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Solubility of nitric oxide in aqueous solutid'A's of!aome saltab,lim'
vys.ucheb.zav.;kht.ih.i khim.tekh. 6 no.4z608-616 163~ (MIRAIM2)
1. Leningradakiy tekhnologichemkiy institut iin. Lennoveta. Kaf6dra
tekhnologii neorganichoskikh veshchestv.
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is Ovm *I &
nuo"ni. P"tob strip by tommott"W40to
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tho rmidtw 4WO-ak- strip
Wnloc bmt for a CIVIA V- rino ot knowtt lie
tworit to VIA III Igoossiton
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Shot KAM04 dtweWWW boba &t-i'111IOMI fttm sea
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Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 159 (USSR)
AUTHORS: ~~ubov, V. Ya. , Grachev, S. V.
TITLE: Relaxation Processes in a Steel Spring Strip (Relaksatslya i
stallnoy prurhinnoy lenty)
PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. proyektir. , izgotovleniya sluvhby pruzhin.'
Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1956, pp Z16-Z29
ABSTRACT: The effect of heat treatment an relaxation processes at tompkra-
'I d on!a spring si~ip ~,ith
tures ranging from 100 to 6000C was stuAie
a cross section of 0. 32x6. 75 mm made of silicon steel Elie~z.
Portions of the strip bent into a circular sj~iape were inserted in to
steel rings of various diameters (the stresses in the strip,4 Iid i7
not exceed the elastic limit). After soaking at j certain tempeia-
ture followed by a period of cooling, the strips were removed.
The magnitude of "relieved" stresses was ~deterr*nined from. the:
curvature of the strip. The intensity of stress reduction increised
with increasing temperatures and increased with increasing mag-
nitude of the initial stress. At a temperature of 5500C, the
Card 112 stresses were relieved completely by the rnechanism of rel'axat !ion.
SOV/124-5~-101~ 11895
Relaxation Processes in a Steel Spring Strip
Minimal relaxation stability was exhibited by q'uench-h 'rdened steel. The
greatest relaxation stability at temperatures ranging fibm 150 to 3500 w1as
observed in quenched steel which had been tempered at 4500.: Alloying~ of
spring silicon steel with Mo and W tends to increase the relaxation stabi.lity i
both at room temperature and at elevated temperatures~
M. Ya. Shashin
Card Z/Z
ZUBOV, Vitaliy Yakovlevich awarded sci degree of Doc Tech Sbifor
the 29 Jun 57 defense of dissertation; "Struottiral bases of the n1a s-
ticity and elasticity of steal spring bands" at,the Council, UralToly-
tech Inst imeni Kirov; Prot No 14. 31 May 5B.
AUTHOR: b SOV/1 63 -58 W12 -0'/4 6
TITLE: The -Kinetics of 'thi Re~ilax'htibw~ of* t6,Ten'sion in Hardened Steel
(Kinetika rsl~ksatsiii.napr~azheniy V'' iakad*nfi0y'stali)'.'
PERIODICAL: Nauohnyye doklady vyssh,ey shkolye 116tal-lurgiya, 195P, Nr 2,
A248 (USSR
ppio 245
Investigations of the r6lixation at~ltemp6rmturos cf!~150, 200
and-25000 were carried outi the r4ap''its obtain:eVmbpw,tha+- -the
character of -the relaxation' curves Aepenit'brx the Mstastableq
oversaturatod -solid solution -of carbon in~`U-iron.~,Thle -dourse
taken by oitr~ewi in bArdeti)d steol dftonfitriies
their dimilailiy to the curve's of :t~o chit~gei of, t6~ dObon. eon-
tent in martensite dooording;t o to moerature*~, the
relaxation;in bardened steel at! iricriaas4a:temperit~re i'd analo-
gous;' to the decompositidn of the r4a~tenzilte'at tfjis'~s"O. tember-
atures during-heirdening, The tranqt~kmat~ons' I 4tormine
In niarten~aft, 0, the ki~etimq Of th.~ 1~61ax~tion during t~&,~ hoating,
of the haide nl~d,'steelm The, diff ereloom b0,twe*en- the iiii,n8408 of
the relamati on of the hardened at Of I steel ~rter' an.,
nealing is conneot4d with ~he diffe rent course take .n2b~ the,dif-
r-The-.Kinatics7--of"the Relaxation of the Tension,,An ~arden'ba Steel
fusion processes. The slow decompoBibion of marteneiie leads",
to &,hampering of the relaxation* Thpre are-3 figuiept 3 tabless
and-5 references, 5 of whieh.are So-Ast,
ASSOCIATIONt Umall,skiy' politekhnicheskly instituttl~ (Ural Po3,yteohnloal
Ins titut 6)
SUBMITTED: 0-2tober 49 195T
