACT: The effect of thermally generated and:injected, m~inority carriers on the input resistance:;of tfie. transistorwis examined as well as methods for il,educing this e,ffeet. The paper also describes the dependence of conftetivity ~ and input current on temperatures! input voltage and flow injection factor. There are 3 m~i~ority carrier currents in a real "channel triode". 'The current of majority carriers that is directed from the source' ; through the channel to the anode;,the current of therm- ally generated minority carriers~and the electrons Card 1/3 current which-is conducted through the anodes..' The BOV/142-58-479/30 Effect of the Injection of Minority Carriers on the Input Impedance of a Crystal Channel Transistor input conductiv ity'of a "channel, formed by ;2 components: the first is obtain,ed from thermally~ generated ,carriers, the second asia, result of electron feed to the anodes. Depending on;thelconnection between these components, the conductian can be.'posi- ~periment~- shoied that in all tive or negative. The ex "channel triodes" with an anode ~ontao'ttelectrbn conduction took place and the input conauction negative. The negative reslstan~e or~th(,- triodes Oan be u3ad for generating both sinusoidal and non-s~im'is- oidal oscillations. The data ihdicatothat theirole of minority carriers in 11channelAriodes!' is especially great and determines,to a considerable Idegree qualities such as input impedance and thermal stability.- Two basic types of "channel triodes",~can be determined: 1) Generator, with a strong in ection of minority carriers from the anode and N amplifier, where all efforts have been made to reduce'the concentration of Card 2: minority carriers. There are 1 diagram, 4 graphs and SOV/142-58-4-9/30 Effect on the InJection of Minority Carrierston the Input Impedance of a Crystal Channel Transistor, 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fiziki averkhvyaokikh chasto't Khar,kovskogo ordena Trudovogo:l~rasnogo ZnamenIi osudarstvennogo universiteta itneni A,m. aorlkogo' Chair of Super High Frequency Physics, Khar,kov Urder of the Red Labor Bmwor State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy.), SUBMITTED: February 8, 1958 Card 3/3 27M S/048/61/025/010/00i/003 13104/9112 AUTHORSt Zubritskiyt L. A.f Popov, A. Lt Sorokint F, Tog and Sam TITLEs Semiconductor spectrometera of ohargedLpaxtioles PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk 33SR, Izvestiyao Serijvs'~! fizioheskayap v. 25, no. 109 1961p 1286 1290 TEXTs The authors constructed a series'of germaniua~szd 6ilio'on. spi6tro. meters. They investigated the properties of these spectrometers by:aeanq 210 of a-particle radiation from a Po source. The Yq1tagaipuls6s obtAined from the detector were amplified by a linear amplifie'r and analyzed by means of a 100-channel pulse analyzer of AM-100 (AI-100) type. In germanium spectrometerep n-type germaniua with a resistivity of 40-45 oh'moom is used* A surfaoe-barrier y-n juncti am was~pToduoed by sputtering gold on the ermanium surface. The gqrm~iuu platewo.50-1 MM) were etched in an CP-4 fSR-4) solution to obtain a regular reflecting surface. The crystal was mounted In a crystal-holder4 A;exall amount Card 1/4 2789i" 5/048/61/02~/010/001/003 Semiconductor spectrometers, B104/Bl'i2 of indium soldered to the upper surface of the crystal pro4uced a p"n junction. The construction is shown in ligol. the sp.44tromet*r was, investigated at nitrogen temperature* The volt-amptricha-Taoteristia of the gold-germanium spectrometer described here ib~bstt4r than that of the spectrometer described by X* L, Nalbort and J, L" Blankenship Instre And Method.t It 106 (1960)). If the voltage *a th* junction is between 10 and 30 v the resolving power of the speatkometOr is 4~0-514- In silicon opectrometerep n-type silicon with a refilitiviky of ~00 ohm#02 is used. By sputtering boron on silicon plates (44-1 &st 1200 of diffusion depth of boron