Card 2/2
A. -L
SbV/1 63-58-4'~-461~6
AUTHORS., Zubov, V. Ya.p,Graohev, S. V.; GrigorOyev~ A. 7*
TITLE: The-Influence.of the Normal and the IsothR'rmal Treatment on the
Relaxation Stability of Spring Steql~ (niViamiye obyalbnoi i
izotermlohoskoy obrabotki na relakia:tsionhuyu stoyk6stipruxhinnoy
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyyo dokl ady vysshey shk-olyi M~taiiuxgiyaj 19$8 j X~ 2t
ppo 249-255 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The relaxation stability of metals: end ailoys is to!4 Skleat
extent determined by their. Istiuoturtic In4he present paper
comparative investigations'of-the rolaxa-~ Iion stabi-lity of
spring steel of the types '41142 apil, 11,9A;under norm4l and iso-
thermal treatment are described. Tho effdol of thei,iesidual
austenite on the relaxation proces~~: was disouseede'The ;relaxation
stability of spring steel treated the notmal and th~ is6thermal
way depends on the conditions of relaxation, At low'irelaixation
temperatures of the steel with martensit4 mtructurelthe're-
laxation stability is greater than in tho base of a:stelal having
a structure as in the oomplete dooomposili-Dn of au,steni~e. The
Card 1/3 change of the relaxation stability 6f thi'isothermaXly treated
soir/i 63-58 -2-46/46
The Imfluence of the Normal and the Isothermal Trealment pn the Relsixation
Stability of Spring Steel
steel does not take a monotonous ootit''Pe aflow temperatures.
When the temperature of treatment is increased the ielaxdtion
stability first increases but then deoreasee again. S;teel iso-
thermally treated at high temperature6 haelthe greatest re-
laxation stability at an inorease in temperature. The~r'esidual
austenite decreases the relaxation stability of the steel at
low as well as at high relaxation temperatures, since;at:low
temperatures a low reeistanoe to ylaa'~:io deformation' axis'to,
and at high temperatures a decomp9sition of -the aus,t0nite
takes place during the relaxatlon'proooss.*~Yrom this ihay be
concluded that In the isothermal dabomposition the Presence
of the residual austenits leads to a dansiderable deores,0 of
the relaxation. stability of the steels There are 4 figureis,
4 tables, and 9 references, 8 of which ~re,$wfieto
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut ~,Ural Pa-lytechnidal
Card 2/3
RS: and Grachov, S. V, 120-558-5-6/17
TITL:~-. Resiotance to Rokution of Spring Strip at Room Temperature
(Soprotivloniya relaksatsii pruzhillnoy 1,--.,z-Lty prk
komnatnoy temperature)
PERIODICAL: 1.1etallovedeniye i Obrabotka Me-1t;,11lov, 111r)56, Nr
pp 20-23 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A considerable number of instrii-monts wid iiiechanisda
actuated by means of aprin6s uzualAy ope3~ate at
temperatures approachino room temperatare. The correctness
of their readinc's and their reliability in operation
depends mainly on the quality of t%-o -prinn-s ~Fmd one
importa.nt property of the sprin6z ib ihe'ir'z:'r-- laxat i oil
stability. A nwnber of papers have'been published on the
relaxation stability of sprirk,- steels at ~leva,,ed'
temperatures (Refs.1-4). In this paper the authors
investigate the relaxalki-ion propertie of sprinG Strip of
various ades of s.teel at roo--n tet-,Lporat-lvr~n under
conditions of hijri bendinr, stresses for vhich a ma~-hod. was
used which was developed for investiLra'lig-,~ the ~2ellizcal4on
stability of thin steel strip descritcd iz, ar, pdper
of one of the authors (Re.f.5). The strip; specimens ar-
Card 1/3"charged" into rinGs, them diameter of -v;hioh is so ohoz~n
Resistance to Relaxation of Spring Strip at RooffiTemperature
that the stresses do not exceed thsu:bendizif, strerL~,lth of
the material. There %!,,ill be a f,radual D'1-1w:ation,of the
stresses of the strip in the rings. , On removing; the
strip and determininL., the residual 40foriuation as tile
direct elastic after effect it is p9a,Able to evalwate
the relaxation by means of the followin6 f o rau' la i
E P e0)
2- Po
where h the thicIme ss of the strip;
e0 the initial curvature radius of the Strip;
PP curvature radius of the btrip.after relaxation.
The investigations -were carried out~'Isi"G 0.32 x 6.75 ;m
specimens of the steels EI142, UIOA and an e.-i:periiaental
spring steel EI722 of the following,, composition:
0 7196 Ct 2.49% S 0.51% Mn, 0.620% Or 0; C% W: O.N 1110~
0:01FJlo P and 0,0~0' S. The conditiont., o" heat trOZLt~:Iellt
are given. On the basis of the obt
V-dined locult- it iz
concluded that at roo-a temperature 41.~'hc ralaxation stability
Card 2/3 of the experimental steel, which ha,~j a hi~-"her Si- content
Reoistance to Relazatioit of Spring Strip at Room T e m p em t Ur"e
and is additionally alloys%-' vjjt1,,. tur,'iGste.ii and mol:~~bdijinuia,
is considerably hiGher than for the:steo,ls EI142~qmd UlOA,
the latter havinG the lowest relaxation stabilityr4'
Hardened, non-tempered, steel of the throo investi,-arted
Grades shovied a reduced relaxation' i-ptabil1ty at roorl ~
to-,!Iperature. This is attributucd to t1te partial PI-oce 18--
of decompocition of martensite as a Of thcj Ion[,;
duration effect of the stresses.
There are 2 fi.-Ures ond G Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Ural' ski- polite Jkhniche s!.-iy ln.,~titut 1-.ri. 13.11.Nirova
(Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni G. M. Kira
AVAIL&BI-2- Library of Congress.
1. Springs-Stability-Test results
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: z ov, and Grachav, S. V.
TITIE; Relaxation Stability of Spring Steel ab, a Function Iof
the Degree of Stability of the Structure (Relaksatsionnaya
stoykost' pruzhinncy stali v zavi~imosti ot stepenI
stabillnosti struktury)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniyle, 1~)58, Vol
Nr 6, pp 1088 101Y+ (USSR)
ABSTRACT: It was established that the relaxat.ion!s 'tability,of.
hardened and softened steel changep non-monotorip'ally and
that there is a aertain intei-ral of wexpering tehiperatures
for which the Telaxation stability~ of 1~he steel is at a
maximum. The intensity of relaxation processes and'!the
degree of developmert of au~.-hl prccesses are inflUenced
strongly by tranefcrmations in them in7.res-tigated. mat0rial.
These transformations may be due ttN deciompositio,n of the
solid solutions sqwvation of one o.~ and,ther phase
component from the sulid solution,, coagulation,, recriystal-
lisation, etc. Tbis aspect cf the~,process of relaxation
has not been adequately stladledo Qertain data can be found
from work relating to creep, the mec-hanism of whichlis
Cardl/4 very similar to that of relaxatior.,but ',even there the
Relaxation Stability of Sp,r:,ng Steel as a Fmaation of the Degree of
Stability of the Structixe
available information is inadequate. 'The authors studied
the influen--~e of the degree of sti,~billty of the strlucttLre
of spring stee" atzip on it-s relUation stability under
various temperature conditions. Thej 3nvestigc~ted the
influence of the tomperature audlthe tompering time .on 'he
relaxation stabilitj of spring atee.3. 'For the iave~ati-v
gation;3, a standard silicon steel ~ EII42. was u .a ad bLnd
also an experi-r-ental 2.5% Si ateell: of the' follow Iin&
compos-I.tio7i: C 0.~11.%, Si 2.4%; Itn 0-51%, Cr 0,6216,
NJ. MO C.LIC~6, W 0"6%. S 0.02-"V~ P 0.013%. Btr-; s
L ~p
of both steels were fi.-st hardena& Par obtainl~ag :
dIfferir.g dt,,Srees of struCtLIrZI S~t~abllllty, the hardoined
strip was tqmpq:-ed ,.T, variouiq t&=17 I0:Mtiires and hOrating
durations. The influen,:* of ea--,h yf tlieee factors 6n
the relaxation stability was inves,tigated separatel'
The specimens of bn
.th pteels were tempered at 150, 250.
350, 450, 550 and 650 "C for durations of 10 miWl The
elasti--ity limit of the tempered-strip specimensi,wat
tested according to a method deso-el-bed *in' earlier w6rk of
Card2/4 One Of the authors (Ref 9). The t6st results are entered
Relaxation Stability of Spring Steel as a Funation. of the Degzii6e of
Stability of the Structure
relaxation tests
in Table 1, p 1089. The results of thel~
are described and entered in graphs, Figures 2-9." It was
found that an increase in the stabi,lityof the structure
does not necessarily lead to a monotonic increase i~ the
relaxation stability. bepending o6.the conditions of
relaxation and the structural state,of the steel ,ian,
increase in the stability of the structure may bring about
a drop in the resistance of the material against~
relaxation. The role ot the slip rae chanism ox relaxa-
tion will be the greater the higher~~,the #ructural stability
of the steel and the higher the initial~stresses.~~ The
validity of a general relation can~be discerned as regards
the characteristic of the relaxation curves of two,
differing grades of spring steel. The relaxation~stability
of the experimental steel (denoted by BI/22 in thd pap~er)
is higher than the relax4ition stability of Ithe steel r,.Il42
for all the investigated preliminarl tempering temperaitures ad
relaxation temperaturds.
.Relaxation Stability of Spring Steel as a Funi~tion of the Diagr~,e of
Stability of the Structure
There are 9 figures, 2 tables and~~ references, 41l ~~of
which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni 6ALi-Ircva
(Urals Fol-technical Institute ~21meni S. M. KiibvY
SUBMITTED- July 6, 1956
Card 4/4
Stress relaxation during martonsite transformat ions of residual
austenitee Izvovysextobebazave; chernameti~,~ no 5t115-120
160. 13: 6)
1, Urallskiy polltekhnicheskiy instituto
(Steel-i-Metallographjr) (Strains and ntretisett)
AUTHOR: Zubov, V. Ya.
TITLE.- Structure and properties of spring steel
PZL"-,T=AL.- Reforativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 51 1962, 57, abst~act:51335
Mr. Konferentsii po metizn. prozv-vu, 1959",' Chelyabinsk, 1961,
90 - 102)
TEXT: The author investigated the effect of basic fantors on the'. duc'tilitj
of strip in cold rolling, elasticity and relaxation resistance depending on the
composition and structure of Y 8 A (UBA), Y 10 A (U 10A) and a H 142 (Et 142) 'grade
steel. Laminar Fe-carbides can be plastic-deformed Incold deformatiowof steel;
subsequently their crushing takes place, depending on the plate dimensi~ns,:at
more or less deformation. Vlartensite of quenched steel.haa low'C'b and; e. vilues.
Residual austenite reduces O'e of both quenched and tem .pared steel. During tem-
paring C', is mainly determined by processes occurring In tempering of m~rtensitei,
Relaxation resistance of spring materials depends on the composition of steel,
relaxation conditions, and heat treatment. Highest seasitivity to strosis rela-
Card 1/2
7 7
3/1 3`7/62VtW/005/092/150
Structure and properties of spring steel AOO/A1O1
xAtion in ahown by quenched ateel and a-teal tmpered ~~t loW temperatur~es. 'A tem-
pering temperature rise to 4500C increases relaxation resistance of spring ma-
terial. Alloying of Si-steel with W and Mo raises considerably its relaxation
T* Jhwyantseva
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation)
Card Z/2
- ------ ---
i3J/61/oo 6/614/017
AUTHOR33 Zubov,'V Ya Doctor of TOchnical Soienlcp4, 36k6lov, N. V eLindidAte
'FScitnces, Kraall Alkov, L.' 0-0,nphsv, S. V~' Eig inetts
TIME - Deformation of metastable.4ustenite and 4, tr en~ I iof steellstrip
FEMODICAL. Stall,,kno. 6, 1961, 549-551
As a result of extensive research new we)Irs weire ~found to~ jncr~ase
the strength of steel. Based on P. P, :Anosovis studi ~s' V.';, 1). Sadovskly (Ref.2;
L, V. Smirnov, Ye. N. Sokolkov and V, iD. 8adovatkiy: Proo ~acllngs of ILhe 11 kati-
tute of the Physics.of Metals'UFAN, 1956, no. 18, B-~6) p6tIorward ~tie siqges-
tion that the excellent mechanical propertes of,Dam"~.vs b7,ades were &ie to a
combination of forging and hardenIng. :With this thdoi,.-T in ~Alnd !L-ad th~ knbwledge
that the strength of alloyed steels could be raised bl,r plaotle defo--mafioni
austenite in supercooled condition, a so-called "tho."Ino-me0lonloskl" troatment was
established for 65r (65G) and !a4 142 (1C1142) ~type 2-nifiii -fhtok'zpr1x_g witi-ev". In
the. tests the wire was deformed (flatt4ned) afttr heating unlll &usteh.lte' forma-
tion and after cooling in tin bath from 38rj-400'jC (Piis~ 2) 4 The ztrW (0.7 X
2.63 mm) processed by the new method in tho laboratcriy was ~aiu,,ealed &t~ v6rtoua
Card 1/3
27929 8/13a/6x/ooo/W6/~:4/~17
Deformation of metastable austenito ... '0501,19
1~emperatures. Next the strength limit, the quantity of'residixal austenito ard
the microstructure of the strips under hardtned cond!tiM wert h%xamined. It ita-A
found that by temperlrg at a temperat-ure of up to 3500~' with 4 halding titre o,,f
5 minutes the strength limit of E1142 steel. increased to 300 ~-g/=2. Max.1=M
'~g 4-
strength for 6550 steel (280 kg/mm2) was obtain4ed at a 16wer ann 1, Ltur-
(3000~, holding time-, 5 minutes) . The 't'ransformatLon 0v aust;mnite in 650 zte-'el
during annealing taXes place more quickly than in E114P T:Bteoftl At 3' 00 OG Iand
a holding time of 5 minutes the amount or res.1dual. a%is'tqnt"1;e :i9 no m,ira tb,,L% :1,3,
in 65G steel, while at, 3600C and a holding time of 1. mltiute ni? the Ont!rs
quantity of austenite will be transformed., The microstrickunq. of the t+lt steels
after flattening (with supercooled austenite and ijpon c6oling at room t+mpera-
ture) displays elorgated, dark grains with .,urved slldir~llg surfaces L-,
arraLngement, These are evidently the products of the sstricnd tilva-Se of a~Aatctnlte
trans forma ti on, which develops under the effect of plas4lc deformatnicn. m th4
disin,.egratlon of supercooled austenite. The tests werit cazil.'qid out w.1UL th4
cooperation. of Engineer Y*j, F. Surkov and Technicl-%ri A. .~(;. Lyaenko. 'Mero 9:v-~
5 f1gures and 7 referenQesi 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 no-.-Soiriet-blvc.
AS3Cr,:AIY,'ON,, Beloretskly st-a!-~provoluchr.yy zavcd (Belo~'sl ,-Isle. Steill-Wire, fle~nt)
Urallakly polltcekhnicheskly tnsfltlit Nra',L fd-yttishrlc~al
Card 2/3
"' v v
AUTHORSg Zubo V Y Doctor of Technical Scienced,
9_a,_h_1e_v,~S._;., Surkov, Yu.P.,, Ens4neers
TITLEi Influence of thsrmomechanical troatment on the
strength of steel wire.
PERIODICALS Metallovadeniyb i termicheakeya obrabotka njetallov,
n0.19 1962, 20-22
TEXT., The authors studied the possibility of using thermo..
mer.hanical treatment in the drawing of carbon- and low-.alloy steel
wire (L,A,Kraa1l:nikov and A.G.Lybenko participated In th,va,
experiments). The chemical compositions N) of:the steeliff
investigated are givan as f'ollowag
C Mn S-i Cr Ni Cu P S',
,v 7A (U7A) 0.71 0.27 0.21 0108 01110,~ 0.11 01020 0 027
4~loA (uloA) i.oi o.2o oj8 o.12 ol;2 0.20 0.01.9 0:066
65r (65G) o.66 o.98 0.23 0.09 0.20. 0.10 0.01-) ~0.023
1:L&1 142 (EI142) o.66 0.50 1.67 0.33 0.10i 0.009
The Initial wire diameters were 1.95 and' 2 Miji. The wire wa, s
heated for the drawing operation to 920 to ".4401C by pas-Ring an
Card 1/3
influence of thermomechanical
electri,:; current through it and o0oled in a 10nd bit t hte 320 MCC.
The speed of' movement of the wire vae 10 m/nalL the -wire was
deCormed' In a single pans (short ijicubation piit, Iio6l) ''by
5 to 321%, using a soap--graphite lubricant. 1116 Onal
cooling after drawing was in air. i After ti sj)rmomechaxil~cai
treatment specimens of the -wire we're tempered"~uxtdell laborato'Xy
condition,s at 100 to !~ f
500"C with a holding time 'o 1_0 min, Tho
atrength of the wire drawn whilst the aus teni6a Wati. in the
super-,cooled sta-te was very high. it, was hli6,est or the ateel
E1142, I.e. 3o6 kg/mm2 (32% redu~.tion and temp~6,ring Mt' 3 50 C fot'
3 min). Further experiment3 vero carried! out~.Ilvxcl,:Uipi .Vf0Y this
material. The hardneBs after thermomechaniuol. kre;Aiment w4o+
higher by about 4 HRC units than for the sams mat44r'iL4,1 quenched An
the ordinary way. In addition, hardness of thermolnochanically-~
treated matexial decreased more sLqwly with ln:~veasing tE-mpering
t6wperature than that of the same material aft"'ir st!fP-Wi;5e
aluenchIng. Thise differences wtire attributed 1to qwaller grain-
size of martensite and presence of strain --hardibled
austenito in the rmornachanically treelt'%d t"RA". Evi,n af ter
Ca.r d 21.3
Influence of thermomechanical ...
elecluri,,:; -.urrent through it and cooled In a leadl.bath to W-~iM"'C-
The speed of movement of the wire was 10 m/min, ~. The wlre'~wats
deformt.-d in a single pass (short in-:,Uation! p0riod) by
5 to 32%, using a soap-graphite lubrtcant. Thejtnal
cooling after drawing was in a1r. After thtH,, thormomech~anical
trr-atment sperimens of the wire. wtre tempero4 under laboratory',
condition.9 at 100 to 500"C with a holding ti a, of 1-.5 mln.~ The
strength of the wire drawn whilst. the austenite was in the,
super-cooled state was very high. It was highes"t for them steel
E11C.1, J-0- 306 kg/mmz (32% redu-.tion and teinpering at 350r'~ for
3 main) Further experlmentB varo carrLed' out, avc1usively~,jn trh's
material. The hardness after thermomechanic^1 treatment W&,S
higher by about 4 HRr unito than for the mama itiator-t4l quenchtd In
the ordinary way. In addition, heftdnoas of Olerav.)mechisnically-
treated Mat'i-rial decteased more alokvly %-ilh I*"reacing tF-Mperint'
t6wp6rsture than that of the tjaMe Materiel Afk'i 6ir
quenching. These differences w-)re attributed~ta amall,*r grain-
size of mer~ensite and presencs of strain,har6nad
austenlt6 in the rmomschAnically treattd 5t,RS.1i, Evf~-n af ter.
Ca d 2 1.5
Influence of thermomechanical ... E073/t,483
3 minutes tempering at relatively high temperikttxre't,~~ (450 t6;5Od*C)'
hardness of therm*mechanically treated stett was 1~,racticali* equal
to that of the same material after the conventional,hardenir4
treatment. The strength of the wire increased wifl:t ;incre**in#'
reduction but there was a &rop In strength aftor r7eductions:~not
sx~-**dtng 6 to 8%. ir r*ductions of tho orde~fir 014, 30% aro'148014,
(followed by, tempering for I min at tomparaturas not exceeding;
35000 it is possible to produce thermomechanically treated;wire
.There are 5 tigures,
witli a otrangth of the order of 300 kg/mm2,,
1 table and I Soylet-bloo reforonta.
ASSOCIATIONs Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy inst'itut
(Ural Polytechnical Institute)
Card 313
0 NO
ACCESSION NR.* 'AR4041615 S/0137/64/000/ODS/105411066
SOUPCE: Ref, zh. MetaUurglya, Abs. 51318
AUTHOR: Grachev, Zubov, V. Ya.
so V*;
TITLE: Relaxation of stresses In Austenitic steels
CITED SOURM. Sb. Relaksats. javienlya. V met. I oiplavakl, M0, Metalbirgiz-
dat, 1963, 309-312
TO PIC TAGS: stress relaxation, austenitic steel, she;'a:r mechanism #A.3tructural
TRANSLATION: Relaxation stability of auntenitic steel, MAUMOS3, 410i18Nl5S2V2M,'
2K-hl8N9 and E1481, subjected to plastic flow and deforlmtion abqng ut different ternper.-
ga ';e' a te&
I atures was invc8ti' t~d. Te6ts-oh iolayAtion'of a~r u en wera donduc on
Isamples having form of tape with section 0.36 x'4-5 wm,afid wiie,0.5 mm in7ldiamieteri~
go of modulus B during. 4eating
!Puring~p4culation of abrouses chap ~r
'Card 1/ 2
ACCESSION NR: A114041615
Yhose value,was predetermiried by dynamic met hod. Deponden6y was constructed.of
stress removed during relaxation of atreas on t(oporatura ~f pratempering of
steel. Process of relaxation of stress of workhardened anfl~aged 11teel procoods,
'basically under the influence of two mechanisms of relaxation; :ahear, connactvI
with change of elastic limit during aging, awl structural conn cled with removal*
i or distortions of lattice, deformation aging and inverse al -o-t-4kahaformation in
process of relaxation of stress. ' Up to temperature of tempcring of 400 - 500*
iincrease of relaxation stability of steel with increase'of temperature is
observed. Maximum of relaxation stability correaponds to the graatest strongth:
of steel. Further increase of temperatura~of tempering dauseaJowering of,
,relaxation stability. In workhardened steel (and also after lw-tmperature
~tempering) significant metastability of structure is kepto whi6h'causes in proce9s; j
jof relaxation or.stress at increased.temperatures flow of addWonal processes
stabilizing the structure and promoting relaxation of stress. The role of these
rocesses is the higher,, the greater the difference betw
p eon tomperature of
relaxation of stress and temperature of prelim"=7 temrwing4
Card 212
"Hereditary" properties of themomachanical3,v treated steel.
Fiz. met. i meta2loved. 20 no-3t424-427 6 165#
~ (MIRA 18:3a)
1. Urallskiy politekhnichookiy institut imeni 8oMoKir'ova,
''TI 1jr(q) --jo/W
AUTHOR: Zuboy, V. Ya.1 araohey, H. V.; Hybakovit, M.
Pas Kirlywim, N, P,
ORO; Ural Polytechnic Institute Im. S. M. Kirov (Urallaidy politekhnIchaskly institut)
TITLE: Problems of "heredity" of properties from thermomechallical t~eatlng of steel
SOURCE: Fizlka metalloy I metallovedenlye, v. 20. no. 3, 1966 0 424A27
TOPIC TAGS: mechanical heat treatmen t, spring steel, metal property annealifi~g,
tempering, durability, elasticity, hardness, toughness
ABSTRACT: The effect of additional tempering and annealing on thermomechanically treated
samples of spring strip was studied and the secondary treatment was shown to ale M
favorable effects of the thermomechanical process. Samples of 0.4 xAmm E1142td UteM '14
steel strip were austenized at 900C , precooled at 320C . rolled,: and additionally austenized
at 860C and 7.2 m/mIn. rate for approximately 30 sec , or at 8600 In oil Mor to the addition-
al tempering some samples were annealed at 450--UOC or at 360C. All sampleBo either after
,;ie primary thermomechanical treatment or after the additional heat treatment, were nnn aled
1-5 min at 200--600C and tested for strength, elasticity, toughness, and hardness. Samples,
which had been tempered and annealed, but not mechanically treated, were similarly tested.
UDC: 669.14,01Z.295
ACC NRs AP5025328
Additional heat treating decreased the meohnnical. properties and the amount of residual
austenite to the level of strips obtalned7y ordinary heat treating. Thus, no retention of
favorable properties occurs in the additional tempering process,~~ wheroas some unfavor6le
properties are preserved, causing an increase in brittleness 4t I*w anikealing temperatures.
Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 24Sep64 ORIGIREF:111009/ OTH REF; 001
vc'i d 2 12
S0URC9'CODEs'-'-U`R/03 4~6/000t002/0076/ 0084
.Tu,(SverdloVsk)j Bastakov A#..P,, Ovor4l~vsk) ~V*~hevl S V.,
(sverdlo Vatoyt A. S. (SvardI6 Ms; Antlifoyev" V. A~ ~(J;verlf;vsi
TITLXI &tenting of wire In a fluidized bed
SOURCEi AN SSSR- Izvestlya. Metally, no, 2* 1966,~76-84
TOPIC TAGSt patentingg wire# N)Wcarbon 061 -Y'-V'xd~d-
for lpatdnt)ng let re In
ABSTRACT: The possibility of constructing an4integrated U*
are clrle%out .A f IUIJ I ze 'of fine-
,which the heating and cooling of the w1r bed
grained material vas studied on specimen: of U7A, ~M~ ~2Av and EX-14219teelai The
use of a fluidized bed made It possible to increase the rate'of the patentinRl,protess
by a factor of up to.6t or at the same rate to corrospandlng~y reduce the lentth 6f
the heailng systems as compared to the existing fuel-oll andlelec6ric furnaceio Zy
burning gas In a fluidized bed vhere oxygen Is deficient, a ii6noxiditing atwophtte
can be created, so that,the decarburization and scaling an'die wlie surface ate ellm-
Inated; In addit on spatenting can he performed at high temperatures under thitge
I ,
conditionst and thusthe atrength characteristics of the patkhlftted 4tire and heoce the
mechanical properties f the drmm wire can be markedly Improved. , High-temporsture
heating during patenting Increases the stability of austenitin', and hence, leads to a
Card 112 UDCo ;621.785
-L---4!62,L 66
ACC NR, AP6013359
gr~stor supercooling for the same temperature of thel6olln' medium as
9 cowpa~o to
the usual heating to 9200. This makes It possible t t1patent wit* irl th tsrge~ 02
,sections (6-10 mm) in a fluidized bad. Patenting of1hI.&t*6rbon stool (U 2,,)tr.,. t. I a
manner produced drawn wire with a much greater tensile attonsth than that-'Ri~alnod in
conventionally patented stools (U7AO U8A, U9A). Orig. art.1hass 5 figures and 7
SUB ME$ It/ SUMM DATE$ 070ot64/ ORIG RM 002
Cmd 2/2 h.
L 44401-66 EWT(m)/EWP (w )/T/EWP(t )/ETI I J_P_ _Uc
ACC NRs AP6023640 SOURCE CODE: UR/01119/66/000/0
AUTHOR: _Zub-gy, V. Ya.; Grachey, S. V.. Kirillov, Yu. Lo" Spirldonova, L. M.;.Korkina,
E. B.
ORG: Department of Metallurgy, Ural Polytechoic.1nati-tute (Wedra:nietallovedeniYa
Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut) 7
%tiM stabAlty of:Cu-Ti alloys
TITLE: Study of mechanical RE222rtiesand relax
SOURCE: IVUZ. Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, no. 2' 1966, 129-lt4
'TOPIC TAGS: copper containing alloy, titanium containing alloy,:chromium containing
alloy, mechanical property, tensile strength, elastic modulus, stress relaxation!, tem-
perature dependence
ABSTRACT: The effect of certain factors of stress relaxation atid other mechanical pro
perties of five Cu-Ti alloys was studied. The alloys had TJ contents ranging ft!om 1.10
to 5.50%; two of the alloys had Cr contents of 0.52 and 1~ I00%..:After vacuum melting
and remelting, 60 kg ingots were reduced to strip (6 mm wide by 0.4 and 0.25 mm thick)
which was heated to 8600C for 1 hr, quenched into water and cold worked 20~ 40-1 60 and
80%. Aging was carried out at 300, 350, 400, 450 and 5060C for I to 5 hrs'. The best
strengths were obtained by aging at optimal tempuratures~for 2,h,rs. Tensile strengths
and relative elongations are given as functions of aging; temperature for,;all alloys in
UDCt C6903612951669,016.2
Card 1/2
ACC NRt AP6023640
the quenched and quenched t 60 % deformed condition. The highest strength (i18 Wmmf)
was for 5.50% Ti t 0.52% Cr additions. Elastic moduli andj~nlect!roconductivitiei for",'
all alloys after quenching + 40% deformation are given. Maximum moduli were observed
at aging temperatures of 400-4500C and for all alloys the limit %fas 60-70 kg/Mm2 I. T~e
best heat treatment, resulting in optimum combinations of strength and ductility,, ~~4
obtained after deforming the quenched alloys 40-60% and aging at:400-4500C. "Theise
properties are considered to be ideal for replacing Cu-Be. alloys, used in springs'.
loying of Cu with Ti and Cr increased the electrical conductivity after quenching',
however, this dropped considerably upon aging as a result of second phase de ccmpori,
tion. The elastic modulus, determined by the dynamic 2ethad, jA'given as a function
of aging temperature and compared with bervllium bronzb~ BrB2. t 'This modulu!5. rose!
sharpest for BrB2 indicating a fastePTe-composition of the solid:solutionj'%By increas-
ing the Ti content the dynamic modulus decreased, probably 'a-s a result of a lowered
interatomic bonding. Relaxation tests (relative relaxation stability as a function of
time) were run at 200 and 4000C and the results were comparod to BrB2. The~Cu-Ti al-
loys had 4-15 times the relaxation stability at 4000C of BrM2. Again the beat alloy
was the 5.50t Ti + 0.52%.Cr. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, i 'Crmll~~ iI i
itable, 1 f
SUB CODE: ll,ZO/ SUBM DATE: 060ct64/ ORIG REF: 006
XCC MR, Ae 023046 SOURCE CODE: UR?6148/66/000/004/0128/0,132
AUTHOR: Zuboy, Vt. Yao; Popovas Le Ye.i Bar&z.' V. R.
ORG: Ural Polytechnic Institute (Ural'skiy politakhnicheakiy indti
TITIX: Effect of manganese and silicon on the.-VingformsIti~.D_gt~,mercoole'di~ag3tenite
in cobalt steel
SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya) no.,40 1966, 120-132
TOPIC TAGSt cobalt steel, alloy steels manganese austenite,transfomation! 1 4ra-
ture dependence, metallographic examination, metal hardening
ABSTRACT; The effects of manganese and silicon additions o*the ttransformm ion.iharac-
teristics of cobalt steel were studied. A 0.7% carbon steel was alloyed wwii Co,' Co
anA Si, or Co and Mn; in all, 9 alloys were tested. Isotht3rmal t~ansformat on curves.
are given for each steel. The steels were austenitized atAjOOIIC~for 3 min..'Coba.1t
with or without other alloying elements decreased the stability ot aus-tenite in ~Ilsub,-
critical temperature intervals. Intermediate transfomatib~s occUrred in all, steels.
Cobalt promoted the formation of a thin ferrite-carbide mixture w1th a high,degree of
hardness. Depending on the austenitic transformation the subcoitical
region, different methods could be developed for forming a definite type of structure
having particular properties: a) sorbite at transformation~t.emperatures of 550-6.500c;
UDC: 669.15-194:669.t5t620.181
L.~ard 1/2
ACC NRi AP6023046
b) a mixture-of trootsite and bainite at 450-5000C; and c) bainite at temperatures be-
low 40010C.ItHicrostructures of each of the above transformation products were shown.
The hardnesses of trans?6i;Wation products formed at 4001-6000C are given for16 of the
steels. The hardness change as a function of transformation~tlme went through a maxi-
mum at 0.5 min for transformation temperatures of 4000 450 and 5000C. This was ex-
plained by the diffusion decomposition of supersaturated ferrite; -the decomposed car-
bon entered the untransformed austenite which gave off-tarbides. This also 'accounted
for the lower hardness of martensite formed during subsequent quenching.~ OrIg. art.
has: 3 figures, 2 tables.
SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATEi 26Mar65/ ORIG REFt~ 002/*. OTH I?Er:~ 002
Card 2/2
ACC NRI AP6021071 SOURCE CODE: ~i UJI/0148/66/000/0016/014/0136
AUTHOR;,_~ut v a.; J~a V. R.
ORG: U (Urallskiy politeldmichesIdy hi~tltut)
TITLE: Features of the structure wid properties of cqUI-7trea4ed patented iv~'_!_'Dj
SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurglya, no. 6, 1966, 131-136
TOPIC TAGS: cobalt treated steel, patented wire, mechanical iWoperty, temperaWro
dependence, phase composition / 75K2 steel, 751